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WORCESTER June 28 - July 4, 2012
GUNSMOKE GUN SMOKE inside stories news
Rash of Pleasantville fires Page 6
EcoTarium’s Live at Sunset Page 15
Comfort food in Cherry Valley Page 17
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Kirk A. Davis President Gareth Charter Publisher x153 Doreen Manning Editor x235 Jeremy Shulkin Senior Writer x243 Steven King Photographer x278 Brittany Durgin On-line Editor x155 Vanessa Formato, Brian Goslow, Paul Grignon, Janice Harvey, Josh Lyford, Gary Rosen, Barbara Taormina, David Wildman Contributing Writers Tammy Griffin-Kumpey Copy Editor Shalyn Hopley, Alicia Lazzaro Editorial Intern Don Cloutier Production Manager x380 Kimberly Vasseur Art Director/Assistant Production Manager x366 Ross Acerbi x350, Becky Gill x350, Morgan Healey x366, Stephanie Mallard x366, Graphic Artists Jennifer Shone Advertising Sales Manager x147 Lindsay Chiarilli x136, Joan Donahue x133, Michael Fournier x557, Michelle Terranova x131 Account Executives Erin Johnson Classified Manager Vanessa Viola Classified Sales Specialist Worcester Mag is an independent news weekly covering Central Massachusetts. We accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. The Publisher has the right to refuse any advertisement.
ou hear it all the time from outsiders. Worcester is a city with gang- and gun-related issues. Really? What large urban area doesn’t have similar issues, one might ask? The thing of it is, when you look closely at the numbers – especially the numbers related to gun violence in the city of Worcester – we’re not doing so badly compared to other cities of comparable sizes. But the one thing that did worry our senior writer Jeremy Shulkin when researching those gun statistics, was the concentration of those numbers within particular communities in the city. So with that in mind, we’ve taken a closer look through those hazy numbers to find out what they mean – and how our local law enforcement is striving to clear the smoke to find a solution.
8 Worcesteria 9 Harvey 9 People on the Street
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4 City Desk
— Doreen Manning | Editor
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inside stories
15 Night & Day 17 Eat Beat 21 Venues/Clubs/Coffeehouses 26 Central Mass Steelz
31 Classifieds 39 2 minutes with… ABOUT THE COVER Design: Kimberly Vasseur
Treat your Family to New England’s Largest and Most Spectacular Holiday Production! Continue our family holiday tradition and start getting in the holiday spirit with Troy Siebels’ adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic tale.
Buy NOW for the BEST SEATS! Discounts available for members, groups, kids, students, and WOO card holders. 877.571.SHOW (7469) 2 Southbridge Street, Worcester, MA 01608 Worcester Center for the Performing Arts, a registered not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, owns and operates The Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts.
WooTown Index: An itemized list of Worcester’s ups and downs this week.
{ citydesk }
June 28 - July 4, 2012 ■ Volume 37, Number 43
Worcester’s Fight for the Future wages another battle Jeremy Shulkin
Creedon and Company catering goes completely green with 437 solar panels erected on its Jolma Road building’s roof. The company estimates the solar power will reduce its carbon footprint by approximately 170,000 pounds of carbon dioxide every year, cover all their energy needs and produce enough electricity to power 20 homes for one year. The Worcester Hydra FC comes back from behind and ties CFC Azul in stoppage time to bring its record to 3-2-5 while the Worcester Tornadoes continue on while Jose Canseco sits on the DL. A Worcester woman is arrested on a charge of human trafficking for sexual service stemming from massage parlors in Hopedale and on Park Avenue in Worcester. A proposed Worcester site for a Scott Brown – Elizabeth Warren debate is scrapped after the incumbent Senator rejects the idea. An odd move, considering how much he’s made Central Massachusetts a key to his campaign’s victory. Worcester Polytechnic Institute breaks ground on a new dorm on Faraday Street. The 89,000 square foot building will be the campus’ fourth with LEED certification. WORCESTERMAG.COM • JUNE 28, 2012
1,001 words
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood tours Union Station and Worcester Regional Airport the same day as the groundbreaking ceremony for the replacement Burns Bridge project over Lake Quinsigamond. In comments at Union Station, LaHood ripped into congress for not passing a comprehensive transportation bill, saying it needs to get its act together like Worcester has in that area. “Where I go is where I see success and where I see success is where communities come together,” he said.
ast winter a small team of Worcesterites working out of a Home Street three-decker started working to upset the country’s political order, mobilizing millions of people to contact their representatives in Congress and urge them to vote against two pieces of legislation opponents said took copyright law too far: the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). The group’s tactics, which included a meme featuring Justin Bieber and alliances with powerful organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, companies like Mozilla and Facebook and websites like Wikipedia and Reddit, shone light on two bills expected to cruise through congress. By January, supporters like the Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America were caught offguard when each bill floundered in the House and Senate. “This was a whole new different game all of a sudden,” former senator Chris Dodd, now head of the MPAA, told the New York Times afterwards. “This thing was considered by many to be a slam-dunk.” The coup led to quotes from Worcesterites and Fight for the Future principal players Tiffiniy Cheng and Holmes Wilson in major news outlets like the Boston Globe, the New York Times, Politico and even MTV news. Six months later, Fight for the Future has started waging another privacy battle and hopes that this campaign will be as successful as the last. “I can’t say we have a meme that is as compelling as Free Bieber,” says Zak Rogoff, the organization’s campaign manager and a student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, a nod to the successful spreader of awareness that was the group’s creation of pictures of the teen pop star behind bars as a way to drive home the argument that PIPA/SOPA was too extreme on creative re-use of intellectual property. (At press time Worcester Mag learned that Rogoff no longer works for Fight for the Future.) Fight for the Future has now begun fighting off the CyberSecurity Act 2012, sponsored by senators Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Susan
By Steven King
Just a few of the events happening in Worcester last week: “Raiders of the Lost Ark” shown on the Common, Paulie’s NOLA Jazz and Blues Fest takes over the Village of Piedmont, the Juneteenth Festival brings great food and music to Institute Park, the Rock and Roll Flea Market kicked off the first of its weekly meet ups in Ralph’s Rock Diner’s parking lot and Mechanics Hall fills up for two days of The Festival, with domestic and imported breweries pouring some of the world’s best beers, ciders and meads for hundreds to craft-brew lovers. If you were bored, it’s your own fault.
Collins (R-ME), as well as the SECURE IP Act sponsored by John McCain (R-AZ). Both are Senate variations on the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), which passed the House at the end of April. Fight for the Future was against that bill as well. Proponents of CISPA and its corresponding bills in the Senate say they are needed to fight cyber crime. “Economic cyber spies will have a harder time stealing American business plans and research and development as the House took the first step today by passing a cybersecurity bill that will help U.S. companies better protect themselves from dangerous economic predators,” reads a press release on the website of Michigan Republican congressman and bill sponsor Mike Rogers. “The bill gives the federal government new authority to share classified cyber threat information with approved American companies and knocks down barriers to cyber threat information sharing. With strong provisions built in to keep individual American’s private information private, the bill allows U.S. businesses to better protect their own networks and their corporate customers from hackers looking to steal intellectual property.” Rogers’ office did not respond to a Worcester Mag interview request. In nonpolitician speak, the bill would allow Internet providers to share user information with government agencies, no subpoena or court order necessary. “It gives them legal immunities from
privacy laws,” Rogoff says, which Fight for the Future believes would set a dangerous precedent. “Once the government is used to getting this information people just start asking for it,” he says. “They don’t have to worry about liability as far as civil rights are concerned.” Like the last go-around, Fight for the Future has a slew of online rights organizations backing them up. “We’re most concerned about the privacy and civil rights issues for Internet users,” says Mark Stanley, new media manager at the Center for Democracy and Technology, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit focusing on Internet freedom. Like the SOPA/PIPA battle, CISPA initially looked like a lock to pass. While it did, Rogoff and Stanley say enough discussion was generated to somewhat water down some troubling aspects. “It really looked like it was going to fly through the House unchanged,” says Stanley. “A number of good privacy changes were made to CISPA before it passed.” That said, both Rogoff and Stanley call it “a bad bill” and Fight for the Future is still working on not allowing either version to pass the Senate. Though Fight for the Future has been campaigning against CISPA and its corresponding Senate votes for a little less than two months, the newer legislation has been harder to organize around than PIPA/ SOPA was, Rogoff says, because it’s still
continued on page 7
{ citydesk }
Walk quietly, drink safely Shuchi Mitra
he inhabitants of Worcester can continue to hike and drink safely — drink their water that is. The City of Worcester along with help from the town of Paxton and the Greater Worcester Land Trust (GWLT) recently purchased a 57acre parcel of land between the towns of Paxton and Leicester that supplies part of the city’s drinking water. The recently purchased land, called the Muir Meadow property, was under private ownership by the Richards family in Paxton and was set to be sold to a private housing developer. However, the land itself was meant to be used for a waste-water treatment plant. The Greater Worcester Land Trust, a nonprofit organization devoted to protecting and
was $1 million, and the Land Trust was able to help by providing $150,000, while the town of Paxton agreed to pay $100,000, along with a state grant that paid $400,000; the city of Worcester then paid the remaining difference of $350,000. In order for this to take place, the town of Paxton had to convene a special town meeting, where it was voted unanimously by the townspeople to preserve the land. The awareness about Muir Meadow was spread with the help of the Paxton Land Trust, the Mass Audubon Society, and the Central Mass Rail Trail—these organizations called their members and spread news about the selling of the land. As Novick states, the joint effort placed in preserving Muir Meadow shows “what a big community [this is].”
preserving open-space land (mainly to preserve natural habitats, but also for the use of passive recreations) in the Worcester area, had been working with the family for about 24 years. What makes this particular plot of land so deserving of attention is its location as part of what Colin Novick, executive director of the Land Trust, calls “the green belt.” The land sits firmly between the towns of Leicester, Holden, Paxton, and the city of Worcester and provides an open-space connector between these communities. With this purchase, the Land Trust will assist in building and developing hiking trails so that people can travel between these communities freely. According to Novick, the overall process of acquiring the land took approximately a year. The purchase price for the land
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continued on page 7
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Rash of dumpster and structure ďŹ res has Pleasantville on edge Jeremy Shulkin
The neighborhood’s search for more information, from what action the police and ďŹ re departments’ arson investigation units have been taking to what can be done to prevent the spread of these ďŹ res, earned them a sit-down meeting Monday evening with members of each
he Pleasant Street Neighborhood Network Center has two areas of their Pleasant Street ofďŹ ce dedicated to tracking a number of ďŹ res that have burnt down buildings and tore through dumpsters over the STEVEN KING past six months. A white board has dates and locations: trash can ďŹ res in Elm Park last winter, a dumpster ďŹ re at 144 Pleasant St. on Dec. 1, ďŹ ve dumpster ďŹ res between January and February near the New England Dream Center, the April 11 ďŹ re at 80 Pleasant St. that has temporarily closed down Members of the Pleasant Street Neighborhood Network neighboring Center sat down on Monday with members of the WFD restaurant Pupuseria for an informational meeting on the recent rash of ďŹ res. La Salvadorena, and department and spurred an email update perhaps the most signiďŹ cant (and most from City Manager Michael O’Brien to city recent) the multiple-alarm blaze that councilors and other city administrators leveled the three decker at 20 Merrick St., over the weekend. which spread to three other homes and “In the ďŹ rst six months of 2012, the displaced 20 people. Worcester Fire Department has recorded The list above isn’t anywhere near twenty-seven dumpster ďŹ res in the area comprehensive. Mary Keefe, the of lower Pleasant Street. The majority of Neighborhood Network Center’s executive these ďŹ res took place in May and June,â€? director, says there have been more than he wrote. “Though there have been areas 20 of these incidents in the Pleasant, in the city in previous years that have West and Highland extended area as she experienced similar increases in dumpster gestures to a map that has each incident tagged with a red sticker, noting their continued on next page proximity to one another.
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(outdoor rubbish) fires, the increase in the number of such fires in the lower Pleasant Street is cause for concern for the WFD.” At the meeting, which included residents as well as the Worcester Police Department’s Community Impact Division Captain Roger Steele, as well as Capt. William Metterville and Lt. Anne Marie Pickett of the WFD, Keefe said the purpose was to find a smart way to let the community know this was happening without providing satisfaction or motivation to whoever’s setting the fires. Both police and fire representatives, without wanting to divulge too much information, said they are investigating most of these incidents as arsons. “It’s fair to say someone is lighting these dumpsters on fire,” Metterville told the group. “I don’t think the Worcester Police Department or Worcester Fire Department think these fires are being started by accidental cigarettes,” Steele said, adding that the arson unit has a lead to a suspect who’s a known “firestarter” seen in the area. Details on the investigation into the Merrick Street fire were guarded. Metterville said the cause is still undetermined and a number of agencies were cooperating in the investigation. It was noted that most of these fires, including Merrick Street, all originated at the same time of day, between 4 and 6 a.m.
The aftermath of the Merrick Street fire has caused concern among neighbors, who say the site and neighboring evicted buildings are attracting noise and garbage from teens and others visiting the properties, and are potential arson targets as well. Steele said that route officers have been told to keep an eye out for suspicious activity in the area while patrolling between 4 and 6 a.m. Metterville and Pickett reiterated that dumpsters should be 25 feet away from buildings and residents should check to make sure their smoke alarms work. They also plan on more community outreach, and a follow-up meeting at the Network Center has been scheduled. “We depend on the community,” Metterville told the group about the Merrick Street fire. “This was a very large fire. Do we need a break [in the investigation]? Do we need someone who knows something to call? Absolutely.” Anyone with information regarding fires should call the State Arson Hotline at 1-800-682-9229, which offers a reward of up to $5,000 for any information that helps detect or prevent an arson fire. Residents can also contact the Worcester Fire Department’s investigation unit at 508-799-1930. The Worcester Police Department’s detective bureau can be reached at 508-799-8651; its complaints and information line is 508-799-8600.
PRIVACY continued from page 4
LAND continued from page 5
unclear when the votes will take place. He calls them a “moving target.” “We are tracking it and changing our tacks as necessary, but it’s hard to build momentum.” In the meantime, however, the group has done what it did with Free Bieber. They’ve created the website and are encouraging Internet users to contact their representatives. Even as there’s uncertainty about CISPA’s future, Fight for the Future’s allies see at least one positive. “You can call it a win – not the final victory – in that privacy is a central component in debates about cyber security,” Stanley says, adding that before the SOPA/PIPA battle last year, that wasn’t the case with Internet legislation.
As part of the GWLT’s work on Muir Meadow, the organization approached the City of Worcester’s Department of Public Works and Parks. The Muir Meadow property was not only a valuable wildlife habitat, but it also contained Southwick Pond, a part of the Lynde Brooke Reservoir, which supplies some of Worcester’s drinking water. As Commissioner Robert Moylan says, the city has “an ongoing interest in identifying parcels of land that are part of the watershed.” Moylan says that all of Worcester’s drinking-water supplies lie outside of the city itself and as a result for the past eight to 10 years the city has been using state funding to purchase land that is part of the supply system so as to ensure it remains undamaged. According to Moylan, the city already owns several thousand acres of land like Muir Meadow. Had the property been given to the developer, the location would potentially threaten the water quality in Southwick Pond. Moylan goes on to state that Worcester is “not even close” to acquiring such types of land, but will continue to do so “anytime we can purchase land to protect from developers. This case was more two-fold: to preserve and protect the land, and the financial assistance from the Greater Worcester Land Trust. I see this more of as a classical win-win situation.”
PLEASANTVILLE continued from previous page
— Number of weapons collected last weekend as part of Worcester’s first summer gun buyback program; 22 of them were semiautomatic rifles and handguns.
{ citydesk }
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HANDY MAKES THE BALLOT: Winthrop Handy, an
independent candidate running for State Representative in the 14th District against Democratic incumbent Jim Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Day and Republican challenger Bill McCarthy, successfully defeated a challenge to keep him off the ballot in a State Ballot Law Commission ruling that came out on June 22. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m quite pleased,â&#x20AC;? Handy said over the phone when he heard on Friday. The challenge came from Worcester resident Paul Coffey, Jr., who challenged 19 of the 150 signatures on Handyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nomination papers that he had turned in to the West Boylston town clerk. Some have questioned if Coffeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s challenge has worked in concert with one of Handyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s challengerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaignsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a connection that both Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Day and McCarthy deny. (Coffey did not return Worcester Mag phone calls when the case was ďŹ rst announced.) Still, Handy believes thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the case. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Obviously they thought I would split the votes,â&#x20AC;? he said.
Jeremy Shulkin
bought tickets through Travelzoo for the Food Truck Festival of New England event, slated for July 14 at Elm Park, received an odd refundpurchase email over the weekend that read, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are very sorry to inform you that Food Truck Festivals of New England has gone out of business and is unable to honor your Local Deal.â&#x20AC;? The next day, Travelzoo sent out a follow up: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were wrong, and we are so sorry about our mistake.â&#x20AC;? Food Truck Festivals of New England seems to have taken it in stride. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It happened, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve survived,â&#x20AC;? says spokesperson Janet Prensky, who assured the Worcesterites who would like to see the city ďŹ nally take advantage of an established business model that has spurred notoriety and economic improvement in cities across the country that â&#x20AC;&#x153;the Worcester food truck festival will be going on at Elm Park and all is well.â&#x20AC;? Apparently there was some confusion as the festival changed its ticket system after some people purchased tickets through Travelzoo and Groupon: anyone who did had their money refunded because now patrons can show up at Elm Park that day to buy individual tickets, with $1 equaling one ticket.
