Health Benefits of Coconut Water during Pregnancy - Wonder Parenting

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Health Benefits of Coconut Water During Pregnancy Facts and Myths

Coconut Water Nutrition in one cup (240ml):

Calcium – 6% of the RDI

Potassium – 17% of the RDI

Sodium – 11% of the RDI

Magnesium – 15% of the RDI

Vitamin C – 10% of the RDI

Calories – 46

Dietary Fiber – 2.9 grams

Carbohydrates – 8.9%

Protein – 2 grams

General Health Benefits of Coconut Water 1.

It is a good source of nutrients.


It contains antioxidants.


Controls blood sugar levels as it is a good source of magnesium that may increase insulin sensitivity.


Powerful cholesterol-lowering properties.


Helps to lower blood pressure.


Prevents kidney stones by reducing stone and crystal formation.


Best sports beverage.


Helps to reduce nausea and stomach discomfort.


Treats dehydration.


Low in calories (46 calories in a cup).

Benefits of coconut water during pregnancy

1. Combats nausea and morning sickness 2. Improves digestion and reduces heartburn 3. Keeps a check on weight 4. Protects against infections 5. Maintains the daily fluid levels 6. Boosts the immunity system 7. Regulates the blood pressure 8. Natural and hygienic 9. Energy booster after prenatal yoga 10. Improves elasticity of the skin

Recommendations for coconut water during pregnancy 

A few points are must to keep in mind while drinking coconut water during pregnancy.

Moderation is the key.

Never replace pure mineral water with coconut water.

Always drink fresh coconut water during pregnancy.

Do not substitute it with packaged coconut water during pregnancy that contains preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

Drink tender coconut water during pregnancy as soon as it is cut.

Avoid leaving it uncovered for a longer time.

Make sure the straw is clean and washed thoroughly before drinking coconut water.

Frequently Asked Questions about Coconut Water Du ring Pregnancy 1. When to drink coconut water during pregnancy? 

Ideally, you can drink coconut water during pregnancy anytime when you feel like. But the best time to have coconut water during pregnancy is early in the morning. When the stomach is unfilled, nutrients are best absorbed by the body.

2. How much coconut water should I drink? 

One glass of coconut water during pregnancy is recommended daily. Drink one glass of coconut water before breakfast to derive the maximum benefits out this healthy powerhouse drink.

3. Is eating coconut in pregnancy safe? 

Along with drinking coconut water during pregnancy eating coconut in pregnancy has also been advised by the elders. A pregnant woman should eat fresh coconut meat first thing in the morning. It is considered to be the most healthy meal of the day during pregnancy.

Coconut has Lauric acid that helps in breast milk production after delivery. Eating dry or wet coconut during pregnancy also improves the blood circulation and thereby prevents swelling in legs.

4. How to select the right coconut? 

Always select the tender and green coconut water during pregnancy. The mature brown coconut water during pregnancy causes constipation.

Myths about coconut water during pregnancy

Myth 1 – Coconut has magical properties 

Fact – Although coconut water during pregnancy has innumerable nutritional benefits but you cannot rely on it completely for your nutritional requirements. A pregnant woman should eat a well-balanced diet to fulfill her nutritional requirements during pregnancy.

Myth 2 – Coconut Water makes baby’s skin fair 

Fact – Your baby’s skin color and health depend on various factors including hereditary and genetic factors such as parent’s complexion and health.

Myth 3 – Coconut Water gives thick hair to the baby’s scalp 

Fact – There is no such relation between consumption of coconut water during pregnancy and thickness of the baby’s hair.

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