NOVEMBER 2017 EDITORIAL Woodbury News would like to add its congratulations to Woodbury Community Orchard on winning the Acland Award 2017. What a fantastic community achievement! Another community achievement could well be the acquisition of a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) in Woodbury playing fields, BUT this achievement is urgently in need of just £2,000 – and raising this sum is time-dependent. This final amount of money must be raised by 30 November 2017 to add to the fantastic amount of £70,000 already raised by the hard-working fundraising committee. To refer to the article on page 8, ‘if every resident of Woodbury village found £1, then building could start almost immediately.’ Of course, larger donations are also welcome, but to quote from a large company: ‘Every little helps’. Surely we can’t let this opportunity pass? Please act now! A reminder: next month’s Woodbury News will have space for Christmas Greetings to local friends when, in lieu of sending cards, readers undertake to make a donation to a charity of their choice and record their personal greetings in print. December Woodbury News is also the last opportunity to draw attention to your local events in the run-up to Christmas. The closing date for copy is 14 November, but why not send in your greetings now to karensquires100@gmail.com? OUR COVER PHOTO shows the plaque and beautiful bronze buzzard on an engraved plinth which was presented to Woodbury Community Orchard (see pages 7 and 26). Woodbury News is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee No. 5263356 Secretary: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. 233299
Registered Office: Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 233299
Chairman: Jeremy Boyden, Rosemary, Broadway, Woodbury EX5 1NR. Tel: 233072 Editor: Mrs Sue Bury, Mayflower Cottage, 37 Greenway, Woodbury EX5 1LU. Tel: 233753
Deputy Editor: Mrs Val Arndt, Castlehaye, Castle Lane, Woodbury. Tel: 233175 Subscriptions: Mrs Anna Crafer, 15 Haymans Orchard, Woodbury. Tel: 232007 Circulation: Mrs Beverley Simcox, 2 Beeches Close, Woodbury. Tel: 232858
The Woodbury News attempts to represent a variety of views within the Community, but does not accept responsibility for anything but Editorial comment. While it may publish unacknowledged material, nothing is included unless the Editor knows the name and address of the author(s).
4 ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH, WOODBURY Associate Minister: Reverend Sid Humphries. Tel:01395 274512 email: revsidh@gmail.com SPECIAL MISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES: Thursday 2 November – All Souls Day - 19.30, Holy Communion Service at Clyst St Mary. Saturday 18 November - 10.00 to 15.30, Mission Community Quiet Day at Farringdon. ST SWITHUN’S SUNDAY SERVICES 1st Sunday: 11.15 Holy Communion. 2nd Sunday: Remembrance Sunday 10.50 Service of Remembrance followed by Holy Communion. 14.45, Service of Remembrance. 3rd Sunday: 11.15 Holy Communion, 18.30 Evensong. 4th Sunday: 08.00 CW Holy Communion (Said), 11.15 Morning Worship. Morning Prayer Mondays at 09.15. NEWS AND EVENTS Lych gate stalls in Church. First Saturday of the month from 4 November, 09.30-11.00. Woodbury PCC Monthly Draw - Draw made at the Charity Coffee Morning 3rd Tuesday each month. Prize every month ranging from £25 to £500. Details from Ken Crundwell 01395 232826. FLOODLIGHTING ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH (dusk until 23.00) For your special event, contact Mike Jeans 01395 232544, or see the details and book it online at our website: www.whitecrossdevon.org.uk/ woodbury-with-exton/flood lighting-form.php. Floodlight dedications are displayed on the church noticeboard at the lych gate. CHURCH ALTAR FLOWERS - NOVEMBER 5 - Mrs C Keep. 12 - Remembrance Sunday. 19 and 26 - Mrs B Hill. Many thanks to everyone who helped to decorate church for Harvest. Digest available in church or from website www.white crossdevon.org.uk.
ALL MATERIAL FOR THE MAGAZINE SHOULD BE SENT TO KAREN SQUIRES, WILLOWFIELD, OAKHAYES ROAD by 19.00 on the closing date, with a name and telephone number, or email to karensquires100@gmail.com
6 1st WOODBURY BROWNIES 1st Woodbury Brownies is a group of 7-10 year old girls who meet on Wednesdays during term time. We have a varied programme of activities each term, including adventure, craft, games and campfire songs as well as badge work. We are currently looking for an extra female adult helper to come along for an hour and a half each week, and if interested in becoming a member of Girlguiding as a leader, then there are plenty of opportunities for training and, as leaders, we have meetings and social events as part of the Exmouth Division. Please contact Alison Hazell, Unit Leader at woodburybrownies @yahoo.com. 1st WOODBURY BROWNIES COFFEE MORNING AND CAKE SALE SATURDAY 9 DECEMBER, 10.00 - 12.00 WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL Also Christmas Cards and a raffle. Organised by Woodbury Brownies, proceeds to go to The Donkey Sanctuary and Brownie units affected by Hurricane Irma. WOODBURY CAMERA CLUB The Woodbury Camera Club calendar will be available in November from Sue Hudson 232203, Mike Jeans 232544 or in Rook Pie. The cost is £6, the same as last year. FoSS (FRIENDS OF ST SWITHUN’S) FoSS organised the Autumn Concert in church on Thursday 6 October, when they welcomed back Exeter Singers directed by Tony Yates. This was a wonderfully varied concert with 60 members and friends in the audience, raising £250 for FoSS funds. Carolyn Keep provided the following review: ‘Their programme contained only one piece directly from early sources: Good health by Erasmus Widmann opened the performance. All the other selections were at least arranged and many were composed by 20 th century composers. Bob Chilcott’s Dances of Time is a recent addition to the repertoire of the choir, which takes a wide range of sources to illustrate the title. Many other items were familiar words but given a new twist by the arranger. The version of The Ash Grove came from the late Rodney Dingle of Lympstone, who had conducted several local choirs. Various members of the choir contributed poems to the evening in blocks of three; some were very familiar, others had a humorous slant. The programme was clearly well received, as were the subsequent drinks and nibbles.’ The next event is the AGM followed by a supper concert, featuring Bel Canto singers and Woodbury Barbershop Quartet on Saturday 27 January.
