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www.burson.com.au 1300 287 766 All Prices Exclude GST & Are for Burson Trade & Account Holding Customers Only (Hand tools & accessories only, does not include power tools or storage). *Limited to the first 100 customers. Offer applies from 1st April to 30th April. SPEND $300 ON MILWAUKEE HAND TOOLS OR ACCESSORIES & GET A BONUS SET OF CAR MATS* NEW STEP DRILL SET 48899399 3/8” DR 32PC RATCHET AND SOCKET SET 48229482 1/4" DRIVE 50PC RATCHET & SOCKET SET – SAE & METRIC 48229004 3/8 56PC RATCHET & SOCKET SET – SAE & METRIC 48229008 1/4" DRIVE 28PC RATCHET & SOCKET SETMETRIC 48229504 $379 $245 $126 $114 6PC SCREWDRIVER SET 4932471807 254MM (10”) & 177MM (7”) TORQUE LOCK™ 2 PACK 48223402 VDE DIAGONAL CUTTERS 180MM 4932464568 VDE PLIERS - 3PC SET 4932464575 $37 $45 $46 $92 SHOCKWAVE™ 1/2” DRIVE SAE DEEP 6 POINT IMPACT SOCKET 19PC SET 49667012 SHOCKWAVE™ 1/2” DRIVE METRIC DEEP 6 POINT IMPACT SOCKET 29PC SET 49667015 3PC 1/2” DRIVE LUG NUT SOCKET SET 49667830 1/2” DRIVE 16PC DEEP IMPACT SOCKET SET 49667056 $148 $186 $210 $49 PRY BAR SET IN ROLL 48229116 HOOK & HOSE PICK 8PC SET 48229218 SHOCKWAVE™ IMPACT DRIVER BIT 29PC SET 48324081 $45 $147 $250 $75 Only 100 Mats Available

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www.burson.com.au 1300 287 766 All Prices Exclude GST & Are for Burson Trade & Account Holding Customers Only Quality and Consistency You Can Rely On This leading Australian brand has long been a cornerstone of the Burson business and its reputation for reliability, quality and performance remains unchanged. Bendix Disc Pads, Ultimate 4WD Disc Rotors and their range of Ultimate 4WD Brake Upgrade Kits are all readily available, ensuring that you can service your customers confidently. The Original - Don’t Settle for Second Best Another prominent Australian brand, has established a longstanding connection with the Burson business, and our customers trust its quality. The comprehensive range of DBA Disc Rotors is available across our store network so that you can confidently service your customers braking needs.
A New Standard For Excellence We are thrilled to announce the introduction of Brembo Disc Pads and Rotors to our Brake portfolio. A world leading Brand, Brembo is synonymous with precision engineering, top-tier performance and exceptional braking performance. By adding Brembo Rotors and Pads to our portfolio, we are enhancing our commitment to providing our customers the very best. Elevating Our Offer We are pleased to add the Protex Brand of Braking products to our Brake offer. Protex is the parent brand of IBS and over the coming months we will be transitioning from the IBS brand to Protex as stock of the IBS items are depleted. The addition of Protex will see a vastly expanded range on Friction and Hydraulic products and will allow you to get the products you need from Burson. The Protex range include Disc Pads and Rotors, Brake shoes and Drums, Brake hydraulics and Clutch Hydraulics. Disc Pads Motorgear Disc Pads provide a comprehensive range of value options for you and your customers needs. Specialist European Offer We understand the unique requirements of European car owners and enthusiasts and for these customers, we offer Pagid - a specialist, well-regarded European brand. Pagid’s presence in our portfolio underscores our commitment to serving this niche market segment with precision and expertise. Pagid brake pads and rotors have earned a reputation for excellence in performance, making them the preferred option for many European specialist repairers. You can count on Pagid for exceptional European brake solutions.
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RAIL SENSORS AND RAILS PART # SUITS PRICE FRS-011 Toyota 1KD-FTV, various FRL-005 Ford Ranger, Mazda BT50 2.2L 2011 - 2020 FRS-009 Mitsubishi 4D56T 2.5 turbo AVAILABLE NOW! $429 $379 $299 $439 $319 $255 $319 $359 $310 $349 $299 $259 $289 $459 $309 $305 $299 $255 $219 $199 $619 $199 $389 $1,840 $249 $475 $249 $299 $1,770 $299 $549 $99 $749 $1,345 $610 $529 $199 PART # PART # PART # PART # PART # TO SUIT TO SUIT TO SUIT TO SUIT TO SUIT PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE