3 minute read

Woopi News - CURRYFEST … lots of fun with lots of benefits

Planning is already under way for Curryfest 2024 which will be held on September 28 this year

Lots of locals still ask why they must pay $10 to get in. Well, without a gate charge, there would be no Curryfest. It is not a Saturday market but a festival catering for 14,000 people. The event’s costs vary but averaged $153,000 per year over the last three years.

The $10 adult entry fee covers a third of those costs. Sponsorship, stallholder fees, and any grants they receive are no longer enough without admission fees. Some bigger costs include entertainment (fees, travel and accommodation for dancers, bands and celebrity chefs - they do not perform for nothing), equipment hire (stages, PA systems, marquees, portaloos, seating) and advertising. There are many other running costs such as electricians, security guards, toilet cleaners and other paid staff on the day, insurance, road closure traffic management, Council DA and reserve hire fees, waste management and first aid services, to name a few. The event organisers use volunteers for many tasks on the day and make substantial donations to those groups who assist. Most importantly, kids are still free to keep it familyfriendly.

Curryfest has no annual guaranteed funding from any level of government, so we must compete for grants. If the event isn’t profitable or breaks even, the Woolgoolga and Northern Beaches Chamber of Commerce has to cover the losses. If it makes a profit, those funds are reinvested in the community by the Chamber and via donations to groups such as the local athletics club, local Red Cross branch, junior surf lifesaving club and local art gallery. Many other community groups have benefited in the past from thousands of dollars worth of Curryfest donations, including the Garden Club, Rotary, Scouts, Meals on Wheels and the local SES.

So why do it if it costs so much? Curryfest brings thousands of visitors to our town (two-thirds of those attending are from outside the local government area and stay an average of 3-5 days, spending money here in our Northern Beaches community).

Woolgoolga and Northern Beaches Chamber of Commerce spends over 80% of the costs of holding Curryfest with local firms.

With spin-offs, it is a $2 million boost to the Coffs Coast economy. For many community groups, it’s a big part of their fundraising. It promotes our town and celebrates our unique heritage.

For just $10, you get a festival full of food and entertainment, you help donate to community groups and boost local businesses, and you can take pride in helping celebrate and promote our town. That’s a lot for just $10.

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