7 WOODBURY COMMUNITY ORCHARD WCO was astonished and delighted to receive the Acland Award 2017 at a ceremony on 27 September - organised by the East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). (see also page 26)
This year the award was specifically for local projects with the themes of wildlife, environment and heritage. The orchard was chosen as a grassroots project that fulfilled all those criteria. So here is a massive thank-you to all our supporters and volunteers who have made it possible since we planted our first trees in 2013, and held our first events at Gilbrook. Our juicing event took place on 7 September and despite concerns that apples had come off the trees early, we were inundated with supplies of apples from well-wishers and attendees. This year seems to have been a bumper year for fruit. Our juicer has been working hard and has already been used for cider making. Sadly, one of the benches that was donated by the Maltsters went missing in September, and we have also had some issues trying to find a reliable mowing service, so at the moment the site looks untidy. We hope to get the mowing under control before winter. As always we would welcome offers to help with practical tasks and planning events. Please check our Facebook page or contact Woodburyorchard@gmail.com. Alex Thiemann
8 WOODBURY COMMUNITY PLAYING FIELDS Our vision has always been simple. We want better health and recreation facilities for young people in Woodbury. We want the next generation to love living here as much as we do. We embarked on the project to build a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) for all-weather sports in 2016. The good news is that through the generosity of charities, trusts, residents and friends we have raised about 80% of our original £70,000 target. This has been quite some achievement. The bad news is that the fundraising has taken time. If we do not start building the MUGA this year, the prices will increase by next year and the funding target will be out of reach again. We do not want this to happen. So, we have revisited the original specification, scratched our heads, tightened our belts and cut back on approximately £8,000 of costs. The result? We are gut-wrenchingly close to getting this done. We only have to raise another £2,000. But we need to find that £2,000 by 30 November 2017. Can you contribute to the health, welfare and enjoyment of young people in your corner of East Devon? If every resident in the village found £1 today, we could start building next week, and have our MUGA ready to provide exercise and entertainment by early 2018. Donations can be made via https://mydonate.bt.com/events/wcpfmuga. Please contact secretary.wcpf@yahoo.co.uk if you would like to help or can offer expertise. Emma Finnegan FRIDAY NIGHT FLIX 24 NOVEMBER WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL 19.00 for 19.30. (Doors open 18.45) * * * * * In December there will be no Friday night meeting. Instead there will be a Children’s Matinee on SATURDAY 16 DECEMBER, WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL Doors open 14.00 for 14.30 There will be no charge for admission. This performance is aimed at young people from 8 -13 years old and CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPAINED BY AN ADULT. Further details from Chris Lear 01395 232772.
9 WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB Our meeting began on a sad note and with silence when we remembered Jane Tucker, one of our members, who died suddenly on 12 September. We will miss her being with us. Paul Rendell, otherwise known as Dartmoor Paul, came and gave us an illustrated account of the Wild Plants of Devon. He was born in Plymouth but now lives in Okehampton and is passionate about local history and plant life. He provided an insight into moorland plants and those in our hedgerows and meadows. He also had slides of the plants that are rare throughout the area. In many cases he talked about some of their uses in the past and today. Paul works to conserve key habitats for many of our plants and to protect the designated areas. He also helps to carry out projects aimed at recovering declining species and their conservation in the future. We knew many of the plants Paul covered e.g. bilberry, bluebells, wild garlic, wood anemone, wild daffodil and rosebay willow herb. One interesting fact is that after a fire or swaling (the controlled burning of the moor), the rosebay willow herb is the first plant to regenerate. There are many species of lichens. They like the steep, rocky slopes and are an indication of a healthy environment in nature. When cuscula (dodder) is found it is destroyed, where possible. It is a parasitic plant which has no chlorophyll and cannot make its own food by photosynthesis. Instead it grows on other plants using their nutrients for its growth and in so doing weakens that plant or even kills it. Common cottongrass has been propagated and planted out to stabilise areas damaged by erosion and it is important to a range of wildlife. Paul illustrated sphagnum moss and gave us details of its medicinal properties and also borage. Apparently, the flowers are picked and sent to London restaurants! Among the rarer plants he illustrated were bog asphodel, marsh clubmoss, round-leaved sundew and marsh lousewort. You can work out for yourself what the latter plant was used for in days gone by! What of the future? If we come across giant hogweed the sighting must be reported. Rapeseed, sunflower, hottentot-fig and ragwort are all encroaching into our hedgerows, meadows and banks. Himalayan balsam and Japanese knotweed are both taking over in many places and are very difficult to remove. There is much work to be done to preserve our plant heritage for future generations. During the evening we certainly felt Paul’s enthusiasm for the work he does. The next time we are walking on Dartmoor, Exmoor or just along the lanes, I am sure we will be looking at the environment with a little Himalayan balsam more knowledge and interest. Our next meeting is on 14 November when Gavin Haig will be talking about The Healing Garden, Woodbury village hall, 19.30. Joyce Jeans
10 WOODBURY VILLAGE GOLF SOCIETY What a great day for our final outing of the year on Thursday 12 October! Dainton Park provided a fine setting, sun all day, good golf with 10 players scoring 30 and over, good company and an excellent carvery to finish the day. 29 players pulled corks - yes, sadly 29 and not the perfect 30 - so 7x3 and 2x4 set off. For teams, the best two scores counted for the 3 ball and the three best scores for the 4 ball. The 4 balls were reduced to 70% of their total score recorded. There were 2 twos, Stewart Price on the 4th and Nick Jones, who chipped in on the 17th. Nearest the pin was Clive Hurley who knocked his son Phil off the leader board. In the team event, in third place were John Kinch, Paul Crafer and Stewart Price with 72 points, second were Nick Jones, Tony Beck and Jeremy Browne with 75 points and the winners Andrew Bashforth, John Collier-Marsh and Clive Hurley with 81 points. For Individual, in third place was Stewart Price with 36 points, in second John Collier-Marsh with 39 points and the winner with 40 points, Nick Jones with a brilliant display of golf and playing off a handicap of 10. Coming up on 17 November will be the AGM and this is followed by our dinner on 12 January both to be held at the Maltsters Arms. Jeremy Browne, Past Chairman WOODBURY LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY The Royal Clarence Hotel and Ancient Buildings in Exeter An illustrated talk by Dr Todd Gray THURSDAY 2 NOVEMBER, 19.30. WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL Visitors welcome. ARTISAN CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAYRE SUNDAY 19 NOVEMBER, 11.00 - 15.00 WOODBURY CHURCH ROOMS A group of local artisans will be hosting their Christmas Fayre on 19 November. They will be selling a wide range of hand-crafted gifts which will include soap, candles, sugar craft, felt work, knitted chickens, lavender bags, pompom garlands, tree decorations and more. Come along and meet the makers and enjoy some festive refreshments as you start your Christmas shopping. SEE WOODBURY ONLINE www.woodburydevon.co.uk
11 WOODBURY ROYAL BRITISH LEGION REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY - 12 NOVEMBER WOODBURY WAR MEMORIAL 14.40 Parade on the Green. 14.45 Wreath-laying followed by a short service by Revd Sid Humphries in St Swithun’s Church * * * POPPY APPEAL There is not a house-to-house collection; however there are poppies and collection pots in local shops, pubs, restaurants and commercial outlets in the Parish. Any donation will be welcome to help ex-service personnel and their dependants who require support for any reason. * * * WOODBURY BRANCH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday 23 November at 10.30 The Royal British Legion Room At the back of the village hall Tea/coffee and biscuits available. * * * SECRETARY REQUIRED FOR WOODBURY ROYAL BRITISH LEGION This is a voluntary position suitable for someone seeking to help the local community. The work is largely email-based and can be handled easily from home. The retiring secretary will provide guidance as required. Applicants must be over 18 years of age. Please telephone the Chairman Sandra Huish in the first instance on 01395 232696.
ROYAL BRITISH LEGION COFFEE MORNINGS 9 & 23 NOVEMBER. 7 & 21 DECEMBER. 10.00 - 11.30, RBL ROOM behind Woodbury village hall All are invited to join us on alternate Thursdays. Do email your photos of local people or events to Karen at karensquires100@ gmail.com The editorial team still needs a wider spread of news, particularly about our younger people. What are you all up to? Why don’t YOU write an article or send in a photo? Photos taken with a camera, rather than a mobile phone preferred as they reproduce more clearly on paper.
12 WOODBURY C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL We have had an extremely busy half-term with many exciting visits and extra-curricular opportunities enriching our curriculum. As part of our whole-school focus on Building Learning Power we have been developing our use of feedback this term. The children are fast becoming adept at providing constructive peer feedback to each other as well as understanding and responding to feedback given by adults – a skill that will enable them to become even better learners. Alison Sparks, Head Teacher We are very fortunate in having a great selection of clubs for the children to attend. This half-term art, dodgeball, football, singing, netball, computing, STEM and multi-skills among others have been on offer for the children either during lunchtime or after school. Clubs provide an opportunity to enrich the curriculum further and are always well attended, with children developing their skills in many areas and being given the opportunity to participate in events within our local learning community and further afield. Chestnut class have enjoyed a fantastic trip to the Eden Project to support their current science topic. They explored the Rainforest Biome and felt what it was like to walk through a cloud on the ‘cloud bridge’; they examined how plants reproduce in the Mediterranean Biome and they took a tour of the outside biome as part of a workshop on Finding Fibonacci where they explored how numbers appear in nature.
Maple class have been having an exciting time learning about mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. To help them understand how different types of volcanoes are formed they made their own volcanoes and used a ‘secret substance’ to help their volcanoes to erupt, investigating the type and flow of lava that each volcano made.
13 Ash class recently spent a fun-filled week at Pixies Holt in Dartmoor for their residential visit. They enjoyed activities such as caving, archery, orienteering, shelter building and a night walk. The Year 6 residential is always a wonderful opportunity for the children to cement friendships and take on new challenges in preparation for their transition to secondary school at the end of the academic year.
A team of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils enjoyed taking part in a Hi-5 Netball Festival at Exmouth Community College. The fun tournament saw Woodbury competing against other teams from the local learning community. The children played a number of matches under the new rules which saw all the team members swapping positions after each game to familiarise themselves with each role. The children demonstrated great teamwork and sportsmanship and were the overall winning team.
14 WOODBURY C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL Cont’d/... Cherry class were able to see history in action when they visited Woodbury Common to see the Woodbury Castle Restoration Project currently being undertaken by Pebblebed Heaths Conservation Trust. This exciting project gave the children a close-up of the site and will be a great help with their current home-learning challenge to create their own model of an iron age hill fort.
Many children recently took part in the cross-country schools’ event at Bicton Arena. The children faced hilly terrain and a tricky course to run a mile in their different age groups. They all ran brilliantly and a particular mention to Ayliah who sacrificed her position midrace to help a friend, showing wonderful compassion for her teammates. As a school we gained 3rd place overall which will see us advancing to the next stage of the event. A team of Year 5 and Year 6 children represented the school at an indoor athletics festival held at The Tennis Centre in Exmouth. They took part in individual and team running, jumping and throwing events. Their enthusiasm was matched by the encouragement and support for one another, demonstrating our school values of respect and love throughout the morning. Their hard work and determination paid off as they also won the event and will now go on to represent the school at the East Devon Final which will be held in 2018.
15 WOODBURY TENNIS CLUB The Tennis Club is still operating, with club sessions taking place on Sunday mornings, ladies on Tuesday afternoons and retired folk on Wednesday mornings. The mild autumn has encouraged members to continue playing, ensuring that all sessions have taken place. The Mixed Winter League team is playing in the East Devon Winter League Division 5. So far two matches have been completed with one win, and a narrow defeat; at time of going to press the team was at the top of the table. Mary de Jong, as captain, has organised the team to include junior star Jess Johnson. The annual tournament and barbeque took place on Sunday 24 September, having been postponed from a wet summer weekend; there was a good standard of play with Tom Cherrot and Phil Moores ending up as the winning pair. They were presented with the trophy by Club President Jackie Clarke, who also had on show her inscribed vase which had previously been presented by Tennis Devon.
The annual pre-Christmas dinner/party will take place in the Church Rooms on Friday 1 December from 19.00, a very pleasant end-of-year event. Former members are always welcome, so please contact Helen or Pat, if you wish to be included. New or returning members are always welcome; please contact Pat Browne (232805) (ruthandpatb@aol.com) or Jackie Clarke (232832), or come to the courts on Sunday 10.30 when club sessions take place. Occasional use of the courts can be arranged, key from Pat or Jackie, ÂŁ4 per court per hour + ÂŁ5 key deposit; however for regular players it is cheaper to become a member.
16 WOODBURY WOMEN’S INSTITUTE After a very short time for business matters, the winners in our October raffle were chosen to do the tasting in our Victoria Sponge Competition and Joan Mansell’s entry was judged the winner. A number of members had donated the wool that Anna Eyres is using to crochet blankets for orphans. As a thank-you, Anna had set up a display of her work. A newspaper article showed a very happy child hugging one of Anna’s blankets. She sat crocheting another blanket while we listened to two inspiring women, Patricia and Gillian, who had come to talk to us about Exmouth and District Talking Newspaper. When Patricia lost her sight in a road Anna with her blankets accident she wanted to become as independent as possible. In time, she was even able to participate in extreme sports but it was frustrating that she had to rely on someone else to read the local news to her. Then she was introduced to the concept of talking newspapers. Gillian has been volunteering at Exmouth Talking Newspaper for many years and told us how they used to be at the mercy of their landlords and frequently had to move all the equipment to new premises. In 2005 they received a legacy and, after much deliberation, bid for a derelict, mud floored building that had once been the Town Pound. Homes Under The Hammer became interested and captured the story of the reconstruction on film. This gave a boost to Gillian’s fundraising efforts and although the costs soared from £26,000 to £56,000, by November 2007 they had their building. Each week about a hundred people receive the local news. Gillian and Patricia Cont’d/...
17 Nothing is censored although subjects that are of limited interest may be omitted. The news items are recorded on memory sticks and posted in velcro-fastened wallets, making it easy for the recipients (and the postal authorities) to enjoy the contents. With the equipment provided the recipients can pick and choose what they listen to. It was obvious that Gillian and Patricia have benefited in different ways from this service and were both anxious that we spread the word to possible volunteers and recipients. After hearing about their birthday party celebrations and a ‘fun’ magazine that is also recorded, it seems that there is more to Exmouth Talking Newspaper than just providing the local news. The skittles team were pleased (and surprised, as they hadn’t been able to practise!) to win their match against St Thomas WI in the Devon skittles knock-out competition by 205-168 pins. The next meeting on 9 November will be chance to make Christmas Craft, demonstrated by Joan Mansell. All are welcome to come along to Woodbury village hall at 19.00. Pauline Wratten WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION QUIZ AND PUB GAMES NIGHT SATURDAY 18 NOVEMBER, 19.30 THE WHITE HART, WOODBURY Contact Jan Owen 232694 or Nita Goffron 232314 TABLE TOP SALE SUNDAY 19 NOVEMBER, 14.00-16.00 MALTSTERS ARMS, WOODBURY Come along and pick up a bargain! Books ~ Children’s Toys and Games ~ Clothing ~ Household Items ~ Gifts. If you would like to have a table at the event, these cost £5 and must be booked in advance - please call Sam on 01395 232218. All proceeds to Crohns and Colitus UK. FRIENDS OF WOODBURY SURGERY (FOWS) AGM MONDAY 27 NOVEMBER 14.30 IN THE CHURCH ROOMS, WOODBURY CHARITY COFFEE MORNINGS EVERY TUESDAY, 10.00-12.00 CHURCH ROOMS, WOODBURY Coffee/tea and a home-made cake. £2. All profits to local charities. Everyone welcome.
