May 2014

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WOODBURY NEWS - MAY 2014 EDITORIAL On August 4th 1914 Britain declared war on Germany and for this country the Great War had begun. There are very few UK families who do not have in their possession a First World War memorial plaquette issued to the next of kin of all British and Empire service personnel who were killed in the fighting. My own family has more than one. A number of popular history series and dramas examining the War from all points of view are now appearing on National TV. Woodbury is commemorating the events over a two day period, including an Act of Remembrance, an exhibition, a Songs of Praise, and a community concert on the green. Full details are inside the magazine. Tag rugby has been around for a few years, but is developing rapidly in schools where it is seen as a very good all-round, all-inclusive non-contact sport for boys and girls. Woodbury School have had a very good run in an important local competition; well done to all who took part. HEAPs or Historic Environment Action Plans, are funded by English Heritage. Woodbury Salterton was the target for the attention of Emma Rouse, a project administrator who has engaged with Woodbury historians in the first of a series of workshops. The next is on 21 June. The recent BBC documentary about the on-line retailer Amazon would resonate with Exton Ladies. They were treated to a glimpse of future bookselling by a locally based international book retailer. Even Woodbury News is available on-line. COVER PHOTO Spring is with us and there will be plenty of activities around Woodbury Parish during May. We hope you will follow the example of the parish clubs and organisations whose April photos feature on the front cover. All of the April front cover stories are inside this month's Woodbury News. Please send your photos from late April and early May to our secretary, Karen Squires by the closing date on 13 May for inclusion in the June edition. Woodbury News is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee No. 5263356 Secretary: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 233299 Registered Office: Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 01395 233299 Chairman: Peter Payne, ‘Harsley’, Toby Lane, Woodbury Salterton. Tel: 232394 Editor: Graham Rawlings, 4 Cooks Farm, W.S. Tel: 233739 Deputy Editor: Mrs Sue Bury, Mayflower Cottage, 37 Greenway. Tel: 233753 Subscriptions: Mrs Ann Shell, 6 Summerfield. Tel: 239175 Circulation: Mrs Beverley Simcox, 2 Beeches Close. Tel: 232858




Vicar: Reverend Karen Spray. Tel: 01392 877400 or email: Associate Minister: Reverend Christopher Cant. Tel: 01395 488178 email: SPECIAL EVENTS:- Sunday 25 May, Rogation Sunday, White Cross Mission Rogation Walk and Picnic Farringdon 3pm. Thursday 29 May, Ascension Day Service, Clyst St Mary 7pm. USUAL SUNDAY SERVICES:- 4 May - All age Eucharist 11.15, Evening Service Exton 6pm. 11 May - Team Eucharist with Baptisms 11.15. 18 May - Eucharist and Sunday Club 11.15, Evensong 6.30pm. 25 May - Holy Communion 8.00, Morning Prayer 11.15. Morning Prayer Every Monday 9.15. NEWS AND EVENTS Lychgate stall in church Saturday 3 May 9.00 - 11.00. Woodbury PCC Monthly Draw Winner in April - Margo and Ken Crundwell. Draw made at 3rd Tuesday Coffee Morning in church 10.30 11.30. Prizes ranging from £25 - £500, prize every month. Thanks to all who take part. Further details from Donoveen Tel: 239363. Sunday Club meets every 1st Sunday (for All Age service at 11.15), and on the 3rd Sunday (in the Church Rooms 11.00 - 12.00 and then into church to show what has been made/done). Floodlighting: The Church was floodlit on 18 April “Congratulations to Roger and Vera Stokes on their Golden Wedding Anniversary”. If you want to celebrate an event in your family or among your friends, arrange to have the Church floodlit from dusk to midnight. The suggestion donation is £10. To arrange, phone Mike Jeans on 232544 or 07769646424 or email Alternatively, you can fill in the request form on the Church's website Further information: Digest available in church or website: CHURCH FLOWERS - MAY 4 & 11 - Mrs C Keep. 18 - Mrs M Mead. 25 - Mrs J Bashforth. Many thanks to everyone who helped decorate Church for Easter. ST SWITHUN’S LYCH GATE DATES - 9.00-11.00 3 May. Then from 7 June every week until 27 September. 1 November and 6 December, weather permitting, at lych gate or inside Church.

01392 873865




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May 2014 Sunday Services 10.30am including Crèche and Kids Clubs Join us on Sunday 4th for First Sunday, aimed at showing you what we’re all about – stay for lunch! On Sunday 18th we have a special event in the evening (6.30pm) when the Exeter Male Voice Praise Choir will be performing at Christ Church. All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served. Looking forward to June 14th it’s once again time for the Fun Day on the Green. Full details in next month’s magazine.

For all the latest news visit our web site:-

Tel: 01395 232810 Mobile 07828184575

Parsonage Way, Woodbury

6 WOODBURY CRICKET CLUB The fantastic weather over the Easter period had all of Woodbury Cricket Club looking forward to our season-opening friendly match away at Clyst St George on 20 April. Alas, this day proved to be a carbuncle on the face of a beautiful week and the match was called off due to persistent rain. Other matches involving other clubs in the area suffered a similar fate. We hope the weather allows us to complete our next friendly match, which is at home to Exmouth on Saturday 26 April at 2.00. The month of May is packed with friendly cricket matches for Woodbury, including an evening 20/20 match (6.00 start) against local village rivals Lympstone at home on Tuesday 6 May, and a much-awaited home fixture against the mighty Newton Poppleford on Sunday 18 May. These matches are great fun and played in a very friendly spirit, and we would like to encourage all readers who would like to play some relaxed and relaxing cricket to get in touch with Ian Hughes and join in the fun (email:; phone: 01395 233780). Details of more friendly fixtures can be found at http:// As mentioned in our March missive, Woodbury Cricket Club travel to the home of marathon-men Cheriton Fitzpaine for the opening fixture of their Devon Cricket League campaign on 3 May. As the season gets underway, continued practice will help to straighten up crooked bowling actions and polish out the last remaining spots of rust from batting techniques. To accomplish this we will be holding regular net sessions at Town Lane on our Astroturf net next to the pavilion. Watch this space and check the Cricket Club’s website ( for further details. Net sessions for the Colts start on Friday 25 April and run through until Friday 25 July, with the exception of half term on Friday 30 May. Parents and players interested in joining our thriving Colts section should contact Kevin Miller (email:; phone: 01395 232995). This report rounds off with a cordial invitation to the Woodbury Cricket Club Open Day, which will be held on 6 July and will include the famous annual 6-A-Side competition. This year’s event has been organised by Rob Jones, who has provided a mouth-watering preview of the day:

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00 - 11.30 RBL ROOM behind WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL 1, 15 & 29 MAY. 12 & 26 JUNE. All are invited to join us on alternate Thursdays.



Family House Wanted! Local family seeking 3/4 bedroom house in Woodbury Village or surrounding areas. If you are thinking of selling we would be keen to discuss further. Currently renting in Woodbury with children at the school and can move quickly! Lucy and Michael Payne


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OPEN DAY- 6 July, 10.00-6.00 THE DUBUISSON SHIELD 6-A-SIDE COMPETITION WITH CREAM TEAS FROM 4.00. The Club have invited teams from The Maltsters Woodbury, The Erratics CC Exeter, Newton Poppleford CC, Sunset CC and Lympstone CC to compete with WCC for the fourth year of this exciting competition when Newton Pop CC will once again be attempting to retain the title and we will all be trying to beat the 28 sixes scored in 2011. Do come along, bring the family and support your home teams, enjoy the atmosphere, have a cream tea on the grass or a drink at the bar. Above all, keep your eye on the ball. The Club invites all team supporters and former WCC members, players, family and friends to the event when you will see some fantastic hard-hitting rapid-fire cricket. We would like to thank now all those that came last year who helped us raise some valuable funds for our chosen charity http:// This year we have chosen to aid Macmillan Cancer Support - EAST EXE PROBUS CLUB The thriving East Exe Probus Club is one of a group of National Clubs for retired PROfessional and BUSinessmen. Probus Clubs are either ladies, mixed or men only clubs. East Exe is the latter. Members come from Exmouth and surrounding villages and we note that we have none from Woodbury and hope to interest some Woodbury residents to join us. Visitors and new members are always welcome. We meet at 10.00am on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at Withycombe Rugby Club, Hulham Road, Exmouth. Meetings are preceded by coffee and a chat with other members. Dress code is jacket and tie. Our programme covers a wide range of subjects and promises to be fascinating, so why not put the following dates in your diary and come along:- 16 April - Brian Portsch on SS Great Britain; 7 May - AGM followed by Marion Scott on The Life of a Truancy Officer; 21 May Martin Fisher on Moguls, Mayhem and Movies; 4 June - Dr Nigel Stanley on Medicine, War and Captivity: SE Asia 1941-45; 18 June - Nick Saintey on The life of an Auctioneer. We also plan daytime visits to places of interest approximately twice a year. We look forward to seeing old friends and meeting visitors and new members alike. For further information, please contact Ian Stratford on 01395 224759.

8 WOODBURY COMMUNITY PLAYING FIELDS UPDATE Woodbury Community Playing Fields have recently raised £2,200 from our very successful Auction of Promises which was held at The Maltsters on 21 March. This money will be put towards improving the children's play area - fantastic news for the local community! Our first target is to raise £80,000 towards a new Children's Play Area to be built in the winter 2014/2015. At present we have received grants and donations of nearly £35,000 towards this target. Please visit our website to donate money to help meet our target - Thank you very much for these generous contributions. Our website shows how much we have raised so far and how much we still require to improve the facilities. If you would personally like to contribute, there is a link on our website to donate money – every little bit helps! We have also been successful in first stage to receive sport money from East Devon to help provide a MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) on the playing field. This was put forward by East Devon for public consultation with residents and we are awaiting the results of the voting process – fingers crossed! Look out for more details on our website or Facebook page! SAVE THE DATES! 9 AUGUST - PARTY FOR THE PARK @ THE MALTSTERS PUB 20 SEPTEMBER - COUNTRY FAIR @ THE PLAYING FIELDS WANTED Committee Members to join Woodbury Community Playing Fields We are still continuing to pursue other funding streams and are working hard on behalf of all the users of the playing field. However this is a large project and we require more involvement from the local community. We are in the process of applying for larger grants and we need community members with relevant skills and expertise in this area to join our team of hard working members to help improve facilities on the large playing field. Please contact if you would like to help or can offer expertise. WOODBURY NEWS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MONDAY 12 MAY AT 7.30 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ROOM, WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL All welcome.




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WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB 8 April Rebecca Wells, a garden designer and a very enthusiastic gardener came to talk to us about Gravel Gardens. This is the second time she has been to Woodbury Garden Club and once again we were not disappointed by her presentation. Rebecca began by asking us to think about where gravel is found in the natural world. She went on to talk about the two types found, firstly scree, for example in the Russian Steppes and secondly marine gravel, for example at Dungeness. In both cases, plants will grow and flourish in these two very different conditions. So, what are the advantages of a gravel garden? Rebecca made many points. A gravel garden is a great option for a low maintenance garden. It is hard wearing and relatively cheap to put down and it provides security because you can hear people coming! If rainfall is low, it has the advantage that rain percolates through slowly and it lends itself to Mediterranean-style drought-tolerant planting which in turn provides plenty of nectar and pollen for visiting insects. Any area is suitable for a gravel garden, although a sunny, well drained spot is best for most Mediterranean plants. If your garden is on a slope then you will need to terrace. Near the house is good but not under trees. You need to think about the transition between your gravel garden and say, an area of grass or a border. Her advice was to always use local gravel, round gravel looks more natural and a mixture of 20ml and some larger gives a more natural look. Remove the turf and make sure there are no weeds. If you have heavy clay dig in some Sharps horticultural grit. Do not use a membrane and lay 6 inches of gravel on top of your prepared ground. Always give your gravel garden a hard edge to stop the gravel from spreading. Rebecca gave advice on plants suitable for gravel gardens. Herbs and grey, narrow or grass like leafed plants are nearly always suitable. We were given the names of many plants to try ranging from bulbs, shrubs, herbaceous perennials and grasses. Small plants can become swamped by gravel, so plant them on a low mound so that they are raised slightly above the level of the gravel. Self seeding plants can give the garden a more natural look and can always be weeded out if not needed! A good layer of gravel will last for years and will only need a little 'topping up'. Rebecca gave us a list of gardens to visit where good examples of gravel gardens can be found: Denmams near Arundel, Beth Chatto's near Colchester, R.H.S. Hyde Hal, Chelmsford, Cold Ashton near Bath and Sticky Wicket near Dorchester. She finished by showing us many slides of different examples of gravel gardens and how gravel can be used in the landscaping of a garden. Two dates for your diaries. 13 May - Late afternoon and evening visit to Burrow Gardens. 10 June - Visit to Cotehele (NT). Details and names to Judy Bashforth (233041) or Marian Mead (233775).

10 WOODBURY VILLAGE GOLF SOCIETY Okehampton Visit There were 21 corks pulled which gave a nice round number of 7 teams with a starting time of 10.26am. Okehampton was a fun day out with good company, lovely weather, good meal and not such good golf! The course, despite the conditions, proved difficult for a lot of us and there were a few tired bodies walking off the 18th including mine! Only two players managed to achieve a points score of 30 and over. No twos were scored so £42 will be carried over to the next event. Only those who have not contributed to the pot will be asked to contribute next time. We welcomed two new members - Paul Laverick and Graham Slack. Graham did rather well, coming in first with 33 points. Second was Nick Dubuisson with 30 points and third on a double count back, John Collier Marsh with 29 points. Others with 29 were Paul Laverick, David Moore and Derek Carmichael. The team prize was won by Paul Laverick, Nick Dubuisson and David Moore with 74 points. Again this was on a count back! The other team was Derek Carmichael, John Kinch and Graham Slack. Nearest the pin was Derek Carmichael who is clearly becoming pretty good at this! Next Two Events A match has been organised against the Colonials for 1 May at East Devon and I will be sending out details shortly. I have run out of reserves so if anyone would like to put their name down please let me know. Honiton is our next venue on Thursday 22 May, tee off time 10.30. Please let me know if you can play in this. If you have told me by word of mouth please tell me again! Cost will be £34. Honiton is a pleasant course (parkland course which is flat!) and usually serves excellent grub. WOODBURY CHURCH ROOMS The Trustees of the Church Rooms are organising a Coffee Morning which is partly to raise funds, and partly an open morning for people who are not familiar with the premises to view the facilities available. Please come and join us at this event which is on Saturday 24 May from 10.00 until 12.00.

