MARCH 2019
This edition of Woodbury News contains a good number of reports of AGMs held by local groups and clubs, of which there are a great many in our Parish. All these organisations rely on the goodwill, expertise and time given freely by members of the community to ensure their smooth running. If people weren’t prepared to step forward to take a turn at leading, it could mean the demise of many of these societies. At one stage, Woodbury’s Garden Club appeared to be floundering, but thanks to Peter Grist and Shelagh Vale, who have just taken on the roles of Chairman and Treasurer, the future of the club again looks bright. With recent developments around our villages, ongoing buying and selling of properties and new rentals taking place, newcomers may well wonder how to get involved in village life. This is advance notice that within the August edition of Woodbury News, we plan to publish as comprehensive a list as possible of clubs and societies that are open to residents to join, or to just come along initially to see what they are like. If your organisation wants to be included in this list, please email the Deputy Editor (val.arndt@gmail.com) with the following details: Name of your club or society The meeting time and place, eg third Thursday every month at 19.00 in WVH A contact name, phone number and email address. If in the meantime you find yourself at a loose end with time on your hands, please consider joining Woodbury’s clean-up on Saturday 23 March (see page 19). Your help will be most welcome. The cover photographs, taken by the Editor, are of the Barbershop Quartet, and Bel Canto conducted by Robin Lennox (see article on pages 6 and 7). These two photos serve to signpost part of the thriving local musical scene, which includes the shanty group Woodbury Whalers and the Community Choir. On a musical theme, we are delighted to extend a warm welcome to Judy Reeves, who will be taking up the role of organist and choir director at St Swithun’s Church on 3 March. Woodbury News is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee No. 5263356
Secretary: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. 233299 Registered Office: Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 233299 Chairman: Jeremy Boyden, Rosemary, Broadway, Woodbury EX5 1NR. Tel: 233072 Editor: Sue Bury, Mayflower Cottage, 37 Greenway, Woodbury EX5 1LU. Tel: 233753 Deputy Editor: Val Arndt, Castlehaye, Castle Lane, Woodbury. Tel: 233175 Subscriptions: Anna Crafer, 15 Haymans Orchard, Woodbury. Tel: 232007 Circulation: Beverley Simcox, 2 Beeches Close, Woodbury. Tel: 232858
4 ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH, WOODBURY Vicar of the White Cross Mission Community: Reverend Sid Humphries. Tel:01395 274512 email: revsidh@gmail.com Associate Priest: Reverend Nigel Mason. email: revdnigel540@gmail.com SPECIAL SERVICES AND EVENTS 6 March Ash Wednesday Mission Community Holy Communion at 19.00 at St Swithun’s. 23 March Quiet Day at Farringdon 10.00 to 15.00. Details from Revd Nigel or Revd Sid. 31 March Mothering Sunday Holy Communion at 11.15 with Exton, at St Swithun’s. ST SWITHUN’S SUNDAY SERVICES - MARCH 1st Sunday: 11.15 Holy Communion. 2nd Sunday: 11.15 Holy Communion. 3rd Sunday: 11.15 Holy Communion; 18.30 Sung Evensong. 4th Sunday: 08.00 Holy Communion (said); 09.30 Breakfast Service. 5th Sunday: see Special Services. Mondays at 09.15 Morning Prayer. NEWS AND EVENTS Next lych gate stall in church Saturday 2 March, 09.30 - 11.00. Woodbury PCC Monthly Draw - Draw made at the Charity Coffee Morning 3rd Tuesday each month. Prize every month ranging from £50 to £500. Details from Ken Crundwell 01395 232826. Further information - Digest available in church. To receive this by email, please send your email address to st.swithuns.digest@gmail.com FLOODLIGHTING ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH (dusk until 23.00) 24 February “Happy Birthday Pippa. Enjoy the lights this evening. Thank you for putting on the lights for everyone else; this is one you didn't have to do. Love from all your friends.” For your special event, contact Mike Jeans 01395 232544. Floodlight dedications are displayed on the church noticeboard at the lych gate. CHURCH ALTAR FLOWERS - MARCH 3 - Mrs B Hill. 10, 17, 24 and 31 - Lent (no flowers). If anyone wishes to purchase an Easter lily in memory of a loved one, there will be an order list in church from 24 March.
WOODBURY NEWS to your door … If you are a new resident to the area, or would like your Woodbury News to be delivered to your door monthly, just call Beverley Simcox on 232858 and she will put you in contact with your local deliverer.