WOODBURY SALTERTON NEWS HOLY TRINITY CHURCH In Memoriam: The funeral service for Raymond John Hitchcock was held in church on 11 October. Revd Sid Humphries conducted the service which was attended by a large number of mourners. Ray, or Seth as he was also known on account of his likeness to the Emmerdale character, was born in Woodbury and lived nearly all his life in the immediate area. He worked in the NHS. He married Julia in 1962 and they had fifty-two years of happy marriage and delighted in their two sons, Maurice and Martin, and their five grandchildren. Sadly Julia had a stroke but Ray cared for her until her death in June 2015. Ray was described by friends, in tributes read by Revd Sid, as a character and a gentleman, one of a kind, and ‘one of the most interesting and awesome people I have ever met’. We extend our sympathy to all his family. Holy Matrimony: Christopher John William Fuller and Hannah Ruth Ingram were married in our church on 14 October by Revd Sid Humphries. We wish them a long and happy marriage. There was a special local interest in that Hannah is the stepgranddaughter of Leo Wilson, former Headteacher at our village school and now Chair of the Dumbutu link. WHIST TUESDAY 21 NOVEMBER 19.30 IN THE VILLAGE HALL Our monthly evening of fun, Friendship and cards. More players would be welcome.
COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL 09.00 - 12.00 1st Monday of each month. (Bank Holidays on 2nd Monday of the month). £2 for unlimited drinks and cake. Everyone welcome (from babies to retirees). Come and feel part of a community and get to know the people living within the village.
19 Harvest Thanksgiving: Our School celebrated harvest at a service in church on Thursday 12 October and many parents joined them for the service, which was conducted by Christine Grist. She gave a talk entitled Stone Soup about sharing what we have. Class 1 sang The Farmer Plants a Seed with great enthusiasm. Class 2 read a harvest acrostic poem and Class 3 gave their thoughts about harvest, emphasising the importance of sharing with the many who do not have enough. Anthony Bernard from the Exmouth Larder gave a talk on the work of the Food Bank, pointing out that there are people in the Exmouth area who do not have enough food. The Larder has been going for five years; it operates from the Salvation Army Hall and is manned by members of many different churches, reaching out to and helping many who are in real need. The school gifts of produce were given to the Exmouth Larder. Harvest Supper: This took the form of a bring-and-share meal. Although it was not as well attended as hoped, a very pleasant evening was spent in the village hall with good food and it gave Revd Sid and his wife Tina the opportunity to meet and chat to more people.
20 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Cont’d/... Sunday Service: This service was a Family one, preceded by breakfast. We were pleased to welcome two new families and a recent newcomer to the village. Mark Lovett took the service, giving an excellent talk illustrated by items of vegetables and fruit and the seeds from which they grew. Monty Whittall and Jack Mottershead sang the song they had sung at the School Harvest service, The Farmer Plants a Seed, and the choir sang Who put the Colours in the Rainbow? Family Service: Revd Sid Humphries conducted the informal Family Service in September which was held outside the church following breakfast. This was on the subject of perseverance. Coffee Morning – with bacon butties. Saturday 4 November from 09.30 until 10.30 in church. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Graham Gerdes will conduct the Act of Remembrance at the lych gate at 10.50 on Sunday 12 November. This will be followed by a short service in church. CHURCH QUIZZES This year’s quiz, my 20th, is entitled In The Countryside. Entry forms, costing £2, each are available from Jackie Hatton at Clyst St Mary, Dawn Cowler at Farringdon, Lin Ashby at Woodbury or direct from me. The children’s quiz, costing £1, is called The Christmas Story and gives entry to the colouring competition. Katharine Wheeler ADVANCE DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Church Christmas Fundraising Event The Christmas Coffee Morning will take place in church on Saturday 2 December from 09.30 until 10.30. Please come to this – we need your support to help fulfil our church financial commitments. Carol Service The Church Candlelit Carol Service will be on Tuesday 19 December at 18.30. Carol Singing Around the Village will be on Thursday 21 December starting at 18.00. Make your own Christmas Table Decoration This very popular event will be held in the village hall on Thursday 7 December at 19.30. Tickets costing £12, which includes wine and materials, will be available at the door. WOODBURY NEWS to your door … If you are a new resident to the area, or would like your Woodbury News to be delivered to your door monthly, just call Beverley Simcox on 232858 and she will put you in contact with your local deliverer.
21 WOODBURY SALTERTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE President Gill Bricknell reported that the WI lunch had been much enjoyed and raised funds for our social fund. The WI Christmas Dinner has been booked at The Digger’s Rest for 19.00 on 13 December. Some of our members will be attending the Seminar for Officers on 2 November and the Resolutions meeting at Newton Poppleford on 22 November. The monthly Thursday coffee mornings will continue at Woodbury Park at 11.00. The Speaker was Dr Samuel Webster on the East Devon Pebblebed Heaths, who is head of the bio-diversity and conservation programme at Devon Clinton Estates. With the aid of slides he explained how the area, often referred to as Woodbury Common, is managed so that rare and endangered species are protected, whilst also making the area enjoyable for local people and visitors. The area has over 3,000 species and is famous for the nightjar and Dartford warbler and summer damsel flies as well as insects like the heath potter wasp and some flowers and plants. He was warmly thanked by Jenny Kemp. The speaker at the 8 November meeting at 19.30 in the village hall will be Gillian Selley on The Origins of Woodbury Salterton. BANGERS AND MASH SUPPER WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY 25 NOVEMBER, 19.30 In aid of Woodbury Salterton Village Hall. Cost is £7.50 for adults and £5 for children under 12. There are always delicious desserts and you can bring your own drinks. Pat Bricknell will come around selling tickets, alternatively call him on 232463. He also has information on hall rental etc.....the hall is available most daytimes and evenings and it has new heaters and sound system. Editor’s Note : In order to maximise submitted copy and photographs into Woodbury News, it may be necessary to reduce the size of some items. The Editorial team will attempt to do this as carefully as possible.
22 WOODBURY SALTERTON C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL It’s been a really busy month in school so we wanted to share just a few of the exciting things we have been doing. Harvest Time: The maize has been harvested in the fields surrounding our village school and our children have been busy learning about the importance of farming in our community. They were lucky enough to attend the Farmwise event and whilst there, explored the many activity zones and came away with a real flavour of food produced in the south west, quite literally! Our young farmers told us they have a far better understanding of where our food comes from and the work that farmers do. Smart Scorers: Well done to our football team who had a great match against Marpool Primary School. Looking smart in their new kit, all the children played really well and should be proud of their victory in a hard-fought match. Thanks also to Mr Haggerty for his donation of a set of footballs. There’ll be no stopping the team now! Harvest Service: Like many schools we have remembered the blessings of the harvest in church which links well with our current school value of thankfulness. The children in Class 1 expressed their gratitude for God’s bountiful harvest singing The Farmer Plants a Seed. All the children considered a recipe for “Stone Soup” where everyone shared their little bit of food to make tasty soup together. Class 2 and 3 used an acrostic harvest poem to make everyone think about those people around the world who do not have enough. The school community made a collection of food stuff for Exmouth Food Larder. Alan Bernard joined us and spoke to the congregation about the work the charity does feeding over 1500 mouths per year in the local area. If you are interested in finding out more of what our children are doing in their learning, we invite you to visit our website for our latest news or follow us on Facebook. We have places available from early years through to year 6. For a school tour please contact a member of our admin team or Head of Learning on 01395 232649.
