9/7/2017 Mural: Wall painting in the NeoPopRealist Manner, Art Lesson Plan adapt. to all grades | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-…
Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-5, … Classic
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Mural: Wall painting in the NeoPopRealist Manner, Art Lesson Plan adapt. to all grades
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View results of Int'l NeoPopRealist Art Contest, dedicated to 25th anniversary of NeoPopRealism, in the NeoPopRealism Journal: http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/neopoprealism [http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/neopoprealism]
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Art Lesson Plan
Imaginative Abstract NeoPopRealism ink & pen pattern drawing: MURAL (FRESCO)
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[http://1.bp.blogspot.com/LSu_sEOW7Fk/UuHOPCBOW0I/AAAAAAAACck/XZ8QXUvBFQA/s1600/interior_ink_p en_pattern_drawing_wall_decor_interior_neopoprealism_nadia_russ.JPG] Grades: High school, adaptable to all grades, adults.
, ﻓﻦ اﻟﺮﺳﻢ Duration: This lesson can extend for several weeks if students will paint on the wall surface, for example in the school's lobby). See more details on how to paint the NeoPopRealsit wall mural in WikiHow: http://www.wikihow.com/Create-aNeopoprealist-Art-Work/ [http://www.wikihow.com /Create-a-Neopoprealist-Art-Work/] This Lesson plan addresses the areas of art, language arts, science, social studies. It addresses the concept areas of art and art production, world history, and the NeoPopRealism as part of Art history.
Goal: This lesson plan is designed to help student understand what is a mural and how does it communicate ideas about the person personality and culture. It develops imaginative thinking and creative actions, leads students to innovative results and prepare for greater in-depth learning in different subject areas.
Visit the local library to consult books on fresco painting in different cultures around the globe, including Prehistoric cave paintings, Minoan and Ancient Greek, Roman in Pompeii, Pre-Columbian, Italian Renaissance, Egyptian, Chinese, Hindu, Mexican muralists of the 20th century, and more. Objectives: Students will learn - why people have painted their walls since the beginning of time (for expression of cultural values and history, for decoration, and as a ritual); - what a mural is; - to compare mural / fresco paintings throughout time from around the world's cultures; - how a fresco is made; - about the permanence and purpose of using mural/ fresco as a medium; - to use imagination while creating the NeoPopReaism ink pen/pattern drawings on the wall surface; - exercise/prepare yourself to draw the NeoPopRealist abstract fresco's designs on the thick cardboard; - develop measuring and estimation skills; - represent self through symbols and images Students must have some drawing skills. Dynamic View s theme. Pow ered by Blogger.
9/7/2017 Mural: Wall painting in the NeoPopRealist Manner, Art Lesson Plan adapt. to all grades | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-…
ATTN Art Teachers: Please always use a term 'NeoPopRealism' or 'Neopoprealism' when you teach this art style, not "neo-pop realism" or "neo pop realism." A term NeoPopRealism is to describe art style created by Nadia Russ. All other terms-variations are created by unprofessional people, not related to visual arts who just playing with words. Please be professional! Materials: - the thick piece of white cardboard (rectangular shape) - white drawing paper 9"x12" - black ink marker for mini project - black and white tempera or non-toxic acrylic, depending on surface of painting for large project - stacks of newspaper to use underneath the drawing while painting the mural The lesson could be completed by having students make a sketch for a mural or by actually creating a mural / fresco on a piece of canvas, butcher paper or on a wall surface. The Procedure: Day 1. - Explain (or remind if students already familiar) the concept of the NeoPopRealism ink & pen pattern drawing and when and how artist Nadia Russ created this style. Focus on 25-year Anniversary of NeoPopRealism in 2014; - Explain the process and history of mural/ fresco painting (see RESOURCES). - Discuss with students the difference between a mural made in fresco and one made using other painting techniques. - Explain how the mural/fresco can be done, including supported material, such