9/7/2017 Nature: Exotic flower and butterfly. NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing. Grade: 9-12 (adapt. all ages) | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism ink pen/ patt… 5 Christmas… Art"Merry Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing for all a… Designing T-shirt…
NeoPopRealism …
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Nature: Exotic flower and butterfly. NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing. Grade: 9-12 (adapt. all ages) Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. ~Oscar
Portrait of the Former U.…
View results of Int'l NeoPopRealist Art Contest, dedicated to 25th anniversary of NeoPopRealism, in the NeoPopRealism Journal: http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/neopoprealism [http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/neopoprealism]
A Cock, NeoPopRealism…
Art Lesson Plan
Nature: Exotic flower an…
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NeoPopRealism Ink Pen/ Pattern Drawing - Exotic Flower and Butterfly kelebek çizimleri by: NeoPopRealism Press www.neopoprealism.org [http://www.neopoprealism.org/] NeoPopRealism Imaginative Ink Pen/ Pattern Drawing - Nature
Hedgehog - NeoPopRe…
Creating these NeoPopRealist Exotic Flower & Butterfly would be not only the way of self expression through art, challenging your imagination, but also a studying of the NeoPopRealist art and its philosophy for happier life. The following art lesson plan breaks down complicated creative process to the level, when NeoPopRealist art concept can be easily understood by the beginners - children and adults.
Art and technology, Grades 9-12, adaptable 3-5, 6-8.
[http://2.bp.blogspot.com/GJrnezLwtF4/UDJPIKNBziI/AAAAAAAAAeY/I9TWceFePnA/s1600/exotic+flower-but.JPG] NeoPopRealism ink pen pattern drawing A Flower
This lesson plan takes inspiration from Nadia RUSS art. Notice the strong contour and patterns' lines in these composition. This would be a wonderful unit to try integrating "man and his environment". Dynamic View s theme. Pow ered by Blogger.
9/7/2017 Nature: Exotic flower and butterfly. NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing. Grade: 9-12 (adapt. all ages) | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism ink pen/ patt… Objectives: Students will: -Learn about NeoPopRealism ink pen / pattern drawing style and its creator Nadia Russ, see http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/ [http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/] . -Develop skills in imaginative drawing - draw from their mind. -Develop skills in drawing the flowing whimsical lines and a variety of patterns. -Learn a full values of contrast of black and white. -Meditate. Materials: -Computer
[http://goanimate.com/videos/0sCUFTuM0Yyw/1] )
-Ink pen black -Drawing paper white 80# Resources: Display some of Nadia RUSS’ art posters in the classroom (see links below). Have a presentation ready to show students Nadia Russ’ examples of NeoPopRealism art. Instruction/Motivation: Review principles/concept of NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing: the line creates sections. Then, these sections filled with different repetitive patterns, some section(s) left blank. Eraser never used. Demonstrate step-by-step technique of drawing line, creating sections, and filling sections with patterns. In this lesson, you teach a fun way to make an original NeoPopRealism ink pen / pattern drawings on a small scale. Display some of Nadia RUSS’ art posters in the classroom or/and show her work online. Have a presentation ready to students. When drawing process begins, you can tern on music (not loud), preferably jazz. NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing is meditative, it is drawing from within, when artist expresses his mood, feelings, his inner world. If a ‘mistake’ made it will disappear with the following repetitive patterns that will balance the whole composition and would make a ’mistake’ invisible. Lesson Plan - Background and Historical Information: Nadia RUSS is a Ukrainian-born Russian painter/graphic artist living in the USA, who created in 1989 a style of visual arts NeoPopRealism, she is famous for creating in 1989 this innovative meditative ink /pattern drawing style. Instead of careful copying reality, the wild life or human figure she creates her artwork using her imagination (see more below). Procedure: (the complete procedures and repetitive patterns can be found in a book “NeoWhimsies: NeoPopRealism Ink Drawing Basics for Mannequins”, ISBN: 978-0615651859): 1. Select subject matter for the drawing: exotic flower and butterfly, the objects that will have beautiful form and interesting texture. Discuss the characteristics of exotic butterfly, its shape, structure, parts of the body, texture.
