2019 Spring Newsletter

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the Dirt

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P r ote c t i n g t h e P l a ce s y o u L o v e SPRING 2019

Ghost Fencing Stream Restoration and Access Calendar of Events Annual Report 2018

Spring 2019

119 E. Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 208-788-3947 www.WoodRiverLandTrust.org Wood River Land Trust (WRLT) is a public benefit Idaho company and is tax exempt under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Tax ID # is 82-0474191. Contributions to WRLT are tax deductible as allowed by law. Public financial information is available on our website or by contacting our office.


Kathie Levison – Chair David Woodward – Treasurer/Vice-Chair Barry Bunshoft – Secretary David Anderson – Asst. Secretary Richard Carr – in Memoriam Trent Jones Trish Klahr Sarah Michael Nick Miller Bob Ordal Rebecca Patton Dan Smith Gayle Stevenson Rick Webking Roland Wolfram


Scott Boettger – Executive Director Courtney Jelaco – Director of Development Cameron Packer – Stewardship Coordinator Ryan Santo – Project Coordinator Matthew Steinwurtzel – Community Engagement Coordinator Chad Stoesz – Land Protection Specialist Amy Trujillo – Deputy Director

ON THE COVER Pronghorn antelope at Rinker Rock Creek Ranch. Photo by John Finnell

DESIGNED AND PRINTED BY Centerlyne Design, LLC Hailey, Idaho www.centerlyne.com



Scott Boettger presents Richard Carr with the Founder's Award, July 2018.

A letter from

Scott Boettger Many dream about leaving a legacy that memorializes our life’s efforts, of leaving this place a little better than we found it. Richard Carr was such a man and he did it with understanding, fairness and an infectious smile. Sadly, on the very last day of this past year, the day before the Land Trust turned 25 years old, we lost our dear friend Richard. Richard was our former board chairman, but he was so much more. His positive impact on the world was felt by more than just his friends and loved ones. On the water and off, Richard was known as a lover of the outdoors and a role model for many; and someone who listened, cared deeply, and looked to raise others up for the common good. I was his biggest fan and benefited most from his teachings. I miss him terribly, but I will never forget him. As we celebrate a quarter century of success and look to the next 25 years, we remember Richard’s teaching that we must come together as a community if we are to ultimately succeed. Even if you didn’t know Richard, I’m confident that you share his passion for protecting our beloved home.

This year we’re celebrating 25 years of protecting the places you love, thanks to the support you have provided us time and time again – whether it was protecting East Fork in our very first years, establishing the Draper Wood River Preserve which now makes up part of the Hailey Greenway, or conserving Quigley Canyon from sprawling development. These are accomplishments you should be proud of, and accomplishments that you can see first-hand. You are the reason these places are protected and they will be there for your children and their children… forever. That is why we are looking forward to the next 25 years. Our work is far from over. The issues that threaten our way of life here are very real – from a changing climate to unsustainable growth. If we are to pass down this special place to the next generation, we must come together to work toward our common goals. That’s what Richard would have wanted. For all that we have worked together to accomplish over the past 25 years, I say “thank you.” And to the next 25 years, I say “let’s do this together”– with a smile worthy of Richard.

Wood River Land Trust

Embarking on our 25th Year "Let us leave a splendid legacy for our children ... let us turn to them and say, this you inherit: guard it well, for it is far more precious than money ... and once destroyed, nature's beauty cannot be repurchased at any price." – Ansel Adams

Photo by John Finnell www.woodriverlandtrust.org


Spring 2019




2 THE WOOD RIVER LAND TRUST works to protect






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WRLT Preserves Existing Public Land




and sustain the treasured landscapes and life-giving waters of the Wood River Valley and inspire love for this special place for generations to come. When the Land Trust considers acquiring land, we look at how that parcel may fit into our broader strategy. One of the factors we consider is whether the parcel expands upon already-public areas or provides a critical access point for public lands. We may refer to those parcels as “gateway lands.” Take a look at some examples of our public gateway lands you’ve helped protect over the past 25 years!




Wood River Land Trust


Just 4 miles north of Ketchum, this property protects riparian wetlands habitat along Lake Creek, all while expanding public access to BLM and Forest Service lands.


Near downtown Ketchum, this small property protects a critical riparian buffer along Trail Creek all while allowing the public to recreate freely.


Located within Elkhorn, this property provides public access to Forest Service lands, including the heavily traveled ridge trail.



Protects an important riparian buffer of the Big Wood that borders development, all while providing a public access point for the river. It also restores floodplain connectivity for the Big Wood.


