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WORCESTER Sept. 13 - 19, 2012
Shell-shocking fun for the season ...
Fall Guide2012
inside stories news
Diocese discrimination claims Page 4
stART on the Street 10th Anniversary Page 25
half caked Worcester cupcakes reviewed Page 34
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inside FALL GUIDE stories
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City Desk 1,001 Words Worcesteria Rosen Report People on the Street Online comments Fall Guide 11 Fairs & Festivals 14 Taste of the Season 18 Fire & Iron 20 College Football Guide 22 Disc golf Night & Day Eat Beat Venues/Clubs/Coffeehouses Steelz Classifieds 2 minutes with…
ABOUT THE COVER Photo: Steven King Design: Kimberly Vasseur
ONE WEEK ONLY! September 25-30 Use promo code WOMAG to sa ve 20% on select performances*
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*Some restrictions apply, ask box office for details.
Discounts available for members, groups, kids, students, and WOO card holders. 877.571.SHOW (7469) 2 Southbridge Street, Worcester, MA 01608 Worcester Center for the Performing Arts, a registered not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, owns and operates The Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts.
A weekly quality of life check-in of Worcester
WPI adds five destinations to its network of project centers around the world. The new centers are in Wellington, New Zealand; Moscow, Russia; Mandi, India; Tirana, Albania; and Bar Harbor, Maine. The centers are part of the school’s undergraduate program. +1 World Energy Solutions Inc., headquartered in Worcester, announces it was chosen to make a presentation at the Wedbush 2012 Clean Technology & Industrial Growth Conference in San Francisco. The event was held Wednesday. +1 Councilors elect City Clerk David Rushford to another twoyear term, but not without a public showdown that saw Councilor Konstantina Lukes try to thwart the move. -2 Worcester Public Schools and Discover Education (DE) team up for a workshop on utilizing DE resources on Thursday from 3-5 p.m. at North High School. +1 Two festivals, Open Road and Canalfest, celebrate local art and business in the city.+1 Complaints of voter intimidation mar primary elections in Worcester, most notable at polls inside the Murray and Wellington apartment complex. -2 Local street sweeper says he finds hypodermic needles and crack pipes on a regular basis as he cleans streets around the Canal District. -3 City brings on a new media contact person in Colleen Bamford. City Manager Michael O’Brien’s assistant, Christina Andreoli, says she will be assuming a new role and Bamford will replace her. +2 Total for this week: -1
{ citydesk } Gay couple claims discrimination by diocese Septmber 13 - 19, 2012 ■ Volume 38, Number 2
Walter Bird Jr.
lain Beret says all he and his husband wanted was to finish “the dance” of negotiating to buy the Oakhurst Conference and Retreat Center in Whitinsville. Instead, he says the Worcester Diocese learned the potential new owners were gay and killed the music. Now, Beret and James Fairbanks are filing suit against the diocese and the real estate agency they dealt with, claiming they were discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. The two Sutton men filed a housing discrimination suit in Worcester Superior Court on Monday and followed it up with a press conference outside, where they were joined by their lawyer, Sergio Carvajal. The suit names the defendants as House of Affirmation Inc., an affiliate of the diocese that owns the property at 120 Hill St.; Bishop Robert McManus; Monsignor Thomas Sullivan; Eastern Alliance Realty, which was brokering the sale on behalf of the diocese and Lisandra Rodriguez-Pagan and Angel Pagan, agents working for Eastern Alliance. The civil action filed in court seeks $752,620 in damages. Beret and Fairbanks, who previously operated The Harding Allen Estate in Barre and Forty Putney Road Bed and Breakfast in Brattleboro, Vt., had expressed interest in the mansion and 26 acres of accompanying property, but had made a revised $550,000 offer for the building and a smaller portion of land. The two men claim negotiations had progressed to the point where they were awaiting the execution of a purchase-andsales agreement. According to the suit, on June 8, a day after their new offer, Sullivan sent an email to broker Rodriguez-Pagan that reads: “I just went down the hall and discussed it with the bishop. Because of the potentiality of gay marriages there, something you shared with us yesterday, we are not interested in going forward with these buyers. I think they’re shaky anyway. So just tell them that we will not accept their revised plan and the diocese is making new plans for the property. You find the language.” The email is signed “Msgr. Tom.” The email was later mistakenly sent to Beret and Fairbanks, who say they’ve been together 34 years, and is being used as proof that the Church killed the sale because of the couple’s sexual orientation. Beret says neither he nor his husband ever mentioned their sexuality to RodriguezPagan. He also says neither of them had given thought to performing gay marriages
at the property, which they planned to convert into a banquet facility and inn. Beret says statements by the Church that negotiations were terminated because he and Fairbanks didn’t have enough money are blatantly untrue. Asked to respond to earlier statements by Sullivan that the decision was based purely on finances, Beret says, “I would ask the monsignor to read his own email where he says because of the potential of gay marriages being held there, we don’t want to continue.”
says Carvajal. “There was absolutely no disclosure at any time that there would be any restrictions [to the sale].” Beret, who says he is a product of the Catholic Church and left it when “the Church left me,” admits the lawsuit is not about regaining the right to buy the property. Rather, he wants a court decision that will ensure discrimination does not occur in any future real estate transactions. He also took a shot at the fact that Oakhurst once was used as a treatment center for pedophile priests,
Alain Beret (left) listens as his husband, James Fairbanks, talks to the media. While Sullivan had spoken publicly on the matter previously, he is now maintaining silence. Diocesan spokesperson Ray Delisle released the following statement on behalf of Sullivan: “Given the fact that a lawsuit has been filed in Worcester today regarding the property in Whitinsville, which previously housed the Oakhurst Retreat Center, all requests for comment are being referred to Reardon and Reardon located in Worcester. Since neither the Diocese of Worcester nor any of its directors have been served with a copy of the suit, we cannot comment on any specifics.” A message left with attorney Gavin Reardon was not immediately returned and an attempt to reach Rodriguez-Pagan for comment was unsuccessful. “It’s unlawful what [the diocese] did,”
saying, “One of the most offensive things to me is they utilized that property to harbor criminals and pedophiles, but it’s a whole other thing when their might be gay marriages there.” Whitinsville is losing out on a great opportunity, according to Fairbanks, who says, “It was a facility we were extremely interested in. We have been in the hospitality business 25-30 years and have hosted showers, birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. I feel the building has great potential. We had looked forward to living in the Whitinsville area. We are very disappointed that this opportunity was lost to us.” Walter Bird Jr. can be reached at 508-749-3166, ext. 243 or by email at
Schools dilemma on PCBs — test or no test? Teachers call for action Walter Bird Jr.
battle that has pit administrators against union representatives over the levels of a known carcinogen in the city’s public schools is drawing teachers out of the classroom. They say it is much more than a labor dispute, with one local teacher arguing it is about the health of each and every student and school employee. “I believe there’s a lot of cancer developing in people I know,” the teacher says. “I think there’s an environmental factor. Can I say with certainty it’s PCBs? No. But if there’s a possibility, I think the administration should conduct testing.” The teacher is speaking on condition of anonymity, but identifies herself as a 12th-grade psychology teacher at one of the city’s high schools. She is standing outside Doherty High School, where a handful of teachers and union officials have gathered on a sunny Friday afternoon. Doherty is one of four schools that the Education Association of Worcester (EAW) has identified as sources of the potentially dangerous chemical, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), used in caulking. The substance is banned, but was used in construction between 1950 and 1970. The other three targeted schools are North High, Burncoat High and Mill Swan. All were built during the timeframe PCBs were used. Former EAW Secretary Mike Sireci, now a consultant with the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA), tested the PCB levels in all four schools in 2009 and the results were alarming. While the Environmental Protection Agency puts the acceptable levels of PCBs at 50 parts per million (ppm), North and Doherty tested at 94,000 ppm and 85,600 ppm, respectively. Mill Swan tested at 14,000 ppm. Burncoat’s levels came back the lowest, but were still 8,300 ppm. Those results were turned over to the EPA. Sireci says administrators here weren’t convinced the samples were taken from their schools. Another issue was the circumstance surrounding the testing. Sireci did it as part of his doctoral studies at UMassLowell and not as part of the EAW. According to Mary Sanderson, with the EPA’s Office of Site Remediation and Restoration, what Sireci submitted was “a piece of paper with numbers on it.” While the EPA did not immediately order testing, Sireci’s findings sparked a meeting between the EPA and the school district, the result of which were several recommendations from the agency on
how the schools should combat the problem. The EPA has no mandatory testing requirement and Sanderson says administrators have chosen to institute “best management practices.” She says Allen reached out to EPA project manager Katherine Woodward in a Sept. 4 note in which he updated her on steps the district was taking to address the issue of PCBs. Sanderson concedes that, were it her decision at the school level, she would have conducted a test after seeing Sireci’s numbers, given they were so far beyond normally accepted levels. Then, she adds, she would have enacted a management plan. Whether the EAW should be allowed to test the air quality at the schools is the subject of an ongoing complaint with the state Labor Relations Commission (LRC). Testimony started late last month. Brian Allen, the district’s chief financial and operations officer, says the issue is more of a labor dispute than anything else. That contention doesn’t sit well with teachers. “Absolutely not,” the 12th-grade teacher says. “This is not a novel situation, either. The town of Holden just had to deal with the same situation. Westport and New Bedford have also dealt with this. I appreciate our union raising the issue, but it’s not a labor dispute. It’s the kids, from my perspective.” For another teacher, who also did not want her name used, the issue is fiercely personal. “I had breast cancer,” she says, identifying herself only as a former teacher at Burncoat High School who now teaches at Burncoat Middle. “I had a lot of health problems then.” The teacher says she is one of four or five other current or former Burncoat High teachers who all taught in the same wing of the school who have battled cancer. Now four years cancer free, the teacher admits she can’t say with certainty that her cancer was the result of PCBs in the school. An attempt to reach Burncoat High School Principal Bill Foley was not immediately successful. Asked about the teacher’s claim that several colleagues at that school had developed cancer, Allen says, “I do not have any direct knowledge that there were four to five teachers at Burncoat that developed cancer.” The teacher says the district conducted air-quality testing several years ago, “but we never got the results.” She also says the teachers’ contract calls for environmental test results to be readily accessible in school libraries, but that “in continued on page 7
{ citydesk }
- The August national unemployment rate for 18-29 year olds (non-seasonally adjusted), according to Nationally, the unemployment rate for all ages for August was 8.1 percent.
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{ citydesk } Worcester Phoenix backer downplays ďŹ nancial woes Walter Bird Jr.
he man behind a proposal to bring a new baseball team to the city has a history of money troubles that includes bankruptcy proceedings and tax liens. Some of the problems date as far back as 1982, while others are as recent as 2006, according to records kept by the Worcester Registry of Deeds. Oxford resident Bob Weldon, owner of Black Ink Sports, went public last week with plans to bring multiple investors to the table and introduce a new baseball team to Worcester to replace the embattled Worcester Tornadoes. The team would be called the Worcester Phoenix. Weldon tells Worcester Mag his ďŹ nancial issues were personal and should not reďŹ&#x201A;ect on his ability to bring a new pool of owners to the table to save professional baseball in Worcester. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had a personal tax issue, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m working with the IRS to take care of it,â&#x20AC;? Weldon says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It has nothing to do with the work I do, and it has no relation to
what Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m trying to do.â&#x20AC;? According to the Registry of Deeds, Weldon has been the subject of several federal tax liens, tax takings and attachments. He has gone through foreclosure proceedings with his Oxford house, but Weldon says he still lives there and is paying off his debt. Weldon also ďŹ led for bankruptcy. He did not want to delve into the speciďŹ cs of his ďŹ nancial problems. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That was 20 years ago,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Something happened, it was wrong, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m working to ďŹ x it.â&#x20AC;? Weldon says it should have no bearing on the proposed new baseball team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think it would be difďŹ cult if I was going to be the sole owner. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m proposing an ownership group.â&#x20AC;? To keep baseball in Worcester, Weldon is pushing for a three-tiered ownership group that would consist of buyers putting up $25,000, $5,000 and $1,000, depending on their level of investment. The top two levels of ownership would retain voting rights on team issues. Ownership would
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bring with it certain privileges, with the two higher investments entitling investors to such perks as a team ring should the Phoenix win a championship. As part of his plan, Weldon would relocate team ofďŹ ces either to Holy Cross, where the Tornadoes played their games at Hanover Insurance Park, or as close as possible to the campus. He would also look to forge a partnership with the Worcester Sharks hockey team for transportation. With Black Ink Sports, Weldon provides consulting services â&#x20AC;&#x201C; he says he has worked with both the Sharks and Tornadoes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; as well as bookkeeping duties for small business owners. Bill Fuller owns the Philadelphia Phoenix football team, which is moving to a spring league, the East Coast Football Alliance. He says Weldon has been a consultant with the team on â&#x20AC;&#x153;various issuesâ&#x20AC;? and that he has had no issues with his job performance. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I gauge people on the work they do and what they say theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to do,â&#x20AC;?
says Fuller. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everything [Weldon] has said to me he would do, he has.â&#x20AC;? Fuller says he would not hesitate to invest in the Phoenix with Weldon if he lived near Worcester. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would have no problem being involved with that project,â&#x20AC;? says Weldon. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bob made me aware when we started our professional relationship that he was dealing with a personal situation. I appreciated that.â&#x20AC;? Not quite as fruitful was Weldonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work with Dennis Faulkner, owner and president of the Worcester Wildcats football team in the New England Football League. The two worked together for about three months at the beginning of the year, says Faulkner. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a very short-lived relationship,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He came on board with different ideas on how we would take this team to another level. Some of those ideas were a little different than what we had done. It made more sense for him to pursue other continued on next page
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Appraisal Service
BACKER continued from previous page
money to the table. “My feelings aside,” says Faulkner, “at the end of the day, he always tries to find a way where there is money. If that’s the need to make baseball fly, he’s going to be the guy to make that come. Certainly, he’s had a lot of relationships over the years. He finds a way to get magnetized to money.” Walter Bird Jr. can be reached at 508-749-3166, ext. 243 or by email at
1,001 words
opportunities.” Faulkner was not openly critical of Weldon, saying, “We just had different views of the business and how it was going to flow.” Their short professional pairing notwithstanding, Faulkner is not dismissive of Weldon’s efforts to retain baseball in Worcester. In fact, he thinks one of Weldon’s strengths is bringing
{ citydesk } PCB continued from page 5
my school, a report like that has been kept in the principal’s office.” Allen says the decision on where to place those reports would rest with the schools. “If reports exists and are provided to the school, it would be up to the school to place them in the library,” he says. Administrative officials take the issue of PCBs and air quality as seriously as the union, says Allen. He cites a $1.2-million project during the summer that saw new caulking applied in several schools to all areas that had been identified as potentially contaminated with PCBs. In addition, crews replaced all light ballasts at 27 schools. Two schools received all new lights, according to Allen. The
work was part of an attempt to manage the situation before the district replaces windows at three schools as part of a longrange plan, says Allen. Administrators, he added, are working with Triumverate Environmental of Somerville and following their recommendations. A phone call to Triumverate was not immediately returned. “The district never ruled out doing tests,” says Allen, “but we are following the recommendations of our environmental consultant. We’ll get a new set of recommendations and decide what our next steps will be. We are managing the problem.” Walter Bird Jr. can be reached at 508-749-3166, ext. 243 or by email at
By Steven King
V E R BATI M It’s voter intimidation. Why here? Because there are elderly and people that speak Spanish. This is what you call the politics of fear.”
– Moses Dixon, a city hall staffer and Clark University graduate student, outside the Murray and Wellington apartment complex where voters in Ward 10, precincts 3 and 5 voted in the primaries Thursday, Sept. 6. There were reports of voter intimidation and Tea Party involvement.
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same sprout.
Emotions ruled during Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Election Commission Walter Bird Jr. meeting on alleged voter intimidation at the polling booths on Primary Day last week. With almost two dozen people offering passionate, at times tearful testimony the commission ended up adopting two motions it hopes will eliminate the problems that arose during the Sept. 6 election â&#x20AC;&#x201C; most of them at one polling place.
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A determined Election Commission heard from 23 people whose emotions ranged from shocked and scared to hurt and angry over several alleged incidents of voter intimidation during last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s primary election. Their testimony was enough to compel the ďŹ ve-member board to unanimously approve two motions aimed at preventing the sort of antics that allegedly took place at the Ward 10, precincts 3 and 5, polling place from ever happening again. Council chambers were packed as one individual after another took to the podium and spoke of either experiencing or witnessing behavior some said verged on criminal, including the alleged taping of a councilor talking with a voter. Several councilors spoke and implored the commission to take steps to ensure that the same incidents donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t occur in the November presidential election. City Manager Mike Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien also spoke â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in much softer tones than Mayor Joe Petty. Whereas Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien praised the committee for working to address the issue and pledged his support, Petty was the sheriff in town, saying intimidation tactics werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to happen â&#x20AC;&#x153;on my watch.â&#x20AC;? He talked about photos being taken at the polls. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Taking someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s picture is intimidating,â&#x20AC;? Petty said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legal, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not necessary.â&#x20AC;? The mayor called the alleged incidents on Primary Day â&#x20AC;&#x153;unacceptableâ&#x20AC;? and told the commission, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need to make this process easier in November, not harder.â&#x20AC;? City Clerk David Rushford was a focal point throughout the meeting, facing poll worker Sharon Williamsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s claims that he was â&#x20AC;&#x153;intimidatingâ&#x20AC;? and was singling out Activate Worcester coordinator Bonnie Johnson, one of the observers inside the polling place for Ward 10, precincts 3 and 5. Rushford didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see it that way, saying he had to rush to that particular polling place, the Murray and Wellington apartment complex, three times in one day. He didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t deny accusations that he may have been loud and forceful and offered no apologies if he was. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The vehemence people say I exhibited, I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t deny,â&#x20AC;? Rushford said, saying it was time for the city to step up its efforts to ensure the safety and rights of all voters. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to need Gestapo tactics in Worcester, but we do need to up our game.â&#x20AC;? Most councilors â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the majority was in attendance â&#x20AC;&#x201C; took the opportunity to get in a few words about their disgust and disbelief at Election Day antics, but Konstantina Lukes was not one of them. While Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, Petty and councilors all huddled inside the inner chamber door or along the media wall, Lukes sat in her usual place at the dais â&#x20AC;&#x201C; silent and leaving her seat only when she left later in the meeting. Councilor Rick Rushton called out the â&#x20AC;&#x153;few bad apples that want to disrupt grown in this city â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the growth of voter participation.â&#x20AC;? Councilor Sarai Rivera recounted her tale of having to involve police when she was allegedly harassed and taped by at the polls. There has been some talk about whether Rivera, who was a visible presence at Murray â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Wellington, was in conďŹ&#x201A;ict since she was so heavily involved in assisting voters even though she is an elected councilor. Riveraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s explanation is she wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t on the ballot and had no horse in the race as far as candidates, although she did show up with her son and Clark grad student Moses Dixon to eventual winner Mary Keefeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory party at Pepeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Restaurant that night. She was one of dozens at the party.
$CHOOL APPOINTMENT$: School Superintendent Melinda Boone has approved
105 teaching appointments for the school year, effective Aug. 27. The total tab for those spots is $5.8 million. According to the list provided to Worcester School Committee members for Thursday nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meeting, 69 of the 105 teachers will earn $50,000 or more (stipends not included) in annual salary. Twelve of the teachers will earn at least $70,000; each is either a Step 8 or Step 9 teacher.
THE WINNING TEAM: Mary Keefe scored the win in the Sept. 6 District 15
Democratic Primary for state representative and made sure to give mad props to her supporters at the victory celebration that night. Two of the biggest boosters were Neighbor to Neighbor and area unions. Local Carpenters Union 107 was a big backer and union member Jimmy Turner soaked in that winning feeling along with dozens of other Keefe fans. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been with Mary from the beginning,â&#x20AC;? said Turner. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She is a great friend of the unions and supports our issues.â&#x20AC;? Asked how it felt to be celebrating a victory, he said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pretty darn good. It feels good to hang with winners.â&#x20AC;?
slants rants& commentary | opinions
The Rosen
Report Not allowed to sell tobacco, pharmacies refuse to accept used hypodermic needles Gary Rosen
or decades, many insulin-dependent diabetics and users of other types of needle-injection medications, including drug addicts, haven’t been sure of how to dispose of their sharps - needles, syringes and lancets. In Worcester alone, hundreds of people simply let them accumulate in coffee cans and bleach bottles stored in their basements. Many others introduced their needles to the municipal waste stream by placing them curbside in household trash bags. But as of July 1 of this year, that’s illegal. Fortunately, Worcester’s health and elected officials anticipated this new state regulation. So about five years ago, to provide sharps users with an approved, convenient and safe method of disposal, the Worcester City Council instituted Operation Yellow Box. Four canary-yellow drop boxes were placed at Great Brook Valley’s Edward M. Kennedy Health Center, AIDS Project Worcester on Green Street, the Worcester Senior Center on Providence Street, and the Family Health Center on Queen Street. So that potential home buyers, business owners, college students and tourists wouldn’t think that Worcester had a drug problem, the yellow boxes were placed indoors. Four more were supposed to be added once the Main South Alliance for Public Safety and a handful of other opponents were confident that the city was neither sanctioning illicit drug use nor singling out inner-city Main South neighborhoods. While those additional units were never installed, by all accounts the original four continue to be popular and active drop-off sites. Unfortunately, the boxes seldom have been used by drug addicts, a few of the more reckless ones choosing to throw their drug paraphernalia in city parks, playgrounds and schoolyards. Taxpayers appreciate that UMass Memorial Medical Center pays a private medical waste disposal company to empty the box at the senior center while the agencies that house the other three boxes absorb that considerable expense as part of their own medical-
On-line Comments
And in this corner...