COULD YOU REPEAT THAT, MR. SECRETARY?: Federal Transportation Secretary and former Republican Illinois Congressman Ray LaHood visited Worcester on Monday, touring Union Station and the Worcester Regional Airport with Lt. Gov. Tim Murray and Congressman Jim McGovern. The three made remarks at each stop, urging congress to pass a stalled comprehensive transportation bill. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Where I go is where I see success, and where I see success is where communities come together,â&#x20AC;? Sec. LaHood said, throwing in some praise for Worcester, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some members of congress need to take a page out of [Worcesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s] book,â&#x20AC;? a reference to CitySquare and Union Stationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s development. â&#x20AC;Ś Surely LaHood was briefed about the city before visiting, but someone forgot to tell him that the mention of anything remotely close to an access road at the airport would bring up controversy. While McGovern and Murray continued to extol the virtues of Worcester Regional, LaHood talked about necessary upgrades that would make the airport an attractive destination for airline CEOs to consider. (In fact, Murray mentioned all three got on the phone to talk to some of them that day.) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very clear there is a consensus this airport could use a couple of airlines,â&#x20AC;? LaHood said, adding that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s committed to work with MassPort and the FAA for infrastructure improvements and a â&#x20AC;&#x153;direct route by way of road.â&#x20AC;? McGovern and Murray tamped down the statement as much as they could, pointing out that 107,000 commercial passengers found their way to ORH last year without an access road and added that Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s February 2011 Regional Mobility Study has other nonaccess road options. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking at this in a multifaceted way,â&#x20AC;? Murray said. EXTRA EXTRA MONEY: New Garden Park, the nonproďŹ t subsidiary of the Worcester Business Development Corporation (WBDC), announced on Tuesday that the Telegram & Gazette has agreed to provide remediation money to clean up its former 18-20 Franklin St. building complex of asbestos, lead, gasoline and other chemicals that have made their way into the property in its 100 years of use. The estimated $1.1 million clean-up project has drawn criticism because so much of the cost will come from government-issued brownďŹ eld redevelopment grants. While neither the T&G nor the WBDC are releasing the ďŹ nancial details of the settlement, it means the WBDCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s $300,000 purchase price for the building is technically lower thanks to this additional inďŹ&#x201A;ux of T&G money, which is almost astounding considering the city assessed 18 Franklin St. at nearly $4.7 million this year and $3.3 million the year before.
Mercy, mercy me Janice Harvey
levator E brings visitors to the fourth floor of UMass Memorial hospital. I know this because I’ve taken the route to the maternity ward several times in the past week, after my pregnant daughter was admitted with signs of early labor. Outside, the temperature was edging 100, but on the fourth floor, all was cool and calm. For the next four days, I watched as the nurses assigned to care for my daughter and the little boy she’s carrying worked tirelessly to ease her worries and tend to her every need. It’s a career choice that never appealed to me, but I thank my lucky stars that others feel the calling. Little did they know that as they wiped away my daughter’s tears, they threw a lifeline to her mother simply by doing what they were hired to do. During the days when we were most reliant on the knowledge and expertise of strangers, the news was all about people abusing the trust of the most vulnerable among us. The trial of Gerry Sandusky came to a close while nurses were placing monitors on my daughter’s belly. There are no words that can aptly describe a man who hunted children for pleasure. Sandusky chose his victims from a pool of boys who craved male guidance and companionship; such monstrous and deliberate predatory behavior boggles the mind. Following this trial had depressed me terribly, and more news of similar crimes just heaped sadness upon outrage as I began to back away from reading the headlines. A Taunton teacher was arrested for raping young girls and “sexting” them snapshots of himself. A professional clown was arrested for possessing a cache of child pornography. Yet another priest was found guilty of abusing young boys. Seventh graders verbally
The Magic Bus The City Manager said in this story that over 10,000 people a week visit the Main Branch of the library. Yet, the main branch is not open on Sundays and Mondays. Three of the five days a week it is open, the main branch closes at 5:30pm. Instead of spending $80,000 a year on a Bookmobile, that money should be spent to open the main branch more days and for longer hours. There are few reasons for people to go Downtown. The Library is one of those few reasons. Junk the Bookmobile and open the Main Branch of the Library more days and more hours. Submitted online by L I BRARY M A N
REO passes council At the June 19th meeting of the Worcester City Council, union representatives offered a new definition of fairness. In denying that the Responsible Employer Ordinance was drafted solely to benefit unions, their representatives produced numbers showing that non-union labor received one-third of public work provided by the City since the implementation of the ordinance in 1994. In dollar terms, the proportion was substantially lower. Of the 75 projects worth $310 million, non-union contractors secured $39 million. Moreover, the union reps omitted an important
slants rants& commentary | opinions
Harvey assaulted a bus monitor to the point of tears in a YouTube video that was so painful to watch, I couldn’t get past the first three minutes. What next? I wondered. When did we become such an ugly species? What kind of a world is this grandson of mine entering? My mind was spinning. Every time I turned on the TV, our elected officials were going for each other’s jugulars. It occurred to me that the reason vampires and zombies have become iconic is their appeal as unfeeling beings. Cannibalism! A drug-crazed man devoured the face of a homeless acquaintance. I began to think that this baby of ours needed to stay put for more than medical reasons. That’s when I made the decision to focus on the people around me—the women of the fourth floor, who took the extra time to chat with us about their own pregnancies, and eased my daughter’s anxieties with their gentle touch and genuine concern for her baby and her peace of mind. They monitored the baby’s heartbeat, measured any contractions my daughter experienced, assured her that no question was a silly one. Steroids would strengthen his lungs, they explained, should he stubbornly insist on appearing two months earlier than planned. Because of their care, early delivery was averted, and my daughter went home to rest and await baby Jack’s arrival. What I witnessed was care that comes from within; no amount of training can teach compassion, no textbook can impart the sensitivity and concern that the maternity staff showed my daughter. The nurses of UMass Memorial had no way of knowing that along the way, as they plumped my daughter’s pillows and checked her IV, they nurtured my bruised soul, mending my tattered faith in a race that increasingly seems inhuman.
Do you think Worcester is a violent city? AS K E D O N M A I N ST R E E T
Yes, it is very violent. Some parts are worse than others, though. I left Worcester for a reason.
Paul Samson MILBURY
Some areas are but I think it is a beautiful city!
Barbara Ottino WORCESTER
Yes, I do. We are even looking to move out of Worcester to be able to walk our daughter and be able to have her play in the yard.
Nirva Penbeyan- Renzetti WORCESTER fact: according to, 14.6% of all construction workers in Massachusetts in 2011 were unionized. So less than 15% of all construction workers have garnered twothirds of Worcester’s public projects, or close to 90% in dollar terms. With such a split, who can blame them for wanting to keep in place the unconstitutional regulations that brought such an advantage regardless of the cost to other construction workers, or to taxpayers. While the unions have redefined fairness, it’s reassuring to know that the definition of chutzpah has remained the same.
I think it is more now than when I was younger. There are more shootings now and I’ve noticed more teen violence.
R O B ERTA R . S CH A E F E R , PH . D. President, The Research Bureau, Worcester
Yes, actually Main Street is the worst.
Read the fine print I wonder, what is the purpose in painting public school teachers in a bad light? Who else is qualified to teach our children, E.T? I mean seriously, if the end goal is to make sure our children are given the best, most effective education, then why work against teachers?? Why treat teachers like they “are ineffective and under educated?” This seems futile and ineffective. Until there is a beacon directly aimed into outer space calling all intelligent life to materialize and do the education rumba dance, why can’t we work together?? Stop fighting the educators... support them!
Kelly Larosa BARRE
Tell us how you really feel Letters to the editor should be legible, signed and brief (prefer-
ably no more than 200 words). A daytime telephone number must be provided for verification. Worccester Mag reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, libelous or offensive material and style. Send letters to: Letters, Worcester Mag, 101 Water St., Worcester, MA 01604 or E-mail:, or fax: 508-749-3165 Follow us on:
Submitted online by CA N T LIN JUNE 28, 2012 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
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Jeremy Shulkin
Two messages are being parsed out of Worcester’s gun-violence statistics since 2004. One, driven home by the police department and city officials, is that Worcester is a safe city with a homicide and gun-injury rate well below neighboring similarly sized cities like Springfield, Mass., Hartford, Conn., and Providence, R.I. The other, put out in the open by Police Chief Gary Gemme during a community meeting spurred on by community members wanting to address the arrest of Romani teen David Russo last summer, is that 82 percent of Worcester’s 220 gun violence victims (both homicides and injuries) since January 2004 have come from communities of color – Blacks, Hispanics and Asians.
“If we’re going to have a real discussion, a real debate, let’s do it about what’s happening among communities of color,” Gemme said pointedly to the crowd collected at Claremont Academy. “The biggest cost to communities is gun
• JUNE 28, 2012
violence.” “I’m somewhat surprised, and I’m somewhat not surprised,” Ravi Perry, former NAACP Worcester chapter head and Clark University political science professor, says of the two sets of numbers. “I’m sure it’s shocking to those who don’t follow gun violence data,” he adds, noting “roughly 25 to 27 gun-violence victims every year is not particularly high” for Worcester’s population and size. That 82 percent number, however, gives him some pause. “I think that seems high [but] it doesn’t strike me as surprising given the city is now approaching 40 percent color.” Naturally, there are a number of factors in this. Police say that most victims of gun violence in Worcester know the perpetrator. Often, a perpetrator in one incident becomes a victim in the next. Age and location are also factors, as many gun-fire incidents stem from gang beef and bad drug transactions. “It’s broader than just ‘I’m a victim. I walked into a dangerous situation. I just happen to be Latino or Black,’” Perry says. “Regardless of the inconclusives, there are a lot of questions this raises.” The questions are the same ones posed by social-service organizations around the city: location, economic opportunity and education all have a direct impact on youth violence, so how has the state and the city been investing in improving each of these factors?
THE VIEW FROM THE CRUISER Of the 220 shooting victims
in the past seven-and-ahalf years, 101 have been Hispanic, 76 have been black and three have been Asian. The remaining 40 were Caucasian.
In the past 18 months Worcester has had 37 shooting victims, 33 of whom were Black or Hispanic. “Most of the time it’s today’s victim, tomorrow’s suspect,” says Worcester Police Captain Paul Saucier, who underscores the point that many of Worcester’s shootings are between people who know each other, and often retaliatory. “The chances of your door flying off the hinges are rather remote,” says WPD public information officer Sgt. Kerry Hazelhurst, who estimates that since 2004, the majority of shooters and victims are youth, from teenagers to 24 years old. The causes of gunfire are similarly juvenile, says Gang Unit Sgt. Stephen Roche, usually because of gang rivalries, disputes of ex-girlfriends, drug disputes and even Facebook comments. “A lot of these kids grew up with each other,” Roche continues. “They might even be relatives” who joined different gangs. “Now they’re on different sides of the fence, and they’re enemies,” detective Michael Tarckini adds. “It’s somewhat disheartening to know how much these gangs instill in these families.” Police also see another trend: many of the victims and perpetrators already have some kind of involvement with the criminal-justice system, with Roche “conservatively” estimating that 80 percent of the kids that the gang unit deals with are already on probation,
out on bail or have some other kind of judicially imposed supervision. This has led to reactionary and preventative strategies in dealing with gun-related crimes. Most recently, the department has changed the way it assesses gun-violence crime scenes. In 2011 the Shooting Response Team (or SRT) was developed to bring different parts of the department together, like the detective bureau, vice squad and gang unit to share information. “This group doesn’t exist anywhere else in the state,” Tarckini says, a sentiment shared by other Worcester officers. “We were just talking one night,” says Saucier on the genesis of the SRT, “[asking] how can we provide better communication with these cases?” The police department has also strengthened ties with the district attorney’s office, pushing for harsher sentences for those charged with firearms violation. “We have more tools from the court system so we can follow it from day one,” Tarckini says. “When we indict someone for a crime, we want the heaviest sentence possible.” Pushing for maximum sentences has led to some public dust ups with judges however, with the WPD, specifically mentioning Worcester Superior Court Judge Janet Kenton-Walker through news videos and press releases over the winter for awarding bail or lowering bail in highprofile cases. “We’ve voiced our concerns to the courts; we’ve sent out a press release regarding suspects in violent crimes being out on bail, being on parole, being on probation,” Gemme said in a March interview with Worcester Mag. “If you’ve
got a violent offender, keep him locked up because he’s not doing any justice for the community. We’re seeing it over and over again, where the suspects on those cases are out on parole or on bail.” In addition to making arrests, since December the Shooting Response Team has removed 15 handguns. While it’s difficult to keep stats on crimes prevented, “every gun you take has the potential of a body on it,” Tarckini says – in reference to both past and potential future crimes. The department has also been pushing tough sentences for gun negligence, particularly when an owner’s carelessness has led the gun to fall into the hands of someone who then uses it unlawfully. If the police department, with the help of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, tracks a gun back to someone who failed to lock up his or her gun, that person could face a 10-year jail sentence.
GUN ROAD Two-hundred-plus incidents
of gun violence in eight years do not mean there have been 200 guns in the hands of people who should not have them. Likewise,
not every gang member on the street carries a gun.
Guns – like drugs, money and people – are transient things. City gangs often have a community gun stashed away somewhere and picked up by a gang member when needed. “Most of these kids aren’t waling around with guns,” Saucier says. “They’ll see [a target] and call in an airstrike.” In Springfield, where gun violence is much higher than in Worcester, officials there see the same problems. “The violence all stems from subjects who know each other,” says Springfield Officer Charlie Youmans. “They’re all gang connected. You find that a lot of gang members are either shooting each other or at other gangs.” Worcester, like Springfield, has mostly seen handguns involved in their crimes. Right now, it’s a silver lining even as gun violence ticked upward locally at the beginning of the year. “Right now we’ve been very fortunate that they’ve been smaller caliber weapons,” Youmans says, though he acknowledges that automatic guns have been used in Springfield too. Springfield and Hartford (and Worcester, to a much less extent), in this case have the misfortune of laying on
the I-91/I-95 corridor, where much of the drug and gun running takes place in the Northeast. “Some how, some way, they get across state lines,” Youmans says, noting they’ve traced guns they’ve seized from across the country, even as far away as Arizona. Despite this, there’s little call for tightening gun laws in Massachusetts, a state which both the Worcester police interviewed for this story and Youmans say already has tough regulations. “The state gun laws are pretty strict as it is,” says Youmans. The Worcester police would rather see tougher enforcement on the judicial end rather than advocating for legislative change – though among local gun owners it is said that Chief Gemme is notoriously difficult to obtain a license to carry from. Gemme says he considers his approach to approving licenses to carry “part of our comprehensive strategy to reduce the number of guns on the street.” Other than that, Worcester’s gun laws are no different than what’s in the Massachusetts General Laws. Instead, the police department has tried preventative steps as well, putting the gang unit front and center in schools, after school programs and recreational areas where teens gather. They also put on
{ coverstory } KE
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a 100-kid, free-of-charge summer camp at Clark University for 8 to 15 year olds and host the Give Kids a Fighting Chance boxing tournament that raised $85,000 for the Boys & Girls Club this year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They know us, we know them,â&#x20AC;? Roche says about the gang unitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relationship with youth they keep tabs on. In some cases, their connection is much more than just gangs versus cops. Roche remembers a phone call from a gang member asking if there were still spots available in a gang unit-sponsored summer camp for his kid. For the most part, Roche says they interact with each other cordially. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s [a relationship] of respect. They know weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing our job.â&#x20AC;? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a difference from how it was after the gang unit was ďŹ rst created in 1993, when their car windows would get smashed out. Then thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the other side of that relationship. For a unit that makes 600 arrests per year, according to Roche, they become familiar with those they put in handcuffs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disappointing when an investigation turns up and they are involved in a drug [raid] or shooting,â&#x20AC;? Roche says about youth heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boxed or played basketball with. In some areas the preventative measures have worked. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When we started the public safety department 11 years ago, we had no
TRADE IT IN This article comes the
WPDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s detective Michael Tarckini (left) and Gang Unit Sgt. Stephen Roche both feel that many causes of gunďŹ re are juvenile in nature. crime-prevention initiatives at all,â&#x20AC;? says Angel Rosario, the Worcester Housing Authorityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s director of public safety. Since then, crime, particularly at the housing authorityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most notable housing complex, Great Brook Valley, has declined. Rosario says Great Brook Valley used to see six or seven drug raids per year, but there hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been one in one-and-a-half years. Alex Corrales, deputy director of development and special projects, adds that there hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been a shooting victim on the premises recently, and the last homicide there took place four or ďŹ ve years ago. (Neither the perpetrator nor the
victim lived in Great Brook Valley.) â&#x20AC;&#x153;I certainly donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to say weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re crime-free or crime-proof,â&#x20AC;? Corrales says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;[but] Great Brook Valley is in really good shape. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re â&#x20AC;&#x201C; knock on wood â&#x20AC;&#x201C; not having the problems weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re seeing in other communities.â&#x20AC;? They credit that to preventative measures too. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tighter communication between the Worcester police and the Worcester Housing Authority, problem tenants or incidents are dealt with before they escalate, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve enacted summer programs to keep kids occupied during summer months.
weekend after noted Emergency Room trauma surgeon and newly minted Worcester Public Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Hirsh organized another gun buyback program where 40 guns were collected at the Department of Public Health building at 25 Meade St. from folks who traded them in for a $50 Wegmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gift card. Even though buyback programs are scrutinized over whether or not the guns they collect actually come from people who would use them to harm others, Hirsh believes that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give a full picture.