stacks of newspaper to use underneath the drawing while perforating an outline of the image - Examine and discuss murals / frescoes images (print them from online resources or books) from different cultures and centuries. - Discuss the ways of making frescoes /murals: a fresco is a type of a mural painting, it is made by applying pigments dissolved in lime water to freshly spread, damp plaster. However, the students will create their NeoPopRealist murals using acrylic or tempera (water-based paint) - the black on white surface, applying paint directly on the wall. About a Mural is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other large permanent surface. A distinguishing characteristic of mural painting is that the architectural elements of the given space are harmoniously incorporated into the picture. Some wall paintings are painted on large canvases, which are then attached to the wall (e.g., with marouflage). Whether these works can be accurately called "murals" is a subject of some controversy in the art world, but the technique has been in common use since the late 19th century. Murals of sorts date to Upper Paleolithic times such as the paintings in the Chauvet Cave in Ardèche department of southern France (around 30,000 BC). Many ancient murals have survived in Egyptian tombs (around 3150 BC),[2] the Minoan palaces (Middle period III of the Neopalatial period, 1700-1600 BC) and in Pompeii (around 100 BC - AD 79). In modern times, the term became more well-known with the Mexican "muralista" art movement (Diego Rivera, David Siqueiros, or José Orozco). There are many different styles and techniques. The best-known is probably fresco, which uses water-soluble paints with a damp lime wash, a rapid use of the resulting mixture over a large surface, and often in parts (but with a sense of the whole). The colors lighten as they dry. The marouflage method has also been used for millennia.Murals today are painted in a variety of ways, using oil or water-based media. The styles can vary from abstract and trompe-l'œil (a French term for "fool" or "trick the eye") to NeoPopRealist. Initiated by the works of mural artists like Graham Rust or Rainer Maria Latzke in the 1980s, trompe-l'oeil painting has experienced a renaissance in private and public buildings in Europe. Today, the beauty of a wall mural has become much more widely available with a technique whereby a painting or photographic image is transferred to poster paper or canvas which is then pasted to a wall surface (see wallpaper, Frescography) to give the effect of either a hand-painted mural or realistic scene. Historical fact: First NeoPopRealist mural, was made by Nadia Russ in 1992; she used the acrylic, water-based paint, that was applied by brush directly on the large wall surface in "Pattern Singer Co.", in Fashion district of Manhattan, New York City. In the history of mural several methods have been used: q fresco painting, from the Italian word affresco which derives from the adjective fresco ("fresh"), describes a method in which the paint is applied on plaster on walls or ceilings. The buon fresco technique consists of painting in pigment mixed with water on a thin layer of wet, fresh, lime mortar or plaster. The pigment is then absorbed by the wet plaster; after a number of hours, the plaster dries and reacts with the air: it is this chemical reaction which fixes the pigment particles in the plaster. After this the painting stays for a long time up to centuries in fresh and brilliant colors.Fresco-secco painting is done on dry plaster (secco is "dry" in Italian). The pigments thus require a binding medium, such as egg (tempera), glue or oil to attach the pigment to the wall.Mezzo-fresco is painted on nearly-dry plaster, and was defined by the sixteenth-century author Ignazio Pozzo as "firm enough not to take a thumb-print" so that the pigment only penetrates slightly into the plaster. By the end of the sixteenth century this had largely displaced the buon fresco method, and was used by painters such as Gianbattista Tiepolo or Michelangelo. This technique had, in reduced form, the advantages of a secco work. Today, different muralists tend to become experts in their preferred medium and application, whether that be oil paints, emulsion or acrylic paints applied by brush, roller or airbrush/aerosols. - Focus on NeoPopRealist art concept, demonstrate how different types of repetitive patterns, their combination and line's turns can change image's character.
