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Storm Dollars
The unusual operating and financial activities for 2023 are still unfolding. The storm destruction and shutdown in January caused the Club to file a large damage claim with our insurer. We will be receiving insurance proceeds for damage to trees, the golf courses, the driving range, and courtyard patio canopy. There were some additional smaller property damages. We are additionally filing a business interruption claim with our insurer. In a strange way, the storms helped the Club financially. On the flip side, it terribly impacted members’ ability to fully enjoy their Club. It also was a sad story to lose so many trees. The insurance claim will likely be the biggest news for finances for the year. Last year’s biggest news was unbudgeted income from a payroll protection loan that was forgiven. It amounted to almost $600,000. The prior year to that was about covid shutdowns and restrictions. Your Club was the beneficiary of all sorts of programs during and after covid that were available to small businesses and non-profit entities. It started at the end of 2019 with a Small Business Administration loan. Next, the Employee Retention Tax Credits became available to qualifying businesses. There was also a sizable insurance claim for storm damage in 2020. Finally, the Payroll Protection Plan monies became available and forgiven. These were all huge financial events for the Club. We are hopeful the storms that rolled through at the beginning of the year are the only dramatic event impacting the membership experience and finances for 2023. All clear sailing hopefully from here!
Courses Update
The golf course maintenance team has been totally immersed in storm recovery. Our workers and several contractors did a remarkable job. We are still not done. In addition to fallen and damaged trees, there was debris everywhere. The cleanup efforts were time consuming. Many members commented on a job well done when the Vineyard and River Courses reopened. It was not as saturated as they expected either. We decided to move as quickly as possible into the sprinkler replacement project, starting with the River Course. It is expected to take a minimum of three weeks per course. It has not been decided which course will be next in que for new sprinkler heads. On top of this, there are still more storm damage repairs that need completion. Soon thereafter, there will be the spring maintenance and aerification on the calendar. The golf course maintenance crew is busy indeed.
Still Projects
There are some storm damage projects to be completed at the driving range and on the Courtyard Patio. We had damage to irrigation controllers that need to be replaced. We had damage to a wash station in the maintenance yard, too. These will take some time to repair or replace. The solar project is nearly complete. PG&E will administer the “switch over” in the upcoming days. The resurfacing of the north parking lot as well as new striping will be completed at the end of the month or beginning of March, when the warmer temperatures permit.
In the Know
We are on a campaign to make all members better informed on happenings at the Club. We would like you to update your roster information on the website — items such as work, birthdays, dependents, and more. It is helpful to have a picture on the electronic membership roster. The employees can extend even better hospitality in that the club software system has a built-in membership recognition program. If you have not downloaded the Woodbridge app, for whatever reason, you should. If you need assistance, just stop by the business office and someone will guide you. The text messaging system is fantastic for getting prompt information. The text system requires “opting in” through your smartphone. Again, someone in the office can assist you, if needed.
We are back to hosting events. Dining is returning to normal as well. The hours for regular member services will soon be extended in accordance with the longer days of the year that are coming with Spring. See you around the Club!
the Gift of Legacy for you & your family
Woodbridge Golf & Country Club is known in our community as a welcoming family club. We are proud of this legacy, and it is because of this long-standing value that we are opening membership to your children, grandchildren and immediate family through the Gift of Legacy.
For a limited-time, the Gift of Legacy program allows you to offer any of our Woodbridge memberships to your children, grandchildren or immediate family with no upfront Initiation Fee, with a two-year commitment to membership. Our families, who are just heading down their chosen career paths and starting families of their own, want a Woodbridge membership, but the Initiation Fee is very likely a barrier of entry for them. The 2023 Legacy Program will allow them to join your Club with no upfront costs, now through March 31, 2023.
See Kristine in the Membership Office for more information!
Did you know? App users are informed faster!
Also through March 31, 2023, current members can upgrade their memberships to a higher category for no upgrade fee, providing they sign a new two-year commitment to membership!
Friday Dinners are back
Our Dinner Menu runs each Friday night, 5-8pm. Reservations are highly recommended, and can be made online using the QR code below.