CLUBS AND SOCIETIES (as at August 2019) Art Group (Exton) Meets in Exton Village Hall, Exton, every Monday from September to Easter 10.00 –12.00. Contact: Paul McLoughlin 01392 875329; paul@mclin.co.uk Bonsai Society (Exeter) Meetings take place on fourth Sunday of each month (except December) in Woodbury Salterton Village Hall at 14.30. New members, experts and beginners are most welcome. Contact: Brian Mackichan 01392 437525 https://exeterbonsaisociety.com https://www.facebook.com/ ExeterBonsaiSociety Bridge Club (Exmouth) Meets every Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 13.50 in Woodbury Village Hall. Also the fourth Thursday of every month at 18.50 in Woodbury Village Hall. Contact: Leo Williams 01395 274478 Bridge Club (Exton) Meets twice a month on Mondays in Exton Village Hall, starting at 19.00. All made welcome including beginners. Contact: Ann Morris 01392 875666 or David Burrows 01395 275928 Bridge Club (Woodbury) We are a small bridge club which meets every Thursday at 19.00 in the DuBuisson Room in Woodbury Village Hall. We play duplicate bridge but are not affiliated to the EBU and welcome players of all levels of ability. No partner is necessary. Contact: Tricia Brine 01392 876349 or triciabrine@hotmail.com Camera Club (Woodbury) We are a relatively small group (maximum 30 members) which meets on the third Tuesday of the month in the Church Rooms, but we have other special interest groups as well. Our members vary from experienced to beginners but we always aim to learn from each other and we provide a photographic service to the local community. Contact: Mike Jeans 01395 232544 or mike@jeansy.org 1
Community Choir (Woodbury) meets every Monday evening (except first Monday of the month) from 19.30 to 21.00 in Woodbury School. No auditions and no need to read music. Everyone who enjoys singing is welcome. Contact: Sarah Owen 07876 524221 or sarahjrowen@ hotmail.com Community Orchard (Woodbury) We manage the community orchard which is situated on the cricket pitch field in Town Lane. There are over 60 fruit trees, making a beautiful and peaceful picnic, play and outdoor event space. We run an apple juicing event and a wassail annually. Helpers are always welcome for orchard tasks – pruning, weeding and checking the trees, or to help enjoy running an event. The site is a haven for bird and insect life, and for visitors. Contact: Alex 07515-329829; https//en-gb.facebook.com/woodburyco/; orchardwoodbury@gmail.com Connections A social group for women – first Monday of the month. Everybody welcome. Contact: Chris Lear 01395 232772 Cornerstones We are a group of elderly, mostly retired gentlemen, living in Woodbury. We meet once a month, on no particular day of the week, to visit places of interest or invite speakers to address us. These events normally include a luncheon or supper at pubs or restaurants. There is no joining fee, annual subscription, directorate, or committee. We just enjoy each other’s company, irrespective of any individual’s particular interests. If you are interested please contact Ernst if you wish to receive notification of future meetings. Contact: Ernst Gruber 01395 232878; ernstgruber100@outlook.com Craft Group (Woodbury) Meets on the last Friday of each month from September to July in the Church Rooms, Woodbury, 13.00 -15.00. Contact: Denise Higgins 01395 239189; lildaydreamers@gmail.com Drama Club (Exton) Meets in Exton Village Hall. Pantomime or Christmas Show yearly. Stages one three-act play and one one-act play in Exmouth Festival. Social activities throughout the year. Contact: Pat Cusa 01392 877907; pat@cusa.org.uk
Exeter Letterers A calligraphy workshop, with a qualified tutor, meets monthly on a Saturday (usually the third Saturday, but can vary), 10.00 – 16.00 in Woodbury Village Hall. Contact: Janet Jankovic 01395 273674 Friends of St Swithun’s (FoSS) is a local charity whose members aim to raise funds for the preservation of the church building. FoSS wants to involve everyone in Woodbury in looking after the beautiful parish church and making it more usable for a wider range of village activities. Contact: Pat Browne 01395 232805; ruthandpatb@aol.com Garden Club (Exton) Meets at 19.30 in Exton Village Hall on the last Friday of each month. Excellent speakers and outings during the year. Contact: Eileen Pratt 01392 877917 Garden Club (Woodbury) Meets in Woodbury Village Hall on the second Tuesday of each month except June and August at 19.30. Sub £12, visitors £3. Club aims to foster interest in gardens by lectures and demonstrations and to encourage visits to private and public gardens. Speakers from the top horticultural establishments of the South West. Contact: Debby Mullier 01395 232462; woodburygardenclub@gmail.com Ladies Group (Exton) Meets in Exton Village Hall at 14.15 on the second Thursday of each month. Excellent speakers, summer garden meeting and various outings during the year. Contact: Chris Bilyard 01392 875974; chrisabilyard@talktalk.net Local History Society Meetings, with speakers on a variety of historical topics, are held on the first Thursday of March, May, September and November in Woodbury Village Hall at 19.30. The AGM and a social are held in February and the July meeting is a visit or walk to a local place of interest. A reference library containing books, photographs, documents and papers is open to all parishioners. The annual subscription is £8. Non-members are welcome to attend talks (£3). Contact: Nick Burgess 01395 232458, or Gill Selley 01395 233208 Royal British Legion A national charity with membership open to anyone. New members welcome. Coffee mornings, 10.30-12.00 on alternate Wednesdays in RBL Room at rear of Woodbury Village Hall. Contact: Sandra Huish 01395 232696 3
