Worcester Mag August 23, 2012

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August 23 - 29, 2012



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Worcester Republicans bring squabble to Tampa



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Kirk A. Davis President Gareth Charter Publisher x153 Brittany Durgin Interim Editor x155 Steven King Photographer x278 Walter Bird Jr., Vanessa Formato, Brian Goslow, Janice Harvey, Josh Lyford, Gary Rosen, Barbara Taormina, Contributing Writers Tammy GrifďŹ n-Kumpey Copy Editor Don Cloutier Production Manager x380 Kimberly Vasseur Art Director/Assistant Production Manager x366 Becky Gill x350, Morgan Healey x366, Stephanie Mallard x366, Graphic Artists Jennifer Shone Advertising Sales Manager x147 Lindsay Chiarilli x136, Michelle Terranova x131 Account Executives Erin Johnson ClassiďŹ ed Manager Vanessa Viola ClassiďŹ ed Sales Specialist Worcester Mag is an independent news weekly covering Central Massachusetts. We accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. The Publisher has the right to refuse any advertisement. LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES: Please call 978.534.6006, email sales@centralmassclass.com, or mail to Central Mass ClassiďŹ eds, Leominster Plaza, 285 Central St., Suite 202B, Leominster, MA 01453


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inside stories

olitical ads only tell part of the story during Election season. It is the behind-the-scenes shenanigans that really pack a punch. This year, while Mitt Romney fends off critics who see him as the spokesperson for rich fat cats, his campaign has been trying to put out another ďŹ re. This one was lit by Ron Paul, the Republican who is really a Libertarian, who has captured the hearts and minds of thousands of potential voters – including many right here in Massachusetts. The battle is intense and there is no immediate end in sight. What has these so-called Liberty members all worked up? Many of them ran as delegates in caucuses earlier this year to earn the right to vote for the Republican presidential nominee at the national convention in Tampa, Fla. Here in Worcester and surrounding towns, an entire slate of Liberty candidates knocked off party favorites like Lew Evangelidis and Paul Frost. After their victory, however, they were told they were being decertiďŹ ed and replaced. What followed has been a roller-coaster ride of legal complaints, in-party ďŹ ghting and a state party that has remained silent on the issue. Worcester Mag takes you inside the ďŹ ght to win control of the Republican Party. — Walter Bird Jr.


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A weekly quality of life check-in of Worcester


{ citydesk } New mental healthcare facility opens in Worcester August 23 - 29, 2012 ■ Volume 37, Number 51


Walter Bird Jr.

The Massachusetts Bay Commuter Rail Gold Star Memorial Train rolls into Worcester over the weekend. More than 150 stars adorn the train, in honor of all Massachusetts residents who died in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. +4 West Nile Virus confirmed in Millbury and Shrewsbury; but in a piece of good news, mosquitoes found at Worcester Mag are nothing more than mere pests. -1 High bacteria levels force Shrewsbury officials to warn the public not to come in contact with the water. -3 National Grid moves forward with its Smart Grid pilot program in Worcester after Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities’ offered its recent approval. The $44 million pilot includes about 15,000 participating customers and calls for the installation of advanced metering systems. +1 The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development is awarding the Worcester Housing Authority $240,000 to help residents reach housing independence. The funding is designated to hire service coordinators to coordinate support services and other activities designed to help residents achieve economic and housing selfsufficiency. +3 Total for this week: +8 WORCESTERMAG.COM • AUGUST 23, 2012

1,001 words

Local businessman Bill Randell pulls out all the stops to lure JetBlue to Worcester Airport by launching a contest encouraging residents to create videos and explain why the airline should set up shop in the city. +3


he new $302 million Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital (WRCH), billed as a one-of-itskind facility, shines a light on an issue that rarely gets a lot of public attention. Intentionally built low to the ground, the building sits in the shadow of the former Worcester State Hospital, and sports large windows and a courtyard that soak in the sun. It is the first new public psychiatric facility built in Massachusetts since the 1950s and stands as the crown jewel for both the state Department of Mental Health (DMH) and Gov. Deval Patrick, who endured criticism for pushing to close Taunton State Hospital. The state Legislature worked out a compromise to maintain some funding for the hospital. As hundreds of people, including several state and local officials, gathered in a sunsplashed courtyard at WRCH on Thursday, Aug. 16, however, such political haggling was the last thing on the agenda. “Today marks a great day in the history of treating mental illness,” said Patrick, whose wife has battled depression. “I am very proud of the advancement in healthcare, technology and environmental design that this facility represents, and I know all of its residents and their families will receive the highest quality care.” The 428,000-squarefoot center wraps around the courtyard Professional Disc Golfer and offers many Cale Leiviska, 2012 amenities not Vibram Open Winner. typically associated with psychiatric care. Patients aren’t kept in locked rooms, but rather have private bedrooms. There is a kitchen, a gym, cafeteria, even a bank. The facility has 320 residential beds. DMH Commissioner Marcia Fowler lauded all those who “put their heart and soul into making the extraordinary Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital a place of healing and recovery for all those who will pass through there.” State Rep. James

By Steven King

City unveils inaugural employee of the month program, offering preferred parking space as a prize. Jessica Jacques is first winner. +1

O’Day was especially passionate in speaking of the new facility, saying: “As a state representative and individual who has always advocated for access and equity in mental healthcare, I am incredibly grateful and proud that this day has finally come.” O’Day said it was time to “make mental illness an issue that is important to everyone in the commonwealth.” The most dramatic People gather for the grand opening of the Worceswords spoken, however, came from the last two ter Recovery Center and Hospital on Aug. 16. Reed spoke of her then 14-year-old son, people to speak. One of saying he was big and tall and was being them was Colleen Reed, whose daughter recruited for a high school football team. has struggled with mental illness. Reed “What could cause this young man to stood tall as she spoke of visiting her come up to my room sobbing one night?” daughter when she was 16 and had been said Reed. “It was a nightmare about his at Westborough State Hospital for about sister where he’d found her hanging from seven months. It was then, Reed said, a rope.” that she realized what her daughter was Before having the chance to join the dealing with. “It was around Christmas governor for a tour of the new center, when I visited and the full weight of her visitors heard from Emma Killian, who illness hit us full force,” Reed said. “The told them how the label of mental illness anger, the pain, the anguish all came out. was degrading. She talked about times All I could do was listen, to be there and to provide some comfort.” continued on page 8


{ citydesk }

City schools raise issue with charter school funding Walter Bird Jr.



ity school officials say $3 million allocated to the Spirit of Knowledge Charter School (SOK) for the upcoming school year is too much and that the excess funding will be turned back to the city — and not the school district. It has some officials questioning the process of determining how much money the public school district must allocate to charter schools. The formula relies on estimates from charter schools to the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) on how many students they expect for the upcoming school year. This year, SOK reported an estimated 261 students for this fall. Based on that number, according to Worcester schools chief financial and operations officer Brian Allen, the district allocated $3,005,676 for the charter school. The actual number of students expected at the school is much lower. The charter school’s interim executive director Paula Bailey, who says she has no idea who provided the preliminary estimate of 261 to the state, tells Worcester

Interim Executive Director Paula Bailey looks at the School of Knowledge’s budget. Mag the school will have 188 students for the 201213 school year. SOK is adding a grade this year and will serve students in grades 7 through 11. Based on

a required per-pupil expenditure of $11,516, the total budget is projected at $2.1 million, Bailey says. That is almost $1 million less than what is allocated in the public school budget and does not reflect Title funding, which brings the charter budget to around $2.9 million. “They get the first-quarter payment,” says Allen. “Then the second-quarter payment will be adjusted to reflect the actual number of students.” The second-quarter report will not be reflected until sometime in December, Allen says. By that time, the city will have presumably set its tax rate. After that, says Allen, funds cannot be directed back to the schools. That means the excess money allocated to SOK would stay on the city side of the budget. “It does create an interesting dilemma because charter school funding is based on the projected number of students and the money comes out of Worcester schools,” Allen says. Allen acknowledges the riff that often exists between public and charter schools, saying: “The funding issue is one of the biggest reasons there is contention between charter and public schools. That would probably be No. 1 on most people’s lists.” continued on page 6

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{ citydesk } CHARTER SCHOOL continued from page 5

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School Committee member Tracy Novick says the issue speaks to poor management. “I’m disappointed,” she says. “They’ve had a great deal of upheaval over there, a high amount of turnover. We’ve heard many concerns from parents, and we’re powerless. That’s really a terrible thing. When they were starting up we were concerned about the financial management.” Bailey came on as interim executive directly only recently, after the preliminary enrollment estimates. She took over for Dave Chauvette, who was hired in January and served for a short period of time. Bailey says an estimate of 261 does not make sense, because the school’s charter only allows for up to 250 students in its third year — this year. In total, after a senior class is added next year, the school is allowed up to 275 students. SOK business manager Darlene Frederick says she also does not know where the original estimate came from. She says she projected 225 students for the upcoming year to the DESE. “I shared that with our new executive director,” Frederick says of Chauvette, who was still with the school at the time. When she saw the figure of 261, Frederick says she called DESE and said the figure was too high.


“I was told that’s OK, it can be adjusted,” she says. That happens after the actual enrollment is reported in October. DESE spokesman JC Considine says any change is reflected in the next payment. “Were a charter school to see an actual enrollment that was much lower or higher than their pre-enrollment projections,” he says, “the December payment would reflect the overpayment or underpayment, respectively.” Considine also says there are two ways municipal schools can budget for charter schools: They can include the costs in the School Committee budget, which allows the committee to use any excess money for other purposes. The other way is to budget charter school costs separately. In Worcester’s case, if the charter school’s tuition drops below the budgeted amount, the balance is added to the city’s surplus funds. While the city could return the money to the school district, it is not obligated to do so. According to Allen, Worcester schools included charter school funding in the School Committee’s budget until 2007, when he says the state told them they could no longer do that. Walter Bird Jr. can be contacted at wbird@worcestermag.com



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{ citydesk } MENTAL HEALTH continued from page 4

she thought of ending her life. Now a third-year nursing student at Simmons College, Killian said, “Although my time spent at Westborough State Hospital was significant, it in no way defines me.� She walked back to her seat to a

standing ovation; after, she left for lunch with her family. Patrick and several other people walked out of the courtyard and into the building, where the sun still shone through panes of glass. Walter Bird Jr. can be contacted at wbird@worcestermag.com

V E R BATI M What rights do we give up to ensure public safety?� – City Councilor Konnie Lukes, speaking at the August 14 meeting on US military exercises held in the city earlier this month that shocked and scared several residents.

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How many registered voters in Massachusetts, according to February ďŹ gures from the Secretary of State’s Elections Division. Of that number, there were 1,475,879 registered Democrats, 466,431 registered Republicans and 2,145,108 un-enrolled voters.







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{ worcesteria } TWISTIN’ IN THE WIND: Some of the people doing business with the Worcester Tornadoes might be feeling blown away by the city’s entry in the Canadian American Independent Baseball League. The Tornadoes owe thousands of dollars to area businesses as well as the city itself. They also owe the College of the Holy Cross, where the team plays its home games at Hanover Insurance Field. On Aug. 15 Worcester Mag reported the Tornadoes, run under the auspices of Streamlined Sports Inc., owes the College of the Holy Cross, where they play their home games, $50,000 associated with costs for public safety, field maintenance and utilities. Also on Aug. 15 Worcester Mag reported the team was fielding queries from interested buyers, according to a team source. The source, responding to questions on the whereabouts of owner Todd Breighner, says Breighner was not in Worcester, adding: “A few different groups have emerged expressing interest in buying the team in the past 48 hours, though.” A day earlier, on Aug. 14, former Tornado Jose Canseco accused the team of not paying his salary. His attorney said she had filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s office. Canseco claims Breighner issued $7,000 worth of bad checks. In addition, the Tornadoes are accused by Fitchburg-based Northeast Promotion & Apparel Inc. and Worcester's Enterprise Cleaning Corp. of owing several thousand dollars to each business. It was also learned the team owes more than $50,000 to the city for police and fire detail.

Walter Bird Jr.

STANDING ON BREAKING GROUND: The city had the chance last week to celebrate one building project that has been finished while casting an eye to the future on another. In addition to celebrating the grand opening of the Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital, the seeds were planted for a new 13,000-square-foot state-of-theart triage and assessment center for unaccompanied homeless single adults at 25 Queen St. The South Opportunity Middlesex Council (SMOC), a nonprofit housing corporation, is developing the $3.2 million project. The building will hold 40 beds (25 triage beds and 15 single-room occupancy units) and offer 20 parking spaces. Construction on the Triage Center is slated for completion in January 2013.

QUESTIONS ARE A SAFE BET: If you give a craps about the status of casinos in Massachusetts you might want to attend the Worcester Chamber of Commerce’s “Breakfast Club” meeting on Thursday, Sept. 6, at Mechanics Hall. Mass Gaming Commission chairman Stephen Crosby is the featured speaker at the event that begins with breakfast at 7 a.m. $35 for Chamber members and $45 for nonmembers. No word on whether the drinks are free while Crosby is speaking.

THE CENTER OF ATTENTION: The DCU Center, home to the Worcester Sharks, is getting a 30th anniversary present in the form of a $17.5 million renovation that will start Nov. 1. Consigli Construction Company will do the work, part of the second phase of improvements done in summer 2009. “This planned $17.5M investment is critical to the DCU Center maintaining its status as one of the best venues of its size nationwide,” says City Manager Michael O’Brien. “The Worcester region and the commonwealth as a whole will continue to benefit from the DCU Center as an economic engine.” O’Brien says most of the work will be done between May 1 and Sept. 30 next year, minimizing the financial impact on the DCU Center and eliminating the risk of interrupting upcoming planned events, including the Sharks’ season. Some of the highlights of the renovation include a landscaped promenade leading into the DCU Center and a new digital marquee on the building. On the inside, four new event suites will be built and retail space will be added. For more Worcesteria visit worcestermag.com/blogs/dailyworcesteria and follow @worcestermag on Twitter.

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commentary | opinions

slants rants& EOPLE STREET ON THE

What do you like/dislike about the Worcester Common? A S K E D AT T H E W O R C E ST E R C O M M O N MOV I E N IG HT ON AUG. 16

I like how it looks. It is a good place to hang, it is quiet and entertaining.


I love it. I like that they are doing things to get the community together and have fun things to do with the family.

Jeanette Harmsen, Owner of Theatre Cafe WORCESTER I like what they are doing in terms of cultural things and reaching out to the community. I was sad to see the gallery come down. I’ve been here for 32 years, I’m a New York City transplant, and I just try to stay positive.

Myrna Rivera WORCESTER I like being able to come out and see a blend of different people down here.


I love it because it is open to wonderful events like the Worcester Film Works and Latino Festival.


Tell us how you really feel Letters to the editor should be legible, signed and brief (preferably no more

than 200 words). A daytime telephone number must be provided for verification. Worccester Mag reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, libelous or offensive material and style. Send letters to: Letters, Worcester Mag, 101 Water St., Worcester, MA 01604 or E-mail: editor@worcestermag.com, or fax: 508-749-3165



• AUGUST 23, 2012



Of babies, blessings and a bird Janice Harvey


t’s Thanksgiving in August around here. By “here” I mean my daughter’s house, where I’ve been since Brooke and her newborn son Jack arrived home a week ago. Her pregnancy was fraught with trauma since week 18, when an ultrasound revealed a cleft in her tiny baby’s lip. I’ve learned an awful lot about that common birth defect; I’ve become well-schooled in what it means to be born with what is perceived as an imperfect smile. The diagnosis of a possible cleft lip and palate coupled with a question about the length of Jack’s femur led to amniocentesis — a scary procedure that screens the fetus for major problems, including Down syndrome. That test was run on a Friday, leaving us sleepless for the weekend. On Monday, the first five markers came back negative, and we breathed a sigh of relief. Two weeks later, more test results showed Jack to be clear of any other birth defects, though additional testing was done to rule out spina bifida. Again, negative. Phew. As the months went on, and we planned for our boy’s arrival, Brooke and her husband Jason met with the plastic surgeon chosen to correct Jack’s cleft. Dr. Lalikos showed Jack’s anxious parents her “Before and After” portfolio, which Brooke described as “miraculous.” Still, the extent of Jack’s cleft would not be known until his arrival, and Dr. Lalikos stopped short of assuring them that his palate wasn’t involved. A lip and nose, after all, are easily fixed; a cleft palate is another problem altogether. We’d simply have to wait to know more. So, as you can see, Jack has been breaking all the rules. He threatened to arrive nine weeks early; he stubbornly remained breeched, and during ultrasounds, covered his face with his hand to obscure the tech’s view of his lip. I refuse to take the blame for his cantankerous nature, though it has been suggested by many that he is genetically predisposed to rebellion without cause. The fact that I was voted “most argumentative” in high school does not factor into any testing done on this child. Just in case we thought anything about this child’s existence would be hum-drum, he pulled yet another fast one on us. I was wedging myself into a swimsuit for a day of West Palm Beach sun when the call came from my daughter. Preeclampsia

necessitated a speedy delivery, and at 12:41 on the seventh day of August, Jack came into the world, still breeched, with his umbilical wrapped around his neck like an ascot — not once, but three times. My flight left for Boston at 3:35, two days earlier than planned. My seat was changed by the good folks at JetBlue because someone vomited in mine, I was cheerily informed. Thanks, JetBlue. At 9 p.m. I stumbled into room 481 of UMass/ Memorial to meet the boy who has caused me more acid reflux than a Five Guys burger. At 5 pounds, 12 ounces, he weighed more than most of the items on that chain’s menu. A unilateral cleft of his lip and nose did nothing to take away from his loveliness; a partial cleft of his palate meant surgery awaits him, down the road, but the lip/nose corrections can be done when he beefs up to 10 pounds. Piece o’ cake, huh? Feeding this guy became top priority, and the hospital had only one cleft nipple that worked for Jack. Unable to latch on for breast-feeding, he would need to form a seal on whatever bottle did the trick. One nipple in the whole hospital? Not one kind of nipple — one nipple. Thank God Al Gore invented the Internet, is all I can say. I found these elusive items — manufactured in Japan and shipped out of Philly — and had a batch Fed-Exed. Jack’s up to two ounces a day, thanks to the Pigeon nipples. “Pigeon” is the only word I can read on the box; the rest of it looks like the menu at Sakura Tokyo. It’s been nearly 30 years since I tossed Ivory Snow into my grocery cart, warmed a bottle with one hand while juggling a fussy infant in the other, or tested the temp of formula with a sprinkle to the inside of my wrist. Just like riding a bike, it really does come back to you. And so, I write this column from my daughter’s kitchen, where yesterday I prepare an entire Thanksgiving dinner, complete with stuffing and gravy. I decided we shouldn’t wait until November to be grateful for the gift of Jack. Of course, it wouldn’t be my family if there weren’t a few twists. I had to walk down the road and borrow a meat thermometer from Dave O’Gara because my sonin-law, the BMW technician, used my daughter’s thermometer to gauge an engine. And I basted the bird with Jack’s nasal aspirator. Relax. Unlike Jack, it was still in its original package.

