FE20/1110 amended THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG FACULTY OF EDUCATION Faculty Research Fund for MPhil/PhD/EdD students Application Form To: Secretary, Faculty Higher Degrees Committee 1.
APPLICANT’S DETAILS (a) Name of Applicant (Mr)*: David James Woo
(b) Programme: PhD * (FT)* Registration date (dd-mm-yy): 1/9/10 Candidature: Confirmed Not yet confirmed
(c) Have you received this fund or the Sik Sik Yuen Fund before? No Yes, please specify the amount and the year of award below and attach the Report Form(s) for the previous award(s):
(d) Total sum now requested (as in 2d) $2,935
* Please delete as appropriate
2. PROJECT DETAILS (a) Title of research project: Changing Practices and Changing Perspectives: Pedagogical Technologists in Schools
(b) Ethical approval for the project
Yes, obtained
Not yet obtained
Not applicable
(c) Proposed project/research objectives. Please provide information on the use of the proposed funding and state clearly how it will contribute towards the thesis for your research degree (100 to 200 words). The first objective is to collect data at a conference. The 21st Century Learning Conference is the culminating event for my data collection. This conference is important because all five of my cases will be present at the conference. They will attend the conference with objectives and contexts that will answer my research questions. They will interact with each other and with others in ways that will answer my research questions. I will observe them, interview them, and interview others about them at the conference which lasts four days. The money will be used for the conference’s admission cost. This conference admission cost should be treated in the same way as payment of subjects because I am paying a significant fee to access my cases for data collection at this significant venue and time. The second objective is to be able to take taxis to a school where one of my cases works. This school is located on Guildford Road on the Peak, Hong Kong. It is not easily accessed by public transportation from HKU. It is not located near an MTR station. Compared to the other schools in my study, this school is far from a bus station or to a minibus station. The school venue cannot be accessed conveniently by public transportation from HKU. Public transportation takes a circuitous route from HKU to the data collection venue. The money will be used to cover taxi fare, which is about $41 per trip from HKU to the data collection venue. I interview and observe my case, and interview and observe others at the school. Below is the location of the school relative to public transportation venues:
(d) Amount of funding requested (Please provide detailed specification and justification for the funding requested, with additional sheets attached if necessary.) Category Consumables
Equipment Services1 Travel2 205
Transportation to data collection (5 trips x HK$41); I estimate taking five more trips to the venue from 11.11 to 2.12
21st Century Learning Conference admission (US$350 x 7.8)
Others TOTAL: 2,935 Signature of applicant: _____________David James Woo_
Date: ___________5.11.11________________
Funding may be awarded for data entry, translation and transcription services normally at not more than HK$52 per hour. Please specify the number of personnel and number of service hours involved and state the hourly rate. 2 Funding may be awarded to support transportation costs for data collection. Please specify the location for data collection and describe the data collection procedures. 1
ENDORSEMENT BY SUPERVISOR (Applicants must forward the application to their (primary) supervisor for comment and endorsement before submission to the Office of Research.) Supervisor’s comments:
Supervisor’s signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________ (Name: )