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Woodbury Parish Office

Greenside, Greenway, Woodbury, Devon EX5 1LP.


Telephone: 01395 233791. Email: clerk@woodburyparishcouncil.gov.uk

The Parish Office is open: 09.30 - 12.30, Mon, Tues, Weds and Thurs.

Clerk to the Council: Anne-Marie Bates https://woodburyparishcouncil.gov.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/Woodbury-Parish-Council-110020645153509

Twitter - @ParishWoodbury

Parish Council Meeting Update

The Parish Council had their Annual Meeting of the Council on 22 May 2023, whereby Cllr Cheryl McGauley was declared Chairman and Cllr Richard Ball Vice Chairman.

Cllr Cheryl McGauley congratulated all the Parish Councillors for being elected, also Cllr Ben Ingham and Cllr Geoff Jung for being elected as our District Councillors. She thanked Cllr Richard Scott and Cllr Jeff Trail for their continued support.

We welcome Ken Perry who was co-opted onto the Parish Council as a Woodbury Ward Councillor and we wish him all the best in his new role. We currently have two vacant seats in Woodbury Salterton Ward; so, if you would like to volunteer and become a Councillor, to represent and help shape your community, then please contact the Clerk or visit our website for more information.

We now have agreed membership for our committees, working groups and representatives as follows:

Assets & Estates Committee (6): Cllrs Mrs C McGauley, Mrs S Cole, J Pyne, R Parr, S Andrew, S Parks.

Staffing, Finance and Policy Committee (6): Cllrs R Ball, J Pyne, S Andrews, P Jordan, A Wills, K Perry.

Allotments Sub Committee (1/2) + Allotment Holders: Cllr Mrs C McGauley and Cllr K Perry (Substitute).

Planning Committee (13): all members

Environment Steering Group: Cllrs R Ball, Mrs S Cole, S Andrews, and community representatives.

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group: Cllrs J Pyne, R Ball, S Parks and community representatives.

Gulliford Joint Committee: Cllrs K Perry and S Parks. Lympstone PC + residents.

Outside Bodies - Parish Council Representative

Woodbury Village Hall Committee

Exe Estuary Management

Airport Consultative Committee

Greendale Liaison


Community Playing Fields

Police Liaison

Exton Flood Liaison


EDDC Strategic Meeting feedback

Neighbourhood Plan Update

Cllr Mrs S Knighton

Cllr P Jordan Cllr R Parr

Cllr R Ball

Cllr Mrs C McGauley Cllr S Parks

Cllr P Jordan

Cllr Mrs C McGauley

Cllr A Wills Cllr S Parks

Cllr Mrs S Knighton

Exton Ward Councillors

Cllr P Jordan

Cllr A Wills

NP Chairman Cllr J Pyne provided members with an update and advised that after 25 May editing would be completed. The draft document is to be sent to EDDC for processing.

Policies and Procedures

Every year the Parish Council reviews its Policies and Procedures; the following new policies have now been agreed: a. Asset Register b. Co-option Policy c. Complaints Procedure d. Dignity at Work Policy e. Equality & Diversity Policy f. Protocol Policy g. Social Media & Press Policy h. Risk Assessment & Policy for the Vehicle Activation Sign i. Flower Street Parking Orders 2023

The Parish Council has also signed the Civility & Respect Pledge and we have recently carried out a Governance Review to see how we can run more effectively and efficiently whilst providing residents with a good service:

 To raise the Council’s profile and have a Councillor Surgery in each Ward for 1 hour each quarter (two members);

 Named Member to lead / assist with projects;

 Work on a 5-year Action Plan and Maintenance Programme.

 One Full Council meeting to be held in Exton and Woodbury Salterton.

 The Chairman to be in post up to two consecutive years.

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