The Wooster Voice

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The Wooster Voice Vol. CXXVII, Issue XIII


Friday, January 15, 2010

“To move ahead you need to believe in yourself... have conviction in your beliefs and the confidence to execute those beliefs.” — Adlin Sinclair

Campus pleased by renovations

Above left, students enjoy the new furniture surrounding the fire pit. Since the renovation, many students have sought the opportunity to study, relax and utilize the increased space of Lowry pit. Above right, students congregate in the newly renovated space, which features a number more of tables, chairs, couches and ottomans. See “Renovations” on page 2 for more photos (Photos by Maureen Sill).

Laney Austin News Editor Students were welcomed back to campus this semester with the extensive renovations made to Lowry Center. Last month, students were made aware that these changes would take place over winter break. Lowry Center, which hasn’t received a makeover since the 1960s, was in great need of modernization. The postal center and bookstore now feature a visually appealing look that provides students and faculty with more efficiency when utilizing these two places. One of the most noticeable

additions is to the bookstore, which has been expanded to accommodate the increasing number of students who attend the College. “The expanded entrance to the Wilson Bookstore and the unified counter for the Information Desk & Post Office makes the entry to Lowry Center brighter and more inviting,” said Jackie Middleton, director of administrative and auxiliary services for the College. “The two new display windows on the art wall unite the lounge and bookstore, and will be used for store display and art presentations.” Students will also note the new furniture in the Pit, which replaced the outdated furniture from previ-

ous years. Luxurious leather chairs and ottomans surround the fireplace where classmates have already begun to flock for study dates and meeting purposes. In addition to the updates to the bookstore and postal center, the renovation also includes a convenience store, which provides student and faculty members with similar items to those previously sold at Mom’s Truck Stop. One of the new features of the store is the organic items that are now available to students for purchase. Splitting up the store has allowed for less time spent waiting in line and a decrease in theft, a problem which has plagued Mom’s for the

last few years. The new convenience store features a walk-up window coffee bar, so customers in a rush can quickly grab a cup on their way to class, avoiding the line inside to purchase food. The design of the renovations was widely encouraged and accepted by both President Grant Cornwell and the student body. “I’m glad to see the school took the opinions of the students into consideration while redecorating Lowry, said Katie Harvuot ’10. “It looks really good. I can tell a lot more students are using the space appropriately.” Another event students should be aware of is the Lowry Lounge

Party, happening this Saturday from 8 p.m. to midnight. This event is designed to celebrate the first floor renovation, which is now mostly complete. Students who come by the event have the opportunity to vote for a new name to give the convenience store. Along with providing a variety of refreshments, the bookstore will also have extended hours. Middleton says that the goal was to make the space “more welcoming, attractive and sophisticated.” The new facelift has already received a great appreciation by students, who have packed the lounge and explored the new features of the bookstore.

Capital city of Haiti demolished by 7.0 level earthquake This past Tuesday, Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, was hit by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. Haitian government fears that their early estimate of the 100,000 casulties will continue to rise as rescue teams rapidly search for those missing. . The capital city, Port-au-Prince currently stands in ruins. Many historical landmarks, such as the National Palace, have been destroyed by the quake. On Jan. 13, rescue teams from France left to help aid the nation of Haiti. More troops from other nations are expected to assist in the relief efforts. Thus far, Haiti is receiving 100 million dollars in aid from the World Bank and 10 million from the United Bank. Several different humanitarian groups have established relief funds for those affected, including the Red Cross and UNICEF, and by visiting their websites, you can easily make a donation. President Obama has said in terms of the United States’ response to the disaster, “The U.S. will have a swift, coordinated and aggressive approach.” (Photo Courtesy AP).

INDEX News Viewpoints Features Arts & Entertainment Sports MEMBER


VIEWPOINTS 2 3 4 5 7




Laney Austin gives her opinion on the new Wooster COW cards. See page 3 for her viewpoint.

Usman Gul writes on vegetarianism and the issues that surround it, especially concerning animal byproducts. See page 3 to read the full story.

Wooster alumni share their experiences with the City Year program. See page 4 to read the full story.

Charles Horenstein writes about the newly opened War Works art exhibit in Ebert.The full story is on page 5.

Mike Haggerty reflects on the national championship brought to his home state of Alabama. Read his column on page 7.



Friday, January 15

Section Editors: Allana Mortell Laney Austin



New additions create buzz amongst peers Renovations

Orville man named Firefighter of the Year

continued from page 1

Ryan May, a firefighter from Orville, was recently named Firefighter of the Year. He and his family will hold preside over this title during the local Independence Day parade this coming July. “In becoming a firefighter, I have fulfilled my life’s true ambition,” May told The Daily Record. May applied to join the Orville Fire Department in August of 1997, and was later hired in November of that same year.

Man convicted of arson at local inn Dayne Damas, 18, was found guilty of arson at the Wooster Moose Lodge. Ohio State Fire Marshall’s Office Investigator Brian Peterman stated that the fire patterns inside the structure implied that someone poured alcohol on the bar and set fire. Judge Mark K. Wiest noted that Damas’ and his accomplice Eric Beard’s stories were inconsistent in terms of who started the fire, but that Damas could still be found guilty on grounds of complicity. Damas will be sentenced later today.


Above left, the newly remodeled mail center, which underwent one of the biggest renovations. Above right, students take advantage of the warm atmosphere of the remodeled Lowry Pit and C-Store (Photos by Maureen Sill).

Students create robots in physics project Don Jacobs’s physics class uses hands-on electronic exploration to help students learn how to interface sensors to microprocessors

Morphine reduces post-traumatic stress An issue of the New England Journal of Medicine published earlier this week stated that in a study of 696 troops wounded in Iraq, those who received morphine soon after injury were half as likely to develop posttraumatic stress disorder as those who did not receive the drug. In this study, 61 percent of the troops who received the drug had PTSD, compared with 76 percent who had the disorder who did not receive the drug . Researchers, however, plan to have the effect further verified before making this a routine practice.


Star Trek alumnus knighted by Queen Patrick Stewart, better known as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: Next Generation or Charles Xavier in recent X-Men films, was knighted as part of Queen Elizabeth II’s New Years honors list. “This is an honor that embraces those actors, directors and creative teams who have in these recent years helped fill my life with inspiration, companionship and sheer fun,” Stewart told The Huffington Post. Others to receive knighthood include Eric Reich, a Nazi Europe refugee that organized last year’s 70th anniversary of the “Kindertransport” which brought 10,000 children to Britain during wartime.

Suspicious plane diverted to Ireland On Wednesday, Irish police arrested a 44-year-old Dutch man who claimed to have planted a bomb on an Arkefly aircraft, diverting the pilot to land in Ireland. The pilot landed in Shannon Airport in western Ireland, telling air controllers the man was verbally threatening the other passengers and shouting bomb threats. Police searched the aircraft but found nothing suspicious. The flight had planned to carry its 224 passengers and 11 crewmembers to Aruba.

— Bites compiled by Charles Horenstein

CORRECTIONS While we strive for excellence every week, we, too, sometimes fall short. Please send your corrections to

about the tedious process and the hours of effort it takes to put together a robot. “The goal of the project was to have students learn how to interface a sensor to the microprocessor [computer] of the robot, to program the robot to use the sensor and then to build a robot and task that was appropriate for the sensor,” says Jacobs. Students began the project last November and in Above, one of the robots created by stu- preparation for the dents in Professor Jacobs’ physics class project, had one lab (Photo courtesy Manon Grugel- every week since the class began in Watson). September to learn “as much about the basics that we could in order to get to Allana Mortell work,” added Patrick Butler ’12. News Editor Two weeks before the start of the For those Wooster students inter- project, the students went through a ested in the field of physics, many tutorial on the program they would would say one of the biggest draws to be using in creating their robots to the department is Don Jacobs’s learn about the necessary modem, Physics 220 class. Rather than having wires and gears. a cumulative exam or final research The students were then broken paper, the electronics class, offered into four groups — two groups of during the fall semester, provides stu- three and two more of two. As a dents with the opportunity to create group they had to decide what they their very own robot. During the fall wanted to do with the sensors; more semester, four different groups total- specifically, what type of task they ing ten students, spent three weeks hoped for their robot to accomplish. working, tweaking and learning all Each robot was started from the

Each group’s projects spanned a industry standard LEGO Mindstorms NXT Robot kit, which wide range, with one group creatfeatures the NXT, or brain, of the ing a robot who worked with differrobot. The NXT is a computer-con- ences in terrain based on trolled LEGO Brick which allows the accelerometer, another which could robot to “come alive” and act out the determine radioactive substances necessary task. “The robots were built and even a robot who was named from a kit so the “Boris the Fisherman.” However, not all groups faced microprocessor/computer, motor for the wheels and some basic sensors smooth sailing, “It was challenging were already at hand. This allowed because we didn’t know exactly how to do the students to what we focus on their new wanted. It sensors (measurwas like ing force, radioacw o r k i n g tivity, acceleration backwards — and direction we knew what [compass] and we had electhe ways to get tronically, but those measures we wondered into the computhow do we get er,” added Jacobs. there?” said Jacobs gave D a v i d the class options Simpson ’12. for what they On Dec. 2, could do, but ultimately it was DON JACOBS each group the students’ VICTOR J. ANDREWS PROFESSOR had to present their creation decision to “be OF PHYSICS to a number of creative with the project,” said Alison Huff ’10, faculty and other students. In the whose group included Margaret end, all but one group was able to Raabe ’12 and Blake Sword ’12. The get their robot to successfully group, which featured the only two cooperate. When asked if he would do anyfemale students in the class, created a robot that was programmed to thing different given another read a compass. The group had suc- chance, students had a few ideas. cessful results, “We were lucky Alex Saines ’11, whose group was because we thought we were hav- unable to achieve their goal with ing difficulties, but we were really the robot, said, “I would’ve called tech support.” just over-thinking,” says Huff.