Royal Marines Volunteer Cadet Corps Boys and Girls 9 – 17 years old on joining can stay until 18 years. Aims to develop the qualities of good citizenship by a spirit of discipline, teamwork and comradeship. Parades at Lympstone Commando Training Centre Monday and Thursday 18.45 – 21.00. Contact: 01392 414302 on Monday or Thursday between 19.00 – 20.00. lympstone@volunteercadetcorps.org Scouts and Guides meet in the HQ on Woodbury Playing Field during school term. The movement runs an adventurous training programme and camping and outdoor activities. Rainbows (girls 5 and 6) Monday16.30 – 17.30. Contact: Bethany Noyes 07933 096642 Brownies (girls 7 – 10) Wednesday 18.00 – 19.30. Contact Alison Hazell 07799 150328 woodburybrownies@yahoo.com Guides (girls 10 – 14) Friday 18.00 – 19.30. Contact: Helen Ellis 01395 233665 Scouts (boys and girls 10 1/2—14: Tuesday 19.00 - 21.00. Cub Scouts (boys and girls 8—10 1/2): Tuesday 17.30 - 19.00. Beavers (boys and girls 6—8): Tuesday 16.20 - 17.20. Contact for Scouts, Cub Scouts and Beavers: Donna or Paul Gover 07916 127366 Registration and enrolment at www.exbudscouts.org.uk Twinning Association (Woodbury) The aim is to foster friendship between the parish of Woodbury and the commune of Bretteville-surOdon (near Caen, France) and to learn more of the French way of life. Visits are arranged in alternate years. The association has an active diary of social events. Subscription £5. Contact: Jan Owen 01395 232694, jmowenteacher@aol.com or Nita Goffron 01395 232314 Whist Club (Woodbury Salterton) Whist drives held in Woodbury Salterton Village Hall monthly on the third Tuesday at 19.30 (in aid of Church and Village Hall funds). Contact: Patrick Bricknell 01395 232463
Women's Institute (Woodbury) Joining the WI is a very good way of making new friends. Meetings cater for varied interests: current affairs, travel, hobbies, crafts, cookery, with interesting talks and time for refreshment. There is also a regular skittles meeting on Friday mornings. Prospective new members are welcome to come as visitors. Monthly meetings on the second Thursday at 19.00 in Woodbury Village Hall, garden party and outing. Contact: Lin Milson-Ashby 01395 233854 Women’s Institute (Woodbury Salterton) The WI is an organisation for all women of the village and the surrounding area. Monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday at 19.30 in Woodbury Salterton Village Hall. Talks are varied and regular social events and outings are organised. Being part of a vigorous national and regional organisation adds an extra dimension for members. Visitors and new members are very welcome and lifts are available. Contact: Gill Bricknell 01395 232463 Woodbury Landscape History Group An informal group investigating the history and natural history of our local landscape, through direct observation and recording, and through map, archive and book research. Regular discussions and occasional walks and other related activities. Contact: Diana Wackerbarth 01395 239078 Woodbury P’s and Q’s A small group of enthusiastic patchworkers and quilters who meet on alternate Tuesdays from 10.00 – 12.00 in Woodbury Village Hall. Contact: Ann Shell 01395 239175 Woodbury Residents Association This association was set up in January 2015 and its objectives are to protect and enhance the character of the area known as Woodbury for the benefit of the residents, to represent the views of the residents and to encourage the goodwill and involvement of the community. Membership is free. We aim to keep residents in touch with issues affecting our community, particularly regarding planning. Contact: Jan Owen 01395 232694; jmowenteacher@aol.com
Woodbury Salterton Dumbutu link Village charity connected with the Gambian village of Dumbutu, which was first linked in 1987. £25 per year sponsors the education and daily school meal for a named child. We sponsor 100 children each year to enable them to have more than three years of education. Help with small health and agricultural projects also given. Also fundraising to provide bikes for secondary school children. Contact: Leo 01395 268820; leonorawilson@gmail.com Woodbury Salterton Residents Association The association represents the residents in the village of Woodbury Salterton and the surrounding area. It was set up in 2013 to encourage community spirit in the Woodbury Salterton area and improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area. The association communicates through emails and a website to inform the community of any local event and co-operates with other local organisations in promoting and coordinating local events and projects. The association works with local councils, organisations and other associations on planning and other issues that affect the locality. Contact: 01395 232328; website:woodburysalterton.weebly.com email WSRA2@btinternet.com Woodbury Woodturners Arguably the best woodturning club in the South West. The club aims to encourage and develop enthusiasm for the art and craft of woodturning. Meetings are held in Woodbury Village Hall on the third Thursday of each month at 19.00. Membership is open to all with an interest in woodturning, from beginners to professionals. Contact: Stephen Long 01395 489936
