Worcester Magazine February 13, 2014

Page 1

FEBRUARY 13 - 19, 2014





inside stories


not forgotten

Wife’s journals the ‘best gift she could have given’

Police background checks rigorous, but ‘nothing is foolproof’ Page 4 No More Funny Stuff Page 19

Members of the Holden Landmark Corporation’s editorial, photography and design departments took home an amazing 36 awards at the annual New England Newspaper & Press Association’s (NENPA) Better Newspaper Competition presented in Boston, on February 7 & 8, 2014. NENPA covers Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont — and received more than 3,200 entries in the 2013 competition. Circ


NEWS REPORTING Arts & Entertainment Second Place Matt Robert, Worcester Magazine Environmental Reporting Third Place Walter Bird Jr., Worcester Magazinee

Personality Profile First Place Brett Adam, baystateparent

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Health Reporting Second Place Taylor Nunez, Worcester Magazine Human Interest Feature Story Second Place Patricia Roy, The Landmark Human Interest Feature Story Second Place Jennifer Lucarelli, baystateparent file Local Personality Profi le Third Place Josh Farnsworth, Millbury-Sutton Chroniclee


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R Reporting on R Religious Issues S Second Place W Walter Bird Jr., Worcester Magazine M “This report is relevant to not only the two Jewish congregations, but the entire community as well. A fair, balanced and comprehensive story weaving together numerous interviews, facts and observations with exper expertise.”


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Science/Technology Reporting Third Place Walter Bird Jr., Worcester Magazine



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COLUMNS Serious Columnist Third Place Tom Reilly, Millbury-Sutton Chronicle le “His sensitivity to the moral questions of our times is clearly delivered and gives pause to those of closed minds.”


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PHOTOGRAPHY HY Feature Photo o Third Place Jennifer Hewes, baystateparent hoto Personality Photo First Place Stephanie Piscitelli, baystateparent

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G General Excellence Third Place baystateparent “A must read in every home with kids.”

DISPLAY ADVERTISING Local Ad (Black & White) First, Second & Third Place baystateparent Local Ad (Color) First & Third Place Worcester Magazine Local Ad (Color) Second & Third Place baystateparent Mos Creative Use Most of Small Print Space First, Second & Third Fir baystateparent ba

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Advertiser Campaign A Third Place Worcester Magazine

Newspaper Self-promotion First & Second Place bayst baystateparent

Advertising General Excellence Second Place baystateparent

Kirk A. Davis President Kathleen Real Publisher x331

Don Cloutier Director of Creative Services x141 Kimberly Vasseur Creative Director/Assistant Director of Creative Services x142 Bess Couture, Becky Gill, Stephanie Mallard Creative Services Department Rebecca Mason Creative Services Intern Helen Linnehan Ad Director x333 Rick McGrail x334, Theresa S. Carrington x335, Media Consultants Amy O’Brien Media Coordinator x332 Carrie Arsenault Classified Manager x560 Worcester Magazine is an independent news weekly covering Central Massachusetts. We accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. The Publisher has the right to refuse any advertisement. LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES: Please call 978-728-4302, email sales@centralmassclass.com, or mail to Central Mass Classifieds, P.O. Box 545, Holden, MA 01520

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EDITORIAL: 508.749.3166 SALES: 508.749.3166 E-MAIL: editor@worcestermagazine.com Worcester Magazine, 72 Shrewsbury St. Worcester, MA 01604 worcestermagazine.com

insidestories stories

y the time his wife succumbed to Alzheimer’s disease in 2010, Joe Perry had all but forgotten the time before she had fallen ill. From its onset in 2001, Perry tended to his wife, Mae, day and night. As the days turned into weeks, the weeks into months and then years, Joe Perry found his memories of the good times fading, replaced by images of a frail woman being drained of the vitality and spirit that had infused the decades of marriage before illness stole them away. As if by fate, Joe Perry was cleaning out a closet in his bedroom one day long after his wife had passed when he came across hundreds of loose papers, all with writing on them. He soon learned he had stumbled upon years of daily journals– the thoughts, observations and recollections of daily life, family events and intimate moments between husband and wife. Mae Perry, it turns out, had written in her journal day after day after day, for about 15 years. In this week’s issue, we find out how one man rediscovered the beautiful wife who had captured his heart when he returned home from World War II. We find out how a grieving husband was able to rekindle his memories through the written words of a loving wife and mother, and how even in death, true love does not end. -Walter Bird Jr., Senior writer


19 47


Brittany Durgin Editor x321 Steven King Photographer x323 Walter Bird Jr. Senior Writer x322 Jacleen Charbonneau, Brian Goslow, Mätthew Griffin, Janice Harvey, Lynne Hedvig, Jim Keogh, Laurance Levey, Josh Lyford, Doreen Manning, Taylor Nunez, Cade Overton, Jim Perry, Matt Robert, Jeremy Shulkin, Barbara Taormina, Al Vuona Contributing Writers Katie Benoit, Chelsey Pan, Britney Smith Editorial Interns

4 8 10 10 11 12 19 25 26 28 34 36 47

City Desk Worcesteria Letters 1,001 Words Spiral-Bound Cover Story Night & Day Film Film Times Krave Event Listings Classifieds 2 minutes with…

ABOUT THE COVER Photo by Steven King Design by Kimberly Vasseur



{ citydesk }

February 13 - 19, 2014 ■ Volume 39, Number 24

Police background checks rigorous, but ‘nothing is foolproof’


Walter Bird Jr.


he police officer charged with raping a woman while on duty last year had to undergo what Worcester police describe as a “rigorous background check,” but that was when he was initially applying for a job. Officer Rajat Sharda was laid off in 2009 because of budget cuts and reinstated in 2011. When he returned, he had to pass another physical test. His last employer was also checked, but Sharda did not have to go through the same process as when he first applied. “In the case of employees who successfully passed a background check, including psychological testing, and were laid off and eventually rehired, we would not conduct a second psychological exam,” Police Chief Gary Gemme says. “However, a candidate for reemployment goes through an updated background check covering the time period between the layoff and the rehiring. The best indicator for evaluation is on the job performance. We will not, and have not, rehired candidates that did not have exemplary job performance while laid off from the department.” Officer Rajat Sharda, who returned to the department in 2011 after being laid off in 2009 because of budget cuts, has been charged with aggravated rape, extortion by a police officer, open and gross lewdness, armed robbery and witness intimidation in connection with the alleged sexual assault of a woman at Bancroft Tower last August. Sharda was allegedly on

duty and patrolling the Tower, which is in Salisbury Park, when he encountered the woman. He allegedly asked the woman what she was willing to do to avoid being arrested. Police have not specified what she would have been charged with, but the park is closed to the public at night and officers routinely keep watch for trespassers. Sharda allegedly exposed himself to the woman and raped her with his fingers. He then allegedly took a bed comforter from the woman and threatened her to stay quiet. The woman tells police Sharda said he would “find her, her children and her family,” according to reports. Sharda was placed on paid administrative leave in the wake of his arrest.

