Whatever our beliefs or non-beliefs, I would suggest the sentiments displayed on the cover of Woodbury News deserve to be echoed by us all – in particular, Peace on Earth. Whether you read this edition before or after Christmas, or in the New Year, we must surely all be in agreement that sadly we live at a time of conflict, discord, of uncertainty, of anxiety, poverty and trouble. Peace in so many areas of this earth must be sought by us all. The photograph on the cover is part of a window at Christ Church, and was ‘opened’ on Day 6 of the Woodbury Living Advent Calendar 2018. Images of more ‘windows’ are shown in this magazine. Photos of bright objects taken in the dark, and reproduced as black-and-white images, do not really do justice to the variety of displays in the windows themselves. If you haven’t already done so, do hasten to buy a map and enjoy a night walk through the village, at the same time as helping local charities. Walking around Woodbury in the dark is a very different experience, which reinforces the knowledge of how peaceful it is to live in the countryside as opposed to a well-lit and bustling town. Woodbury News reiterates thanks to Emma and Ruth for masterminding this new initiative, which has sparked so much interest, as well as to the many organisations and families who have embraced the idea and decorated a window in their property to be enjoyed by others. As we enter 2019, there will no doubt be the usual number of New Year Resolutions made and, hopefully, kept. Let Peace on Earth be one of them. On a more mundane level, please continue to send in your written contributions and photographs – Woodbury News can only be as good as the material that is submitted. We conclude by thanking contributors and readers for their support in 2018, and wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. Woodbury News is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee No. 5263356 Secretary: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. 233299
Registered Office: Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 233299
Chairman: Jeremy Boyden, Rosemary, Broadway, Woodbury EX5 1NR. Tel: 233072 Editor: Mrs Sue Bury, Mayflower Cottage, 37 Greenway, Woodbury EX5 1LU. Tel: 233753
Deputy Editor: Mrs Val Arndt, Castlehaye, Castle Lane, Woodbury. Tel: 233175 Subscriptions: Mrs Anna Crafer, 15 Haymans Orchard, Woodbury. Tel: 232007 Circulation: Mrs Beverley Simcox, 2 Beeches Close, Woodbury. Tel: 232858
4 ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH, WOODBURY Vicar of the White Cross Mission Community: Reverend Sid Humphries. Tel:01395 274512 email: revsidh@gmail.com Associate Priest: Reverend Nigel Mason. email: revdnigel540@gmail.com Change to service detail on Christmas Day. The morning service will be Holy Communion at 11.15, not Morning Prayer at 11.00. ST SWITHUN’S SUNDAY SERVICES FOR JANUARY 1st Sunday: 11.15 Holy Communion. 2nd Sunday: 11.15 Holy Communion. 3rd Sunday: 11.15 Holy Communion; 18.30 Sung Evensong. 4th Sunday: 08.00 Holy Communion (said); 09.30 Breakfast Service. Mondays at 09.15 Morning Prayer. NEWS AND EVENTS Next lych gate stall, in church Saturday 2 February, 09.30 - 11.00. Woodbury PCC Monthly Draw - Draw made at the Charity Coffee Morning 3rd Tuesday each month. Prize every month ranging from £50 to £500. Details from Ken Crundwell 01395 232826. Further information - Digest available in church. To receive this by email, please send your email address to st.swithuns.digest@gmail.com. FLOODLIGHTING ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH (dusk until 23.00) For your special event, contact Mike Jeans 01395 232544. Floodlight dedications are displayed on the church noticeboard at the lych gate. FoSS (FRIENDS OF ST SWITHUN’S) In 2018 FoSS donated almost £6,000 to St Swithun’s church to assist its maintenance programme following the quinquennial inspection. This is the largest annual award on record. To maintain the most important historic building in the parish requires considerable resources, thus FoSS needs as much support as possible. Support can be by membership or by attending one of the concerts. We are fortunate to have our local choirs Bel Canto and Woodbury Barbershop Quartet joined by cathedral organist Stephen Tanner for the supper concert on Saturday 26 January at 19.30. The short concert will be followed by a supper of homemade soup with bread and cheese. Admission by ticket only, limited to 60, at £8 from Rook Pie or committee members.
6 WOODBURY CAMERA CLUB 2018 has been a positive and interesting year for us. We have met regularly in the Church Rooms on the second Tuesday in the month and have welcomed four new members. Our last presentation was in November. Ian Bateman from Exmouth, an experienced professional photographer, took us through the opportunities and pitfalls of editing photographs. Ian was also a contributor at the beginning of the year, talking about his own style of photography. David R White, from East Budleigh, was another contributor and he shared some of his secrets of successful wildlife photography. We knew that David was a wonderful wildlife photographer, but we did not anticipate that his beautiful image of a family of polecats would not only gain entry to the prestigious Countryfile calendar, but would appear on the cover, being chosen by both the judges and the viewers as the best photograph of the many entries. In addition to our regular meetings, Diana Wackerbarth has been running a special interest group for those members who wanted to revisit the way they perceived and recorded images. This entailed involvement with a wide range of interesting and quite entertaining exercises.