EXERCISE AND SPORTING ACTIVITIES Badminton Club (mixed) Woodbury Village Hall, Monday at 20.00. September – April. Contact: Karen Griffin 01395 233555; karen.griffin@helado.co.uk Badminton (Ladies) Tuesday in Woodbury Village Hall, 10.00 – 12.00. £2.50. Contact: Jill Effer 01395 232890; jilleffer100@gmail.com Badminton (Ladies) Thursday in Woodbury Village Hall, 10.00 –12.00. Contact: Ann Hildred 01395 232294 6
Body Blast Every Monday in Woodbury Village Hall at 18.30. A mix of aerobics, zumba, body conditioning and body combat. Great workout and great fun. Contact Isabelle 07817 163503; i_oshea@talktalk.net Golf Club (Woodbury Park) Two golf courses: 9-hole Acorns and 18hole Championship Oaks. Pro Shop is open all year. Contact: 01395 233500 to book tee times or for more information. Golf Society (Woodbury village residents) Visits seven south-west golf courses per year and welcomes golfers from Woodbury and district. Contact: Paul Saunders wvgsociety@gmail.com or Jeremy Browne: jeremy.browne@btinternet.com Leisure Centre (Woodbury Park) Fully equipped gym, 20m heated indoor swimming pool, poolside jacuzzi and sauna. Contact: 01395 232998 Pilates (Exton) Exton Village Hall, Fridays 09.30-10.00. Contact: Diedre Rogers 01392 873092 Ramblers (Exton) Meets every Wednesday at 09.30 in St Andrew’s car park. Walks of approximately five miles. Please give 24 hours’ notice if intending to come, for catering purposes. Contact: David Gardner 01392 873829; trevor.g1@btinternet.com Short Mat Bowls Played in Woodbury Village Hall from 19.00 – 22.00 on Tuesdays, except the second Tuesday in each month. New members welcome. Contact: Ken Crundwell 01395 232826 Skittles Skittles are played at The Maltsters Arms and The White Hart pubs in Woodbury. The alleys can be booked from the respective landlords for both friendly and league games. Men’s and Ladies’ teams are members of the Woodbury and District Skittles Association and compete in league and cup games. Contact: Trevor 07977 809734; White Hart 01395 487163; Maltsters 01395 232218 Walkie Talkies Walking group meeting every Wednesday morning at 09.15 at Woodbury Village Hall car park. Everyone welcome. Contact: Nita Goffron 01395 232314 7
Woodbury & Newton St Cyres Cricket Club runs a team in the Devon Cricket League every Saturday; also Sunday, mid-week and evening friendly matches throughout the season. Licensed bar is open during match days. Club training for adults every Wednesday from 18.30-20.00. New players and supporters of all ages are most welcome. Assistance with umpiring or scoring for the club is welcomed; training is available. Contact: Ian Hughes 07968 479531 Woodbury Junior Cricket Club The Junior section of the club has three teams in the Devon Youth League. Training sessions for boys and girls for all age groups on Friday evenings. There is currently a waiting list for juniors but check with Richard Church to see if there is a vacancy. Contact: Richard Church 07966 172133; richardjchurch@yahoo.co.uk Woodbury Tennis Club – the club has two hard courts in the playing fields off Orchard Close. The lower court has floodlights. There are club sessions open to all full members on Fridays from 18.30 in the summer (May to September), and on Sundays from 10.30 throughout the year. These are mix-in sessions where everyone is welcome. In addition there is a session for ladies on Tuesday afternoons from 14.00, available to all day-time members and full members. During the summer term there are organised junior sessions with the club coach on Wednesday evenings. The club enters two men’s teams in the Exeter and District League and one mixed team in the East Devon League, giving the competitive player an opportunity for match play. Fees per annum: Adult £65, Family £130, Day £40, Student £20, Junior £15. Contacts: Helen Ryland 01395 223521 helenryland@btinternet.com Pat Browne 01395 232805; ruthandpatb@aol.com Juniors: Helen Ryland 01395 223521 Yoga Hatha Yoga Class Mondays. Church Rooms. 17.45-18.45. Contact: 07791 563674 www.purplelotusyoga.uk *
Charity Coffee Mornings, Woodbury: Tuesdays 10.00 - 12.00, Church Rooms Royal British Legion Coffee Mornings: 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month 10.30 - 12.00, RBL Room, Woodbury Village Hall Community Coffee Morning, Woodbury Salterton: 1st Monday each month 09.00 - 12.00, Woodbury Salterton Village Hall 8