‘HIGHEST STANDARDS’ Like every other officer who joins the Worcester Police Department, Sharda had to submit to psychological and physical testing, including a screening process before he could even go through the Police Academy. A CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) check is conducted. There is a roughly 30page Personal History Questionnaire public safety candidates must fill out. They must see a psychiatrist. Friends, family members and neighbors are interviewed. The process starts six to eight months before recruit classes start, according to Hazelhurst. No one with a felony on his or her record is allowed through, and candidates could be excluded just for having too many traffic violations on

their driving record, Sgt. Kerry Hazelhurst says. With such a thorough process, the question could be asked whether something was missed in the screening and evaluation of Sharda. Should he and others who end up leaving the department and returning be required to go through the same extensive background checks and investigation before being rehired or reinstated? Or did everything function as it should have, with police having no way of knowing whether Sharda would turn around and allegedly commit a crime? “Prior to beginning the background investigation process we review and update the screening procedures,” Gemme says. “We follow all State Civil Service rules and regulations, which spell out the process and parameters of a bypass. A deputy chief and a captain attend all the Civil Service update and training seminars as it relates to the Civil Service hiring process. This is a standard operational practice that we will continue to use as hiring opportunities arise.” Members of the Department’s background investigative unit are well-trained and experienced, Gemme adds. “They have been involved in the vetting of hundreds of candidates for the police academy,” he says. “I have full faith in their ability to properly conduct these investigations, and while no process is foolproof, I am confident


that the screening, testing, both psychological and physical, meet the highest standards of police officer evaluation.” Neither Gemme nor Hazelhurst is discussing Sharda’s case in detail publicly, but Gemme does say as authorities move forward with both the criminal and disciplinary investigation, “We will review all information related to Mr. Sharda’s employment with the city.”

LOOKING FOR INDICATORS According to the man who performs the psychiatric evaluations for the Worcester Police Department, the city is among the best he deals with when it comes to thoroughly screening applicants. Dr. Donald Seckler, with a practice in Concord, has been conducting evaluations for the department for several years. While he cannot recall specifically whether he screened Rajat, he does recall the class of which Rajat was part of that was laid off in 2009. He says Worcester police


continued on page 6

Total for this week:

A weekly quality of life check-in of Worcester

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Professor Joel Brattin surprises students with set of books written by Charles Dickens. +2

One of the elevators at Major Taylor Boulevard Garage appears in less than tiptop shape, eliciting some concerned looks recently on the faces of visitors as it shakes, rattles and takes its sweet time going up and down. Inspection, anyone? -2

The new location for the Mezcal restaurant, which is located in a sprawling space in the basement of the Major Taylor garage, has generated early positive reviews - and the food is still out of this world. +1

City councilors often “table” items, but when some of them stay there for one, two or more years, as sometimes happens, it just isn’t good government. -2

Massport keeps PR and information blitz up with presentation on the impact of a landing system upgrade at Worcester Regional Airport. +1

+2 +1 -2 +1 +1 -2 +1 +2 4

Wally the Green Monster, the lovable mascot for the Boston Red Sox, pays a visit to the Senior Center. +1


Holy Cross film series at Seelos Theater in full swing, with films like “Rush” and “Dallas Buyers Club” having already been shown. +1

Local newspapers, including Worcester Magazine, honored at awards ceremonies in Boston. +2

{ citydesk }

For state lawmaker, also a parent, problems at Doherty High are priority Walter Bird Jr. (Disclosure: The writer is the parent of a student at Doherty)


tate Rep. John Mahoney’s daughter attends Doherty Memorial High School, which makes him a vested parent. The school also happens to be in his district as a state lawmaker, which makes him doubly concerned about the physical and academic deterioration of the school on Highland Street. It is enough of a worry that Mahoney recently met with Mayor Joe Petty and School Superintendent Dr. Melinda Boone about it. It is admittedly personal for Mahoney, who says his daughter went through the city’s elementary school system, which he says does not typically generate a lot of criticism, and attended Forest Grove Middle School, which he would “put against any middle school in the state.� Then came time to send his daughter to high school. His wife took her to visit Doherty. “Let’s face it, it’s not up to par,� Mahoney says, pulling no punches. After going through Forest Grove, which he equates to a promotion from elementary school, Mahoney says Doherty is “like a demotion.� “I don’t feel this has been a priority,� he adds. “I’m going to make it one.� Mahoney’s concerns are two-fold: academics and physical condition. Doherty recently was designated a Level 3 school academically, meaning it is among the lowestperforming 20 percent of schools in the state. Before last year, it had been a Level 2 school. That puts it one spot away from the worst category, Level 4. MCAS scores are a concern at Doherty, where less than 50 percent of students taking the exam in 2013 scored proficient in all three testing areas: English Language Arts, Math and Science. Fifty-two percent of students scored in the advanced


ranking on math, but only 41 percent did so in English. Just 20 percent scored advanced in science. The condition of the building is also worrisome, with an aging infrastructure that reflects the passage of time. Heating, although routinely addressed by a diligent maintenance crew, has long been an issue. Students have told of sitting in classrooms wearing winter coats and seeing teachers donning hats and gloves just to make it through the day. It is worth noting that even in the dead of winter, however, some students still arrive at school wearing shorts. “Level 3 is a red flag,� Mahoney says. “I told the superintendent the status quo is no longer acceptable to me. We always talk about Worcester as a place to live and attracting people here. Well, isn’t that a concern?� Mahoney says he takes Boone at her word when she says the school is “almost� out of Level 3 status. Mayor Joe Petty says the drop from Level 2 to Level 3 is “not a big slip.� It is, he says, something that can be addressed “pretty easily.� Boone did not return messages seeking comment. The administration and city are not exactly sitting still when it comes to tackling the challenges of some its older high schools. Doherty has been put on a list for projects through the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), along with two other Worcester high schools: Burncoat and South. “All three schools would give Worcester new, comprehensive high schools,� says Brian Allen, the administration’s chief financial and operations officer. Two other high schools – Worcester Tech and North – are both newer facilities. “We’re looking at facility constraints, all the things that go into operating a 21st-century school. It’s time to start thinking about those things,� Allen says.

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The percentage right now that the state would reimburse the city for the cost of building a new high school






{ citydesk } BACKGROUND CHECKS continued from page 4

outperform many of their peers when it comes to background checks. “They do a very good job,â€? Seckler says. “My work in Worcester is actually easier than it is in many cities and towns. I see a lot of clean candidates. A lot of the real losers ‌ they have already been rooted out and don’t even get to my part of the screening.â€? As for whether a more thorough screening should be done on officers who are returning from a layoff or other absence from their department, Seckler says, “Could it hurt? In theory, no. Are they supposed to do it or should they do it? That’s another question. Should a mindful and careful employer do it? Should they be spending that money where there’s all sorts of other things they should be spending it on? That’s [up to the department or Civil Service].â€? Speaking to his role in evaluating potential police officers, Seckler says he makes use of three sources of information: date from a psychiatric evaluation, data from an individual clinical interview and data from a background investigation. “You’re looking for indicators, not just in sexual behavior, but evidence or problems with judgment and impulse control,â€? Seckler says. “For instance, someone who’s had a lot of fights ‌ there is a likelihood of problems with impulse control and poor judgment.â€?