According to the straight demographics collected by a voluntary survey handed out, most of the people trading in guns are middle aged, 95 percent are White,
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and they “bring their weapons in because they have children or grandchildren in the house and are concerned [the guns] were not secured properly.” “The question has come up: ‘you’re not getting gangs or criminals to turn a gun in,’” Hirsh says. But a number of shootings come from guns that have been stolen, and with more than 2,200 guns collected in 10 years (while giving out 700 trigger locks) from the Worcester area, Hirsh believes lives have been saved. “These are not antiques. These are good for interpersonal damage. We know that the weapons coming in are the kinds that cause tragedies,” like crimes of passion, suicides or accidents. He adds it’s a good investment; $114,000 in donated money has been used to run the program, which is less than the cost of the acute care for just three gunshot victims. The buyback comes as Hirsh and other doctors and public health departments across the country promoted National Ask Day last week, encouraging doctors to “spend a little bit of time asking if there are any weapons in the home” of patients in for visits, which Hirsh says is just as significant a question for child wellness as asking if there are fire detectors in the house or if seatbelts are used in the car. That question, however, has drawn the ire of the National Rifle Association,
which has called it an intrusion into 2nd Amendment rights, and Florida – the state where sanity goes to retire – passed a bill making it a level-three felony for doctors to ask the question. “There was a lot of outrage, even among gun-owning physicians,” Hirsh says about that law. It’s since been quashed by a federal injunction, but he says he wouldn’t be surprised to see it come before the Supreme Court. “All we’re saying is there’s a lot of curiosity amongst kids,” he explains, referencing a study that showed that even if kids watch training videos telling them not to touch guns and instead find an adult, if they stumble upon one, “every single kid will try to pick up that gun.”
STEERED STRAIGHT That leads us to Miguel,
a Worcester teen who got out of his second stint in lock up just a few weeks ago. Worcester Mag has been asked to keep details about him vague because of continued threats to his safety. Until recently,
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Shooting incidents 2010:
Worcester homicides/homicides by gun:
29 shooting incidents 33 victims 6 fatalities
2004 11/7
Shooting incidents 2011: 20 shooting incidents 24 victims 5 fatalities
2005 7/5
Shooting incidents 2012 (Jan. 1-June 26):
2006 6/3
10 shooting victims (does not include suicide and report of a 25 year old who shot himself in the leg) 3 fatalities (does not include suicide in the February murder-suicide on Main Street)
Ages of gun violence victims in 2012: 17 to 20 years old: 1 21 to 25 years old: 5 26 to 30 years old: 2 31+ years old: 2
2007 6/3 2008 6/1 2009 7/3 2010 7/6
Ages of arrests for gun violence in 2012:
2011 10/5
17 to 20 years old: 5 21 to 25 years old: 3 26 to 30 years old: 1 31+ years old: 1 *Source: WPD
2012 6/3
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428 Shrewsbury St • Worcester, MA 01604 • 508-754-4000 JUNE 28, 2012 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
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Miguel carried an illegal firearm as a measure of security.
“You can get [a gun] anywhere,” he says. He’s seen gun violence first-hand too: while sitting in a car with friends, a rival pulled a gun on them eventually shooting one of them in the head and – luckily – only injuring him. Miguel has since found his place with Straight Ahead Ministries, an organization that helps Department of Youth Services and justice-system-affiliated youth reintegrate back into society. Its
• JUNE 28, 2012
recidivism program in Lynn, Mass., has been so successful at keeping kids from returning to jail that it’s been looked at as a federal model. Straight Ahead has bible study and faith-based programs in jails in 19 states and five countries, but its headquarters are in Worcester – it recently moved from Grove Street to Main Street and opened Straight Up Café, where many of the employees are youth like Miguel. Scott Larson, president and co-founder of Straight Ahead Ministries, says the program works because they find people with the same background and
experiences to reach out to youth while in the justice system. “What we’re trying to do here is start a lot of small businesses that make a lot of work but not a lot of capital,” Larson explains. That includes the café, as well as a construction company, silkscreen shop and community college curriculum design program in Lynn. Miguel and Larson both say for kids looking to get out of gang life, it’s not a snap decision they can just make. It takes years of slowly weaning away – any immediate renouncement can make a former member an enemy very quickly.
Larson says the goal is to keep youth occupied working (and wanting to work) that they simply don’t have time for gang life, and eventually, their crew stops calling once they get the hint that their former member can’t step away from their job to drive around. “To get away you have to be brave,” Miguel says, adding that he’s had to ask God for help. He’s seen progress though. “I finally got my check,” he says after his first couple of weeks at the café. “I felt really good about that because I had actually worked for it.” He took his mom out for dinner with the money, and gave some to his little brother. This raises the question of whether or not local youth see a societal investment in like they used to. Ten years ago there were more job opportunities, more neighborhood pools and cheaper (and better) transportation. With cash-strapped state and local budgets, that investment hasn’t been there for years. “Lots of places are struggling in how to be creative in supporting their community,” says Roberto Diaz, assistant director at the Worcester Youth Center. “We’ve had [gun violence] on our radar because we deal with youth some have labeled ‘disconnected.’” There’s a clamoring in that community for more opportunity and access to success, as he points out that 2,000 youth across the state rallied in front of the statehouse in February to demand more money for youth jobs – part of the state budget in danger of being slashed. Not only were 150 of those youth from Worcester, but this was the second year in a row that a rally for that cause happened. Despite this, the Worcester Youth Center’s summer-job slots have decreased by half, and that’s down from a decrease by half the year before. It’s not all negative though. In spite of the down economy, the Worcester Youth Center has seen increased funding, as some donors know these are the times to invest more. Larson also sees some silver lining. “The good that I’ve seen of it is cities and police departments have to go out and apply for funding they were used to getting,” which he says leads to more collaboration between agencies and government departments. What began as a year treading dangerously close to Springfield or Providence gun violence in Worcester, has waned recently, but it’s just as school lets out for the summer, temperatures rise and youth unemployment reaches staggering levels. It’s a mix that will test the city’s preventative measures and hopefully have those in charge looking at budgets and wondering if we, as a state and city, are really investing in our youth, or just trying to occupy their time.
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fill the warm air. You can’t get more outdoors than the grounds of Worcester’s own Ecotarium. In its 22nd year of existence, the Summer Concert Series at the Ecotarium has a fresh new name and attitude. This summer, Live at Sunset— held rain or shine—promises to deliver local legends and brand-new musical acts that will entice every age group to undergo the Ecotarium experience. Jazz,
bluegrass, and rhythm and blues are some of the musical tastes a ticket holder will experience during Live at Sunset. Every music-goer will be exposed not only to the music, but also to the Ecotarium itself.
that flocks to the Ecotarium every summer in hopes to discover new and returning artists. James Montgomery Bluesband is just one of the headliners scheduled to perform at the environmental venue. James Montgomery, who has toured with Aerosmith, the Allman Brothers and Bruce Springsteen over his 40year career, reveals that playing at a more intimate venue like the Ecotarium allows the band to engage more with the audience. “It is a great venue with great people,” says Montgomery. “Worcester is a staple for us, it has been great. We really love it there,” Montgomery says. What began primarily as a celebration of jazz music, the re-invented Live at Sunset concert series has evolved along with it’s audience, all the while still keeping jazz as the core strength of the shows. Garnering multigenerational appeal, the music showcased at Live at Sunset relates to spectators of all ages. In his first Live at Sunset appearance, Montgomery shares, “We work a lot of festivals over the years, and a lot of them are big family events. Our music is really accessible.” Jamming on the harmonica, Montgomery will be joined in a line-up of performers including Dave Gabel and The Abletones, Roomful of Blues, Lake Street Drive, Bellevue Cadillac, and Nathan and the Zydeco Cha Chas. After 22 years, “Worcester’s summer tradition,” as Gerry Weston from WICN radio station—the media partner contributing to the Live at Sunset concert series—puts it, Lake Street Dive bring their propulsive sustains it’s perpetual success largely due to the universal belief that the Ecotarium is full grooves, brilliant vocals, and evocative of great people and great music. Bill Doyle song craft with their own infectious of The Abletones sums up his feelings on indie-pop sound to Live at Sunset on performing at the Ecotarium: “We’re having June 29th. a great time performing and when you can combine that with a sea of smiling faces in the audience, what better way is there to spend an evening?” The Ecotarium prides itself on offering Live at Sunset will prove to be a beneficial experience quality entertainment by way of live musically and aesthetically. For $18 a ticket (children animals, knowledgeable activities for younger than 12 are free), concert-goers are exposed to children, and scenic surroundings that an enchanting night out without the car or train ride into will effortlessly convince anyone to spend Boston. Light dinner, snacks, beer and wine are available for purchase. The concerts run every Friday until July the afternoon. 24, excluding the week of July 4, each beginning at 5:30 Julieane Frost, public-relations coordinator at the p.m. Ecotarium, admits that unlike the original title of the EcoTarium is located at 222 Harrington Way, Summer Concert Series—Jazz at Sunset—the newly Worcester. 508-929-2700, established Live at Sunset offers a wider range of musical tastes, to keep up with the ever-growing crowd JUNE 28, 2012 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
night day &
{ celebrate! }
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4 Spratt Tech Way off Rte. 12 at Pratts Junction Rd. Sterling
Here you’ll find just a handful of Fourth of July events you can celebrate both in and around Worcester. Whether you’re an independent patriot or a parent – we’ve given you the freedom to choose where you’ll spend this “let freedom ring” holiday.
y p ap
Monday - Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm
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en p e
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Tuesday, July 3 Come celebrate July 4th with old-fashioned, patriotic family fun at Old Sturbridge Village. Join in the fun as the martial band leads the citizen’s procession as they
march through the streets. Cheer and huzzah during a rousing patriotic reading of the Declaration of Independence and sign a giant reproduction of the document. Make your own tri-cornered hat to wear as you learn to drill with the Sturbridge Militia. Learn dances done by 19th-century Americans and play a game of “base ball.” They will also commemorate our current presidential election by recreating the election of 1840. Incumbent Democrat Martin Van Buren was defeated by Whig challenger William Henry Harrison in what is largely considered the first modern election, which featured the first active campaigning and party conventions. Campaigning in 1840 included rolling a large “Harrison Ball” and Log Cabin Wagon through towns. Both of these will be a part of our Independence Day Citizen’s Procession. Food and beverages, including beer and wine, will be available for purchase so you can enjoy a picnic on the common. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge, 1-800-SEE-1830, The City of Worcester’s Independence Day celebration will take place at East Park on Shrewsbury Street in Worcester. The park opens at 6 p.m. with Kids Korner activities and food vendors. A ceremonial fl ag-raising will begin the festivities at 7:45 p.m. followed by a performance by the acclaimed Massachusetts Symphony Orchestra as part of its Summer Concert Series at 8 p.m. A dazzling fireworks display at 9:30 p.m. will light up the sky with a brilliant show. Cristoforo Colombo Park (East Park), Shrewsbury Street, Worcester Rain date is Thursday, July 5, 2012.
Block Party and Fireworks. Travel to Downtown Fitchburg to catch the independent spirit from 5 to 10 p.m. Fireworks at the scenic Fruitlands Museum, in Harvard means live music, food and fireworks over some of the most picturesque skies in the area. Picnic onsite or buy drinks and food. Rain date: July 6. Admission may be charged per car. 5 p.m.
Rutland Fireworks light up the skies around 9:20 p.m. Leading up to the glittering
event are the annual Chicken BBQ at 4:30 p.m. and Strawberry Festival at 5 p.m.— both behind the fire station—and a band concert featuring The Help Wanted Band on the Rutland Town Common.
Wednesday, July 4 The town of Shrewsbury’s 4th of July Celebration will include food, live music and DJs, inflatable amusements, clowns, and face painting. A decorated bike and doll carriage parade begins at 12:30 p.m. Head on over to Main Street for this free celebration from noon to 4 p.m.
Call to schedule an appointment! Walk-ins always welcome!
• JUNE 28, 2012
Take a road trip for a chance to see the Boston Pops Fireworks. Located on the Charles River, between the Longfellow and Mass Ave Bridges, Boston, fireworks happen at 10:30 p.m., immediately following the Boston Pops Concert— the event ends about 11 p.m. Folks get a lawn seat before the sun even rises that day, so be warned.
night day
Eller’s Restaurant and Family Dining
{ dining}
FOOD ★★★★ AMBIENCE ★★1/2 SERVICE ★★★★ VALUE ★★★1/2 190 Main St., Cherry Valley • 508-892-3925 •
Comfort food in Cherry Valley Mike Murray
What makes an easy bite to eat? The lack of any need to get dressed up or put on a charade; the relaxed comfort of being able to visit a restaurant without brushing up on stuffy culinary history or the latest dining trends. Eller’s Restaurant and Family Dining typifies the easy bite to eat. Situated on 190 Main St. in Cherry Valley (for out-oftowners, the town of Leicester is divided into three villages of which the nearest to Worcester is Cherry Valley), Eller’s can
be easy to miss, but with friendly service, a comfortable welcoming atmosphere, and enormous portions of comfort foods, Worcester diners should turn to this restaurant when looking to please a crowd.
Victor and I visited Eller’s on a whim one Friday night. The restaurant had come recommended to me by locals who rave about its fish and chips and prime rib. After pacing Route 9 and driving past the restaurant twice, we finally spotted Eller’s tucked into a large, car-dealershiplike lot with a small sign. Strolling in at about 5:30 in the evening, Victor and I were seated immediately. The restaurant is divided into a large dining area on the left with a partition for large parties and a lively bar and lounge on the right, with an open kitchen flanking the dining area. We were greeted immediately by our server and brought fresh, extremely hot dinner rolls. Glancing over the menu it was clear that the main focus of Eller’s is on meat, potatoes and comfort foods, so we prepared to stuff ourselves. We began with a special appetizer that
LIVE MUSIC June 29th - Gerard Magnarelli • House ouse Mixers $4.50 • Fish & Chips Every Friday • Catering and Take-Out Available • Now Offering 10 Beers on Tap • 7 HD TVs
is popular, according to our server, called “BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger Quesadilla,” which is exactly what you’d expect from the name— ground beef, bacon, a sweet barbecue sauce and heaps of gooey cheese, pressed into a crispy, thin flour tortilla. The appetizer is served with sour cream and a mild salsa, and would probably be more appropriate for a party of four. The quesadilla was exorbitant, but good, as the flaky tortilla shell held in the contents just right, although the flavor of bacon overwhelmed almost every bite. The menu at Eller’s is large and priced low, with appetizers mostly ranging at $7 or $8, and not a single entrée on the menu hitting $20. Having had his fill of meat for the evening, Victor opted for the cheese lasagna which came served over a rich pasta sauce and a single meatball ($13). The lasagna was at least two-inches thick, with some three layers of cheeses divided by thick sheets of pasta. The baseball-sized home-made meatball was a good side, but overwhelmed by a sweet, chunky pasta sauce. I figured that if I was going to gorge
myself on the BBQ quesadilla, then I may as well go all the way; I ordered the special, Prime Rib Sheppard’s Pie ($13). This entrée is delivered in a large, deep dish with a lavish amount of mashed potatoes served over corn, onions, bacon bits, and of course, prime rib—delicately shaved and chopped into small bits, which quickly assimilated with the potatoes to make one messy, but delicious treat. Bacon, though, seems to be the theme at Eller’s, and while bacon does usually make everything better, in this meal, the bacon flavor overwhelmed the prime rib, so any ground beef probably would have served the same purpose. Eller’s Restaurant and Family Dining does a great job at being honest with themselves, a family restaurant that serves enormous portions. If Worcester area diners have a hankering for comfort foods at more than reasonable prices, Eller’s in Leices..., err, Cherry Valley, is worth visiting.
You’re Invited
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• JUNE 28, 2012
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Raising a glass to wine everywhere
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oes size really matter? If so, then places such as Oregon would be considered very impressive. With vineyards totaling nearly 14,000 acres and much of that dedicated to the production of pinot noir, the state certainly has something to boast about. Located in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon has been a force in the wine industry since the 1960s and is now considered a destination for world-class wine.
Specializing in French varietals, Oregon has found its mark with pinot noir, the famed red of Burgundy, France. In fact, some of the best pinot noir in the United States can be found in Oregon’s Willamette Valley, a state that ranks second in the production of pinot noir. What’s more, pinot noir wines are among the most popular in the world. The soft, silky, aromatic nature of pinot noir has prompted critics and wine lovers alike to describe it as “sex in a glass.” Well, I don’t know if I would go that far. But suffice it to say, pinot noir appeals to a wide range of consumers. Most pinot noirs tend to be light to medium bodied offering hints of spice, cherry, raspberry, violets and current. The wine pairs well with a wide range of foods. From a juicy steak to a tender piece of salmon, Pinot Noir is a perfect accompaniment. If you’re new to wine then pinot noir is a great place to start. The lighter body usually means you won’t experience overpowering things such as tannin or alcohol levels. Best of all you can find many wellOF THE WEEK made pinot noirs at reasonable prices. Renowned wine writer Robert Parker has been quoted Gascon Malbec, as saying, “When it’s great, pinot noir produces Argentina complex, hedonistic and remarkably thrilling red about $13. wine.” So who wouldn’t be envious?
