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Despite the long winter weather this year, membership sales have remained steady with the 2023 Sales Plan. So far this year, we have welcomed 27 new members to the Club, and said goodbye to 25, for a net addition of two for the year. That may seem low — and resignations were a little higher than normal first quarter — but we are now starting to hit our peak membership sales season with the warmer weather here (thanks Mother Nature!). Last month alone, we welcomed 10 new members (see right), and I expect to see similar numbers for May and upcoming months.

Our Legacy Program ran earlier this year, resulting in 12 new members and 10 member upgrades — another successful year! Thank you for refering your family to the Club, and thank you to those of you who took advantage of the program to upgrade your memberships.

At its last meeting, the House & Social Committee asked to see a break down of spending trends according to membership category. The results are interesting, and I thought I’d share the numbers with the entire membership. It’s no surprise that of all memberships, the Full Golf category spends the most on food and beverage at the Club — their unlimited accessability to all Club amenities makes these members the highest users of the Club. But second place may be a surprise to you — it’s nearly a tie between Single Golf and Sports! Here’s the breakdown of the sales data, from Jan 1 through Apr 27, 2023 when I ran the report:

Total Sales: $323,748

1. Total Full Golf Sales: $116,410

2. Total Single Golfer Sales: $55,552

3. Total Sports Sales: $55,326

4. Total Young Professional Sales: $42,630

5. Total Twilight Sales: $22,895

6. Total Dining Sales: $18,835

7. Total Senior Options: $8,126

8. Total Weekday Sales: $3,393 (also included in the total are our student golf and tennis members, totaling nearly $600)

If you take the category counts, and divide the totals, here’s what the numbers reveal:

Total Members: 817 Sales per membership: $396

1 . Full Golf: 210 $554

2. Single Golf: 113 $491

3. Young Pros: 91 $468

4. Twilight: 72 $318

5. Weekday: 11 $308

6. Dining: 64 $294

7. All Senior Options: 32 $253

8. Sports: 219 $252

(Our student golf and tennis memberships are averaging about $120 in spend)

Looking at the second perspective, with a number count above the Full Golf category but less than half the spend, it appears (at least from a marketer’s perspective) that offering more food and beverage options that are attractive to our Sports members would increase our sales from that membership category.

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