REBUILDING TRUST Understanding that Sharda has been accused of a crime, and not yet found guilty, the Police Department can benefit from being open with the public about what happened, how the department is handling it and even going so far as to review the processes used to screen and check a prospective police officers. That is the suggestion from retired Chicago suburb Police Sergeant Betsy Brantner Smith, who is a partner with her husband, Dave, in Dave Smith & Associates. The two will be in Worcester Saturday, March 15 to present their program “The Winning Mind� at Clark University. Betsy Smith is a 29-year veteran of the Naperville, Ill. Police Department and has a website, www. femaleforces.com. She is a contributing writer to different publications and websites, including www.policelink.monster.com, where she once posted an article titled “Surviving the Police Background Investigation.� “The first thing I’d do is be very open with the community, while respecting the victim,� Brantner says. “As much as possible be open with the community and say, ‘We had this breach of trust, we’re going to deal with this and yes, we’re going to sit down and review the testing process, review our background process and review the police officer’s case and say, is there something I missed?’�

Worcester Police, as they do in many instances, posted Sharda’s arrest on Facebook and held a press conference for the media. In the wake of an incident in where a person expected to keep the peace is charged with breaking it, Brantner says a police department needs to rebuild its trust with the community. “As someone who wore a badge and gun for 29 years, that makes me sick,� she says of the Sharda case. “What they’re going to want to do is build back the public trust. I would hire a professional to speak to all my officers and say, ‘This is a bad guy, he’s gone, now every one of you has to be on a mission to wipe off the tarnish this guy’s put on the badge. Yes, its unfair. But we have to rebuild that trust.� Smith cites the case of one-time cop hero Ken Hammond in Ogden, Utah. In 2007, Hammond had just finished eating dinner with his wife when he went after a gunman who had just killed five people at a Salt Lake City mall. He exchanged gunfire with 18-year-old Sulejman Talovic. A SWAT team ultimately arrived and killed the suspect. Hammond received national recognition for his exploits, but just two years later, in 2009, he landed in jail for an alleged sexual encounter with a 17-year-old girl in 2005. Like Rajat, Hammond was in uniform at the time of the incident.

There is, Smith, acknowledges, no way of knowing for sure just how a prospective police officer may act once hired. In Worcester’s case, she says it appears due diligence was followed and that there may have been no way to predict his behavior. As for background checks on officers returning to the force after having been away, Smith says her department once laid off six cops, all of whom later returned. “They did not have to go through the testing process, again,� she says, adding that during the initial hiring process, a department is planning to have the officer for 20-30 years. “That’s why you have a guy go through all the initial testing.� There is, Hazelhurst says, only so much a police department can do. “We are a large department. Nothing is foolproof,� he says. “That applies to the public and private sector. I think we do an excellent job [vetting candidates]. We go through a lot of candidates to get to who goes through the academy. We put a lot of effort into [screening]. That doesn’t mean it’s foolproof.� After all, Seckler says, the process is a human one, which leaves room for risk. “Reducing the risk to zero is important,� he says. “You want to get it as close to zeros as you possibly can. Dealing with human beings is always going to be a dicey proposition.�

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{ citydesk } DOHERTY continued from page 5

Mahoney wants to see the same attention paid to Doherty that has been trained on other projects, admittedly because it is in his district and his daughter is a student there. “What we did at Forest Grove we should be doing here,” he says. “I want to just try to push these people, get everyone together in the city and look at all the things we can do to make the city livable and place [people] want to be.” School Committee Vice Chairman John Monfredo says he shares the concerns about the schools in Worcester that are in need of improvements – and in some cases, in need of brand new facilities. “We’re all concerned about the three high schools,” he says. “Doherty is in [Mahoney’s] district, so rightly so he should be concerned. All three have the same difficulties, in terms of how to bring their technology up to date.” Asked how concerned parents should be about Doherty, or the city’s other public schools that are in need of various repairs, updating and replacement, Monfredo says: “As a community we need to be concerned. It is import for the economic growth in our city.” He says he recognizes the “lack of resources” at Doherty. “Start with something basic,” he says. “The heat. Can it be repaired or are they going to

need a new school? Sports facilities. They certainly could use updating with the gym, and they don’t have a football field.” The school’s science labs, too, need attention, he says. “It was a good high school for its time,” says Monfredo. “No we we need to look at what do we need to do to update for the 21st century?” Since it is unlikely the state would approve all three high school projects at once, Monfredo says officials want the MSBA to weigh in on which project it believes is most urgently needed. He expects a report sometime this year from the state in that regard. He did not bite when asked which school he would like to see at the top of the list. “They’re all unique,” Monfredo, a former school principal, says. “We’re trying to get the state to say which one is most in need and then we go from there.” Mahoney realizes it will likely be several years before even the first renovated or new high school comes on, long after his daughter has graduated. Still, he says it is important that students feel good about their school. “Students should feel pride in the school they’re at,” he says. “They do, but it should be a place to go by and say, ‘Wow!’ It should be a credit to the city. It’s not totally bad, don’t get me wrong, but it should be better.”

Planning some winter projects?


INVASION OF PRIVACY: Police have arrested one of the suspects in a home invasion that happened Thursday, Feb. 6 around 3:04 p.m. According to police, two men entered an apartment on Suffi eld Street and pointed a gun at the people inside. There were four adults and three children in the apartment. The suspects were described as Hispanics in their late teens, wearing hooded sweatshirts and gloves. According to the victims, the suspects entered the apartment through an unlocked front door. The man with the gun pointed it at several people inside. When one of the men inside the apartment fought back, he was struck over the head with the butt of the gun. Around 3:27 p.m. that afternoon police were notified by dispatch that a man called police to report he had been carjac ked. The man said he had been parked on V ernon Street near Honey Farms when two men matc hing the description of the home invasion suspects got into his S UV and forced him to drive them to Canterbury Street. The man drove to police headquarters and spoke with detectives. W hen he provided inconsistent information, police determined he had been involved in the home invasion. The suspect was identified as 35-year-old Corey Rondeau, 10 Channing St. He was charged with seven counts of home invasion, seven counts of kidnapping, three counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault with a dangerous weapon and witness intimidation. He was arraigned at W orcester District Court. P olice were still searching for the second suspect earlier this week.

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Walter Bird Jr.


Mayor Joe Petty is making no bones about who he thinks should be the next city manager. That would be the current city manager. Ed Augustus Jr. replaced City Manager Mike O’Brien in January. He signed a nine-month contract that expires in early October and he has indicated in that contract that he would not be considered for the permanent role. Ah, but this being Worcester things aren’t always as they seem. Turns out those in and around Augustus think he is doing a bang-up job. There is growing support in those circles for him to change his mind and put himself up for consideration. Petty is among his biggest fans, saying, “I think Ed is the right person for the job. I think he’s doing a great job.” Some are crying “The fix is in!” Petty, however, insists the process of finding a new city manager will be open and that, so far, Augustus is not in the running. “He hasn’t asked me and I haven’t asked him,” the mayor says.


the process, the first of five community listening sessions on the search for a permanent city manager is scheduled for Thursday night, Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. at the Worcester Senior Center. The sessions will be led by the City Council’s Municipal Operations Committee, which is chaired by District 2 Councilor Phil Palmieri.

A CRUSADER GONE: Rev. Gregory Lynch, an assistant chaplain at Holy Cross since 2008 has been removed from his ministry by the Society of Jesus of New England and from his assignment at the college in the wake of a complaint involving alleged sexual misconduct. The college’s director of public affairs, Ellen Ryder, says the Society’s decision “does not represent a determination of Fr. Lynch’s guilt or innocent. We are praying for all involved.” According to Ryder, the alleged incident did not take place on the Holy Cross campus and did not involve a student or staff member there.

FLUSHED OUT: It would have made for a great photo, but Gov. Deval Patrick appeared

to catch himself during his visit to Tatnuck Magnet Elementary School recently when he stopped during a tour of the school and stuck his head into a children’s restroom. Some kids were inside with a teacher and were quite excited to see the gov’na. Patrick stopped and appeared to consider, however briefly, going in to say hi. Instead he waved and offered a “hello” from the doorway before heading on his way to one of three classrooms he visited at the school. Patrick was there announcing several grants, including one for Tatnuck, which is an innovation school.