Not to be combined with any other special or coupon. One coupon per customer • Expires 07/11/12
Delivery 508-754-3663 Daily Luncheon Buffet Dinner Buffet Sunday and Thursday Sushi Bar | Teppanyaki Table Cocktail Bar with Live Entertainment on Friday and Saturday night Korean BBQ tables Great place to celebrate all your special occassions! 640 Park Ave, Worcester • 508-792-1068 or 508-792-1078 • JUNE 28, 2012 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
night day &
{ bites }
Shalyn Hopley and Alicia Lazzaro Enthrall your taste buds with the Summer Multicultural Festival in Shrewsbury on Saturday, June 30, at 12:30 p.m in the large meeting room of the Shrewsbury Public Library. See a demonstration and munch on crepes from around the globe, with a focus on Indian, Chinese, French and Mexican crepes. This drop-in event is appropriate for the whole family. Shrewsbury Public Library, 609 Main St., Shrewsbury. 508842-0081
ders of new and old world e won h cuis t y o ine Buon Appetito! j En Open 7 Days BYOB Open For Lunch Mon-Fri, 11-3 Patio Coming Soon!
395 Chandler St., Worcester 508.767.1818
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Looking to spice up your average meal out? The Old Mill in Westminster is adding comedy and mystery to its dining experience with Brickroad Productions. Enjoy your dinner and an interactive “whodunit” murder mystery in an old sawmill turned restaurant. $35 gets you dinner and a show. The next show is Friday, June 29. Call 978-874-5941 for reservations. 69 State Rd. East, Westminster. Enjoy a taste of Spain’s favorite snacks;
Steaks • Seafood Vegetarian Specialities Sandwiches and Wraps
Fajitas for two and a pitcher of Margaritas
$28.95 SATURDAY NIGHTS All You Can Eat Slow Roasted Angus Prime Rib
$17.95 Daily breakfast served until 11am
27 Main Street Sterling, MA 978-422-6020 Full Bar Reservations Helpful
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Bocado, Worcester’s tapas bar, has tons
of specials going on this summer. Bocodo hosts wine dinners the last Monday of every month and dancing with Salsa Storm every other Thursday. The restaurant is also offering $5off your next $30 meal there for the remainder of June. Print the coupon from 82 Winter St., Worcester. 508-797-1011. Starting Monday July 2, The Bean Counter Coffee Bar & Bakery will be closed for renovations at their Highland Street location. Renovations will include new floors, a redesigned layout, new tables, chairs, lighting and soft seating. The owners say they are excited to provide customers a trendy and urban chic dcor and hope to bring coffee’s next wave of popularity to Worcester. Bean Counter fans, don’t despair – their Shrewsbury locations (Bean Counter and Black Diamond Coffee) will remain open for coffee and those fresh bakery items that they are famed for. For locations and hours visit
Kibbe: Meat and Veggie Pies: Spinach, Spinach & Feta, Meat Grape Leaves, Falafel, Hummus, Tabboulee Any 2 Large Grinders & Small French Fries
$12.50 Limit one special per customer, per day. Not to be combined with other specials or offers. No Substitutions. Mention offer when ordering. Pick-up or Delivery. Limited Time Offer.
Buy any 2 Dinners (over $9.50) and Get 1-2 liter of Soda
Can of Soda with the purchase of Any Large Grinder
Limit one special per customer, per day. Not to be combined with other specials or offers. No Substitutions. Mention offer when ordering. Pick-up or Delivery. Limited Time Offer.
Limit one special per customer, per day. Not to be combined with other specials or offers. No Substitutions. Mention offer when ordering. Pick-up or Delivery. Limited Time Offer.
• JUNE 28, 2012
SPECIALTY PIZZAS Hawaiian, Steak & Cheese, BBQ Chicken, Sweet & Sour Chicken, Shrimp Alfredo, Buffalo Chicken, Meat Lovers, Chicken Parm, Chicken Broccoli Alfredo and MORE! Buy 2 Large 1 Topping Pizzas at regular price and get 1 Small Cheese Pizza or 2 liter of soda
Limit one special per customer, per day. Not to be combined with other specials or offers. No Substitutions. Mention offer when ordering. Pick-up or Delivery. Limited Time Offer.
1 Large Cheese Pizza 1 Large Pepperoni Pizza 16 Wings & 2 Liter Soda
$25.95 Limit one special per customer, per day. Not to be combined with other specials or offers. No Substitutions. Mention offer when ordering. Pick-up or Delivery. Limited Time Offer.
z za Exp re
Something for Everyone!
Quick, Fresh, Quality Cuisine
opening its new outdoor patio mid-July. Owner Aurelio Metohu says that the outdoor setting will match the indoor dining area by “keeping it Italian.” The family-oriented restaurant has created an outdoor patio dining environment that seats 60 people. There will be speakers that play music and the serving hours will be the same as the restaurant. 395 Chandler St. 508-767-1818,
Have yo u tried Sp oodles lately?
Serving S i greatt food f d prepared fresh just for you.
Caffe Espresso Trattoria is planning on
97- 00
3 Rice Square, Worcester Corner of Grafton St. & Plantation St. Open 11:00am-2:30am
Upload your listings at Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.
music >Thursday 28
Live Band Karaoke w/ Fingercuff. It’s Karaoke with a live band! Come rock out a dream! We Ain’t yo momma’s Karaoke! no cover. Angry Ham’s Garage Restaurant & Pub, 2 Beacon St., Framingham. Terry Brennan “LIVE”. Looking to track down Terry and see where he’s playing on Cape, in the Woo or anywhere else? Want to see how much “Terry Brennan’s Drive for the Jimmy Fund” is up to??? It’s all on “”. Check it out today!!!! To Be Determined 508-864-8713 or Yo Ticonderoga, Mr Fahrenheit,Light The Atlantic. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133. Chanteuse Niki Luparelli, Dapper Dan Burke, & Lower Clef Geoff. Come enjoy an evening of vintage and retro music outside under the moonlight, the serious moonlight. No Cover. 6-9 p.m. CERES Bistro at Beechwood Hotel, 363 Plantation St. 508-754-2000. Coffee and Jam featuring Sean Fullerton. or call 978-368-1550. No Cover Charge ($5 suggested donation). 7-8:30 p.m. Coffeelands World Gifts Espresso Cafe, 50 High St., Clinton. 978-733-4277 or Live Acoustic Thursdays. 7-11 p.m. LaScala Restaurant, 183 shrewsbury st. 508-753-9912. Ricky Duran. 7-10 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508-7550879. Night Train (Roots/Blues, LIVE MUSIC). No Cover. 7:159:45 p.m. The Mill at 185 West Boylston Street, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Irish Music Session. No Charge.. 7:30-10 p.m. Mulligans Taverne-on-the-Green, 121 West Main St., Westborough. 508-3444932 or Open mic thursdays with Bill McCarthy. free!. 7:30-11:30 p.m. biagio’s grille, 257 park ave. 508-756-7995 or openmicworld. Slaid Cleaves with Rod Picott. When Slaid Cleaves moved from Portland, Maine, to Austin, Texas, at the tail end of 1991, he landed on South Lamar Boulevard, a few blocks from the legendarily seedy Horseshoe Lounge. But as he points out on his new live album, It was many years of drivin by before I worked up the courage to come in through the door. $16 advance; $20 day of show.. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or Dana Lewis Live!. Dana Lewis Live! at the Grafton Inn playing the Greatest Hits of the 50’s to the 80’s. Dion, Elvis, Everly Bros, Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, Beatles, Stones, Tom Petty, Green Day, Pink Floyd & More! NO Cover. BE There! FREE!. 8:30-10:30 p.m. Grafton Inn, The, 25 Grafton Cmn, Grafton. 508-839-5931. The Awesome 80’S Party Band The Flock Of A-Holes! With Bobby Morin & Luke Kelly And Tidal Vote (9:00Pm). Local Singer/Songwriter Bobby Morin With Luke Kelly will be performing right before the Flock tonight. $5. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or The Smile Makers, Jacob Haller. 8:30-11:30 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. All request thirsty thursday with cj/dj. No cover!!!!. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, The Downstairs, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-8687382 or Cara Brindisi. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. FoundationZ Thursdays - Dubstep/Hip Hop/ Drum’N’Bass. 18+ $2. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. London Billiards / Club Oasis, 70 James St. 508-799-7655 or Klezwoods! A non-traditional Klezmer band. Emo / Nu-Jazz / Roots Music. No Cover!. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Latin Heat Thursdays @ Bocados Tapas Bar. 9-11:30 p.m. Bocado Tapas Wine Bar, 82 Winter St. 508-797-1011. Live Music. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Metal Thursday!. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Thirsty Thursday ALL Request DJ. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, Main Level, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-987-1006 or Twisted Thursdays With Dj Whiteboi. Stop on down and enjoy the evening
Clutch Grabwell Is Back In Worcester! With Very Special Guests Deep Six!. $10. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or “Freakout Friday” featuring Suzy Creamcheese & The Muffin Stumps. 9 p.m.-midnight Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St.,
Worcester Mag and the hosts of Wake Up Worcester on WCRN are teaming up for a night of on-air discussion about the week’s hottest issues during WoMag on Tap with Hank Stolz, Sherman Whitman and our man behind the WoMag news desk, Jeremy Shulkin. Stop by the Flying Rhino (278 Shrewsbury St., Worcester) on July 12 from 7-9 p.m. to join in the discussion, or simply listen to WCRN AM 830.
listening to your favorite music from the by gone days... great sounds to heard by all...DJ Double D spins your favorite old time tunes... 9-11:59 p.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or Jay Graham Live!. 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Funky Murphy’s Bar & Grill, 305 Shrewsbury St. 508-753-2995. FoundationZ Thursdays. Resident Crew: Top Rock United featuring Dubstep / Drum & Bass in the back room and Hiphop / Dancehall / Breaks / NewJack in the front 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100.
Holden. 508-829-4566. A King in Wait, Fathom AD, Silent Season, and DeadFall!. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. A night of Jazz with the Sandstorm Organ Trio. No Cover!. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030.
night day &
{ listings}
Auntie Trainwreck. No cover, 21+ 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Club KasBar, 234 Southwest Cutoff. 508-798-8385 or DJ. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. 3-G’s Sports Bar, The Music Room, 152 Millbury St. 508-754-3516. DJ HappyDaze Spinnin All the Hottest Dance Mixes. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, UPSTAIRS, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-987-1006. Doctor Robert. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Chopstick’s Restaurant & Lounge, Commercial Road, Leominster. Friday Frenzy With Blurry Nights & Dj Soup - Dj B-Lo. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. Jon Lacouture. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Art’s Diner, West Boylston st. 352-895-8355. Ladies Night - Top 40 Dance Party. FREE. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Speakers Night Club, 19 Weed St., Marlborough. 508-480-8222 or Live Bands. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Celtic Tavern, 45 Belmont St., Northborough. 508-366-6277. Live Music. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Sin City. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750.
>Friday 29
2012 Out to Lunch Summer Concert Series. Market opens at 11AM. Free, live concerts start at 12PM. Linda Dagnello Quintet Back by popular request, this seasoned quartet has played for over twenty-five years, touring all over New England with the hip, mainstream vocals of Linda Dagnello and her jazz quintet. Free. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Worcester Common Behind City Hall, 455 Main St. Joyful Concert Series. The Joyful Concert Series is a new concert series in Worcester and was initially set into motion to bring live music to the participants of the NEDC’s Adult Day Health and Social Day Program. Free Admission. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. New England Dream Center, 5 Chestnut St. 508-757-3333, ext. 2003 or Hip Swayers Duo Show. 1-2 p.m. Acoustic Java, 932 A Main St. 508-756-9446. Dana Lewis LIVE!. FREE!. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208 or Blackstone Valley Bluegrass Band in Concert. Kicking off the Summer, Free Concert series with a special Friday night concert before the Northbridge town Fireworks. Bring a lawn chair. Food and refreshments available. FREE. 6-8 p.m. Alternatives Community Plaza, 50 Douglas Road, Whitinsville. 508-234-6232 or Live at Sunset Summer Concert Series: Lake Street Dive. $18 per person (includes museum admission), $15 EcoTarium and WICN members. 6:30-8:30 p.m. EcoTarium, 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2703 or Andy Cummings. 7-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Boomer Ballads with P.E. James! FREE!. 7-9 p.m. Grill on the Hill at Green Hill Golf Course, Skyline Drive. BYO Blues. BAND Free. 7-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Live Music Every Friday. Free Event for All Ages. 7-9 p.m. Marlborough Country Club, 200 Concord Road, Marlborough. 508-4851660 or Sean Ryan. 7-11 p.m. Barbers Crossing (North), Downstairs Lounge, 175 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8438. Tifton Carver Worship Band. Free. 7-9:30 p.m. Mill Church Cafe, 45 River St., Millbury. 508-864-5658. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Live Music. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100.
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The Committee presents WMA All Stars-Special performance by Buddha Monk Wu-Tang/Brooklyn Zu. $5 for 21+ $10 for 18-20. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 774-386-7305. The Shakers. 9pm, no cover. Check them out at 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. The T-Bone Blues Band. Free. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. 3-G’s Sports Bar, The Music Room, 152 Millbury St. 508-754-3516. Windfall classic rock. Windfall is an authentic 6 piece classic
rock band 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-792-1078. Pop Rocks. Dance/Rock Cover Band $5. 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. DJ One3. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Don’t Let Go. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508926-8877. Foam Party. 18+ with valid ID and paid cover charge. Remember, 21+ if you get here before 10 you don’t have to pay the cover
The Pats in Buffalo
2012 NYC Day Trips
Weekend trip includes a 4 hour stop at the Turning Stone Casino, Verona, NY! Trip includes: • 4 Hours at Turning Stone Casino Saturday, September 29th • Complimentary Meals & Gaming Package • 1 game ticket on Sunday, September 30 at 1:00 p.m. • Tailgating at 97 Rock Tailgate Zone • Game Day Experience indoor tailgate party at the Fieldhouse • Transportation in a 56 passenger Coach bus. Movies will be shown during the trip There are only 50 seats available. Payment in full is required to secure your reservation! Bring your own beverages and coolers! $335.00 per person • double occupancy Departure time from Worcester is Saturday, 9/29 at 8:00 am from the Rte. 146 park n’ Ride (exit 10A off Mass Pike). Return time is about 2 am on Monday 10/1. Bus departs Buffalo approximately 1 hour after the game ends.
To reserve your seat call AA Limousine at
508-791-9100 ext. 1 WORCESTERMAG.COM
• JUNE 28, 2012
>Saturday 30
18 Wheels Of Justice, Post-Existence, Impulse, Imposter, Tides Will Turn. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133 or Bon Voyage - South High Marching Band. The City of Worcester’s very own South High Community School Marching Band is headed to Washington, D.C. to represent the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the National Independence Day parade on July 4, 2012.
On Friday, June 29, start your summer weekend off right with sensational music outdoors on the beautiful EcoTarium grounds during the 22nd Live at Sunset concert series. Tonight features Lake Street Dive – a quartet that blends propulsive grooves, brilliant vocals, and evocative song crafted into their own infectious indie-pop sound. $18 per person (includes museum admission), $15 members; 6:30-8:30 p.m. (222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2703 Looking for something indoors? How about Clutch Grabwell with special guests Deep Six at the Lucky Dog Music Hall ? $10 with show time at 8:30 p.m. (89 Green St. 508-363-1888). Or if you feel like a “Freak-out Friday” don’t miss Suzy Creamcheese & The Muffin Stumps from 9 p.m.-midnight at the Blue Plate Lounge (661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566). If the weekend gives you the blues, then try at taste of The T-Bone Blues Band, featuring Worcester’s local legend David “T-Bone” Smith and company playing toe-tappin’ dance-happy rocky blues. Free; 9 p.m. at 3-G’s Sports Bar (152 Millbury St. 508-754-3516).
September 29 & 30, 2012
charge.... 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10-11:59 p.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227.
Join our community, elected officials, teachers, parents and students as we send them off in style! All are encouraged and welcome to attend! FREE and open to the public. 10 a.m.-noon Institute Park, Salisbury St. and Park Ave. Singer Dale LePage & The Manhattans Elm Park. FREE. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Elm Park, Highland St. and Park Ave. dalelepage. com. Sock Hop. Come and dance at the 50’s “Sock Hop” featuring Retro Polatin. Dig the crazy wheels at the Rockabilly Cruise Night from
4:00pm - 8:00pm. Fun for the whole family. Free. 6-8 p.m. 5 & Diner Restaurant, 525 Lincoln St. 508-852-6100. Dana Lewis LIVE!. Free!. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Grille on the HILL, Ton of Blues. 7-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Jesse Fontaine Trio. 7:30-11 p.m. Guiseppes Bar & Grille, 35 Solomon Pond Road, Northborough. 508-393-4405 or jessefontaine. net. Joe D’Angelo Trio. no cover charge. 8-10 p.m. Chioda’s Trattoria, on the patio, 631 Franklin St. 508-459-6035. John Gorka with special guest Lori Diamond and Fred Abatelli. 8-10 p.m. Club Passim, 26 Church St., Cambridge. 978365-2043 or Live Music. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. The City Boys Band with Johnny Romance & The Captain. no cover. 8:30-11:30 p.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. A night of Cabaret tunes, Fun, and Laughs with Boston’s Queen of Cabaret Carol O’Shaughnessy and pianist Tom Lamark. No Cover!. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. DJ HappyDaze Playin the Hottest Dance Mixes. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, UPSTAIRS, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-987-1006 or Doctor Robert. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Chopstick’s Restaurant & Lounge, Commercial Road, Leominster. Live Bands. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Celtic Tavern, 45 Belmont St., Northborough. 508-366-6277. Live Entertainment. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Partner’s Pub, 970 South St., Fitchburg. 978-345-5051. MT Presents: Black Pyramid, Hessian, KYOTY & Warm. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543.
