Worcester Mag May 10, 2012

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May 10 - 16, 2012 www.worcestermagazine.com


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Kirk A. Davis President Gareth Charter Publisher x153 Doreen Manning Editor x235 Jeremy Shulkin Senior Writer x243 Steven King Photographer x278 Brittany Durgin On-line Editor x155 Vanessa Formato, Paul Grignon, Janice Harvey, Josh Lyford, Gary Rosen, Barbara Taormina, David Wildman Contributing Writers Tammy Griffin-Kumpey Copy Editor Lindsey O’Donnell Editorial intern; Emily Hornsby Photography intern


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efore work each morning, I listen to either The AM Jukebox on WCUW 91.3 FM for some morning rockabilly or WCHC 88.1 FM to catch the latest in alternative/college music. Sometimes I just drift along the dial to find out what I can hear – and I often wonder at the diversity of music, news and talk – Worcester radio seems to have it all. This inspired me to ask Jeremy Shulkin to put his reporter’s ear to the dial and find out the state of Worcester radio. What is broadcast locally, who listens and why should we care? Tune in to find out what our senior writer discovered along the airwaves of Worcester radio.

inside stories 6 City Desk 9 Worcesteria 10 1,001 Words 10 The Rosen Report 11 Your Turn

— Doreen Manning | Editor

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WooTown Index: An itemized list of Worcester’s ups and downs this week.

{ citydesk }

May 10 - 16, 2012 ■ Volume 37, Number 36

Holes in the net? Police, City say Russo incident spiraled because safety nets weren’t in place AMEN: The Worcester Tornadoes unveil Jose Canseco and his jersey on Monday morning at Ritual. The event goes off with the same curiosity you’d expect. The Worcester Police Department’s “Give Kids a Fighting Chance” boxing tournament brings in $85,000 in charity money for the Worcester Boys & Girls Club. Accordng to a WPD spokesperson, 34 fighters boxed in front of a crowd of over 3,000 at the Palladium. The event has raised over $800,000 in the past ten years, all for youth program support at the club.

Jeremy Shulkin


hat really brought us here today was a discussion in the community about racial profiling,” Worcester Police Chief Gary Gemme said at the outset of last Thursday’s Worcester Clergy and Police Community Partnership STEVEN KING

The Associated Press/Providence Journal report that Massachusetts overtook Rhode Island in the last decade as the most Catholic state in the United States. That means we’re in order for a visit from the Pope, right? The Worcester Historical Museum announces City Manager Michael O’Brien will be the recipient of the Harvey Ball Smile Award, given annually “on behalf of the entire community to an individual, organization, or group of individuals whose commitments have made a difference in the city of Worcester … and help people throughout the community smile.” RECITE 10 HAIL MARYS: Talks for a union-administration compromise on the teaching changes planned for Claremont Academy next fall hit a dead end, leading to a picket outside of the last school committee meeting. It fell the same night as the police, clergy and community meeting on race relations and youth violence, however, meaning less press and less attention. A 27-year-old found dead in his Bancroft Lofts apartment is identified as Michael Deppe, who the Telegram reports served prison time after scamming 76 people out of $543,000 for tickets to the 2005 Super Bowl. Deppe was released just a few months ago. Police rule it as Worcester’s fourth homicide this year. Cause of death: gunshot wound. A gunfight erupts on the corner of King and Main streets after a verbal altercation between two groups. The Worcester Police Department arrests two and confiscates a .357 Magnum. Direct Air consumers who haven’t yet gotten refunds for unused trips on purchased tickets likely won’t ever see that money, according to financial information that the charter air service provided to a U.S. Bankruptcy court, making official what was already widely speculated. Based on their reports, it’s a miracle Direct Air wasn’t flying planes held together by gorilla glue and duct tape.

W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M • M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2

Worcester Police Chief Gary Gemme (second from right) and City Manger Mike O’Brien (far right) listen attentively during a recent forum on racial profiling, youth and gang violence.

forum on racial profiling, youth and gang violence at Claremont High School. Gemme immediately noted that there have been no complaints from city leaders or clergy members to his office supporting any allegations of race-based stops or arrests since he became chief of police in 2004. “If we’re going to have a real discussion, a real debate, let’s do it about what’s happening among communities of color,” he continued, pointing out a sobering statistic that of the 216 people shot (fatally and nonfatally) in Worcester since 2004, 81 percent come from communities of color. “The biggest cost to communities is gun violence.” That, however, was the last time gun or youth violence came up as a topic, as residents soon turned attention to neighborhood watch groups, police and the city’s response to the unfortunate arrest of then-14-year-old David Russo nearby his Hammond Heights home last summer. “What we should have conversations about [is that] there are emails going around in any community that say to look out for suspicious black Latino men,” said Isabel Gonzalez-Webster, a local advocate for the Russo family and former mayoral staffer who brought questions about neighborhood-watch profiling to then-mayor Joe O’Brien last summer – an issue reignited with David’s arrest after a neighbor spotted him exiting a garage that ended up being his own house. “What are our options?” she asked. “This happened, how can we prevent this from happening?” According to city leaders the very delayed response to addressing neighborhood concerns, and acknowledging the David Russo incident was because two of the city’s reporting continued on page 8

Bus boys and girls

Would an exam school keep students in the district and school choice at bay? Jeremy Shulkin


ith Mayor Joe Petty’s announcement last month that he would form a committee consisting of four school committee members and interests from the business and higher-education community to look at creating an exam school in Worcester, it was in clear response to an anecdotal trend seen throughout the Worcester Public Schools: more and more Worcester Public School (WPS) students and their families are taking advantage of school choice vouchers and attending schools in outlying districts. The public school would only be open to Worcester residents and require an entrance exam to get in. In return, proponents say students would be enrolled in a small “classical” high school offering learning opportunities not available at other district schools, such as a potential international baccalaureate program. “A new exam school would offer

opportunities for students from every neighborhood to excel and elevate the public reputation of our entire school system,” Petty said when announcing his intent to form a committee. It comes at a time where Worcester has seen a sharp increase in students and families electing to attend schools outside of the city. According to Massachusetts Department of Education data, in the 2007-2008 school year, 296 students opted to leave the Worcester Public Schools for surrounding towns at a cost of $1.6 million to the district. (School choice is structured so that the sending municipalities reimburse the district that receives their students.) Those numbers have only increased since. The 2010-2011 school year saw 355 students leave for other municipalities at a cost to WPS of $1.9 million. The number of students is likely higher, as this doesn’t count the number of families opting for private or charter school education for their kids. (Those

schools, however, don’t receive district reimbursements.) Because of the services Worcester offers, like better special education programs than in the surrounding towns, the district has seen its school choice intake rise, too. In 2008 only 17 students bused in from other towns, a number that hit 75 in the 2009-2010 school year and 64 the next – bringing in $330,000. Still, that doesn’t come anywhere near the $1.9 million flowing to other districts. For one parent of a Worcester Public School student, talk of an exam school comes at an important time. “There’s so much focus on getting the kids to pass the MCAS … that we spend so much time on mediocre that we never ever look at the high kids,” says “Claire,” a parent of a fifth grader and, even more notably, a Worcester Public School secondary-school teacher. “We work so hard to get everybody to [pass MCAS that] there’s no focus on rigor.” continued on page 8

{ citydesk } Better Future Project Brittany Durgin


ast summer, five young women came to Worcester on their bicycles to see what the second largest city in New England is doing to protect its natural environment and to create a sustainable way of life for residents. Their visit was on behalf of the Better Future Project, an organization promoting the end of fossil fuel use. The bicyclists traveled throughout New England gathering information of how cities and towns are going green, doubling as an internship called Climate Summer provided by Better Future Project. Mass Acceleration team members Alejandra Dominquez, Samantha Burke, Alyssa Henry, Sarah Hopps and Eliza Sherpa visited Lowell, Newburyport, Salem, Waltham, Worcester, Springfield and Winchester between June and August 2011. Other Climate Summer teams visited other areas of Massachusetts as well as areas in New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut and Rhode Island, all of which comprise a State of the Movement report. The report published last week highlights green initiatives happening in New England, learned by riders during Climate Summer. Worcester fares well under the scrutiny of Mass Acceleration in comparison to other cities and towns visited. Worcester organizations and businesses recognized for their efforts to protect and create an environmentally friendly and sustainable future include Greater Worcester Land Trust, New Lands Farm, Restore, Worcester City Council, Worcester Earn-A-Bike, Worcester Energy Barnraisers, Worcester Energy Taskforce, and Youth GROW. The report notes Worcester “contains a core group of people dedicated to building a better community through sustainable methods. This group works to integrate community nonprofits and sustainability initiatives into a larger, more cohesive movement.” The well attended Solidarity Economy Conference held in July 2011 is mentioned as proof of this and Joe O’Brien – then mayor, now city councilor – is seen by Team Acceleration as “in touch with members of the sustainability community.” “The city is also beginning to recognize the connection between sustainability, equality and justice,” with the report citing Youth GROW as combining all three by bringing awareness and education of urban agriculture through community gardens in the Main South and Bell Hill neighborhoods. Earn-A-Bike is also credited for striving to include the entire Worcester community, with an emphasis on youth, in their green and sustainable practices. The report concludes “The sense of determination and collaboration found

in Worcester should be a model for surrounding areas.”

SOME NOTES ON THE GROUPS INCLUDED IN THE REPORT: “In Worcester, Massachusetts Bhutanese refugees grow produce at the New Lands Farm and sell it at several farmers’ markets in the surrounding towns. By maintaining cultural practices, a greater diversity of farming techniques becomes available and the amount of local food produced increases.” “Food education programs are essential because they not only reach children but also their families... Youth Grow in Worcester... seek[s] to teach children how to grow their own food in an urban environment, and the benefits reaped from doing so. Youth Grow helps low-income youth learn about gardening and food issues while paying them to garden. It also educates students on the difference between local, global and personal food production, and how gardens benefit communities.” “Several organizations are working to improve access to bicycles. For example, in Worcester, Massachusetts... Earn-A-Bike... allow[s] residents to fix up and then claim donated or abandoned bikes at no cost.” “The Greater Worcester Land Trust has been working for over 20 years to make nature easily accessible to the city of Worcester. The organization trains the Volunteer Conservation Rangers, who monitor 1,200 acres across greater Worcester. In addition to monitoring and protecting this space, the rangers give direct feedback to the Trust on how to maintain the land and improve access to it. The parks improve the quality of urban life by providing access to natural spaces and preserving the unique biodiversity of the area. Having hiking and outdoor recreation readily available encourages people to participate in more activities that do not run on fossil fuels, and to be more physically active.” “Worcester Energy Barnraisers offers similar opportunities for community retrofitting in central Massachusetts… The JP Green House, in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston is a retrofitted zero-carbon home, which incorporates extra-efficient insulation and passive solar heat, and operates without an external heat source. The former storefront was renovated by a small number of individuals to be a single-family home. There are several Massachusetts organizations that weatherize residences. Renew Boston, which works with the city and energyefficiency providers, offers residents and businesses free building energy audits as well as assistance paying for efficiency retrofits. The Waltham Alliance To Create Housing (WATCH) organizes home energy audits and coordinates volunteers to weatherize selected residences. Worcester Energy Barnraisers offers similar opportunities for community retrofitting in central Massachusetts.” Find out more about Climate Summer and Better Future Project at betterfutureproject.org.



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{ citydesk } RUSSO continued from page 6

mechanisms in place currently, weren’t there at the time. For instance, Sgt. John Lewis, the WPD’s affirmative action, ethnic minority affairs and clergy liaison officer, was out of the office for a lengthy period, including last summer, fighting an aggressive cancer. (“Believe me, John would bring this to me,� Gemme said as a proof that profiling doesn’t exist within the WPD.) Lewis praised the forum, calling it a “healing experience for the community to discuss openly their concerns, get their feedback to the city administration.� He reiterated that now that he’s back, reporting avenues exist so that incidents like the David’s don’t escalate. “There is an avenue,� he said about reporting, mentioning himself, the Human Rights Commission and the clergy-WPD partnership. “We received very few complaints from citizens through Sergeant John Lewis or the Human Rights Director,� a police media specialist Katie Daly wrote over email. “Most complaints come directly to the department and are investigated by the Bureau of Professional Standards. Complaints on occasion come from the City Manger’s office or through the City Council.� Compounding Lewis’ absence last year


was the vacancy in the city’s humanrights director chair after Fran Manocchio left for the director of disabilities services position at Worcester State University in early 2011, a position that wasn’t filled until the hiring of Jayna Turchek in March. The position intakes and investigates human-rights violations and discrimination in city government and “assists the public in addressing their grievances,� she explains. This doesn’t exactly satisfy GonzalezWebster, who said in an interview after the meeting that in this particular case, the system didn’t fall apart – requests were simply ignored. “What better safety net is there if someone contacts the mayor of the city who emails the City Manager?� she asked. “Those safety nets are in place for those who don’t know where to go. To say it was system failure was ridiculous.� This leaves the city and people like Gonzalez-Webster in an odd stand-off: The city says order has been restored, while those who wanted their concerns in Hammond Heights addressed say that wasn’t the issue. “I want to know what the process is if someone calls their councilor [with a complaint],� Gonzalez-Webster asks. “What is the process to have action taken?�

SCHOOL CHOICE continued from page 6

The exam school would, ostensibly, be targeted at student’s like Claire’s son, who she describes as “incredibly bright.� “If you’re getting 100s on everything that’s coming home, you’re clearly not being challenged,� she points out. Eileen Potter, who sends her daughter to Worcester Academy (with some financial support from the school) after completing kindergarten through sixth grade at Worcester Arts Magnet, had similar complaints. “Worcester Arts Magnet [was] a great school but she (and we) still felt that she was ostracized for being a ‘smart kid,’� Potter wrote over email. “We didn’t want that to continue into Middle School; we wanted her to be at a school where being smart was truly valued.� Claire feels a similar lack of choices, with options of Burncoat Middle, the Goddard Scholars program at Sullivan Middle School and South High School, or out of district. (The charter schools haven’t attracted her or her son’s attention and she says she doesn’t have the financial resources for private school.) If she chooses Burncoat, they will have the same dilemma about high school in two years, while the Goddard Scholars program doesn’t offer a variety of electives. (Though she does say South

High could be an attractive option because of their expanding AP and honors program.) “I feel like we have thrown out every idea out there,� she says. “It would be nice to have another option,� as she discusses an exam school. Potter says it’s probably too late for her family to take advantage of any new school that may or may not open in Worcester, but “if we hadn’t already gone down the private school road, I would be very, very interested in sending her to an exam school,� she adds. Just like those tasked with making this a feasible option for the district, Potter worries about cost, questioning if the money’s available at a budget-challenging time. “If they somehow figured how to do it and more importantly how to pay for it, I think it would be a very positive thing for the city and would keep more families like ours in the school district.� That should be music to the administration’s ears. It sure sounds better than the rolling of bus tires across city limits.




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{ worcesteria } PUBLIC POLICY: As

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Jeremy Shulkin

more commercial property owners are reporting huge jumps in the assessed value of their properties and the city council looks to set the residential and commercial tax rates for last year on May 21, the Worcester Chamber of Commerce sent out a rallying call to members on Tuesday. “We, the business community, can still sow the seed of fear and concern over the reality of massive property valuation hikes and the resulting hikes in tax bills,” the letter reads. While the sentiments aren’t surprising, the publicity is. “We’ve always talked about and worked behind the scenes on it,” says Director Dick Kennedy, of the Chamber’s past tax rate negotiations with city government, but with a DEFCON 1 sentiment among business owners the Chamber went for a more public push.

ALL APOLOGIES: Amid the Worcester Clergy/Police Community Partnership forum on youth violence and race-relations last Thursday Claudia Russo outlined years of incidents showing her son as the target of stops and questioning by neighbors and authority figures in their Hammond Heights neighborhood. After praising WPI and the City Manager for finally reaching out to her son, David, she asked the police brass in attendance, “Why is it so hard to say I’m sorry?” (A quote which later ran as the headline to the T&G’s coverage of the meeting.) Reverends Jose Encarnacion and Aaron Payson, central figures in the Clergy/WPD program and moderators for the forum, addressed Russo with their own apology after her pleas elicited no response from the WPD. “That was a very surreal moment,” said one attendee. “To have the clergy there apologize for the police, who were silent.” Encarnacion and Payson could not be reached before press time, but WPD Chief Gary Gemme didn’t see it the same way. “It was clear to me that they were speaking for themselves and there was no concern on my part that the Clergy was speaking for the police department,” Gemme wrote to Worcester Mag. “I do not feel any obligation to respond to Ms. Russo… What seems to be overlooked by some, including Ms. Russo, is the fact that a Worcester police officer was assaulted and kicked. I fully support the actions of the Worcester police officer and I believe that at a minimum he is the one who deserves an apology.” … For the Russo’s part, they’ve readily discussed the details of David’s altercation with officers last summer, and he’s said he regrets them. Claudia has insisted that the responding officers shouldn’t have let the altercation escalate the way it did. MEDIA FIGHT: Besides being an all-around great party, Worcester Mag’s Best Of celebration at the Worcester Regional Airport (see, it’s still being used!) on Monday led to some waves in the local media world when multiple guests saw an, uh, animated conversation between T&G columnist Dianne Williamson, WTAG morning host Jim Polito and later, Worcester Mag columnist Janice Harvey who entered late and separate Williamson. Polito brought it up the next morning on his show, telling listeners that Williamson instigated it by approaching him angry about personal attacks he’s made about her on air. Polito couldn’t comment, citing company chain-of-command, but based on his on-air remarks and a post-fight interview with Williamson, the two agree on the sentiments exchanged but not how they were said. (Disclosure: I was standing about ten feet away from the exchange but could only hear snippets of Polito’s remarks.) Williamson maintains she didn’t swear on purpose: “I hope you quote me directly [on your show],” she says she began when she introduced herself to him, “I think you’re a pathetic piece of crap.” Polito recanted differently the next morning. “She kept swearing. She asked ‘Why do you talk about my body?’ I said, ‘Dianne, with all due respect I don’t do much talking about your body.’” While Williamson says her writing is fair game for criticism, things like her physical appearance or sexual orientation shouldn’t be talk radio fodder. Polito says the motivation was that someone in the media takes her to task. “I did say this to Dianne, you’re a big fish in a small pond. You’re upset because I have challenged you and it’s kind of sad and it’s kind of pathetic. You’re trying to tell me you don’t care about it, yet you sought me out in this room.” Through all their differences, both at least agreed on one thing: using a schoolyard metaphor to describe the encounter. “I really felt like I was in the presence of a kid trying to be the popular girl in the room,” Polito said on his show, while afterward Williamson called him a “nasty high school nerd seeking attention.” This concludes Worcesteria’s brief foray into TMZ-dom.

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M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M


commentary | opinions

slants rants& Chief Gemme and the WPD The Rosen


have no reason to apologize

Gary Rosen


ast week I attended a meeting at Claremont Academy that was supposed to provide police, clergy, community activists and elected officials with an opportunity to address two topics – the prevalence of racial profiling and the marked increase in gun violence in Worcester. While several prominent members of the aforementioned groups participated, it was disappointing that ordinary residents of some of our most threatened neighborhoods were not present. Unfortunately, no discussion of gun violence occurred because several finger-pointing individuals were there only to falsely accuse the Worcester Police Department of racial profiling. There is absolutely no evidence of such unacceptable behavior by Chief Gemme or his officers. But who needs evidence when you can manipulate and use young and fragile David Russo as a pawn in your search for police misconduct. I refer to the well-publicized case of a teen resident of the Hammond Heights neighborhood, which had been experiencing an uptick in house breaks. Last summer, a neighbor called police when he saw Russo entering a home. What the neighbor didn’t realize was that Russo

was entering his own home. That well-intentioned but unnecessary 911 call set off a regrettable chain of events. For some reason, the WPI police responded even though they have little jurisdiction and responsibility for public safety on city streets away from their campus. A college police officer met up with David, who was now on a nearby street, and approached him aggressively in speech and manner. Trouble was inevitable because David, a Romanian boy suffering from emotional and medical disabilities and challenges, had been warned repeatedly by his adoptive mother to expect unjust treatment from police and society. So he became agitated and angry and whacked the campus cop. Soon the Worcester police arrived and did what they are trained and paid to do. They quickly assessed the situation and determined that David had struck the WPI officer. The teen was cuffed and arrested. The action that the WPD took was standard and acceptable operating procedure. There was no racism or discrimination. I listened to David Russo and his bright, articulate and protective mom speak at the Claremont meeting. She made a passionate and persuasive case that David’s background and health challenges, among others, were responsible for his reaction to the events of last summer.

And I was just as impressed when David stated that he wants to contribute to his community in a positive way. But he also said that “mistakes happen.” And he is right. Mistakes are made by vigilant neighbors, college cops and even falsely accused teenagers who sometimes think that fists first is an appropriate response. As a high-school teacher for over 30 years and an adoptive parent myself, I understand that David’s mom wants to shield him from harm, soothe his pain and promote his health and happiness. But it’s dangerous for her to repeatedly tell him that he should expect to be the object of racial profiling and injustice in our community. Such warnings might encourage bad behavior including defiance of authority. The entire Russo incident was unfortunate. But hopefully it will lead to helpful and healing dialogue among police, city officials, clergy, community activists and city residents of all ages and ethnicities. In any case, at the Claremont Academy meeting, Mrs. Russo asked Police Chief Gary Gemme, “Why is it so hard for the police to say I’m sorry?” But I think Mrs. Russo knows the answer to her question. Since no racial profiling took place, no apology will be forthcoming.