6 FoSS (FRIENDS OF ST SWITHUN’S) The AGM of FoSS was held on 26 January; the Committee were willing to continue for another year and were elected en bloc. The Chairman, Pat Browne, and Treasurer, Chris Sheppard, reported on a busy year with considerable expenditure (£5,000) on the fabric of the church. Following the AGM an enjoyable concert and supper took place as described by Lin Milsom-Ashby: “A chilly, bleak Saturday evening saw a full St Swithun’s church eagerly awaiting the latest FoSS concert. From looking at the programme the audience already knew that they were in for a very special evening of high quality music from local musicians. The evening began with the ever-popular Barbershop Quartet, led by Mike Jeans, treating the audience to their own particular interpretations of favourite Beatles’ numbers, the highlight being an adaptation of When I’m 64, to the more appropriate When I’m 84. This caused a wry smile on a number of faces, also nearer 84 than 64. The audience then enjoyed a virtuoso organ recital from Stephen Tanner, former Exeter Cathedral organist. His playing of The Arrival of The Queen of Sheba showed off our fine church organ at its very best. Stephen’s playing meant that you could hear every individual note of the piece. He then played some lesser known works: an engaging piece called Chelsea Fayre by Goss Custard, Verset composed by Guilmant and a piece which Stephen described as a crescendo constantly building to a thundering climax, Fiat Lux by Dubois. The finale of the concert was from the 18strong Bel Canto choir under the direction of Robin Lennox. Their programme was varied, humorous and technically excellent. Their first piece was Rutter’s setting of All things bright and beautiful. The clarity of the enunciation and the 4-part singing brought this well-known hymn to life. The second song was Henry Purcell’s The Mavis (song thrush) followed by There is no rose, a medieval carol set to music by John Joubert. Afton Water was a poem by Robbie Burns given a new treatment by John Rutter, especially significant as Burns Night was
7 celebrated earlier in the week. The final song was a humorous adaptation of Offenbach’s Can Can, incorporating the names of most of the underground stations in London. Each station was heard clearly, even as the music got faster and faster. The accompanist was Stephen Tanner. The evening finished with a supper of soup, bread and cheese, whilst friends discussed the excellence of the evening’s entertainment.” FoSS members and friends went away anticipating the next FoSS concert which will be the Spring Concert on Saturday 27 April, with the Devon County Junior Choir, supported by our local groups Woodbury Whalers and Bel Canto. Pat Browne
CHARITY COFFEE MORNINGS A very successful raffle was organised by Vicky at the weekly coffee morning, with all proceeds going to the Bladder Cancer Support Group. A donation to the support group was also presented. We celebrated Vicky’s BIG 0 birthday with a splendid birthday cake complete with candles. Joan Mansell WOODBURY LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY The fourth film produced by Julian Ware, who was Woodbury born and bred and who went on to become one of the UK's top television documentary film producers, will show us his latest film, Tradesmen of the Medway, at the History Society meeting on 7 March at 19.30 in Woodbury village hall. When his father Eric Ware returned to Woodbury after World War II, he had at his side a new bride, Joan Baker. Her family’s story was just as extraordinary as the Ware’s. Tradesmen of the Medway describes how the Bakers, who for generations were shipwrights on the Medway, came to construct some of London’s most famous landmark buildings and design some of the grandest buildings in the British Empire. All are welcome to the meeting, and there is a ‘visitor’s fee’ of £3 for ‘non-members’. Roger Stokes
8 FRIDAY NIGHT FLIX It was another good night at January’s Friday Night Flix, when people socialised with a glass of wine or two. There was lots of chatter and laughter prior to the showing, and in the interval when ice cream was sold. Why don’t you come along next time and meet friends old and new? If you wish to keep up-to-date with Friday Night Flix, you can contact Colin Ashby: Fridaynightflix.wvh@gmail.com or Chris Lear 01395 232772 chrisalear06@gmail.com. Doors open at 18.45 for 19.30 start on the fourth Friday of the month. We hope to see you there. The March meeting of Friday Night Flix will be on Friday 22 March in Woodbury village hall. To receive details by email, please send your email address to fridaynightflix.wvh@gmail.com. Colin Ashby WOODBURY CRAFT GROUP 22 FEBRUARY, 8 MARCH, 22 MARCH, 5 APRIL 13.00-15.00 IN THE CHURCH ROOMS WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB Our AGM was held on 12 February. We combined the business part of the evening with a bring-and-share supper afterwards. The meeting was attended by approximately 28 members including those on the committee. Debby Mullier welcomed everyone. Annette Smith, who is standing down as Chairman, then gave her report for the year during which she expressed her grateful thanks to her committee for their support and also to the members of the club. Jean Carpenter thanked Annette on everyone's behalf for her hard work over the past four years. We are all aware of Annette’s conscientious approach to her role and the work she has done behind the scenes to keep the club functioning. Peter Grist, who was elected Chairman, then presented her with flowers and a bottle of wine. A thank-you was also given to Liz Hill, Liz Slade and Sandra Wills who are also standing down. Shelagh Vale was welcomed onto the committee as Treasurer, which means we now have a fully functioning committee. We look forward to the forthcoming year. Debby took us through the programme and a discussion followed concerning the Plant Sale, an outing and the Annual Flower and Vegetable Show. Further discussion focused on the possibility of a raffle from time to time, and which plant members should grow for the Challenge Cup. Peter finished the business part of the evening by inviting suggestions for future events from all members. Finally, he thanked Roger Stokes for his help with maps and allowing use of his water tap for watering the troughs in the Arch, which we all agreed have looked really good throughout 2018. Why not come and join us, the annual membership being £12 or £3 as a visitor? We meet on the second Tuesday of each month, 19.30 in the village hall. Joyce Jeans
I attended the Devon County Annual Conference and received, on behalf of the branch, the Crediton Cup for the WW1 events in the community. The new Wednesday fortnightly coffee mornings are going well and it was great to see familiar faces again. This year there are many events happening, the main ones being: 75th Anniversary of the battle of Kohima 75th Anniversary of D-Day, the Normandy Landings, which our branch is hoping to commemorate in June. 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Monte Casino. Does anyone have memories of any of these events? If so, please do get in touch. There is a calendar of local Devon events in the Parish Council Office window showing lots going on. Sandra Huish
10 WOODBURY C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL School News Our school value focus for this term is Love. We have been discussing as a school how we show love to each other and what love means to us. The children have considered a special school poem about love and have been working on this value during their class learning and collective worship. Each class has been working hard on a range of songs that we will be showcasing to parents during our termly singing concert. The classes have worked together to learn a number of songs, as well as our school choirs who will perform at the concert. This is always a wonderful event and greatly enjoyed by families and pupils alike. Class News Maple class have been enjoying their Romans topic with some experiential learning. They spent a day dressed as Romans with a visitor who led them in some marching and formation practice, taught them some Roman games and showed them what it would have been like to live in Roman times.
Sports News We are all extremely proud of one of our Year 5 pupils who recently took part in the Devon County Swimming Championship in Plymouth. Coming 2nd in the 100m backstroke event, he competed in the 11+ age group against others who were a year older than him, which is a tremendous achievement.
