The Oracle Written and edited by the students of Woodberry Forest School Woodberry  Forest,  Va
September 2, 2011
Volume  CX,  No.  #1
Welcome  Back  to  the  Woods! Damien  Chang  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12 Oracle  Editor  in  Chief  To  the  New  Boys,  welcome  to  your  home  for  the  next  four  years.  ,I WKLV LV \RXU ÂżUVW WLPH RQ FDPSXV then  the  school  might  seem  like  an  LQWLPLGDWLQJO\ ODUJH SODFH 'RQÂśW ZRUU\ WKRXJK \RXÂśOO JHW WR NQRZ :RRGEHUU\ TXLUNV VXFK DV SHS rallies,  black  ties  and  our  football  chants,  like  the  back  of  your  hand  soon  enough.  If  you  feel  overwhelmed,  KDYH QR IHDU 7KHUH DUH WRQV RI SHR- SOH KHUH UHDG\ WR KHOS \RX JHW XVHG to  your  new  home  away  from  home.  Teachers  are  always  available  to  KHOS \RX DFDGHPLFDOO\ DQG \RXU hall  mates  will  soon  be  like  your  EURWKHUV <RXÂśOO ERQG RYHU WRXJK SUREOHP VHWV DQG UHVHDUFK SDSHUV DV ZHOO DV WULSV WR WKH ULYHU <RXÂśOO ÂżQG WKDW :RRGEHUU\ LV D FRPPXQLW\ unlike  any  other.  The  Old  Boys  on  the  other  KDQG DOUHDG\ NQRZ ZKDW WKH\ÂśUH getting  into.  Woodberry  is  still  Woodberry,  though  there  have  been  some  changes  since  we  left  in  June.  Many  of  our  science  buffs,  and  es- SHFLDOO\ 0U -DFREV ZLOO EH KDSS\ to  know  that  work  has  begun  on  the  new  science  building  behind  Terry  house.   After  many  delays  it  seems  WKDW ZHÂśOO ÂżQDOO\ KDYH RXU QHZ VWDWH of  the  art  facilities.  On  a  more  mundane  note,  WKH SLSHV DQG JUHDVH WUDSV IRU WKH kitchens  became  so  rusted  over  the  summer  that  Tiger  Square  and  the  ODZQ KDG WR EH WRUQ XS LQ RUGHU WR
Some  WFS  staff  members  open  their  arms  to  incoming  students UHSODFH WKH SLSHV 7KDWÂśV ZK\ WKHUH DUH SDWFKHV RI UDZ GLUW DOO RYHU WKH lawn  in  front  of  Anderson  and  the  dining  hall. %DVHEDOO SOD\HUV ZLOO EH KDSS\ WR NQRZ WKDW ZRUN KDV EHJXQ RQ WKH QHZ EXOOSHQV DQG EDWWLQJ WXQQHO 2XU WHQQLV SOD\HUV PLJKW QRW EH DV KDSS\ EHFDXVH WKH WHQQLV courts  that  used  to  be  behind  Terry  are  now  being  rebuilt  behind  John- son  Stadium,  greatly  increasing  the  ZDONLQJ GLVWDQFH WR DIWHUQRRQ SUDF- WLFHV LQ WKH VSULQJ EXW ORFDWLQJ DOO RXU VSRUWV IDFLOLWLHV LQ RQH SODFH  Old  Boys  can  attest  to  the  IDFW WKDW SHUKDSV WKH PRVW VLJQLÂż- cant  work  done  over  the  summer  was  the  renovation  of  the  Turner  bathrooms.  Once  reviled  as  one  of  WKH IRXOHVW SODFHV RQ FDPSXV WKH new  bathrooms  will  make  living  conditions  for  the  freshmen  much Â
more  bearable. 1RQH RI WKLV ZRXOG EH SRV- sible  without  the  dedication  of  the  Woodberry  staff  who  worked  tire- lessly  over  the  hot  summer.  103  IXOO WLPH DQG PRUH WKDQ SDUW time  workers   ensure  the  smooth  RSHUDWLRQ RI WKH VFKRRO LQ VXFK GLI- IHUHQW DUHDV DV WKH SRVW RIÂżFH ZDWHU WUHDWPHQW SODQW DQG WKH JROI FRXUVH In  addition  to  the  more  traditional  ZRUNHUV :RRGEHUU\ DOVR HPSOR\V WZR SURIHVVLRQDO IDUP PDQDJHUV D horticulturist  and  a  nationally  rec- ognized  mason.   Many  of  the  staff  have  worked  at  Woodberry  Forest  for  de- cades,  some  of  them  carrying  on  a  tradition  of  loyal  service  begun  by  WKHLU SDUHQWV RU HYHQ JUDQGSDUHQWV 0RVW RI WKHP KDYH GHHS URRWV LQ Madison  and  Orange  Counties,  and  many  of  their  families  are  linked  by Â
blood  and  marriage.  Others  come  from  as  far  as  Romania  and  Viet- QDP EXW WKH\ DUH DOO JUHDW SHRSOH with  incredible  stories  to  tell  if  you  just  ask  them.   Some  are  very  close  with  the  students.  Mr.  Frank  Schettinl,  who  is  in  the  middle  of  his  fourth  year  in  the  school  kitchen,  says  that  â&#x20AC;&#x153;you  can  get  a  bond  going  with  the  students  once  you  get  to  know  their  names.â&#x20AC;?  And  Mrs.  Brenda  Jack- son,  who  is  now  in  her  ninth  year  of  food  service  at  the  Forest,  says  â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  like  working  with  the  students  and  I  QHYHU KDYH DQ\ SUREOHPV , WHOO WKHP all  good  morning  and  give  them  a  VPLOH ´ 7KHVH SHRSOH DQG RWKHUV like  Mr.  Heath  in  Food  Services,  Tracey  down  at  the  gym,  French  LQ +RXVHNHHSLQJ *DU\ RQ WKH JROI FRXUVH RU &DOYLQ RQ *URXQGV NHHS Woodberry  running  smoothly  all  year  around.  Regardless  of  whether  this  LV \RXU ÂżUVW \HDU RU \RXU IRXUWK \HDU say  thanks  to  the  staff  members  who  PDNH WKH :RRGEHUU\ H[SHULHQFH what  it  is.  And  while  they  work  hard,  we  too  have  our  work  cut  out  for  XV ,WÂśV D ORQJ WLPH XQWLO 0D\ ZLWK D ORW ZH QHHG WR DFFRPSOLVK :HÂśOO ZLQ VRPH WR WKH *RRQV RQFH DJDLQ to  be  sure  but  may  lose  a  few  others  DORQJ WKH ZD\ :HÂśOO KDYH SOHQW\ RI XSV DQG GRZQV %H DVVXUHG WKRXJK WKH :RRGEHUU\ H[SHULHQFH LV WUXO\ D unique  and  rewarding  one.  So  from  all  of  us  here  at  The  Oracle,  wel- come  to  the  Forest!
New  and  Old  Faces Edward  Bailey  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13 Oracle  Editor  As  we  all  return  to  Wood- berry  for  another  year  full  of  study- LQJ DQG VSRUWV ZH ZHOFRPH WKH familiar  faces  of  friends,  class- PDWHV DQG IDFXOW\ ZKR KHOS EULQJ WKH VFKRRO WR OLIH %XW LW ZRXOGQÂśW EH FRPSOHWH ZLWKRXW WKH PDQ\ QHZ faces,  known  in  Woodberry  Forest  tradition  as  â&#x20AC;&#x153;New  Boys.â&#x20AC;?  This  year  the  Forest  welcomes  a  very  diverse  JURXS RI 1HZ %R\V IURP DOO DURXQG WKH ZRUOG 7KH ODUJHVW JURXS strong,  comes  from  North  Carolina.  Virginia,  is  close  behind  with  28.  2WKHU VWDWHV UHSUHVHQWHG UDQJH IURP California  and  Washington  State  to  New  York  and  Massachusetts,  not  to  mention  eighteen  other  countries.  Mr.  Jason  Slade,  newly  installed  as  WKH $VVLVWDQW 'LUHFWRU IRU (QUROO- ment  Management  and  Internation- al  Admissions  (and  coordinator  of  WKH DPD]LQJ VSULQJ EDUEHFXH FRP- SHWLWLRQ ZDV H[FLWHG WR PHQWLRQ that  Woodberry  will  have  an  11.3%  international  student  body  this  year,  with  New  Boys  from  Mexico,  Can- ada,  South  Africa,  China,  South  .RUHD WKH &]HFK 5HSXEOLF 9LHW- QDP DQG -DSDQ  Roman  Pivovarnik,  an  ex- FKDQJH VWXGHQW SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ WKH $66,67 SURJUDP MRLQV XV DOO WKH ZD\ IURP WKH &]HFK 5HSXEOLF 7KH $66,67 SURJUDP DOORZV IRU RQH H[- FHSWLRQDO (XURSHDQ VWXGHQW D \HDU to  come  and  learn  about  American  FXOWXUH 5RPDQ DSSOLHG EHFDXVH KH ZDQWHG WR H[SORUH WKH ZRUOG HVSH- cially  the  U.S.  Roman  has  been  an  DFWLYH SDUWLFLSDQW LQ HDUO\ IRRWEDOO
DPD]LQJ DOO ZLWK KLV EOD]LQJ VSHHG and  tireless  work  ethic.  As  in  years  SDVW :RRGEHUU\ ZLOO KRVW WKUHH boys  from  all  boys  boarding  schools  in  South  Africa:  Baba  Adejuyigbe,  Lonwabo  Mgoduso,  and  James  Barton-ÂBridges  are  joining  us  from  Hilton  College,  Michaelhouse,  and  6W -RKQÂśV &ROOHJH UHVSHFWLYHO\ where  we  are  sending  some  of  our  own  students  in  exchange.   With  Mr.  Joe  Coleman  be- FRPLQJ WKH QHZ 'HDQ RI 6WXGHQWV Mr.  Harrison  Stuart,  a  1998  gradu- ate  of  Woodberry  from  Lexington,  .HQWXFN\ EHFRPHV WKH 'HDQ RI $GPLVVLRQV +H WRRN RYHU WKH SRVW from  Mr.  Coleman  in  July  and  has  EHHQ UXQQLQJ DW IXOO VSHHG HYHU since.  Like  Mr.  Coleman  and  Mr.  Slade,  Mr.  Stuart  knows  Wood- berry  well  and  communicates  his  SDVVLRQ DV KH PHHWV ZLWK SURVSHF- tive  students.  As  a  student,    Stuart  SOD\HG IRRWEDOO IRU IRXU \HDUV UDQ WUDFN DQG SOD\HG WHQQLV 3HUKDSV PRVW SURXGO\ KH UHFDOOV EHLQJ D VL[WK IRUP FDVW PHPEHU LQ WKH SOD\ 1776,  directed  by  Mr.  Blain.   After  JUDGXDWLQJ IURP +DPSGHQ 6\GQH\ 0U 6WXDUW ZHQW RQ WR EH WKH 'LUHF- WRU RI 2SHUDWLRQV DW WKH (SLVFRSDO School  of  Knoxville  and  then  came  back  to  Woodberry  to  serve  as  the  director  of  alumni  affairs  where  KHÂśV EHHQ IRU WZR \HDUV +H OLYHV with  his  wife  and  two  young  sons  in  D KRXVH ULJKW RII FDPSXV 0U 6WXDUW recalls  coming  in  as  a  third  former  and  recommends  that  all  new  boys  ³WDNH DGYDQWDJH RI WKH HQGOHVV RS- SRUWXQLWLHV \RX KDYH DW :RRGEHUU\ We  are  blessed  with  wonderful  fac-Â
2-3:  FEATURES  4-5:  HUMOUR Woodberry  reacts  to  recent,  record  earthquake
New  Boy  3th  former  Michell  Nader  from  Mexican ulty,  the  best  facilities,  and  amazing  classmates  to  make  great  relation- VKLSV ZLWK ´ ,I \RX DUH HYHU KDQJ- LQJ DURXQG WKH DGPLVVLRQV RIÂżFHV , ZRXOG VWURQJO\ UHFRPPHQG VWRS- SLQJ E\ 0U 6WXDUWÂśV RIÂżFH WR VD\ hello  and  ask  for  a  new  Woodberry  mint.  Those  white  and  orange  mints  are  amazing.  The  2011-Â12  academic  year  will  begin  with  an  enrollment  of  VWXGHQWV RQH RI WKH ODUJHVW HYHU LQ :RRGEHUU\ÂśV KLVWRU\ 2I WKH New  Boys,  89  will  be  entering  as  UG IRUPHUV DV WK IRUPHUV DQG 9  as  5th  formers,  an  unusually  high  DPRXQW 0DQ\ KDYH DOUHDG\ SURYHQ LQYDOXDEOH LQ WKH HDUO\ SUDFWLFHV IRU football,  soccer,  and  cross-Âcountry.  One  of  the  handful  of  New  Boy  5th  IRUPHUV 'RXJ 5DQGROSK VD\V KHÂśV SV\FKHG DERXW KLV 1HZ %R\ \HDU and  announced  that  early  ball  was  great  â&#x20AC;&#x153;  because  you  can  get  to  know  some  guys  before  academics  start.â&#x20AC;?   For  the  handful  of  3rd  form- HUV ZKR KDYH FRPH WR FDPSXV IRU early  ball,  New  Boy  Sunday  will Â
New  Boy  5th  former  football  player  Doug  Randolph IHHO OLNH WKH PLGGOH RI WKH \HDU (YHQ though  most  of  their  teammates  are  older  than  they  are,  Andrew  Schof- ner,  Nate  Ingram  and  Benjamin  Carson  all  agree  that  everyone  has  EHHQ ÂłYHU\ DFFHSWLQJ RI WKH 1HZ Boysâ&#x20AC;?  and  they  feel  as  if  Woodber- ry  has  already  become  their  home.  &OHDUO\ WKH IRRWEDOO SOD\HUV KDYH EHHQ YHU\ VXSSRUWLYH DQG ZHOFRP- LQJ WR WKHVH VSHFLDO UG IRUPHUV DQG DUH IROORZLQJ WKH H[DPSOH RI WKHLU FDSWDLQV ,I 1HZ %R\ +RXVWRQ %X- chard  thinks  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rogers  [Clark]  is  soft  and  gentleâ&#x20AC;?  and  HT  Minor  believes  that  under  all  his  muscle,  â&#x20AC;&#x153;  [Nate]  5LSSHU LV D FXWH KXJH VZDJJHG out  teddy  bear,â&#x20AC;?  you  know  all  of  the  Old  Boys  must  be  making  these  little  Bengals  feel  right  at  home.  All  in  all  the  New  Boy  FODVV RI ORRNV H[FHSWLRQ- DOO\ SURPLVLQJ ,W ZRQÂśW EH ORQJ until  they  cut  those  black  ties  and  become  more  of  the  familiar  faces  ZH GHSHQG XSRQ WR EULQJ OLIH WR RXU school.
In  This  Issue...
Bachelor  of  the  Issue:  Rogers  Clark
Abroad  trip  recounts:  Oxford,  Scotland,  Spain,  CASA
London  Riots:  Britian  reacts  violently  to  exposed  corruption
James  Crabb   TXDOL¿HV IRU olympic  trials
12:  SPORTS Early  ball  kicks  off  fall  sports
Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  Note  Welcome  back  everybody!  Summer  was  an  entire  three  PRQWKV EXW RXU VSULQJ exams  seem  like  just  yesterday.  Most  of  us  KDYH PDQDJHG WR NHHS busy  with  summer  jobs,  study  abroad  WULSV WR (XURSH DQG 6RXWK $PHULFD DQG KRXUV RI VOHHS ZH VRUHO\ PLVVHG ZKLOH DW :RRGEHUU\ %XW now  the  real  work  begins  as  we  get  back  into  the  swing  of  the  academic  schedule.  To  the  New  Boys:  welcome  to  our  commu- QLW\ :H DOO KRSH \RXÂśOO ÂżQG LW DV ZDUP DQG LQ- YLWLQJ DV ZH GLG ZKHQ ZH ÂżUVW DUULYHG KHUH 6RRQ HQRXJK \RXÂśOO IHHO DW KRPH DQG WKH )RUHVW ZLOO grow  on  you  as  it  did  for  the  rest  of  us. 7R WKH VHQLRUV LWÂśV QR H[DJJHUDWLRQ WR VD\ that  it  seems  like  just  yesterday  that  the  class  of  ¿UVW VWHSSHG RQ FDPSXV %XW WKDW ZDV UHDO- O\ WKUHH \HDUV DJR DQG WLPH KDV Ă&#x20AC;RZQ 7KDW ÂżUVW year  they  managed  to  crowd  us  all  onto  Taylor  and  Turner;Íž  this  year  the  school  had  to  convert  $ 'RUP LQWR D VHQLRU KDOO MXVW WR ÂżQG VSDFH IRU XV DOO :H RQFH ORRNHG XS WR WKH OLNHV RI :LOOLDP 'H0LFKDHOLV DQG /DQFH 0XQJHU DV OHDGHUV RQ RXU dorms,  but  now  there  will  be  a  new  set  of  fresh- PHQ ORRNLQJ XS WR XV $QG WR DOO WKH 2OG %R\V OHWÂśV WU\ WR EXLOG RQ WKH VXFFHVVHV RI ODVW \HDU ZKHWKHU LWÂśV LQ WKH FODVV- URRP RQ WKH SOD\LQJ ÂżHOG RU GRZQ RQ :DONHU &HQWHU /HWÂśV PDNH WKLV RXU EHVW \HDU VR IDU *RRG luck  to  everyone!
  The  Oracle  Staff Editor-ÂIn-ÂChief:  'DPLHQ &KDQJ Senior  Layout  Editor:  0F*UHJRU -R\QHU Assistant  Editors: Collier  Connell McKenzie  Folan (GZDUG %DLOH\ Faulkner  Hereford Isaac  Keohane JaeWon  Yoon
Writers  who  contributed  to  this  issue:  (GZDUG %DLOH\ 'DPLHQ &KDQJ -XQ &KR &ROOLHU &RQQHOO Teddy  Corwin,  McKenzie  Folan,  Jack  Fuller,  Faulkner  +HUHIRUG 0F*UHJRU -R\QHU ,VDDF .HRKDQH :LOVRQ .XK- QHO $OYDUR 0DUWLQ ,DQ 0F'RZHOO /RJDQ 5D¿HOG -DFN Sewell,  Addison  Winston,  JaeWon  Yoon
Faculty  Advisors: Mrs.  Karen  Jordan Mr.  Peter  Cashwell
The  strength  of  the  Virginia  earthquake  compared  to  that  of  the  Ja- pan  one,
(DUWKTXDNH 6WULNHV 1HDU :RRGEHUU\ The  Oracle  Staff $V HDUO\ SUDFWLFHV EHJDQ here  at  Woodberry,  the  community  IRXQG LWVHOI LQ WKH LPSUREDEOH SRVL- tion  of  being  near  the  center  of  the  most  noteworthy  seismic  event  of  the  late  summer.  Instead  of  some- ZKHUH RQ WKH 3DFLÂżF 5LP ZKHUH WKH motion  of  the  earth  is  a  common- SODFH HYHQW WKH IRUFHV GHHS LQVLGH RXU SODQHW EXUVW IRUWK SUDFWLFDOO\ LQ :RRGEHUU\ÂśV RZQ EDFN \DUG  On  the  afternoon  of  Tues- day,  August  23rd,  the  town  of  Min- eral,  Virginia  became  the  unlikely  HSLFHQWHU RI DQ HDUWKTXDNH UHJLV- tering  5.8  on  the  Richter  scale,  the  PRVW SRZHUIXO WUHPRU UHFRUGHG LQ WKH VWDWH $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH 86 *HR- ORJLFDO 6XUYH\ÂśV RQOLQH VXPPDU\ of  the  event,  the  quake  could  be  IHOW IURP FHQWUDO *HRUJLD WR FHQWUDO Maine,  and  as  far  west  as  Chicago.   Injuries  were  minimal,  WKRXJK SURSHUW\ GDPDJH ZDV UH- SRUWHG LQ D QXPEHU RI DUHDV LQFOXG- LQJ :DVKLQJWRQ '& ZKHUH WKH National  Cathedral  lost  some  of  its  decorative  stonework  and  a  four- IRRW FUDFN DSSHDUHG RQ WKH :DVK- ington  Monument.  At  the  Universi- W\ RI 0DU\ODQGÂśV 0F.HOGLQ /LEUDU\ an  estimated  27,000  books  fell  off  the  shelves,  though  the  Orange  County  Public  Library,  less  than  30  PLOHV IURP WKH HSLFHQWHU UHSRUWHG no  books  falling  at  all.  In  many  SODFHV DORQJ WKH HDVW FRDVW UHVL- dents  unfamiliar  with  earthquakes  SDQLFNHG UXVKLQJ RXWVLGH DQG LQ VRPH FDVHV LQWR JUHDWHU GDQJHU while  those  driving  cars  at  the  time  were  largely  unaware  of  the  quake  XQWLO ODWHU ZKHQ FHOO SKRQH VHUYLFH EHFDPH GLVUXSWHG E\ WKH QXPEHUV RI SHRSOH IUDQWLFDOO\ FDOOLQJ RQH DQ- other  about  the  quake.  The  greatest  concern  for  PDQ\ ZDV WKH TXDNHÂśV SUR[LPLW\ to  the  Lake  Anna  Nuclear  Power  Plant,  which  is  designed  to  with- stand  a  shock  measuring  6.2  on  the  5LFKWHU VFDOH 7KRXJK SRZHU WR WKH SODQW ZDV VKXW GRZQ WKUHH RI LWV four  emergency  generators  started  DXWRPDWLFDOO\ SURYLGLQJ HQRXJK SRZHU IRU WKH SODQW WR RSHUDWH LWV cooling  systems  safely.  Most  cus- tomers  in  central  Virginia  did  not  ORVH SRZHU DW DOO  Here  at  the  Forest,  many Â
HDUO\ IRRWEDOO SOD\HUV ZHUH QDS- SLQJ EHWZHHQ VWUHQXRXV ZRUNRXWV $ FRXSOH IHOO RXW RI WKHLU WRS EXQNV in  Walker  as  the  trembling  com- menced.  Out  on  the  main  quad,  staff  PHPEHUV FDPH Ă&#x20AC;RRGLQJ RXW RI DOO the  buildings,  wondering  what  on  (DUWK RU XQGHU LW KDG KDSSHQHG :RRGEHUU\ÂśV &KLHI )LQDQFLDO 2I- ¿FHU (ULF &KDÂżQ TXLFNO\ HPHUJHG IURP KLV RIÂżFH WR VXUYH\ WKH VFHQH for  any  injuries  or  damages.  The  quake  led  Senior  Mas- ter  Paul  Huber  to  consider  both  the  HYHQW DQG LWV FRQWH[W Âł, WKLQN LWÂśV LQ- WHUHVWLQJ WR FRPSDUH WKH PDJQLWXGH RI \HVWHUGD\ÂśV HDUWKTXDNH ZLWK WKH magnitude  of  the  really  big  earth- quakes  like  the  one  that  caused  the  WVXQDPL LQ -DSDQ ´ ZURWH 0U +X- ber  to  the  First  Class  News  folder.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Because  the  Richter  magnitude  VFDOH LQGLFDWLQJ WKH DPSOLWXGH RI the  waves  measured  by  the  seis- PRJUDSK LV D EDVH ORJDULWKPLF scale,  an  earthquake  that  registers  at  7.0  is  ten  times  greater  in  terms  RI WKH DPSOLWXGH RI WKH ZDYHV WKDQ an  earthquake  that  registers  at  6.0.  However,  a  7.0  earthquake  releases  31.6  times  as  much  energy  as  a  6.0  earthquake.   Because  the  scale  is  logarithmic,  each  difference  of  0.2  LQGLFDWHV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ D GRXEOLQJ of  the  amount  of  energy  released.   â&#x20AC;&#x153;If  my  calculations  (com- SDULQJ D HDUWKTXDNH ZLWK D HDUWKTXDNH DUH FRUUHFW WKH -DSDQ earthquake  was  1585  times  greater  LQ DPSOLWXGH DQG UHOHDVHG times  as  much  energy.  (These  num- bers  are  not  exact  since  the  starting  ¿JXUHV RI DQG DUH DSSUR[L- mate,  and  a  small  difference  in  the  VWDUWLQJ ÂżJXUHV FDQ PDNH D VXEVWDQ- tial  difference  in  the  outcome  of  the  calculations.  However,  I  think  this  KHOSV WR SXW \HVWHUGD\ÂśV HDUWKTXDNH LQ SHUVSHFWLYH FRPSDUHG ZLWK WKH FDWDVWURSKLF HDUWKTXDNHV WKDW ZH UHDG DERXW LQ WKH QHZVSDSHUV ´  Woodberry  residents  con- WLQXHG WR IHHO DIWHUVKRFNV RI VLJQLÂż- FDQW VWUHQJWK IRU WKH QH[W FRXSOH RI days,  unnerving  even  the  bravest  of  early-Âballers.  With  any  luck,  earth- quakes  in  the  central  Virginia  area  will  remain  very  rare,  and  very  mi- nor,  inconveniences,  but  those  who  H[SHULHQFHG WKH 0LQHUDO TXDNH ÂżUVW hand  may  now  have  a  better  under- standing  of  how  lucky  they  are. Â
%C?RSPCQ Teachers  Travel  Too Karen  Jordan Oracle  Faculty  Advisor  Just  as  many  Woodberry  VWXGHQWV WRRN Ă&#x20AC;LJKW WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ HGXFDWLRQDO SURJUDPV DURXQG WKH world,  some  Woodberry  faculty  also  traveled  together  for  an  educational  SURJUDP $ORQJ ZLWK 'U DQG 0UV &DPSEHOO VL[ :)6 IRONV FURVVHG the  Atlantic  at  the  beginning  of  July  VSHFLÂżFDOO\ WR DWWHQG WKH DQQXDO ,Q- ternational  Boys  School  Coalition  Conference  hosted  by  the  City  of  London  School  for  Boys.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Culbertson,  Mr.  Ted  Blain,  0U 5REHUW .HQGDOO DQG 'U DQG 0UV -RUGDQ DOO UHSRUW WKDW WKH\ KDG D YHU\ UHZDUGLQJ H[SHULHQFH DW WKH conference,  and  they  agreed  that  /RQGRQ VXUH ZDVQÂśW D EDG SODFH WR VSHQG VRPH WLPH HLWKHU  The  City  of  London  School  &/6 LWVHOI ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG LQ WKH PLG ÂśV DQG KDV RFFXSLHG at  least  three  different  buildings  within  the  City  limits  since  then.  Its  SUHVHQW ORFDWLRQ DORQJ WKH 7KDPHV River,  immediately  adjacent  to  the  dramatic  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Millennium  Bridgeâ&#x20AC;?  and  GLUHFWO\ LQ IURQW RI 6W 3DXOÂśV &DWKH- GUDO HPSKDVL]HV LWV LPSRUWDQFH DV an  integral  force  in  British  educa- tion  and  culture.  All  the  boys  com- mute  to  school,  right  in  the  center  RI WKLV ZRUOG FDSLWRO YLD SXEOLF WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ RU ZDONLQJ MXVW OLNH WKH FRVPRSROLWDQ H[HFXWLYHV DQG world  leaders  that  many  of  its  â&#x20AC;&#x153;old  citizensâ&#x20AC;?  will  eventually  become.  While  the  surroundings  FRXOGQÂśW EH PRUH GLIIHUHQW IURP Woodberry  Forest  School,  the  as- SLUDWLRQV RI WKH &/6 IDFXOW\ DQG indeed  all  the  teachers  from  more  WKDQ OHDGLQJ ER\VÂś VFKRROV IURP around  the  world,  were  remarkably  VLPLODU 2YHU GHOHJDWHV FRQ- vened  from  Australia,  New  Zea- land,  South  Africa,  Canada,  Singa- SRUH 7DLZDQ WKH 86 DQG %ULWDLQ WR KHDU VSHDNHUV DQG SDUWLFLSDWH LQ ZRUNVKRSV GHYRWHG WR XQGHUVWDQG- ing  more  about  boys  and  how  they  OHDUQ EHVW )RU IRXU GD\V VSHDN- ers  addressed  issues  ranging  from  understanding  neural  connections  LQ ER\VÂś EUDLQV WKDW PDNH WKHP SURFHVV LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG HPRWLRQV differently  than  girls  to  new  tech- QRORJLHV WR KHOS WHDFKHUV FRPSLOH course  syllabi.  One  of  the  most  dynam- LF VSHDNHUV ZDVQÂśW HYHQ RQ WKH VFKHGXOH 7KH JURXS ZDV IRUWXQDWH
enough  to  have  Boris  Johnson,  the  VWRULHG PD\RU RI /RQGRQ SRS LQ WR VSHDN WR WKH JURXS IRU DERXW minutes  during  the  Monday  morn- ing  convocation.  The  highly  con- WURYHUVLDO FKDULVPDWLF SROLWLFLDQ FHUWDLQO\ OLYHG XS WR KLV UHSXWDWLRQ DV KH VSRNH H[WHPSRUDQHRXVO\ EXW SDVVLRQDWHO\ DERXW ER\VÂś HGXFDWLRQ He  claimed  the  best  way  to  solve  DOO WKH SUREOHPV RI ER\VÂś HGXFDWLRQ DQG \RXWK YLROHQFH LV WR ÂłVPDVK XS all  the  Playstations  and  make  every  ER\ SUDFWLFH WZR KRXUV RI UXJE\ D day.â&#x20AC;?  Like  all  the  students  on  :RRGEHUU\ DEURDG SURJUDPV WKLV summer,  the  teachers  had  a  chance  WR PL[ VRPH SOHDVXUH ZLWK WKHLU HGXFDWLRQDO H[SHULHQFH 7KH ,%6& directors  had  organized  an  elegant  dinner  cruise  down  the  Thames  5LYHU WR *UHHQZLFK DQG EDFN RQH night.  Another  night  delegates  were  KRVWHG DW D SDUW\ JLYHQ E\ WKH &LW\ guild  masters  at  the  historic  13th  FHQWXU\ *XLOGKDOO XVXDOO\ UHVHUYHG for  international  dignitaries  and  elite  delegations.  And  of  course,  just  being  in  London  was  enter- tainment  in  itself  where  the  faculty  VWD\HG LQ WKH QHZO\ RSHQHG 3DUN Plaza  hotel  on  the  South  Bank,  overlooking  Westminster  Bridge  and  Big  Ben.   All  the  travelers  managed  to  lengthen  their  stays  either  before  or  after  the  Conference  too.  The  &DPSEHOOV YLVLWHG VWXGHQWV RQ WKH 2[IRUG SURJUDP ZKLOH YLVLWLQJ WKH (QJOLVK FRXQWU\VLGH 7KH &XOEHUW- sons  included  site  visits  to  Wood- EHUU\ LQ 6SDLQ DQG 2[IRUG DORQJ ZLWK D FRXSOH PRUH ZHHNV RI YDFD- tion  on  the  Continent.  Mr.  Kendall  VSHQW DQRWKHU ZHHN DW KLV VLVWHUÂśV home  in  Surrey  where  he  joined  his  VRQ $OHF Âľ ZKR KDG MXVW FRP- SOHWHG WKH :RRGEHUU\ LQ 6FRWODQG SURJUDP 0U %ODLQ VSHQW D IHZ more  days  in  London  where  he  met  XS ZLWK VRPH :RRGEHUU\ DOXPQL and  took  in  lots  of  British  culture.  The  Jordans  celebrated  their  30th  wedding  anniversary  fast-Âtraining  it  around  the  Benelux.  Woodberry  is  indeed  for- WXQDWH WR KDYH VR PDQ\ RSSRUWXQL- ties  for  international  travel  for  both  its  faculty  as  well  as  students.  The  time-Âhonored  maxim,  â&#x20AC;&#x153;To  whom  PXFK LV JLYHQ PXFK LV H[SHFWHG´ stands  as  a  challenge  for  us  all  to  make  good  use  of  all  we  have  learned.
:&) 6XPPHU (GLWLRQ McKenzie  Folan  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13 Oracle  Editor 5DJJHU WKH ORGJH SRUFK XS- SHU EXQN KRXVH (LOHHQÂśV 3LHV $O- OLHÂśV *HQHUDO 6WRUHÂŤ WKH OLVW JRHV on  and  on.  Only  those  from  Wood- EHUU\ ZKR VSHQW D ZHHN DW 0DUWKDÂśV 9LQH\DUG ZLWK WKH )2&86 SURJUDP this  summer  would  understand  what  any  of  these  words  mean.  From  rag- ger,  a  cross  between  lacrosse  and  KDQGEDOO WR WKH GHOLFLRXV SLHV WKDW DUH PDGH IUHVK DW (LOHHQÂśV HYHU\ GD\ DQ HQWLUH ZHHN RQ 0DUWKDÂśV Vineyard  is  always  one  to  remem- ber.  7KH &KULVWLDQ FDPS $X- gust  Week  One  (actually  the  fourth  WKURXJK WKH HOHYHQWK ZDV DWWHQGHG PRVWO\ E\ ER\V DIÂżOLDWHG ZLWK WKH
into  town,  dodgeball  and  cornhole  WRXUQDPHQWV VDLOLQJ H[SHGLWLRQV SDGGOH ERDUGLQJ DQG SXWW SXWW  A  favorite  activity  for  all  of  the  boys,  however,  was  a  game  FDOOHG +XQW WKH 6S\ (DFK %LEOH 6WXG\ JURXS RI DERXW VHYHQ NLGV served  as  a  team.  Their  objective  ZDV WR ÂżQG DOO RI WKH OHDGHUV ZKR had  disguised  themselves  and  were  hidden  throughout  town.  All  that  WKH WHDPV ZHUH JLYHQ ZDV D PDS RI the  boundary  lines,  and  they  were  off.  Once  a  team  discovered  a  lead- HU RQH PHPEHU RI WKH JURXS ZRXOG get  a  signature  on  the  back  of  his  RU KHU PDS ZKLFK FRQWDLQHG WKH names  of  every  leader.  The  team  with  the  most  signatures  at  the  end  of  the  game  won.  What  made  the  game  so  interesting  were  some  of Â
Several  of  the  boys   at  Marthaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  Vineyard :RRGEHUU\ &KULVWLDQ )HOORZVKLS 7KLV OLVW LQFOXGHG ULVLQJ VRSKRPRUHV 9DQFH 6SLOPDQ %DQNV +DJRRG (ULF :D\V -DPLH 7XUQHU -RVK +LOO- iary,  Thomas  Taylor,  Taylor  Man- ley,  rising  juniors  Will  Tucker,  Sam  Miller,  and  McKenzie  Folan,  and  rising  seniors  Nelson  Williams  and  Wallace  Branche,  as  well  as  recent  JUDGXDWH &KULVWLDQ 'D\ $ORQJ ZLWK the  Woodberry  crowd  came  a  vast   number  of  Richmond  students  from  St.  Chris,  Collegiate,  and  a  few  oth- er  schools  who  are  involved  in  their  RZQ )2&86 JURXSV
the  costumes  featured,  which  in- FOXGHG D VKULPS D JUHDV\ ¿VKHU- PDQ D KRER DQ ROG FULSSOHG ODG\ aerobics  instructors,  two  guys  in  a  FDQRH D UXQQHU D WUHH DQG SURE- ably  the  most  near  and  dear  to  our  hearts,  Jimmy  Tull  as  a  baby.  While  no  one  exactly  discovered  who  HQGHG XS ZLQQLQJ HDFK WHDP UHDOO\ enjoyed  searching  for  the  leaders.  As  the  week  came  to  a  close,  it  was  hard  to  say  goodbye  to  WKH SHRSOH WKDW HDFK RQH RI XV KDG become  miraculously  close  to.  The  HQWLUH H[SHULHQFH KHOSHG XV JURZ
7KH &LW\ RI /RQGRQ 6FKRRO IRU %R\V ZZZ Ă&#x20AC;LFNU FRP Sam  Miller  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13  and  Banks  Hagood  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14  pose  with  a  group  of  girls  For  the  entire  week,  the  boys  (along  with  lots  of  very  attractive  JLUOV OLVWHQHG WR WDONV DERXW GLI- IHUHQW DVSHFWV RI WKH &KULVWLDQ IDLWK KHDUG WHVWLPRQLHV IURP OHDGHUVÂś SHUVRQDO H[SHULHQFHV LQ WKHLU RZQ lives,  delved  into  the  Bible  in  small  JURXSV DQG HQMR\HG KDYLQJ IXQ H[- SORULQJ HYHU\WKLQJ WKDW 0DUWKDÂśV Vineyard  has  to  offer.  These  daily  DFWLYLWLHV LQFOXGHG VKRSSLQJ WULSV
FORVH WR SHRSOH ZH KDG QHYHU PHW EHIRUH DQG VWUHQJWKHQ UHODWLRQVKLSV that  we  had  already  built  at  Wood- berry.  In  just  one  week,  many  of  WKHVH SHRSOH KDG EHFRPH YHU\ JRRG friends.  Some  we  will  see  again  soon,  but  others  we  might  never  VHH DJDLQ $OO WKH SHRSOH ZKR ZHQW however,  grew  in  their  faith  and  thoroughly  enjoyed  every  second  WKDW WKH\ VSHQW XS DW WKH 9LQH\DUG
Thomas  Taylor  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14  made  some  new  friends  at  FOCUS Â
All  FOCUS  pictures  courtesy  of  Will  Tucker  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13
Page  6
Sept. Â 2, Â 2011
Woodberry in the World )ROORZLQJ LQ WKH 6WHSV RI %DFK DQG %UDKPV Wilson  Kuhnel  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12 Oracle  Staff  Writer  The  question  â&#x20AC;&#x153;What  do  you  enjoy  doing?â&#x20AC;?  gets  tossed  around  a  lot  these  days:  in  everyday  conver- VDWLRQ RQ FROOHJH DQG MRE DSSOLFD- WLRQV LQ 0UV %DNHUÂśV WKLUG JUDGH classroom.  So  it  was  really  chal- OHQJLQJ FRPLQJ XS ZLWK DQ DQVZHU ZKLOH DSSO\LQJ IRU WKH 1RODQG )HO- ORZVKLS DV , WKRXJKW DERXW ZKHUH , ZRXOG OLNH WR VSHQG P\ VXPPHU 7KH 1RODQG )HOORZVKLS LV JLYHQ WR one  or  more  rising  seniors  who  ex- SUHVV DQ LQWHUHVW LQ D VSHFLÂżF DUHD RI VWXG\ $IWHU DSSO\LQJ P\ SURMHFW ZDV DFFHSWHG DQG , ZDV JUDQWHG money  to  subsidize  my  travels  to  *HUPDQ\ :HOO DV \RXÂśYH SUREDEO\ heard  too  many  times,  I  like  learn- LQJ ODQJXDJHV , WRRN *HUPDQ IRU D while  before  Woodberry  and  really  felt  like  I  missed  out  not  continuing  ZLWK LW VR , WKRXJKW ,ÂśG ZULWH WKDW GRZQ &KHFN :KDW HOVH" , OLNH SOD\- Wilson  and  his  host  family
LQJ SLDQR 7KRVH WZR MXVW KDSSHQ WR go  hand  in  hand,  at  least  in  my  mind,  what  with  Bach  and  Beethoven  and  %UDKPV DOO EHLQJ *HUPDQ 2XW RI all  this  quite  stimulating  and  rare  VHOI UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWLRQ HPHUJHG P\ SURMHFW I  would  study  the  life  and  music  of  %UDKPV P\ IDYRULWH FRPSRVHU work  on  the  second  movement  of  his  famed  First  Piano  Concerto,  and  WDNH *HUPDQ FRXUVHV DOO WKH ZKLOH living  in  the  city  in  which  he  lived  DQG ORYHG ' VVHOGRUI ,W MXVW VR KDSSHQV WKDW D IRUPHU *HUPDQ $66,67 VWXGHQW to  Woodberry,  Pierre-ÂFrançois  Ro- GULJXH] LV IURP ' VVHOGRUI )URP the  connection  the  Rodriguez  fam- ily  still  shares  with  the  school,  and  VSHFLÂżFDOO\ 0U +RUQDG\ WKH\ ZHUH gracious  enough  to  allow  me  to  stay  ZLWK WKHP RYHU WKLV PRQWK ORQJ SH- riod.  Ironically  they  were  French,  which  became  an  advantage  by  ZKLFK , FRXOG LPSURYH P\ )UHQFK VNLOOV 0DJQLÂżTXH  With  all  that  settled,  I  ar-Â
6th  Former  Wilson  Kuhnel  stands  with  his  group UDQJHG WR WDNH *HUPDQ ODQJXDJH FRXUVHV DW WKH *RHWKH ,QVWLWXW D worldwide  organization  whose  mis- VLRQ LV WR SURPRWH *HUPDQ ODQJXDJH and  culture.  After  semi-Âbotching  my  DOO *HUPDQ LQWHUYLHZ , ZDV SODFHG in  a  beginner/intermediate  course  for  the  four-Âweek  duration,  taught  E\ WKH KLS DQG SDUW WLPH -DSDQHVH man  Herr  Truhlar. 7R WRS LW RII , VHW XS SULYDWH SLDQR OHVVRQV RQFH D ZHHN DW WKH Clara  Schumann  Musikschule  to  be  taught  by  Mr.  Haseley,  an  American  H[ SDW ZKRVH RULJLQV ZHUH YHU\ FR- incidental  and  comforting.  The  idea  was  more  one  of  a  master  class,  i.e.  I  had  already  learned  the  notes  be- fore  heading  over,  and  these  lessons  ZRXOG EH D PRUH QXDQFHG DSSURDFK WR WKH SLHFH IURP DQ H[SHUW 7RJHWK- HU ZH SORZHG WKURXJK WKH FRQFHUWR D SLHFH QRW IRU WKH IDLQW KHDUWHG RU WKRVH SURQH WR ÂżQGLQJ EOXQW REMHFWV with  their  head.  Nevertheless,  it  is  still  and  even  more  so  my  favorite  SLHFH E\ %UDKPV DQG LW ZDV DQ KRQ- or  to  work  on  it  right  down  the  street  from  where  he  lived.   The  more Â
DFDGHPLF SDUW ZDV DFFRPSOLVKHG through  the  Brahms  Handbuch,  a  selection  of  essays  written  by  musi- FDO H[SHUWV DERXW %UDKPVœ OLIH DQG works. 6RFLDOO\ WKH WULS ZDV HTXDO- ly  exciting.  Students  from  all  over  the  world  had  come  to  study  here,  including  guys  from  the  Nether- ODQGV )UDQFH ,WDO\ %UD]LO 6SDLQ and  Lithuania.  Together  we  visited  castles,  rode  along  the  Rhine,  and  VDZ VKRZV UDQJLQJ IURP WKH RSHUD )DOVWDII WR +DUU\ 3RWWHU LQ *HUPDQ Over  one  weekend  the  Institute  HYHQ SODQQHG XV D WULS WR %HUOLQ WKH SHUIHFW FXOPLQDWLRQ RI P\ VWD\ LQ *HUPDQ\  Ultimately  I  felt  that  I  had  DFFRPSOLVKHG VRPHWKLQJ XQLTXH combining  my  two  favorite  endeav- RUV LQ D SURMHFW WKDW H[SRVHG PH WR a  wide  range  of  cultural  offerings.  It  went  beyond  a  vacation  to  taking  advantage  of  the  thousand  years  of  *HUPDQ KLVWRU\ WKDW KDV PROGHG WR- gether  quite  a  diverse  society  that  I  FDQ RQO\ FRQWLQXH WR H[SHULHQFH E\ KRSHIXOO\ UHWXUQLQJ
Learning  through  Service  in  Nicaragua Jack  Fuller  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13 Oracle  Staff  Writer
 Whether  it  was  cliff-Âdiving  into  the  rivers  of  Nicaragua  from  IHHW LQ WKH DLU ULGLQJ ]LS OLQHV RYHU ODNHV IURP PRXQWDLQ WRSV RU H[SORULQJ WKH VWUHHWV RI RXU KRPH FLW\ (VWHOt WKH &$6$ JURXS QHYHU seemed  to  be  bored.  Mr.  Rivera,  a  QDWLYH RI WKH FLW\ RI (VWHOt DQG 0U Sydnor  toured  us  around  the  beauti- ful  and  interesting  Latin  country  of  Nicaragua,  along  with  our  beloved  EXV GULYHU 'RQ 6LFLOLR $OWRJHWK- HU WKH JURXS FRQVLVWHG RI IRXU ULV- LQJ VRSKRPRUHV 'DYLG :RRGVHQ 6WHSKHQ )LVFKHU %ULDQ .HUOLQ DQG :LOO 7HQQLOOH DQG IRXU ULVLQJ MX- niors  (Case  Aldridge,  Jack  Fuller,  Reid  Williamson,  and  Will  Wors- OH\  Service  was  a  major  factor  WKURXJKRXW WKH WULS (DFK VWXGHQW served  as  an  assistant  teacher  at  Al- dea  SOS,  a  school  for  children  who  KDYH RQO\ RQH SDUHQW 7KH VFKRRO SURYLGHG WKHVH FKLOGUHQ ZLWK PHDOV HGXFDWLRQ DQG IULHQGVKLS DORQJ ZLWK FROOHJH RSSRUWXQLWLHV ZKHQ WKH\ JURZ ROGHU +HOSLQJ WKHVH NLGV learn  essential  skills  necessary  for  their  futures  meant  a  lot  to  every  single  one  of  the  Woodberry  boys  who  worked  there. -RXUQH\LQJ WR WKH 6SDQLVK LQĂ&#x20AC;XHQFHG FLWLHV RI /HRQ DQG *UDQD- GD EURXJKW KLVWRU\ LQWR WKH SLFWXUH of  what  we  learned  in  our  time  out- side  of  our  home  country.  Many  of  XV KDG JUHDW H[SHULHQFHV ZLWK RXU host  families  after  the  stage  of  initial Â
frustration  due  to  communication  in  D IRUHLJQ ODQJXDJH SDVVHG $VLGH IURP /HRQ DQG *UDQDGD (VWHOt D FLW\ LQ WKH PRXQWDLQV SURYLGHG D PLOG WHPSHUDWXUH DQG VDIH KDYHQ for  those  who  ventured  around  the  FLW\ 0U 5LYHUDÂśV PDQ\ FRQQHFWLRQV allowed  us  to  visit  amazing  coffee,  cigar,  and  even  cheese  factories  throughout  the  area.  We  were  even  SULYLOHJHG HQRXJK WR PHHW 2UODQGR PadrĂłn,  one  of  the  fathers  of  the  ci- gar  industry.  ([SHULHQFLQJ GHOLFLRXV IRRG throughout,  the  boys  slowly  began  to  realize  what  it  felt  like  to  eat  SXUHO\ KHDOWK\ PHDOV DQG IHHO WKH effects  that  this  food  had  on  their  ERGLHV $W ÂżUVW DOPRVW HYHU\ VLQJOH member  of  the  crew  was  sick.  This  VLFNQHVV HYHQ LQFOXGHG D SURMHFWLOH YRPLWLQJ VFHQH LQ ZKLFK , SOD\HG the  leading  role.  Through  sickness  and  in  health,  we  all  got  to  know  each  other  really  well  on  a  differ- ent  level  due  to  our  embarking  on  DQ H[SHULHQFH IHZ FDQ WUXO\ XQGHU- Reid  Williamson  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13  picks  up  the  pieces  after  some  pinata  fun  with  stand:  true  cultural  immersion.  local  schoolchildren  at  Aldea  SOS  On  behalf  of  all  of  the  stu- dents  who  went  on  the  Woodberry  &$6$ WULS , ZRXOG OLNH WR WKDQN Mr.  Sydnor  and  Mr.  Rivera  for  their  SDWLHQFH DQG KDUG ZRUN LQ GHDOLQJ ZLWK XV DQG SURYLGLQJ DPD]LQJ RS- SRUWXQLWLHV WKURXJKRXW WKH WULS , ZRXOG DOVR OLNH WR WKDQN 'U &DPS- EHOO IRU VXSSRUWLQJ DOO ZKR ZHQW RQ WKH WULS DV ZHOO DV DGYLVRUV DQG SDUHQWV :H FRPH LQWR :)6 WKLV \HDU ZLWK QHZ VWRULHV H[SHULHQFHV and  views.  And  to  all  new  boys  this  year,  we  would  like  to  say  Buena  Suerte!