1,001 words

On-line comments

By Steven King



Mayday, mayday Too bad Holy Cross didn’t do the right thing and make a PILOT payment (Payment In Lieu Of Taxes) to keep the main branch of the library open on Mondays, more Sundays, and more evenings. Over 1,500 people a day go to the main branch of the library. It is one of the few reasons why people go Downtown. A bookmobile is nice, but keeping the main branch of the library open more often would help serve many more people. Too bad Holy Cross just can’t do the right thing. Submitted online by EXPERT ADVIC E

The UPCS-ification of Claremont Academy You are correct! Students need to be held responsible for their school work. Responsibility needs to be emphasize in our schools. Teachers are held responsible in designing engaging lessons, and students need to be held responsible for completing their classwork and homework, as well as studying for their tests. We do not help students mature into successful citizens if we do not teach them to be responsible. It starts at home and should continue in the classroom. Submitted online by ALWAY S A TEAC HER


• M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2


Do you listen to any Worcester radio stations?


PCB concerns W

orcester is scheduled to spend 1.3 million to encapsulate the caulking of windows, lighting fixture replacement, and to clean the ventilation systems in schools suspected of being contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). This work is being done based on the assumption that caulk containing PCBs was used in many buildings, including schools, during building construction, renovation, or repair from the 1950s through the late 1970s. Worcester has not tested any of the buildings to determine if in fact the buildings contain PCBs and if they do contain PCBs, determine what is the level of contamination. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outlines 4 steps to determine if PCBs are present in caulk and surrounding material; Worcester has only followed 1 of the 4 steps. The steps are: • Review records of when a building was constructed. • Consider air testing to determine levels of PCBs and the safety threshold. • Test the caulk to determine presence and concentration of PCBs • Test nearby material for PCBs as PCBs can migrate into surrounding material.

four locations, the approximate cost per school would be around $3000 or $81,000 for all 27 schools. Testing would beneficial for several reasons. First, the testing would determine if remediation is necessary in all 27 schools. If there are no PCBs present, the school would not need to remediate, thus saving money for other much needed projects. Second, if testing proved there are PCBs present it would determine the levels and placement of the PCBs. Perhaps encapsulate the caulking of windows is not enough to correct the problem. Third, testing would give us a base level of PCB contamination so that we can test after remediation to see the problem has been fixed. Furthermore, I advocate that we test at school buildings that house head start programs, like the Mill Swan School, as PCB contamination can lead to poor cognitive development in children. In today’s tough budgetary times, we need to ensure that our tax dollars are being spent wisely. We all care about PCBs and want to correct the problem. Instead of attacking this problem broadly, where there might not be a problem, we should assess, test, and correct if needed. Do not waste 1.3 million dollars; rather use the money where it is needed.

EPA web site lists the approximate cost of such testing as $550 for an air test, $100 for caulk analysis, and $100 for a soil sample. Estimating that each school tests in

Todd Salmonsen Worcester


I do. The Pike, 100.1. I like that kind of music, and it’s also my maiden name, so I love that station.

Kelley Smith RUTLAND, MA

Not really, no. I just don’t really listen to the radio.

Phill Ferland RUTLAND, MA

No, not really.

Sherica M. FLORIDA

Not really, because I put my own songs on when I get into the car.


A preview of what you’ll find online at worcestermag.com this week


• Best of Worcester party - See photos and watch a video of highlights of our party celebrating this year’s winners • Movies on the Common - It’s back! Find out more about the series in our Worcester Diversions blog

I don’t listen to the radio. I have music on my phone and that’s all I listen to.

Marco • Rain barrels for cheap - Almost half price and can be ordered online. Deadline is May 12. Find out more in our blog Daily Worcesteria • Things to do this weekend - Visit Event Picks on our homepage and sign up for our weekly newsletter - both listing local events happening each weekend.

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{ coverstory }


“We need to talk to the owner of the building,” demanded two men in suits paying a visit to a piece of Worcester commercial property in 2010. “We see an antenna and a wire coming down the building to the sixth floor.”

The owner complied, bringing the two men upstairs where they pushed file

unexpected. On April 15, 2010, some days before the men in suits arrived, Flava 105.5, a Latin/Caribbean-centric radio station received a warning from the FCC. “On March 4, 2010, agents from this office confirmed by direction-finding techniques that radio signals on frequency 105.5 MHz were emanating from your studio/transmitter location…The Commission’s records show that no license was issued for operation of a broadcast station on 105.5 MHz at this location in Worcester, MA.” The years 2009 to 2011 were busy ones for the FCC in Worcester. The agency sent

in the notices, there seem to be what look like a lot of Latino and Haitian names.” “The takeaway from this is that there are still a lot of communities and groups who are not well served by licensed broadcasters, leading a significant number of people to take to the air without a license to fill the void.” The mission statement on the Flava 105.5 website jibes with Radio Survivor’s assessment: “With so little variety and cultural diversity on the air-waves [sic] in Worcester Flava Radio commit to delivering a new hartbeat [sic] to Worcester.” STEVEN KING

Deb Barron, hosts The Folk Spot on WCUW

cabinets together to peer into a make-shift studio. One vaulted over a half-wall and located the cord powering the pirate radio station. “It’s a $10,000 fine for this to be running right now,” one of the suited men said, adding that the building owner could be fined as well. “You might think about unplugging it,” one added. Once the power was shut off and dead air hit the frequency, they added, “We’ve been tracking this guy for two years.” This Federal Communications Commission “raid” wasn’t exactly

similar letters to a different operator of 105.5 FM in April 2009, and two different operators of 102.9 FM in April 2010 and November 2011. (The FCC did not return an inquiry asking for more information.) The enforcement actions caught the attention of the blog Radio Survivor noting the large number of notifications the Boston bureau of the FCC sent out in 2010 throughout New England, leading author Paul Riismandel to surmise, “I’d say there’s a pretty big pirate scene going on in southern New England…just looking over the names of the persons identified


Radio in Worcester has a long and wild history, from WCUW starting at Clark University in 1920 under adviser Robert Goddard (of modern rocketry fame), to the station becoming the flag bearer for the local punk scene in the 1970s

and 1980s. WAAF captured Massachusetts’ hearts and minds, broadcasting from the Worcester area until focusing its efforts on Boston. WTAG, which used to be affiliated with the Telegram & Gazette newspaper, has broadcast for over 90 years. But radio in the 21st century looks a lot different than it did even 20 years ago, and while Flava 105.5 may have been unlicensed, legitimate local stations have adopted the same model: community first. “It’s all about local, local, local,” says Bob Zompa, the market manager for Cumulus Worcester, the parent company to 104.5 WXLO, 100 FM The Pike and WORC 98.9. It’s this local focus that have station managers saying they’re not sweating the rise of online streaming that lets listeners hear stations live from across the world, customizable radio like Pandora, or even newer programs like Spotify. “People do have other options now,” Zompa says, but he likens it to TV: more programming means more choices, but the audience hasn’t diminished. Plus, he points out, Pandora and Spotify didn’t know tornadoes would devastate Springfield and Central Massachusetts last summer. “You’re not reaching the same amount of people you were 10 years ago,” allows Hank Stolz, WCRN’s program and morning director, but he echoes Zompa’s sentiments: “For what we do [local newstalk], you can’t replace that with satellite radio.” “Radio listening year over year is remaining pretty steady,” says Kim Myers, a spokesperson from Arbitron, a mediaresearch firm that radio stations subscribe to for marketing information and performance data. “Just because Pandora is taking off doesn’t mean radio is in sharp decline.” Still, others admit there’s more uncertainty in the business than radiostation owners will admit. “Radio is facing competition from other media – new media, Pandora, cable newstalk, satellite,” says Michael Harrison, publisher of Talkers, a trade magazine self-described as “the bible of talk radio and the new talk media.” “It’s a new world,” he suggests.

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Here’s what Arbitron, and by extension local radio stations, know about the local market.

First, Arbitron lists Worcester as a “two book market,” which means they publish numbers to subscriber stations twice a year, rather than monthly (like they would in larger areas). There are 905,000 radio listeners ages 12 years old and up in the Worcester market, who average 16.5 hours of listening per week over the dial (not including internet streams). They also track the average commute to work in the Worcester market: 25 minutes. “The more time people spend in their car the more they spend listening to radio,” informs Myers. “People don’t realize how much time they spend listening to radio.” “This is actually a really nice radio market,” says Zompa, likely because there’s only one daily newspaper, no network TV news stations and millions of people. “You’re kind of in one of those


{ coverstory } areas where local radio still makes a difference.” It’s also diverse. Among the seven stations Zompa counts that broadcast out of Worcester there’s little overlap. “Everybody has their niche format. We all have a real central core that we superserve.” Yet there is some overlap. Zompa, for example, points out that WTAG, which broadcasts on both the FM and AM dials, competes with the AM only WCRN for morning and afternoon news and talk listeners.


Jesse Anderson, director of Audio-Visual Services at Holy Cross and faculty adviser to campus radio station 88.1 WCHC, says Worcester’s radio landscape is unique because of all the nonprofit broadcasts, which include college, community

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(like WCUW), religious and nonprofit commercial (WICN). Troy Tyree, WCUW’s director and lone paid employee, says while his station is “the alternative to the FM dial in Worcester,” (the same could be said about WCHC), Holy Cross radio probably appeals to a younger audience. The difference, he says, is the volunteer DJs. “Our DJs are older. They have a very long history at WCUW.” Take, for instance, Captain PJ, a WCUW mainstay who passed his 2,000 show at the end of 2010. WCHC, on the other hand, takes its cues from the college rock’s heyday, when campus stations were alternative outlets in college towns across the country. “The gradient between underground and mainstream [music] is more blurred right now,” allows Cat Flynn, a graduating senior who’s leaving her duties as station manager as well as her Thursday night show, Funky Time with Kitty and Tea. But, she says, the station can still be “alternative in a sense that you’re getting something you wouldn’t hear on any other mainstream radio station.” Peter McStravick, the rising senior, DJ and external music director who will take over Flynn’s duties as station manager next year, says that even in the age of Pandora and Spotify, there’s still room for radio to “break” bands. Two recent examples, he says would be Foster the People and Mumford and Sons, two

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• M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2

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bands that relied on heavy alternative station airplay when they first released their records and have now waded into mainstream territory. That doesn’t mean there hasn’t been shuffling. Nearly all of them have done some retooling by adding shows, changing formats or simply making it easier to listen to their stations through the internet. WICN, the local NPR affiliate that played a staple of jazz and folk music, has quietly gone through some major changes in the past year. Weston started his GM tenure last July and rebranded the station as jazz-plus, which means it’s primarily jazz, then flips to soul, triple 8, folk or latin music when other larger area NPR affiliates, like WGBH, switches from news to jazz. “We believe in not duplicating services,” says Weston, who revamped public radio in Louisville, Ky., before coming to

Not every station in the Worcester market subscribes to Arbitron, but of the ones who do, here’s how they performed last fall, ranked by the average number of people who listened to the station for more than five minutes in a 15-minute time span: 1) WSRS 2) WAAF 3) WTAG 4) WEEI 5) WVEI 6) WMKK 7) WRKO

Opposite page: Mega’s director of programing Andres Perez works the mic Left: Gerry Weston, general manager of WICN public radio 90.5 FM, stands by the station’s vast collection of CDs Below: DJ Pete of WCHC 88.1FM at Holy Cross is just one of many young voices heard on “Worcester’s only alternative source.”

Worcester. “We’re the only station in New England playing this much jazz.” Even though he says the most dominant NPR format is news and talk, in his eyes WGBH and WBUR can have “All Things Considered,” “Car Talk” and “Morning Edition.” “It gives us a huge niche that we’re the NPR music station.” To capitalize on this, for the first time WICN has a sales department “to evangelize what we are …. and the audience we attract.” Similarly, WCUW relies on what sets it apart to keep it going. While it doesn’t have salespeople, Tyree says “it’s our diversity that is our marketing tool.”

WCUW has made changes too, shuffling its daily schedule to one more uniform during the weekday, upgrading equipment and experimenting with live concerts. “We’re coming of age here,” says Tyree, who’s been at the station in some capacity since the mid-1980s, but took over as executive director four years

ago after the station hit a rough patch. “We have something we feel we can really market,” he says.

{ coverstory } Part of that marketing is the resurrection of John Henry’s, a longrunning Worcester folk showcase that hosted some of the genre’s big names, like Shawn Colvin, at the First Unitarian Church on Main Street, and in-studio concerts in front of live audiences. WCRN has tried to square itself up with WTAG in the news and talk arena, first, hiring Hank Stolz, and later, scooping up longtime newsman Sherman Whitman to join him in the mornings after Premiere Networks/Clear Channel cuts forced WTAG to make cutbacks. Recently, Stolz says, they brought in local name Bob Hoganson for afternoon news. “When you have big conglomerates like Clear Channel with these news hubs, you want a couple of guys who know Worcester and Central Massachusetts in here,” Stolz says. WTAG and sister station WSRS did not

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return a phone call left with their business manager, Sean Davey. WCRN has begun broadcasting Mike

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Like his tagline says, “Get your day started with all the news and talk you need” with Hank Stolz of WCRN 830AM. Huckabee’s show, who after the Sandra Fluke controversy, has been pitched as the civil alternative to Rush Limbaugh. “The energy that we have over the last year, adding Sherman and Bob Hoganson to the news, all of these things, the energy level and the reaction we’re getting from listeners is huge,” Stolz says. It’s increased the quality of the shows, he says, making them more caller-driven, but he’s candid when he says WTAG is still the talk station to beat. “Eventually, all that catches up and the ratings go through the roof.”


Stolz isn’t just being competitive when he mentions Clear Channel’s news hubs. Harrison says

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• M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2

“It’s the big companies who are cutting back on the investment they’re putting in on the programming,” he says, which leads to shrinking staff. That then leads to less local content, which means fewer listeners, which means fewer advertisers. In a sense, it’s similar to the struggles in the journalism world, where newspaper groups who ate up smaller regional papers during the flush years have been selling them off, starving them or closing them when the economy tanked. “Through consolidation, large companies, like Clear Channel, bought up clusters of stations in a market, fired staff and talent, and homogenized the programming so that the same program director would program all the Top

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large conglomerate radio companies have been struggling with budgets, which ends up hurting cities like Worcester – a middle-size market in the shadow of a much larger one.

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40 stations across a dozen markets,” Riismandel, of Radio Survivor, writes to Worcester Mag. “So what happened is that stations across the country sounded more the same, with the same mix of music, which then sounded less local.” For nonmusic stations, the same trends happened to their newsrooms. “No doubt, these new platforms would have been a challenge for radio under any circumstances. But the commercial radio industry only accelerated their problems by diluting their programming, which is the very thing that attracts audiences in the first place,” he adds. The clearest way to retain listeners has been to live-stream from a station’s website, allowing fans to tune in from work or on their smart phone. Every station in Worcester offers that option, with varying success. Zompa says depending on the month 63,000 to 81,000 people tune into Cumulus Worcester stations online, clocking around 100,000 hours of listening time. “Those are pretty substantial numbers,” he says, especially for Worcester. Stolz estimates a high of 100 people listening online during Howie Carr’s afternoon broadcast on WCRN, and Tyree says its web stream constantly shows eight to 20 people listening online – though keep in mind that the number of listeners is higher, as people tune in and out. Though, online streaming comes with its own issues. As Harrison explains it, owning a radio station – transmitter included – is sort of like owning a combination of a house and taxi cab. Radio stations, like houses, represent long-term investments; pay an exorbitant amount of money now with the sense that, decades later, someone, somewhere will pay more for it when you’re ready to sell. The license and the transmitter transfer with the station, much like a taxi medallion would with the purchase of a cab. The FCC doesn’t give out many new broadcast licenses, making each existing one worth a considerable amount of money. But as a transmitted signal loses listeners, perhaps due to more listeners migrating to digital streams online, the station loses value. “The worst thing that could happen to [a station] is it’s stock value could go down,” says Harrison, “[this is] worse than competition, worse than loss of advertising.” As internet radio streams through an unlicensed band, “you’re out money in as much as it’s causing a devaluation of the license,” making it worth less when an owner wants to sell it, he explains. Zompa disagrees with the analogy, but it’s something that sits on Weston’s mind at WICN. “It’s not sacrificing one for the other,” Weston says about the station’s analogue versus digital transmissions. “It’s figuring out how one can help the other. That to me is the $64,000 question. I’m not sure

{ coverstory } anyone has the magic key yet.” “We’re a lot closer to figuring it out today than we were 10 years ago,” says Harrison, who believes the internet should be used for brand-building and “extra stuff.” Some of that “extra stuff” would mean podcasts, which some local stations are experimenting with. WTAG regularly has on-demand clips of the Jim Polito and Jordan Levy shows, for example, and Tyree says WCUW is looking into podcasting but has to shore up some of the legal issues around them first.

“I’m optimistic that smart people and smart ideas will prevail,” Harrison says.


Riismandel isn’t too sympathetic to stations trying to keep up with a changing market.

“Commercial radio is primarily focused on a narrow number of formats which are tied to familiar demographics,” he writes. “The logic of commercial radio has been to compete for these demographics rather than look for new audiences to serve.” He says this is how markets end up with similar radio stations: they likely belong to the same company. In this sense, Worcester has a diverse set of stations—among them college rock, jazz and talk—and strong station signals coming in from Boston, but a lack

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of diversity when it comes to stations engaging in Worcester’s communities. “When it comes to ‘urban’ radio programming, Worcester was forced to listen to Jam’n 94.5,” says John Harrity, a former Flava 105.5 and current club DJ with the moniker DJ Jack Frost. Frost joined Flava 105.5 a little while after it started broadcasting, when it focused on West Indies, Jamaican and Haitian music, eventually bringing in more reggae, dancehall and hip hop. Andres Perez, program director at Worcester’s Spanish-language Mega 1310AM, saw a similar lack of broadcasting to a growing population. Five years ago Gois Broadcasting bought WORC 1310 and changed the format to salsa, meringue, bachata, reggaeton and Latin pop. Three years ago he expanded into the Boston, Lawerence and Lowell markets with the same idea: music geared toward the sizable Puerto Rican, Dominican and Central American audiences. Mega 1310 became the first commercial Spanish radio station in Worcester, he says, adding that it’s still the only 24-hour one. He counts 33,000 listeners and brags, “You can ask anybody who’s Latino on the street what they listen to, and they’ll say it’s 1310.”


{ coverstory }

“The radio audience is still very large,” writes Riismandel. “I’d argue that the commercial broadcast industry helped to chase away listeners and failed to take advantage of internet strategies until very recently.” DJ Jack Frost has decided on an alternative route. From Flava 105.5 he moved on to Boston hip hop station Hot 97, but after some turmoil with their FCC license and questions about their future, he took off and started an online station with another Hot 97 personality, DJ Chubby Chub, called streetfixradio.com. According to Frost, most Sherman Whitman broadcasts from the street-front studio of WCRN mix-show DJs (those who host a one- or two-hour show on a “It’s kind of cool knowing that someone So far it has broadcast for the last five commercial station) do not receive across the globe is sitting there listening weeks, with a full site expected to go up a salary from the station, but rather rely to you, even if they don’t speak the same in another two weeks. Frost calls it “the on the self-promotion, credentials and language.” wave of the future.” reputation that one earns on-air, which In the FCC’s words, when it shuts down “The overhead probably isn’t as high can lead to better gigs at a better price. a pirate station: “No license was issued as an FM-based, FCC-licensed station,” “When Chubby Chub asked me to join for operation of a broadcast station at he says, and he doesn’t play commercials. streetfixradio, I did so because I believe in this location.” But now, no longer is one But, he plays what he wants to an the brand, and I think overseas especially needed. “unlimited amount of listeners” – hitting will help with bookings,” he says. “Just between 3,000 and 4,000 globally already, like any website that gets a lot of traffic, all spread through social networking and you can turn around and charge for ad word of mouth. space on the site.”



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• M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2

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night day& May 10 - 16, 2012

& Vision

art | dining | nightlife

Sound Laurence Levey

Sound meets image in Photographic Harmony, a whimsical new exhibit courtesy of the Worcester Alliance of Photographers opening May 19 at the Worcester Academy of Music on Irving NICKS BY RUSS GARRE Street. Even if you’ve never strummed a guitar or banged on a drum, these 43 photos are guaranteed to pull your strings and tickle your ivories.