11 A team of Year 3 and 4 pupils recently took part in a dodgeball tournament against the Beacon School where they played eight matches and were victorious in five, placing them first overall. The children from both schools played admirably and showed great team spirit and sportsmanship throughout. We look forward to playing further friendly matches against them in the future. A group of Key Stage 2 pupils recently took part in a Dance Festival at Exmouth Community College where they were guided by older college pupils to learn a variety of dance moves and routines. They later performed these for other schools who attended and had a wonderful day!
Outdoor Learning The children in Willow, Oak and Cherry classes have enjoyed some challenging forest school sessions, with the stormy weather making for some extremely muddy afternoons. They have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year by making pinecone pigs and cooking noodles on the campfire; they have woven willow hearts ready for Valentine’s Day and learned to tie some important knots using strawberry laces.
12 WOODBURY TENNIS CLUB The AGM was held on 6 February with twelve members in attendance, and Linda Salmon joining the committee as Secretary. The winter league season is almost at a close. The Men’s team finished with a flurry and victory over Sidmouth to escape being last! The Mixed team have one match to play — also to avoid the last position. However, all players have enjoyed battling out matches in the wind and rain; well done to all. The club will continue to have two Men’s teams in the Exeter and District league: A in Div 6, B in Div 7, and one Mixed team in the East Devon League Div 5. Friday club sessions will start on Friday 26 April. The junior programme will run during the summer term with the experienced Exmouth coach John Wingate taking charge of the coaching. All those on last year’s list will be contacted; new members (8+) wishing to join, please email Helen (helenryland@btinternet.com) to express interest. There has been no increase in annual subscription rates, which remain at £65 per adult, £40 day membership and £15 junior membership. We invite Woodbury residents who have played in the past or wish to play the game to visit the club and join in. The Tennis club is open to all: please come to the courts on Sunday mornings and try it out, or contact Pat Browne on 232805, ruthandpatb@aol.com. A key for casual use (£4 per hour) may be obtained from Pat. Pat Browne WOODBURY TWINNNING ASSOCIATION On 22 January we held our AGM in The DuBuisson Room of the village hall, which was well attended by members. Nita Goffron was re-elected as Chair, Jan Owen as Secretary and Aileen Spedding as Treasurer, and the current committee were also all re-elected. We have another interesting year of events planned, and this year our French friends will be coming over from Bretteville on the weekend of 8-10 June. Jan Owen CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE EAGLE-EYED READERS WHO SPOTTED THE EDITOR’S ‘DELIBERATE ERROR’ IN LAST MONTH’S WOODBURY NEWS! Sincere apologies to the Friends of Woodbury Surgery. The times of the week when a co-ordinator will be available in the Parish Council Office are: Tuesdays from 15.00 until 16.30, Fridays from 09.30 until 11.00. Phone lines always open: 01395 206123, or 07961 809423. Editor’s Note : In order to maximise submitted copy and photographs into Woodbury News, it may be necessary to reduce the size of some items. The Editorial team will attempt to do this as carefully as possible.
13 WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL The Woodbury Village Hall AGM will take place on Monday 8 April at 19.30 in the DuBuisson Room. Anyone with any interest in the meeting may attend as an observer. However, only members of the Village Hall Co. Ltd have the right to speak and to vote on proceedings. Graham Jackson, Secretary, Woodbury Village Hall Co. Ltd
WOODBURY NEWS CLOSING DATES 19 MARCH. 16 APRIL. 14 MAY. 11 JUNE. 16 JULY. 6 AUGUST. 17 SEPTEMBER. 15 OCTOBER. 19 NOVEMBER. 10 DECEMBER. ALL MATERIAL FOR THE MAGAZINE SHOULD BE SENT TO KAREN SQUIRES, WILLOWFIELD, OAKHAYES ROAD by 19.00 on the closing date, with a name and telephone number, or email to karensquires100@gmail.com WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB “Why doesn’t my little garden look more like the ones on TV?” Try this! Sue Fisher will be sharing her tips on Making the most of a Small Garden TUESDAY 12 MARCH, 19.15 FOR 19.30 WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL Everyone welcome - £3 non-members ROYAL BRITISH LEGION COFFEE MORNINGS WEDNESDAYS, 10.30 - 12.00. RBL ROOM behind Woodbury village hall. 6 & 20 MARCH. Then every other week throughout the year. NB Please note new day and time. WOODBURY TENNIS CLUB Junior coaching course (10 sessions) on Wednesdays after school, starting end of April with coach John Wingate. £22 for the course for club members. Contact Helen Ryland: helenryland@btinternet.com
WOODBURY SALTERTON NEWS HOLY TRINITY Family Service The January Family service was conducted by Revd Nigel Mason. As it was the first time he had taken a Family Service for us the choir sang the Welcome Nigel song which they had sung at his licensing. The children in the choir had not had the opportunity to welcome him in this way as a school Dance Festival clashed with the Licensing Service. Nigel should now feel very welcome in our church and in the United Benefice. Nigel’s talk was about the wedding at Cana in Galilee when Jesus performed the first of his miracles. Nigel introduced his talk by getting Jill and Nigel Dupain to walk down the aisle to the music of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March. The children gathered round the secondary altar while various members of the congregation read the bible story and then Nigel poured water into a wine glass - and it turned red. Some of the children and adults led prayers. The adults were amused at the answers to Nigel’s questions. ‘What do you need to have at a wedding?’ Prompt answer ‘A cake.’ Later on, ‘What can go wrong at a wedding?’ Answer ‘You could drop the cake.’ You can see where children’s priorities lie! Church Quiz Of the many entries returned in the On The Map quiz, just two had all the required answers. The entry forms from joint winners Fiona Vessey and Joyce O’Gorman (from Wolverhampton) were drawn, with Fiona receiving the £10 prize, which she very kindly handed back to the church. Nigel thanked Katharine for organising the quiz which raised £530 for our church funds. Coffee Morning The next coffee morning will take place on Saturday 2 March in church, from 09.30 until 10.30. Mothering Sunday Revd Sid will conduct our Mothering Sunday service at 09.30 on 31 March. Two early April dates: The Coffee Morning will be held on 6 April and the APCM (Annual Church Parochial Meeting) on Wednesday 3 April in church at 19.00. The PCC would appreciate members of the congregation supporting them in their running of our church by coming to this short meeting. COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL 09.00 - 12.00 1st Monday of each month, if a Bank Holiday 2nd Monday of the month. £2 for unlimited drinks and cake. Everyone welcome (from babies to retirees). Come and feel part of a community and get to know the people living within the village.