9/7/2017 Mural: Wall painting in the NeoPopRealist Manner, Art Lesson Plan adapt. to all grades | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-‌ When you/ students draw the line and patterns, you/ they use imagination, it is unconscious process. To learn how to enter the state of mind in which they have to produce the mural, read them a Chapter "Get Inspired" (this chapter can be found in every instructional NeoPopRealism' book by Nadia Russ.) This information is important to create a piece of art. If the students will not be able to enter this state of mind, the art work will be poor. - Instruct students never copy the patterns or the lines' turns, because it kills the spirit f artwork, that should be unique. Copying is craft, not ART.
Offered below drawings are offered not to copy them, but to examine them and to learn the creative process step-by-step. Copying kills the imagination. Never copy other drawings, however students can draw texture, looking at the nature or the objects they see around, in the real life. Regularly, when you draw your ink pen/ patterns drawings-abstracts, avoid using the square shape paper because the square is limiting you, adding the heavy restrictions as if you were putting your creativity into a "prison" of a space. The square is limiting your imagination and potentials to create the versatile images, expressing yourself the best ways you can. Choose the rectangular size of paper, it gives you an opportunity to be unlimited and unique in your fantasy and imagination without any restrictions from outside. This particular project - Mural "NeoPopRealism is 25! - uses the rectangular shape.. - Explain students, that the use of simple repetitive patterns can create miracle, resulting in absolutely different, unique images, that carry spirit of the artist. (See enlarged visual instructions at http://neopoprealismartlessonplans.blogspot.com [http://neopoprealism artlessonplans.blogspot.com /] /). It again proves that the drawing complicated patterns is more geometry, doodling or architectural matter (depends on your artistic skills), but not ART. The value of artwork is not in complication of patterns, but in the balance of composition and the spirit of artwork. It is very easy to differenciate the good and bad artworks: at good artworks you can stare for hours, and if artwork is bad, you cannot/ look at it longer than a few seconds-minutes. -Have students divide the 9"x12" piece of paper into shapes (sections) free-style.
[http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-lpA1eNrT_yA/UuHGrHWyLI/AAAAAAAACcU/DCuPCJmwn6Q/s1600/interior_ink_pen_pattern_drawing_wall_decor_interior_neopopre alism.JPG] Abstract in visual arts refers to an object or image which has been distilled from the real world. Artwork that reshapes the natural world for expressive purposes is called abstract; that which derives from, but does not imitate a recognizable subject is called nonobjective abstraction. In the 20th century the trend toward abstraction coincided with advances in science, technology, and changes in urban life, eventually reflecting an interest in psychoanalytic theory. Later still, abstraction was manifest in more purely formal terms, such as freedom from objective context, and a reduction of form to basic geometric designs. In 1989, Nadia Russ created new style of visual arts and NeoPopRealism abstract way of ink pen drawing. This NeoPopRealism abstract ink pen/ pattern drawing style is created through combination of seemed chaotically appeared different patterns' sections. However, this "chaos" turns into the harmonic abstracts.
Day 2
- Continue to draw the image for the wall mural.Have students fill sections with unique designs/ patterns. Make sure students fill each section with different designs/ patterns, trying to build the balanced composition. As every artist, they draw themselves, using their imagination, without copying designs/ patterns combinations. This is not the dull-drawing, as the doodlers do, creating their tangles:). Try involve more of the gray matter, strain your brain. - If needed, have student examine illustration below, read at http://neopoprealismartlessonplans.blogspot.com/2012/11/neopoprealism-abstract-neowhimsies-gr-6.html [http://neopoprealism artlessonplans.blogspot.com /2012/11/neopoprealism -abstract-neowhim sies-gr-6.htm l] . - Have students under the abstract drawing, make sign "NeoPopRealism is 25!", related to the 25-year anniversary of NeoPopRealism - 1989-2014. - Paint using gold color paint horizontal strip on the top, above the abstract drawing. - Compare the students' works, display the best work. Discuss results from artistic point of view.