This beautiful image of St Swithun’s Church is the cover photograph on the Woodbury Camera Club’s 2019 calendar, which contains another twelve photographs of Woodbury and the surrounding areas. If you missed buying one, it may not be too late. You can still obtain one from Rook Pie, Sue Hudson (23203) or Mike Jeans (232544), price £6. Mike Jeans
7 WOODBURY CHARITY COFFEE MORNINGS A special charity coffee morning was held at which Judy Green presented a cheque to David Wellbeloved from Exmouth Deaf Academy who said: “We would like to thank Anna and her team for their kind invitation and donation towards The Deaf Academy. It means so much to us. In September 2018, we launched our New Deaf Academy Appeal, to build a new, world-class, facility for our students in Exmouth. Involving the local community with our fundraising is a great way of creating awareness for our students and building lasting relationships.” The charity coffee morning will not be open on Christmas Day but will be open on New Year’s Day from 10.00 until 12.00 in the Church Rooms. Come and start the New Year with coffee and cake. Have a Happy Christmas everyone. Anna Crafer WOODBURY CRAFT GROUP We had a great group at the end of November, complete with Christmas chocolates. A few of us made Christmas presents or ornaments while Zoe and Liz cut up and hemmed towels for Wild-Woodbury rescued hedgehogs. It was decided that we don’t meet often enough, so we plan to meet every other week from February! Look out for the posters around the village for dates. All adults welcome. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Woodburycraftgroup/ Denise Higgins
8 WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB On 10 December about 30 members gathered at the White Horse Inn to have supper together. Sadly, one of our long-standing members, Dot Foster from Ebford, had recently died so we began our evening with some silence to remember her and her many years of membership. She has spent the last few months in a nursing home in Dursley, near where her daughter lives, and they have been happy ones for her. She died at the age of 91.
The year has been an interesting one with some very good speakers. We have covered very different subjects ranging from apple tasting in the Community Orchard, to plants that grow on Dartmoor, plants that love the shade or sun, fungi and the bee-friendly garden — a very varied programme. We begin 2019 on 8 January, 19.30 in the village hall with a 'question and answer session’. If you have a question you would like to ask or a problem you would like advice on, then please send it to Debby Mullier (01395 232462) before that date. Joyce Jeans FoSS SUPPER CONCERT SATURDAY 26 JANUARY ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH AT 19.30 featuring Bel Canto choir followed by homemade soup, bread and cheese. Tickets £8.00 from Rook Pie, Pat Browne or committee members (from 2 January).
9 WALKING RUGBY AT WOODBURY MUGA On 4 December seven players turned up to play walking rugby at the Woodbury MUGA. The group usually plays at Topsham Rugby Club, but the pitch there was too wet so the new multiuse games area at Woodbury was tried as an alternative. Two players live in Woodbury and were proud to show off the sporting facilities that are available for community use. Our Topsham players went home envious as they have no such facilities in their town. The average age of the players playing was probably in excess of 65 and all enjoyed the vigorous exercise provided by the hour-long session. With seven players, we enjoyed three-a-side with the luxury of a referee. More information about walking rugby and times of other playing/training sessions is available on the Topsham Rugby Club website. There is also a short demonstration video about walking rugby, produced by Active Devon, which was filmed at a recent training session at Topsham. Walking rugby is played by mixed teams with up to seven players in each side. It is fun, and we play for the enjoyment and camaraderie as well as the healthy exercise. Why not come along and join us oldies at a daytime Tuesday session (11.00 to 12.00) or younger players at an evening session? Ken Perry
15 JANUARY. 12 FEBRUARY. 19 MARCH. 16 APRIL. 21 MAY. 18 JUNE. 16 JULY. 6 AUGUST. 17 SEPTEMBER. 15 OCTOBER. 19 NOVEMBER. 10 DECEMBER. ALL MATERIAL FOR THE MAGAZINE SHOULD BE SENT TO KAREN SQUIRES, WILLOWFIELD, OAKHAYES ROAD by 19.00 on the closing date, with a name and telephone number, or email to karensquires100@gmail.com
10 WOODBURY GIRL GUIDING Looking for Rainbow Leaders in Woodbury Chasing rainbows is not just for weather watchers and Adele … Woodbury Girl Guides is looking for volunteers to train up to become Rainbow Leaders for the youngest section of Girlguiding UK. Any girl between the age of 5 and 7 can join Rainbows and learn new skills and try out new experiences through a programme of exciting activities, trips and adventures, both in weekly unit meetings and at special events. There is a growing waiting list to become a Rainbow in Woodbury as well as in Exmouth due to the lack of volunteer leaders. Girls are sometimes having to wait for years to join in the fun and, due to a lack of leaders, it’s unlikely that they will ever get the chance of having the opportunity to become a Rainbow.