Provides the experienced and prepared adventurer an opportunity to access outlying Forest Service lands. This property also protects habitat for wildlife that play a critical role in climate change resiliency.


Encompasses Draper Preserve and Colorado Gulch Preserve and is an interconnected area that restores floodplain connectivity, protects wildlife habitat, and provides the community with access to our river.


This property is located adjacent to the City of Bellevue, and protects wildlife habitat and public access.


A collaborative success between the Land Trust and multiple partners. The property protects a large swath of wildlife habitat, and allows for research, and important community education and access. www.woodriverlandtrust.org


Spring 2019


Ghost Fencing By Matt Steinwurtzel Photos by John Finnell



Wood River Land Trust


cross the American West, fences have been built in efforts to manage livestock, prevent trespass, and define property boundaries. Over time, endless miles of fence have bisected our landscapes and open spaces. Ranching and farming has always been a defining characteristic of our community, however much of the fencing used over the years has become unutilized and abandoned, no longer serving its original purpose. We call this ghost fencing. Unfortunately, the wildlife that also call our lands home are often on the front lines when it comes to the impacts of ghost fencing.

Countless miles of ghost fencing create serious threats and barriers to many types of wildlife. Fences can block or inhibit both daily and seasonal wildlife migrations, particularly for ungulates (hoofed mammals). Sadly, sage-grouse are also prone to colliding and becoming entangled in fencing. While many animals do have the ability to leap over fences, in some situations they can also become entangled or end up traveling long distances to avoid fences. Barbed wire fences of a certain height pose a barrier for elk, deer, moose, and pronghorn. And woven wire fences (or hog wire fences) are also challenging for some animals as they don’t allow any passage underneath the fence. Fencing along steep hillsides can make it nearly impossible for younger ungulates to cross, as the height of the fence is drastically increased when an animal is trying to cross from the downhill side. Fortunately, a critical component of the Land Trust’s work on our preserved lands revolves around removing unnecessary fencing or modifying existing fencing to be more wildlife friendly. A number of past and ongoing Land Trust projects are aimed at reducing the conflicts between wildlife and fencing.


Over the past few years, brand new wildlife-friendly fencing has been installed on the Rinker Rock Creek Ranch property (RRCR). In collaboration with our partners, over 6 miles of traditional four and five-strand barbed wire and woven wire in highly trafficked wildlife areas have been replaced with three-strand, high-tensile, lay-down electric fencing. These high-tensile, lay-down fences work well for managing cattle, and on RRCR are being used for more effective Rinker Rock Creek Ranch is an innovative collaboration between the Land Trust, The Nature Conservancy, the University of Idaho, Idaho Cattle Association, Idaho Soil & Water Conservation Commission, Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission, and state and federal wildlife agencies. The goal of the ranch has been to establish a program of research, education and outreach focused on sustainable rangeland management in the heart of Idaho where ranching, conservation, and recreation intersect. Photo by John Finnell Rinker Rock Creek Ranch



Spring 2019

can actually be quite easy to design and implement. Additionally, high-visibility coated wire helps prevent sage-grouse collisions on these fences. “Watching elk and deer migrate through the ranch this fall has been a rewarding experience and signifies we are on the right track in our fence modification and removal efforts. We are seeing ungulate tracks in the snow and know they can access critical habitat and food sources unimpeded,” says Cameron Packer, stewardship coordinator. “Knowing we won’t come across the gruesome sight of another animal that perished trying to move across the landscape in this area is a comforting thought and keeps us motivated.”

Quigley Canyon

A COMMUNITY PROJECT Last year, the Land Trust worked with the City of Hailey and Quigley Farms LLC to protect 1,278 acres of land in

Quigley Canyon with a conservation easement. Not only was this land protected from the development of over management of wet meadow habitats. Not only is the

400 homes, but its protection has sprouted numerous

new fencing wildlife-friendly because it can be laid flat

community-led projects aimed at conservation. One

on the ground when not needed, but ranch manager Wyatt Prescott reports it also requires significantly less

of these projects includes removing ghost fencing that inhibits and disrupts wildlife migration through the canyon. Quigley Canyon is important elk wintering habitat

maintenance, making it a cost-effective alternative. This

and a large migration corridor for other wildlife, including

is a serious benefit not often discussed when landowners

mule deer. Partnerships like the one between the Land

think of wildlife friendly fencing, and these types of fences

Trust and The Sage School have resulted in working

Quigley Canyon 8


Wood River Land Trust

together to remove unnecessary barbed-wire fencing along Quigley Road, thus improving the quality of the protected open space for wildlife migration. Over the years, it’s tough to calculate just how many miles of obsolete fencing the Land Trust has helped remove or modify with the help of our partners. But there is still so much ghost fencing in need of removal. Thanks to the support of the community, we can continue to enhance wildlife habitat so we can all enjoy the sense of wildness that comes with seeing these magnificent animals in our backyards.