Kevin Ksen might’ve overplayed his hand here. Despite Donna Colorio’s oxymoronic and condescending statements, I don’t know enough about the Seven Hills Tea Party movement to agree that her connection to Bonnie Johnson’s alleged intimidation tactics is something other than her party affiliation or even friendship. Her apparent nonchalance is a little troubling, but even combined with her support of Coalition for Marriage last year, it only proves to me she has really, really questionable loyalties and possibly the brain of a fruit fly. Johnson, on the other hand, may have crossed a legal line with her tactics if these are anything less than anecdotal reports. And thanks to her, the Seven Hills Tea Party movement is now under that same microscope the Occupy movement was under last year. And if Johnson isn’t careful, she may cost Colorio a seat on the school committee next year. And then it’ll be Donna Colorio who needs to “Get a life.” Submitted online by TFW
waste disposal programs. And Worcester is now offering small but highcapacity personal sharp containers free of charge to residents who can use them. Hopefully, in the near future used sharps will be able to be dropped off on the city’s busy but infrequent hazardous-waste collection days. But now that sharps have been banned from household trash, there is a demand for many more disposal sites. The obvious solution is for our pharmacies, especially CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid, to institute a system for accepting and collecting used sharps from consumers. While those giant pharmacy chains are content to reap profits by selling sharps and accompanying medications, they have balked when asked by city health department officials to accept the return of used ones. They say they are worried about the expense and liability issues due to potential accidents in their stores or on their property. But some elected and appointed officials think that the pharmacies are now refusing to accept used sharps as payback for the Worcester City Council’s ridiculous ban on the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products at pharmacies only. This feel-good legislation has turned out to be totally ineffective because pharmacies were a mere 10 percent of licensed tobacco vendors in the city. The other 90 percent, non-pharmacy outlets, continue to sell cigarettes. No health benefits have resulted from the ban. In any case, this nanny-state ordinance has taken a good moneymaker and customers who would also buy other products away from our pharmacies. No wonder they tell health department officials to take a hike when it’s suggested that they have a responsibility to accept the return of used hypodermic needles. Massachusetts should enact a Needle Bill similar to our effective Bottle Bill. Outlets that sell sharps would have to provide a means for consumers to return them. Short of that, Worcester’s efforts to persuade our pharmacies to do it willingly will continue to go up in smoke.
What brings you to Main Street? AS K E D O N M A I N ST R E E T
I have to walk Main Street to get to my dermatologist’s office.
Claire Sylvestre WORCESTER
I live here. I live right down the street… besides court.
Elijah Hughes WORCESTER
I work at the Better Business Bureau.
I’m a counselor for the firm Bowditch and Dewey.
“Dusty” Erwin Miller WORCESTER
Rushford called to task in election fiasco
It has to be obvious to the public that the problem lies with the City Clerk Rushford and the personnel from the Voter Registration office. In my opinion they are poorly trained in the applicable MGL, lack customer service skills and generally have a negative attitude toward the public. The polling station volunteers are also poorly trained and for that reason the incidents were to be expected. It’s obvious the obvious suspects are milking this – demonizing everyone they dislike. I think the buck stops with Rushford. He’s been a lightning rod for criticism through his inept handling of issues. He should resign. Submitted online by JDT
The courthouse.
Rich Crompton RUTLAND
Tell us how you really feel Letters to the editor should be legible, signed and brief (prefer-
ably no more than 200 words). A daytime telephone number must be provided for verification. Worccester Mag reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, libelous or offensive material and style. Send letters to: Letters, Worcester Mag, 101 Water St., Worcester, MA 01604 or E-mail:, or fax: 508-749-3165 Follow us on: SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
Worcester Mag’s
{ fallguide }
It’s fall in New England again and this year Worcester Mag is giving you everything you need to enjoy the season. Whether you’re looking for a spiced seasonal beer, a weekend full of pumpkin carving and hayrides, a place to play disc golf or you simply are looking to cheer on a local football team fi eld side, this fall guide has it all. Pull the sweater on, grab a seasonal ale brewed right here in Massachusetts and take full advantage of the season befallen on us New Englanders each and every year.
• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
Compiled by Brittany Durgin
Fairs and Festivals
September 1-October 21 (weekends), King Richard’s Faire, Carver. The Renaissance festival offers a Royal Zoo, games and rides, themed events and a wide range of art including fortune tellings, tarot card readings, stained-glass jewelry, fantasy art and wood Hobbit Hole structures for play and storage. Performers include wandering fairies, roaming guitarists and the fair’s very own King and Queen. 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
September 14-16, New England Jazz Banjofest, Bedford. Three days of live music from the Golden Age of Jazz performed at the Doubletree Hotel in Bedford. While the majority of musicians play a four-string jazz-style banjo, others can be heard with a five-string banjo, mandolin, ukulele or even a gut-bucket bass. The festival kicks off Friday with registration at 3 p.m. and an opening concert at 8 p.m. A jam session on Sunday, 10 a.m.-noon, closes out the festival.
and tethered hot-air balloon rides will also be offered. Noon-5 p.m. $5 adults, children 16 and younger are free.
September 21-23, Bourne Scallop Fest, Buzzards Bay. Voted into the top-100 events by America Bus Association, this threeday festival draws more than 50,000 patrons and includes scallop and herb roasted chicken dinners, a food court, a juried craft show, entertainment and a midway. September 22, Fall Festival Flea Market and Craft Fair, Mendon. A festival of crafts, homemade baked goods, antiques and a flea market at the Mendon Country Gift Barn. Rain date: October 13.
September 16 – stART on the Street, Worcester. This is the 10th anniversary of the arts festival that takes over Park Avenue from Pleasant to Highland streets. More than 250 artists and crafters, more than 40 musical performers, kids’ activities and food vendors are just some of the entertainment offered at the event, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
September 16, Tattersall Farm agricultural event, Haverhill. Seventy vendors featuring local artisans, crafters and farmers offering local produce and plants. Hayrides, winemaking, children’s activities, live animals, musical performances
September 29, Fall Fest on the Common, West Boylston. The outdoor festival features fun for children and adults on the town common where routes 12 and 140 intersect. September 29, Charlton Orchards Farm and Winery Harvest Festival, Charlton. Food will be grilled and wine tastings offered in the farm’s wine store; apple picking, tractor and trailer rides will be offered. 12-5 p.m. September 29-30, Waters Farm Annual Fall Farm Days & Festival, Sutton. Two days of everything autumn: pumpkin painting, horseand tractor-drawn wagon rides, lumberjack demonstrations, even an apple-pie contest on Sunday, Sept. 30, at 11 a.m. The festival is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday. September 29-30, Overlook Farm Harvest Festival, Rutland. Traditional harvest celebrations of Peru, Poland, Kenya and other countries around the world will be on display at the farm’s global village. Hayrides will be offered, pumpkins and fair-trade hand-crafted items from around the world will be for sale. Lunch made with farm fresh products will be available for purchase or visitors may bring their own picnic. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. $5 adults, 12 and younger free. overlook-farm.
September 15, New Braintree Country Fair, New Braintree. The 41st annual country fair is a family event from noon-10 p.m. at the New Braintree Center. A chicken barbecue, kids’ roads race, animal adventures, aerial adventures, games, hayrides, a car show, live music and a bonfire are just a few of the things that make up the country fair.
September 15-16, Olde Deerfield Craft Fair, Deerfield. A variety of crafters and artisans bring their homemade items to the event for two days: Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission $7 adults, $1 children younger than 12.
are $11; $15 on weekends, holidays and Oct. 5; children younger than 8 with an adult are free. Popular band Hot Chelle Rae performs Saturday, Oct. 6, at 6 p.m.; tickets for the show are $25.
September 14-30, The Big E, West Springfield. One of the biggest fairs in New England, The Big E offers traditional fair midway rides, fried food, live performances and livestock, as well as a unique butter sculpture, Mardi Gras parades and new this year is Bixby’s Rainforest Rescue – an interactive stage show that teaches the importance of conservation and preservation.
September 15-16, Harvard Fall Festival, Harvard. Two barbecue contests: sausage and chicken wings at noon on Saturday and pulled pork and chili at noon on Sunday. A classic car show will be held Sunday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fireworks, a bonfire, medieval challenge games, a kids area, live music and a juried artisan craft fair will also be a part of the festival.
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September 22-23, Wachusett Mountain KidsFest, Princeton. Two days of music, food and entertainment. New this year is a BMX and skateboard stunt show as well as a high-flying trampoline act and a Marvelous Mutts dog show. 10 a.m.5 p.m. September 22-23 Life is Good Festival, Canton. Three stages of live music, games, interactive art activities and entertainment in the “Good Kids” zone. All proceeds raised benefit the Life is Good Playmakers, helping kids overcome poverty, violence and illness. Adult passes are $65 per day or $120 for a weekend; $20 per day or $35 weekend for kids 12 and younger. September 28-30, Spirit of Shrewsbury Fall Festival, Shrewsbury. A few events happening during the three-day town-wide festival include a craft fair with up to 75 vendors, a 5K road race and fun walk, and a scarecrow on the common contest. September 28-October 8, Topsfield Fair, Topsfield. Midway rides, a farmyard, parades, grandstand shows, a giant pumpkin contest and beekeeping are just a few of the wide array of fun offerings at the Topsfield Fair. Weekday tickets
September 29-30, North Quabbin Garlic and Arts Festival, Orange. Regional artists, farmers and organizations gather to share, sell and exhibit their work. Music and other entertainment liven up two solar powered stages. More than 50 free presentations, activities, demos and kids’ activities and workshops will be offered in the renewable energy and healing arts tents. Adult tickets are $5 per day or $8 for a weekend, free for children 12 and younger. September 30, Festival of the Hills, Conway. The annual event includes a pancake breakfast, bake sale, community turkey dinner, a 10K road race, arts and crafts exhibits, live music, kids’ activities, a parade, log splitting and skillet-toss contests. All festival proceeds benefit scholarships for local high school students. September 30, Harvest Fair, North Easton. The 39th annual Harvest Fair boasts local crafters, food, entertainment and more. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. October 6, Fall Cider Festival, Westborough. Julio’s Liquors hosts their first cider fest this year with free tastings for anyone
continued on page 12
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FAIR & FESTIVALS continued from page 11
21 years of age and older. Expect to find at least 50 different products available for sample, but as always, the folks at Julio’s will limit the amount of tastings any one person samples. October 6, The Trustees of Reservations Fall Harvest Celebration, Leominster. Free and at Doyle Community Park & Center on Lindell Avenue; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. October 6, Maynard Community Fest, downtown Maynard. More than 100 vendors, family entertainment and food booths take over downtown Maynard for the annual afternoon event. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. events.asp. October 13, Harvest Festival & Benefit for Emerson Hospital Pediatric Care, Concord. An afternoon of games and activities, food and drink, live music by Boston Road Bluegrass, pony rides and giveaways including gift certificates for family activities and restaurants. 12-4 p.m. October 20, EcoTarium Great Pumpkin
Fest 2012, Worcester. More than a thousand carved and lit pumpkins will be on display as part of the afternoon and evening family event. Also offered are free hayrides, train rides, digital planetarium shows, games, crafts, animal encounters, Halloween science tricks and pumpkin-carving demonstrations. Noon-9 p.m. $15 per person, $12 EcoTarium members, children younger than 2 are free. October 21, Bluegrass and Brews, Bolton. Hand-crafted microbrews pavilion and bluegrass music by Southern Rail are the focus of the annual festival at Nashoba Winery. Cider donuts, caramel apples and barbecue food will be available for purchase. Tours and sampling of the winery will also be offered. Free. 12-5 p.m. October 20-21, Wachusett Mountain AppleFest, Princeton. The weekendlong event includes craft exhibitors, a farmers’ market, music, Oktoberfest-themed food and family entertainment. The SkyRide offers lift rides with views of fall foliage. A 5K crosscountry race across the mountain will be held as part of the event on Sunday, Aug. 21. October 20-21, Harvest Festival, Sturbridge. This year marks 23 years of local crafters, artisans, specialty food vendors and farmers with fresh produce coming together on the Sturbridge Town Common and the grounds of the Publick House Historic Inn for the family event. Don’t miss the scarecrow contest, applepie contest or the Local Idol singing contest. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sturbridge Town Common, Main St., Sturbridge. cmschamber. October 27, Harvest Festival, Worcester. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Saint Ann Parish hosts a Breakfast with the Witches at 9 a.m. followed by vendors selling knitted goods and fall treats including candied apples and pies. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. A Halloween party and Haunted House with games, refreshments, costume parade and prizes will happen after the festival from 4-6 p.m. 24 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Recreation Center, 24 Mulberry St., Worcester. October 27, Boston Book Festival, Boston. Keynote speakers by renowned authors including Lemony Snicket who wrote “A Series of Unfortunate Events,” workshops on writing for a variety of genres, and a street fair with exhibitors ranging from publishers to art organizations. October 27-28, Great New England BBQFest, Princeton. Join Wachusett Mountain for their third annual BBQFest featuring a BBQ, crafters, a farmers’ market and entertainment benefiting the Greg Hill Foundation. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Advance admission is $8 adults, $4 kids; at the gate, $10 adults, $6 kids. wachusett. com.
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• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
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{ fallguide }
The sight, smell and taste of locally brewed seasonal beer ...
• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
Taste of the Kevin Koczwara
Beer and the seasons go together. There are flavors, tastes and expectations that come when the leaves change from green to red, brown, orange and yellow. Summer beers – full of life, fruit and generally on the lighter side – don’t fit into what people have come to expect once the days begin to get shorter and sweaters come out of the closet. Autumn beers start to appear in August, with pumpkin and spice flavors inhabiting liquorstore aisles. With the change of season imminent, we at Worcester Mag set out to find and taste autumn beers brewed here in Massachusetts and review them. The list was compiled before some breweries were ready to release their fall brews, so there will be updates online with reviews of other local brewers when beers are ready. For this experiment, I rated and judged the beers on a scale from one to five and tasted the beers on my own while a select group of Worcester Mag employees tasted the beers together in a different room and compiled their own ratings. Here’s what we came up with:
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Season Samuel Adams, Boston. HARVEST PUMPKIN ALE 5.7% Notes: Look and smell is great, the taste iss too sweet and almost spoiled. Kevin’s rating: 1 Staff notes: “Disappointing.” Staff rating: 2.5 Samuel Adams, Boston. OCTOBERFEST 5.3% Notes: The standard of what is expected from an American-made Octoberfest. Samuel Adams should stick to making this better instead of making more pumpkin beers. Kevin’s rating: 3 Staff notes: “Simple and tasty!” Staff rating: 2.5
Mayflower Brewing Company, Plymouth. th. AUTUMN WHEAT ALE 5.8% Notes: After drinking lots of pumpkin ales and mple spice-filled Octoberfests, it was nice to sample ble something different in a fall beer — enjoyable and very drinkable. Kevin’s rating: 4.5 S Staff notes: “Bitter, but clean.” S Staff rating: 2 Har Harpoon Brewery, Boston. UFO PUMPKIN 5.9% Note Notes: I just don’t get it. I love the idea. The execution? Not so much. I’ve tried much, muc much better pumpkin beers. Kev Kevin’s rating: 1 Staf Staff notes: “Very festive!” “A d dessert beer with the taste of nutmeg and pumpkin pie.” Staf Staff rating: 4
{ fallguide } Samuel Adams, Boston. HAZEL BROWN 5.2% ough. Notes: Hazelnut is a wonderful ďŹ&#x201A;avor not used enough. an This is like a coffee porter that nonporter drinkers can handle. A bit heavy, but perfect for camping. Kevinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rating: 3.5 .â&#x20AC;? Staff notes: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Smells like nuts and hazelnut coffee.â&#x20AC;? Staff rating: 2
Jac Jackâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Abby Brewing, Framingham. COPPER LEGEND OKTOBERFEST 6.2% CO Notes: Tasty and easy drinking; a good wheat ďŹ&#x201A;avor but No not overpowering. Kevinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rating: 4 Ke Staff notes: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Warming on a cool fall night. Sit by the Sta ďŹ re with this.â&#x20AC;? Staff rating: 3.5 Sta
Taste of the Harpoon Brewery, Boston. OCTOBERFEST 5.5% Notes: A trusted Octoberfest, drinkable, a nice touch ch of malt balances the bitterness that comes with using ng Willamettehops. Kevinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rating: 3.5 Staff notes: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nice and refreshing. A great staple beer.â&#x20AC;? Staff rating: 3
W Wachusett Wa Brewing Company, Westminster. OCTOBERFEST 5.2% OC O Notes: Tasted like the vegetables in the cornucopia on the Not N llabel abe went bad. Kev K Kevinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rating: 1 Sta S Staff notes: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Would be good with a burger or hot dog.â&#x20AC;? Sta S Staff rating: 4
Samuel Adams, Boston. FAT JACK DOUBLE PUMPKIN ALE 8.5% Notes: Think: Rotting pumpkin stuffed inside a bottle with so much pumpkin pie spice that it becomes a spice pie. ie. Kevinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rating: 1.5 Staff notes: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Totally unique. Like no beer Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever tasted. A must try for any beer lover.â&#x20AC;? Staff rating: 2.5
W Wachusett Brewing Company, Westminster. PUMPKAN 5.2% P Notes: Easier to drink â&#x20AC;&#x201D; due to its dryness â&#x20AC;&#x201D; than N tthe Imperial, a lot crisper. Props for the can design aas well. Kevinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rating: 4 K Staff notes: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The silver bullet of pumpkin beer.â&#x20AC;? S Staff rating: 3 S
STOWE FARM ORCHARDS â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;â&#x2DC;&#x2026;
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{ fallguide }
Cisco Brewers Inc., Nantucket. PUMPLE DRUMKIN 6% Notes: Someone got a pumpkin beer right. Thank you. I was mpkin dying after drinking all the other ones. The malts and the pumpkin meet up here, which hadn’t happened in any other pumpkin beer that I sampled. Kevin’s rating: 4.5 Staff notes: “Like a fall Bass Ale, pumped up.” Staff rating: 3
Element Brewing Company, Millers Falls. LAVENDER EXTRA SPECIAL OAK (LESO) 7.75% Notes: Expensive and not for everyone. This is a bottle to share. Also, it’s not really “seasonal.” Splitting the bottle over some sushi would serve it well. Kevin’s rating: 2.5 Staff notes: “Kevin is alleging things like flowers come out of the bottle. Nonsense.” Staff rating: 1
Element Brewing Company, Millers Falls. ALTOBERFEST 8.35% Notes: The best of the best. Malty with a nice hop note that is a bit bitter, but not overpowering. g. Expensive, but well worth the money. Kevin’s rating: 5 Staff notes: “Chocolate aroma... nice finish. Yum.” Staff Rating: 2.5
W Wachusett Brewing Company, Westminster. IMPERIAL PUMPKIN 8% IM Notes: Pumpkin and caramel comes to mind — a No lot of flavor. Kevin’s rating: 4 Ke Staff notes: “Gentle and subtle.” St Staff rating: 2 St
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{ fallguide }
Cruise for a Cause
Taylor Nunez
When Jon Winslow came across the Fox News story on 35-year-old war veteran Sgt. Stephen Mandile, the vice president of Fire & Iron knew he had found a fresh and hopeful idea for the group he governs. Fire & Iron, a motorcycle club made up of active and former firefighters, has coordinated several charity rides over the years since its inception more than a decade ago. With Mandile’s touching tale of war and recovery, Winslow, along with Fire & Iron president Steven George and the rest of the crew, began a mission to raise money for the costly surgery that will greatly improve Mandile’s quality of life. Their dedication to Mandile’s recovery will come alive on September 22 during their benefit ride for the wounded soldier.