9/7/2017 Mural: Wall painting in the NeoPopRealist Manner, Art Lesson Plan adapt. to all grades | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-…
After the murals samples have been made and the best works were showcased, you can create with children the NeoPopRealist mural in school, in a lobby or even outdoor. However, for the outdoor mural you must use water-proof acrylic paint. See more information on how to create the NeoPopRealist mural in your school in WikiHow: http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Neopoprealist-Art-Work [http://www.wikihow.com /Create-a-Neopoprealist-Art-Work] [http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--7_RYdb_guc/UMztcm3yaSI/AAAAAAAABwQ/gpekfmBZwM/s1600/neopoprealism+inkpen+pattern+drawing+chess+board.JPG] About NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing style: This drawing style - NeoPopRealism - Nadia Russ created in 1989. She loves to draw faces, and this kind of abstract ink pen/ patterns drawings (combinations of different patterns in sections) she always included and includes now in her ink artworks' backgrounds since 1989. Read more about NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing and its concept at http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/ [http://neopoprealism blackwhiteink.blogspot.com /] . This drawing is meditative. When you draw repetitive patterns, you enter meditative state of mind, the highest state in which our mind can exist. It increase your learning and creative abilities.
[http://4.bp.blogspot.com/WgfujoC5kXc/ULV4Fml1CJI/AAAAAAAABuU/1_TRMRY8dg/s1600/Mick+Jagger+NeoPopRealismm+ink+pen+pattern+drawing.PNG] Nadia Russ, Mick Jagger, ink/paper, 1994 NeoP opRealism
NeoPopRealism is 25! A bit of history of NeoPopRealism: The Bahamas TV, ZNS Channel 13, 1997: Nadia Russ' Art Exhibit:
Bahamas TV, Channel 13: Nadia Ru…
Also read what newspapers worldwide have written about Nadia Russ' Artwork (click and scroll down in the following website): http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/NeoPopRealism [http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/NeoPopRealism]
January 4, 2003 Nadia Russ created a term to name her new and unique style - NeoPopRealism. In 2004, a few swindlers-
9/7/2017 Mural: Wall painting in the NeoPopRealist Manner, Art Lesson Plan adapt. to all grades | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-‌ craftsmen, who did not know that all Nadia Russ' achievements since early 90s were documented, decided to present themselves as the "creators" of this ink pen/ pattern drawing style. This infamous and at the same time comedic story began in 2002, when Nadia Russ lived in Florida, renting from one of the shameless and hungry for $ swindlers an apartment on the beach... The whole story about it and more about her dynamic life she tells in a book, in autobiographynonfiction "DECA-DaNCE [http://www.am azon.com /Deca-Dance-Swindlers-Coxcom bs-SexistsAm erica/dp/0615655688] ", ISBN: 978-0615655680 published in 2012 www.neopoprealism.org [http://www.neopoprealism .org/]
[http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7pifziI3Pew/UuHPkGeFwcI/AAAAAAAACc0/mm5Bv2qRiT8/s1600/neopoprealism+_2 0th_century_ink_pen_pattern_drawing_gouache_painting_nadia_russ.JPG]
In 2004, Nadia Russ created 10 NeoPopRealism canons for happier life. NeoPopRealism philosophy for happier life: 1. Be beautiful; 2. Be creative & productive; never stop studying & learning; 3. Be peace-loving, positive-minded; 4. Do not accept communist or any other totalitarianism's philosophy; 5. Be free-minded, do the best you can to move the world to peace and harmony; 6. Be family oriented, self-disciplined; 7. Be free spirited. Follow your dreams, if they are not destructive, but constructive; 8. Believe in god. God is one, it is harmony and striving for perfection; 9. Be supportive to those who needs you, be generous; 10. Create your life as a great adventurous story.
About what the NeoPopRealism philosophy for happier life stands for. To bring the peace to the earth, it is time to unite all the peace-loving people, to stop the use and production of the heavy military equipment and weapons of mass destruction, such as war ships, war planes, artillery, nuclear bombs, etc., in every part of the world, without any exception, once and forever. It has to be an international law, according to which any person of any country, in any government, responsible for use (or attempt to use) the heavy military equipment in any part of the world to kill people, would be imprisoned for the rest of life without possibility of amnesty, as the mass murderer. All sales of the heavy military equipment worldwide should be stopped, as well as production of new military heavy equipment, as part of this future law. To keep this planet eco-friendly and beautiful, and people happy, we have to say 'good bye' to some irresponsible boys' bloody toys.