23 WOODBURY SALTERTON RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION The WSRA was created in the summer of 2013 by a group of residents who became aware of a desire, by villagers, to take a more active role in looking after the delightful village of Woodbury Salterton. Within a few months of the initial meeting, 120 villagers had joined, and the Association was born. The activities of the WSRA are wide-ranging and varied. They converted the iconic red phone box, on Village Road, into a very successful Book Exchange. Local author and BBC Spotlight reporter, Simon Hall, kindly performed the opening ceremony, which meant that this early project received a good deal of publicity. Two members created a fascinating Nature Blog with some excellent photographs and descriptions of the local environment as it changes throughout the seasons and evolves over the years (follow the link on the WSRA webpage http://woodburysalterton.weebly.com). A highly successful fundraising effort helped to raise awareness of, and where necessary to contest, unsympathetic over-development in the area. As part of their effort to encourage sympathetic development, the WSRA were instrumental in registering the Glebe Field (behind the church) as a Community Asset. Various working parties are periodically organised and one of their projects was the revitalisation of the overgrown Parkhayes Plantation as a wild-life area. This allowed the planting of bulbs and seeding with wild flowers, and included the installation of a picnic table and seating. The later addition of various bee habitats, bird boxes, an owl house and a bug hotel provided additional interest and helped to increase the use of the area by local residents. Working with the excellent Parish Council the WSRA established a Resilience Group. They organise the annual stream clearance, encourage and recruit volunteer flood wardens and work to reduce the incidence of flooding during extreme weather events. Other local village groups use the WSRA to provide support and encouragement for activities such as the setting up of an IT club to assist residents with their computer skills, and the annual Scarecrow/ Wheelbarrow event (to raise money for the church maintenance fund). They are a friendly bunch, always on the look-out for new members and fresh ideas. If you have any suggestions for new activities or events, or just want to get more involved, then they would love to hear from you. A membership form can be downloaded from their website at http:// woodburysalterton.weebly.com/ or just buttonhole one of the committee members (there is a rogues’ gallery of them, also on the website); they will be more than happy to give you more information and encourage you to join. Frank Mulholland
24 THE KERSLAKE TRUST To all those residents of Woodbury Salterton who will be 70 and older by Christmas 2017 This Trust was created on the death of Celia Elizabeth Kerslake on 19 September 1939. Under the terms of her will some shares were left to the Trustees of Woodbury Salterton Church, with the instruction that the income received from them should be distributed among “the old people over 70 belonging to the Parish at Christmas time”. The Trustees are currently reviewing the list of beneficiaries to arrange this year’s distribution, and will be pleased to hear from anyone permanently resident in the Parish who has NOT received a payment in previous years and who considers they now qualify for such a payment. Please advise Nigel Dupain, Trustee on 01395 232953 by 1 December 2017. WOODBURY SALTERTON-DUMBUTU LINK Let Mum's Machine Sing Again If you have a working hand sewing machine (not electric) which you would love to find a new home for, please let it be useful again by contacting WSDL (see below). We are sending a few machines to a secondary school in The Gambia where pupils will be taught to sew and to tailor. We need more to complete the container requirements for shipment, so would be grateful for the gift. Your machine may give a working future to a youngster in one of the poorest countries in the world. Many thanks, Leo Wilson, Chair of Woodbury Salterton-Dumbutu Link, 01395 268820 or wsdumbutulink@ gmail.com. OPENING UP TO GOD This course of Quiet Prayer draws on a range of Christian traditions. It is continuing from September 2017 and is still open to anyone wanting to develop their relationship with God in the company of others. Each meeting is complete in itself. Learn new ways of listening to God. Explore and practice different modes of prayer. Find and refine your own style of spirituality. Sponsored by the White Cross Mission Community. 19.30 to 21.00, Woodbury Church Rooms Monday 6 November, 4 December. Open to all, free of charge. For further information please contact Carolyn Keep 01395 232318. CLYST VALLEY CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERTS Rutter, Mendelssohn etc 19.30, Sat. 18 November at St Margaret's, Topsham 19.30, Sun. 19 November at Holy Trinity, Exmouth Tickets in advance (232318) £8.50; on the door £10.
EXTON NEWS ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, EXTON NOVEMBER SUNDAY SERVICES: 5th - 18.00 evening service. 12th – 09.30 Remembrance Sunday Eucharist Service. 19th - 09.30 Lay-led Service. 26th - 09.30 Eucharist Service. Thursday 2 November is All Souls Day. There will be a combined Eucharist service at Clyst St Mary Church at 19.30 when names of departed family and friends will be read. Thursday 16 November Craft Group meet in the church 14.00 – 16.00. Thanks to everyone who knitted the lovely poppies for Remembrance Day. Saturday 18 November. St Andrew’s Church Christmas Fair, with stalls, tombola and raffle etc. Teas will be served in the hall. Thursday 30 November St Andrew’s Day. 09.30 - Eucharist Service followed by breakfast in the hall. All are welcome to come and help us celebrate this special day. Wednesday 20 December, 19.00. Carols around the tree at St Andrew’s Church. GOOSEFIELD AUTUMN TEA 25 NOVEMBER, 14.30 ST ANDREW’S HALL, EXTON Teas, cakes and gifts. HOSPISCARE LIGHT UP A LIFE AND REMEMBER SOMEONE SPECIAL LOCAL REMEMBRANCE SERVICES WILL BE: Monday 4 December, 18.30 Methodist Church, St Thomas, Exeter or Wednesday 6 December, 15.00 Hall Church, Pinhoe or Sunday 17 December, 18.30 Exeter Cathedral. To put your dedication into our Book of Memories, which will be at your local service, please pick up a leaflet at our nearest shop, visit our website www.hospiscare.co.uk or contact us on 01392 688020 or fundraising@hospiscare.co.uk
WOODBURY NEWS is available online via Facebook and Twitter.
