Percussion Ensemble 1.0 credit AY 6-8 Students will get hands-on experience playing the djembe and other hand percussion. The class will get familiar with African, Brazilian and Latin rhythms. We’ll listen to world music and break down the percussion parts. The class will also study basic rhythmic notation and form a cohesive ensemble. We will also explore the different methods involved in playing these styles: call and response; theme and variation; and soloing. Introduction to Band 1.0 credit AY 5-6 Introduction to Band is designed to introduce students to instrumental ensemble playing. Students may choose between traditional woodwind and brass, or common rock/pop instruments such as drum kit, piano, guitar, and bass. Throughout the year, students will learn techniques specific to their instrument of choice while becoming musically literate with emphasis on notes, rhythm, and expression. Daily practice is expected. Band 1.0 credit AY 6-8 This is a course meant for students with at least one year of band experience. Instrumentalists will continue to build on skills learned in the beginning band and will look to expand their range, adding more complex rhythms and overall more challenging musical material. In this course, some students may choose to switch to oboe, French horn, baritone, or tuba with director permission. MS Glee Club 1.0 credit AY 5-8 MS Glee Club provides a musical foundation, love of singing and familiarity with everyone’s own natural instrument, their own voice. Via a fun and interactive process, students will sing from the vast canon of vocal repertoire as well as pop and Broadway songs, while learning correct vocal technique, music fundamentals, and performance skills. Chorus performs in both the Winter and Spring concerts, thereby developing skills of confidence and poise. Written and oral assessments will track students’ musical progress as they become musically literate and expressive singers. MS Chamber Choir 1.0 credit AY 6-8 MS Chamber Choir offers 6th, 7th and 8th Grade students the opportunity to strengthen their musical foundation and prepares them for singing in an Upper School chorus. Music literacy is continually stressed, with students reading their music from a vocal score and singing in 3-part harmony. The selection, preparation, and performance of music highlights students’ mastery of these skills. Students will gain poise and self-confidence as well as develop the musical skills for a lifetime of musical enjoyment through the participation in chorus.