Want to win a 32-inch HD TV? You can by visiting 16 Worcester businesses and collecting clues in our Worcester Mag Scavenger Hunt.

ere’s how it works. A select group of 16 advertisers in our August 9, issue carried a special Worcester Mag Hunt logo. Within each ad is an item that RCESTER MAG’S readers will have to find at the WO advertiser’s location. Readers are required to visit all 16 advertiser’s locations to find the specific item that is within the ad. At the register, the reader will point out to an employee/clerk/manger that the


item seen in the ad was located. Once confirmed by the advertiser, they will be given a card with a letter on it. Once all 16 advertisers have been visited, and all 16 cards collected, the player then takes a photo of the 16 cards which spell out a hidden word and upload to our facebook page at facebook.com/worcestermag or e-mail to editor@worcestermag.com by 9 p.m Friday, Sep. 7, 2012. Complete details and a link to the Aug 9 issue are available at worcestermag.com/scavengerhunt.


{ coverstory } Brad Wyatt stands in front of a Ron Paul banner outside the Liberty office in the Osgood building.

Worcester Republicans bring squabble to Tampa Walter Bird Jr. continued on page 20



{ coverstory } continued from page 11

Worcester’s Carol Claros says she was blindsided when told she would not be allowed to serve as a delegate at this month’s Republican National Convention. After all, she figured she had earned the right by winning election at a caucus earlier this year and beating out a more well-known opponent. The elation she felt immediately upon winning was short-lived – and followed by one of the worst feelings she could imagine.

presidential nominee Mitt Romney. It is a nationwide movement that has seen a faction of the Republican Party that has not warmed up to Romney fight against the GOP machine. Many of them are relative unknowns in the political arena, people who were attracted to Paul’s maverick campaign and its three core goals: end ongoing wars, audit the Federal Reserve, and protect Internet freedom. Claros may not have known it when she agreed to run as a delegate, but she is part of a battle within the Republican Party nationwide that has pitted Ron Paul Libertarians against hard-line Republicans. While Romney will undoubtedly walk off with this year’s presidential nomination, there has been a shift within the Republican Party. Just where it leads is anybody’s guess.


registering [as a Republican] in 2007,” says Claros. “I felt the Republican Party could be the vehicle to reinvigorate our country and the ideas that brought us here.” Last year, Claros says, she met Bradford Wyatt, a Boylston School Committee member, developer and Republican supporter of Ron Paul who owns property in Worcester. Wyatt, she says, became a mentor and “told me I could make a difference. He put it in my head that I had a voice.” From there, Claros started becoming more involved, working phone banks on Scott Brown’s inaugural US Senate campaign and then getting involved with Paul’s

“I always dreamed of being a delegate since

“I was devastated,” Claros says of being told by the state GOP she was being decertified and replaced as a delegate. “I cried. I was really, really sad. I felt betrayed. Nobody bothered to reach out to me to find out who I am.” The hopes Claros had of showing up in Tampa on Aug. 27, when the convention starts, were dashed earlier this month when the Republican National Committee (RNC) rejected an appeal filed on behalf of Claros and several other caucus winners who were also replaced as delegates or alternates. They were part of a Liberty Slate of candidates who have strongly supported Ron Paul, and not presumptive


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presidential run. Her biggest opportunity came when she was asked to run as a delegate. “I thought, ‘Who am I to go up against these people?’” Claros says of the big-time Massachusetts Republicans who were on the caucus ticket in the 2nd Congressional District, which includes Worcester. Among them were former state representative and current Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis and state Rep. Paul Frost of Auburn. “When we won, I was in shock.”


“We” included Claros, Wyatt and Ware resident David Kopacz. They knocked off Evangelidis, Frost and Kim Roy, the sheriff’s director of community programs. In addition, all three Liberty alternates – Evan Reynolds of Worcester, Michael Rossettie of Shrewsbury and Melinda Taylor of Millbury – defeated their opponents, which included state Republican Committee member Mindy McKenzieHebert, and state reps Matt Beaton, R-Shrewsbury, and Kim Ferguson, R-Holden. All across the state, in fact, Liberty candidates enjoyed monumental wins in separate caucuses. Of the nine congressional districts, they swept four caucuses, scoring the three delegate and

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three alternate seats available in each district. The list of victims was impressive: Big shots like Kerry Healey, Charlie Baker and Frank Cousins, all in the 6th District, were among the fallen. It was the result of what Wyatt called a grassroots effort throughout the state to mobilize supporters within the party and encourage them to attend the caucuses and vote for Liberty candidates. Any celebration, however, didn’t last long.


Turns out many Liberty candidates failed to sign an affidavit requiring them to swear they would vote for Romney at the National Convention. Upon receiving the affidavit, Wyatt sent a letter to the state GOP saying: “The oath that you are asking delegates/ alternate delegates to sign is potentially dangerous.

{ coverstory } Carol Claros (right) says she was blindsided when told she would not be allowed to serve as a delegate at this month’s Republican National Convention.


If there is an unforeseen circumstance that does not allow Gov. Romney to be nominated at the convention, the MA delegation would be stuck between voting for or face legal problems when they return home. I suggest that you change the oath to be in accord with state party rules and stature. The effect would be the same, but could save us from potential embarrassment.” According to the Secretary of State’s Elections Divisions, while state law does require a delegate to vote on first roll for the presidential nominee, there are no legal ramifications. An attempt to reach a spokesman for the Massachusetts Republican Party for comment was continued on page 14

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{ coverstory } continued from page 13


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unsuccessful. Instead, Wyatt and some other Liberty candidates signed a Liberty Affidavit promising to “vote on the first such roll call for that presidential candidate unless released by such candidate.â€? Romney is not mentioned by name on that affidavit. Some candidates signed both affidavits, although Wyatt admits he did not. “The reason that some signed the original MassGOP affidavit was that they simply got it, signed it, and processed it before getting on a conference call with all the Liberty delegates,â€? says Wyatt. The state party didn’t budge and after the caucus elections, sent out a letter in which it referred to Romney’s principal campaign committee, Romney for President Inc., as having decided to decertify the delegates and alternates who had not signed the original affidavit. The party’s Allocation Committee, according to the letter, “was presented with irrefutable evidence that you were requested by this committee to affirm that, if certified as a delegate you would ‌ on the first ballot at the 2012 Republican National Convention vote for Mitt Romney.â€? According to the letter, the Allocation Committee concluded that, since they had not signed the affidavit, they were “unwilling to serve as a delegate in accord with state law and Republican Party rules. Such is just

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cause for the basis of this Committee’s determination to affirm RFP’s decision to deny your certification as an alternate delegate or delegate.� Wyatt’s reaction was one of sarcasm: “Talk about a party of openness and transparency.�


It didn’t take long for Paul’s campaign to get involved, going so far as to reach out to Liberty candidates in Massachusetts and in other states around the country facing the same threat of decertification. According to the Paul campaign, there has been a fight to unseat winners at the state convention. In addition, the campaign says, supporters were shut out of the state convention in Louisiana and in Oregon alternate

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• AUGUST 23, 2012

{ coverstory } delegates who support Ron Paul were replaced.

Paul’s campaign provided its lawyer, free of charge, to represent the Liberty movement in an appeal to the Republican National Committee (RNC). “We’re very proud the Liberty movement wanted to get involved,â€? says Jesse Benton, a member of the Paul campaign. “We are very disappointed that the Mass GOP tried to remove them ‌ I think it was very wrong to rename their people to the delegation.â€? In a notice of contest on behalf of the decertified delegates and alternates, Attorney Lee Goodman writes, “The flawed affidavit was sent to individuals with a vague explanation as to its significance and less than one week before an arbitrary deadline for returning it ‌ with an intervening Memorial Day weekend.â€? Some delegates and alternates, he adds, signed “a slightly revised affidavit that they thought corrected the flaws in the one drafted by the chair of the Allocations Committee, and again attested their intent to comply with the rules of the Massachusetts Republican Party (MRP).â€?


In a Statement of Position, attorneys arguing the case for the MRP and its Allocation Committee note Romney had easily won the Massachusetts Primary and said there was evidence that Paul supporters intended to break state law and party rules at the convention. The evidence they presented were snippets taken from blog posts, including one that reads: “If a good chunk of Romney delegates are really stealth Paul supporters they can all abstain on the first vote, thus keeping Mittens from achieving the nomination altogether and creating round two – aka

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Another remark was pulled from dailypaul.com, which reads, “Romney will not have the nomination, even with 1,144 delegates, not even close.� Romney has already garnered well over 1,144 delegates – the amount needed to secure his party’s nomination. “In light of that public statement


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continued on page 16

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6HSWHPEHU WK ² 30 3OHDVH 5693 'HEELH DW ; RU GELFNIRUG#PHOLD RVRO FRP ,I \RX FDQ¡W DWWHQG WKH VHPLQDU FDOO RU HPDLO WR DUUDQJH DQ RIILFH PHHWLQJ “We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.â€?

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STATE LIQUORS { coverstory } LABOR DAY SALE continued from page 15

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and other similar statements by Paul supporters,” the attorneys argued, “the party’s decision to impose the affidavit requirement was reasonable and prudent. The party should not be punished now for its unwillingness to risk sending delegates to the National Convention who intend to break the rules and embarrass not only the Massachusetts Republican Party and the Republican Party, but also Governor Romney and the more than 365,000 Massachusetts voters who gave Governor Romney more than 72 percent of their vote.” According to Wyatt, that would not happen. “I would vote for [Romney] with a pure heart,” he says. “We have to support the nominee and I think he has the best shot. When we were at the caucus they said will you support Mitt Romney. I said in front of 200 people I would vote for Romney. I guess I could understand their concern, but rather than throwing out the baby with the bathwater, I’d try to address those concerns.” Claros, too, says she had no intention of breaking the rules. “Absolutely,” she says of whether she planned to vote for Romney as a delegate. “I pledged that in front of my parents and the voters. We have state laws that bind us. I would be faced with fines and felonies. I’m a nurse. I would not risk my livelihood over this.”

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• AUGUST 23, 2012

Wyatt admits chances of a reversal were slim to none. “I’d say the odds are stacked in our favor,” says Wyatt. “But I’ll still be going to Tampa.” On Aug. 14 Wyatt issued a press release in which he said the decertified delegates had filed a Notice of Intent to Object with the RNC. Two days later, he was told the Committee on Contests had scheduled a one-hour hearing for Sunday, Aug. 19 in Tampa at 11 a.m. In his press release, Wyatt says the decertified delegates “are very disappointed that the RNC and Team

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There was hope among Liberty delegates that the RNC would uphold the original election results. The opposite held true. On Aug. 10, the RNC’s Committee on Contests denied the appeal and supported the GOP’s decision to replace the delegates and alternates that did not sign the affidavit.



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Lew Evangelidis will be in Tampa as a delegate even though he lost the caucus.

Romney have rejected yet another opportunity to unify the Republican Party and energize the rank and file grassroots activists needed for the 2012 General Election. These 16 duly elected Liberty delegates wanted to participate in the Republican National Convention to promote three platform issues.” He also writes “This flagrant violation of the foundation of American Democracy has not killed the spirit of Liberty, but rather strengthened the resolve of activists to continue to reform the Massachusetts

Republican Party, by actively supporting the removal of leadership that undermines fair elections, promotes cronyism, and whose policy positions clearly infringe on personal liberty.” Wyatt took specific aim at Republican Senate Minority Leader Brad Jones. The senator could not be reached for comment.

continued on page 18



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• AUGUST 23, 2012

continued from page 17


The state Republican Party has declined to comment on the matter, citing the ongoing legal issues. Attempts to reach Healey and Baker for comment were unsuccessful and Frost has not returned multiple phone calls seeking comment. “[The state GOP] doesn’t want to talk about this,� says Wyatt. “This is a toxic issue. Everything they do makes them look worse.� As for why he and other Liberty delegates were ousted, Wyatt says: “They didn’t trust us. I had a conversation with a Romney person and that person said even with the best intentions we could accidentally do something to hurt Romney’s chances.� For Wyatt, the issue is about much more than a particular candidate. “This isn’t even about Ron Paul, anymore,� says Wyatt. “It’s about promoting Liberty and getting more people involved. We’re making a difference here. People are starting to wake up and ask questions like, ‘Why are we overseas?’� Wyatt says he has become public enemy No. 1 within his own party. “Right now, a lot of people are very, very mad at me in the Republican Party.�

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{ coverstory }


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While some Liberty members will find their way into the convention on the coattails of others

as invited guests, people like Wyatt say they’re now on the outside looking in. Not that they’re going to go gently into that good night. In an e-mail to Wyatt, Ron Paul campaign staffer John Tate promises fireworks if an attempt is made to exclude Liberty members from the convention. “Ron Paul’s number-one goal for the RNC is making sure his delegates and alternates who deserve to be seated in Tampa are credentialed,â€? Tate writes. “So if the establishment wants a fight in Tampa, rest assured we’re going to give them one ‌ believe me, we will not sit idly by and watch the establishment run roughshod over Ron Paul’s supporters who were illegally railroaded by the GOP. We will stand up and fight for all of Ron Paul’s delegates and/or alternates in these four states – and we will not back down.â€? “The tactical purge of duly elected delegates ‌ sends a clear message that grassroots activists are not welcome to participate in Romney’s presidential campaign,â€? Tate continues. The blogs have been filled with opinions about the issue. At redmassgroup.com, a site supporting Republican viewpoints, several posts refer to the party’s decision. One, left by “ElectricStrawberry,â€? reads in part: “I am a Republican, but I am not a blind Republican. The Republican Party did stand for most of what Ron Paul talks about. He didn’t leave the Republican Party it left him. The reason so much corruption is allowed in politics is because party members won’t point their fingers within the party and allow the breaking of the rules as long as it’s their party that breaks the rules. It’s easier to point your finger across the aisle and say ‘see what they’re doing.’â€? continued on page 20



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{ coverstory } the caucus, she says, but rules are rules. “The rules are clear that delegates have to be certified by McKenzie-Hebert, who resides in Shrewsbury, was the campaign. [Some delegates] just didn’t sign defeated at the caucus, the affidavit. At the end of but will be attending the the day, all the folks who convention as an at-large alternate after being elected support Romney and signed going.” at a recent state committee are McKenzie-Hebert says she accepted her meeting. Voters spoke at continued from page 18


defeat at the caucus and was surprised at one aspect: “I didn’t know there were that many Republicans.” The resulting split within the state party, she says, is not unusual. “I see us coming together to get Barack Obama out of office,” she says. “It’s like any family tiff with your brother. You’re harder on them, but at the end of the day you’re still family.” McKenzie-Hebert says she is not an old party person. “I’m just a person who wants to get involved and stick to basic


core principals,” she says. “I’m thrilled to be going. I’m hoping it will be a very exciting time. I’m hoping to take a lot of the workshops that are offered.” Another Republican who lost at the caucus, Evangelidis, says he was not aware when the GOP reached out to him that he was replacing the person who defeated him. In fact, according to Evangelidis, he received a direct invitation from Romney’s campaign. “They said based on being a ranking official in the state, they’d like me to be one of the floor leaders,” Evangelidis says. “Unfortunately, we’re in this position right now. At the same time, Romney’s campaign reached out to me to take part in the convention and I felt it was my duty.”


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Even though she won’t be going down as a delegate, Claros will be joining Wyatt at the convention. Soured by the experience, Claros says she nonetheless has every intention of going because she was invited as a guest. “I plan on going to Tampa no matter what,” she says. “I’m going to promote the message of auditing the Federal Reserve and ending the wars. I want my brother home. He’s still in Iraq.” Claros says she still feels the sting of winning and then being decertified. The state Republican Party, she says, hasn’t covered itself in glory. “It doesn’t do anything good for people thinking of running,” says Claros. “We’re no longer fighting against Democrats we’re fighting against each other. We’re being replaced by big-name Republicans. I don’t understand why they’re shooting themselves in the foot. They’re creating an apathetic bunch.”


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• AUGUST 23, 2012

Hours before Worcester Mag went to press reports emerged that a deal had been struck. According to CNN, the RNC agreed late Tuesday to seat several Ron Paul delegates, including 17 from Louisiana and an undetermined number from Massachusetts. According to Wyatt, it is likely that between three to six Liberty delegates/ alternates would be seated from Massachusetts. “It is good to know we had very valid arguments, especially the fact that we won in the caucus election, that we’re vindicated by Team Romney negotiating an agreement, rather than being ignored and marginalized,” Wyatt says.

night day& August 23 - 29, 2012


art | dining | nightlife

Party On Laurence Levey

Ten years ago, under the impetus of ARTSWorcester’s desire to organize a celebration of the arts, a group of artists and activists got together and, in the words of Tina Zlody, said, “Let’s have a block party!” That block party became stART on the Street and it showcased about 50 artists; stART on the Street’s next big fiesta will feature 280.


Zlody was there at the beginning and remains one of the coordinators as stART on the Street marks its 10th anniversary with an open exhibition at the Davis Gallery in Worcester beginning August 23. Twenty-nine artists, all previously involved with stART on the Street, will display 54 works, at prices ranging from $15 to about $1,000. Stacy Lord, another coordinator, an artist and middle-school art teacher in Worcester, says the assignment for these artists was simple: “Make something vibrant and representational of yourself.” The resulting pieces include the traditional and the unusual: paintings, drawings, jewelry, furniture, skateboards and more. Seed to Stem, a new business venture operating on Shrewsbury Street for the past two months, will be doubly represented. Virginia Orlando and Candace Atchue have collaborated on two pieces: one inspired by the North American woods; the other, according to Orlando, “inspired by galaxies,” and featuring such “otherworldly” objects as crystals and geodes. Orlando grew up spending lots of time in her mother’s flower shop and studied art at Plymouth State College and the Worcester Art Museum. Atchue started working in the flower shop in high school, having learned artsand-crafts techniques from her grandmother. “That’s where my passion developed,” she says. The two applied to stART on the Street in spring 2010 and have been involved ever since. Orlando says her work expresses her “love for nature,” and both describe their terrariums and other creations as “modern art forms which introduce plants to people in a different way, a more artistic way.”