The academy, housed in a beautiful old red brick building with nine music studios, some serious wood flooring, and a couple of fine stained-glass windows, is a community music school started two years ago by owner and executive director Sarah Kelly. The school’s students include children as young as five or six, teenagers and adults, with instruction available on a variety of instruments and in a range of musical styles and genres. There are approximately a dozen teachers on staff, but if an individual seeks instruction on an instrument outside the staff’s areas of expertise, whatever the instrument, the academy will endeavor to find a qualified teacher. The Worcester Academy of Music has exhibited artwork for much of its two years of existence. This upcoming show will run for six months. The Worcester Alliance of Photographers was formed nine years ago by Donna Dufault and Scott Erb of Erb Photography in Worcester. Dufault and Erb met around the time Dufault was pursuing a B.F.A. in Photography at Rochester Institute of Technology and have been working together now for five years. Of the more than 700 members of the Worcester Alliance, Dufault categorizes 100 to 200 as “very active.” There were more than one hundred submissions from more than 35 members for this exhibit. Some of the photographers used works from their existing archives, while others went out and created new images. The Worcester Alliance of Photographers includes both amateur and professional photographers and most of the art in this exhibit will be for sale, at prices ranging from about $75 up to $500 or $600; 20 percent of the proceeds will go to the music school. And what of the photos themselves? There are quiet studies in black and white; and there are dazzling displays of bold, breathtaking color. There are children captured unawares, and others playing to the camera. There are instruments: guitars, double basses, woodwinds, keyboards and more. There are individuals performing, individuals practicing, individuals posing. There are singers, conductors and instrumentalists, soloists, duets and ensembles. There are shots that zero in on the inner workings of things and behind-the-scenes detail and others with artfully arranged and playfully composed musical concepts. There are both indoor concert venues and open-air settings, in-the-moment snapshots of both performer and audience. The energy, effort, concentration and dedication of the musicians become palpable. From the contemplative to the nearly psychedelic, these photos reveal a MUSIC IS SERVED BY DENNIS DITTO curiosity about music, the joy of music-making, the thrill of attending live performances and an appreciation of those who make music come alive for all of us. So wear comfortable shoes because there will be photographs arrayed on the walls of all three stories at the academy. Cookies and light refreshments will be served at the family-friendly opening and in addition to the three organizers, several of the photographers will also be on hand. “I love the fact that the show is bringing together two culturally rich traditions in one space,” says Dufault. “It will be inspiring to all the students,” says Kelly, as well as to all who come to check out the synergy of these pictures. Photographic Harmony will run May 19 through November 1, 2012. Opening Reception: May 19, 5 – 7 p.m., free. Worcester Academy of Music is located at 11 Irving St., Worcester.


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night day &

{ arts}

Like father, like daughter Two Generations of Art in Whitinsville

Paul Grignon

Driving a scant 17 miles south of Worcester brings you to the Alternatives’ Whitin Mill complex in Whitinsville, where, nestled along the picturesque Mumford River, two galleries await you. Featured within is a wealth of stained glass, drawings and paintings from artists Carl E. Paulson and his daughter, Elin K. Paulson, in the dual exhibit Two Generations of Art.

The two shows provide a unique opportunity to witness the different approaches to art from two generations of the same family. The exhibit also highlights the techniques used for making stained glass windows, from early sketches to the finished product.


At the Spaulding Aldrich Heritage Gallery, Carl E. Paulson presents his show, The Color of Faith, where a remarkable collection of more than 30 pastel drawings, stained-glass pieces and religious medallions are on display. The stained glass medallions are meant to be hung in windows, allowing natural light to illuminate the intense colors. “As for the drawings, I found a lot of them that were found in drawers, unknown and going back 50 years!” says Stephen Paulson, one of Carl Paulson’s 10 children, who helped curate the show along with Tom Saupe, Alternatives’ director of community outreach. Saupe says, “Every two months we have a show here, and we are honored and excited to have these two shows running simultaneously. It’s a great way to give back to the community,



giving people the opportunity to view the diverse talents that appear on these gallery walls.”

Paulson, the father, who is now 98 years old, started creating stained glass 80 years ago while attending the Vesper

George Art School of Boston. In 1939, he opened up his own stained glass studio, called the The Raven Shop, where he taught all of his children the art of making stained glass. The works displayed in “The Color of Faith” present a fascinating look into the intricacy inherent in such a medium. A trove of meticulously detailed drawings and watercolors evinces the initial stages to creating the exquisite masterpieces, carefully drawn sketches that provide the patron a vivid glimpse of works prior to commission. To fully appreciate the unparalleled genius of his work, one only need visit the many examples of his creations throughout the Northeast, notably the 11 locations right here in Worcester. The abstract stained-glass windows at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Assumption College were produced by Carl Paulson based on the design of Father Donat LaMothe. Another spectacular vision can be seen at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church continued on page 22

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• M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2

Sessions start May 14, June 5 and July 11


night day &

{ music}

A Baroque Mother’s day Michele Graveline and Stephen Hammer perform at WAM Jonathan Blumhofer

In New England, the turn of the calendar to spring signals the winding down of the regular classical music season. While one can find orchestral and chamber programs in cities like New York, Chicago, and San Francisco continuing well into June, ensembles in the Northeast traditionally transition a little earlier to a rich summer schedule that includes the Boston Pops, Tanglewood, the Marlboro Music Festival, and the Rockport Chamber Music Festival, to name but a few.

Before the focus shifts to lighter music and rural settings, though, the Worcester Art Museum’s (WAM) Chamber Music Series is concluding an especially rich season with a special Mother’s Day concert on May 13. Sponsored by a gift from Nydia and Charles Moser, the Chamber Music Series has already this year presented members of the

and 1750, including some familiar pieces and others that are less well known. Composer John Bull was, alongside Orlando Gibbons and William Byrd, a contemporary of Shakespeare’s and one of the leading English composers of his time. He will be represented by four short pieces for virginal (the English equivalent to the harpsichord, named for its most famous player, Queen Elizabeth I). Andrew Parcham’s “Solo for Recorder and Continuo,” provides Hammer the opportunity to showcase his abilities on

one of the period’s most iconic instruments. Similarly, Bach’s French Suite in G – a collection of Baroque dance movements – allows Graveline a turn in the solo spotlight. Bracketing these pieces will be two works for harpsichord and oboe, Handel’s Sonata in F major (HWV 363a) and Bach’s Sonata in G minor (BWV 1030b). Though this concert marks the first time that Graveline and Hammer have collaborated together in a full recital, continued on page 22

Play, Learn, & Grow Together Director, Ms. Denise Kulesza Hours of Operation 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Visit us at saintmaryschildcarecenter.org for more information or call us at 508-753-5391 to schedule a tour.

535 SALISBURY ST.,WORCESTER, MA 01609 Worcester Chamber Music Society and the Borromeo String Quartet. The season’s final performance features harpsichordist Michelle Graveline and oboist Stephen Hammer in a program of Baroque music that begins at 2:30 that afternoon. The performance will feature a wide sampling of music written between 1600

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night day &

{ arts}

WAM continued from page 21

continued from page 20

in Worcester on Greenwood Street, where Carl Paulson created the enormous 40-by40-foot stained-glass window. And yet another superlative example would be the 24 works of stained glass in the St. Joan of Arc Church on Lincoln Street, designs that commemorate the 94 people killed during the Worcester tornado of 1953. “About 90 percent of the work in the exhibit of my father is of a religious tone, and 10 percent is secular, including one actual piece that was designed in honor of that tragic event,” says Stephen Paulson. Just across the way from the Aldrich Gallery, and located in the Red Brick Mill Building, is the Bella Lucé Art Café, where Elin Paulson’s show, Above the Clouds, is on display; a wonderfully evocative collection of paintings, stained glass, diaries and handmade greeting cards. Elin Paulson, who died in 2006, created most of these works in the last 20 years of her life. She never went to school, but under the tutelage of her father, she developed her own individual style, creating more whimsical, secular stained glass. Many of her medallions are hung in the windows to capture the vivid hues. More than 30 of her works are exhibited, and many of her abstract dreamlike paintings line the

walls, motifs that are reminiscent of Chagall’s surrealistic work. Along with the paintings and medallions, a collection of her detailed diaries are on display, pages filled with watercolors, drawings, sketches and writings, insights into the inner workings of a talented artist. There is also a collection of her delightful cards, beautiful designs that she made and sent to family and friends. Both exhibits allow visitors a rare chance to view a rich family tradition, one that continues to this day. “My brother Ken is now running the business, now named Paulson’s Stained Glass Art Studio,” says Stephen Paulson, who also displays a few of his fish


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neither is a stranger to the Boston/ Worcester classical music scene: in addition to teaching at Assumption College, Graveline conducts the Salisbury Singers and serves as artistic director of the Bach Consort of Worcester. She is noted for her harpsichord playing and recently completed a recording of the complete Bach sonatas for violin and harpsichord with violinist Peter Sulski. Hammer is one of the country’s leading performers specializing in Baroque oboe performance. He has taught and performed widely throughout the United States, particularly the Northeast, and has a large discography, including collaborations with such ensembles as the Handel and Haydn Society (where he serves as principal oboe), the Academy of Ancient Music, and the Metropolitan Opera. As with all of WAM’s Chamber Music concerts, there will be a 15-minute intermission talk, this one provided by museum director Matthias Waschek. Afterwards, meet and mingle with the musicians at a complimentary postconcert reception. Reservations are required and cost is $20 for members, $30 NM; contact Karmen Bogdesic at 508-799-4406, ext. 3120, or karmenbogdesic@worcesterart.org to reserve your spot.

medallions. “Now he is training my nephew, Lars Paulson, to run the studio.” A mere 17 miles from Worcester, the works of two diverse artists—both steeped in stained glass—will enchant you. Two Generations of Art at the Alternatives’ Whitin Mill, 50 Douglas Rd., Whitinsville: The Color of Faith, Stained Glass by Carl E. Paulson at the Spaulding Aldrich Heritage Gallery; and Above the Clouds, Paintings, Stained Glass by Elin K. Paulson at the Bella Lucé Art Café. Both shows run through June 29. Gallery hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. For more information, call 508-2666502, or visit alternativesnet.org. For more information on stained glass, go to paulsonstainedglass.com




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night day &

{ film }

Sixties horror soap reanimated Dark Shadows Grade: B -

I shouldn’t have been so surprised that Burton and company would take a relatively obscure baby boomer trinket like this and play it for laughs. Actually, I have to admit to a fondness for the original TV show that seems to exist somewhere back in the deep recesses of my childhood memories. It was a bizarre animal to be sure, a nearly-live daytime gothic soap opera that evolved in complexity and became more inscrutable as it went along, from ghosts, vampires, witches and werewolves to sci-fi elements like time travel. In that grab bag sort of way it was like “Lost,” except that everyone knew they were making it up as they went along. And though the acting was hammy and often overwrought, characters like Barnabas Collins, with his distinctive cape and cane and his menacing charm were indelible creations. Burton and Depp have both professed to be fans of this show, and you can see it in the way Depp has channeled the elegant self-possession and old world grace of the vampire character Barnabas, and the way Burton plays on the Victorian drawing room atmosphere, puncturing the perversely calm reserve of the denizens of Collinwood, who always seemed like they were living in the middle of an Emily Bronte novel, rather than a seaport town in Maine in the late 1960’s. After a whirlwind opening flashback, where we learn how the evil Angelique (Eve Green) cursed Barnabas, Burton

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As a director back in the late 80’s Tim Burton was a fresh original stylist when he first developed his distinctive fantasy/horror/comedy vision with Beetlejuice. Over the years however he’s often fallen into predictability in his quest to re-imagine every last bit of iconic pop culture lore from his youth. “Dark Shadows” plays by all the now-familiar rules of a Burton film, and yet manages to be something different.

sets the film firmly in 1972. We quickly meet all the characters: Victoria Winters (Bella Heathcote) the new governess, prim matron of the household Elizabeth Collins (Michelle Pfeiffer), lusty psycho teen daughter Carolyn (Chloe Grace Moretz), psychologically damaged, morose David (Gulliver McGrath), whose mother has recently drowned. Burton lays into the period atmosphere with relish, Carolyn swaying dreamily to Donovan’s “Season of the Witch” as David appears dressed up like a ghost, inviting echoes of the suicidal charge in Harold and Maude, as well as a nod to the vivid visual style of Hal Ashby as well as his disciples like Wes Anderson. It isn’t long before a work crew digs up Barnabas from his coffin, and he summarily slaughters and dines on them all. He then looks up and sees the golden arches of a McDonald’s restaurant and believes that it is proclaiming Mephistopheles. Good stuff. From there its obvious Burton’s going shamelessly for the funny bone. Barnabas walks around the small Maine town to the tune of Superfly, none of the extravagantly dressed kids paying attention to his dripping fangs. We get sunny montages to the tune of Carpenters song where Barnabas is seen trying to hide in shadows and behind curtains, and ridiculously enough he seems to have no problem with daylight, as long as he’s standing under an umbrella. It’s all very silly, and the jokey scenes like where Barnabas first confronts a TV set all seem very familiar. Then there’s Alice Cooper, who overstays his welcome, appearing and performing two songs in full. It’s a good gag though: Cooper wore hideous makeup back then that made him look the way he actually does now. Really the whole thing would have degenerated into lightweight parody without Depp’s charismatic presence at the center of it. As it is, however, Depp’s canny performance and Burton’s obvious affection for his subject matter manage to negotiate effectively the thin line between darkly funny and just plain stupid.


David Wildman

On Newstands: Thursdays Online: 24/7 worcestermag.com

Not your everyday newspaper.

M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M



night day

Olé Taqueria


{ dining}

FOOD ★★★1/2 AMBIENCE ★★1/2 SERVICE ★★★★ VALUE ★★★★ 118 Water St., Worcester • 508-459-1199

New chips on the block Mallory Sterling

In my transplant-to-Worcester opinion, the Kelley Square intersection is an intimidating spaghetti-mess of stopping and yielding. It’s taken me a mere two years for me to traverse to Water Street without trepidation. With my newfound aggressive East Coast driving, I now welcome the chance to frequent the revitalizing Canal District. These trips bring me to Olé Taqueria, recently opened on Water Street. Olé’s dark windows and signage make it difficult to spot and when I visited, construction trucks and sidewalk closures blocked the front doors. I was a block past when I noticed the awning’s golden


yellow “Olé” within a cerulean blue oval logo – the same blue that is painted floorto-ceiling on the interior walls. The restaurant is spacious and cold, but it was a chilly evening and we were the only two in the place, along with our kids. The vast space could withstand a few more tables and chairs, but since it is primarily a take-out establishment, they may go underutilized. One of Olé’s friendly owners greeted us warmly – just one of the many advantages to returning – with her conversational, Sam Malone-esque bartender qualities. I love that about a locally owned restaurant. Everything on the menu is a la carte and shockingly inexpensive. The solution to our family’s limitless indecision was to order one of almost everything. After we ordered at the counter and took two sodas from the cooler, our basket of chips and salsa ($1!) was brought to our table. Minutes later, our order arrived and our table was covered by tissue-lined baskets of food, napkins and hot sauce bottles. The street taco ($2.55) is my favorite. With a delicious, simple combination of tender chicken, cheese, and white onions – all enveloped in soft, doubled-up warm

corn tortillas (true to its street-food style name) – it has a hint of sweetness from the slight addition of honey. I will order more next time, as well as more fish tacos. Also served street-style, lightly-seasoned – not breaded or fried – haddock, shredded cabbage, and a punch of flavor from a creamy cilantro-lime sauce make up this perfect solution to a fish taco craving ($2.55). The beef soft (or hard) taco with a generous amount of beef, iceberg lettuce, diced tomatoes, and shredded cheddar cheese is unassuming yet satisfying, especially for $1.50. We should have ordered more chicken taquitos ($2.75) for the children as they fought over the three crunchy taquitos (from a choice of chicken, black beans, or beef), served with a generous dollop of chunky guacamole with diced tomatoes and sour cream. We slowed down when it was time for the Taxico chimichanga ($4.75) and Olé burrito ($6.50). The Taxico is a huge portion of beef (or chicken), cheese and rice wrapped in a lightly fried tortilla, then doused with queso sauce. The Olé burrito – think jumbo Mission-style burrito,

minus the tin foil – is a large flour tortilla stuffed with beef (or chicken), beans, rice and tomatoes, and is topped with red sauce instead of queso. With guacamole and sour cream on the side of both, these gut-busters are each full of goodness. All of this food, with drinks, was only $28. Olé is exactly where people should eat if they have a houseful of ravenous teenagers, or are in need of an office escape for a quick and cheap weekday lunch (Wednesdays through Fridays), or especially after a night of drinking on weekends. To capitalize on the surrounding bars in the area, Olé is open until 2:30 a.m., Thursdays through Sundays. They are vacillating on eventually becoming a BYOB establishment, but if they want to maintain their post last-call hours, obtaining that BYOB license may result in more of a headache than the license is worth. Diners should rehydrate at Olé and take advantage of what they do well – delicious, unpretentious and satisfying Mexican food served in a friendly atmosphere.





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{ bites } with Lindsey O’Donnell

Raising a glass to wine everywhere

California Dreamin’


Al Vuona




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The Main Event Friday, May 25th • A Vegas Style Evening $10 Cover Charge Limited Menu Available Upon Request Cocktails 6:30-8pm • Showtime Followed by Dancing Call For Reservations

uring the 1960s, The Mamas & the Papas sang about “California Dreamin’,� while the Beach Boys harmonized about the sunshine and how the girls get so tan. Well since I can’t sing, I had to find another reason to love California. How about its wines? From Napa Valley to Sonoma some of the world’s great wines are produced. If you like big full-bodied wines then consider a Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley. The king of wines is always in plentiful supply here. If you prefer a plush fruit driven Chardonnay then Sonoma is a perfect choice. Because of its diverse climate California is unique in its ability to grow a wide variety of grapes. Varietals such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot just to name a few. There are of course many smaller wine producing regions where world class wines are also produced. California offers something for everyone. If you’re new to wine and are looking for both consistent quality and value then you would be wise to start with the wines of Napa and or Sonoma County. The down side is the vast array of wine producers. It may take some time to acquaint yourself with many of them. Like anything else prices will vary. Some of Napa’s iconic wines command hefty prices but good solid wines at reasonable prices are widely available as well. The same can be said of the Sonoma region. The bottom line is you must learn through trial and sometimes error. Expect to pay from $15 to $35 dollars for many of the wines from California. When visiting your favorite wine shop ask the clerk for his or her recommendations. Many wine merchants host wine tastings so you can sample before you buy. So stop dreaming and start shopping.


Obsidian Ridge Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 about $24.

Wexford House WHERE FOOD, SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT MEET r 0/ '# .& -0'5 1"3, "7& 803$&45&3 ,*5$)&/ *4 01&/ ". 1. 56& 4"5 r 1. 1. 46/ .0/



• M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2


An Elegant Mother’s Day Brunch

Join Northworks Bar & Grille for a dinner with your mother, featuring its special Mother’s Day menu served from noon until 6 p.m. Along with its regular dinner menu, this restaurant will serve chef’s specials such as Baked Stuffed Sea Scallions and Roasted Prime Rib of Beef. Bring your whole family to this lively restaurant, featuring a brick and beam dÊcor with a lounge, flat screen TV’s, comfortable booths and a bar. Located on 106 Grove St. 508-755-9657.

The Manor Restaurant, Pub and Banquet Facility is now accepting reservations for its Mother’s Day Brunch and Buffet from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This buffet includes a salad station, a raw bar with oysters, mussels, and shrimp, brunch selections, and entrĂŠes such as Salmon Oscar, carved lamb and broccoli casserole. To top it all off, the restaurant will feature a chocolate fountain along with its dessert station. $27.95 for adults and $13.95 for children ages 3-11. Located on 42 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Call now: 508-835-4722. The 1790 Restaurant & Tavern, in Westborough, is worth the drive on Mother’s Day; this simple and rustic diner is featuring its 39th Mother’s Day “Grand Buffetâ€? on Sunday. The cost is $37 for adults, $18 for kids ages 15 and under and $5 for kids ages 5 and under. The tavern will serve based on a specialized menu, including shrimp cocktail and spring rolls as a starter, chicken piccata, gold mashed potatoes and sole Florentine on the buffet table, and a salad and dessert station. Located on 208 Turnpike Rd. (Route 9 East) Westborough, Mass. Make reservations now! 508-3661707. Want to include the whole family on your special Mother’s Day celebration? We recommend you make reservations at O’Connor’s Restaurant and Bar, a casual Irish restaurant with Irish, European and American favorites. O’Connor’s will be open on Mother’s Day and includes several

Serving great food at reasonable prices, prepared by Chef Allen Erickson

OPEN MOTHER’S DAY May 13 at 12:00 noon


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rooms that can fit any party size, including “The Snug,” which can seat a party up to 12 people, and “The Eagle Room,” which can seat up to 40 people. Make reservations today! Located on 1160 West Boylston St. 508-853-0789. Mother’s Day presents the perfect opportunity to check out newly opened Lago Ristorante next to Coes Pond. Although this restaurant is usually closed on Sundays, it will be open for lunch from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mother’s Day, and features delicious lobster dishes as part of the holiday special. Located on 242 Mill St. 508-757-5246. The Leicester Country Club is holding an upscale Mother’s Day Brunch with 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and noon seatings still available. The buffet will have a carving station featuring roasted breast of turkey with Dijon maple glaze, a breakfast station including a fresh fruit display and buttermilk pancakes, and an omelet station. The charge is $22.95 for adults, $20.95 for seniors, and $12.95 for children ages 3 to 10. Located on 1430 Main St., Leicester. Call 508-892-1390 now to make reservations or email jschroeder@ leicestercc.com. For diners with Celiac Disease, it can be difficult to find a place to eat out. Luckily,

EVO Dining offers a menu with Gluten-Free selections, as well as soy free, vegetarian and vegan options. As a participant of the Chef to Plate Program, EVO Dining raises awareness of Gluten intolerance and offers safe choices to those with various dietary limitations. Its menu serves up to 40 selections that can be ordered Gluten-Free. EVO Dining currently offers pizzas, sandwiches and a full bar; as well as breakfast and brunch served on the weekends. For more information, call 508459-4240. 234 Chandler Street. The Dogfather, located on the corner of Shore Drive and Holden Street, will be hosting its second annual chili dog eating contest on Saturday May 19 at 3pm. Through donating only $12, participants will have 15 minutes to eat as many chili dogs as they can. The first prize winner will receive one year worth of free hot dogs from the Dogfather. All donations will do to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester, an organization which is fully committed to social justice and service. If you want to donate, or if you are just plain craving chili dogs, be sure to come to the chili dog eating contest! Located at 84 Holden Street. For more information visit thedogfathertruck. com.