What can you do


Give Your Love of Land

As a landowner, you can modify fencing so that the top and bottom wire are smooth rather than barbed, and the top wire is 40-42 inches or lower and the bottom wire is 16-18 inches or higher from the ground. There are a lot of additional resources available for landowners who want to make their property more wildlife friendly. Contact us for more information. As a community member, you can help take down ghost fencing! Sage School students are actively planning a community-wide “barbed wire removal blitz” event within Quigley Canyon this spring. “The hope is that teams and individuals from the community will be willing to dedicate a Saturday morning to a fence removal festival sometime in May,” says Nancy Linscott, office manager at The Sage School. Follow the Land Trust’s Facebook page or sign up for our e-newsletter to get updates as details become available.

Wood River Land Trust achieves our mission of protecting land, water and wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities through the generous gifts of land donations. With your support, we can protect the cherished places that make this Valley in the heart of Idaho so special.

Learn more at woodriverlandtrust.org or contact Courtney Jelaco at (208) 788-3947 or courtney@woodriverlandtrust.org

We work cooperatively with private landowners and local communities to ensure these areas are protected now and for future generations. www.woodriverlandtrust.org


Spring 2019

10 www.woodriverlandtrust.org

Common Sense Approach to Stream Restoration and Access By Ryan Santo Photo by Chad Chorney

Maintaining and enhancing the health of our rivers is important to our community and is one of the Land Trust’s core priorities.

Spring 2019

The Big Wood at Colorado Gulch. Photo by G.P. Lagergren


river is more than just a channel that holds the majority of its flow; a functioning river meanders and moves across a floodplain, creating a complex system that provides natural flood and erosion control, allows for groundwater recharge, and increases fish and wildlife diversity.

The Big Wood River has been impacted by development,

Colorado Gulch by crossing the old bridge over the river.

disconnecting the river from its floodplain in many places.

However, due to the high flows of 2017, the Colorado

In fact, according to a 2016 geomorphic assessment

Gulch Bridge was damaged to the point the county

by Biota Research & Consulting, Inc., 52% of our river,

deemed it unsafe for travel and removed it. There were a

from the Sawtooth National Recreation Area to Stanton

couple of reasons why this occurred; above the old bridge

Crossing, is disconnected from its floodplain. One of

the river was channelized and its banks riprapped, which

our goals is to find places where we can reconnect the

constricted all of the river’s energy to the main channel.

river to its floodplain to provide these benefits. Due to development, there are not many of these places left; the Land Trust’s Colorado Gulch Preserve is one of these unique areas where we can restore natural river function. As a staff member with a background in fisheries science, I see the potential and benefits to our ecosystem of having a more productive and natural functioning river. As a community member, I see how important a healthy river is to our Valley’s recreational and outdoor values.

Colorado Gulch


This was designed to protect the road that ran along the river and led to the bridge. The length of the bridge was too short, which again constricted the river’s energy and the river undermined the bridge. This wasn’t the first time this happened. The old bridge and road had been compromised three times in the last 30 years due to high flows. The river, being a dynamic system, will continue to change course and flood seasonally. Rather than continue making the same mistakes, the Land Trust has a better solution that will allow for natural river function and reestablish access to Colorado Gulch. Since early 2018, we have been working with Blaine

In 2016, the community came together to protect the

County to reestablish access to Colorado Gulch. We

Colorado Gulch Preserve and it quickly became a local

proposed stream restoration at the site to remove fill and

treasure. One of the best features was the access to

riprap from the old road and reconnect the floodplain

12 www.woodriverlandtrust.org

Wood River Land Trust

and an historic side channel. The benefits of this stream restoration are twofold:

1. 1) Accessing the floodplain will dissipate the river’s

energy and divert flows away from the bridge to reduce the potential damage to the new bridge.

2. 2) Restoring natural river function will increase

the river’s habitat complexity by connecting to its floodplain.

