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Dee's Interior Design & Staging, we offer renovation of kitchen and bathroom cabinets with professional painting of the cabinets doors and trim. This option is a very cost effect method to revamp an old kitchen or re-imagining an existing kitchen.
Often, when you are thinking of buying a new home, you may find a perfect fit except the kitchen and/or bathrooms have cabinets you are not happy with.
Or you have existing cabinets which are dated and you just need a fresh new look www.deesinteriordesignandstaging.com

Instead of tearing out existing cabinets and rebuilding, which will may not be within your budget, repainting is an option that results in an absolutely gorgeous new kitchen you want at a fraction of the price Dee will work with you to pick the perfect cabinet colour to match your decor and your vision, and work with her team to execute the job with meticulous care, precise workmanship with a quick turnaround time. NO waiting for weeks on end for a beautiful new kitchen.

Are You Able To Inspire And Motivate The People Around You?
The best thing about having the ability to inspire and motivate others is that you find satisfaction in giving more than you take Not only will you have inspire someone to be better, but helping others can actually drive your success. It’s a win-win situation. Bear in mind, you are no magician. The person you are trying to inspire and motivate should be open to receiving your message. Different people are motivated by different things, so the key is to understand what motivates the person you are trying to help. There is someone in my life whom I feel the need to motivate and inspire. I want to help this person as much as I can. I am aware that people may have all the expertise in the world but, if they’re not motivated, it’s unlikely that they’ll achieve their true potential.
What Are The Different Forms Of Motivation?
Intrinsic Motivation – This kind of motivation is internal. It is about having a personal want to succeed and do well.
Extrinsic Motivation – This is the type of motivation you receive from an external source. For example, at work you may receive a bonus or some time off.
So what are the 7 easy ways to Inspire and motivate others?

1. Always Listen Actively
In order to inspire and motivate you need to be a good listener Some of us listen to respond
To be a good and active listener, you need to allow the speaker to feel free to communicate with ease. Be empathetic and patient.
2. Identify Goals And Dreams
Create timelines and set goals for yourself.
Choose both long-term and short-term goals depending on what it is you want to achieve. Write them down and share them with others
You’ll learn to hold yourself accountable and be motivated to continue towards a path of success while inspiring others to do the same
3. Be Vulnerable
Vulnerability has never been my strong suit I am still working on it because it takes practice
In order to be vulnerable, you have to be alright with who you are Being vulnerable is not just about showing the parts of you that are great We all are vulnerable at different points in our life. Share your failures as well as your successes.This will help others relate better to you.Vulnerability is so much easier when you love yourself. You can inspire and motivate others by letting them understand that they’re not the only ones with struggles and challenges.
Are You Able To Inspire And Motivate The People Around You?
4. Be A Good Communicator
Your ability to communicate effectively is critical for you to inspire and motivate others Be aware of your tone, watch how you speak and what you say
You can change the way a person is feeling about themselves by the words spoken out of your mouth
5. Care About Others
Ask questions Take a genuine interest in the people around you You will become an inspiration by showing how much you care about people
Don’t ask people how they are feeling, or if they are alright unless you really want to know You know how it is when you ask a colleague, “how was your vacation?” or “how is your day going?”, only ask if you are genuinely interested
6. Show Encouragement
Everyone goes through tough times. Encouragement and support can go a long way in helping them through these times.
This is a great opportunity to inspire and motivate a person to see the best in themselves and in the situation.
You will see the quality of your relationships improving.
7. Share From Your Own Experience

We all have life stories to share. We have been through many life experiences both good and bad. Why not touch someone with your inspiring message?
Inspire And Motivate Others Daily
Seven easy ways to inspire and motivate others. Simple things you can do to change your life and help someone else.

Possessing a genuine desire to give and to make a difference in the lives of others is a rewarding feeling you can savour every single day.
Make people feel good after conversing with you www.purposefulhabits.com