Mandile, a Bellingham, Mass. native, began his army career after giving himself a few years out of high school to do some soul searching. He discovered that he had an interest in being a firefighter but lacked the opportunity to push toward his aspiration. “I was always interested in the army as a kid. I wanted to be part of it
and wanted the extra points for being a firefighter.” A few years after joining the Army National Guard, Mandile traveled across seas for a tour in Iraq in 2004. It was during this tour that a noble act would leave Mandile with spinal cord and brain injuries along with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. While on a convoy transporting a detainee to court, what
finished the convoy.” When Mandile went to bed that night, he was unprepared for the fate that would meet him in the morning. “The next morning, I can’t move. I am lying down on my cot, and I can’t roll over,” says Mandile. Mandile traveled from his base to a main base, Anaconda, in Iraq. Once there, he remembers that he could walk, barely,
appeared to perhaps be a suicide bomber drove erratically into Mandile’s path and stopped. “The rules of engagement, when on a convoy, are you don’t stop for anyone,” Mandile recalls. Knowing he had to soldier on, Mandile was forced to make a quick decision; he determined he would need to drive through the other vehicle. “When it happened, it was too much of a rush. When you’re driving, you’re staring and you see everything. I saw him out of the corner of my eye, he cut in front of us, stopped, we crashed through him, and we
and was in a lot of pain. Several doctors examined him and decided it would be best for Mandile to receive an MRI in a hospital in Kuwait. In Kuwait, Mandile’s injuries were uncovered—five ruptured discs and narrowing of his spine in addition to degenerative disc disease. Mandile was then flown to Germany where doctors would assess that his condition required surgery, so he was placed on a gurney with several other injured soldiers stacked around him in the back of a military plane headed for the United States. Mandile first
landed on American soil in Maryland, later traveling to the Fort Dix base in New Jersey. In order to leave the army, Mandile would need a thorough medical review—a technicality that had an 18-month long waiting list. Unable to wait any longer for medical intervention, after three months of physical therapy, Mandile chose to sign discharge documents and leave immediately. Doing this STEVEN KING meant that the U.S. Army would no longer be held responsible for medical attention, a sacrifice Mandile was willing to make after months of suffering, both physically and mentally. “When I left, there were people that had been there 18 months and just waiting. Just getting drunk, getting in trouble. There were a bunch of suicides. We were left in purgatory,” Mandile laments. Mandile returned to his girlfriend Jessica and enrolled in U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, where for the first five years of enrollment, was expected to file claims and receive 100 percent disability. Over the course of three years from 2006-2009, Mandile would receive three surgeries— one to relieve pressure on the right side of his body and his sciatic nerve, another to relieve the pressure that had developed on the left side of his body and sciatic nerve, and a third—the most recent surgery—to fuse his spine from the tailbone to the lumbar spine, removing most discs and placing rods beside the spine, screwed into the bone. Throughout these medical
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• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
{ fallguide }
challenges, Mandile experienced grievances with the VA, too. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At times, I would be home, unable to walk and on a ton of pain killers and [in the mail] Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d get a ďŹ nding on my claim saying I had zero percent disability,â&#x20AC;? Mandile recalls. Though his medical qualms continued, Mandileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s personal life saw happy times. After his most recent surgery, he and Jessica married; and last year, a bill passed in the White House allowing Jessica to stay home and care for Mandile and receive a paycheck. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been incredible, like an angel. I know for a fact I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be alive without her, between the drugs, the way they treated me and the problems Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had to deal with,â&#x20AC;? states a grateful Mandile. Even with consistent care, Mandile still needed to research other options of managing his pain. He stumbled upon the Home Base Program, a partnership between the Boston Red Sox and Mass General that offers services and support to veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and to their families. The organization suggested that a pain pump implanted into Mandileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s body would alleviate his chronic pain and would administer painkillers at the source, instead of relying on daily intake of narcotics, a crutch Mandile has utilized for about six years. However, the VA informed Mandile that the tab for pricey surgery, which costs about $55,000, would not be paid for by the VAâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;though they would be willing to keep up with the maintenance and reďŹ ll the pump as needed. The news left Mandile disappointed, but it also generated enough buzz through a local Fox News broadcast that chronicled his story to inspire the charitable response of Fire & Iron. After the news story aired, Winslow and Fire & Iron welcomed Mandile to come to a club meeting and
share his story. President Steven George, a former call ďŹ reďŹ ghter for Northbridge for two decades, felt a strong inclination to help the former ďŹ reďŹ ghter hopeful. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Here he put his life on the line for our country and his people, and now the country isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really taking care of him, and we want to help him get his surgery,â&#x20AC;? George explains. Beyond raising money for Mandileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s surgery, George and the rest of Fire & Iron members want to spread awareness of a ďŹ&#x201A;awed system in treating injured veterans. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have a dream that someone higher up in the VA might see this story and out of the kindness of their heart make an exception for Steve and help him get the surgery he needs within the VA system instead of trying to do it on his own,â&#x20AC;? says George. In addition to the motorcycle beneďŹ t ride, Fire & Iron is also selling bracelets and have even arranged for a high school sophomore to take care of Mandileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lawn when his current lawn mower goes off to college. The Sgt. Mandile Disabled Veteran Ride will take place Saturday, Sept. 22, and will begin at the Progressive Club at 18 Whitin Street, Uxbridge, Mass. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. and kick stands will be up at 11 a.m. sharp. The ride will conclude at Hawks Nest on 40 Plummer Ave. in Whitinsville, Mass., with a chicken BBQ. Riders are $20, passengers are $15 and just the BBQ is $15. If you would like to make a donation to the SGT Mandile Disabled Veteran Fund, you can go to any Rockland Trust or mail a check (made out to SGT Mandile Disabled Veteran Fund) to: SGT Mandile Disabled Veteran Fund, Rockland Trust, 4 North Main St., Bellingham, MA 02019. For more information on Mandile and his story, visit his website at
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The Barton Center for Diabetes Education, Inc. will host its 4th annual Ride for Barton, camp for kids with diabetes, Sunday, September 16. The nonproďŹ t organization serves more than 2,000 children living with diabetes and their families annually with its camps and programs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Barton Center for Diabetes Education, Inc. offers a powerful support system to children and families that allows a child to realize that she or he is not alone or as one camper puts it, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;This is the only place I feel normal, and I love it,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? explains special events coordinator Kylee Driscoll. For many children, diabetes can often be a lonely and isolating illness for children trying to coping with testing and dietary regimens. The camp, which costs upwards of $2,500 for a two week session, gives children the opportunity to meet others with their disease, something that regular life does not always offer. All proceeds from the 70-mile motorcycle ride will go to the campership fund at the
Barton Center for Diabetes Education/ Camp Joslin. The ride was speciďŹ cally created for fundraising purposes upon its inception four years ago by a camperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parent, Joe Hamm. Since the ďŹ rst ride, proceeds have nearly doubled each year. Help the Barton Center send more children living with diabetes to camp and join in on the fun at this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ride for Barton on Sunday, Sept. 16. Registration will begin at 8:45 a.m., with the ride beginning at 10 a.m. There is a $25 fee for each ride ($10 passenger fee), with the cost including food throughout the day. The ride begins at The Central Mass Safety Council located at 186 West Boylston Street (Wachusett Plaza) in West Boylston and will end at 11:30 a.m. with a cookout, car meet, rafďŹ&#x201A;es, prizes and live music at Camp Joslin on Richardson Corner Road in Charlton, with a $10 donation per person. For more information, please visit â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Taylor Nunez
Join Us for Wine & Beer Tastings Every Wednesday 5-7pm & Saturday 2-4pm SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ WORCESTERMAG.COM
) ( (( 5( )5
Michelle Bradley, Correspondent
Thousands of college students have returned to Central Massachusetts for a new academic year and that means college football is in full swing. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re destined for the couch on Sundays to watch NFL, all the more reason to get out into the great fall weather on Saturdays and catch some local Worcester-area college football action. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve made it easy for you.
interested in seeing Holy Cross in action can purchase tickets by visiting the Holy Cross ticket ofďŹ ce or calling 508-793-2573. On Saturday, Sept. 22, the Crusader spirit will be in full force as Holy Cross will host Dartmouth during its homecoming weekend. Kickoff is slated for 1 p.m. Each year, Holy Cross has several players who make headlines on both a local and national level, and this season is no different. On offense, senior wide receiver Gerald Mistretta returns after a stellar 2011 season with a team high 60 receptions, which ranked him third in the Patriot League and 32nd in the nation. On the other side of the ball, junior linebacker Mike Tucker returns after ďŹ nishing last year with nine quarterback sacks, which ranked him second in the Patriot League and 28th in the nation. STEVEN KING
ATM fees incurred during monthly qualiďŹ cation cycle will be reimbursed if qualiďŹ cations are met within monthly qualiďŹ cation cycle. QualiďŹ cations, limits and other requirements apply. If you close out your account within 6 months of the opening date you will be charged a $10 closing fee. Contact us for more information. Available as a personal account only. Limit one account per tax identiďŹ cation number. Minimum to open account is $25. No minimum balance required to earn rewards or maintain account.
â&#x20AC;˘ SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
Our ďŹ rst highlighted week gives you two great local options. On Friday, Sept. 14, Assumption College will host Bentley College in Northeast-10 Conference action at 7 p.m., marking the second conference game for both squads. Fans looking to cheer on the Greyhounds alongside the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hound Poundâ&#x20AC;? student section can purchase tickets at the Multi-Sport Stadiumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ticket booth. Tickets are $7 for adults and $3 for children and seniors. Assumption students as well as students from other Northeast-10 Conference schools can attend the games for $4. Holy Cross will host Brown on Saturday, Sept. 15 at 1 p.m. Brown will be the ďŹ rst of three Ivy League opponents that the Crusaders will face this season, followed by Dartmouth and Harvard. Fans who are
Worcester State will also be in town on Saturday, Sept. 22, hosting WestďŹ eld State at 1:30 p.m. Fans interested in purchasing tickets can contact the Worcester State Athletic Department at 508-929-8034. Assumption will have its homecoming contest on Saturday, Sept. 29, hosting SpringďŹ eldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s American International at 1 p.m. Students show their Greyhound pride by dressing in blue, and while the Hound Pound is designated to one section of the bleachers, fans will deďŹ nitely see students scattered throughout the whole stadium. WPI and Becker will both be in action on Saturday, Sept. 29, with WPI hosting Hobart at 12 p.m. and Becker taking on Husson at 4 p.m. Tickets to see the WPI football team in action are $5 per person
continued on page 24
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{ fallguide }
Kevin Koczwara
The last stop on the Professional Disc Golf Association's (PDGA) National Tour happens on a Christmas tree farm that doubles as one of the hardest disc-golf courses in the country. Tucked away in Leicester, Maple Hill Farm has become a destination for disc-golf players in due part to the Vibram Open, one of the sports’ premier events, being held there. Also, Maple Hill has become part of a small collection of courses in Central Massachusetts that have established the area as a place where people who play disc golf want to go because of the quality and the history of the sport in the area. After discovering disc golf in college, Steven Dodge left a government job to start his own business in hopes of playing more of the sport than he already had been playing, which was every day after work. When he realized that owning a
business meant less free time, Dodge sold the company in Virginia and moved north to build a disc-golf course on his cousin Tom Southwick's Christmas tree farm in Leicester. Dodge purchased three acres from Southwick and started outlining plans with his cousin for Maple Hill Disc Golf in 2003. The plan was to make Central Massachusetts a mecca for the sport. Fifteen years prior to the building of Maple Hill, another of Dodge's cousins had created one of the first courses in the area. Jason Southwick built a course on family-owned land in 1988, less than a mile from where Maple Hill is today. Until 2004, when the area was zoned for business, Jason Southwick sold discs out of his apartment and played the course with those who came to play at the request of his mother. Without the proper zoning, the course was kind of like a swing-set for him—he could play on it, his
friends could play on it, but he couldn't charge anyone to play or make a living on disc golf. Jason Southwick went to Europe for six years and when he returned in 1988, he still enjoyed playing ultimate Frisbee and met Sunny Cade, who had a course in Princeton. “He founded the New England Frisbee Association, now the New England Flying Disc Association,” he explains. Cade encouraged him to make his own course. In 2004, the same year that Maple Hill opened, Jason opened Marshall Street Disc Golf, a pro shop at the course, and Pyramids—two 18-hole courses—to the public. Four years later, Jason Southwick and Dodge started the Marshall Street Disc Golf Championship together, now the Vibram Open. Since Jason created his course in 1988, the sport of disc golf has taken off and continues to grow in popularity every
year. No longer is the sport a niche for counter-culture hippies with long hair. It's become more main stream with a pro tour, payouts and sponsorships – the Vibram Open has one of the largest pots on the PDGA. “These are the two pay-to-play courses in Massachusetts, and every time we raise the prices we get more and more people because the sport is growing so fast,” says Dodge. “Hippies still play, but now you're getting families who come out – the mom and dad with their two kids.” Dodge now heads up Vibram's disc golf department after being recruited by the company in 2010, and in that short time he's noticed more and more companies trying to get in on the disc golf market. “There are more than 30 manufacturers in disc golf now. There are probably two or three top-tier ones – Vibram is probably in the second-tier right now – and there are dozens of mom-and-pop
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• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
{ fallguide }
shops making discs now trying to be a player in the game,â&#x20AC;? says Dodge. The amount of discs and disc makers can be overwhelming â&#x20AC;&#x201C; proven while walking into Jason Southwickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Marshall Street Disc Golf Shop, which opened in 2000 as Pyramids Pro Shop and changed names in 2004, with the size of the shop and the number of discs on the walls â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and so can the descriptions of the discs. There are three categories of discs people take on the course: a putter, a midrange and a driver. Just like traditional golf, disc-golf players use a certain disc depending on the distance to the hole and the type of shot needed. Both Jason Southwick and Dodge say players only need one disc when starting out, as learning to throw a disc golf disc is different from throwing a Frisbee. After a player moves on from the basics, they should then start looking at purchasing other types of discs. Dodge's hope to play more disc golf has again dwindled. He may own a course with his cousin, but he only gets to play about once a week because he is so busy working for Vibram USA in Concord. But his love of the sport hasn't died. Jason Southwick has since moved on from the Vibram Open, with a focus on designing courses. He designed the
Peter Bean of Worcester plays hole #1 at Pyramids Disc Golf course in Leicester
Newton Hill Course behind Doherty High School in Worcester among other courses in Central Massachusetts. He has donated his time and his chainsawâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the main tool used to build a disc golf course â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and has seen his business grow with the new competition in the area, which wasn't there when he built Pyramids in 1988. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It's not at the point where I'm concerned about the competition,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Because more courses creates more players.â&#x20AC;?
Pyramids: two 18 holes courses, $6 for a round, $10 all day. 103 Marshall St., Leicester Maple Hill Farm Disc Golf: 18 holes, four course variations, $10 to play all day. 132 Marshall St., Leicester. Newton Hill: 18 holes, free. 299 Highland St., Worcester. Buffumville Lake: 27 holes, free. Gale Rd., Charlton. Barre Falls: 18 holes, free. 200 Coldbrook Rd., Barre. (at the Barre Falls Dam) Hyland Orchard & Brewery DGC: 18 holes, $50 for yearly membership. 199 Arnold Rd., Fiskdale.
BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS Friday, September 21 Unitarian Church 9 Ayer Road, Harvard
7:30 PM
Saturday, September 22 First Baptist Church 111 Park Ave,Worcester
7:30 PM
CAFĂ&#x2030; CONCERT Thursday, October 18 6:30 PM DINNER SEATING 8:00 PM CONCERT The Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Kitchen Restaurant 1 Exchange Street,Worcester (free valet parking)
IMPRESSIONS Friday, November 16 7:30 PM Congregational Church 30 Grafton Common
Saturday, November 17 First Baptist Church 111 Park Ave,Worcester
7:30 PM
Tickets and information at: 978-456-2730 or
{ fallguide }
FOOTBALL continued from page 20 in Worcester on Saturday, Oct. 6 as Holy Cross, WPI, and Worcester State will all and students, faculty, and staff can attend the games for free by bringing their school be competing at home. The game to catch will be the Crusaders hosting Bucknell in ID cards. All tickets can be purchased at Patriot League action the front gate on game day. at 1 p.m. Arriving early on game day at WPI On Saturday, is suggested due to construction that Oct. 13, Anna is currently underway on the school’s Maria will athletic complex. Parking ING K N E STEV take to is expected to be limited until the completion of the university’s new parking garage, which is expected to open early next year. Despite the ongoing construction, tailgating always captures a sense of tradition at WPI, and crowds can celebrate before and after the game in parking lots surrounding Alumni stadium. Regulations for tailgating at WPI are still in the works and changes will be made with the progression of the construction. There will be plenty of college football action
Announcing the Mediterranean Marketplace
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the field against Maritime (NY) at 2 p.m. Making plans to see the AMCats? Keep an eye out for Anna Maria’s on-field duo of senior quarterback Santino Simone and senior wide receiver Domenique Concepcion. Simone finished the 2011 season with 1,972 passing yards and 21 touchdowns, of which eight where caught by Concepcion. In addition to his touchdown catches, Concepcion finished the year with 59 receptions for 782 yards. Worcester football fans will have plenty of hometown college games to attend on Saturday, Oct. 20 as Becker will take on Gallaudet at 12 p.m., Worcester State will host Coast Guard at 1:30
p.m., and Anna Maria will match up with Castelton for a 3 p.m. start. Becker’s 2012 football squad is running on youthful legs, as sophomore running back Kyle Gregg returns for the Hawks following an exceptional freshman season. Gregg led the team in touchdowns (7) and was ranked third in rushing yards (235). Veteran senior wide receiver Luis Sanchez also returns for Becker with strength in numbers after finishing the 2011 season with 33 receptions for 516 yards. On defense, the Hawks will be led by junior defensive back Melvin Booker.
Last season, Booker led Becker in both tackles (75) and sacks (four). For ticket information for Becker’s home football games, call 508-791-9241. On Saturday, Oct. 27, Worcester football fans have several games to choose from kicking off with WPI against St. Lawrence at 12 p.m. There will be three 1 p.m. games, including Holy Cross in Patriot League play against Fordham for family weekend, while Anna Maria will host Norwich, and Assumption will take on Pace in conference action. At 1:30 p.m., Worcester State will celebrate homecoming weekend with a match-up against Fitchburg State. Cross-town competition will be hosted at Becker on Saturday, Nov. 3, as the Hawks will face off against Anna Maria at 12 p.m. Holy Cross will take on Patriot League opponent Lehigh with kickoff scheduled for 12:30 p.m. Anna Maria will play its last home game of the season on Saturday, Nov. 10, hosting Husson at 1 p.m. On Saturday, Nov. 19, Becker and WPI will both close out their seasons at home. The Engineers will host Springfield at 12 p.m., while the Hawks will clash with Norwich at 12 p.m.. Fans who plan on attending any of the WPI home games will always find the WPI Pep Band and Color Guard at Alumni Field. This year, the 55-member pep band will incorporate songs from the movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas” into its halftime shows. In previous years, the pep band has performed a variety of music at halftime, including a salute to Santana, songs from the movie Shrek, and the theme music to Batman.
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• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
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night day& September 13 - 19, 2012
art | dining | nightlife
stART on the Street Fall Edition takes over Park Avenue once again for 10th anniversary
Taylor Nunez
Ten years ago, a small art festival hit the pavement on Main Street, Worcester, an event coordinated and executed entirely by a few committed artists and art lovers looking to expand the artistic culture of the Worcester area. Four years later, in 2006, the festival moved from its original location to Park Avenue to accommodate the event’s growth, hosting 165 art vendors that year. Now, a decade since its inception, stART on the Street has become one of Central Massachusetts’ largest arts, music and cultural events. This year’s celebratory stART on the Street will feature 300 vendors, including a youth market of artists 18 years of age or younger, three
Miss Framed: Newest to stART on the Street are Meghan McGee and Leah McGrath. The Oxford natives keep it green, creating art out of recycled pieces. Traveling to flea markets, antiques/thrift stores and yard sales to collect interesting goods, Miss Framed collects tokens that can they can hang in frames. “We have a lot of fun finding things we think would just look pretty interesting in a frame and then learning about the history of the item; people are great to listen to and the history we have learned through internet research is awesome,” explains McGee.