Over the past five years, Kira Beaudoin has participated in about a dozen stART events. “They have given me a lot of exposure,” she says. Beaudoin, who majored in graphic design with a concentration in illustration at Rivier College in Nashua, N.H., and is now the art director at the Worcester Business Journal, describes her paintings on canvas and illustrations as “not abstract, but extremely colorful,” using silhouettes and incorporating words and music lyrics. She has two works in the current show, a painting of the Boston skyline with an abstract background, and a silhouette of a tree with words superimposed. Her typical method is “to pick out colors randomly, put them on canvas with a roller, leave it aside for a day or two, then come back and begin to work.” Casey Hickey volunteered with stART in its first year, and since then has been its youthactivities coordinator. She studied community art education at Massachusetts College of Art and Design and teaches art at Seven Hills Charter School in Worcester. She describes her two mixed media works in the show as “collage over watercolor and graphite drawings.” Her education and experience have enabled her to study different disciplines. “I try to incorporate as many different disciplines as I can. It’s good to be able to see all the other artists’ work. On the day of the festival, the artists often can’t see everything,” she says. Many disciplines, much experience and a shared commitment to bringing art to the public come together in all of stART’s shows. In this one, they celebrate the accomplishments of the past 10 years by, yes, bringing more art to the public. Sarah Brueck, the event’s chief coordinator, a chef who creates glass artworks and jewelry and has contributed work to the show, says that on opening night, “There will be demonstrations, interactive art, food and drink. And, music by Jon Short and his oneman band.” stART is nonprofit and all volunteer. The artists and the crowds keep coming back. The 10-year block party continues on August 23. stART on the Street Gallery Show August 24 – September 26 Davis Art Gallery, 44 Portland St., Worcester Opening Night, Thursday August 23, 5-8pm info@startonthestreet.org



night day &

{ music }

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Doggapalooza—A Concert to Benefit Africa is slated for Saturday, Aug. 25, at Lucky Dog Music Hall in Worcester. Nichols, whose Lucky Dog alcohol retails for $21.99/750 ml, says, “When I decided to do the benefit for the African Services

Eric Godin of the Lucky Dog Music Hall

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• AUGUST 23, 2012

Greg Nichols, founder of Lucky Dog Vodka

Committee, a concert seemed like a great idea and Lucky Dog Music Hall seemed like a great place to have it, and Erick was right on board with it.” The African Services Committee is a nonprofit organization that fights malnutrition, tuberculosis and AIDS in Africa. Nichols traveled to Ethiopia last year and saw for himself what living on $1 a day looks like. Lucky Dog Vodka was born two years ago in Nantucket. “When the financial crisis hit, I had a checklist of things I wanted do, and I ended up with vodka,” Nichols recalls. In a very short time, Lucky Dog Vodka has not only achieved distribution, but also earned titles such as the Gold Medal Winner of the World Wine & Spirits Competition in New York. Nichols, a Princeton native, cites another reason, other than first-hand experience, as to why he’s organizing Doggapalooza:

Wanted: Editor FR EE

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Email Publisher Gareth Charter at gcharter@worcestermag.com details. See our ad for

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Restrictions may apply.

night day &

{ music}

like this. We’ve done benefits for Worcester Animal Rescue League and the Cat Hospital of Webster. We try to give back as much as possible,” says Godin, who has owned Lucky Dog Music Hall since 1999. As for Doggapalooza, both Lucky Dogs are hoping to make it an annual event. “We’re really strongly committed to the African Services Committee. This could be an annual event with Erick, and it could get bigger and bigger. Any money we can raise for the African Services Committee is a great thing,” says Nichols. In addition to

“I wanted to do something for my sister; she’s executive director of the African Services Committee. It’s a great fit. Having it in the family is a big part of it.” As for the entertainment on tap that evening, Godin promises a night of blues, rock and R&B. “We have several really great bands, and some vodka drinks made with Lucky Dog Vodka. The bands are more adulttype bands. Next Time Ova, they’re from the Boston area, and they do a lot of blues and R&B, and then there’s Strange Machines,” who Godin describes as a Sublime-type band. Fundraisers are nothing new to Lucky Dog. “We’re always up for stuff

donating proceeds from the night to the African Services Committee, Lucky Dog Vodka will donate $1 to each “like” they receive on Facebook (facebook.com/ luckydogvodka), up to $5,000. Finally, having Facebook benefits someone. If you’re in the mood for live music, why not go to Lucky Dog Music Hall where you can have fun and help others in the process? If you’re going to have a drink, why not sip on a Lucky Dog Vodka concoction and simultaneously aid a nonprofit organization whose mission is

to provide health, housing and human services to the people of Africa? Doggapalooza- A Concert to Benefit Africa will take place on Aug. 25 at Lucky Dog Music Hall, located at 89 Green St., Worcester. For more information on Lucky Dog Music Hall and Lucky Dog Vodka, visit www.luckydogmusic.com and www. luckydogvodka.com. You can also learn more about The African Services at www. africanservices.org. Tickets are $10; the concert starts at 8 p.m.



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night day &

{ arts}

Exhibit features art by individuals with disabilities, possibilities

When artists get together, beautiful things happen. This fall, the Cantor Art Gallery at Holy Cross will be the temporary home of some extraordinary work that showcases how art enriches our lives. Curated by Lawrence Rinder and Matthew Higgs, Create features 135 works by 20 artists produced over the past 20 years in three leading centers for individuals with disabilities, and it’s nothing short of amazing.

These centers—Creativity Explored, Creative Growth, and the National Institute of Arts & Disabilities (NIAD), all located in California—take a unique


approach to empowering individuals with disabilities. Founded by Florence LudinsKatz and Elias Katz in the 1970s, these programs provide artists with disabilities with studio space, materials and mentors, most of whom are professional artists in the community. This isn’t art therapy. “The important thing about these art centers is the community of support they provide,� says Amy Taub, director of Creativity Explored. “We provide a lifelong learning community and a safe, comfortable space where people can push outside of what they see as their limits.� The Cantor Gallery is the first stop on the show’s debut Northeast tour, organized by Independent Curators International (ICI). Due to the size of the show, the Cantor

Art Gallery will be presenting it in two parts, the first of which opens Aug. 29, with a reception on Sept. 5. “The artists represent a wide range of art practice from drawing and painting

to text-based work and sculpture,� says Rinder. “Their styles range from figurative to abstract. Some of them have been making art for decades while others are relatively new to professional studio work. I wouldn’t say they are unique per se, except insofar as any real artist is unique. What is somewhat unique is their studio practice, which is communal, whereas most artists work in private studios. The group studio allows for a more rapid exchange of ideas and techniques. I believe it inspires the artists by creating a sense of shared excitement and possibility.� According to the Cantor Gallery’s


Vanessa Formato



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• AUGUST 23, 2012







night day sprout. arts &

{ }

marginalized,” O’Neal explains. “The art in itself is a touchstone, a way to paint an identity outside of the characterizations that exist [of individuals with disabilities] and connect with others.” “There’s a story to be told here,” Hankins said, “and it’s the story of how


website, “the Cantor Art Gallery will work with local agencies that serve individuals with challenges, including the Seven Hills Foundation, to provide inclusive programming” during the show’s run. Hankins also plans on featuring Saori weaving, known for its accessibility, in an adjacent space during the show’s second half. Programs like Creativity Explored, Creative Growth and NIAD are important because they not only help artists develop their passions, but also to earn money and find purpose as well. “Many of our artists make a good income from selling their art,” says Jennifer O’Neal, the public relations and projects manager for Creative Growth. “It helps by giving them a role, one that’s a very privileged one in our society.” There are plenty of misconceptions about people with disabilities in our society, and shows like Create present a wonderful opportunity to break down barriers. As artists

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with disabilities achieve greater visibility, we can find ourselves letting go of stereotypes. “One of the reactions I often hear from visitors [to Creativity Explored] is that it isn’t anything like what they expected,” says Taub. “What they mean, I think, is that they expected the art to be more like children’s art.” “People with disabilities are typically

50 shades of green.

these works came to be. It’s not about these individuals’ disabilities, but their work as artists.” “One of the things I really love about Create,” he continues, “is that if no one told you that the art in this show is made by artists with disabilities, you’d never know. All of the art is just incredible.” Create is a show that celebrates the incredible work of artists with disabilities and the programs that have made their work possible, but it’s much more than that—simpler than that, really. Create is an art show, and a stunning one to boot. Like any art show, it’s about artists and what happens when they sit down to tell stories. That’s the important part. Create: Aug. 29 – Oct. 6 and Oct. 22 – Dec. 8, 2012. Open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m, Saturday and Sunday 2-5 p.m. Free admission. The Iris and Gerald B. Cantor Art Gallery, The College of the Holy Cross, 1 College St., Worcester. Call 508-793-3356 for more information.

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night day

Ming III


FOOD ★★★★1/2 AMBIENCE ★★★★ SERVICE ★★★★ VALUE ★★★1/2

{ dining}


291 Turnpike Rd., Westborough • ming3mass.com • 508.366.0090

Asian delights Marc Cochon

Diners seeking an Asian meal often think in terms of national identities: Shall we go for Indian tonight, or Chinese? Thai, maybe, or Vietnamese? In reality, culinary traditions in Asia don’t adhere strictly to political borders, but rather meld across the continent, mixing in countless ways. You can sample this phenomenon at Ming III, set in a strip mall on Route 9 in Westborough. Ming III bills its cuisine as “Pan-Asian” and delivers a creative mash-up of Chinese, Manchurian, Indian and Thai influences.

Ming III shares a wall with its sister restaurant, Khatta Mitha, and the two spaces are connected in back. Whereas Khatta Mitha serves northern Indian food in a casual atmosphere, Ming III is more stylish, with a granite-and-mahogany bar area, beaded lamps, and mosaic tiles. Crisp white tablecloths and napkins adorn the modest number of tables and booths, and there’s an outdoor dining area as well. Ming III shoots for a distinctive, upscale dining experience — and delivers it. Drums of Heaven are an appealing and savory starter: fat chicken wing segments have been peeled back from the bone, stuffed with garlic, ginger and herbs, then fried and coated with a sweet-and-spicy glaze. The moist dark meat contrasts nicely with the crisp exterior and sticky sauce. You might find yourself fighting for the last piece. From the menu description, Papaya Salad sounds like the traditional northern Thai dish som tam, but it’s a very original version. Whereas som tam features shredded green papaya roughly pounded with a dressing including limes, tomatoes, chilies, garlic, peanuts, fish sauce and herbs, here the crunchy and mild papaya

is napped in a smooth, red sauce that strikes a well-judged balance between sweet, spicy, salty and sour tastes — the objective of most Thai dishes. Chili Lamb is a stir fry of remarkably tender lamb with spring onions and fresh green chilies in a suave, dense sauce. The level of spice is moderate, allowing the flavorful lamb to take center stage. This is a dish where a few high-quality ingredients come together in fine form. Eggplant Lahsooni features pan-fried chunks of eggplant — crisp outside, tender inside — adorned with a lurid red sauce flavored by tomatoes, garlic and peppers. The sauces at Ming III tend to be quite thick, but they are well-executed and deliver a range of deep flavors. Diners are invited to choose both from Ming III’s menu and that of Khatta Mitha. For dessert, we draw on the neighboring restaurant, which places an emphasis on homemade sweets to eat in and take away. Pista Kulfi is an Indian take on pistachio ice cream, dense and sweet, topped with ribbons of vermicelli and a bright pink

sauce that looks like (and happily tastes nothing like) Pepto-Bismol. It’s a visually striking dessert, finishing the meal in a soothing way. Ming III offers a full bar, including a reasonably priced wine list. Service is prompt and courteous, in keeping with the upscale feel. Appetizers range from $7 to $10, and mains are in the $13 to $19 range. Servings are moderate in size. An ample meal for two, including tax, tip and a bottle of wine, comes to $100. Many Asian restaurants shoot for what the British call “cheap and cheerful” — low priced, informal spots to grab an interesting meal. Ming III aims a little higher—both in price and in culinary ambitions—to deliver flavorful, interesting dishes that combine the tastes of south, east, and southeast Asia. It’s a fine choice for diners looking for something new.








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• AUGUST 23, 2012


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night day




Ronnie’s 871 Southbridge St., Auburn 508-832-9068

Hot summer breezes and chilly frozen drinks - one sip at a time

Ronnie’s Kendra Lapin

TASTE ★★★★ 1/2 ATMOSPHERE ★★★★ SERVICE ★★★★ VALUE ★★★ 1/2

Ronnie’s ice-cream and clam shack has been a fixture in Auburn for over 50 years. Ronnie’s known for its seafood and ice-cream; now it’s time to get to know it for its summer beverages, too. Ronnie’s offers frappes in chocolate, coffee, vanilla and strawberry. It also has flurries (mix-ins that are spoon- and STEVEN KING straw-worthy), as well as floats. Even better, Ronnie’s can make a milkshake out of any of its famous hard-serve flavors! I put this to the test with my favorite flavor of grapenut ice cream, and it passed with flying colors. It was already the high-quality flavor and texture of the ice-cream, but now liquefied for cup-holder convenience. While there were a few times I had to wait a minute or two between sips for some melting, it was broken up nicely - even the crunchy bits - so I had little problem drinking it through the straw. There was still some of the grapenuts on the bottom that I had to take the cover off to slurp, but that didn’t detract from the experience of the shake. Next time you want something cold to drink, try your long-standing favorite ice-cream from Ronnie’s in a shake. You won’t be disappointed.

Have yo u tried Sp oodles lately?

Quick, Fresh, Quality Cuisine John’s

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{ bites}

Serving S i greatt ffood d prepared fresh just for you.

With Brittany Durgin

Corapi’s Lounge is now open on Shrewsbury Street. The upscale bar features everything from Blue Moon beer on tap to mixers and a variety of wines. Visit Corapi’s Lounge for an afternoon drink on its patio or on a Friday night when a DJ livens things up with music and dancing. Plans for a new mobile market were announced Monday, Aug. 20, by the Regional Environmental Council and local pols. The “Veggie Mobile” will provide fresh fruits and vegetables in neighborhoods that lack access to affordable produce. It will make 10 stops a week in different neighborhoods throughout the city. Keep up with our BITES column and worcestermag.com to find a schedule for the Veggie Mobile.


Fajitas for two and a pitcher of Margaritas


Worcester’s Niche Hospitality Group (Mezcal, Bocado, The Citizen) recently opened Rye & Thyme, an American tavern, raw bar and wood grill at the site of the former Monument Grill in downtown Leominster. As part of the opening celebration, it continues to offer $1 oysters “all day everyday through Labor Day, September 3.” Winners of Rutland’s 16th annual Central Tree Chowder/ Chili Challenge include chefs’ best chowder: Ladd’s Restaurant in Rutland; chefs’ best chili: Mexicali Grill in Spencer; peoples’ choice chowder: Still Four Corners in Rutland; peoples’ choice chili: Barre Mill Restaurant in Barre. Periwinkles Bar & Grille on Rte. 20 in Auburn is doing a remodel and planning a grand re-opening with further changes to the menu in October.

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Pu Pu Platters (for one or two) Egg Rolls • Sautéed Spicy Wings Summer Roll • Cheese Mona Crab Rangoon Peking Ravioli • Fried Shrimp Beef or Chicken Teriyaki

Vegetarian Delight String Beans Szechuan Style Sautéed Carrots & Asparagus Spicy Broccoli Meatless Mu Shu


Choice of Chicken, Beef or Shrimp

Spicy Szechuan Chicken with Peanuts Spicy Shredded Chicken in Garlic Sauce Hunan Chicken with Black Mushrooms Orange Flavor Chicken Curry Chicken • Jordan Chicken Royal Chicken Delight with Spicy Sesame and Peanut Sauce Chicken with Asparagus

Dinner Combination Specials Sushi Appetizers

Beef Beef with Broccoli & Carrots Mongolian Barbecued Beef Sesame Beef String Beans Spicy Style with Beef Spicy Szechuan Beef with Peanuts and Dry Hot Peppers

Seafood House Special Scallops Seafood Fantasia with Garlic Sauce Mandarin Delights with Garlic Sauce Kung Pao Three Delights Sautéed Shrimp Shrimp with Asparagus

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• AUGUST 23, 2012


night day &

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Vino Bella By Al Vuona


hen in Rome do as the Romans do. That’s especially true for wine. After all Italians are a wine-loving bunch; they lead the world in wine consumption by volume with 70 liters per capita. In addition, Italy is home to some of the oldest wine-producing regions in the world and is the world’s second-largest wine producer. Grape growing is found in almost every region of the country and there are more than one million vineyards under cultivation. So what about the wines? Italy produces both white (Bianco) and red (Rosso) wine. Perhaps the most famous is Chianti, the dry red of Tuscany. Made from the Sangiovese grape it is characterized by its floral, cinnamon and spicy bouquet when young and tobacco or leather aromas as it ages. Barolo and Barbaresco are two hearty reds made from the Nebbiolo grape in the Piedmont region. Both are considered world-class wines capable of long-term aging. Probably the most well-known Italian white wine is Pinot Grigio. This lightbodied dry white produced in Veneto has become a favorite the world over. At its best, this wine has a subtle, lemony, slightly nutty flavor. Pinot Grigio goes well with grilled fish, salads and seafood. Soave another Italian white is a close cousin to Pinot Grigio. Also grown in Veneto, Soave is a light, straw-colored, slightly sweet and fruity wine. Of course navigating the Italian wine scene can be a daunting task. With so many producers and wines to choose from, it can easily overwhelm even the most seasoned wine pro. So here are a few tips for choosing an Italian wine. First, stick with a reliable producer. Learn about common Italian grapes and their characteristics. Sample or taste a number of wines before making your selection. Remember, price is not always a guarantee of quality. Until next time, ciao.


OF THE WEEK Viticcio: Chianti Classico Reserva 2007, about $29.