“The goal of the project was to have students learn how to interface a sensor to the microprocessor and then to build a robot and task that was appropriate for the sensor.”

Controversy surrounds Proposition 8 decision Jonah Comstock Editor in Chief A federal court has begun to hear arguments for and against California’s Proposition 8, a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between a man and a woman. The Proposition has been challenged as unconstitutional by two same-sex couples — one pair of gay men and one lesbian couple. Although only a week into its projected three-week span, the trial drew media attention and controversy long before it even began. In terms of setting precedent for LGBT, or Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender, discrimination issues, the case has been compared to Brown v Board of Education, the landmark case that struck down “separate but equal” facilities for black Americans, and Loving v Virginia, a Supreme Court ruling which protected interracial marriage.

One surprising development that occurred before the start of the case is the identity of the lawyers leading the challenge of Proposition 8. Conservative Ted Olson and Liberal David Boies last shared a courtroom as bitter opponents in the 2000 case Bush v. Gore, in which the Democratic candidate challenged the election results. Now Olson and Boies, neither of whom has an extensive history as a gay rights advocate, are working together to prove that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. As a well-known conservative, Olson has been especially under fire from the right for his decision to argue this case. Olson, however, maintains that it is not a partisan issue. “The very idea of marriage is basic to recognition as equals in our society; any status short of that is inferior, unjust and unconstitutional,” Olson said in his opening statement. “The simple fact is that there is no good reason why we should

deny marriage to same-sex partners.” Olson and Boies’ strategy may very well involve establishing legal precedent for a number of heady questions Federal Courts have been hesitant to address. Olson and Boies have stated that they intend to prove that marriage is a fundamental right that gay and lesbian individuals are being denied that right, and that, contrary to the claims of the opposition, gay marriage harms no one and there is no non-bigoted basis for banning gay marriage. This strategy will likely also involve deeming homosexuals a “suspect class” for discrimination, which in turn could mean tackling the question of whether sexuality is mutable, that is to say, whether one can stop being gay? Meanwhile, on the proProposition 8 side, both California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and California Attorney General Gerard Brown have refused to argue in support of the state of

California, leaving the defense in the hands of independent defenders who specifically petitioned the court. The conservative defenders of Proposition 8 also petitioned the Supreme Court to bar video coverage of the case, ostensibly to protect themselves from targeted hate crimes. On Wednesday, the court ultimately ruled by a 5-4 decision not to allow cameras in court. As of press time on Wednesday, the case was proceeding slowly, with the plaintiffs employing expert witnesses to testify on the harmfulness of marriage discrimination and the status of homosexuals as a target of discrimination, as well as calling the lesbian couple who brought the case to the stand to deliver testimony about their own marriage experiences. Whichever way the court rules, the case will almost certainly be appealed. At that point it will be up to the United States Supreme Court, who may choose when and whether to hear the case.


Section Editors: Kris Fronzak Hannah Diorio-Toth


Friday, January 15


The Wooster Voice The College of Wooster’s Student Newspaper Since 1883 Published Weekly on Fridays

Andrew Vogel Jonah Comstock Editors in Chief










All materials published herein are property of The Wooster Voice and cannot be reproduced without written consent of the editors. The Voice can be contacted by mail at C-3187, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691 or by phone at (330) 263-2598. E-mail can be sent to the editors at

Vegetarian hypocrisy Recently, I came across two friends comparing their gloves. One of them was convinced that his were better because they were made out of leather. He happened to be a vegetarian. Killing aniusmangul mals is inhumane. As a vegetarian myself, I believe that we refrain from eating meat solely because the process of attaining edible meat involves the killing of animals. The broader concept underlying secular vegetarianism is that killing animals is inhumane and we will not support it by being a part of the process. However, there are some important considerations that must be made before we can distinguish ourselves from the ruthless animal-killing humans. Manifestly, the concept of vegetarianism will be facile and meaningless if vegetarians blithely participate in the process of killing animals through means other than eating meat. Vegetarians must refrain from eating eggs as they are the animalistic equivalent of embryos. There is little difference, if any, between directly killing a chicken and eating a chicken egg. Next, we must give up the practice of wearing all forms of leather products. After all, leather is made from animal skin, and obtaining animal skin requires us to kill animals. We must burn our shoes, watches, belts, jackets and the seat covers in our SUVs that are made out of leather in order to not support the process of killing animals for human needs. It seems like this is only the beginning of a consistent

lifestyle for vegetarians. Most fluffy or down jackets that offer the most insulation against extremely cold climates are made using goose feathers. Feathers are acquired by killing pretty geese amongst other animals. Wool, silk, ivory, tusk and whale oil are a few other animal byproducts. There are so many products of daily use that involve the killing of animals at one stage or another that it is nearly impossible for us to live without killing animals. And yet, if we consume anything that involves the killing of animals at any stage of production, it is essentially no different from consuming meat itself. In fact, meat gives us more utility than leather belts or woolen hats. We are inadvertently faced with two options. Either we embrace an eccentric lifestyle and refuse to consume any and all animal byproducts, or we renounce vegetarianism altogether. We always have the t h i r d option of embracing hy p o c r i s y by paying hundreds of dollars for leather jackets w h i l e refusing to eat meat, but for most, the t h i r d option is not a true option. It is better to proclaim to be a murderer rather than disguising the act and embracing falsehood. For me, the choice is simple — I am not a vegetarian from this day onwards. I am not being pedantic, nor am I being a stickler for animal rights, I am simply trying to add consistency to my actions by extending the underlying logic behind vegetarianism to all spheres of life.

We are inadvertently faced with two options. Either we embrace an eccentric lifestyle and refuse to consume any and all animal byproducts, or, we renounce vegetarianism altogether.

Usman Gul is a regular contributor to the Voice. He can be reached for comment at

Have an Opinion? Viewpoints would love to hear what you think about current events and issues, from campus developments to global news. If you’re interested in writing, or if you’d like to comment on what you’ve read here, contact Viewpoints at, or email us individually at or

The Voice welcomes letters to the editors! Letters cannot exceed 350 words in length and must be received by the Voice by 5 p.m. on the Monday before Friday publication. All letters must be signed, observe standard spelling and grammatical rules and include contact information. The Voice reserves the right to proofread and withhold letters. Please send letters via e-mail to Letters can also be sent by campus mail to C-3187, The Wooster Voice, College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691.

Editorial cartoon by Andy Kissinger. He can be reached at

Voice staff hopes to set example Consistent readers of The Wooster Voice may notice a theme emerging throughout each issue of the newspaper. Recently, the Voice has featured artikevincarpenter cles outside of its normal realm on the Wooster campus. The articles have had a wide range of subjects. Emily Ryan’s “Community Sees Rise in Drug Abuse” focused on the Wayne County Sheriff ’s Office and their efforts to combat rising drug use. Dan Buckler’s “Ohio Should Vote Against Issue 2” argued that students should not support the creation of an agricultural board in Ohio. Emily Timmerman and Kit Price suggested that the college should do more to provide transportation to the Wooster Community for those who do not have access to cars in the article “Transportation Lacking.” Kipaya Kapiga and I have started a continuous column titled “About the Town” that seeks to give students an accurate

view of restuarants in the surrounding community. Finally, my article “The Wooster Bubble is a Lie” declares that the mindset of campus versus town is destructive and should be overcome through healthy perspectives. All of these articles have focused on the College branching out from its bubble in order to make a more lasting connection between community and campus both socially and economicaly. Now, The Wooster Voice is putting action behind the words of its various editors, writers and contributers. Starting this very issue, The Wooster Voice has moved its business to Wooster’s local newspaper, The Daily Record. Being printed by The Daily Record represents much more than a full color paper. Although the business of The Wooster Voice isn’t something that drastically affects the economy of the Wooster community, it symbolizes the bond and cooperation between two parallel organizations — one community, one campus. What else could be accomplished

if the structures of The College of Wooster and the City of Wooster cooperated more closely with one another? We already participate in many ways: student patrons provide business to local businesses, the Wooster Volunteer Network aids charity organizations in the town of Wooster, The College of Wooster hosts guest speakers and concerts that the whole community is welcome to. As a college, we are well on our way to taking advantages of these bonds between our two communities, but the future is ripe for the picking. Who knows what other opportunities are waiting to be discovered through this simple yet effective combination? We are very proud to be printed by the Daily Record, and hope that this partnership will not only yield many diverse opportunities for both of our businesses, but also serve as an example of the possibilities yet to come for all of Wooster. Kevin Carpenter is the Business editor for the Voice. He can be reached for comment at


What do you think of the new Lowry Center?