39 BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS Cont’d/… BED AND BREAKFAST in our 4 Star Silver Award 16th Century Devon Longhouse, on a working dairy farm. Sally Glanvill, Rydon Farm. 232341, (12/12) RUBBISH REMOVALS Domestic and Commercial. Environment Agency licensed. No job too small. Tel: 0800 335 7610 / 07979 841376. (**) BED & BREAKFAST APARTMENT with Continental breakfast, or Traditional Farmhouse B&B, twin and double rooms. 01392 877710. Jenny Broom, Courtbrook Farm, Clyst St George. (10/12) ACCOUNTS AND TAX SERVICE Sole Trades, Partnerships, Limited Companies and Personal Tax. Full range of advice. Fixed fee plans and free initial consultation/quotation. Wheelers Accountants Tel: 233184 (6/24) WE ARE POSH NOSH! With over two decades of experience in the catering industry we are at the forefront of special occasion and event catering in Devon and the West Country. We are committed to providing first class cuisine with outstanding levels of service. Phone:- 01392 444877 or email: (1/12)

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SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS DELIGHTFUL ANNEXE TO RENT in a large modern house, all modcons. Available for long or short term, and suitable for one or two people. No Smoking, and No Pets. Please telephone 01395 239095 (2/5)

BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS WOODBURY HOLIDAY HOME TO RENT in centre of village. Luxury accommodation for 4 people, 2 en-suites, parking, courtyard garden. Weekly holidays & short breaks. 01579 350365. (10/12) TWO HOLIDAY COTTAGES TO LET 1 Castle Cottages & Waverley are in the centre of Woodbury Village. 1 Castle Cottages sleeping 7 guests, Waverley 4/5. For bookings please phone Michelle 01395 232917 (3/6) M. K. L. SANSOM LTD, PLUMBER & HEATING ENGINEER GAS safe Register 4325. Installations, Maintenance and Repair. 279341 (7/12) TIME FOR A NEW LOOK? Qualified Hair Stylist. Appointment to suit. Not mobile. Call Heather Anne on 01392 876830 (1/12) FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER Nail Cutting and Treatment of Corns, Callus and Verrucas - Home Visits. Contact Lindsey Waddell MAFHP 01395 263496. (5/12) ROOFING Woodbury based RWI Roofing Specialising in Slating, Tiling, Re-Roof, New Roof, Repairs, Guttering. For a friendly, reliable service call Ray 232926, or 07988 691051 (As recmd in (12/12) SQUIRREL COTTAGE Self catering 16th century property full of character, available for weekly holidays and short breaks. Sleeps 5. Graded 5 Star. Tel: Kay 0776 997 5557 (3/12) COMPUTER SALES, HARDWARE REPAIRS AND UPGRADES Based in Woodbury for over 18 years - Broadband and wireless connections. Data recovery and backup. Windows upgrades. Parental control. Free virus/ spyware removal & prevention. No fix no fee – All costs agreed in advance – evening visits to suit you. Mark Doyle Tel: 233694 (11/12) MATHS TUITION: Experienced, female Maths teacher available to teach primary to GSCE level maths, 11+ and SATs preparation. Reasonable rates. Telephone: Jane Moffatt on 01395 279952 (7/12) ECZEMA - HOT, ITCHY, SORE. Homeopathy - natural, safe, nonaddictive. Phone Libby Clapham BA, RSHom, Registered Homeopath 01392 412767 / 07986 157854; (10/12)







WWI COMMEMORATIONS - MONDAY 4 AUGUST 11.00am Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial on Woodbury Village Green. Laying of the RBL Poppy wreath, and placing of wooden poppy crosses by members of the public. Crosses available from Chairman Sandra Huish on 232696. 2.00-4.30pm An exhibition in Woodbury Village Hall with displays of the life and times in the villages at the commencement of WWI, to include a history of the families at the time, farming, rail and horse drawn transport, the women’s role with nursing and Salvation Army support, school time displays from the children of both schools and much more. Refreshments available from the “Navy and Army Canteen Board”. 7.00-9.30pm A free entry community concert in a marquee on the Village Green with performances from many residents of the three villages, including The Community Choir (if you would like to join in and sing please contact Christine Lear on 232772 for details), The Woodbury Whalers, Memory Lane with Jane Hindle and singers, a Music Hall Mime, Song and Dance enactment performed by the children of both village schools, readings, poems, and letters from the “front”, finishing with community singing lead by Michelle Connolly. 7.45-8.15pm Interval hosted by “The Soup Kitchen”. This is a non-profit event honouring the sacrifice of all local 1st World War personnel, and we are all raising funds to cover the costs. Donations are very welcome to RBL Woodbury. Any monies over will be donated to The Hazler Rehabilitation Unit at Devonport, Cancer UK and RBL Woodbury supporting our local personnel and dependants. Please support this event and “Save the Dates”.

“For your tomorrow, we gave our today”. WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB PLANT SALE 10 MAY - 10.00. WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL

12 WOODBURY CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL Recent Sporting Endeavours Devon Go-Ride Cyclocross Final Following their success in winning the East Devon heats of the Go-Ride C y c l o c r o s s competition, a squad of eight Year 5 and 6 children from Woodbury took part in the Devon Final of the competition at Haldon Forest on Wednesday 26 March. The all-day event saw teams from the top 13 Devon s c h o o ls compete in an individual time-trial and group race around a challenging, very technical course that was full of tight turns! All the children put in maximum effort to make sure they got to the first bend at the front of the pack, and showed great stamina and resilience in completing the course. The race saw its fair share of thrills and spills, with Tom Garland being a particularly unfortunate victim of an accidental touch of wheels when in a leading position, that saw him catapulted from his bike and retired injured. The children should all be very proud of rising to the challenge, making it to the final and finishing in the top ten of all Devon primary schools. Exmouth Tag Rugby Festival On Wednesday 2 April, all thirty-three Year 5 and 6 children from Woodbury C of E Primary School had a great afternoon taking part in a Tag Rugby Festival at Exmouth Community College. Fortunately, the weather was fantastic and three teams of children from Woodbury had an opportunity to play more than five games against teams from various schools from the Exmouth area. In the competitive part of the festival, Woodbury played seven matches, losing by one point to the eventual winners, Withycombe, and the runners up, Brixington. In a similarly hard-fought runners-up play-off, they won by a point, to come a creditable third overall. Everyone agreed it was a great afternoon of teamwork and exercise!



2-5 May Twinning Visit to France. 8 May Woodbury WI. I met them on the way, 7.30, WVH. 10 May Woodbury Garden Club Plant Sale. WVH. 10.00. 10 May Exton Garden Club Plant Sale. 10.00-12.00. The Old Nurseries. 12 May Woodbury News AGM. 7.30. RBL Room, WVH. 15 May Exton Craft Group. 2.00-4.00 in St Andrew’s Church. 17 May Great Devon Big Breakfast. WVH. 8.00-11.00. (232772). 17 May Dumbutu Quiz Evening. WSVH. 7.15 for 7.30. All welcome. 24 May Woodbury Church Rooms Coffee Morning. 10.00-12.00. 31 May-22 June Solo:Solar - Garden Exhibition. Tim Andrews Gallery. 3 June WS Residents Assn. AGM WSVH. 7.30. 12 June Woodbury WI Garden Party. 14 June Woodbury Twinning Association Visit to Rosemoor Gardens. 14 June Fun Day on the Village Green. 20/21 June 2014 Festival of Folk, Roots and Blues. The Maltsters Arms. 21 June 10.00-1.00 HEAPS mapping workshop at WSVH. 21 June Visit to Rosemoor Gardens, Woodbury Twinning. 21 June Exton Fete. 2.00- 4.00. 29 June Open Garden - afternoon teas from 2.00 at Sunny Cottage, WS. 6 July WCC 6-a-side and Open Day. 10.00-6.00. Tea for all from 4.00. 10 July Woodbury WI One Woman, a Harem and 1000 Cows. 7.30, WVH 13 July Open Garden. The Old Vicarage, WS. In aid of Hospiscare. 18/19 July WILT Three for the Price of One. Curtain up 7.30pm. WVH. 20 July Twinning Summer BBQ. 24 July RBL Poppy Banner Quilt & Exhibition. Church Rooms 2.00-7.00 26 July Jean Carpenter. Open Garden. 3 August WWI Commemoration ‘Songs of Praise’. 6.00pm Woodbury Green 4 August WWI Commemoration Remembrance. 11.00. Woodbury Green. 4 August WWI Commemoration Day Exhibition 2.00-4.30. WVH. 4 August WWI Commemoration Concert. 7.00-9.30. Woodbury Green. 9 August Party in the Park. 30 August Woodbury Country Fayre. 4 Sept. Local History Society Meeting. Bernard Hughes. WVH. 6 Nov. Local History Society Meeting. John Allen. St Swithun’s. WOODBURY NEWS to your door … If you are a new resident to the area, or would like your Woodbury News to be delivered to your door monthly - we can arrange this. Just call Beverley Simcox on 232858 and she will put you in contact with your local deliverer.

36 HOME FIRE SAFETY VISIT Every year thousands of people within the UK experience a fire in the home. Tragically, many of these result in injury or even death. Home Safety Visit The damage caused by fire in the home can have devastating consequences and a large number of fires could have been prevented if potential hazards in the home were identified and eliminated and the residents had a plan in case of an emergency. To assist with this, Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service offer a programme of ‘Home Fire Safety Visits’. Home Fire Safety Visits can sound daunting to many people, especially the elderly. They involve a DSFRS employee visiting your home at a time convenient to yourself to give advice and guidance in respect of fire and home safety needs. They will also assist you with the development of an escape plan so you would know how to get out of your house if there was a fire. All homes have different requirements but a Home Fire Safety Visit should take no longer than 45 minutes. What is the cost to residents? DSFRS are working to develop a safer community and this is a completely FREE service that’s offered to people and places where we know there is a higher risk of fire. This includes high risk individuals such as older people, especially those living alone, those with mobility, vision and hearing impairment, mental health services users and those liable to intoxication through alcohol/drug use. A combination of these factors will significantly increase the risk from fire; you may also qualify to have a FREE smoke alarm fitted in your house. You will not be sold anything. If you are concerned that your home may be at risk of fire or know someone who you think needs our help then please arrange a visit by calling. 0800 7311 822 All Fire and Rescue personnel who visit your home will carry photo identification. Please ensure you ask to see it.

13 Decorated Egg Competition Responding to the challenge of decorating an egg representing a famous person, a large number of entries were submitted, revealing some very creative and witty designs. These ranged from politicians and historical characters to film and TV stars. The models were judged by the children themselves. As on previous occasions, the children’s chosen winners reflected thoughtful consideration and an appreciation of the care that had been taken and the amount of effort that had been made. Thanks to the PTFA, every entrant received a mini chocolate egg with each year group winner also being presented with a large boxed egg. Photo - The Eggs Factor,

one of the seven winning designs Village Play Park Options Councillor Cheryl McGauley (pictured below) talking to a group of children from Ash Class about a proposed new v illa g e p la yg r ou nd facility for older children. The meeting formed part of an information gathering process in preparation for an application by Woodbury Parish Council for funding for the project which received a very enthusiastic response from the children. The project follows the successful installation last year of the very popular play equipment for younger children, situated on the village green. Having given the matter careful consideration, the children were keen to put forward their ideas and suggestions. After the meeting they were clearly excited at the prospects of having a new play park and all agreed that it would provide a popular and valuable play space for the village.




Woodbury Church of England Primary School Cont’d/... School Easter Service This year, under the direction of their teacher Mrs Alison Sparks, it was the turn of the children in Maple Class to lead the School Easter Service. As the school broke up almost two weeks ahead of Easter it was decided that the story would be told in its entirety. From Jesus’ triumphant ride into Jerusalem to his trial and subsequent crucifixion, the actors powerfully portrayed the critical events that culminated with Mary’s meeting with the risen Jesus outside the empty tomb in the garden. Proceeds of the retiring collection were donated to Cancer Research. Following the service, the congregation joined children, staff and governors back at school for an Easter Tea organised by members of the PTFA.

COURGETTE & DILL GRATIN A creamy, delicately flavoured vegetable dish. It makes a lovely supper dish with a salad or an unusual side dish to go with a main course. Excellent with a roast. (If you want to turn the recipe into a more substantial vegetarian dish, mix 150g of walnuts through the grated courgette before cooking.) Serves 4-6 INGREDIENTS ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

Photo - Jack Draper’s sensitive portrayal of Jesus provided a poignant focus at the service and helped to highlight the significance of this important time in the Christian calendar.

MAYTREE PRE-SCHOOL Maytree Pre-School need a treasurer ASAP or the Pre-School will have to close. If anyone feels they can help or knows someone who could please contact Liz Dymond at or by phone 07791633517. GREAT DEVON BREAKFAST WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY 17 MAY AT 8.00 TO 11.00 Price £5, Children under 12 £3. In aid of FORCE. Tickets available from Chris Lear 232772 Chris Quantick 233080 or CyrilRowsell.

1 large onion finely chopped 500g courgettes 25g butter 3 chopped garlic cloves

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

100ml cream 1 teaspoon dill (fresh or dried) 100g grated cheddar cheese seasoning

METHOD 1. Sauté the onion in the butter (do not brown) 2. Grate the courgettes into a bowl then squeeze them in your cupped hands over the sink to remove excess liquid 3. Add the onion to the cream, dill, garlic (and walnuts if you use them) and mix together and season well. 4. Spread the mixture in an oven-proof serving dish, sprinkle with the cheese and bake for about 30-40 minutes at 180°C or until golden and bubbling Serve hot or warm. Our thanks once again go to Stephen Leger who can be contacted at: Tel: 01395 233549 / 07977 422164 Secret Gourmet.

ADVERTISING RATES SMALL ADS.: (3 lines) Private £2.00. (3 lines) Business £5.00 (£50.00 per annum). DISPLAY ADS. £15 quarter page To: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT Tel: 233299 (e-mail The Woodbury News accepts no liability for:- i) Any claims made by the advertiser; ii) Any errors or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser; iii) Any legal action as a result of the advertisement.



UPDATE - 2014 FESTIVAL OF FOLK, ROOTS AND BLUES Final arrangements are now in place for the second festival of folk blues and roots in aid of Force Cancer Charity which takes place over Friday 20 and Saturday 21 June at the Maltsters Arms. The line up for Saturday afternoon 21 June is staking shape. Doors open at 12.30 for a relaxed afternoon of cream teas and mainly acoustic music including Woodbury School Choir, who will be brilliant, Kirsty Bennett, regular at the local open mike nights, Bicton Street Blues, who have been itching to come and play in Woodbury and Neil Quaintance, who performed so admirably at last years festival. Sadly (and I know opinions are divided on this, but I’m going to stick my neck out and say it’s rather fun) there will be no ukulele orchestra. All we need now is the weather and we’ll do the whole shebang outdoors. There are a couple of half hour spots still available for local talent to fill. Anyone interested should contact Bluesbury Music via the website. For the evening performance doors open at 7.00. Friday includes Cloudi Lewis, Hooper & Mills, Josie Lloyd, and Alex Kumar. Saturday evening features Blue Swayed Blues, Ben & Si's Stompin' Blues, The Travelling Bluesburys and The Buffalo Angels. All performers and organisers have generously agreed to donate their time for free for this worthwhile charity. Tickets available after 1 May, direct from The Maltsters or by post, instructions from Ticket prices are a modest £5 for Friday evening, £5 for Saturday evening or £8 for both. For the Saturday afternoon event, entry will be free, but don't forget the cream tea. Information and latest announcements on; click on the Festival 2014 tag.