9/7/2017 Nature: Exotic flower and butterfly. NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing. Grade: 9-12 (adapt. all ages) | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism ink pen/ patt‌
2. With whimsical lines draw contour of an exotic flower. 3. Divide petals of a flower into sections. 4. Fill sections with different repetitive patterns: circles, dots, zigzags, squares, waves, etc.. 5. Draw contour of a butterfly above the flower; divide its wings into sections. 6. Fill wings' sections with different patterns: circles, squares, triangle, waves, etc. 7. Explain students NeoPopRealism ink pen/ drawing concept, have them practice. 8. Critique the work in progress and at the end. NeoPopRealism repetitive patterns, used in a drawing project " Exotic
Flower and Butterfly"
[http://3.bp.blogspot.com/TjPwS6IpxP0/UDbJXZbNnKI/AAAAAAAAAi8/MOxALpi6HAs/s1600/neopoprealism_patterns_exotic+_flower.JPG ]
Evaluation: Did students create an interesting composition using their imagination - show skills in whimsical line and repetitive patterns drawing? Lesson Plan - Background and Historical Information: http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com [http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/] . Nadia RUSS is a Ukrainian-born Russian painter/ graphic artist living in the USA, she is famous for innovative NeoPopRealism art and ink pen pattern drawing, the meditative style that she created in 1989. Instead of careful copying reality - wild life or human figure, Nadia RUSS creates her artwork using imagination. As Nadia RUSS experimented and developed her distinctive techniques, her drawings became more symbolic. For her drawings she uses white paper and black ink pen. However, sometimes, she uses blue ink on white paper
9/7/2017 Nature: Exotic flower and butterfly. NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing. Grade: 9-12 (adapt. all ages) | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism ink pen/ patt… and gold/silver ink on black paper - http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/ [http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/] .
How did Nadia RUSS develop her unique and original style NeoPopRealism? RUSS had studied classical drawing and composition since she was a child, but as she studied she found herself drawn to produce less realistic, more imaginative artwork. In 1989, she created NeoPopRealism art style and ink pattern drawing concept: line creates sections; then, these section filled with different repetitive patterns, some section should be left blank. If artwork made on canvas using color paints and a brush, then, it would be a combination of sections filled with hot and cold color paint, partly with patterns. In 1990, RUSS exhibited her first ink/ pattern drawings in a group exhibition in Moscow’s famous Manege. Later, she was exhibiting her artwork in art galleries. In 1996, she moved to the Freeport, Bahamas, where her artwork gained special brightness. In 2000, she came to the USA where she lives till present. Nadia Russ create a term “NeoPopRealism” January 4, 2003. Same year, she manifested her new style of visual arts NeoPopRealism internationally. In 2004, she created NeoPopRealism 10 canons for happier life. In 2006-2007, several US and European museums collected Nadia Russ’ paintings and drawings and now, these artworks are in the permanent collections of these museums.