15 WHIST DRIVE We were encouraged by two new ladies joining us to play whist, as new players are always welcome. The next Whist Drive is on Tuesday 19 March at 19.30 in the village hall. VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE Bangers and Mash Supper The village hall committee would like to say a huge thank-you to everyone who came and supported the bangers and mash supper in the village hall on 19 January. It was a great evening and £463 was raised. This evening would not be possible without the dedication of the committee, especially Pat and Gill Bricknell, who cook all the food, serve and wash up. A lot of the food is donated, which is a great help when fundraising. The sausages from Kenniford Farm were delicious as always. The help from so many people when packing up at the end of the evening was greatly appreciated. The committee are planning another bangers and mash evening on 19 October and there will also be a cream tea event on 19 May. Louise Lee WOODBURY SALTERTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE President Gill Bricknell welcomed our speakers, Dr Tom Browne and Bethan Spencer, from the YMCA. Tom gave the history of the YMCA, which was founded in London in 1844 by George Wilkins and the Exeter branch, the second oldest in the country, was founded two years later by John Dinham. There are now 114 branches in England and Wales and 119 in other countries. It remains a Christian organisation. The needs of the young people it has helped have changed over the years and Bethan spoke movingly of some of the youngsters who turn to the YMCA for help. The speaker on Wednesday 13 March is Gillian Laws and she will tell us about Exmouth Talking Newspaper. The lunch at The Digger’s Rest had been enjoyed by over 20 members, friends and some husbands. In future all meals will be pre-ordered and we will meet at the earlier time of noon. The monthly coffee morning at the Digger’s will take place on Thursday 21 March at 11.00 and the lunch on Tuesday 26 at noon. Katharine Wheeler
16 WOODBURY SALTERTON C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL A new Executive Head Teacher and Management Partnership Governors made public the decision to enter into a management partnership with the Jubilee Federation following the resignation of Mr Nelmes. Mrs Gray will take over the executive leadership of Pebblebed Heath Federation, which includes our school. Mrs Gray has started to meet staff, parents and pupils to get to know her new schools. She will start her new role at the beginning of the summer term when Mr Nelmes leaves us. Mrs Milford, our Head of Learning, and our senior teachers will continue to be responsible for the dayto-day running of our school and can be contacted on the email detailed below. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions; there is more information on the Latest News section of our school website. Chinese New Year Our youngest learners have enjoyed learning about the Chinese New Year. They have used their construction toys to build the Great Wall of China, had a go at Chinese writing on our chalk board and explored noodles and rice in the play tray. Each child made a paper dragon and a lantern before tasting some Chinese food. The children dressed up in Chinese style clothing and were adventurous diners……. Elanor ‘Spring rolls are my favourite.’ Charlie ‘I tried the rice, it was nice.’ Finley ‘I loved the noodles, I ate loads.’ Alice ‘I’m going to carry my fortune cookie – it’s good luck!’ Sports Events Year 5 and Year 6 children took part in the Exmouth Athletics Festival at the Tennis Centre. The team represented our school brilliantly, showing great sportsmanship and enthusiasm as they took part in a variety of events including sprinting, javelin, speed bounce and relay races. Well done team! Some of the children also attended Exmouth Community College to take part in a multi-schools dance session continuing on from their current learning of dance in PE. Science at Forest School Class 3 have used some of their forest school sessions to learn about subjects linked to their current topic work on mountains and science. They learned about food groups and nutrition for both humans and birds. Their challenge was to create a pretend meal using all five of the food groups. Some looked good enough to eat. They then extended their topic work by creating volcanoes, experimenting to see if they could get them to erupt, with some explosive results! Thank you to Joanie for showing the class how her amazing home-made volcano erupted. Comic Club Some of our older pupils have enjoyed reading together at comic club. It’s been so popular that names have had to be picked out of a hat.
17 Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra The children have enjoyed taking part in this year’s Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra’s Celebration 1-2-5 with James Redwood. Once again he brought pupils together in Exeter to take part in a grand musical event, giving the children an opportunity to be part of a performance with an orchestra as they sang and used their bodies as percussion. You need good motor co-ordination skills to make the moves – the children really enjoyed the event. Marvellous March The children have some excellent opportunities to look forward to in March. On World Book Day, which aims to encourage a love of literature, they come to school dressed up as characters from their favourite books. They will also be participating in Science Week and World Poetry Day. Ethos Committee The children’s ethos committee is organising a coffee morning and has invited parents to attend. This committee has been involved in reviewing the school’s vision inspiring one another to live life to the full, which is taken from John 10:10. PTA news Our thanks to our team of PTA volunteers for organising fundraising activities, including Bag2School and the Valentines’ Disco. For further information or to arrange a visit to our school please contact the office on admin@woodbury-salterton.devon.sch.uk. Clare Rooke ESTUARY LEAGUE OF FRIENDS Forthcoming events for March 2019 Tuesday 5 - 14.00-16.00. Assisted Technology for Visually Impaired. Wednesdays 6, 13, 20 and 27 - IPad and Android Tablets Training. Thursday 28 - 11.00-14.00. Workshop Flower Arranging. Friday 29 - 10.30 - 12.00. Information Centre and Credit Union Help. For further information on these and any of our regular activities please ring the office who will be very happy to help 01392 879009. Audrey Elphick EXTON DRAMA CLUB Entertaining Angels A comedy set in a vicarage garden THURSDAY 4 SATURDAY 6 APRIL 19.30 EXTON VILLAGE HALL Tickets £9 from Hilary Hoar 01392 875042 or mail hilaryhoar@hotmail.com Contains adult themes and may not be suitable for children.