9/7/2017 Mural: Wall painting in the NeoPopRealist Manner, Art Lesson Plan adapt. to all grades | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-… 08.08.2014 Follow‐ up activities: View Nadia Russ artwork in the books she authored (do not read the crafting-doodle's "instructions", they will not help you to learn how to draw NeoPopRealist Art. With those you will stack on the level of craftsmen-doodler forever. Discuss the NeoPopRealism ink pen pattern drawing style. Name artists who invented new ART styles of visual arts: Monet - Impressionism, Dali - Surrealism, Picasso - Cubism, Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns - Pop Art, Jeff Koons - Neo-Pop, Nadia Russ - NeoPopRealism. RESOURCES: Prints from the NeoPopRealist art by Nadia Russ: - http://neopoprealism.org [http://neopoprealism .org/] .
Information on NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing, its concept and Nadia Russ, who created this style in 1989, biography: http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/ [http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/]
A book "How to Draw NeoPopRealism Abstract Images: Ink Backgrounds [http://neopoprealism.org/] ", ISBN: 9780615527437 teaches step-by-step ink and pen pattern drawing (30% off to art teachers and libraries at http://www.neopoprealism.org [http://www.neopoprealism .org/] ):
New book for art teachers: NeoPopRealism Ink & Pen Pattern Drawing: 15 Most Popular ART LESSON PLANS Adaptable to ALL GRADES [http://neopoprealism .org/] , ISBN: 978-0615754659 , available through the libraries distributor Ingram www.ingrambook.com/.
[http://2.bp.blogspot.com/q1fuzdQLGaM/UPM_W8PF5bI/AAAAAAAAB3I/kXxNVIFBQEE/s1600/COVER+15+ART+LESSON+PLANS+BO OK+mini.JPG]
Nadia Russ' official website: www.nadiaruss.com [http://www.nadiaruss.com /] Links to images of artists' frescoes work throughout history: www.truefresco.com/ ****
Winners of Int'l Art Contest Dedicated to 25th anniversary of NeoPopRealism (1989-2014) WINNERS in Professional/ Adult Artists Category
1st Place
WINNERS in Elementary/Middle/High Schools Students Category
2nd Place
1st Place
Stefania M. EUSEBIETTI, Turin, Italy
Lia Sforza, 17. JF Kennedy
2nd Place (shared)
High, Waterbury, CT, USA.Art
Elizabeth Galan, 16, Health
Teacher Gina Pisani-Loomis
&Human Services Lawrence
Twiggs Academy's student,
Public High School,
Jeffersonville, GA, USA. Art
Lawrence, MA. Art Teacher
Teacher Sylvia Slaughter
2nd Place (shared)
Donna Disario
[http://neopoprealisms tudents.blogspot.com/
9/7/2017 Mural: Wall painting in the NeoPopRealist Manner, Art Lesson Plan adapt. to all grades | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-‌ undry.com/page/Today%27s+Fea tured+Article.+SeptemberOctober+2014]
2014/12/jf-kennedyhigh-schoolsparticipants.html] "
"Message in a bottle", Indian ink and
Untitled", Ink/Paper,
watercolor on rough paper, NeoPopRealism
[http://neopoprealismj ournal.wikifoundry.co m/page/Today%27s+ Featured+Article.+Ma y-June+2014] "Love Lost", Ink/Paper, NeoPopRealism
[http://neopoprealisms tudents.blogspot.com/ 2014/12/the-donnadisarios-studentsdraw.html] NeoPopRealism
