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Dirtyfactsabout Owningafibermill
I'm going to make so much money I won't know what to do with it… as I enjoy my gourmet dinner of Mac & Cheese
by Vicki Glenn-Donley
My children...who are grown adults and one teen will be more than happy to help in the mill...this will be a family effort... husband naps in his chair, one daughter moves to Alaska, the other travels and is a nurse, oldest son is a welder and races cars...youngest...well he is a teen.
I'm going to have so much extra time to complete old fiber art projects...as I dust off my loom...monthly
I have a few friends that want to help out in the mill part time….don't have friends "work" for you….too many wine and coffee breaks.
Cats are a must in the mill! The mill cats will keep the critters at bay... Found them napping and a mouse scampering by them!
Receiving a call of a client in need of just a few more fleeces that need to be processed asap, then the shipment arrives, a few huge boxes!
Receiving "donations" of fibery goodies at the mill. Then play the game between myself and Farmer Bob as to who will open the bag/box (outside) to see if critters are also part of the "donation " .
Playing the game of...Guess this Wool Breed
Skirting a fleece and finding unmentionables
...yup it happened!
Going out for a quick bite to eat, having other patrons stare due to fiber clung on clothing!
All In all I truly am blessed I get to enjoy clients fiber and create amazing fibery goodness! It's a LOT of very dirty work, some days are very very trying, tears have fallen. But for some crazy reason I keep on keeping on! -Vicki