EXTON NEWS ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, EXTON SERVICES FOR MARCH Sunday 3rd - next before Lent, 18.00 Evening Service. Sunday 10th - Lent 1, 09.30 Holy Communion. Sunday 17th - Lent 2, St Patrick’s Day. 09.30 Layled Service. Sunday 24th - Lent 3, 09.30. Holy Communion. Sunday 31st Mothering Sunday: No Service at Exton but instead Mothering Sunday Service at St Swithun’s Church at 11.15. Exton people are invited. DELIVERY OF WOODBURY NEWS Any queries regarding delivery of Woodbury News within Exton should be directed to Audrey Elphick - 01392 876909. EXTON GARDEN CLUB The talk at our January meeting was Wild Plants of Devon, delivered by Paul Rendell. With the commemoration this year of the fiftieth anniversary of Revd Keeble Martin’s death, this was very appropriate, and a few members of the ‘Woodbury Wide Awake’ steering committee joined us (see page 22 of February’s Woodbury News). Paul took us to Dartmoor and started with numerous plants which live in boggy areas and have medicinal properties; for example, sphagnum moss, which is an antiseptic, was used during the First World War to treat soldiers’ wounds. Many of the local names are due to historical use. Wort, for example, means a plant has healing properties; pennywort, known as navelwort, would be placed on babies’ navels. The root of herb Bennet was boiled and the solution used to get rid of ear wax. Many species were introduced into private gardens during Victorian times and have become very invasive and difficult to get rid of. Among these are Himalayan balsam and giant hogweed, Spanish bluebells, which threaten our native English bluebells, and garlic which also stifles bluebells. Some bog plants are carnivorous: butterworth looks like a moth but is very sticky and traps the moths when they land on them. Paul also mentioned the importance of fire for the germination of some seeds, for example rosebay willowherb. It was an interesting talk with a good variety of photographs. The Annual General Meeting is 22 February, followed by a quiz. Eileen Pratt EXTON VILLAGE EVENTS (EVE) AGM MONDAY 18 MARCH, 19.30 EXTON VILLAGE HALL All welcome – come and meet the committee and enjoy a drink and some nibbles.
David Craig, Clerk to the Council. Woodbury Parish Council Offices, Greenside, Greenway, Woodbury, EX5 1LP Tel: 01395 233791. Email: woodburyparishcouncil@gmail.com. County Councillors Jeff Trail and Richard Scott are organising a clean-up on Broadway and surrounding area and are looking for volunteers to help. The plan is to start at 09.00 on Saturday 23 March, meeting in the Arch. Volunteers are asked to bring shovels and brushes etc. I will put up some posters in the parish promoting the event and providing a bit more information. I have budgeted in 2019 for a handyman within the parish. All being well, we should have someone to sort out all those little annoyances we have around the parish. The bench in Fulford Way has now returned alongside a new post box. I am also looking to have a public bin put in nearby to help keep the area tidy. I think this leaves just two further benches to be refurbished, one in Woodbury Salterton and one in Exton. All the benches will be re-oiled in spring. We will be working in the coming weeks on improving the trampoline in the Exton play area and will put in a two-metre rubber mulch surround to make it less of a mud bath. Beyond this, our focus will be on a new slide for Woodbury Salterton. I am starting preliminary work for our local elections that take place on Thursday 2 May. From Tuesday 26 March until polling day we will enter a period of ‘purdah’ where the Parish Council will go relatively quiet. Agendas for future meeting, and minutes of meetings can be found on http://www.woodbury-pc.org.uk/ WOODBURY RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION AGM 26 MARCH IN THE CHURCH ROOMS, WOODBURY AT 19.30 All local residents welcome. Contact Jan Owen on jmowenteacher@aol.com
ROUND AND ABOUT DEATHS We are sorry to report the death on 3 February of Lin Plenge (Oakley), and extend sincere condolences to her family and many friends. Lin was a stalwart deliverer of Woodbury News. Roy Summerhayes (16.4.1926 – 18.1.2019) The funeral of Roy Summerhayes of Cannonwalls Farm took place at Holy Trinity Church, Woodbury Salterton on 6 February. Revd Sid Humphries conducted the service, reading the family tribute and giving a short address. Roy was born at Newhouse Farm, Kittisford, Somerset, the youngest of nine children. From an early age he and his brothers helped their father on the farm and when he left school at thirteen there was no question of any career other than farming and working with animals. He married Anne in 1964 and they farmed at Waygate Farm, Butterleigh for fifteen years, with their children Michael, Richard and Gillian all being brought up there. Roy was a dairy farmer with a herd of Friesians and he also kept pigs. Saturdays were spent with his sons, taking animals to market. His main hobby was showing his cattle at shows across Devon and Cornwall where he and his brothers, who also farmed, regularly won most of the top prizes. Roy semi-retired to Cannonwalls Farm, Woodbury Salterton in 1986, keeping a few cattle. His family was his life and he adored his grandchildren Oakley, Henry, Emma and Ollie, and nothing pleased him more than to have them all gather round the table at the farm for Sunday roast dinners. Roy was a quiet, gentle and thoughtful man, a true gentleman in every sense of the word. He was modest, not good at accepting compliments, and was always ready to laugh at his own mistakes. His eldest grandson Oakley Summerhayes paid a very moving tribute to the man he had from childhood looked up to and most wanted to be like. Roy, Oakley recalled, was very proud to say that he was the same age as the Queen and usually mentioned this every time he saw her on television. He was also pleased that they shared a passion for animals and love of the countryside. The cortege left the church to the strains of The Farmer’s Boy.
