portfolio a documentation of selected works by Y OKE L IN WONG
projects M Arch Year 2 / Design Thesis (2018) M Arch Year 1 / Studio C (2016) M Arch Year 1 / Studio D (2017) M Arch Year 2 / Studio E (2017) Applied Architectural Technology (2017) AA Visiting School Myanmar (Bamboo Lab) (2017) Model Making (2013-2017)
M Arch Year 2 / Design Thesis (2018) Project Title : acu-func-ture : a series of fun, functional spaces Project Type : Civic, Commercial Supervisors : Warwick Mihaly, Job Gabriels & Eliza Tieman of Mihaly Slocombe Architects
In the context of Maribyrnong suburbia where it no longer serves relevance to the development and the cultural landscape around it, Jack’s Magazine has become defunct and underutilised. The unique landscape and architectural qualities of the site allows the opportunity to continue to build on the narrative of the site, to look at the landscape as built form and habitable entities. With the surrounding demographic being primarily of young families and the turnover of the younger generation, it is apt for the rejuvenation of Jack’s Magazine to be one of renewed community engagement and ownership, unique to the modern heritage and cultural landscape of the present. The existing condition of tenancy spearheaded by the Jack’s Reloaded project opens up potential for Jack’s Magazine for something of self-sustainability to attract small businesses and introduce a casual economic hub outside of the CBD, such as co-working spaces that generate interdisciplinary knowledge. By integrating the demographics and the existing conditions of Jack’s Magazine, a hub that has a place for everyone is conceptualised, and this by combining the aspects of “work, play and learn”. The proposal seeks to explore the possibilities of creative and recreational community engagement through the introduction of a series of fun, selfsustaining, minor acupunctures throughout the site; to redefine the ‘blast’ in blast mound.
blast mound as built form
increase porosity
Having required high regards towards safety hazards in its former use as a gunpowder magazine, the nature of the site and its buildings are protected, heavy and enclosed. The physical characteristics of the site presents potential to use the contour and the surface of the mounds to implement a series of minor acupunctures of varying scales and degrees of publicness, as well as levels of activity onto the site By cutting through the blast mounds, the permeability through the site is increased; by cutting through the magazines, it allows for more specific allocation of spaces as well increased daylight infiltration. This also opens up opportunity for the beautiful interior of the magazines to be displayed.
Civic Spine top: flexible partitioned spaces bottom: conversation pit
The civic spine acts as a tie-in of the programs that houses shared amenities for all the users of the site. The idea is to create connections, whether physical or visual, across the civic spine to create a symbiotic relationship between the different programs disjointed by the blast mounds.
Civic Spine top: first floor plan bottom: section through communal spaces
A variation in spaces of congregation allow the users to have options in going about their activities. These spaces allow flexibility according to user needs and preferences.
Magazines The existing magazines provide the foundation for various means of adaptive reuse, with the qualities of the interior spaces allowing for flexibility for all user groups: business owners, working parents and even children.
Co-working Space top: co-working space bottom: floristry workshop
Tenured office spaces where exchange of knowledge and a variety of business collaborations can occur.
Childcare Centre top: learning space bottom: play area/napping area
Working parents can maintain passive surveillance or be within close proximity to their children. Teaching and learning opportunities with the tenants from the existing artist studio can also occur in this space.
Youth Centre left: youth centre ground floor plans
The youth centre houses a library in the existing magazine, as well as study/work pods carved into the mounds. An option of individual or group pods are scattered around the mound to suit different user needs and working environments.
Youth Centre top: view of youth centre from civic spine bottom: view of playscape from library
Keeping with the idea of overlapping “work play and learn�, a playscape element is injected by implementing rock climbing surfaces on the walls of the pods and surfaces of the mounds to create vibrant and dynamic spaces for its users internally and externally.
Study/Work Pods left: section through study/work pods
Windows and skylights of various sizes are incorporated into the surface of the pods to allow for sufficient light source as well as a different experiences in terms of visual connectivity to the rock climbing surfaces.