NO BLACK EYE ON THIS MONTH: February is, of course, Black History Month and the Worcester Senior Center has done its part recognizing the diversity of the city and nation. The Center welcomed author April Jones Prince recently. She greeted 75 third-graders from Union Hill Elementary School, whom she introduced to her book titled “Jackie Robinson: He Led the Way.” The kids seemed genuinely interested, although it was a visit from Red Sox mascot Wally the Green Monster that got them whooping and hollering. Watching them were dozens of seniors, including Eleanor Carmody, who works in the library and kitchen at the Senior Center, and Betty Daly, who also works in the kitchen and takes care of raffles and bingo. Both were excited to see the young children learning about an important part of history. “It’s great that they start out at an early age,” Daly says. Carmody recalls attending a Catholic school and how, “It was strange to see [an African-American].” My, how things have changed.

NOT SO SMART GRID, EH? There have been a number of critics of National Grid’s

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Smart Energy Solutions, or so-called Smart Grid, program. Many of them have come from outside Worcester, in some cases from outside the country. They insist that the installation of Smart Meters, which are part of NGrid’s Smart Pilot program in the city, are much more harmful than the public is being told. Among those critics is Curtis Bennett, chief science officer and inter-provincial journeyman electrician (Red Seal). He hails from Canada and reached out to Worcester Magazine to let us know that while utilities have the right to work on meters, “they cannot blanket areas with electromagnetic radiation with wireless frequencies to communicate with meters.” Bennett goes so far as to say that those subjected to this radiation are being “electrocuted.” NGrid is in the process of applying for a zoning variance to build a

{ worcesteria } communications tower in the Tatnuck Square area. There have been numerous requests for delays, including the latest to reschedule a Feb. 3 meeting for March. In the meantime, city councilors have weighed in on a report delivered by Dr. Michael Hirsh, acting health commissioner. The report was roundly criticized by opponents of Smart Grid, as relying on faulty information, drawing several councilors to Hirsh’s defense.

ALL APOLOGIES: Kurt Cobain penned the hit song and Rosalie Tirella is singing that tune. After publishing what many people found to be a personal attack on City Manager Ed Augustus Jr. earlier this month, Tirella has issued an apology through her magazine, InCity Times. “A week or so ago I was upset about the way the Worcester proposed wild animal ordinance was being studied by the city manager’s office,” she writes. “My emotions got the best of me and I wrote something here that I shouldn’t have written. I have deleted the post. I apologize to the folks whom I hurt and offended. I am so sorry! I love this city. I love animals. The two are a natural fit for me. When I write about them I AM HOME. HAPPY. I shouldn’t have made someone sad … Again, I am sorry...” COUNCIL COP: What once was a regular police presence at City Council meetings may

be back. Mayor Joe Petty says he asked for a police officer to be at Tuesday night’s council meeting, but says it was not for any particular reason. According to both Petty and City Clerk David Rushford, a cop used to always attend council meetings back in the days when the “rabble rousers” would get particularly rousing. There were no fireworks Tuesday night. Petty says he’s not sure whether police will be there every week in the future.

PARCC RIGHT HERE: Thirty-one Worcester schools will be among those taking part in so-called “field tests” for the controversial Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) computer-based assessment system. Starting in March, 81,000 students across the state, about 8 percent of the total public school enrollment, will take a PARCC test in either English Language Arts or Mathematics. The test will be administered to students in grades 3-11, but not to all classes in the schools. According to the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), no score or grade will be given to students taking the test. Proponents hope PARCC will eventually replace the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS). The plan has some critics, including former School Committee member Donna Colorio, who has been an outspoken critic. The tests are designed to be administered online, but some schools will take them in written form. Participating at 12 of the 31 Worcester schools participating in the field test will take it in writing. An OPT out of PARCC Testing meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. Thursday night, Feb. 13 at Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. CANDID CAMERA: City Councilor George Russell wants all community meetings

being held on the search for a new city manager to be televised. His suggestion yielded one of the more humorous moments of Tuesday night’s council meeting, when City Manager Ed Augustus Jr., who in just a short time on the job has found himself the center of speculation that he might end up landing the permanent job, rose to answer the councilor. “All listening sessions will be recorded and put on the [city] website,” he said, pausing briefly before adding, “I’m very anxious to see what happens myself.” His comedic timing was pretty good and he drew laughter from spectators and councilors. As for live televised sessions, that may or may not happen, based on limitations of the government website, although councilors Gary Rosen and Kate Toomey suggested alternatives. Toomey noted the school department and colleges that might be able to help, prompting Mayor Joe Petty to say, “Good point, Councilor Toomey.”

SENATOR WILLIAMS? Local man Todd Williams will make it official later this month, but he says he is definitely challenging Democratic incumbent state Sen. Michael Moore in November. Williams says his formal announcement will come during a gathering at the Hotel Vernon in the Ship Room from 6-10 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24. He also says he will have the backing of the state GOP. Can’t get enough Worcesteria? Visit us online at www.worcestermagazine.com for Daily Worcesteria. Have a story tip or idea? Call Walter Bird Jr. at 508-749-3166, ext. 322, or email him at wbird@worcestermagazine.com. Be sure to follow him on Twitter @walterbirdjr and catch Walter with Paul Westcott every Thursday morning at 8:35 on radio station WTAG 580AM for all things Worcester!

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In the recent cover story “Worcester’s Best Kept Secret,” January 30-February 5, 2014, the American Antiquarian Society was highlighted. After I read the article, I called a friend of mine and gave her the website for the A.A.S. This detail will provide prepatory information before we visit. If I close my eyes I can imagine learning about children’s literature, genealogy and ancient maps, too! Regarding that last subject, I remember my parents telling me that my hometown of Brockton, Mass. was once signified on maps by a boot to show that shoe factories dominated the landscape. What a perfect place to research that particular piece of trivia! My eventual goal is to own a framed print of “Shoe City.” Thanks to Worcester Magazine for showcasing such a public gem. L I SA MAC KR E S Worcester

From the other side

As I read “Between the white lines,” published in Worcester Magazine on February 6, I felt a strange sensation in my throat. The faces of the protestors quoted in the article were familiar, but the rendition they gave of what anti-choice protesting looks like in Worcester didn’t quite match up with reality.

1,001 words By Steven King

behead 10


• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

with them past the protesters. This behavior isn’t limited to patients – I have felt unsafe when confronted by protesters while volunteering. They try to gather personal information about us, take pictures of us, and generally try to make us feel as uncomfortable and unsafe as possible in an attempt to stop us from doing our duty. Without the barrier, protesters would be able to follow patients up to the doors, even physically blocking their path and preventing them from entering the clinic. This presents a huge public safety concern, especially in situations where physical protest measures could potentially escalate. Despite what anti-choice protestors may believe, no one is obligated to listen to what they have to say. Whatever their beliefs, their constitutional right to free speech does not grant them the right to harass patients attempting to enter a medical facility, nor does it override a patient’s right to privacy and healthcare. The protestors outside of reproductive health clinics are not concerned with helping women – their goal is to intimidate and shame women and their reproductive choices, and removing the Buffer Zone would take away the one thing that provides patients with a barrier between them and what often ranges from medical misinformation to hate speech. The Supreme Court has a responsibility to protect the rights of people seeking health care, and the right to do so without facing harassment. CLA R K JACK S ON Worcester


