4 minute read
Context Eating Method for Weigh Loss and/or Hormonal Balance
Darpan Ahluwalia
There are many reasons why this may be happening and it’s importanttoidentifyandaddressallrootcausesthatarecontributing to the problem. Simply trying to patch the issue with more restrictions, more exercise or more “magic pills” never works and can lead to bigger problems One of the most common contributing factors to unwanted weight gain or the inability to lose weight is dysregulated hormones Yes our hormones have a significant impactonourweightandbodycomposition…Here'show:
Estrogen Dominance: High estrogen levels can lead to weight gain, especially around the hips and waist. This is often seen in perimenopause, menopause, and in those with slow digestion (constipation)

Low Progesterone: Progesterone counteracts estrogen Low levelscancauseweightgainsimilartoestrogendominance
ThyroidIssues:Hypothyroidismslowsdownmetabolismandcan lead to weight gain Fatigue, cold intolerance, and hair loss are otherindicators
High Cortisol: This 'stress hormone' can lead to weight gain, especiallyintheabdomen
So how can you tell if hormones are at play? Aside from weight gain, look out for these symptoms:
- Unexplained changes in appetite or cravings
- Persistent fatigue, despite good sleep

- Mood swings, anxiety, or depression
- Changes in your menstrual cycle
- Persistent acne or skin changes and more... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1738822710/ref https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1738822710/ref=tmmpapswatch0 ?encoding=UTF8&qid=1677505846&sr=8-1
Remember,hormonalimbalancesarecomplexandcanmanifest differentlyforeveryoneIfyou'reexperiencingthesesymptoms, it'stimetospeaktoatrustedhealthcareprofessional.
Youcanalsopickupmynewbook,TheContextEatingMethod forWomen–HowtoLoseWeightwithoutsuckingalltheGluten, ChocolateandWineFilledJoyfromYourLife”.Nowavailableon AmazonandAudible.

It’safunreadIwroteexclusivelyforwomenwhoaresickof dieting and want sustainable tips and a common sense approach.Itteachesyouhowtoeattosupportyourblood sugars,digestivesystemandhormonesandIincludedsomany ofmyfavoriterecipes!NextbookonHormonescomingsoon Bymakingsmallchangestostartfixingyourhormonalbalance, youcanexperienceimprovementstoyouroverallhealth-such asincreasedenergy,bettersleep,improvedmoodandbetter bodycomposition
ToBookaonetooneoranonlineappointmentemail darpandiva@gmailcom

Click to go to Links darpandiva@gmail.com https://manoticknaturalmarket.com/
Is there something I could take for chronic migraines?
Every person has different triggers, but common ones include a lack of sleep, caffeine, and being under stress, too much sugar, allergies or food sensitivities, hormonal changes or imbalances, leaky gut (read previous article on gut health or reach out for a mini one to one consult) Things that can help are: deep breathing exercises smelling peppermint and lavender oil and putting on temples ( as long as no allergies) can help esp added to castor oil berber relax in a dark room with a cold compress on the head My Goldenroot - 1 teaspoon a day https://manoticknaturalmarket.com/products/golden-root?_pos=1&_psq=goldenroot&_ss=e&_v=1.0 magnesium is highly beneficial, once we know the person's symptoms and imbalances we then can better understand the form of magnesium that would benefit the most to that individual fever pressure point to press on the hand called hegu, it's located at the base of the thumb and index finger
Hope all this helps!
Do Live Blood Analysts check for Celiac Desease?
No it does not diagnose celiac disease, it can pick up gut issues of all sorts, microbiomes,leaky gut, and a lot more that can guide you by finding roots of the imbalances occurring within the body in a hour, but it's not a Celiac test. You need to book an appointment with your medical doctor for this. We also can send out other types of test/kits that are then sent out to the third party labs for those specific types of diagnosis
Can I take B12 on a daily basis?

It all depends on what form and dose you are taking on an everyday basis or if you are low when you had your medical blood test, or have certain health issues- example: people with bowel disease are often low, due to absorption issues If your menstruation cycle consists of heavy bleeding you could be depleted in iron and B12 etc B12, even though it is a natural remedy you need to know when to take them and when to stop Hence meeting with a qualified practitioner like myself can help guide you The good thing is, your body will absorb what it needs and excrete the remainder But I still wouldn't play with it long term unless necessary Food sources high in B12 are eggs, salmon, nutritional yeast, apple, banana, alfalfa, beets, butternut squash, mushrooms etc..
Q A https://manoticknaturalmarket.com/pages/nutrition-counselling

W e l l n e s s C o l u m n Link
A S K D A R P A N to buy Goldenroot ™ Follow me on Instagram https://ww w.facebook.com/DarpanTNDoC
Is there a supplement I could take to help with ADHD?
https://manoticknaturalmarket.com/ products/golden-root https://www.instagram.com/manoticknaturalmarket/
Women Rock Magazine | 15
Gabriele von Gans, (Gabi), was born in Vienna, Austria, one of the most artistic and cultural cities in the world. She loved people, animals, music, and art as a young girl. Her talents were spotted very early and grew quickly. Gabi came to Canada with her immediate family in time to begin schooling in Ontario. Gabi’s grandmother also tutored her privately in protocol and large estate management. Already speaking two languages, she added English with help from her teachers in a separate school system. Her love for all things art were noticed early there, as was her interest in math and science.

She soon began organizing and writing plays, musicals, and variety shows. Gabi’s love for design on stages and in fashion were big expressions of her combined eye for light and form. She designed interior spaces and fashion pieces by the time she entered high school. Gabi was known to many as the "Artist of Bayside" and featured in the local newspapers in her early teens. Most knew her as the singing stage performer and fashion designer until one day a camera was placed in her hand. The view through the lens changed her direction completely and lead Gabi to Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology. Two years later she graduated on the Dean’s List in Advertising and Photography, launching her as Catalogue Photographer in one of Toronto’s top advertising studios. During those years Gabi was one of few women behind the lens and soon became known for her portraiture and detailed darkroom work.

Her leadership skills were honed on location assignments for a varied clientele. Gabi’s courage to accept high profile projects and diverse multifaceted jobs brought her notoriety and nominations for awards. She was nominated four times for the Premier’s Award for Excellence in the Arts and several environmental art awards as well. Her collection “My Backyard Ontario” was awarded the York millennium award in 2000. Gabi received three letters of congratulations from Queen Elizabeth II, and was nominated twice for the David Suzuki Award, the Robert Bateman Award and Rotary Public Speaking Award. She is Creative Director for Studio G Group Intl. and Kincaid Gray Productions/RLM Jr. for the last fifteen years. Concurrently with her business she also produced benefit shows for charities with her spouse, musician-composer, Rob Mullen Jr., and performed on stage alongside him for the last twenty years.

Usually, Gabi was the producer/ fundraiser and stage director as well. Gabi’s projects to date include a huge body of portrait photographs, four self published books, five perpetual benefit calendar books, thirteen annual calendars and three DVD’s. Most recently a children’s storybook series evolved from an actual encounter in her backyard with a fox family. This encouraged her to re-envision her brand and stress eco-friendly approaches to all her current works. She is designing once again, this time in wearable eco-art fashion clothing and home decor products. Her commitment to nature, usable art items and earths' environmental struggles are now the focus and implementation of all her accumulated talents. Her focus is global and green.