Final designs and the Stream Alteration Permit application have been submitted with the intention of having the stream restoration completed by October 2019. During public scoping efforts for the Hailey Greenway Master Plan, we heard from a large majority of residents that reestablishing pedestrian access to Colorado Gulch was a high priority. Working with Blaine County, we are proposing a pedestrianonly, light-duty bridge which will be located at the same site as the old road bridge. The old road bridge was 80 feet long and would cost Blaine County $1.5 million to replace. The proposed light-duty bridge will be 120 feet long and about 20% of the cost compared to replacing the old road bridge. The increased length coupled with the stream restoration will reduce the risk of the bridge being compromised due to high flows. Final design of the bridge is currently being completed by Blaine County staff. Allowing the Big Wood River to connect to its floodplain and historic side channel may mean year-round access to the bridge could be limited. This will occur during high flows, usually from late April to mid-June. But the Land Trust feels this is a common-sense approach that will benefit the health of our river and be a cost-effective way to reestablish access to Colorado Gulch. The Colorado Gulch area is a unique area because we have an opportunity to allow for the Big Wood River to heal itself due to the lack of development in the floodplain at this location. But it’s also unique because it provides an outdoor sanctuary just on the outskirts of the city of Hailey. For me, it’s a special place where you can walk among the giant black cottonwood trees, observe moose, owls and other wildlife, all within a short bike ride from downtown Hailey. Being an avid fly-fisherman, with limited time, since my two-year-old does not like to take long afternoon naps, Colorado Gulch provides great fishing opportunities for someone who has limited time. And this year the fishing has been outstanding! I look forward to when my son gets older, teaching him how to fish at Colorado Gulch, and telling him the story of how people came together to protect this special place and continue to work to keep it healthy for fish, wildlife and people.

Photo by Ryan Santo www.woodriverlandtrust.org


Spring 2019

Wood River Land Trust Donors Thank you to all who invested in the land, water, wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities that make the Wood River Valley so memorable. Your gifts over the past year protect the places you love! $25,000 and above

David and Lyn Anderson Anonymous (2) The Cabana Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Ranney and Pricilla Draper Chichester duPont Foundation, Inc. John and Elaine French Family Foundation Hare Family, Dick Hare and Patricia Duetting Richard K. and Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation Kemmerer Family Foundation The Lennox Foundation Rebecca Patton and Tom Goodrich The Strandberg Family Foundation, Steve and Diana Strandberg Catherine Sullivan Jim and Shirley Tallackson

$10,000-$24,999 Lesley Andrus Anonymous Bill Buchanan Dan and Micki Chapin The Conservation Fund Peter and Ginny Foreman Jeffrey and Jana Foushee HRH Foundation, Harry and Shirley Hagey George and Paula Hauer Foundation, The San Diego Foundation William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Heather Horton Charitable Fund Jack and Marie Kueneman Landreth Family Fund, William and Jeanne Landreth Michael Mars Quigley Farm and Conservation Community LLC Rob and Amy Swanson SYZYGY Foundation, Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest Thrasher Koffey Foundation Roland Wolfram and Patti Zebrowski Buzz Woolley Jr. 14 www.woodriverlandtrust.org

Wood River Women's Foundation


Acacia Partners, LP Anonymous Richard C. Barker Family Fund Jill and Steve Beck/Freshends Paul and Barbara Dali The Martine and Dan Drackett Family Foundation, Inc. Donald W. and Gretchen K. Fraser Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation Feli M. Funke E&H Humbly Bumbly Foundation Jon Manetta and Kathryn McQuade Jeanne Meyers and Richard Carr The Sue and Mort Fuller Fund Jean K. Lafromboise Foundation Kathie A. Levison Josephine and William Lowe Jim and Alison Luckman Bill and Sally Neukom Bruce and Harriet Newell The Ochsman Foundation, Michael and Esther Ochsman Bob Ordal and Kit Wright Page Foundation PECO Foundation, Peter Curran Dan and Stephy Smith Mark and Taylor Ullman Pepper Walker Wood River Foundation The Woods Foundation, Woody and Priscilla Woods David and Sarah Woodward


Anonymous Mrs. Mary Bachman and Mr. William Downing Dr. Elizabeth Breen John and Bonnie Brezzo Barry and Sylvia Bunshoft Ed and Susan Cutter James Deering Danielson Foundation Willard Eccles Foundation Mary and Jim Goodyear Len and Carol Harlig

Heart of Gold Fund Roy A. Hunt Foundation, Dan and Jodie Hunt Trent and Cecile Jones Victor Bernstein and Gail Landis Larsen Fund, Margot Larsen Ritz Jon and Margie Masterson Tom and Ann Morris Bruce and Harriet Newell Mike and Jane Nicolais Norfolk Southern Foundation Karen Pederson and David Gwinn The Nancy P. and Richard K. Robbins Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. William G. Schmidt Alan and Gayle Stevenson Fred and Jill Vogel Rick and Nancy Webking