Congratulation to the Winners! `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` A book How to Draw the NeoPopRealism Abstract: Children's Guide [http://neopoprealism.org/] (for elementary school), ISBN: 978-0615545332 . Free preview is available at Google Books: http://books.google.com/books?printsec=frontcover&id=-s1eXbBd2bAC ```````````````````````````````` *More art lesson plans: http://inkpenpattern.blogspot.com [http://inkpenpattern.blogspot.com/] / http://neopoprealismartlessonplans.blogspot.com/ [http://neopoprealismartlessonplans.blogspot.com/] http://neowhimsies.blogspot.com [http://neowhimsies.blogspot.com/] / http://neopoprealismelementary.blogspot.com [http://neopoprealismelementary.blogspot.com/] / http://kindergartenneopoprealism.blogspot.com [http://kindergartenneopoprealism.blogspot.com/] /
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tracing the history of NeoPopRealism. Russian TV program "Third Eye", Moscow, 1995. TV Studio decorated with Nadia RUSS' NeoPopRealist work:
TV Studio decorated with Nadia Russ NeoPopRealist‌
* See "PEACE" drawing instruction in WikiHow.com: http://www.wikihow.com/Draw-a-Neopoprealist-Illustration-%22PEACE%22 [http://www.wikihow.com/Drawa-Neopoprealist-Illustration-%22PEACE%22]
*In Czech: See the Mural "NeoPopRealism is 25!" drawing instruction in WikiHow.com: http://cs.wikihow.com/Jak-vytvo%C5%99it-Neopoprealismus-kresby [http://cs.wikihow.com/Jakvytvo%C5%99it-Neopoprealismus-kresby]
*In Russian: See the Mural "NeoPopRealism is 25!" drawing instruction in WikiHow: [http://ru.wikihow.com/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%B2%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%9D%D0%B5%D0%BE%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D 0%B7%D0%BC]
*In Italian: See the Mural "NeoPopRealism is 25!" drawing instruction in WikiHow: http://it.wikihow.com/Creare-un%27opera-d%27arte-NeoPopRealism [http://it.wikihow.com/Creareun%27opera-d%27arte-NeoPopRealism]
If you have any questions or suggestions, contact the lesson plan developers: NeoPopRealismPress@mail.com [mailto:NeoPopRealismPress3@mail.com] [m ailto:neopoprealism press@m ail.com ]
Read [mailto:neopoprealismpress@mail.com] reviews of the new and recent books from all over the globe at Wonderpedia http://wonderpedia.wikifoundry.com [http://wonderpedia.wetpaint.com /] and NeoPopRealism Journal http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com [http://neopoprealism journal.wetpaint.com /]
9/7/2017 Mural: Wall painting in the NeoPopRealist Manner, Art Lesson Plan adapt. to all grades | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-…
[http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sM8xkUTn5sU/UzJ_OAb1zI/AAAAAAAACxg/gikXU8xeO8I/s1600/zentangle_czt_ink_pen_pattern_drawing_quotation_doodling_ig norance.JPG]
Read : http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Zentangle/internet/Zentangle-Rick-Roberts-Maria-Thomas-Design-OriginalsSuzanne-McNeill-Sandy-Steen-Bar-814191 [http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Zentangle/internet/Zentangle-Rick-RobertsMaria-Thomas-Design-Originals-Suzanne-McNeill-Sandy-Steen-Bar-814191] /.
[http://1.bp.blogspot.com /-ruvRCNKTL8/UWcS5DC33_I/AAAAAAAACDk/IrAzkR02Qvw/s1600/neopoprealism +logo+blogger.JPG]
[http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-w309tAHs1gg/U_otzlPw31I/AAAAAAAACzQ/Erq8_5y180/s1600/be%2Baware%2Bof%2Bspyware%2Bdownloading%2Bneopoprealism%2Binstructional%2Bbooks% 2Bfrom%2Bpirates%2Bwebsites.JPG]
NeoPopRealism©1989-2015 Freedom, morality, and the human dignity of the individual consists precisely in this, that he does good not because he is forced to do so, but because he freely wants to to that way.
Posted 23rd January 2014 by Globe
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