Out of this world selections, down to earth prices
November 23, December 8 Departs Worcester: 8:00am Departs NYC: 8:00pm Eat, drink & be merry Shop till you drop Take a city tour Catch a broadway show - Motor Coach Bus Transportation.* - Price: $39 per person. (non-refundable). - Limited to the first 56 people to purchase tickets. - Movies Shown During the trip! *Coach bus leaves at 8:00am sharp from Rte 146 Park & Ride; Intersection of Mass Pike and Route 146. *Bus departs Rockefeller Center at 8:00pm sharp!
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night day &
No Alibi. BAND $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Sin City. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. Spinsuite Saturdays - Top 40. Spinsuite Saturdays - Dj Soup Dj Nick - Dj B-Lo spin your favorite Dance, Mash Ups & Top 40 Tracks. Fusion’s Lounge opens at 9:00 pm and Dance Club opens at 10:30pm. Coat room with attendant available. No Cover Charge. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. The Kiss Tribute “Kiss Forever” With Guests Day One And Burning Heat (80’S Band! 9:00Pm). kissforeveronline. com/ $8. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-3631888 or Windfall classic rock. Windfall is an authentic 6 piece classic rock band 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. 508-792-1078. The Issues. Dance/Rock Cover Band Musical candy for your ears... $5. 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-7930900. Chyldz Play. No Cover. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Days End Tavern, Main Level, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-987-1006. DJ Reckless. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Tantrum Saturdays with DJ Tony T. . 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-7562227 or remixworcester. com. The Delta Generators. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877.
>Sunday 1
Drag Shows. 18+ $8 21+ $5. midnight-1:30 a.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-762-9499. Acoustic Open Mic/WARL Charity Event. Celtic/Acoustic music and an ongoing charity event for the Worcester Animal Rescue League No Cover. 5-9 p.m. Jak’s Pub, 536 Main St. 508-757-5257. Vincent’s presents: Big Jon Short. 5-8 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Blues Jam w/Jim Perry. Blues Jam with special guests weekly FREE. 6-10 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. open mic sundays at perfect game with bill mccarthy. free!. 6-10 p.m. perfect game sports grill and lounge, 64 water st. 508-792-4263 or Hot Tuna - Dinner Show. $46 advance; $50 day of show.. 7-10 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or LMFAO: Sorry For Party Rocking Tour. Tickets are on sale now at the DCU Center Box Office, Ticketmaster locations, by phone at 800-745-3000 and online at *Artists subject to change Endtimes are approximate $99.50 Party Pit, $69.50 Floor, $69.50, $55, $35, $25, $20; All tickets subject to applicable handling, convenience and facility fees.. 7-11 p.m. DCU Center- Arena and Convention Center, 50 Foster St. 508-755-6800 or Ruby Rae at 7pm, then Andy Cummings 8pm till Close!. “The throwback honkytonk tunes of Ruby Rae [are] darker than your usual singer-songwriter fare, with noir-ish and Southern gothic influenced lyrics” - 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Live band KARAOKE with FINGERCUFF! Pick from of over 170 songs! You are the star, every other SUNDAY night. See the lineup of over 170 songs here: FREE. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or The Sunday Night Hang W/ Ronnie Sugar Bear.. FREE. 9 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or
>Monday 2
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Driftin’ Sam Politz 7pm, then Big Game Karaoke 9:30pm till Close!. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. KARAOKE Every Nite. free. 9 p.m.-1:45 a.m. cafe neo bar and grille, 97 millbury St. 508-615-7311.
>Tuesday 3
Open Mic Night W /Bill Mccarthy Open Mike!. Email Bill Mcc At: Openmcc@Verizon.Net Free!. 7-11 P.M. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. “Totally Tuesdazed!” Tunes in the Diner every Tuesday Night!. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508753-9543. Big Jon Short. no cover. 8-11 p.m. Armsby Abbey, 144 North Main St. 508-795-1012 or Joe D’Angelo trio. Prior to the Worc fireworks display, enjoy great food, fine wines and original music as the Joe D 3 present a patriotic twist and a waltz into the fireworks! free. 8-10 p.m. Chioda’s Trattoria, on the patio, 631 Franklin St. 508-867-5925. Massachusetts Symphony Orchestra Summer Family Concert. free but donations accepted. 8-10 p.m. Cristoforo Columbo Park (East Park), Shrewsbury St. and Fantasia Dr. 508-754-1234.
Big Dipper All-You-Can-Eat Ice Cream Festival scoops up some cool fun on Saturday, June 30. The 2012 Big Dipper runs rain or shine and offers a wide variety of family fun at affordable prices. In addition to delicious all-you-can-eat ice cream provided by local and national vendors, there will be Moonwalks, Speed Pitch, face painting, a food tent with grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, ice-cold drinks and snacks, a large raffle, NEADS puppies, team mascots, balloons, clowns, cheerleaders, nature demonstrations, and all-day entertainment at beautiful Elm Park. $5 ages 10 and older; $1 ages 4 to 9; free for 3 and younger; 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Elm Park, festival fronts on Russell St., Highland St. and Park Ave. 508-459-6443 or
T.J. Peavey. A veteran, accomplished and eclectic singer, songwriter and guitarist. Pass The Hat. 8-10 p.m. Jak’s Pub, 536 Main St. 508-757-5257. Live Music in the Pub - John Riley - An American & Irish Singalong. No Cover (Worcester Students Earn WOO Points). 8:30 p.m.-11:30 a.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St. 508-792-3700. Jon Bonner. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508752-9439.
>Wednesday 4
Open Jam w/Sean Ryan. Open Jam Free. 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Happy Independence Day! We’re open!. 4 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Girls Night Out. Free Apps,Pool, And Gamecards!!! Free. 6 p.m.-1 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. Sam James. 8-11:30 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508-755-0879. Sean Ryan & Company. Open Jam! FREE. 8-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Wednesday Night Open Mic. Open Mic Night With Bill Mccarthy Sign-Up In Advance By Emailing And Visiting Free. 8 P.M.-Midnight Belfont Hotel, 11 South Main St., Millbury. 508-917-8128 Or Karaoke with DJ SPAZ. This is your chance to come on down and sing like a rock star or just kick back and enjoy a cocktail while you listen to your friends sing your favorite tunes. We are proud to present a $1000.00 contest that will award weekly cash prize and the JUNE 28, 2012 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
night day &
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overall winner, in October will walk away with $1000.00 in cash.... so come down and win one week and you will be entered to win the big prize.... 8:30-11:59 p.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or Ricky Duran. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Woo-Town Wednesday Free Show Live Bands. Live entertainment every Wednesday night. Check luckydogmusic. com for complete lineup. FREE. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or Urban Blues with Brad Faucher & a rotating roster of local/regional musicians. Every Wednesday: A night of Old-School Blues & Soul-Jazz! 9:30-12:30 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877.
a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 65 Water St. 508-831-1106 or EcoTarium, Bubbles!, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Sept. 11; Grossology: The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Dec. 2; Playing Together: Games, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Sept. 9; TOO GROSS Tuesdays,
ArtsWorcester, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday - Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Fre. 660 Main St. 508-755-5142 or Asa Waters Mansion, Admission: $3 for guided tour $7-10 for tea. 123 Elm St., Millbury. 508-865-0855 or Booklovers’ Gourmet, ”In Between Words”, an exhibition of photographs by Danielle Wilbur, Through June 30; Magical Movement and Exciting Discoveries: Artwork by Kimberly Carmichael, Monday - Tuesday. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 55 East Main St., Webster. 508-949-6232 or er3. com/book. Clark’s Cafe and Art On Rotation Gallery, Hours: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday - Saturday. Admission: Free for galler. 310 High St., Clinton. 978-549-5822 or 978-365-7772 or Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 or Dark World Gallery, Fallen, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through July 3. Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 179 Grafton St. DZian Gallery, Can Genocide Be Prevented?, Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through July 3. Hours: 11
Tuesdays, through Aug. 28; Preschool and Toddler Wednesdays, Wednesdays, through Dec. 19. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $14 adults; $10 for children ages 2-18, college students with IDs & for senior citizens (65+). Children under 2 & EcoTarium members free.
MAN’S cles
by Ron Rosenstock, Through July 15; Wall at WAM: Charline von Heyl, Through Dec. 31; FREE general admission in July and August!, Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, July 1 - Aug. 31. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, free for youth 17 and under. Free for all first Saturdays of each month, 10am-noon. 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406 or Worcester Center for Crafts, Vases of Spring: Annual Show & Sale, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through July 14. Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, closed Saturday. 25 Sagamore Road. 508753-8183 or Worcester Historical Museum, 30x30@30: Your City, Your History, Through Aug. 18; Benchley, Behrman, and Bishop: Wit, Wisdom and Whimsy from the Great Writers of Worcester, Thursday; Blue Star Museums Military Personnel & Family Discount to Worcester Historical Museum, Through Sept. 1; In Their Shirtsleeves, Through Dec. 31; The Unsinkable Ship, Through June 30. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 or
theater/ comedy
Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Escape - at Biagio’s Restaurant Great Food and Fun Make Reservations Early at 800-401-2221 or online at $20 per person except Special Events. 8 p.m.-midnight Biagio’s Grille, Comedy Room, 257 Park Ave. Call 800-401-2221 or visit Comedy Show with Orlando Baxter, James Dorsey & Others - Saturday, June 30. Come join us for a night of comedy and entertainment at the Worcester Hibernian Cultural Centre, 19 Temple Street. The evening will feature several comedians including Orlando Baxter (, known for his unique and fresh perspective, and James Dorsey, who shares his life experiences through high energy, witty act-outs and facial expressions. In addition, DJ Cookie will be entertaining the crowd in the latter hours of the night... a show not to be missed! $20 in advance; $25 at the door. 6-10 p.m. Worcester Hibernian Cultural Centre, 19 Temple St. Call 508-792-3700.
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Additional charges apply for Tree Canopy Walkway, Explorer Express Train, planetarium programs & other special programs. 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2700 or Higgins Armory Museum, WOO Card good at Higgins Armory Museum, Through Dec. 31. Hours: noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: General Admission: $12 for Adults, $9 for Seniors (age 60+), $7 for Children (age 4-16), Children 3 and under are Free. 100 Barber Ave. 508-8536015 or Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Monarch Larva Monitoring Become a Citizen Scientist, Saturday. Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 414 Massasoit Ave. 508-753-6087 or The Sprinkler Factory, Emerging Perspectives: Recent Work from Assumption College Graduates, Sundays, Saturdays, through June 30. Hours: noon-6 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 38 Harlow St. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Clematis: Queen of the Vines, Saturday; Book signing for “The Spectacular Summer Lost then Found Essays Salads, Saturday; Guided of Joe Fusco Jr.” on Garden Tour, Sundays, Thursday, June 28, features through Dec. 30; Garden a plethora of new and used OPEN on Independence books for every taste and Day, Wednesday. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, imagination. 7-9 p.m. Annie’s closed Monday, 10 a.m. to Book Shop, 65 James St. 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 508-796-5613. Admission: $10 Adults, $7 Seniors & $5 Youth, FREE to Members & Children under . 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111 or Westboro Gallery, ”Journey”, Photographic Exhibit by Jeanine Vitale, Through July 6. Hours: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 8 West Main St., Westborough. 508-870-0110 or westborogallery. com. Worcester Art Museum, Art Since the Mid-20th Century, Through Dec. 31; Blue Star Museums Military Personnel & Family Discount to Worcester Art Museum, Through Sept. 1; Exhibit- Carrie Moyer: Interstellar, Through Aug. 19; Hymn to the Earth: Photographs
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• JUNE 28, 2012
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night day &
Wisecracks Comedy Club @ Jose Murphy’s - Saturdays, Saturday, June 30 - Saturday, November 17. Wisecracks is Worcester County’s newest and hottest comedy club franchise - this location is in Jose Murphy’s (2nd floor) every Saturday night. There’s a full bar and food menu in the showroom! You’ll see comics that have been on Comedy Central, HBO and all the late night shows. This location is also 18+ We are expanding to several other venues in central Massachusetts!!! Go to our website for more information. $15 (All Woo card holders and active duty military is 2 for 1). 8-10 p.m. Jose’ Murphy’s, 2nd Floor, 97-103 Water St. Call 508-792-0900 or visit
classes/ workshops >Thursday 28
Bullying Prevention with Pam Garramone of Gt. Boston PFLAG. In response to two widely reported suicides in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts legislature passed its sweeping Bullying Prevention Law in 2010. Among
3 or more: $25) Registration deadline is Monday, June 25 7-8:15 p.m. Joy of Music Program, Recital Hall, 1 Gorham St. 508-856-9541.
{ listings}
>Friday 29
Neighborhood Nature at Elm Park. Free. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Elm Park, Highland St. and Park Ave.
>Saturday 30
Sailing/Beginner Adult. New Saturday Class! Adult Beginner Sailing-Learn the art of sailing in 6 short weeks. Knots, weather, points of sail,and safety will be covered in this class. Chance to earn your Helmsmen certification and move on to Advanced Beginner $169/ Free to RPCS members. 12:30-2:30 p.m. Lake Quinsigamond/Regatta Point State Park, 10 Lake Ave North. 508-757-2410 or
Don’t miss this month’s issue of
baystateparent Available free at iParty, select McDonalds, select Panera Bread Cafes and over 1,000 other locations throughout the Bay State!
>Tuesday 3
Roots of Tribal Fusion Bellydance with Baseema. Tribal
Looking for some weekend tunes? Let’s start the two-day break off early on Thursday, June 28 with some Holden-based folk/indie sounds with The Smile Makers and Jacob Haller from 8:30-11:30 p.m. at Beatnik’s, (433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877). Or for something different this night, try out Klezwoods, a nontraditional Klezmer band that describes itself as a mix of Klezmer, Balkan and Arabic tunes with modern grooves, harmonies and amazing improvisation. See them with no cover from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. at Nick’s Bar and Restaurant (124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030).
other provisions, the law mandated notification of a bullying incident to the parents of both the perpetrator and the victim, and directed the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to adopt regulations governing parent notification. Pride in Southbridge was first celebrated at Jacob Edwards Library, in 2006. Its goal is to raise awareness of the combined contributions the GLBT and straight community makes to the Tri-Community region The event is organized in June each year. FREE. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Jacob Edwards Library, Reading Room, 236 Main St., Southbridge. 508-764-5426. Meet the Instruments Concert ~ age 6 to adult. This concert by JOMP Faculty Brass, String and Wind Trios, is for families wanting to learn more about Wind, String and Brass instruments. The program will include a brief demonstration of each family of instruments as well as performances by each trio: Wind (flute, oboe and clarinet); String (violin, viola and cello); and Brass (trumpet, trombone and horn). Faculty members will be available after the concert to answer questions about their instruments. $10 per person (Families of
Fusion Bellydance has grown in popularity in recent years. It is slinky, sexy, and spiritual all at the same time; a wonderful way to express the Divine Feminine through dance. The “Fusion” in Tribal Fusion Bellydance is what makes this style appealing to many creative dancers, but also difficult to define. While there are very few rules in Tribal Fusion, the one constant is that the dancer should be versed in American Tribal Style (ATS) Bellydance as taught by Carolena Nericcio of FatChance BellyDance. In this class, Baseema brings us back to the roots of Tribal. She will teach choreographies whose movements come straight from ATS combinations. Baseema will first teach how they’re danced in an ATS group performance, and then how they can be modified for individual choreographies. This class is highly recommended for ALL Tribal Fusion dancers who want to know where their art form comes from, and who want to give more authenticity to their dance. to pre-register, email: Tuition for this series is due on or before the first night of class, July 3rd. Cash, check, debit, and credit cards are accepted. You may mail in a registration check to The Gypsy’s Cauldron, 117 Main St, Spencer MA 01562 $50 for 4 weeks. 7-8:15 p.m. The Gypsy’s Cauldron, 117 Main St., Second Floor, Spencer. 508-885-3639 or
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MIKE FELGER The season of parties and barbecues is upon us! It’s time to enjoy the long summer days with family and friends.