Tony Le Riche & Leigh-Anne Kendall, Joint Clerks Woodbury PC, Greenside, Greenway, Woodbury, EX5 1LP Tel: 01395 233791. Email: woodburyparishcouncil@gmail.com. http://woodbury-pc.org.uk The Parish Council Office at Greenside, Greenway, Woodbury, is now open to the public from 09.15 – 13.00 on Mondays to Thursdays. You can contact the Clerks at woodburyparishcouncil@gmail.com or by ringing 01395 233791. Woodbury Community Orchard wins the Acland Award 2017 The Acland Award is named in recognition of Brigadier Acland, who was influential in the designation of East Devon AONB in the early 1960s. Since the 50th anniversary year in 2013, the Acland Award has been presented annually by the East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership in recognition of examples of excellence and exemplar activity taking place within the AONB. Each year they focus on a new area of activity to highlight the range of good work taking place across the area. The bronze buzzard award was designed by local artist, Emma MacFadyen. It is presented every year at the East Devon AONB Annual Forum in September. The achievements of exceptional local projects, which were nominated for their contributions to communities within the AONB in 2017 were celebrated and four shortlisted nominees, Beer Village Heritage, Thelma Hulbert Gallery, Shute Community Primary School and Woodbury Community Orchard, were all in the running for the AONB’s Acland Award. After a closely fought selection process, the overall Acland winner for 2017 was Woodbury Community Orchard. Founded in 2013, the orchard project has inspired a whole community and planted over 66 locally sourced apple, pear, plum and cherry trees. In the photo Bryony of the Community Orchard is seen handing the plaque to Parish Council Chairman, Cllr Cheryl McGauley at the Parish Council meeting on 9 October (see also page 7). Agendas for future meeting, and minutes of meetings can be found on http://www.woodbury-pc.org.uk/
27 Woodbury Parish Council needs you! Woodbury Parish Council still has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor from the Exton area and now also has a vacancy for the Woodbury area. The commitment is usually two Monday evening meetings per month plus other work depending on your interests. If you think that you would like to become a Parish Councillor, please contact the Chairman, Cllr Cheryl McGauley, the Clerk or any Parish Councillor to let them know that you are interested and to tell them what skills and expertise you could bring to the Parish Council. Training is available and is encouraged. Woodbury Parish Neighbourhood Plan The Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish continues to develop. It is important that you have your say on the things that will affect the whole of the parish for many years to come: please contact the Clerks or Councillor John Pyne about this. John has been asked to produce a final draft for the Parish Council meeting on 15 January 2018. The meeting is open to the public so put the date in your diary. There will also be a further public consultation about the Plan soon afterwards. Details will be given on the Parish Council website. One area of concern is the Built Up Area Boundary for Woodbury. This is an important part of the Neighbourhood Plan and the ED Local Plan. One version is contained in the ED Villages Plan which will go to Public Inquiry in November. If you have any points to raise, please contact your District Councillor – Geoff Jung, Rob Longhurst and Ben Ingham. SEPTEMBER WEATHER Apart from the month of August we have had a wet and humid summer but in spite of this reservoirs have continued to fall quite quickly. It is not hard to see why, as a weak pound has boosted the local tourist trade, the population in the SW continues to rise, and no significant storage capacity has been added for decades. September started out very wet till midmonth when we had a dry week which was promptly followed by more of the damp stuff; this put 107.2mm into the rain gauge (4.22ins and 232% of the norm). It sounds a lot but in N Wales and W Scotland it would be called dry. Winds were consistently from the SW and max/min temperatures were a typical 23C/6C. PJH XMAS CRAFT FAIR SATURDAY 4 NOVEMBER, 11.00 - 16.00 THE MALTSTERS ARMS, WOODBURY Free entry. Raffle. Everyone welcome. Hot food and drinks available to purchase. Supporting Devon Air Ambulance Trust.
WEDDING Stephanie Emerson and Benjamin Wright were married at St Swithun’s on 12 August by the Revd Karen Spray. The weather was fine and the service was wonderfully moving. Stephanie, who has lived in Woodbury for most of her life, was attended by six beautiful bridesmaids, including her three sisters Francesca, Gabriella and Florence. Ben, surrounded by friends and family from Exmouth, also welcomed long-standing friends from as far as Dubai and New Zealand and his new brother-in-law Christopher from Melbourne. The family would like to thank Karen Spray, Nigel Alcock and the rest of the church staff who helped to make the day so very special. Mrs Shelagh Vale is pleased to announce the marriage of her only daughter, Dr Jacqueline Vale to Professor Mark Everard on 16 October at Chippenham near their home in North Wiltshire. Family celebrations were held at The Manor House, Castle Combe and The Rockfish Restaurant, Exmouth.
29 FUNDRAISING Sally Bull and Liz Ollerenshaw thank everyone who took apples from outside Broadway House and donated to FORCE - a total of £77.26 was raised. RNLI CHRISTMAS CARDS, CALENDARS AND DIARIES If you would like to see what the RNLI offers, please phone 01395 232120. If you place an order with me I will deliver in around two to three days’ time. Order early in case there’s a strike! Jean Carpenter THANKS A massive thank-you to all who came and supported the Macmillan coffee morning in Woodbury Salterton village hall where a splendid sum of £207 was raised. The next Woodbury Salterton Community Coffee Morning is on Monday 6 November in the village hall, 09.00 until 12.00. We have a toy area for toddlers and babies and well-behaved dogs are welcome. At £2 for tea or coffee and cake, it’s a nice way of meeting people in the local area (all villages welcome). Please use this as a playgroup session or an escape from the same four walls as the winter months come in. I love to see as many faces as possible. Louise Lee THE WOODBURY KITCHEN I am in the process of publishing a cookbook to raise funds for local charities and, hopefully, it will be on sale by the end of November or beginning of December. The cost will be £6 – I hope – and I will be asking local businesses to take some copies to sell for me. The book will contain recipes from people in Woodbury and their friends or relations, and, apart from recipes, it will contain quantities charts, oven temperatures and handy hints. I will be selling 120 copies. Please keep a look-out for it and please buy it. It will make a nice Christmas present for someone and local charities will benefit from the proceeds. Jean Carpenter 232120 DRAMA ON YOUR DOORSTEP You may remember Andy Price’s article (in the May 2017 edition of WN) regarding Under The Greenwood Tree at Clyst St Mary, when he kindly reviewed my production - which included several players from Woodbury as “brilliant”. If so, then please read on! If not, but if you love the theatre in any guise, you may be interested in Café Theatre, my theatre company. In July 2018 I am producing Alan Bennett’s Habeas Corpus at the Barnfield Theatre in Exeter, and am inviting anyone interested in taking part, or helping with the production, to contact me by email jennyagoode@hotmail.com or on 01392 875714, when I can give you further details. In the past, Café Theatre has been responsible for many great productions, and I hope Habeas Corpus - a magical and extremely funny farce - will follow in the footsteps of our past successes. Why not join in the fun? Jenny Goode
From Mike Jeans Carols around Woodbury I have been running Carols around Woodbury since 1999 when Valentine Dubuisson asked me to take it over. Valentine initiated the event and ran it successfully for many years. During the last 9 years, thanks to generous donations by Woodbury residents, we have collected over ÂŁ5,000 for Save the Children, a very worthwhile charity. This year we are singing carols around Woodbury on Wednesday 20 December. For the last few years, Sarah Owen has been conducting the singers as I have been finding it more physically difficult. Next year, I will be in my 81st year and I feel I can no longer continue organising this annual event. I would be quite happy to explain what is involved to anyone who wishes to take it over, but of course someone new may want to introduce changes. It is a fun event. As well as raising money, we usually end up with mulled wine and mince pies. Would anyone interested please let me know by ringing 232544 or sending an email to mike@jeansy;org. Thank you.
Has anyone seen this sign on the Arch? It doesn't seem very logical to divert everyone up a road which is closed!