$1,000-$2,499 Paul and Laurie Ahern Anonymous (3) Betsy and John Ashton Gwynn and Mitch August McNair and Mabel Bailey James and Caroline Barnes Bill and Sara Barrett Brett and Trish Bashaw Renata and Fred Beguin Jeff and Helen Cardon Frances Cheney Family Foundation, Mary Vanbragt and Willy Vanbragt Robert S. Colman Charles Conn and Beverly Robertson John and Lucy Douglas Ted and Darlene Dyer Bob and Linda Edwards Andy and Stephanie Evans FHC Foundation Pam Feld Sandra and John Flattery Diane Parish and Paul Gelburd Judy and Ernie Getto Morley Golden Family Charitable Fund Gary and Jodi Goodheart Gordon and Sally Granston Mark and Jami Grassi Peter and Betty Gray

Wood River Land Trust

Ronald and Susan Greenspan Marcia Kent and Frank Halverson Mr. Mike Hamilton Ellen R. Harris The Michael and Irene Healy Charitable Fund Justin Hotard Steven and Dede Huish George and Leslie Hume Benjamin Jacobson Donald and Beverly Jefferson The Makowski Trust John Milner and Kim Taylor Bob Jonas and Sarah Michael James O. Moore Buck and Kitty Jones Trish Klahr and Lee Melly Zach and Kristin Krahmer David and Lana Latchford Bob and Debby Law The Lehman Foundation, Barbara and John Lehman Jack and Debra Levin GM Macdonald Family Charitable Fund, Grant and Darcy Macdonald Jane Mason Colvin and Mary Ellen Matheson John and Janet McCann The McMahon Family Nick and Sylvia Miller Steve and Jane Mitchell Ambrose and Lili Monell Tim Mott Papoose Club The Perkins Charitable Foundation, Nancy Mackinnon and David Perkins Tony and Connie Price Paula and Jeff Pyatt Robert and Betsy Reniers Alan H. and Julia R. Richardson Bev and Brent Robinson Lee and Lauren Rowe John A. Seiller Richard and Judith Smooke David and Sue Squier Larry and Nan Stone Deborah Straiton and Erik Larson Suzanne Strom-Reed and Duane Reed Judy and Dave Threshie Vanderbilt Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Wall IV Jeffrey and Julia Ward Nelson and Jane Weller Sharon Wellsandt

Julie Weston and Gerhardt Morrison Jerry and Maryanne Whitcomb James and Sally Will Paul and Beth Willis Wood River Women's Foundation Member's Fund Gary and Lark Young Bob and Patience Ziebarth Neil Zussman

$500-$999 Anonymous Jeff and Karin Armstrong Robert and Judy Bachman Brian and Kathleen Bean Richard and Jill Blanchard Connie and Vern Buwalda Nat Campbell The Case Family Lawrence Goelman and Virginia Cirica Cynthia Green Colin Lisa A. Cortese Erika Croxton Spencer and Michelle Cutter Tim and Candace Dee Cindy and Sherwood Dodge John and Lucy Douglas James Evans Carl Feldbaum Mitchell and Kim Fleischer Sam and Peggy Grossman Family Foundation in the Arizona Community Foundation Ted and Linda Fouts Dr. Kenneth A. Fox Robin and Lee Garwood Carmen Bradley and Theo Gund Mary Gund Bobby and Fred Haemisegger Tim Hamilton Francie and Mike Hawkey Jerry and Colleen Higman Fred and Gayle Bieker Family Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch Jim and Wendy Jaquet Debard Johnson Foundation Jerry and Kathy Kavka Bill Schliiter and Gloria Kimball Bruce Smith and Ann Kininmouth Buck Drew and Becky Klassen Andrea Laporte Lava Lake Lamb

Lost River Outfitters Carl Bontrager and Kathy Lynn Jory Magidson and Caren Frankel Kelly McCloskey Camille McCray Arthur T. Mcintosh III James and Willa McLaughlin Angie Rayborn and Joe Miczulski Chris and Linda Moscone Albert and Marla Moss Kirk Neely and Holly Myers Ed and Carmen Northen Louise and Jay Wilson Noyes Bev and Rob O'Neill Hugh and Kaye O'Riordan George and Manci Ohrstrom, II Tom and Jane Oliver Julie Olson Alex and Suzanne Orb Cathie Reinheimer Rognlien Family Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation Russell and Anita Satake Richard and Patricia St. Clair Silver Creek Outfitters Caroline and Chris Spain, Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta Richard Steinwurtzel Robert Steinwurtzel and Sara Strang Michelle Stennett Justin and Megan Stevenson Todd and Georgia Stewart Carl and Frann Stremmel Sun Valley Outfitters Penny and Ted Thomas Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation Michael and Marlene Tom Amy Trujillo Lois Ukropina John and Joan Valaas Robert A. Meyers and Lauren Wagner The Warfield Distillery Jay Cassell and Gay Weake Kenneth and Lynne Weakley Lynn Whittelsey The John and Gina Wolcott Foundation