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* ATTENTION DEALERS if you’d like to be featured in this section please contact Erin @ 978-728-4302 Buick
2012 LaCrosse Mi: 10,159 Ext: White Stk#: R5011 $29,184 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 LaCrosse CXL Mi: 5,555 Ext: Black Stk#: R5013 $25,946 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 LaCrosse CXL Mi: 26,915 Ext: White Stk#: R4097 $22,860 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 LaCrosse CXS Mi: 25,875 Ext: White Stk#: P4088 $26,986 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2003 LeSabre LTD Mi: 36,313 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5051 $10,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Lucerne CXL Mi: 40,380 Ext: Silver Stk#: R4042A $16,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Regal CXL Mi: 13,590 Ext: Gold Stk#: P5020 $26,569 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Regal CXL Mi: 1,165 Ext: Blue Stk#: P4089 $25,512 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2012 CTS Mi: 215 Ext: White Stk#: CT12417A $42,805 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 CTS Mi: 2,758 Ext: Green Stk#: ES11254C $30,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 CTS Mi: 42,787 Ext: Blue Stk#: P9115 $29,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2005 CTS Mi: 54,521 Ext: Gray Stk#: TE12454B Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 DTS Mi: 40,452 Ext: Silver Stk#: 12103A $21,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Escalade Mi: 64,098 Ext: Gray Stk#: AC12781A $27,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Escalade EXT Mi: 21,104 Ext: Black Stk#: ES12589A $51,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Escalade EXT Mi: 29,405 Ext: Red Stk#: CT12360A $42,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Escalade Hybrid Mi: 42,125 Ext: White Stk#: ES12091A $44,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 SRX Mi: 6,201 Ext: Mocha Stk#: TK11462B $41,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 SRX Mi: 51,534 Ext: Red Stk#: SR12370A $35,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Avalanche LTZ Mi: 17,338 Ext: Black Stk#: P5050 $38,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Aveo Mi: 33,640 Ext: Red Stk#: CU4705 $11,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Aveo LS Mi: 39,510 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5047 $12,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2007 Aveo LS Mi: 99,531 Ext: Blue Stk#: SN12083B $6,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Aveo LT Mi: 42,509 Ext: Gray Stk#: SN12430A $11,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 C4500 Mi: 67,765 Ext: White Stk#: P4079 $37,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 8,256 Ext: Black Stk#: 3264 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 9,306 Ext: Black Stk#: 3274 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 8,900 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3272 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 8,584 Ext: Black Stk#: 3270 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 7,527 Ext: Gray Stk#: 3271 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LT Mi: 7,154 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3269 $27,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LT Mi: 15,295 Ext: Arctic Stk#: 3265 $27,775 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LT Mi: 7,591 Ext: Arctic Stk#: 3275 $27,775 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Colorado LT Mi: 13,973 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3262 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 Colorado LT Mi: 24,032 Ext: Red Stk#: 12741A $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Colorado LT Mi: 35,814 Ext: White Stk#: P9118 $18,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Cruze LT Mi: 13,740 Ext: Red Stk#: P5042 $18,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2012 Cruze LT Mi: 26,984 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3263 $18,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Cruze LT Mi: 543 Ext: Taupe Stk#: 3276 Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Cruze LTZ Mi: 15,706 Ext: Black Stk#: 3256 $22,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Cruze LTZ Mi: 12,260 Ext: White Stk#: 3249 $22,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Equinox Mi: 26,355 Ext: Black Stk#: LA12884A $23,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Equinox LT Mi: 17,104 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5001 $22,895 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2008 Equinox LT Mi: 64,916 Ext: White Stk#: 3170A $14,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Equinox S Mi: 37,888 Ext: Blue Stk#: 115282A $19,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Express 1500 Mi: 33,025 Ext: White Stk#: 3277 Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Express 2500 Mi: 20,694 Ext: White Stk#: P9087 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Express 2500 Mi: 23,566 Ext: White Stk#: 3213 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Express 2500 Mi: 23,740 Ext: White Stk#: 3214 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2010 Express 3500 Mi: 36,365 Ext: White Stk#: R4072 $21,688 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Express 3500 LT Mi: 9,860 Ext: White Stk#: 3268 $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Express 3500 LT Mi: 9,860 Ext: White Stk#: 3267 $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 HHR LT Mi: 30,578 Ext: Arctic Stk#: P9074 $14,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 HHR LT Mi: 30,486 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9073 $14,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
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2003 Impala Mi: 81,668 Ext: Berry Stk#: 13104A $7,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2000 Impala Mi: 50,871 Ext: Brown Stk#: IM12489B $5,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Impala LS Mi: 15,075 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5044 $17,245 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Impala LS Mi: 31,123 Ext: Black Stk#: P9056 $14,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2005 Impala LS Mi: 69,405 Ext: Gray Stk#: MB12910A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Impala LT Mi: 15,116 Ext: White Stk#: 3237 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Impala LT Mi: 14,916 Ext: White Stk#: 3255 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Impala LT Mi: 18,610 Ext: White Stk#: R4093 $17,602 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2008 Impala LT Mi: 72,887 Ext: Slate Stk#: IM12175A $9,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2006 Impala LT Mi: 96,226 Ext: White Stk#: MB13100B $8,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Impala LTZ Mi: 9,130 Ext: Black Stk#: 3273 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Impala LTZ Mi: 13,017 Ext: White Stk#: P9068 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Impala LTZ Mi: 30,266 Ext: White Stk#: 11603A $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Impala LTZ Mi: 82,028 Ext: Gray Stk#: 3236A $11,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2004 K2500 Mi: 35,552 Ext: Black Stk#: AC12451A $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Malibu LS Mi: 9,761 Ext: Gold Stk#: 12424A $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Malibu LT Mi: 15,966 Ext: Beige Stk#: P9099 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 11,661 Ext: White Stk#: 3218 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 10,524 Ext: Silver Stk#: R5015 $19,949 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 14,105 Ext: White Stk#: 3221 $17,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 14,450 Ext: Gold Stk#: P5043 $17,899 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Malibu LTZ Mi: 18,500 Ext: Black Stk#: P9097 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Malibu LTZ Mi: 10,242 Ext: White Stk#: 3234 $20,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Malibu LZ Mi: 1,777 Ext: White Stk#: EQ12440A $24,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Silverado 1500 Mi: 15,962 Ext: Red Stk#: P5029 $18,499 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2006 Silverado 1500 Mi: 66,819 Ext: Black Stk#: YK12219B $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2005 Silverado 1500 Mi: 105,426 Ext: Red Stk#: TK12326A $13,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2003 Silverado 1500 Mi: 91,452 Ext: White Stk#: 12554B $8,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
1999 Silverado 1500 Mi: 179,925 Ext: Brown Stk#: 12775C Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Silverado 1500 LS Mi: 39,128 Ext: Blue Stk#: TK12170A $23,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2006 Silverado 1500 LS Mi: 20,089 Ext: Blue Stk#: 12798A $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 37,921 Ext: Red Stk#: 12734A $28,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 20,693 Ext: White Stk#: P8984 $26,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 51,919 Ext: Red Stk#: 12700A $26,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2010 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 19,775 Ext: Black Stk#: 12770A $24,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 60,921 Ext: Gray Stk#: 12708A $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Silverado 1500 LTZ Mi: 19,813 Ext: White Stk#: 12739A $34,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Silverado 2500 HD Mi: 6,692 Ext: White Stk#: 3261 $38,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2010 Silverado 2500 HD Mi: 43,644 Ext: Blue Stk#: 12674A $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Silverado 2500 LT Mi: 9,258 Ext: Gray Stk#: P9105 $44,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Silverado 2500 LT Mi: 30,848 Ext: Black Stk#: 3246A $29,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2010 Silverado 2500 LT Mi: 50,090 Ext: Silver Stk#: G53789A $29,416 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Silverado 2500 LTZ Mi: 50,200 Ext: White Stk#: G59069A $36,726 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Silverado 3500 HD Mi: 14,788 Ext: Gray Stk#: P5038 $31,499 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2006 Suburban 1500 LS Mi: 81,000 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3244 $15,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Suburban 1500 LT Mi: 13,588 Ext: Mocha Stk#: 3266 $41,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Suburban 1500 LT Mi: 70,231 Ext: White Stk#: 11693B $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Tahoe LT Mi: 59,052 Ext: Black Stk#: 11642A $31,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Tahoe LTZ Mi: 16,861 Ext: Gold Stk#: 3238 $48,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Tahoe LTZ Mi: 33,498 Ext: White Stk#: ES11287A $44,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Tahoe LTZ Mi: 40,826 Ext: White Stk#: 12781A $39,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 TrailBlazer LT Mi: 45,505 Ext: N/A Stk#: N/A $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Traverse LS Mi: 17,760 Ext: Blue Stk#: P9117 $24,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Traverse LT Mi: 13,523 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3229 $35,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Traverse LT Mi: 13,809 Ext: Red Stk#: 3243 $33,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2010 Traverse LTZ Mi: 40,147 Ext: N/A Stk#: P9111 $33,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 200 LX Mi: 5,812 Ext: Sapphire Stk#: 115408A $19,975 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Town & Country Mi: 29,259 Ext: White Stk#: TU6016R $23,995 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Town & Country Mi: 54,259 Ext: Black Stk#: MB12414A $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2005 Town & Country Mi: 63,800 Ext: Silver Stk#: G14802A $9,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Charger SXT Mi: 45,134 Ext: Gray Stk#: 3258A $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Ram 1500 Mi: 15,999 Ext: Green Stk#: SI12081A $28,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Ram 1500 ST Mi: 36,139 Ext: Black Stk#: 12104A $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2006 Ram 3500 ST Mi: 51,425 Ext: Red Stk#: 12711A $29,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Crown Victoria LX Mi: 16,233 Ext: Black Stk#: CU4645R $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 E-250 Mi: 5,969 Ext: White Stk#: TU6034R $22,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 E-250 Mi: 9,883 Ext: White Stk#: TU6090 $20,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 E-350 SD Mi: 13,925 Ext: White Stk#: TU6032R $22,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2008 E-350 SD XLT Mi: 31,995 Ext: Blue Stk#: 3260 $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Edge LTD Mi: 28,013 Ext: Pearl Stk#: TU5874R $25,995 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Escape LTD Mi: 40,142 Ext: Red Stk#: TU6069 $21,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2008 Escape LTD Mi: 61,161 Ext: Silver Stk#: TU6064 $16,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
Central Mass Pre-Owned Auto
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2011 Escape XLT Mi: 19,416 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6007R $23,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Escape XLT Mi: 18,126 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6017R $22,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Escape XLT Mi: 27,017 Ext: Brown Stk#: TU6018R $21,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2008 Escape XLT Mi: 28,061 Ext: Kiwi Stk#: TU5925R $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Explorer XLT Mi: 27,516 Ext: Silver Stk#: TU6006R $33,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 F-150 Mi: 22,558 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6071R $29,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 F-150 Mi: 13,392 Ext: White Stk#: TU6052R $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2009 F-150 SC Mi: 67,954 Ext: Red Stk#: TU5999 $27,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 F-250 Mi: 19,541 Ext: Gray Stk#: SI12289A $34,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 F-250 Mi: 52,635 Ext: White Stk#: TU6041 $28,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 F-350 Mi: 32,419 Ext: Green Stk#: SI12892A $34,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 F-350 Mi: 31,596 Ext: Brown Stk#: TU5895 $28,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2006 F-350 Mi: 38,111 Ext: Blue Stk#: TU6062 $27,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2003 F-350 Mi: 42,439 Ext: Green Stk#: TU5977 $15,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2009 Flex Limited Mi: 80,791 Ext: Cinnamon Stk#: TU5948 $20,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2012 Focus SE Mi: 9,135 Ext: Red Stk#: CU4695 $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Focus SES Mi: 30,963 Ext: Ebony Stk#: CU4654R $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Focus SES Mi: 34,674 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4662R $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Focus SES Mi: 38,380 Ext: Ebony Stk#: P5046 $15,899 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Fusion SE Mi: 23,962 Ext: Blue Stk#: CU4597R $19,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Fusion SE Mi: 28,445 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4646R $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Fusion SE Mi: 36,959 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4556R $17,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2007 Mustang Mi: 67,387 Ext: Black Stk#: 121468A $15,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Mustang GT Mi: 29,410 Ext: Black Stk#: 111364A $24,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Ranger Mi: 58,230 Ext: Redfire Stk#: TU5979 $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2005 Ranger XLT Mi: 81,828 Ext: Black Stk#: 115424A $14,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Taurus LTD Mi: 106,623 Ext: White Stk#: CU4609 $11,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2009 Taurus SE Mi: 52,123 Ext: Maroon Stk#: P9048 $13,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Taurus SEL Mi: 59,575 Ext: Gold Stk#: CU4649 $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2008 Acadia Mi: 52,596 Ext: White Stk#: AC12854A $24,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 Acadia Mi: 73,739 Ext: Red Stk#: TE12285C $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Acadia SL Mi: N/A Ext: Silver Stk#: R5053 Call Us Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Acadia SLE Mi: 31,769 Ext: Gray Stk#: P5052 $32,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Acadia SLE Mi: 66,667 Ext: Beige Stk#: G13224A $20,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Acadia SLT Mi: 17,510 Ext: Carbon Stk#: AC12718A $36,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Acadia SLT Mi: 23,610 Ext: White Stk#: R4080 $32,345 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Acadia SLT Mi: 45,537 Ext: Silver Stk#: G13542A $25,724 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2012 Canyon Mi: 10,507 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9112 $26,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Canyon SLE Mi: 15,220 Ext: Black Stk#: R5032 $23,959 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2006 Envoy Mi: 74,757 Ext: Brown Stk#: TU5929 $13,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2005 Envoy SLE Mi: 82,352 Ext: White Stk#: 121175A $11,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Sierra 1500 Mi: 20,577 Ext: White Stk#: P5039 $40,799 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Sierra 1500 Mi: 15,305 Ext: Gray Stk#: G21009A $23,726 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Sierra 1500 Mi: 20,346 Ext: White Stk#: P5045 $16,899 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 8,840 Ext: Gray Stk#: P4084 $33,495 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 12,400 Ext: Red Stk#: P4083 $33,495 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 22,131 Ext: Red Stk#: 3252 $32,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 24,561 Ext: Black Stk#: G97569A $29,869 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2006 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 78,459 Ext: Sand Stk#: 101453C $16,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Sierra 2500 HD SLT Mi: 35,165 Ext: White Stk#: P4085 $42,683 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Sierra 3500 HD Mi: 24,891 Ext: Blue Stk#: P4067 $36,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Sierra 3500 HD Mi: 16,052 Ext: Black Stk#: P5034 $29,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Terrain SLE Mi: 31,852 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6077 $24,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Terrain SLE Mi: 35,600 Ext: Black Stk#: G38266A $20,843 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
