weddings BY AMY O’BOYLE
Thank you for your interest in Amy O’Boyle Photography! This is a quick guide to our pricing and what’s include d when you book with us. If your wedding re quires a personalised quote (such as only a few hours coverage, or additional days for international weddings) please just get in touch at and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Amy x
pricing To ke ep things simple , we offer just one package, which include s all of the below. Additional service s and products can be added on separately.
All 2017/2018 weddings incl ude: All day coverage (from getting rea dy until 9.30pm) An average of 600-1000 fully edited photos All high-resolution photos and a slideshow of images, presented on our bespoke USBs and delivered in a beautiful, personalised keepsa ke box An online gallery of all images, for you to share with friends and family Full print release to share and print photos as you wish
online gallery The first time you’ll see your photos will be when the postman delivers the m to your home, in a beautiful bespoke box containing our sig nature USBs. This is meant to be a keepsake that will stay in your family for generations, and can be used to store other bits & pieces from your wedding too.
However, we understand that condensing 900 photos into a few prints to show your friends and family can be a little tricky. So, within your box, you’ll also receive a link to your online album, which is perfect for sharing with family & friends, especially those that live far away. From your gallery you’ll also be able to order prints directly from our pro lab.
£95/ hour
PRINTS from £1
ALBUMS from £35 0
TRAVEL & EXPENSES Travel is in cluded for destinations with in 1 hour of Brighton . For de stination s outside of this area and those requirin g rail or air tra vel, we’ll provide you with a full tra vel quote. For locations further away (or particularly early starts) we a lso require accom modation. This is e ssen tial to prevent an y pote ntial issues we could encounte r on a lon g journ ey on the morning of your w eddin g- such as heavy traffic, breakdowns, or accidents. We are happy for you to arrange and book travel & accommodation directly, or we can do this ourselves, providing you w ith a quote th at w ill be added onto your contract.
hoW to book 1.
C o n t act u s t o s e e i f yo ur da te i s av ai la bl e ! (A nd t o as k any f ur ther qu es ti on s yo u m i g ht h ave.)
2. 3.
W h en yo u’r e re ady t o b oo k , I ’l l s end y ou an o n l in e co ntr ac t, w hi ch yo u s ig n d i gi t al ly . (No w ai ti ng fo r the p os t !)
L ast l y, a £ 6 0 0 de p os i t i s r e q ui r e d to s ave yo ur da te , an d i s du e w hen yo u’ve s i g ned t he co ntr ac t.
O n c e I ’v e r e c e i v e d b o t h t h e s i g n ed c o n t r a c t a n d £ 6 0 0 d e p o s i t , your date is officially in the d iary! The remaining balance is due 1 calendar month before your wedding, althou gh we are happ y f or you to p ay in installments if you p refer- just let us know.
Most peop le are bu sy and prefer to ask any q uestions by email or p h o n e , b u t i f y o u ’ d p r e f e r t o m e e t f a c e t o f a c e t h e n I ’m a v a i l a b l e for consultations in Bright on & L ondon.
albums & prints We fully believe that there is no better way to view your photos (and show them to future g enerations) than having prints or albums made. Having something tangible to touch and pass around the table beats a slide show on an iPad any day. Prints can be ordere d directly through your online gallery, and are usually sent out within 24 hours straight from our lab partner. If you’ d like a sele ction of prints packag ed beautifully for a gift, then just g et in touch. If you’ re intere sted in ordering albums, we’ll email over our Album Pricing Guide, which goes into detail about cover options, paper choices, sizing & prices. We work with a select few suppliers throughout Europe who craft the most beautiful heirloom albums, using materials that perfectly complement my style of photography.