31 CLINTON DEVON ESTATES As we enjoy the signs of autumn across the countryside, here is a seasonal round-up from across the Estate: Clinton Farms Our dairy cows came inside in mid-October, as the temperature dropped and grass growth slowed. On grazing fields, the areas requiring reseeding have been drilled so the grass is ready for the cows in spring. Our cover crops have done their work well by holding the soil together, taking up nitrogen and competing with weeds. Some will be now be ploughed in and make way for winter cereals. Our farm manager recently agreed our environmental options for the new countryside stewardship scheme. We are looking to establish more wildflower, pollen and nectar margins and increase the grass strips near the River Otter to help with water quality. Pebblebed Heaths Conservation Trust In 2011 we consulted the public about conservation grazing and the fences needed to enable the Conservation Trust to do this. Permission was granted to allow us to carry out the work and bring in grazing, a proven way of sustainably managing heathland. Bicton Common was then fenced allowing the cattle and Dartmoor ponies to extensively graze the area throughout the summer. To many people, the livestock are a welcome feature in the landscape now and they recognise how vital the animals are in maintaining the characteristic heath vegetation and the wildlife it supports. Following the success of the grazing at Bicton Common we have now secured funds through our Countryside Stewardship scheme to install the fence on Hawkerland Common. This will be to the same specification as the fencing on Bicton Common, following the plan approved by the planning inspectorate. Two cattle grids will also be installed on the road that runs across this common. This is so that the common can be grazed as a whole block. Keeping fencing to a minimum by following the perimeter of the common reduces the impact on the landscape. This work is due to start in October so that we can bring cattle back on to this part of the heaths from next year. Restoration work continues at Woodbury Castle and the Pebblebed Heaths team have led walks and an educational visits for Woodbury Primary School to find out more about this popular local landmark and how it is being protected from erosion. The next of these is scheduled for 21 November, meeting in the Castle car park at 10:30. Contact 01395 446918 or kate.ponting@ clintondevon.com to book.
32 CLINTON DEVON ESTATES Cont’d/... Bicton Arena The season is drawing to a close and the Arena team are all looking forward to a slightly quieter time. The cross-country fences will be going into the all-weather arena over the winter months and we will be running schooling hire over this period. In the new year there will be several Arena Eventing competitions which will provide a fantastic opportunity for pre-season practice. Forestry and Renewables November marks the time when foresters switch from summer weeding among young tree crops to winter tasks such as planting and beating up. In early October our Woods Foreman and Woodsman Apprentice took a day away from the trees to talk to over 350 primary school pupils, delivering workshops on sustainable forestry at the Farmwise event at Westpoint. Head of Forestry John Wilding will talk at Sidmouth Arboretum’s Celebrating Trees event on 24 November at Kennaway House from 18.00-20.00. Property and Land We were delighted to hear that Woodbury Community Orchard were winners of this year’s East Devon AONB Acland Award - many congratulations to all involved.
WOODBURY NEWS ADVERTISING RATES SMALL ADS.: (3 lines) private £2.00. (3 lines) Business £5.00 (£50.00) DISPLAY ADS.: £17.00 ¼ page (£185 p.a.) To: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT Tel: 233299 (e-mail karensquires100@gmail.com). The Woodbury News accepts no liability for:- i) Any claims made by the advertiser; ii) Any errors or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser; iii) Any legal action as a result of the advertisement.
FOR SALE Lady’s Landrover mountain bike, £50; girl's pink Landrover bike suitable for age 7-9, £40 - both good condition. Also teenage boy's Python bike, fair condition, £35. Tel: 01392 495220.
YOGA CLASS 7.30pm, Woodbury Salterton Village Hall, Mondays. £6. Call to book or for more details 07944 953485. (2/2)
33 BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS Cont’d/… ELECTRICIAN James Sliman Local, reliable, fully qualified and experienced. NAPIT registered and insured. From a socket to rewire 01395 276323 07866 313812 www.jslimanelectrician.co.uk (3/12) ELECTRICIAN Fully qualified and insured. All work guaranteed. Local reliable service. No job too small. Phone Paul - 01395 744028 / mobile 07740 099195 (6/12) EVERTHING PLUMBING AND HEATING – For all your plumbing and heating needs. Large or small jobs at fair prices. Local, reliable and efficient. Gas safe registered. Tel Synergi SW: 07557 526167. www.synergiswltd.co.uk. (6/12) WAG AND GO City and Guilds trained and qualified professional Dog Groomer. Your dog will groomed in a quiet home environment, comfort breaks and walks can be arranged. Based in Exton. Julia Bennett 07976 568780 (8/12) BRISCOE TREE CARE - tree work and hedge cutting. All waste disposed. NCH Arb qualified at Bicton College. Fully insured. Free quotes and advice. Call Jon Briscoe on 01392 668931 or 07825 002362 (8/12) FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER & REFLEXOLOGIST Former RGN provides routine nail and skin care (inc corns and callus) or a reflexology treatment. Nicky Mattin (MAFHP itec RF) 01395 233222/07807603690 (1/12) WE ARE POSH NOSH! With over two decades of experience in the catering industry we are at the forefront of special occasion and event catering in Devon and the West Country. We are committed to providing first class cuisine with outstanding levels of service. Phone:- 01392 444877 or email: info@posh-nosh.co.uk (4/12) TOOBY SWEEPS New Chimney Sweep in Town (Former Royal Marine), NACs Member. Certificate given. From £35 Call 07803 059844. (3/3) PROPERTY MAINTENANCE – James Waddell Interior & Exterior, Carpentry, Flooring, Fencing & Gates, Plumbing, Decking, Bathrooms & Kitchens, General Repairs. Free Advice & Estimates 01395 263496 (5/12) FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER Nail Cutting and Treatment of Corns, Callus and Verrucas - Home Visits. Contact Lindsey Waddell MAFHP 01395 263496. (9/12) ROOFING Woodbury based RWI Roofing Specialising in Slating, Tiling, Re-Roof, New Roof, Repairs, Guttering. For a friendly, reliable service call Ray 232926, or 07988 691051 (As recmd in OurLocalExpert.co.uk) (4/12) SQUIRREL COTTAGE Self catering 16th century property full of character, available for weekly holidays and short breaks. Sleeps 5. Graded 5 Star. www.thecottagecompanydevon.co.uk Tel: Kay 0776 9975557 (7/12) GIVE BIRTH CALMLY - relaxed, confident and alert with Good Birth Class with KG Hypnobirthing. Find out more: libbyclapham hypnotherapy.co.uk phone: 07986 157854 (2/12)
34 BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS Cont’d/... FARMHOUSE B&B 16thC Devon Longhouse on working dairy farm. 2017 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence. 4 en-suite rooms. Sally Glanvill, Rydon Farm 232341 www.rydonfarmwoodbury.co.uk (4/12) BED & BREAKFAST SW Tourism 2016 Gold Award winner. Certificate of Excellence from Trip Advisor. 16thC Devon longhouse on working dairy farm. Sally Glanvill, Rydon Farm 232341 www.rydonfarmwoodbury.co.uk (4/12) HOME SWEET HOME DECORATORS - Lucy Ryan Lady interior and exterior decorator. Walls, ceilings, woodwork, up-cycled furniture, garden painting and more. Professional, very tidy, competitive, reliable and friendly. Fully DBS checked. Free estimates. Phone: 07484 272534 (10/12) RUBBISH REMOVALS Domestic and Commercial. Environment Agency licensed. No job too small. Tel: 0800 335 7610 / 07979 841376. www.rubbishremovalsexeter.com (6/12) WOODBURY HOLIDAY HOME TO RENT in centre of village. Luxury accommodation for 4 people, 2 en-suites, parking, courtyard garden. Weekly holidays & short breaks. www.woodburyholidays.co.uk 01579 350365. (3/12) COMPUTER REPAIRS AND UPGRADES; Broadband and wireless connections; Data recovery and backup; Windows, iPads and Apple computers, Virus and spyware removal; No fix no fee - Evening visits to suit you. Contact: Mark Doyle 01395 233694 (3/12) FARMHOUSE BED & BREAKFAST AND APARTMENT, twin and double rooms. CL Caravan Club site. Jenny Broom, Courtbrook Farm, Clyst St George. 01392 877710. www.courtbrook.co.uk (2/12) ACCOUNTS AND TAX SERVICE Sole Trades, Partnerships, Limited Companies and Personal Tax. Full range of advice. Fixed fee plans and free initial consultation/quotation. Wheelers Accountants Tel: 233184 (9/24) MATHS TUITION: Experienced, female Maths teacher available to teach primary to GSCE level maths, 11+ and SATs prep. Reasonable rates. Jane Moffatt on 01395 279952/07730 877889 janepmoffatt@gmail.com. (10/12)
