9/7/2017 NeoWhimsy Egg (Easter), Grades 3-5, adapt. 6-8, NeoPopRealism ink/ pattern drawing | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-… Greeting card "Merry Ch…
ArtHumorous Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-5, … Thanksgivin… ClassicElection Flipcard - GOP'sMagazine masco…
Mosaic Sidebar
Abstract, adapt. all ages…
NeoWhimsy Egg (Easte…
NeoWhimsy Egg (Easter), Grades 3-5, adapt. 6-8, NeoPopRealism ink/ pattern drawing
Halloween Mask Gr.6-8,…
Selfportrait Grades 9-12…
View results of Int'l NeoPopRealist Art Contest, dedicated to 25th anniversary of NeoPopRealism, in the NeoPopRealism Journal: http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/neopoprealism [http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/neopoprealism]
Art Lesson Plan
Butterflies, Gr. 6-8, Neo…
NEOPOPREALISM/ NEOWHIMSIES: Egg (Easter) ink pen/ pattern drawing
NeoWhimsies Umbrella…
Exotic Flower, Gr. 6-8: N…
"If you'd lik e to learn how to create NeoPopRealism, forget how to doodle and learn how to create Art." - Nadia Russ
NeoWhimsies Eggs, Gr…
SUBJECT: Arts and Music, Arts and Technology, Arts and History Butterfly Gr. 3-5: NeoPop…
GRADES: 3-5, adapt. 6-8 +
By NeoPopRealism PRESS (http://www.neopoprealism.org [http://www.neopoprealism.org/] ) NEOPOPREALISM/NeoWhimsies JR. MOVIE [http://goanimate.com/videos/0evkSruBpt7I? utm_source=linkshare] - watch the NeoPopRealism-introduction short JR. MOVIE, cut and paste this link to your browser http://goanimate.com/videos/0evkSruBpt7I?utm_source=linkshare [http://goanimate.com/videos/0evkSruBpt7I?utm_source=linkshare]
OBJECTIVE Students will: 1. Learn about NeoPopRealism art style and artist Nadia Russ, the NeoPopRealism art style creator (see http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/ [http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/] ). 2. Learn About Easter Fest and its symbols.. 3. Compare and contrast realistic art and NeoPopRealism/NeoWhimsies. 4. Learn about NeoWhimsies, the simplified NeoPopRealism ink pen / pattern drawing. 5. Create NeoWhimsies Easter Eggs.. Suggestion for better learning: a book "NeoWhimsies: NeoPopRealism Ink Drawing Basics for Mannequins”, ISBN: 978-0615651859. A week before, ask the student to prepare the wood unpainted eggs (to buy it in store or flee market), if you decide not to use the sheets of paper. MATERIALS -
Computer with internet access to see a short movie-introduction to NeoPopRealism. 8.5”x11” white drawing paper or a made of wood egg Ink pen black 0.7 mm Rollerball or similar Clear vanish that dries fast (for wood eggs)
[http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3noLJIdVE8o/UDLXxWEHDI/AAAAAAAAAgg/LhaysL2c7J8/s1600/neopoprealism-egg.JPG] Dynamic View s theme. Pow ered by Blogger.
9/7/2017 NeoWhimsy Egg (Easter), Grades 3-5, adapt. 6-8, NeoPopRealism ink/ pattern drawing | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-… PREPARATION Display Nadia RUSS’ art posters/decals in the classroom. Have a presentation ready to show students Nadia Russ’ NeoPopRealism art - ink/ pattern drawings. (See Resources) LESSON PROCEDURE 1. Day 1: Introduce Nadia RUSS’ life and NeoPopRealism style of visual arts to students. This introduction can be found in a book "NeoWhimsies: NeoPopRealism Ink Drawing Basics for Mannequins”, ISBN: 978-0615651859, pages 8 and 81 (or in website http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com [http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/] ) Introduce briefly history of Easter and its symbols. Compare Nadia Russ’ ink pen /pattern drawing portraits and abstracts and pencil drawings by Rembrandt. Discuss how they are similar and different. 2. Hand out 8.5”x11” papers and have students write their names on the back. Or use wood eggs. Turn on music (not loud), preferably jazz. Demonstrate how to draw step-by-step the simplified NeoPopRealism - NeoWhimsy Egg: Draw a contour of an image. Then, divide egg's shape into sections and fill these sections with different patterns.
[http://2.bp.blogspot.com/xq_A0nWlsL8/UDgIxr5r49I/AAAAAAAAAjM/4ph7JsaKMsM/s1600/neopoprealism_ink_pen_patterns_drawing_E GG.JPG]
[http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0zRNtWXjLp8/UDLY61aEn_I/AAAAAAAAAgo/qQcy44kgVbY/s1600/neopoprealism+i nk+pattern+egg+step-by-step.JPG]
3. Day 2: Continue teaching the drawing of different patterns. Offers student to create a gallery of repetitive patterns in special chapter of a book. Or as an option, if they do not have a book, offer students to draw different imaginative patterns on piece of paper, divided into sections-squares 1,5 inch each. Each section student fills with different sample of repetitive pattern. Encourage students to
9/7/2017 NeoWhimsy Egg (Easter), Grades 3-5, adapt. 6-8, NeoPopRealism ink/ pattern drawing | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-… use their imagination and create the new, instead of copying those that they see in image above. Drawing patterns is meditative process, it increases learning abilities. 4. Day 3: Demonstrate how drawing of different patterns can change the character and the whole meaning of artwork.Offer students to complete templates - the images of unfinished eggs - with different patterns located in a chapter “Draw the Eggs Here and Now”, pages 23-26. 5. Day 4: Offer students to draw the NeoWhimsies images of eggs from beginning to end on special pages 73-78 of a book "NeoWhimsies: NeoPopRealism Ink Drawing Basics for Mannequins [http://neopoprealism.org/] “ (30% off to art teachers and libraries at http://www.neopoprealism.org [http://www.neopoprealism.org/] ) in chapter "Create Your NeoWhimsies from the Scratch". Explore 10 NeoPopRealism canons for happier life (page 83). If students were drawing patterns on wood egg, after work finished, ask the vanish the eggs.
Discuss with students the NeoPopRealism ink drawing concept: a line creates sections; then, these sections filled with different repetitive patterns, asymmetrically (http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/ [http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/] ). Eraser never used. Follow‐ up activities: View Nadia Russ' NeoPopRealism artwork online and discuss NeoPopRealism ink pen pattern drawing style. Name artists who invented new styles of visual arts: Monet - Impressionism, Dali - Surrealism, Picasso Cubism, Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns - Pop Art, Jeff Koons - Neo-Pop, Nadia Russ - NeoPopRealism. Submit your students' best NeoPopRealist art works (.jpeg files) and information-article about your activities and school (400-600 words) to neopoprealismpress@mail.com and you can be featured in the NeoPopRealism Journal http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com [http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/]
In 2014, NeoPOpRealism is 25! A little bit of history: The Bahamas TV, ZNS Channel 13: Nadia Russ' NeoPopRealist Art Exhibition in 1997:
9/7/2017 NeoWhimsy Egg (Easter), Grades 3-5, adapt. 6-8, NeoPopRealism ink/ pattern drawing | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-…
Bahamas TV, Channel 13: Nadia Ru…
Also read what newspapers worldwide have written about Nadia Russ' Artwork (click and scroll down in the following website): http://neopoprealismjournal.wikifoundry.com/page/NeoPopRealism [http://neopoprealism journal.wikifoundry.com /page/NeoPopRealism ]
Historical Facts & Related Information: Easter or the Pasch or (among Eastern Orthodox) Pascha is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his cruc The modern English term Easter, cognate with modern German Ostern, developed from the Old English word Ēastre or Ēostre,[nb 4] which itself developed prior to
Theology and Easter. The New Testament teaches that the resurrection of Jesus, which Easter celebrates, is a foundation of the Christian faith. The resurrection esta RESOURCES (links): 1. Fine Art Prints from the NeoPopRealist art by Nadia Russ: - http://neopoprealism.org [http://neopoprealism .org/] - http://www.neopoprealism.net [http://www.neopoprealism .net/]
[http://neopoprealism.org/] ”, ISBN: 978-0615651859, contains 1 0 different step-by -step teaching projects,
including eggs.