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Ask us about our Drink Of The Day!

dressing, topped with fresh baked croutons



:(5+>0*/,: HUK >9(7:

Grilled Teriyaki Chicken Wrap With pineapple and

Served with French Fries or Onion Rings

Buffalo Chicken Served on a pretzle roll with blue cheese

Build Your Own Ladd's Burger With onion, mushrooms, Caesar Salad With fresh crisp romaine ad our own homemade


Ser ving Lunch Saturdays and Sundays starting at 11:30am

+PUL 0U 6US`

+9052 6- ;/, +(@


bacon, peppers, American, Swiss or provolone

Ladd's French Dip Roasted prime rib on a bulkie roll with

teriyaki sauce and lettuce

Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap With grilled, buffalo or crispy chicken

au jus for dipping


Side Caesar Salad Caesar Salad With grilled, buffalo or crispy chicken

Soup du Jour Our own homemade soups New England Clam Chowder Seafood Chowder Served on Saturday and Sunday Crock of French Onion Soup Fresh Salad Baked Stuffed Mushrooms

With grilled shrimp, marinated sirloin tips or seas scallops wrapped in bacon

Fresh Crisp Garden Salad Garden salad with grilled, buffalo or crispy chicken With grilled shrimp, marinated sirloin tips or

Basket of Onion Rings Basket of French Fries Sea Scallops Wrapped in Bacon Wing Zings Seven spicy chicken wings Mozzarella Sticks Chicken Fingers Boneless Buffalo Wings Homemade Crab Rangoons Jalapeño Poppers Combo Appetizer Platter Chicken fingers, jalapeño poppers, chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, and onion rings

:,(-66+ Served with Soup or Salad, Potato, Vegetable

Fresh mushrooms with our own special stuffing

sea scallops wrapped in bacon

Grilled Cajun Chicken Quesadilla With bacon, mozzarella and tomatoes

Potato Skins Lean Pastrami Topped with American cheese and mustard on a pretzel roll

Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken Wrap With bacon, cheese and lettuce

Fried Haddock Sandwich On a bulkie roll with tartar sauce and cheese

Grilled Cajun Chicken With bacon, cheese and ranch sauce on a blukie roll

Turkey Bacon Wrap With mayo, cheese, lettuce and tomato

Garden Burger With provolone cheese and lemon mayo with sweet potato french fries

With melted cheddar, bacon bits, and sour cream

Shrimp Cocktail Four large, tender shrimp

and Rolls (or as indicated)

Lazy Lobster Tender lobster pieces in butter topped w/cracker crumbs

Baked Stuffed Haddock With seafood stuffing, with or without lobster sauce

Broiled Filet of Haddock With or without lobster sauce

with tangy cocktail sauce

Grilled Swordfish Steak With lemon butter or Cajun style Lobster Pie en Casserole Tender lobster in creamy lobster sauce topped with cracker crumbs

Broiled Filet of Haddock Almondine Filet of haddock topped with almonds and racker crumbs

Baked seafood combo Stuffed haddock, scallops, lobster, shrimp, and salmon

Broiled filet of Salmon Served with dill or c ream of mustard sauce

*OLJR V\[ V\Y +HPS` +PUULY :WLJPHSZ VU V\Y ^LIZP[L H[ SHKKZYLZ[H\YHU[ JVT VY VU -HJLIVVR H[ SHKKZYLZ[H\YHU[ Chef Owned • Gift Certificates Available • Senior Discounts Wed. & Sun. • Take-Out Available WORCESTERMAG.COM

• AUGUST 23, 2012

Hours: Wed. & Thurs. 4-9 pm • Fri., 4-9:30 pm Sat., 11:30-9:30 pm • Sun. 11:30-9 pm

64 Barre/Paxton Road Rte. 122



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Let us Cater your next Party or Event! Call for Details. :,(-66+

Chicken & Broccoli Alfredo SautĂŠed chicken and broccoli in a creamy Alfredo sauce over fettuccine

Broiled Scallops BBroiled il d with ith llemon bbutter tt andd

Blackened Chicken Alfredo Blackened chicken in a creamy

a sprinkle of bread crumbs

Alfredo sauce over fettuccine

Baked Stuffed Shrimp Jumbo shrimp with a subtle tasting

Fettuccine Alfredo Seafood Alfredo Lobster, scallops and shrimp in a creamy

stuffing and drawn butter

=V[LK *OLM Z *OVPJL MVY )LZ[ *OV^KLY *LU[YHS ;YLL *OV^KLY *OHSSLUNL Duck a l’Orange With orange sauce Duck Hunter’s Style With wine, shallots, mushrooms, and tomato

*/03+9,5 : :7,*0(3: Served with French fries

Alfredo sauce over fettuccine

Chicken Tenders Hamburger Pasta with Sauce

and mushrooms in a sauvignon sauce

Veal Marsala With mushrooms and Marsala wine Veal Brazil SautĂŠed veal with bananas, coconut, pineapple,

Served with rolls

oranges and almonds

Hot Dog Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Veal Picatta SautĂŠed veal with lemon, white wine and capers Broiled Filet Mignon With mushroom sauce Sirloin Tips Cooked to order with onions and mushrooms Teriyaki Steak Delmonico steak served with french fries Scallops Gratinee Broiled and topped w/shredded cheese and gratin potatoes

Fried seafood platter* Whole belly clams, haddock, scallops,


and onion rings

Sirloin Steak au Poivre Grilled with a pepper coating Surf & Turf Medium cut of Delmonico steak with

76<3;9@ HUK 7692

two jumbo stuffed shrimp

shrimp, onion rings and french fries

Fried scallops* Fried shrimp*

Add a side of Baked Stuffed Shrimp to any Steak Dinner for 4.99


*Fried dinners served with french fries and cole slaw

Cheesecake Chocolate Cream Pie CrĂŠme Broulee And many more ...

Served with Soup or Salad, Potato, Vegetable and Rolls (or as indicated)

Chicken Marsala SautĂŠed chicken with lemon, marsala wine and mushrooms

),,- HUK =,(3

All Pasta Dishes are Served with Choice of Soup or Salad

Served with Soup or Salad, Potato, Vegetable and Rolls (or as indicated)

Choice Sirloin Steak Grilled to your specification Delmonico Steak Served with mushroom sauce Prime Rib of Beef au Jus Regular Cut or King Cut Boeuf au Sauvignon Prime Rib with oven roasted potatoes

Chicken Parmesan Veal Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Scallops & Broccoli SautĂŠed Sea scallops over angel hair pasta with garlic sauce

Shrimp Scampi Jumbo shrimp sautĂŠed with garlic butter

Chicken Picatta SautĂŠed chicken with lemon, white wine and capers

Chicken Brazil SautĂŠed chicken with bananas, coconut, almonds, oranges and pineapple

Fried Chicken Served with potato and cole slaw Broiled Pork Chops Choice of herb marinade, teriyaki or barbecue

All desserts are made on premisis with the freshest ingredients.

served on rice or pasta

at Ladd’s Restaurant! G I B nges


For updates follow us on Facebook at laddsrestaurant. www.laddsrestaurant.com

For parties of six or more, an 18% gratuity may be added to the check. AUGUST 23, 2012 • WORCESTERMAG.COM



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night day &

{ recommended}

Ziti’s Italian Trattoria 192 Harding St. 508-754-2212 Ziti’s offers a variety of Italian-American favorites in a nicely renovated space in the heart of the canal district. Pizza, pasta, chicken, veal, seafood, and sandwiches are on offer, as well as beer, wine, and desserts from the North End of Boston. Start with some sautéed calamari, perhaps, and then move onto one of Ziti’s ravioli or tortellini specialties.

Spencer Country Inn 500 Main St., Spencer 508-885-9036 spencercountryinn.com Catering to a quiet and casual crowd who likes country-style cooking, the Spencer Country Inn offers solid quality food at a great price. Especially good are the desserts and appetizers. It’s important to call ahead, however, because their closing times vary depending on how busy they are. If you can make it while they’re open, you will be rewarded with a lovely meal in a beautiful setting at a great price.

Luciano’s Cotton Club Union Station 508-755-6408 Located in Worcester’s historic Union Station, Luciano’s evokes the roaring ‘20’s with its gangster motif and high energy setting. Enjoy cocktails and a wide range of appetizers, entrees and sandwiches in the stylishly appointed dining room, or head out to one of two outdoor seating areas. With nothing on the menu over $15, Luciano’s offers good value and courteous service in a fun atmosphere.

Bistro Limoncello 290 West Main Street, Northborough, 508-393-5440 bistrolimoncello.com Bistro Limoncello is that “date” restaurant you go to when you want to have a special night out that’s not too formal. The prices are on the higher end, but you get what you pay for: top-notch food in generous portions… you’ll have a hard time finding that anywhere else. The live music on Thursdays is classic AmericanItalian crooning—think Sinatra and friends. The owner takes the time to meet each table, and even fellow patrons are friendly.

Westborough Korean Restaurant 7 East Main St., Westborough 508-366-8898 Featuring a wide range of traditional Korean dishes, this small restaurant bustles with happy patrons and harried but friendly waitresses. Dolsot bibimbap in a hot stone pot is the ultimate Korean comfort food. Try the chicken bulgogi or a squid stirfry for a spicier experience. All meals are served with a generous assortment of banchan, Korean side dishes delivering fresh and fermented vegetables in a wide array of tastes and textures. Beer and wine available.

Lakeside Bar & Grille 97 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury 508-425-3543 Lakeside Bar & Grille may be located in a strip mall, but it has the feel of a neighborhood pub. The menu includes appetizers, sandwiches, salads, burgers and entrees, with an emphasis on Italian-American cooking. That all may sound ordinary, but the flavors are fresh, the kitchen really knows its stuff, and the prices are hard to beat.



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night day &

Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.

{ listings}

music >Thursday 23

verizon to reserve it! Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Biagio’s Grille, 257 Park featuring Dubstep / Drum & Bass in the back room and Hiphop / Ave. 508-756-7995 or MySpace.com/OpenMicWorld. Dancehall / Breaks / NewJack in the front 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Audio Wasabi with host Brian Chaffee. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Water St. 508-756-2100. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Twisted Thursdays With DJ Whiteboi. Stop on down and Bobby Gadoury. 8-11 p.m. Nuovo Restaurant, 92 Shrewsbury St. enjoy the evening listening to your favorite music from the by gone 508-796-5915. days...great sounds to heard by all. DJ Whiteboi spins your favorite Night Train. 8-11 p.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West tunes. Watch for “So You Think You Can Drag� contests to be held Boylston. every other Thursday. 10-11:59 p.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 All Request Thirsty Thursday With CJ/DJ.Come on down Water St. 508-756-2227 or remixworcester.com. and dance to the hottest music around. I do all kinds of give-aways, so come down. No cover! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, The Downstairs, >Friday 24 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-868-7382 or soundzlikefun.com. 2012 Out to Lunch Summer Concert Series. Market opens Cara Brindisi. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508at 11a.m. Free, live concerts start at 12p.m. August 24: Dis-N-Dat 752-9439. Reggae has come a long way since the days of Bob Marley, and FoundationZ Thursdays - Dubstep/Hip Hop/ Dis-N-Dat is here to prove just how far it’s come. Don’t miss out. Free. Drum’N’Bass. 18+ $2. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. London Billiards / Club Oasis, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Worcester Common Behind City Hall, 455 Main St. 70 James St. 508-799-7655 or facebook.com/Foundationz. outtolunchworcester.com. Goli. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar Live Acoustic Fri & Sat 5pm and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. - 8pm. 5-8 p.m. The Krazy Horse 508-753-4030. Bar & Grill, 287 Main St. Worcester. Visit Old Sturbridge Village for free on Friday, Latin Heat Thursdays @ 774-696-0886. Aug. 24, as part of the 10-week summer program Bocados Tapas Bar. 9-11:30 Dana Lewis LIVE. Acoustic Free Fun Fridays. The program offers free p.m. Bocado Tapas Wine Bar, 82 Classic Rock Hits Every Friday. admission to some of Massachusetts’ most popular Winter St. 508-797-1011. Free! 5:30-8:30 p.m. Webster Metal Thursday!. 9 p.m.-2 cultural institutions. Stagecoach and riverboat rides House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square 508-757-7208 or myspace.com/ will be offered for $3 and “make and take� crafts for Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753danalewismusic. $5. osv.org. 9543. Dan Kirouac & Dorette Thursday College Nights Weld. Free. 6-9 p.m. Val’s with DJ’s. Narragansett Promos Restaurant, 75 Reservoir St., & Giveaways! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. The Krazy Horse Bar & Grill, 287 Main St. Holden. 508-829-0900 or facebook.com/events/311054535644374. Worcester. 774-696-0886. Boomer Ballads with P.E. James. Come sing along to the Jay Graham Live. 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Funky Murphy’s Bar & Grill, songs you love from the 50s, 60s, and 70s at Worcester’s most 305 Shrewsbury St. 508-753-2995. beautiful outdoor dining venue! Watch the sunset in a beautiful local FoundationZ Thursdays. Resident Crew: Top Rock United setting. Free! 6:30-8:30 p.m. Grill on the Hill at Green Hill Golf Course,

Super Chief Trio. Free Summer Sounds Concert Series, fun for the whole family and people of all abilities! Bring a lawn chair; refreshments. Local produce from Foppema’s Farm available! Event will take place rain or shine! Free. 6-8 p.m. Alternatives’ Whitin Mill, 50 Douglas Road, Whitinsville. 508-266-6502 or alternativesnet.org. Boomer Ballads with P.E. James. Come and sing along with your favorite acoustic tunes from the 50s, 60s, and 70s! Worcester’s most beautiful sunsets at the club house of the golf course at Green Hill Park. Free! 6:30 p.m.-8:30 a.m. Grill on the Hill at Green Hill Golf Course, Skyline Drive. grillonthehill.net. Destroy To Create Tour 2012 OTEP. Butcher Babies One-Eyed Doll Scourge Tickets $17 adv., $20 day. 7-11 p.m. Palladium, The, 261 Main St. 508-797-9696. Ricky Duran. 7-10 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508-7550879. Summer Music Series--Atta Boys. 7-9 p.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Night Train (Roots/Blues, LIVE MUSIC). No cover. 7:159:45 p.m. The Mill at 185 West Boylston Street, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. themill185.com. Irish Music Session. Each week, a traditional Irish music session is held at Mulligan’s Taverne. The public are welcome to join in music, song, and camaraderie. No cover charge, all ages and talent levels welcome. Listeners welcome, too! No Charge.. 7:30-10 p.m. Mulligans Taverne-on-the-Green, 121 West Main St., Westborough. 508-3444932 or westboroughsession.com. OPEN MIC THURSDAYS with BILL McCARTHY. Visit MySpace.com/OpenMicWorld for info and the latest sign-up schedules! Sign-up in advance! Email Bill McCarthy at openmcc@


Skyline Drive. grillonthehill.net. Open Mic Night!. Every Friday night we have an open mic hosted by Patrick McCarthy. Come in and show us your talents or enjoy great performances by local artists! No Cost. 6:30-9:30 p.m. NU Cafe, 335 Chandler St. Worcester, MA. 508-926-8800 or nucafe.com. SILVERSTEIN. Such Gold Day Trader State Champs Tickets $15 adv. & day. 6:30-11 p.m. Palladium, The, 261 Main St. 508-797-9696. Sean Ryan. 7-11 p.m. Barbers Crossing (North), Downstairs Lounge, 175 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8438. Tony Surno Band. BAND Free. 7-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Bret Talbert - Live & AcoustiďŹ ed!. Bret Talbert lays down musical “acoustic thunderâ€? with a guitar, voice, and vast array of the best songs in rock, pop, & country. Come enjoy... Free!. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Tavern on the Common, 249 Main St., Rutland. 508-886-4600. DJ Roberta. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Olde Post OfďŹ ce Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. Live Acoustic. 8-11 p.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Rock ‘n Art Show with music by The Lounge Chair Allstars & Mike Melendez with artwork by Jerry Garcia, Herb Greene, Joey Explosive, Lincoln Flood. 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. Live Music. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Live Music in the Pub - Erin’s Guild. ‘Stress Relief’ Irish Style-Traditional and Contemporary Irish, Folk, Accoustic Rock and pop. 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St. 508-792-3700. Omega Reign, Polluted Remains, Prostration and Joseph Anthony Ferracamo. A big bash tonight! $5. 8:30 p.m.2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook. com/OmegaReign.





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• AUGUST 23, 2012






Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. Back Seat Lover- The Bêlit. An acoustic cover band Premier Pearl Jam playing a wide variety of music Tribute. Celebrate the music for a wide variety of audiences, Don’t let the name fool you – MetalSucks brings death of Pearl Jam with Back Seat check out our sound at metal bands KATAKLSM, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Lover, the nation’s premier facebook.com/belit.acoustic. Vital Remains, Rose Funeral, The Flooding and In Pearl jam tribute! Get your rock Free. 7-11 p.m. Olde Post Harm’s Way to The Palladium on Wednesday, Aug. gruge on and rock out all Office Pub, 1 Ray St., North 29. Doors open at 6 p.m.; $20 in advance/$22 day of show. night! facebook.com/pages/ Grafton. 508-839-6106. BACKSEAT-LOVER. 9 p.m.Live bands every Friday 12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and & Saturday nights all Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, summer long. 7-11 Northborough. 508-842-8420. p.m. Oxhead Tavern, 366 Main St., Sturbridge. 508-347-7393 or Bob Moon & Sheez Late & Molly J.. Bob Moon is a longtime sturbridgehosthotel.com. leader of 20 yr local Worcester favorites Comanchero. Terrific original Planter’s Punch demo and tasting hosted by “Cocktail” singer/songwriter playing with old and new friends; a great night of Bob Oborne 7pm on the patio! then Trina Vargas with music. Pass the Hat. 9 p.m.-midnight Jak’s Pub, 536 Main St. 508Pianist Russ McHenry!. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 757-5257. 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Cigar NV Concepts presents Foam l Tan l Laundry Foam Party Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. DJ PAULY D. Tickets $30 adv. 7:30-11 p.m. Palladium, The, 261 DJ. Classic rock to the Blues. Large dance floor to shake it. Come Main St. 508-797-9696. see this Worcester classic. Full bar reasonably priced. Ice cold beer. African Services Committee benefit show brought to Friendly service. Keno Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. 3-G’s Sports Bar, The Music you by Lucky Dog Vodka. Featuring Next Town Ov-ah, Room, 152 Millbury St. 508-754-3516. Strange Machines,. $10 Donation. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog DJ HappyDaze Spinnin All the Hottest Dance Mixes. No Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or harlemworldmag.com. cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, UPSTAIRS, 287 Main St., Oxford. Joe Macey. 8 p.m.-noon The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West 508-987-1006. Boylston. DJ’s. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Beemer’s Pub, 114 River St., Fitchburg. 978Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster 343-3148. Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Down Gypsy. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Legends, Airport Road - Fitchburg. Dan Kirouac & Dorette Weld. facebook.com/DanandDorette 978-342-6500. Free. 8:30-11:30 p.m. Periwinkles Bar & Grille, 917 Southbridge St., FRIDAY FRENZY with Blurry Nights & DJ SOUP - DJ Auburn. B-LO. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. Live Music. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Hat Trick. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. Gardner. 978-669-0122. 978-537-7750. Auntie Trainwreck. 21+, NO Cover!!! 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Club KasBar, Jon Lacouture. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Art’s Diner, West Boylston st. 234 Southwest Cutoff. 508-798-8385 or facebook.com. 352-895-8355. Cold Train. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Ladies Night - Top 40 Dance Party. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Speakers Night Club, 19 Weed St., Marlborough. 508-480-8222 or DJ HappyDaze Playin the Hottest Dance Mixes. No cover. speakersnightclub.net. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, upstairs, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508Little Red and the Riders Reunion show with Ann 987-1006 or happydazedj.com. Souza. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. Drive South. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-753-4030. 508-459-9035. Ray Bryant & 2nd Degree. 9-11:59 p.m. Firefly’s Marlborough, Hard No. 9, The Ghost of Vigoda. 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 350 East Main St., Marlborough. 508-357-8883. 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. Rock bands: Miranda, Veil, Following Trails, and Trauma Hat Trick. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. Queens!!. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove 978-537-7750. St. 508-753-9543. Karaoke with Outrageous Greg. Karaoke with DJ Greg Dezi Garcia. 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury (formerly of Eddy’s Pub)every Saturday night. The absolute BEST St. 774-243-1100. Karaoke in Worcester! No cost, Worcester College Students Get WOO Karaoke with Making Points. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Fiddlers’ Memories. No cover. 9:30 Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, Main Temple St. 508-792-3700. As part of their east coast and Canada tour, Level, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508Live Bands. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. aggressive alternative punk band Silverstein performs 987-1006. Beemer’s Pub, 114 River St., greatest hits and short songs along with bands Such Little Red & The Riders Fitchburg. 978-343-3148. Gold, Day Trader, and State Champs, upstairs reunionsshow. Little Red & The Live Entertainment. 9 p.m.-2 at The Palladium on Friday, Aug. 24. Doors open at Riders first time at Nick’s - join us a.m. Partner’s Pub, 970 South St., 6:30 p.m.; $15 in advance and day of show. for some vintage swing & jump Fitchburg. 978-345-5051. blues in a club that matches the River Neva! w/ The music perfectly! 9:30 p.m.-12:30 Moulten Llama, “V”, Shred a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, of Salvation, and Western 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Massacre. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove Windfall Classic Rock Cover Band. Windfall is a Classic Rock St. 508-753-9543. band originating from Worcester, M, covering songs from the 1960’s Silverbacks. BAND $5. 9-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston to the 1980’s. No cover. 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Park Ave. St. 508-853-1350. 508-792-1078. SPINSUITE SATURDAYS - Top 40. Spinsuite Saturdays - Dj Funky Fridays with DJ Tony T. DJ Tony T spins all your favorites Soup - Dj Nick - Dj B-lo spin your favorite Dance, Mash Ups & Top every Friday night starting at 10p.m. Get here before 10 and if your 40 Tracks. Fusion’s Lounge opens at 9:00 pm and Dance Club opens 21+ you don’t have to pay the cover charge. 18+ only $10 21+ only at 10:30pm. Coat room with attendant available. No Cover Charge. 9 $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. 756-2227 or remixworcester.com. Touched. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Legends, Airport Road - Fitchburg. 978342-6500. Windfall Classic Rock Cover Band. Windfall is a classic rock >Saturday 25 Live Acoustic Fri & Sat 5pm - 8pm. 5-8 p.m. The Krazy Horse cover band originating from Worcester, MA, covering songs from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. No cover. 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Sakura Tokyo, 640 Bar & Grill, 287 Main St. Worcester. 774-696-0886. Park Ave. 508-792-1078. Dana Lewis LIVE. Free! 6:30-8:30 p.m. Grille on the HILL. Tantrum Saturdays with DJ Tony T. Get ready Worcester grillonthehill.net.