M Arch Year 1 / Studio C (2016) Project Title : growth / studio SMALL Project Type : Low-rise multi-residential Supervisors : Yui Uchimura, Jang Yun Kim
This project addresses the issue of a lack of apartment housing diversity for the expansion of families in the Melbourne CBD. This issue results in the difficulty of attracting and retaining families in inner urban areas, not viable for long-term social sustainability. Hence, the proposal of an apartment typology adaptable to the expansion of a family with the challenge of compact living. “Growth� - in a literal sense of the growth of a family, the growth of a family into a home, and the growth of a community. The project proposes the implementation of green pockets, public engagement and community bonding within the building itself, a model that is applicable anywhere within the urban fabric. Using a series of joineries, each unit becomes adaptable to a series of scenarios that cater to the flexibility of a two person lifestyle or the needs of a home for a family. The changes may occur over long periods of time, and as needed to accommodate the growth of its users.
visual permeability
setback from street
privacy from street level
environmental response
spatial hierarchy
inter-level interaction
The volume consists of 2 parts: a public realm on the ground floor, and residentsonly accessible communal spaces and residential units. The circulation is in such a way that residents must pass through communal spaces to get to their units, where residents can also interact with people on other levels through the voids, promoting inter-level interaction.
top: 20-person space bottom: living room and study
Partition The partition houses a study table and two sliding doors, running along a zero clearance track across the width of the unit, partitioning the unit at any point as needed to create different rooms. The space can be transformed into a 20 person entertaining space; by simply pulling out the foldaway table, the space becomes a study and a living room.
top: one full bedroom bottom: two bedrooms separated by shelf
Hideaway Bed & 2-Way Shelf The hideaway bed when not in use can be folded back into its cavity to be flushed with the shelf. By turning out the 2-way shelf, the space is partitioned into 2 bedrooms. The back of the shelf can be repositioned to provide shelves for both bedrooms while maintaining the privacy element of a partition.
top: 4-seater dining table bottom: 8-seater dining table
Dining Table The dining table is extendable as needed with extendable supports and additional tabletop panels.
M Arch Year 1 / Studio D (2017) Project Title : park for the young old / BOOMhouse Project Type : Co-housing Supervisors : Joel Benichou, Sinead Lim
The baby boomer generation is the generation of trial and error, constantly evolving themselves and trying new things, often keeping a healthy lifestyle. Communal living for this generation is not unknown to them and is ideal for them at this point in time as most of the baby boomers are empty nesters and/or experience post-retirement isolation. Living and aging in community provides the social interaction that this generation is accustomed to. A park is a place that has different amenities, often scattered at stations around the park. Incorporating the idea of a park with the aspect of movement and fostering of interaction among the users, the shared spaces of a home are separated out of the block; and while living in a community has its advantages, personal space and a sense of ownership over a space are also important. As the baby boomers are constantly evolving themselves, it is important to allow them the freedom to choose how they may want to spend their time by providing options. Park for the Young Old seeks to find a balance of community and individuality, to coexist in harmony.
floor plan 0
top left: workshop/guest room bottom right: sun room/exercise area
A walking track as walkway is introduced with ample outdoor spaces for the users to meander through the property.
The louvers covering the walkway cast a shadow that helps create a sense of movement. The sun room opens out to an exercise area with a reflexology footpath, varying in usage through winter and summer.
section 0
The kitchen windows open up to the garden, where fresh produce or herbs from the garden can be passed through the window to the kitchen. The windows also serve as conversation and interaction channels.
site plan 0 2 4
s e c t i o n a-a 0
M Arch Year 2 / Studio E (2017) Project Title : producer . produce / The InSignificant Other Project Type : Masterplanning, Mixed-use development Supervisors : Koos de Keijzer, Raymond Mah, Jesse Linardi, Peter Stasios of DKO Architecture
Of the four sites analysed throughout this studio, the final site chosen for this project is located at Fishermans Bend, on the corner of Turner and Ingles St. The site is very much bounded off by the freeway and the bridge. Hence, the proposal would ideally be self-sustainable. The mixed-use development is comprised of residential units, a market and a wildcard program. A wildcard program of urban agriculture is proposed, in keeping with the identity of industry and production of Fishermans Bend, that is able to give back to the existing community in terms of consumption. The proposal introduces urban agriculture with the idea of creating a relationship between producer, production and produce, to foster a sense of community and interaction within the site, as well as to serve as an alternative source of income for the residents. Through masterplanning, the different programs of the project are organised into a hierarchical system that informs the zoning, orientation, function and levels of privacy, all in which work in unison as the locomotive of the “producer - production - produce� cycle.
activation points
civic spine
preliminary arrangement
street hierarchy
secondary spaces
cultivation zones
sunlight requirement
An axis is introduced to enable the circulation through the site from the main street, acting as a civic spine. The axis informs the preliminary arrangement of the buildings and zones. Residential units are arranged with a street hierarchy, forming secondary streets and lanes. There are 2 activation points: the public square and the main cultivation area. Each residential zone frames secondary spaces: independent cultivation areas and communal open spaces. Each zone cultivates different vegetations with different cultivation environments, housing individual food production facility units.