Anthony Simmons ’12

Charlotte Shapiro ’13

Katie Smart ’11

“I like the new convenience store part of it. It’s a lot quicker now and more convenient. I like the separation between Mom’s and the new store because the lines are a lot shorter now, especially upstairs.”

“I think it’s nice. It feels like it’s more of a community because of the new furniture and the coffee shop. Before it felt unfinished, but now it feels complete. Also, the new convenience store will cut down on stealing. It’s better to have both a grocery store and a place to get hot food separately.”

“I like it more now but I’m upset that the convenience store won’t be open past midnight on weekends because all the good food is up here. We’ll be forced to eat the yucky fried food in Mom’s. The entrance gives the feeling that you’re in a hotel rather than a school. And, I wish they spent the money on a new gym.”

New COW cards miss the mark While I was packing to come back to Wooster after spending the fall semester abroad, I was overjoyed to find my COW card in a box from the previous semester. It would be the first time I laneyaustin would be returning to Wooster without having to buy a new one! Aces! However, my excitement was suppressed when I received the email notifying me that we would in fact be receiving new cards upon arrival. Although I was bummed about my change of fortune, I figured the new COW cards might be a good way to start a new decade. Unfortunately, I was as wrong as Kate Gosselin’s haircut. I quickly whipped out my shades to shield my

eyes from the piercing yellow glare that engulfs 50 percent of the card before I even had a chance to look it over. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m all about having the College become more equipped for 2010, but in my opinion the card looks like it dates back to the 80s. I should probably be more specific — the card looks like it dates back from an athletic team from the 80s. Multiple people have commented that the card gives the false impression that we are athletes because of the emblem being so prominent on sports uniforms and warm-ups on campus. The second biggest downer about the card is the fact that it now displays our class year. I know that this could also be seen as a benefit, but for those of us who were planning on using our cards to get discounts at movies, museums, etc. after we graduate are now going to be stuck paying full price unless you can pass

as a minor or senior citizen. However, I’m not going to discredit The College of Wooster for being smart. After being proved effective by many states across the country, the College has experimented changing the position of the picture from horizontal for every student to vertical for those under 21. I would expect the intention of this would be to help decrease underage drinking; a problem the school has actively been looking to solve. Overall, I give the new COW cards a thumbs down. Call me school spiritless or traditional, I guess. Kudos to the person who founds the lucrative business of phoney Wooster COW cards — I have a feeling those will be next. Laney Austin is a News editor for the Voice. She can be reached for comment at


Friday, January 15


Section Editors: Madelyn Halstead Tamari Farquharson


Different backgrounds, same experience: City Year Madelyn Halstead Features Editor Every 26 seconds, a student in America drops out of a public high school. City Year works to help those kids stay on track. On Jan. 28 City Year representative Emmanuel Paul Sterling will be joining the campus for an information session about the 2010 term of City Year beginning this August. The program takes place in various surrounding locations including Cleveland, Columbus and other major cities between the East and West coasts. City Year is an AmeriCorps program that focuses on shaping the lives of children and enriching the communities of which they are a part. Each City Year participant must devote 10 months and 1700 hours of service through a handful of different opportunities. Participation includes tutoring and mentoring children, working to establish after-school programs, assisting teachers and generally becoming an influential part of a child’s life. In the community aspect, City Year works to help rebuild neighborhoods and perform other physical service projects. In doing so, they are able to visibly improve the community and inspire others to continue on their work. The full year of service starts with Basic Training in August. The program officially kicks off in the schools and communities in

Above, Wooster alumnus Anthony Apollon ’09 and fellow City Year member Lisa Cao had the honor of introducing Colin Powell at Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP Forum for Institutional Investors last October (Photo courtesy Emmanuel Paul Sterling). September. In January, the group reconvenes to participate in advanced training; discussing helpful techniques and approaches. In February and April, City Year hosts City Year Camp to help keep students on breaks enriched and engaged. The program is completed in June and students are flooded with a host of different opportunities. With numerous Wooster alumni

currently involved in the program, it proves to be a good fit for Wooster students of all backgrounds. Dierre Taylor ’09, currently located in New York City describes City Year as a great way for students “to implement what they have learned in an academic setting and apply that to the real world and real people’s lives.” Sarah Gollwitzer ’09, who works

on the Civic Engagement team in Cleveland, praised City Year for the perspective it has given her. “It may be easy to take a sociology course and say how inner city schools are in bad shape … but it is absolutely something else to go into one of these schools first-hand, see how poor the buildings may be or how out of control the kids are, but also to be able to say that you went in there and helped someone read today,” she said. All of the City Year participants come from different backgrounds and have different life goals when they leave City Year — some are pursuing careers in public policy and others plan to go law school. Some have no idea what they want to do. Ryan McMahon ’08 assures that regardless of your future plans, City Year is a great starting point. “There are few, if any, other organizations that will give so much responsibility to those who are basically in an entry-level position. The amount of exposure that you get in City Year, both in terms of experience and connections, is unmatched,” said McMahon. Regardless of what they may have been doing before they joined or what they are planning on doing after, City Year’s participants share one common thread — their experience with service. Both in and out of the program, City Year boasts many benefits and opportunities for its participants. During your time in the program

they provide you with a weekly stipend to accommodate the burden of living expenses. They provide you with health and child insurance, a T-mobile cell phone and they facilitate your living situation by helping connect you with potential roommates. Once the students complete their term they receive an education award in the amount of $5,350. This money can be applied to graduate or vocational school and can also be applied to current or future qualified loans. During their term they can apply to defer their loan and have the interest paid by Americorps. To help further their career, they become a member of a nationwide network of 11,000 alumni. The network provides students with new volunteer and service opportunities as well as the possibility for career networking. Most important is the experience students walk away with. For Taylor one of the most memorable things he has experienced has been getting one of his kindergarteners to write his name on his own. “Watching his confidence and selfesteem rise over the past couple months has truly been fascinating,” he said. For more information about the City Year program or the Wooster experience within contact Emmanuel Paul Sterling at or attend the information sesion on January 28 at 11a.m. in Lowry 119. Time and place are subject to change.

About the town: Old Jaol’s atmosphere proves worth the price Kevin Carpenter Business Manager Kipaya Kapiga Web Editor In 2009, Kevin Carpenter and Kipaya Kapiga began to review nonchain restaurants in the Wooster Community. Now, in 2010, the new decade finds Carpenter and Kapiga continuing their quest for culinary perfection in their traditional, humorous bantering. This week’s adventure led them to a eatery known as Olde Jaol Tavern and Restaurant. KC: This place reminded me of a hunting lodge way up in the Rocky Mountains — not that I’ve ever been to a place like that. KK: Yeah, it definitely felt like I could eat a very satisfying and hearty meal and immediately walk out and shoot a deer. KC: Let’s not go quite that far, although I see where you’re coming from. The wooden furniture with forest green tables, overarching wooden support beams in the ceiling, dark wood paneling and soft lighting gave you that “lodgy” feel. I wish it was warmer out so that we could sit out on the nice patio. That would be superb. KK: To be fair, it looked a lot like most Chili’s, Uno’s and Applebee’s I’ve been to. It has a lot of the faux hunting memorabilia on the walls, but at least they’re consistent. In

fact, the only weird thing about it was the persistent list of 80s music in the background. KC: What is this supposed hunting Applebee’s you’ve been to? Applebee’s is a friendly neighborhood restaurant with neighborhood memorabilia. KK: Setting the furniture and music aside, the service was fast, though clearly helped by the fact that there were only 10 or 12 other people in the restaurant — and it was lunch time. KC: It’s true. Although the restaurant wasn’t full during our lunch, the waitress was quick, kind and efficient, even having a litany of items to recommend to the hungry Kipaya. KK: Although the Executioner’s Chicken Sandwich was very tempting, I opted for the Chipotle Burger, with the biggest side of onion rings I’ve ever seen. They kind of remind me of those hoop earrings that some girls wear. KC: Probably a little more tasty, though. KK: Certainly; they were decent. I really liked eating them with the side of baked beans they gave us. The smoked hickory flavor of the beans seemed to go along well with the crisp rings. The burger was hearty and satisfying. It had a rich buttery sauce, but some of the flavor got lost in the size of the burg-