Letters Gem of a story

I have not only been a patient at the Worcester Planned Parenthood, but also a clinic escort—a volunteer whose duty is to escort other patients past the protesters to the door. This has brought me face to face with the protesters on a regular basis, and it’s this experience that makes me seriously question their claims that the Buffer Zone is a violation of their free speech rights. On the sidewalk outside of Parenthood on Pleasant Street, anyone who wishes to enter the Buffer Zone in order to get to the clinic doors must contend with the ring of protesters who literally toe white line. CONFUSING – from our position on the edge of the Buffer Zone, me and my fellow escorts have witnessed exactly the kind of “compassionate” counseling these protestors engage in. Often they use emotionally-charged language to intimidate people who appear to be entering the clinic. Once, a woman, who slowed down in front of the clinic while looking for her bus stop, was blocked and subjected to angry anti-choice language and graphic posters from a group of elderly men standing just outside the 35-foot barrier. Another time, protesters surrounded a women on the sidewalk just before the barrier and, after determining that she was going to Planned Parenthood, reduced her to tears by calling her a ‘baby murderer’. I have observed protesters physically block patients on the sidewalk in order to talk to them, and while some passers-by consider them a minor annoyance, many patients have expressed concern about their safety when walking to the clinic, requesting that escorts walk

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commentary | opinions slants& rants { }

A red-tailed hawk with a squirrel as its prey seen on the roof of a vehicle in the Price Chopper parking lot on Park Ave. in Worcester. Photo by George Tonevski

Worcester Magazine wins 14 awards at NENPA 2014 Worcester Magazine received 14 awards at the New England Newspaper Press Association (NENPA) Better Newspaper Contest 2013, at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel on Friday and Saturday, February 7-8, 2014. Eleven of the 14 awards were given for journalism, while three were awarded to Worcester Magazine’s advertising. ➫ Visit worcestermagazine.com/ category/city-desk/editorials to find a list of awards, their placement and judges comments.

For the sake of peace, women ‘don’t really matter’ A fascinating Q&A between Clark University graduate student Hasnaa Mokhtar and Cynthia Enloe, a research professor in the International Development, Community, and Environment Department at Clark University. Enloe is a curious feminist and renowned writer on gender and militarism. She has published numerous books – most recently, “Seriously! : Investigating Crashes and Crises as If Women Mattered.” As a political scientist, she has a keen interest in analyzing the gendered dynamics of war, militarized cultures and politics. ➫ Read the Q&A with Enloe at worcestermagazine.com/category/ city-desk/your-turn.

Photos: Worcester Fire Department ice dive training Photos of Worcester firefighters on the ice at Lake Quinsigamond practicing “lost diver training.” Firefighters cut through 7-inch ice with a chainsaw and performed a series of simulated searches in the area underneath and around the cut ice. ➫ View photos of the training at worcestermagazine.com/category/ spotted.

Spiral bound ...

News and happenings at Central Mass. colleges

Brittany Durgin


There’s a movement among Worcester college and university students aimed at expressing who they truly are through photography. The Inner Beauty Project aims at creating a community “that is filled with love, vitality and empowerment.” WPI senior Kevin Yiu, with the help of photographers and other peers, recently launched the project with a Facebook page, Twitter account and website. With two photo shoots under their belt, “We are very excited that we are representing students from different backgrounds,” Yiu tells Worcester Magazine. “Students with (different) types of beauty, body shapes, talents and personalities are encouraged to express themselves in the photos,” he adds. Connect with the Inner Beauty Project at https://www.facebook.com/InnerBeautyProjectWPI, https://twitter.com/ InnerBeautyWPI and http://innerbeautyproject.weebly.com/.


Currently on view at Clark University’s Schiltkamp Gallery is “Art After Clark: 2014 Studio Art Alumni Exhibition.” The show features work of Clark’s studio art alumni who have continued their career in the arts, ranging in medium from soft sculptures, to prints on wooden blocks, to photographs. The exhibition is free and open to the public, and runs through April 2, 2014. Gallery hours are Monday-Thursday, from 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Friday, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, from 12-4 p.m. The gallery will be closed March 3-9. Clark University, Schiltkamp Gallery, Traina Center for the Arts, 92 Downing St., Worcester.


To the community, On behalf of the Fitchburg State University Campus Police force, I am writing to express our heartfelt gratitude for the widespread support and well-wishes extended after the untimely passing of our dedicated colleague and devoted friend Michael Marcil. Mike served this department with distinction for nearly 30 years, a long chapter in a notable career in law enforcement that included service to other local departments. The long line of officers and police vehicles that processed before his funeral was a measure of the high regard in which Mike was held by his friends and colleagues. The police service is very much like a family, and it is heartening to feel the network of support that is extended when we lose one of our own. That network extends to Mike’s own family, which has shown great strength and grace through these very trying times. They remain in our thoughts and prayers as we grieve a great loss together. Mike Marcil will never be forgotten, and we are grateful for the privilege of having known and worked with him. We thank the community for honoring his memory and service. — Benjamin McDonald, Acting Chief, Fitchburg State University Campus Police



{ coverstory }



not forgotten

Wife’s journals the ‘best gift she could have given’ By Walter Bird Jr. • Photos by Steven King

In a small room tucked off the den of his Tihonet Street home, Joe Perry has hung a framed picture of his late wife, Mae (Beauragard) Perry. Underneath it are the dates of her birth and death. Aside the photo, in a separate space of the frame, are the lyrics to a poem he found online after his wife passed. It will be four years ago in June that the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease, which Mae had battled for nine years, finally claimed her life. There are dozens of pictures hung in the room; bookshelves are lined with photo albums dating from 1920, the year Joe Perry was born, to 1996. This particular picture stands out for the sheer beauty of his wife in much younger years, plucking the white bloom off a tree. The first lines, recited in the song “Beyond the Sunset” by various artists, including Hank Williams, read: “Should you go first and I remain to walk the road alone I’ll live in memories garden, dear, with happy days we’ve known.” 12


• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

continued on page 14

{ coverstory }



{ coverstory } continued from page 12

Through no fault of his own, and although he so desperately wanted to, Joe Perry was unable to keep that promise after his wife died. He had cared for her since she first fell ill in 2001. The years of tending to the woman he met and promptly fell in love with

just two weeks after returning from World War II in December 1945 had not only robbed him of his soul mate, they had taken their toll on him physically and mentally. Many of the memories from their 63 years of marriage had faded, replaced largely by images of a frail and suffering woman whose life was slowly eaten away by a disease she did nothing to invite.

“I wanted more pleasant memories and I couldn’t get them. The earlier memories faded away.” - Joe Perry

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For nine years, Joe Perry took care of his wife until one early summer’s day on June 11, 2010, when Mae Perry slipped away from him for good. “She knew it was coming on,” Joe Perry says of the illness that would ultimately claim his wife. “I became her caregiver. It’s an awful, cruel thing, Alzheimer’s. She went from the vital woman she was, all the way down to where she didn’t even know who I was. It did a job on me.” He found himself unable to remember much of his early life with Mae. It was as if

• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

Alzheimer’s was playing yet another cruel joke on him. “I was confronted with something that I don’t know if it’s common of Alzheimer’s or not,” Joe Perry says. “It smothered the earlier years, so I couldn’t remember a lot of that stuff, things and events that had happened in our life. That really cut me. I wanted more pleasant memories and I couldn’t get them. The earlier memories faded away.” Not every memory was a blur. Joe Perry remembered how much his wife loved her garden. Where now there is a white porch at the front of the house, there was until quite recently a greenhouse. It is there where Mae Perry spend many hours doing what she loved. “She was great with flowers,” Joe Perry says. “She loved flowers. She had [the

greenhouse] filled.” He tore it down just this year because of its deteriorating condition. Joe Perry also remembered how much his wife loved music. She had a Bose radio she used to turn on when she was in the kitchen. Her family would hear her singing along as it played. “She loved, loved to sing,” says Jim Perry, one of Joe and Mae’s three children, all boys. A fiercely religious woman, Mae Perry sang in the choir at Christ the King Church for around 40 years. Otherwise, she was typically too shy to sing in public. She did not pass that shyness along to her children. Jim Perry would grow up to become a renowned local musician who now offers guitar lessons, plays with bands like Hothouse and The Silverbacks continued on page 16

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{ coverstory } continued from page 14

and leads the popular Sunday evening blues jams at Greendale’s Pub. “She had a very pretty voice,” Joe Perry says of his wife, “but she was very shy about [singing].” The memory of how they met was also still fresh in his mind. “I had just gotten back from World War II,” says Joe Perry, an infantryman in the Army who served as a guard at a prison camp. “Her mother and my mother were friends. It was inevitable that we were going to meet.” Indeed, both families lived off Belmont Street, their houses not far apart. When they finally did meet it was, he says, love at first sight. “I hit the lottery, better than the lottery,” he says with a smile. “We clicked right away.



