2 minute read
The Sky is Not the Limit

Your Mindset Is!
I became a heart centered person when I learned to embrace my challenges - because they are your gifts and not your barriers. I am often presented at speaking engagements with my tagline; “I am a hostage negotiator of the mindset.” Your path is a spiral, not a straight line because you continually come back to things you thought you understood, only when they come back to you the deeper truths now become more visible. Some of the modalities I trained in are hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Subconscious Release Technique, Spring Forest Qigong, Reiki, and Hakomi. Careers that I have been blessed with that provide hope for others are within the fields of mental health and addictions. What is HOPE?
Helping Other People Evolve.
Hello, my name is Lori Chenger, creator of Black Sheep Academy. Programs to help youth be seen, heard, and understood. Growing through a family narrative of poverty, addictions, and abuse leaves a mental imprint and changes the lens of how you view your world.
Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Understood.
Numbers do not define your age, they define your knowledge, and knowledge does not always equal understanding. The power of knowledge comes with taking growth action steps. Recently, I was nominated for the 2022 Global Evolutionary Women Awards in the area of education - women who teach, grow, nurture, and develop others mindsets. I have taken my knowledge and wisdom from my life experiences and careers and became an international best selling author, published three children’s books, began speaking at colleges and universities, found a talent agent and began auditioning which landed me paid stage work, background roles in movies, photo shoots, commercials, and appearing in a music video.
UnbridledStrength https://www.amazon.ca/Unbridled-Strength-Empowering-StoriesResilience/dp/1074554000/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?
All the latter occurred in the last three years beginning at age 59! At 62, having immersed myself in my own philosophies of the importance of having a “wealthy” mind, I challenged my beliefs again and entered New Beauty’s Fabulous Over 40 contest. The adage of growth does not happen inside your comfort zone really is true! I really unpacked more beliefs that no longer served me and stemmed from the views I had as a child A requirement to win the grand prize was to ask for votes
This quickly uncovered an old belief that although stemmed from unhealthy life situations, made me realize that this contest was serving as my testimonial to women, men, and children that you are more than the situation that occurred and that a wealthy mindset can move you forward in so many unexpected and healthy ways no matter what age you are That realization was the asking of donations The BIG takeaway was that heart centered people are great at giving and can be challenged by asking and receiving.
I learned that asking can stem from life challenges where you were used to only relying on yourself because that was your only choice and when you change your mindset, you change your life and thrive with choices! This project allowed me to support breast cancer research and my two passion projectskeeping families connected during the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and dementia and helping youth with their mental wealth A mentally wealthy mindset is like a thermostat, where is yours set at??
Live Inspired !
Lori is known for:
5 Element Mind Mapping- a signature program for internal change

Co-author with Marie Diamond (Global Transformation Leader/release date June 2023)

Rise To Greater Heights Award nominee 2023
Global Institute for Empowered Women Award nominee 2022 (both of these awards are for women who lead, teach, educate, and inspire all learners) https://wwwfacebookcom/groups/2408487362805429/permalink/3265774183743405/ https://wwwfacebookcom/groups/778138189405649/permalink/1206626039890193/ "WhatMakesYouYou?"--LoriChengerEpisode22 https://wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=5UVnph3yyWQ www://echoofyescom lori@echoofyescom
Join her on her journey to a healthy mindset and reach for the sky!