Woodbury Guide Leader Helen Ellis says: “Being a Rainbow is all about having a safe space in which to try new things, have fun and make new friends. Rainbows learn by doing – getting their hands dirty, doing sports, arts and crafts and playing games, all supervised by trained leaders. Without leaders the Rainbows don’t get the chance to develop their skills and have fun in a supportive environment and be part of a worldwide, accredited movement that empowers girls and young women.” Exmouth, Budleigh and Woodbury Girl Guides have just started a recruitment campaign to attract new leaders.
11 New recruit and local guide leader Julia Gash said: “Since recently moving to the area and training to become a leader, I’ve learned how to administer first aid, enjoy new activities such as archery and kayaking, and seen at firsthand how Guiding can help girls to develop their confidence and skills. It’s a great way to spend one or two hours a week!” If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a volunteer leader with Woodbury, Budleigh or Exmouth Rainbows, Brownies or Girl Guides, please call Sarah Hales on 07873735588 or email sarich301@gmail.com and help to give girls the chance to shine as a Rainbow. Julia Gash WOODBURY COMMUNITY ORCHARD WASSAIL Bring: mulled cider, something to bash to make a noise, eg a pan, biscuit tin lid, drum, torches and warm clothes. Woodbury choir, and all, are going to sing wassailing songs in the orchard after we’ve bashed our pots and pans. Everybody welcome! FRIDAY 11 JANUARY 2019, STARTING AT 19.00 Lantern procession from Woodbury village hall to the orchard. A fun evening to wish good health to the trees and help the orchard’s fruitfulness. Free event. Contact Alex on 07515 329829 for more information. WOODBURY AND DISTRICT ROYAL BRITISH LEGION BRANCH The AGM was held on 23 November. Christine Grist gave the Exhortation with special thoughts for Peter Thornton, a past Branch Vice Chairman. The accounts were approved. The loan obtained to cover the cost of branch members attending the GP90 event was fully repaid through monies raised at various fundraising activities. The WW1 commemorations were well supported by the whole community — the Exhibition on 10 November raising £1,412 for the Poppy Appeal which, together with the proceeds from poppy boxes, made a total of just over £4,000 for our area. David Keep will be retiring from running the fortnightly coffee mornings on Thursday 20 December. David has run them for the last 20 years and we thank him for his steadfast commitment to our branch. From February 2019 onwards, coffee mornings will take place on Wednesdays, not Thursdays and we will be running a rota so more people may be able to help. With very best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. Sandra Huish (Chairman)
At the time of writing, the inaugural Woodbury Living Advent Calendar has got off to a flying start! A big thank-you to all of our window volunteers and enthusiastic supporters. It has been great to see so many friendly faces following the trail each evening. Here are a few pictures of what we’ve seen so far‌.
We look forward to bringing you a full round-up in next month’s issue of this new community event, including how much money we have all raised for our two local charities, FORCE and Woodbury Community Playing Fields, in next month’s issue. Emma Taggart and Ruth Bagwell WOODBURY CARDBOARD RECYCLING TRIAL As part of our overall communications to Woodbury residents about the forthcoming trial for improved cardboard recycling, we have arranged a number of community forums. The sessions will be in Woodbury village hall (DuBuisson Room) and will give residents the opportunity to find out more about the reasons for the trial and how it will work in practice. We would like as many residents as possible to come along on any of the following dates: Tuesdays 12 February, 12 March and 28 May 2019. Gareth Bourton Tomato troubles? Compost confusion? Pest problems? No worries! Come to WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB OPEN MEETING ANY GARDENING QUESTIONS? 8 JANUARY 2019, WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL Starting at 19.30. Some of our more experienced members will be sharing their tips on growing fruit, veg and flowers, and how to deal with pests and diseases. Please send your questions AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to Debby on woodburygardenclub@gmail.com, or leave a message with your name and number on 01395 232462. No need to be a member – send us your questions! ALL WELCOME – FREE ENTRY Tea, coffee and biscuits available from 19.15.
WOODBURY NEWS is available online via Facebook and Twitter.
14 WOODBURY C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL School News We are in full festive mode at Woodbury School with three fabulous performances of this year’s Key stage One nativity production – A Miracle in Town. At the first performance the children played their roles admirably and entertained a captive audience of relatives and friends. Our Key Stage Two pupils are looking forward to their chance to shine as they perform at our annual carol service in St Swithun’s Church. This is always a wonderful night with a collection of hymns, readings and prayers presented to a large congregation and a retiring collection which, this year, will be for Children’s Hospice South West. The children have enjoyed their Christmas meal – this is another highlight of the school year where almost 200 children are served by the staff team and are able to sit together to enjoy festive food, pull crackers and wear the Christmas hats they have made. We hope you have had a chance to marvel at our beautiful window display – part of the Living Advent Calendar trail running around the village throughout December to support the charities FORCE and Woodbury Community Playing Fields. Our window was designed and created by the children in year 6 and features the angel emblem. We are extremely grateful to Mrs Bowen for giving up her time to come in and work with the children to create such a lovely piece. We recently held a school-wide competition to design a Christmas card. We had many thoughtful entries created by children throughout the school, with prizes awarded to each year group. The overall winning design was turned into the Woodbury School Christmas card 2018. Sport Two teams of children attended a handball tournament at Exmouth Community College in late November. Both teams were undefeated in their first five games, resulting in a chance to play in the semi-finals. Woodbury’s red team were successful, winning bronze medals, and our blue team went through to the final undefeated - securing gold. Well done to both of our teams on a fantastic effort!