WOODBURY TENNIS CLUB The summer season has arrived; the Tennis Club boasts two resurfaced, painted courts to enable top class tennis to flourish in the village. We have the facilities; now we require the players. As always the Club is delighted to welcome new and returning members; Club sessions Friday from 6.30pm, Sunday from 10.30am and ladies group Tuesday 2.30pm. We are very pleased that top tennis coach Steve Wood, performance director at Exeter University, is again coaching our juniors this year. He will be in charge of our junior coaching programme on Wednesday afternoon/ evening during the summer term. Details of the programme can be obtained from Glenis (232988). The courts are available for the playing of tennis to all residents of the parish and visitors at a reasonable fee of £4.00 per hour, key available at 5 Escott Cottages (Pat Browne 232805) or from Jackie Clarke, 2 East View, Flower Street (232832). But if playing regularly, annual membership (£15 junior) is more economical.

Photos are of Hooper & Mills and Alex Kumar.

WOODBURY INTERESTING LITTLE THEATRE (WILT) Woodbury Interesting Little Theatre (WILT) are gestating an evenings of intrigue and misconception, offering more than a few giggles and … if you are given to such display … a bellow or two of fun. Under the title Three for the Price of One, WILT are offering three one-act plays by different established British writers including Alan Ayckbourn, three different views of the human condition, three different imaginations at work and two short intervals to gossip with your pals. Norma Payne, one of the founders of WILT directs the production. Since 2001 WILT has made contributions to a wide range of charities. Three for the Price of One will benefit the village hall fund and other local good causes. The performances will be on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 July. Curtain up 7.30pm. Tickets at Cyril Rowsell’s hardware shop - price £7. The plays are Garden Pests, Breakfast for One and A Cut in the Rates. Truly three for the price of one! WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION On Saturday 21 June, we will be visiting Rosemoor Gardens for their Heavenly Scent day, a day dedicated to roses! David Austin, rose specialist, will be giving talks and there are special guided tours of the gardens at a cost of £2.50 each. The cost of entry depends on how many of us will be going, but should be about £6.90. If you love roses and want a fabulous day out, please contact Jan Owen 232694.

16 WOODBURY WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Paris Trip - March 2014 It's surprising what a row 15 pairs of wheels can make! The noise was made by roller cases being wheeled towards The Arch at 6am on the morning of Thursday 27 March. And the reason? Fifteen Woodbury WI ladies were heading for a weekend away in Paris! Ok, so it's a long way by coach to Dover, especially via Bristol, Maidenhead and Cobham. But the air of anticipation, aided by munching of snacks, imbibing of drinks, and comfort breaks along the way, helped the time pass until we arrived at Dover, where there was much manoeuvring of passengers and luggage until everyone was hopefully in the right coach heading for the right European destination. P&O Ferries offered a good line in fish and chips and alcoholic refreshments, and the boat was pretty empty. Leaving Calais, we headed for Paris, under the guidance of Neil and Ray, our two efficient and entertaining Welsh leaders-cum-drivers. At this stage they hadn't quite got the measure of Woodbury WI, perhaps imagining ‘Jam and Jerusalem’. I am embarrassed to report that over the weekend, as far as I know, only one person complained about the noise, and we managed to pretty well drink the coach dry between us - well, it would be churlish, wouldn't it, to have left them with surplus bottles of wine to take back to Wales? At the Chateau of Versailles

33 Roy and Anne Summerhayes celebrated their Golden Wedding at a party at The Maltsters, Woodbury. They were expecting a quiet family meal and were very surprised to be greeted by many friends, all invited by their family. Roy and Anne were married in Maidstone on 31 March 1964.

Photos – Roy and Anne with their cake and one with their sons Michael and Richard, daughter Gillian and their partners and grandchildren Emma, Oakley, Henry and Ollie.


From Deborah Marchant Thank you to all who came to the Woodbury Community Playing Fields Auction on 21 March at the Maltsters Arms. Well over £2,000 was raised. A big thank you to all the people who came to the auction and to the Committee who arranged this evening, and Matt and Sam who kindly offered the function room at the Maltsters public house. Lots of hard work went into this by the committee of fifteen volunteers. This was a charitable evening of auction of promises and Kilve Marchant of Woodbury and Oliver Mortimore of Chagford shared the selling between them and we were quite amazed at how few people turned up to support such a worthy cause. However those who did gave their full support and kept the auction prices high. There are approximately just over 4,000 people who live here in Woodbury and the surrounding area - if everybody just gave £1 each, we could raise a lot more. Can we kindly ask if you could pop into Kilve and Deborah’s shop you donate £1 each person? With more and more development in the village, the school having ten times more children than it did 30 years ago, this project is a must for the future of the whole village. Your name will be written down so Cheryl McGauley and the committee will know how much has been raised. There is a link to donate and to read more about the good cause. Every little helps. Thank you all for your support - together we can make it!




We were based at the 2* Inter Hotel, in the leafy suburb of Malmaison, not the 4* Holiday Inn in Paris itself, as our guides kept reminding us. Our hotel was welcoming, clean, with interesting bedroom decor, each room depicting one of the sights of Paris. There was a nice line in croissants and baguettes, fresh juice and tea or coffee for breakfast; better, though, to stay in the right dining room, or else risk the Gallic wrath of a not very friendly waiter! There were plenty of optional trips on offer: a tour around Paris, a trip on the river Seine, giving a different perspective of a city which obligingly remained bathed in warm sunshine under a brilliant blue sky. We saw the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde, Notre Dame, Moulin Rouge, and became quite familiar with the Champs-élysées. Some ladies visited museums and art galleries or engaged in a spot of retail therapy, others were seen to practise pilates in the Luxembourg Gardens! After a busy first day, a wonderful four course dinner, preceded by a glass of bubbly, included choices of pate, French onion soup, snails, or prawns, followed by steak, veal or salmon, washed down with copious glasses of wine. A marvellous cheese board appeared and most of us managed to try three different cheeses, before squeezing in chocolate mousse, or apple tart or ice cream! Not good for the collective waistlines, but oh so tasty! Oh, I nearly forgot the entertainment, provided by two musicians, one with an accordion and the other with a guitar. Well lubricated at this stage, additional entertainment was provided by (some of) the good ladies of Woodbury! What goes on tour stays on tour, they know who they are, but there was much hilarity, clapping and encouragement from those who stayed firmly rooted to their chairs. After all the fun, there was just enough time left to head up the 69 floors of Montparnasse Tower to marvel at Paris by night, before bedding down to sleep in our (don’t forget, 2*) hotel.

GOLDEN WEDDINGS Congratulations to Roger and Vera Stokes who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 18 April. They enjoyed a lovely day out with their family and with their bridesmaids from that special day 50 years ago.

MARCH WEATHER There were no unusual weather events in March which must be a bit of a relief for many. It was on the warm side with no frosts and a few lovely sunny days from the 10th to the 15th. We were away in Ireland West for 10 days fishing in the middle of the month where we had a few quiet days followed by torrents of rain. This clearly missed Devon as there was only 18mm to be emptied from the gauge on our return. As to stats the rainfall for the month was 61.5mm (2.42ins and 87% of the norm), max/min temperatures were 16C/4C and winds were this way and that. Tortoiseshell and peacock butterflies were active from the start of the month and, with no frost, frog spawn was 100% successful. PJH.

Pilates in Luxembourg Gardens

18 Woodbury Women’s Institute trip to Paris

31 Cont’d/…

On Saturday most opted to visit the Chateau of Versailles and its magnificent gardens, constructed on the instructions of The Sun King, Louis 13th of France. It was busy there, but we had individual headsets providing an excellent commentary (in English!) so we were able to go around at our own pace. Particularly impressive was, of course, the Hall of Mirrors. We munched our crispy baguettes filled with fresh ham and bright red tomatoes in the gardens (how convenient to have Monoprix adjacent to our hotel so that we could try out our rudimentary knowledge of French), before heading back to Montmartre, where some of us (who shall remain nameless) each managed to down a coffee or tea and a plate overflowing with no less than five chocolate desserts - and that was five each! Not surprising, then, that we needed to go up the hill via the funicular to go round the Sacre-Coeur, an impressive Catholic Church set high on the hill overlooking Paris. Our last evening was free time in the Latin Quarter, the artistic area abounding with cafés. Some managed more sight-seeing than others; some counted out their last few euros and had a gourmet meal in a smart cafe, where braised rabbit was a firm favourite. Those ladies with more stamina waited until they returned to Malmaison, where they dined in the local picturesque square, and reports of pole (lamppost) dancing reached our ears. All good things come to an end, and we returned to Woodbury feeling full of bonhomie - though I have to admit to nursing a sore head on Monday! Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle in 2012, Paris in 2014, where next in 2015? Don't miss out - join Woodbury WI! SOLO:SOLAR - GARDEN EXHIBITION AT TIM ANDREWS GALLERY, 31 MAY - 22 JUNE After the overwhelming response to the first garden exhibition last year we look forward to another excellent show this June, hopefully accompanied by some wonderful English summer weather! In the gallery we are very excited to feature a major solo exhibition of exquisite ceramics by leading maker Laurence McGowan. Laurence has developed a highly distinctive style of beautiful brushwork with influences from the Arts and Crafts movement and Islamic design traditions. Work in the garden has continued, despite the floods and high winds of the winter! The ponds are full of tadpoles and newts - and the marsh marigolds are in full buttery yellow glory. This tranquil village garden will provide the perfect backdrop for an exciting new collection of outdoor pots and sculptures from some of the UK's finest makers.

Open Tuesday-Sunday 11.00-5.00 - closed Mondays. Tim Andrews Gallery, Greenway, Woodbury 01395 233475

WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING NOTES 14 APRIL 2014 Ten Parish Councillors and District Councillor Atkins were at this meeting which followed on from the Annual General Meeting earlier in the month. Nobody has come forward for the vacant Exton seat, and the PC will extend the net for capturing a new councillor. On the Bench: Community Orchard seating request. Apple of their eye: Community orchard signage design must be PC approved. Cricket crickets: Rough outfield at cricket ground cut twice a year only to assist wildlife. Kitchen waste?: Woodbury Salterton could lose Greendale community funding unless spent on local project such as the village hall kitchen. Planning: Greendale Business Park WS: amendment amendment amendments. Greendale Business Park WS: new unauthorised track links farm shop to estate. Dog Lane, WS: Blacksmith's workshop. Little Hayes, W: Oak reduction. Primary School, W: Classroom and toilets addition. Other matters: Royal British Legion First World War Commemoration Marquee donation. Public Libraries: DCC consultation request. Neighbourhood Plan: The throwing out of EDDC's Local plan may impact (upwards) the number of new houses required in the parish. Village Green fencing repaint, Commons fencing complaints, dog fouling problems, and the rockets scheme were all discussed. This item is a summary of the meeting as seen by Woodbury News and not necessarily the views of the Parish, District or County Council. The full minutes of the meeting are available at WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION VISIT TO ROSEMOOR SATURDAY 14 JUNE Open to all. Phone Jan Owen for more information on 232694. Editor’s Note : In order to maximise submitted copy and photographs into Woodbury News, it may be necessary to reduce the size of some items. The Editorial team will attempt to do this as carefully as possible.



COMMUNITY POLICE REPORT PCSO 30028 Donna Baker, Tel 08456 569412 Crime report – On 3 March a burglary occurred at a property in Woodbury Salterton, enquiries ongoing. Between 10.00am and 1.00pm on 11 March a burglary occurred at a property on the A376 Exton. On 15 March a common assault occurred at a property in Woodbury Salterton. On 19 March between 2.30 and 3.15am there was an attempted burglary to business premises at a farm on Oil Mill Lane. On 26 March a person arrested for drink drive on the A376 Exton. On 26 March a vehicle parked at caravan site in Woodbury was interfered with, no entry gained. Can I remind all readers to be vigilant and keep all property and vehicles secure at all times, report any suspicious activity to the police at the time of occurrence using the 101 telephone number. Thank you.


WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL CASUAL VACANCY NOTICE There exists a vacancy on the Parish Council for a Councillor in the Exton Ward If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and would like to be considered for this vacancy please write to the Chairman, c/o The Clerk at the address below, giving details of your skills, hobbies and interests etc. Each candidate must be proposed and seconded by a resident of the relevant ward, although candidates themselves are required only to reside, work or own land/property within 3 miles of the entire parish of Woodbury. For more information please contact the Clerk or any Parish Councillor. (addresses and phone numbers of all Councillors can be found on Parish Council noticeboards) Mrs Belinda Price, Clerk to Woodbury Parish Council Greenacre, Couches Lane, WOODBURY, EX5 1HL (01395 233791) The Woodbury News attempts to represent a variety of views within the Community, but does not accept responsibility for anything but Editorial comment. While it may publish unacknowledged material, nothing is included unless the Editor knows the name and address of the author(s).

HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, WOODBURY SALTERTON Family Service Fiona Vessey led the March Family Service, which was very well attended with sixteen children among the congregation. Dan Merrick read the story of Jesus being tempted by the Devil in the wilderness, Fiona went through the events of Lent and the children were able to answer all her questions – surprising the adults by their answers and showing how well the children have been taught in school. Prayers, which they had written themselves, were read by Libby Windle, Finlay Webb and Alice Rooke. Last month Sarah Hornblower had given out pictures of The Good Samaritan after her talk at the Family service and invited the children to colour and return these. She awarded the prize to Eliza Rooke. Mothering Sunday The special extra Family Service on Mothering Sunday was led by Ruth Edwards. Fiona Vessey led the prayers following the lighting of the candle. Anya Corlett and Phil Dent read the bible stories. Libby Windle and Alice Rooke read a poem and a prayer about their mothers and the choir sang Living Lord. Flowers were handed out during the service to children to give to their mothers - these flowers were a gift from Sheila Mills and Sheila Gerdes and Jane Butler had made these up into beautiful bouquets. Claire Easton led prayers. It was pleasing to see over twenty children in church with their families, despite the relatively early service time due to the clocks going forward. The choir were especially pleased to welcome Vera Doran back after her operation and recovery. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Monday 7th was a quiet affair with one member of the congregation joining PCC members. In the Vestry meeting David Hornblower stood down as Churchwarden and was warmly thanked for all his work over the past four years. There were no nominations for a Churchwarden to replace him. Nigel Dupain presented the accounts and was thanked sincerely by Revd Karen Spray for all his work as Treasurer and Sheila Gerdes was thanked for her work as Secretary and as Synod Representative. The Friends of the Church continue to organise fundraising events and are sorry that Susan Merrick feels unable to continue as Chairman because of her commitment as Chair of the School Governors. Members of the PCC were re-elected en bloc with the addition of a new member, Valerie Davieson. Jenny Kemp and Aran Brown will continue to act as Deputy Churchwardens helped by other PCC members – Sheila Gerdes, Nigel Dupain, Debbie Jung, Phil Dent, Katharine Wheeler and David while he remains with this church. Aran Brown drew attention to the poor condition of the red hymn books and the fact that we could do with some more on occasion; if anyone would like to donate a book in memory of someone, please see Aran or Jenny.