Above, wooden furniture, forest green tabletops, wood paneling and faux hunting memorabilia add a lodge-like semblance in Olde Jaol (Photo by Andrew Collins). er. I didn’t notice the chipotle at all. The pink lemonade I ordered tasted like they just took a lemon wedge and squeezed it into the water. KC: So, would you say you enjoyed the burger then, or no? KK: Yes, I did enjoy the burger — it was filling — and it got a little better after I added the ketchup. KC: Good. Well, I enjoyed my reuben as well. The meat was stacked high and had a fresh taste to it. As I have mentioned in previous reviews, I love hot food. Really, really love it. It means the food was cooked fresh and wasn’t sitting around. This food was hot. Also, I

am in love with the fact that each meal comes with a small side of baked beans. As Kipaya mentioned, they had a nice tangy taste to them, and could work deliciously as either a sauce or as a small side. Speaking of sides, I substituted fries for a Caesar side salad, which was very well prepared. The romaine was fresh, the cheese and dressing not overwhelming. It was also bigger than I had anticipated as a side salad. Overall, I was very happy with my meal. KK: The meal was satisfying. So satisfying that I doubt I could go out and shoot a deer now. I’d much rather take a nap.

KC: I’m not sure we’ve talked enough about service, Kip. It was good. We had a delicious and filling meal in under an hour without being rushed. I tipped very well. KK: Without my tip, I paid $11.45 for my meal, which again was a Chipotle Burger, a side of onion rings, and my watery and uninspired lemonade. KC: I paid just under $11 for my reuben, a substituted side salad, and my water. Could I have gotten this somewhere else for cheaper? Yes. But would my experience have been the same? Probably not. Let’s rank it, Kip. Atmosphere:





KC: 9/10 KK: 8/10 KC: 10/10 KK: 9/10 KC: 8/10 KK: 7/10 KC: 6.5/10 KK: 9/10 KC: 8.375 KK: 8.25

To find out the scales Kipaya and Kevin use to rate restaurants, read more about the authors, or read previous reviews visit

GYC takes lead in competition Going Green @Wooster Usman Gul Voice Staff In an attempt to stimulate creativity and entrepreneurial skills among students, the Center for Entrepreneurship sponsored the Idea Competition 2009 and awarded thousands of dollars to students who presented phenomenally creative ideas. The panel of judges meticulously reviewed the 51 ideas that were submitted and unanimously awarded the first prize to the Global Youth Connection initiative. The GYC also won the Fan’s Favorite award after students voted to declare it the most deserving of all ideas. In essence, the GYC initiative proposes to establish an interface that will provide youth from across the globe with a platform to request loans from microfinance institutions for entrepreneurial purposes. The initiative aims to endeavor the collaboration of non-governmental

organizations in both developed and developing countries, ardent advocates of microfinance from other universities, and the Wooster community at large. The GYC will offer entrepreneurs a way to create an online member profile and request loans from microfinance institutions to set up businesses. The GYC will conscientiously review the logistical and financial feasibility of the proposed business propositions and grant funds to applicants accordingly. GYC hopes to allow the Wooster community to create their own lender profiles. Authors of the initiative acknowledge the presence of NGOs that provide an online platform for borrowers and lenders to come together and transact. However, as a viable extension of the same idea, the GYC proposes to set up an online forum especially for young, adroit entrepreneurs who are likely to use their modern education and entrepreneurial flair

to propose infallible business propositions. The GYC has already established contact with microfinance institutions at the University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The initiative distinguished itself from other profit-motivated ideas by catering to the communal needs of the global economy. Setting up a scholarship fund for the youth is amongst the long-term goals of the GYC. Group members of this incredibly creative proposition include Matthew Miller ’11, Chris Miller ’11, Maaz Tasneem Khan ’11, Mohammad Bilal Paracha ’11, Esther Chhakchhuak ’10, Matthew McNaughton ’10, Libby Parsons ’10 and Shiladitya Roychaudhuri ’11.

Usman Gul is a first-year at the College and can be reached for comment at

The holiday season may be over, but that doesn’t mean shopping is! Here are some green tips for your next errands run:

1. Yes, size does matter. Buy your products in bulk to save you a little money and save companies the extra packaging. 2. When possible, look for concentrated products. Much of what we buy is mostly water, and shipping the extra unnecessary weight makes tranportation a little less efficient. Products that can be concentrated include juices, soda, shampoo and hair conditioner and all-purpose cleaners. 3. Contrary to popular belief, a bathroom doesn’t need to smell like flowers to be free of harmful bacteria. In fact, many products that claim to sterilize the bathroom also harm beneficial bacteria (and besides, you can never truly sterilize a bathroom anyway, despite what marketers tell you). A toilet brush and baking soda will typically get the job done.

— Compiled by Charles Horenstein


Section Editors: Marten Dollinger Lee McKinstry


“Songs for a New World” prepares to debut Voice teacher Carrie Culver directs musical revue

Above, fellow cast members (Left to Right) Jackie Komos ’11, Nathan Comstock ’10, Bronwyn Schlaefer ’12 and Carly Amster ’10 comfort Lindsay Allen ’12 in “Songs for a New World,” a musical revue by Jason Robert Brown. Right, Paul Winchester ’11 and Komos embrace during “I’d Give it All for You.” The theatre and music departments’ production of “Songs” opens Jan. 22 at 8:15 p.m. (Photos by Bob West).

Art exhibit promotes Iraqi War awareness Artists use many mediums to examine war’s impact their way to work as a consequence to our struggles. Those victims don’t have a government that talks for. them, and I feel like it’s one little thing I can do to bring their voice into the discussions of America.” Risseeuw’s work, however, makes paper out of the clothing of war victims and a pulper, using this paper to print images that tell stories about

images. Some of his cups were used in a video on YouTube entitled “1.5 Second War Memorial,” in which the viewer is instructed to watch a 1.5 second of a cup for each casualty of war you wish to honor of a particular war. “If you tried to honor all that died in World War II,” Tool said, “You'd be watching that for more than two years.”

ground images. “She’s taking this whole set of activities we associate with actions and making them into a meditative view,” Bradley said. “She Students passing by Ebert Art takes away the busy background and Center in the next month will be able puts the few figures on a sheet of to see a selection of art approaching white paper, so you focus on them in the subject of the War in Iraq, a quiet and subtle drawing. It makes organized by Laurel Bradley, us think about war and our usual Director of Exhibitions at the context of understanding it, allowCarleton College Art Gallery. The ing us some distance and exhibition, entitled War Work: broader framework.” Finally, Artists Engage Iraq and Other Compact Paper consists of Wars, started yesterday, Jan. 14, one Iraq War veteran and, according to Bradley, is pro(Cameron) and one artist moting “not anti-war, but war (Matott). The two find other awareness.” It features work from war veterans to donate uniDaniel Heyman, John Risseeuw, forms, which are cut up and Megan Vossler, Ehren Tool and pulped into paper for their art. Combat Paper Project, a collabo“At a lot of the receptions rative work of Drew Matott and we've had, people were really Drew Cameron. “It's not protest compelled to come talk to me. art,” said Bradley.” In a lot of this Veterans and hardcore peace work, there’s a real effort to think activists alike.” said Tool. “I not just about good and bad and like that there's openness for right and wrong, but more so both sides to talk about the what it is about the human race work. It shows how we're all that has to do this whole war connected.” thing.” One artist, Heyman, is In addition to the pieces by involved with the Center for these artists, Ebert Center Constitutional Rights in New York, a non-profit legal advocacy “They Put Me In An Animal Cage,” a painting by Daniel Heyman illus- Curator Kitty Zurko added prints from Wooster's profesorganization. His artwork comes trates an Iraqi citizen’s perspective (Photo by Sarah Harbottle). sional art collection, including from sitting in testimonies of Typically, Tool’s cups can be sold pieces from Käthe Kollwitz, Iraqi civilians and drawing them, land mine victims. “The wars and conflicts may be over in some areas of in whole units for people to keep. Muirhead Bone and Francisco Goya. making prints later. “I’m pretty much against war as a our past, but land mines are still dev- “You spend a lot more time with an The exhibition will continue to be on solution to problems of the govern- astating to those in the area,” said image on a cup than you do with your display until Feb. 28. “The Iraq war ment. One of those reasons is that Bradley. Proceeds from his work average newspaper. That cup is your may be winding down, but that's all the victims of war tend not to be the goes to organizations that help vic- cup for a while,” said Tool. “When the more reason to apply all the crityou see these, you have to think." ical thinking skills we're learning in people the government is after. I’m tims of land mines. Tool’s approach to art consists of Vossler's pieces highlight soldiers in college to this war and its impact on not sure who they’re even going after anymore when Iraqis are shot on making ceramic cups with war formations, isolated from back- us,” said Bradley.