15 Class News Two teams of budding mathematicians went to Exmouth Community College to participate in a ‘Maths in Motion’ competition alongside other schools from the local learning community. They took part in three rounds, each with different types of maths questions designed to test their skills and knowledge. One team came second out of the 18 teams who took part and they were presented with certificates to celebrate their achievement. The leaders of the School Council and the Ethos group recently visited Exmouth Food Bank with donations from our harvest festival. They were given a tour of the food bank and shown how it works from receipt to collection of donated food. The children were shocked and humbled by the number of families and individuals in need in the local area and were pleased that they could help in a small way.
Some children from Ash Class recently visited Sidmouth Town Council Offices where they were able to take on real-life decision-making positions. They became traders on the stock market, health inspectors scrutinising the council kitchen and local councillors debating whether to build 500 houses on nearby farmland. The children had a fantastic day and gained valuable insights and experiences of the workplace. Outdoor Learning Ash, Chestnut and Maple classes have been creating lots of wonderful Christmas crafts during their forest school sessions including twig trees, tree cookie decorations and pinecone reindeers. They have endured some very testing weather to take part in challenges including the bird beak challenge. Cont’d/...
16 Outdoor Learning cont’d/... This is linked to the work of Ash class about Darwin where the children had to use different types of ‘beak’ to see how much food they could collect for winter. They also took part in a game of human hungry hippos to explore how natural selection works when lots of animals fight for limited food.
Maple class have continued reinforcing their learning about materials and changing state by exploring which would melt fastest over the fire — white, milk or dark chocolate – a very tasty challenge indeed! On behalf of all at Team Woodbury, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. Alison Sparks WOODBURY TENNIS CLUB 2018 has been a successful year, with a small growth in membership and plenty of tennis played during the long, dry summer. The junior coaching programme with senior coach John Wingate was well supported by many happy youngsters, who will wish to continue next summer. The teams completed all matches. The men’s A fought to the end but could not avoid relegation to division 6. The men’s B were comfortably placed mid-table in division 7. For the first time the club has two winter league teams, both gaining points, providing competitive tennis for our members. In the spring we shall install new fencing to the top court, having received a generous grant for 40% of the cost from the Coombe Solar Farm Trust. The AGM of the club will take place in early February The club sessions continue through the winter on Sunday mornings from 10.30. Anyone interested in joining will be given a warm welcome; do contact Pat Browne on 01395 232805 (ruthandpatb@aol.com). Pat Browne FRIDAY NIGHT FLIX MEETINGS 28 DECEMBER AND 25 JANUARY WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL 19.30 doors open 18.45.
17 WOODBURY WOMEN’S INSTITUTE 2018 has been a great year for Woodbury WI, with good speakers, delicious food (a very important part of WI life), fun outings and trips, and a growing membership. Particular highlights have been a mini cruise to Bruges and a short break in Lincoln — lots of new things to see, places to visit, food to try and friendship to enjoy. The good summer weather enabled us to enjoy a horse-drawn barge trip on the Tiverton Canal (with cream tea), and a relocated garden party outside the Church Rooms. As usual, we learnt about new things from our speakers and took part in craft workshops producing decorative items, some members with more success than others. We entertained the other WIs in our group to a Magical Evening in October, when they all said how much they enjoyed the entertainment and THE FOOD!
We have raised funds for various charities with lunches and cream teas, and we have produced hundreds of essential sanitary items for a clinic in Africa. Most of all, our members have enjoyed friendship, laughter and entertainment throughout the year frequently accompanied by the odd glass of wine. We are optimistic that 2019 will be an equally good year for the members of the Woodbury WI. Lin Milsom Editor’s Note : In order to maximise submitted copy and photographs into Woodbury News, it may be necessary to reduce the size of some items. The Editorial team will attempt to do this as carefully as possible.