Coffee Mornings A big Thank You to all those who gave our church a spring clean and those who tidied the churchyard following the April Coffee Morning. We especially appreciated the help given by Revd Chris and Joanna Cant with these tasks. The May Coffee Morning, with bacon butties, will be on Saturday 3rd from 9.30 until 10.30. On June 7th we start our summer programme of weekly coffee mornings. Congratulations to Roy and Anne Summerhayes on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Roy and Anne were married at All Saints’ church, Maidstone, on 31st March 1964. Poppy Seeds The Diocese is giving free poppy seeds to schools and churches to be planted so that they flower at the time of the 100 years commemoration of the start of the First World War. The variety is named the WW1 Northlew Poppy because the village of Northlew lost proportionately more enlisted men than anywhere else in the UK. As a result many of the local families died out. In memory Northlew is creating a 20 mile poppy avenue for which Suttons have donated 330,000,000 seeds. Both our village school and our church have been given packets of seeds and the church has chosen April as the date for planting these. It is planned to plant some in our churchyard and possibly elsewhere in the village. Each packet contains 2800 seeds so there will doubtless be spare seeds left over. If anyone would like some to plant, please contact Katharine Wheeler.

Anyone can contact Quertyworld Ltd if they have some books that they would like to dispose of and they can be sold on their behalf. Prices are reviewed every 3 months and the condition of the books is often restored before sale. Sales are now up to about 300 per month. An interesting comment made by Elsie Wood, who gave the vote of thanks, was about something that she had read in the newspaper. This was an article by Alan Titchmarsh and he said there are “300 million electronic books and 2.2 billion traditional books.” Everyone agreed that it was a most interesting and enlightening afternoon.




ALL MATERIAL FOR THE MAGAZINE SHOULD BE SENT TO KAREN SQUIRES, WILLOWFIELD, OAKHAYES ROAD by 7.00pm on the Closing Date, with a name and telephone number, or E-Mail to


EXTON DRAMA CLUB For their Spring production the Drama Club performed a one-act play titled The Most Massive Woman Wins written by Madeleine George. This challenging play explores women`s perception of themselves against a norm which is often derived from media-driven ideals. The director, Simon Bolt had skilfully interpreted the text and the four members of the cast, Emma Blasdale, Pat Cusa, Christine Cottam and Lyn Dunning are commended for working hard as a team to bring the play to life. The play was entered into the Exmouth Festival of One Act Plays in April where the adjudicator praised the director for being “brave” in treating such a sensitive and topical subject. The emotional passages were handled with great precision and sympathy and the humorous interplay gave light to the performance. The play was awarded the Adjudicator`s Cup at the end of the Festival. EXE EQUESTRIAN CLUB The open event of the 2014 Exe Equestrian Club's season, a Spring Pleasure Ride, took place in very spring-like weather. Once again riders from across three counties made the most of riding a 10 mile route across an area of outstanding beauty, greeted at the finish with a bacon butties and drinks. These rides have proved very successful for the club and further rides are planned for 8 June, this time ending with a cream tea, and 28 September, an Autumn Pleasure Ride. Other events planned are Novice Pony/Horse and Fun Dog Show, to be held at Nutwell Court, Lympstone on 6 July and 24 August and Open Shows, with dressage, on 27 July and 14 September. For further information on these and the Club generally, please go to our website



EXTON LADIES GROUP 9 April It was a bright sunny afternoon when everyone settled down to listen to our speaker Jennifer Kirkham-Sandy, on Books in a Changing World. She is a specialist book seller and the proprietor of a company based at Odhams Wharf, near Topsham, called Quertyworld Limited. The company, which now has two full time and one part time staff are hoping to take on two more staff this year. It has been selling books for over ten years. Jennifer’s first interest in books began at the age of 11 in her home town of Padstow, with a book about Victorian ponds and rock pools and she has been a bookaholic ever since. She told us that they sell a great variety of weird and wonderful subjects to people around the world and some of the most obscure titles often sell the most. Many of their books are sold through Amazon and someone who may have been searching for a particular book online will be delighted to purchase it from them. Buyers come from not only the UK but as far away as China, Finland and Texas. Universities are always looking for educational, historical and past technical editions. In reverse, professionals and academics may pass on their collections to sell, which are often in demand, particularly if they are in good condition. Many bookshops have had to adapt their premises to encourage people to come in and browse; this often includes a coffee shop and artistic attractions. WH Smith started selling both soft and hard cover books in the 1970s and is now a large outlet. In Exeter we also have Waterstones. Could some books eventually disappear, such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries and Yellow Pages, which are already found on line? Many people use kindles which can be very useful for travelling companions or discreet reading. But when the ladies at our meeting were asked what they preferr ed, ever yone seemed to like having a book which they can take from the shelf and read aga in a nd a ga in. Interestingly electronic books have less than 10% of the market.

WOODBURY SALTERTON C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL Sad News, but Congratulations The church was sad to learn that Headteacher Louise Lowes, who has been such an asset to church-school relations, will be leaving at the end of the Summer Term. We congratulate her on her appointment as Head of a larger school – Bridgetown Primary in Stratford-on-Avon – and wish her every blessing. We will miss her greatly and thank her for all she has contributed to the life of our church. Easter Service The School Easter Service was held in church on the morning of the last day of term, 4 April, and conducted by Revd Karen Spray. Extra seating had to be brought in at the back of the church, as well as the gallery opened, to accommodate the large congregation of 72 parents/ grandparents and extra children, including all those from Little Acorns PreSchool and their Leaders. Pupils played items on various instruments keyboard, flutes, clarinets, recorder, saxophone and guitar – before the service. The Easter Bible narrative was read by senior pupils, interspersed with hymns and items from each class. Class 1 performed Chick chick chick chick chicken, Class 2 acted the story of The Three Trees, Class 3 sang Superstar from the musical Jesus Christ Superstar and Class 4 gave the Bible in 50 words and led the whole school in the rap Build on the Rock with actions. As customary the service concluded with the school singing Happy Easter as a four part round before Revd Karen taught everyone to join in the church traditional Easter Acclamation ‘Allelulia, Christ is risen. He is risen indeed Allelulia’. The service showed how well the children had been taught the Easter Story. This had been reinforced earlier in the week when Sean from Barnabas RE came to the school to explore through drama the links between Easter and the Narnia stories. Easter Colouring Competition Pupils took part in this to raise funds for diabetes awareness. The school winner was Joanie Haines. All entries will go to Diabetes South West for judging. Sport Relief The School raised money for Sport Relief by completing laps round the village Run England circuit and by children performing dances which they had created. This initially raised over £50.

Photo - Jennifer in her office.

DUMBUTU LINK Charity Quiz Evening - Saturday 17 May, 7.15 for 7.30 in Woodbury Salterton Village Hall. Proceeds to the Village Dumbutu Link. Come on your own, or as a team, but do come. £3 a head to include light refreshments. B.Y.O.B. WHIST - TUESDAY 20 MAY, 7.30 WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL



WOODBURY SALTERTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE We celebrated our Diamond Jubilee on 19 March with a party held at Froginwell, the vineyard and cider barn in our village. Guests included Cynthia Somerfield and Marianne Rixson from the Devon Federation of Women’s Institutes and members from the other WIs in our group. While everyone enjoyed the meal a magician, Mark Leveridge, went from table to table entertaining and performing conjuring tricks. Even with some members taking part in these tricks and at very close quarters it was impossible to see how he achieved these. Elisabeth Appleton had made a beautiful cake, which tasted as good as it looked, and she helped President Jenny Kemp ceremonially cut this. The evening concluded with the customary raffle, conducted by Glenys Clarke and Gill Bricknell. Jenny thanked everyone for coming and for the cards of good wishes, especially the one from Woodbury WI because it had been signed by all their members.


Photo left - Anne, Glenys, Gill and Ruth raise a glass to the WI Photo below - Conjuror Mark Leveridge bemusing some WI members

ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, EXTON SUNDAY SERVICES 1st Sunday 6.00pm Evening Service. 2nd Sunday 9.30am Eucharist with Hymns. 3rd Sunday 9.30am Eucharist with Hymns. 4th Sunday 9.30am Eucharist with Hymns. EXTON CRAFT GROUP 15 May - 2.00-4.00pm in St Andrew’s Church. EXTON GARDEN CLUB At the March meeting we welcomed Mike and Edna Squires form Febeers Gardens who gave a good joint talk about the way they have developed Febeers over the past thirty years. When they moved into Febeers it was a cottage in what appeared to be a field so they had quite a task ahead of them. The next thing they discovered was that they were on clay which, needless to say, brought up many problems one of which was an occasion when they had to bring a digger to lift something into place and the digger got well and truly stuck and took some pulling out. Over the years they have collected many obsolete objects, which they’ve picked up mostly from farmers who were throwing them out and re-cycling by using them as containers for plants or just interest in the landscaping. In spite of these difficulties they have developed a very interesting and unusual garden with a big variety of plants for all conditions. There is a wet and dry area both stocked with a good selection of suitable plants and there are plenty of trees to give shade. Frebeers has been in the Yellow Book for many years until they pulled out a couple of years ago. However they still welcome parties by appointment and provide a good cup of tea. It was a very humorous double act which they have obviously done many times before judging by the way they picked it up from each other as they went along. EXTON GARDEN CLUB PLANT SALE SATURDAY 10 MAY, 10.00-12.00 AT THE OLD NURSERIES, STATION ROAD

Photo left - Chris, Ann and Anne Marie are hoodwinked




MAPPING Cont’d/... A suggestion of village walks to further uncover, examine and discuss the physical evidence of historical change was warmly received; so too was the suggestion that the maps created might be examined by the Woodbury Local History Society, whose knowledge may clarify and hopefully verify our thoughts and tentative conclusions. The group disbanded with the happy suggestion that “collectively we are now the experts on Woodbury Salterton” sounding in our ears to acknowledge and reward our efforts on this most interesting morning! The next Heaps map workshop for Woodbury Salterton will be held on 21 June at 10.00 until 1.00 at Woodbury Salterton Village Hall. If anyone is interested in attending please contact Geoff Jung on geoffdebbie2@ or 01395 232328. WOODBURY SALTERTON EVENTS TO NOTE 5 May May Day Monday. From 11.00 Woodbury Salterton 2000 will be holding the May Day event at the Woodbury Salterton School. Details are on posters around the village. The Association will be providing Teas and Coffee, and organising a "Know Your Village" hunt with photographs of locations around the village. 3 June Tuesday at 7.30pm Woodbury Salterton Residents Association Annual General Meeting. at Woodbury Salterton Village Hall. 21 June Saturday 10.00 to 1.00.00 HEAPS meeting at Woodbury Salterton Village Hall. This will be the second meeting where residents will learn about the History of the village from studying the changes shown on various old maps and seeing the changes when compared to modern maps. GARDEN OPEN - 26 JULY On Saturday 26 July Jean Carpenter will be opening her garden in aid of the RNLI. She has quite an interesting garden with plenty of colour and some of the more uncommon plants. The entrance fee will include tea, coffee and biscuits. Details will be published later, but please put the date in your diaries and come along on the day. Please note: there are easy-going steps to the two upper levels so there is no problem for people on crutches or who use a walking-stick and there are railings everywhere. The lower patio is ok for wheelchairs. Anyone using a rollator trolley or Zimmer-frame would not have a problem. There will be an RNLI souvenir stall and teas and coffees.

Photo left Anne with two of our guests – Lin and Margo from Woodbury WI

Photo right - Lis Appleton helping President Jenny Kemp to cut the special cake made by Lis Photos of this evening and thank you cards from our guests were on display at the April monthly meeting, when the Speaker was Connie Thomas, a fund raiser for the charity Farms For City Children. This charity was set up in 1974 by the poet and author Michael Morpugo and his wife Clare to give city children the opportunity to live on a farm for a week and learn first hand about animals and where their food comes from, encouraging their learning and building the self confidence and belief of many disadvantaged children. The first farm was Nethercott in Devon followed in 1986 by Treginnis, Iasf, in Wales and in 1993 by Wick Court in Gloucestershire. 3,000 children are booked in for this year. The experience of one boy, who never spoke at school until he came to a farm and broke his silence to talk to a horse, inspired Michael’s book War Horse. Several members took knitting patterns to knit leaves to go on a knitted tree in the quiet room at Nethercott dedicated to the poet Ted Hughes, who was a Vice President of the charity. The May meeting on the 14th is our Annual Meeting when DFWI Adviser Mary Andrews will be with us. Time permitting a quiz will follow the Annual Meeting. The May coffee morning at The Diggers Rest will be on Thursday 22nd at 11.00.



MAPPING THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT OF WOODBURY SALTERTON On Saturday 5 April approximately twenty people (mostly from Woodbury Salterton but with some from Woodbury and Lympstone) attended a workshop entitled Mapping the Historic Environment of Woodbury Salterton. Emma Rouse (a Heritage and Landscape consultant brought in to administer the project) introduced the project and its aims: “HEAPs (Hist or ic Envir onment Action Plans) are funded by English Heritage. The two year East Devon Heap is a HEAP with a difference. Managed through the East Devon AONB, with its tradition of community heritage projects, the East Devon Heap breaks new ground by involving communities in evaluating their local historic landscape – a 'bottom up' approach in the jargon, and an approach which is intended to be a template for other communities throughout the country. “Two parishes were selected for the East Devon Heap project (Branscombe and Woodbury) on the grounds of strong local history research in these parishes, but also their contrasting topography, geology, position and historical development. “The community history map workshop provides a great initial step in creating a HEAP and provides a vision of how old elements of the Woodbury landscape are and shows the great changes which have occurred in the landscape especially with regards to field patterns.” Following Emma’s introduction attendees were invited to introduce ourselves by saying where we lived and what we knew about the history of our house. After this we split up into pairs and threes, and each group was given an enlarged Ordnance Survey map of a square kilometre of the village and its close surroundings (each square was slightly different). We also had a copy of a map from 1880, the 1839 tithe map, and a Manor map from 1796 (which owing to being compiled for a specific landowner was incomplete in its coverage, though gave useful information in its area of detail).

Armed with pens in various colours, we were allocated to look at either houses and woodlands, or fields and orchards. We were to compare the current OS map with the older maps, identify changes over time (additions and losses in each category) and mark those changes on the OS map. For example, if a field boundary was present in 1839 but does not exist today, we drew the old boundary onto today’s map in green pen. If the boundary was still present in 1880 it was drawn in orange too. Similar instructions covered orchards, houses and woodlands. Time passed qu ickly on this engrossing task, with all the groups being rather disappointed not to have finished mapping their square in the available time. Each group then gave a short presentation summarising their main findings and interesting observations. These included the marked loss of most orchards in the examined area, and the lack of any woodlands save for Hogsbrook Woods; the proliferation of small fields (and subsequent loss of many boundaries) evidencing the fluid land market and changes in agricultural practices over time; human intervention in waterways (especially in the Greendale Business Park area where a waterway present on the tithe map appears to have been turned into a lagoon; and changes to farms, for example the disappearance of several farms from the Walkidons Way area in the 19th Century. A short question and answer session followed. Future workshops were discussed in order that we might complete “our” squares. We were assured that, although primarily the wider interest from HEAP/English Heritage would be in the validity and practicality of our methods rather than the specific maps created and history revealed, our work would be made available for the perusal of other interested parties.