The childhood friends first created Miss Framed after longing to pursue something they both had a passion for — art. “We have always loved art, whether being a part of it, appreciating it or learning about it... We both
stages to host an eclectic mix of artists and 40 on-stage and on-thestreet performers. With autumn, spring and holiday festivals, stART on the Street relies heavily on the time and efforts put forth by those who volunteer to continue on the tradition of celebrating art. “In keeping with the quality events we put on now, we can only hope to keep going the way we are now. We do need more help and are always looking for new coordinators and volunteers, without help we won’t be able to maintain our current size,” explains co-creator and co-founder Tina Zlody. Over the last decade, several artists have remained since its inception and several have joined in. Check out below the artists who have contributed to Worcester’s beloved stART on the Street.
bartend and have always talked about how we want some kind of business or something of our own,” says McGee. The duo bond over more than just art, but a shared appreciation for the city of Worcester, too. McGrath notes, “We both love our city and believe that people are making some great things happen here. Since hearing about stART, we have both tried to make it to as many as possible. I think we have been attending for about five years.” Now with a focus for their budding business, Miss Framed looks forward to the opportunity to be a vendor at the upcoming stART on the Street. “This is really a jumping off point for Miss Framed. Our hope is that the response is great and it pushes us into finding a place to sell our pieces on a more permanent basis.” McGee, who coordinates an event called Sip&Sketch, hopes that stART on the Street provides an occasion to connect with other artists, while expanding ventures for Miss Framed.
continued on page 26
Don’t miss stART on the Street: 10th Anniversary Fall Edition on Saturday, Sept. 16, on Park Avenue, from Pleasant Street to Highland Street, beginning at 11 a.m. and lasting until 6 p.m. For more information, visit SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
night day &
{ arts}
stART continued from page 25
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Twigs and Heather: Kerry Alice Collins and twin sister Heather Collins are far more than just jewelry designers. The Twigs and Heather co-creators are artists to many extents – designers, but casters and silversmiths, too. Kerry Alice began drawing, sculpting and sewing at a young age, discovering her passion for art long before she knew it would lead her to a lifelong love and career. She and Heather, who previously spent time learning the cast trade, started their business Twigs and Heather in 2000 in a studio located in Eliot, Maine. Both sisters incorporate their own unique style to their castings (Kerry Alice admits to having a bit of a “punk rock, hippie vibe”), but still stick to their “simplicity is best” philosophy. Their jewelry is and will continue to be handmade, timeless and sentimental. Twigs and Heather joined the stART on the Street festival after an acquaintance from other craft shows told the Collins
Scott Boilard: Worcester native Scott Boilard is a stART on the Street pioneer. A participant since the very first stART on the Street 10 years ago, Boilard has seen the festival evolve year after year all while presenting his own paintings to the public. Boilard’s artistic passion extends far before his memories. A student at the Art Institute of Boston in his 20s, Boilard’s intention was to learn painting but discovered his influences stemmed from illustrators, leading the artist to major in illustration and minor in fine art painting. After graduating, Boilard began to do his own concepts and started to show paintings in
• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
sisters about the festival they were organizing. “The first stART we participated in was much smaller than it is now, but it was still full of diversity and super well organized,” recalls Kerry Alice. Over the past five years since Twigs and Heather joined stART on the Street, there have been noted positive changes beyond the growth of the event. “We think that some of the improvements to the festival have been the food and the entertainment. I love to see the belly dancers and local break-dancers do their thing. Art is so much more than just the visual things. To see music and dance incorporated into the fair is wonderful,” praises Heather. To Twigs and Heather, stART on the Street stands out among other art festivals for one very valuable reason — the organizers. “Honestly, they are some of the most passionate, helpful art-loving people around. Their love for this show, their city and all who participate has been a true inspiration to us,” declares the Kerry Alice. Seeing art being cut out from their own public schools, she explain just how important it is to have passionate art lovers providing such festivals to the community. “Seeing what stART has accomplished with this show and their gallery show this month, teaching Worcester in a fun, exciting way to not only look at art, but appreciate art for how it can bring all together has inspired us to do the same in our town. It can be done!” local galleries. Today, Boilard creates surrealist paintings in oil or acrylics on wood panels or canvas. It was over a decade ago when Boilard first met co-creator and co-founder Zlody. “I met Tina about 12 years ago through a mutual friend I worked with at my former job at CC Lowell Art Supplies on Park Avenue. When I learned she was part of the planning of stART, I was eager to participate,” recalls Boilard. Attending the first stART on the Street, Boilard remembered the excitement about opening the eyes of those in the community to the talent in the city. “I remember us being thrilled that attendance estimated at about 7,000 people. These days we can expect 40,000 to 50,000 people at the current Park Avenue location,” Boilard points out. For Boilard, the key to success is the wide variety of art that partakes in the festival, in addition to the event’s move from Main Street to Park Avenue. “We started with a few great bands and poets and it has grown to performance art, roller derby, and much more… Being situated near Elm Park and having a wider street to set up in has brought the people out in droves. I feel the biggest improvement was moving it to Park Avenue for those reasons.” Boilard noted stART on the Street also presents a new side of Worcester to visitors and shakes up the perceptions of those with preconceived ideas of what the city can offer.. “My hopes for this year’s festival is that we get even more people attending… and they stop by to my booth.”
night day &
{ arts }
Not your typical TOTs Walter Bird Jr.
Ride off into the sunset? Not these old timers. For one Wednesday a month an interesting bunch of retirees come back to where it all began many years ago. They are one-time faculty or staff members at WPI. They number about 50 strong and together they compose the Tech Old Timers (TOT) – a group of long-in-the-tooth men and women who gather each month during the school year to mingle, chat and drink coffee. Each meeting also offers a program – a special committee sets the line-up during the summer – but we’re not talking Social Security seminars.
The featured topic for the group’s most recent meeting on Sept. 5 was UFOs – as in flying saucers and unexplained phenomena. Members listened to
author Robert Schroeder talk about his book, “Solving the UFO Enigma – How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs.” Does that mean TOT members believe in aliens? “No,” Bob Ferguson answers emphatically. The
88-year-old retiree, a 1948 grad and former WPI employee, has been with TOT for about 10 years. He is an infrequent visitor to the meetings, but this one was the group’s first of the new academic year so he made sure to be there. He wasn’t expecting to walk away convinced of the existence of extraterrestrial beings, but STEVEN KING he wasn’t ruling it out completely, either. “It’s doubtful,” says Ferguson. “But that’s why I’m here.” About 30 people showed up for Schroeder’s presentation – most of them TOT members and their spouses, but there was a sprinkling of a much younger generation of WPI students. One man, Mark Dantonio, was neither a student nor a group member. He works with MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) and wanted to “see what [Schroeder] has to say.” It is precisely that sort of unpredictability and diversity that seems to attract WPI alums and former employees. The programs are always different and, as in the case of the UFO presentation, almost always unique. One program last year dealt with Worcester’s diners. Members of the Tech Old timers talk before A program slated for March next year will deal a recent group meeting. continued on page 29
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night day &
{ theater }
Sparkling MARY POPPINS opens the Hanover Season vision of a colorful movie musical with magical undertones has been brought to life with real characters explored live on stage. The wonderful music written by the Sherman Brothers, which Andrews and company sang in the movie, have been expanded for the stage with such new songs as “Temper/Temper.”
Ben Ryland
“It’s a jolly holiday with Mary…” sings chimney sweep Bert in the iconic movie musical released in 1964. “Mary Poppins” became an international hit, making London famous and Broadway star Julie Andrews into MARY PO PPIN S a film icon. Supported by Dick Van Dyke, the multi-nominated Oscar-winning musical will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2014.
P. L. Travers, the author of the original series of books about the London nanny with magical powers, didn’t allow a stage version until uber British producer Cameron Mackintosh, teamed up with Peter Schumacher of Disney Theatricals, and decided to return the stage version’s storyline back to the books by opening a truly spectacular production in 2004. Running for more than three years at the West End’s Prince Edward Theatre, its transfer to Broadway arrived in November 2006. Replacing “The Lion King” at Disney’s own 42nd Street Theatre, the New Amsterdam, the show is still running after 2,400-plus performances. After the series of books interested him, Mackintosh fought hard for the rights. His
Worcester’s Hanover Theatre will present this production for an unprecedented eight performances beginning on Tuesday, Sept. 25. Tuesday through Thursday, performances are at
7:30 p.m., and at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday with matinees on Saturday at 2 p.m. and Sunday at 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. “Mary Poppins,” the first-class National Touring Company, is almost the same show you would see in New York. Tony Award-winning scenic designer Bob PHOTOS COURTESY OF
Crowley has adapted the style of Broadway hydraulics used to open up the Banks house from the kitchen to the roof top as a minor concession for the limits of the many actual performing stages on the tour. But rest assured,
Worcester and the rest of the country is getting the best of the best for this popular family musical. “The house now opens up like the book giving a really intimate feel for the audience,” explains Elisabeth Broadhurst. Broadhurst plays the principal character role of Mrs. Banks, who hires Poppins as the nanny for her two precocious children. A confessed military brat from Northern California, Broadhurst does have a local connection. She graduated from the Boston Conservatory before heading to New York auditions. Prior to heading out on the road in early 2009 with “Mary Poppins” debut in Chicago, she had performed in the 30th anniversary production of “Annie” across the United States, including Madison Square Garden for a holiday engagement and a European tour of “Hair.” She is enjoying the road company, “…it’s a big thing for me to work on a DisneyCameron Mackintosh musical, seeing amazing cities. It has brought me into an amazing time of my life… I got married, we had a beautiful wedding and [the tour]… it’s been really fun. I am very grateful.” The tour is booked at least for another year, and she wants to stay with it as long as they will have her, says the seasoned actress, who has performed in more than 1,000 shows so far. “Mary Poppins” has now played twice in Los Angeles. “Being a movie and Disney town,” Broadhurst shares, “the demand was high for a return
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• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
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engagement. They yell and scream at every performance.” “Mary Poppins” is only the beginning of a terrific season of recent hits coming to the Hanover in the 2012-2013 Broadway series. Opening in December is the newly revised production of “West Side Story,” directed by the original playwright Arthur Laurents, who was still working up to the age of 93 when he died last summer. February 2013 brings the popular show “American Idiot,” which is based on the album of the same name by the alternative rock band Green Day. This show is selling out all over the country including its recent stop in Boston. It will only play AMERICAN IDIOT the weekend, so if you are interested don’t wait to get your tickets. The Beatles tribute show “Rain” will perform in March followed by “Les Misérables” in a new-style production in April 2013. The final show of the
season arrives in June, so prepare to snap your fingers for this latest hot tour—“The Addams Family.” Critics on the road have applauded this improved version of the television staple from the clunky New York version with high-powered stars. With new plot twists and songs, it too has been selling out all over the USA. To guarantee seats to every show, subscriptions are still available for all six shows. But first up—“Mary Poppins.” “When the curtain goes up and the orchestra starts, and that first ‘Chim, Chim, Cherie’ plays—the audience is so excited,” shares Broadhurst. And I truly believe that magic happens every night for this sparkling production. MARY POPPINS at The Hanover Theatre Tickets on sale now at 877-571-SHOW (7469)
{ arts }
TOTS continued from page 27
with the evolution of piracy on the high seas. There will also be a presentation from a White House maid – well, not really, but Patricia Perry will be acting the role of a maid serving First Ladies from Martha Washington to Mary Lincoln and spilling their “secrets.” “Different people come for different reasons,” says TOT President Neil Norum, letting it slip that, yes, he is a believer in UFOs. “For a lot of them, it’s a time to get together and see people they haven’t seen in a while.” At 61, 1973 grad Ben Thompson is one of the youngest TOT members. For Thompson, who became a member last year, coming to WPI is an extension of his life. As he tells it, he came to the school in 1969 and never left – retiring last year after 42 years. “I always knew about Tech Old Timers,” Thompson says. “But I’ll be honest. I know a lot of people who have retired, but not a lot of them attend the meetings. I was surprised when I came here that I was so much younger [than other members].” Thompson laughs as he admits that his friends tease him, “I get people who say, ‘How can you go there? It’s all old people.”
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night day &
{ arts }
New graphic novel is a Poe-tent take on a classic tale Erik Radvon
Worcester-based graphic novelist Bret Herholz has a new take on a literary classic — Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Casque of Amontillado.”
The story, long a staple of high school English classes, pits two Italian noblemen against each other in a tense, gothic revenge tale. The reasons behind narrator Montresor’s contrived plot against his rival Fortunato are never made clear in the original story, and this ambiguity attracted Herholz to the material. “Poe leaves it really open ended and I like that about it. Everybody has their own opinion about what the insult was that brought these two into conflict,” Herholz said. “In my version, I put hints out there but I leave it up to the readers to decide.” Herholz had a natural inclination toward adapting one of Poe’s detective genre stories, but ultimately was convinced by his wife Syd to take a stab at “Casque.” “It’s her favorite Poe story. I had thought of doing one of the detective stories, but Syd kept telling me to consider ‘Amontillado.’ The more I read it, the more I thought that it would work as a graphic novel.” Herholz began work on the adaption in March 2011, but was working on a number of other projects at the time and wasn’t making very much progress. The arrival of his wife’s birthday proved to be the spark needed to get the Poe project fully underway. “My wife said to me ‘Please finish 10 pages for it for my birthday.’ I sat down to get those 10 pages done and ended up finishing the whole thing,” Herholz said. The end result is a bold presentation of Poe’s thriller, with stark black-and-white visuals. The characters are portrayed as elongated, lanky figures layered with cross-hatching reminiscent of 19th century illustrations, with a dash of Osama Tezuka’s “Black Jack” thrown into the mix. The leading figures are placed against a backdrop of shadowy catacombs, a fusion of Rome’s Capuchin Chapel and trappings from Mexico’s Day of the Dead festival. Herholz’ “Casque of Amontillado” is Poe as you’ve never seen or read before, and its darkly rendered world fits the source materially perfectly. “I already had a fascination with the Capuchin Catacombs after seeing something about them on television,” Herholz writes in the graphic novel’s production notes. As for the Day of the Dead influences, Herholz saw the Mexican tradition as a good match for Poe’s story. “Seeing that Amontillado takes place during a large citywide celebration and in a vast underground vault, I thought [the imagery] would give my interpretation of Poe’s story a unique look.” Herholz has worked professionally as an artist for years, contributing covers and interior illustrations for several young adult books and also providing pen-and-ink art for an earlier Poe adaptation, “Lenore”, produced by fellow Worcester comic artist Andy Fish. “Amontillado”, however, represents the creator’s first graphic novel as both writer and artist. “I can honestly say this is the first project I’ve done completely on my own. I enjoy collaborating, but I really wanted to go solo on this one,” Herholz said. “The Casque of Amontillado” is available locally in Worcester at That’s Entertainment and Annie’s Book Stop, and is also available online through Herholz will also be selling copies at the next stART on the Street event, scheduled for September 16.
• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
night day
{ dining}
FOOD ★★★★1/2 AMBIENCE ★★★1/2 SERVICE ★★★ VALUE ★★★★ 65 Water St., Worcester • 508-926-8353 •
A taste of New Orleans Michael Brazell
New Orleans sits at the mouth of the Mississippi River, hanging off the coast of Louisiana and surrounded by water on all sides. Worcester, on the other hand, is a landlocked city whose only noteworthy river, the Blackstone, trickles beneath the city streets forgotten by most residents.
While nobody will ever mistake the Big Easy’s French Quarter for Wormtown’s Canal District, area diners may just forget what city they’re in when visiting Gumbo on 65 Water St. Gumbo, a New Orleans Kitchen and Oyster Bar, occupies part of the space of the former 86 Winter St., with a bar and dining room set below the
street level. The restaurant has discovered a delicious niche and is an excellent addition to Worcester dining options. Visiting Gumbo on a Friday night, my co-diner Nikolai and I stepped down into Gumbo. The restaurant is divided into three sections, with a main bar and lounge on the right, a smaller lounge with a bar on the left, and then a cramped but cozy sublevel dining room in the rear with the bare stone walls making for a very unique dining experience. We were seated immediately upon our visit, but waited at our table for quite a while before a serving snafu was resolved and we placed our orders. The menu at Gumbo is obviously inspired by New Orleans cuisine with a raw bar of unique, fresh fish, and dedicated sections of the menu for jambalaya, etouffee and blackened entrees. Nikolai and I began our meal with an order of Natchitoches Meat Pies, named after the old Louisiana parish and Native American tribe, which were small triangular-shaped pockets of flaky and light puff pastry with seasoned ground beef stuffed inside. The pies were served steaming hot but the cool jalapeno aioli dipping sauce helped ease the pain.
Our entrees arrived shortly after the appetizer. Nikolai ordered from the ‘blackened’ portion of the menu, choosing the blackened pork Delmonico ($14). These two chops were excellently blackened—a process in which meats rubbed heavily with herbs and spices are flash cooked on a white-hot cast iron skillet—with a crisp layer of peppery crust surrounding a juicy and tender one-inch-thick cut of pork. While the side of mashed potatoes was nothing to write home about, Nik remarked that the blackened crust locked in all of the delicious flavors of the pork. Eating at a restaurant that specializes in food from Louisiana, I naturally ordered the house jambalaya ($16). This New Orleans staple arrived at the table piping hot, too hot to eat for at least a few minutes, but once I let it cool down, my senses were in for a treat. Enormous succulent shrimp, spicy Andouille sausage (heavily smoked or blackened pork sausage, cut into thin strips), and thick chunks of chicken were surrounded by an enormous serving of rice served in a spicy tomato broth, alongside jalapenos,
bell peppers, onions and celery. Though the chicken was drier than I had liked, the Andouille sausage and jumbo skinned shrimp more than made up for it. The dish proved to be far too large for just one meal, and I was able to take at least half of it home with me, which tasted as good for lunch the next day as it did the night before. Gumbo serves up a full menu of mixed drinks, most of which range between $6 and $8, with specials, and the beer menu is equally impressive. Featuring a handful of local draughts as well a few selections from Louisiana’s own Abita Brewing Company, there is also an impressive list of bottled beers. While our service was a bit spotty on our visit, the excellent food and reasonable prices more than made up for it. Gumbo stands as one of the best recent additions to the Worcester dining scene, providing tremendous flavors straight from the Big Easy right in the Heart of the Commonwealth.
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night day &
{ bites }
With Brittany Durgin
The Mandarin Restaurant and Julio’s Liquors
host a Japanese-inspired four-course meal and sake dinner on Tuesday, Sept. 18, at 6:30 p.m. The fixed meal includes Miso soup with lobster, maki sushi (rolls), green tea ice cream, along with other dishes and six sakes. The dinner is $60 per person. Reservations can be made by calling the Mandarin Restaurant at 508-366-2288. Mandarin Restaurant, 132 Turnpike Rd., Westborough. Twelve Massachusetts Beverage Alliance craft brewers will be featured at a special tasting event on Saturday, Sept. 15, from 1-4 p.m. at Julio’s Liquors. The free event includes tastings of Baxter, Rising Tide and Pioneer. 140 Turnpike Rd., Rt. 9 East, Westborough. 508-366-1942.
Living Earth offers a free wine-tasting event every Saturday through December 29 from noon-2 p.m. The tastings will come from the store’s selection of organic and sulfate-free wines. Guests receive a 10 percent discount off full or mixed cases and 20 percent off cases ordered in advance. Living Earth, 232 Chandler St., Worcester. Fresh produce will now be available at five locations throughout the city thanks to the Regional Environmental Council’s new Mobile Farmers Market. Through the end of October, find affordable healthy and fresh produce from Foppema’s Farm and YouthGROW, and free-range antibiotic-free meat from Schultz Farm at the following locations: on Tuesdays at Worcester Senior Center, 128 Providence St., 9-10:30 a.m.; Elm Towers, 46 Elm St., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Family Health Center, 26 Queen St., 1-2:30 p.m.; Lakeside Apartments, 50 Lakeside Ave., 3-4 p.m.; Great Brook Valley, Edward M. Kennedy Health Center, 19 Tacoma St., 4:30-6 p.m.; and on Thursdays at Seabury Heights,
240 Belmont St., 9-10:30 a.m.; Elm Park, Highland St. at Park Ave., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Crompton Park, 50 Canton St., 1-2:30 p.m.; Plumley Village, 40 Belmont St. All purchases made with SNAP/ Foodstamps at the mobile market will be half price.
Rosalina’s Kitchen is now open for lunch on
Fridays and Saturdays. Stop in to sit down or for take-out. Rosalina’s Kitchen, 83 Hamilton St., Worcester.
Enjoy local, sustainably grown food while helping the Regional Environmental Council raise funds to continue the work they do throughout our community at their sixth annual Slow Food Gala on Thursday, Oct. 11, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the College of the Holy Cross. A welcome reception, silent auction and an assortment of local cheeses and a cash bar start the night at 6:30 p.m. Dinner and a presentation of annual awards happens at 7:30 p.m. followed by silent auction winners announced at 9 p.m. A few of the menu items will be: roasted pumpkin bisque, turkey from Bob’s Turkey Farm in Lancaster, cranberry cornbread stuffing, apple pie and ice cream. Tickets are $100, $85 for REC members. Registration is required by Friday, Oct. 5. Other pricing options and more information can be found at
VegWorcester will be handing out 10,000
new vegetarian dining guides throughout the city starting this month. Pick up one of the pamphlets at VegWorcester’s booth at stART on the Street in Worcester on Sept. 16, the Natural Living Expo on Sept. 29 and 30 in Sturbridge, or for those making their way to Cambridge for the Propagandhi and Comeback Kid show on Oct. 2, find them there too. vegworcester. com.
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• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
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night day &
{ recommended} Ceres Bistro, Beechwood Hotel 363 Plantation St. 508-754-2000 With an emphasis on qualit y seasonal ingredients, a creative menu, and a careful hand in the kitc hen, Ceres Bistro offers a sophisticated dining experience in a beautifully-appointed spa ce in the Beechwood Hotel. The menu combines aspects of French bistro, American steakhouse, and contemporary high-end dining; entrees are available in smaller sizes perfe ct for sharing or grazing. T ry the unusual take on steak frites, or one of several creative seafo od dishes. Classic cocktails, craft beers, and a thoughtfully composed wine list await you at the glowing bar.
Smokestack Urban Barbecue 90 Harding St., Worcester 508-363-1111 Worcester travels down south with Sm okestack Urban Barbe cue, which boasts slow-cooked meats, a variety of â&#x20AC;&#x153;odds and endsâ&#x20AC;? dishes and warm atmosphere. The modern-meets-savor ďŹ&#x201A;avors give diners a year-round haven for those craving authentic barbecue.
Kenwood Diner 97 Main St., Spencer 508-885-6596 A traditional Worcester diner, with classic dinner fare and especially good desserts, the Kenwood Diner provides a fun eating experience for anyone - from children to elderly. Breakfast is served all day, the dinners are solidly good, and leave room for dessertâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;your wallet wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give you a guilt trip, because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entirely affordable.