18 WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION We held a most successful Wine Tasting Evening on 30 November in Woodbury village hall with nearly 40 members attending. Majestic Wines treated us to a variety of red and white wines, plus a dessert wine with delicious nibbles provided by the committee. A very enjoyable evening! We shall be holding our AGM on Tuesday 22 January 2019 in The DuBuisson Room of the village hall at 19.30. If any members have any items they wish to discuss, please let either Nita or Jan know. Jan Owen WOODBURY WIDE AWAKE We are a small group of Woodbury and Woodbury Salterton residents who are planning to commemorate in 2019 the 50th anniversary of the death of William Keble Martin. He was the author of The Concise British Flora, and lived and died in Woodbury. He is buried in the churchyard and the kneelers in St Swithun’s are inspired by his drawings. We are planning a series of events to include two exhibitions, a series of talks, workshops and a concert. A calendar of events will be published in Woodbury News in the New Year. Further information from Sue Hudson 232203 or Diana Wackerbarth 239078. Sue Hudson
David Craig, Clerk to the Council. Woodbury Parish Council Offices, Greenside, Greenway, Woodbury, EX5 1LP Tel: 01395 233791. Email: woodburyparishcouncil@gmail.com. Agendas for future meeting, and minutes of meetings can be found on http://www.woodbury-pc.org.uk/
ROYAL BRITISH LEGION COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00 - 11.30. 3 & 17 JANUARY 2019. RBL ROOM behind Woodbury village hall. The Woodbury News attempts to represent a variety of views within the community, but does not accept responsibility for anything but Editorial comment. While it may publish unacknowledged material, nothing is included unless the Editor knows the name and address of the author(s).
WOODBURY SALTERTON NEWS HOLY TRINITY Pets Service The November Family Service was a completely new sort of worship for our church in that it took the form of a Pets Service. After breakfast had been enjoyed, owners and pets settled down in the pews to thank God for all His creation and especially our pets. Lily Nash read from Celano’s Francis of Assissi and Sid talked about the ways in which pets enhance our lives. He expressed his view that animals do have souls and his hope of seeing again in heaven the pets he has loved and lost. Owners then brought up their pets and Sid blessed them individually – ten dogs, one cat, one guinea pig and a stick insect and a toy dinosaur! The animals were all well behaved and everyone agreed that it was a lovely service.
Winter Coffee Mornings These take place on the first Saturday of each month in church from 09.30 until 10.30 during the winter. The next one will be on 6 January. Come and enjoy a bacon butty with your coffee and a chat, and help us raise much needed funds for our church. Whist A small gift was presented to Gill and Patrick Bricknell in appreciation of their organising the monthly whist drives. These evenings are great fun and also make a valuable contribution to our church funds. This year up to November the sum of £244.76 has been raised and the church is very grateful to Gill and Patrick for this. We would love others to join us and share in the fun and friendship. Why not give it a try? COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL 09.00 - 12.00 1st Monday of each month, if a Bank Holiday 2nd Monday of the month. £2 for unlimited drinks and cake. Everyone welcome (from babies to retirees). Come and feel part of a community and get to know the people living within the village.
20 Church Bazaar This year Robin and Louise Lee organised a bazaar in the village hall on 1 December - no mean feat as they have a two-year-old daughter and a baby. Tables had been leased out to individuals and organisations - the RNLI and Avon had stalls, Robin’s mother sold knitted items in aid of Macmillan nurses, and there were hand-made jewellery and craft items, home-made preserves and knitted items on the church stall. There were craft and fun activities for children, making Christmas cards and decorations, a Nativity word search puzzle for children and a Twelve Days of Christmas quiz for adults. There was a good choice of refreshments - bacon rolls, hot drinks and home-made cakes, mince pies and festive hot chocolate and non-alcoholic mulled wine. The usual raffle swelled the amount raised to £730.60. It was good to see the hall full of people enjoying the morning and to have the bazaar revived. Thanks to all who helped and especially to Robin and Louise.
WOODBURY SALTERTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The 12 December meeting was a Christmas meal in the Digger’s Rest and was much enjoyed by all. The previous Friday some members went to see the Christmas Tree Festival in Crediton Parish Church followed by tea in the Boniface Centre. This Christmas we have given 50 selection boxes to the Exeter Food Bank, following their advice that this would provide a little festive cheer for children. Our Wednesday 9 January meeting at 19.30 in the village hall will include wine and cheese, and Anne Baker will give a talk entitled Following in the wake of Louise Arner Boyd – the explorer. We continue our social get-togethers with the monthly coffee morning on Thursday 17 January at 11.00 at the Digger’s Rest and our monthly new venture ‘Ladies Who Lunch’ also at the Digger’s. This will take place on the last Tuesday in each month — so on 29 January at 12.30 for 13.00. Non members are most welcome to join us.