night day &

{ listings}

Road, Marlborough. 508-485-1660 or marlboroughcountryclub.com. Traditional Irish Seisiun. 4-8 p.m. Worcester Hibernian Cultural Centre, 19 Temple St. 508792-3700. Acoustic Open Mic/WARL Charity Event. Celtic/Acoustic music and an ongoing charity event for the Worcester Animal Rescue League No cover. 5-9 p.m. Jak’s Pub, 536 Main St. 508-757-5257. Dan Kirouac & Dorette Weld. owenandollies.com Free. 5-9 p.m. Owen and Ollie’s Restaurant, 91 Mill St., Dracut. 978-957-4400. Tea/Absinthe Dance with Chanteuse Niki Luparelli, Dan Burke, and the Gold diggers. Enjoy High Tea with Niki and the fellas out on the beautiful Nick’s Patio! Special teatime menu specials! All your favorite vintage and retro classics with room to dance. $8. 5-8

for some great dancing to the beats of Tony T. Watch for the surprise contest each week. 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or remixworcester.com.

>Sunday 26 Drag Shows. 18+ $8 21+ $5. midnight-1:30 a.m. Mixers Cocktail Lounge, 105 Water St. 508-762-9499. Jazz Brunch with Chet Williamson. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Bah Jam with Ton of Blues. 2-8 p.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. “Two for Twenty” Sunday. Call 508-485-1660 ext. 14 for reservations $20. 3-8 p.m. Marlborough Country Club, 200 Concord

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• AUGUST 23, 2012

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508-753-9543. T.J. Peavey. A veteran, accomplished and eclectic singer, songwriter and guitarist. Pass The Hat. 8-10 p.m. Jak’s Pub, 536 Main St. 508757-5257. Denise Cascione and Joe D’Angello “Dam Chick Singer”. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Jon Bonner. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508752-9439. The Mars Volta’s Thomas Pridgen (drummer) and his new band “The Memorials” at Ralphs! w/ Protean Collective, Phantasm, and Mission Bells. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543.

p.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Vincent’s presents: Big Jon Short. bigjonshort.com 5-8 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Blues Jam w/Jim Perry. Blues Jam with special guests weekly Free. 6-10 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. OPEN MIC SUNDAYS WITH BILL McCARTHY. To check the schedules and open slots visit myspace.com/openmicworld. Email Bill McCarthy at OPENMCC@VERIZON. NET. Free! 6-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263 or MySpace.com/OpenMicWorld. Southbridge Summer Concert Series. Free. 6-8 p.m. Southbridge Town Common, Southbridge. >Wednesday 29 The SUNDAY NIGHT Hang w/ Ronnie Sugar Bear.. Free. Open Jam w/Sean Ryan. Open Jam Free. 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. 9 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Lucky Dog Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508Boylston St. 508-853-1350. 363-1888 or luckydogmusic. Ladies Night! FREE Opening day of the exhibit Create at the College of com. Chips and Salsa,Veggie the Holy Cross is Aug. 29. This first installment of the REGGAE FUSION Crudite,Chocolate Fountain, show features the work of 20 artists with developmental SUNDAYS with DJ Nick. FREE $5 Gamecards, FREE disabilities. Paintings, sculptures, drawings prints, photography Worcester’s longest running pool for all Ladies Starting and text-based art done over the past 30 years by artists in REGGAE night hosted by DJ at 6pm. FREE. 6 p.m.-1 a.m. pioneer art studios in California will be on display through Oct. Nick and Guest DJ’s spinning Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove 6. Free. The Iris and Gerald B. Cantor Art Gallery, The College the HOTTTEST Reggae, Hip St. 508-793-0900. of the Holy Cross, 1 College St., Worcester. 508-793-3356. Hop and Top 40 every Sunday. Matt Robert Solo 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Acoustic. Matt Robert (Hat Water St. 508-756-2100. on, Drinking wine, Home Skillet) performs old-timey, >Monday 27 old, and new covers and originals that draw on blues, jazz, folk, and Driftin’ Sam Politz 7pm, then Big Game Karaoke 9pm. 7 rock. Donations Suggested. 6-8 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. 963-0588. Karaoke. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Partner’s Pub, 970 South St., Fitchburg. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. Narragansett 978-345-5051. Promotionals 7-10 p.m. Sunset Tiki Bar, 79 Powers Road, Westford. KARAOKE Every Nite. Free. 9 p.m.-1:45 a.m. cafe neo bar and 978-692-5700. grille, 97 Millbury St. 508-615-7311. Sam James. 8-11:30 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508755-0879. >Tuesday 28 Sean Ryan & Company. Open Jam! FREE. 8-11 p.m. Greendale’s Open Mic Night w /Bill McCarthy! Book your half-hour set Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. in advance at myspace.com/openmicworld. Email Bill McCarthy to Wednesday Night Open Mic @ The Hotel Befont With reserve it at openmcc@verizon.net. Free!. 7-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, Bill Mccarthy Local Musicians Showcase. Sign-up in 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. advance by emailing openmcc@verizon.net and visiting www. “Totally Tuesdazed!” Tunes in the Diner every Tuesday myspace.com/openmicworld. Free. 8 p.m.-midnight. Belfont Hotel, 11 Night!. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. South Main St., Millbury. 508-917-8128.

Upload your listings at worcestermag.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. WOO Town Wednesdays. FREE show with ANGWISH, BION and more. Power Duo sets out to reclaim rock’s artistic integrity with the 2012 “Rock and Roll Destroyed My Life” North American tour! Independently touring, self-distributed. The new album marks a change in direction from their indie/pop-punk sound. Angwish decided to go back to its hard rocking grunge roots of the late 90s. The album was recorded in its entirety in one 36 minute long take. It’s 9 songs that have no break in between them, and tracked live in the studio. Think Bleach and Incesticide a la Let It Be and Abbey Road. FREE. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-3631888 or facebook.com/angwishmusic. $1,000 Karaoke Contest With Dj Spaz. The show starts at 9:00pm every Wednesday night with D.J. Spaz from Providence, R.I. Free pool all night long, drink specials and a great time! Gather your friends and any other support to star in this karaoke contest! There are cash prizes every week! Also, there will be plenty of chances to enter for the $1,000.00 cash prize! If you don’t want to compete and just want to sing, thats ok to! Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 401-368-9654 or spazentertainment.wix.com/spaz. Kelly McGrath!. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Ricky Duran. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. WOO-TOWN Wednesday Free show LIVE BANDS. Live entertainment every Wednesday night. Check luckydogmusic.com for complete lineup. FREE. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or luckydogmusic.com. Beirut Night. Come see why we hold the crown for the #1 Wednesday night in the city! Summer’s here & Schools out! Doors open at 9:30 & Beirut tournament starts at 10:35 Two rooms of entertainment, come down & celebrate No More School & have a good time w/ all of us! 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508756-2100.

7113 or clarku.edu. Clark’s Cafe and Art On Rotation Gallery, Hours: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday - Saturday. Admission: Free for gallery. 310 High St., Clinton. 978-549-5822 or 978-365-7772 or aorgallery.com. College of the Holy Cross: Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, Create: Featuring the Work of 20 SF Bay Area Artists, Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Aug. 29 - Oct. 6. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday. 1 College St. 508-793-3356 or holycross.edu/departments/cantor/website. Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, Noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5

stART on the Street celebrates the 10th anniversary of its annual art, music and cultural festival this year and, for the first time, is hosting a gallery show featuring art, crafts and installations by past and current stART coordinators and artists who have shown their work at the festivals in past years. See the work at the opening night reception on Thursday, Aug. 23, from 5-8 p.m. at the Davis Gallery, 44 Portland St., Worcester. startonthestreet.org, davisartgallery.com.

p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 or danforthmuseum.org. Dark World Gallery, Canman “Modern Psychedelicism” New Exhibit, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Aug. 31; Modern Psychedelicism, Through Aug. 30. Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 179 Grafton St. darkworldgallery.com. ARTSWorcester, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 1-4 p.m. DZian Gallery, Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday - Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday. - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission: Free. 660 Wednesday - Saturday. 65 Main St. 508-755-5142 or Water St. 508-831-1106 or or artsworcester.org. Former Mars Volta drummer Thomas Pridgen and dzian.net. Booklovers’ Gourmet, his current rock band The Memorials come to Ralph’s EcoTarium, Bubbles!, ”New England - Land & Sea”, Diner as part of their nationwide tour on Tuesday, Aug. Sundays, Tuesdays, a collection of original acrylic 28. Those at the door and behind the bar at Ralph’s recognize Wednesdays, Thursdays, paintings by Lori MacDonald, this is a big show for the diner and are excited to have the Fridays, Saturdays, through Through Aug. 31. Hours: closed band. Don’t miss it. The show is $10, 21 and older, and doors Sept. 11; Grossology: The Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. open at 9 p.m. (Impolite) Science of the Monday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Human Body, Sundays, Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, p.m. Saturday. 55 East Main Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, St., Webster. 508-949-6232 through Dec. 2; Playing Together: Games, Sundays, Tuesdays, or er3.com/book Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Sept. 9; TOO Clark University: University Gallery, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. GROSS Tuesdays, Tuesdays, through Aug. 28; Preschool and Toddler Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, Noon-8 p.m. Wednesday, Noon-5 Wednesdays, Wednesdays, through Dec. 19. Hours: noon-5 p.m. p.m. Thursday - Saturday. 950 Main St. 508-793-7349 or 508-793-


In need of a



Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $12.00 adults; $8.00 for children ages 2-18, college students with IDs & senior citizens. Children under 2 & EcoTarium members Free. Additional charges apply for Tree Canopy Walkway, Explorer Express Train, planetarium programs & other special programs. 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2700 or ecotarium.org. Fisher Museum Harvard Forest, 324 N. Main St., Petersham. 978-724-3302 or harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu/museum.html. Fitchburg Art Museum, Hours: Noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, Noon-4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 25 Merriam Parkway, Fitchburg. 978-345-4207 or fitchburgartmuseum.org. Fitchburg Historical Society, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m.-midnight Wednesday, closed Thursday - Saturday. 50 Grove St., Fitchburg. 978-345-1157 or

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fitchburghistory.fsc.edu. Higgins Armory Museum, WOO Card good at Higgins Armory Museum, Through Dec. 31; Star Wars Day, Saturday. Hours: Noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: General Admission: $12 for Adults, $9 for Seniors (age 60+), $7 for Children (age 4-16), Children 3 and under are Free. 100 Barber Ave. 508-853-6015 or higgins.org. Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 414 Massasoit Ave. 508-753-6087 or massaudubon.org. Museum of Russian Icons, Palekh Icons: The Enchantment of Russian Painting, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Oct. 1. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 11-3 a.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 11-3 a.m. Friday, 9-3 a.m. Saturday. Admission: Adults $7, Seniors (59 and over) $5, Students (with ID) & children (3-17) $2, Children under 3 Free, Groups (any age) $. 203 Union St., Clinton. 978-598-5000 or 978-5985000x17 or or museumofrussianicons.org. Old Sturbridge Village, Story Hour at the Old Sturbridge Village Book Store, Thursdays, through Dec. 27. Admission: $7 - $20 charged by age. Children under 3 fre. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge. 800-733-1830 or 508-347-3362 or osv.org. Prints and Potter Gallery, Hours: closed Sunday, 10-5:30 a.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10-7 a.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10-5:30 a.m. Friday, 10-5 a.m. Saturday. 142 Highland St. 508-752-2170 or printsandpotter.com. Quinebaug Valley Council for the Arts & Humanities,

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the Arts Center, Hours: 2-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday Friday, 2-4 p.m. Saturday. 111 Main St., Southbridge. 508-3463341 or qvcah.org. Rollstone Studios, Hours: 11-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. Admission: Free. 633 Main St., Fitchburg. 978-348-2781 or rollstoneartists.com. Salisbury Mansion, Salisbury Mansion Tours, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Dec. 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Wednesday, 1-8:30 p.m. Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 40 Highland St. 508-753-8278 or worcesterhistory.org Taproot Bookstore, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 1200 West Boylston St. 508-853-5083 or TaprootBookstore.com. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, ”A Glimpse Behind the Curtain” with artist Ellen Hoverkamp, Thursday; Tower Hill’s First Artist in Residence: Ellen Hoverkamp, Through Aug. 25; Youth Gardening Program Summer 2012, Class A, Grades K-3, Tuesdays, Thursdays, through Aug. 23; 2012 Summer Vegetable and Flower Show, Saturday; Closing Meet and Greet with artist Ellen Hoverkamp, Saturday; Creating Nutrient Dense Soil, Saturday; The Art of Floral Scanning, Saturday; Tower Hill Vegetable Garden Tour: Beauty & The Feast, Saturday; 2012 Summer Vegetable and Flower Show, Sunday; Guided Garden Tour, Sundays, through Dec. 30. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $10 Adults, $7 Seniors & $5 Youth, Free to Members & Children under . 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111 or towerhillbg.org. Worcester Art Museum,20th Century American Drawings, Through Dec. 2; Art Since the Mid-20th Century, Through Dec. 31; Blue Star Museums Military Personnel & Family Discount to Worcester Art Museum, Through Sept. 1; Free general admission in July and August!, Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Aug. 31; Spotlight on Maki Haku, Through Jan. 1, 2013; Wall at WAM: Charline von Heyl, Through Dec. 31. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, Free for youth 17 and under. Free for all first Saturdays of each month, 10am-noon. 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406 or worcesterart.org. Worcester Center for Crafts, Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, closed Saturday. 25 Sagamore Road. 508-753-8183 or worcestercraftcenter.org. Worcester Historical Museum, Benchley, Behrman, and Bishop: Wit, wisdom and whimsy from the great writers of Worcester, Thursday; Blue Star Museums Military Personnel & Family Discount to Worcester Historical Museum, Through Sept. 1; In Their Shirtsleeves, Through Dec. 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 or worcesterhistory.org. Worcester Public Library, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday Saturday. 3 Salem Square. 508-799-1655 or worcpublib.org.