All  CASA  pictures  courtesy  of  Mr.  Raphael  Sydnor. All  Spain  pictures  courtesy  of  Mr.  Andrew  Handelsman. All  Scotland  pictures  courtesy  of  Mrs.  Tanita  Stancill. The  group  poses  for  a  picture  before  heading  off  to  go  sandboarding
Sept. Â 2, Â 2011
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Woodberry in the World 6SHDNLQJ 6SDQLVK WKH &DVWLOLDQ :D\ Ian  McDowell  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12 Oracle  Staff  Writer
$IWHU VSHQGLQJ WKH ÂżUVW QLJKW DW D KRWHO QHDU 'XOOHV $LUSRUW GXH WR D FDQFHOOHG Ă&#x20AC;LJKW WKH :RRG- EHUU\ LQ 6SDLQ SURJUDPÂśV SDUWLFL- SDQWV DUULYHG LQ %DUFHORQD *UHHWHG by  Mr.  Collier  and  the  twisting  ar- FKLWHFWXUH RI *DXGL ZH WRXUHG WKH FLW\ VHHLQJ PRGHUQ PDVWHUSLHFHV VXFK DV DSDUWPHQW EXLOGLQJV DQG SDUNV DQG JHWWLQJ D IHHO IRU WKH distinctive  Catalan  culture.  On  the  HYHQLQJ RI WKH VHFRQG GD\ D SODQH took  us  to  Sevilla  in  the  southern  FRDVWDO SODLQV RI WKH FRXQWU\ :H IXOO\ VWDUWHG DSSUHFLDWLQJ WKH ODQ- guage  and  the  culture  by  living  with  host  families  and  attending  class.  :DONLQJ WR FODVV GDLO\ ZH SDVVHG the  Cathedral-  the  third  largest  in  the  world-  and  crossed  the  famous  *XDGDOTXLYLU 5LYHU *XHVW WHDFK- ers  educated  us  on  everything  from  Romanticism  to  Flamenco  music.  One  weekend  excursion  took  us  to  D EXOO UDQFK ZKHUH DQ H[SHUW WDXJKW WKH SURSHU WHFKQLTXHV RI EXOO ÂżJKW- ing.  Then  we  got  a  chance  to  try  our  RZQ EXOOÂżJKWLQJ VNLOOV DIWHUZDUGV We  toured  the  Alcazar,  with  its  or- nate  Muslim  decorative  design,  ZKLOH RWKHU WULSV WRRN XV WR YLVLW WKH beach,  the  two  historic  cities  of  Ca- diz  and  Jerez,  and  the  ancient  ruins  where  the  third  largest  Roman  am- SKLWKHDWHU LV ORFDWHG  After  sixteen  days  in  Se- villa,  we  took  a  train  ride  to  the  an- FLHQW FLW\ RI *UDQDGD 7KHUH WKH ID- mous  Alhambra  welcomed  us  with  DQ HYHQ PRUH LPSUHVVLYH JUDQGHXU than  the  Alcazar  of  Sevilla.  The Â
FLW\ LV IDPRXV IRU VHUYLQJ IUHH WDSDV with  any  drink  order  and  we  ate  din- QHU E\ ZDQGHULQJ DURXQG WDSDV EDUV and  discovering  new  dishes.  The  JURXS KHDGHG WRZDUGV WKH FRDVW DQG 9DOHQFLD ZLWK D VWRS LQ WKH SURYLQ- FLDO FDSLWDO RI 0XUFLD IRU OXQFK 9D- lencia  brought  us  new  adventures;͞  Instead  of  walking  to  class,  many  learned  to  navigate  the  city  by  us- ing  buses  or  the  metro.  Classes  con- WLQXHG FRQVLVWLQJ RI D SOD\ WLWOHG Las  Meninas,  taught  by  Mr.  Col- lier,  and  a  vocabulary  and  grammar  class  taught  by  Mr.  Handelsman.  In  the  afternoons  we  were  free  to  visit  the  beach,  which  was  an  easy  metro  ride  away.  We  tasted  the  famous  SDHOOD RQ WKH EHDFK DQG PHW PHGL- HYDO 0XVOLP SULVRQHUV RQ WKH GDUN streets  of  a  night  tour.  Laser  tag,  Chinese  food,  and  bowling  were  WKH VWDSOHV RI RXU FHOHEUDWLRQ IRU WKH fourth  of  July.  We  even  mastered  a  The  group  poses  in  the  City  of  Arts  and  Sciences  in  Valencia,  Spain VWHHS QHUYH ZUHQFKLQJ FOLII DV ZH climbed  a  mountain  overlooking  the  beautiful  Mediterranean  beach  RI &DOSH  Finally  it  was  time  to  head  WR 0DGULG 7KH WULS ZDV ZLQGLQJ WR a  close  but  we  took  full  advantage  RI RXU ¿QDO GHVWLQDWLRQ 9LVLWV WR WKH 3UDGR 0XVHXP DQG WKH 5HLQD 6R¿D DOORZHG XV WR VHH %DURTXH WR SRVW PRGHUQ DUW DQG WKH 9HOD]TXH] SDLQW- ing  that  we  had  studied,  Las  Meni- QDV :KLOH VWD\LQJ LQ WKH FDSLWDO we  visited  the  historic  walled  city  of  Avila  and  the  Roman  aqueduct  LQ 6HJRYLD 7KH VL[ ZHHNV ¿QDOO\ came  to  a  close,  and  with  our  minds  VZLPPLQJ LQ 6SDQLVK ZH VDLG DGL- os  to  the  country  that  had  shown  us  a  new  culture  and  that  had  enriched  Spain  students  enjoy  Iberian  style   cuisine  in  a  local  restaurant RXU OLIH H[SHULHQFHV
6FRWODQG /HDUQLQJ LQ D &RHG (QYLURQPHQW DW KDQG WRRN SODFH 7KLV SURYLGHV Jack  Sewell  and  Edward  Borden  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12 D YHU\ SURYRFDWLYH DQG KDQGV RQ Oracle  Staff  Writers OHDUQLQJ H[SHULHQFH IRU DOO RI WKH students.  Obviously  not  all  of  Scot- 2QH RI WKH KDUGHVW SDUWV RI WLVK KLVWRU\ WRRN SODFH LQ RQH DUHD going  to  Woodberry  is  leaving  all  so  the  Stancills  have  molded  their  of  your  friends  behind  when  school  WULS DURXQG YLVLWLQJ D ZLGH YDULHW\ lets  out  for  summer.  To  counter  of  historical  sites.  this  harsh  reality  Woodberry  offers  *HWWLQJ VL[WHHQ KLJK VFKRRO WKUHH VWXG\ DEURDG WULSV <RX PLJKW seniors  around  a  foreign  country  is  ¿QG LW KDUG WR EHOLHYH WKDW ZH DUH no  easy  task.  The  Stancills,  howev- going  to  sit  here  and  try  to  argue  er,  have  mastered  their  craft,  in  this  that  the  three-Âweek  Woodberry  in  case  their  craft  being  driving  two  6FRWODQG WULS LV WKH JUHDWHVW RI WKH over-Âsized  vans  known  to  the  crew  three,  in  light  of  the  fact  that  we  as  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Quick  Silverâ&#x20AC;?  and  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue  Baby,â&#x20AC;?  KDYH RQO\ EHHQ RQ WKH 6FRWODQG WULS and  tackle  the  challenge  with  great  :HOO \RXÂśUH DOO ZURQJ EHFDXVH HDVH (DFK PRUQLQJ WKH VWXGHQWV WKDWÂśV H[DFWO\ ZKDW ZHÂśUH DERXW WR DUH VSOLW UDQGRPO\ LQWR WZR JURXSV do. each  with  four  boys  and  four  girls,   Led  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Stan- WR SURPRWH LQWHU JURXS ERQGLQJ H[- FLOO IRU WKH SDVW ÂżIWHHQ \HDUV :)6 SHULHQFHV %RWK 6WDQFLOOV EUDYHO\ LQ 6FRWODQG WULSV KDYH EHHQ QRWKLQJ WDNH WKH ZKHHO DQG GRQÂśW ZRUU\ DO- VKRUW RI FRPSOHWH VXFFHVVHV HYHU\ though  it  may  sound  scary  riding  on Â
We  stayed  in  eight  towns  and  cities  across  Scotland,  and  were  given  a  wide-Ârange  of  accommodations  to  IXUWKHU HQULFK WKH H[SHULHQFH (DFK ZHHN VWXGHQWV DUH given  a  test  on  the  material  cov- ered  at  both  the  sites  and  in  class,  ZLWK RQH ÂżQDO H[DP DW WKH HQG RI WKH FRXUVH 7KH WULS LV QRW VROHO\ based  on  academics,  however;Íž  stu- dents  have  a  great  time  scrambling  through  gorges,  bagging  monroes  and  visiting  the  home  of  the  Loch Â
Ness  Monster.  We  think  that  Teddy  6]\SHUVNL SXW LW ZHOO RQ WKH ODVW QLJKW RI WKH WULS ZKHQ KH VDLG ³(Y- eryone  had  always  told  me  that  I  would  have  the  time  of  my  life  on  WKH 6FRWODQG WULS , ZDV ZURQJ , OLWHUDOO\ KDG WKH WLPH RI P\ OLIH ´ $OO RI XV DQG 0RPPD DQG 3DSD Stancill  strongly  encourage  anyone  DQG HYHU\RQH WR DSSO\ WR WKH :)6 LQ 6FRWODQG WULS IRU WKH FKDQFH WR KDYH DQ HYHQ EHWWHU H[SHULHQFH WKDQ \RX FRXOG KRSH IRU
The  students  catch  up  on  their  homework  while  resting  in  an  ancient  ruin
The  group  poses  with  their  female  counterparts  in  a  beautiful  glen single  time.   The  Stancills  give  the  wrong  side  of  the  road  with  two  eight  Woodberry  students  and  eight  Americans  at  the  wheel,  the  Stan- girls  from  schools  in  the  surround- cills  handle  the  situation  with  grace  LQJ DUHD WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR KDYH by  conquering  roundabouts  and  D WDVWH RI (XURSHDQ FXOWXUH ZKLOH tolerating  some  miserable  music  learning  about  the  truly  unique  his- selections  by  certain  members  of  tory  of  Scotland.  Unlike  in  a  normal  WKH JURXS ,Q WKLV ZD\ WKH 6WDQFLOOV classroom  environment,  the  Stan- DOORZ HYHU\ PHPEHU RI WKH JURXS FLOOVÂś FODVVHV DOPRVW DOZD\V WDNH to  bond  with  the  others,  while  driv- SODFH DW WKH VLWH DW ZKLFK WKH WRSLF ing  to  the  historical  site  of  the  day.  A  boy-Âgirl-Âboy-Âgirl  line  outside  an  old  Scottish  building Â
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Sept. Â 2, Â 2011
