1 minute read


by TeDi Jansen

Wastheresomeonewhoinspiredyou inyourfiberartsjourney?

Whatisyourbusiness goal/mission?

I believe that art should be functional and should serve a purpose Art doesn't just have to be something that you look at on a wall.Artcanbesomethingthatgets shown off to the world in beautiful pieces (ie a scarf, sweater, woven pieces etc) I like making art that otherpeoplecanuseandthathasa purpose.

Honestly not really I wanted to learn how to spin andtherehavebeenpeoplethatIdefinitelylookup to along the way Karen has been one of those people but there's not been any one particular person and honestly. I saw something that I might loveandIwantedtodoitsoIlearnedhowtodoit.I didn't have an example or anybody to look at that could teach me I just wanted to learn and wanted tomakethebestthatIpossiblycould

Howdidyoulearnyour craft?

Ihavelearnedfrommany differentplaces I'velearned fromsomeclasses,videos,a lot of people in person, and just friends who wanted to help me refine my craft A lot of the stuff that I learned just by doing what I love I learnedveryquicklythatIwasanaturalatspinning and even dying to quite an extent and I've just perfected those skills over the years. I have had some formal education in dying from different various sources but ultimately it was something that came after I had already been applying my skillsonaregularbasis TheclassesandstuffthatI took just helped me with formulation to some degree but most of it I was already doing properly to begin with so it just added to my knowledge base


I do not have fiber animals. I have two cats and two dogs but I would never want to spin their fiber. Unfortunately my body has limitations and therefore I am not able to have the sheep that I have alwaysdreamedofhaving.


14+ years I got started just really small with knitting, spinning,anddyingthenmovedintoeverythingthatI've beendoingforyears

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