21 WOODBURY SALTERTON C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL Fantastic Football Our football team competed in a local tournament, along with seven other schools, run by Primary Sports at Woodbury School. We played three games against Woodbury (0-0), Lympstone (1-0) and Bassett’s Farm (3-1), before competing in the semi-final and winning the final against Woodbury 4-0. Team play was excellent, with fantastic passing, goal keeping and of course goal scoring. Great work, Team Woodbury Salterton! Our thanks to Dan, one of our Premier Sports coaches who came in his own time to encourage our players; we know you feel they did you proud. Dance Show Success Our thanks also go to the team at Premier Sport for supporting a small group of year 5 and 6 children to take part in a dance-off held at St Luke’s in Exeter. Our children spent several weeks learning a dance to a piece of music from The Greatest Showman. The main hall at St Luke’s was packed out for a charity event where nine schools took part in an inclusive event for all. Our children did so well and got a huge round of applause; they told us they thoroughly enjoyed the event. Thanks to the Premier Sport team for their support to our school. Our Thanks and Farewell At the end of term we said farewell to a much loved member of our staff, Vicky Pearson. Vicky has been with our school a number of years, working as an assistant across the school and she became our Forest School leader. All our children have benefitted from their very special sessions in our outdoor classroom on Stoney Lane and Vicky has supported us getting the site up and running from its previous life as our outdoor swimming pool, which we closed down. We want to thank Vicky for all her hard work and wish her well for the future. PTA Fundraising Our thanks also go to our team of wonderful parents in the PTA who raised a really pleasing amount from both the Bag2School and the Christmas Fair, which on its own raised £500. Thank you parents and all our supporters, who over the year have raised vital funds to make the difference for the children of our school.
22 WOODBURY SALTERTON PRIMARY SCHOOL cont’d/... Our Season’s Greetings It is at this time of year that we want to say a thank you to the many people who support our little school, making it the special place it is. Here are just a few: Revd Sid, for his support with our ethos group and his pastoral care for us all; our wonderful organist, Mrs Wheeler, for her weekly visits for hymn practice and school assembly; the wonderful ladies from church who come to sell cakes after school; Mrs Mills, for her continued kindness to access the Glebe Field for school sports and playtime on the hot summer days when our playground has been in full sun; and Mrs Escott, who gets a taxi especially to come and hear readers on a weekly basis. All of us at Woobury Salterton C of E Primary School want to wish pupils, staff, supporters, parents/carers and our whole community a blessed and peaceful Christmas and a joyful 2019. Clare Rooke WELCOME REVD NIGEL The Service of Inauguration of a new Parish Ministry was held in Holy Trinity Church Woodbury Salterton on 5 December, when Revd Nigel Mason was licensed by Rt Revd Jackie Searle, Bishop of Crediton, to serve as Associate Priest in the Mission Community. He will serve with our Priest, Revd Sid Humphries. A large congregation of church members across the seven churches in the Mission Community were joined by many members of the clergy and friends. A large choir from all the churches led the singing and a few members of Woodbury Salterton choir sang a short song of welcome. Churchwardens Tansi Ash (Aylesbeare), Jacquie Manser (Clyst St George), Revd. Sid Humphries, Revd. Nigel Linda Beattie (Clyst St Mary), Janet Mason and Bishop Jackie Atkins (Exton), Dawn Cowler (Farringdon), Lin Milsom–Ashby (Woodbury) and Debbie Jung (Woodbury Salterton) welcomed Nigel on behalf of their churches and each took a special part in the service. Representatives of the local community also welcomed him. Refreshments were served afterwards. WHIST DRIVE - TUESDAY 15 JANUARY 19.30 IN WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL
EXTON NEWS ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, EXTON SERVICES FOR JANUARY Sunday 6 - Epiphany, 18.00 Evening Service. Sunday 13 - Epiphany 2, 09.30 Holy Communion. Sunday 20 - Epiphany 3, 09.30 Lay-led Service. Sunday 27 - Epiphany 4, 09.30 Holy Communion. ESTUARY LEAGUE OF FRIENDS As well as our usual activities we are also pleased to announce the launch of our new information centre in association with local Credit Union Westcountry Savings & Loans. Come along and meet Carol in the Library area at Nancy Potter House. She will be there every Friday between 10.30 and 12.30 to provide support, information and signposting for a wide range of financial services and providers. She can also help with completion of applications for Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payments, Blue Badges and other benefits and allowance claims. January events Monday 7 - 14.00 to 17.00. Assistive Technology for visually impaired. Tuesday 8 - 09.30 to 14.15. Reflexology, by appointment. Monday 14 - 10.45 to 11.45. Seated Dance Exercise. Monday 21 - 14.00 to 17.00. How to start researching your family history. Thursday 24 - 10.00 to 13.00. The benefits of volunteering. For any further information on these events please ring 01392 879009. Audrey Elphick WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION AGM 22 JANUARY 2019, 19.30 THE DUBUISSON ROOM, WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL
WOODBURY CAMERA CLUB CALENDAR FOR 2019 is now available from Sue Hudson 232203, Mike Jeans 232544 or Rook Pie. WOODBURY NEWS to your door … If you are a new resident to the area, or would like your Woodbury News to be delivered to your door monthly, just call Beverley Simcox on 232858 and she will put you in contact with your local deliverer.
