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... a lovely couple dreamed of finding their perfect home. However, they soon realized that traditional home searches had their limitations. Undeterred, they embarked on a remarkable journey that would forever change the way they looked for their dream home. Join us as we explore their story of how Lana’s thinking outside the usual MLS box, connecting with potential sellers, and securing the right house at an affordable price.
Thinking Outside the MLS Box
This couple’s REALTOR®, Lana Burnley of Smart Living Real Estate Ottawa - a team under the Solid Rock Brokerage decided to break free from the constraints of the usual home search methods and think outside the MLS box. She delved into alternative avenues to uncover hidden treasures that others might have missed. By tapping into local networks and communities, Lana discovered valuable insights and leads that opened new possibilities.

The Power of Personal Connections

Understanding the value of personal connections, Lana harnessed the power of her networks to aid her Clients’ home search. She reached out to friends, family, and acquaintances, seeking recommendations and referrals. Her social networks proved to be invaluable resources, as they connected with individuals who had insider knowledge or knew someone looking to sell their home.
Connecting with Potential Sellers

Armed with determination, Lana took proactive measures to connect with potential sellers. They identified target neighborhoods and properties that aligned with her Buyers’ vision of a dream home. Armed with this knowledge, Lana had her Buyers craft heartfelt messages that highlighted their sincere interest in the properties and conveyed their commitment as serious buyers. These messages caught the attention of potential sellers, initiating conversations and establishing trust and understanding.
Building Relationships Based on Trust and Understanding
Nurturing relationships with potential sellers was crucial to Lana and her Buyers’ success. They engaged in ongoing conversations, demonstrating their expertise and understanding of the sellers' needs. By listening attentively and offering tailored solutions, Lana built a strong rapport with sellers, creating an environment of trust and cooperation. This connection set the stage for a fun negotiation process and paved the way for mutual satisfaction.
Understanding desires and financial constraints was key to findinghercouple'sdreamhome Usingher23yearsofreal estate experience, Lana conducted a comprehensive assessmentoftheirneedsandbudget,determiningtheirnonnegotiables and priorities Armed with this information, she approached negotiations strategically, identifying favorable terms and conditions that would benefit both parties By presenting a compelling offer that reflected their genuine interest and affordability, Lana demonstrated her Buyers’ commitmentandsecuredtheirdreamhomeatapricethey couldafford
Lana’sjourneytofindingherBuyers’dreamhomeservesasa testament to the power of creativity and connections. By thinking outside the usual MLS box and embracing unconventional methods, they were able to connect with potentialsellersandsecuretherighthouseatanaffordable price Embark on your journey of house hunting with REALTOR®Lanafullofenthusiasmandanopenmind,and youwillfindthehomeofyourdreams.
Whenyou’reraisedinamilitaryfamily,movingis apartoflife.Duringherchildhood,LanaBurnley experienced this firsthand – and it led to her fascinationwiththeprocessofputtingthefamily home up for sale. It gave Lana a keen understanding of just how emotionally charged thetransitioncanbeforparents,children,even familypets!
Lana’suniquejourneyofmovingfromonefamily home to another culminated with her move to Ottawain1977–thecitydestinedtobecomeher hometown. Lana’s path to home ownership informed her strongly held belief that everyone deservesasmuchsupportaspossibleinfindinga homethatmeanseverythingtotheentirefamily.
After 15 years in the High-Tech industry, Lana pursuedherdreamofobtainingherPrivatePilot’s license Nosmallfeat!
Lana, an award-winning REALTOR® since she startedinthebusinessbackin2000,hasbeen votedOttawa’sBestRealEstateAgentin2021& 2022 & the Ottawa Faces Award for Ottawa’s Favourite REALTOR in 2023\ She has twice survivedBreastCancer,andispassionateabout providing heartfelt support to the families she serves https://athomewithlanab.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LanaBurnleyRealtor https://www.instagram.com/lanaburnleyrealtor/