Woodbury Village Hall 2
R. Miller & Son Painters and Decorators THORNS COTTAGE, WOODBURY
Tel: Woodbury 233773 All work expertly carried out under personal supervision.
Woodbury Salterton Village Hall Hall –Tables and Chairs, Well equipped kitchen with cooker and fridge, crockery and cutlery inclusive in hire. Modest Rates. For bookings please contact:
Pat or Gill Bricknell 01395 232463
Hall and two Meeting Rooms, Fully equipped Kitchen Available for: Dances and Parties Wedding Receptions Meetings and Classes Jumble Sales and Craft Fairs Badminton, Plays, Business Lettings For bookings please contact: Robin or Marian Lennox Tel: 01395 232126 email:- woodburyvh@gmail.com www.woodburyvillagehall.org.uk
SEPTEMBER 2016 3 EDITORIAL Residents in Woodbury and Woodbury Salterton should have received a leaflet from the Parish Council concerning something that affects us all - the Built up Area Boundary Proposals in Woodbury, and the Land at and around Greendale Business Park in Woodbury Salterton. Do, therefore, make a special effort to attend the relevant meeting, details of which are given below.
WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL EAST DEVON VILLAGES PLAN MEETINGS These meetings will: · Present the draft consultation prepared by East Devon District Council (Planning Policy). · Offer a question and answer session. · Give an opportunity for discussion with Parish and District Councillors. OPEN CONSULTATION MEETING To explain the Woodbury Village BUAB (Built up area Boundary) WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL TUESDAY 6 SEPTEMBER AT 19.30 OPEN CONSULTATION MEETING To explain the issues with Land at and around Greendale Business Park WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL THURSDAY 8 SEPTEMBER AT 19.30 OUR COVER PHOTO shows a typical Saturday morning social gathering at the lych gate to St Swithun's Church. Please continue to come weekly during September, to enjoy tea and coffee and bacon butties, and support the stall by bringing and buying produce. Woodbury News is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee No. 5263356 Secretary: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. 233299 Registered Office: Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT. Tel: 233299 Chairman: Peter Payne, ‘Harsley’, Toby Lane, Woodbury Salterton. Tel: 232394 Editor: Mrs Sue Bury, Mayflower Cottage, 37 Greenway. Tel: 233753 Deputy Editor: Mrs Val Arndt, Castlehaye, Castle Lane, Woodbury. Tel: 233175 Subscriptions: Mrs Anna Crafer, 15 Haymans Orchard, Woodbury. Tel: 232007 Circulation: Mrs Beverley Simcox, 2 Beeches Close. Tel: 232858
ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH, WOODBURY Vicar: Reverend Karen Spray. Tel: 01392 877400 4 email: church@Revdkaren.org.uk Associate Minister: Reverend Christopher Cant. Tel: 01395 488178 email: chriscant@tiscali.co.uk USUAL SUNDAY SERVICES - 1st Sunday 11.15 All Age Eucharist. 2nd Sunday 11.15 Eucharist. 3rd Sunday 11.00 Sunday Club, 11.15 Eucharist. 18.30 Evensong. 4th Sunday 08.00 Said Eucharist, 11.15 Morning Prayer. 5th Sunday - see Special Services. Morning Prayer every Monday at 09.15. NEWS AND EVENTS Lych gate Stall each Saturday 09.30-11,00. Woodbury PCC Monthly Draw August’s winner Mrs Chris Powell. Draw made at the Charity Coffee Morning 3rd Tuesday each month. Prize every month ranging from £25 to £500. Details from Donoveen Tel. 239363. Sunday Club Meets every 1st Sunday for All Age Eucharist at 11.15, and on the 3rd Sunday in Church Room 11.00-12.00, then into church to show what has been made/done. FLOODLIGHTING ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH (dusk until 23.00) 10 September - Mike and Joyce Jeans’s Wedding Anniversary. 27 September - Lin and Colin Ashby’s Wedding Anniversary. For your special event, contact Mike Jeans 01395 232544, or see the details and book it online at our website: www.whitecrossdevon.org.uk/woodburywith-exton/flood lighting-form.php. CHURCH ALTAR FLOWERS - SEPTEMBER 4 & 11 - Mrs J Hodge. 18 - Mrs J Bashforth. 25 - Mrs B Hill. Please note, we will decorate church for Harvest on Thursday 29 September. Digest available in church or from website www.white crossdevon.org.uk.
FoSS (FRIENDS OF ST SWITHUN’S) FoSS has made the first grant of £2,500 to the Church Bell Restoration Fund, which enabled it to reach £5,000 of the £31,000 required. £1,000 was also donated for the provision of pew cushions which are now in place in the Church. The next event will be the Autumn Concert in church on Thursday 6 October at 19.30. FoSS is glad to welcome back Exeter Singers to give a concert directed by Tony Yates. They will sing a varied programme ranging from sacred pieces through madrigals to popular close-harmony songs. Tickets £6 (including a glass of wine or juice) are available from Pat Browne (01395 232805) or Ted Neather (01395 233514).
At the end of July a gathering of allotment holders, including past gardeners, with their friends and families all got together for the annual party and for the sixth year we were blessed with a warm sunny evening. It was probably our best so far; almost 40 people came along bringing plenty of food and drink and we all agreed it had been a good year. Lots of home-grown produce was included in the party food and was enjoyed by everyone, with not a lot left at the end, which was a good sign. It was lovely to see so many children, hopefully gardeners of the future. We look forward to another good gardening year. If you would like to have an allotment, put your name on the waiting list at the Parish Rooms opposite the village green. Gill Newton PATIENTS OF WOODBURY SURGERY If you are over 65 years of age or have one the medical conditions below, please ring the surgery now on 01395 232509 to arrange your annual free Flu Vaccination: diabetes, chronic asthma or other chronic respiratory disease, chronic heart, kidney or liver disease, a history of stroke or “mini stroke”, Parkinson’s or other chronic neurological disease, suppressed immune system or undergoing chemotherapy. You are also eligible if you are a Carer or are currently pregnant. FLU VACCINATIONS COMMENCE SEPTEMBER 2016. BOOK YOURS EARLY, DON’T DELAY.