DEATHS We are sorry to report the death of Dot Foster. She and Alan lived at Ebford for many years and were very active in Woodbury Garden Club. They moved to be with their daughter in Gloucestershire, where Dot had to go into care after a stroke. We are sorry to report the death of Joy Chambers on 26 November at the age of 94. THANKS Christmas Shoeboxes A big thank-you to everyone who helped fill a shoebox for this year's Christmas appeal. We have sent 118 boxes from Woodbury to the charity Christian Response to Eastern Europe (CR2EE) for distribution in Moldova. Moldova has been described as a 'European country with African levels of poverty.' The boxes will be given to children and older people from very poor families who have little prospect of any Christmas presents at all, bringing joy and excitement into their harsh world. Jane Askew HOSPISCARE MEN’S WALK Hospiscare will be holding their popular Men’s Walk event on Saturday 16 March 2019. The 8-mile walk, taking in the picturesque Exe Valley, will start and finish at The Double Locks Pub, with refreshments along the way. Walkers will be met at the pub with a free pint and pasty, and have the opportunity to watch the Six Nations England v Scotland match on LED screens in the Hospiscare Six Nations Bar, along with other matches that day. The 2018 Men’s Walk event was a sell-out, so Hospiscare are encouraging grandads, dads, brothers, sons… to sign up as soon as possible at https:// www. hospiscare.co.uk/events/flagship/men-s-walk/enternow. Individual entry is £25, or a team of four can sign up for just £80. On the day, the registration desk will be open from 12.30 – 14.00, and marshals will be in place ready for the walk to start at 13.15. Hospiscare also welcomes support from (male or female) volunteers. Please call 01392 688020 for further information. Ali McGeown
CHRISTMAS WISHES Elinor Burton thanks all her friends in Woodbury for their kindness during the past year. She wishes everyone a Happy Christmas, and is sending a donation to ShelterBox. Anna and Paul Crafer wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. They will be giving to Budleigh Salterton and District Hospiscare instead of sending cards. Liz Hill would like to thank all friends for their kind thoughts and help over the last year during Richard’s illness. All best wishes for 2019. Donating to ELF.
WOODBURY NEWS ADVERTISING RATES SMALL ADS: (3 lines) private £2.00. (3 lines) Business £5.00 (£50.00) DISPLAY ADS: £17.00 ¼ page (£185 p.a.) To: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT Tel: 233299 (e-mail karensquires100@gmail.com). The Woodbury News accepts no liability for:- i) Any claims made by the advertiser; ii) Any errors or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser; iii) Any legal action as a result of the advertisement.
SMALL ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALE Mahogany finish sturdy bookcase with four shelves. 1.09m deep, (3'7") 1.2.m high, (3'11") 24cm (9.5") deep. £5. Tel: 232318.
BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS BABYSITTING Local, reliable, year 11 student available on Friday, Saturday and school holiday evenings. Lots of experience babysitting a three year old. Happy to visit beforehand to meet the family. Please telephone Will 01395 232886 or email: family.pye@btinternet.com. FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER & REFLEXOLOGIST Former RGN provides routine nail and skin care (inc corns and callus) or a reflexology treatment. Nicky Mattin (MAFHP itec RF) 01395 233222/07807603690 (2/12) MOBILE FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER - providing services such as nail cutting, corn and callus removal, diabetic foot care. £5 off your first treatment. Call Ruby Bowden on 07792 698961. (2/12) PRIVATE CLEANER Weekly, fortnightly, monthly and one-off. I am experienced, flexible and reliable. I offer a friendly service. Contact Ya 07429 430812 (3/3) ENGLISH AND FRENCH TUITION Key Stage 3 - GCSE offered by well-qualified, experienced teacher. Competitive rates. Contact L Hamilton on 01395 233416 or email linjahamilton@yahoo.co.uk. (1/6) AQUAPHOBIC? NON-SWIMMER? STROKE IMPROVEMENT? Personal swimming lessons- one to one stress-free sessions. Adult aquaphobics - a speciality. I will come to you and am in the water with you all the time. Over 30 years experience. Richard Avery ASA Level 2 Swimming Teacher.B.Ed. (Hons)Phys Ed. Anyonecanswim@gmail.com 07484125525. (4/6) LOOKING FOR SUPPORT IF HOME EDUCATING? Need Private Tutoring? Very experienced Primary Headteacher based in Woodbury village available during the day and after school slots for targeted curriculum help across Key Stages 1, 2, Ent exams/ 11+ preparation. Email richardjohnavery@btinternet.com 07484125525. (4/6) BOO TO A GOOSE THEATRE Top 10 in UK 2017. Magical pop-up children’s shows for stress-free parties with puppets, games and face painting. www.bootoagoosetheatre.co.uk 01395 233874. (8/12) FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER - Lindsey Waddell MAFHP. Nail cutting, foot care, treatment of corns and callus. Home visits. 01395 263496. (11/12) WE ARE POSH NOSH! With over two decades of experience in the catering industry we are at the forefront of special occasion and event catering in Devon and the West Country. We are committed to providing first class cuisine with outstanding levels of service. Phone:- 01392 444877 or email: info@posh-nosh.co.uk (6/12)
