1 minute read
Written by Jul Hamilton
“Every thought you produce, every word you say, everyactionyoudo,itbearsyoursignatureofwho youare.Thepresentmomentisfilledwithyourjoy andhappiness.Ifyouareattentive,youwillseeit.”
Inthepursuitofhappiness,weoftenfindourselvessearchingfor external sources of joy – earning that promotion, acquiring a newandfabulousdesignerhandbag,agourmetdarkchocolate dessert,andvalidationfromothersintheformofInstagramlikes andfollowers Igetit,andIamalsoguiltyofseekingthisexternal source to lift my mood But what if I told you that true joy and happiness lies within you, and that cultivating joy is a mindset that can be nurtured and strengthened? Empowering ourselves to embark upon this journey within allows us to redefine happinessandembracethepowerofourauthenticselves.
Let's begin by debunking the myth of hedonism, the belief that pleasureandmaterialacquisitionsleadtolastinghappiness Of course, as humans we seek pleasure over pain, comfort over discomfort, accolades over apathy. Studies have shown that those who prioritize external achievements, such as wealth, professional success, and attention from others, often are the least happy True happiness stems from a deeper source - a mindset rooted in positivity, gratitude, mindfulness, and selfreflection To embark on this transformative journey of selfdiscovery, it is essential to shift our mindset. By consciously choosing positive thoughts and beliefs, we can redirect our focustowardsthejoysoflife.
Mindfulness and self-compassion play a significant role in this process Avoid ruminating over negative experiences and embrace healthy habits that bring joy and contentment

Mindfulness brings us into the present moment, without the angstandworryofyesterdaysandtomorrows. ThichNhatHanh reminds us, “When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens,andwebegintobefilledwithacceptance,joy,peace, and love” Consider seeking out healthy coping mechanisms and habits like exercise, meditation, or engaging in creative activities. Nurturing positive relationships and connecting with lovedonesarecrucialforfosteringhappiness. Engaginginselfreflection and seeking spiritual fulfillment can also aid in the pursuitofjoyandpeace
Jul Hamilton is an author, speaker, and educator She has a passion for transformative learning as she works in HigherEducationasacollegeProfessor.
She teaches writing, English and language learning classes, yet her favorite classes to deeply dive into include personal development skills such as building resilience and accepting personal responsibility to shift mindsets Jul writes and speaks professionally also, sharing her knowledge of connecting to the authentic self, cultivating a greater purpose, overcoming a trauma mindset, and living a purposeful, grateful, and joyful life. Jul’s life with her husband, four children and twoson’s-in-lawsisjustthat-purposefulandJoyful hile happiness may seem intangible, especially during tumultuous times, positive psychologist Martin Seligman outlines five elements critical to finding fulfillment.Positivethoughtsandemotions, engagement in joyful activities, seeking meaningful relationships, and achieving personal goals that are challenging and rewarding form the foundation of a joyful life. Embrace these elements and infuse them into your daily experiences One powerful tool to harness positivity is keeping a gratitude journal Take a moment each day to write down a few things you appreciate, moments that brought a smile to your face, and lessons learned As you focus on gratitude, your mindsetshifts,fosteringadeepersenseof well-being and compassion for yourself and others Remember, there is always somethingtobegratefulfor