The Safari Cafe 215 Chandler St., Worcester 508-799-7989 The Safari Cafe is a warm and inviting neighborhood restaurant serving Kenyan cuisine at affordable prices. The lunch buffet is an excellent way to sample several dishes in one sitting, and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to try the spiced Hot Safari T ea and to ask for a cup of the warm grain beverage called â&#x20AC;&#x153;uji.â&#x20AC;? Plaza Azteca 539 Lincoln St., Lincoln Plaza 508.853.3536 Plaza Azteca located in Lincoln Plaza ser ves traditional Mexican cuisine. Popular favorites including nachos, chicken enchiladas, and carne asada tacos can be found on the menu along with vegetarian and a long list of seafood dishes. Special entrees like the Plaza Del Mar being grilled tilapia, scall ops and shrimp with Alfredo sauce, rice and mango sauce should not be missed. For th ose 21+, the restaurant has a bar ser ving margaritas, beer, spirits, and several different types of wine. Come with an appetite, the generous portions will be sure to have you leaving satisďŹ ed. Flip Flops 680 Main St., Holden 508-829-3008 ďŹ&#x201A;ipďŹ&#x201A; Flip Flops is an escape to a tiny piece of paradise with an extensive drink menu; an eclectic selection of American, Italian and seafo od favorites; and a friendly staff to ensure the evening ser ves up delicious fun. Prices are a little better than a verage for the fo od styles, but a good deal in regards to the qualit y of the food and
overall experience. Bring friends and share to enjoy as muc h as possible! Pepeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Trattoria 274 Franklin St., Worcester 508-755-1978 Pepeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s offers a variet y of homemade Italian recipes in an intimate modern setting. A great late-night stop, the cozy bar and dining room area is integrated into one open room. Several pizza, stromboli, and panino dishes give Worcester yet another quality dining option. Sichuan Gourmet 271 Worcester Road, Framingham 508.626.0248 Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worth the drive to F ramingham to sample the ďŹ&#x201A; avors of Sichuan province, combining bright chili ďŹ&#x201A;avors with the tongue-numbing buzz of Sichuan peppercorns. Sichuan Gourmet offers authentic versions of familiar dishes such as dan dan noodles, kung bao chicken, doublecooked pork, and ma po tofu, plus less familiar fare such as ďŹ ery and tender Chengdu spicy sliced lamb. L uncheon specials are offered along with an extensive dinner menu. Beer and wine available. Weagle Family Dining 438 Pleasant St. 508-792-0770 A really good breakfast/lunch destination, Weagle Family Dining offers usual diner favorites along with their own twistsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;including a great Make-Your-Own Breakfast Burrito menu. Prices are about average and on par with the quality of food, the staff is friendly, and the location emits a great, comfy vibe to everyone who enters.
GREAT PLACE FOR WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT â&#x20AC;˘ Open Mic Night with Bill McCarthy Thursdays 7:30pm-11:30pm â&#x20AC;˘ Dickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Beantown Comedy Escape Friday and Saturday Nights in our Function Room
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Unwrapping Worcester’s Cupcakes
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Kendra Lapin
With a Food Network pedigree, Sweet on Shrewsbury Street is designed to be a star in the dessert realm. We put Sweet’s cupcakes to the test and were quite pleased with the results.
Since the cupcakes are an easy $3 to indulge, we tried three different kinds. The apple-ciderdonut cupcake was my favorite. It was not too sweet, while still maintaining the cinnamon-apple goodness. It was moist inside with a slightly crispy crust and a rich frosting. Katie’s favorite was the Margarita cupcake, which absolutely lived up to its name; it tasted just like the drink. The salt around the frosting even made the texture and experience as on target as the flavor. Like the apple-cider-donut cupcake, this one was also extremely moist with just the right hint of sweetness. The last cupcake we tried was the red velvet, and while it was a good cupcake we found it dryer than the other two and a little too sweet, particularly the frosting. If you’re looking for a major sugar high, though, it’s still a yummy choice that will do the trick. All in all, Sweet is a good place to sate your craving for cupcakes.
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• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
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music >Thursday 13
Jon Bowser. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. KARAOKE. Karaoke, Dance Music, and Music Videos on our new Hi-Def Projection TV. DJ Mark plays your favorites from his huge collection. State of the Art Sound System and great performing stage and dance floor. Free. 7-11 p.m. 3-G’s Sports Bar, The Music Room, 152 Millbury St. 508-754-3516. Ricky Duran. 7-10 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508-7550879. Tom Revane. 7-11 p.m. Olde Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. Ukulele September Edition with Rich “Amazing Dick” Leufstedt. 7-10 p.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. Night Train (Roots/Blues, LIVE MUSIC). No Cover. 7:159:45 p.m. The Mill at 185 West Boylston Street, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Irish Music Session. Each week, a traditional Irish music session is held at Mulligan’s Taverne. The public are welcome to join in music, song, and camaraderie. No cover charge, all ages and talent levels welcome. Listeners welcome, too! No Charge.. 7:30-10 p.m. Mulligans Taverne-on-the-Green, 121 West Main St., Westborough. 508-3444932 or OPEN MIC with BILL McCARTHY. Visit OpenMicWorld for info and the latest sign-up schedules! Sign-up in advance! Email Bill McCarthy at openmcc@verizon to reserve it! Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Biagio’s Grille, 257 Park Ave. 508-756-7995 or Audio Wasabi with host Brian Chaffee. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. KARAOKE with Mike Rossi. Free. 8-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Karaoke. 8:30 p.m.-noon Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. The Awesome 80’s party band THE FLOCK OF A-HOLES! with Angel Dust, the FAITH NO MORE tribute band and Dive The Tower. Angel Dust is a collaboration of five good looking guys paying tribute to FAITH NO MORE. http://www. Derek Kerswill, Chris Parlon, Kenny Benda, Oscar Gouveia, Peter Rutcho $5. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or Flock-of-Aholes/127019150125. All Request Thirsty Thursday With CJ/DJ.<P Come on down and dance to the hottest music around. No cover! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, The Downstairs, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-868-7382 or Cara Brindisi. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508752-9439. FoundationZ Thursdays - Dubstep/Hip Hop/ Drum’N’Bass. Dubstep/Jungle/Drum’n’bass/B-boy/Hip Hop. 18+ $2. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. London Billiards / Club Oasis, 70 James St. 508799-7655 or Karaoke. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. KARAOKE 7 NIGHTS a week. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. cafe neo bar and grille, 97 millbury St. 508-615-7311. Latin Heat Thursdays @ Bocados Tapas Bar. 9-11:30 p.m. Bocado Tapas Wine Bar, 82 Winter St. 508-797-1011. Sarah Leveque. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Thirsty Thursday ALL Request DJ. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, Main Level, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-987-1006 or FoundationZ Thursdays. Resident Crew: Top Rock United featuring Dubstep / Drum & Bass in the back room and Hiphop / Dancehall / Breaks / NewJack in the front 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. Twisted Thursdays With DJ Whiteboi. Stop on down and enjoy the evening listening to your favorite music from the by gone days...great sounds to heard by all...DJ Whiteboi spins your favorite tunes... TWISTED Thursdays are here at Club Remix in Worcester... Watch for “So You Think You Can Drag” contests to be held every other Thursday SOOOON 10-11:59 p.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508756-2227 or
>Friday 14
Conflict Productions presents-Half Sober, Lental, Unusual Suspects, Tides Of Time, Full Blast Movement, Fisher Kay + MC Kennedy, Left Hand Backwards,Floods Of Arcadia, Backscratcher, Mentol. The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. 508-304-8133 or Sin City. Legends, Airport Road - Fitchburg Ma, Fitchburg. 978342-6500.
Come early for a seat. $5. 8-11:30 p.m. Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. A very special show with The CURTAIN SOCIETY, Thinner, The Bees Knees and more. $8. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or thecurtainsociety. Live Music. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Live music in the Pub - The Locals. 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St. 508-792-3700. Bill McCarthy LIVE. Classic & Contemporary Acoustic & Not-SoAcoustic Rock! Free. 9 p.m.-midnight Lakeside Bar & Grille, 97 Boston
Scallywag Ceramics – locally handcrafted mugs – celebrate their recent release this Friday, Sept. 14. Owners Jon Hansen and Grace Cherubino bring their creations to Beatnik’s for their Tiki Mug release party from 9 p.m. to close. First line of mugs: the Scallywag Skull, Mug of the Berserker, Bar Harbor Barnacle and the Barnacle Triple Shot will be for sale. Tokyo Tramps will perform live. $5 cover. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave.,
10 Years Of Perseverance Tour HATEBREED. Whitechapel All Shall Perish Deez Nuts Tickets $20 adv., $23 day. 6:30-11 p.m. Palladium, The, 261 Main St. 508-797-9696. Barefoot Music Series - Applefest - Presents: Lori Diamond and Fred Abatelli. TBA. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Northboro Senior Center, One Centre Drive, Northborough. 978-365-2043. Boomer Ballads with P.E. James. Come sing along to the songs you love from the 50s, 60s, and 70s at Worcester’s most beautiful outdoor dining venue! Watch the sunset over the city in a beautiful local setting. Free. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Grill on the Hill at Green Hill Golf Course, Skyline Drive. Open Mic Night. Every Friday night we have an open mic hosted by Patrick McCarthy. Come in and show us your talents or enjoy great performances by local artists! Our menu features craft beer and wine as well as great food options sure to please :). No Cost. 6:30-9:30 p.m. NU Cafe, 335 Chandler St. Worcester, MA. 508-926-8800 or Bryan Graves. Free. 7-9 p.m. Mill Church Cafe, 45 River St., Millbury. 508-864-5658. Chris Huston. 7-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Live Music Every Friday. Live Music Every Friday night at the Eastside Grill at Marlborough Country Club! Outside on our deck overlooking the golf course, join us for dinner, drinks and great music with local artists Free Event for All Ages. 7-9 p.m. Marlborough Country Club, 200 Concord Road, Marlborough. 508-485-1660 or Sean Ryan. 7-11 p.m. Barbers Crossing (North), Downstairs Lounge, 175 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8438. Gary Bernath Band. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Olde Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. Karaoke. Karaoke by Star Sound Entertainment 8 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Chooch’s Food & Spirits, 31 East Brookfield Road, North Brookfield. 508-867-2494. Karaoke/College Night. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Dugan’s, 49 Millbury St. 508-755-4155. Live Acoustic. 8-11 p.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Punk and Hardcore at Ralph’s!! Los B, OTH and more. Punk and Hardcore from MA, CT and NY! $7. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543 or https://www. Return of the “Delusions”. Again, Michael Addis, Dave Dick and Ed Sheridan fill the second Friday of the month with diverse song selections and inspired and spontaneous playing. A sight to behold!
Turnpike, Shrewsbury. 508-425-3543. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. DJ. Classic rock to the Blues. Large dance floor to shake it. Come see this Worcester classic. Full bar reasonably priced. Ice cold beer. Friendly service. Keno Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. 3-G’s Sports Bar, The Music Room, 152 Millbury St. 508-754-3516. DJ HappyDaze Spinnin All the Hottest Dance Mixes. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, UPSTAIRS, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-987-1006. Farmer’s Union Players. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. FRIDAY FRENZY with Blurry Nights & DJ SOUP - DJ B-LO. FRIDAY NIGHT FRENZY at FUSION features the BEST sound and lights in Central Mass with DJ SOUP & DJ B-LO spinning your favorite Dance, Hip Hop and top 40 tracks. Lounge opens at 9:00 pm Dance Club opens at 10:30 pm. Coat Room available with attendant. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. KARAOKE Every Nite. Free. 9 p.m.-1:45 a.m. cafe neo bar and
night day &
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grille, 97 millbury St. 508-615-7311. Ladies Night - Top 40 Dance Party. Our Top 40 Ladies Night Dance Party returns to Speakers! Ladies (and Gent’s) come in and dance the night away with the hottest DJ in the MetroWest Area DJ Norm!!! Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Speakers Night Club, 19 Weed St., Marlborough. 508-480-8222 or Oh The Humanity, Old Grey, Los Bungalitos, Jukebox Romantics, and Progress. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Radio Star. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. Rock ‘n Art with Tokyo Tramps & Scallywag Ceramics. 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. Karaoke with Making Memories. No Cover. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, Main Level, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-987-1006. Teter Todders. $5. 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. The Blue Veins supported by White Sky. Original indie rock n roll 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. The Cannery @12 Crane Street, Southbridge, MA 01550, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. Funky Fridays with DJ Tony T. DJ Tony T spins all your favorites every Friday night starting at 10pm. Get here before 10 and if your 21+ you don’t have to pay the cover charge...See if you can get Tony’s dance floor BOUNCING.... if you have never been here for Tony, you will definitely enjoy yourself... It is always awesome on FUNKY FRIDAYS... hope to see you here. 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or
>Saturday 15
KARAOKE. Free. 9-12:30 a.m. Shangri-la chinese restaurant, 60 madison St. 508-798-0888. Music & Arts Open House - Shrewsbury Arts Alive Music & Theatre. Come see what’s happening at the Church on the Green this Fall. Demonstrations, Instrument Petting Zoo, Performances, Music Together demo. classes, and meet the teachers with Shrewsbury Arts Alive. Also featured: Mastersingers To Go; the FCC Bell Choirs; or take a Tour of the FCC Instruments (pipe organs and more). Free. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. First Congregational Church of Shrewsbury, 19 Church Road, Shrewsbury. 508-845-7286. Sean Ryan. 7-10 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. JAZZED UP Trio Live at BYBLOS Union Station. JAZZED UP Trio simply the best of the best featuring vocalist/pianist Mauro
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night day &
Upload your listings at Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.
{ listings}
DePasquale, Bassist Joe D’Angelo, drummer Johnny Dollar Playing “the sweetest music this side of heaven” classic Jazz for a classic evening. NO COVER. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Byblos Lounge Union Station, Worcester, MA, Union Station, Columbus Square, Worcester. 508-756-2232. “Moments” A Musical Journey through Life. The Part Time Players present “Moments” A Musical Journey Through Life! “Moments” features music from some of Broadway’s most beloved musicals including “Phantom of the Opera”, “Rent”, “Secret Garden” and “The Music Man”. An evening of music, laughter and great entertainment is guaranteed. Directed by: Michael Celularo Music Director: Kallin Johnson $20 - General Admission. 8-10 p.m. Tuckerman Hall, 10 Tuckerman St. 508-754-1234 or parttimeplayers. org. Beatles For Sale. 8-10:30 p.m. The Shea Theater, 71 Ave. A, Turners Falls. 413-863-2281 or . Drama. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Olde Post Office Pub, 1 Ray St., North Grafton. 508-839-6106. Live Acoustic. 8-11 p.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Live Bands. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Linda Dagnello Jazz Quintet. 8:30 p.m.-midnight Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Live Music. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Northbound Train. Northbound Train is a Central Mass tribute band that recreates the music of the Grateful Dead. Free show, no cover!! Free. 8:30 p.m.-midnight Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Speed Demon Promotions presents Cailin’s Birthday Bash featuring TESTER, Thurskill Vision, Death Rattle and much more. Speed Demon Promotions: We Support Local Music and strive to bring you the best Entertainment/Bands the greater Worcester area has to offer! $6. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or SpeedDemonPromo. Andy Cummings Trio. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Beach Party with Tom Revane. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Billy Pilgrim. Classic rock with a twist of modern blues. 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. The Cannery @12 Crane Street, Southbridge, MA 01550, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. Destroy Babylon, Maddie Ruthless & The Forthrights, Navarone Reggae Sound System. 9 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Beatnik’s, 433 Park Ave. 508-926-8877. DJ HappyDaze Playin the Hottest Dance Mixes. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Days End Tavern, UPSTAIRS, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508987-1006 or Foam N’ Glow “America’s Largest Foam Party” Cosmic Excursion 4D. Tickets $25 adv., $40 day. 9 p.m.-midnight
Palladium, The, 261 Main St. 508-797-9696. KARAOKE 7 NIGHTS a week. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. cafe neo bar and grille, 97 millbury St. 508-615-7311. Karaoke with Outrageous Greg. Karaoke with DJ Greg (formerly of Eddy’s Pub) every Saturday night. The absolute BEST Karaoke in Worcester! No cost, Worcester College Students Get WOO Points. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St. 508-792-3700. Numbskulls, Get The Fear,. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Playin Dirty. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St.,
Make your way to Ralph’s Diner on Sunday night with a blanket to curl up with on the patio for a classic movie screening, as part of its weekly Cinemageddon series. Ralph’s Diner, 148 Grove St. Level, 287 Main St., Oxford. 508-987-1006. Tantrum Saturdays with DJ Tony T. Get ready Worcester for some great dancing to the beats of Tony T. He has been known to get the dance floor bouncing... As always if you are 21+ and get here before 10pm you won’t have to pay the cover charge. If you have been here recently you know we have been known to have a surprise “contest” with cash prizes awarded. Some of the recent contests, Sexy bodies (both guys an girls) hot underwear ???? Watch for the surprise contest each week. 18+ only $10 21+ only $5. 10 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227 or The Red Riders. Tyra Penn on vocals and Jeff Giacomelli on sax, join us for jump blues and nothing but fun! Plenty of dance space! 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Sahara Cafe & Restaurant, 143 Highland St. 508-7982181 or
>Sunday 16
Leominster. 978-537-7750. SPINSUITE SATURDAYS - Top 40. SPINSUITE SATURDAYS - DJ SOUP - DJ NICK - DJ B-LO spin your favorite Dance, Mash Ups & Top 40 Tracks. Fusion’s Lounge opens at 9:00 pm and Dance Club opens at 10:30pm. Coat room with attendant available. No Cover Charge. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. the Awesome 80’s party band THE FLOCK OF A-HOLES play all night. Playing ALL NIGHT LONG! The Flock brings the 80’s to Clinton! $5. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Simple Man Saloon, High St., Clinton. Auntie Trainwreck. AT Fans, we hope you’ll join us for our return to the Celtic Tavern in Northborough on September 15th, 2012! Be there for a fantastic evening with the Celtic Tavern and your favorite Auntie, Auntie Trainwreck! 21+, No Cover. 9:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Celtic Tavern, 45 Belmont St., Northborough. 508-366-6277 or https://www. Probable Cause. $5. 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. HeadFirst. No Cover. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Days End Tavern, Main
Revolution Sunday’s! Drag Show Extravaganza with DJ Mike Electra! Featuring The Remix Girls and Special Guests. 18+ $8 21+ $5. midnight-1:30 a.m. Club Remix, 105 Water St. 508-756-2227. Jazz Brunch with Chet Williamson. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Open Mike with John Riley & Kringle Daly. 4-8 p.m. Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St. 508-792-3700. Acoustic Open Mic/WARL Charity Event. Celtic/Acoustic music and an ongoing charity event for the Worcester Animal Rescue League No Cover. 5-9 p.m. Jak’s Pub, 536 Main St. 508-757-5257. Joining us from stART on the Street “Shotgun Wedding” at 5pm; then Andy Cummings 8pm. No Cover. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Vincent’s presents: Big Jon Short. Armed with a suitcase kick-drum, National Reso-phonic Guitar and Lowebow cigar-box hillharp, Big Jon Short’s high energy solo performances bring a footstomping show that taps into the heart of the songs, regional styles, and folklore of the Blues. 5-8 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Blues Jam w/Jim Perry. Blues Jam with special guests weekly Free. 6-10 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. OPEN MIC SUNDAYS AT RIVALRY WITH BILL McCARTHY. To check the schedules and open slots visit: MySpace. com/OpenMicWorld Email Bill McCarthy at: openmcc@verizon. net. Free. 8 p.m.-midnight Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Karaoke. 8:30 p.m.-noon Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. KARAOKE 7 NIGHTS a week. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. cafe neo bar and grille, 97 millbury St. 508-615-7311.
The SUNDAY NIGHT Hang w/ Ronnie Sugar Bear.. Free. 9 p.m.-1:45 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or REGGAE FUSION SUNDAYS with DJ Nick. Worcester’s longest running REGGAE night hosted by DJ Nick and Guest DJ’s spinning the HOTTTEST Reggae, Hip Hop and Top 40 every Sunday. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Fusion, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100.
>Monday 17
Booty Groove. This luscious class is a combination of yoga warmups, booty sculpting dance routines, core strengthening and muscle toning. We blend the grounding aspects of yoga, the booty enhancing benefits of dance and the energy behind it all in this fun, cardio workout that will leave you feeling refreshed, stronger and leaner. This class is the best complete workout you can get in one solid hour! $16. 5:45-6:45 p.m. Zest Yoga and Fitness, 65 Southbridge St., Auburn. 508-843-9887. Driftin’ Sam Politz 7pm, then Big Game Karaoke 9pm. No Cover. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. North American Imaginaerum Tour NIGHTWISH with Kamelot. Tickets $31.50 adv., $35 day. 7-11 p.m. Palladium, The, 261 Main St. 508-797-9696. Blue Mondays - Live Blues. 8 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Karaoke. Karaoke by Star Sound Entertainment 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. London Billiards / Club Oasis, 70 James St. 508-799-7655. Open Mic Night. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Krazy Horse Bar & Grill, 287 Main St. Worcester. 774-696-0886. KARAOKE 7 NIGHTS a week. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. cafe neo bar and grille, 97 millbury St. 508-615-7311.
>Tuesday 18
Calliope “Young at Heart” Performers. This talented group of singers, dancers and musicians will wow you with their top shelf talents. no cost. 2-3 p.m. Briarwood Continuing Care Retirement Community: Birches Auditorium, 65 Briarwood Circle. Open Mic Night w /Bill McCarthy. To check the schedules and open slots visit: Bill McCarthy (originator of the “Half-Hour Sets!”) is Your Host at another great Open Mic Night! Any slot marked as “open” usually is. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve it at: openmcc@verizon. Free. 7-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. “Totally Tuesdazed!” Tunes in the Diner every Tuesday Night. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. T.J. Peavey. A veteran, accomplished and eclectic singer, songwriter and guitarist. Pass The Hat. 8-10 p.m. Jak’s Pub, 536 Main St. 508757-5257. Terry Brennan. 8-11 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508755-0879. Karaoke. 8:30 p.m.-noon Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. 978-537-7750. Brian Sampson and Friends. No Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar
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• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
Upload your listings at Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. COLLEGE NIGHTS Every Tuesday. Electrifying dance music, Killer DJ’s, Live College Bands, Great Dance Floor. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508363-1888. Jon Bonner. 9 p.m.-midnight Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508752-9439. KARAOKE 7 NIGHTS a week. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. cafe neo bar and grille, 97 millbury St. 508-615-7311.
Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday - Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free. 660 Main St. 508-755-5142 or Asa Waters Mansion, Admission: $3 for guided tour $7-10 for tea. 123 Elm St., Millbury. 508-865-0855 or Booklovers’ Gourmet, The American Dog”, paintings by Holly Connors, Monday - Saturday. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 55 East Main St., Webster. 508-949-6232 or Clark’s Cafe and Art On Rotation Gallery, Hours: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday - Saturday. Admission: Free for gallery. 310 High St., Clinton. 978Worcester celebrates substance abuse recovery this Saturday, Sept. 15, with the fourth549-5822 or 978-365-7772 annual Worcester Cares about Recovery Walk and Celebration. Warm-up is or 10-11 a.m. at Institute Park. The walk is 11 a.m.-noon around Institute Park followed by a College of the Holy free barbecue lunch, live entertainment, kids’ activities and information booths and educational Cross: Iris & B. Gerald materials on substance-abuse prevention, treatment and recovery. Rain date is Sunday, Sept. Cantor Art Gallery, Create: 16. More information: Featuring the Work of 20 SF Bay Area Artists, Mondays - Sundays, Aug. 29 - Oct. 6. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday. 1 College St. 508-793-3356 or >Wednesday 19 cantor/website. Open Jam w/Sean Ryan. Open Jam Free. 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Monday - Tuesday, Noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 Girls Night Out. Free Apps, pool, and Gamecards! Free. 6 p.m.-1 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. or Matt Robert Solo Acoustic. Matt Robert (Hat on, Drinking wine, Dark World Gallery, Skate of the Art 4, Through Sept. 27. Hours: Home Skillet) performs old-timey, old, and new covers and originals closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 179 Grafton St. that draw on blues, jazz, folk, and rock, from Jelly Roll Morton, Louis Armstrong, and Gus Cannon’s Jug Stompers to The Decemberists, DZian Gallery, Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday Cake, and Beck. Nu Cafe is a warm, laid-back atmosphere offering - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 65 Water St. 508free wi-fi, beer and wine, smoothies, coffee, tea, baked goods and 831-1106 or or sandwiches. Donations since December to The Worcester County EcoTarium, Bubbles!, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Food Bank. Donations Suggested. 6-8 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. Fridays, Saturdays, through Oct. 7; Grossology: The (Impolite) 508-963-0588. Karaoke. Karaoke by Star Sound Entertainment 8 p.m.-midnight Dark Science of the Human Body, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Dec. 2; Preschool and Toddler Horse Tavern, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. 508-764-1100. Wednesdays, Wednesdays, through Dec. 19. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Karaoke. 8-11 p.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Sam James. 8-11:30 p.m. Banner Pub, The, 112 Green St. 508Admission: $14.00 adults; $8.00 for children ages 2-18, $10 college 755-0879. students with IDs & senior citizens. Children under 2 & EcoTarium Sean Ryan & Company. Open Jam! Free. 8-11 p.m. Greendale’s members Free. Additional charges apply for Tree Canopy Walkway, Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Explorer Express Train, planetarium programs & other special progra. Wednesday Night Open Mic @ The Hotel Befont With 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2700 or Bill Mccarthy Local Musicians Showcase. Sign-up in Fitchburg Art Museum, Hours: Noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed advance by emailing and visiting myspace. Monday, Noon-4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 25 Merriam Parkway, com/openmicworld. Free. 8 p.m.-midnight. Belfont Hotel, 11 South Fitchburg. 978-345-4207 or Main St., Millbury. 508-917-8128. Fitchburg Historical Society, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. Zack Slik. Solo musician, multiple instruments, old-time, blues, to 4 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m.-midnight Wednesday, closed jugband jazz, traditional and original material. No Cover. 8:30-11:59 Thursday - Saturday. 50 Grove St., Fitchburg. 978-345-1157 or p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Clayton Willoughby’s Travelling Vaudeville Show. No Higgins Armory Museum, WOO Card good at Higgins Armory Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508Museum, Through Dec. 31; Star Wars Day, Saturday. Hours: Noon-4 753-4030. p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Karaoke Wednesday’s with DJ SPAZ. This is your chance to Admission: General Admission: $12 for Adults, $9 for Seniors (age come on down and sing like a rock star or just kick back and enjoy a 60+), $7 for Children (age 4-16), Children 3 and under are Free. 100 cocktail while you listen to your friends sing your favorite tunes. We Barber Ave. 508-853-6015 or are proud to present a $1000.00 contest that will award weekly cash Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation prize and the overall winner, in October will walk away with $1000.00 Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Sunday, in cash.... so come down and win one week and you will be entered closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 414 Massasoit to win the big prize. No Cover charge. 9-11:59 p.m. Club Remix, 105 Ave. 508-753-6087 or Water St. 508-756-2227 or Museum of Russian Icons, Palekh Icons: The Enchantment Ricky Duran. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Cigar Masters, 1 Exchange Place. of Russian Painting, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, 508-459-9035. Saturdays, through Oct. 1. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 11-3 a.m. WOO Town Wednesdays. FREE show with bands Tuesday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 11-3 a.m. Friday, GYPSYBLOOD (IL) and YUNG CZECH. You can sign your 9-3 a.m. Saturday. Admission: Adults $7, Seniors (59 and over) $5, band up to play Wednesdays by emailing Free. 9 Students (with ID) & children (3-17) $2, Children under 3 Free, Groups p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or (any age) $. 203 Union St., Clinton. 978-598-5000 or 5000x17 or or WOO-TOWN Wednesday Free show LIVE BANDS. Live Old Sturbridge Village, Story Hour at the Old Sturbridge Village entertainment every Wednesday night. Check for Book Store, Thursdays, through Dec. 27; Agricultural Exhibition: complete lineup. Free. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green September 15-16, 2012, Saturday - Sunday. Admission: $7 - $20 St. 508-363-1888 or charged by age. Children under 3 fre. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge. 800-733-1830 or 508-347-3362 or Post Road Art Center, Hours: closed Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 1 Boston Post Road, Marlborough. 508-485ARTSWorcester, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 1-4 p.m. 2580 or
Preservation Worcester, Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 10 Cedar St. 508-754-8760 or Quinebaug Valley Council for the Arts & Humanities, the Arts Center, Hours: 2-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Friday, 2-4 p.m. Saturday. 111 Main St., Southbridge. 508-346-3341 or Rollstone Studios, Hours: 11-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. Admission: Free. 633 Main St., Fitchburg. 978-348-2781 or Salisbury Mansion, Salisbury Mansion Tours, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Dec. 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Wednesday, 1-8:30 p.m. Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 40 Highland St. 508-753-8278 or Taproot Bookstore, Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
night day &
{ listings}
Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 1200 West Boylston St. 508-853-5083 or The Sprinkler Factory, Expanding Continuum, Thursdays, Saturdays, through Sept. 29; OPENING RECEPTION: Expanding Continuum, Saturday. Hours: noon-6 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 38 Harlow St. Top Fun Aviation Toy Museum, Hours: 1:30-4:30 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. 21 Prichard St., Fitchburg. 978-342-2809 or 978-297-4337 or Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Guided Garden Tour, Sundays, through Dec. 30. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed
261 MAIN ST., WORCESTER, MA (508) 797-9696 All shows, All ages. Tickets available at the Palladium Box Office (12-5 Tuesday- Friday), FYE Music and Video Stores, online at or by calling 1 (800) 477-6849.
night day &
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{ listings}
Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $10 Adults, $7 Seniors & $5 Youth, FREE to Members & Children under . 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111 or Westboro Gallery, Hours: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 8 West Main St., Westborough. 508-870-0110 or Worcester Art Museum, 20th Century American Drawings,
by Jennifer Leung September 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29 at 8 PM and September 16, 23 and 30 at 2 PM Six young people in the throes of puberty, overseen by grown-ups who barely managed to escape childhood themselves, learn that winning isn’t everything and that losing doesn’t necessarily make you a loser. THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE is a hilarious tale of overachievers’ angst chronicling the experience of six adolescent outsiders vying for the spelling championship of a lifetime. The show’s Tony Award winning creative team has created the unlikeliest of hit musicals about the unlikeliest of heroes: a quirky yet charming cast of outsiders for whom a spelling bee is the one place where they can stand out and fit in at the same time. $16. 8-10 p.m. First Parish Church Unitarian Universalist of Fitchburg, 923 Main St., Fitchburg. Call 978-345-6066.
Pastoral Worcester County: The Vanishing Rural Landscape is the subject portrayed and the name of the new exhibit at the Prints and the Potter Gallery through October 13. Paintings of Worcester County’s rural landscapes: farms, hilltop villages and lakefront cottages are presented by several artists including historical perspectives by Worcester County artists from the 19th and 20th centuries. Join the artists at the opening reception on Friday, Sept. 14, from 5-8 p.m. Refreshments and music will be provided. Prints and the Potter Gallery, 142 Highland St., Worcester.
Through Dec. 2; Art Since the Mid-20th Century, Through Dec. 31; Spotlight on Maki Haku, Through Jan. 1, 2013; Wall at WAM: Charline von Heyl, Through Dec. 31; Worcester Art Museum Open House, Thursday; Zip Tour: The Freake Portraits with Docent Gyda Robinson, Saturday; Public Tour, Sunday; Tour of the Month: Wars & Art, Wednesday. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, free for youth 17 and under. Free for all first Saturdays of each month, 10am-noon. 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406 or Worcester Center for Crafts, Art of Dining, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sept. 13 - Oct. 13; Art of Dining: Opening Reception, Thursday; The Art of Dining Opening Reception, Thursday; The Bowl Show: Sale & Show, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Nov. 17; Vegetative States: Photographs by Adam Laipson, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sept. 13 - Nov. 3. Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, closed Saturday. 25 Sagamore Road. 508-753-8183 or Worcester Historical Museum, In Their Shirtsleeves, Through Dec. 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 or Worcester Public Library, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday Saturday. 3 Salem Square. 508-799-1655 or WPI: George C. Gordon Library, The Engaging and Enduring Mr. Dickens : Highlights from the Fellman Dickens Collection, Through Dec. 28. 100 Institute Road.
theater/ comedy
Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Escape Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays. Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Escape at Biagio’s Grille 257 Park Ave Worcester MA Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Clubs Showtimes: Open Mic on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 8pm-$15pp Fridays 9pm and Saturdays 8pm -$20pp Reservations Recommended at 800-401-2221 Prices: $15 Thurs $20 Fri/Sat pp except Special Events Drinks and Appetizers available in the show room Full Dinner Available before Show in Restaurant $5off with College ID 2 for 1 Active Military or Veterans $4 off with Dinner Receipt and Reservations. Worcester Fri & Sat Sept 14th & 15th Robbie Printz Shaun Bedgood and Joe Dahlquist. Make Reservations early at 800-401-2221 or online at $20 per person except Special Events. 8 p.m.-midnight Biagio’s Grille, Comedy Room, 257 Park Ave. Call 800-401-2221 or visit laughstub. com.
Open Mike Comedy - Saturdays & Sundays. Hosted by a variety of local comedians under the leadership of Andy Paquette. Worcester’s longest running open mic attracts regional talent and newcomers. 100’s of aspiring comedians have bared their wares in front of this supportive and simpathetic crowd. Well known as the breeding grounds for local talent it has produced many known and not to be known comedians. Fear not! Your Sense of Pride. 7-9 p.m. 3-G’s Sports Bar, The Music Room, 152 Millbury St. Call 508-754-3516. Sunday Night Cinemageddon! Outdoor Drive-In movies every Sunday. - Sundays, Sunday, May 13 - Wednesday, October 31. Free. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. Call 508-753-9543. Wisecracks Comedy Club @ Jose Murphy’s
substance abuse prevention, treatment and recovery will be available that day! Free. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Institute Park, Worcester, 100 Salisbury St. Shrewsbury Street College Shuffle. The College Shuffle is EXCLUSIVELY for college students and the college community (including faculty, staff, and families). Food tastings from over 20 participating locales on Shrewsbury Street, commonly known as Restaurant Row. During the shuffle, there will be college performance groups entertaining you along the street. Free Transportation Free transportation will be provided throughout the day, from each campus* to Shrewsbury Street and back to each campus. To purchase an admission button for $10 in advance, a VALID CONSORTIUM COLLEGE I.D. must be presented to the Office of Student Activities at the member campuses of the Colleges of the Worcester Consortium. The button must be worn to attend the event and participate in the food tastings and other activities along the Street. College faculty and other college staff, along with students family members, are invited to attend as well. Day-of-event price of buttons is $15; they may be purchased at Flying Rhino and Brew City Grille. A valid college-issued I.D. will be required for all purchases. $10 in advance on your campus; $15 day of event. noon-3 p.m. Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA, Shrewsbury St. cowc. org/college-student-resources/college-shuffle. Worcester Pride 2012 - Stand for Pride. We were overwhelmed by the amount of supporters and community members who attended the event in 2011 and we are even bigger this year! At the end of the day, the 2011 official police estimate was over 4,000 attendees! By choosing to celebrate Worcester Pride you or your organization will see not just representatives of the LGBT community but also all of our allies and family members throughout central Mass region. Bring the kids too! For the first time, we will have a children’s section sponsored by the Woo Church! (bouncy house included!) Free. noon-6 p.m. Worcester Common Behind City Hall, 455 Main St.
- Saturdays, Saturday, June 30 - Saturday, November 17. Wisecracks is Worcester County’s newest and hottest comedy club franchise - this location is in Jose Murphy’s (2nd floor) every Saturday night. There’s a full bar and food menu in the showroom! You’ll see comics that have been on Comedy Central, HBO and all the late night shows. This location >Saturday 15 is also 18+ We are expanding to several other venues in central Woman’s Club of Barre Annual Flea Market Scholarship Massachusetts!!! Go to our website for more information. $15 (All Fund Raiser for Women. Annual Flea market on Barre’s Beautiful Woo card holders and active duty military is 2 for 1). 8-10 p.m. Jose’ Town Common -- attend flea market and farmer’s market. This event Murphy’s, 2nd Floor, 97-103 Water St. Call 508-792-0900 or visit is sponsored by the Woman’s Club of Barre, a non profit organization. The monies raised at this event support the Woman’s Club Scholorship Frank’s Comedy Safari - Saturdays, Saturday, July 14 - Monday, Fund for women in the community. Contact Janet Castriotta to reserve December 31. Frank’s Comedy Safari every Sat. night. FREE VALET >Sunday 16 a 16 x 10 foot space for only $20.00. This is an event you will want to PARKING. Food before or during the show. Call 1-800-71-LAUGH for stART on the Street: Celebrating 10 Years. Over 300 attend or sell at. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Town Common, Barre, Massachusetts, reservations. Outside of MA call 774-452-1131. $20 cash at door. Free artists & crafters, including jewelry, painting, sculpture, soap, candles, parking. 8 p.m.-9:30 a.m. Viva Bene Italian Ristorante, 144 Commercial , Barre. 978-355-2299. lotions, blown glass, drawing, textiles, plants, pet goods, youth artists, Yard Sale/Craft Fair. Accepting Applications for all Crafters/Yard St. Call 774-452-1131 or visit woodwork, mosaic, photography, stained glass, ceramics, henna, and Sale vendors. See website for application StageTime Comedy Club - Saturdays, Saturday, August 11 so much more! - Over 40 stage and street performers, including four form. All table proceeds benefit Child Protection Resources. Must Saturday, December 22. ONLY FIVE DOLLARS for great comedians stages of music, one stage in memory of our friend and Worcester provide own table, chairs, tent. Set up time is 8 a.m. Great Traffi c every Saturday upstairs at Jose Murphy’s, because talk is cheap. $5. legend Scott Ricciuti - Hands-on free kids’ activities - Worcester Exposure! Rain date is Sunday 9/16/2012. $20 per table space. 8-10 p.m. Jose’ Murphy’s, UPSTAIRS!, 97-103 Water St. Call 508Roller Derby (WoRD) - Interactive creative features for all ages! - Area 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Navin Skating Rink Parking Lot, 451 Bolton St., 792-0900 or visit non-profits, including Worcester Earn a Bike, Worcester Animal Rescue Marlborough. 508-481-7221. Crimes of the Heart - Sundays, Fridays, Saturdays. This Pulitzer League, Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Abby’s House, Main I.D.E.A., and Prize winning comedy examines the plight of three young more. - Over 20 food options, including woodMississippi sisters betrayed by their passions. Sept 7, 8, fired pizza, Jamaican, mobile raw bar, hot dogs, 14, and 15 @ 7:30 pm, Sept 16 @ 2:00 PM $15 or frozen chocolate-covered bananas, a dessert Dining and art come together through ceramics, photography and other mediums at $12 per person for groups of 10 or more. 7:30-9:30 p.m. truck, vegetarian & vegan options, and more. As Worcester Center for Crafts’ exhibit, Art of Dining. Attend the opening reception Alternatives’ Whitin Mill, Singh Performance Center, 50 always, stART is a free , family-friendly event. on Thursday, Sept. 13, from 5:30-8 p.m. The center’s gallery store will host “The Bowl Douglas Road, Whitinsville. Call 508-296-0797 or visit Donations are GREATLY appreciated - please Show,” the Krikorian Gallery will feature ceramic art by local artists titled “Art of Dining,” as well see our rolling piggy banks! Area street parking as photography work by Adam Laipson exhibited as “Vegetative States.” Catch local food and Frank’s Comedy Safari - Saturdays, Saturday, will be available, there is an ATM on-site. To beverage groups, Worcester Garden Club, KJ Baaron’s and Worcester Technical High School’s September 8 - Saturday, October 27. 20 CASH AT learn more, get involved, become a sponsor or culinary arts department at the event. Tickets range $30-$100. THE DOOR. 8-9:45 p.m. Viva Bene Italian Ristorante, volunteer, please visit us at stARTontheStreet. 144 Commercial St. Call 800-715-2844 or visit org. Thank you all for your help in supporting the local economy and buying handmade, for 10 Comedy with Eddie Brill - Friday, September 14. years! Free! Donations Welcomed.. 11 a.m. to 6 Eddie Brill is an American comedian, writer, and actor who started his p.m. stART on the Street, 258 park ave. 2012 New England Pet Expo. Bring your pet to the New career in Boston, Massachusetts. He is the current warm-up comedian England Pet Expo and meet Shorty Rossi, star of “Pit Boss” on Animal and former comedy talent coordinator of Late Show with David >Wednesday 19 Planet! 125 + pet-friendly exhibitors and rescue groups, see live Letterman. 7-8:45 p.m. The Cannery @12 Crane Street, Southbridge, Day Fair: Creating the Future. A day fair for area businesses, demonstrations in agility, obedience training, pet care & activism, great MA 01550, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. non-profits, faculty and students. Part-time jobs, internships, service giveaways and prizes, amazing discounts on your favorite pet products, learning and work study. Featuring the Central Mass Convention and HONK! A Musical Tale of the Ugly Duckling - Fridays, talent contest and costume contest, fabulous retailers and much more Saturdays, Friday, September 14 - Saturday, September 22. HONK! Visitors Bureau, UPS, Bridge of Central Massachusetts, RFK Children’s fun for the whole family! if you’re looking to add a new pet to your is the story of Ugly, whose odd, gawky looks instantly incite prejudice Action Corps, Army of Saints, WSU Financial Work Study Office, Center family, a mega-adoption event sponsored by banfield pet hospitals will from his family and neighbors. Separated from the farm and pursued for Service Learning and Civic Engagement and WSU Career Services. by a hungry Cat, Ugly must find his way home. Along his rollicking and have more than 300 pets available for adoption. plus we will be offering Questions? Please contact Mark Wagner low-cost immunizations and microCHIPPING for the furry friends that harrowing journey he not only discovers his true beauty and glorious 508-929-8635. Dianne Matos, Career Services, dmatos@worcester. need them! For more information, visit us at destiny, but also finds love and acceptance in all its forms. HONK!, edu 508-929-8735 Free. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Worcester State University: or join us on Facebook (, written by George Stiles and Anthony Drewe, was first performed in Student Center, Exhibit Area, 486 Chandler St. 508-929-8635. email at or give us a call at 800-977Britain and made is US debut at the North Shore Musical Theatre. 3609. Admission and Parking are Free. See you there! Free. 10 a.m. Performances at 7:30pm each day with a 2:00pm matinee on to 6 p.m. Aleppo Shriner’s Auditorium, 99 Fordham Road, Wilmington. Saturdays. $12 - $15. 7:30-10 p.m. First Church in Sterling, Parish 636-235-0175 or Hall, 6 Meetinghouse Hill Road, Sterling. Call 978-427-4884 or visit 4th Annual Worcester Cares About Recovery Walk. Join us for a free BBQ, live entertainment and family fun. Information on The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee - Directed
• SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
fairs & festivals
Announcing the Inauguration of Barry M. Maloney As Eleventh President of Worcester State University
Academic excellence, a student-centered philosophy and broadening the global experience for students are the top priorities for Worcester State University’s 11th president Barry M. Maloney, who will be sworn in September 21st. During his tenure at WSU, which began July 1, 2011, WSU has increased its fulltime faculty, student enrollment and fundraising as well as expanded its student engagement, community based learning and student exchange and study abroad opportunities. Worcester State University is a nationally recognized public university offering graduate and undergraduate programs taught by a committed, accessible faculty. This year, WSU became the only Massachusetts state university to be named “Best in the Northeast,” by the Princeton Review for nine consecutive years. To learn more, please visit
President Maloney’s Inauguration is sponsored by Consigli Construction, Chartwells and Worcester Magazine. The Presidential Lecture “Ocean Soul,” featuring Brian Skerry, is sponsored by Sovereign Bank–Santander Universities. SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 • WORCESTERMAG.COM
* ATTENTION DEALERS if you’d like to be featured in this section please contact Erin @ 978-728-4302 Buick