CHARITY COFFEE MORNINGS The charity coffee mornings gave the Church Rooms £100. The top photo shows Joyce Jeans accepting the cheque from Anna, Vicki and Fred, our youngest helper (Liz Hanes' grandson). We also gave £200 to Stallcombe House as shown in the photograph on the left. Thank you to all our customers and helpers for making this possible.
WOODBURY COMMUNITY PLAYING FIELDS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY 22 SEPTEMBER, 19.00 CHURCH ROOMS, WOODBURY OPENING UP TO GOD This course of Quiet Prayer draws on a range of Christian traditions. It is open to anyone wanting to develop their relationship with God in the company of others. · Learn new ways of listening to God. · Explore and practise different modes of prayer. · Find and refine your own style of spirituality. Sponsored by the White Cross Mission Community. 19.30 to 21.00, Woodbury Church Rooms 6 September, 4 October, 1 November, 6 December Open to all, free of charge. For further information please contact Carolyn Keep 01395 232318.
The speakers for our July Meeting at the Maltsters came all the way from Glastonbury: Liz, a Wicca Lady and Trevor, a Druid (centre of the picture). It was an interesting and fascinating evening to say the least. Strange for some, no doubt, but we all enjoyed their company. ‘Witch’ and ‘Druid’ will never mean the same again. The September outing will be a visit to the Exeter Re-cycling Centre with lunch at a nearby hostelry. If you care to join us, contact Ernst on 232878 or pandg@british isles.plus.com. WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION On Tuesday 16 August, we boarded a coach in The Arch, armed with picnics and rugs, to go to the British Fireworks Championships in Plymouth. What a spectacular show that was! We had a superb view and luckily the weather was kind. A most enjoyable and memorable evening. Our next event is Have a Go at Archery on Saturday 10 September, but this is only open to members. The event will take place in the morning and we will then have an optional lunch at the Salterton Arms in Budleigh. An event not to be missed is our Dad's Army evening on 22 October in the village hall when the theatre group, Moonstone, will entertain us and there will be a three-course meal. The cost is £15 each for members and £18 for nonmembers. Dressing-up optional! Numbers are limited for both events, so please contact either Jan Owen on 232694 or Nita Goffron on 232314 to reserve your tickets for either event.
SEE WOODBURY NEWS ONLINE www.woodburynews.co.uk
FRIENDS OF WOODBURY SURGERY The Friends of Woodbury Surgery are a group of volunteers who collect 9 patients from their homes and take them to appointments at the surgery, the hospital, the dentist or the optician, when the patients have no other means of transportation. They deliver prescriptions to the housebound, visit the lonely and sit with patients to relieve carers for a short time. Jean, a regular user of the Friends says: ‘The volunteers are always very helpful and friendly. They pull out all the stops for me’. She gives the Friends a 5 star smiley rating.
Olive, a regular user of the Friends says: ‘The volunteers are all very good. They help me in and out of the car and they are always on time’. She gives the Friends a 5 star smiley rating.
Maureen used the Friends for her husband and says: ‘The volunteers always look after us very well, always pleasant and helpful’. She gives the Friends a 5 star smiley rating.
To keep the 5 star smiley rating we need to recruit more volunteers. Could you help once a month or more? We would be very pleased to see you. If you feel you have a little time to spare, please contact our Coordinator at the surgery for further information on 01395 232509.
ALL MATERIAL FOR THE MAGAZINE SHOULD BE SENT TO KAREN SQUIRES, WILLOWFIELD, OAKHAYES ROAD by 19.00 on the closing date, with a name and telephone number, or email to karensquires100@gmail.com
WOODBURY GARDEN CLUB 13 August - Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show 2016 has not been the best of years10 for the Garden Club’s Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show. Exhibits were half of last year’s total: 249 in 2015 and only 124 this year. Unfortunately, this year we were without many of our usual exhibitors due to illness, holiday and advancing years and the complications that that brings! We acknowledge, of course, that members have struggled with the weather; earlier in the year we had a very wet period when it was impossible to garden and then the weeks leading up to the show were very dry. However, we must say a big ‘thank you’ and 'well done’ to Annette Smith and her team for all the hard work and organisation needed to produce the show. There were some beautiful and interesting exhibits, a good atmosphere and still plenty to see with a good cup of tea and slice of cake to be had after viewing.
Mr Roy Halsey, approved by the RHS, judged the exhibits and Jean Carpenter judged the members’ challenge for 2016 which was to grow a pelargonium. Ken Crundwell had the highest number of points overall and won the Woodbury Park Plate. He also had the highest number of points in the fruit and vegetable section and won the Committee Shield. Jean Carpenter gained the most number of points in the flower section and won the Oakhayes Trophy.
Ann Hildred won the Michael Beeston Rose Bowl for the best exhibit in the flower section with her lovely arrangement of mixed flowers judged for 11 went to Nova Fisher for the best variety and quality. The Woodbury Cup fruit exhibit in the show and the Rita Brocklebank Vase for the best rose exhibit went to Lynnette Burgess. Other prize winners were Annette Smith (best pelargonium), Gillian Newton and Debbie Mullier 2nd and 3rd in points in the flower section and Debbie Mullier and Anna Eyres 2nd and 3rd in points in the fruit and vegetable section. The members’ challenge cup went to Joyce Jeans. Bryn Davies, Ella and Amelie McWilliams won prizes in the junior section. A special ‘thank you’ went to Ken Crundwell who is stepping down from posts of responsibility after many years of tremendous service to the club. Ken also had a special birthday so he was presented with a cake made by Vicky and Anna and a card signed by members. Thank you to everyone involved in the show and especially to the exhibitors, without whom there would be no show! From the Open Gardens event the Committee has allocated £150 to the Playing Fields Association and £50 to Stallcombe House. The Committee would also like to thank Roger Stokes for producing the map used for the event. Our next meeting is on 13 September, Woodbury Village Hall, 19.30, when Elizabeth Holman will give a talk on The Creative Shrub Garden. NOTICE TO ALL GROWERS OF PELARGONIUMS BEWARE, THE TORTIX MOTH CATERPILLARS ARE AROUND! If you find your pelargonium leaves are beginning to resemble lace curtains, turn over and inspect EVERY leaf on your plant – you could well find the culprit or culprits. These are little green caterpillars, almost the same colour as the leaves. They can be anything from about an eighth of an inch to over an inch long. Give them the boot treatment! I remove EVERY leaf which has a hole in it, irrespective of whether or not there is a visitor on it as in the very first stage of hatching out the caterpillars are almost invisible. Good hunting! Jean Carpenter
WOODBURY WOMEN’S INSTITUTE 12 In August, Woodbury WI ladies forsook their usual meeting in the village hall and ventured further afield, taking part in different activities – many of which involved eating (and drinking). Elspeth, Sylvia and Sue attended a practical photography course at Bicton College, organised by Devon Federation; the Book Group left their books behind and enjoyed a cream tea at Froginwell; the Skittles group stayed in the Church Rooms, not for skittles, but to enjoy coffee and cake. And twenty members met at Exeter Quay for a boat trip to the Double Locks, where they tried the local fare, before returning to base feeling suitably jolly.
Elspeth and Sylvia discuss their cameras
Waiting on the quay
13 On the boat
Margaret enjoys her beer
On the way home
Visitors are always welcome at our monthly meetings. On 8 September, 19.00, WVH, Tony Bennett will be talking about Wildlife around Woodbury and Beavers on the Otter. Sue Bury
WOODBURY TENNIS CLUB The summer season has come to a successful conclusion, but members are 14 Sunday mornings and have been using still enjoying playing club sessions on the lights to complete play on Friday evenings. This year there have been very few occasions when we have had less than four members at club sessions, thus full sets of tennis have been played. The teams have had a successful season. The A team of Russell Gibbs, Tim Greenslade, Hans Petrovics and Andy Johnson, with Ben Johnson and Phil Moores playing two matches each, have been in a very competitive Division 5; they had to gain at least two points from top-of-the-table Torquay to avoid relegation, and having gained three, have retained their status for next season. The B team of Phil Moores, Howard Back, Pat Browne, Jon Hall, James Brown and Mike Wallwork finally won games and scored points to finish in 5th position in Division 8. The Mixed team with a variety of players efficiently captained by Chair, Helen Ryland, came a creditable third in Division 5. New or returning members are always welcome; please contact Pat Browne (232805) (ruthandpatb@aol.com) or Jackie Clarke (232832), or come to the courts on Sunday 10.30 when club sessions take place. Occasional use of the courts can be arranged, key from Pat or Jackie, £4 per court per hour + £5 key deposit; however for regular players it is cheaper to become a member. WOODBURY TWINNING ASSOCIATION DAD'S ARMY EVENING SATURDAY 22 OCTOBER AT 19.30 WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL Entertainment by The Moonstone Theatre Group Tickets: £15 members, £18 non-members to include 3-course meal. Bar available. Dressing up optional! Contact: Jan Owen 232694 or Nita Goffron 232314
ROYAL BRITISH LEGION COFFEE MORNINGS 15 & 29 SEPTEMBER. 13 & 27 OCTOBER. 10.00 - 11.30, RBL ROOM behind WOODBURY VILLAGE HALL All are invited to join us on alternate Thursdays. SEE WOODBURY ONLINE
WOODBURY SALTERTON NEWS 15 CHURCH HOLY TRINITY Church Repairs and Improvements During the end of July and into August the essential repairs to the church floor in the kitchen, choir vestry and under the back pews were carried out and new kitchen units installed, giving us much needed extra storage space. The Communion Service on the first Sunday in August was conducted by Rev Chris Cant and the congregation sat in the choir stalls, which had been unaffected by the remedial work. The weekly coffee mornings took place in the homes - or gardens of Ruth Parsons, Valerie Davieson, Jenny Kemp and Katharine Wheeler and were well supported. School Leavers’ Service Revd Karen Spray conducted the Leavers’ Service in church on the la s t a f t e r n o o n o f t e r m . Headmaster Duncan Nelmes spoke about each of the leavers and the contribution which they had made to the life of the school and wished them well. Head of Alice Rooke receiving her gifts Learning, Ellen Milford, presented each with a dictionary from the school and a Bible, which is a gift from our church. WHIST The monthly Whist Drives continued with no summer break and provide friendly happy evenings with much fun and laughter, as well as a welcome income for our church funds. It would be lovely to have more players. The next one will take place on Tuesday 20 September at 19.30 in the village hall. Editor’s Note : In order to maximise submitted copy and photographs into Woodbury News, it may be necessary to reduce the size of some items. The Editorial team will attempt to do this as carefully as possible.
WOODBURY SALTERTON C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL Woodbury Salterton pupils were flying high on Saturday 16 July, with two successful entries in the Exeter City16Futures - Visions of the Future poetry competition. Henry Perry in Year 6 was chosen for his poem Qs, which the judging panel found to be ‘insightful and amusing in equal measure'. Class 2 entered a group poem called Exeter Ten, which the judging panel said was 'wonderfully evocative and thoughtful'. Both poems were on display over the weekend in Exeter city centre as part of the Visions of the Future festival. How exciting to see people stopping to read and discuss our poems. Well done everyone - what great ambassadors for our school!