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2011 Cruze ECO Mi: 13,737 Ext: Red Stk#: P5042 $18,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

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2011 Equinox LS Mi: 29,668 Ext: Black Stk#: P5070 $20,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2012 Equinox LT Mi: 18,046 Ext: White Stk#: P9134 $27,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Equinox LT Mi: 56,457 Ext: Gray Stk#: P9128 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099










2011 Express Mi: 12,502 Ext: White Stk#: P5063 $24,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Express 2500 Mi: 20,694 Ext: White Stk#: P9087 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Express 2500 Mi: 23,740 Ext: White Stk#: 3214 $18,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2007 Express 3500 Mi: 60,578 Ext: White Stk#: P5077 $17,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Express 3500 LT Mi: 9,860 Ext: White Stk#: 3267 $24,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Express 3500 LT Mi: 11,211 Ext: White Stk#: 3268 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 HHR LT Mi: 30,486 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9073 $14,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Impala LS Mi: 14,918 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5044 $17,245 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Impala LS Mi: 38,125 Ext: White Stk#: P9125 $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099










2003 Impala LS Mi: 41,848 Ext: Blue Stk#: LA12664A $9,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2002 Impala LS Mi: 134,425 Ext: Black Stk#: P9145A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2006 Impala LS Mi: 104,541 Ext: Gray Stk#: P9154A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Impala LT Mi: 15,410 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9146 $21,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Impala LT Mi: 13,883 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9141 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Impala LT Mi: 18,433 Ext: White Stk#: P9136 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Impala LT Mi: 10,544 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9148 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Impala LT Mi: 17,850 Ext: White Stk#: P9144 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Impala LT Mi: 14,569 Ext: White Stk#: P9137 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099










2011 Impala LT Mi: 14,916 Ext: White Stk#: 3255 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Impala LT Mi: 24,995 Ext: White Stk#: R5060 $18,774 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2009 Impala LT Mi: 28,516 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5061 $18,279 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2008 Impala LT Mi: 21,856 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5059 $15,774 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Impala LT Mi: 19,248 Ext: White Stk#: P9131B Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Impala LTZ Mi: 12,139 Ext: White Stk#: P9147 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Impala LTZ Mi: 15,324 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9149 $21,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Impala LTZ Mi: 16,410 Ext: White Stk#: P9150 $21,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Impala LTZ Mi: 30,266 Ext: White Stk#: 11603A $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154










2007 Impala LTZ Mi: 82,028 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3236A $10,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Malibu LS Mi: 38,668 Ext: Black Stk#: EQ12379C $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Malibu LS Mi: 9,761 Ext: Gold Stk#: 12424A $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Malibu LS Mi: 37,923 Ext: Gray Stk#: CR12521A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Malibu LT Mi: 2,842 Ext: Black Stk#: IM12535A $23,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Malibu LT Mi: 8,952 Ext: Black Stk#: P9140 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Malibu LT Mi: 15,966 Ext: Beige Stk#: P9099 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Malibu LT Mi: 11,661 Ext: White Stk#: 3218 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Malibu LT Mi: 10,524 Ext: Silver Stk#: R5015 $19,949 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502










2011 Malibu LT Mi: 25,109 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9133 $18,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Malibu LT Mi: 14,446 Ext: Gold Stk#: P5043 $17,899 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2009 Malibu LT Mi: N/A Ext: Gray Stk#: 3292 $13,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Malibu LTZ Mi: 18,500 Ext: Black Stk#: P9097 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2009 Malibu LTZ Mi: 34,048 Ext: Gold Stk#: P9093 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Malibu LZ Mi: 1,777 Ext: White Stk#: EQ12440A $24,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Silverado 1500 Mi: 25,419 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121356B $26,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Silverado 1500 Mi: 15,962 Ext: Red Stk#: P5029 $18,499 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2008 Silverado 1500 Mi: 194,569 Ext: White Stk#: TK12614A $13,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099










2007 Silverado 1500 Mi: 42,099 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5074 $13,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2003 Silverado 1500 Mi: 91,452 Ext: White Stk#: 12554B $7,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2006 Silverado 1500 Mi: 94,011 Ext: Black Stk#: P9155A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2006 Silverado 1500 LS Mi: 20,089 Ext: Blue Stk#: 12798A $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 29,333 Ext: Black Stk#: P5076 $29,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 16,211 Ext: White Stk#: P9121 $27,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 13,950 Ext: Blue Stk#: 12751A $27,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 32,155 Ext: Gray Stk#: G15579A $26,598 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2009 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 51,919 Ext: Red Stk#: 12700A $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154










2011 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 37,921 Ext: Red Stk#: 12734A $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2007 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 60,921 Ext: Gray Stk#: 12708A $22,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 54,612 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5072 $22,897 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Silverado 1500 LTZ Mi: 19,813 Ext: White Stk#: 12739A $34,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 Silverado 1500 LTZ Mi: 16,943 Ext: Gray Stk#: SI12533A $33,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2008 Silverado 1500 SLE Mi: 150,250 Ext: White Stk#: TK12385A $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2009 Silverado 2500 HD Mi: 10,903 Ext: N/A Stk#: G258903A $21,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2010 Silverado 2500 LT Mi: 50,085 Ext: Silver Stk#: G53789A $30,415 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2009 Silverado 2500 LT Mi: 30,848 Ext: Black Stk#: 3246A $28,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

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2007 Silverado 2500 LT Mi: 37,354 Ext: Silver Stk#: N/A Call Us Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2004 Silverado 3500 Mi: 35,552 Ext: Black Stk#: AC12451A $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Silverado 3500 HD Mi: 14,788 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5038 $31,499 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2009 Silverado 3500 HD Mi: 11,225 Ext: White Stk#: P5055 $29,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2012 Sonic LT Mi: 656 Ext: Gray Stk#: CR12730A $16,835 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Tahoe LTZ Mi: 16,861 Ext: Gold Stk#: 3238 $47,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Tahoe LTZ Mi: 40,826 Ext: White Stk#: 12781A $38,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2005 Trail Blazer Mi: 79,872 Ext: Blue Stk#: TR12270A $10,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2008 TrailBlazer LT Mi: 45,505 Ext: N/A Stk#: N/A $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099










2007 TrailBlazer SS Mi: 52,998 Ext: Black Stk#: 12520A $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2012 Traverse LT Mi: 13,523 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3229 $34,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 Traverse LT Mi: 27,032 Ext: Red Stk#: 12860A $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Traverse LT Mi: 29,356 Ext: White Stk#: EC12187A $23,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2009 Traverse LT Mi: 72,371 Ext: White Stk#: 12846A $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 Traverse LTZ Mi: 40,147 Ext: N/A Stk#: P9111 $33,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Traverse LTZ Mi: 29,445 Ext: Red Stk#: P5066 $33,497 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 200 LX Mi: 5,812 Ext: Sapphire Stk#: 115408A $20,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 PT Cruiser Mi: 42,447 Ext: Gray Stk#: SP13153A $10,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099










2007 Sebring Mi: 72,496 Ext: Black Stk#: 3294 $9,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Town & Country Mi: 29,259 Ext: White Stk#: TU6016R $23,995 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2005 Town & Country Mi: 61,020 Ext: Blue Stk#: AC12604A $12,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2008 Town & Country LT Mi: 76,585 Ext: Blue Stk#: AC12332A $18,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2000 Dakota S Mi: 38,406 Ext: Black Stk#: M1442 $10,595 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2002 Durango SLT Mi: 57,988 Ext: Flame Stk#: SR12301A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Journey SXT Mi: 22,017 Ext: Blue Stk#: 135025A $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Ram 1500 Mi: 15,999 Ext: Green Stk#: SI12081A $28,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Crown Victoria LX Mi: 16,233 Ext: Black Stk#: CU4645R $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323










2011 E-250 Mi: 5,969 Ext: White Stk#: TU6034R $22,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 E-250 Mi: 9,045 Ext: White Stk#: TU6173R $21,495 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 E-250 Mi: 6,975 Ext: White Stk#: 3290 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 E-350 SD Mi: 13,925 Ext: White Stk#: TU6032R $22,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 Edge LTD Mi: 52,000 Ext: Black Stk#: TU6114 $22,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2007 Edge SE Mi: 94,315 Ext: Sage Stk#: TU6169 $13,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2007 Edge SEL Plus Mi: 65,001 Ext: White Stk#: CR12162A $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Escape XLT Mi: 19,416 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6007R $22,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Escape XLT Mi: 18,126 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6017R $21,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323










2010 Escape XLT Mi: 31,548 Ext: Gray Stk#: M1444 $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Escape XLT Mi: 27,017 Ext: Brown Stk#: TU6018R $20,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2009 Escape XLT Mi: 43,172 Ext: Red Stk#: TU6151 $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Explorer Ltd Mi: 10 Ext: White Stk#: 11EX20 $36,995 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Explorer XLT Mi: 27,516 Ext: Silver Stk#: TU6006R $31,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 F-150 Mi: 22,558 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6071R $29,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 F-150 Mi: 5,030 Ext: Bronze Stk#: TU6195 $29,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2002 F-150 SC Mi: 131,737 Ext: Gray Stk#: P9114C Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 F-250 Mi: 15,282 Ext: Black Stk#: TU6180 $36,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323










2006 F-350 Mi: 38,111 Ext: Blue Stk#: TU6062 $26,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2012 Focus SE Mi: 9,135 Ext: Red Stk#: CU4695 $18,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Focus SEL Mi: 27,425 Ext: Gray Stk#: P9156 $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Focus SES Mi: 30,963 Ext: Ebony Stk#: CU4654R $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Focus SES Mi: 34,674 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4662R $17,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Focus SES Mi: 38,377 Ext: Ebony Stk#: P5046 $15,899 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Fusion SE Mi: 23,962 Ext: Blue Stk#: CU4597R $18,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Fusion SE Mi: 28,445 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4646R $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Fusion SE Mi: 37,060 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4556R $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323










2004 Ranger XLT Mi: 82,672 Ext: N/A Stk#: B13241A Call Us Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2010 Taurus LTD Mi: 43,229 Ext: Blue Stk#: CU4762 $23,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 Taurus LTD Mi: 106,623 Ext: White Stk#: CU4609 $11,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Taurus SEL Mi: 59,930 Ext: Gold Stk#: CU4649 $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2007 Acadia Mi: 96,196 Ext: Gray Stk#: AC12949A $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Acadia Denali Mi: 11,458 Ext: Red Stk#: P5071 $43,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Acadia SLE Mi: N/A Ext: Silver Stk#: B96406A $26,877 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Acadia SLT Mi: 17,510 Ext: Carbon Stk#: AC12718A $36,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Acadia SLT Mi: 46,125 Ext: Carbon Stk#: AC12331A $30,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099










2007 Acadia SLT Mi: 73,739 Ext: Red Stk#: TE12285C $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Canyon SLE Mi: 14,987 Ext: Black Stk#: R5032 $23,959 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Sierra 1500 Mi: 20,667 Ext: White Stk#: P5039 $40,799 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2009 Sierra 1500 Mi: 72,133 Ext: Gray Stk#: SR12049A $26,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Sierra 1500 Mi: 15,305 Ext: Gray Stk#: G21009A $23,726 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Sierra 1500 Mi: 8,006 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5054 $20,829 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2006 Sierra 1500 SL Mi: 64,424 Ext: Gray Stk#: 12770B $18,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Sierra 1500 SLE Mi: 29,321 Ext: Blue Stk#: MB13136A $29,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 38,217 Ext: Red Stk#: G205286A $34,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502



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2011 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 12,246 Ext: Red Stk#: P4083 $33,495 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2009 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 22,131 Ext: Red Stk#: 3252 $31,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 24,715 Ext: Black Stk#: G97569A $29,869 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2007 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 60,629 Ext: Silver Stk#: G90267A $19,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

1999 Sierra 2500 Mi: 9,999,999 Ext: Black Stk#: SI12218A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Sierra 2500 HD Mi: 22,554 Ext: Gray Stk#: P5079 $28,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2010 Sierra 2500 HD SLT Mi: 35,041 Ext: White Stk#: P4085 $43,683 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2010 Sierra 3500 HD Mi: 24,891 Ext: Blue Stk#: P4067 $36,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2009 Sierra 3500 HD Mi: 16,052 Ext: Black Stk#: P5034 $29,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502










2011 Terrain SLE Mi: 31,852 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6077 $23,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Terrain SLE Mi: 20,397 Ext: Black Stk#: P5080 $22,998 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2011 Terrain SLT Mi: 31,147 Ext: Mocha Stk#: G91134A $29,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2010 Terrain SLT Mi: 28,669 Ext: White Stk#: P9151 $28,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Terrain SLT Mi: 26,611 Ext: Silver Stk#: R4096 $26,601 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2009 Yukon 1500 XL SLT Mi: 84,937 Ext: Black Stk#: G47425A $30,648 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2008 Yukon 1500XL Mi: 57,804 Ext: White Stk#: P8985 $33,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Yukon Denali Mi: 19,551 Ext: White Stk#: TE12477A $51,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Yukon Denali Mi: 17,281 Ext: White Stk#: P5041 $47,899 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502










2010 Yukon Denali Mi: 46,821 Ext: Black Stk#: P5030 $44,979 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2012 Yukon SLT Mi: 8,734 Ext: White Stk#: P5026 $43,897 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2012 Yukon SLT Mi: 9,333 Ext: Black Stk#: P5027 $43,897 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2012 Yukon SLT Mi: 15,230 Ext: Black Stk#: 3285 $39,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Accord EX Mi: 8,354 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5040 $21,869 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2009 Accord EX Mi: 26,914 Ext: Green Stk#: 115279A $18,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2012 Civic EX Mi: 12,409 Ext: Brown Stk#: 12711B $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 CR-V EX Mi: 11,903 Ext: Red Stk#: IM12488A $27,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 CR-V EX Mi: 18,357 Ext: Titanium Stk#: 131013A $26,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2008 CR-V EX Mi: 48,944 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1445A $21,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 CR-V EX Mi: 58,713 Ext: Red Stk#: 111808A $19,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Element EX Mi: 31,479 Ext: N/A Stk#: 125388A $21,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2003 Element EX Mi: 90,774 Ext: Orange Stk#: 125004B $10,595 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Insight EX Mi: 31,191 Ext: Silver Stk#: 135032A $19,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Pilot EX-L Mi: 45,377 Ext: Cherry Stk#: 125483A $24,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2006 H2 Mi: 69,987 Ext: Maroon Stk#: SI12638A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Elantra Limited Mi: 24,171 Ext: Black Stk#: 121598A $22,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Santa Fe Mi: 33,827 Ext: Khaki Stk#: 121332A $20,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2009 Santa Fe Mi: 41,130 Ext: Khaki Stk#: TU5962 $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Santa Fe GLS Mi: 42,198 Ext: Blue Stk#: 3279A $18,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2011 Sonata LTD Mi: 5,160 Ext: Ruby Stk#: 3237A $24,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2007 Sonata SE Mi: 27,166 Ext: Black Stk#: 121385A $14,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 Compass Spt Mi: 88,717 Ext: Silver Stk#: 115282B $12,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 Liberty LE Mi: 81,474 Ext: Black Stk#: EQ12375A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 Liberty S Mi: 28,892 Ext: Sandstone Stk#: P9090 $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2008 Liberty S Mi: 97,286 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121445A $15,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Wrangler S Islandr Mi: 18,749 Ext: White Stk#: 125048A $26,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886




Land Rover






2008 Wrangler Un-LTD Mi: 58,072 Ext: Silver Stk#: TU6121 $23,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2012 Forte EX Mi: 2,971 Ext: N/A Stk#: 121447A $17,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forte EX Mi: 24,366 Ext: Red Stk#: 11648B $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2007 LR3 SE Mi: 89,508 Ext: Gray Stk#: RE12490A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2008 GX 470 Mi: 64,738 Ext: Gray Stk#: 12515A $31,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2010 MKZ Mi: 20,811 Ext: Smoke Stk#: M1434A $25,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 2 Touring Mi: 18,161 Ext: Black Stk#: 125268A $15,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 i S Mi: 19,863 Ext: Silver Stk#: 115325A $17,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 i S Mi: 20,987 Ext: Silver Stk#: 115372A $17,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2009 3 i S Mi: 43,915 Ext: Black Stk#: P5062 $15,365 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2010 3 i Touring Mi: 27,025 Ext: N/A Stk#: 115415B $18,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 S Mi: 23,656 Ext: Blue Stk#: M1437 $24,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 3 S Mi: 17,401 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 111730B $20,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 S Mi: 16,774 Ext: Red Stk#: 125286A $20,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 S Mi: 26,186 Ext: Red Stk#: 125477A $19,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 S Mi: 26,349 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 125242A $19,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 3 S Mi: 36,445 Ext: Graphite Stk#: M1440 $19,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 3 S Mi: 54,814 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125443A $16,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2011 6 Mi: 8,511 Ext: BL-Cherry Stk#: M1413 $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 6 Mi: 10,005 Ext: Black Stk#: 115413A $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 6 Mi: 11,485 Ext: Gray Stk#: M1426 $21,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 6 Mi: 8,869 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1390 $20,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 6 i Sport Mi: 10,194 Ext: Black Stk#: M1433 $20,590 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 6 i Sport Mi: 36,931 Ext: Gray Stk#: 135031A $17,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 CX-7 GT Mi: 37,700 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 125426A $22,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 CX-7 i SV Mi: 9,964 Ext: Black Stk#: 115176A $19,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 CX-7 S Mi: 17,586 Ext: Black Stk#: 125453A $21,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

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2011 6 Mi: 8,511 Ext: BL-Cherry Stk#: M1413 $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 6 Mi: 10,005 Ext: Black Stk#: 115413A $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 6 Mi: 11,485 Ext: Gray Stk#: M1426 $21,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 6 Mi: 8,869 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1390 $20,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 6 i Sport Mi: 10,194 Ext: Black Stk#: M1433 $20,590 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 6 i Sport Mi: 36,931 Ext: Gray Stk#: 135031A $17,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 CX-7 GT Mi: 37,700 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 125426A $22,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 CX-7 i SV Mi: 9,964 Ext: Black Stk#: 115176A $19,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 CX-7 S Mi: 17,586 Ext: Black Stk#: 125453A $21,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2010 CX-7 S Mi: 37,912 Ext: Blue Stk#: M1421A $21,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 CX-7 S Mi: 44,836 Ext: Platinum Stk#: 115083B $18,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 CX-7 S Mi: 36,136 Ext: Platinum Stk#: 115418A $17,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 934 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1420 $34,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 22,520 Ext: Gray Stk#: 125346A $34,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 CX-9 GT Mi: 59,205 Ext: Silver Stk#: 125302A $28,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2008 CX-9 GT Mi: 65,467 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 121570A $24,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 CX-9 Sport Mi: 28,106 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 115208A $25,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 CX-9 Sport Mi: 59,586 Ext: Red Stk#: 115399B $20,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2010 CX-9 Touring Mi: 34,492 Ext: Black Stk#: 125352A $26,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 CX-9 Touring Mi: 85,637 Ext: Black Stk#: 135003A $20,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 MX-5 G-Touring Mi: 38,749 Ext: Red Stk#: 125389A $19,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 RX-8 Sport Mi: 3,363 Ext: N/A Stk#: M1438 $25,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 RX-8 Sport Mi: 4,986 Ext: Red Stk#: M1384 $23,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2004 Tribute ES Mi: 93,221 Ext: Green Stk#: 3283A $8,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 Tribute S Mi: 56,576 Ext: White Stk#: 125216B $18,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2004 E 320 Mi: 44,223 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4767 $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 E 350 Mi: 15,007 Ext: Black Stk#: 13250A $49,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154










2009 ML 350 Mi: 46,111 Ext: White Stk#: AC12504A $34,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2008 Grand Marquis GS Mi: 30,923 Ext: Blue Stk#: XT13140C $14,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2011 Milan Mi: 26,785 Ext: Burgundy Stk#: CU4778R $21,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2010 Milan Mi: 24,832 Ext: Black Stk#: CU4772R $19,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Milan Mi: 21,252 Ext: Blue Stk#: CU4770R $19,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2009 Milan Mi: 29,774 Ext: Smoke Stk#: CU4655R $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2007 Montego Mi: 82,725 Ext: Alloy Stk#: CU4688 $11,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 Mountaineer Mi: 71,194 Ext: White Stk#: B98928A $18,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2007 Mountaineer Mi: 85,128 Ext: Black Stk#: TU6182 $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323










2007 Mountaineer Mi: 79,356 Ext: Red Stk#: TU5997A $15,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2011 Altima SL Mi: 17,215 Ext: Gray Stk#: 115400A $23,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 MDX Mi: 34,961 Ext: Black Stk#: 3280 $32,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2005 Pathfinder LE Mi: 75,433 Ext: Blue Stk#: P9159 $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2008 Rogue Mi: 88,389 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6134 $14,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323