2010 Enclave 2XL Mi: 27,413 Ext: White Stk#: SR12429A $34,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Enclave CX Mi: 23,954 Ext: Black Stk#: 3296 $37,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 LaCrosse CXL Mi: 1,049 Ext: White Stk#: LA12117B $32,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 LaCrosse CXL Mi: 9,456 Ext: Black Stk#: R5013 $24,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2006 LaCrosse CXL Mi: 70,781 Ext: N/A Stk#: M1388A $12,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 LaCrosse CXS Mi: 20,692 Ext: Carbon Stk#: LA12439A $29,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Lucerne CX Mi: 14,701 Ext: Pearl Stk#: B35540A $17,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2008 Lucerne CX Mi: 124,001 Ext: White Stk#: TK12674A $9,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 Lucerne CXS Mi: 46,391 Ext: Black Stk#: CU4774 $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Regal CXL Mi: 23,922 Ext: Gray Stk#: CT12360B $24,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Regal CXL Mi: 34,754 Ext: Bronze Stk#: G260253A $23,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Regal CXL Mi: 756 Ext: Blue Stk#: P4089 $23,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Regal CXL Mi: 13,571 Ext: Stone Stk#: P5020 $23,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Regal CXL Mi: 14,163 Ext: Gray Stk#: RE12576A $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2006 Rendezvous Mi: 130,554 Ext: Gray Stk#: TE12342A $8,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 CTS Mi: 215 Ext: White Stk#: CT12417A $36,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 CTS Mi: 2,758 Ext: Green Stk#: ES11254C $30,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 CTS Mi: 42,787 Ext: Blue Stk#: P9115 $28,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 CTS Mi: 108,463 Ext: White Stk#: SR12564A $20,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 CTS Mi: 99,046 Ext: Red Stk#: P9130A $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2005 CTS Mi: 54,521 Ext: Gray Stk#: TE12454B Call Us Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 DTS Mi: 42,091 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3293A $22,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Escalade Mi: 26,483 Ext: Black Stk#: AC12941A $57,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 Escalade Mi: 122,973 Ext: Black Stk#: YK12282A $25,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Escalade Hybrid Mi: 42,125 Ext: White Stk#: ES12091A $44,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 SRX Mi: 15,914 Ext: Black Stk#: RE12450A $38,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 SRX Mi: 51,534 Ext: Red Stk#: SR12370A $33,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 SRX Mi: 35,400 Ext: Gray Stk#: AC12909A $21,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 XLR Mi: 14,900 Ext: Red Stk#: XT13135B $47,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Avalanche 1500 Mi: 65,939 Ext: White Stk#: AV12381A $28,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2004 Avalanche 1500 LS Mi: 70,268 Ext: Silver Stk#: 13105A $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Avalanche 1500 LTZ Mi: 14,833 Ext: Black Stk#: 3286 $46,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Avalanche 1500 LTZ Mi: 75,229 Ext: Blue Stk#: 13607A $26,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Aveo Mi: 38,382 Ext: White Stk#: P9162 $12,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Aveo LS Mi: 39,509 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5047 $12,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2007 Aveo LS Mi: 99,531 Ext: Blue Stk#: SN12083B $6,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 C 4500 Mi: 67,763 Ext: White Stk#: P4079 $28,893 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Camaro Mi: 41,416 Ext: Blue Stk#: SI12596A $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Captiva LT Mi: 6,675 Ext: Brown Stk#: R5090 $23,493 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 7,927 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3303 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 9,338 Ext: Mocha Stk#: 3299 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 7,527 Ext: Gray Stk#: 3271 $23,500 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 8,900 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3272 $23,500 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 8,256 Ext: Black Stk#: 3264 $20,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LS Mi: 9,306 Ext: Black Stk#: 3274 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LT Mi: 7,154 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3269 $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LT Mi: 8,290 Ext: Arctic Stk#: 3302 $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LT Mi: 8,989 Ext: Red Stk#: 3300 $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LT Mi: 15,295 Ext: Arctic Stk#: 3265 $24,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Captiva S LT Mi: 7,591 Ext: Arctic Stk#: 3275 $24,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Cobalt LS Mi: 52,156 Ext: Yellow Stk#: CU4787 $9,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Cobalt LT Mi: 37,644 Ext: Black Stk#: P9143 $13,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Colorado LS Mi: 49,524 Ext: Black Stk#: P5065 $12,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Colorado LT Mi: 16,676 Ext: Black Stk#: 12788A $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
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Central Mass Pre-Owned Auto
1969 Corvette Stingray Mi: 69,338 Ext: Blue Stk#: 3295 $26,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Cruze LT Mi: 26,984 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3263 $18,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Cruze LT Mi: 29,196 Ext: White Stk#: 3298 $17,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Cruze LT Mi: 21,214 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5089 $16,419 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Cruze LTZ Mi: 12,260 Ext: White Stk#: 3249 $22,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Cruze LTZ Mi: 15,706 Ext: Black Stk#: 3256 $21,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Equinox LS Mi: 3,632 Ext: Gray Stk#: TK12402A $23,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Equinox LS Mi: 25,940 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9127 $21,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Equinox LT Mi: 18,046 Ext: White Stk#: P9134 $26,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Equinox LT Mi: 9,757 Ext: Gray Stk#: SR12546B $25,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Equinox LT Mi: 56,457 Ext: Gray Stk#: P9128 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 Equinox LT Mi: 111,567 Ext: Black Stk#: B08427A $9,999 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Express Mi: 12,502 Ext: White Stk#: P5063 $23,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Express 2500 Mi: 23,740 Ext: White Stk#: 3214 $18,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Express 3500 Mi: 60,578 Ext: White Stk#: P5077 $16,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Express 3500 LT Mi: 9,860 Ext: White Stk#: 3267 $24,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Express 3500 LT Mi: 11,211 Ext: White Stk#: 3268 $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 Express G2500 Mi: 62,117 Ext: Gray Stk#: P5084 $15,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2007 Express G2500 Mi: 48,450 Ext: White Stk#: R5018A $13,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 HHR LT Mi: 30,486 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9073 $14,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 HHR LT Mi: 33,278 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3312 $13,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 HHR LT Mi: 32,829 Ext: Mocha Stk#: 3310 $13,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 HHR LT Mi: 33,602 Ext: Blue Stk#: 3309 $13,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 HHR LT Mi: 32,585 Ext: Gray Stk#: 3311 $13,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Impala LS Mi: 4,119 Ext: Black Stk#: P9163 $18,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Impala LS Mi: 14,918 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5044 $17,245 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Impala LT Mi: 15,410 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9146 $21,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Impala LT Mi: 14,569 Ext: White Stk#: P9137 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Impala LT Mi: 19,248 Ext: White Stk#: P9131B $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Impala LT Mi: 10,544 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9148 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Impala LT Mi: 13,883 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9141 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Impala LT Mi: 17,850 Ext: White Stk#: P9144 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Impala LT Mi: 18,433 Ext: White Stk#: P9136 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Impala LT Mi: 14,916 Ext: White Stk#: 3255 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Impala LT Mi: 24,995 Ext: White Stk#: R5060 $16,593 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Impala LT Mi: 34,954 Ext: Gray Stk#: 3304 $15,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Impala LT Mi: 35,365 Ext: Gold Stk#: 3305 $15,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Impala LT Mi: 35,454 Ext: White Stk#: 3308 $15,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 Impala LT Mi: 28,516 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5061 $15,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2008 Impala LT Mi: 24,012 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5059 $14,793 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2006 Impala LT Mi: 86,543 Ext: Brown Stk#: EC12241B $10,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Impala LTZ Mi: 12,139 Ext: White Stk#: P9147 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Impala LTZ Mi: 16,410 Ext: White Stk#: P9150 $21,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Impala LTZ Mi: 30,266 Ext: White Stk#: 11603A $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Impala LTZ Mi: 26,699 Ext: Red Stk#: IM12334A $18,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 Impala LTZ Mi: 82,028 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3236A $10,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Malibu LS Mi: 38,668 Ext: Black Stk#: EQ12379C $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Malibu LT Mi: 2,842 Ext: Black Stk#: IM12535A $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Malibu LT Mi: 8,952 Ext: Black Stk#: P9140 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Malibu LT Mi: 15,966 Ext: Beige Stk#: P9099 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 11,661 Ext: White Stk#: 3218 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 25,109 Ext: Silver Stk#: P9133 $18,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 11,985 Ext: Silver Stk#: R5015 $17,693 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Malibu LT Mi: 29,530 Ext: Gold Stk#: P9164 $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 32,737 Ext: Taupe Stk#: 3320 Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 31,707 Ext: White Stk#: 3318 Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 32,387 Ext: Taupe Stk#: 3317 Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 32,890 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3316 Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 30,827 Ext: Blue Stk#: 3319 Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Malibu LT Mi: 33,334 Ext: Blue Stk#: 3315 Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Malibu LTZ Mi: 18,500 Ext: Black Stk#: P9097 $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Malibu LTZ Mi: 34,048 Ext: Gold Stk#: P9093 $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Silverado 1500 Mi: 25,419 Ext: Taupe Stk#: 121356B $25,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Silverado 1500 Mi: 194,569 Ext: White Stk#: TK12614A $13,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Silverado 1500 LS Mi: 15,091 Ext: White Stk#: P5083 $25,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 29,333 Ext: Black Stk#: P5076 $28,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 13,950 Ext: Blue Stk#: 12751A $27,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 16,211 Ext: White Stk#: P9121 $25,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 51,919 Ext: Red Stk#: 12700A $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 32,155 Ext: Gray Stk#: G15579A $25,893 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2007 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 60,921 Ext: Gray Stk#: 12708A $22,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 49,995 Ext: Gray Stk#: TK12709A $21,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
Central Mass Pre-Owned Auto
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2008 Silverado 1500 LT Mi: 54,612 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5072 $21,893 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Silverado 1500 LTZ Mi: 19,813 Ext: White Stk#: 12739A $34,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Silverado 2500 HD Mi: 50,817 Ext: Red Stk#: TK12575A $24,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Silverado 2500 LT Mi: 38,226 Ext: Cherry Stk#: 13640A $26,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Silverado 2500 LT Mi: 37,354 Ext: Silver Stk#: G28627A $19,993 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2007 Silverado 2500 LT Mi: 112,954 Ext: Black Stk#: 13611A $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2004 Silverado 3500 Mi: 35,552 Ext: Black Stk#: AC12451A $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Silverado 3500 HD Mi: 14,788 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5038 $28,473 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Silverado 3500 HD Mi: 33,101 Ext: White Stk#: 12717B $27,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2006 Silverado 3500 LS Mi: 143,723 Ext: Blue Stk#: G41799A Call Us Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2005 Tahoe LT Mi: 85,742 Ext: Red Stk#: 3314 Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Tahoe LT Mi: 74,740 Ext: Red Stk#: 12837A Call Us Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Tahoe LTZ Mi: 16,861 Ext: Gold Stk#: 3238 $47,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 TrailBlazer LT Mi: 45,505 Ext: N/A Stk#: N/A $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Traverse LT Mi: 8,163 Ext: Black Stk#: 3297 $29,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2010 Traverse LT Mi: 27,032 Ext: Red Stk#: 12860A $25,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 Traverse LT Mi: 72,371 Ext: White Stk#: 12846A $23,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Traverse LTZ Mi: 29,445 Ext: Red Stk#: P5066 $32,853 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Traverse LTZ Mi: 40,147 Ext: N/A Stk#: P9111 $31,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 200 LX Mi: 5,812 Ext: Sapphire Stk#: 115408A Call Us North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Town & Country Mi: 29,259 Ext: White Stk#: TU6016R $22,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2005 Town & Country Mi: 61,020 Ext: Blue Stk#: AC12604A $13,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Town & Country LT Mi: 76,585 Ext: Blue Stk#: AC12332A $18,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2000 Dakota S Mi: 38,406 Ext: Black Stk#: M1442 $9,995 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2002 Durango SLT Mi: 57,988 Ext: Flame Stk#: SR12301A $9,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Journey SXT Mi: 22,017 Ext: Blue Stk#: 135025A $20,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Ram 1500 Mi: 15,999 Ext: Green Stk#: SI12081A $27,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2006 Ram 2500 Mi: 61,237 Ext: Gray Stk#: AC12448B $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Crown Victoria LX Mi: 16,442 Ext: Black Stk#: CU4645R $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 E-250 Mi: 5,969 Ext: White Stk#: TU6034R $22,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 E-250 Mi: 9,045 Ext: White Stk#: TU6173R $21,495 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 E-250 Mi: 6,975 Ext: White Stk#: 3290 $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Edge LTD Mi: 52,000 Ext: Black Stk#: TU6114 $22,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2007 Edge SEL Plus Mi: 65,001 Ext: White Stk#: CR12162A $19,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Escape XLT Mi: 18,258 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6017R $21,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Escape XLT Mi: 31,548 Ext: Gray Stk#: M1444 $20,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Escape XLT Mi: 65,635 Ext: Silver Stk#: 12866A $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Expedition Mi: 84,201 Ext: Black Stk#: P9139A $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Explorer XLT Mi: 27,516 Ext: Silver Stk#: TU6006R $31,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 F-150 Mi: 22,558 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6071R $28,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2006 F-350 Mi: 38,111 Ext: Blue Stk#: TU6062 $26,399 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2012 Focus SE Mi: 9,135 Ext: Red Stk#: CU4695 $18,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Focus SE Mi: 30,963 Ext: Ebony Stk#: CU4654R $17,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Focus SE Mi: 34,674 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4662R $17,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Focus SE Mi: 38,377 Ext: Ebony Stk#: P5046 $15,555 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Focus SEL Mi: 27,425 Ext: Gray Stk#: P9156 $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Fusion SE Mi: 28,445 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4646R $17,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2006 Fusion SE Mi: 85,192 Ext: White Stk#: CU4773 $10,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Taurus LTD Mi: 43,377 Ext: Blue Stk#: CU4762 $23,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2008 Taurus LTD Mi: 106,623 Ext: White Stk#: CU4609 $11,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Taurus SEL Mi: 59,930 Ext: Gold Stk#: CU4649 $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2007 Acadia Mi: 96,196 Ext: Gray Stk#: AC12949A $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Acadia Denali Mi: 11,458 Ext: Red Stk#: P5071 $43,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Acadia SLE Mi: N/A Ext: Silver Stk#: B96406A $26,877 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Acadia SLT Mi: 17,510 Ext: Carbon Stk#: AC12718A $36,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 Acadia SLT Mi: 73,739 Ext: Red Stk#: TE12285C $21,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Sierra 1500 Mi: 20,667 Ext: White Stk#: P5039 $40,799 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Sierra 1500 Mi: 72,133 Ext: Gray Stk#: SR12049A $26,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Sierra 1500 Mi: 59,428 Ext: Black Stk#: SI12153A $22,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Sierra 1500 Mi: 9,041 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5087 $21,949 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2008 Sierra 1500 Mi: 72,549 Ext: Black Stk#: SI12712A $20,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2006 Sierra 1500 SL Mi: 64,424 Ext: Gray Stk#: 12770B $18,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2010 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 38,217 Ext: Red Stk#: G205286A $34,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 22,131 Ext: Red Stk#: 3252 $31,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 Sierra 1500 SLT Mi: 24,715 Ext: Black Stk#: G97569A $29,869 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Sierra 2500 HD Mi: 21,522 Ext: Blue Stk#: SI12493A $39,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Terrain SLE Mi: 31,852 Ext: Gray Stk#: TU6077 $23,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Terrain SLE Mi: 20,397 Ext: Black Stk#: P5080 $22,998 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Terrain SLT Mi: 38,349 Ext: White Stk#: TE12242A $27,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Terrain SLT Mi: 28,669 Ext: White Stk#: P9151 $27,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Terrain SLT Mi: 26,611 Ext: Silver Stk#: R4096 $26,601 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2008 Yukon 1500XL Mi: 57,804 Ext: White Stk#: P8985 $33,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
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Central Mass Pre-Owned Auto
2011 Yukon Denali Mi: 19,551 Ext: White Stk#: TE12477A $49,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2010 Yukon Denali Mi: 17,281 Ext: White Stk#: P5041 $47,899 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 Yukon Denali Mi: 46,821 Ext: Black Stk#: P5030 $44,979 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2012 Yukon SLT Mi: 8,734 Ext: White Stk#: P5026 $43,897 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2012 Yukon SLT Mi: 9,333 Ext: Black Stk#: P5027 $43,897 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2011 Accord EX Mi: 8,354 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5040 $21,869 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 Accord EX Mi: 26,914 Ext: Green Stk#: 115279A $17,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Accord EX Mi: 46,261 Ext: Red Stk#: TE13184A $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Civic EX Mi: 12,409 Ext: Brown Stk#: 12711B $19,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 CR-V EX Mi: 11,903 Ext: Red Stk#: IM12488A $28,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 CR-V EX Mi: 18,357 Ext: Titanium Stk#: 131013A $26,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 CR-V EX Mi: 58,713 Ext: Red Stk#: 111808A $17,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Element EX Mi: 31,479 Ext: N/A Stk#: 125388A $20,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Insight EX Mi: 31,191 Ext: Silver Stk#: 135032A $18,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Pilot EX-L Mi: 45,377 Ext: Cherry Stk#: 125483A $23,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2006 H2 Mi: 69,987 Ext: Maroon Stk#: SI12638A $26,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2012 Elantra Limited Mi: 24,171 Ext: Black Stk#: 121598A $21,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Santa Fe Mi: 33,827 Ext: Khaki Stk#: 121332A $18,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Santa Fe Mi: 41,130 Ext: Khaki Stk#: TU5962 $16,139 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Santa Fe GLS Mi: 42,198 Ext: Blue Stk#: 3279A $18,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2011 Sonata LTD Mi: 5,160 Ext: Ruby Stk#: 3237A $24,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 Sonata SE Mi: 27,166 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121385A $99 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2004 PTO Dumper 4300 Mi: 272,563 Ext: Green Stk#: N/A $32,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2007 Compass Spt Mi: 88,717 Ext: Silver Stk#: 115282B $12,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Liberty S Mi: 28,892 Ext: Sandstone Stk#: P9090 $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Liberty S Mi: 97,286 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121445A $13,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 Wrangler Mi: 21,696 Ext: Silver Stk#: 12761A $18,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Wrangler Un-Ltd Mi: 58,072 Ext: Silver Stk#: TU6121 $22,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Forte EX Mi: 24,366 Ext: Red Stk#: 11648B $16,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2012 Forte EX Mi: 2,971 Ext: N/A Stk#: 121447A $16,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 Sportage LX Mi: 92,838 Ext: Green Stk#: MB12586A $10,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 GX 470 Mi: 64,738 Ext: Gray Stk#: 12515A $31,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2007 IS 250 Mi: 67,161 Ext: Obsidian Stk#: 135086A $23,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 MKZ Mi: 20,811 Ext: Smoke Stk#: M1434A $24,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 2 Touring Mi: 18,161 Ext: Black Stk#: 125268A $14,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 i S Mi: 20,987 Ext: Silver Stk#: 115372A $16,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 i S Mi: 19,863 Ext: Silver Stk#: 115325A $16,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 3 i S Mi: 34,024 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121548B $16,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 3 i S Mi: 43,915 Ext: Black Stk#: P5062 $15,365 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2010 3 i Touring Mi: 27,025 Ext: N/A Stk#: 115415B $17,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 i Touring Mi: 29,305 Ext: White Stk#: 125429A $16,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 i Touring Mi: 34,166 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125387A $15,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 i Touring Mi: 51,492 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125502A $14,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 S Mi: 23,656 Ext: Blue Stk#: M1437 $23,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 3 S Mi: 17,401 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 111730B $20,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 S Mi: 16,774 Ext: Red Stk#: 125286A $19,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 S Mi: 26,186 Ext: Red Stk#: 125477A $19,000 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 S Mi: 26,349 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 125242A $18,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 3 s Mi: 36,445 Ext: Graphite Stk#: M1440 $18,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 S Mi: 54,814 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125443A $15,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 3 S Grand Touring Mi: 30,650 Ext: Graphite Stk#: 125486A $18,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 5 S Mi: 65,380 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125514A $11,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 6 Mi: 11,485 Ext: Gray Stk#: M1426 $20,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 6 Mi: 8,511 Ext: BL-Cherry Stk#: M1413 $20,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 6 Mi: 8,869 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1390 $19,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 6 i Sport Mi: 10,194 Ext: Black Stk#: M1433 $19,990 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 6 i Sport Mi: 36,931 Ext: Gray Stk#: 135031A $17,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 CX-7 GT Mi: 37,700 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 125426A $21,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-7 i SV Mi: 9,964 Ext: Black Stk#: 115176A $18,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-7 S Mi: 26,541 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125383A $23,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 CX-7 S Mi: 17,586 Ext: Black Stk#: 125453A $21,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-7 S Mi: 37,912 Ext: Blue Stk#: M1421A $20,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 CX-7 S Mi: 44,836 Ext: Platinum Stk#: 115083B $18,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 CX-7 S Mi: 36,136 Ext: Platinum Stk#: 115418A $16,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 22,520 Ext: Gray Stk#: 125346A $33,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 934 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1420 $33,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-9 GT Mi: 59,205 Ext: Silver Stk#: 125302A $27,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 CX-9 GT Mi: 65,467 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 121570A $23,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-9 Sport Mi: 28,106 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 115208A $24,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 CX-9 Sport Mi: 59,586 Ext: Red Stk#: 115399B $19,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-9 Touring Mi: 34,492 Ext: Black Stk#: 125352A $26,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 MX-5 G-Touring Mi: 38,749 Ext: Red Stk#: 125389A $18,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