The whole school took part in the annual end-of-year performance of Wind in the Willows at Woodbury Park on 13 July. All of the year groups were fantastic but most especially the top of the school. As is traditional, the year 6 students had a chance to showcase their singing and acting skills. Thanks again to Woodbury Park for their support in hosting the event. The children had an opportunity to take part in more than one sporting event in July, joining our near neighbours at Woodbury School on 8 July and then topping it off with whole-school sports day on 19 July. The sun shone and it was a day of fun, with Pipistrelle House winning the day. There are also celebrations because we have been awarded the Silver Games Mark. This is Ofsted recognized, awarded for the school's commitment to promoting access to competitive experiences and engagement in sport. CHARITY BINGO SESSION WOODBURY SALTERTON VILLAGE HALL 21 SEPTEMBER. Doors open 19.00 for 19.30 Tea, Coffee and cake included with entry. In aid of WESC Foundation. ÂŁ10 entry including books.
It was with much celebration that the year 6 children graduated on the last day of term - 22 July. As is traditional after the leavers’ service, they passed out through an arch made by all their 17 fellow pupils and then took part in a giant water fight bringing the whole village to a standstill. They then enjoyed an evening together at Orcombe Point for paddleboarding. We are very proud of them and wish them all well as they move on to Exmouth, Clyst Vale, Isca, St Luke's, St Peter's and Colyton Grammar School. We will miss you all and wish you well for September 2016.
The builders are in over the summer as we have extensive renovations underway for the school, including updating our kitchen to serve school lunches from our Federation partner school, Littleham. This will add to our success at our recent award from the Food for Life Partnership. We said a fond farewell to all our leavers including Mrs Downham. We are excited about next September when we welcome our new starters. We still have places available for the coming year. For further information please visit our website www.woodbury-salterton.devon.sch.uk.
WOODBURY SALTERTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The WI held its August meeting on the 10th. Three members are organising charity collections and invite anyone18 else who wishes to help them with these: · Used Postage Stamps Ann Hunt is collecting these in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Please save your stamps and pass them on to this worthy charity via Ann or any WI member. (232114). · Unwanted Jewellery Gill Bricknell is collecting old jewellery (costume or other – it does not have to be valuable or gold) including broken items, an odd earring, watches which have gone wrong etc. These will be given to the Altzheimer’s Society (envelopes available from Gill to post these – postage is free). (232463). · Hospiscare Coffee Morning Jenny Kemp offered to host this (the first of its kind to be held in September) at her home 5, Sages Lea on Wednesday 21 September from 10.30 until 12.30. All money raised will stay in the local area. (233396). Programme Planning The main part of the meeting was taken up with members’ ideas on possible speakers for our 2017 programme. We then enjoyed coffee and cake before playing two rounds of Judith Mahaffy’s popular Bird Bingo game. Brenda Randle won the first one and Ngaio Southard and Elisabeth Appleton finished simultaneously to win the second. The speaker at the 14 September meeting at 19.30 in the village hall will be Susan Matthews talking about her experiences as a UN Peacekeeper. The 22 September Coffee Morning will be at 11.00 at The Diggers Rest.
EXTON NEWS ST ANDREW’S CHURCH, EXTON SUNDAY SERVICES 1st Sunday - 4 September, 18.00 Evening Service. 2nd Sunday - 11 September, 09.30 Eucharist Service. 3rd Sunday - 18 September - 09.30 Lay-led Service. 4th Sunday - 25 September, 09.30 Eucharist Service.
Exton Greeting Cards for all occasions at very reasonable prices are on sale at St Andrew’s Church. Devon Wildlife Trust cards and various interesting items, sold on behalf of Exeter Wildlife Project and Exton Church, are available at Exton Garage. For more information on either of these items please contact Julia Bowditch on 01392 877040. On behalf of the Exmouth Food Bank I would like to thank everyone who has so generously continued to support this vital cause. This has been particularly appreciated during the school holidays. Audrey Elphick
EXTON GARDEN CLUB There was a good turnout for Eileen Pratt’s evocative talk on The Old Nurseries, a very local history of 80 19 years in the mid-20th century. One family’s WW1 tragedy, losing their son at Passchendaele, led to them putting a smallholding in Exton up for sale, enabling Eileen’s grandfather to return to Devon and establish a farming and market gardening business around Nurseries House. Garden Cottage housed the cowman and The Bungalow was later built beside a greenhouse (the site of today’s The Glasshouse) further along Station Road for Eileen’s father and young family. The Pratts’ cows could be seen grazing in what is now Barton Close and other fields scattered around the area. Their milk was delivered locally by Eileen and her brother and sister, pouring milk into jugs left on customers’ doorsteps, before school. Produce was taken by train from Woodbury Halt (later re-named Exton Station after lobbying from the WI) to their shop in Exmouth as well as to Barnstaple and (pre-Beeching cuts) to Sidmouth. There was a siding at the station where coal was unloaded for the boilers needed to heat the greenhouses. Fruit and vegetables were grown but the main focus came to be on quality flowers, particularly long-stemmed carnations. The expanding flower nursery was a labour-intensive business and the children were conscripted into working in the greenhouses at the busiest times. From the original three small greenhouses eventually there were 16 large ones, covering 4.5 acres in what is today Nurseries Close. The shop in Exmouth, at 16 The Strand, was flattened in 1943 by a bomb (intended for the railway) which killed several people but, thanks to a premonition and rapid action by Eileen’s mother, none of those in their shop were amongst the casualties. They quickly began trading again, with the wartime ration restrictions, at 16 Rolle Street. Eileen’s father taught himself floristry skills which he passed on to her. In those days flowers were individually wired, until the advent of ‘oasis’ foam. The shop is still a florist’s and was for many years run by Eileen until 1987, when she returned to help at the nurseries in Exton until their closure in 1989. Garden Club will next meet in Exton Village Hall on Friday 30 September when Denis Balsdon will speak about Carnivorous Plants. FoSS AUTUMN CONCERT THURSDAY 6 OCTOBER AT 19.30 ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH Tickets £6.00 from Pat Browne (232805), Ted Neather (233514) or on the door.
WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL Greenside, Greenway, Woodbury EX5 1LP 20 woodburyparishcouncil@gmail.com 01395 233791 http://www.woodbury-pc.org.uk/
ANNUAL HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASS EDDC (Electoral Services) As last year, East Devon District Council will be required by law to hand deliver any outstanding canvass forms. They are intending to begin this at the end of October and wonder whether anyone would be interested in delivering any of the remaining forms for our Parish. They will pay £8 per hour and 45p per mile. For any forms returned which allow them to amend the register they will pay an extra 50p. You will be required to call at the relevant address and ask the occupant(s) to fill in their form. If there is no response to your call, you will leave a calling card stating an allocated time that you will return. If, when you make your second visit, there is still no reply, you will post the form through the letterbox. If you are interested, or know of any interested parishioner, please contact EDDC direct: Louise Hodges LHodges@eastdevon.gov.uk or contact the Parish Office and we will pass on your details. NB: The timescale will be from 24 October 2016 – 31 March 2017. LOST PROPERTY An item of jewellery has been found by a local resident along Greenway, Woodbury and handed in to the PC office. We would like to reunite this with the owner if possible, so if you or someone you know has misplaced something (probably around the beginning of August) then please contact the Clerk on 01395 233791 or email woodburyparishcouncil@gmail.com. LOCAL POLICE INFORMATION Exmouth Town Neighbourhood Policing Team. PCSO 30438 Maguire Please contact me via 101 or email: malcolm.maguire@devonand cornwall.pnn.police.uk or alternatively click-on the main force website and type in my shoulder number: 30438. CHARITY COFFEE MORNINGS EVERY TUESDAY, 10.00-12.00 CHURCH ROOMS, WOODBURY Coffee/tea and a homemade cake on vintage china. £2. All profits to local charities. Everyone welcome.
COOMBE SOLAR FARM COMMUNITY BENEFIT FUND Closing date: 31 October 2016 21 Sub-Committee meeting To be considered at the funding on 21 November 2016. The Parish Council will be administering a new scheme in accordance with the Community Benefit Agreement made with Coombe Solar Limited on 27 August 2015. Any Clubs, Societies or Organisations within the Parish of Woodbury are invited to apply for funding and should contact the Clerk for an application form. The maximum amount available this year will be ÂŁ10,412 and ÂŁ7,278 annually thereafter which, if deemed appropriate, could be divided amongst more than one applicant. CONDITIONS: Before applying, Clubs and Organisations should ensure that the following criteria are met: The Fund Purposes shall relate to funding and promotion of educational, environmental or community projects or initiatives within the Area of Benefit that are consistent with the principles of sustainable development, including but not limited to: 1. contributions to grass roots community voluntary groups for the promotion and installation of energy efficiency measures; 2. contributions to small-scale renewable energy projects and education thereon; 3. building, or landscaping projects; 4. projects encouraging physical recreation or the promotion of well-being and good health; 5. other projects involving renewable energy, climate change and nature conservation which enhance the public realm through planting or other improvement creating and delivering outcomes for the benefit of the wider community; 6. Construction, repair and/or renovation of play areas; 7. Defraying the costs of administering the Agreement including staffing costs. For the avoidance of doubt, purposes relating to promoting religious or political objectives and initiatives adverse to renewable energy or to the Developer or any Group Company or adverse to the Project or the Site shall not be acceptable Fund Purposes. Note: Funding is to be used by the end of December 2017. HOW TO APPLY: Contact the Clerk on 01395 233791 e-mail woodbury parishcouncil@gmail.com or download an application form from the PC website www.woodbury-pc.org.uk. Applicants will be advised in writing whether they have been successful in December.
ROUND AND ABOUT 22 WELCOME We welcome Mark and Marie Cassidy of 1 Bretteville Close, and their two children Magda and Gabe (both currrently away at university). They have recently moved from Lancashire and are looking forward to settling into Woodbury, along with their two Siamese cats. Mark and Marie have their own children's theatre company called Boo to a Goose Theatre (see business advertisements), which they plan to launch in the local area, performing at parties and schools. They also hope to run a drama club. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Ken Crundwell on reaching his Big 0 birthday. Do email your photos of local people or events to Karen at karensquires100@ gmail.com The editorial team still needs a wider spread of news, particularly about our younger people. What are you all up to? Why don’t YOU write an article or send in a photo?
AT A LOOSE END IN SEPTEMBER AND FEELING ENERGETIC? The AONB Family has worked together to organise a week (and a bit) long programme of events to help people enjoy and be inspired by Britain’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs). Starting on Saturday 17 September and continuing through to Sunday 25 September, the events can be found on www.landscapesforlifeevents.org.uk. WOODBURY PARISH COUNCIL Agendas for future meeting, and minutes of meetings can be found on http://www.woodbury-pc.org.uk/
EXETER & DISTRICT BLADDER CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Being told you have cancer 23 can be a very lonely place to be. There are some support groups for various types of cancer, but there was nothing in the area for bladder cancer. This is why the Exeter and District Bladder Cancer Support Group has recently been set up. The group are in the early stages of growth and are fundraising to pay for venues where we can meet on a regular basis to help others Anna Crafer and Vicki Weatherburn who are in the same situation presenting the cheque to Joan Mansell and need someone to talk to. We are grateful to those who (Secretary) and Dudley Frood (Chairman) run the Charity Coffee Mornings and those who attend for their kind support and donation to our group. A cheque for £155 was presented to the Bladder Cancer Support Group, which included £55 from a raffle that the support group ran at a recent coffee morning. If you would like further information, please contact Joan Mansell on 232810. STAN HACKING CONCERT BAND ST PETER’S SCHOOL, QUARRY LANE, EXETER SUNDAY 25 SEPTEMBER, 19.30 Tickets: £8.00 per person are available from: The FORCE Cancer Support Centre, Exeter This is a fabulous 60 piece Concert Band that plays everything from Beethoven to Abba. They have been supporting FORCE since 2006 and sadly this will be Stan’s last concert for the Charity before his well-deserved retirement at the end of year. This promises to be a wonderful evening of entertainment and we are hoping to give Stan a great send-off with a capacity audience at St Peter’s School. The Woodbury News attempts to represent a variety of views within the Community, but does not accept responsibility for anything but Editorial comment. While it may publish unacknowledged material, nothing is included unless the Editor knows the name and address of the author(s).