Charles Horenstein Managing Editor

Friday, January 15


THE SCENE Over break, I was re-acquainted with one of my long-lost loves: “Chess.” No, not the time-honored and over-analyzed board game, but martendollinger p o s s i b l y least known musical of the 1980s. “Chess” was the break-up project for lyricist Tim Rice and composer Andrew Lloyd Weber. Rice wanted to produce an intriguing, if somewhat complex, musical about the world chess championship match between the US and Russia in the midst of the Cold War, while Weber wanted to do “Cats.” Yeah… So while Weber sold the most annoying and bizarre musical ever and made millions, Rice toiled away at his love-child with Benny Anderson and Bjorn Ulveaus, other wise known as the BB of ABBA. “Chess” is full of brilliant lyrics (“I’d say with regard to him it is hard to rebut the ever growing suspicion my opposition’s a nut,” alternately, “refute” and “a fruit”), a fantastic score, and an ever-changing road map in terms of plot, as there have been seventeen different productions, revivals and concerts since it’s initial European concert tour in 1984. It certainly stays true to it’s lyrics in “The Story of Chess,” that each game (production) of chess means there’s one less variation yet to be played. It’s simultaneously enough and meaningless to say that it’s about chess during the Cold War. Intrigue, Romance, Betrayal, and incomprehensible chess babble abound. The beauty of the show is the energy that comes out of a musical about something that is generally understood as sort of a calm and relaxed past time, “a model of decorum and tranquility.” Despite being overshadowed by some show about cats, “Chess” is enjoying a much-deserved shelf life, like many things that aren’t really well received or popular at their initial production. More and more people are discovering it through one revival or another, or through a small community theatre that likes to do shows no one’s heard of, or by actually listening to the lyrics of “One Night in Bangkok.” I was introduced to it by being part of a production myself back in high school, and it remains the most fun I’ve ever had in musical theatre. So go ahead, get to a library and check out one of the many incarnations, with the 80’s-tastic Broadway or Danish casts, or the more tame 2008 concert production (featuring Idina Menzel and Adam Pascal), where they made a bit of an effort to de-80’s some of the song and cleaned up some plot, as well as give Florence a bit more stage time. As difficult as it is to follow some times, I guarantee it will make a hell of a lot more sense than “Cats.”

Wooster Street Style With classes back in session and the Ohio cold forcing many to bundle up beyond recognition, students Mara Bartlett ‘11 and Sean Hunter ‘12 keep their winter duds dapper. What is your favorite season for clothing, and why? What are some reaccurring elements in your outfits? I try to wear a lot of colors all the time even if they don't match. Tights and high waisted skirts are often present and my sparrow necklace is always present. A tip for the fashion-impaired among us? You can be stylish in almost anything you wear as long as you wear it right and with confidence. A totally weird outfit can jump-start the new style. So my advice is: Don't be afraid to wear certain things ... just own it.

Mara Bartlett ’11 dons a floral skirt to bring spring to Wooster’s winter (Photo by Linda Kuster).

Fall. I like matching dead trees. What's the most unconventional piece of clothing you own? A pair of knee-high red rubber boots. What is your accessory?

most important

Cigarette - if you're not dying it's not really fashion. Do you have a favorite fashion blog? I don't read fashion blogs these days — the best looking people don't live on the Internet.

Cuffed jeans and a striped scarf complete Sean Hunter’s ’12 winter look (Photo by Maureen Sill).



Wooster Voice

Friday, January 15, 2010

This Winter Break at the Movies: Choice Reviews While many of us spent the winter recess bundling up, slogging through snow and generally trying to avoid epic bouts of cold, a brave few made it to their local cinema to check out these end-of-the-year films. NINE Maureen Sill Photo Editor There are plenty of movies that I like. I suppose there are even more that I don't. One of the ones I like the most, however, is “8 1/2,” a classic Italian film from 1963. One I like much, much less, is “Nine,” a recent remake of the musical. Anyone familiar with the film would have their reservations with Robert Marshall’s latest: a work modeled after the musical version of the 1963 masterpiece. In my humble opinion, there is never any need to remake a masterpiece. Not only is a remake unnecessary, but seemingly impossible to execute respectively, but it’s rather interesting to try, isn't it? It is almost never that a remake outshines its original. Why is it so frequently attempted? The film is a mess for many reasons. Clearly, many of the cast members are talented actors and actresses. However, their efforts are wasted on lackluster writing, unimaginative dream sequences and, to be blunt, awful pop music. Daniel Day-Lewis, starring as the protagonist Guido, a successful director suffering from a serious case of writer's block, falls completely flat. Guido's struggle to create another meaningful film is clouded by the many women, who, for some reason unbeknownst to the viewer, have all fallen madly in love with him. Penelope Cruz is downright scary and only wears decent clothing for a cumulative 10 minutes. Fergie’s role is sadly just as laughable as Nicole Kidman’s is forgettable. Marshall was the director of (arguably) the greatest musical to film adaptation of the decade, “Chicago.” In “Nine,” he employs the same scheme of binding the mind and per-

sonal fantasy within reality. Unfortunately, what worked wonders in “Chicago” could not be any less of a disaster in “Nine.” The fantasy scenes within “8 1/2” are still present in “Nine,” however, there are additional scenes embedded within these scenes. The film is littered with awkward meta-fantasies where over-simplified superficiality is king. One of the greatest strengths of the original film is that it so deeply grasps at and expertly depicts the very uncomplicated panic of sporadic creativity. The absence of said creativity, though ineluctable and conventional, can be cause for anxiety. This can be especially true in the heart of a person whose income and reputation rely on the success of their artistic popularity. Day-Lewis, as Guido, delivers a performance completely void of the expression of this crazed depression. Instead, the role is far less developed, and focuses mainly on immediate per-

sonal relationships. The panic of becoming more typical and eventually even phillistinic haunts Marcello Mastroianni, who stars as Guido in the original. Mastroianni unveils the character through the representation of this panic, and the self-realization he undergoes in the film is eerily relatable, run-of-the-mill existential crisis. It is, ultimately, this fear that irrevocably ruins all of his personal relationships, and causes him to lose control of his life. In “Nine,” it is untellable what causes this disarray. Nothing happens, and not in the beautiful way. In short, it is this blemish of imperfection that assaults the human consciousness. While it is true that no performer or author can be expected to deliver a masterpiece at the start of every year or even decade, the efforts presented by the production of Nine is hardly reminiscent of the cinematic beauty that is “8 1/2.” Nothing is perfect, but if it’s really great, just let it be.

AVATAR Nathan Comstock Voice Staff Too much hype can kill a movie. Too much CGI can kill a movie just as easily, especially when it comes at the expense of things like believable characters and plot. That’s why, in the age of the summer blockbuster, it’s nice to see a big-budget action movie that uses its impressive effects to enhance good storytelling, rather than to replace it. James Cameron’s “Avatar” succeeds on this level, creating a compelling two hours of entertainment. But it’s not the grand masterpiece the major news sources seem to be saying it is — and if you go in believing all the hype, you’ll probably be disappointed. The storyline is riddled with clichés and

SHERLOCK HOLMES Hallie Moreland Voice Staff After watching Guy Ritchie’s take on Sherlock Holmes, one thing is certain: This is definitely not Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s version of the story. At least, I don’t think so. I’ve never actually read the original stories, but this film definitely didn’t feel like it was based on the novels from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. And Robert Downey Jr. definitely didn’t look like the lanky pipe-smoking gent most people think of when they hear the name Sherlock Holmes. It seems unnecessary to go into great detail about Downey’s performance, as he very rarely disappoints. He just seems to have an inherent understanding of each character he plays. If there are any problems with this film, they are certainly not a result of him. The film is a tad long, running two hours and 14 minutes. That being said, I very rarely found the movie to be boring. It was fastpaced with enough action and a witty script that kept me entertained. Not to mention, it looked and sounded amazing, with a clever soundtrack and opulent sets that truly made it feel as though I had been transported to nineteenth century London. There certainly were slower parts of the film, and I wasn’t entirely interested in the plotline involving the villain, Lord Blackwood (Mark Strange). Blackwood was definitely the most boring aspect of the film, but certainly not dull enough to derail the whole movie. And although the complex mystery may have seemed a bit alienating to some viewers, I found it to be quite interesting. It is true that without a thorough walkthrough of each incident and piece of evidence I would have been totally lost, but I never expected to understand it all in the first place. After all, as a character Sherlock Holmes is supposed to be more astute than the

llustration by Gillian Daniels. average viewer. I enjoyed seeing him break down every scene and explain how each small event lent itself to the larger mystery being solved. It was sort of like a flashier, more complex version of “Ocean’s Eleven,” minus George Clooney and the Belagio, of course. As far as the relationship between Irene Adler (Amy McAdams) and Downey went, I didn’t think it was all that important to the film either. What mattered more was the relationship between Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson (Jude Law). The chemistry between the two leading men was immediately palpable. The clever banter between the characters kept things light and it truly did seem as though they shared a deep and loving bond with one another. Besides, when was the last time a female love interest was actually important and not easily replaceable in a huge blockbuster franchise? McAdams will most likely come and go, but the relationship between Watson and Holmes will stick around for many sequels to come. From what it looks like, there will probably be a few more of these Holmes movies made throughout the coming years. And that means that any minor glitches, from a convoluted plotline, to an unexciting villain, and a drab leading lady, can be fixed in time for the next installment. Until then, this chapter of Sherlock Holmes will do just fine.

THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG Nina Takacs Voice Staff Disney’s first classically animated black princess, Tiana (voiced by Tony winner Anika Noni Rose), is a twist on an old classic. A young girl in New Orleans kisses a frog that was once a prince, and turns into a frog herself. Also unique is the diverse mix of ethnicities among its characters. Setting the film in the Louisiana Bayou allows for characters of Caribbean, European and African descent. With a catchy score by the legendary Randy Newman, a charming prince, a beautiful young ingénue and a myriad of wacky supporting characters (including a Cajun firefly named Ray), this film is everything you’d expect it to be. It seems only right that in the age of progressivism, where the free world is led by a black man, that Disney follow suit. Unfortunately, the facelift was merely cosmetic. “The Princess and the Frog’’ still forces Tiana into the same dilemma that every Disney princess faces: marriage. It starts out promising. Tiana’s dream of opening her own restaurant portrays her as being not just pretty but hard working and selfsufficient, personifying the idea that wishing upon a star helps express dreams, but determination and hard work make them come true. She puts

up a fight, but it’s no use. The Princess and the Frog dissolves into formula, and overshadows its true message. But forget that. This movie is fun. It has all the charm and humor of any Disney classic. Its villain is menacing and meticulous and its heroine beautiful and rebellious. Its handsome prince is possibly the handsomest of them all, with those eyes. The songs aren’t as strong as previous Disney films, but their Zydeco flavor makes them unique, and Tiana’s big number “Almost There” is a fun twist on the typical princess ballad. With its summer-eve color palate and some kaleidoscopic voodoo sequences, “The Princess and the Frog” is visually breathtaking. I suppose the best way to judge this film is to ask the most important critics of them all: children. I went to see this with my 11-year-old sister. The theater was filled with children and parents, all boiling over with excitement. There was that electricity in the air that only the magic of Disney can create. When it was over, my sister turned to me and simply said, “That was awesome.” The jury has spoken.

plot holes, and some of the characters feel kind of two-dimensional, but all of these were things that occurred to me after the movie was over. While I was watching it, I was so swept up by the beauty and grandeur of it all that I didn’t even notice them. First, the part you already know — the movie looks fantastic. The Na’vi are some of the most believable computer generated characters I’ve ever seen, especially their faces. The technology that was used to translate actor’s facial expressions to the CG creatures is very realistic. The plant and animal life of Pandora is also beautifully imagined, designed, and rendered, with creature that seem believable but still pretty alien. The human machinery is a bit more boring and cliché, complete with anime-style giant mechs and helicopters which seemed directly descended from the modern American military. But the familiarity of the machines helped create an emotional impact, and the contrast they presented with the creature-based warfare of the Na’vi was kind of a need visual summary of the movie’s major themes. The acting was fairly high quality. Aside from Steven Lang, who played his Colonel Quaritch like an over-the-top cartoon character, all of the film’s major actors turned in believable, interesting performances — they felt more like real people than science fiction archetypes. Well, the humans did, anyway. The Na’vi felt very stereotypical, but that was more the fault of the writers than the actors. And now we get to the parts of the movie that bothered me. The plot did seem like “Dances with Wolves” – in space! I’ve also heard comparisons to “Pocahontas” and “Fern Gully.” And while there’s nothing wrong with rehashing a plot — all movies are rehashes on some level — what bothered me was that “Avatar” had several opportunities to go a different direction and distinguish itself from these films. For example, the Na’vi culture seemed like a hodge-podge of Native American and African sterotypes. The coolest thing about them was that their “connection to the earth” was not just spiritual, but physical — they could literally plug themselves into plants and animals to connect with them telepathically. And the whole ecosystem was connected through a giant network of neurons. That was a cool concept, but they didn’t really do much with it. And the whole plot had the same ideological problem as “Dances with Wolves,” of course, which is that it’s an anti-colonial movie with a white (and, in this case more importantly, human) hero. The implication being that while the natives’ culture might be beautiful and pure and all that, they can only escape from the evil colonialist white people by… having a white person lead them to victory. This is an old phenomenon which has to do with white guilt and the fact that colonial imperialists tend to buy a lot of movie tickets, but I still feel compelled to voice my disappointment about it. But this is a movie review, not an editorial, so I won’t go into more detail about that. The film’s other message, the one about conservation and living in harmony with nature, came through much better, and again, I loved how the harmony with nature was taken so literally — that’s one advantage science fiction offers over a historical setting, and it was used quite expertly.

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Section Editors: Margaret Donnelly Chris Weston Matthew Yannie

Friday, January 15




Alabama finally earns positive national attention after BCS When it comes to sports — and many other facets for that matter — Alabama as a state is completely and totally irrelevant. We don’t have a National Basketball Association mikehaggerty team or even a professional baseball team. We don’t even have a team in the National Hockey League. Hey, Tennessee has a team, so why can’t we have one too? This is why the Crimson Tide victory last

week was such a remarkable event for the great state of Alabama. I come from a state that lives, breathes and dies for college football. Granted, this is largely because we have nothing better to watch, other than NASCAR. But who really wants to watch a bunch of men driving fancy cars making left turns for two hours? The gameplay itself was really quite pathetic. When I turned off the television at the end of the night I found myself wondering what was worse — Mack Brown’s play calling or Nick Saban’s postgame press conference. I mean, you

pay to whiten those teeth, Nick; you might as well use them. Failed fake punts, an inexperienced freshman quarterback and dropped passes are not exactly the perfect recipe for football excellence. Despite the disappointing quality of play, the game certainly provided some excitement. A third quarter score of 24-21 certainly made everyone wonder “Could this freshman really do it? Could this kid really stage a comeback against one of the best defenses in the country?” Fortunately for the fans in my home state, just as that thought

began to creep into the minds of every person watching the BCS championship, senior linebacker Eryk Anders reminded us all that we were not watching “Remember the Titans.” As that ball rolled away from Garrett Gilbert deep in Texas territory we all came back to reality. The game once again became a one-sided affair as Alabama proceeded to spend the rest of the fourth quarter running all over the best defense the Big 12 Conference had to offer. In the end, I must admit that I am happy for my home state. We don’t get much national attention. It’s nice

to know that for at least a week or two, when I hear people reference Alabama, there is a chance they aren’t talking about a new law which makes it legal for second cousins to get married. Perhaps they are talking about Heisman recipient Mark Ingram’s exceptional running ability, or Terrance Cody’s future as a powerhouse defensive lineman. Or maybe, just maybe, they are talking about the Tuscaloosa Wal-Mart where the trophy was displayed shortly after the Crimson Tide’s crowning achievement. Remember not to hate — you shop there, too.