Community left: housing typologies
Variations are provided for the housing typologies which include a difference in height, variation and roof pitch which responds to the environment. This creates different characteristics for each block of units to give a sense of ownership to residents.
produce market
The civic spine acts as a produce market on weekends, where residents can sell their harvest alongside other vendors. This allows for residents to have an alternative income.
communal open spaces
Each zone has secondary spaces which houses communal open spaces. This encourages interaction and communication between the residents, while also allowing the freedom for each individual to go about their own leisurely activities.
Applied Architectural Technology (2017) Project Title : The Lighthouse Supervisor
: Mark Lam
Standing at 348 meters tall, The Lighthouse is designed to maximize northern light and give its corners back to the public in the form of inviting, curved edges at major junctions. The tower features a 20-meter tall podium housing 3 levels of retail spaces and public spaces, with opportunities for green spaces. The Lighthouse is built around a centralized, stepped rectangular core, which allows for a reduced building mass as the tower increases in height. To ensure optimum building efficiency user experience and throughout the year, each floor has a 12 meter depth of office space from the core. With the intention to create a slender and lightweight overall appreance, the composite tube in tube structural typology is used to allow the structural system to be easily integrated behind the faรงade system. A double skin faรงade system is employed for the skyscraper as a response to climatic and aesthetic factors, allowing for a 100% shading solution and glare protection by using both active and passive systems. An overall efficiency of 77.8% was achieved in the 60-floor tower.
02 a4.1
02 a4.1
01 -
01 A5.1
02 A5.1
03 A5.1
04 A5.1
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AA Visiting School Myanmar (Bamboo Lab) (2017) Supervisors : John Naylor, Elena Longhin, U Hla Thaung
Bamboo is widely utilized for daily utensils and implements, as well as temporary structures. However, in today’s Myanmar, bamboo is not generally recognized as a permanent building material. These considerations provide exciting opportunities for establishing the use of this abundant and readily available resource as a key architectural contribution in the development of Myanmar. The AA Bamboo Lab explores the fusion of highly advanced computational design software and sustainable natural lightweight materials, to spawn new architectural opportunities. This design and construction laboratory looks at the application of these new syntheses beyond architecture, to ecological restoration, social development, material infrastructure and the latent creativity these global challenges provide. From design proposals and design software workshops, to handson bamboo handling (cutting, treating) and construction; lectures and workshops led by specialists in the Southeast Asian industry including Seksan Ng and Andry Widyowijatnoko. The project provided endless learning opportunities. Working together with local bamboo carpenters, architects and architecture students, as well as participants from all over the world, an exchange of knowledge and debate between international and local participants provided for a most enriching experience.
Teahouse In groups of 3, we were to design a teahouse reminiscent of a traditional Burmese teahouse in terms of its function as well as the its value to the local community. This proposal will then sit on a site in Bago, where a potential architecture exchange hub would be set up. Many iterations of bamboo structures were tried and tested using bamboo skewers and rubberbands. Once a design was finalised, a digitised model was built on Rhinoceros and Grasshopper, where the feasibility of the proposal was tested out using a series of softwares such as Karamba and Autodesk Flow. The resulting proposal was a single parabolic structure which could expand and contract, replicated and placed around the site as a series of operable shading devices for the communal spaces of the hub.
The proposal was subsequently chosen to be built as a 1:1 physical model for the bamboo construction workshop led by Andry Widyowijatnoko. The design was later adopted by the local participants in building an entrance gateway for the AMA Architect’s Fair 2017-2018.
Model Making (2013-2017)
A compilation of physical models made from 2013-2017 throughout undergraduate and postgraduate studies. •
park for the young old Physical Model M Arch Year 1 / Studio D
AAMI Park Facade and Construction Details Building Construction
Belum Rainforest Resort Site Model B.Sc Year 2 / Design Studio 4
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes Detailed Model Measured Drawing
park for the young old: Balsa wood White modelling board AAMI Park: Acetate Styrene rods Styrene I-beams White modelling board
Belum Rainforest Resort: Brown card Brown board Bamboo skewers Corrugated board Dried coconut husk
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes: Lasercut and manual Polymer clay White modelling card White modelling board