DEVON OPEN STUDIOS Devon Open Studios is celebrating its 10th year, 24 giving the public the unique opportunity to meet talented local artists, often within their personal work space and surrounded by work-in-progress as well as items for sale. Details of the 141 artists exhibiting their work across the county and opening times can be seen in the brochure produced by Devon Artist Network, or visit the website www.devonartistnetwork.co.uk. All venues are opening on various days between 10 - 25 September 2016. Please see the brochure for details. There are six venues to visit in Exmouth and Woodbury, including the following: · Anna FitzGerald is opening her doors to a group exhibition this year at 3 Gussiford Lane, Exmouth EX8 2SD. She is a community creating artist. Her projects include drop-ins at Sea Dog Art, The Exmouth Art Trail, and soon to be launched The Art Park which will be in the Strand fortnightly. Her paintings have won her various awards and acclaim. All her paintings are joyous, vibrant and quirky. · Michael Buckland has been developing an ongoing series of vibrant paintings called Coastal Portraits, combining images of women with the colours, shapes and textures of the coast of Devon. Each painting is a memoir of walks and places visited, evoking light and space. Visit him at 52 Lyndhurst Road, Exmouth EX8 3DT. · Nicky Excell at Clearwater Cottage, 11 Beacon Place, Exmouth EX8 2ST has a wide range of beautiful fused glass art inspired by the Devon coastline and Dartmoor: wall panels, pictures and sculpture. She has completed many commissions in the UK and abroad. · For a wide variety of original artwork inspired by environmental issues, water and the Devon coastline, make for 8 Woodcote Court, Woodbury EX5 1LZ and Judy Harington’s studio (Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only). Her work ranges from ceramics and conceptual sculpture to painting and photography. She has published a photobook entitled: Reflections on Water. For copies of the guide or for information on Devon Artist Network or Devon Open Studios please phone 07768 164560 or email openstudios@ devonartistnetwork.co.uk. Enjoy your exploration of local art and artists!
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 25 168481 email: simon.heyes@ From Simon Heyes at NYAS 07768 nyas.net Volunteers wanted, particularly in the Woodbury area The 1989 Children's Act says councils must appoint volunteers to "visit, befriend and advise" children in care if it is in their best interests. However, research by the charity Barnardo’s shows that only 3% of looked-after children were matched with a mentor. NYAS (the National Youth Advocacy Service) are responsible for recruiting Independent Visitors in Devon and they are short of volunteers. Independent Visitors are volunteers who befriend young people, get to know them, and advise and support them during their time in care. Volunteers need no formal qualifications, just a genuine and active interest in the welfare of children and young people. NYAS provides training, great support from experienced staff and a fantastic opportunity to make a difference to a child’s life. Simon Heyes, volunteer coordinator for NYAS in Devon said: “We are short of volunteers to befriend vulnerable children who are in care. The role is about enabling the child to get the most out of life and may include activities such as going to a park, swimming, ice-staking, go-karting, watching a film, and it might even include a trip to watch the Exeter Chiefs or Exeter City football club. We are always looking for new volunteers so if you are interested please call me on 07767 168481 or email simon.heyes@nyas.net.” From Tom Rockey I would like to thank all of you who supported me on my Bangladeshi evening which was successful and raised over £350 towards the project. This, along with some generous donations by individuals, means I have now exceeded my £800 target. All money is going to the project I will be involved in during my time in Bangladesh. Many thanks. WOODBURY NEWS to your door … If you are a new resident to the area, or would like your Woodbury News to be delivered to your door monthly, just call Beverley Simcox on 232858 and she will put you in contact with your local deliverer.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Cont’d/‌ From Jean Carpenter 26 This is the final episode in the pelargonium saga! It all came to fruition at the Garden Club Show. It has been a difficult year due to the varying temperatures, but the plants benched were of good quality. I was quite disappointed by the number of members who had not bothered to enter their free pelargonium. Why? The Club gives every member a free plant of a certain type and the idea is to grow and show, irrespective of what it looks like. This year, out of about 50 freebies, there were just twelve plants entered! Our Chairman, Annette Smith, has learned the monthly lessons well and she benched a real stunner of a Regal Pelargonium, called Black Knight (see picture) and earned, very worthily, the award of the Francis Masson Trophy. Well done, Annette. I could not fault it! Now that everyone knows how to continue to care for their plants, ther e w ill b e n o mor e instructions. However, I am only too pleased to offer advice if needed.