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2012 Terrain SLT Mi: 18,689 Ext: Silver Stk#: R5018 $29,888 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Terrain SLT Mi: 26,611 Ext: Silver Stk#: R4096 $25,602 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2008 Yukon 1500 SLT XL Mi: 57,804 Ext: White Stk#: P8985 $33,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Yukon 1500 SLT XL Mi: 84,940 Ext: Black Stk#: G47425A $30,648 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Yukon Denali Mi: 17,290 Ext: White Stk#: P5041 $47,899 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Yukon Denali Mi: 46,578 Ext: Black Stk#: P5030 $44,979 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2012 Yukon SLT Mi: 8,745 Ext: White Stk#: P5026 $42,950 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2012 Yukon SLT Mi: 16,055 Ext: Black Stk#: P5027 $42,823 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Accord EX Mi: 8,262 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5040 $21,869 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Accord EX Mi: 41,702 Ext: White Stk#: 115151A $20,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Accord EX Mi: 26,914 Ext: Green Stk#: 115279A $18,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Accord EX Mi: 51,407 Ext: Gray Stk#: EQ12255A $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Civic EX Mi: 61,166 Ext: Blue Stk#: 115184B $15,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Civic LX Mi: 49,217 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121362A $14,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 Civic LX Mi: 62,845 Ext: White Stk#: CU4659 $12,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2007 CR-V EX Mi: 58,713 Ext: Red Stk#: 111808A $18,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2005 CR-V EX Mi: 41,271 Ext: Sand Stk#: 121540A $15,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2003 Element EX Mi: 90,774 Ext: Orange Stk#: 125004B $10,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Insight EX Mi: 31,191 Ext: Silver Stk#: 135032A $19,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2005 Odyssey EX Mi: 73,647 Ext: White Stk#: TU6084 $13,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2009 Santa Fe Mi: 33,827 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121332A $20,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Santa Fe Mi: 41,130 Ext: Khaki Stk#: TU5962 $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Sonata GLS Mi: 38,895 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121033A $15,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 Sonata SE Mi: 26,762 Ext: Black Stk#: 121385A $14,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2006 Tiburon GS Mi: 72,519 Ext: Yellow Stk#: 121456A $10,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2003 Grand Cherokee LT Mi: 76,388 Ext: Green Stk#: 12696B Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2010 Liberty S Mi: 28,892 Ext: Sandstone Stk#: P9090 $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Liberty S Mi: 97,286 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121445A $15,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Patriot S Mi: 28,667 Ext: Black Stk#: 121507B $17,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Wrangler Rubicon Mi: 18,857 Ext: Blue Stk#: TU6024 $28,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Wrangler S Islander Mi: 18,749 Ext: White Stk#: 125048A $26,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Wrangler Un-LTD Mi: 35,389 Ext: Black Stk#: CT12259B $24,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Forte EX Mi: 24,366 Ext: Red Stk#: 11648B $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Sorento Mi: 49,346 Ext: Blue Stk#: EQ12120B $13,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Soul Mi: 31,324 Ext: Shadow Stk#: CU4259R $14,922 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2008 GX 470 Mi: 64,738 Ext: Gray Stk#: 12515A $32,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2010 RX 350 Mi: 31,170 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3250 $34,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 MKX Mi: 34,356 Ext: White Stk#: M1434 $29,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 2 Touring Mi: 18,161 Ext: Black Stk#: 125268A $16,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 i S Mi: 20,987 Ext: Silver Stk#: 115372A $16,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 i S Mi: 19,863 Ext: Silver Stk#: 115325A $16,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 3 i Touring Mi: 10,922 Ext: Graphite Stk#: M1410 $18,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 S Mi: 3,038 Ext: Black Stk#: M1388 $22,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 3 S Mi: 17,401 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 111730B $20,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2012 6 Mi: 212 Ext: Silver Stk#: 125231A $21,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 6 Mi: 8,511 Ext: BL-Cherry Stk#: M1413 $20,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 6 Mi: 10,005 Ext: Black Stk#: 115413A $20,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 6 Mi: 11,485 Ext: Gray Stk#: M1426 $20,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 6 Mi: 8,869 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1390 $19,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 6 i Sport Mi: 10,194 Ext: Black Stk#: M1433 $19,990 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 6 i Sport Mi: 36,931 Ext: Gray Stk#: 135031A $17,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 6 i Sport Mi: 4,047 Ext: Red Stk#: 115109A $17,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2002 626 LX Mi: 50,664 Ext: Silver Stk#: 135046A Call Us North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-7 i SV Mi: 9,964 Ext: Black Stk#: 115176A $19,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-7 i SV Mi: 9,654 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1323A $18,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 CX-7 S Mi: 18,892 Ext: Black Stk#: M1405 $26,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 CX-7 S Mi: 9,040 Ext: Blue Stk#: 115377A $24,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-7 S Mi: 24,857 Ext: Black Stk#: 115415A $19,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 CX-7 S Mi: 44,836 Ext: Platinum Stk#: 115083B $18,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 CX-7 S Mi: 36,136 Ext: Platinum Stk#: 115418A $17,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 934 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1420 $35,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 22,520 Ext: Gray Stk#: 125346A $34,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 8,004 Ext: Crystal Stk#: M1391 $33,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-9 GT Mi: 59,205 Ext: Silver Stk#: 125302A $28,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-9 Sport Mi: 28,106 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 115208A $25,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 CX-9 Sport Mi: 59,586 Ext: Red Stk#: 115399B $19,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-9 Touring Mi: 14,840 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1431-C $29,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 CX-9 Touring Mi: 41,204 Ext: Black Stk#: M1421 $28,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-9 Touring Mi: 34,492 Ext: Black Stk#: 125352A $26,950 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 CX-9 Touring Mi: 85,637 Ext: Black Stk#: 135003A $20,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 MX-5 Miata S Mi: 16,100 Ext: Black Stk#: M1404 $20,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 RX-8 Sport Mi: 4,986 Ext: Red Stk#: M1384 $22,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
Central Mass Pre-Owned Auto
J U NE 2 8 , 2 0 12 â&#x20AC;˘ W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
2008 Tribute S Mi: 28,836 Ext: Redfire Stk#: 125216A $19,950 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2004 Grand Marquis LS Mi: 98,400 Ext: Green Stk#: CU3622 $10,995 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Milan Mi: 8,960 Ext: Gray Stk#: CU4683R $19,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Milan Mi: 13,155 Ext: Black Stk#: CU4689R $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2009 Milan Premier Mi: 29,774 Ext: Smoke Stk#: CU4655R $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2007 Montego Mi: 82,725 Ext: Alloy Stk#: CU4688 $11,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2007 Mountaineer Mi: 79,356 Ext: Red Stk#: TU5997 $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2008 Sable Mi: 57,211 Ext: White Stk#: MB12557A $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Altima S Mi: 35,677 Ext: Black Stk#: CA12947C $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Altima SL Mi: 17,215 Ext: Gray Stk#: 115400A $23,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2005 Pathfinder Mi: 74,001 Ext: Blue Stk#: SI12245A $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Rogue SL Mi: 69,812 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125299A $16,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 Sentra Mi: 101,687 Ext: Gray Stk#: 115316A $12,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Sentra Mi: 82,612 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121094B $11,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 Sentra Mi: 80,997 Ext: Sunset Stk#: 1519A $11,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Versa Mi: 24,533 Ext: Black Stk#: P9106B $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 G6 Mi: 15,091 Ext: Blue Stk#: P9089 $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2006 G6 Mi: 59,560 Ext: Beige Stk#: B52733A $8,998 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2008 G6 GT Mi: 35,950 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5048 $14,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2007 G6 GT Mi: 60,900 Ext: Black Stk#: 3195AA $10,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Grand Prix Mi: 81,524 Ext: Brown Stk#: P9101B $9,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Solstice GXP Mi: 21,596 Ext: Blue Stk#: CT11497B $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Torrent GXP Mi: 29,505 Ext: Black Stk#: P9098 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Torrent LT Mi: 61,301 Ext: Blue Stk#: MB12270A $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 Aura XE Mi: 69,305 Ext: Red Stk#: MB12258A $11,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Vue XE Mi: 67,759 Ext: Gray Stk#: MB12333A $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Forester Mi: 29,765 Ext: Black Stk#: 125123A $23,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester Mi: 22,035 Ext: Red Stk#: 121519A $22,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Forester Mi: 20,992 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121487A $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester Mi: 40,909 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121435A $21,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Forester Mi: 40,581 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121288A $20,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester Mi: 52,560 Ext: White Stk#: 1520A $20,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester X Mi: 26,756 Ext: Gray Stk#: 1484 $19,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Forester X LTD Mi: 21,948 Ext: Red Stk#: 1531-C $25,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester X LTD Mi: 30,675 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121415A $23,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2012 Impreza Mi: 4,003 Ext: White Stk#: 121441A $20,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Impreza Mi: 49,275 Ext: Red Stk#: 121345A $18,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Impreza Mi: 32,293 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121548A $18,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Impreza Mi: 21,572 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121317A $17,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Impreza Mi: 43,050 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121539A $16,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Impreza Mi: 34,367 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121358A $16,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Impreza Mi: 59,022 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121521A $14,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Impreza GT Mi: 37,279 Ext: White Stk#: 121301A $21,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Impreza Outback Mi: 14,121 Ext: Red Stk#: 121386A $22,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Impreza Outback Mi: 34,105 Ext: BL-Silver Stk#: 121461A $19,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Impreza Outback Mi: 44,015 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121545A $19,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Impreza Outback Mi: 55,398 Ext: Black Stk#: 121366A $18,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2012 Legacy Mi: 8,515 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121372A $22,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Legacy Mi: 15,132 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121287A $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Legacy Mi: 43,108 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121302A $20,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 Legacy Mi: 99,257 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121533A $13,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 Legacy GT Ltd Mi: 39,554 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121526A $20,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Legacy Ltd Mi: 30,943 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121290A $24,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Legacy Ltd Mi: 27,058 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121179A $23,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Outback Mi: 20,321 Ext: Blue Stk#: 1529-C $24,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Outback Mi: 27,571 Ext: Green Stk#: 121384A $22,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Outback Mi: 34,990 Ext: Gray Stk#: 1494-C $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Outback Mi: 55,270 Ext: White Stk#: 121235A $19,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2006 Outback Mi: 77,983 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121243A $14,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Outback Ltd Mi: 11,690 Ext: Green Stk#: 121162A $29,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Outback Ltd Mi: 21,159 Ext: White Stk#: 1525 $27,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Outback Ltd Mi: 41,743 Ext: Green Stk#: 121529A $22,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Outback Ltd Mi: 52,964 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121326A $22,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2006 Outback Ltd Mi: 65,789 Ext: Silver Stk#: 125185A $17,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Camry Mi: 31,350 Ext: Gray Stk#: CU4607 $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Camry LE Mi: 10,778 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121280A $19,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Camry LE Mi: 19,804 Ext: Gray Stk#: CT12204A $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 Camry LE Mi: 45,555 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121481A $16,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Corolla Mi: 25,085 Ext: Gray Stk#: CU4638R $16,599 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Corolla Mi: 22,264 Ext: Red Stk#: CU4679R $16,599 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2009 Corolla Mi: 27,051 Ext: Gold Stk#: CR12661A $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Corolla LE Mi: 5,615 Ext: Gray Stk#: 115362A $19,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
â&#x20AC;˘ J U NE 2 8 , 2 0 12
Central Mass Pre-Owned Auto
LOOK INSIDE FOR... Camp Directory Crossword Puzzle Yard Sale Directory Sudoku & Much More! Early deadline for the week of July 5th will be Friday June 29th at noon. To Contact email-
Brand New Queen Sets
$150 Made by Serta
508-410-7050 To Advertise in the Bulletin Board call Erin or Vanessa at 978-728-4302
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If you have a problem with opiates like heroin, Oxycontin or Percocets, you may be eligible to participate in a 3-month Suboxone research study to test medications for opioid abuse. This study is being conducted by the University of Massachusetts Medical School. We are currently seeking volunteers ages 18 to 25. If you are interested, please call Chelsea or leave a message at (508) 856-4566. All calls are confidential. Docket #13261.
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Wachusett PC Support"Your computer Support and Service Specialist" *Hardware & Software installs *Security & Virus Removal *Custom Builds *Remote assistance & More!! Call Gary today 978-464-5875
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Rose’s House Cleaning Shampoo 1 room and get the 2nd room FREE!! Weekly~Bi-Weekly~Monthly Worcester & Surrounding towns Free Estimates 508-373-8440 DRIVEWAYS or call 508-987-6900 for FREE ESTIMATE
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PHONE: 978-728-4302 FAX: 978-534-6004
FENCE & STONE Commonwealth Fence & Stone Your Complete Fence & Stone Company. All fence types- Cedar, Vinyl, Chain Link, Post & Rail, Ornamental, Pool. Hardscapes- Stone Wall, Walkways, Patios. For a free estimate contact: 508-835-1644
HOME REPAIR/ RESTORATION Man Around the House Roofs, Decks, Siding, Windows, Kitchen Remodel, Bonus Rooms, Finished Basements & Additions *We deal directly with your Insurance for Fire, Water & Ice claims Please call Roger at 860-928-7349
FLOORING/CARPETING C & S Carpet Mills Carpet & Linoleum 30 Sq. Yds. $549 Installed with Pad. Free Metal Incl’d. Berber, Plush or Commercial. Call Tom: 800-861-5445 or 508-886-2624 HOME IMPROVEMENT Brad’s Home Improvement Quality Workmanship Reasonable Rates Licensed & Insured 508-829-7361/ 508-380-7453
PAINTING/REPAIRS Clever Painting Interior, Exterior, Carpentry 25 Yrs Exp, Best Quality & Fair Prices. Free Estimates, References, Insured. 978-387-1690 Interior & Exterior Painting Power washing, carpentry, wallpapering, water damage repair. Call Jim Charest Countryside Painting 508-865-4321 508-277-9421 PLUMBING R. Fresolo Plumbing & Heating Inc. Water Heaters * Gas/Oil Boilers * Furnaces Honest, Simple Solutions for your Commercial & Residential Needs. 508-752-0045
FOSTER PARENTS WANTED Foster Care Information Session Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month • 2pm-4pm (Please Call for Details)
Seeking families throughout Central Massachusetts who are interested in improving a child’s life. Call to inquire about our upcoming foster parent training. $1,000 SIGN-ON BONUS Call for Details
688 Main Street, Holden, MA Toll Free (877) 446-3305
Do you have PAIN and have used METHADONE or SUBOXONE? A new research study at UMass Medical Center is exploring links between opioid addiction and chronic pain. Can you help us find the answers? Participation will take about an hour and participants will be compensated for their time. If you are interested in participating in this study or need more information, please contact: 508-334-2153 Docket#H-13904 “Meet the Beetles” -- you’re gonna bug out.
- By Matt Jones
Across 1 Part of a bartender’s lineup 7 NCO rank: abbr. 10 It’s clenched 14 Too 15 Desserts with layers 17 ___ hearts (one of 52) 18 “Coming on stung all the time...” 19 “I’ll climb on your kitchen countertop, if it makes you feel alright...” 21 Beaver Cleaver exclamations 22 She recorded the album “21” 23 “Every Kiss Begins with...” jeweler 26 Group of schools in one area, for short 27 Place for an orchestra 29 Weasel that’s white in the winter 31 Ray varieties 34 Ned’s new love interest, on “The Simpsons” 35 “The girl that’s driving me mad is chirping away...” 39 ___-purpose 40 “My Fair Lady” lyricist 41 Canadian capital 44 Snake that killed Cleopatra 45 Thunder gp. 48 “Moonrise Kingdom” director Anderson 49 Unsettled feeling 52 “Black diamonds” 53 “Ah, look at all the lonely pincers...” 56 “And you’re burrowing for no one but me...” 59 Scottish dish that looks gnarly 60 Ground rule doubles and standup triples 61 Els and Grunfeld 62 Hurried home? 63 Enzyme sufÀx 64 Knox in 2011 news Down 1 Phone company with an orange logo 2 Sheep 3 Like cans sold cheap 4 Dobie Gillis’ friend Maynard G. ___ 5 Matty or Felipe of baseball 6 Network that brings you the movie “Piranhaconda”
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7 Did cloak-and-dagger work 8 “The Fox and the Grapes,” e.g. 9 Like jambalaya 10 “I’m gonna live forever” musical 11 Number on the right side of a clock face 12 Amtrak stop: abbr. 13 Mao ___-tung 16 Bieber ___ 20 Hot Wheels company 23 Jason at point guard 24 Photographer Geddes 25 Positive vote 27 Lobbying gp. 28 Tattoos, slangily 30 Former Israeli PM Golda 31 Actress Kunis 32 “The dog ___ my homework” 33 Layers 35 Like kitten videos 36 What Charlie Brown says when he’s mad 37 Run-___ (some sentences) 38 Sales agent 39 ___ Corning 42 “America’s Most Wanted” host John 43 Blood issue 45 Brain 46 Treated way too nicely
47 Milano of “Who’s the Boss?” 50 Tiny Áiers 51 Smell, for one 52 Competitor of Aetna and Humana 53 ___ out a living (scraped by) 54 Perlman of “Cheers” 55 In the vicinity, as guesses go 56 Channel that reairs “The Big Bang Theory” 57 Potent ending? 58 CBS franchise ©2012 Jonesin’ Crosswords (
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Powerwashing Services Full painting services. Cedar, vinyl & aluminum siding, sidewalks, pool decks, patios, fences, brick- blockstone. Call Jim Charest 508865-4321
ROOFING Orlando’s Roofing Company Roofing Specialists *Rubber Roofs *Flat Roofs *Shingles *New Roofs *Re-Roofs *Repair Work Lic#162268 978-466-5154 RUBBISH REMOVAL
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Health, Mind & Beauty
TOTAL DISPOSAL Dumpster Specials 10yd. $230, 15yd $300. Home Clean-outs, Landscape Clean-ups, Demo Rubbish, Appliances. Give us a call and we’ll talk trash. 508864-7755 Trotta & Son Rubbish Homeowner Special Rent a 15 Yd. Dumpster for only $325. Pay one low price, No hidden fees "You name it, we’ll junk it" Serving Worcester County 508-798-2271
LAWN & GARDEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE A&R Landscaping,Inc. Mowing, mulching, tree/ hedge pruning, clean-ups Call today (508)868-9246!
BobcatBob Bobcat Services, $65 per hour, two hour minimums. Trenching, spreading, filling, covering and power raking. Fully insured, OSHA certified. Call BobcatBob 508-579-4670 508-579-4670 Perrone Landscaping Weekly/Biweekly Lawn Maintenance, Mulching, Lawn Renovation, Street & Parking Lot Sweeping Residential & Commercial Properties *Free Estimates *Fully Insured Please call 508-735-9814
ITEMS UNDER $2,012 |
Re-Distribution Center (RDC) Manager Utz Quality Foods, Inc. Utz Quality Foods, Inc. is now hiring for a New England Re-Distribution Center (RDC) Manager, who will be based out of the Sterling, MA warehouse. The NE RDC Manager will be responsible for all operations at the RDC including ensuring on-time deliveries to all Utz Distribution Centers/Distributors, as well as finished goods warehouse inventory and operational efficiencies within Distribution Center/Distributor deliveries including driver scheduling. The successful candidate will possess excellent communication, interpersonal, organizational and problem-solving skills. Must have a working knowledge of warehousing, shipping and transportation operations in order to plan and execute the most cost effective method to ensure on-time deliveries. This person must be capable of demonstrating effective supervisory skills in order to lead and direct others. Previous knowledge of shipping lanes, contract carriers, etc. is not necessary but is recommended. Our benefits package includes medical, dental, prescription, & vision coverage, company provided short-term disability insurance, as well as an option to purchase long-term disability insurance, 401(K) & profit sharing. Paid holidays & vacation. Life/Accidental death insurance. Employee Assistance program. And much more!