It was kind of a whirlwind romance.” Less than a year after they met, they married on Nov. 23, 1946. They would go on to have three children: Jim, the singer, and two others, Steve, a retired city bus driver, and Ken, who lives on the Cape in Dennisport. Through 63 years of marriage, there was hardly a fight or harsh word between the two. “We never fought,” Joe Perry says. “We might have had disagreements, but never a fight. I was damn lucky. We had a great marriage. We did a lot of things together.” About 10 years before she died, Mae Perry was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. “They talked about it as dementia first,” Jim Perry says. “Around 2002, they used the ‘A’ word.” As time went on, and the disease worsened,

• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

the woman he had married, the wife he had loved all those years, slowly slipped away from Joe Perry. With her went memories of so many of the good times, replaced by images of the ravages of a disease that would ultimately claim Mae Perry’s life. When she was finally gone, Joe Perry began to realize it was the day-to-day things, the special occasions and other things that make up sixplus decades of marriage, that he could not remember. He could not, he says, remember his wife as she was, only as she died. “I was so frustrated,” he says. “I could remember, but it was all foggy, never anything clear.” Where Alzheimer’s had robbed him of his wife and stolen those memories, a simple decision to discard some of Mae Perry’s old things would bring him closer to her than Joe

Perry could have ever imagined. “There is a closet upstairs in the bedroom and a little closet beyond it,” he says. “I went in there, trying to get rid of a great deal of stuff.” His wife, he explains, was a bit of a pack rat, holding onto letters, cards and other mementos throughout the years. When he opened a drawer inside the closet, Joe Perry took it out and dumped it on his bed. “When I spilled them out I recognized her writing,” he says of the papers. “When I saw the dates I said, ‘What the hell?’ They looked like journals. The full capacity of what they were came to me.” In trying to clear some space and get rid of things for which he no longer had a need, Joe Perry had inadvertently stumbled across a loosely-kept journal of the musings,

{ coverstory } remember that, now,’” Joe Perry says. “It was like reading her mind. These were her thoughts.” Her journals chronicled almost every moment of every day for well over a decade. Joe Perry would be reminded of a sick relative or a particular event. He was reminded of the fiercely religious convictions his wife held. In many entries, Mae Perry thanked God for her husband, or offered a prayer to Him when someone in her family was sick. “She had some nice things to say about

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Saints in the Snow S

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18 1 8 Tuesday

Valentine’s Day Fun V

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It would turn into a father-son project, and as it turned out, Joe Perry had unearthed 15 years worth of daily journals, from 1986 into 2001. “I wanted to get them in neat order,” Joe Perry says, so they bought book binders and sorted the papers by year, putting them in chronological order and painstakingly punching the right-size holes in them so they would fit in the books. For a personal touch, they attached a photo of Mae Perry to the cover of each new journal and dated it by year. As he started reading through them – he is “about halfway through,” he says – Joe Perry was hit with a flood of emotion. Her words triggered memories he had long since forgotten – and brought a feeling of being closer than ever to his wife. “I’d say, ‘Oh, my God, that’s right! I

16 1 6 Sunday 1 17 7 Monday


observations and innermost thoughts his wife, unbeknownst to him, had kept over the course of several years. “I never knew she had done it that much,” he says, adding his wife typically carried a small binder with her. “She would keep a journal, that’s all I knew. But what I didn’t know is every year she would pull the papers out, put an elastic around them, and replace them with new papers.” Realizing what he had found, he decided he could not leave them as loose papers. Jim Perry remembers when his father called to tell him what he had found. “He was really excited,” he says. “He wanted me to see them right away. He laid them out on the table and showed them to me. It wasn’t long after that that he suggested he wanted to put them in books, year by year.”

continued on page 18

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13 1 3

me,” Joe Perry says with a smile, as if he was surprised. “I knew she was religious, but she was so religious. If anybody was sick, she’d have a little prayer in there.” Many of her entries ended with “Thank you, Lord,” something Jim Perry says may have stemmed from a gratefulness at having a stable family. His mother, he says, came from a broken home. A number of the journal entries revolved around day-to-day things; on one day she writes: “Today, Joe and I went to dinner and

Fuel Up to Play 60 F

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15 1 5


19 1 9

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{ coverstory } continued from page 17

got baked haddock.” It was a routine mention, yet one that Jim Perry says he read “over and over.” In a journal from 1991, Mae Perry made note of “the last spring flower show at the Centrum.” Future events, she wrote, would be held at Tower Hill Botanic Garden. Toward the end of the last year for which she kept a journal, Mae Perry’s own words revealed her awareness of the illness that was creeping up on her. “I’m having memory problems and do not feel as well as I should,” she writes on one occasion. On another, she writes: “My memory’s bad. I keep praying to God for good health. I also pray Joe keeps his good health.” In that same journal, she writes: “Joe’s always here to help when I need anything. I’m much happier when it’s Joe and I.” Despite the somber tones of entries like that one, and the hint of sadder and more painful days to come, Joe Perry says reading the journals has proven cathartic. “It actually made me feel good,” he says. “Now I have something, not like before when all I was going to have left was that terrible time she was so sick. Now everything is refreshed. When I read them it’s like she comes to life again.” Jim Perry says he believes it is good for his father to be able to actually read how much he meant to his mother. And Joe Perry admits the journals could not have come at a better time in his life. “It was the best gift she could have given me,” he says. “When I needed something like this, it was almost like she gave it to me.” For Jim Perry, too, the journals were special. His mother, he discovered, had written of just about every significant moment in his own life. “When my son was born, when I was divorced,” he says. “My mother was my confidant. Apparently, she would write down those things at night. It was kind of like a direct line to my life.” Reconnecting with his wife through her journals only reaffirms what Joe Perry knew

all along, from the very moment he first laid eyes on her so many years ago. “I lucked out on that one,” he says, clutching one of the journals and looking at the picture of his wife on its cover. “A lot of times, I felt I didn’t know what the hell I did to get her.” He may not have known, but in her own words, Mae Perry, in the years before illness would ever touch her, made sure someday he would. And with the memories returning with each flip of a page, Joe Perry is doing exactly what that poem promised. “Should you go first and I remain to walk the road alone I’ll live in memories garden, dear, with happy days we’ve known.”

