3 minute read
Finding Your Life's Calling and Embracing It
This way, you’re better able to find your passion. When hiding my true self, I could never know my strengths. After learning this about myself, I was able to offer my friends and family advice when they needed help, I can combine my passion for writing and helping people. Once you allow yourself to be who you are, you’re free to find what you’re good at and what you love to do. You start appreciating yourself. When you truly embrace your differences, you begin to find reasons to appreciate them. I now appreciate that it allows me to enjoy time on my own, which is where I’m the most creative. I have finally discovered my strengths and weaknesses. I own them and I am grateful for them both because they make me who I am. When you start seeing your “weaknesses” as potential strengths, you develop a whole new sense of appreciation for yourself.
Set aside time every day for intentional reflection and writing so you can assess where you’ve been and where you’re going. You could find these reflective moments of journaling actually challenge the beliefs you once felt so sure about. But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you failed, you’re just finding a deeper sense of clarity that allows you to nurture your sense of connection and meaning in your life. It is just as important to nourish your soul with spirit as it is your body with water and food. What encourages you to live a kind and welcoming life that fills you with wonder and joy? Meditation and spirituality really work together. Being in tune and feeling a connection with something bigger than yourself , you won’t only be giving yourself an opportunity to gain clarity, you will also be able to work toward connecting with your highest self. You will bring more peace, happiness, and self-reward into your life if you live in line with your values.
Identify the things in your life that are important and the things that aren’t. Spiritual growth requires taking a leap of faith every once in a while–regardless of what “faith” means to you. Having gratitude helps us recognize value, dignity, and worthiness in everything. If you’re like me, you may go through periods of time in your life when you’re oblivious to all of the positive things that you have, or you fail to proactively consider them. One thing I’d like people who are reading this article to take away from it is no matter what you are going through in your life you can always move forward and heal. Life is such a blessing filled with turns and twists. We truly are never alone and are guided by many.
When you embrace who you are, you stop living in fear. Trying to be someone you are not is exhausting. Being your true self is a courageous thing to do in a world that is constantly trying to change you. When you realize that living the life you want is more important than pleasing other people, suddenly you feel free. You form deeper, more connected relationships. I was able to sift through my relationships by loving my differences and being myself. This allowed the right people to come into my life who loved the real me My relationships are now all fulfilling and genuine. Treat yourself with kindness. For me, accepting my “weirdness,” I went from telling myself, “because of my differences, I’m worthless and no one will ever love me,” to “I have to be true to myself. The people who really matter will accept me for who I am.” Keep
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Rosanne Janega
Hey there lovely people! I’m Rosanne, founder of Attached at the Root I wanted to take a moment to share a little bit about myself and why I'm so passionate about what I do I genuinely believe that a deeper understanding of our roots and background will bring self awareness, which will bring clarity and growth

My journey into this field has been organic, fueled by my own life experiences, upbringing, training and career paths With a background in Social Emotional Learning, Child and Youth Care, and Human Services, I've gathered knowledge and skills and now, I want to make a difference.
I can't wait to connect with you, learn your stories, and support you on your own unique journey Check out the website and reach out anytime!

I just opened my Insta so there isn't much on there but I'll get on it ASAP! lol I am not great at Social Media but have recently hired someone to help me, we will be up and running with new posts for July :) here are my links
Click links to go to sites
Rosanne Janega | Attached At The Root (@attachedattheroot) | Instagram https://www facebook com/attachedattheroot https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosanne-janega-b5177920/ www attachedattheroot com https://youtu be/YjfX0boRNTg https://youtu be/CXyZu-yLILM

Thank you!
Rosanne Janega
Founder/Program Coordinator/Facilitator
Attached at the Root Ltd