Reflecting your community workshop plan Name: Who do we include? Reflecting your community workshop Participation: 10-20 Leaders (Experienced) Aim: Inspire and direction for groups to be more inclusive in their communities. Outcomes: Help groups to build based on their broader community Help groups to reflect their own community Encourage groups to do a positive review and set their own targets for improvement Time Check 5 minutes
25 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
Activity Introduction Give the aims and outcomes of the session. Linking the workshop to the Woodcraft principles on inclusion. We make it clear that we’re not here to lay down national policy for Woodcraft Folk, no to argue about national policy, but to learn from each other. We will also set up a parking lot Case Study Review The case studies we will look to collect are: White City from Tom Dunnill Stroud including disabled young people Robin Brown – Training of volunteer youth workers to work in a local park. Hearing Unheard Voices Music for change In small groups they will look at the case studies to pick out the factors of success and key learning. Feedback: Feedback to the group including a short version of the case study. They should pull out the key principles and themes. Groups Examples This is a chance for those attending to talk about their experiences of inclusion with their group. We will record any key themes or learning. We will aim to turn negative
Resources Woodcraft Principles Parking lot
Case studies Flipchart for notes
25 minutes
5 minutes
comments to positive learning. Creation of strategy: The group will split in half and use the key principles and themes from the case studies, the key Follow the Trail principles and the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat model, to create a model or technique to do a review when they return to their group, this will have to be quite broad. Summary: Link the workshop back to Follow the Trial We should sign post them to top tips and where to find more information. Using the passport the participants can reflect on their learning and set actions
Flipchart Key Follow the trial standards SWOT form on flipchart
Passport Link to tips Top Tips print out
Plus target evaluation.
Notes Could they use the census to do a review? It can be found online here: When reviewing their groups, their leadership might be a barrier so this will have to be discussed in a sensitive way.