Final Portfolio

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Final Portfolio Natalya A. Pavlova Architecture 101 Spring 2015 MW 12-3

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Site Selection Our site selection was agreed upon to be the further planter box. These decisions were made based on light sources and interactive ideas our team already had stirring in our heads. We also planned on using the wall as a point of connection to bear weight to help our structure hold.

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Concept The concept our team came up with was reflecting and reliving childhood memories along with plays of light. We would do so by making an interactive etch-a-sketch in the center sandbox. With other child like interactions along the way. With the whole structure enclosed by outer walls mixed with color and fabric all the senses are reminded of childhood school memories.

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Design & Theme Outer Wall One of our fellow team members contributed the design idea of making a

curved wall

made up of


components the

team has labeled

as “tiles�. This

photo is a mock

model of a

single fabric tile.

The team later

learned it was

unnecessary to

include the

middle diagonal two wooden beams.

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The team planned to create an array of these tiles with patterns of fabric displayed along the faces with cut out patterns and cellophane coverings for a play on light going along with our color pattern of red, blue, green, yellow.

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Purpose This outer wall is a point of interaction and makes a beautiful play of light curving over the interactions in the sandbox below and the inner wall below.

Execution •

This outer wall would move along a track extending from the bottom of the inner wall behind this outer wall.

• Casting the endpoint to the already existing concrete curving wall

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Challenges/Discoveries • the weight of the wall was too great for the structure to hold and would bow. • this lead for the decision of steel cables and tensioners to help with the bowing of the outer wall with still little success • the stapling of the cellophane did not hold as strong as expected and additional glue was added • because of the failing of making the wall hold onto its connection point on the concrete wall the team decided to nail it down to the bottom of our structure making an arc way. • this meant a lose of an interaction and compromising our original design.

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Inner Wall Purpose To create a greater play of colors and light interacting with the sandbox below and the wall above.

Execution The execution was long and strenuous. The team decided on recycled material for the project for sustainability and cost purposes. This meant team members traveling to varies places to collect materials

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and doing almost factory like style work to break down and

recreate dozens of tile components.

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Challenges/Discoveries • time management issues due to large quantity of work • learning about different materials and how they work • pvc glue is messy • stability issues causing the tensioners and cables to be added

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Exterior Walls Purpose Was to create a naturally guided flow through a journey the team designed To create a play on light Different forms of experiences and

interactions along the walls, such as a fabric cloth wall viewing area. • cats cradle • gutters • use of chalk

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Execution Our intent was to use recycled materials but required large amounts of wood, so the Lowe’s card was kept in the back of our heads. We would buy plywood panels cut them down to 8 inches wide and 5 to 6 feet tall To count them to stand we could have added connections to midpoints Feet on the base of wooden walls

Challenges/Discoveries • there is no longer a clear exit and entrance lost points of interaction • •

a large time conflict compared to our design

• more focus was put on tile making allowing with the play on color we tended on

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Sandbox and Stage Area Purpose Was to create a working etch-a-sketch structure to work in the sandbox where you would be able to create and erase designs in the sand. The design asked for a raised seating area meaning we needed a stage area. It was decided the we also needed a clear exit and entrance creating the design for the tire stairs or less steps on one side then the other.

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Execution to create a clear path we create two different length stage steps to make a clear entrance and exit when you first approach the interaction

Challenges/Discoveries • using tires proved to be tough due to cutting through metal rods in the tires when we cut them in half.

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design ideas became difficult to incorporate the tires in our original design style.


reminded of childhood memories

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Reflections After weeks of construction, designing, drawing, calculating, and everything else that goes with making a structure unfortunately our whole design was not finished and did go through some changes from the original. We were all optimistic about our design and that we would be able to finish it. But due to poor time and material management the full plan wasn't completed. I learned a lot from this experience about managing a project and time. Along with making a lot of new friends that are practically like family.

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