1 minute read
The Pygmies of Central Africa tend to orient their dwellings into a circular form, with the openings facing the central point of the formation. The orientation of the dwellings denote significant social interaction and sharing of central territory.083 Similarly, the Yanoama of upper Orinoco between Brazil and Venezuela have developed a circular cluster of lean-tos called chapunos. This collective community intrinsic formation creates shelter for the various families while also creating a central, and sacred, shared community environment at the center of the form.084 Despite the many egregious issues intrinsic to Western Suburbia, cul de sacs showcase this formation - however, the form is not utilized to benefit the residents. If the form was developed as a shared green space with integrated utilization, the space would become beneficial and serve as a micro-hub of activity for the residents, encouraging a closer connection between the various families. In order to properly implement this sustainable function of cleared space, residents need to orient themselves towards a communityforward philosophy regarding shared territory, which is often lacking in Western society. Chapuno Shared Space Plan Parti