Wenz breaks three-point record for struggling Scots Margaret Donnelly Sports Editor Kym Wenz ’10 became the team’s all-time three-point leader in a losing effort last Saturday at the hands of Kenyon College (103, 3-1 NCAC). Although the Fighting Scots (4-10, 1-4 NCAC) lost the game 53-50, it was Wenz’s record-breaking threepoint shot that began Wooster’s rally from a 12-point deficit with 9:06 remaining in the second half. During the next two minutes, Wenz successfully completed three more three-point shots to draw the Scots within one point of the Ladies. The Scots took their first lead with three minutes left in the game when Keshia Butler ’12 connected with Jessica Wingen ’13 to put Wooster up 48-47. In a series of two sets of foul shots, Kenyon’s Kathleen Williams regained the lead for the Ladies. The back-and-forth scoring action continued for the remaining time in the game, until Kenyon gained a 53-50 advantage with 11 seconds left in the game, when Wooster called a timeout. Unfortunately, the Scots were unable to capitalize on a final play and fell in another North Coast Athletic Conference game. By the end of the game, Wenz’s

The second half began with as Keegan scored a three-point shot career three-point total reached 135, Wooster trailing 31-30, but the off a pass from Samantha Justice ’12. surpassing the previous record of Scots came back onto the court fired Wenz helped the Scots to an eight131, which was held for six years by up and began a 21-5 point run at the point lead (40-32), but it was shortLindsey Schaaf. Wenz scored a total start of the second half, which began ened to six by Denison’s Shaina of 19 points throughout the game, Kaiser. Wooster and 17 of those responded with came in the second points by Kristen half during which Schwartz and the Scots outscored Krister to increase the Ladies 34-24. its lead to 13 points A d d i t i o n a l l y, (47-34). A threeKristen Schwartz point shot by ’12 scored 10 points, Colleen Goodwillie following her ’10 and baskets by career-high of 13 Wenz and Schwartz points in the Scots’ brought Wooster’s last game against lead to 20 points Denison University. (62-42) over the Big Co-captain Kaitlin Red with 3:54 in the Krister ’10 added a second half. total of nine points Denison then and three blocked scored 10 unanshots, while Taylor swered points over Keegan ’11 added the next two minseven. utes, making the The Fighting score 62-52, but Scots triumphed began to foul on over Denison each possession. University (10-4, Wenz converted 2-3 NCAC) the day on 10 of her 12 before their close free-throws in the loss to Kenyon, final 1:38. The ending a 19-game senior guard finlosing streak ished the game against the Big with 32 points, Red since the Wenz hit 10 of 12 free throws in the last two minutes seven rebounds, 2000-01 season four assists and against Denison (Photo courtesy Voice Archives). with a 72-59 win.

three steals with just one turnover. Schwartz scored a career-high of 13 points, and Keegan added eight points and seven rebounds. Krister recorded 11 rebounds, two blocks and two steals. Denison’s key players were Shaina Kaiser, who had 17 points, and Christina Myers with 15 points and eight rebounds. Since the home opener loss to John Carroll University in the Timken Gymnasium, the Scots have played 16 games, including four North Coast Athletic Conference losses to Allegheny College (68-55), Wittenberg University (61-53), Ohio Wesleyan University (70-60) and Kenyon College (53-50). The Scots’ sole NCAC win came over Denison (72-59). Their record stands at 4-10 overall and 1-3 in the NCAC. The Fighting Scots hosted Hiram (2-11, 1-3 NCAC) on Wednesday night and will face Earlham (2-11, 1-4 NCAC) on Saturday, Jan. 16 in the Timken Gymnasium at 3 p.m. If the Scots manage two consecutive wins, they could find themselves amongst the top teams in the NCAC. With 10 conference games remaining, Wooster will have the opportunity to reverse their early season woes in time for the conference tournament.

CROSSFIRE: Resting Starters

No use in risking injury to Starting the stars preserves the players in meaningless games spirit of competition in NFL I have been a diehard Patriots fan my entire life. I went to my first game when I was five, I schedule my flights to and from Wooster around when the Patriots are on TV, and am “sick” whenever I have a meeting on a Sunday during their game. I have sat in 15 below zero weather to watch them beat the Colts in the playoffs, and have missed school to watch their Super Bowl victory parades. And I knew from the second that Wes Welker hurt his knee against the Houston Texans in Week 17 that the Patriots playoff chances were finished. It was a basic, straightforward plan for head coach Bill Belichick — sit your starters in the last game, be rested for the playoffs a week later. The team had already been riddled with injuries over the course of the season (Vince Wilfork’s foot, Ty Warren’s ankle, Fred Taylor’s ankle, Nick Kaczur’s shoulder chrisweston and Tom Brady’s everything). They had no real need to start their top guys in the game against the Texans. Let Houston win, and let them have a shot at the playoffs for the first time in their franchise’s history. Instead, on the first pass to Welker in the game, he tears his ACL and MCL, and is scheduled to be out of commission for a minimum of six months. First, let’s look at the immediate problems with this situation — the Patriots are without their best receiver, who essentially acted as their running game, and arguably one of the toughest players to tackle in the entire NFL. Aside from him and Randy Moss, the Patriots are thinner at WR than the models in a Victoria’s Secret catalogue. They were forced to turn to Julian Edelman, a “wide receiver” (he played quarterback at Kent State University and was listed as the Patriots’ third string quarterback for the majority of the season) who nearly spent his entire rookie campaign playing with a broken forearm. Next is the problem with the future. Welker, a college walk-on and NFL journeyman before arriving with the Patriots, will probably never be the same receiver he was when he was setting team records and going to Pro Bowls. Knee injuries can ruin careers. Look at Carson Palmer, who has never fully returned to his All-Pro form after being speared in the knee by the Steelers’ Kimo Von Oelhoffen, or most notably Joe Theismann, a league MVP and Super Bowl champion, never played another down after having his legs disassembled by Giants’ legend, and the true LT, Lawrence Taylor. Other injuries have been ravaging teams already in this set of playoffs — Chad Ochocinco hurt his ankle in the last week of the season and was not the same explosive receiver he had been in the Bengals’ 24 - 14 loss to the Jets. The Arizona Cardinals were lucky to escape from the Green Bay Packers with a thrilling 51 - 45 overtime win despite playing without their No. 2 wide receiver (Anquan Boldin), who is most likely out for the entire postseason with multiple injuries to his left leg suffered after the Cardinals had clinched a playoff spot. To wrap it up, the debate to sit or start your players leading into the playoffs is always a heated one. But it is easier to start rusty and get better than to not play at all.

Herm Edwards said it best when he yelled emphatically in a press conference several years ago that “you play to win the game.” Teams need to play their stars regardless of the fear of injury or the relative significance of late-season games. Injuries are a part of every sport and they can happen at any time. The logic of resting your starters tampers with the integrity of fair competition. History is made when teams are willing to take the chances and achieve greatness. The 1972 Miami Dolphins had the perfect season not only because they worked hard every week, but also because resting star players had yet to become part of the school of thought at the time. The ’72 Dolphins are still recognized as one of the greatest teams in the history of professional football because of matthewyannie their willingness to compete. The great players and teams of history all struggled with injuries and overcame adversity in pursuit of a Super Bowl victory, not for just a first round bye in the playoffs and home field advantage. That is what made them great. The Indianapolis Colts chose to rest their starters and ended up losing to the New York Jets and Buffalo Bills to finish the season. If they end up winning the Super Bowl, they will look back on those two games with remorse and wonder of what could have been. No matter what, 17-2 with a Super Bowl Victory simply cannot measure up with the ’72 Dolphins (17-0) or, the ’07 Patriots for that matter, (18-1). The president of the Colts, Bill Polian, said that the team was not worried about going undefeated. He claimed that the team’s goals going into the season were breaking the New England Patriots’ record for most consecutive regular season wins and to achieve the title of most wins in the decade. Frankly, these goals are not only irrelevant but offensive to sports fans, teams fighting to make the playoffs and the history of the sport. The only way to be remembered as the greatest team ever would be to pursue perfection, go 19-0 and win the Super Bowl. The ’72 Dolphins remain relevant today because not only did they win every regular season game, they sought perfection and executed, winning the Super Bowl. History can only be made if teams adhere to standards of competition. Even if the Colts had clinched home field advantage by Week 16 of the season, they are obligated to do everything they can to beat the Jets and Bills and keep the playing field level. The Jets have no business being in the playoffs and they can thank the Colts and Cincinnati Bengals for resting their starters in the last weeks of the season. Resting star players and surrendering seemingly meaningless games may have some benefit in terms of playoff success and will surely prevent injury, but there is no logic claiming that Peyton Manning is less likely to be hurt in the AFC Championship Game than he is against Buffalo in Week 17. Wes Welker of the Patriots tore his ACL and MCL, but not on a play in which he was even touched; that is the fluke nature of injury that is an incalculable and unexpected part of sports on any level.

Should NFL teams sit their starters in the weeks leading up to the playoffs?

[Chris and Matthew are Sports Editors for The Wooster Voice. Contact them at and]



Friday, January 15, 2010

Wooster Voice

Men’s basketball faces tough early tests, sits atop NCAC Andrew Vogel Editor in Chief The Wooster men’s basketball team began the season ranked No. 9 in Div. III. Halfway through the month of January, the team has fallen out of the national Top 25 poll. Against the nation’s toughest schedule, however, rankings don’t tell the whole story. Coming into the season, head coach

Steve Moore knew the team would be challenged in the early going. Moore had designed the team’s toughest schedule in school history — and it showed. In the first month of the season, the Scots played the nation’s No. 2, No. 4 and No. 6 ranked teams. The Scots lost all three of these games. This included a humbling 31-point loss in the Al Van Wie Tournament to

the University of St. Thomas. It was the team’s worst loss in almost 23 years. After winning seven of its last eight games, the Scots have gotten off to a 10-4 start. At most schools, this would unquestionably be a successful start. With the type of program Moore has built and the expectations he has set, however, it is rather pedestrian. From 2002 to

Jake Mays ’13 has played an important role as a first-year contributor to the 9-4 Fighting Scots. Wooster looks to continue its NCAC dominance (Photo courtesy of OPI).

