3 minute read
From Dead to Alive To Serve a Higher Purpose
Natalie Piñate
Energy coach, Shaman, Louise Hay facilitator, Intuitive guide, Soul integration facilitator, Roots of empathy guide, Respite worker, Conscious mother of two

In the end, the titles are not what make me but my experiences, the deep journey in this existence and the dedication to each Learning inmersion and how to delve into the depths of the root of every situation and connecting emotions, thoughts, behaviors and our creation My journey to the shadows and health began when I was 19 years old - when I went through the experience of an autoimmune disease called Lupus, which (as I like to refer to) it took one of my lives
“When I was 18 years old, I was an older adolescent, supposedly an adult almost 19 years old, I remember it was the end of the summer holidays of that year, and I began to wake up daily with pain and inflammation in my fingers, red elbows and sometimes knees, pain and inflammation that did not even allow me to button my pants Throughout the day the inflammation went away”
(Extract from my self published book "Hello Lupus)" Imagine a teenager experiencing all the emotions in the world, the hormones not in harmony, trying to understand the world and make sense of life, experiencing hate, happiness, sadness, and more every couple of minutes, feeling emotional chaos, now add this pain, and uncertainty
After a long time of jumping from doctor to doctor, we finally got the results saying I had LUPUS, After this, things started to get more and more complicated, the cortisone (medicine) had my face looking like the moon, my feet were swollen, I was feeling tired, upset, depressed, with so many repressed feelings, trying to keep up with a normal life, I didn't like myself physically anymore The horse I had - had gone to heaven, my two year partner relationship had ended, I was feeling alone, angry and depressed So this was a perfect cocktail for the disease to take over and for me to not want to be alive anymore.
I was in and out of hospital because of seizures, and another time to be able to receive higher doses of cortisone through the veinthe last time I was there for one month This time was the most intense one I was in an induced coma after my lungs were filled with liquid and my last memory before that is experiencing that I could not breathe. This is something that I can still remember as if it was that moment The doctors told my family to say goodbye to me because I would not make it to the next day
Well... I came back, I believe my family, even my future kids brought me back, reminding me that I had a commitment in this lifetime and giving up was not an option. (All the details are in my book). This experience was decisive in restructuring my life and walking new paths. Besides the regular medicine, I started using homeopathy guided by one of my doctors, I learned about psycho inmuno neurobiology, where I learnt how the cells act in my body, what was really happening inside me and the war my cells were having. My diet changed, I started working with healing visualizations and understanding the emotions lying below the surface of the Lupus. Understanding that fear and hate were teaching me so much about myself and life was key in my healing process.
Since then I have fallen a thousand times and gotten up a thousand and one Many moons have passed since my experience with my friend Lupus I even wrote a letter of gratitude Nowadays Lupus is not with me any longer And Yes I healed from this scientifically incurable disease Today I live with the certainty that we have the ability to heal ourselves just as we have the ability to get sick and that we have the choice to create our lives consciously or unconsciously Everything in life is a choice.Thanks to my experience with this disease, I began my inner path to later train as a therapist in different fields to guide many others in their personal chaos. And I have the joy of having assisted others that were committed to their healing, to find the meaning of their lives, to reconnect with their greatness, to really uncover the teachings the symptoms bring us https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100081343870790 @elfarodenats https://www.instagram.com/elfarodenats/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@elfarodenats1053/videos elfaronats@gmail.com
Years passed and I was led to a Family Constellations session that again changed how I view life So much clarity and how we repeat unconscious patterns coming from our ancestors was revealed And that day I knew I was going to become a Family Constellation therapist Nowadays I guide group Family Constellations sessions, and I offer online family constellations I Provide healing space through different tools under shamanism like cleaning and balancing your energy centers, cutting and healing cords,I have adapted "Louise Hay" philosophy to my practice as well. I provide a safe space for women healing circles and I offer different topics workshops like how to connect to intuition, emotional detox and more. Nice to introduce myself to you.

Book : Hello Lupus https://www.amazon.ca/Hello-Lupus-Sanaci%C3%B3n-NataliePi%C3%B1ate/dp/1777575605/ref=sr_1_1? crid=23T08HZFK3GI0&keywords=hello+lupus&qid=1687523521&sp refix=hello+lupus%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1