Under $500 Marc Abraham and Jane Garnett Abraham Janet Abromeit Bart and Lois Adrian Donna Starodoj Alfs Jennifer Allen www.woodriverlandtrust.org


Spring 2019

Thomas and Jane Allen Carl West Anderson Peter and Kristin Anderson Chip and Barbara Angle Anonymous Donors (8) Ann and Joe Armstrong Amber Arseneaux Virginia Bachman Backwoods Mountain Sports Tawni Baker Alec Barfield Brooke Bonner and Kyle Baysinger Brian and Kathleen Bean Jerry and Elli Bernacchi Pat Berg Jane F. Bestor Joseph H. Betti William E. Beye Carl and Gloria Bianchi Doug and Jennifer Biederbeck Thomas Bigsby Blaine Soil Conservation District The Blue Family Trust Alice and Bill Boden Lisa and Paul Bodor RADM Donald and Gay Boecker Rudy and Susan Boesch Gail Boettger Scott Boettger and Shelly Forsling Barbara Boldaz-Eves David F. Brown Kathy and Lee Brown Barbara and Spencer Browning Christine Brozowski, M.D. Lesley Bruns Tess Burchmore Max and Darlene Burke James and Doris Byerly C.K.'s Real Food Carilon M. and James R. Carr Paul and Kathy Carson Claire Casey John B. Cathey John Charney Andy Chenoweth Corey Graham and Scott Christensen Clemens Associates C-U Next Storm Marti and Don Coats Richard and Susan Cochran Bruce and Paula Collier Sam Adicoff and Sue Conner 16 www.woodriverlandtrust.org

Drury W. Cooper III Gary Cornick Chris Corwin Melinda Crawford Steve Crosser Eric and Kathleen Cutter Dan and Sandy Dahl John Daly Peter and Kate Daly Elaine Daniel and Jim Bailey The John Davenport Family Karin Davies Thomas and Jerre Dawson Peggy Dean Mike Dederer MK and Steve Deffe Barbara and David Dingman Peter and Pat Dinkelspiel Tamar A. Dolgen John and Carey Dondero David Stansfield and Linda Drake Lyman and Debra Drake Chris and Holley duPont Living Earth, LLC Sam and Robin East Pam and Kirk Ebertz Elephant's Perch Cameron Ellis and Erin Sweeney James Ellsworth William and Mary Jane Elmore Gillian Enz Philip and Helga Fast Wendy Favinger Earl and Shirley Feiwell Richard and Kelly Feldman Chuck and Nancy Ferries Fred and Randi Filoon Jeffrey Finkbiner John and Daralene Finnell Jeffrey Fisher Ken Firtel Richard and Judith Firtel Mitch and Kim Fleischer Mr. and Mrs. William C. Foote Scott Carlin and Laura Forbes-Carlin Jan Swanberg and Ed Forman Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Van Fossan, Jr. The Robertson Foundation Cecelia Freilich Dr. Scott and Cathy Friedman Bill and Gay Fruehling Gail and Dennis Galanter Chris and Pam Gammon

Skooter Gardiner Mack and Ann Gasaway Madeline Gaynor Len and Marlys Gerber Robert and Chris Gertschen Shane Gillett Annie Gilligan W.G. and Mary Jane Godejohn Charlie and Linda Goodyear Cheryl Parker-Graham and Marshall Graham Claudia Graham Greenscape Lawn and Garden Inc. Patricia Halloway Kay Hardy and Gregory Kaslo idaYOGA Fred and Randi Filoon Mr. and Mrs. David Hart Ronald and Sylvia Hartman Hope Hayward and Walter Eisank Steve and Lynne Heidel Dr. Tom Henderson Wayne and Melanie Herman Jerry and Colleen Higman John W. Hill Harvey and Peggy Hinman Mary Hogan Don and Carol Hohl Dennis Hopwood Rebecca Hornbach Bill and Lisa Horton Greg and Wendy Hosman J.B. Howard Mollie and Mark Huppert Klaus Huschke Jon Ireland Joel and Pam Jarolimek Jack Sept and Anne Jeffery Louisa Jelaco Ron and Courtney Jelaco Maureen and Page Jenner Martha and Ross Jennings The Ronald and Susan Green Fund of the Jewish Foundation of Greensboro Al and Jan Johnson and Ethel Bond The Johnson Co., Inc. Jim and Mary Jones Jaime Jovanovich-Walker Barry Karas The Keck Family Gadrie Edmunds and Dave Keir Janet Kellam and Andy Munter Ronald Kleist Tom and Sandy Kling Alex and Claudia Klokke Bob and Susie Kopf Ken and Ginna Lagergren Webb Landscape, Inc. Inge-Lise and Jack Lane Robin Leavitt and Terry H. Friedlander