22 WOODBURY CARDBOARD COLLECTION TRIAL DUE TO START From 1 March, around 850 households in Woodbury will be taking part in a trial to collect cardboard in an additional recycling bag, to be delivered to every household. The white bag will be collected from the kerbside with other recycling containers on their usual recycling collection day. SUEZ, the council’s waste and recycling contractor, is funding the trial as part of its commitment to invest in the future of the service. Its team will hold regular community engagement events in Woodbury throughout the trial to speak to residents about how it is working for them, and the information collected will help shape the future of recycling in East Devon. Cardboard is increasingly being used in packaging and we are collecting more from East Devon households every month. It’s a trend that is likely to continue as our shopping habits are changing and we buy more products online that are frequently packaged in cardboard. At the same time, East Devon continues to grow – there are now almost 70,000 homes in the district – and so does the number of recycling and waste collection rounds needed each week. The council’s recycling service needs to plan ahead to meet these changing demands and to give households more capacity to recycle in the future. Currently, cardboard is collected by households in their green box alongside glass. Sometimes glass is broken in the boxes and this contaminates the cardboard which can make it difficult to recycle. The recycling markets are demanding higher quality materials so we need to ensure that materials are separated well and not contaminated in order to sell them for recycling at the best price possible. The money raised through selling recycling helps pay for the collections, so it’s important that good quality materials are collected from households to make the service sustainable in the long term. Collecting cardboard separately may help our crews to pick up the recycling more efficiently. It will allow the crews to tip cardboard directly into the correct compartment, helping to prevent glass mixing with the cardboard and reducing the amount of time it takes for crews to collect each household’s recycling. For further information about the trial, call us on 01395 571515 or look at our website at www.eastdevon.gov.uk/recycling-and-rubbish/woodburytrial/, or come to one of the next community events on 12 March and 28 May in Woodbury village hall, any time between 18.00 and 20.00. Alison Stoneham CLYST VALLEY CHORAL SOCIETY 50TH ANNIVERSARY - Haydn's Creation SATURDAY 4 MAY, 19.30, St Margaret's, Topsham SUNDAY 5 MAY, 19.30, Holy Trinity, Exmouth Tickets 232318.
23 A VERY UNUSUAL WINTER Clearing up in the loft recently, we came across a piece written by our son Robert, when aged 10 and at Woodbury School, describing the last big freeze we had in Woodbury. I thought readers might like to be reminded of what it was like forty years ago. Elisabeth Neather “BLIZZARD IN WOODBURY 1978” The snow first started falling on the afternoon of 1 February, which was a Wednesday. It was a fairly light fall, just enough to cover the grass. However, by Wednesday night the snow was ankle deep and there was a nasty blizzard. On Thursday there was a very light thaw, but by the afternoon it was snowing again. On Saturday the blizzard was raging all day and at the top of Castle Lane, where it meets Cottles Lane, the immense snowdrifts were over 10 feet deep. It was impossible to see unless you had goggles. The drifts had been whipped into peaks and valleys. Near the junction of Oakhayes Lane three cars had been abandoned in a ditch, where the drift was nearly up to their windows. Mr Clark (the milkman) came round delivering milk on a sledge in two churns, which was straight from Mr Stokes’s farm, as supplies could not get through. The blizzard continued through the night and for the following morning (Sunday). We went sledging and traying but the snow was a bit too deep. Dad fell in up to his waist and he had to help Ben (the dog) out. We made a snow igloo. On Monday me, my dad and my brother dug Mrs Brighouse out, so that she could get out of her house. After that, we saw if we could get through to the Berry’s house. We could. There was no school on Monday or on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday we took a photograph of a snowplough as it came past our fence. Robert Neather FITNESS CLASS EVERY TUESDAY AT 09.30 WOODBURY COMMUNITY PLAYING FIELDS Would love to see some more villagers coming along to get fit! Contact Sorrell Rawlings 07903188126.
24 CLINTON DEVON ESTATES Clinton Farms Forage stocks are looking a bit tight, so the team are hoping the mild weather continues and that grass grows enabling an early turn-out for the cows. Sadly, our milk price is reducing by just over a penny per litre although recent investment in a new parlour has reduced milking time by an hour, freeing up staff time for other farm tasks. Calving has started at Dalditch farm and will continue till early June. Contractors and our volunteer hedge group will continue to rejuvenate sections of overgrown and sheep-damaged hedges at Ashtree Farm using the traditional skill of hedgelaying. River Otter Estuary Walkers have been delighted that the footpath between White Bridge and Lime Kiln re-opened ahead of schedule. This was the culmination of a joint project between the Environment Agency, East Devon District Council, Bridge Civil Engineering of Chudleigh, and Clinton Devon Estates who worked together to organise repairs after the path was washed away. We are grateful to our volunteer wardens, Doug and Joan Cullen, who kept walkers informed of the alternative route. Join Clinton Devon Estates and the Otter Valley Association for the Spring Litter Pick on 23 March 11.00-13.00. Meet at Lime Kiln car park. Free car parking and equipment provided. Pebblebed Heaths The MOD contractors should complete their repairs to the grenade range on Colaton Raleigh Common shortly. They have undertaken track repairs and are bringing in some stone, using pebblebed material sourced from Uffcombe. The main access route is via Warren car park, but warning signs will be deployed on all the tracks that cross their access route and the staff posted in the car park will be able to give people further information. Forestry In the plantations adjacent to Castle Lane in Exmouth thinning work continues and we hope to invite local schools to get a closer view and teach them about forestry and sustainable timber production. Land and Property The show home at King Alfred Way, Newton Poppleford is now open and house sales at Plumb Park at Littleham are going well. The team have been working hard to bring the EPC ratings of our rental properties up to an E or above. Ensuring older properties are energy efficient brings its challenges but this important legal requirement is one we also know improves properties for our tenants. The Estate continues to work with farming tenants during Brexit, keeping them informed and supported to ensure their businesses remain viable in an uncertain future. Bicton Arena Over the winter sheep have been grazing the parkland, keeping the grass down and employing their ‘golden hooves’ to sort the divots in the turf. During the quieter months, providing an opportunity for riders to jump the cross-country fences on the all-weather arena was popular. But now these jumps have been moved to make way for dressage and showjumping competitions.