28 Oct. 28 Oct. 31 Oct. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov.
Woodbury Twinning visit to Haynes Motor Museum. Start of National Poppy Appeal. Closing date for applications to Coombe Solar Farm Community Benefit Fund. Local History Society: The Royal Clarence Hotel and Ancient Buildings in Exeter. WVH. 19.30. Xmas Craft Fair, Maltsters, 11.00-16.00. Duplicate Bridge Charity Tea in aid of Sailability. WVH. 13.50. Bonfire Night, Topsham Rugby Club. Gate opens 17.00. WS WI 19.30, WSVH. The Origins of Woodbury Salterton. Acoustic Open Mic Night, The White Hart.
35 9 Nov. 10 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 14 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 24 Nov. 25 Nov. 25 Nov. 27 Nov. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 7 Dec. 9 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 19 Dec. 20 Dec. 20 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 27 Jan. 8 Feb. 8 March
Woodbury WI Christmas Craft. WVH. 19.00. The Furious Pussies, Soft Rock Band, The White Hart. Remembrance Parade, War Memorial, Woodbury. 14.40. WS Act of Remembrance. Holy Trinity Lych gate. 10.50. Woodbury Garden Club. The Healing Garden. WVH. 19.30. Woodbury Golf Society AGM. The Maltsters Arms. St Andrew’s Church Christmas Fair. 14.00-16.00. FORCE Classics Galore, University Great Hall, 19.30. Twinning Quiz & Pub Games Evening. The White Hart. 19.30. CVCS Concert. 19.30, St Margaret’s, Topsham. CVCS Concert. 19.30, Holy Trinity, Exmouth. Table Top Sale. 14.00-16.00. Maltsters Arms, Woodbury. Artisan Xmas Craft Fayre. 11.00-15.00 Woodbury Church Rooms. Whist Drive. WSVH. 19.30. Royal British Legion AGM, 10.30, RBL Room, WVH. Friday Night Flix Florence Foster Jenkins 19.00 / 19.30 WVH Exton Garden Club. Graham Salmon Crete. 19.30, E.Village Hall. Goosefield Autumn Tea, St Andrew’s Hall. 14.30. Bangers and Mash Supper. 19.30. WSVH. AGM Friends of Woodbury Surgery, 14.30, Church Rooms. Tennis Club Social. 19.00. Church Rooms. WS Christmas Coffee Morning. Holy Trinity Church. 9.30-10.30. WS Make your own Christmas Table Decoration. WSVH. 19.30. W. Brownies Coffee Morning & Cake Sale. WVH. 10.00-12.00. Acoustic Open Mic Night. The White Hart. WS WI Christmas Dinner, 19.00, The Digger’s Rest. Woodbury WI Clinic at Buburi. WVH. 19.00. Electronix 80’s covers band. The White Hart. Saturday Children’s Matinee. Elf. 14.00 for 14.30. WVH. WS Church Candlelit Carol Service. 18.30. Carols around the tree at Exton Church. 19.00. Woodbury Twinning. Pantomine, Torquay. (tbc) Carols around Woodbury. WS Carol Singing Around the Village. 18.00. Clint Hollinson - one man and a guitar. The White Hart. Woodbury WI Bee Keeping. WVH. 19.00. Woodbury Golf Society Dinner. The Maltsters Arms. FoSS AGM and Supper Concert. 19.30. Woodbury WI Birthday Party. 19.00. WVH. Woodbury WI Easter Wreath-making. 19.00. WVH.
WOODBURY NEWS is available online via Facebook and Twitter.
THE WHITE HART 01395 489259 We are now taking bookings for our Christmas Menu which will run from 1 December through to 7 January. 2 Courses £14.95, 3 Courses £19.95 and a fantastic 5 Courses for only £27.95. Be sure to pop in to the pub to reserve a table and pick up a menu. *
8 November Acoustic Open Mic Night. 10 November The Furious Pussies, Soft Rock Band. 13 December Acoustic Open Mic Night. 15 December Electronix - a welcome return for this 80's covers band who were such a hit the last time they were here. 22 December Clint Hollinson - one man and a guitar.
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T: 01395 233004 M: 07527 125956
T.D. BUILDERS General Quality Building Service * New builds & Extensions * Brickwork & Block work * Rendering & Plastering * Drives & Patios * All types of building work undertaken !! FREE ESTIMATES
01395 233995 or 07751 738092
Woodbury Dance Studio RAD BALLET Grades and Majors
Children from 2½ years Principal: Mary Griffiths ARAD, MA(Oxon) Tel: 01395 271249 marygriffiths@hotmail.com www.woodburydance.co.uk All classes at Woodbury C of E Primary School
TREE SURGERY & CONSULTANCY Fully Insured and qualified staff All aspects of tree work Stump grinding Tree survey/reports FREE quotations Office: 01884 232911 Mob: 07703105126 24 hr call out enquiries@arboricare.co.uk www.arboricare.co.uk
Woodbury Salterton Village Hall
Woodbury Village Hall
Hall –Tables and Chairs, Well equipped kitchen with cooker and fridge, crockery and cutlery inclusive in hire. Modest Rates.
Available for: Dances and Parties Wedding Receptions Meetings and Classes Jumble Sales and Craft Fairs Badminton, Plays, Business Lettings
Hall and two meeting rooms, Fully equipped kitchen WIFI, sound system and projector
For bookings please contact:
For bookings please contact: Robin or Marian Lennox Tel: 01395 232126
Pat or Gill Bricknell 01395 232463
email:- woodburyvh@gmail.com www.woodburyvillagehall.org.uk
W.S. TAXI 1 - 8 People
R. Miller & Son Painters and Decorators THORNS COTTAGE, WOODBURY
Tel: Woodbury 233773 All work expertly carried out under personal supervision.