Wonderous Stories II Info Letter

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6 t h t o 2 7 t h o f M a r c h 2 0 13 / / O nline P r e p 28 t h o f Mar c h - 1 0 t h o f A p r il / / Re sid e nc y / O mme n/ T he Ne ther l a nd s 1 s t o f May - 1st o f No ve mb e r 2 0 13 / / Fo llo w U p

About Wonderous Stories Wonderous Stories is a long term media and performance arts project that has reached this year its second edition. Starting in 2011 and developing throughout the year 2012, Wonderous Stories aims at tackling social aspects through creative means, bringing an interdisciplinary approach to an artistic event. Because we enjoyed very much working on the previous Wonderous Stories and saw the possibilities we could implement in a sequel, we decided to bring the story even further. We are organizing a new

artistic residency that will bring together young people with a background in theatre, dance, music, media or visual arts. These people will live and work together for 14 days in order to create a production that can be presented to an audience as work in progress. If the first Wonderous Stories was aiming towards bringing a new perspective on Xenophobia, being more focused on external events (how we react to what is happening outside of us), the new project deals with the theme of Isolation and is shifting its focus on internal events (how we handle what is happening inside of us).

**Click below to see what happened in the previous Wonderous Stories




from Isolation to Revelation We envisioned a project where people can come together to tell stories beyond formalized techniques and explore the process of unfolding isolation, by bringing it to an artistic event, using personal experiences and examples. In order to realize this project, as well as to communicate ideas and feelings unpretentiously, Small House Productions invited to the project six other organizations with a media and/or artistic background: LMN (Germany), Naughty Cheese (United Kingdom), Meno Duobe (Lithuania), Postmodern Square (Finland) , ReAct! - actions moving (Sweden) . and Inform’ART (France) The selected participants of this project will spend together 14 days in Ommen, the Netherlands, working with the theme of Isolation and using methods and to ols related to the fields of art, media and personal development. It will be an intensive program that requires full participation. The Program will consist of processes, research and

workshops, outdo or activities, production days and live performances. The Outcome of the project will be a DVD with a documentary about the residency, the

recording of the live performance and compiled fo otage from the creation of the participants , accompanied by the catalogue of the project.

> the Online & Local Preparation It will consist of online training modules where you will receive assignments and will post the results online. This preparation will happen via closed Facebo ok groups and it will be moderated by a facilitator. This will be the first interaction between you and the other people participating in the project and it will set a common ground for the residency.

> the Main Event It will be a 14 days residency in the Netherlands. The program of the residency will be intense . The diversity of the group will be used as a to ol for inspiration and creativity. The participants will be encouraged to work close together and experience a lot from each other’s

personal, professional and cultural background.

> Follow Up This is the part where we invite you to bring back home and develop parts of the residency that you connected to. Whatever event you organize in your country we ask that you document it and send the materials back to us in order to reach the final outcome : the DVD and the catalogue of the project.

What will happen? During the residency we will use the method of learning by

experience quite often; we will use storytelling and personal input. We will often make use of to ols coming from the field of

theatre, body movement, dance, visual arts/media (especially photography and moving images). We will give a direction to the creative process towards a live

performance. By performance we mean a unique live event with a

interdisciplinaryapproach on a given subject. It can be experimental and it does not necessarily seek to meet the expectations of an audience. The reason that we use Performance and Media is for their

impact in modern society. When we say impact, we mean the possibility to reach a larger and diverse audience. The whole residency will be documented through video, photography and text by a team prepared to do so.

Target Group We are searching for people who : > are of age 18 - 25 years old (a few exceptions are possibble) >come from one of the following countries: The Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Lithuania, France, Finland or Sweden >come from various artistic backgrounds. It can be they are performers, stage artists, visual artists, film-makers, photographer, s. writers, musicians and so on. >are interested in working with or connected to the theme of Isolation. >are willing to position themselves in an international group context in which they will create an interdisciplinary performance and follow up activities. >are open to experiment beyond the disciplines they are comfortable with, to be personally involved and share their individual process. * The working language of the residency will be English. **If you are not from one of the participating countries in the project (or residing in one of those countries), but you wish to be involved in the project, please send an e-mail to hello@smallhousepro.com and inquire about the possibility of your participation.