JULY WEATHER It rained a little in Totnes, Tiverton and Barnstaple but it was as dry as a bone in Woodbury all July. Two or three brief bouts of light drizzle put 1.6mm in my gauge (0.06ins and 2% of average) and this was by far and away the driest month for more than 50 years. I had to fill our water butts from the mains which was not in the plan and even then the crevasses in the garden seem bottomless. We enjoyed a sunny week mid-month but other than that it was dull and muggy. Happily insect life picked up towards the end of June and the martins and swallows started to hatch some chicks which had fledged by the end of this month. The water level at Wimbleball, which is important for a lot of the county, is holding up well so the recent repairs to the dam have done their job. PJH
RSPB AYLESBEARE COMMON RESERVE 27 Aylesbeare Common Reserve was a hub of activity in July with the arrival of Heath Week. There were many activities to celebrate this well-known heritage event including a family festival day, pond-dipping and tractor rides, Venn Ottery open day, nightjar safaris, heath and quarry walks, darties at dawn, water and wellies event, all-aflutter butterfly event, brilliant bat event and then, to finish off the week, there was the most anticipated Big Wild Sleepout on 29 July. A super week well spent and a great way to enter August. With well over 1,500 people attending the events, additional pond-dipping was added to entertain the masses. What a way to celebrate the heath when the western gorse is flowering throughout, bringing the whole area to life. This is attracting a large range of creatures back to the heath. We are currently seeing a good number of southern damselfly that seem to be thriving. At the moment it seems to be a poor year for the butterflies, but we are still seeing the silver studded blue present on the reserve. This also rings true with the dragonflies, but with the warmer weather coming in we are hoping to see an increase in the different species returning. There have been reported sightings of a woodlark at Aylesbeare, but at present they do not seem to be breeding. This however is still an extremely exciting time as woodlarks haven’t been seen on the site in the last 20 years, making this the first return visit in two decades. Nightjars and Dartford warblers have bred successfully at the reserve with over 20 pairs recorded so far. The surveys will continue throughout the summer months with the regular nightjar safari events and walks dotted throughout the year. Please do keep an eye out for the events on Eventbrite if you would like to take part. The month will see us completing the National Vegetation Survey (NVC), part of an original project aimed to produce a comprehensive classification and description of the plant communities of Britain. Things are shaping up at Aylesbeare HQ with the new log cabin nearing completion and work almost completed inside, so it is exciting times ahead for the whole crew at Aylesbeare! Please stay tuned for next month’s newsletter which will feature more information on the opening of the cabin. Laura Dolley
River Otter Bird Ringing 28 The Otter Estuary is one of the finest in Devon. It is a haven for wildlife, providing an ideal habitat for many resident bird species and is the destination or through route for birds coming from Africa to breed in the summer. Other birds travel from their breeding grounds in the far north and well into Russia to overwinter. The estuary is owned by Clinton Devon Estates and managed by East Devon Pebblebed Heaths Conservation Trust. Part of the area is a nature reserve with Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Bird ringing is organised by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and helps us learn about how long birds live and when and where they move, questions that are vital for bird conservation. Placing a lightweight, uniquely numbered, metal ring around a bird’s leg provides a reliable and harmless method of identifying birds as individuals. Over 900,000 birds are ringed in Britain and Ireland each year by over 2,600 trained ringers, most of whom are volunteers. You can help by reporting any ringed bird you find. The annual report on bird ringing is published in the Ringing Scheme journal Ringing & Migration. Birds have been ringed for over 100 years but we are still discovering new facts about migration routes and wintering areas. However, the main focus of the Ringing Scheme today is monitoring bird populations. Ringing allows us to study how many young birds leave the nest and survive to become adults, as well as how many adults survive the stresses of breeding, migration and severe weather. Changes in survival rates and other aspects of birds’ biology help us to understand the causes of population declines. On the River Otter in the first half of the year 432 birds from 29 species were caught of which 138 had been previously ringed. If a bird caught has previously been ringed then the information is passed to the original ringer and new details such as wingspan and weight updated. Local bird ringer Peter Bennett has been doing a trial project in an area of reeds on the lower Otter Estuary to see is if it would be possible to run a full project there for the next few years on reed warblers. Results have been positive.
The BTO's standardised Constant Effort Site (CES) requires twelve sessions between May and August at which the same number of nets are set 29 in the same position for the same amount of time. The data collected provides best information on breeding numbers and productivity especially as it measures all breeding attempts each season and post-fledging survival which is difficult to estimate by other means. At this site between April and mid-August a total of 90 reed warblers have been ringed, half of these have hatched on the estuary this year. Two that were caught had been ringed on the Axe and in North Dorset last year. Several reed warblers have returned to the Otter to breed this year that were ringed last year as well as a pair of sedge warblers ringed last April. One juvenile ringed last year was caught by ringers on Alderney in June and we have caught a reed warbler ringed in 2012 as a juvenile in Gunwalloe, Cornwall. A chiffchaff that was caught here in June was ringed last October in Sandwich Bay, Kent. Autumn migration brings the opportunity to catch swallows before they leave to overwinter in South Africa. Apart from these birds, many other more common species were ringed showing how diverse the bird life of the Otter is. A broad range of species breed in, or pass through, this estuary and benefit from the habitat and the food available to them. It is hoped in years to come the ringers will see some of them again, record their movements and those of many others. If any ringed birds are found or caught anywhere, the BTO will let us know and details will appear in future reports. Information from BTO, Axe Valley Ringing Group and Peter Bennett
ADVERTISING RATES SMALL ADS.: (3 lines) private £2.00. (3 lines) Business £5.00 (£50.00 per annum). DISPLAY ADS. £17 quarter page (£185 per annum). To: Karen Squires, Willowfield, Oakhayes Road, Woodbury EX5 1JT Tel: 233299 (e-mail karensquires100@gmail.com). The Woodbury News accepts no liability for:- i) Any claims made by the advertiser; ii) Any errors or omissions in the advertisement as submitted by the advertiser; iii) Any legal action as a result of the advertisement.
BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS TOOBY SWEEPS New Chimney30 Sweep in Town (Former Royal Marine), NACs Member. Certificate given. From £35 Call 07803 059844. BOO TO A GOOSE THEATRE Stress-free children's parties with pirates, fairies, puppets, face painting. Your child becomes the hero in our exciting, interactive stories. Suitable for 0-10 years. Please visit www.bootoagoose theatre.co.uk or ring us on 01395 233874 about this or local drama classes. DOG WALKING SERVICE Experienced with large and small dogs. Individual walking offered at reasonable rates. Call Michael 01395 233858/07484 719061. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Woodbury Salterton. Private house, with room and facilities. £4 per hour, Monday to Friday. Flexible arrangement. Tel: David 01395 233297 / davidrouse@talktalk.net. Reference required. (2/3)
WE ARE POSH NOSH! With over two decades of experience in the catering industry we are at the forefront of special occasion and event catering in Devon and the West Country. We are committed to providing first class cuisine with outstanding levels of service. Phone:- 01392 444877 or email: info@posh-nosh.co.uk (3/12) FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER & REFLEXOLOGIST Former RGN provides routine nail and skin care (inc corns and callus) or a reflexology treatment. Nicky Mattin (MAFHP itec RF) 01395 233222/07807603690 (12/12)
LITERACY TUTOR Qualified teacher and specialist in Special Needs offering 1:1 private tuition for children and adults to support learning in literacy and language skills. See www.katecoldrick.com for further information or phone Kate Coldrick BMus (Hons), BSc (Hons) Psych, PGCE on 01395 232472 (6/12) PROPERTY MAINTENANCE – James Waddell Interior & Exterior, Carpentry, Flooring, Fencing & Gates, Plumbing, Decking, Bathrooms & Kitchens, General Repairs. Free Advice & Estimates 01395 263496 (4/12) FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER Nail Cutting and Treatment of Corns, Callus and Verrucas - Home Visits. Contact Lindsey Waddell MAFHP 01395 263496. (8/12) ROOFING Woodbury based RWI Roofing Specialising in Slating, Tiling, Re-Roof, New Roof, Repairs, Guttering. For a friendly, reliable service call Ray 232926, or 07988 691051 (As recmd in OurLocalExpert.co.uk) (3/12)
31 16th century property full of SQUIRREL COTTAGE Self catering character, available for weekly holidays and short breaks. Sleeps 5. Graded 5 Star. www.thecottagecompanydevon.co.uk Tel: Kay 0776 9975557 (6/12) GIVE BIRTH CALMLY - relaxed, confident and alert with KG Hypnobirthing classes. Find out more: libbyclaphamhypnotherapy.co.uk phone: 07986 157854 (*) BED & BREAKFAST SW Tourism 2016 Gold Award winner. Certificate of Excellence from Trip Advisor. 16thC Devon longhouse on working dairy farm. Sally Glanvill, Rydon Farm 232341 www.rydonfarmwoodbury.co.uk (3/12)
HOME SWEET HOME DECORATORS - Lucy Ryan Lady interior and exterior decorator. Walls, ceilings, woodwork, up-cycled furniture, garden painting and more. Professional, very tidy, competitive, reliable and friendly. Fully DBS checked. Free estimates. Phone: 07872 065890 (9/12) RUBBISH REMOVALS Domestic and Commercial. Environment Agency licensed. No job too small. Tel: 0800 335 7610 / 07979 841376. www.rubbishremovalsexeter.com (5/12) WOODBURY HOLIDAY HOME TO RENT in centre of village. Luxury accommodation for 4 people, 2 en-suites, parking, courtyard garden. Weekly holidays & short breaks. www.woodburyholidays.co.uk 01579 350365. (2/12)
COMPUTER REPAIRS AND UPGRADES; Broadband and wireless connections; Data recovery and backup; Windows, iPads and Apple computers, Virus and spyware removal; No fix no fee - Evening visits to suit you. Contact: Mark Doyle 01395 233694 (2/12) FARMHOUSE BED & BREAKFAST AND APARTMENT, twin and double rooms. CL Caravan Club site. Jenny Broom, Courtbrook Farm, Clyst St George. 01392 877710. www.courtbrook.co.uk (*) ACCOUNTS AND TAX SERVICE Sole Trades, Partnerships, Limited Companies and Personal Tax. Full range of advice. Fixed fee plans and free initial consultation/quotation. Wheelers Accountants Tel: 233184 (8/12) MATHS TUITION: Experienced, female Maths teacher available to teach primary to GSCE level maths, 11+ and SATs preparation. Reasonable rates. Telephone: Jane Moffatt on 01395 279952 (9/12)
FORTHCOMING EVENTS 6 Sept. WPC: Open Consultation 32Evening. WVH. 19.30. 6 Sept. Opening up to God. 19.30-21.00. Church Rooms. (232318) 8 Sept. WPC: Open Consultation Evening. WSVH. 19.30. 8 Sept Woodbury WI: Wildlife around Woodbury & Beavers on the Otter 10 Sept. Woodbury Twinning Archery Event (members only) 10-25 Sept. Devon Open Studios. 21 Sept. Charity Bingo Session. WSVH. 19.00 for 19.30. 22 Sept. Community Playing Fields AGM. 7.00. Church Rooms. 25 Sept. Stan Hacking Concert Band. St Peter’s School. 19.30. 4 Oct. Opening up to God. 19.30-21.00. Church Rooms. (232318) 6 Oct. FoSS Autumn Concert at St Swithun’s. 19.30. 13 Oct. Woodbury WI: RNLI Exmouth. WVH. 19.00. 15 Oct. Local History Society Exhibition. WVH. 22 Oct. Woodbury Twinning Dad's Army evening, in Village Hall. 1 Nov. Opening up to God. 19.30-21.00. Church Rooms. (232318) 10 Nov. Woodbury WI: Christmas craft – card hangers, WVH, 19.00. 19 Nov. Woodbury Twinning Progressive Supper (members only) 24-26 Nov. Woodbury Follies. 6 Dec. Opening up to God. 19.30-21.00. Church Rooms. (232318) 8 Dec. Woodbury WI: Seated one day at the Organ ……
CALLING ALL CHILDREN IN WOODBURY, WOODBURY SALTERTON AND EXTON You could win a book token by designing the cover for the December 2016 edition of Woodbury News. Start practising now, and see next month’s Woodbury News for further details.
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