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Editor’s Note
Summer in Newfoundland, just as I remember, has always been unpredictable. You can expect4seasonsinonedayasmyNannyusedtosay,andshewasright.MayandJunehas been very rainy and cold this year but thankfully July came in with a bang It is 25 degrees thisweekandabsolutelygorgeous TheadvantageoflivingonthisbeautifulIsland,however, is that you will always, thankfully, receive a gentle breeze to cool you down, and that is a savinggrace Summertakesmetomyhappyplace It is my absolute favourite time of year Sun,beach,roadtripsandchillinatthepark Justwhatthedoctorordered!
Thespiritualmeaningofsummersolsticeistiedtowarmth,fertilityandharvest Summerfalls on June 21st of each year and it is the longest day of the year (in the northern hemisphere) Many traditions all over the world celebrate summer solstice as a special day for fertility, sensualityandbountyoftheharvest.It'stimetocelebrate!
are thrilled here at Women Rock Magazine to have all of these beautiful and inspiring ladies in our empowering publication We feel so proud and privileged to be associated with such incredible women. This issue is jam packed with heartfelt stories, profound messages, tenacious entrepreneurs, gorgeous design projects and amazing travel destinations. If you would like to be a part of our empowering online women's magazine please email us here at women@womenrock.net. We would be honoured to have you. Always remember ladies....YOU ROCK!!