> dates A r r i v a l : 2 7 t h o f M a rc h 2 0 1 3 , a f t e r 1 6 .0 0 S t a r t o f t h e p ro g r a m : 2 8 t h o f M a rc h , a t 1 0.0 0 E n d o f t h e p ro g r a m : 1 0 t h o f A p r i l, 2 1.0 0 D e p a r t u re: 1 1 t h o f A p r i l, 1 0.0 0 h r s *Please note that we do not accept late arrivals or early departures

> accomodation

Practical details

The residency will take place in the group accomodation of Olde Vechte Foundation. Hosting and catering will be provided in the same accommodation. About the house : There are 12 sleeping ro oms that can be occupied by 2 to 6 people and the showers and toilets are common on each flo or. There is a washing machine and a dryer that you can use. We have the whole ground flo or to use for working (a big training ro om, a spacious cosy area, a big kitchen, a meeting ro om). The house is located within a walking distance from the city centre (approx. 500 m).

For more details, please have a lo ok on the website : www.oldevechte.nl Please notice that Olde Vechte is a group accommodation, which means we take care of the house by ourselves (including some of the practical aspects and light household duties). The house will be our home for the entire residency.

> travelling The program can refund up to 70 % of your travel costs, if you participate in the whole residency. Cho ose the cheapest way of travelling and buy return tickets. You must keep all your tickets, boarding passes and receipts (originals). ONLY if you have the travel tickets, boarding passes and receipts we are able to reimburse your travel costs. See the table below for the highest price from which we will reimburse you 70%.

Country The Netherlands Germany United Kingdom Sweden Finland Lithuania France Other countries

Max. Travel Costs 100% (€)/person 50 250 250 270 500 350 200 no reimbursement possible

Refund 70% (€)/person 35 175 175 189 350 245 140 no reimbursement possible

> participation fee ** There is a participation fee of €20 per person. It is there to support with renting the media equipment and the rehearsal spaces. If you wish to contribute more, please feel free to do so.

How to apply? In order to apply you have to express your interest to the Partner Organization in your country. You will receive an Application Form that you should complete and send to the partner organization. You can find the e-mails of the partners in the table below.



e-mail address

The Netherlands Germany United Kingdom Sweden Finland Lithuania France Other Countries

Small House Productions Liminale Raume (LMN) Naughty Cheese ReAct! - actions moving Postmodern Square Meno Duobe Inform’A RT Small House Productions

hello@smallhousepro.com n.grasselli@liminalraum.org office@naughtycheese.org info@reactactions.com nmp.escudeiro@gmail.com meno.duobe@gmail.com leocorta@hotmail.com smallhousepro@gmail.com

DEADLINE : 4th of March 2012 **In order to complete the application form, you need to have the latest Adobe Reader installed on your computer!

After you have sent your application, you will receive in due time an e-mail to know if you have been accepted or not to participate in the project. If you have been accepted, you will also receive a Confirmation Letter with further practical details regarding your participation.

About Small House Productions We are a media and performance arts group based in Amsterdam; we organize different events and productions within our fields of interest. The permanent members of the group are the artistic director Andreas Hannes and the artistic producer Elena Tudorache. Other people join for specific projects. We like to combine perspectives, approaches and disciplines and push creativity beyond formalized techniques. We believe that in a constant changing society, art, if it’s truthful, must also reflect change.

Partner Organizations

The Team The residency will be facilitated by an international team. The role of the team is to give a direction towards the artistc vision of the residency, as explained in the first part of this info letter. The members of the team will be :

Andreas Hannes//Small House Productions Elena Tudorache// Small House Productions Nuno Escudeiro//Postmodern Square Nadja Grasselli// LMN Leonard Cortana//Inform’ART

Contact us! If you have any questions or remarks , please don’t hesitate to contact us! Also, check us out online if you want to know more!

e-mail: hello@smallhousepro.com telephone : 0031 0629 228 151 // 0031 626 646 354

Thank you for taking the time to read the info letter!

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