Wood River Land Trust

Mike and Stephanie Lempres Ann Leonardo Norm and Penny Leopold Susan R. Lidstone Patti Lindberg Tom and Karen Linden Nicole Lisk Thomas and Jeanne Liston Karen Little Kathryn Lopez Lost River Outfitters Elise B. Lufkin John and Jane Lundin Gregory and Ann Lyle Robert Lynch Mila and Marty Lyon Donald J. Marshall Susan Matsuura Edward Matthews and Vilma Keri Carole Mawson and Alan Hoffman Penny and Chris Mazzola Kerrin McCall Kristin McCann Mike and Anita McCann George McCown Ben McCoy and Jan Armstrong Mike and Brooke McKenna Joseph and Katrina McNeal Mike Mead and Jan Lassetter Mead Meagher Family Trust Charles and Jeanette Miller Bill and Lisa Mirams John and Nancy Mohr Julie Molema Barrett Molter Ed and Christie Moore Kim Morgan Jody Moss Nancy and Marr Mullen Jennifer Nauman Nick Neely Andrea Nelson and Rod Harten Nichols Group Hope Nicholson Peter and Barrie O'Neill Robert and Bev O'Neill Thunder Spring Condominium Owners Assn Inc. Abby Packer Alice C. Packer Derrick Packer Mark and Roxanna Parker John and Cydney Pearce John and Kathy Percival John and Stephanie Perenchio Richard T. Peters Matt and Calysta Phillips W. Jeffers Pickard The Plock Family

The Pratt Family Kent Pressman and Susan Roudebush Anne Regan Keith and Millie Reidy David and Kathy Richmond Shelby E. Roberts Susan E. Robertson Sabrina M. Roblin Vern and Cheryl Rollin Robert Rosen Terry and Jani Ross Bob and Kate Rosso Peggy Ann Rupp M.D. Allen and Diana Russell Dianne and Calame Sammons Ryan Santo Sawtooth Club Ben Schepps and Helen Stone Larry, Heidi, and Nathan Schiers Leonard and Phyllis Schlessinger Rachel Schochet Merrill and Linda Schwartz Jeff Seabourn Sarah Sentilles and Eric Toshalis Thomas and Patrine Shadick Ellis Shamburger Mike and Gerri Shane Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Shannon George H. Shapiro Katrin Sharp David J. and Nancy Sheffner Ron Shuck Margot Shuford Tim and Leslie Silva Linda Sisson Sheri Slater Matt Smith Matthew Smith Charitable Fund Pete and Becky Smith Ann and Steve Snyder John Sofro Francesca Scott Solomon Mrs. Allen Spafford David and Renae Spaulding Brenda Stanton Allan and Janet Starr Gene and Sharon Steiner Brian Steinwurtzel Jennifer Steinwurtzel Craig Stevens Gayle and Alan Stevenson Jennifer Struyve Jim and Spooky Taft Alexandra Taylor Doug and Ann Taylor Jill and Richard Taw Martial and Justin Thirsk Nancy and Peter Thomas Cris Toti Tawni Baker and Jamie Trevino

Tom and Karen Linden George and Janet Tucker Dick and Pamela Tucker Magic Valley Turfgrass Charlotte Unger City of Sun Valley Jyl Hoyt and Robert Vestal Michael R. Vigil and Ross A. Dinkelspiel George Wade Karl and Diana Wadsack Jennifer Wallace Daryl Walmer Michael and Suzanne Walsh W. Roger Warner Karen Waters Richard and Rebecca Waycott James and Pauline Weaver Anne and Mike Weber Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Weber Ernest W Wennerberg and Denise K Ross Thomas White Henry Whiting James Whitney Carolyn Wicklund Jeremy and Amy Wintersteen Kate and Jeb Wofford Lisa and Michael Wolf Wood River Women's Foundation, Sandra Shaw Wood River Women's Foundation, Linda Goodyear Wood River Women's Foundation, Jaci Wilkins Wood River Insurance Poo Wright-Pulliam James and Penelope De Young Michael Faison and Gisela Zechmeister

