IIEE -CDO PERSIST ON TEACHING BASIC ELECTRICITY & RAISING AWARENESS OF ELECTRICAL SAFETY The Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineer (IIEE) Cagayan de Oro Chapter in coordination with the Cagayan de Oro Barangay Council of Macasandig, Nazareth, and Camaman-an, conducted a Basic Electricity Teaching (Hands-on)on their respective barangays last April 25, May 30, and June 27, 2015. The start of the activity is the registration and distribution of free hand-outs serving as reference during the lectures.
There were more than 20 participants in every barangay visited during the activity. The selected officers conducted and discussed their topics started by Engr. Ricky Salon who talks about the Electrical Safety Orientation, followed by Engr. Collen B. Tarcelo with his topics about Basic Electricity on Simple House Wiring Design, and for the Actual Testing, Engr. Marlon Guinita discussed the Electrical Tester Orientation and Lastly, Engr. Leopoldo Capacia shared information regarding the Meter Reading and Computation. Following each topic presented elementary questions and clarifications were raised by the participants.
Barangay Macansandig
Barangay Nazareth
Barangay Camaman-an
The participants were divided into groups consisted of members and one IIEE officers. Each group presented their outputs in front and officers checked the accuracy of their work. The end result of the teachings showed consistency since the groups made it to turn the lights on. To finish, prizes were awarded and certificates distributed.
The activity served as a channel of education and enhancement through the execution of hands-on electrical installation. The electricians and non-electrician participant’s awareness and learning were enhanced as they were provided instructions and tips on how to recognize electrical hazards, what to do during an electrical accident, and ways to eliminate, remove and prevent electrical hazards especially at home. Basic Electrical Teaching is a monthly activity of IIEE –CDO Chapter for the year round of 2015. Along with the Basic Electricity Teaching in barangay Nazareth, the IIEE-CDO also conducted the feeding program simultaneously by the wives and partners of the IIEE CDO Officers known as the IIEE CDO Ladies Auxiliary.