BRINGING YOUR MUSIC BACK TO WORCESTER An Evening with Tom Rush February 27, 2014 8pm

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Symply Fargone Productions presents shows at Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St., Worcester. Visit symplyfargone.com for more information and to purchase tickets. All seats are reserved. 18


• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

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art | dining | nightlife | February 13- 19, 2014

night day &

No More Funny Stuff

Jeffu Warmouth, Corn Dog, 1996, color coupler print

Lynne Hedvig

Interactivity and play are at the core of New England artist and Fitchburg State University professor Jeffu Warmouth’s mid-career retrospective currently on exhibit at the Fitchburg Art Museum. The exhibition features the artist’s work from the past 23 years. For Jeffu, who has been honing his craft and growing his thematic lexicon over a variety of artistic platforms, he admits he is “still kind of reeling a little bit to see all of this work in one place.” Encompassing 40-plus photos, 10 video installations of which two are interactive, and additional other works, the show is pretty space-consumptive. “It’s huge,” Jeffu says. “I’ve definitely never had this much technical work in the same space all functioning at the same time, so it’s been pretty remarkable actually.” Jeffu is a big fan of multi-screen arrangements, the better to make his pieces interact with themselves. He has several series, including the comprehensive “Nine Gestures” and “1UP,” a massive 80-foot tall video installation at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, that utilize multiple video screens to create intersecting realities, the results of which can be thrilling, funny, or, as the artist notes, whatever you take them to be. Humor became a central theme for Jeffu early on in his career, as a means of freeing himself and his expression. “As an artist, particularly in graduate school, of course you’re supposed to be taking things to this very serious next level, so there are a lot of people that are just really over-serious about their work.” So, Jeffu says, “I had a cadre of people with me who were like ‘Yeah, art should be funny.’ And even if you look at some of the major important art movements of the 20th century, for example Dada and Surrealism, a lot of that work was hilarious. Or pop art, or conceptual art…there were a lot of artists in the conceptual

art movement of the ’70s that did absolutely gut-bustingly funny work, but it kind of gets equalized and made really serious through art history.” Jeffu doesn’t necessarily think art history’s a bad thing, “but we were just doing this kind of subversive anarchic reaction,” he says. “Then, I realized that I wasn’t doing it in my work, but I was thinking it, so it was a conscious choice like, ‘Ok now that I’m getting kind of bad critical feedback on this other work that I’m doing, now’s the time that I’m just going to do work that’s funny, that’s about humor, that’s just puns, riddles, that can incorporate all these things. I think humor can be a serious subject.” Thus Jeffu embarked on a journey through hilarity, parody, and tongue-in-cheek, producing works that draw on everything from simple pleasures and titular puns, to societal ennui and animate vegetables to produce in the viewer a shared, knowing laugh. His humor is at once silly and sophisticated, as well as enlivening. For example, the “all vegetable cast” in his monster-parody short “Day of the Cabbage,” with a pun-punctured dialogue consisting strictly of clever exchanges like “Billy, you need your strength for the marinarathon next week,” and “Oh, pesto, I forgot.”

continued on page 20



night day &

{ arts }

NO MORE FUNNY STUFF continued from page 19

minutes later someone would say ‘Oh I know playfulness, and I think there are a lot of you said no more funny stuff, but you can’t ideas that can come through play. We tend Jeffu has used humor as a means to help making funny work, this piece was really approach and analyze many issues that touch to think that play is something kids do, so its just playful, but I think that play can actually funny.’ So two completely opposite readings, on the political, with particular reflection which I think is great. It allows the audience lead to a lot of different ideas.” on living in a world of overmediation and to project their own ideas onto the work, or to This notion of play is evident in Jeffu’s consumer culture. With works like two of project themselves into the work.” “Nine Gestures,” which he describes as “a set his early devices, “Oven Antics,” a series of Interactivity and play are at the core of performance-based video compositions videos of convoluted food attached to an of Jeffu’s retrospective show; even the exploring time, repetition, scale, dimension, oven containing a television set, and “TV presentation itself is a collaborative effort gravity and the body’s interaction with Dinner,” a massive fork and knife hovering with the strategic marketing and preliminary architecture.” The series includes “Merge,” over a plate of television and videotape, exhibition design, having been created by a 2-minute video loop over 9 screens Jeffu makes a heated assessment of our infatuation and dependence on television as well as our general American confusion about food and resultant relationship with curiously processed goods. Likewise, in “JFC,” “Il Jeffuria Pizza” and “JeffuBurger,” all are large interactive video installations that include familiar fast food facades and invite viewers to select oddly distorted foods. Jeffu uses the viewer’s existent understanding of fast food culture as a language to engage in a comical, yet serious discussion about the state of our consumption, both in terms of food and packaged purchasing. There is something unique in Jeffu’s approach to these widely-incorporated themes; absent is a perpetrator, Jeffu Warmouth, No More Funny Stuff (4-Way Cymbal Monkey), 2012, performance video, 4 minutes. finger-pointing or judgment. In its place are just animated Fitchburg State University colleague Rob where different versions of the artist walk faces and silly entrees. Carr’s marketing communications class. As towards one another, then merge, moving in These more commentary-laced works a 17-year professor at FSU, Jeffu credits unconventional ways to create new moving marked a transitional time for Jeffu. “There the academic environment for much of his representations of the human form. was actually this moment after I had done Il innovation, citing both technical and human Also in the series is “Fall,” perhaps the Jeffuria Pizza and had that in a show with resources. Seeing his students get excited most beautiful, created for the 80-foot high Jeffu Burger, that I was having a discussion about learning inspires him to keep learning video marquee at the Boston Convention with Nick Capasso (Director of the Fitchburg and keep creating. And as a father to two and Exhibition Center, “Fall” consists of Art Museum) who was a curator at the time, young sons, Alexander, 7, and Ben, 2, play is and the conversation just came down to ‘How versions of the artist falling through a screen now a constant part of Jeffu’s life. of clouds and begin swimming upon hitting long am I going to keep doing this work “I probably make a good dad because of the blue screen below. Other iterations of where I’m the funny food guy?’ And I came this playfulness that I’ve always had, so it this series include “Crawl,” “Cymbal,” “Up,” to this realization that, even though I had kind of works,” Jeffu says. “Also, if I didn’t “Walk,” “Pull,” “Sled,” “Drop” and “Hop,” all explored a lot of different territory within before, kids kind of force you into this of which use versions of the artist moving that, I was painting myself into a corner in position where you have to be playful, even through reconstructed visual realities using a way, where there’s only so much I can do if you weren’t. So it’s been really fun.” familiar movements in unusual ways. within this subject matter.” Even while conveying a range of emotions “The interesting thing about a lot of those This led Jeffu to produce his later work, and inspiring multitudinous reactions, works is that I can get two radically different which, he says, “is really the ‘No More Funny whether eschewing or embracing overt reactions from different people, which I didn’t Stuff’ era.” He says it is not necessarily unfunny, humor, Jeffu’s work remains decidedly fun. necessarily get with the work that was trying but not specifically geared to be funny. “Jeffu Warmouth: NO MORE FUNNY to be funny,” Jeffu says. For example, he says, It is this era that Jeffu is currently in, STUFF” is on display now through June 1, “with the piece ‘Drop,’ with a version of me creating video installations featuring 2014 at Fitchburg Art Museum, 25 Merriam carrying boxes into this little central pit and himself performing movements that can be Pkwy, Fitchburg. Jeffu will entertain visitors dropping them off, it was just meditative and interpreted either as repetitive or meditative, with live performances of his work on slow-paced. One person would say ‘Oh it’s but always playful. Sunday, March 23 at 3:30 p.m. and Sunday, about the human condition and being stuck “All this newer work, even if its not about April 13, as part of a Meet The Artist Event, in these terrible jobs where you have to do humor or trying to be funny, naturally from 1-3 p.m. fitchburgartmuseum.org. the same thing over and over.’ And then five comes from an instinct of play. There’s a