Woodberry in the World Mr.  Cashwell  at  Cornell  and  Living  Bird 2[IRUG $Q (QJOLVK (GXFDWLRQ ([SHULHQFH McKenzie  Folan  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13 Oracle  Editor 0DQ\ SHRSOH RIWHQ VHH 0U and  Mrs.  Aleksiewicz  out  on  their  golf  cart  bird  watching,  but  few  SHRSOH DW :RRGEHUU\ NQRZ WKDW 0U Cashwell  is  just  as  avid  a  birdwatch- HU DV WKHVH WZR 7KLV SDVW VSULQJ 0U &DVKZHOO VSHQW KLV VDEEDWLFDO at  the  Cornell  Lab  of  Ornithology,  the  biggest  bird  science  center  in  the  United  States,  and  arguably  the  world,  as  an  intern  for  Living  Bird  PDJD]LQH 0U &DVKZHOO GRHVQÂśW UH- ally  know  exactly  how  this  interest  LQ ELUGV FDPH DERXW VD\LQJ Âł, VSHQW a  lot  of  time  looking  at  bird  books  when  I  was  younger.  They  were  al- ways  very  interesting  to  me.â&#x20AC;?  At  the  DJH RI WZHQW\ ÂżYH 0U &DVKZHOO ZDV JLYHQ WKH 3HWHUVRQ )LHOG *XLGH WKH ÂżUVW ERRN WKDW WROG SHRSOH ZKDW
edge  he  learned  in  this  course  and  start  a  similar  one  here  at  WFS.  +H DOVR VSHQW D VLJQLÂżFDQW amount  of  time  bird  watching  as  well.  The  Cornell  Lab  is  right  on  one  of  the  four  major  migration  SDWKV QRUWK FDOOHG WKH $WODQWLF )O\- way.  This  allowed  Mr.  Cashwell  to  VHH ÂżIWHHQ OLIH ELUGV ELUGV WKDW RQH has  never  seen  before  in  his  entire  OLIH DQG RQH KXQGUHG DQG VL[W\ WKUHH DGGLWLRQDO VSHFLHV 6RPH RI WKHVH ELUGV LQFOXGH WKH )R[ 6SDU- row,  Rusty  Blackbird,  Northern  Pintail,  Hooded  Mergansers,  Red- 7DLO +DZN 6QRZ *RRVH %ODFN 'XFN *UHDWHU 6FDXS *DGZDOO *UHHQ ZLQJHG 7HDO $PHULFDQ :L- geon,  Canvasback,  Redhead,  Ruddy  'XFN %XIĂ&#x20AC;HKHDG DQG PDQ\ PRUH  Along  with  bird  watching,  0U &DVKZHOO DOVR WRRN D WULS WR WKH %UDGGRFN %D\ %LUG 2EVHUYDWRU\ÂśV
One  of  the  many  birds  that  Mr.  Cashwell  watched  on  at  the  lab-  a  Red-ÂTail  Hawk to  look  for  when  they  were  bird  ZDWFKLQJ 7KLV ERRN UHDOO\ LQVSLUHG him  to  become  an  devoted  bird- watcher.   When  asked  why  he  decided  to  intern  at  the  Cornell  Lab  of  Orni- thology  for  his  sabbatical,  he  said,  ³, ZDQWHG WR H[SORUH VRPHWKLQJ RXW of  the  classroom,  and  I  had  already  GHYHORSHG DQ LQWHUHVW LQ SXEOLFDWLRQ from  working  with  The  Oracle.â&#x20AC;?  0U &DVKZHOO KDV SUHYLRXVO\ PHW the  author  of  Living  Bird, 7LP *DO- lagher,  when  the  two  of  them  were  LQWHUYLHZHG E\ WKH VDPH SHUVRQ DQG VLPSO\ DVNHG 0U *DOODJKHU LI KH would  like  to  have  an  intern.  While  at  the  Cornell  Lab,  Mr.  Cashwell  worked  from  8:30  AM-Â5:00  PM  HYHU\ GD\ DQG WRRN D 6SULQJ )LHOG Ornithology  course  taught  by  Steve  Kress  every  Wednesday  night.  Mr.  Cashwell  wants  to  take  the  knowl-Â
banding  station,  a  donation-Âfunded  RSHUDWLRQ WKDW FDSWXUHV EDQGV UH- cords  data  about,  and  releases  birds.  7KH %%%2 KDV D VWULFW SROLF\ DJDLQVW holding  birds  in  nets  for  more  than  ¿IWHHQ PLQXWHV DQG PDNHV VXUH WKDW each  one  is  released  no  more  than  thirty  minutes  after  being  caught.  Mr.  Cashwell  was  lucky  enough  to  KHOS KROG DQG IUHH PDQ\ RI WKH ELUGV and  says  that  this  was  the  highlight  RI KLV WLPH LQ 1HZ (QJODQG 5HĂ&#x20AC;HFWLQJ RQ KLV WULS DV a  whole,  Mr.  Cashwell  said,  â&#x20AC;&#x153;the  VFKRRO SD\V IRU IDFXOW\ WR JR DQG H[SORUH WKHVH WKLQJV 7KLV LV D ZRQ- GHUIXO RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU WHDFKHUV DQG , KRSH ZKDW , OHDUQHG ZLWK /LYLQJ %LUG FDQ KHOS ZLWK 7KH 2UDFOH ´ 0U Cashwell  also  wrote  two  stories  for  /LYLQJ %LUG ZKLFK VKRXOG DSSHDU LQ the  Fall,  2011  and  Winter,  2012  is- sues.  Be  sure  to  check  them  out! Â
7HGG\ &RUZLQ ¾ DQG /RJDQ 5D¿HOG ¾ Oracle  Staff  Writers
The  group  at  Raleigh-ÂDurham  International  Airport  On  July  9,  2011,  James  Bai- ley,  Harris  Coley,  Teddy  Corwin,  9DV *QDQDGRVV 6QRZ +ROGLQJ 7XFNHU -DFNVRQ 'UHZ 0HHNV /R- JDQ 5DÂżHOG 9RORG\P\U 6LOFKHQNR .RÂż 6RP 3LPSRQJ -RKQ 7D\ORU Walt  Whitehead,  and  Nick  Work- PDQ ERDUGHG WKHLU SODQHV (QJODQG ERXQG 7KH UDJ WDJ JURXS RI WKLUWHHQ \RXQJ PHQ VWHSSHG RXW RI WKH WHU- PLQDO DW +HDWKURZ DLUSRUW /RQGRQ ZLWK RSHQ PLQGV HPSW\ MRXUQDOV DQG FOHDU EORRGVWUHDPV DOO RSHQ FDQYDVHV XSRQ ZKLFK WKH FXOWXUH DQG KLVWRU\ RI (QJODQG ZRXOG VXUH- O\ SDLQW ZLWK ULFK WKHRORJ\ VXSHUE FRPSRVLWLRQV DQG %ULWLVK DOH  We  awoke  on  some  morn- LQJV WR UHDG %ULWLVK SDSHUV GLVFXVV- ing  current  events  and  often  deriv- LQJ LQVSLUDWLRQ IRU MRXUQDO HQWULHV Other  days,  we  were  sent  around  the  WRZQ 2XU WDVN VLPSO\ WR REVHUYH John  Taylor,  having  never  been  out  of  the  US,  was  dumbfounded  by  VXFK D XQLTXH LPPHUVLRQ 7KH ÂżUVW ÂżYH DVVLJQPHQWV FRQVLVWHG RI LVRODW- ing  a  sense;Íž  we  described  anything  of  our  choice  using  only  one  of  the Â
contained  to  Brasenose  College  and  WKH DGMDFHQW VWUHHWV :KLOH LQ (QJ- ODQG RXU JURXS H[SORUHG WKH XQLTXH country,  bravely  following  our  fear- less  leaders  Mr.  Barnhardt  and  Mr.  Hale  along  cobblestone  roads  and  roundabouts  in  our  rented  minivan,  a  colossal  rectangle  with  wheels.  6HDUFKLQJ IRU WKH SLFWXUHVTXH TXDLQW (QJOLVK DWPRVSKHUH WKDW LQ- VSLUHG 6KDNHVSHDUH ZH YLVLWHG ,I- Ă&#x20AC;H\ &KXUFK D 5RPDQHVTH PDVWHU- SLHFH VLWWLQJ ULJKW RII WKH 7KDPHV :H IRXQG VWDUN FRQWUDVW WR ,IĂ&#x20AC;H\ DV ZH JDSHG DW WKH WRZHULQJ VWHHSOH RI Salisbury  Cathedral,  the  culmina- WLRQ RI 0HGLHYDO *RWKLF GHVLJQ  Visiting  London  three  times,  HYHU\RQH ZDV DEOH WR H[SORUH DQG JHW WKHLU RZQ JUDVS RQ (QJOLVK FLW\ OLIH HVSHFLDOO\ -RKQ 7D\ORU ZKR VXUSULVHG HYHU\RQH ZLWK KLV DELOLW\ to  assimilate  with  the  natives  effort- lessly.  At  Battle  Proms,  a  traditional  (QJOLVK FHOHEUDWLRQ RQ WKH %OHQ- heim  Castle  grounds,  we  engaged  in  the  halfhearted  British  cheers  and  were  lucky  enough  to  see  a  WWII  6SLWÂżUH SODQH VRDU RYHU XV %XW WKH
The  changing  of  the  guards  at  Buckingham  Palace ÂżYH VHQVHV (OHJDQW DUFKLWHFWXUH IXQ ZDVQÂśW RYHU \HW (DJHU WR WUDYHO SURYLGHG XQSDUDOOHOHG LQVSLUDWLRQ ZH SLOHG LQWR RXU IDLWKIXO YDQV DQG IRU WKH VLJKW SLHFH 7KH UHYHUEHUDW- VSHG GRZQ WKH OHIW VLGH RI WKH URDG LQJ EXVWOH RI WKH EXV\ WRZQ Ă&#x20AC;RZHG to  Stonehenge.  through  the  ears  of  students  and  +RZHYHU QRW DOO RI RXU WULSV WKURXJK WKHLU SHQV 7KH VDYRU\ ,WDO- were  to  old  buildings  that  held  old  LDQ VDQGZLFK DQG SDQLQL VKRSV DUWLIDFWV ZH GLG JR WR RQH SODFH WKDW along  with  the  Indian  and  Jamaican  actually  matters  and  has  real  sig- UHVWDXUDQWV HOHFWULÂżHG WKH VWXGHQWVÂś QLÂżFDQFH 2Q WKH QLJKW RI WKH +DU- WDVWH EXGV VR ÂżHUFHO\ WKDW WKHLU MRXU- U\ 3RWWHU DQG WKH 'HDWKO\ +ROORZV nal  entries  could  barely  do  their  oral  3DUW 7ZR SUHPLHU ZH ZDONHG GRZQ ecstasy  justice;Íž  it  was  all  wonderful  the  New  College  cloister  hallway,  food  that,  sadly,  the  Brits  had  noth- WKH VDPH RQH LQ ZKLFK 'UDFR 0DO- ing  to  do  with.  foy  was  transformed  into  a  ferret!  7KURXJKRXW WKH WULS SDLUV RI 7KDQNV WR RXU H[SHUW OHDGHUV ZH XV ZHUH JLYHQ VSHFLÂżF 2[IRUG FRO- ZHUH DEOH WR VHH SDUWV RI (QJODQG leges  to  research  and  familiarize  about  which  we  had  read  and  like  RXUVHOYHV ZLWK 'HVSLWH WKH SUHVHQFH QRWKLQJ ZH KDG VHHQ EXW DOVR SDUWV of  37  colleges  in  the  2  square  miles  that  bore  striking  resemblances  to  on  Oxford,  it  remained  a  daunting  RXU KRPHWRZQV (DFK RI XV ZDV WDVN IRU VRPH (YHU\ IHZ GD\V WZR DEOH WR GUDZ IURP WKH JUHDW LQVSLUD- RI XV ZRXOG JLYH LPSURPSWX WRXUV WLRQ WKDW LQĂ&#x20AC;XHQFHG ZRUOG UHQRZQHG of  elegant,  ancient,  and  global  cen- ZULWHUV ZKLOH OHDUQLQJ WR DSSUHFLDWH ters  of  human  knowledge.  WKH HIIRUW SXW LQWR WKH ZRUNV WKDW  Not  all  of  our  studies  were  made  them  so  famous.
Peter  Cashwell  poses  with  Living  Bird  Editor-Âin-ÂChief  Tim  Gallagher
All  photos  of  Mr.  Cashwellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  sabbatical  courte- sy  of  Mr.  Peter  Cashwell.  All  photos  of  the  Ox- ford  Trip  courtesy  of  Mr.  Richard  Barnhardt.