MAPPING THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT OF WOODBURY SALTERTON On Saturday 5 April approximately twenty people (mostly from Woodbury Salterton but with some from Woodbury and Lympstone) attended a workshop entitled Mapping the Historic Environment of Woodbury Salterton. Emma Rouse (a Heritage and Landscape consultant brought in to administer the project) introduced the project and its aims: “HEAPs (Hist or ic Envir onment Action Plans) are funded by English Heritage. The two year East Devon Heap is a HEAP with a difference. Managed through the East Devon AONB, with its tradition of community heritage projects, the East Devon Heap breaks new ground by involving communities in evaluating their local historic landscape – a 'bottom up' approach in the jargon, and an approach which is intended to be a template for other communities throughout the country. “Two parishes were selected for the East Devon Heap project (Branscombe and Woodbury) on the grounds of strong local history research in these parishes, but also their contrasting topography, geology, position and historical development. “The community history map workshop provides a great initial step in creating a HEAP and provides a vision of how old elements of the Woodbury landscape are and shows the great changes which have occurred in the landscape especially with regards to field patterns.” Following Emma’s introduction attendees were invited to introduce ourselves by saying where we lived and what we knew about the history of our house. After this we split up into pairs and threes, and each group was given an enlarged Ordnance Survey map of a square kilometre of the village and its close surroundings (each square was slightly different). We also had a copy of a map from 1880, the 1839 tithe map, and a Manor map from 1796 (which owing to being compiled for a specific landowner was incomplete in its coverage, though gave useful information in its area of detail).

Armed with pens in various colours, we were allocated to look at either houses and woodlands, or fields and orchards. We were to compare the current OS map with the older maps, identify changes over time (additions and losses in each category) and mark those changes on the OS map. For example, if a field boundary was present in 1839 but does not exist today, we drew the old boundary onto today’s map in green pen. If the boundary was still present in 1880 it was drawn in orange too. Similar instructions covered orchards, houses and woodlands. Time passed qu ickly on this engrossing task, with all the groups being rather disappointed not to have finished mapping their square in the available time. Each group then gave a short presentation summarising their main findings and interesting observations. These included the marked loss of most orchards in the examined area, and the lack of any woodlands save for Hogsbrook Woods; the proliferation of small fields (and subsequent loss of many boundaries) evidencing the fluid land market and changes in agricultural practices over time; human intervention in waterways (especially in the Greendale Business Park area where a waterway present on the tithe map appears to have been turned into a lagoon; and changes to farms, for example the disappearance of several farms from the Walkidons Way area in the 19th Century. A short question and answer session followed. Future workshops were discussed in order that we might complete “our” squares. We were assured that, although primarily the wider interest from HEAP/English Heritage would be in the validity and practicality of our methods rather than the specific maps created and history revealed, our work would be made available for the perusal of other interested parties.



MAPPING Cont’d/... A suggestion of village walks to further uncover, examine and discuss the physical evidence of historical change was warmly received; so too was the suggestion that the maps created might be examined by the Woodbury Local History Society, whose knowledge may clarify and hopefully verify our thoughts and tentative conclusions. The group disbanded with the happy suggestion that “collectively we are now the experts on Woodbury Salterton” sounding in our ears to acknowledge and reward our efforts on this most interesting morning! The next Heaps map workshop for Woodbury Salterton will be held on 21 June at 10.00 until 1.00 at Woodbury Salterton Village Hall. If anyone is interested in attending please contact Geoff Jung on geoffdebbie2@ or 01395 232328. WOODBURY SALTERTON EVENTS TO NOTE 5 May May Day Monday. From 11.00 Woodbury Salterton 2000 will be holding the May Day event at the Woodbury Salterton School. Details are on posters around the village. The Association will be providing Teas and Coffee, and organising a "Know Your Village" hunt with photographs of locations around the village. 3 June Tuesday at 7.30pm Woodbury Salterton Residents Association Annual General Meeting. at Woodbury Salterton Village Hall. 21 June Saturday 10.00 to 1.00.00 HEAPS meeting at Woodbury Salterton Village Hall. This will be the second meeting where residents will learn about the History of the village from studying the changes shown on various old maps and seeing the changes when compared to modern maps. GARDEN OPEN - 26 JULY On Saturday 26 July Jean Carpenter will be opening her garden in aid of the RNLI. She has quite an interesting garden with plenty of colour and some of the more uncommon plants. The entrance fee will include tea, coffee and biscuits. Details will be published later, but please put the date in your diaries and come along on the day. Please note: there are easy-going steps to the two upper levels so there is no problem for people on crutches or who use a walking-stick and there are railings everywhere. The lower patio is ok for wheelchairs. Anyone using a rollator trolley or Zimmer-frame would not have a problem. There will be an RNLI souvenir stall and teas and coffees.

Photo left Anne with two of our guests – Lin and Margo from Woodbury WI

Photo right - Lis Appleton helping President Jenny Kemp to cut the special cake made by Lis Photos of this evening and thank you cards from our guests were on display at the April monthly meeting, when the Speaker was Connie Thomas, a fund raiser for the charity Farms For City Children. This charity was set up in 1974 by the poet and author Michael Morpugo and his wife Clare to give city children the opportunity to live on a farm for a week and learn first hand about animals and where their food comes from, encouraging their learning and building the self confidence and belief of many disadvantaged children. The first farm was Nethercott in Devon followed in 1986 by Treginnis, Iasf, in Wales and in 1993 by Wick Court in Gloucestershire. 3,000 children are booked in for this year. The experience of one boy, who never spoke at school until he came to a farm and broke his silence to talk to a horse, inspired Michael’s book War Horse. Several members took knitting patterns to knit leaves to go on a knitted tree in the quiet room at Nethercott dedicated to the poet Ted Hughes, who was a Vice President of the charity. The May meeting on the 14th is our Annual Meeting when DFWI Adviser Mary Andrews will be with us. Time permitting a quiz will follow the Annual Meeting. The May coffee morning at The Diggers Rest will be on Thursday 22nd at 11.00.



WOODBURY SALTERTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE We celebrated our Diamond Jubilee on 19 March with a party held at Froginwell, the vineyard and cider barn in our village. Guests included Cynthia Somerfield and Marianne Rixson from the Devon Federation of Women’s Institutes and members from the other WIs in our group. While everyone enjoyed the meal a magician, Mark Leveridge, went from table to table entertaining and performing conjuring tricks. Even with some members taking part in these tricks and at very close quarters it was impossible to see how he achieved these. Elisabeth Appleton had made a beautiful cake, which tasted as good as it looked, and she helped President Jenny Kemp ceremonially cut this. The evening concluded with the customary raffle, conducted by Glenys Clarke and Gill Bricknell. Jenny thanked everyone for coming and for the cards of good wishes, especially the one from Woodbury WI because it had been signed by all their members.


Photo left - Anne, Glenys, Gill and Ruth raise a glass to the WI Photo below - Conjuror Mark Leveridge bemusing some WI members

ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, EXTON SUNDAY SERVICES 1st Sunday 6.00pm Evening Service. 2nd Sunday 9.30am Eucharist with Hymns. 3rd Sunday 9.30am Eucharist with Hymns. 4th Sunday 9.30am Eucharist with Hymns. EXTON CRAFT GROUP 15 May - 2.00-4.00pm in St Andrew’s Church. EXTON GARDEN CLUB At the March meeting we welcomed Mike and Edna Squires form Febeers Gardens who gave a good joint talk about the way they have developed Febeers over the past thirty years. When they moved into Febeers it was a cottage in what appeared to be a field so they had quite a task ahead of them. The next thing they discovered was that they were on clay which, needless to say, brought up many problems one of which was an occasion when they had to bring a digger to lift something into place and the digger got well and truly stuck and took some pulling out. Over the years they have collected many obsolete objects, which they’ve picked up mostly from farmers who were throwing them out and re-cycling by using them as containers for plants or just interest in the landscaping. In spite of these difficulties they have developed a very interesting and unusual garden with a big variety of plants for all conditions. There is a wet and dry area both stocked with a good selection of suitable plants and there are plenty of trees to give shade. Frebeers has been in the Yellow Book for many years until they pulled out a couple of years ago. However they still welcome parties by appointment and provide a good cup of tea. It was a very humorous double act which they have obviously done many times before judging by the way they picked it up from each other as they went along. EXTON GARDEN CLUB PLANT SALE SATURDAY 10 MAY, 10.00-12.00 AT THE OLD NURSERIES, STATION ROAD

Photo left - Chris, Ann and Anne Marie are hoodwinked




EXTON LADIES GROUP 9 April It was a bright sunny afternoon when everyone settled down to listen to our speaker Jennifer Kirkham-Sandy, on Books in a Changing World. She is a specialist book seller and the proprietor of a company based at Odhams Wharf, near Topsham, called Quertyworld Limited. The company, which now has two full time and one part time staff are hoping to take on two more staff this year. It has been selling books for over ten years. Jennifer’s first interest in books began at the age of 11 in her home town of Padstow, with a book about Victorian ponds and rock pools and she has been a bookaholic ever since. She told us that they sell a great variety of weird and wonderful subjects to people around the world and some of the most obscure titles often sell the most. Many of their books are sold through Amazon and someone who may have been searching for a particular book online will be delighted to purchase it from them. Buyers come from not only the UK but as far away as China, Finland and Texas. Universities are always looking for educational, historical and past technical editions. In reverse, professionals and academics may pass on their collections to sell, which are often in demand, particularly if they are in good condition. Many bookshops have had to adapt their premises to encourage people to come in and browse; this often includes a coffee shop and artistic attractions. WH Smith started selling both soft and hard cover books in the 1970s and is now a large outlet. In Exeter we also have Waterstones. Could some books eventually disappear, such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries and Yellow Pages, which are already found on line? Many people use kindles which can be very useful for travelling companions or discreet reading. But when the ladies at our meeting were asked what they preferr ed, ever yone seemed to like having a book which they can take from the shelf and read aga in a nd a ga in. Interestingly electronic books have less than 10% of the market.

WOODBURY SALTERTON C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL Sad News, but Congratulations The church was sad to learn that Headteacher Louise Lowes, who has been such an asset to church-school relations, will be leaving at the end of the Summer Term. We congratulate her on her appointment as Head of a larger school – Bridgetown Primary in Stratford-on-Avon – and wish her every blessing. We will miss her greatly and thank her for all she has contributed to the life of our church. Easter Service The School Easter Service was held in church on the morning of the last day of term, 4 April, and conducted by Revd Karen Spray. Extra seating had to be brought in at the back of the church, as well as the gallery opened, to accommodate the large congregation of 72 parents/ grandparents and extra children, including all those from Little Acorns PreSchool and their Leaders. Pupils played items on various instruments keyboard, flutes, clarinets, recorder, saxophone and guitar – before the service. The Easter Bible narrative was read by senior pupils, interspersed with hymns and items from each class. Class 1 performed Chick chick chick chick chicken, Class 2 acted the story of The Three Trees, Class 3 sang Superstar from the musical Jesus Christ Superstar and Class 4 gave the Bible in 50 words and led the whole school in the rap Build on the Rock with actions. As customary the service concluded with the school singing Happy Easter as a four part round before Revd Karen taught everyone to join in the church traditional Easter Acclamation ‘Allelulia, Christ is risen. He is risen indeed Allelulia’. The service showed how well the children had been taught the Easter Story. This had been reinforced earlier in the week when Sean from Barnabas RE came to the school to explore through drama the links between Easter and the Narnia stories. Easter Colouring Competition Pupils took part in this to raise funds for diabetes awareness. The school winner was Joanie Haines. All entries will go to Diabetes South West for judging. Sport Relief The School raised money for Sport Relief by completing laps round the village Run England circuit and by children performing dances which they had created. This initially raised over £50.

Photo - Jennifer in her office.

DUMBUTU LINK Charity Quiz Evening - Saturday 17 May, 7.15 for 7.30 in Woodbury Salterton Village Hall. Proceeds to the Village Dumbutu Link. Come on your own, or as a team, but do come. £3 a head to include light refreshments. B.Y.O.B. WHIST - TUESDAY 20 MAY, 7.30 WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL



Coffee Mornings A big Thank You to all those who gave our church a spring clean and those who tidied the churchyard following the April Coffee Morning. We especially appreciated the help given by Revd Chris and Joanna Cant with these tasks. The May Coffee Morning, with bacon butties, will be on Saturday 3rd from 9.30 until 10.30. On June 7th we start our summer programme of weekly coffee mornings. Congratulations to Roy and Anne Summerhayes on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Roy and Anne were married at All Saints’ church, Maidstone, on 31st March 1964. Poppy Seeds The Diocese is giving free poppy seeds to schools and churches to be planted so that they flower at the time of the 100 years commemoration of the start of the First World War. The variety is named the WW1 Northlew Poppy because the village of Northlew lost proportionately more enlisted men than anywhere else in the UK. As a result many of the local families died out. In memory Northlew is creating a 20 mile poppy avenue for which Suttons have donated 330,000,000 seeds. Both our village school and our church have been given packets of seeds and the church has chosen April as the date for planting these. It is planned to plant some in our churchyard and possibly elsewhere in the village. Each packet contains 2800 seeds so there will doubtless be spare seeds left over. If anyone would like some to plant, please contact Katharine Wheeler.

Anyone can contact Quertyworld Ltd if they have some books that they would like to dispose of and they can be sold on their behalf. Prices are reviewed every 3 months and the condition of the books is often restored before sale. Sales are now up to about 300 per month. An interesting comment made by Elsie Wood, who gave the vote of thanks, was about something that she had read in the newspaper. This was an article by Alan Titchmarsh and he said there are “300 million electronic books and 2.2 billion traditional books.” Everyone agreed that it was a most interesting and enlightening afternoon.




ALL MATERIAL FOR THE MAGAZINE SHOULD BE SENT TO KAREN SQUIRES, WILLOWFIELD, OAKHAYES ROAD by 7.00pm on the Closing Date, with a name and telephone number, or E-Mail to


EXTON DRAMA CLUB For their Spring production the Drama Club performed a one-act play titled The Most Massive Woman Wins written by Madeleine George. This challenging play explores women`s perception of themselves against a norm which is often derived from media-driven ideals. The director, Simon Bolt had skilfully interpreted the text and the four members of the cast, Emma Blasdale, Pat Cusa, Christine Cottam and Lyn Dunning are commended for working hard as a team to bring the play to life. The play was entered into the Exmouth Festival of One Act Plays in April where the adjudicator praised the director for being “brave” in treating such a sensitive and topical subject. The emotional passages were handled with great precision and sympathy and the humorous interplay gave light to the performance. The play was awarded the Adjudicator`s Cup at the end of the Festival. EXE EQUESTRIAN CLUB The open event of the 2014 Exe Equestrian Club's season, a Spring Pleasure Ride, took place in very spring-like weather. Once again riders from across three counties made the most of riding a 10 mile route across an area of outstanding beauty, greeted at the finish with a bacon butties and drinks. These rides have proved very successful for the club and further rides are planned for 8 June, this time ending with a cream tea, and 28 September, an Autumn Pleasure Ride. Other events planned are Novice Pony/Horse and Fun Dog Show, to be held at Nutwell Court, Lympstone on 6 July and 24 August and Open Shows, with dressage, on 27 July and 14 September. For further information on these and the Club generally, please go to our website



COMMUNITY POLICE REPORT PCSO 30028 Donna Baker, Tel 08456 569412 Crime report – On 3 March a burglary occurred at a property in Woodbury Salterton, enquiries ongoing. Between 10.00am and 1.00pm on 11 March a burglary occurred at a property on the A376 Exton. On 15 March a common assault occurred at a property in Woodbury Salterton. On 19 March between 2.30 and 3.15am there was an attempted burglary to business premises at a farm on Oil Mill Lane. On 26 March a person arrested for drink drive on the A376 Exton. On 26 March a vehicle parked at caravan site in Woodbury was interfered with, no entry gained. Can I remind all readers to be vigilant and keep all property and vehicles secure at all times, report any suspicious activity to the police at the time of occurrence using the 101 telephone number. Thank you.


WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL CASUAL VACANCY NOTICE There exists a vacancy on the Parish Council for a Councillor in the Exton Ward If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and would like to be considered for this vacancy please write to the Chairman, c/o The Clerk at the address below, giving details of your skills, hobbies and interests etc. Each candidate must be proposed and seconded by a resident of the relevant ward, although candidates themselves are required only to reside, work or own land/property within 3 miles of the entire parish of Woodbury. For more information please contact the Clerk or any Parish Councillor. (addresses and phone numbers of all Councillors can be found on Parish Council noticeboards) Mrs Belinda Price, Clerk to Woodbury Parish Council Greenacre, Couches Lane, WOODBURY, EX5 1HL (01395 233791) The Woodbury News attempts to represent a variety of views within the Community, but does not accept responsibility for anything but Editorial comment. While it may publish unacknowledged material, nothing is included unless the Editor knows the name and address of the author(s).

HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, WOODBURY SALTERTON Family Service Fiona Vessey led the March Family Service, which was very well attended with sixteen children among the congregation. Dan Merrick read the story of Jesus being tempted by the Devil in the wilderness, Fiona went through the events of Lent and the children were able to answer all her questions – surprising the adults by their answers and showing how well the children have been taught in school. Prayers, which they had written themselves, were read by Libby Windle, Finlay Webb and Alice Rooke. Last month Sarah Hornblower had given out pictures of The Good Samaritan after her talk at the Family service and invited the children to colour and return these. She awarded the prize to Eliza Rooke. Mothering Sunday The special extra Family Service on Mothering Sunday was led by Ruth Edwards. Fiona Vessey led the prayers following the lighting of the candle. Anya Corlett and Phil Dent read the bible stories. Libby Windle and Alice Rooke read a poem and a prayer about their mothers and the choir sang Living Lord. Flowers were handed out during the service to children to give to their mothers - these flowers were a gift from Sheila Mills and Sheila Gerdes and Jane Butler had made these up into beautiful bouquets. Claire Easton led prayers. It was pleasing to see over twenty children in church with their families, despite the relatively early service time due to the clocks going forward. The choir were especially pleased to welcome Vera Doran back after her operation and recovery. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Monday 7th was a quiet affair with one member of the congregation joining PCC members. In the Vestry meeting David Hornblower stood down as Churchwarden and was warmly thanked for all his work over the past four years. There were no nominations for a Churchwarden to replace him. Nigel Dupain presented the accounts and was thanked sincerely by Revd Karen Spray for all his work as Treasurer and Sheila Gerdes was thanked for her work as Secretary and as Synod Representative. The Friends of the Church continue to organise fundraising events and are sorry that Susan Merrick feels unable to continue as Chairman because of her commitment as Chair of the School Governors. Members of the PCC were re-elected en bloc with the addition of a new member, Valerie Davieson. Jenny Kemp and Aran Brown will continue to act as Deputy Churchwardens helped by other PCC members – Sheila Gerdes, Nigel Dupain, Debbie Jung, Phil Dent, Katharine Wheeler and David while he remains with this church. Aran Brown drew attention to the poor condition of the red hymn books and the fact that we could do with some more on occasion; if anyone would like to donate a book in memory of someone, please see Aran or Jenny.

18 Woodbury Women’s Institute trip to Paris

31 Cont’d/…

On Saturday most opted to visit the Chateau of Versailles and its magnificent gardens, constructed on the instructions of The Sun King, Louis 13th of France. It was busy there, but we had individual headsets providing an excellent commentary (in English!) so we were able to go around at our own pace. Particularly impressive was, of course, the Hall of Mirrors. We munched our crispy baguettes filled with fresh ham and bright red tomatoes in the gardens (how convenient to have Monoprix adjacent to our hotel so that we could try out our rudimentary knowledge of French), before heading back to Montmartre, where some of us (who shall remain nameless) each managed to down a coffee or tea and a plate overflowing with no less than five chocolate desserts - and that was five each! Not surprising, then, that we needed to go up the hill via the funicular to go round the Sacre-Coeur, an impressive Catholic Church set high on the hill overlooking Paris. Our last evening was free time in the Latin Quarter, the artistic area abounding with cafés. Some managed more sight-seeing than others; some counted out their last few euros and had a gourmet meal in a smart cafe, where braised rabbit was a firm favourite. Those ladies with more stamina waited until they returned to Malmaison, where they dined in the local picturesque square, and reports of pole (lamppost) dancing reached our ears. All good things come to an end, and we returned to Woodbury feeling full of bonhomie - though I have to admit to nursing a sore head on Monday! Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle in 2012, Paris in 2014, where next in 2015? Don't miss out - join Woodbury WI! SOLO:SOLAR - GARDEN EXHIBITION AT TIM ANDREWS GALLERY, 31 MAY - 22 JUNE After the overwhelming response to the first garden exhibition last year we look forward to another excellent show this June, hopefully accompanied by some wonderful English summer weather! In the gallery we are very excited to feature a major solo exhibition of exquisite ceramics by leading maker Laurence McGowan. Laurence has developed a highly distinctive style of beautiful brushwork with influences from the Arts and Crafts movement and Islamic design traditions. Work in the garden has continued, despite the floods and high winds of the winter! The ponds are full of tadpoles and newts - and the marsh marigolds are in full buttery yellow glory. This tranquil village garden will provide the perfect backdrop for an exciting new collection of outdoor pots and sculptures from some of the UK's finest makers.

Open Tuesday-Sunday 11.00-5.00 - closed Mondays. Tim Andrews Gallery, Greenway, Woodbury 01395 233475

WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING NOTES 14 APRIL 2014 Ten Parish Councillors and District Councillor Atkins were at this meeting which followed on from the Annual General Meeting earlier in the month. Nobody has come forward for the vacant Exton seat, and the PC will extend the net for capturing a new councillor. On the Bench: Community Orchard seating request. Apple of their eye: Community orchard signage design must be PC approved. Cricket crickets: Rough outfield at cricket ground cut twice a year only to assist wildlife. Kitchen waste?: Woodbury Salterton could lose Greendale community funding unless spent on local project such as the village hall kitchen. Planning: Greendale Business Park WS: amendment amendment amendments. Greendale Business Park WS: new unauthorised track links farm shop to estate. Dog Lane, WS: Blacksmith's workshop. Little Hayes, W: Oak reduction. Primary School, W: Classroom and toilets addition. Other matters: Royal British Legion First World War Commemoration Marquee donation. Public Libraries: DCC consultation request. Neighbourhood Plan: The throwing out of EDDC's Local plan may impact (upwards) the number of new houses required in the parish. Village Green fencing repaint, Commons fencing complaints, dog fouling problems, and the rockets scheme were all discussed. This item is a summary of the meeting as seen by Woodbury News and not necessarily the views of the Parish, District or County Council. The full minutes of the meeting are available at WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION VISIT TO ROSEMOOR SATURDAY 14 JUNE Open to all. Phone Jan Owen for more information on 232694. Editor’s Note : In order to maximise submitted copy and photographs into Woodbury News, it may be necessary to reduce the size of some items. The Editorial team will attempt to do this as carefully as possible.




We were based at the 2* Inter Hotel, in the leafy suburb of Malmaison, not the 4* Holiday Inn in Paris itself, as our guides kept reminding us. Our hotel was welcoming, clean, with interesting bedroom decor, each room depicting one of the sights of Paris. There was a nice line in croissants and baguettes, fresh juice and tea or coffee for breakfast; better, though, to stay in the right dining room, or else risk the Gallic wrath of a not very friendly waiter! There were plenty of optional trips on offer: a tour around Paris, a trip on the river Seine, giving a different perspective of a city which obligingly remained bathed in warm sunshine under a brilliant blue sky. We saw the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde, Notre Dame, Moulin Rouge, and became quite familiar with the Champs-élysées. Some ladies visited museums and art galleries or engaged in a spot of retail therapy, others were seen to practise pilates in the Luxembourg Gardens! After a busy first day, a wonderful four course dinner, preceded by a glass of bubbly, included choices of pate, French onion soup, snails, or prawns, followed by steak, veal or salmon, washed down with copious glasses of wine. A marvellous cheese board appeared and most of us managed to try three different cheeses, before squeezing in chocolate mousse, or apple tart or ice cream! Not good for the collective waistlines, but oh so tasty! Oh, I nearly forgot the entertainment, provided by two musicians, one with an accordion and the other with a guitar. Well lubricated at this stage, additional entertainment was provided by (some of) the good ladies of Woodbury! What goes on tour stays on tour, they know who they are, but there was much hilarity, clapping and encouragement from those who stayed firmly rooted to their chairs. After all the fun, there was just enough time left to head up the 69 floors of Montparnasse Tower to marvel at Paris by night, before bedding down to sleep in our (don’t forget, 2*) hotel.

GOLDEN WEDDINGS Congratulations to Roger and Vera Stokes who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 18 April. They enjoyed a lovely day out with their family and with their bridesmaids from that special day 50 years ago.

MARCH WEATHER There were no unusual weather events in March which must be a bit of a relief for many. It was on the warm side with no frosts and a few lovely sunny days from the 10th to the 15th. We were away in Ireland West for 10 days fishing in the middle of the month where we had a few quiet days followed by torrents of rain. This clearly missed Devon as there was only 18mm to be emptied from the gauge on our return. As to stats the rainfall for the month was 61.5mm (2.42ins and 87% of the norm), max/min temperatures were 16C/4C and winds were this way and that. Tortoiseshell and peacock butterflies were active from the start of the month and, with no frost, frog spawn was 100% successful. PJH.

Pilates in Luxembourg Gardens

16 WOODBURY WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Paris Trip - March 2014 It's surprising what a row 15 pairs of wheels can make! The noise was made by roller cases being wheeled towards The Arch at 6am on the morning of Thursday 27 March. And the reason? Fifteen Woodbury WI ladies were heading for a weekend away in Paris! Ok, so it's a long way by coach to Dover, especially via Bristol, Maidenhead and Cobham. But the air of anticipation, aided by munching of snacks, imbibing of drinks, and comfort breaks along the way, helped the time pass until we arrived at Dover, where there was much manoeuvring of passengers and luggage until everyone was hopefully in the right coach heading for the right European destination. P&O Ferries offered a good line in fish and chips and alcoholic refreshments, and the boat was pretty empty. Leaving Calais, we headed for Paris, under the guidance of Neil and Ray, our two efficient and entertaining Welsh leaders-cum-drivers. At this stage they hadn't quite got the measure of Woodbury WI, perhaps imagining ‘Jam and Jerusalem’. I am embarrassed to report that over the weekend, as far as I know, only one person complained about the noise, and we managed to pretty well drink the coach dry between us - well, it would be churlish, wouldn't it, to have left them with surplus bottles of wine to take back to Wales? At the Chateau of Versailles

33 Roy and Anne Summerhayes celebrated their Golden Wedding at a party at The Maltsters, Woodbury. They were expecting a quiet family meal and were very surprised to be greeted by many friends, all invited by their family. Roy and Anne were married in Maidstone on 31 March 1964.

Photos – Roy and Anne with their cake and one with their sons Michael and Richard, daughter Gillian and their partners and grandchildren Emma, Oakley, Henry and Ollie.


From Deborah Marchant Thank you to all who came to the Woodbury Community Playing Fields Auction on 21 March at the Maltsters Arms. Well over £2,000 was raised. A big thank you to all the people who came to the auction and to the Committee who arranged this evening, and Matt and Sam who kindly offered the function room at the Maltsters public house. Lots of hard work went into this by the committee of fifteen volunteers. This was a charitable evening of auction of promises and Kilve Marchant of Woodbury and Oliver Mortimore of Chagford shared the selling between them and we were quite amazed at how few people turned up to support such a worthy cause. However those who did gave their full support and kept the auction prices high. There are approximately just over 4,000 people who live here in Woodbury and the surrounding area - if everybody just gave £1 each, we could raise a lot more. Can we kindly ask if you could pop into Kilve and Deborah’s shop you donate £1 each person? With more and more development in the village, the school having ten times more children than it did 30 years ago, this project is a must for the future of the whole village. Your name will be written down so Cheryl McGauley and the committee will know how much has been raised. There is a link to donate and to read more about the good cause. Every little helps. Thank you all for your support - together we can make it!



UPDATE - 2014 FESTIVAL OF FOLK, ROOTS AND BLUES Final arrangements are now in place for the second festival of folk blues and roots in aid of Force Cancer Charity which takes place over Friday 20 and Saturday 21 June at the Maltsters Arms. The line up for Saturday afternoon 21 June is staking shape. Doors open at 12.30 for a relaxed afternoon of cream teas and mainly acoustic music including Woodbury School Choir, who will be brilliant, Kirsty Bennett, regular at the local open mike nights, Bicton Street Blues, who have been itching to come and play in Woodbury and Neil Quaintance, who performed so admirably at last years festival. Sadly (and I know opinions are divided on this, but I’m going to stick my neck out and say it’s rather fun) there will be no ukulele orchestra. All we need now is the weather and we’ll do the whole shebang outdoors. There are a couple of half hour spots still available for local talent to fill. Anyone interested should contact Bluesbury Music via the website. For the evening performance doors open at 7.00. Friday includes Cloudi Lewis, Hooper & Mills, Josie Lloyd, and Alex Kumar. Saturday evening features Blue Swayed Blues, Ben & Si's Stompin' Blues, The Travelling Bluesburys and The Buffalo Angels. All performers and organisers have generously agreed to donate their time for free for this worthwhile charity. Tickets available after 1 May, direct from The Maltsters or by post, instructions from Ticket prices are a modest £5 for Friday evening, £5 for Saturday evening or £8 for both. For the Saturday afternoon event, entry will be free, but don't forget the cream tea. Information and latest announcements on; click on the Festival 2014 tag.

