Bosket PorKolio Student Work
Parts and Labor Gallery (Exploring Percep7on Through Interpreta7on: Interac7ve Performance, 9’x21’ ,Mixed Media, 2009.)
Photos: On the leM -‐ exterior, on the right -‐ interior.
Tagtool: On the leM is the opensource drawing Tagtool built at Parsons and on the right is a tagtool in use. (Tagtool, Digital Device, Size dependent on loca7on, 2012.)
(ColorBots, Mixed Media, Size dependent on loca7on, 2011.)
ColorBots: These small robots were created in collabora7on with Katherine Moriwaki for the 2011 Parsons street fes7val. They were greatly appreciated by the crowd and introduced many to color study.
Thesis, Variable Size, Video/Light, 2012.
This piece by Catalina Cortazar was used to explore our psychological and physical rela7onship to the color blue. The space u7lized sensors, projectors and LED lights.
Thesis, 3’x2’x3’, PS3 camera and light box, 2012. This piece by Ryan Raffa is a musical instrument that uses transparent color “chips” to create composi7ons.
Below: Push/Pull, Color of Language, 5”x5” folded, Printed, 2011. (This assignments asks that students create a book based on a par7cular rule of color theory.) Above: Equinox Mural Project, Color of Space, 21’x10’, Paint, 2012.
Above: Color Theory, 5”x5” folded (five pages), Printed, 2010. Right: Color as Language, 10”x4”, Printed, 2011. Both assignments are used to develop an awareness of the cultural uses of color.
LeM: Color of Language, 2’x4”x3”, Acrylic Paint and Skin, 2011. Right: Color Theory (Time of Day Studies), 10”x16”, Acrylic Paint, 2012.
LeM: Drawing, 9”x12”, Charcoal, 2008. Right: Drawing, 18”x24”, Pencil, 2009.