{ bites }

Come Celebrate Mother’s Day Sunday, May 13th Open 11:30 am - 8:00 pm Make Your Reservations Today! (Parties of 6 or more)

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M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M



B ES T O F WORC BEST OF PARTY MAY 7, 2012 Our 2012 Best of Worcester party at the Worcester Airport was a high-flying success this past Monday! If you missed it (shame on you!), imagine a Mardi Gras party – complete with revelers, music, food and drink – that had just exited a flight from New Orleans. With award winners, local businesses, staff members from all of the Holden Landmark Corp. and a list of who’s-who of Worcester notables, Worcester Mag had the passenger area of the airport filled to capacity. As for Massport and the Worcester Airport and their generosity – we can’t thank them enough. It was exciting for our staff to see both our readers and local businesses and politicians discussing the vast possibilities of the Worcester Airport, and its modern, clean and well-designed facilities. We can bet for some it was their first – but hopefully not their last – visit to this aeronautical hotspot. Our musical guest Cara Brindisi blew the crowd away with her voice and charm, and she kept the bustling crowd entertained before and after the big award ceremony. Consolidated Beverages kept the liquid flowing throughout the night and Worcester Airport Limo delivered our guest right to the front door. Food was provided by Crown Bakery (yummy mint and chocolate whoopie pies!), Le Mirage (chicken & noodle salad was a hit), East Park Grille (homemade pizza!), Perfect Game (more hand-cut chips please!), Pepper’s Catering (thanks for the setup, guys!) and Sweet (cupcakes! Need I say more?). No leftovers were in sight by the time the flight crews left for our after party at Loft 266. Speaking of the after party, Loft 266 was gracious enough to host our crew and friends late into the evening. We were surprised at the number of partiers who were already at the bar waiting for us to arrive – and we had a fun and relaxed end to a very busy month! As you can see from the photos on these pages, a great time was had by all. Thanks to everyone who voted, and for the businesses and organizations who came out to help us celebrate. See you next year!


• M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2


M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M



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music >Thursday 10 Piano performance. 6:30-9 p.m. Nuovo Restaurant, 92 Shrewsbury St. 508-796-5915. Joe Macey. 7-10 p.m. Olde Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. Ricky Duran. 7-10 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508-755-0879. Ukulele May Edition with Rich “Amazing Dick” Leufstedt. 7-10 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-9268877. Irish Music Session. Each week, a traditional Irish music session is held at Mulligan’s Taverne. The public are welcome to join in music, song, and camaraderie. No cover charge, all ages and talent levels welcome. Listeners welcome, too! No Charge. 7:30-10 p.m. Mulligans Taverne-on-the-Green, 121 West Main St., Westborough. 508-344-4932 or westboroughsession.com. Open Mic Thursdays. Visit: MySpace.com/OpenMicWorld for info and the latest sign-up schedules! Sign-up in advance! Email Bill at: openmcc@verizon.net. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Biagio’s Grille, 257 Park Ave. 508-756-7995. KARAOKE with Mike Rossi. free. 8-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. live Jazz. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Audio Wasabi hosted by Brian Chaffee. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Dana Lewis Live! FREE! 8:30-10:30 p.m. Grafton Inn, 25 Grafton Cmn, Grafton. 508-839-5931. All Request Thirsty Thursday With CJ/DJ. No cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, The Downstairs, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-868-7382 or soundzlikefun.com. Cara Brindisi. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Flash Back Thirsty Thursdays with DJ Double D. 9-11:59 p.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-7562227 or remixworcester.com. FoundationZ Thursdays - Dubstep/Hip Hop/ Drum’N’Bass. 18+ $2. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. London Billiards / Club Oasis, 70 James St. 508-799-7655 or facebook.com/ Foundationz. Karaoke with Heather D. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Beemer’s Pub, 114 River St., Fitchburg. 978-343-3148. Live Band Karaoke w/ Fingercuff. no cover. 9 p.m.12:30 a.m. Angry Ham’s Garage Restaurant & Pub, 2 Beacon St., Framingham. The Awesome 80’s party band THE FLOCK OF A-HOLES! with guests ARCHIE POWELL & THE EXPORTS and SANDMAN VIPER COMMAND. $5. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/pages/Flock-of-Aholes.

Thirsty Thursday ALL Request DJ. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, Main Level, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508987-1006 or daysendtavern.com. Jay Graham Live! 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Funky Murphy’s Bar & Grill, 305 Shrewsbury St. 508-753-2995.

>Friday 11

Dana Lewis LIVE! FREE! 5:30-8:30 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208 or myspace.com/ danalewismusic. Beatles For Sale the Tribute / 2012 Shrewsbury ACS Relay For Life. Beatles For Sale the Tribute returns for the annual American Cancer Society RELAY FOR LIFE kick-off ceremonies. Come “Twist and Shout” with us for a great cause and a great event! “A splendid time IS guaranteed for all..” Free. 6-7:30 p.m. Oak Middle School, 45 Oak St., Shrewsbury. 508841-1200 or main.acsevents.org. Decibel Magazine Tour featuring Behemoth / Watain / The Devil’s Blood / In Solitude @ The Palladium. Tickets $20 adv., $25 door. 6:30-11 p.m. Palladium, The, 261 Main St. 508-797-9696. Gator King, Vultures, Hostage, Swamps, Colony, Revenge. 18+ $5. 7 p.m.-midnight London Billiards / Club Oasis, 70 James St. 508-799-7655. Laurie Williams-Pipkins. Free. 7-9 p.m. Mill Church Cafe, 45 River St., Millbury. 508864-5658. Ray Bryant. BAND Free. 7-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, The 9th-Annual Fire 404 W Boylston St. 508Works Spring Open 853-1350. Studio at the The Dirty Deeds - “AC/ Sprinkler Factory flares DC Tribute”. 8 p.m.-2 up on Saturday, May 12, a.m. Speakers Night Club, featuring Becca Brown, Jill 19 Weed St., Marlborough. J. Burns, Mary Edwards, Jeff 508-480-8222. Glatstein, Maureen Hebert, Racheal Lochner, France Murphy, Marilyn O’Connor, Jennifer Perez, FLOCK OF A-HOLES Mark Spencer, Christine Tanson, Taylor/Fehl Pottery, Christine Tanson and Lynn Turcotte. Free; 10 play SAKURA TOKYO. a.m. to 5 p.m. 1st floor, Fire Works Studio, 38 Harlow St. 508-752-0444, thefireworksinc.net. The If you’ve never seen them cups pictured here by Racheal Lochner. here at Sakura before, it’s a HUGE event! FREE! 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-792-1068 or facebook.com/pages/ 8222 or speakersnightclub.net. Sakura-Tokyo. Live Music. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. Mike Tarara. 8 p.m.-noon Olde Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St., 508-459-9035. North Grafton. 508-839-6106. Never in Vegas. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Celtic Tavern, 45 Belmont St., Cosmic Slim & His Intergalactic Plowboys. JugNorthborough. 508-366-6277. bandy, rhythm-and-bluesy, country-rocky, jam-bandy eclectic the Glam Slam Kings of 80’s hard rock. electric music expressly designed for toe-tapping and rugMULLETHEAD! with very special guests THE cutting. $5. 8:30 p.m.-midnight Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main SHOP and WHISKEY BENT. $7. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com. Burn Town. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Usually Normal. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, Leominster. 978-537-7750. 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. bebop

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Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Country Music Fridays. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Beemer’s Pub, 114 River St., Fitchburg. 978-343-3148. FRIDAY FRENZY with Blurry Nights & DJ SOUP - DJ B-LO. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-7562100. Insigniya - William Thompson Funk Experiment. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Tammany Hall, 43 Pleasant St. 508-753-7001. Jon Lacouture. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Art’s Diner, West Boylston st. 352-895-8355. Ladies Night - Top 40 Dance Party. FREE. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Speakers Night Club, 19 Weed St., Marlborough. 508-480-


crunk SCREAMO quadrille

night day &

{ listings}

Double D and the Khaos Junkies. Classic Rock with a Contemporary Twist!!! $5. 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. Karaoke with Making Memories. No Cover. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, Main Level, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508987-1006. Fungus Amungus. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. Funky Fridays with DJ Tony T. 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or remixworcester.com. Live Music in the Pub - John Riley - An Irish

Singalong. Every Friday Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant at the Worcester Hibernian Cultural Centre bring you some of the area’s best entertainers in its beautiful and intimate authentic Irish pub setting. No Cover (Worcester Students Earn WOO Points). 10 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St. 508-792-3700 or facebook.com.

>Saturday 12 Rick Recht Concert. $18 ages 14+ free for ages 13 and under. 7-9 p.m. Temple Sinai, 661 Salisbury St. 508-755-2519 or templesinaiworcester.org/upcoming-events/rick-rechtconcert. WSU Chorale in Concert in the Brookfield Unitarian Universalist Church Concert Series. The Chorale of Worcester State University will perform a concert of a cappella choral music as a part of this series. Music pieces continued on page 32

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night day &

Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. IMAGE COURTESY OF WORCESTER ART MUSEUM

{ listings}

FLOCK OF A-HOLES play SAKURA TOKYO. FREE!!!! 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-792-1068 or facebook.com/pages/Sakura-Tokyo. continued from page 31 Gary Bernath Band. 8 p.m.-noon Olde Post OfďŹ ce Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. include works by Rutter, Thompson, Caccini, Dolly Parton, Karaoke w/ MJ Entertainment & DJ Matty. Get Queen and many others. Tickets are available at the door and are $10 for the general public and $8 for seniors and students. your Saturday started early! Karaoke, full bar, microbrews and domestics. No Cover. 8-11 p.m. Jak’s Pub, 536 Main St. 508-757-5257. Kevin Shields. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Columbia The Broadway musical The King and I by Rodgers and Hammerstein Tavern, 11 Merriam Ave, Leominster. 978-227will be performed by Calliope Productions Inc., from Thursday, 5874. May 17, through Saturday, May 19. $18, $15 for students Windfall Classic Rock. Windfall is a 6 and seniors; 7:30-10:30 p.m. 150 Main St., Boylston. 508-869-6887, piece authentic Classic Rock band. 8:30 p.m.calliopeproductions.org. 12:30 a.m. Wong Dynasty, 176 Reservior Road (Route31), Holden. 508-829-2188. Bare Hill Band. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Celtic Tavern, 45 Belmont St., Northborough. 508-366-6277. For more info please contact cnigro@worcester.edu. $10 for DJ HappyDaze Playin the Hottest Dance Mixes. No the general public and $8 for seniors and students. 7-9 p.m. Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, UPSTAIRS, 287 Main St., BrookďŹ eld Unitarian Universalist Church, 9 Upper River St., Oxford. 508-987-1006 or happydazedj.com. BrookďŹ eld. 508-867-5145. FingerCuff. Before LBK there was Fingercuff..come see how Grass Roots ends season with Blackstone Valley Bluegrass. Blackstone Valley Bluegrass is becoming one the they rock! No cover. 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Angry Ham’s Garage Restaurant & Pub, 2 Beacon St., Framingham. most sought after bands in New England. With powerful three Karaoke with Outrageous Greg. Karaoke with DJ Greg and four part harmonies and fast but tasteful picking, these (formerly of Eddy’s Pub)every Saturday night. The absolute musicians are blazing new ground throughout the Blackstone BEST Karaoke in Worcester!! No cost, Worcester College Valley and beyond. If you want to hear some great bluegrass Students Get WOO Points. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & music, come on out and see Blackstone Valley Bluegrass. Restaurant, 19 Temple St. 508-792-3700. You will not be disappointed! Doors open at 6:45, hot foods, Kung Fu Grip - Moses and the Electric Co. 9 p.m.-2 beverages and desserts available. Come early and hungry! a.m. Tammany Hall, 43 Pleasant St. 508-753-7001. $12, $10 seniors & members, $5 students. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Rockdale Congregational Church, 42 Fowler Road, Northbridge. Live Entertainment. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Partner’s Pub, 970 South St., Fitchburg. 978-345-5051. 617-429-0347 or rockdalechurchonline.org.

Probable Cause. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Satellite Rockers, Rocky & The Pressers, Colleen & Danny of Wrighteous L. 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. SPINSUITE SATURDAYS - Top 40. No Cover Charge. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. Spitshine. BAND $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Still Aggravated. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. The LED ZEPPELIN tribute COUNTER ATTACK (their 25th Anniversary Show) with very special local guests BACKLASH. Counter Attack is a cover band that plays a great variety of Led Zeppelin along with everything from Aerosmith to ZZ TOP. Formed in 1987 in Worcester the

This month’s Worcester Art Museum’s Zip Tourwill focus upon Whistler’s Women this Saturday, May 12. Join Docent Victoria Aberhart as she explores depictions of women by painter James Abbott McNeil Whistler. Zip Tours take place at noon and last 20 minutes. Free with museum admission. 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406, worcesterart.org.

band has been a mainstay on the local music scene since it has emerged and continues to play good time music to packed houses every time they hit the stage. $6. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or jfhproductions. net/attack.html. Time Zone - The Ultimate 80’s Tribute. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Breakaway Billiards, 104 Sterling St., Clinton. 978-365-6105.


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night day Spare Parts. Spare Parts Band is a “Classic Rock Blues”, Boogie & Blues/Southern Rock/Southern Blues band that has opened for Blues Hall O Fame, Rock Legend JOHNNY WINTER $5. 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508793-0900. Tantrum Saturdays with DJ Tony T. 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or remixworcester.com.

>Sunday 13 Drag Shows. 18+ $8 21+ $5. midnight-1:30 a.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-762-9499. Sunday Jazz Brunch w/Chet Williamson. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-6690122. A Ton of Blues. 2-6 p.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Traditional Irish Seisiun. Authentic Irish Seisiun held the 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Area regional musicians come from far & wide to “jam” in the age-old Irish version of a pick-up band. Fiddlers, in whistles, flutes, banjos, pipes, singers & more stop in to just enjoy making music. An old world tradition suitable for the entire family. Free (Worcester College Students Earn WOO Points). 4-8 p.m. Worcester Hibernian Cultural Centre, 19 Temple St. 508-792-3700. Acoustic Open Mic/WARL Charity Event. Celtic/ Acoustic music and an ongoing charity event for the Worcester Animal Rescue League No Cover. 5-9 p.m. Jak’s Pub, 536 Main St. 508-757-5257. Vincent’s presents: Big Jon Short. www.bigjonshort. com. 5-8 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Blues Jam w/Jim Perry. Blues Jam with special guests weekly FREE. 6-10 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Open Mic Sundays At Perfect Game With Bill Mccarthy. Free. 6-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263 or MySpace.com/ OpenMicWorld. The PRETTY THINGS PEEPSHOW (NYC) with special musical guests KING SICKABILLY & HIS FULL MOON BOYS. The Pretty Things Peepshow is based in New York City and has been touring since January 2009. The show is a sexy mix of sideshow, burlesque and variety entertainment called BROADVILLE $10. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or prettythingsproductions.com/index.html. Sunny Lake & Bobby Gadoury Dueling Pianos. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. REGGAE FUSION SUNDAYS with DJ Nick. Worcester’s longest running REGGAE night hosted by DJ Nick and Guest DJ’s spinning the HOTTTEST Reggae, Hip Hop and Top 40 every Sunday. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100.

>Monday 14 KARAOKE 7 Nights a week. cafe neo bar and grille, 97 Millbury St. 508-615-7311. Blue Mondays - Live Blues. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122.

>Tuesday 15 Joy of Music presents “Nashaway Trio”. no cost. 2-3 p.m. Briarwood Continuing Care Retirement Community:

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Birches Auditorium, 65 Briarwood Circle. 508-852-9007 or briarwoodretiremetn.com. Open Mic Tuesdays/local Musicians Showcase @ Greendale’s Pub With Bill Mccarthy. Book your half-hour set in advance at: myspace.com/openmicworld. Any slot marked as “open” usually is. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve it at: openmcc@verizon.net Free. 7-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. “Totally Tuesdazed!” Tunes in the Diner every Tuesday Night! 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Big Jon Short. Armed with a suitcase kick-drum, National Reso-phonic Guitar and Lowebow cigar-box hillharp, Big Jon Short’s high energy solo performances bring a foot-stomping show that taps into the heart of the songs, regional styles, and folklore of the Blues. www.bigjonshort.com no cover. 8-11 p.m. Armsby Abbey, 144 North Main St. 508-795-1012 or armsbyabbey.com/2009/08/jon-short. Live Music Tuesdays. 8-11 p.m. McBride’s Pub, 161 Wayland Ave., Providence. 401-751-3000. T.J. Peavey. A veteran, accomplished and eclectic singer, songwriter and guitarist. Pass The Hat. 8-10 p.m. Jak’s Pub, 536 Main St. 508-757-5257. Terry Brennan / LIVE. 8 p.m.-midnight Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508-755-0879 or terrybmusic.com. Karaoke with Heather D. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Beemer’s Pub, 114 River St., Fitchburg. 978-343-3148. Worcester State University night. Our new WSU night. FREE to get in, Live college bands and our new bartender Devon. Come on down! FREE. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888.

>Wednesday 16 Open Jam w/Sean Ryan. Open Jam Free. 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. LADIES NIGHT! FREE Chips and Salsa,Veggie Crudite,Chocolate Fountain, FREE $5 Gamecards, FREE pool for all Ladies Starting at 6pm. FREE. 6 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. Matt Robert Solo Acoustic. Matt Robert (Hat on, Drinking wine, Home Skillet) performs old-timey, old, and new covers and originals that draw on blues, jazz, folk, and rock. Nu Cafe is a warm, laid-back atmosphere. Donations since December to The worcester County Food Bank. Donations Suggested. 6-8 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-963-0588. Harmonica Performance & Participation. Join the Northborough Harmonica Club for a performance of familiar songs and favorites. From the windswept plains to the busy street corners of NYC, the harmonica is a fun, portable instrument that anyone can learn to play. The audience is encouraged to bring their own harmonica to participate, if desired. Free. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Beaman Memorial Public Library, Story Hour Room, 8 Newton St., West Boylston. 508-835-3711. ”A NIGHT OF BARNBURNING BLUES” Acoustic Blues Open Mic hosted by Sean Fullerton. 7-10 p.m. South Side Grille & Margarita Factory, 242 West Broadway, Gardner. 508-479-2309 or seanfullertonmusic.net. DJ Spinning. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rocco’s Pub & Grub, 55 Douglas Pike, Smithfield. 401-349-2280. continued on page 34

EcoTarium: A Night at the Museum happens on Saturday, May 12. Encounters with historical characters, discoveries of hidden treasures, and exciting surprises around every corner are in store during this special evening for adults. While discovering these after-hours surprises, party guests will also enjoy hors d’oeuvres; music by Dale LePage, Bobby Gadoury and Joe D’Angelo; a moonlight train ride; silent auction; and cash bar. $40, $35 for EcoTarium and WOO members; 7:30-10 p.m. Advance reservations are required and can be made by calling 508-929-2703 or online at ecotarium.org; proceeds will benefit EcoTarium educational programs. EcoTarium, 222 Harrington Way.




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Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.

{ listings}

continued from page 19

Sam James. 8-11:30 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508-755-0879. Sean Ryan & Company. Open Jam! FREE. 8-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Wednesday Night Open Mic @ The Hotel Befont With Bill Mccarthy, Local Musicians Showcase! Sign-up in advance by emailing openmcc@verizon.net and visiting myspace.com/openmicworld Free. 8 p.m.-midnight Belfont Hotel, 11 South Main St., Millbury. 508-917-8128 or myspace.com/openmicworld. Karaoke with DJ Double D. This is your chance to come on down and sing like a rock star or just kick back and enjoy a cocktail while you listen to your friends sing your favorite tunes. 8:30-11:59 p.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508756-2227 or remixworcester.com. Karaoke. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Partner’s Pub, 970 South St.,

4th-Annual Runway Revolution “Dimensions of Couture” Fashion Show struts down the runway on Saturday, May 12, at the beautiful Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., Worcester. Featuring clothing designers in and out of New England displaying their design inspired collections for the upcoming season. Doors open at 7 p.m., cocktail networking hour at 7:15 p.m. and event showtime at 8:30 p.m.; $30. Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St. 508-615-1149 or find them on Facebook.

Fitchburg. 978-345-5051. Ricky Duran. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. WOO Town Wednesdays. FREE show with BANDS, movies and more. Every Wednesday we host the regions most talented bands. FOR FREE! FREE. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or luckydogmusic. com. WOO-TOWN Wednesday Free show LIVE BANDS. Live entertainment every Wednesday night. Check luckydogmusic.com for complete lineup. FREE. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or luckydogmusic.com. Urban Blues with Brad Faucher & a rotating roster of local/regional musicians. Every Wednesday: A night of Old-School Blues & Soul-Jazz! 9:30-12:30 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877.


