Woodrush High School An Academy for Students Aged 11-18
A proud history A bright future
Learning to Learn Learning never stops and regardless of the careers our students follow, they will continually need to adapt and improve. Our students are entering into a world which is ‘global’, fast-paced and everchanging. Whilst qualifications open doors, it is their transferable learning skills which will ensure their life-long success. At Woodrush our ethos is to encourage all students to stretch the boundaries of their individual ability, whist developing students’ skills to be independent, resourceful and creative learners. Ultimately, resilient and resourceful learners will have the very best chances in life.
“Students make excellent progress from their starting points.” (Ofsted Outstanding 2013/14)
Developing Character We want all our students at Woodrush to succeed in their formal education, and to grow and develop into confident, well-rounded and socially responsible young people. Students are encouraged and expected to broaden their views and become thoughtful citizens through the ethos of the school, our youth and community work and as a result of the vast range of extended activities and trips which take place, locally and internationally. Woodrush students benefit from the many rich and varied learning experiences available, both inside and outside of the classroom, and are encouraged to give back to the community they gain so much from.
“ Students’ experiences are enriched by an exensive range of well-attended after-school activities and trips.� (Ofsted Outstanding 2013/14)
Making the most of talent Academic achievement is important at Woodrush and we have high expectations of all our students making the best progress possible. However, we equally celebrate students’ successes in sporting, creative or wider-cultural areas. At the start of Year 7 students are placed in one of four ‘Houses’ supported by a tutor, Heads of House and senior staff, and through competition and guidance from within their house ‘family’, are supported to achieve their very best.
“ The promotion of students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is a real strength. There are a wide range of well-thought-out opportunities provided.” (Ofsted Outstanding 2013/14)
“ Students’ behaviour is outstanding in lessons and around the school. They show great enthusiasm for learning. They are polite and courteous and relationships are warm and supportive.” (Ofsted Outstanding 2013/14)
Woodrush High School
An Academy for Students Aged 11-18 Shawhurst Lane Wythall Worcestershire B47 5JW T: 01564 823777 F: 01564 820092 E: office@woodrushhigh.worcs.sch.uk W: www.woodrushhigh.worcs.sch.uk Ms N Rancins BSC, PGCE, NPQH Headteacher
Safeguarding Children at Woodrush High School We believe that it is always unacceptable for a child to experience abuse of any kind. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children. We provide staff and volunteers with guidance to follow when they suspect a child may be experiencing abuse or are at risk of harm. We work co-operatively with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first – unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare. The Designated Safeguarding Lead for child protection is The Deputy Designated Persons for child protection are The Governor with responsibility for child protection is
Mr Baker Mrs Peters and Mrs Francis Mr Felton
We will review our policy and procedures on an annual basis.
“ Students say that the school keeps them very safe. They have a clear understanding of bullying and the different forms it can take, including a good understanding of e-safety.” (Ofsted Outstanding 2013/14)