Central Mass Pre-Owned Auto
S E P T E M B E R 13 , 2 0 12 â&#x20AC;˘ W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
2007 CX-7 S Mi: 36,136 Ext: Platinum Stk#: 115418A $16,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 22,520 Ext: Gray Stk#: 125346A $33,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 CX-9 GT Mi: 934 Ext: Silver Stk#: M1420 $33,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-9 GT Mi: 59,205 Ext: Silver Stk#: 125302A $27,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 CX-9 GT Mi: 65,467 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 121570A $23,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-9 Sport Mi: 28,106 Ext: Crystal Stk#: 115208A $24,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 CX-9 Sport Mi: 59,586 Ext: Red Stk#: 115399B $19,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 CX-9 Touring Mi: 34,492 Ext: Black Stk#: 125352A $26,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 MX-5 G-Touring Mi: 38,749 Ext: Red Stk#: 125389A $18,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2005 RX-8 GT Coupe Mi: 25,355 Ext: Black Stk#: 1536B $15,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 RX-8 Sport Mi: 3,363 Ext: N/A Stk#: M1438 $24,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 RX-8 Sport Mi: 4,986 Ext: Red Stk#: M1384 $21,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Tribute S Mi: 56,576 Ext: White Stk#: 125216B $18,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2004 E 320 Mi: 44,227 Ext: Silver Stk#: CU4767 $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 E 350 Mi: 15,007 Ext: Black Stk#: 13250A $49,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 ML 350 Mi: 46,111 Ext: White Stk#: AC12504A $32,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Grand Marquis GS Mi: 30,923 Ext: Blue Stk#: XT13140C $14,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2011 Milan Mi: 26,785 Ext: Burgundy Stk#: CU4778R $21,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Milan Mi: 24,832 Ext: Black Stk#: CU4772R $19,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2010 Milan Mi: 19,618 Ext: White Stk#: CU4776R $19,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2011 Milan Mi: 21,252 Ext: Blue Stk#: CU4770R $19,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2009 Milan Mi: 29,774 Ext: Smoke Stk#: CU4655R $16,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2007 Montego Mi: 82,725 Ext: Alloy Stk#: CU4688 $11,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2007 Mountaineer Mi: 79,360 Ext: Red Stk#: TU5997A $15,999 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2009 Maxima Mi: 23,937 Ext: Tuscan Stk#: P5088 $20,599 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2009 MDX Mi: 34,961 Ext: Black Stk#: 3280 $32,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2008 Pathfinder Mi: 72,070 Ext: Brown Stk#: SI12533B $18,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2005 Pathfinder LE Mi: 75,433 Ext: Blue Stk#: P9159 $15,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Rogue SL Mi: 69,812 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125299A $15,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Sentra Mi: 43,878 Ext: Blue Stk#: 125398A $16,500 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2007 Sentra Mi: 80,997 Ext: N/A Stk#: 1519A Call Us North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 TL Tech Mi: 40,909 Ext: Bronze Stk#: SR12832A $24,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 G6 Mi: 26,488 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5075 $14,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2008 G6 GT Mi: 35,947 Ext: Silver Stk#: P5048 $14,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2007 G6 GT Mi: 115,272 Ext: Granite Stk#: EQ12379A $10,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2006 G6 GT Mi: 74,985 Ext: Silver Stk#: 3270A $10,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 G6 GT Ltd Mi: 15,091 Ext: Blue Stk#: P9089 $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2008 Grand Prix GXP Mi: 42,547 Ext: Ivory Stk#: LA12032A $16,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
1970 GTO Mi: 114,939 Ext: White Stk#: 12520BB $27,995 Colonial West Chevrolet (888) 327-3154
2009 Torrent GXP Mi: 29,505 Ext: Black Stk#: P9098 $21,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Torrent GXP Mi: 66,218 Ext: Blue Stk#: AC12875A $18,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2009 Vibe Mi: 36,995 Ext: Blue Stk#: P5073 $16,997 Vendetti Motors (866) 765-3502
2006 Vibe Mi: 87,079 Ext: Blue Stk#: M1441A $10,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 xB Mi: 25,426 Ext: Purple Stk#: CU4780 $16,499 Lamoureux Ford (877) 365-9323
2012 Forester Mi: 1,375 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121540B $25,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester Mi: 22,035 Ext: Red Stk#: 121519A $22,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester Mi: 39,848 Ext: Sage Stk#: 131021A $21,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2012 Forester Mi: 8,157 Ext: Red Stk#: 1545 $20,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester Mi: 40,909 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121435A $20,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Forester Mi: 20,992 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121487A $20,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Forester Mi: 40,581 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121288A $19,195 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Forester Mi: 51,627 Ext: Gray Stk#: TE12460A $17,999 Diamond Chevrolet (877) 383-2099
2006 Forester Mi: 90,623 Ext: Gray Stk#: 125120A Call Us North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Forester X Mi: 31,545 Ext: Silver Stk#: 1548 $21,600 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2009 Forester X Mi: 19,489 Ext: Blue Stk#: 1549 $18,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Forester X Mi: 68,404 Ext: Gray Stk#: 131039A $15,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester X Mi: 20,529 Ext: Sage Stk#: 1552 Call Us North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester X Ltd Mi: 22,471 Ext: Gray Stk#: 131037A $23,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester X Ltd Mi: 30,675 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121415A $22,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Forester X Ltd Mi: 23,282 Ext: Sage Stk#: 131064A $22,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Impreza Mi: 35,081 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121420A $18,200 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Impreza Mi: 37,373 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121611A $17,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Impreza Mi: 39,521 Ext: Gray Stk#: 131085A $17,400 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Impreza Mi: 68,150 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121595A $16,900 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Impreza Mi: 34,367 Ext: Silver Stk#: 121358A $15,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2005 Impreza Outback S Mi: 60,176 Ext: Blue Stk#: 1544-C $12,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Legacy Mi: 6,230 Ext: Ruby Stk#: 121490A $21,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2011 Legacy Mi: 43,108 Ext: Gray Stk#: 121302A $19,700 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Legacy Mi: 51,530 Ext: Ruby Stk#: 131087A $17,300 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2008 Legacy Mi: 56,982 Ext: Black Stk#: 131073A $14,800 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Legacy Mi: 28,986 Ext: Silver Stk#: 1551 Call Us North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
2010 Legacy Ltd Mi: 27,058 Ext: Blue Stk#: 121179A $23,100 North End Automotive (877) 362-1886
â&#x20AC;˘ S E P T E M B E R 13 , 2 0 12
Central Mass Pre-Owned Auto AUTOMOTIVE AUTO/ATV Honda 250 Sport Track 1 owner, hardly used, mint condition $1,400 or B.O. Call Tom at 508-341-3685 AUTO/MOTORCYCLE 2008 Honda Metropolitan Scooter Black and gray. Mint cond. 469 miles. Asking $1650.00. Includes helmet. 207-289-9362 OR 207-4501492. 2008 Suzuki GSX 650/K8. All black with silver and red trim. Less than 850 miles. Cover, new battery, and lock. $5500.00 508-7926080 AUTO/TRUCK 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 Excellent Condition, Power doors, locks and windows, Cruise control, A/C 145,860 miles. $3,500 508-754-2912 Ask for Joe AUTOS 1985 Pontiac Firebird Trans AM Great body, doesn’t run. Best offer. For further info, please call 774 -270-1589 1993 Honda Accord New rebuilt 3k engine, clutch, tires, batt, new glass, full power. Must Sell! $2500 978-874-0546 or cell 978602-6841. 1996 Chevrolet Corsica 80,000 miles, full power, $1,800. Call 978-534-0310 1999 Mazda 626 V6, Auto, 132K miles, runs excellent $2,895 508-829-9882 or (cell) 603-494-8219 2001 Cadillac Eldorado Touring Coupe, Rare car, loaded, mint condition. $7,995 508-875-7400 2003 Acura 3.2 TL Excellent Condition, leather, moonroof, complete care record available, 105K miles, $7,490 508-7999347 and 508-754-6344 2008 Ford Fusion V-6 Sedan 28000 miles. Red ext/ $14,000 - 508-6889132 for appt. (Rutland)
CAMPERS/TRAILERS 2010 Mazda Miata MX-5 Excellent condition. 25K miles. Auto/AC/cruise/CD. Records available. $17,990 978-464-0279 BOATS 2005 29’ Chaparral Boat Cruiser w/twin 4.3L MPI, 9’6" beam LOA 29’ Clean, 260 hours. Ready to GO! All amenities included 508847-4256 $55,900 or b/o
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2004 Travel Trailer 26’ bunks & queen, one owner, very clean. Sleeps 6-8. Slideout, full bath, kitchen, a/c. will deliver $9,200 978-464-2703
2008 Fleetwood Niagara Pop-up camp, exc cond, 2 kings, flush toilet, shower, 3way fridge, stove, micro. Pop out din area to bed. 508-395-1558 $12,500.
See more online … LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 508-831-2200 Docket No. WO12C0253CA NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME In the matter of : Timothy Paul Weagle of Millbury, MA To all persons interested in petition described: A petition has been presented by Timothy P Weagle requesting that: Timothy Paul Weagle and Tiffany Leigh Weagle be allowed to change his/ her/their name as follows: Timothy Paul Bazin and Tiffany Leigh Bazin IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT: Worcester ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON: 09/24/2012 WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court Date: July 26, 2012 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 09/13/2012
Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Worcester Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 508-831-2200 Docket No. WO12P2365EA CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION Estate of: Edwin A Kowaleski Sr Date of Death: 04/16/2012 To all interested persons: A Petition has been filed by: Edwin A Kowaleski Jr. of Westborough, MA and Gayle A Ford of Shrewsbury, MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order of testacy and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. And also requesting that: Edwin A Kowaleski Jr. of Westborough, MA and Gayle A Ford of Shrewsbury, MA be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond. You have a right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have the right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. On 09/25/2012. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an Affidavit of Objections within thirty (30) days of the return date, action may be taken without further notice to you. The estate is being administered under formal procedure by the Personal Representatives under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but recipients are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representatives and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court Date: August 30, 2012 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 09/13/2012
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LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Worcester Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 508-831-2200 Docket No. WO12P2655EA CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION Estate of: Frank J Piscitelli Sr Date of Death: 01/27/2008 To all interested persons: A Petition has been filed by: Frank Piscitelli Jr. of Sutton, MA requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order of testacy and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. And also requesting that: Frank Piscitelli Jr. of Sutton, MA be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond. You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have the right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on 09/25/2012. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an Affidavit of Objections within thirty (30) days of the return date, action may be taken without further notice to you. The estate is being administered under formal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but recipients are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court Date: September 10, 2012 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 09/13/2012 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF MILLBURY PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT MARTHA COAKLEY, STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, HAS RETURNED WITH APPROVAL DATED AUGUST 21, 2012 THE AMENDMENTS TO THE TOWN OF MILLBURY’S GENERAL BYLAWS AND ZONING BYLAWS ADOPTED UNDER WARRANT ARTICLE #30 (GENERAL) AND #23,24,25 and #26 (ZONING) ACCEPTED AT THE MAY 1, 2012 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING. A TOWN BULLETIN WITH THE BYLAW AMENDMENTS IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT THE TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE, 127 ELM STREET AND WILL BE POSTED IN PUBLIC PLACES IN TOWN. OFFICE HOURS ARE 8:30 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. TUESDAYS THE OFFICE REMAINS OPEN UNTIL 7:00 P.M.. QUESTIONS, CALL 508-865-9110, MILLBURY TOWN CLERK 08/30/2012, 09/06/2012 & 09/13/2012
S E P T E M B E R 13 , 2 0 12 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
Pursuant to the Rights-of-Way Management Regulations (333 CMR 11.00) in order to apply pesticides to control vegetation to maintain Rights-of Ways, the Department of Agricultural Resources must approve a Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) and a Yearly Operational Plan (YOP). The VMP is intended to justify the need to control vegetation, identify target vegetation, describe the intended methods of control, describe methods for identifying sensitive areas, describe operational guidelines for applicators, outline a program of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) designed to reduce the use of herbicides, and describe alternative land use activities. The following community is advised that the Town of Millbury proposes to utilize herbicides to treat their Rightsof-Way. PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED: In accordance with 333 CMR 11.05 the Department of Agricultural Resources will conduct a regional hearing to receive public comment on the proposed Vegetation Management Plan for the Town of Millbury, as submitted by: Mr. Matt Stencel, DPW Operations Manager for the Town of Millbury. To provide all interested parties an opportunity to comment on the proposed VMP, a public hearing will be held at the following location: Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 11:00 AM until 12:30 PM Millbury Town Hall, Large Conference Room, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, Massachusetts Plans Available for Review Prior to Public Hearings: Section 11.05 (3)(d) of the ROW Management Regulations provide: “At least 21 days prior to the end of the public comment period, the applicant shall send a copy of the proposed VMP to the chief elected official, the Board of Health, and the Conservation Commission in affected communities upon their request.” Such request should be made to: Mr. Matt Stencel Department of Public Works 127 Elm Street Millbury, MA 01527 Copies of the proposed VMP are also available for review at the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources, Pesticide Bureau, during regular business hours. It is also available for review at the Reference Desk of the following public library: Millbury Public Library, 128 Elm Street, Millbury, Massachusetts. Written Comments Requested The public hearings listed above will give interested parties the opportunity to present data, views or arguments, orally or in writing concerning the proposed VMP. Persons giving testimony are also requested to provide written comments. Written comments in advance of the hearing dates are welcome. The Department will accept written testimony concerning the Town of Millbury VMP until the close of business Friday, October 19, 2012. Commentary should be sent to: Rights-of -Way Program Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Pesticide Bureau 251 Causeway Street Suite 500 Boston, Massachusetts 02114-2151 09/13/2012
A PUBLIC HEARING MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Law and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 At: 7:00 p.m. To act on a petition from: Kathleen Crewe, 33 Ramshorn Rd., Millbury, MA For a sp. permit in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: Lot Area in order to demolish existing house and reconstruct a new house, well and septic system at 33 Ramshorn Rd., Millbury, MA All interested parties are invited to attend. Richard P. Valentino, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals 09/13/2012 & 09/20/2012
Sutton Planning Board Public Hearing Notice In accordance with the provisions of Section VI.H.- Retreat Lots of the Sutton Zoning Bylaw, the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the applications of Dana Gravison Inc., Sutton, MA to permit a 4.02 acre, 74.46’ frontage retreat lot at 35 Quabbin Path and a 9.2 acre, 50.05’ frontage retreat lot at 19 Quabbin Path. The hearing will be held in the third floor meeting room at the Town Hall on Monday, September 24, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. A copy of the plans and applications can be inspected in the office of the Town Clerk during normal office hours. Scott Paul, Chairman 9/6 & 9/13
Sutton Planning Board Public Hearing Notice In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 87§3 - Public Shade Tree Law, the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the application of Scott Mackie of 24 Quabbin Path. The application request relocation of one 3” dbh maple approximately 20 feet east in the public right of way in front of 24 Quabbin Path. The hearing will be held in the third floor meeting room at the Town Hall on Monday, September 24, 2012 at 7:15 P.M. A copy of the plans and applications can be inspected in the office of the Town Clerk during normal office hours. Scott Paul, Chairman 9/6 & 9/13
The Millbury Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 7:15 P.M. at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street to act on a Notice of Intent from Daniel McIntyre/New England Power Company for construction of a new 345-kV overhead electric transmission line and associated support structures within existing rights-of-way and improvements to an existing switching station off Cross Street. Said work falls under the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40. Donald Flynn Chairman 09/13/2012
Keep it Legal
• S E P T E M B E R 13 , 2 0 12
Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Worcester Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 508-831-2200 Docket No. WO12P2600EA CITATION ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION Estate of:James B Medlinskas Date of Death: 07/20/2012 To all interested persons: A Petition has been filed by: Meghan K Lightbown of Caribou, ME requesting that the Court enter a formal Decree and Order of testacy and for such other relief as requested in the Petition. And also requesting that: Meghan K Lightbown of Caribou, ME be appointed as Personal Representative(s) of said estate to serve Without Surety on the bond. You have the right to obtain a copy of the Petition from the Petitioner or at the Court. You have a right to object to this proceeding. To do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance and objection at this Court before: 10:00 a.m. on 10/02/2012. This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed by an Affidavit of Objections within thirty (30) days of the return date, action may be taken without further notice to you. The estate is being administered under formal procedure by the Personal Representative under the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code without supervision by the Court. Inventory and accounts are not required to be filed with the Court, but recipients are entitled to notice regarding the administration from the Personal Representative and can petition the Court in any matter relating to the estate, including distribution of assets and expenses of administration. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court Date: September 04, 2012 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 09/13/2012
THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT 2012 MISC. 468948 ORDER OF NOTICE To: Tracey A. Monahan and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501 et seq.: Nationstar Mortgage, LLC claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real property in 118 Elm Street, Unit 5, Shalimar Terrace Condominium, Millbury given by Tracey A. Monahan to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated April 30, 2007, and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 41077, Page 262 has/have filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defendant’s/Defendants’ Servicemembers status. If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military service of the UnitedStates of America, then you may be entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil ReliefAct. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before OCT 15 2012 or you will be forever barred from claiming that you are entitled to the benefits of said Act. Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER Chief Justice of this Court on AUG 30 2012 Attest: Deborah J. Patterson Recorder 201206-0305-ORE 09/13/2012
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S E P T E M B E R 13 , 2 0 12 • W O R C E S T E R M A G . C O M
Bob Lewis
Two minutes with...
Bob Lewis retired as a labor union worker for Local 243 after 44 years, but he didn’t stop working. The Harding Street resident is keeping busy as a street sweeper for the Canal District Business Association, working about four hours a day five days a week - mak e that six days when he tosses in a Saturday. The pay is “decent,” he says, and the work relaxing. Worcester Mag caught up with Lewis outside The Tara Pub recently to ask him about his new job - important stuff like the most disgusting thing he has ever cleaned up and which business has the most trash. Here’s what we found out.
So what is life like as a street sweeper in Worcester? It’s relaxing. You get away
from all the stress. People talk to you, they’re nice to you. They don’t come and mess stuff up - not in front of me, anyway.
Who are the biggest offenders when it comes to littering? Well it’s mostly the
customers, of course. See that lady over there? She just got out of her SUV and tossed that empty bag of chips right on the ground like it belonged there. And there was a trash basket right across the street; most of the time, though, I find that the ones who do that are from out of town or out of state.
What is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever cleaned up? Throw up in front of
the Lucky Dog. I do most of the bars on Saturday mornings because I won’t get back to them until Monday and I found that. But that was just one time.
What is the most interesting thing you’ve ever found while sweeping? I found a
heck it was, but it was gold. I find a lot of gold necklaces.
What do you do with the necklaces? I’m going to turn them in for money. I’ve got enough gold stuff for myself.
Which business is the nicest to you? The Tara Pub takes good care of me. They give me water, chips and a juice now and then. They’re really nice.
Based on the trash you’ve seen, which business would you never go into? The
Salty Dog. It doesn’t look like it’s dressed up in there. There’s lots of trash outside - pizza, hot wings, beer cans. They’ve got everything in front of it.
So they have the most trash? Oh, yeah, definitely. There is a ton of trash. Is it safe to say you’ve never ridden the bull inside the Salty Dog? No, I’ve never
ridden that bull, but I did ride a bull once. It was at the North End Pub in Oxford a long time ago.
gold piece once. I don’t know what the
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What kind of people do you meet while you’re working? I meet all kinds, all
nationalities. They’re all pretty good to me. One guy asked me to move over when he came by once - and that was when I was on Water Street where the sidewalks are pretty big. But I moved aside. You get people talking to themselves, sometimes, and I think they’re talking to me and they say, “I wasn’t talking to you.”
Who is the most memorable person you’ve met on the job? A guy came up
to me once and asked if he could help me. I said I could use him tomorrow, and he said, “Can I come at 11?” I said
11? He didn’t get the job. I start at 6 in the morning.
Do you think the city should reopen the canal? I think they should, but I don’t
think they will. They might build on top of it. There are too many mice and rats and snakes that people let loose and everything else down there.
Should mobile food carts/trucks be allowed to operate as they please in the city? I think so. It hurts some
businesses, but I use them if I need something and they keep things pretty clean. — Walter Bird Jr.
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SEPTEMBER 13, 2012