ADC Performance Center (@ The Artist Development Complex), 18 Mill St., Southbridge. 508-764-6900 or adcmusic.com/Index.htm. ARTSWorcester, T-Minus: Worcester to the Moon, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through May 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday - Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free. 660 Main St. 508-755-5142 or artsworcester. org. Booklovers’ Gourmet, ”Autobiography”, works by Judith Ferrara. Through May 31.Hours: Monday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Sunday. 55 East Main St., Webster. 508-949-6232 or

er3.com/book. Clark’s Cafe and Art On Rotation Gallery, Hours: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday - Saturday. Admission: Free for galler. 310 High St., Clinton. 978-549-5822 or 978-365-7772 or aorgallery.com. College of the Holy Cross: Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, Infinity: Works from the 2012 Senior Concentration Seminar, Through May 25. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday. 1 College St. 508-793-3356 or www.holycross.edu/departments/cantor/ website. Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 or danforthmuseum.org. Dark World Gallery, Hector Aguilar’s Scultpures, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through May 31. Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 179 Grafton St. www.darkworldgallery.com. DZian Gallery, Abby’s House Hosts Ladies Night Out at DZIAN Gallery!, Thursday; ArtsGenesis, Through May 11; ArtsGenesis, an art exhibition of work by members of Genesis Club opening April 27, 6-9 pm, Through May 11. Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 65 Water St. 508-831-1106 or www. dzian.net. EcoTarium, Playing Together: Games, Through Sept. 9; EcoTarium: A Night at the Museum, Saturday; Preschool and Toddler Wednesdays, Wednesdays, through Dec. 19. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $12.00 adults; $8.00 for children ages 2-18, college students with IDs & senior citizens. Children under 2 & EcoTarium members free. Additional charges apply

Departure: Park N’ Ride, Worcester, MA @ 8 am

Day 1: Depart your group;s location in a spacious video and restroom equipped motorcoach as you head for your destination: Washington, D.C. our National Capital! Later that day, enjoy a relaxing Dinner and check into your Washington, D.C. area hotel. Day 2: Enjoy a Continental Breakfast before departing for a full-day Guided Tour of Washington, D.C. Some of the awe-inspiring sights on this fantastic tour will include the US Capitol, the White House, the National Archives, Embassy Row, and Georgetown. During the day, you will see the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, the New Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial and several War Memorials. This evening, enjoy Dinner at a local restaurant before continuing on the Guided Memorial and Monuments Tour. Day 3: Begin the day with a Continental Breakfast. Today’s Guided Tour includes such poignant and inspirational sights as Arlington National Cemetery, including the Tomb of the Unknowns, and Kennedy Graves, as well as the Iwo Jima Memorial. You’ll also enjoy a visit to the Smithsonian Institution. Later, you’ll enjoy Dinner with entertainment before returning to your hotel for the night. Day 4: Today, after enjoying a Continental Breakfast, you will depart for home…a perfect time to chat with your friends about all the fun things you’ve done, the great sights you’ve seen, and where your next group trip will take you! INCREDIBLE PRICE INCLUDES - 3 Nights Lodging • 6 meals: 3 breakfast and 3 dinners • Our Tours feature the WW II Memorial, Capitol Hill, Embassy Row, the korean War Veterans memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Smithsonian, the NEW Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and more! • Two Full-day Guided Tours of Washington DC • Evening Guided Memorial and Monuments Tour • and much more!



• M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2

2012 NYC Day Trips June 2, November23, December 8 Departs Worcester: 8:00am Departs NYC: 8:00pm • Eat, drink & be merry • Shop till you drop • Take a city tour • Catch a broadway show - Motor Coach Bus Transportation.* - Price: $39 per person. (non-refundable). - Limited to the first 56 people to purchase tickets. - Movies Shown During the trip! *Coach bus leaves at 8:00am sharp from Rte 146 Park & Ride; Intersection of Mass Pike and Route 146. *Bus departs Rockefeller Center at 8:00pm sharp!

For more information contact:

John Pond @ (508) 791-9100

for Tree Canopy Walkway, Explorer Express Train, planetarium programs & other special programs. 222 Harrington Way. 508929-2700 or www.ecotarium.org. Fitchburg Historical Society, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m.-midnight Wednesday, closed Thursday - Saturday. 50 Grove St., Fitchburg. 978-3451157 or fitchburghistory.fsc.edu. Framed in Tatnuck, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. 1099 Pleasant St. 508-770-1270 or wwwframedintatnuck.com. Higgins Armory Museum, WOO Card good at Higgins Armory Museum, Through Dec. 31; Star Wars Day, Saturday. Hours: noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: General Admission: $12 for Adults, $9 for Seniors (age 60+), $7 for Children (age 4-16), Children 3 and under are Free. 100 Barber Ave. 508-853-6015 or higgins.org. Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 414 Massasoit Ave. 508-753-6087 or massaudubon.org. Museum of Russian Icons, Maps: Pathways to Russia, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through May 26. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 11-3 a.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 11-3 a.m. Friday, 9-3 a.m. Saturday. Admission: Adults $7, Seniors (59 and over) $5, Students (with ID) & children (3-17) $2, Children under 3 FREE, Groups (any age) $. 203 Union St., Clinton. 978-598-5000 or 978-598-5005 or museumofrussianicons.org. Old Sturbridge Village, Story Hour at the Old Sturbridge Village Book Store, Thursdays, through Dec. 27. Admission: $7 - $20 charged by age. Children under 3 fre. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge. 800-733-1830 or 508-347-3362 or osv.org. Salisbury Mansion, Salisbury Mansion Tours, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Dec. 31; Docent Training Program, Wednesdays, through May 30. Hours: closed Sunday - Wednesday, 1-8:30 p.m. Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Friday Saturday. 40 Highland St. 508-753-8278 or www. worcesterhistory.org The Sprinkler Factory, State of Play, Thursdays, May 10 - May 24; State of Play, Sundays, Saturdays, through May 27. Hours: noon-6 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 38 Harlow St. sprinklerfactory.com. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, An Introduction to Floral Design, Thursdays, through May 17; The Non-Traditional Photographer, Fridays, through June 1; Creating Panoramic Images, Saturday; FREE ADMISSION for Mother’s Day Weekend, Saturday - Sunday; Youth Gardening Program Spring 2012, Class B, Grades 3-5, Saturdays, through June 23; Guided Garden Tour, Sundays, through Dec. 30; Photography and Fine Art - Tower Hill, Wednesdays, through May 30; Yoga by Nature: Spring Session 2, Class 4, Wednesday. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $10 Adults, $7 Seniors & $5 Youth, FREE to Members & Children under . 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111 or towerhillbg.org. Westboro Gallery, ”Journey”, Photographic Exhibit by Jeanine Vitale, Through July 6. Hours: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 8 West Main St., Westborough. 508870-0110 or westborogallery.com. Worcester Art Museum, Art Since the Mid-20th Century, Through Dec. 31; Carrie Moyer: Interstellar, Through Aug. 19; Wall at WAM: Charline von Heyl, Through Dec. 31; Slow Art Day - Worcester, MA, Saturday; Zip Tour: Lovis Corinth, Saturday; Public Tour (Modern Art), Sunday. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, Free for youth 17 and

Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. under. Free for all first Saturdays of each month, 10am-noon. the showroom! You’ll see comics that have been on Comedy drops dead - poisoned- as one of ten tiny figurines mysteriously 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406 or worcesterart.org. Central, HBO and all the late night shows. This location is also tumbles down from the mantle. One down and nine to go! The Worcester Center for Crafts, AiR Time: Artist-In18+. $15 (All Woo card holders and active duty military is 2 Eagle Hill School Players bring to life this superlative Agatha Residence Exhibition, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, for 1). 8-10 p.m. Jose’ Murphy’s, 2nd Floor, 97-103 Water St. Christie mystery comedy. $5. 2:30-4:30 p.m. Cultural Center at Fridays, Saturdays, May 10 - June 2; Vases Eagle Hill, 242 Old Petersham Road, Hardwick. of Spring: Annual Show & Sale, Tuesdays, Call 413-477-6746 or visit centerateaglehill. Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, org. through July 14. Hours: closed Sunday, 9 Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL On Thursday, May 10 don’t miss the exhibition AiR Time, which offers the opportunity for a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to World Tour - Michael Jackson THE this year’s eight Worcester Center for Crafts Artists-in-Residence to merge their 5 p.m. Friday, closed Saturday. 25 Sagamore IMMORTAL World Tour. May 16, 2012 and diverse styles in an end-of year show featuring the work of Peter Barbor, David Choi, Eric Cruze, Road. 508-753-8183 or worcestercraftcenter. May 17, 2012. Written and directed by Jamie Rose Esson-Dawson, Diane Chester-Demicco, Ian Gianlorenzo, Caitlin Vitalo and Rachel Van org. King, will perform in Worcester. Tickets are Wagoner. The opening reception tonight is free from 5:30-8 p.m. 25 Sagamore Rd. 508-753Worcester Historical Museum, ON SALE NOW at the Box Office, Ticketmaster 8183, worcestercraftcenter.org. 30x30@30: Your City, Your History, Thursday locations, by phone at 800-745-3000 and - Thursday; In Their Shirtsleeves, Through online at ticketmaster.com . All tickets Dec. 31; The Cakemaker’s Portrait, Through subject to applicable handling, convenience April 28; The Unsinkable Ship, Through June and facility fees. Endtimes are approximate. 30; College Days at Worcester Historical Museum, Saturdays, Call 508-792-0900 or visit wisecrackscomedyclub.com. $177, $127, $82 & $52. 8-11 p.m. DCU Center- Arena and through April 28; The Evolution of Baseball in Worcester, South Pacific - Friday, May 11 and Sunday, May 13. This Convention Center, 50 Foster St. Call 508-755-6800 or visit Thursday (May 3). Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to breathtaking new production of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s ticketmaster.com. 4 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, SOUTH PACIFIC is based on the 2008 Tony Award® winning 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 Lincoln Center Theater production, directed by Bartlett Sher. or worcesterhistory.org. Full price tickets are $39, $54, $64 and $74, depending on >Thursday10 seating location. 10% discount available for members, groups Street Beat Poetry Thursday. A change of schedule of 20 or more and WOO card holders. 15% discount available pushed our feature from National Poetry Month to the next month for groups of 50 or more. 8-10 p.m. Hanover Theatre for the but what I believe about his writing is still true, that though the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St. Call 877-571-7469 or visit world only notices poetry in April, poets like Keith Vezeau live their thehanovertheatre.org. Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Escape. Fri lives looking at life through different eyes. Hosted by Anne Marie Pilgrim Soul Productions Presents “Shadow of and Sat May 11th & 12th, Dan Boulger Sean Bedgood and Lucci. Free and open to the public/hat passed to support feature/ A Gunman” - Friday, May 11 - Saturday, May 12. Pilgrim Andy Dawson. Great Food and Fun. Open Mic on the 1st venue. 7-9 p.m. WCPA Headquarters- Vasa Hall, First Floor Soul Productions at the Worcester Hibernian Cultural Centre & 3rd, Thursdays at 8 pm, Fridays 9 pm and Saturdays 8 Performance Space, 1 Ekman St., Worcester, MA. 508-479-7574 Presents The Shadow of a Gunman Written by Seán O’Casey pm. Make Reservations early at 800-401-2221 or online at or wcpa.homestead.com. Directed by Matthew J. Carr Individual tickets are $15. Groups beantowncomedy.com. $20 per person except special events. of 10+ $12. 7:30-10 p.m. Worcester Hibernian Cultural Centre, Drinks and Appetizers available in the show room. Full Dinner 19 Temple St. Call 508-752-0224. Available before Show in Restaurant $5 off with College ID, 2 “You Can’t Take It With You”, classic comedy for 1 Active Military or Veterans $4 off with Dinner Receipt and Friday, May 11 - Saturday, May 19. Gateway Players Theatre, Reservations 9-10:30 p.m. Biagio’s Grille, Comedy Room, 257 Inc. will present the Kaufman & Hart classic comedy, “You Park Ave. Call 800-401-2221 or visit laughstub.com. Can”t Take It With You”. www.gatewayplayers.org. $12-$10. Open Mike Comedy. 7-9 p.m. 3-G’s Sports Bar, The Music 7:30-9:30 p.m. Gateway Players Theatre Arts Barn, 111 Main Room, 152 Millbury St. Call 508-754-3516. St., Southbridge. Call 508-764-4531. Wisecracks Comedy Club @ Jose Murphy’s And Then There Were None - Saturday, May 12. Eight Every Saturday night. There’s a full bar and food menu in strangers are lured to an island mansion and marooned. One





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{ listings}

fairs/ festivals >May 12 MetroWest Humane Society Craft Fair. 6th Annual Craft Fair to benefit the area’s forgotten, abused, abandoned and stray cats and kittens will be held the day before Mother’s Day. Our 89 crafters and artisans will be presenting a wide variety of unique and high quality handcrafted items for everyone. There will also be Lace Making and Weaving demonstrations. Plenty of free parking. The Humane Society will have animal beds, cat toys and other items made by our volunteers, a bake sale table of Homemade Goodies and Raffle Table. Raffle items are generously donated by our crafters and artists. Delicious lunch foods will be available from Doghouse Catering. We also thank this year’s corporate sponsors, Framingham Cooperative Bank and Middlesex Savings Bank. Adults: $3; children under 12, free. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ashland High School, Gymnasium, 65 E Union St., Ashland. 508-787-0069 or metrowesthumanesociety. org. May Day Festival. QVCAH celebrates their 2nd annual May Day Festival on the front lawn of the Arts Center at 111 Main Street in Southbridge, MA. Live music by Riverbend, with May Pole dance caller Bill Fischer! Traditional Food! Wine & Beer Garden! Roving Fiddlers! First May Pole dance at 1 pm. Deb Malouin talks about raising Monarch Butterflies and discusses the various pollinators of our region at 1:30 pm! Badger Meets the Fairies puppet show performed by Galapagos Puppet Theater at 2 pm! May Queen Pageant for girls ages

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3-7 at 3:30 pm! Green Man mask making and flower tiara weaving throughout the day’s festivities! Come celebrate the Spirit of Springtime at an event that’s fun for the whole family! Free. noon-6 p.m. Quinebaug Valley Council for the Arts & Humanities, the Arts Center, 111 Main St., Southbridge. 508346-3341. Charity Spring Fashion Show. Please join us for a wonderful afternoon that includes a fashion show by Ecolissa. com and charity raffle! This is a free event. Take a tour of the beautiful DruMais Salon and enjoy some light appetizers and drinks! free. 2-4 p.m. Dru-Mais Salon, 31 Springhill Ave, Marlborough. 603-548-6239 or ecolissa.eventbrite.com.


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• M AY 1 0 , 2 0 1 2

Why Fenway? With Author Glenn Stout. Fenway Park and Beaman Library share a special year. They were both built in 1912. In honor of the Centennial, the Friends will host Glenn Stout, author of Fenway Park: The Birth of a Ballpark, a Championship Season, and Fenway’s Remarkable First Year. Glenn will discuss why Fenway Park was built, how it was built, the way it was built, and why Fenway Park still matters today. Free. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Beaman Memorial Public Library, Stile Meeting Room, 8 Newton St., West Boylston. 508-835-3711.

>Friday 11

The Voyage of the Black Madonna with Alessandra Belloni. THE VOYAGE OF THE BLACK MADONNA with ALESSANDRA BELLONI. A musical journey to the ancient sacred sites of the Great Mother Goddess. Please join us for this special concert, which features healing chants and >Thursday 10 drumming in honor of the Black Madonna from the traditions Sport: Fitness training. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, of Southern Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Brazil, & Mexico. The Thursdays, Tuesday. $120/Year $25/Month - $75/Month Cult of the Black Virgin is popular all over the world, and this Family Plan. 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. Route 9 Gym & Fitness@ is a musical journey to these sacred sites. This unique event Commerce Park Plaza, 420 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury. features excerpts from the Folk Opera written by Alessandra 508-925-5822. Belloni with composer/music director John La Barbera. This Remove Cellulite with Cellulaze! Remove Cellulite concert features a special collaboration between Alessandra Belloni as mezzo soprano, percussionist and ritual dancer, Worcester Photo Studios is the largest co-op style studio in New England, and its with Dina LeDuke as narrator Open House welcomes you in on Thursday, May 10. Located just off of Route 9 in and Brian LeDuke as assistant Worcester, this 10,000-square-foot portrait studio is equipped with just about everything percussionist. The concert will you need to get that perfect shot from that vision in your head to your portfolio. The studio include rare chants that have is equipped with approximately a dozen shooting areas ranging from black-and-white never been heard outside of folk backdrops to more intricate sets. 7-8 p.m. 90 May St., Worcester. 800-210-9531, info@ ceremonies in Italy. Listeners worcesterphotostudios.com, worcesterphotostudios.com. will be taken on a spiritual and musical journey through the ancient sites of the Great Goddess, which in the Christian with Just One Treatment! It’s real. It works. And it’s exclusively era have become sanctuaries of the Black Madonna. The here! As featured on The Drs, Good Morning America, and the concert blends women’s voices with traditional instruments Today Show Introducing Cellulaze from Cynosure, the incredible and rhythms found in the different cultures that settled the treatment that attacks the structural problems beneath the skin South of Italy, including Greece, Turkey, North Africa, the Middle that cause cellulite. A minimally invasive, laser-assisted surgical East, Celtic France, and Spain. Their instruments and rhythms procedure performed by Board-Certified plastic surgeon Dr. blend together, joined by Cynthia Poulos, Cellulaze is proven to destroy cellulite, improve passionate voices and skin tone, and melt fat for a smoother, healthier look that lasts. the native All in one quick 45-minute procedure! Curious? Learn more! trance Live presentation followed by private mini-consultations with dances of Dr. Poulos Plus: Enjoy complimentary wine and appetizers, Naples, Discover why Cellulaze is the only cellulite treatment that Calabria, works, Learn about pricing, the procedure itself, and your quick Puglia, recovery, See the amazing results! RSVP required. Seats are Sicily, and extremely limited. Call today! $10 donation to the Fresh Air Sardinia. Fund. 5:30-8 p.m. Sheraton Tara Framingham, 1567 Worcester To reserve Road (Route9), Framingham. 508-393-4544 or drpoulos.com/ a ticket in cellulaze. advance, please send a check to The >Saturday 12 Dancing Gypsy, 117 Main Free Vessel Safety Check. Paddle sports, canoes, kayaks, St, Spencer MA 01562. It is highly recommended to get tickets boats and jet skis! By the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Auburn in advance, as we anticipate this special event selling out very Flotilla Promoting boating saferty and seamanship since 1939! quickly! Thank you. $15. 8-10 p.m. Dancing Gypsy, 117 Main A Vessel Safety Check is a courtesty examination of your boat St., Spencer. 508-885-3639. (Vessel) to verify the presence and condition of certain Safety Equipment by State and the Federal regulations. The Vessel >Saturday 12 Examiner is a trained specialist and is a memeber of the US The Simple Path of Holiness author presentation. Coast Guard Auxiliary. They will also make recommendations Whether you feel you have found a true path to walk, or are and discuss safety issues that will make you a safer boater. not sure what to believe is the truth of this life, the search for Hot dogs will be served! Free. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Klem’s, Back peace and healing experience in life is often much the same. of the parking lot, 117 W Main St., Spencer. 508-885-2708 or Almost everyone experiences times, sooner or later, when they klemsonline.com. are beset by serious doubts. These doubts and unanswered questions often are aggravated by the presence of truly difficult conditions in one’s personal life. The meditation practices of the

classes/ workshop

100 June St. Worcester

>Thursday 10

Simple Path of Holiness are offered to help people work more creatively and effectively with both a person’s experiences of doubt and confusion as well as those times of hard trials they have to cope with. The practices of the simple path are offered to assist in this discernment and to free up the energy and drive to make the kinds of consistent effort which are needed for real breakthroughs. Free. 2-4 p.m. Booklovers’ Gourmet, 55 East Main St., Webster. 508-949-6232.

dance Saturday 12

> Contra Dance Worcester. Beginner’s lesson at 7:30. Music by Andrew Grover and Max Newman with Dave Eisenstadter calling. general $8; family $18; student $6. 8-11 p.m. Wesley United Methodist Church, 114 Main St. 508-7994191 or worcesterdance.org. MILONGA Argentine Tango Dance Party. A Milonga is an Argentine Tango social dance. People come as individuals or with a partner. It gives you a great opportunity not only to practice your new moves, but also to meet some nice people. $15 (discounts available). 8 p.m.-1 a.m. American Ballroom & Latin Dance Studio, Maironis Park, 52 South Quinsigamond Ave., Shrewsbury. 508-925-4537 or AmericanBallroomLatin. com. Square Dance. Ice Cream Sundae Night. Chuck & Gerry Hardy calling and Kathy Reardon cueing. 8-10:30 p.m. Sutton High School, 383 Boston Road, Sutton.

>Sunday 13 Rock n Roll Dance Party With The Shakin All Over Band. 6:30pm Group Swing Dance Lesson. 7:30pm The Shakin All Over Band. All Dance2Swing events are a mixture of singles and couples. For up-dates visit our web site. $12. 6:3010:30 p.m. Leominster Elks Lodge 1237, Dance2Swing, 134 N. Main St., Leominster. 978-263-7220 or dance2swing.com.

>Tuesdays 15 Zumba Worcester-Holden pre-register by 05/12. It all starts here….enrichment of the mind, nourishment of the body, uplifting of the soul, a place to share, learn and grow. A place to achieve and bloom!!! Pre-register before 05/12 (Just 20 spots available) $60.00/ 6 week session or $100.00 for

Ukulele May Edition with Rich “Amazing Dick” Leufstedt happens on Thursday, May 10 from 7-10 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877.

2 classes per week, $43.00 for 3 or more Tuesday (Thursday class available as well) 6:00 – 7:00 PM At: First Presbyterian Church of Worcester 125 Holden Street Worcester, MA 01606 (Coming from Holden right after the Animal Shelter) To register call (508) 208-4743 or email nlcfitness1@gmail.com FUN!! This is a beginner’s class that is fun and easy to follow. Featuring a variety of rhythms from all over Latin America. You will get a taste of everything - Meringue, Salsa, Flamenco, Zamba, Mambo, Reggae, Cumbia, Calypso, Cha Cha, and Belly Dancing. Come tone and sculpt your entire body and have fun doing it! $60/ 6 week session or $100 for 2 classes per week, $43 for 3 or more. 6-7 p.m. First Presbyterian Church Worcester, 125 Holden St. 508-208-4743.

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2011 Cruze LT Mi: 24,228 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3247 $18,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Cruze LTZ Mi: 12,260 Ext: White Stk#: 3249 $22,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2005 Equinox LS Mi: 75,001 Ext: Salsa Stk#: 12779A $12,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Equinox LT Mi: 29,526 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3173 $20,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 Equinox LT Mi: 64,916 Ext: White Stk#: 3170A $14,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 Equinox S Mi: 37,888 Ext: Blue Stk#: 115282A $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Express 2500 Mi: 23,566 Ext: White Stk#: 3213 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Express 2500 Mi: 23,740 Ext: White Stk#: 3214 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Impala LT Mi: 15,116 Ext: White Stk#: 3237 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154










2012 Impala LTZ Mi: 9,660 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3236 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Malibu LT Mi: 11,661 Ext: White Stk#: 3218 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Malibu LT Mi: 14,105 Ext: White Stk#: 3221 $17,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Malibu LT Mi: 58,512 Ext: White Stk#: 11561B $13,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Malibu LTZ Mi: 10,242 Ext: White Stk#: 3234 $21,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 Malibu LTZ Mi: 35,562 Ext: Black Stk#: 12683A $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2003 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 50,265 Ext: Red Stk#: 11703A $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2006 Silverado 1500 LS Mi: 20,089 Ext: Blue Stk#: 12798A $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 51,919 Ext: Red Stk#: 12700A $27,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154










2006 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 60,931 Ext: Black Stk#: 12749A $17,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Silverado 1500 LTZ Mi: 4,898 Ext: Blue Stk#: 12626A $32,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Silverado 2500 HD Mi: 6,222 Ext: Black Stk#: 11610A $32,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 Silverado 2500 HD Mi: 43,644 Ext: Blue Stk#: 12674A $26,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Silverado 3500 HD Mi: 59,065 Ext: White Stk#: 3223 $35,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2005 SSR Mi: 25,312 Ext: Black Stk#: 12681A $27,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2006 Suburban 1500 LS Mi: N/A Ext: Silver Stk#: 3244 $15,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2007 Suburban 1500 LT Mi: 70,231 Ext: White Stk#: 11693B $24,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Tahoe LT Mi: 13,595 Ext: White Stk#: 3233 $39,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154










2008 Tahoe LT Mi: 59,052 Ext: Black Stk#: 11642A $32,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Tahoe LTZ Mi: 16,861 Ext: Gold Stk#: 3238 $50,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Tahoe LTZ Mi: 40,826 Ext: White Stk#: 12781A $42,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 Tahoe LTZ Mi: 61,340 Ext: Blue Stk#: 12730A $36,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2012 Traverse LT Mi: 13,809 Ext: Red Stk#: 3243 $36,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2012 Traverse LT Mi: 13,523 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3229 $36,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Traverse LTZ Mi: 33,525 Ext: Gray Stk#: 12763B $29,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 Ram 1500 ST Mi: 36,139 Ext: Black Stk#: 12104A $20,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2006 Ram 3500 ST Mi: 51,425 Ext: Red Stk#: 12711A $28,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154










2008 Edge LTD Mi: 28,013 Ext: Pearl Stk#: TU5874R $25,995 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2009 Edge LTD Mi: 56,504 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6002R $23,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2007 Edge SEL Mi: 66,069 Ext: Black Stk#: TU5928 $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 Escape XLS Mi: 95,777 Ext: Kiwi Stk#: M1375A $9,995 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Escape XLT Mi: 19,416 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6007R $23,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Escape XLT Mi: 18,126 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6017R $22,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 Escape XLT Mi: 28,061 Ext: Kiwi Stk#: TU5925R $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Explorer XLT Mi: 27,516 Ext: Silver Stk#: TU6006R $33,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2009 F-150 SC Mi: 67,954 Ext: Red Stk#: TU5999 $27,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

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2008 F-150 SC Mi: 34,594 Ext: Redfire Stk#: TU6026 $27,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 F-250 XL Mi: 53,978 Ext: Brown Stk#: 12775B $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 F-350 Mi: 18,169 Ext: Silver Stk#: TU6010 $47,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 F-350 Mi: 31,596 Ext: Brown Stk#: TU5895 $28,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2009 F-350 Mi: 63,957 Ext: Blue Stk#: TU5668 $27,922 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2009 Flex Limited Mi: 80,791 Ext: Cinnamon Stk#: TU5948 $20,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Focus SE Mi: 26,189 Ext: White Stk#: CU4635R $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Focus SE Mi: 6,868 Ext: Gray Stk#: 111255C $15,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Focus SES Mi: 29,156 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4422R $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323










2011 Fusion SE Mi: 23,962 Ext: Blue Stk#: CU4597R $19,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Fusion SE Mi: 36,959 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4556R $17,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Fusion SE Mi: 36,214 Ext: Green Stk#: CU4334R $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 Fusion SE Mi: 62,796 Ext: Moss Stk#: CU4617 $14,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Fusion SEL Mi: 56,300 Ext: Gray Stk#: CU4630 $15,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Mustang GT Mi: 29,410 Ext: Black Stk#: 111364A $24,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Ranger Mi: 30,623 Ext: Blue Stk#: TU5846 $20,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2009 Ranger Mi: 58,230 Ext: Redfire Stk#: TU5979 $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2006 Ranger Mi: 33,043 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6021 $16,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323










2005 Ranger XLT Mi: 81,828 Ext: Black Stk#: 115424A $13,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Taurus LTD Mi: 95,464 Ext: Merlot Stk#: CU4614 $13,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 Taurus LTD Mi: 106,623 Ext: White Stk#: CU4609 $11,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2006 Envoy Mi: 74,757 Ext: Brown Stk#: TU5929 $13,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2005 Envoy SLE Mi: 82,352 Ext: White Stk#: 121175A $12,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2003 Sierra 1500 SLE Mi: 46,345 Ext: Red Stk#: 12712A $14,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2006 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 78,459 Ext: Sand Stk#: 101453C $18,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Sierra 2500 HD SLT Mi: 34,094 Ext: Blue Stk#: 3246 $36,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2007 Yukon SLE Mi: 84,900 Ext: Blue Stk#: 12765A $21,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154










2009 Accord EX Mi: 41,702 Ext: White Stk#: 115151A $19,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Accord EX Mi: 26,914 Ext: Green Stk#: 115279A $18,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Civic EX Mi: 61,166 Ext: Blue Stk#: 115184B $14,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Civic LX Mi: 49,217 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121362A $13,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Civic LX Mi: 92,121 Ext: Blue Stk#: 115032A $10,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 CR-V EX-L Mi: 58,713 Ext: Red Stk#: 111808A $18,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 CR-V LX Mi: 62,684 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121285A $15,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2003 Element EX Mi: 90,774 Ext: Orange Stk#: 125004B $12,295 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 Fit Mi: 26,651 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121094A $13,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2009 Santa Fe Mi: 33,827 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121332A $20,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Santa Fe Mi: 41,130 Ext: Khaki Stk#: TU5962 $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2009 Santa Fe Mi: 39,174 Ext: Gray Stk#: 105677B $17,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Sonata GLS Mi: 38,895 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121033A $15,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 Sonata SE Mi: 26,762 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121429A $14,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Liberty Sport Mi: 97,286 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121445A $14,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 Liberty Sport Mi: 65,366 Ext: Khaki Stk#: 121311A $13,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2005 TJ Sport Mi: 64,701 Ext: Khaki Stk#: 121390B $17,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Wrangler Rubicon Mi: 18,857 Ext: Blue Stk#: TU6024 $28,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323










2010 Wrangler S Islander Mi: 18,749 Ext: White Stk#: 125048A $26,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2006 Wrangler Sport Mi: 48,889 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU5926 $17,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Forte Mi: 24,366 Ext: Red Stk#: 11648B $17,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Rio LX Mi: 46,477 Ext: Blue Stk#: 3125 $9,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 Soul Mi: 31,324 Ext: Shadow Stk#: CU4259R $14,922 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2006 Sportage Mi: 76,307 Ext: Green Stk#: TU6004 $10,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 GX 470 Mi: 64,738 Ext: Gray Stk#: 12515A $32,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 IS 250 Mi: 50,155 Ext: Granite Stk#: 3155A $21,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 RX 350 Mi: 31,170 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3250 $35,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154










2011 2 Touring Mi: 18,161 Ext: Black Stk#: 125268A $15,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 3 i Touring Mi: 10,922 Ext: Graphite Stk#: M1410 $19,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 S Mi: 3,038 Ext: Black Stk#: M1388 $23,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 S Mi: 19,393 Ext: Black Stk#: M1395 $19,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 S Mi: 19,863 Ext: Silver Stk#: 115325A $16,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 S Mi: 38,062 Ext: Graphite Stk#: 11882C $14,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 3 S Mi: 54,292 Ext: Gray Stk#: 11720B $12,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2007 5 Touring Mi: 64,301 Ext: Black Stk#: 115419C $13,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 6 Mi: 8,511 Ext: BL-Cherry Stk#: M1413 $22,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2011 6 Mi: 10,005 Ext: Black Stk#: 115413A $21,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 6 Mi: 11,485 Ext: Gray Stk#: M1426 $20,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 6 Mi: 8,869 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1390 $19,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 6 i GT Mi: 8,443 Ext: Blue Stk#: M1427 $23,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 6 i Sport Mi: 4,047 Ext: Red Stk#: 115109A $17,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 CX-7 Mi: 31,001 Ext: Gray Stk#: 115354A $18,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 CX-7 i SV Mi: 9,964 Ext: Black Stk#: 115176A $19,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 CX-7 i SV Mi: 9,654 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1323A $19,290 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 CX-7 S Mi: 18,892 Ext: Black Stk#: M1405 $27,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886



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2011 CX-7 S Mi: 9,040 Ext: Blue Stk#: 115377A $27,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 CX-7 S Mi: 24,857 Ext: Black Stk#: 115415A $20,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 934 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1420 $35,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 8,004 Ext: Crystal Stk#: M1391 $34,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 CX-9 GT Mi: 59,205 Ext: Silver Stk#: 125302A $28,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 CX-9 Sport Mi: 28,106 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 115208A $26,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 CX-9 Sport Mi: 37,176 Ext: Red Stk#: 115083A $23,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 CX-9 Sport Mi: 59,586 Ext: Red Stk#: 115399B $20,295 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 CX-9 Touring Mi: 41,204 Ext: Black Stk#: M1421 $27,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2007 CX-9 Touring Mi: 85,637 Ext: Black Stk#: 135003A $19,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 MX-5 Miata Mi: 17,159 Ext: Red Stk#: M1393A $23,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 MX-5 Miata S Mi: 16,100 Ext: Black Stk#: M1404 $20,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 RX-8 Sport Mi: 4,986 Ext: Red Stk#: M1384 $23,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2005 Grand Marquis GS Mi: 39,153 Ext: Tundra Stk#: CU4633 $10,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Milan Mi: 18,339 Ext: Gray Stk#: CU4601R $19,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2007 Mountaineer Mi: 79,356 Ext: Alloy Stk#: TU5997 $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 Altima S Mi: 36,446 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121090A $16,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Altima SL Mi: 17,215 Ext: Gray Stk#: 115400A $22,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2009 Maxima SV Mi: 13,952 Ext: White Stk#: 11685A $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 Pathfinder LE Mi: 44,233 Ext: White Stk#: 12510B $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 Rogue SL Mi: 69,812 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125299A $16,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 Sentra Mi: 80,997 Ext: Gray Stk#: 1519A $11,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 G6 GT Mi: 60,900 Ext: Black Stk#: 3195AA $11,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 Forester Mi: 24,142 Ext: Silver Stk#: 1507 $24,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester Mi: 20,561 Ext: Gray Stk#: 1492-C $23,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester Mi: 29,765 Ext: Black Stk#: 125123A $23,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester Mi: 57,281 Ext: Sage Stk#: 121349A $21,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2009 Forester Mi: 40,581 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121288A $20,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester Mi: 52,560 Ext: White Stk#: 1520A $20,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Forester X Mi: 17,896 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121305A $22,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester X Mi: 26,756 Ext: Gray Stk#: 1484 $20,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2006 Forester X Mi: 59,866 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121416A $15,295 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2006 Forester X Mi: 62,175 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121371A $13,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester X LTD Mi: 30,675 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121415A $22,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2012 Impreza Mi: 4,003 Ext: White Stk#: 121441A $20,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Impreza Mi: 36,968 Ext: Silver Stk#: 1524 $18,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2009 Impreza Mi: 18,100 Ext: Red Stk#: 121370A $17,750 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Impreza Mi: 49,275 Ext: Red Stk#: 121345A $17,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Impreza Mi: 26,959 Ext: Red Stk#: 121342A $16,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Impreza Mi: 21,572 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121317A $16,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Impreza Mi: 34,367 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121358A $16,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Impreza Mi: 57,533 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121381A $16,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Impreza Mi: 65,939 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121229A $15,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2006 Impreza Mi: 57,601 Ext: Red Stk#: 111833A $13,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 Impreza Mi: 74,967 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121454A $12,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2009 Impreza GT Mi: 37,279 Ext: White Stk#: 121301A $21,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Impreza Outback Mi: 14,121 Ext: Red Stk#: 121386A $22,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Impreza Outback Mi: 41,101 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121400A $19,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Impreza Outback Mi: 55,398 Ext: Black Stk#: 121366A $18,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Impreza WRX Mi: 34,679 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121373A $26,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Legacy Mi: 43,108 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121302A $20,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Legacy Mi: 18,576 Ext: White Stk#: 121387A $19,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Legacy Mi: 30,701 Ext: Ruby Stk#: M1416A $18,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Legacy Ltd Mi: 27,058 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121179A $27,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

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2010 Legacy Ltd Mi: 30,943 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121290A $23,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Legacy Ltd Mi: 40,956 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121068A $23,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Outback Mi: 28,742 Ext: Silver Stk#: 135014A $23,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Outback Mi: 34,990 Ext: Gray Stk#: 1494-C $22,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Outback Mi: 55,270 Ext: White Stk#: 121235A $19,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Outback Mi: 45,190 Ext: Gold Stk#: 111438B $18,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Outback Mi: 59,911 Ext: Black Stk#: 121051A $18,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2006 Outback Mi: 70,446 Ext: Silver Stk#: 1526-C $17,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2006 Outback Mi: 77,983 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121243A $14,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2010 Outback Ltd Mi: 24,762 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121099A $27,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Outback Ltd Mi: 21,159 Ext: White Stk#: 1525 $27,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Outback Ltd Mi: 52,964 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121326A $22,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2006 Outback Ltd Mi: 65,789 Ext: Silver Stk#: 125185A $17,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Camry Mi: 31,350 Ext: Gray Stk#: CU4607 $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Camry LE Mi: 10,778 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121280A $19,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Corolla LE Mi: 5,615 Ext: Gray Stk#: 115362A $18,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 Corolla S Mi: 57,524 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1392 $12,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 Corolla S Mi: 70,325 Ext: Indigo Stk#: 12426A $10,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154










2010 Highlander Mi: 24,015 Ext: Gray Stk#: 3187A $24,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 Highlander Mi: 32,040 Ext: Gray Stk#: 111723A $22,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Highlander Mi: 41,646 Ext: Sand Stk#: 115121A $22,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Highlander LTD Mi: 34,223 Ext: Silver Stk#: 111431A $26,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Matrix S Mi: 22,392 Ext: Black Stk#: 1506A $18,290 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Matrix S Mi: 47,365 Ext: White Stk#: 12768B $15,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 RAV4 Mi: 51,904 Ext: Red Stk#: TU5923 $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 RAV4 Ltd Mi: 68,838 Ext: Beige Stk#: 111841A $17,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2005 Sienna XLE Ltd Mi: 118,331 Ext: Salsa Stk#: 121266A $15,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886








2010 Tacoma Mi: 24,903 Ext: Red Stk#: 12744A $29,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 Tacoma Mi: 12,940 Ext: Red Stk#: 115065A $27,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Tacoma Mi: 12,310 Ext: Silver Stk#: 12743A $26,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Tacoma Mi: 54,508 Ext: Red Stk#: 121377B $23,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Yaris Mi: 35,160 Ext: White Stk#: 115218A $11,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Passat Mi: 27,665 Ext: Gray Stk#: CU4585 $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 Passat Mi: 40,501 Ext: Silver Stk#: 111698A $16,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886


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FOSTER PARENTS WANTED Do you have Bipolar Disorder? Are you a woman between 40 and 60 years old? Are you menstruating or less than 5 years since your last period? We invite you to participate in a UMASS Medical School research study looking at mood, periods and menopause. You will rate your mood and have your hormones checked. Compensation provided. For more information contact Abby at 508-334-7352, or Wendy Marsh at 508-856-5071.

HOME IMPROVEMENT Clearview Home Improvements Baths, Kitchens, Additions, Painting, Windows, Doors, Roofs, Siding, Porches & Decks, Finished Cellars, Handyman Services & Snowplowing Free estimates Fully licensed & Insured HIC# 286433 Please call 508-581-7803 HOME REPAIR/ RESTORATION




Mood, Menstrual Periods and Menopause Research Study

PHONE: 978-728-4302 FAX: 978-534-6004









Foster Care Information Session Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month • 2pm-4pm (Please Call for Details)

Seeking families throughout Central Massachusetts who are interested in improving a child’s life. Call to inquire about our upcoming foster parent training. $1,000 SIGN-ON BONUS Call for Details

688 Main Street, Holden, MA Toll Free (877) 446-3305


Man Around the House Roofs, Decks, Siding, Windows, Kitchen Remodel, Bonus Rooms, Finished Basements & Additions *We deal directly with your Insurance for Fire, Water & Ice claims Please call Roger at 860-928-7349

Painting Unlimited Services Skilled, Reliable, Reasonable. Meticulous prep & workmanship. Interior/Exterior Painting/Staining, Powerwashing. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. HIC #163882 Call Tim: 508-340-8707 RUBBISH REMOVAL TOTAL DISPOSAL Dumpster Specials 10yd. $230, 15yd $300. Home Clean-outs, Landscape Clean-ups, Demo Rubbish, Appliances. Give us a call and we’ll talk trash. 508864-7755 Trotta & Son Rubbish Homeowner Special Rent a 15 Yd. Dumpster for only $325. Pay one low price, No hidden fees "You name it, we’ll junk it" Serving Worcester County 508-798-2271


SUBOXONE STUDY HEROIN, OPIATES & OXYCONTIN USERS If you have a problem with opiates like heroin, Oxycontin or Percocets, you may be eligible to participate in a 3-month Suboxone research study to test medications for opioid abuse. This study is being conducted by the University of Massachusetts Medical School. We are currently seeking volunteers ages 18 to 25. If you are interested, please call Chelsea or leave a message at (508) 856-4566. All calls are confidential. Docket #13261.

M AY 10 , 2 0 12 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M


www.centralmassclass.com LAWN & GARDEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE BobcatBob Bobcat Services, $65 per hour, two hour minimums. Trenching, spreading, filling, covering and power raking. Fully insured, OSHA certified. Call BobcatBob 508-579-4670 508-579-4670

LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Le’s Professional Landscaping Commercial & residential. Spring clean up, complete lawn maintenance, aerating, thatching, sprinkler systems, rock gardens, decks, fences, steps, lighting. FREE estimates. We do it all. All work guaranteed. 508-865-4248

LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Perrone Landscaping Weekly/Biweekly Lawn Maintenance, Mulching, Lawn Renovation, Street & Parking Lot Sweeping Residential & Commercial Properties *Free Estimates *Fully Insured Please call 508-735-9814

LAWN CARE MISCELLANEOUS Briggsy & Sons Lawn Care * MOWING * MULCH * SEASONAL CLEANUPS * ODD JOBS 508-459-0365 774-386-8518

MULCH & LOAM MULCH & LOAM Hemlock, Black Bark, Hemlock Mix, Red Cedar, Screened Loam, Pick up or Home Delivery MIKE LYNCH ENTERPRISES 774-535-1470 mikelynchenterprises.com

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• M AY 10 , 2 0 12

Shuttle Driver needed for passenger transport in Worcester. Shifts are early mornings or afternoons. CDL or medical card a plus. earn $10-11 per hour.

Complies with MA DPH and local Board of Health

Land Sports • Water Sports • Adventure • Horseback Riding Fine Arts • Tennis • Canoeing • Climbing • Paintball • Go Karts Golf • Waterski • Dance • Zip Line And More!