2008 Rogue SL Mi: 69,812 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125299A $16,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2011 Sentra Mi: 43,878 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125398A $17,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 Sentra Mi: 101,687 Ext: Gray Stk#: 115316A $12,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2007 Sentra Mi: 80,997 Ext: Sunset Stk#: 1519A $12,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2009 TL Tech Mi: 40,909 Ext: Bronze Stk#: SR12832A $27,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2010 G6 Mi: 41,512 Ext: White Stk#: 12443A $17,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2008 G6 Mi: 26,488 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5075 $14,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2006 G6 Mi: 80,810 Ext: Red Stk#: MB13113A Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2008 G6 GT Mi: 35,947 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5048 $14,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2007 G6 GT Mi: 60,900 Ext: Black Stk#: 3195AA $10,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2006 G6 GT Mi: 74,985 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3270A $10,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154

2009 G6 GT Ltd Mi: 15,091 Ext: Blue Stk#: P9089 $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2008 Grand Prix GXP Mi: 42,547 Ext: Ivory Stk#: LA12032A $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099










2008 Torrent Mi: 42,326 Ext: Red Stk#: P9070B $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2009 Torrent GXP Mi: 29,505 Ext: Black Stk#: P9098 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2009 Torrent GXP Mi: 66,218 Ext: Blue Stk#: AC12875A $18,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2009 Torrent LT Mi: 61,301 Ext: Blue Stk#: MB12270A $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2009 Vibe Mi: 36,995 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5073 $16,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502

2006 Vibe Mi: 87,079 Ext: Blue Stk#: M1441A $10,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Outlook XR Mi: 60,973 Ext: White Stk#: XT13140A $23,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099

2012 Forester Mi: 1,375 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121540B $25,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester Mi: 15,949 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121339A $23,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886










2010 Forester Mi: 22,035 Ext: Red Stk#: 121519A $22,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester Mi: 39,848 Ext: Sage Stk#: 131021A $22,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Forester Mi: 20,992 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121487A $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester Mi: 40,909 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121435A $21,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2012 Forester Mi: 8,803 Ext: White Stk#: 1541 $20,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2009 Forester Mi: 40,581 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121288A $20,595 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester X LTD Mi: 22,471 Ext: Gray Stk#: 131037A $24,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Forester X LTD Mi: 30,675 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121415A $23,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886

2010 Impreza Mi: 20,493 Ext: Red Stk#: 121556A $19,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886



• A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 12

Central Mass Pre-Owned Auto


July Massachusetts pending home sales continues upward trend Fifteenth consecutive month of year-over-year increases WALTHAM, Mass. – The Massachusetts Association of Realtors (MAR) reported on Tuesday, August 14 that the number of singlefamily homes and condominiums put under agreement were up again in July. This is the 15th straight month compared to the same time the year before that the number of single-family homes and condominiums put under agreement increased. Pending figures are a leading indicator of actual housing sales in Massachusetts for

the following 2-3 months. “With another pending sales increase in July, our confidence that the market is getting closer to recovery also increases,� said 2012 MAR President Trisha McCarthy, broker at Keller Williams Realty in Newburyport. “The significant boost in homes put under agreement compared to last year means closed sales should continue to remain positive through the fall.� The number of single-family homes put

under agreement in July was up 33.58 percent compared to the same time last year (3,514 homes in 2011 to 4,694 homes in 2012). This is the 15th straight month of year-over-year increases. While pending sales in July ticked under the 5,000 home mark after two straight months, this is still the most homes put under agreement in a July since the Association has been tracking pending sales. On a month-tomonth basis, single-family homes put under

agreement went down 8.52 percent from 5,131 homes in June. This is the first month-to-month decline in five months. The number of condos put under agreement in July was up 29.87 percent compared to July 2011 (1,349 units in 2011 to 1,752 units in 2012). On a month-to-month basis, condos put under agreement were down 11.78 percent from 1,986 units in June. - Submitted Article

Massachusetts Realtor Market Index and Price Index up in June Price index again over the 60-point mark WALTHAM, Mass. – The Massachusetts Association of Realtors (MAR) announced on July 18 that both the Realtor Market Index (RMI) and the Realtor Price Index (RPI) continue to be up compared to the year before. Short sales and foreclosures continue to have a larger-than-normal presence in the market, the Realtors who work with these sales reported no change compared to last year. In June 2012, the Realtor Market Index

Paula Savard

Gail Lent



Sandra DeRienzo

was 59.30, which was up 103 percent from the June 2011 score of 29.17. This is the second highest point the Index has reached since the association has been tracking the data and 11th straight month of year-over-year increases. On a month-to-month basis, the June RMI was down 1.8 percent from the 60.38 score in May 2012. The Realtor Price Index was 60.06 in June, which was up 57 percent from the June 2011

Tracy Sladen


(978) 537-4971 • 1-(800) 924-8666 6WHUOLQJ

2 br 1 bath ranch. Lot size , tax and assessment is 2 parcels which must be sold together.. Leach ďŹ eld is on second lot. Book 14891 Pg 6 for second lot. None of the owners have resided in the property. Open House Central requires a call. Tell us what time and which house and agents are standing by to open it for you.  Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com


3 br 1 bath cape. This cape style home is deceiving from the exterior with rooms more spacious that you think. Cozy up to the Fireplace in the LR on those long winter evenings. Ample cabinets in applianced kitchen, wall over and gas cooktop range, DW & refrigerator to convey. Well kept home, nicely decorated. Situated convenient to shopping, etc but away from the trafďŹ c. Aberman Assoc. Inc. Sandra DeRienzo 978-537-4971 x 42

RPI of 38.30. This is the second highest point reached on the RPI scale since the data has been tracked and first time that the RPI has reached the 60-point mark in two consecutive months. On a month-to-month basis, the RPI was down 3.7 percent from the May 2012 RPI of 62.38. In June 2012, Realtor members were asked whether short sales and foreclosures were currently part of their business. Of those

Paula K. Aberman Associates, Inc.

2086 Main Street, Lancaster www.paulasavard.com

23(1 +286( 21 '(0$1' OPEN HOUSE ON DEMAND 978 537 4971 - 0 for the operator We open ALL our houses to you EVERY Sunday from 11-3p (Except Labor Day Weekend). Just CALL FIRST and let us know which one you are interested in. All listings are viewable on www.paulasavard.com.


Set up on a knoll, paved drive leads to ample parking area overlooking spacious, level yard area. Colonial home ready for cosmetic updates to make this the home you are seeking. 1st level offers formal living & ďŹ ning rooms & den with handicapped bath w/ oversized shower. Family size, eat-in cabinet kitchen w/ breakfast nook. 2nd level offers full bath w/stackable laundry space, 2 bedrooms w/closets & 3rd 10x10 room for extra space- nursery, computer, library, mom cave, you decide. Aberman Assoc. Inc. Sandra DeRienzo 978-537-4971 x 42

Yasmin Loft

who answered yes, 17 percent responded that compared to a year ago the amount of their short sale business was either somewhat less (14 percent) or significantly less (3 percent). Forty-eight percent of respondents reported no change from last year, while 35 percent responded that their business was somewhat greater (32 percent) or significantly greater (3 percent) compared to last year. - Submitted Article

Anna Mary Kraemer CRS

Kathleen Ross

Tara Sullivan


4 br 1.5 bath colonial. Built to last for generations this property has been in the same family since it was built. Stately Hip Roof Brick Colonial situated on exceptionally well groomed oversized half acre lot. Four bedrooms, spacious living room, formal dining room and year round sun room. Loaded with hardwood ooring. Full basement with walk out. Brick two car detached garage. Double driveways. Deck overlooking beautiful garden areas. Exceptionally rare offering. Aberman Assoc. Inc. Gail Lent 978-537-4971 x 15 www.gaillent.com


Open, airy and ďŹ lled with sunlight best describes this 4 bedroom, West side Cape Cod style home on almost 2 acres abutting conservation land. Screened in porch leading to deck that opens to the perfect yard for gatherings--complete with custom barbeque and bocci court! Roof and vinyl siding in last 5 years; new heating system this year-supplemented by a pellet stove; heated 2 car garage with bonus room above.....too much to list!! Aberman Assoc. Inc. Tracy Sladen 978537-4971 x 18



3 br 1 bath intown farmhouse with attached garage fenced play yard. Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula K. Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www. paulasavard.com

3 br 1 bath cape. This home has been loved and it shows!! New roof, vinyl siding, replacement windows, new electrical panel, new hot water heater--nothing to do but unpack and enjoy this lovely South side Cape!! Gorgeous, private, fenced in backyard with TONS of perennials-a gardener’s delight.....slider to deck for summer enjoyment, minutes to all area amenities.....call today to check out this fantastic property......it won’t be around long :) Aberman Assoc. Inc. Tracy Sladen 978-537-4971 x 17



3 Bedroom 1 bath Cape.  Large lot amidst awesome neighborhood of recently built homes. gleaming hardwoods, carriage house..Open House on Demand most Sundays 11-3 . Aberman Assoc. Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com

3 br 1 bath cape. Immaculate 6 room, 3 bedroom, full dormer Cape on picturesque acre lot with ďŹ eldstone walls, lovely perennials gardens, 2 car garage and circular driveway. L-shaped living room/dining room with ďŹ replace, ďŹ rst oor master bedroom, full bath, laundry/pantry, antique lovers kitchen, ďŹ rst oor ofďŹ ce or 4th bedroom, UnďŹ nished great room, three season porch. Two large bedrooms up with loads of closet/storage space. Hardwired generator, full basement with two oil tanks. Many more features. Aberman Assoc Inc. Anna Mary Kraemer 978-537-4971 x 25 www.annamarykraemer.com


4 br 2 1/2 bath antique colonial. Stately Brick Federalist colonial update and cozy. Laundry Atrium off kitchen is not in room count from the town. 3rd story 4th bedroom and bath also not in town records. Title V in process. Inground pool opened 2011. Can be open before closing. Aberman Associates Inc. Paula K. Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com

&OLQWRQ &200(5&,$/

6 acres site with single story 11090 sf building built and used as a church. On site parking .. Easy access to Exit 26 I495 at Berlin town line .Conversions easily possible include ofďŹ ce building, restaurant (full kitchen and diningroom already on site. Gym..1800 sf included 20’ steel beam ceiling.. Aberman Assoc Inc 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com

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www.centralmassclass.com “Thank You Very Much”--and I mean that. Los Angeles Times Sunday- Crossword Puzzle JONESIN’ By Matt Jones

Home Of The Free, Thanks To The Brave

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

“I’M GOING FIRST!” 88 Disney Across president By JAMES SAJDAK during the 1 Sophs, two years later Pixar ACROSS Swiss of capital 41“Trial the Century”acquisition Àgure 6 Brand on shells 89 Vaccine type Kaelin 90 European 10 Fictional writer capital of “The World 8 Seaweed Accordingwrap to site influence? 97 Ewes’ guys 11 Bensenhaver” Like blue material 16 Union contract 100 Global financial org.blockage 13 stat Frozen cause of water 101 Rush violently 19 Outcast 16 Love Like god fresh polish 102 Former Israeli 20 prime minister 21 Fruit finder of 17 rhyme Suit to ___ Olmert 103 Brahms work 22 lovequarterback 18 Leia’s Play the 105 “Wicked Game” 23 #1 on a singer Chris 20 motivational Sense of house-selling skills 106 Dreamt things speaker’s nearby? 108 Throat reminder list? 112 WWII Sherman 26 Kawasaki Brute listings 22 Force, Moviee.g., catalog carrier 113written Say “Smile!” 23 briefly Twain who’s only one to Hugh Jackman 27 Place to book during dinner? recover, for 117 Prussian short 24 Many Tiny titter pronoun 28 look 118 Less complex to them 25 forward “She had ___ Presbyterian 119 Half a menu regularly combo 29 Pearly coating mind...”--Steinbeck 120 Tropical plant 31 Disreputable 27 Ancient Well past mourningwith a broken large 34 foliage knowledge egg? 35 Creator 36 31 Scrooge Word before se portrayer 32 Alastair “___ All Ye Faithful” 39 Fair 33 “Are you a man ___ mouse?” 40 Device for the Six Million 36 Dollar SpansMan? over lovely rivers? 42 of a 41 Start Odysseus’s faithful dog in “The pregame ritual Odyssey” 44 Architect Mies der __ 42 van “___ Groove” 46 Former Wrigley (1985 hip-hop Field star movie) 47 Early problem theRitchie Wright movie of 2000 43 for Guy brothers? 46 Half Likeofsome 54 Mork’sstews sign-off 47 Claim from a video store stock58 Costly, as a victory ing “Bulworth” and “Reds”? 59 “Almost done” 51 “Let Pasta sold in a bag 60 __!”: “Get going!” 52 Third-century year 61 “Son of Frankenstein” 54 Agnus ___ blacksmith 63 of that Indiana Jones hated 55 Battle Critters Normandy city 56 French Many-___ (polychromatic) 64 cathedral city 57 Night 65 Casper before in the 58 courtroom? Days long ago 70 Largish jazz 59 ensemble Where ofÀcers work: abbr. 72 List 73 Genesis creator 74 Makeup item Down 75 Rough up? 78 Feelings 1 Patty Hearst’s captors 83 Addams family 2 Bring back spouse, affectionately 3 Stevia, alternatively 84 Hinted about a player 4 St. ___swap? and Nevis 86 Paris possessive 5 Needing some rubbing

6 University of Maryland 8/26/12 athlete,

121 Media mogul Turner 122 They may be crossed 123 Homeric creation 124 Chaos antithesis DOWN 1 Resell in a week, say 2 San __: jet set resort 3 They’re on the phone 4 “Darn!” 5 Emeril specialty 6 Hi-__ monitor 7 Trajectory 8 Inane 9 Natl. Guard counterpart 10 Investor’s index 11 Like a June day, to Lowell 12 Aging, in Ontario 13 Lee and Landers 14 __ center 15 Union contracts? 16 Ballroom dance

17 Artist’s support 18 Turn upside down 24 Eyewear, in ads 25 Dough for spanakopita, perhaps 30 Sunken naval power, per Plato 32 Jam fruit 33 Get close, in a way 35 Taiwan Strait port 36 Bisque or broth 37 Car trip alternative to Geography 38 Bryn __ College 40 One doing hard labor 41 Analogy words 43 “Babi __”: Yevtushenko poem 45 Aetna offering, briefly 48 Sounds mostly the same 49 Try to unearth 50 Snarky reply to “Why?” 51 Bold relative: Abbr.

for short 7 Skunk’s asset 8 NFL Hall-of-Famer Lynn 9 Oscar winner for “Goodfellas” 10 In a daze 12 Head of the table? 14 More rad, as it were 15 Yello/Cake mix, for example? 19 Rush drummer Neil 21 Internet writing system that popularized “pwn’d” 22 Type of roof for a muscle car 25 Sailor’s greetings 26 Asinine 28 MifÁin’s publishing partner 29 ___-1 (“Ghostbusters” vehicle) 30 Sack lunch item that needs a spoon 34 Did a do differently 35 Sickly-looking 37 Shirley who was painted gold in “GoldÀnger” 38 Ursus ___ (scientiÀc name for the brown bear) 39 Furniture chain with a winding Áoor plan 40 Rachel who played Debbie xwordeditor@aol.com

52 Eponymous theater mogul 53 Fire, to 85Down 55 Warrior god 56 “Little Birds” writer 57 “We <Heart> Logistics” co. 60 “Let me rephrase that ...” 62 Swab over 64 Beef cattle 65 They cause stirs on 10Down: Abbr. 66 Northern Calif. landmark 67 Factual 68 Calvary letters 69 1943 Allied conference site 70 NCO with three chevrons 71 Actor Wallach 75 CDLI doubled 76 Polish writing 77 Winter quaff 79 Zagreb’s land, to the IOC 80 Dancer-turnedspy 81 Deli wheel

82 Note recipient? 84 “__ you bigtime” 85 First-century emperor 87 1920s Hollywood breakthrough 90 “__ I alone did call upon thy aid”: Sonnet 79 91 Tasmanian, e.g. 92 Not for kids 93 “Out of Africa,” for one 94 Gradually eased (in) 95 Boring tools 96 Half of a major scale 98 Star seekers 99 Plaster finish 103 Maple product 104 Rite place 106 __ facto 107 Stood 109 Swedish university city 110 Bird that fishes 111 Eye dropper? 114 Gaping hole 115 Jackie’s second 116 Rank below cpl.

Downer on “SNL” 43 Stockholmer, e.g. 44 Israeli desert 45 Texas A&M student 46 “Steppenwolf” author Hermann 48 Historic event when 43-downs switched to driving on the right (anagram of Y HAD) 49 Nevada’s second-largest county 50 Brewski 53 Club requirements, maybe ©2012 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com)

Last week's solution

SGT. Neal Paul Bakerlis Sgt. Neal P. Bakerlis, U.S. Army stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina has been deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Neal is the son of Mark P. Bakerlis of Sterling, MA and Julie Ugalde of Worcester, MA. Neal is a combat engineer and has been in the Army for 4 years. Neal completed his airborne training in Fort Benning, Georgia. (Photo captures his first successful jump!) He is assigned to the 102nd Sapper Co., TF Red Devils and his tour in Afghanistan will be approximately one year. This is Neal’s second deployment. He completed a tour of duty in Iraq in 2010. Neal is a 2007 graduate of Bay Path Regional Vocational High School and grew up in Dudley, MA. When Neal is home he resides in Worcester with his step-dad, Jeff Ugalde and mom, Julie Ugalde. We are so proud of him and thank you deeply for his service! Come home safely Neal, we love you and miss you! Love, Jeff (step-dad), and mom

YOUR AD HERE! Contact us today! ©2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

©2010 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com) For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per minute. Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle #0472.


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www.centralmassclass.com MERCHANDISE ITEMS UNDER $2,012 2 hutches. Good for cellar or garage storage. Both for $70 508-425-1150 5-Piece Gammon Drum Set, Extra Cymbal, Drum Sticks,Stool, Stands $220 508-886-2911 American Girl girls med. coat, purple w/ black sleeves, colorful emblem on the back, $20, 978-534-5959 Car bed boys blue little tikes car bed. Excellent condition! $50 508-340-8324 Cherry (solid) server on wheels, cabinet below, tile top $100 Lancaster 978-840 -8890




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Spiro J. Efstathiou Justice of the Peace for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


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Holden 20 Boyden Road. Saturday, Aug. 25th 8AM3PM. Rain date will be Sept 1st. Moving Sale, antiques, furniture & lots more! Jefferson/Holden North Street, off Manning. Watch for Signs! August 25th 9AM-2PM. Multi-Family. Great Deals, Something for Everyone! Rain or Shine.

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1993 Honda Accord New rebuilt 3k engine, clutch, tires, batt, new glass, full power. Must Sell! $2500 978-874-0546 or cell 978602-6841.