Salisbury  Cathedral,  one  of  many  stops  on  the  Oxford  trip
Sept. Â 2, Â 2011
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%C?RSPCQ 5,3 +DUU\ 3RWWHU *HQHUDWLRQ McGregor  Joyner  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13 Oracle  Senior  Layout  Editor 7RGD\ÂśV WHHQDJH JHQHUDWLRQ has  been  following  the  lives  and  H[SORLWV RI WKH YHU\ XQLTXH VWXGHQWV of  Hogwarts  for  ten  years,  for  some,  half  a  lifetime.  Some  might  say  that  WKH\ KDYH JURZQ XS ZLWK +DUU\ DQG WKDW WKH SORW PRRG DQG WRQH VHW E\ WKH VDJD FOHDUO\ UHĂ&#x20AC;HFW 5RZOLQJÂśV DWWHPSW WR NHHS XS ZLWK WKHLU GHYHO- RSLQJ LQWHUHVWV DQG PDWXULW\ 2QH may  even  notice  that  the  very  color  of  the  background  became  gradu- ally  and  ominously  darker  with  the  DSSURDFK RI WKH FRQIURQWDWLRQ ZLWK Voldemort,  a  transformation  that  began  with  the  addition  of  the  de- mentors  in  the  third  book.  This  set  WKH VWDJH IRU +DUU\ÂśV WULXPSKDQW Âż- nal  battle  with  Voldemort  in  the  sec- RQG SDUW RI WKH ODVW PRYLH ,ÂśYH KHDUG D IHZ FRPPHQWV DERXW WKH ÂżQDO PRYLH SRVLWLYH DQG QHJDWLYH ,VDDF .HRKDQH Âś VDLG that  the  end  was  â&#x20AC;&#x153;too  good  to  be  WUXH´ RU ÂłD IDLU\ WDOH KDSSLO\ HYHU DI- ter  endâ&#x20AC;?  with  all  the  main  characters  DOLYH HYHU\RQH ZRUVKLSSLQJ +DUU\ and  all  the  characters  getting  mar- ULHG DQG OLYLQJ KDSS\ OLYHV 'DPLHQ &KDQJ Âś RQ WKH RWKHU KDQG VDLG Âł,ÂśP QRW LQWHUHVWHG LQ WKH PRYLH EH- cause  the  books  are  always  better.â&#x20AC;? 0\ WDNH RQ WKH ÂżQDO PRY- LH FOXPVLO\ DQG SRRUO\ FRPSRVHG )URP ZKDW , OHDUQHG LQ 'U 6PLWKÂśV
%LEOH FODVV D WKHRORJLFDO ÂľKHURÂś LV D successful  leader  with  charisma  and  GULYH ZKR LQVSLUHV SHRSOH WR IROORZ him  and  generally  has  some  char- acteristic  that  enables  him  to  over- come  the  forces  of  evil.  I  would  like  to  elaborate  on  this  theory  by  introducing  my  own  GLVWLQFWLRQ EHWZHHQ WKUHH W\SHV RI hero:  one  who  is  born  to  be  a  lead- HU DQG LV VXFFHVVIXO VLPSO\ E\ KLV RZQ QDWXUH $FKLOOHV RQH ZKR ULVHV WR SRZHU HQWLUHO\ E\ KLV RZQ volition  and  the  abilities  that  he  ac- TXLUHV -RDQ RI $UF DQG RQH ZKR LV D ÂľSXSSHWÂś JLYHQ KHURLF DELOLW\ DW birth  or  later  in  life  and  created  or  UHFUHDWHG IRU D SXUSRVH E\ D KLJKHU HQWLW\ 0RVHV 6KDNHVSHDUH ZRXOG say  that,  â&#x20AC;&#x153;some  are  born  great,  some  achieve  greatness,  and  some  have  JUHDWQHVV WKUXVW XSRQ WKHP ´  So,  what  is  Harry  Potter?  8SRQ UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWLQJ RQ WKH ÂżUVW IHZ movies,  I  see  that  Harry  is  always  boldly  seeking  out  trouble,  gather- ing  fame  through  his  abilities  and  H[SORLWV DQG PDNLQJ KLV RZQ GH- cisions  with  his  friends  and  teach- ers  advising  him.  OK,  it  looks  like  Harry  was  initially  designed  as  a  self-Âcreated  hero  who  emerges  from  the  wretched  life  of  an  abused  and  XQORYHG RUSKDQ  But  then  again,  he  is  called  ¾WKH RQHÂś RU ÂľWKH ER\ ZKR OLYHGÂś DQG SURSKHVL]HG WR EH WKH VDYLRU RI WKH magical  world,  even  toting  a  light-Â
$ SRVWHU IRU WKH ÂżIWK +DUU\ 3RWWHU 0RYLH QLQJ EROW VFDU WR SURYH LW VR KH LV SRVVLEO\ ERUQ JUHDW 1RZ ,ÂśP ÂżQH with  this  well  structured  ambiguity.   But  what  I  saw  toward  the  end  of  the  series  just  further  com- SOLFDWHG PDWWHUV +DUU\ EHFDPH D SXSSHW ZLWK HYHU\RQH WHOOLQJ KLP what  to  do  and  ordering  him  around.  He  is  told  to  die,  brought  back,  and  WROG WR ÂżJKW 9ROGHPRUW 7KH SURE- OHP LV WKDW WKHUH LV QR KLJKHU SRZHU WR XVH KLP DV D SXSSHW 7KH SRRUO\ constructed  theme  of  love  is  one  ex- DPSOH RI 5RZOLQJÂśV DWWHPSW WR FUH- DWH VXFK D SRZHU 0DJLF FRXOG EH considered  another,  but  not  nearly  DV SURIRXQG DV WKH )RUFH LQ 6WDU :DUV ,ÂśP QRW VXUH WKHVH WKHPHV ZRUN ZHOO HVSHFLDOO\ EHFDXVH ZKDW ultimately  defeats  Voldemort  is  not Â
+DUU\œV VWUHQJWK EXW 9ROGHPRUWœV IDLOLQJ ZDQG +DUU\ GRHVQœW HYHQ lead  anyone  in  the  end:  he  lets  them  GLH ZKLOH KH URPSV DURXQG RQ D scavenger  hunt.  Therefore,  Harry  3RWWHU EHFRPHV DQ XQLQVSLULQJ FOXPV\ SXSSHW ZKR LV QR EHWWHU WKDQ Voldemort  himself. 0\ RSLQLRQ DVLGH VRPH DUH VLPSO\ KDSS\ ZLWK WKH VSHFLDO HI- fects,  some  are  not  quite  sure  what  WR GR ZLWK WKHLU OLYHV QRZ WKDW LWœV over,  and  some  will  never  see  it,  considering  the  movies  travesties  of  the  books.  Regardless  of  the  vari- RXV RSLQLRQV QR RQH GRXEWV WKDW WKH ERRNV KDYH PDGH D ODVWLQJ LPSUHV- sion  on  our  generation.  This  leaves  the  world  to  wonder  what  will  Row- ling  do  next?
Required  Reading  Review Faulkner  Hereford  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13 Oracle  Editor 7KH Âł+HDGPDVWHUÂśV 6HOHF- tionâ&#x20AC;?  book  for  summer  reading  this  \HDU GLG QRW GLVDSSRLQW 7KH ERRN Unbroken,  by  Laura  Hillenbrand,  tells  of  the  odyssey  of  Louie  Zam- SHULQL DQ ,WDOLDQ LPPLJUDQW H[WUDRU- dinaire  that  is  forced  into  the  night- PDUH RI ÂżJKWLQJ WKH -DSDQHVH LQ WKH 3DFLÂżF IURQW RI ::,, /RXLH D YHU\ troublesome  child  to  say  the  least,  is  soon  racing  for  the  American  team  LQ WKH 2O\PSLFV LQ WKH P He  astounds  the  world  by  running  WKH ODVW ODS LQ VHFRQGV EORZLQJ SDVW PRVW RI WKH FRPSHWLWLRQ WR JHW WK SODFH +H EHJLQV WR IRFXV RQ WKH 2O\PSLFV EXW LW LV FDQFHOOHG due  to  war.  Suddenly  Louie  is  thrust  into  WWII.  What  Louie  endures  is  heart-Âwrenching:  words  can  hardly  describe  what  he  went  through.   But  Laura  Hildebrand,  au- thor  of  the  best-Âseller  Seabiscuit,  comes  as  close  as  anyone  could.  When  she  heard  the  story  of  Louie  =DPSHULQL VKH FRXOGQÂśW UHVLVW Un- broken UHDOO\ LV D ELRJUDSK\ RI WKH DPD]LQJ OLIH RI /RXLH =DPSHULQL EXW GRQÂśW EH DODUPHG 7KLV LV QRW VRPH ULQN\ GLQN ELRJUDSK\ RI DQ ROG SROLWLFDO ÂżJXUH LQ IDFW LW UHDGV OLNH D EHDXWLIXOO\ VSXQ WKULOOHU VWRU\ Unbroken  is  one  of  those  books  that  JOXHV \RXU H\HV WR WKH SDJH QHYHU giving  a  breath  of  fresh  air  or  letting Â
XS 0F.HQ]LH )RODQ ¾ WKRXJKW WKDW 'U &DPSEHOOœV FKRLFH ZDV D JUHDW RQH LQVSLUHG DQG DZHG E\ the  amazing  events  that  occurred.  But  this  book  is  not  for  the  faint- KHDUWHG VRPH VWXGHQWV FRPSODLQHG that  the  book  was  too  long,  that  it  dragged  out  a  little.  However,  a  book  that  holds  an  amazing  story  VXFK DV WKLV QHHGV SDJHV WR DG- equately  tell  the  tale.   Hildebrand  wrote  the  book  DV D WKLUG SHUVRQ RPQLVFLHQW QDUUD- tor,  a  very  effective  way  to  write  the  story.  Because  she  wrote  it  this  way,  Hillenbrand  squeezed  every  bit  of  information  out  of  the  characters  involved  in  the  story,  allowing  for  little  error  in  detail  and  letting  few  VLWXDWLRQV EH IRUJRWWHQ 6KH SRXUHG WKURXJK UHDPV RI VFUDSERRNV DQG ¿OHV DQG LQWHUYLHZHG =DPSHULQL PRUH WKDQ WLPHV WR JDWKHU PRXQ- WDLQV RI PDWHULDO IURP /RXLHœV RZQ SK\VLFDO GHVFULSWLRQ ZKHQ KH ZDV LQ middle  school  to  different  scenes  at  WKH 32: FDPSV +LOOHQEUDQG GLGQœW miss  a  thing. ,Q P\ RSLQLRQ Unbroken  ZDV WKH EHVW +HDGPDVWHUœV 6HOHF- tion  yet.  The  story  shows  true  cour- age,  making  the  best  of  the  worst  VLWXDWLRQV SRVVLEOH KDYLQJ WKH ZLOO WR VXUYLYH /RXLH =DPSHULQLœV VWRU\ UHPDLQV DQ HSLF DFFRXQW RI UHVLO- ience,  faith,  and  retribution,  and  the  human  ability  to  stay  unbroken.
A  young  Louie  Zamperini  at  a  track  meet  (
James  Crabb  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;11  as  a  junior  at  the  Virginia  State  Finals Â
-DPHV &UDEE Âľ 4XDOLILHV IRU 2O\PSLF 7ULDOV LQ 6ZLPPLQJ Damien  Chang  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12 Oracle  Editor-Âin-ÂChief  Those  of  us  who  were  here  last  year  will  remember  James  Crabb,  a  member  of  the  class  of  2011  who  left  Woodberry  to  at- tend  Virginia  Tech.  James  recently  TXDOLÂżHG IRU WKH 2O\PSLF 7UL- DOV LQ WKH PHWHU EXWWHUĂ&#x20AC;\ ZKLFK will  be  held  next  June  and  July  in  Omaha,  Nebraska.  James  managed  to  beat  the  cut  off  time  of  2:03.99  by  more  than  a  second  with  a  time  of  2:02.77.  This  time  was  enough  to  SODFH ÂżUVW RYHUDOO DW WKH (DVWHUQ Zone  Sectional  meet.  His  coach  at  :RRGEHUU\ 0U *UHJ *XOGLQ WROG the  community  that  â&#x20AC;&#x153;James  may  be  JRLQJ XS DJDLQVW VXFK VZLPPHUV DV 0LFKDHO 3KHOSV $DURQ 3HLUVRO DQG Alex  Vanderkaay.â&#x20AC;?  When  asked  his  feelings  about  how  he  managed  to  qualify  IRU VXFK DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ -DPHV ZDV PRGHVW VD\LQJ ÂłLWÂśV QRW UHDOO\ WKDW ,ÂśP DPRQJ WKH EHVW RI WKH EHVW UDWKHU ,ÂśYH EURNHQ LQWR WKDW ULQJ RI SHRSOH ZKR KDYH D UHDO FKDQFH to  be  that  good.â&#x20AC;?  He  says  he  owes  a  lot  of  the  credit  for  his  success  to  Woodberry,  where  he  learned  how  to  make  good  use  of  his  time,  ³:RRGEHUU\ KHOSHG HVSHFLDOO\ ZLWK time  management  and  using  my- VHOI HIÂżFLHQWO\ MXVW EHFDXVH \RXÂśUH VR VWUHVVHG WR ÂżQLVK DOO \RXU KRPH- work  and  do  everything  really  well. Â
7KDW SUHVVXUH KHOSHG PH D ORW´ 2I FRXUVH SHUIRUPLQJ XQ- der  these  circumstances  could  make  DQ\RQH SUHWW\ QHUYRXV -DPHV VDLG WKDW ÂłWKHUH DUH JRLQJ WR EH IDVW SHR- SOH WKHUH ,WÂśV OLNH WKH ELJJHVW PHHW LQ WKH ZRUOG EXW ,ÂśP QRW JRLQJ WR EH WRR ZRUULHG ,ÂśP MXVW JRLQJ WR GR my  best.â&#x20AC;?  And  when  asked  what  it  ZRXOG EH OLNH WR SRWHQWLDOO\ UHSUH- VHQW DOO RI $PHULFD KH UHVSRQGHG ÂłLWÂśV NLQG RI HPSRZHULQJ WR IHHO OLNH \RX FDQ EH LPSRUWDQW WR HYHU\RQH LQ the  entire  country,  which  is  crazy  to  think  about.â&#x20AC;? /DVW \HDU -DPHV FDSWDLQHG one  of  the  most  successful  swim- ming  teams  in  Woodberry  history.  That  team  was  2nd  overall  in  State  DQG WK LQ WKH 3UHS /HDJXH :LWK DQ overall  record  of  13-Â3  in  all  meets,  the  Tiger  Sharks  were  a  force  to  be  reckoned  with.  5  members  of  that  team  made  All  American,  including  James.  James  also  made  All  State  in  four  different  events. ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR -DPHVÂśV SRVW Woodberry  athletic  achievements,  .HYLQ %HQQHUW Âľ ZRQ WKH -XQLRU 2O\PSLFV LQ .DQVDV LQ WKH P ZLWK D WLPH RI /DVW \HDU KH FDPH LQ WKLUG DW WKH -XQLRU 2O\PSLFV in  the  5k,  with  a  time  of  15:01.08.  /RXLH =DPSHULQLÂśV EHVW WLPH LQ WKH P ZDV DQG LQ KLV OHJHQGDU\ 2O\PSLFV UXQ LQ WKH N /RXLH ÂżQLVKHG ZLWK D WLPH RI .HYLQ KDV D ZD\V WR JR
Page  10
Sept. Â 2, Â 2011
World News 5LRWV LQ /RQGRQ 6LJQ RI D *UHDWHU (WKLFDO &ULVLV 7KH ZKROH ¿DVFR VWDUW- ed  after  a  policeman  killed  a  black  person  in  one  of  the  ghettos  of  Tottenham...  That  was  the  last  straw  for  English  citizens.