Interested individuals should apply online at Utz Quality Food, Inc. is a drug free, EOE/AAE EMPLOYMENT
A COMPETENT DRIVER IS NEEDED We are looking for a dedicated and skilled Driver must have a valid drivers license and be able to pass a drug test at any time.Must be responsible, co-operative and hardworking.Email your resume. mattswilliams101@h Handy Man/Rent-A-Buddy Painting Power-Washing Remodeling Spring Cleanup Carpentry. You name it, I can do it. Please call Bob at 508-963-3593
HELP WANTED Surrogate Mothers Needed Earn $28,000! Seeking women 21-43 non-smokers with healthy pregnancy history
Wayside Antiques 4th of July Celebration Sale 6/ 30 - 7/8. Storewide Sales on Antiques, Collectibles, Mid-Century Modern, Country, Fine Antique Furniture, Oriental Rugs, Art, Art Glass, Depression Glass, China, Hummel’s, Tools, Fishing, Marbles, Books Gift Certificates and more. New dealers in residence. Wayside is located in W Boylston on Rte 12 & 140 at the R.R. Underpass. Open daily 11-5 and Thurs till 8. Call us at 508-835-4690 CEMETERY PLOTS 2 Plots in Worcester County Memorial Park Paxton, MA in Garden of Faith Section. $2,000 for both. Call 508-882-3421 or 951-285-2576 4 Plots in Worcester County Memorial Park $4,000 each. Please call 203-468-5455
1901 Ford Horseless Carriage Replica I’m guessin 1950 era $1,200/BO Frank 978-660-2886 Needs work Apricot 3-Cushion Sofa Like new, $125. For further info, please call 508-8299882
ITEMS UNDER $2,012 Black Granite Counter Top 7’x7" w/ stnlss steel Sink & backsplash 4’8" corner granite $500/BO 508-752-3917 Cameras 6 Total, Nikon 35, Tashica 35, Olympus, Detrola, Melkal, Panasonic palmcorder $50 978-534-5730 Cherry (solid) Server on wheels, cabinets below, tile top $100 Lancaster 978-840 -8890 Cherry wood rocking chair in beautiful condition. Asking $20.00. Call 508 8299240 after 5 p.m. Collectibles Large Retired Byer Caroler Dolls. 15 Available. For further info please call Mill at 508-7564609
Golf Clubs 2 drivers, 4 irons and putter and white cloth bag $25 978-355-0185 Hal Larsen Print Both landscapes $999 508-755-1886 Ladies nail polish mineral make up, watches, silk, jewelry, rolls and more $1,500 or BO 508-340-1508 Mantis Garden Tiller like new, used once Asking $150 or BO 508-799-2953 Navy- WWII 1943-44 68th Seabees in the Alutions Class Bk Companies "A-D" 57 pgs $55 978-422-7792 Oil Tanks- 275 Gal (2) Good condition $125/each Frank 978-660-2886 Leominster Oriental Carpet Room size, Pattern and multi colors from 1930’s. $95. or B.O. 508791-0531
To advertise your Yard Sale call 978-728-4302 or visit
Neighborhood Yard Sale (Holden/Jefferson) Sat., June 30, 8-1. 10+ families on Tannery Dr, Heather Cir, and Windy Ridge Rd., off Quinapoxet Street. Books, movies, clothes (kids and adult), toys, furniture, and more. Something for everyone! Rain or Shine.
Rock & Roll Flea Market Vintage Vinyl Records, Cd’s, Musical Instruments, Collectibles, Comic Books, Magazines, Fashion, Art ++ >>> EVERY SUNDAY <<< ** 12:00 NOON-5:00 PM ** - Ralph’s Diner 148 Grove St. Worcester
6am - 4pm • Acres of Bargains • Hundreds of Vendors • Thousands of Buyers • 43rd Season Rte. 140, Grafton/ Upton town line Grafton Flea is the Place to be! Selling Space 508-839-2217
Pool Table 9 Footer, slate, united good condition $700 978-660-2886 Table & Chairs 42"x54" Natural with green accent and 12" leaf. 4 Chairs, excellent. 508-754-1827 Wood Burning Kitchen Range 1938 Kalamazo White- Mint firebox, $1,200/ BO Call Frank 978-660-2886
Rutland- 22 Village Way Saturday June 30th 8 am 1 pm, large variety cheap. Rain or shine
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Central Mass
Dining room table set beveled, tinted glass top. 4 chairs wicker bk metal frame $75/B.O. 508-886-0135
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Free Book Beautiful, mystical poems. Please send $3 for postage to: Box 334, W. Brookfield, MA 01585. 774289-2022
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French Kohler & Campbell Piano Purch. for $5,000 will sacrifice for $2,000/BO Buyer must move. 508-450-0745 GE Electric Choral Organ Chord, black and white keys $20 508-987-3154 GE Stove, Refrigerator and dishwasher $500 takes all 508-829-3995
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YARD SALES & FLEA MARKETS Rutland- 22 Village Way Saturday June 30th 8 am 1 pm, large variety cheap. Rain or shine
REAL ESTATE Neighborhood Yard Sale (Holden/Jefferson) Sat., June 30, 8-1. 10+ families on Tannery Dr, Heather Cir, and Windy Ridge Rd., off Quinapoxet Street. Books, movies, clothes (kids and adult), toys, furniture, and more. Something for everyone! Rain or Shine.
Rock & Roll Flea Market Vintage Vinyl Records, Cd’s, Musical Instruments, Collectibles, Comic Books, Magazines, Fashion, Art ++ >>> EVERY SUNDAY <<< ** 12:00 NOON-5:00 PM ** - Ralph’s Diner 148 Grove St. Worcester
APARTMENT FOR RENT WESTMINSTER CENTER RENTAL $1450/mo plus utilities 2 Bedrooms & bonus room, Large Living room, Eat-in Kitchen, Stove & Dishwasher included, 1 full - 1/2 baths, Laundry on site, Off street parking for 2 cars. Grassy private backyard. Completely renovated circa 1823 home with walking distance to stores, restaurants, library, pharmacy. $1400 security deposit NO PETS wachtrav@hotmail 978 874-1623
English Bulldog Female puppy Available for sale,cost $700, She is fully pure breed, Shots, Wormed , Vet checked, Akc Registered and she is 11 wks old contact
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SIZE PER BLOCK 1.75 X 1.75 8 weeks ........... $31.50/week = $252 12 weeks ......... $26.75/week = $321 20 weeks ......... $25.20/week = $504 36 weeks ......... $23.60/week = $850 52 weeks ......... $22/week = $1144
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ASK about double blocks (size 3.75" x 1.75") and COMBO pricing into our other zone and reach 50,000 households in 26 towns in Central Mass each week. FREE line ad included with each block purchased.
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Dimensions (12 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, 5 ft. high)
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2003 Acura 3.2 TL Excellent Condition, leather, moonroof, complete care record available, 105K miles, $7,490 508-7999347 and 508-754-6344
2008 Honda Metropolitan Scooter Black and gray. Mint cond. 469 miles. Asking $1650.00. Includes helmet. 207-289-9362 OR 207-4501492.
Car For Sale? Truck for Sale? RV? SUV? RUN YOUR AD UNTIL IT SELLS!
2008 Ford Fusion V-6 Sedan 28000 miles. Red ext/ $14,000 - 508-6889132 for appt. (Rutland)
2008 Suzuki GSX 650/K8. All black with silver and red trim. Less than 850 miles. Cover, new battery, and lock. $5500.00 508-7926080
2009 Hyundai Elantra 15K miles, Under 100,000 Mile Warranty, XM Radio, AM/ FM/CD/MP3, located in Leominster $12,500 978798-1332
AUTO/RV 1999 Wilderness 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Single slide 5th wheel travel trailer. Rear kitchen. Queen bed. Sleeps 6. Awning. 1 owner. Exc. cond. Asking $6695.00 508-886-8820
2011 Chevrolet Malibu Low mileage. Never seen winter. Many options. Factory coverage. Must sell. $17,000.00 OR B/O 508-769-4546
AUTOS 2011 Chevy HHR LT
in PRINT & ONLINE Contact Erin at Mint Condition With Only 7400 Miles, Senior Adult Owned. Loaded Auto, 2.2L Engine, $14,200. Call 978227-5442 or 978-549-5501
2001 Cadillac Eldorado Touring Coupe, Rare car, loaded, mint condition. $7,995 508-875-7400
BOATS 2002 Buick Century 4 doors, needs some work, drive train very good. only a handy mechanic should buy this car. Will pass insp. $2,800 978-660-2886
2005 29â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Chaparral Boat Cruiser w/twin 4.3L MPI, 9â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6" beam LOA 29â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Clean, 260 hours. Ready to GO! All amenities included 508847-4256 $55,900 or b/o
978-728-4302 (we monitor daily for scammers!)
2004 Travel Trailer 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bunks & queen, one owner, very clean. Sleeps 6-8. Slideout, full bath, kitchen, a/c. will deliver $9,200 978-464-2703
2008 Fleetwood Niagara Pop-up camp, exc cond, 2 kings, flush toilet, shower, 3way fridge, stove, micro. Pop out din area to bed. 508-395-1558 $12,500. |
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4&& .03& 0/ -*/& LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Millbury Planning Board In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Millbury Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 9, 2012 at 7:30 p.m., at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA, on the application of Mario Romeo and Gianni Romeo, property located at 22 West Street, Millbury, MA, for a Site Plan Review Permit under Article 1, Section 12.4 of the Millbury Zoning Bylaws, Adaptive Reuse Overlay District Special Permit under Article 2, Section 28 of the Millbury Zoning Bylaws, and for Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit under Section 16-3 of the Millbury General Bylaws. Applicant proposes to convert the existing building to multiuse commercial/retail space, install 103 parking spaces and make other associated improvements. Plan is available for inspection in the Planning Department during normal business hours. Anyone wishing to be heard on this application should appear at the time and place designated above. Richard Gosselin Chairman 06/21/2012 &6/28/2012
Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 508-831-2200 Docket No. WO12P1890EA CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION Estate of: George E Jackson Date of Death: 05/08/2012 To all interested persons: A Petition has been filed by: Doris M Wilczynski of Millbury, MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order of testacy and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. And also requesting that: Doris M Wilczynski of Millbury, MA be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond. You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have the right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. On 07/17/2012. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection objection followed by an Affidavit of Objections within thirty (30) days of the return date, action may be taken without further notice to you. The estate is being administered under formal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but recipients are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court Date: June 22, 2012 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 06/28/2012
Home Of The Free, Thanks To The Brave MILITARY HERO OF THE WEEK Is there a special service person in your life? The Central Mass Classifieds would like to feature members of our Armed Forces on a regular basis. If you have a special service person in your life, please email with some information, photo, brief summary of his/her service, and we will be happy to recognize them in the Central Mass Classifieds. The brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces should be remembered all year long. Call Erin at 978-728-4302 or email for more information.
TO ALL INTERESTED INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF SUTTON In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 40A, §11, the Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing at the Sutton Town Hall, on July 12, 2012 at 7:35pm on the petition of John and Mary Beth Leary. The petitioners request zoning relief from III(B)(3)( Table II) of the town’s zoning bylaws to permit a thirty (30) foot front yard line setback on a corner lot. The property that is the subject of this petition is located at 3 Southwick Rd, Sutton MA on Assessors Map #24, Parcel #85. The property is located in the R-1 Zoning District. A copy of the petition may be inspected during normal office hours in the Town Clerk’s Office located in the Town Hall. Any person interested or wishing to be heard on this variance petition should appear at the time and place designated. Richard Deschenes Board of Appeals Clerk Filed in the Town Clerk’s Office 06/28/2012 & 07/05/2012
NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Peter M. Schotanus and Alicia M. Schotanus to CCO Mortgage Corp., dated October 6, 2006 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 39925, Page 320, of which mortgage Residential Credit Solutions, Inc. is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 12:00 p.m. on July 10, 2012, on the mortgaged premises located at 125 Central Turnpike, Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: The land together with the buildings thereon situated in Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, on the southerly side of Central Turnpike and on the southerly side of Central Turnpike, Massachusetts on the easterly side of Old Stone Road and shown as Lot 1 containing 5.37 acres on a plan entitled ‘’Plan of Land in Sutton, Massachusetts, Owned by Donald G. Hamelin, Jr., 125 Central Turnpike, Sutton, Massachusetts’’, Scale 1’’ = 40’, dated June 3, 2004 and prepared by Shanks & Associates and recorded in the Worcester Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 810, Plan 57. Subject to rights, easements, and restrictions of record to the extent in force and applicable. Being a portion of the same premises conveyed by deed dated March 12, 2001 and recorded with the Worcester South District Registry of Deeds in Book 23788, Page 287. Property: 125 Central Turnpike Sutton, MA. For mortgagor’s(s’) title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 39925, Page 318. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00 ) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. Residential Credit Solutions, Inc. Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 201109-1322 – GRY 06/14/2012, 06/21/2012 & 6/28/2012 TO ALL INTERESTED INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF SUTTON In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 40A, §11, the Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing at the Sutton Town Hall, on July 12, 2012 at 7:30pm on the petition of Kenneth Rapp. The petitioner requests a variance from III(B) (3)( Table III) of the town’s zoning bylaws related to lot coverage as well as a finding from MGL ch. 40A §6 in order to tear down and rebuild a single family dwelling. The property that is the subject of this petition is located at 11 Marsh Rd, Sutton MA on Assessors Map #8, Parcel #17. The property is located in the R-1 Zoning District. A copy of the petition may be inspected during normal office hours in the Town Clerk’s Office located in the Town Hall. Any person interested or wishing to be heard on this variance petition should appear at the time and place designated. Richard Deschenes Board of Appeals Clerk Filed in the Town Clerk’s Office 06/28/2012 & 07/05/2012
Keep it Legal THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT 2012 MISC. 463518 ORDER OF NOTICE To: The Heirs, Devisees and Legal Representatives of the Estate of Janet R. St. Germain a/k/a Janet R. Kilmer, Patricia Ingraham, Harwood Ingraham Jr., Sharon Burns; Carol Dupre and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501 et seq.: OneWest Bank, FSB claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real property in 23 Beach Street, Millbury given by Janet R. St. Germain a/k/a Janet R. Kilmer to Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation, a subsidiary of IndyMac Bank, F.S.B., dated May 9, 2007, and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 41167, Page 197 and now held by the plaintiff by assignment has/have filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defendant’s/Defendants’ Servicemembers status. If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military service of the United States of America, then you may be entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil ReliefAct. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before August 06, 2012 or you will be forever barred from claiming that you are entitled to the benefits of said Act. Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER Chief Justice of this Court on June 19, 2012 Attest: Deborah J. Patterson Recorder 201202-0364-GRY 06/28/2012
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Adrien Finlay Adrien Finlay comes from a large family. His mother was an art teacher and his father was—and still is—town manager of Smithfield, R.I. Growing up about 30 minutes outside of Worcester, Finlay developed a love for the arts at an early age. His passions led him to double major in music and French at Harvard University. He has recently been named the new executive director for Music Worcester Inc., and we just had to bend his creative ear with a few quick questions.
Was music a passion of yours when you were growing up? Yes, absolutely! I
grew up playing piano and clarinet and had private instruction in both. My main piano teachers where Robert Boberg, then at Rhode Island College, and Mary Sadovnikoff, who taught privately as well as at the Music School. My clarinet teacher was Kathy Vallee, who is in the American Band. Music became a passion early on for my immediate family, and attendance at performances was a regular part of my youth. I distinctly remember a few events, including my first concerts at Veterans Auditorium in Providence with Garrick Ohlsson performing Chopin with the Rhode Island Philharmonic, and a recital by Richard Goode at Ozawa Hall at Tanglewood.
Describe your professional background. I knew during my college years that I wanted to spend my life in the arts. To that end, I tried as best I could to gain exposure to various genres, different types of organizations, and multiple areas of operations. I sought summer employment in box-office positions while still in college and made a point of trying to gain perspective by working for festivals, opera companies, chamber music organizations, and symphonies. My most recent position was
leading a regional orchestra outside of Washington, D.C. Prior positions included ones at Glimmerglass Opera, Portland Chamber Music Festival (Maine), American University Department of Performing Arts, Wolf Trap Opera Company, and the Newport Music Festival.
What is your favorite musical piece and why? My answer would absolutely change if you asked me tomorrow, but here it goes. At the moment two things I can’t stop listening to are Horatio Gutierrez’ recording of the Prokofiev “Piano Concerto No. 2” and Birgit Nilsson’s “live” recording from Bayreuth of Wagner’s “Tristan & Isolde” led by Karl Bohm. Both are stunning displays of unrivaled musicmaking in my opinion, and I get an adrenaline rush still from listening no matter what’s on my mind.
How did you first hear about Music Worcester Inc.? Music Worcester first
came to my attention earlier this spring as I was checking out opportunities in the arts. The more I learned about the organization, the more I became fascinated with its history and capacity. This of course led to my application to serve as executive director, and I could not be happier with the board members who I have worked with so far,
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including Joel Popkin and Peter Metz, and the legendary executive director Stasia Hovenensian.
Why do you feel it is important for Worcester to have its own musical organization? My recent visits to
Worcester reminded me of several key ideas that are so easy to overlook in the daily grind of nonprofit work. First, there is a sense of community in greater Worcester that is apparent even at a first glance and that fortunately manifests itself into significant support for the community organizations and nonprofits of the area. Second, the amazing musical history of not just Music Worcester, but of Worcester at large, going back to the early 1800s and before, must be emphasized—whether current residents of greater Worcester know it or not, true legends in music have been part of Worcester’s cultural heritage from the very beginning. Third, the arts as a whole serve as a means for us all to be inspired and/or entertained, and allow us to understand and conceptualize ideas far greater than ourselves. Music can do this and more, and every community deserves great art—to borrow a recent National Endowment for the Arts tagline.
What are you plans/thoughts for Music Worcester? This question has been on
my mind more than any other, as there are different factors at play and they sometimes seem to be competing. First, the extraordinary history of Music Worcester must be remembered and acknowledged. Second, this historical background must be discussed in the context of current trends in the arts and in the context of continuing to operate Music Worcester in a fiscally responsible manner. Third, the relationship between Music Worcester, its programs, and its community of supporters will occupy my thoughts
Two minutes with...
significantly when I arrive on August 1.
Anything you are particularly excited about in the upcoming 153rd Worcester Music Festival? Oh my goodness, yes.
To be clear, this 2012-2013 season has been programmed by Stasia Hovenensian, and I am so thankful for her leadership. From having the National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba on its first tour of the United States to jazz pianist Jason Moran, from the iconic Academy of St. Martin in the Fields with cellist Alisa Weilerstein to fiddling virtuoso Natalie MacMaster— the season honestly has something for everyone, and here again we arrive at the history of Music Worcester.
What are your hopes for the future of Music Worcester? I hope that the
organization can capitalize on its recent, and past, successes to continue to thrive—in every way possible. I hope that my time at Music Worcester will generate increased attendance, continued acknowledgement of our serious artistic programming that brings artists of the highest quality to Worcester, and continued recognition of the organization as an important cultural resource for greater Worcester.
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