HELP WANTED Surrogate Mothers Needed Earn $28,000! Seeking women 21-43 non-smokers with healthy pregnancy history




To Advertise in this section call 978-728-4302

www.valetparkofamerica.com/ employment Handy Man/Rent-A-Buddy Painting Power-Washing Remodeling Spring Cleanup Carpentry. You name it, I can do it. Please call Bob at 508-963-3593



where Quality still Matters. Valet Parking Attendants Needed. Work @ various locations in the Worcester Area. Full-time and Part-time positions available. Benefits included for Full-time including medical and dental. Fun outdoor work with potential for advancement! Customer Service experience is a plus. Between base+tips valets earn $11+ per hour. www.valetparkofamerica.com/ employment

Please Recycle

This Newspaper


To advertise your Yard Sale call 978-728-4302 or visit www.centralmassclass.com

Princeton 21 Pheasant Hollow Run, Saturday May 12th 10AM-3PM. Furniture, Chairs, Lamps, Silk Flowers & Misc. Nick Nacks.


Holden 55 Woodhaven Road, Saturday May 12th 7AM-2PM. Boys 3T Clothes, Household Items, Table & Chairs, Toys & Golf Clubs and Lots More!!


FLEA MARKET Leominster, Pilgrim Church, 26 West St. Sat. May 12. 8AM -2PM. Outdoor flea market. Inside: food, raffles, jewelry, books, and more. Door prize every half hour. Rain or shine. For questions call: 978-534-5164. 978-534-5164

6am - 4pm • Acres of Bargains • Hundreds of Vendors • Thousands of Buyers • 43rd Season Rte. 140, Grafton/ Upton town line Grafton Flea is the Place to be! Selling Space 508-839-2217 www.graftonflea.com

Home Of The Free, Thanks To The Brave MILITARY HERO OF THE WEEK Is there a special service person in your life? The Central Mass Classifieds would like to feature members of our Armed Forces on a regular basis. If you have a special service person in your life, please email ejohnson@leominsterchamp.com with some information, photo, brief summary of his/her service, and we will be happy to recognize them in the Central Mass Classifieds. The brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces should be remembered all year long.

Call Erin at 978-728-4302 or email ejohnson@leominsterchamp.com for more information.

JONESIN’ Across 1 Second half of a ball game? 5 Used (to) 15 She uses a bird to sweep the house 17 Computer overhaul 18 Arian Foster stats 19 Little sip 20 Gold, to Guatemalans 21 “Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire?” network 22 Bodybuilder’s units 24 Word before Earth or City, in computer games 27 Drab shade 29 She was Dorothy on “The Golden Girls” 30 Org. that listens for alien signals 31 It’s obsolete 35 Jovial question from someone eager to help 36 It covers Miami, Montpelier and Montreal 37 SOPA subject 38 Opera follower? 39 New Year’s, in Hanoi 40 Mandolin relative 41 Nancy Grace’s network 42 Southwest sch. whose mascot is King Triton 44 Daily grind 45 Homey 46 “___ Ho” (Best Original Song Oscar winner of 2008) 47 The D in OED 50 Easy lunch to prepare 56 Insider’s knowledge 57 Viktor Bout or Adnan Khashoggi 58 Dark form of quartz Down 1 Off-kilter 2 Messed with the facts 3 World Series precursor, for short 4 “As I see it,” in chatrooms 5 Tack on 6 Shorten nails 7 Smoke 8 Palindromic prime minister of the 1940s-60s 9 Leather sharpener 10 Old rulers

“Stretch Those Quads!”--a hardcore freestyle workout.

- By Matt Jones

11 Chemist Hahn 12 Oneself, cutely 13 Roxy Music name 14 Room for board games, perhaps 16 Person with a booming voice, often 21 Donut shop option 22 Upgraded 23 Fail spectacularly, like a skateboarder 24 British structure of WWII 25 “No need to pay” 26 Bishops’ wear 27 Grain alcohol 28 Put someone in their place 29 Some hats worn on The Oregon Trail 30 Lose your composure, in junior high-speak 31 “Anchors ___” 32 Senator Jake who Áew on the Space Shuttle Discovery 33 The plate 34 Ophthalmologist’s concerns 42 Implored 43 Richard who played Don Barzini in “The Godfather” 44 Vacation time, in slang 45 ___ the Younger (Arthurian knight)

46 Director Campion 47 Zoologist Fossey 48 Disgusting 49 Cereal with gluten-free varieties 50 Org. that bestows merit badges 51 “Love, Reign ___ Me” (The Who) 52 420, for 20 and 21: abbr. 53 “Just as I suspected!” 54 “On the Road” protagonist ___ Paradise 55 “Never heard of her” ©2012 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com)

Last week's solution

©2010 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com) For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle #0472.

M AY 10 , 2 0 12 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M



SIZE PER BLOCK 1.75 X 1.75 8 weeks ........... $31.50/week = $252 12 weeks ......... $26.75/week = $321 20 weeks ......... $25.20/week = $504 36 weeks ......... $23.60/week = $850 52 weeks ......... $22/week = $1144

Minimum commitment of 8 weeks. ASK about double blocks (size 3.75" x 1.75") and COMBO pricing into our other zone and reach 50,000 households in 26 towns in Central Mass each week. FREE line ad included with each block purchased.

Call Erin at 978-728-4302 to place your ad or e-mail sales@centralmassclass.com FLOOR COVERING



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Your Ad Here! Prices as low as $40.60/week for a double block! Call 978-728-4302 today!

Central Mass Classifieds!! 44


• M AY 10 , 2 0 12





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LE’S PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING BUSINESS REFERRAL Seeding • Mowing • Weeding • Fertilizing • Aerating • Thatching Spring & Fall Cleanup • Auto Sprinklers & Drip Systems Sod • New Mulch (Bark, Hemlock & Pine) • Rock Gardens • Steps Retaining Wall • Flagstone • Pavestone • Brick • Decking & Fencing Patio • Trimming • Electrical & Garden Lights • Walkway










Refer a business to join our Service Directory, and if they advertise with us, you’ll receive a $25 credit on your account for future advertising. We appreciate your business in the

Free Estimates Fully Licensed & Insured • HIC# 286433

Siding • Porches & Decks • Finished Cellars


• Weekly/Biweekly Lawn Maintenance • Mulching • Lawn Renovation Street & Parking Lot Sweeping


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Central Mass Classifieds!!


We Accept: TVs • Computers • Tires • Paint Mattresses • Appliances At NO Extra Charge! PAY ONE LOW PRICE • NO HIDDEN FEES “YOU NAME IT, WE’LL JUNK ITâ€? 15 yd. Attic • Cellar • Garage House Clean-Outs Oil Tank Removal Licensed & Insured Family Owned Since 1982

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• Windows • Doors • Roofs •


Free Metal Included Call Tom


• Additions • Kitchens • Baths •




Water Damage

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Sealcoating • Crack Filling • Line Striping Commercial | Residential Fully Insured | Free Estimates

Countryside Painting

Beautify & Protect Your Investment

www.centralmassclass.com ITEMS UNDER $2,012




Double Bed Dark Pine, solid wood frame, cannon Ball Style w/ mattress & box spring $60 973-650-1333

Northern Paddler Canoe Red with "trailer" $150. Leave a message at 508-731 -0015

E-Track Tie Downs Like New $150 5 Foot Track System 508-842-0858

Patio Set PVC 9PC Gray cushions 48 in table, chairs, lounges, side table, umbrella $175 508-829-6009

EPSON Perfection Scanner & Cannon Inkjet Printer both w/ sftwr, Adobe & ink. Exc Cond. $100 508-886-6275

Rear Bumper for 72 Chevelle. Excellent condition- no rust $60 508-756-5084

Entertainment Center w/ storage. Fits 36" TV, Ex. Condition, Located in Millbury, $400. 508-963-3134

Recycling = More Cash in Your Pocket!! Stillwater Recycling Buying Junk Batteries, Cats, Rims, Rotors, Cast Iron, Al., & etc. SPRING SPECIAL- $10 or more for any Scrap Auto Battery. Open Mon-Sat 9AM-5PM, located off exit 32 off Rt. 2 in Leominster. Call Aaron 978-790-7039 or Tom 978-427-0748

Refrigerator Large GE, sideby-side double door, almond. Like new, $350.00 508-752-6401


APPLIANCES Kenmore Elite Side/Side Fridge Exc. cond.; 21 cu. ft. cap.; water and ice disp.; owner’s manual; Cash and Carry - $1,000. 978-464-5518 ITEMS UNDER $2,012 $700 Worth of Gift cards for Burton.com for $600, firm Call 508-987-7387 25" G.E. Color TV about 15 years old, not used much. Comes with remote $25 978353-9458

Firewood For Sale Approx. 4 Cords, Cut & Split $400. Pick Up in Millbury, No Delivery. 508-791-8815

Aussie LP Gas Grill with tank, excellent condition $50 978-537-9173

Free Book Beautiful, mystical poems. Please send $3 for postage to: Box 334, W. Brookfield, MA 01585.

Chest Freezer Kenmore, $250.00. For further information please call 508-8296877

GPS system excellent shape; asking $40. Call 978-340-1420 will deliver

Coffee & End Table Set Glass tops with metal frames. $80.00 or B.O. 508886-0135

Hotwheels, Matchbox, Lesney, Ezetoy & Yatming, a mix of 27, 1957-1980’s, used condition $25 508-752-3371

DELL Desktop computer, keyboard, & printer, hardly used. Take all for $50 Call Diane (508) 091-1941

Large CD/DVD retail display case Holds over 150 items $75 978-340-7730

Walkers (3) & 3 canes, don’t have use for them, never got to really use them. $65 Call Edith (508) 835-3712 West Boylston 63-1 Shrine Ave. Saturday, May 19th 8AM-3PM. Tables, Lamps, Pictures & Various Odds ’n Ends. Rain or Shine!



Holden 55 Woodhaven Road, Saturday May 12th 7AM-2PM. Boys 3T Clothes, Household Items, Table & Chairs, Toys & Golf Clubs and Lots More!!

Princeton 21 Pheasant Hollow Run, Saturday May 12th 10AM-3PM. Furniture, Chairs, Lamps, Silk Flowers & Misc. Nick Nacks.

FLEA MARKET Leominster, Pilgrim Church, 26 West St. Sat. May 12. 8AM -2PM. Outdoor flea market. Inside: food, raffles, jewelry, books, and more. Door prize every half hour. Rain or shine. For questions call: 978-534-5164. 978-534-5164


Place your Yard Sale ad with us!


$20 gets your ad in all 4 of our papers as a line ad and in our Yard Sale Directory.

Ladder and Work Bench 16ft Aluminum Ladder & 2x8ft. Work Bench. For Further Info Call 978-534-7947

Plus, NEW this year, get a FREE Yard Sale kit!

Wood desk oak color, 3 side drawers, one center drawer, Free call 508-865-1256

(Contents pictured here)

Guide to Antiques & Collectivles “Oh My Gosh� Antiques & Collectibles

Pets, Pet Supplies, Services & More!

Found at The Cider Mill

15 Waushacum Ave., Sterling 978-422-8675 Open 7 Days a Week 11 am to 5 pm Thursdays 11 am to 8 pm


To Advertise In This Directory Please Call 978-728-4302


Call 978-728-4302 to place your ad M AY 10 , 2 0 12 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M



ADOPT-A-PAWS Our Adopt-A-Paws feature runs the second Thursday/Friday of each month. With the support of our sponsors, we will feature dogs and cats that are available for adoption at local nonprofit shelters. TO SEE ALL THE ANIMALS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION CHECK OUT THE WEB SITES BELOW:

Animal Shelter Inc.

17 Laurelwood Rd. Sterling, MA 978- 422-8585 Email: staff@sterlingshelter.org www.sterlingshelter.org

A Shiny New Look Creative For The New Year , Inc . Floors

Come Play With Us! Bring in this coupon and receive a

FREE DAY OF DOGGIE DAYCARE with your rst visit!

We Now Offer Boarding!

Hound / Mixed Male Medium

139 Holden Street • Worcester, MA 01606 Phone: 508 853-0030 Email: petshelp@aol.com www.worcester-arl.org

Central Mass

A Shiny New Look For The New Year Sales • Design • Installation Residential & Commercial Free Estimates • Binding • Financing Available


Hound / Dachshund / Mixed Male Medium

Open Tuesday-Saturday

1653 N. Main St., Holden, MA www.sterlingshelter.org

Worcester Animal Rescue League

Real Estate • Jobs • Auto • Services

Ceramic • Carpet • Vinyl Marble • Granite • Laminate Pre-finished Hardwood

Canine Playground Doggie Daycare 391 Harvard St., Leominster, MA 01453 • 978-537-2584

Second Chance Animal Shelter

111 Young Road • East Brookfield, MA 01515-1801 (508) 867-5525 Email: info@secondchanceanimals.org http://www.secondchanceanimals.org




A Shiny New Look For Buy The 5 New Year

Check us out on Facebook!

Call 978-728-4302 to place your Classified ad today! Or do it online 24/7 at

Hound/Mix 1 year 11 months Female Large


Jewelry As Unique As You Are

beads at Street, Spencer 136 Main 508-885-3385 regular• www.cormierspencer.com Callprice for holiday hours - Closed New Years Day! and get 6th bead or Starter Bracelet for FREE*

Jewelry Belleek Sweaters Giftware



Organic rganiic llawns s are safe for children, pets & the environment!

Beagle / Boxer / Mixed Medium


COMPLETE TRAINING FACILITY Big and Small l We Train ‘Em All! $5.00 off group class for adopted dogs with this ad

136 Main Street, Spencer 508-885-3385 • www.cormierspencer.com Call for holiday hours - Closed New Years Day!

Veterinary Terrier, American Pit Hospital Bull/Mix 4 months Male

401 Main St. Spencer, MA 508.885.4848

401 Main St. • Spencer, MA • 508.885.4848 Small Dr. Fagerquist

Dr. Fagerquist & Dr. Custer & Dr. Custer www.spencervet.com www.spencervet.com Services Provided: • Pharmacy • Wellness Exams Services Provided:

• Radiology/X-Rays • Sick Pet Exams • Wellness Exams • Diagnostic Lab. Services • Surgery • Sick Pet Exams • Dental Services • Free Pet Portals Now Open 2 Nights

• Pharmacy Hours of operation: • Radiology / Monday X-Ray 8-5 • Tuesday 8-5 WEDNESDAY 2-8 • THURSDAY 8-8 • Diagnostic Lab. Services Friday 8-5 • Alternate Saturdays 8-12 • Free Pet Portals

Terrier, American Pit Bull/ Mix Age 1 year 2 months Sex Male

New Patients Always Welcome! NOW OPEN 2 NIGHTS Hours of operation: Mon 8-5 • Tue 8-5 WED 2-8 • THUR 8-8 Fri 8-5 • Alternate Sat 8-12

(978) -464-0429 www.therightpaw.com Worcestermag.com

508-885-3385 • www.cormierspencer.com Call for holiday hours - Closed New Years Day!

•New Surgery Patients Always Welcome • Dental Services

Route 62 • Princeton, MA 01541


Hound/Mix Age 2 years Sex Female

Spencer Veterinary Hospital Spencer

978-368-1119 g ForgioneLawn.com Residential Services

UpUnique to $35 value. Jewelry*As As You Are Stop in to see our large selection of animal beads 136 Main Spencer andStreet, charms. Jewelry As Unique As You Are


9 Crescent St., West Boylston 508-835-6677 wexfordhouse.com

Basenji / Mixed Female Small

• M ay 10 , 2 0 12

Retriever, Labrador/Mix 5 years 2 months Male Large


Shamrock Dog Collars

We are seeking sponsors for future issues. You do not need to be a pet related business to sponsor a pet. The more sponsors we get, the more pets we will feature. If your business would like to sponsor a pet, please call Erin at 978-728-4302 or email sales@centralmassclass.com

by June 1st to be in our next ADOPT-A-PAWS on June 7th.

Together we can make a difference.

www.centralmassclass .com NATIONAL ADVERTISER S ADOPTIONS Are you pregnant? A young married couple seeks to adopt. Financial security. Let’s help each other. Expenses paid. Holly & Max. Ask for Adam 1-800790-5260.\\ PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293 (Void in Illinois) ^ AUCTIONS Wanted To Purchase Antiques & Fine Art, 1 item Or Entire Estate Or Collection. Gold, Silver, Coins, Jewelry, Toys, Oriental Glass, China, Lamps, Books, Textiles, Paintings, Prints almost anything old Evergreen Auctions 973-818-1100. Email everg r e e n a u c t i o n s @ h o t m a i l . c o m //

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The Sutton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 7:45PM, at the Sutton Town Hall, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to review a Notice of Intent submitted to the Conservation Commission by Massachusetts Highway Division, Boston, MA. The project consists of improvements at the intersection of Route 146 and Boston Road including additional lanes and improved signalization, on Map N/A, Parcels N/A, at Route 146 and Boston Road Intersection, Sutton MA. This notice is publicized in accordance with the provisions of General Law Chapter 131, Section 40 commonly known as the Wetlands Protection Act, and the Sutton Wetlands and Riverfront District Administration Bylaw. 05/10/2012 The Millbury Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street to act on a Notice of Intent from M3S, LLC c/o Fidelity Bank for work to construct a new bank branch building with associated site work at 16 South Main Street. Said work falls under the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40. Donald Flynn Chairman 05/10/2012


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The Board of Selectmen in the TOWN OF MILLBURY will hold a Public Hearing on, May 22, 2012, 7:25 p.m. at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street to act upon the Pole Petition of Verizon New England Inc and MA Electric Co to relocate poles, wires, cables and fixtures, including necessary anchors, guys and other such sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way: Canal Street: On the southwesterly sideline, place new Pole No. 70-1X approximately 115 feet southwest of existing Pole No. 70. 05/10/2012

www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES TOWN OF SUTTON PLANNING BOARD & DEPARTMENT Sutton Planning Board Public Hearing Notice In accordance with the provisions Section VI.H.& I. of the Sutton Zoning Bylaw – Retreat Lot Bylaw and Common Drive Bylaw, the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the application of James A Gilbert, Jr. of 76 Bellingham Road, Blackstone, MA for a Special Permit to create a retreat lot with 6.61 acres, 220’± of road frontage and a common drive at 65 Century Farm Road. The hearing will be held in the third floor meeting room at the Town Hall on Monday, May 21, 2012 at 7:15 PM. A copy of the plan and application can be inspected in the office of the Town Clerk during normal office hours. Scott Paul, Chairman 05/03/12 & 05/10/12

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Worcester, ss. SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT CIVIL ACTION No. 12-0828A To Christine A. Duque f/k/a Christine A. Saunders and Artur J. Duque of the Town of Millbury, Worcester County AND TO ALL PERSONS ENTITLED TO THE BENEFIT OF THE SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ CIVIL RELIEF ACT OF 1940 AS AMENDED: Millbury Federal Credit Union, a banking institution with a usual place of business in Millbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts; claiming to be the holder of a mortgage covering property situated 14 Lexington Road, Millbury, County of Worcester given by Christine A. Duque f/k/a Christine A. Saunders and Artur J. Duque to Millbury Federal Credit Union, dated June 22, 2007 recorded in Worcester District Registry of Deeds, Book 41366, Page 39, has filed with said court a Complaint for authority to foreclose said mortgage in the manner following: by entry on and possession of the premises therein described and by exercise of the power of sale contained in said mortgage. If you are entitled to the benefits of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940 as amended, and you object to such foreclosure you or your attorney should file a written appearance and answer in said court at Worcester in said County on or before the eighth day of June next or you may be forever barred from claiming that such foreclosure is invalid under said Act. Witness, Barbara J. Rouse, Esquire, Administrative Justice of said Court this twenty-seventh day of April 2012 Dennis P. McManus, Clerk 05/10/2012

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provision of M.G.L. c. 255, sec. 39A that on May 25, 2012 the following vehicles will be sold at private sale to satisfy our garage keeper lien thereon for towing and storage charges and expenses of sale and notices. Vehicle 2005 JEEP LIBERTY vin 1J4GL48K15W574298; owner MICHELE WILBUR 8 BAYBERRY LA MILLBURY, MA 01527 Vehicle 2001AUDI A6 vin WAUED64B41N092059; owner ENVIROHEALTH INC PO BOX 746 WORCESTER, MA 01613 Vehicle 2002 FORD F350 vin 1FTSW31F32EA23869; owner ROBERT JOHNSON 14 RICHMOND AVE WORCESTER, MA 01602 To be sold at Central Auto Works 78 Canterbury St Worcester, MA 05/10/2012, 05/17/2012 & 05/24/2012

The Sutton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 18, 2012 at 7:30PM, at the Sutton Town Hall, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to review a Notice of Intent submitted to the Conservation Commission by Parker & Diane Wellington, Sutton, MA. The project consists of construction of a barn with associated site work, on Map 9, Parcels 19, on 39 Winwood Road, Sutton MA. This notice is publicized in accordance with the provisions of General Law Chapter 131, Section 40 commonly known as the Wetlands Protection Act, and the Sutton Wetlands and Riverfront District Administration Bylaw. 05/10/2012

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given by Pat’s Service Center of 5 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA, pursuant to the provisions of Mass G.L c. 255, Section 39A, that they will sell the following vehicles on or after May 10, 2012 by private sale to satisfy their garage keeper’s lien for towing, storage, and notices of sale: 1. 2000 Nissan Maxima VIN# JN1CA31A2YT019469 2. 2002 Chevrolet Impala VIN# 2G1WH55K029314047 3. 2002 Ford Taurus VIN# 1FAFP55U42A124337 4. 2005 Ford Escape VIN# 1FMYU94195KA48697 Signed, Pat Santa Maria, owner Pat’s Service Center 4/26/12, 4/4/12 & 4/11/12