3. NeoPopRealism/NeoWhimsies' short online Jr.Movie-introduction: http://goanimate.com/videos/0evkSruBpt7I?utm_source=linkshare [http://goanimate.com/videos/0evkSruBpt7I?utm_source=linkshare]
4. Information on NeoPopRealism ink pen/ pattern drawing, its concept and Nadia Russ, who created NeoPopRealism style in 1989, biography: http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com [http://neopoprealismblackwhiteink.blogspot.com/]
5. Nadia Russ' official website www.nadiaruss.com [http://www.nadiaruss.com/] ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` More art lesson plans: http://neowhimsies.blogspot.com [http://neowhimsies.blogspot.com/] / http://inkpenpattern.blogspot.com [http://inkpenpattern.blogspot.com/] / http://neopoprealismartlessonplans.blogspot.com/ [http://neopoprealismartlessonplans.blogspot.com/] http://neopoprealismelementary.blogspot.com [http://neopoprealismelementary.blogspot.com/] / http://kindergartenneopoprealism.blogspot.com [http://kindergartenneopoprealism.blogspot.com/] / ~~~~ *In Czech: See the Mural "NeoPopRealism is 25!" drawing instruction in WikiHow.com: http://cs.wikihow.com/Jak-vytvo%C5%99it-Neopoprealismus-kresby [http://cs.wikihow.com/Jakvytvo%C5%99it-Neopoprealismus-kresby]
*In Russian: See the Mural "NeoPopRealism is 25!" drawing instruction in WikiHow: [http://ru.wikihow.com/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%B2%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%9D%D0%B5%D0%BE%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D 0%B7%D0%BC]
*In Italian: See the Mural "NeoPopRealism is 25!" drawing instruction in WikiHow: http://it.wikihow.com/Creare-un%27opera-d%27arte-NeoPopRealism [http://it.wikihow.com/Creareun%27opera-d%27arte-NeoPopRealism]
*Share your students' work in http://neopoprealism.webs.com [http://neopoprealism .webs.com /] Fight bullying in school with the NeoPopRealism 10 canons for happier life:
NeoPopRealism philosophy for happier life: 1. Be beautiful;
9/7/2017 NeoWhimsy Egg (Easter), Grades 3-5, adapt. 6-8, NeoPopRealism ink/ pattern drawing | Art Lesson Plans: NeoPopRealism Ink Pen Drawing: GRADES 3-‌ 2. Be creative & productive; never stop studying & learning; 3. Be peace-loving, positive-minded; 4. Do not accept communist or any other totalitarianism's philosophy; 5. Be free-minded, do the best you can to move the world to peace and harmony; 6. Be family oriented, self-disciplined; 7. Be free spirited. Follow your dreams, if they are not destructive, but constructive; 8. Believe in god. God is one, it is harmony and striving for perfection; 9. Be supportive to those who need you, be generous; 10. Create your life as a great adventurous story. About what the NeoPopRealism philosophy for happier life stands for. To bring the peace to the earth, it is time to unite all the peace-loving people, to stop the use and production of the heavy military equipment and weapons of mass destruction, such as war ships, war planes, artillery, nuclear bombs, etc., in every part of the world, without any exception, once and forever. It has to be an international law, according to which any person of any country, in any government, responsible for use (or attempt to use) the heavy military equipment in any part of the world to kill people, would be imprisoned for the rest of life without possibility of amnesty, as the mass murderer. All sales of the heavy military equipment worldwide should be stopped, as well as production of new military heavy equipment, as part of this future law. To keep this planet eco-friendly and beautiful, and people happy, we have to say 'good bye' to some irresponsible peoples' bloody toys. ~Nadia Russ (08.08.2014) **** If you have any questions or suggestions, contact the lesson plan developers: neopoprealismpress@mail.com [mailto:neopoprealismpress@mail.com] Read : http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Zentangle/internet/Zentangle-Rick-Roberts-Maria-Thomas-Design-OriginalsSuzanne-McNeill-Sandy-Steen-Bar-814191 [http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Zentangle/internet/Zentangle-Rick-RobertsMaria-Thomas-Design-Originals-Suzanne-McNeill-Sandy-Steen-Bar-814191] /.
[http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vmYXLA2q0Bw/U4NTYNXS4I/AAAAAAAACqY/iLvN1MrbEp0/s1600/be+aware+of+spyware+downloading+neopoprealism+instructional+ books+from+pirates+websites.JPG]
Questions? Contact NeoPopRealism PRESS at NeoPopRealismPress3@mail.com [mailto:NeoPopRealismPress3@mail.com]