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Sandra Mushale
Sandra Mushale Creative Director Mushale Collection

http://www mushalecollection com https://www facebook com/MushaleCollection?ref hl

Info@mushalecollection com

I have always believed in designing elegant, unique and fashionable pieces that are affordable and I also believe that no matter what your background is, you can always turn things around to become a good and productive member of any given community

The world knows that the Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the poorest and unsafe countries to live in, not only because of the forever ongoing war in its eastern parts but also because of its devastating standard of life in which women and children are the most at risk of poverty and security related concerns. All the daily challenges faced by people, precisely women in DRC did not stop me from being creative, my life experiences enlightened me into discovering my passion and the love of fashion I always say, one can learn from one ' s personal experiences to create a better life for themselves and others