2007, the most losses the Scots had during the regular season in any year was three. These six seasons were characterized by six NCAA Tournament trips and two trips to the Final Four. The Scots have met early season expectations, but they have not exceeded them. The Scots have beaten the teams they were supposed to, but they have not sprung any upsets. The Scots have looked good, if not looked unbeatable. This may be in due part to perimeter shooting. The team was upset by Albion College 57-55 in the season opener after shooting just 33 percent from the field. The team has averted two early upsets in December against Kenyon College and on Wednesday against Allegheny. despite shooting just 37 percent from the field. In Wednesday’s 69-68 win over the Gators, the Scots made just 16 percent of their three-point shots. On the season, the team is shooting 45 percent from the field and 37 percent from three-point range. Last year, the team relied on perimeter shooting. The team shot 47 percent from the field and 43 percent from three-point range. While the team lacked a strong post game, they made up for it with an exceptional perimeter game. Forward Justin Hallowell ’12 and guard Nathan Balch ’11 excelled from the behind the arc and knocked down 50 percent of their shots, averaging around 14 and 13 points respectively. This year, Hallowell is shooting 40 percent from behind the arc, while Balch has hit 36 percent of his shots from downtown. While the perimeter duo has played well, they are slightly off the high marks from last year. Moore’s previous teams have enjoyed a considerable edge in perimeter shooting. Despite an inexperienced squad last year, the team’s perimeter game carried it to the second round of the NCAA Tournament. If the team plans on making a deep run in the NCAA Tournament, it will rely on strong perimeter play. Guard Ian Franks ’11 has again established himself as the Scots’ go-to


A Wizards fan’s letter to Gilbert Arenas Dear Mr. Arenas, You're a good guy and a great basketball player. You’ve got more range than Southwest Airlines, and contrary to recent events, any Wizards fan would tell you you’ve got jasonweingardt a good heart and have always been there to back up your teammates. When the Wizards first acquired you from the Golden State Warriors you showed Washington D.C. you were a standup guy: honest, funny and always willing to tell it like it is. In an age of canned press-statements and players abusing the media, hilarity ensued whenever you found a microphone and someone to listen. But Gil, in case you haven’t noticed, you’re the joke now. Your team is the butt of jokes nationwide, and it’s approaching Washington Nationals territory. The reason for this isn’t stemming from your recent run-in with the law, but the monstrosity you call your ego. This time you crossed the line. On Dec. 24, 2009, you admitted to storing guns, though unloaded, in the Wizards locker room. Smart move. Not only did you violate NBA policy by bringing firearms onto NBA property, but you broke Washington D.C. law as well. Your nickname may be “Agent 0,” but you probably have as much qualification to operate a gun as “The Situation” from “Jersey Shore” (However, I’m pretty sure he’s carrying more guns than you). Later, it was reported that you got into an argument with teammate Javaris Crittenton and someone held up a gun at some point during

the fiasco. All judgments aside — plete mockery of that. I am disapwell, who am I kidding? It’s impos- pointed to call myself a fan. (Well, sible not to judge you. You may be a you and Andray Blatche). notorious prankster across the When people ask me who my league, but that doesn’t play into favorite basketball team is, I’ve had things anymore. Now you’re a flat- the misfortune of informing them out idiot. Should you face any feder- it’s the Washington Wizards. With al charges, the Wizards have the you coming off another knee surright to void your contract, leaving gery, I really thought this would be almost 90 million dollars to spend. a good year, with you, Caron “Tuff While it pains me to see this breakup, they have absolutely no choice. To an organization that’s struggling at full strength, this is the absolute last thing that needed to happen. And it gets worse. I’m not even that mad about you b r i n g i n g firearms into the locker room. What I’m really ticked off at is your honesty and your overblown ego. A day before getting suspended indefinitely by NBA Arenas will probably soon find himself in front of a commissioner bench instead of on one (Photo courtesy of AP). David Stern, in your pre-game grouping with the Juice” Butler, Antawn “Get Me Out team you got down on two knees of Here” Jamison and Deshawn and began shooting off two finger “Cleveland’s Favorite” Stevenson. I pistols. A couple days before, you — had hope, but then December hit. or should I say your lawyer — You decided to bring an artillery issued a statement saying some- large enough to make Delonte West thing along the lines of how no one cringe into the Verizon Center. should ever joke about guns and that Then as the season progressed I this is a serious issue. Then you go realized I’d much rather be watchout before a game and make a com- ing “The Secret Life of the

American Teenager” and realizing that my childhood was, like, so totally lame. It’s already been a trying season for the Wizards with owner, Abe Pollin, passing away. As one of the most important philanthropists in the Washington D.C. area, Pollin moved the Baltimore Bullets to D.C. Oh, and he also changed the name in 1997 to help overcome overtones of violent crime in the D.C. area. Pollin was a fighter for non-violence, and you completely stand for what he so vehemently stood against. You’re a hypocrite, a dishonest person and you straight up just don’t get it. Finally, Gil, the worst part for me isn’t your absence from the team. Every sign is pointing towards blowing it all up and starting over. I don’t care anymore. The worst part is going to school in the Cleveland area and having obnoxious Cavaliers fans talk about you. They’re entirely too happy — like when Dick Vitale does color commentating for a Duke basketball game happy. I’m miserable. I agree with David Stern with your suspension. You took a joke too far, and when you were expected to act mature about it, you decided your jokester persona was far more important. Take your time off, and if you prove somehow you’ve changed, I’ll be willing to welcome you back. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go pretend to be a Washington Capitals fan. Sincerely, Jason Weingardt P.S.: I hear “The Real World D.C.” needs an ex-basketball player. You know what to do.

scorer. Franks single-handedly willed the team to victory against Kenyon, scoring seven points in the game’s last minute as well as dishing out the game winning assist. Furthermore, leading the team in scoring, Franks is second on the team in assists and third on the team in rebounding. In addition to the comeback of point guard Brandon Johnson ’10 this season, the emergence of Justin Warnes ’12 is one of the most interesting storylines so far. Warnes spent all of last season on the junior varsity squad. This year, Warnes has emerged as a defensive stopper, taking over the duties held last year by perimeter player Marty Bidwell ’09. Warnes is hardly a scoring threat by any means — he has scored 14 points in 14 games. Warnes has earned his minutes by having to play more defense than Amy Winehouse’s publicist. With the improvement of forward Bryan Wickliffe ’11, as well as the contributions of newcomers Josh Claytor ’13 and Jake Mays ’13, the team has benefited from increased depth in the post. The Scots have enjoyed the rebounding edge in 10 of their 13 games this season. This could provide a huge boost down the stretch this season, especially as the team continues to improve its perimeter shooting. Through the first part of the season, the Scots have looked solid, but not quite spectacular. After playing arguably the toughest non-conference schedule in the nation, the team will look to find its groove against the rest of the NCAC, where the Scots have historically feasted. In the last seven seasons, the Scots have posted a 103-9 record against its conference opponents in the regular season. While the Scots were not able to pull any upsets against any of the three top 10 teams it played , it is positioned right where it needs to be in mid-January — atop the NCAC standings. As the team continues to make adjustments the rest of the way, preseason expectations remain the same — that the team will be there at the end of February as well.

Scots leave OWU in their wake Matthew Yannie Sports Editor The No. 20 ranked women’s swimming and diving team took care of Ohio Wesleyan University in their return to the pool on Jan. 9 to improve to 8-0 in dual meet action this season. The No. 18 ranked men’s team also rang in the new year with a convincing victory in their first dual meet of 2010, defeating the Battling Bishops 139-79, improving to 4-3 overall. The women continued an impressive streak of dominance with a 147-78 win over Ohio Wesleyan. The Scots managed to not only beat the Bishops, who fell to 2-5 on the season, but also shut out Ohio Wesleyan, earning first place in all 11 races on the day. Melissa Haug ’12 and Kate Hunt ’13 contributed two wins each to the overall victory. Hunt won the 50 and 500 freestyles while Haug took home wins in the 200 fly and 200 freestyle. The men’s team also earned victory in the dual meet in convincing fashion led by Ryan Radtke ’10, Eric Babbitt ’10 and Adel El-Adawy ’11, who each won two races against Ohio Wesleyan. The men finished first in 12 of the 13 races leaving the men’s and women’s combined swimming record against the Bishops at an amazing 23-1. The teams’ next dip will be Sunday in Ohio as the Scots look to keep the winning pace against Hiram College. The Scots return home the following weekend, Jan. 23, to take on Wheeling Jesuit College in the last home dual meet of the season.

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