25 Preparations are in full swing for the coming season. The Bicton Horse Trials are the first major competition and start on 19 April. Yettington and East Budleigh residents are once again invited to join the team from Bicton Arena at our Neighbours’ Forum on Tuesday 26 March at 19.00. We will report back on any issues/actions from last year, give an overview of the season ahead and respond to questions and queries. Do join us if you can. Kate Ponting, Countryside Learning Officer Clinton Devon Estates kate.ponting@clintondevon.com 01395 446918 WEATHER REPORT This month I make a small comparative report of rainfall at Ebford in January of recent years. January 2019 produced only 57mm (2 1/4ins), somewhat below the short-term average of 104mm (4 ins) as shown below: 2013 106mm 2016 129mm 2014 179mm 2017 59mm Average 104mm 2015 76mm 2018 75mm However, the previous ten-year average I found to be only 75mm; is this climate change showing itself to us? Following this dry period, actually from Boxing Day 2018 to the middle of January, we had pleasant digging and hoeing conditions in the vegetable patch, and also the opportunity to tidy up with the rotary lawn/jungle mower. Norman Cann WOODBURY COMMUNITY LONG TABLES SATURDAY 6 JULY, 17.00 WOODBURY VILLAGE GREEN Tables £15 for six people. Bring your own chair, gazebo, food, wine. Take all rubbish home. Decorate tables with flowers, candelabra etc. Draw prizes, music, entertainment, ice cream van. To reserve a table contact Chris Lear 01395 232772 chrisalear06@gmail.com Once paid, you will be allocated a number for your table(s) This is going to be a great community event raising funds for FORCE.
The Woodbury News attempts to represent a variety of views within the community, but does not accept responsibility for anything but Editorial comment. While it may publish unacknowledged material, nothing is included unless the Editor knows the name and address of the author(s).
SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED Reliable gardener/handyman in Woodbury Salterton for 2 / 3 hours per week for general gardening jobs and property maintenance. Rates by negotiation. Call Christine on 01395 239918. WANTED Is there anyone in the village to assist me with setting up an Oculus Go? Would be grateful for your help. Digger at 01395 232878 or pandg@britishisles.plus.com.
BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS DO YOU NEED HELP TO KEEP YOUR GARDEN AND SHED TIDY? Experienced gardener, RHS trained, based in Woodbury, reasonable rates. Contact Eileen on 01395 232886 or family.pye@btinternet.com. (2/3) FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER & REFLEXOLOGIST Former RGN provides routine nail and skin care (inc corns and callus) or a reflexology treatment. Nicky Mattin (MAFHP itec RF) 01395 233222/07807603690 (4/12) MOBILE FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER - providing services such as nail cutting, corn and callus removal, diabetic foot care. £5 off your first treatment. Call Ruby Bowden on 07792 698961. (4/12) ENGLISH AND FRENCH TUITION Key Stage 3 - GCSE offered by well-qualified, experienced teacher. Competitive rates. Contact L Hamilton on 01395 233416 or email linjahamilton@yahoo.co.uk. (3/6) AQUAPHOBIC? NON-SWIMMER? STROKE IMPROVEMENT? Personal swimming lessons - one-to-one stress-free sessions. Adult aquaphobics a speciality. I will come to you and am in the water with you all the time. Over 30 years experience. Richard Avery ASA Level 2 Swimming Teacher.B.Ed. (Hons)Phys Ed. Anyonecanswim@gmail.com 07484125525. (6/6) BOO TO A GOOSE THEATRE Top 10 in UK 2017. Magical pop-up children’s shows for stress-free parties with puppets, games and face painting. www.bootoagoosetheatre.co.uk 01395 233874. (10/12) LOOKING FOR SUPPORT IF HOME EDUCATING? Need Private Tutoring? Very experienced Primary Headteacher based in Woodbury village available during the day and after school slots for targeted curriculum help across Key Stages 1, 2, Ent exams/ 11+ preparation. Email richardjohnavery@btinternet.com 07484125525. (6/6) WE ARE POSH NOSH! With over two decades of experience in the catering industry we are at the forefront of special occasion and event catering in Devon and the West Country. We are committed to providing first class cuisine with outstanding levels of service. Phone: 01392 444877 or email: info@posh-nosh.co.uk. (8/12)