Gifts in Memory Thomas White Lindy Buchanan Robert Bradshaw Richard Carr Marian Shuck Mr. William G. Tennille III

Gifts in Honor David and Lyn Anderson Scott and Sandy Baker and the Baker Family Scott Boettger Ed and Susan Cutter Mike Dederer Mary Jane and Bill Godejohn Courtney Jelaco Matt Larson Matthew Steinwurtzel Barbara Thrasher Chad and Genevieve Stoesz www.woodriverlandtrust.org


Spring 2019

Staff Spotlight

Get to Know Matthew Steinwurtzel, Community Engagement Coordinator River Water Collaborative to try to address water shortages in our Valley. And every day in between, I see members of the community choosing to spend time outside, in an area so clearly special to them. Whenever my parents visit, they always remark how “people really do love to be in the outdoors here.” And they sure do. It’s easy to come to our Valley and spend time here. It’s much harder to leave. This place and its people leave a mark on you, and it’s a mark that inspires emotion and passion for seeing places like our Valley remain the way they are – special. It’s why organizations like the Land Trust have worked hand-in-hand with the community over the years to make sure our home stays resilient and constant. As the Land Trust celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, I’m honored to serve as the Community Engagement Coordinator for an organization that has spent a quarter century working in the community to protect and restore its beloved resources. It also makes me incredibly excited for what the next 25 years has in store.

Many of us who have found our way to the Valley moved from some other part of the country – and my story is no different. Through a passion for the outdoors, and a desire for adventure, those of us who call this place home cherish the rugged feel of living within such a wilderness. When my mother and I made the drive from D.C. to Idaho, let me tell you, nothing gets you ready to start a new job than a journey like that. After college, I spent my first few years working in federal conservation policy. And I was finally returning West, to a place not far from Montana – where my family roots stem from. Upon starting my first day at the Land Trust, I was surrounded by folks who were just as driven by their connections to the land as I was. And over time, I have grown to understand just how dynamic and tangible the connection is between our community and our resources. In my first week, I saw our community celebrate July 4th through a Valley-wide celebration held at the Hailey Greenway on the Big Wood River. And on that same day, I saw the community rally together when a small fire threated to burn down our Preserve. Later that summer, I saw widespread support for our local firefighters as they worked tirelessly to combat the Sharps Fire. I watch our staff and partners work together on efforts like the Wood 18 www.woodriverlandtrust.org

If you find yourself in Hailey, feel free to drop in and say hello. I hope to see you at one of our volunteer work days or community events this year. When not in the office, you can find me on a trail or the water somewhere. Either way, don’t be a stranger. Exciting things are on the way this year – be sure to keep an eye out.

Wood River Land Trust

Calendar of Events APRIL 4, 2019

Environmental Journalist and Author Ben Goldfarb

"Beavers: Their Landscapes, Our Future.” If you couldn't make it, head over to The Community Library website for the archived link of the talk.

APRIL 9 & 10, 2019

JULY 4, 2019

Trout Friendly Seminar Series

Riverfest — follow us to Lions Park after the Parade

April 9, 8:30am-12:30pm Landscape and Noxious Weed Management Community Campus, Hailey April 10, 6:30-8:00pm DIY Steps for Irrigation Efficiency with Travis McBride, Hailey City Hall.

SUMMER 2019 Sagebrush Saturdays at Rinker Rock Creek Ranch Barn

June 1: Kick-Off BBQ, Time 5:30-7:30pm

Riverfest is a familyfriendly event that takes place directly following the Hailey Days of the Old West Parade.

July 13: Science in the Sagebrush, Time 5:30-7:30pm September 21: Home on the Rangeland Time 9:00am-12:00pm

Your Gift Saves Land Your gift helps our community ... We work cooperatively with private landowners and local communities to ensure these areas are protected now and for future generations.

• foster collaboration

• conserve land

• advance science

• restore habitat

• create places to play

• safeguard nature

• inspire future leaders

• protect the places you love

With your support, we can protect the cherished places that make our Valley so special. Learn more at: woodriverlandtrust.org or contact Courtney Jelaco: (208) 788-3947 or courtney@woodriverlandtrust.org www.woodriverlandtrust.org


Spring 2019

Wood River Land Trust protects and restores land, water, and wildlife habitat in the Wood River Valley and its surrounding areas. We work cooperatively with private landowners and local communities to ensure these areas are protected now and for future generations.


119 East Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333

Photo by Todd Kaplan, Heart of the Valley Photo 20 www.woodriverlandtrust.org

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