[http://4.bp.blogspot.com/Me2M09Y2XSA/UZAryzz_f0I/AAAAAAAACJE/Cl5qooFnODM/s1600/neopoprealism++NADIA+RUSS+INK+P EN+PATTERN+DRAWING.JPG]
In 2014, NeoPopRealism was 25! A little bit of history. The Bahamas TV, Channel 13: Nadia Russ' NeoPopRealist Art Exhibit in 1997:
Bahamas TV, Channel 13: Nadia Ru…
Read what newspapers worldwide have written about Nadia Russ' Artwork (scroll down): http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/NeoPopRealism [http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/NeoPopRealism]
Follow‐ up activities: View Nadia Russ' NeoPopRealism artwork online and discuss NeoPopRealism ink pen pattern drawing style. Name artists who invented new styles of visual arts: Monet - Impressionism, Dali - Surrealism, Picasso Cubism, Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns - Pop Art, Jeff Koons - Neo-Pop, Nadia Russ - NeoPopRealism. ....................................... NEOPOPREALISM CURIOSITY QUEST 1 Who created the NeoPopRealism art style and its concept? - NADIA RUSS (www.nadiaruss.com) 2 When and where Nadia Russ created the NeoPopRealism art concept and style? - IN 1989, IN MOSCOW, RUSSIA 3 When and where Nadia Russ created a term ‘NeoPopRealism‘? - JANUARY 4, 2003, IN FLORIDA, USA
9/7/2017 Nature: Exotic flower and butterfly. NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing. Grade: 9-12 (adapt. all ages) | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism ink pen/ patt… 4 When and where Nadia Russ was born? - DECEMBER 13, 1959, IN TOWN KONOTOP, EX-USSR 5 Where Nadia Russ primarily lived before coming to the USA? - 1979-1996, MOSCOW, RUSSIA 6 Where Nadia Russ resided in 1996-2000? - FREEPORT, BAHAMAS 7 When and where Nadia Russ began exhibiting her artwork? - IN 1990, MOSCOW, RUSSIA 8 When and where Nadia Russ exhibited her ink/paper graphic artwork for the first time? - IN 1990, IN A FAMOUS MANEGE IN MOSCOW, RUSSIA
9 How the NeoPopRealism art style connected to music and particularly Jazz? - Creating the NeoPopRealism artwork is like playing Jazz on paper, using the visual arts tools. It uses the visual ’syncopation’ just like Jazz uses syncopation in its rhy
10 What is NeoPopRealism? - NeoPopRealism is the graphic arts style, which combines the brightness, simplicity, and complex at the same time, while using a concept of the broken spaces and pa NeoPopRealist artwork is a window into its creator’s intellectuality because it reflects their intellectual state. The creator ,who is in a primitive state of mind, will result ................................................. RESOURCES (links): 1. Fine Art Prints from the NeoPopRealist art by Nadia Russ: - http://neopoprealism.org [http://neopoprealism .org/] . - http://www.neopoprealism.net [http://www.neopoprealism .net/] [http://www.neopoprealism.net/] 2. NeoPopRealism short online Jr.Movie-introduction:
http://goanimate.com/videos/0sCUFTuM0Yyw/1 [http://goanimate.com/videos/0sCUFTuM0Yyw/1] 3. Information on NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing, its concept and Nadia Russ, who created this style in 1989, biography: http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/ [http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/]
4. New book for art teachers: NeoPopRealism Ink & Pen Pattern Drawing: 15 Most Popular ART LESSON PLANS Adaptable to ALL GRADES [http://www.amazon.com/NeoPopRealism-Ink-PenPattern-Drawing/dp/0615754651] , ISBN: 978-0615754659:
[http://2.bp.blogspot.com/q1fuzdQLGaM/UPM_W8PF5bI/AAAAAAAAB3I/kXxNVIFBQEE/s1600/COVER+15+ART+LESSON+PLANS+BO OK+mini.JPG]
Ask your library to purchase this and other NeoPopRealsim books, mention Ingram (http://ingrambook.com [http://ingrambook.com/] ), the largest libraries supplier where they are available with discount. `````````````````````````````````````````` *More lesson plans for all grades: NeoPopRealism ink pen pattern drawing: http://neowhimsies.blogspot.com [http://neowhimsies.blogspot.com/] / http://inkpenpattern.blogspot.com [http://inkpenpattern.blogspot.com/] / http://neopoprealismartlessonplans.blogspot.com/ [http://neopoprealismartlessonplans.blogspot.com/] http://neopoprealismelementary.blogspot.com [http://neopoprealismelementary.blogspot.com/] / http://kindergartenneopoprealism.blogspot.com [http://kindergartenneopoprealism.blogspot.com/] /
*In Czech: See the Mural "NeoPopRealism is 25!" drawing instruction in WikiHow.com: http://cs.wikihow.com/Jak-vytvo%C5%99it-Neopoprealismus-kresby [http://cs.wikihow.com/Jakvytvo%C5%99it-Neopoprealismus-kresby]
*In Russian: See the Mural "NeoPopRealism is 25!" drawing instruction in WikiHow: [http://ru.wikihow.com/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%B2%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B5-