Middle School Course of Study 2021-2022

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Bridge Program The Bridge Program is an academic remediation and support program designed to provide students the tools and skills necessary to be successful in school and as lifelong learners. All Middle School Bridge students meet with their Bridge teachers outside the typical learning environment in a Bridge Support course for re-teaching, skill-based learning opportunities, and executive functioning reinforcement -- as related to the specific learning goals of their academic disciplines. Bridge teachers collaborate with core academic teachers regularly, manage each Bridge student’s Wooster Educational Plan, and serve as a liaison between school and home on all academic matters of the students’ experience. 6th & 7th Grades In the 6th and 7th grades, Middle School Bridge students participate in mainstream courses for math, science, history, and co-curriculars. Bridge Literacy courses are available for Bridge students who require an additional layer of academic remediation. 8th Grade By design and in preparation for Upper School, students in the 8th-grade model are fully mainstreamed. Bridge teachers push into the classrooms of the core disciplines to provide direct services in the classroom, and work with students outside those classrooms in a support setting.


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