1 minute read
From 2 Rice Street
from Newsletter 6.20.23
by worcestercc
An update on a couple of Club projects on the horizon:

Entry Road will be resurfaced next spring. This project has been scheduled in each of the past two years, but with the golf course construction project taking place this year and the heavy equipment that will be on the road we pushed the road resurfacing out to after the construction is completed. Clubhouse Carpet will be replaced in August. This includes the stairs, Ryder Cup Room, Tee Room, Grill Room, and Living Room Hallway.
65,000 65,000
- The number of plastic cups & lids we use at the club in one year! By reducing the number of plastic cups we use, we can:
Reduce the amount of plastic going to landfill (we do our best to recycle, but not every cup is recycled.) Reduce the number of garbage/recycle pick-ups per week.
Preserve the assets of the club or save money.
How can you help? One simple way is to use a Yeti type bottle on the golf course and at the pool. Your drink will stay ice cold or hot and you will not confuse your drink with someone else’s.
Also, use the same cup during your round of golf or stay at the pool. Club staff are not allowed to use paper or plastic cups, they are given a tumbler when they start and are required to use them for all beverages.
Ps – DENIM, we are still seeing members wearing denim at the club. Denim is not allowed in any area of the club including the pool. Please remind your guests.