Alvaro  Martin  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14 Oracle  Staff  Writer
London  police  try  to  clean  up  the  riot, FLWL]HQV $IWHU WKDW SHRSOH VWDUWHG WR DVVDXOW SROLFH VWDWLRQV EXUQ KRXVHV and  family  businesses,  and  attack  HYHU\ERG\ ZKR RSSRVHG WKHP $O- though  the  violence  started  in  Tot- tenham  it  soon  extended  to  Man- FKHVWHU %LUPLQJKDP DQG /LYHUSRRO 0RVW RI WKH SHRSOH LQ WKHVH WRZQV were  scared  to  leave  their  houses  because  the  rioters  attacked  every- RQH ZKR WULHG WR KHOS EULQJ RUGHU 5LRWHUV FODLPHG WKDW WKH RSSUHVVLRQ IURP WKH SROLFH DQG JRYHUQPHQW caused  these  outrageous  actions. Â
+RZHYHU JRYHUQPHQW VSRNHVPHQ claim  that  most  of  the  rioters  were  criminals  and  gang  members  out  to  VWLU XS WURXEOH 3HRSOH DUH SUREDEO\ ZRQ- dering  why  it  was  so  hard  to  control  these  rioters.  It  was  because  they  acted  discretely  at  night  instead  of  VLPSO\ PHHWLQJ LQ WKH WRZQ VTXDUHV WR ¿JKW WKH SROLFH <HV VRPH RI WKHVH ULRWV GLG LQFOXGH ¿IW\ RU VL[- W\ JX\V DSSHDULQJ RXW RI QRZKHUH with  cricket  bats,  stones,  and  other  ZHDSRQV WR URE D VKRS RU EXUQ LW
GRZQ 7KH %ULWLVK SROLFH ZHUH RYHU- whelmed  and  asked  the  govern- PHQW WR VWHS LQ DQG KHOS 6RPH RI their  solutions  were  similar  to  those  XVHG DJDLQVW SURWHVWHUV LQ /LE\D DQG (J\SW *RYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV HYHQ shut  down  the  Internet  in  certain  DUHDV WR NHHS WKH ULRWHUV IURP FRP- municating  through  the  web.   After  the  second  day  of  riots  the  British  citizens  whom  the  riot- ers  had  bullied  started  getting  in- YROYHG DQG KHOSLQJ WKH SROLFH 7KH\ EHJDQ SDWUROOLQJ WKH VWUHHWV DW QLJKW to  identify  the  looters.  After  every- thing  was  stabilized,  Prime  Minis- WHU 'DYLG &DPHURQ PDGH LW FOHDU WKDW WKHVH ORRWHUV ZRXOGQœW JHW DZD\ VFRW IUHH 2QH RI WKH EHVW H[DPSOHV RI WKLV ZDV &DPHURQœV WDNLQJ DZD\ all  of  the  housing  subsidies  of  any- RQH DQG KLV IDPLO\ IRXQG JXLOW\ RI looting.   As  more  and  more  social  XQUHVW GHYHORSV WKURXJKRXW (XURSH there  must  be  ways  for  regular  citi- ]HQV WR SHDFHIXOO\ EXW HIIHFWLYHO\ demonstrate.   If  citizens  turn  on  each  other  in  rage,  then  nothing  can  EH DFFRPSOLVKHG
-DSDQ DQG WKH )XNXVKLPD Power  Plant  Six  Months  Later JaeWon  Yoon  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13 Oracle  Editor
Japanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  government  responded  quickly,
Months  later  the  Fukushima  power  plant  is  still  causing  problems,
Japan  is  on  its  way  to  normalcy,
The  oldest  person  in  the  world,  Besse  Coo- per  of  Monroe,  GA,  recently  turned  115
 It  was  March  11th,  2011,  the  GD\ ZKHQ WKH XQH[SHFWHG WRZHUHG over  the  innocent  citizens  of  Sen- GDL -DSDQ DQG RWKHU QHDUE\ FLWLHV ,W has  been  about  6  months  since  the  GUHDGIXO DQG FDWDVWURSKLF QDWXUDO GLVDVWHU SXW PDQ\ -DSDQHVH SHRSOH DQG RWKHU FRQWHPSRUDULHV LQ EHG- lam.  But  we  all  know  that  not  only  was  it  the  9.0  magnitude  earthquake  WKDW VXEGXHG PDQ\ -DSDQHVH SHRSOH EXW DOVR WKH H[SORVLRQ DQG H[SR- VXUH RI WKH QXFOHDU SODQWV LQ )XNX- shima.  Radiation  leak  has  indeed  IULJKWHQHG PDQ\ SHRSOH DURXQG WKH globe  due  to  the  detrimental  conse- TXHQFHV RI UDGLDWLRQ H[SRVXUH VXFK as  death  or  deformities.  But  what  VRPH H[SHUWV DQG PHGLD SHRSOH have  claimed  is  that  this  disaster  is  not  only  similar  to  the  Chernobyl  nuclear  disaster  in  the  Soviet  Union  in  1986,  but  it  might  bring  even  greater  consequences. :LWK LWV UHSXWDWLRQ DV WKH third  largest  economy  in  the  World,  -DSDQ KDV EHHQ D PDMRU HFRQRPLF SRZHUKRXVH +RZHYHU WKHUH KDV FHUWDLQO\ EHHQ D GHFOLQH LQ WKH -DSD- nese  economy  after  the  earthquake  and  Fukushima  radiation  issues.  +RZHYHU WKHUH LV JUHDW KRSH DPRQJ WKH -DSDQHVH &RPSDQLHV VXFK DV Sony  and  Toyota  have  increased  their  work  rates  in  order  to  stay  in  EXVLQHVV DQG FRPSHWH ZLWK WKH OLNHV RI 6DPVXQJ RU $SSOH 7KH EULJKW VLGH LV WKDW -DSDQ ZDV DEOH WR FRQ- trol  its  cataclysmic  situation,  with  RQO\ D LQFUHDVH LQ XQHPSOR\-Â
Atiyah  Abd  al-ÂRahman,  Al-ÂQaidaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  second-Âin-Âcom- mand,  reported  killed  by  US  forces
ment  rate.  CNN  analysts  believe  WKDW -DSDQ ZLOO PRVW OLNHO\ QRW IDOO LQ LWV HFRQRPLF SURVSHULW\ DQ\WLPH soon.  However,  what  frightens  PDQ\ SHRSOH DQG HVSHFLDOO\ WKH -DS- DQHVH LV WKH QXFOHDU SRZHU SODQW H[- SORVLRQ 7KRXVDQGV RI SHRSOH KDYH been  evacuated  from  their  homes  near  Fukushima  and  are  living  in  GHVSDLU 1RW RQO\ LV LW GLI¿FXOW WR UHVWRUH DQG JHW WKHVH SRZHU SODQWV to  function  again,  but  the  future  of  nearby  residents  of  Fukushima  is  troubled,  too.  Last  month  in  July,  PDQ\ -DSDQHVH ZRPHQ PRVWO\ mothers  of  young  children,  created  DQ RUJDQL]DWLRQ FDOOHG ³/HWœV QRW wait  for  the  government  to  save  us,  OHWœV ¿UVW VDYH RXU FKLOGUHQ ´ 0RUH and  more  women  have  become  des- SHUDWH DQG FRQFHUQHG DERXW WKH IX- ture  of  their  children.  'HVSLWH WKHVH LVVXHV ZRUN LV underway  to  restore  the  Fukushima  SRZHU SODQWV ³(QJLQHHUV DUH VWLOO working  to  restore  normal  cooling  in  the  three  reactors  that  melted  down  after  the  March  11  earthquake  and  WVXQDPL DQG WR SXPS RXW DQG GH- contaminate  an  estimated  100,000  WRQV RI ZDWHU WKDW KDV SRROHG LQ the  basements  and  service  tunnels  RI WKH SODQW GXULQJ ¿YH PRQWKV RI HPHUJHQF\ PHDVXUHV ´ UHSRUWHG &11 $OVR WKH -DSDQHVH KDYH GH- FLGHG WR SODFH LWV QXFOHDU VDIHW\ agency  under  the  regulation  of  the  -DSDQHVH (QYLURQPHQWDO 0LQLVWU\ 7KH -DSDQHVH DUH FHUWDLQO\ KRSHIXO WKDW WKHLU TXDOLW\ RI OLIH ZLOO soon  be  restored.  And  all  of  us  here  at  Woodberry  and  in  the  rest  of  the  ZRUOG DUH MXVW DV KRSHIXO
Due  to  new  technology  called  capnography,  a  man  was  revived  after  his  heart  stopped  for  96  minutes
In  Other  News...
Page  11
Sept. Â 2, Â 2011
World News $PHULFDÂśV 'RZQJUDGHG &UHGLW 5DWLQJ DQG WKH &KLQHVH (FRQRP\ Jun  Cho  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12 Oracle  Staff  Writer $IWHU &RQJUHVVÂśV ORQJ SR- litical  deadlock  on  the  issue  of  rais- ing  the  debt  ceiling,  the  Standard  &  3RRUÂśV GRZQJUDGHG WKH 8 6 FUHGLW UDWLQJ WR $$ IURP LWV WRS UDQN RI $$$ RQ $XJXVW WK 7KH HYHQWÂśV LPSOLFDWLRQ IRU WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV ZRXOG PHDQ VRPH SROLWLFDO FRP- SURPLVH RQ WKH JURZLQJ GHÂżFLW 7KH focus  of  my  article,  however,  is  not  what  this  will  do  for  the  U.S.,  but  its  effect  on  China,  which  is  by  far  the  biggest  holder  of  U.S.  Treasury  ERQGV :LOO &KLQD NHHS EX\LQJ downgraded  bonds?  China  has  been  buying  U.S.  ERQGV WR PDQLSXODWH WKH YDOXH RI its  own  currency,  the  renminbi.  By  SXUFKDVLQJ GROODUV DQG LQMHFWLQJ WKH IRUHLJQ PDUNHW ZLWK QHZO\ SULQWHG UHQPLQELV &KLQD FRXOG NHHS LWV own  currency  weak  against  dol- ODUV 7KLV JDYH &KLQD D FRPSHWLWLYH HGJH LQ H[SRUWLQJ EXVLQHVV $PHUL- FDQ FRQVXPHUV ZLWK DUWLÂżFLDOO\ VWUHQJWKHQHG GROODUV FRXOG LPSRUW more  Chinese  goods  than  they  FRXOG EHIRUH 7KLV H[SDQVLRQLVW SROLF\ ZKLFK DOVR KDG D GRZQVLGH RI PRXQWLQJ LQĂ&#x20AC;DWLRQ JDYH MREV WR SHRSOH ZKR ZRXOG RWKHUZLVH KDYH EHHQ XQHPSOR\HG E\ LQFUHDVLQJ HP- SOR\HUVÂś GHPDQG IRU ZRUNHUV %XW , DP DIUDLG WKDW WKLV SHULRG RI KDSSL- ness  might  come  to  an  end  soon.  Now,  there  is  a  great  deal  of  risk  involved  in  buying  American  bonds.  The  Federal  Reserve,  under  %HQ %HUQDQNH KDV EHHQ SXPS- ing  new  money  into  the  economy.  Its  goal  was  to  lower  the  interest  UDWHV VR DV WR VSXU HFRQRPLF DFWLYL- ties.  However,  instead  of  lending  out  their  excess  funds,  banks  are Â
A  graph  depicting  the  rise  in  bank  reserve  funds, lously.  But  when  the  banks  begin  to  resume  lending  out  their  excess  reserves,  we  are  to  face  a  massive  H[SDQVLRQ LQ WKH PRQH\ VXSSO\ DQG VXEVWDQWLDO LQĂ&#x20AC;DWLRQ ZLOO IROORZ (Ask  Mr.  Hudgins  about  fractional  UHVHUYH EDQNLQJ DQG PXOWLSOLHU HI- IHFWV ,I WKLV ZHUH WR RFFXU &KLQD would  have  to  suffer  a  terrible  loss  RQ $PHULFDQ ERQGV DQG LWV H[SRUW economy.   China  can  only  maintain  its  booming  economy  by  relying  on  its  H[SRUW EXVLQHVV ZKLFK LQ WXUQ UHOLHV on  weak  renminbis  and  stronger  dollars.  But  will  China  assume  a  JUHDWHU ULVN SRVLWHG E\ GRZQJUDGHG ERQGV E\ SXUFKDVLQJ PRUH RI WKHP" 7KH FUHGLW ÂżDVFR KDV EHHQ ZLGHO\ PRFNHG ZZZ IUXJDO FDIH FRP 7KH ULVN LV JUHDW DQG &KLQDÂśV $PHU- instead  increasing  their  reserves.  HQRQ Âą SHUKDSV ZLWK WKH PRUWJDJH ican  assets  may  become  virtually  6HH SLFWXUH 7KHUH PD\ EH YDULRXV FULVLV EDQNV DUH SV\FKRORJLFDOO\ worthless.  Or  will  China  choose  to  UHDVRQV IRU WKLV DEQRUPDO SKHQRP- OHVV SURQH WR OHQGLQJ RXW IULYR- end  its  economic  boom?
$PHULFDQ 'HEW &ULVLV 7ULJJHUV 6LPLODU 5HDFWLRQV LQ (XURSH Alvaro  Martin  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14 Oracle  Staff  Writer
,Q WKH LQFOXGHG SLFWXUH \RX FDQ VHH D GHPRQVWUDWLRQ LQ 6SDLQ asking  for  real  solutions  to  the  cri- VLV DQG LWÂśV EHFDXVH LQ 6SDLQ ZH DUH OLYLQJ WKURXJK ZKDW LV SUREDEO\ RQH of  the  greatest  crises  in  recent  his- tory.  Our  economy  is  teetering  on  a  thin  line  between  basic  survival  and  absolute  ruin.  We  are  having  PDQ\ SUREOHPV EXW WKH ELJJHVW RQH LV WKH KLJK XQHPSOR\PHQW UDWH ERU- GHULQJ WZHQW\ SHUFHQW 7KRVH DJHG between  20  and  35  are  being  hit  the  KDUGHVW DV WKHLU XQHPSOR\PHQW UDWH LV DURXQG IRUW\ SHUFHQW D OLWWOH ELW OHVV WKDQ WKH RYHUDOO XQHPSOR\PHQW UDWH LQ (J\SW ULJKW QRZ 7KH VLWXD- WLRQ LV FULWLFDO 3HRSOH KDYH VWDUWHG WR SURWHVW WKH JRYHUQPHQW DQG KDYH taken  the  main  square  of  Madrid  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Puerta  del  Solâ&#x20AC;?  to  be  heard.  This  August  has  been  one  RI WKH ZRUVW PRQWKV IRU WKH 6SDQ- LVK DQG (XURSHDQ HFRQRPLHV (Y- erything  started  when  the  US  de- cided  to  raise  its  debt  ceiling.  Then  the  Italian  government  announced  cuts  to  reduce  the  debt  by  more  WKDQ ELOOLRQ (XURV WKH\ KDYH cut  more  than  5000  city  halls  and  SXEOLF DGPLQLVWUDWLRQV $I- ter  that  the  French  government  made  an  announcements  that  they  were  also  going  to  make  cuts  be- cause  their  debt  was  too  high.  All Â
Brad  Pitt  and  Barack  Obama  revealed  as  cousins  by
of  these  unfortunate  coincidences  ZHQW FUD]\ 7KH VWRFN SULFHV RI WKH JRYHUQPHQW REOLJHG 7KH SDVW ZHHN FDXVHG WKH 6SDQLVK DQG ,WDOLDQ ULVN 6SDQLVK EDQNV ZHQW GRZQ RU WKH WZR PDLQ SROLWLFDO SDUWLHV LQ SUHPLXPV WR VN\URFNHW IURP LQ PRVW FDVHV 7KH ,%(; 6SDLQ VLJQHG D UHIRUP LQ WKH FRQVWL- SRLQWV WR WKH OLPLW EHIRUH EH- D PDMRU LQGLFDWRU RI 6SDLQÂśV HFR- WXWLRQ WR FXW PDQ\ SXEOLF DGPLQLV- LQJ GHFODUHG EDQNUXSW ZKHUH WKH\ nomic  strength,  went  down  to  7900  trations  and  by  doing  so  saved  more  UHPDLQHG IRU D ZHHN 'XH WR WKDW SRLQWV WKH ORZHVW LQ KLVWRU\ WKDQ WKUHH ELOOLRQ (XURV DQG UHGXFHG 7KH 6SDQLVK &HQWUDO %DQN FRXOGQÂśW 7KH (XURSHDQ 8QLRQ WRRN the  debt  to  6%. sell  lend  money  at  the  usual  interest  measures  and  bought  our  debt  to   We  are  still  not  as  bad  as  rate.  The  countries  who  bought  our  UHGXFH WKH ULVN SUHPLXP WR WKH Portugal  or  Ireland  but  our  situation  debt  asked  for  9%  interest  when  the  SRLQWV 7KH\ DOVR DVNHG WKH 6SDQ- is  not  very  good.  The  only  thing  XVXDO LQWHUHVW ZH SDLG XQWLO WKDW PR- ish  government  to  start  taking  seri- ZH FDQ GR LV SUD\ DQG ZDLW IRU RXU PHQW ZDV RQO\ $IWHU KHDULQJ ous  measures  to  give  the  investors  SROLWLFDO OHDGHUV WR PDNH WKH ULJKW WKDW QHZV WKH VWRFN PDUNHW LQ 6SDLQ D VHQVH RI VWDELOLW\ DQG WKH 6SDQLVK choices  for  our  economy. Protests  in  the  main  plaza  of  Madrid,  Spain  â&#x20AC;&#x153;La  Puerta  del  Solâ&#x20AC;?
Lady  Gaga  is  report- edly  engaged  to  long- time  boyfriend  Luc  Carl.  The  wedding  is  scheduled  for  later  this  year
)DVWHVW HOHFWULF FDU revealed  to  ba  a  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;72  Dat- sun,  which  can  go  0-Â60  in  1.8  seconds  (faster  than  any  street-Âlegal  car)
In  Other  News...
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Sept. Â 2, Â 2011
Sports Varsity  Football  Takes  a  Stand
Collier  Connell  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12 Oracle  Editor
 Wallowing  in  the  scorching  heat  and  sweltering  humidity  for  WKH SDVW WZR ZHHNV WKH YDUVLW\ IRRW- ball  team  has  left  the  ground  shak- ing  with  the  intensity  of  their  early  EDOO SUDFWLFHV )ROORZLQJ DQ H[FHO- OHQW VHDVRQ ODVW \HDU WKH 7LJHUVÂś OHDGHUVKLS FRPPLWWHH GHFODUHG WKH motto  for  this  season  to  be,  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Take  a  Standâ&#x20AC;?  stressing  the  need  for  this  \HDUÂśV VHQLRUV WR VWHS XS DQG DV- sert  themselves  against  fresh  and  ¿HUFH RSSRQHQWV 7KLV \HDU WKH YDU- sity  football  team  will  face  the  most  FKDOOHQJLQJ VFKHGXOH LQ WKH VFKRROÂśV KLVWRU\ JRLQJ XS DJDLQVW WHDPV VXFK as  Lynchburg  Christian  Academy,  .LVNL 6FKRRO 3$ DQG %ODLU $FDG- HP\ 1- QRQH RI ZKRP DUH WKH OHDVW ELW DIUDLG RI SOD\LQJ XV DQG DUH SUREDEO\ HQMR\LQJ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ to  get  a  crack  at  a  bunch  of  Virgin- LDQ 3UHS ER\V  One  serious  advantage  this  \HDUÂśV WHDP SRVVHVVHV LV WKDW D VXE- VWDQWLDO PDMRULW\ RI ODVW \HDUÂśV WHDP is  returning.  This  year  the  varsity  7LJHUV ZLOO ÂżHOG D PXFK ELJJHU stronger,  and  faster  team  and  one  with  a  great  deal  of  knowledge  and  H[SHULHQFH $ IHZ UHWXUQLQJ ELJ names  this  year  are  CJ  Prosise  and  Carlson  Milikin  at  defensive  back;Íž Â
Senior  Hunter  Faulconer  carries  the  ball  during  a  scrimmage  (photo  courtesy  of  Elaine  Aalexander) Rogers  Clark,  Cameron  Wooster,  5LFKPRQG UXQQLQJ EDFN ' EDFN and  Mark  Petrone  all  on  the  de- Christian  Asher,  and  offensive  tack- IHQVLYH OLQH DQG Ă&#x20AC;DQNHG E\ RXWVLGH le  Andrew  Shofner.  Finally,  a  few  OLQHEDFNHU 1DWH 5LSSHU ZKR ZDV UH- QDPHV WR ORRN RXW IRU RQ WKH ÂżHOG cently  featured  in  Scrimmage  Play  are  wide  receiver  Reid  Swearingen  magazine.  A  few  noteworthy  new  DQG Ă&#x20AC;DQNHU 7\ $EGXO .DULP VDIHW\ names  include:  outside  linebacker/ 7D\ORU 5HXVV LQVLGH EDFNHU *UHHU ZLGH UHFHLYHU 'RXJ 5DQGROSK RI Martini,  and  starting  QB  Heys  Mc-Â
Math.   The  team  enjoys  strong  OHDGHUVKLS IURP WKH FRDFKLQJ VWDII OHDGHUVKLS FRPPLWWHH DQG FDSWDLQV all  of  whom  serve  to  strengthen  the  WHDPœV YDOXHV DQG RYHUDOO ERQG ,W ZDV WKH WHDPœV LQYHVWPHQW LQ WKHVH YDOXHV RI XQVHO¿VKQHVV GLVFLSOLQH DQG OHDGHUVKLS ODVW \HDU WKDW OHDG to  such  a  stunning  season  after  the  EHVW SUHVHDVRQ UHSRUWV SURMHFWHG QR EHWWHU WKDQ D VHDVRQ (YHQ DV WKH SOD\HUV ORRN IRUZDUG LQ DQWLFLSDWLRQ WR ZKDW WKH\ KRSH ZLOO EH DQ XQ- defeated  season,  Coach  Alexander  and  the  rest  of  the  staff  recognize  and  remind  the  team  constantly  of  WKH GLI¿FXOW\ RI WKLV \HDUœV VHDVRQ and  how  they  must  take  this  season  day  by  day,  game  by  game.  Unlike  PDQ\ RI WKHLU RSSRQHQWV WKH 7LJHU YDUVLW\ FDQQRW VLPSO\ ZULWH RII DQ\ WHDP WKH\ SOD\ LQ WKH QH[W WKUHH months  and  that  alone  is  a  daunting  thought.   With  as  much  raw  talent,  hard  work,  and  dedication  this  team  KDV WR RIIHU ZH FDQ H[SHFW DQ LQFUHG- ible  season  and  some  great  football.  Having  trained  their  eyes  on  what  many  surely  believe  to  be  a  near  LPSRVVLEOH SUL]H RI DQ XQGHIHDWHG season,  the  team  looks  to  the  rest  of  the  student  body  as  well  as  the  fac- XOW\ DQG VWDII IRU WKHLU IXOO VXSSRUW in  tackling  this  ambitious  goal.
and  offensive  drill  is  made  to  con- GLWLRQ WKH SOD\HUVÂś ERGLHV )LWQHVV sessions  focus  on  endurance  train- ing.  A  combination  of  taxing  exer- cises  and  running  build  core  and  leg  strength.  Coach  Culbertson  ranks  the  team  members  in  various  endur- DQFH VSHHG DQG VWUHQJWK WHVWV WR DGG LQWUD WHDP FRPSHWLWLRQ $OWKRXJK the  varsity  coaches  will  have  to  cut  almost  half  of  those  who  showed  XS IRU HDUO\ EDOO E\ WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI WKH VHDVRQ WKLV H[SHULHQFH ZLOO VHUYH WR GHHSHQ WKH :RRGEHUU\ VRF- FHU SURJUDP DV D ZKROH  Although  muscles  have  started  to  ache,  a  sense  of  camarade- ULH DPRQJ WKH SOD\HUV LV HPHUJLQJ PRUH LPSRUWDQW WKDQ &XOEHUWVRQÂśV ÂżWQHVV JRDOV RU LQGLYLGXDOÂśV SOD\HU ability.   Senior  Jason  Hill  says,  â&#x20AC;&#x153;the  team  has  chemistry,  chemistry  be- WZHHQ XSFRPLQJ - 9 SOD\HUV DQG chemistry  between  the  seniors  that  LV PRUH LPSRUWDQW WKDQ DQ\WKLQJ HOVH ´ :LWK WKLV WHDPÂśV WDOHQW ERWK from  veterans  and  new  faces,  they  FDQ FUHDWH D WRS FODVV JURXS RI SOD\- ers.
 Connor  Forrest  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;13  (right)  takes  on  a  defender  in  a  scrimmage  The  core  strength  of  this  team  comes  largely  from  a  sea- VRQHG JURXS RI UHWXUQLQJ VHQLRUV Jason  Hill,  Harris  Coley,  Jack  Flem- LQJ 9DV *QDQDGRV 6KHS +DUGLVRQ ,DQ 0F*UDZ DQG &KULV :KHHORFN :LWK 0F*UDZ RQ WKH EDFN OLQH +LOO and  Wheelock  in  the  middle,  and  the  RWKHUV XS WRS WKHLU VNLOO DQG H[SHUL- HQFH LV VSUHDG WKURXJKRXW WKH ÂżHOG This  underlying  structure  of  veter- DQV SURYLGHV D VKDSH IRU WKH WDOHQW- HG \RXQJHU SOD\HUV WR EXLOG RII RI 0RVW RI WKH \RXQJHU SOD\HUV RQ WKH WHDP KDYH SDUWLFLSDWHG DW WKH - 9 level  together  for  one  or  two  years, Â
some  even  on  varsity,  namely  Bear  Bondurant  and  Peter  Lonergan.   By  KDYLQJ WKLV H[SHULHQFH WRJHWKHU both  in  the  varsity  veterans  and  the  \RXQJHU SOD\HUV WKH WHDP ZLOO EH DEOH WR LPSURYH PRUH TXLFNO\ DQG SOD\ VPDUWHU EHFDXVH WKH\ NQRZ H[DFWO\ ZKDW LV H[SHFWHG DW D KLJK OHYHO RI FRPSHWLWLRQ  The  great  chemistry,  the  amazing  talent,  and  the  steadfast  commitment  of  the  2012  Woodber- ry  Varsity  Soccer  Team  may  come  WR VDWLVI\ 0U &XOEHUWVRQÂśV JRDO This  team  could  be  â&#x20AC;&#x153;the  best  in  the  SDVW VL[ ´
The  cross  country  team  will  have  to  make  do  without  many  graduates  (photo  courtesy  of  Hagood  Grantham) Addison  Winston  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;12 team.  Last  year  the  team  was  loaded  Oracle  Staff  Writer with  veterans  like  Josh  Trudgeon,  Conor  Flynn,  Matt  Laws  and  state  :KHQ %RE '\ODQ ZURWH KLV FKDPSLRQ .HYLQ %HQQHUW DQG HYHQ hit  song  â&#x20AC;&#x153;The  Times  They  Are  a- when  injuries  began  to  take  their  &KDQJLQϫ EDFN LQ KH PLJKW toll  later  in  the  season,  the  squad  well  have  been  looking  forward  to  VWLOO KDG HQRXJK GHSWK WR FRPSHWH WKH IDOO RI ZLWK D VSHFLDO H\H :UDSSLQJ XS WKH VHDVRQ ZLWK D VHF- on  the  Woodberry  cross  country  RQG SODFH ÂżQLVK DW WKH VWDWH FKDPSL-Â
RQVKLSV WKH WHDP KDG D JUHDW GHDO WR EH SURXG RI 7KLV IDOOÂśV :RRGEHUU\ FURVV FRXQWU\ VTXDG KRZHYHU SURPLVHV to  be  one  of  the  smallest  teams  in  the  KLVWRU\ RI RXU SURJUDP :LWK EDUHO\ enough  runners  to  score  in  a  meet,  and  little  room  for  injury  or  illness,  WKLV VHDVRQ SURPLVHV WR EH RQH RI WKH most  challenging  in  recent  memory,  RQH ZKLFK ZLOO SODFH D JUHDW GHDO RI SUHVVXUH RQ HDFK LQGLYLGXDO UXQQHU Senior  leaders  Bennert,  Trudgeon,  Laws,  and  Flynn  have  been  lost  to  graduation  The  team  will  see  the  re- turn  of  many  of  its  best  members,  including  seasoned  All-ÂState  run- QHU DQG FR FDSWDLQ /RJDQ 5DÂżHOG ,W ZLOO DOVR VHH WKH DGYHQW RI SURP- ising  newcomers  like  Averett  Flory  and  Hines  Liles.  As  always,  the  team  will  be  coached  by  none  other  than  Mr.  Ben  Hale,  whose  legend- ary  commitment  and  determination  ZLOO SXVK WKH WHDP WR QHZ KHLJKWV Mr.  Hale  will  once  again  be  assisted  in  his  duties  by  team  mascot  Mad- die.
 Just  hours  after  arriving  at  Woodberry,  the  team  left  for  Bath  County,  Virginia,  to  begin  an  ar- duous  training  regimen  consist- ing  of  two  workouts  daily,  dozens  of  miles,  and  countless  gallons  of  SURWHLQ VKDNHV IRU VHQLRU +DJRRG *UDQWKDP +DYLQJ DOUHDG\ SXW LQ countless  miles  over  this  summer  KXQGUHGV HDFK IRU PRVW PHPEHUV :RRGEHUU\ÂśV +DUULHUV ZLOO QRZ EH IDFHG ZLWK KLOO ZRUNRXWV SRRO workouts,  Chinese  water  torture,  weight  room  workouts  and  endless  more  grueling  challenges. (DFK WHDP LV XQLTXH DQG DW ULVN RI XVLQJ D FOLFKp SRVVHVVHV D XQLTXH VSLULW 7KHUH LV OLWWOH WKDW can  be  said  for  certain  regarding  WKH XSFRPLQJ VHDVRQ H[FHSW WKDW LW SURPLVHV WR EH LQWHUHVWLQJ $QG LI the  season  gets  off  to  a  rough  start,  fans  of  the  Harriers  can  at  the  very  OHDVW WDNH FRPIRUW LQ RQH RI '\ODQÂśV lines:  â&#x20AC;&#x153;The  loser  now  will  be  later  to  win.â&#x20AC;?  When  the  gun  sounds  and  WKH ÂżUVW UDFH RI WKH VHDVRQ EHJLQV ZHÂśOO VHH MXVW KRZ PXFK %RE NQHZ about  cross  country  running.