The Millbury Conservation Commission will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 7:15 P.M. at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street to act on a Request for Determination of Applicability from Dennis Powers for repair of failed septic system at 9 McGrath Road. Said work falls under the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40. Donald Flynn Chairman 05/10/2012

The Board of Selectmen in the TOWN OF MILLBURY will hold a Public Hearing on, May 22, 2012, 7:20 p.m. at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street to act upon the Petition National Grid of North Andover, MA to place underground electric conduits, including necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, under and across the public way or ways of Latti Farm Road installing approximately 30 feet of 4-4” concrete encased conduits from existing handhole on Latti Farm Rd-to new customer at Lot 6. 05/10/2012

MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Jonathan Magsino to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated August 24, 2007 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 41711, Page 275 of which the Mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by assignment for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing same will be sold at Public Auction at 12:00 PM on May 30, 2012 at 23 Linda Avenue, Millbury, MA, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage, to wit:The land in Millbury, being Lot 17 on a Plan of Land of Henry Shea in Millbury, Mass. Dated April 3,1954 and recorded in the Worcester District Registry of Deeds, Plan Book 196, Plan 84, more partuicularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point at the northeasterly corner thereof on the westerly side of Linda Avenue at land now or formerly of one Shea; THENCE S. 0 degrees, 36’ E. along said westerly line of said Linda Avenue one hundred (100) feet to Lot 18 on said plan; THENCE S. 89 degrees 24’ W. along the northerly line of said Lot 18 one hundred (100) feet to a drill hole in a wall; THENCE N. 0 degrees 36’ W. along said wall one hundred (100) feet to a drill hole at land now or formerly of said Shea; THENCE N. 89 degrees 24’ W. along said Shea land one hundred (100) feet to the place of beginning. Containing 10,000 square feet according to said plan. For title See Book 41711 Page 273. The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, building and zoning laws, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certified check or bank treasurer’s check will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. Other terms if any, to be announced at the sale. MidFirst Bank Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, Orlans Moran PLLC P.O. Box 962169 Boston, MA 02196 Phone: (617) 502-4100 05/03/2012, 05/10/2012 & 05/17/2012

MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Andrew S. Coburn and Kathleen A. Coburn to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated March 30, 2004 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 33407, Page 159 of which the Mortgage the undersigned is the present holder for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 AM on June 6, 2012 at 150 Wheelock Avenue, Millbury, MA, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage, to wit: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LAND TO BE CONVEYED AT AN IRON PIPE ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF WHEELOCK AVENUE EXTENSION, SAID PIPE BEING FIVE HUNDRED EIGHT (508) FEET SOUTHERLY FROM A STONE BOUND AT THE CORNER OF MARION AVENUE AND WHEELOCK AVENUE EXTENSION; THENCE SOUTH 84° 39’ EAST ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FOUR (184) FEET, MORE OR LESS BY LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ONE WITHERELL AND LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF CLARA E. MCDERMOTT TO LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ONE DUFRENSNE; THENCE SOUTH 4° 48’ WEST SEVENTY-FIVE AND FIVE TENTHS (75.5) FEET TO AN IRON PIPE AT LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ONE DALY; THENCE NORTH 84° 39’ WEST ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE AND TWENTY HUNDREDTHS (183.20) FEET TO A PIPE IN THE EASTERLY LINE OF WHEELOCK AVENUE EXTENSION; THENCE NORTH 3° 57’ EAST BY SAID LINE SEVENTY-FIVE AND FIVE TENTHS (75.5) FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Being all of that certain property conveyed to KATHLEEN A COBURN from MARY E. SULLIVAN, by deed dated 04/03/00 and recorded 08/21/00 in Deed Book 22910, Page 105 of official records. The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, building and zoning laws, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certified check or bank treasurer’s check will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. Other terms if any, to be announced at the sale. GMAC Mortgage LLC Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, Orlans Moran PLLC P.O. Box 962169 Boston, MA 02196 Phone: (617) 502-4100 05/10/2012, 05/17/2012 & 05/24/2012

M AY 10 , 2 0 12 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M


www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Francis C. Mateer and Geraldine F. Audette a/k/a Gerealdine F. Audette to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated March 21, 2005 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 35941, Page 230, of which mortgage Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas as Trustee for RALI 2005QA7 is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 4:00 p.m. on May 29, 2012, on the mortgaged premises located at 518 Mendon Road, Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: A parcel of land in the southeasterly part of Sutton shown as Lot 10 on a plan entitled ‘’Deer Park Estates’’ Definitive Subdivision Plan of Land in Sutton, Massachusetts, dated August 8, 1988 by Dunn Engineering Co., Inc., and recorded in Plan Book 614, Plan 19. Beginning at a point on the southerly sideline of Mendon Road at the northeasterly corner of land of Dana Gravison, Inc. shown as Lot 1 on a plan entitled ‘’Plan of Land in Sutton, Massachusetts’’ dated August 10, 1987 by Andrews Survey & Engineering Inc.. said point also being 153.73 feet easterly from the corner of the intersection of the easterly sideline of Barnett Road and the southerly sideline of Mendon Road. said point also being the northwesterly corner of the parcel of herein described and running; S 82° 29’ 55’’ E. along the southerly sideline of Mendon Road 9.07 feet to a point; thence S 85° 42’ 29’’ E along the southerly sideline of Mendon Road 58.59 feet to a point; thence S 85° 41’ 09’’ E along the southerly sideline of Mendon Road 97.85 feet to a point; thence S 75° 41’ 08’’ E along the remains of a stone wall and said southerly sideline of Mendon Road 72.00 feet to a point; thence SOUTHEASTERLY along the arc of a curve on the westerly sideline of the proposed Gunstock Road as shown in said ‘’Deer Park Estate’’ plan having a radius of 30.00 feet of length of 22.68 feet to a point; thence S 57° 37’ 48’’ W along the northerly side of Lot 11 as shown on said ‘’Deer Park Estates’’ plan 25.00 feet to a point; thence N 78° 22’ 57’’ W. along the northerly side of said Lot 11, 99.00 feet to a point; thence S 28° 38’ 31’’ W. along the westerly side of said Lot 11, 142.80 feet to a point on the northerly line of Lot 12 shown on said definitive plan; thence N 79° 00’ 58’’ W. along the northerly side of said Lot 12, 99.09 feet to a point at the southeasterly corner of said Lot 1 and the southwesterly corner of the herein described parcel, thence N 13° 00’ 00’’ E along the easterly side of said Lot 1 shown on said plan of land by Andrews Survey & Engineering, Inc. 138.41 feet to the point of beginning. For mortgagor’s(s’) title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 32949, Page 176, and as affected by deed recorded with said Registry of Deeds in Book 47758, Page 60. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00 ) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS AS TRUSTEE FOR RALI 2005QA7 Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 200904-1815 – ORE 05/03/12, 05/10/12 & 05/17/2012

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 508-831-2200 INFORMAL PROBATE PUBLICATION NOTICE Estate of: Simone Rajecki Date of Death: 02/27/2012 To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner Jacqueline Shepherd of 140 Olean St. Worcester, MA 01602. A Will has been admitted to informal probate. Jacqueline Shepherd of Worcester, MA has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve without surety on the bond. The estate is being administered under informal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but interested parties are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. Interested parties are entitled to petition the Court to institute formal proceedings and to obtain orders termininating or resticting the powers of Personal Representatives appointed informal procedure. A copy of the Petition and Will, if any, can be obtained from the Petitioner. 05/10/2012



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The Sutton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 7:15PM, at the Sutton Town Hall, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to review a Notice of Intent submitted to the Conservation Commission by James Gilbert, Jr., Sutton, MA. The project consists of crossing a wetland, installing a residential driveway with associated grading and utility work , within a buffer zone, on Map 35, Parcels 141, on 65 Century Farm Road, Sutton MA. This notice is publicized in accordance with the provisions of General Law Chapter 131, Section 40 commonly known as the Wetlands Protection Act, and the Sutton Wetlands and Riverfront District Administration Bylaw. 05/10/2012

WORCESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY MODERNIZATION/NEW DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT NEIGHBORHOOD BEST 2012 PROPOSED INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SITE UPGRADES INVITATION FOR BIDS The Worcester Housing Authority will receive sealed bids for the Neighborhood Best 2012 Project until 2:00 PM on Thursday, May 31, 2012 at the office of the Worcester Housing Authority, Modernization New Development Office, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The project consists of 5 locations, work includes but is not limited to: install handicap ramps, repair concrete and parge walls, install concrete steps, upgrade exterior site lighting, install VCT floors, replace with new or paint existing entry doors, install new iron perimeter fencing, extend existing iron fencing with new, paint existing iron fencing, remove window security screens, install building identification lettering, grade and asphalt for three parking spots, install bollards, crack seal, seal coat and stripe parking lots, build out and install USPS mailboxes, landscaping, repair/replace exterior siding, build new retaining wall & drainage, replace vinyl shutters, and all work according to the contract drawings and specifications Estimated construction cost is $400,000. All bids must conform with provisions of Mass. General Laws, Chapter 30, Section 39M and Chapter 149, Section 44A to 44L inclusive and the Instruction to Bidders. Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pickup at Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 (Telephone 508-635-3304) after 8 am until 4:00 PM beginning Wednesday, May 2, 2012. Copies of the contract documents may be obtained from the Worcester Housing Authority on Wednesday, May 2, 2012, after 10 am at the above address by depositing $50 in the form of a company check, made payable to the Worcester Housing Authority, for each set obtained. The amount of the deposit will be refunded to each person who returns the plans, specifications and other documents in good condition within ten (10) days after bid opening. Bidders requesting Contract documents be mailed to them shall include a separate check in the amount of $40.00 for each set payable to the Worcester Housing Authority to cover mailing and handling costs. The Contract Documents may be seen, but not removed at: F.W. Dodge, MHC/Joseph Merritt & Co., 17 Everberg Rd, Unit C, Woburn, MA 01801 (781-430-2008) Reed Construction Data, 30 Technology Pkwy South, Ste 500, Norcross, GA 30092 (203-426-0450) Project Dog, 18 Graf Road-Unit 8, Newburyport, MA 01950, Tel: 978-499-9014 Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid guaranty in the form of a bid bond at 5%, issued by a responsible surety company licensed to do business in Massachusetts, or a certified check, or a treasurer’s or cashier’s check issued by a responsible bank or trust company, made payable to the Worcester Housing Authority as follows and attention is called to the following: Provisions for Equal Employment Opportunity. a. Provisions for payment of not less than the minimum wages set forth in the Specifications. b. Provisions of Ch 14, Acts of 1966, Imposing a Temporary Sales Tax, Section 1, Subsection 6 (d) and (k) exempting the Authority from the operation of such a chapter. c. Requirement to furnish and pay for a Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond as set forth in the Specifications. d. Insurance Certificate indicating coverage for public liability, property damage and workers compensation, in accordance with the Contract Requirements, must be filed by the successful bidder upon signing of the Contract. Each General Bid shall be accompanied by: (1) Form of General Bid (2) Signed Prime/General Update Statement (3) Bid Bond (4) Form HUD-5369A Representations, Certifications & Other Statements of Bidders (5) Form of Non-Collusive Affidavit (6) Previous Participation Form HUD 2530 A PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held at the 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01604 at 1 PM on Thursday May 10, 2012 at which time bidders will be invited to visit the project site(s) with the Engineer and a Worcester Housing Authority Representative. Failure to attend or visit the premises shall be no defense in failure to perform contract terms. The Worcester Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waiver any informalities in the bidding if it be in the public interest to do so. No bid of a General Bidder shall be withdrawn, after opening thereof, prior to thirty (30) days, Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays excluded, of the award of the general contract, without the consent of the Worcester Housing Authority. Worcester Housing Authority Arthur T. Sisko, Chairperson

PUBLIC NOTICE On Monday, May 21, 2012 Lycott Environmental, Inc., of Southbridge, Massachusetts will be conducting an aquatic plant management program at Dorothy Pond in Millbury, Massachusetts. The use of the lake’s water will be restricted as follows: Swimming and fishing for 1 day or until May 22, 2012 BOATING for 1 DAY or UNTIL May 22, 2012 Direct Drinking for 3 days or until May 24, 2012 Irrigation for 5 days or until May 26, 2012 Livestock watering until May 22, 2012 If you need additional information, please feel free to contact the Dorothy Pond Restoration Committee or Lycott Environmental, Inc. at (508) 855-0101. 05/10/12 & 05/17/2012

The Board of Selectmen in the TOWN OF MILLBURY will hold a Public Hearing on, May 22, 2012, 7:15 p.m. at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street to act upon the Pole Petition of Verizon New England Inc and MA Electric Co to relocate poles, wires, cables and fixtures, including necessary anchors, guys and other such sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across the following public way: Lindy Street: On northerly sideline, place pushbrace against Pole No. 19 at existing location. 05/10/2012

www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES WORCESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY MODERNIZATION/NEW DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 12-15 WEBSTER SQUARE TOWER EAST KITCHEN RENOVATIONS INVITATION FOR BIDS The Worcester Housing Authority will receive sealed bids for the 12-15 Kitchen Renovations at Webster Square Tower East Apartments until 2:00 PM on Thursday, June 7, 2012 at the office of the Worcester Housing Authority, Modernization New Development Office, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Project consists of but not limited to: Removal/ disposal of existing items & components for the renovation of 251 residential kitchens including: new kitchen cabinets with solid surface countertops, plastic laminate wall surfaces between countertops & wall cabinets, limited asbestos abatement of flooring, new resilient flooring, exhaust hood, painting, plumbing, electrical and other related work. Alternate No. 1- Renovations to Community Room included: asbestos abatement of VAT, installation of new VCT floor tile, prepare and paint all walls and replace acoustical ceiling tiles. Alternate No. 2- Renovations to Community Room Kitchen including asbestos abatement of VAT, installation of new VCT floor tile, prepare and paint all walls and door/frame, replace acoustical ceiling tiles and grid (smooth washable tiles), new kitchen cabinets and solid surface countertops, kitchen appliances, electrical and plumbing. The work is estimated to cost approximately $1,900,000. Bids are subject to M.G.L. c149 §44A-J and Federal Minimum wage rates as well as other applicable laws. General bidders must be certified by the Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) in the following category of work, General Building Construction Filed Sub-Bids for the trades listed below will be received until 2:00 p.m., on Thursday, May 24, and 2012 & publicly opened at the Worcester Housing Authority Office, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605. SUBTRADES Section 09200 – BLUEBOARD AND PLASTER Section 09900 – PAINTING Section 15400 – PLUMBING Section 15500 – HVAC Section 16000 – ELECTRICAL General and Sub-Bids must be accompanied by a bid deposit which shall not be less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount, (considering any alternates), and made payable to the WHA. Each General Bid shall be accompanied by: (1) Form of General Bid (2) DCAM Certificate of Eligibility & Prime/General Update Statement (3) Bid Bond (4) Form HUD-5369A Representations, Certifications & Other Statements of Bidders (5) Form of Non-Collusive Affidavit (6) Previous Participation Form HUD 2530 Each Sub-Bid shall be accompanied by: (1) Form of Sub bid (2) Bid Bond (3) Form of Non-Collusive Affidavit (4) Form HUD-5369A Representations, Certifications & Other Statements of Bidders (5) DCAM Certificate of Eligibility & Sub-Bidder Update Statement Bid forms and Contract Documents will be available on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at www.biddocsonline.com (may be viewed electronically and hardcopy requested) or at Nashoba Blue, Inc., 433 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749 (telephone 978-568-1167). There is a plan deposit of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per set, payable to BidDocs Online, Inc. Deposits may be electronically paid or must be a certified or cashier’s check. This deposit will be refunded upon return of the sets in good condition within thirty (30) days of receipt of General Bids. Otherwise the deposit shall be the property of the Awarding Authority. Bidders requesting Contract Documents to be mailed to them shall include a separate non-refundable check for Forty Dollars ($40.00) per set, payable to BidDocs Online, Inc., to cover mail handling costs. A pre-bid conference is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at Webster Square, 1050 Main Street (Project Site) in the community room on the ground floor. Immediately following the conference, the job site will be available for inspection. It is strongly recommended that prospective bidders attend. Questions which are received after the Pre-Bid Conference will be received in writing until May 18, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. for Filed Sub-bids and June 1, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. for General Bids unless bid dates are extended. The contract documents may be seen, but not removed at: Nashoba Blue, Inc. 433 Main Street, Hudson, MA, 01749 (978-568-1167) F.W. Dodge, MHC/Joseph Merritt & Co., 17 Everberg Rd, Unit C, Woburn, MA 01801 (781-430-2008) Reed Construction Data, 30 Technology Pkwy South, Ste 500, Norcross, GA 30092 (203-426-0450) Project Dog, 18 Graf Road-Unit 8, Newburyport, MA 01950, Tel: 978-499-9014 The Worcester Housing Authority reserves the right to waive any informality in or reject any and all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays excluded, after approval of the award by the Worcester Housing Authority without written consent of the Worcester Housing Authority. The contact Person for the WHA is Stanley Miknaitis, Senior Project Manager. Tel: (508) 635-3311 Worcester Housing Authority Arthur T. Sisko, Chairperson DATE: May 2, 2012 05/03/2012 & 05/10/2012

Keep it Legal

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 508-831-2200 Docket No. WO11P4058EA CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION Estate of: Paul A Turgeon Date of Death: 04/04/2010 To all interested persons: A Petition has been filed by: Paul A Turgeon Jr. of Millbury, MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order of testacy and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. And also requesting that: Paul A Turgeon Jr. of Millbury, MA be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond. You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have the right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on 05/22/2012. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection objection followed by an Affidavit of Objections within thirty (30) days of the return date, action may be taken without further notice to you. The estate is being administered under formal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but recipients are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court Date: April 26,2012 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 05/10/2012

THE TOWN OF MILLBURY INVITATION FOR BIDS HIGH SCHOOL AND TOWN COMMON OUTSIDE LED LIGHTING INSTALLATION The Town of Millbury, acting by and through the Energy Advisory Committee, is accepting bids for installation of exterior LED lights at the Millbury High School and the Town Common. Copies of the bid documents may be obtained from the Superintendent’s Office, c/o Business Manager, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA 01527 during regular business hours of Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. All bids are due by Monday, June 4, 2012 at 2:00PM in the Superintendent’s Office, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA.Telephone number 508-865-9501. A pre-bid conference is scheduled for Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 10:00AM starting at the Superintendent’s Office, 12 Martin Street, Millbury then proceeding to the Town Common. Work under this contract requires a contractor to furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and supervision necessary to accomplish the work described herein, in accordance with all specifications and requirements. All bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 149. Wages are subject to minimum wage rates determined by the Massachusetts Dept. of Labor and Industries pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 149, Section 26 and 27.All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked Bid No. 01861210 and “High School and Town Common Outside LED Lighting Installation” and delivered to the Superintendent’s Office. Bids shall be accepted until 2:00 P.M. on June 4, 2012 at which time they will be publicly opened and read. No bid shall be accepted or allowed to be altered after the time and date specified. Bids received after the deadline will be returned unopened. The Town of Millbury reserves the right to reject any and all bids, wholly or in part, and to accept bids deemed to be in the best interest of The Town of Millbury. 05/10/2012

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Two minutes with...


You mentioned you’ve been to Worcester before. You used to come golfing here when you were in Boston, and you said it looks a lot different now. Well, that was

about 20 years ago. So it’s developed quite a bit. I was on a few of the golf courses out here. We used to come here a lot with Roger Clemens, [Tim] Wakefield and [Bill] Haselman and have a lot of fun.

How long have you been in town? Got in

last night. Saw a couple of clubs here, and I loved it. Went to bed.

You were just at Fenway for the 100th anniversary. That was a big deal. Were you surprised to be invited back?

Extremely surprised. The first time any Major League Team actually wanted to affiliate with me, so I was surprised to be asked back for the 100th anniversary deal. It brought back a lot of memories. I looked at the fans, the ballpark, the atmosphere. They were playing the Yankees, so I had a great time. It was very emotional.

Did you get any conversations in with other players? I spoke to a lot of the

old timers, a lot of the ex-players, absolutely. I haven’t seen them for about 15, 20 years. It was pretty exciting. I felt young again doing that.

Since your era in MLB, the game has kind of changed; it’s downsized a little bit, fewer home runs. Can you still appreciate the game as it’s played now even though it’s not about power? Can you appreciate Jacoby Ellsbury as much


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as Barry Bonds or Mark McGwire? The game is completely different. Obviously the power surge has gone down 30 percent; the salary structure has gone through the roof, obviously. I don’t think the game has as many entertainers as it used to have when I was around but it’s still the best game in the world, definitely.

Can you talk about why you decided to play for the Tornadoes and the Can-Am League? There are a bunch of semi-pro teams all over the country. We spoke briefly when I came back from Mexico, and I decided to come here because I knew Boston. The team was gracious. We spoke and struck a deal quickly, and I’m real happy I’m here.

Any predictions on your stat line this year? Well, if I’m healthy I can tell you one thing: I will definitely be hitting home runs, no ifs or buts about it. But I’ve got to be healthy.

Do you think you’ll be open to another year after this one? We’re going to take it one year at a time and see what happens. Next year I’m going to be 48, so depending on how well I do this year physically, and if I’m completely healthy during the year, we’ll see what happens next year.

Will you be doing any anti-drug, community work? If that’s part of the curriculum here, maybe we’ll get involved in that.



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