WOODBURY TENNIS CLUB The summer season has arrived; the Tennis Club boasts two resurfaced, painted courts to enable top class tennis to flourish in the village. We have the facilities; now we require the players. As always the Club is delighted to welcome new and returning members; Club sessions Friday from 6.30pm, Sunday from 10.30am and ladies group Tuesday 2.30pm. We are very pleased that top tennis coach Steve Wood, performance director at Exeter University, is again coaching our juniors this year. He will be in charge of our junior coaching programme on Wednesday afternoon/ evening during the summer term. Details of the programme can be obtained from Glenis (232988). The courts are available for the playing of tennis to all residents of the parish and visitors at a reasonable fee of £4.00 per hour, key available at 5 Escott Cottages (Pat Browne 232805) or from Jackie Clarke, 2 East View, Flower Street (232832). But if playing regularly, annual membership (£15 junior) is more economical.

Photos are of Hooper & Mills and Alex Kumar.

WOODBURY INTERESTING LITTLE THEATRE (WILT) Woodbury Interesting Little Theatre (WILT) are gestating an evenings of intrigue and misconception, offering more than a few giggles and … if you are given to such display … a bellow or two of fun. Under the title Three for the Price of One, WILT are offering three one-act plays by different established British writers including Alan Ayckbourn, three different views of the human condition, three different imaginations at work and two short intervals to gossip with your pals. Norma Payne, one of the founders of WILT directs the production. Since 2001 WILT has made contributions to a wide range of charities. Three for the Price of One will benefit the village hall fund and other local good causes. The performances will be on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 July. Curtain up 7.30pm. Tickets at Cyril Rowsell’s hardware shop - price £7. The plays are Garden Pests, Breakfast for One and A Cut in the Rates. Truly three for the price of one! WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION On Saturday 21 June, we will be visiting Rosemoor Gardens for their Heavenly Scent day, a day dedicated to roses! David Austin, rose specialist, will be giving talks and there are special guided tours of the gardens at a cost of £2.50 each. The cost of entry depends on how many of us will be going, but should be about £6.90. If you love roses and want a fabulous day out, please contact Jan Owen 232694.




Woodbury Church of England Primary School Cont’d/... School Easter Service This year, under the direction of their teacher Mrs Alison Sparks, it was the turn of the children in Maple Class to lead the School Easter Service. As the school broke up almost two weeks ahead of Easter it was decided that the story would be told in its entirety. From Jesus’ triumphant ride into Jerusalem to his trial and subsequent crucifixion, the actors powerfully portrayed the critical events that culminated with Mary’s meeting with the risen Jesus outside the empty tomb in the garden. Proceeds of the retiring collection were donated to Cancer Research. Following the service, the congregation joined children, staff and governors back at school for an Easter Tea organised by members of the PTFA.

COURGETTE & DILL GRATIN A creamy, delicately flavoured vegetable dish. It makes a lovely supper dish with a salad or an unusual side dish to go with a main course. Excellent with a roast. (If you want to turn the recipe into a more substantial vegetarian dish, mix 150g of walnuts through the grated courgette before cooking.) Serves 4-6 INGREDIENTS ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

Photo - Jack Draper’s sensitive portrayal of Jesus provided a poignant focus at the service and helped to highlight the significance of this important time in the Christian calendar.

MAYTREE PRE-SCHOOL Maytree Pre-School need a treasurer ASAP or the Pre-School will have to close. If anyone feels they can help or knows someone who could please contact Liz Dymond at or by phone 07791633517. GREAT DEVON BREAKFAST WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY 17 MAY AT 8.00 TO 11.00 Price £5, Children under 12 £3. In aid of FORCE. Tickets available from Chris Lear 232772 Chris Quantick 233080 or CyrilRowsell.

1 large onion finely chopped 500g courgettes 25g butter 3 chopped garlic cloves

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100ml cream 1 teaspoon dill (fresh or dried) 100g grated cheddar cheese seasoning

METHOD 1. Sauté the onion in the butter (do not brown) 2. Grate the courgettes into a bowl then squeeze them in your cupped hands over the sink to remove excess liquid 3. Add the onion to the cream, dill, garlic (and walnuts if you use them) and mix together and season well. 4. Spread the mixture in an oven-proof serving dish, sprinkle with the cheese and bake for about 30-40 minutes at 180°C or until golden and bubbling Serve hot or warm. Our thanks once again go to Stephen Leger who can be contacted at: Tel: 01395 233549 / 07977 422164 Secret Gourmet.

ADVERTISING RATES SMALL ADS.: (3 lines) Private £2.00. (3 lines) Business £5.00 (£50.00 per annum). DISPLAY ADS. £15 quarter page To: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT Tel: 233299 (e-mail The Woodbury News accepts no liability for:- i) Any claims made by the advertiser; ii) Any errors or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser; iii) Any legal action as a result of the advertisement.

36 HOME FIRE SAFETY VISIT Every year thousands of people within the UK experience a fire in the home. Tragically, many of these result in injury or even death. Home Safety Visit The damage caused by fire in the home can have devastating consequences and a large number of fires could have been prevented if potential hazards in the home were identified and eliminated and the residents had a plan in case of an emergency. To assist with this, Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service offer a programme of ‘Home Fire Safety Visits’. Home Fire Safety Visits can sound daunting to many people, especially the elderly. They involve a DSFRS employee visiting your home at a time convenient to yourself to give advice and guidance in respect of fire and home safety needs. They will also assist you with the development of an escape plan so you would know how to get out of your house if there was a fire. All homes have different requirements but a Home Fire Safety Visit should take no longer than 45 minutes. What is the cost to residents? DSFRS are working to develop a safer community and this is a completely FREE service that’s offered to people and places where we know there is a higher risk of fire. This includes high risk individuals such as older people, especially those living alone, those with mobility, vision and hearing impairment, mental health services users and those liable to intoxication through alcohol/drug use. A combination of these factors will significantly increase the risk from fire; you may also qualify to have a FREE smoke alarm fitted in your house. You will not be sold anything. If you are concerned that your home may be at risk of fire or know someone who you think needs our help then please arrange a visit by calling. 0800 7311 822 All Fire and Rescue personnel who visit your home will carry photo identification. Please ensure you ask to see it.

13 Decorated Egg Competition Responding to the challenge of decorating an egg representing a famous person, a large number of entries were submitted, revealing some very creative and witty designs. These ranged from politicians and historical characters to film and TV stars. The models were judged by the children themselves. As on previous occasions, the children’s chosen winners reflected thoughtful consideration and an appreciation of the care that had been taken and the amount of effort that had been made. Thanks to the PTFA, every entrant received a mini chocolate egg with each year group winner also being presented with a large boxed egg. Photo - The Eggs Factor,

one of the seven winning designs Village Play Park Options Councillor Cheryl McGauley (pictured below) talking to a group of children from Ash Class about a proposed new v illa g e p la yg r ou nd facility for older children. The meeting formed part of an information gathering process in preparation for an application by Woodbury Parish Council for funding for the project which received a very enthusiastic response from the children. The project follows the successful installation last year of the very popular play equipment for younger children, situated on the village green. Having given the matter careful consideration, the children were keen to put forward their ideas and suggestions. After the meeting they were clearly excited at the prospects of having a new play park and all agreed that it would provide a popular and valuable play space for the village.

12 WOODBURY CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL Recent Sporting Endeavours Devon Go-Ride Cyclocross Final Following their success in winning the East Devon heats of the Go-Ride C y c l o c r o s s competition, a squad of eight Year 5 and 6 children from Woodbury took part in the Devon Final of the competition at Haldon Forest on Wednesday 26 March. The all-day event saw teams from the top 13 Devon s c h o o ls compete in an individual time-trial and group race around a challenging, very technical course that was full of tight turns! All the children put in maximum effort to make sure they got to the first bend at the front of the pack, and showed great stamina and resilience in completing the course. The race saw its fair share of thrills and spills, with Tom Garland being a particularly unfortunate victim of an accidental touch of wheels when in a leading position, that saw him catapulted from his bike and retired injured. The children should all be very proud of rising to the challenge, making it to the final and finishing in the top ten of all Devon primary schools. Exmouth Tag Rugby Festival On Wednesday 2 April, all thirty-three Year 5 and 6 children from Woodbury C of E Primary School had a great afternoon taking part in a Tag Rugby Festival at Exmouth Community College. Fortunately, the weather was fantastic and three teams of children from Woodbury had an opportunity to play more than five games against teams from various schools from the Exmouth area. In the competitive part of the festival, Woodbury played seven matches, losing by one point to the eventual winners, Withycombe, and the runners up, Brixington. In a similarly hard-fought runners-up play-off, they won by a point, to come a creditable third overall. Everyone agreed it was a great afternoon of teamwork and exercise!



2-5 May Twinning Visit to France. 8 May Woodbury WI. I met them on the way, 7.30, WVH. 10 May Woodbury Garden Club Plant Sale. WVH. 10.00. 10 May Exton Garden Club Plant Sale. 10.00-12.00. The Old Nurseries. 12 May Woodbury News AGM. 7.30. RBL Room, WVH. 15 May Exton Craft Group. 2.00-4.00 in St Andrew’s Church. 17 May Great Devon Big Breakfast. WVH. 8.00-11.00. (232772). 17 May Dumbutu Quiz Evening. WSVH. 7.15 for 7.30. All welcome. 24 May Woodbury Church Rooms Coffee Morning. 10.00-12.00. 31 May-22 June Solo:Solar - Garden Exhibition. Tim Andrews Gallery. 3 June WS Residents Assn. AGM WSVH. 7.30. 12 June Woodbury WI Garden Party. 14 June Woodbury Twinning Association Visit to Rosemoor Gardens. 14 June Fun Day on the Village Green. 20/21 June 2014 Festival of Folk, Roots and Blues. The Maltsters Arms. 21 June 10.00-1.00 HEAPS mapping workshop at WSVH. 21 June Visit to Rosemoor Gardens, Woodbury Twinning. 21 June Exton Fete. 2.00- 4.00. 29 June Open Garden - afternoon teas from 2.00 at Sunny Cottage, WS. 6 July WCC 6-a-side and Open Day. 10.00-6.00. Tea for all from 4.00. 10 July Woodbury WI One Woman, a Harem and 1000 Cows. 7.30, WVH 13 July Open Garden. The Old Vicarage, WS. In aid of Hospiscare. 18/19 July WILT Three for the Price of One. Curtain up 7.30pm. WVH. 20 July Twinning Summer BBQ. 24 July RBL Poppy Banner Quilt & Exhibition. Church Rooms 2.00-7.00 26 July Jean Carpenter. Open Garden. 3 August WWI Commemoration ‘Songs of Praise’. 6.00pm Woodbury Green 4 August WWI Commemoration Remembrance. 11.00. Woodbury Green. 4 August WWI Commemoration Day Exhibition 2.00-4.30. WVH. 4 August WWI Commemoration Concert. 7.00-9.30. Woodbury Green. 9 August Party in the Park. 30 August Woodbury Country Fayre. 4 Sept. Local History Society Meeting. Bernard Hughes. WVH. 6 Nov. Local History Society Meeting. John Allen. St Swithun’s. WOODBURY NEWS to your door … If you are a new resident to the area, or would like your Woodbury News to be delivered to your door monthly - we can arrange this. Just call Beverley Simcox on 232858 and she will put you in contact with your local deliverer.


SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS DELIGHTFUL ANNEXE TO RENT in a large modern house, all modcons. Available for long or short term, and suitable for one or two people. No Smoking, and No Pets. Please telephone 01395 239095 (2/5)

BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS WOODBURY HOLIDAY HOME TO RENT in centre of village. Luxury accommodation for 4 people, 2 en-suites, parking, courtyard garden. Weekly holidays & short breaks. 01579 350365. (10/12) TWO HOLIDAY COTTAGES TO LET 1 Castle Cottages & Waverley are in the centre of Woodbury Village. 1 Castle Cottages sleeping 7 guests, Waverley 4/5. For bookings please phone Michelle 01395 232917 (3/6) M. K. L. SANSOM LTD, PLUMBER & HEATING ENGINEER GAS safe Register 4325. Installations, Maintenance and Repair. 279341 (7/12) TIME FOR A NEW LOOK? Qualified Hair Stylist. Appointment to suit. Not mobile. Call Heather Anne on 01392 876830 (1/12) FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER Nail Cutting and Treatment of Corns, Callus and Verrucas - Home Visits. Contact Lindsey Waddell MAFHP 01395 263496. (5/12) ROOFING Woodbury based RWI Roofing Specialising in Slating, Tiling, Re-Roof, New Roof, Repairs, Guttering. For a friendly, reliable service call Ray 232926, or 07988 691051 (As recmd in (12/12) SQUIRREL COTTAGE Self catering 16th century property full of character, available for weekly holidays and short breaks. Sleeps 5. Graded 5 Star. Tel: Kay 0776 997 5557 (3/12) COMPUTER SALES, HARDWARE REPAIRS AND UPGRADES Based in Woodbury for over 18 years - Broadband and wireless connections. Data recovery and backup. Windows upgrades. Parental control. Free virus/ spyware removal & prevention. No fix no fee – All costs agreed in advance – evening visits to suit you. Mark Doyle Tel: 233694 (11/12) MATHS TUITION: Experienced, female Maths teacher available to teach primary to GSCE level maths, 11+ and SATs preparation. Reasonable rates. Telephone: Jane Moffatt on 01395 279952 (7/12) ECZEMA - HOT, ITCHY, SORE. Homeopathy - natural, safe, nonaddictive. Phone Libby Clapham BA, RSHom, Registered Homeopath 01392 412767 / 07986 157854; (10/12)







WWI COMMEMORATIONS - MONDAY 4 AUGUST 11.00am Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial on Woodbury Village Green. Laying of the RBL Poppy wreath, and placing of wooden poppy crosses by members of the public. Crosses available from Chairman Sandra Huish on 232696. 2.00-4.30pm An exhibition in Woodbury Village Hall with displays of the life and times in the villages at the commencement of WWI, to include a history of the families at the time, farming, rail and horse drawn transport, the women’s role with nursing and Salvation Army support, school time displays from the children of both schools and much more. Refreshments available from the “Navy and Army Canteen Board”. 7.00-9.30pm A free entry community concert in a marquee on the Village Green with performances from many residents of the three villages, including The Community Choir (if you would like to join in and sing please contact Christine Lear on 232772 for details), The Woodbury Whalers, Memory Lane with Jane Hindle and singers, a Music Hall Mime, Song and Dance enactment performed by the children of both village schools, readings, poems, and letters from the “front”, finishing with community singing lead by Michelle Connolly. 7.45-8.15pm Interval hosted by “The Soup Kitchen”. This is a non-profit event honouring the sacrifice of all local 1st World War personnel, and we are all raising funds to cover the costs. Donations are very welcome to RBL Woodbury. Any monies over will be donated to The Hazler Rehabilitation Unit at Devonport, Cancer UK and RBL Woodbury supporting our local personnel and dependants. Please support this event and “Save the Dates”.