27 HOME SWEET HOME DECORATORS - Lucy Ryan Lady interior and exterior decorator. Walls, ceilings, woodwork, up-cycled furniture, garden painting and more. Professional, very tidy, competitive, reliable and friendly. Fully DBS checked. Free estimates. Phone: 07484 272534 (12/12) ACCOUNTS AND TAX SERVICE Sole Trades, Partnerships, Limited Companies and Personal Tax. Full range of advice. Fixed fee plans and free initial consultation/quotation. Wheelers Accountants Tel: 233184 (23/24) MATHS TUITION: Experienced, female Maths teacher available to teach primary to GSCE level maths, 11+ and SATs prep. Reasonable rates. Jane Moffatt on 01395 279952/07730 877889 janepmoffatt@gmail.com. (12/12) BRISCOE TREE CARE - tree work and hedge cutting. All waste disposed. NCH Arb qualified at Bicton College. Fully insured. Free quotes and advice. Call Jon Briscoe on 01392 668931 or 07825 002362 (10/12) SQUIRREL COTTAGE Self catering 16th century property full of character, available for weekly holidays and short breaks. Sleeps 5. Graded 5 Star. www.thecottagecompanydevon.co.uk Tel: Kay 0776 9975557 (9/12) EVERTHING PLUMBING AND HEATING – For all your plumbing and heating needs. Large or small jobs at fair prices. Local, reliable and efficient. Gas safe registered. Tel Synergi SW: 07557 526167. www.synergiswltd.co.uk. (8/12) PROPERTY MAINTENANCE – James Waddell Interior & Exterior, Carpentry, Flooring, Fencing & Gates, Plumbing, Decking, Bathrooms & Kitchens, General Repairs. Free Advice & Estimates 01395 263496 (7/12) RUBBISH REMOVALS Domestic and Commercial. Environment Agency licensed. No job too small. Tel: 0800 335 7610 / 07979 841376. www.rubbishremovalsexeter.com (8/12) ELECTRICIAN James Sliman Local, reliable, fully qualified and experienced. NAPIT registered and insured. From a socket to rewire 01395 276323 07866 313812 www.jslimanelectrician.co.uk (5/12) WOODBURY HOLIDAY HOME TO RENT in centre of village. Luxury accommodation for 4 people, 2 en-suites, parking, courtyard garden. Weekly holidays & short breaks. www.woodburyholidays.co.uk 01579 350365.(5/12) COMPUTER REPAIRS AND UPGRADES; Broadband and wireless connections; Data recovery and backup; Windows, iPads and Apple computers, Virus and spyware removal; No fix no fee - Evening visits to suit you. Contact: Mark Doyle 01395 233694 (5/12) ROOFING Woodbury based RWI Roofing Specialising in Slating, Tiling, Re-Roof, New Roof, Repairs, Guttering. For a friendly, reliable service call Ray 232926, or 07988 691051 (As recmd in OurLocalExpert.co.uk) (4/12)
FORTHCOMING EVENTS 28 Dec. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 22 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 Jan. 7 Feb. 12 Feb. 12 Feb. 14 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 12 March 14 March 16 March 22 March 11 April 20 April 27 April 28 May 6 July
Friday Night Flix. Paddington 2 WVH. Doors open 18.45. Garden Club Open Meeting. Any Gardening Questions? WVH, 19.15 for 19.30. WSWI Louise Armer Boyd WSVH, 19.30. Woodbury WI Songs for the Shows, WVH, 19.00. Community Orchard Wassail, leaving WVH at 19.00. Woodbury Twinning Association AGM. 19.30. WVH. Woodbury Golf Society Dinner. Woodbury Craft Group Friday Night Flix, Darkest Hour. WVH. Doors open at 18.45. FoSS AGM at 19.00, followed by Supper Concert at 19.30. WSWI inaugural ‘Ladies Who Lunch’, Digger’s Rest, 12.30. Woodbury Local History Society AGM. WVH. 19.30. Garden Club AGM. WVH, 19.15 for 19.30. Community forum on cardboard recycling, WVH. Woodbury WI 99th Birthday Party, WVH, 19.00. Woodbury Craft Group Friday Night Flix The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society, WVH, Doors open at 18.45. Community forum on cardboard recycling, WVH. Woodbury WI Honiton Lace, WVH, 19.00. Hospiscare Men’s Walk. Friday Night Flix Victoria & Abdul, WVH, Doors open at 18.45. Woodbury WI Easter Craft, WVH, 19.00. Friday Night Flix Untouchable, WVH, Doors open at 18.45. FoSS Spring Concert. Community forum on cardboard recycling, WVH. Woodbury Community Long Tables. Village Green. 232772.
Do email your high resolution photos of local people or events to Karen at karensquires100@ gmail.com The editorial team still needs a wider spread of news, particularly about our younger people. What are you all up to? Why don’t YOU write an article or send in a photo? Photos taken with a camera, rather than a mobile phone are preferred as they reproduce more clearly on paper.
Some of the wonderful displays from Woodbury's Living Advent Calendar
Woodbury Dance Studio RAD BALLET Grades and Majors
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