Honda 250 Sport Track 1 owner, hardly used, mint condition $1,500 firm. Call Tom at 508-341-3685 AUTO/MOTORCYCLE

1996 Chevrolet Corsica 80,000 miles, full power, $1,800. Call 978-534-0310

2008 Honda Metropolitan Scooter Black and gray. Mint cond. 469 miles. Asking $1650.00. Includes helmet. 207-289-9362 OR 207-4501492.

1999 Mazda 626 V6, Auto, 132K miles, runs excellent $2,895 508-829-9882 or (cell) 603-494-8219

2008 Suzuki GSX 650/K8. All black with silver and red trim. Less than 850 miles. Cover, new battery, and lock. $5500.00 508-7926080 AUTOS

2001 Cadillac Eldorado Touring Coupe, Rare car, loaded, mint condition. $7,995 508-875-7400 2002 Buick Century 4 doors, needs some work, drive train very good. only a handy mechanic should buy this car. Will pass insp. $2,800 978-660-2886

1985 Pontiac Firebird Trans AM Great body, doesn’t run. Best offer. For further info, please call 774 -270-1589

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AUTOS 2002 Chevrolet Camaro

35th anniversary edition, 27K miles Loaded, mint condition, never seen snow, garaged, T-tops $11,000 508-755-0998

2003 Acura 3.2 TL Excellent Condition, leather, moonroof, complete care record available, 105K miles, $7,490 508-7999347 and 508-754-6344 2008 Ford Fusion V-6 Sedan 28000 miles. Red ext/ $14,000 - 508-6889132 for appt. (Rutland) 2008 Nissan Altima 2.5 S 2-Door Coupe Black Exterior, Black Leather Interior, Bose Sound System, Power Sun Roof, and more! Excellent Condition with 47,000. Asking $16,000 or Best Offer. Call Tony at 508-3407661 or Brian at 508-3280459.



AUTOS 2010 Mazda Miata MX-5 Excellent condition. 25K miles. Auto/AC/cruise/CD. Records available. $18,750 978-464-0279 2011 Chevrolet Malibu Low mileage. Never seen winter. Many options. Factory coverage. Must sell. $17,000.00 OR B/O 508-769-4546 White 1998 Oldsmobile Intrigue A/C, 89,000 miles, Excellent Condition, Located in Northborough. $1,300, or Best Offer. Call 508-466-8512.



2004 Travel Trailer 26’ bunks & queen, one owner, very clean. Sleeps 6-8. Slideout, full bath, kitchen, a/c. will deliver $9,200 978-464-2703

2008 Fleetwood Niagara Pop-up camp, exc cond, 2 kings, flush toilet, shower, 3way fridge, stove, micro. Pop out din area to bed. 508-395-1558 $12,500.

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We buy vintage vehicles & antique auto related garage contents.


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www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES Worcester Housing Authority Public Notice Designers registered in Massachusetts are advised that applications are available for preparation of plans and specifications and construction administration for the Greenwood Kitchen Modernization project at the Authority’s 667-2 Greenwood Gardens, Elderly/Disabled Housing development. The firm must provide full basic services including investigation and initial design through preparation of contract documents, bidding and construction contract administration. The project manager or person charged with handling this project must be an Architect registered in Massachusetts. The construction cost is $375,000.00 The Fee for Basic Services is $30,000.00 Applications and brochure requirements can be picked up on August 22, 2012 between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM or mailed by calling (508)635-3302; or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street Worcester, MA 01605 ATTN: Tina Rivera. Fifteen copies of the application must be submitted to the above address by September 13, 2012 at 2:00 P.M. A pre-proposal briefing meeting will be held on August 30, 2012 at 10:00 AM at 327 Greenwood Street Apartment in Worcester MA.The successful applicant will be required to submit certificate of professional liability insurance indicating minimum coverage in the amount of $250,000.00. 08/23/2012 & 08/30/2012 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT (SEAL) 2012 MISC._ 467781__ ORDER OF NOTICE To: Gary A. Precourt and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501 et seq.: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real property in 21 RINDGE STREET, MILLBURY given by Gary A. Precourt to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated September 13, 2006, and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 39784, Page 17 and now held by the plaintiff by assignment has/have filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defendant’s/Defendants’ Servicemembers status. If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military service of the UnitedStates of America, then you may be entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil ReliefAct. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before __September 24, 2012__ or you will be forever barred from claiming that you are entitled to the benefits of said Act. Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER Chief Justice of this Court on August 7, 2012 Attest: Deborah J. Patterson Recorder 201206-1418-BLU 08/23/2012

WORCESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY FIRE ALARM SYSTEM UPGRADES MA 12-3/12-7 MILL POND APARTMENTS; MA 12-2 ADDISON APARTMENTS and MA 12-4 MAYSIDE APARTMENTS INVITATION FOR BIDS The Worcester Housing Authority (WHA) will receive sealed General Bids for FIRE ALARM SYSTEM UPGRADES at MA 12-3/12-7 MILL POND APARTMENTS; 600 Mill Street, MA 12-2 ADDISON APARTMENTS, 2 Addison Street; and MA 12-4 MAYSIDE APARTMENTS, 20 May Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605 until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at the office of the Worcester Housing Authority, Modernization/New Development Office, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Base Bid: Project consists of but not limited to fire alarm system upgrades and appurtenant work in various buildings located at the following WHA Properties: MA 12-2 Addison Apartments, 2 Addison Street; and MA 12-4 Mayside Apartments, 20 May Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605. Alternate (Add Alternate No. 1): Add Alternate adds the fire alarm system updates and appurtenant work in various buildings located at the following WHA Property: MA 12-3/12-7 Mill Pond Apartments; 600 Mill Street, Worcester, MA 01605. Estimated Construction Cost: The work is estimated to cost approximately $344,000. Bids are subject to M.G.L. c149 §44A-J and Federal Minimum wage rates as well as other applicable laws. This is a Little Davis Bacon Federal Wage Rate Project. General Bidders shall be certified by the Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) in the following category of work: Electrical Work. Bid Deposit: General Bids must be accompanied by a bid deposit which shall not be less than five percent (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount, (considering any alternates), and made payable to the WHA. Each General Bid shall be accompanied by: (1) Form of General Bid. (2) DCAM Certificate of Eligibility and Prime/General Update Statement. (3) Bid Bond. (4) Form HUD-5369A Representations, Certifications and Other Statements of Bidders. (5) Form of Non-Collusive Affidavit. Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pickup at Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 after 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2012. Attention is called to the following: 1. Provisions of Equal Employment Opportunity; 2. Provisions for payment of not less than the minimum wages as set forth in the Specifications; 3. Provisions of Chapter 14, Acts of 1966, Imposing a Temporary Sales Tax, Section 1, Subsection 6 (d) and (k) exempting the Authority from the operation of such a chapter; 4. Requirements to furnish and pay for a Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Bond as set forth in the Specifications; 5. Insurance certificate indicating coverage for public liability, property damage and workers compensation, in accordance with the contract requirements, must be filed by the successful bidder upon signing of the contract. There is a plan deposit of $50.00 per set [maximum of two (2) sets] payable to the Awarding Authority. Deposits must be a certified or cashier’s check. This deposit will be refunded upon return of the sets in good condition within thirty (30) days of receipt of general bids. Otherwise the deposit shall be the property of the Awarding Authority. Additional sets may be purchased for $100.00 for each set. Bidders requesting Contract Documents to be mailed to them shall include a separate check for $40.00 per set, payable to the Awarding Authority, to cover mail handling costs. A Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 29, 2012, at Addison Apartments, Community Building, 2 Addison Street, Worcester, MA 01605. Immediately following the conference, each of the three (3) job sites will be available for inspection. It is strongly recommended that prospective bidders attend. Following the Pre-Bid Conference, any questions received from prospective bidders shall be in writing and shall be sent to WHA up until the following times (unless bid dates are extended): No later than 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 5, 2012. The Contract Documents may be seen, but not removed at: F.W. Dodge, MHC/Joe Merritt & Co.,17 Everberg Rd,Unit C,Woburn, MA 01801 (781-430-2008). Reed Constr Data, 30 Technology Pkwy South, Ste 500, Norcross, GA 30092 (203-426-0450). Project Dog, 18 Graf Road-Unit 8, Newburyport, MA 01950, (978-499-9014). All bids must conform with provisions of Mass General Law (Ter. Ed.), Chapter 149, Section 44A to 44L inclusive and the Instructions to Bidders. The Worcester Housing Authority reserves the right to waive any informality in or reject any and all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays excluded, after approval of the award by the Worcester Housing Authority without written consent of the Worcester Housing Authority. The Contact Person for the WHA is Roger Goldman, Project Manager; Telephone: (508) 6353312. 08/23/2012 & 08/30/2012

Worcester Housing Authority Request for Proposals Exterior Masonry and Building Envelope Renovation Pleasant St. Apts. (12-5) 275 Pleasant Street The Worcester Housing Authority (WHA) is requesting applications from experienced Architects or Engineers registered in Massachusetts to provide full design, construction administration and inspectional services for the Exterior Masonry and Building Envelope Renovation project at Pleasant St Apts. 275 Pleasant Street. The construction budget is $1.2 million. A pre-proposal meeting will be held on Sept 5, 2012 @ 1:00 p.m. 275 Pleasant Street in the Community Rm, Worcester, MA 01605. The Request for Proposal, Applications, and Summary of Qualifications may be obtained at the Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA or by contacting Tina Rivera at (508) 635-3302 after 10:00 a.m. on August 22, 2012. Interested candidates must submit three (3) copies of attached form proposal before 2:00 p.m. on September 20, 2012 to the Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605, Attention: Mr. Fred Paris, Director of Modernization & Construction. For additional information contact Tina Rivera at (508) 635-3302. 08/23/2012 & 08/30/2012

Home Of The Free, Thanks To The Brave MILITARY HERO OF THE WEEK Is there a special service person in your life? The Central Mass Classifieds would like to feature members of our Armed Forces on a regular basis. If you have a special service person in your life, please email ejohnson@leominsterchamp.com with some information, photo, brief summary of his/her service, and we will be happy to recognize them in the Central Mass Classifieds. The brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces should be remembered all year long.

Call Erin at 978-728-4302 or email ejohnson@leominsterchamp.com for more information. A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 12 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M


www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 508-831-2200 Docket No. WO12C0276CA NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME In the matter of : Elisabeth Columbine Kurtyka of Sutton, MA To all persons interested in petition described: A petition has been presented by Elisabeth C Kurtyka requesting that: Elisabeth Columbine Kurtyka be allowed to change his/ her/their name as follows: Elisabeth Columbine Fitzpatrick. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT: Worcester ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON: 09/04/2012 WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court Date: August 9, 2012 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 08/23/2012


Sutton Planning Board Public Hearing Notice In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 40A § 5, the Sutton Planning Board will hold a public hearing to consider changes to the Town of Sutton Zoning Bylaw Section VI.L. – Accessory Apartments by making various changes ranging from grammatical corrections to addition of new provisions. The hearing will be held on Monday, September 10, 2012 at 7:15 P.M. at the Sutton Town Hall. Scott Paul, Chairman Sutton Planning Board Published August 23rd and 30th, 2012

A PUBLIC HEARING MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Law and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 At: 7:00 p.m. To act on a petition from: Steven Venincasa, 6 Mcintosh Ct., Westboro, MA For a Variance/ sp. permit in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: pre-existing, non-conforming structure at 38 Maple Street, Map 54, Lot 68, in order to demolish rear portion of the rear home. All interested parties are invited to attend. Richard P. Valentino, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals 08/23/2012 & 08/30/2012


• A U G U S T 2 3 , 2 0 12

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Worcester Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 Docket No. WO09P2509PM CITATION GIVING NOTICE OF CONSERVATOR’S ACCOUNT In the matter of: Ralph Tripp RESPONDENT (Protected Person/Disabled Person) Of: Worcester, MA To the named Respondent and all other interested persons, you are hereby notified pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. Rule 72, that the Fifth account(s) of Jewish Family Services of Worcester as Conservator of the property of said Respondent has or have been presented to the Court of allowance. You have the right to object to the account(s). If you wish to do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the return date of 09/11/2012. This day is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline date by which you have to file the written appearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file the written appearance by the return date, action may be taken in this matter without further notice to you, including the allowance of the account(s). Additionally, within thirty days after said return day (or within such other time as the Court upon motion may order), you must file a written affidavit of objections stating the specific facts and grounds upon which each objection is based and a copy shall be served upon the Conservator pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. 5. You have the right to send to the Conservator, by registered or certified mail, a written request to receive a copy of the account(s) at no cost to you. IMPORTANT NOTICE The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away the above-named person’s right to make decisions about personal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-named person has the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make this request on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-named person cannot afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at State expense. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court. Date: August 13, 2012 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 08/23/2012

Worcester Housing Authority Public Notice Electrical Engineers registered in Massachusetts are advised that applications are available for preparation of plans and specifications and construction administration for the Great Brook Valley Gardens Electrical Upgrades project at the Authority’s 12-1 Great Brook Valley Gardens, Family Housing development. The firm must prepare schematics, design development and construction documents with increasingly detailed cost estimates at each stage. Consultant will provide complete construction administration and inspectional services until acceptance of all construction work in accordance with Department of Housing and Urban Development standard design contract. The construction cost is $1,100,000.00 The Request for Proposal, Applications, and Summary of Qualifications may be obtained at the Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA or by contacting Tina Rivera at (508) 635-3302 after 10:00 a.m. on August 22, 2012. A pre-proposal meeting will be held on September 5, 2012 @ 10:00 a.m. 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605. Interested candidates must submit three (3) copies of attached form proposal before 2:00 p.m. on September 21, 2012 to the Worcester Housing Authority, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605, Attention: Mr. Fred Paris, Director of Modernization & Construction. The successful applicant will be required to submit proof of professional liability insurance in the amounts of $500,000, and General Liability in the amount of $1,000,000. 08/23/2012 & 08/30/2012

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Worcester Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 Docket No. WO09P2381PM CITATION GIVING NOTICE OF CONSERVATOR’S ACCOUNT In the matter of: Katherine Latour RESPONDENT (Protected Person/Disabled Person) Of: Shrewsbury, MA To the named Respondent and all other interested persons, you are hereby notified pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. Rule 72, that the Fifth account(s) of Jewish Family Services of Worcester as Conservator of the property of said Respondent has or have been presented to the Court of allowance. You have the right to object to the account(s). If you wish to do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the return date of 09/11/2012. This day is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline date by which you have to file the written appearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file the written appearance by the return date, action may be taken in this matter without further notice to you, including the allowance of the account(s). Additionally, within thirty days after said return day (or within such other time as the Court upon motion may order), you must file a written affidavit of objections stating the specific facts and grounds upon which each objection is based and a copy shall be served upon the Conservator pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. 5. You have the right to send to the Conservator, by registered or certified mail, a written request to receive a copy of the account(s) at no cost to you. IMPORTANT NOTICE The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away the above-named person’s right to make decisions about personal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-named person has the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make this request on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-named person cannot afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at State expense. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court. Date: August 14, 2012 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 08/23/2012

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Roger Morrissette


Two minutes with... Roger Morrissette, 49, is the owner of family ice-cream business Janine’s Frostee in Ware. Roger bought the store in 2005 from his father Henry, who bought it from the Millier family in 1976. Janine’s is the epitome of a family business, with sisters and daughters behind the counter, and a motto of serving the best quality products at reasonable prices with a smile. Here, he shares more about owning an ice-cream joint and what sets Janine’s apart from the competition. Tell me about the history of Janine’s Frostee. Janine’s Frostee was started

in 1956 by Raymond & Lydia Millier. They had two twin boys, Richard and Robert, and one daughter named Janine. In 1976, Janine’s was sold to Henry Morrissette, my father. With the help of our entire family throughout the years, Henry and Germaine (Mom and Dad) owned the business from 1976 until 2005, when they sold it to me. My dad had been in the grocery business in various management positions for many years prior to owning Janine’s, but none of us had a background in the restaurant industry.

Why did you decide to purchase the restaurant? One reason was so my mom could finally retire and relax, having been behind the scenes doing all the accounting and such for the past 29 years. The other reason was so the business would stay in the family, and I could hopefully put my own twist on this family tradition.

Did you make any significant changes to Frostee’s when you bought it from your parents? Why or why not? Since 2005, I

have made many significant changes, I believe all for the better of the business. In 2006, the 50th anniversary of Janine’s, I decided to celebrate with a big party. This party was a great celebration, and the beginning of

what will become an annual tradition, Janine’s Frostee Annual Car Show! Janine’s was founded on soft serve ice cream, and developed a big following due to its good quality, friendly service and fair prices. Shortly after taking over, I decided to bring in a premium hard-serve ice cream to sell. I chose Gifford’s of Maine, another small, family-owned company with all the same values as ours. Since I took over I have added many things to the menu, tripled the physical size of the business, added a website, created a senior-citizen discount, held events for charity, the annual car show, and live music performances, among other things. Shows like our Polish night were created due to the fact that Ware is a small Polish and French community, and I felt a good fit for such an event. For this event, I tie in a local food vendor by buying his homemade polish food from his market to sell at my place and creating a cross-promotional opportunity in the process. I believe that doing business like this helps everyone involved.

What is your business motto and how have you upheld it? My business motto is the same as it’s been since the beginning. Give our customers the very best quality food, drink and ice cream that we can, at fair and reasonable prices, and do it in a friendly way. I have taken that motto one

step further by now providing live music at no cost to my customers. I believe in not only giving back to my customers and community but also investing and reinvesting in myself and my business in the way of constant upgrades and improvements to make things better for my patrons. Better quality, better value, faster, more efficient service, more events, or anything else I can think of to help me offer a better experience to my customer.

Tell me about the annual car show. How was this year’s show? The annual car show this year was a good event. It was stifled a tad by the weather, which unfortunately is beyond my control. I planned it out well, creating a nice Team Frostee theme. I had all my staff both in the restaurant and outside wearing special Team Frostee shirts that we designed specifically for this event. My car show judges at the event wore referee shirts with the same Team Frostee design. I love putting events together and fine tuning the details, but never losing sight of the goal – to raise money for the charity, Baystate Health Cancer Care. Having lost my oldest sister a few years ago and, more

recently, my mom to cancer, I have developed a conviction to try and do what I can to help others. I plan my car show down to the last detail and hopefully brighten someone’s day in the process. I fully expect to create an even more exciting show next year, no matter what it takes.

Tell me about the jingle. How was it thought of and created? The “Frostee Jingle” was created when I was advertising on a country radio station a few years ago. They were offering some promotions, and the idea of a jingle came up. I explained to the writers that I would like it to feel like the old show “Happy Days,” having grown up watching that show. In the show, Arnold’s Drive-in was a place where everyone went in the ’50s, brought their hot rods and had a great night out. That’s the same feel I want for my place. Janine’s Frostee, Worth the Drive from Anywhere, was born! It seemed a perfect fit, and I’ve used it ever since. Learn more about the business at janinesfrostee.com

— Alicia Lazzaro

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