27 BRISCOE TREE CARE - tree work and hedge cutting. All waste disposed. NCH Arb qualified at Bicton College. Fully insured. Free quotes and advice. Call Jon Briscoe on 01392 668931 or 07825 002362. (12/12) SYNERGI EVERTHING PLUMBING AND HEATING For all your plumbing and heating needs. Large or small jobs at fair prices. Boiler servicing, repairs and care plans. Local, reliable and efficient. Gas, Oil, and LPG. Tel Synergi 01395 542226. www.synergisw.co.uk. (10/12) SQUIRREL COTTAGE Self catering 16th century property full of character, available for weekly holidays and short breaks. Sleeps 5. Graded 5 Star. www.thecottagecompanydevon.co.uk Tel Kay 0776 9975557. (11/12) PROPERTY MAINTENANCE – James Waddell Interior & Exterior, Carpentry, Flooring, Fencing & Gates, Plumbing, Decking, Bathrooms & Kitchens, General Repairs. Free Advice & Estimates 01395 263496. (9/12) RUBBISH REMOVALS Domestic and Commercial. Environment Agency licensed. No job too small. Tel: 0800 335 7610 / 07979 841376. www.rubbishremovalsexeter.com. (10/12) ELECTRICIAN James Sliman Local, reliable, fully qualified and experienced. NAPIT registered and insured. From a socket to rewire 01395 276323 07866 313812 www.jslimanelectrician.co.uk. (7/12) WOODBURY HOLIDAY HOME TO RENT in centre of village. Luxury accommodation for 4 people, 2 en-suites, parking, courtyard garden. Weekly holidays & short breaks. www.woodburyholidays.co.uk 01579 350365. (7/12) COMPUTER REPAIRS AND UPGRADES; Broadband and wireless connections; Data recovery and backup; Windows, iPads and Apple computers, Virus and spyware removal; No fix no fee - Evening visits to suit you. Contact: Mark Doyle 01395 233694. (7/12) ROOFING Woodbury based RWI Roofing Specialising in Slating, Tiling, Re-Roof, New Roof, Repairs, Guttering. For a friendly, reliable service call Ray 232926, or 07988 691051 (As recmd in OurLocalExpert.co.uk). (6/12) PRIVATE CLEANER Weekly, fortnightly, monthly and one-off. I am experienced, flexible and reliable. I offer a friendly service. Contact Ya 07429 430812. (2/3) MATHS TUITION: Experienced, female Maths teacher available to teach primary to GSCE level maths, 11+ and SATs prep. Reasonable rates. Jane Moffatt on 01395 279952/07730 877889 janepmoffatt@gmail.com. (2/12) ACCOUNTS AND TAX SERVICE Sole Trades, Partnerships, Limited Companies and Personal Tax. Full range of advice. Fixed fee plans and free initial consultation/quotation. Wheelers Accountants Tel: 233184. (1/12)
FORTHCOMING EVENTS 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 7 March 8 March 9-10 Mar. 12 March 12 March 13 March 16 March 22 March 23 March 14 March 16 March 18 March 19 March 22 March 26 March 3 April 4-6 April 5 April 8 April 9 April 11 April 11 April 12 April 19 April 19 April 20 April 26 April 27 April 2 May 2 May 4 May
Woodbury Craft Group. 13.00-15.00. Church Rooms. Exton Garden Club AGM, followed by a quiz. Friday Night Flix The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society, WVH, Doors open at 18.45. Cornerstones, The old-fashioned penny. Maltsters. WSWI ‘Ladies Who Lunch’, Digger’s Rest. 12.30. Twinning Association meal. 19.00. Spice and Stone, Broadclyst. History Society - Tradesmen of the Medway. WVH, 19.30. Woodbury Craft Group. 13.00-15.00. Church Rooms. Woodbury Dance Studio Pineapple Poll. Sidmouth Manor Pavilion. Community forum on cardboard recycling, 18.00-20.00, DuBuisson Room, WVH. Garden Club. Making the most of your Small Garden. WVH. 19.15 for 19.30. WS WI, Exmouth Talking Newspapers, WSVH, 19.30. Exton Village Events (EVE) AGM. 19.30. Exton Village Hall. Woodbury Craft Group. 13.00-15.00. Church Rooms. Clean-up on Broadway. 09.00. Meet in the Arch. Woodbury WI Honiton Lace, WVH, 19.00. Hospiscare Men’s Walk. Exton Village Events (EVE) AGM. 19.30. Exton Village Hall. Twinning Association trip. The Comedy About a Bank Robbery. Friday Night Flix Victoria & Abdul, WVH, Doors open at 18.45. Woodbury Residents Association AGM. Church Rooms. 19.30. Holy Trinity Annual Church Parochial Meeting. WS. 19.00. Exton Drama Club Entertaining Angels. Exton VH, 19.30. Woodbury Craft Group. 13.00-15.00. Church Rooms. Woodbury Village Hall AGM. 19.30. The DuBuisson Room. Garden Club. Vegetable Growing. WVH. 19.15 for 19.30. Woodbury WI Easter Craft, WVH, 19.00. ‘Woodbury Wide Awake’ talk. Dr Anne Stobart. Charity Quiz. 18.30 for 19.00. WVH. (07831 121268) Egg Hunt in The Goosefield, 10.00 to 12.00. Bicton Horse Trials. Friday Night Flix Untouchable, WVH, Doors open at 18.45. Start of Friday Club sessions, Woodbury Tennis Club. FoSS Spring Concert. 19.30. Local elections. History Society Dalditch Camp on the Common. WVH, 19.30. CVCS 50th Anniversary. St Margaret’s, Topsham, 19.30.
29 5 May 19 May 28 May
CVCS 50th Anniversary. Holy Trinity, Exmouth, 19.30. Cream Tea. WSVH. Community forum on cardboard recycling, 18.00-20.00, DuBuisson Room, WVH. 8-10 June Twinning Association host Bretteville friends. 15 June Woodbury Community Fun Day. 14.00-18.00. 6 July Woodbury Community Long Tables. Village Green. 232772. 5 Sept. History Society Current Archaeology in Exeter. WVH, 19.30. 19 Oct. Bangers and Mash Supper. WSVH.
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We are a mature, professional couple seeking a plot of land in this area, large enough for a 4-bedroomed family home and garden.
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