2018 Summer at Wooster Parent Handbook

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Parent Handbook

Dear Parents, We are delighted to welcome all new and returning families to Summer at Wooster for the 2018 Summer Camp season! Please know that our entire staff is deeply committed to providing the best experiences for your children. This summer we have expanded our day, added new classes, and included lunch for all the campers. Many families extend their stays at camp and we want to encourage you to explore that option if your children are having a great time. For children, summer is a time of fun, relaxation, and learning. It is also time to make new friends and renew old relationships. Our Parent handbook outlines our policies and procedures to help you and your child have the most enjoyable summer possible. Please read it carefully before Camp begins, and be sure to review with your child the Principles of Conduct. Please call or email the Camp Office if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you this summer. Jeff Carone, Camp Director Nora Zahner, Assistant Camp Director 203-830-3921 summeratwooster@woosterschool.org

Table of Contents General Camp Information 1. Drop Off and Pick Up 2. Transportation 3. What to Wear and What to Bring 4. Prohibited Items 5. Summer Reading 6. Lunch

Principles of Conduct and Discipline 1. Attendance Policy 2. Code of Conduct 3. Disciplinary Policy 4. Termination

Health Care and Medical Information 1. Health Coverage 2. Emergency Procedures 3. Medications 4. Return After Illness

General Camp Information Drop Off and Pick Up Drop off for the AM session begins at 8:00 am. Pre-K and Kindergarten campers should be dropped off at Wellington Cottage, our First and Second grade campers on Grover Lawn, and our Third through Ninth grade campers in the Forever Young Gym. Campers who arrive prior to 8:00 am must be dropped off at AM Extended Day in the Middle School building. They will be escorted to their appropriate destinations at 8:00 am. Campers who are not picked up by 4:10 pm will be escorted to the PM Extended Day in the Middle School building where they can be picked up any time before 6:00 pm. Campers will be charged for any time spent in the extended day program before 8:00 am and after 4:10 pm at $15 an hour.

Transportation No camper will be permitted to leave camp with anyone other than his or her parent unless the camp administration has been informed in writing in advance. Please be sure to fill out the mandatory “Transportation Release� section of the online registration.

What to Wear and What to Bring ● Campers should wear weather appropriate, casual summer clothing. ● Something to read (see below) ● Sneakers should be worn or brought ● Sunscreen (for reapplication) ● Towel with a name on it ● Refillable water bottle ● One or two swimsuits with name on them ● Water shoes ● Snack that does not require refrigeration ● Summer at Wooster is not responsible for any lost or stolen personal items.

Summer Reading This summer, we will be giving campers time to relax and enjoy a good book. Please make sure your child brings something to read for this part of our day.

Lunch Summer at Wooster is now offering a full lunch included with registration. Campers will get a choice of hot or cold lunch, beverage, and dessert during the lunch period. Any food allergies should be noted on the Health Forms.

Prohibited Items We believe that Summer at Wooster is a time for making friends and building relationships; therefore, the use of handheld games, electronics, and cell phones during the camp day is prohibited.

Principles of Conduct and Discipline Attendance Policy Attendance is taken at the beginning and end of each day. If your child will be absent, please call or email the Camp Office: summeratwooster@woosterschool.org or 203-830-3921. We will try to verify all absences not brought to our attention by parents. If a child is to be dismissed early, or is to go home with someone other than the designated person(s), parents must send a note or, in the case of an emergency, must telephone the Camp Office with full details: 203-8303921. All children being picked up must be signed out by an official in the Camp Office.

Code of Conduct Discuss with your child the following: ● We respect the rights of others. ● We play constructively with other children. ● We do not engage in physical confrontations. ● We follow all safety rules. ● We are courteous to other children and the counselors.

Because camp is less structured than a classroom, yet larger than a neighborhood play group, it may be helpful to discuss some of these ideas with your child: ● All counselors are here to support and encourage the children in their activities. ● Children should always feel that they can discuss any of their concerns with a counselor. Children in a group have different patterns of behavior than children alone; each child will develop an awareness of the rights, needs, and privileges of others and will work cooperatively with other children and with counselors. Children make activity choices. All are encouraged to reach beyond what is familiar and “safe” in order to grow and make discoveries.

Disciplinary Policy Children attending Summer at Wooster are expected to maintain appropriate behavior at all times. Respect for all members of the community and Summer at Wooster facilities is expected at all times. Minor disciplinary incidents are handled directly by the counselor or Summer at Wooster staff person who is supervising the child. Examples of minor incidents may include minor disagreements between children or inappropriate pushing or shoving. A child involved in repeated minor incidents will be referred to the Camp Director.

The appropriate disciplinary action for a minor incident may include: ● Time out from the group or activity ● Time out in the main office ● Time out and a call for a parent to pick up the child Major disciplinary incidents will be referred directly to the Camp Director. Examples of major disciplinary incidents include fighting, vandalism, inappropriate language, disobedience, and disrespect toward other children or staff members. The appropriate disciplinary action for major incidents may include: ● Time-out in the main office ● A call to the parent to pick up child ● Suspension for one or two days ● Termination from Summer at Wooster The Camp Director or Assistant Director reserves the right to dismiss a student when, in the Director’s judgement, the student’s behavior interferes with the rights of others, prevents the smooth functioning of a group or activity, or violates Summer at Wooster’s principles of conduct. Failure to bring special needs to the Director or Assistant Director’s attention at the time of registration would also be grounds for dismissal.

Termination Summer at Wooster reserves the right to remove any camper from our program for repeated behavioral issues, and the family will not be reimbursed.

Health Care and Medical Information Health Coverage It is expected that all participants have their own health coverage. Each camper must have a physical exam that is current within the past two years and a physician signed health form must be received in our office two weeks before the camper’s first day of camp. Medical forms are available at http://summeratwooster.org. Any camper that does not have a current health form on file will not be permitted to attend camp.

Emergency Procedures For serious injury, the Camp Nurse is notified to administer immediate, direct care and the Camp Director will also be notified. The child will not be moved. It will then be determined if the Camp Physician should be called. The child’s parent/guardian will be notified immediately. Appropriate first aid and medical attention will be given to stabilize the child’s condition.

Emergency Procedures If Parents Cannot Be Contacted In the event that the parent/guardian (or alternate emergency contact) cannot be reached, the nurse and the Camp Director will determine the best course of action considering the seriousness of the illness or injury. If the participant must be taken to the hospital, the director (or another administrator) will either transport the child in her own vehicle, or call for an ambulance. Every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian and/or the alternate emergency contact person.

Medications It is necessary for the nurse to administer all prescription and nonprescription medication to participants. Parents must complete a form for all prescription medication to be given out during the camp day. Medication must be contained in appropriately labeled, original containers. The nurse keeps a record of all medication dispensed throughout the day, including the time and amount of medication.

Return After Illness Symptoms that may prohibit the return to Summer At Wooster following an illness include: ● Fever (over 100 degrees) without medications ● Vomiting twice in the previous 24 hours ● Diarrhea more than four times in the previous 24 hours ● Inability to participate comfortably in activities

http://summeratwooster.org 203-830-3921

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