“For your tomorrow, we gave our today”. WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB PLANT SALE 10 MAY - 10.00. WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL

10 WOODBURY VILLAGE GOLF SOCIETY Okehampton Visit There were 21 corks pulled which gave a nice round number of 7 teams with a starting time of 10.26am. Okehampton was a fun day out with good company, lovely weather, good meal and not such good golf! The course, despite the conditions, proved difficult for a lot of us and there were a few tired bodies walking off the 18th including mine! Only two players managed to achieve a points score of 30 and over. No twos were scored so £42 will be carried over to the next event. Only those who have not contributed to the pot will be asked to contribute next time. We welcomed two new members - Paul Laverick and Graham Slack. Graham did rather well, coming in first with 33 points. Second was Nick Dubuisson with 30 points and third on a double count back, John Collier Marsh with 29 points. Others with 29 were Paul Laverick, David Moore and Derek Carmichael. The team prize was won by Paul Laverick, Nick Dubuisson and David Moore with 74 points. Again this was on a count back! The other team was Derek Carmichael, John Kinch and Graham Slack. Nearest the pin was Derek Carmichael who is clearly becoming pretty good at this! Next Two Events A match has been organised against the Colonials for 1 May at East Devon and I will be sending out details shortly. I have run out of reserves so if anyone would like to put their name down please let me know. Honiton is our next venue on Thursday 22 May, tee off time 10.30. Please let me know if you can play in this. If you have told me by word of mouth please tell me again! Cost will be £34. Honiton is a pleasant course (parkland course which is flat!) and usually serves excellent grub. WOODBURY CHURCH ROOMS The Trustees of the Church Rooms are organising a Coffee Morning which is partly to raise funds, and partly an open morning for people who are not familiar with the premises to view the facilities available. Please come and join us at this event which is on Saturday 24 May from 10.00 until 12.00.

39 BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS Cont’d/… BED AND BREAKFAST in our 4 Star Silver Award 16th Century Devon Longhouse, on a working dairy farm. Sally Glanvill, Rydon Farm. 232341, (12/12) RUBBISH REMOVALS Domestic and Commercial. Environment Agency licensed. No job too small. Tel: 0800 335 7610 / 07979 841376. (**) BED & BREAKFAST APARTMENT with Continental breakfast, or Traditional Farmhouse B&B, twin and double rooms. 01392 877710. Jenny Broom, Courtbrook Farm, Clyst St George. (10/12) ACCOUNTS AND TAX SERVICE Sole Trades, Partnerships, Limited Companies and Personal Tax. Full range of advice. Fixed fee plans and free initial consultation/quotation. Wheelers Accountants Tel: 233184 (6/24) WE ARE POSH NOSH! With over two decades of experience in the catering industry we are at the forefront of special occasion and event catering in Devon and the West Country. We are committed to providing first class cuisine with outstanding levels of service. Phone:- 01392 444877 or email: (1/12)

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WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB 8 April Rebecca Wells, a garden designer and a very enthusiastic gardener came to talk to us about Gravel Gardens. This is the second time she has been to Woodbury Garden Club and once again we were not disappointed by her presentation. Rebecca began by asking us to think about where gravel is found in the natural world. She went on to talk about the two types found, firstly scree, for example in the Russian Steppes and secondly marine gravel, for example at Dungeness. In both cases, plants will grow and flourish in these two very different conditions. So, what are the advantages of a gravel garden? Rebecca made many points. A gravel garden is a great option for a low maintenance garden. It is hard wearing and relatively cheap to put down and it provides security because you can hear people coming! If rainfall is low, it has the advantage that rain percolates through slowly and it lends itself to Mediterranean-style drought-tolerant planting which in turn provides plenty of nectar and pollen for visiting insects. Any area is suitable for a gravel garden, although a sunny, well drained spot is best for most Mediterranean plants. If your garden is on a slope then you will need to terrace. Near the house is good but not under trees. You need to think about the transition between your gravel garden and say, an area of grass or a border. Her advice was to always use local gravel, round gravel looks more natural and a mixture of 20ml and some larger gives a more natural look. Remove the turf and make sure there are no weeds. If you have heavy clay dig in some Sharps horticultural grit. Do not use a membrane and lay 6 inches of gravel on top of your prepared ground. Always give your gravel garden a hard edge to stop the gravel from spreading. Rebecca gave advice on plants suitable for gravel gardens. Herbs and grey, narrow or grass like leafed plants are nearly always suitable. We were given the names of many plants to try ranging from bulbs, shrubs, herbaceous perennials and grasses. Small plants can become swamped by gravel, so plant them on a low mound so that they are raised slightly above the level of the gravel. Self seeding plants can give the garden a more natural look and can always be weeded out if not needed! A good layer of gravel will last for years and will only need a little 'topping up'. Rebecca gave us a list of gardens to visit where good examples of gravel gardens can be found: Denmams near Arundel, Beth Chatto's near Colchester, R.H.S. Hyde Hal, Chelmsford, Cold Ashton near Bath and Sticky Wicket near Dorchester. She finished by showing us many slides of different examples of gravel gardens and how gravel can be used in the landscaping of a garden. Two dates for your diaries. 13 May - Late afternoon and evening visit to Burrow Gardens. 10 June - Visit to Cotehele (NT). Details and names to Judy Bashforth (233041) or Marian Mead (233775).

8 WOODBURY COMMUNITY PLAYING FIELDS UPDATE Woodbury Community Playing Fields have recently raised £2,200 from our very successful Auction of Promises which was held at The Maltsters on 21 March. This money will be put towards improving the children's play area - fantastic news for the local community! Our first target is to raise £80,000 towards a new Children's Play Area to be built in the winter 2014/2015. At present we have received grants and donations of nearly £35,000 towards this target. Please visit our website to donate money to help meet our target - Thank you very much for these generous contributions. Our website shows how much we have raised so far and how much we still require to improve the facilities. If you would personally like to contribute, there is a link on our website to donate money – every little bit helps! We have also been successful in first stage to receive sport money from East Devon to help provide a MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) on the playing field. This was put forward by East Devon for public consultation with residents and we are awaiting the results of the voting process – fingers crossed! Look out for more details on our website or Facebook page! SAVE THE DATES! 9 AUGUST - PARTY FOR THE PARK @ THE MALTSTERS PUB 20 SEPTEMBER - COUNTRY FAIR @ THE PLAYING FIELDS WANTED Committee Members to join Woodbury Community Playing Fields We are still continuing to pursue other funding streams and are working hard on behalf of all the users of the playing field. However this is a large project and we require more involvement from the local community. We are in the process of applying for larger grants and we need community members with relevant skills and expertise in this area to join our team of hard working members to help improve facilities on the large playing field. Please contact if you would like to help or can offer expertise. WOODBURY NEWS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MONDAY 12 MAY AT 7.30 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ROOM, WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL All welcome.



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OPEN DAY- 6 July, 10.00-6.00 THE DUBUISSON SHIELD 6-A-SIDE COMPETITION WITH CREAM TEAS FROM 4.00. The Club have invited teams from The Maltsters Woodbury, The Erratics CC Exeter, Newton Poppleford CC, Sunset CC and Lympstone CC to compete with WCC for the fourth year of this exciting competition when Newton Pop CC will once again be attempting to retain the title and we will all be trying to beat the 28 sixes scored in 2011. Do come along, bring the family and support your home teams, enjoy the atmosphere, have a cream tea on the grass or a drink at the bar. Above all, keep your eye on the ball. The Club invites all team supporters and former WCC members, players, family and friends to the event when you will see some fantastic hard-hitting rapid-fire cricket. We would like to thank now all those that came last year who helped us raise some valuable funds for our chosen charity http:// This year we have chosen to aid Macmillan Cancer Support - EAST EXE PROBUS CLUB The thriving East Exe Probus Club is one of a group of National Clubs for retired PROfessional and BUSinessmen. Probus Clubs are either ladies, mixed or men only clubs. East Exe is the latter. Members come from Exmouth and surrounding villages and we note that we have none from Woodbury and hope to interest some Woodbury residents to join us. Visitors and new members are always welcome. We meet at 10.00am on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at Withycombe Rugby Club, Hulham Road, Exmouth. Meetings are preceded by coffee and a chat with other members. Dress code is jacket and tie. Our programme covers a wide range of subjects and promises to be fascinating, so why not put the following dates in your diary and come along:- 16 April - Brian Portsch on SS Great Britain; 7 May - AGM followed by Marion Scott on The Life of a Truancy Officer; 21 May Martin Fisher on Moguls, Mayhem and Movies; 4 June - Dr Nigel Stanley on Medicine, War and Captivity: SE Asia 1941-45; 18 June - Nick Saintey on The life of an Auctioneer. We also plan daytime visits to places of interest approximately twice a year. We look forward to seeing old friends and meeting visitors and new members alike. For further information, please contact Ian Stratford on 01395 224759.

6 WOODBURY CRICKET CLUB The fantastic weather over the Easter period had all of Woodbury Cricket Club looking forward to our season-opening friendly match away at Clyst St George on 20 April. Alas, this day proved to be a carbuncle on the face of a beautiful week and the match was called off due to persistent rain. Other matches involving other clubs in the area suffered a similar fate. We hope the weather allows us to complete our next friendly match, which is at home to Exmouth on Saturday 26 April at 2.00. The month of May is packed with friendly cricket matches for Woodbury, including an evening 20/20 match (6.00 start) against local village rivals Lympstone at home on Tuesday 6 May, and a much-awaited home fixture against the mighty Newton Poppleford on Sunday 18 May. These matches are great fun and played in a very friendly spirit, and we would like to encourage all readers who would like to play some relaxed and relaxing cricket to get in touch with Ian Hughes and join in the fun (email:; phone: 01395 233780). Details of more friendly fixtures can be found at http:// As mentioned in our March missive, Woodbury Cricket Club travel to the home of marathon-men Cheriton Fitzpaine for the opening fixture of their Devon Cricket League campaign on 3 May. As the season gets underway, continued practice will help to straighten up crooked bowling actions and polish out the last remaining spots of rust from batting techniques. To accomplish this we will be holding regular net sessions at Town Lane on our Astroturf net next to the pavilion. Watch this space and check the Cricket Club’s website ( for further details. Net sessions for the Colts start on Friday 25 April and run through until Friday 25 July, with the exception of half term on Friday 30 May. Parents and players interested in joining our thriving Colts section should contact Kevin Miller (email:; phone: 01395 232995). This report rounds off with a cordial invitation to the Woodbury Cricket Club Open Day, which will be held on 6 July and will include the famous annual 6-A-Side competition. This year’s event has been organised by Rob Jones, who has provided a mouth-watering preview of the day:

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00 - 11.30 RBL ROOM behind WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL 1, 15 & 29 MAY. 12 & 26 JUNE. All are invited to join us on alternate Thursdays.





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May 2014 Sunday Services 10.30am including Crèche and Kids Clubs Join us on Sunday 4th for First Sunday, aimed at showing you what we’re all about – stay for lunch! On Sunday 18th we have a special event in the evening (6.30pm) when the Exeter Male Voice Praise Choir will be performing at Christ Church. All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served. Looking forward to June 14th it’s once again time for the Fun Day on the Green. Full details in next month’s magazine.

For all the latest news visit our web site:-

Tel: 01395 232810 Mobile 07828184575

Parsonage Way, Woodbury




Vicar: Reverend Karen Spray. Tel: 01392 877400 or email: Associate Minister: Reverend Christopher Cant. Tel: 01395 488178 email: SPECIAL EVENTS:- Sunday 25 May, Rogation Sunday, White Cross Mission Rogation Walk and Picnic Farringdon 3pm. Thursday 29 May, Ascension Day Service, Clyst St Mary 7pm. USUAL SUNDAY SERVICES:- 4 May - All age Eucharist 11.15, Evening Service Exton 6pm. 11 May - Team Eucharist with Baptisms 11.15. 18 May - Eucharist and Sunday Club 11.15, Evensong 6.30pm. 25 May - Holy Communion 8.00, Morning Prayer 11.15. Morning Prayer Every Monday 9.15. NEWS AND EVENTS Lychgate stall in church Saturday 3 May 9.00 - 11.00. Woodbury PCC Monthly Draw Winner in April - Margo and Ken Crundwell. Draw made at 3rd Tuesday Coffee Morning in church 10.30 11.30. Prizes ranging from £25 - £500, prize every month. Thanks to all who take part. Further details from Donoveen Tel: 239363. Sunday Club meets every 1st Sunday (for All Age service at 11.15), and on the 3rd Sunday (in the Church Rooms 11.00 - 12.00 and then into church to show what has been made/done). Floodlighting: The Church was floodlit on 18 April “Congratulations to Roger and Vera Stokes on their Golden Wedding Anniversary”. If you want to celebrate an event in your family or among your friends, arrange to have the Church floodlit from dusk to midnight. The suggestion donation is £10. To arrange, phone Mike Jeans on 232544 or 07769646424 or email Alternatively, you can fill in the request form on the Church's website Further information: Digest available in church or website: CHURCH FLOWERS - MAY 4 & 11 - Mrs C Keep. 18 - Mrs M Mead. 25 - Mrs J Bashforth. Many thanks to everyone who helped decorate Church for Easter. ST SWITHUN’S LYCH GATE DATES - 9.00-11.00 3 May. Then from 7 June every week until 27 September. 1 November and 6 December, weather permitting, at lych gate or inside Church.

01392 873865



WOODBURY NEWS - MAY 2014 EDITORIAL On August 4th 1914 Britain declared war on Germany and for this country the Great War had begun. There are very few UK families who do not have in their possession a First World War memorial plaquette issued to the next of kin of all British and Empire service personnel who were killed in the fighting. My own family has more than one. A number of popular history series and dramas examining the War from all points of view are now appearing on National TV. Woodbury is commemorating the events over a two day period, including an Act of Remembrance, an exhibition, a Songs of Praise, and a community concert on the green. Full details are inside the magazine. Tag rugby has been around for a few years, but is developing rapidly in schools where it is seen as a very good all-round, all-inclusive non-contact sport for boys and girls. Woodbury School have had a very good run in an important local competition; well done to all who took part. HEAPs or Historic Environment Action Plans, are funded by English Heritage. Woodbury Salterton was the target for the attention of Emma Rouse, a project administrator who has engaged with Woodbury historians in the first of a series of workshops. The next is on 21 June. The recent BBC documentary about the on-line retailer Amazon would resonate with Exton Ladies. They were treated to a glimpse of future bookselling by a locally based international book retailer. Even Woodbury News is available on-line. COVER PHOTO Spring is with us and there will be plenty of activities around Woodbury Parish during May. We hope you will follow the example of the parish clubs and organisations whose April photos feature on the front cover. All of the April front cover stories are inside this month's Woodbury News. Please send your photos from late April and early May to our secretary, Karen Squires by the closing date on 13 May for inclusion in the June edition. Woodbury News is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee No. 5263356 Secretary: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 233299 Registered Office: Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 01395 233299 Chairman: Peter Payne, ‘Harsley’, Toby Lane, Woodbury Salterton. Tel: 232394 Editor: Graham Rawlings, 4 Cooks Farm, W.S. Tel: 233739 Deputy Editor: Mrs Sue Bury, Mayflower Cottage, 37 Greenway. Tel: 233753 Subscriptions: Mrs Ann Shell, 6 Summerfield. Tel: 239175 Circulation: Mrs Beverley Simcox, 2 Beeches Close. Tel: 232858


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MAY 2014

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