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I am reminded of the desolate and tragic circumstances that are shared by Corrie ten Boom in her book The Hiding Place Corrie and her sister, Betsie - prisoners in a Nazi concentration camp - suffered in filthy living conditions crawling with lice and fleas. Determined to “give thanks in all circumstances,” Betsie thankedGodinprayerforallaspectsoftheirsituation,including the bugs. The lice and fleas that crawled upon their floors, bed, and skin kept the Nazi prison guards at a distance, actually protecting them. Similarly, keeping a daily emotion-tracking journal allows for introspection and evaluation of your mood and mindset. Approach this practice with wonder and curiosity, observing your emotions and thoughts without judgment. Ask yourselfquestions,exploretherootcausesofnegativeemotions, reflect upon what is within your focus of control, and determine healthy actions that can uplift your spirits Writing down your emotions allows you to explore possible triggers, past wounds thatneedtobehealed,andopensthepossibilityforfurtherselftransformation Leanintothediscomfort,andchallengeyourself towonder,exploreandeventuallyhealtofosteragreatersense ofauthenticjoyandpeacewithinourselves
By expanding our positive experiences and consciously choosing joy, we can transform fleeting moments of happiness into a constant state of inner peace and contentment With heightened awareness of our thoughts and beliefs, we can make choices that have a lasting impact on our overall wellbeing As our state of joy, contentment and peace radiate from ourthoughtsandourbeing,thisinturnaffectsothersaroundus in a positive manner, spreading happiness With our mindset changeofadeeperlevelofauthenticjoy,ourenergyalsoshifts into an energy of gratitude, love, and compassion. Remember, empowering ourselves and cultivating joy is a journey, and it requireseffort,practice,anddedication.Embracethepowerofa positive mindset, practice gratitude, engage in self-reflection and mindfulness, and take proactive steps towards a fulfilling life. Let us empower ourselves and each other to embrace the happinessandjoythatresideswithinusall.