• FEBRUARY 13, 2014








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night day &

{ music}


Matt Robert

Lovers to get Royal Treatment at Electric Haze

Lovers will get a chance to check out two new things around town this weekend with a special Valentine’s Day show by Dan Burke and The Royal Treatment at Electric Haze, on Water Street, on Friday, February 14. Dan Burke should need no introduction, as he has been crooning and laying keyboards for years in local clubs with a bevy of acts, from Gamble & Burke and Niki Luparelli and the Gold Diggers, to The Orange Ocean, as well as being a regular feature at Nick’s, where he performs solo, guests at shows, such as the Duke Ellington tribute last year, and now appears with his latest outfit, The Royal Treatment. “My favorite stuff is really chilled out R&B music,” says Burke. “I love singer-songwriter stuff, too.” All this, he says, comes out in The Royal Treatment, but the “main pocket right now is R&B and pop,” both original and covers. In a world gone roots and vintage, where old is new, what is old is good, and even mainstream acts wield mandolins, banjos and dusty fedoras, The Royal Treatment is a breed apart. Burke and company – Jeff Killebrew (drums, backing vocals), Eli Mateo (percussion), Sean Rosati (guitar) and Imer Diaz (bass) – like things just the way they are today. “We’re not going to be like Amy Winehouse,” Burke says, “trying to record on analog tape or anything like that.” He says that the band is pretty comfortable with the modern version of R&B, stuff like John Legend, Justin Timberlake, Robin Thicke and, of course, Michael Jackson. So, while he says band members share a common love of Motown, Marvin Gaye and



Smokey Robinson, he adds, “If I had to put us on one side of the spectrum, I would put us on the modern side.” So, understandably, the band is bright and poppy. Diaz, formerly of local progressive rock act Miars, is a virtuoso, who lays thick but bright six-string bass. “Imer is an absolutely sick bass player and a super humble sweet guy,” says Burke. Killebrew, who cut his teeth on the church circuit, playing gospel organ, offers up straightup R&B grooves that, when combined

• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

with Diaz’s smooth bass lines and Rosati’s chorused-up skanking rhythm or chunky, fluid jazz lines and Mateo’s Latin percussion, should offer plenty to get all but the most sedentary attendees onto the dance floor. And that’s just what the band wants. The Valentine’s show hopes to get couples moving, and a repertoire of accessible pop tunes (Justin Timberlake’s “Until the End of Time,” Cody Chestnutt’s “Till I Met Thee,” and Michael Jackson’s “Dirty Diana”) as well as some old school material (“disco-y anthems

and James Brown,” says Burke), and Electric Haze’s high quality in-house PA system, should have the place thumping. “It’s going to be a dance party,” says Burke. Add to this a guest appearance by band friend Limaaj, whose presence as a front man adds significant sexuality to the band’s performance, in a manner Burke likens to Andre 3000 and Prince, and you’ve got a formula for driving the chicks wild. Not only can he sing in the upper register style popular in R&B, but he is utterly comfortable before a crowd and engaging the audience. The Royal Treatment will have recording gear on hand to run the live set direct to Pro Tools for later mixing, and, hopefully, a live release. “I’m psyched about that!” says Burke. The band has high hopes for this project, about which Burke says it is “the best band [he’s] ever been in.” “They’re amazing players!” he says. Beyond local gigging and recording, the band hopes to get involved in general business, and looks to get hired for functions. Further, returning to the variety show format that gave rise to the band in the first place (they met as session players for the B. Heard showcases held throughout Worcester a few years back), they intend to offer themselves as a band for hire for singers or players needing a backing group for gigs or recordings. So, treat your special someone (or go stag!) to a night of fresh music in one of Worcester’s newest clubs on Friday, Feb. 14, beginning at 9 p.m. at Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St., Worcester. The event is 21+ and there will be an $8 cover at the door. Look for the band in coming months for return engagements at Electric Haze, or any one of the band members’ solo shows at local clubs. To learn more, visit www.facebook.com/ DanBurkeAndTheRoyalTreatment.

night day &

{ laughs }

From Shrewsbury to Center Stage:

Comedian Mike Birbiglia

The word “comedian” doesn’t quite do Mike Birbiglia justice — “storyteller” might be the better word. Still, the Shrewsbury native’s brand of spoken word has made him a popular figure in the world of stand-up comedy, one-man shows, film and radio. His new tour, “Thank God for Jokes,” stops at the Wilbur Theatre in Boston on Friday, February 14 and Saturday, February 15. Tickets sold quickly. Worcester Magazine caught up with Birbiglia to talk about storytelling, why a joke doesn’t have to be funny and his fondness for Shrewsbury’s pizzerias.

Worcester Magazine: You’re done with the “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend” tour - and I know you’re going to make a movie out of it - but now you’re touring behind the show “Thank God for Jokes.” Mike Birbiglia: Yeah, it’s just sort of all about jokes and how they get us in trouble with people but ultimately they kind of make us feel closer with other people. I feel the closest in my life to people when I’ve shared a joke with them.

WM: Is the show going to be autobiographical like the others? MB: It’s going to be less of a single narrative. “Sleepwalk with Me” and “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend” are very much like a series of stories that add up to one story. “Sleepwalk with Me” is about my sleepwalking and “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend” is about how I decided to get married despite not really believing in the idea of marriage. I really just wanted to make a show where it was just 90 minutes of the funniest jokes and stories I could think of and the things that make me laugh the hardest. What ended up being the through line was this idea of jokes and how jokes can kind of make us all feel closer to each other and also get us in trouble, this doubleedged sword aspect of jokes. WM: So it’s a series of jokes and funny moments that have happened to you over the years that come to that same conclusion? MB: It’s a lot of instances of telling jokes on stage that end up having consequences. There’s this one story of performing at a casino and then being heckled by these guys with their dates in the front row. I’m trying to make light of the situation but these guys are like, ‘You’re not funny. You know what’s funny? Me.’ And I said, ‘Maybe you guys should leave [pause] with your hookers.’ And then the one guy goes, ‘I’m gonna kill you.’ And he wasn’t kidding. Like, it wasn’t a joke at all. They were escorted out of the show. My brother Joe and I were gambling at the casino after the show and we were approached by the women and they were like, ‘Are you guys looking for dates?’ And they were hookers! It was this moment of realization where it was like ‘Oh, if they were hookers the other guys were mobsters and I might be dead right now.’ A lot of the show is about how the job of the

standup comedian is to ride this line between making people feel uncomfortable to achieve a catharsis but sometimes if you don’t achieve the catharsis you’re just left with uncomfortable. You’re left with people wanting to kill you.

WM: What really fascinates me about your stand-up is that stringing together of a story. Were you always writing like that? MB: Early in my career I was just kind of doing jokes. I’d write jokes, I’d do them on stage and if they worked I’d do them again. Then over the years I started to realize the comedians I really admired, like Bill Cosby or Richard Pryor, did stuff that was really satisfying like these longer form pieces. The way that I develop material now is I’ll kind of go through my memory bank of stories from my life and I’ll kick them around with my brother, Joe, and we’ll decide well, this maybe is worth trying on stage. In the early phases, when I work them out in the comedy clubs near my apartment in New York, there’s not much there. It’ll be a story and I’ll know where it begins and I’ll know where it ends and it’ll have three jokes in the middle but then over time it becomes 30 jokes. Now there are stories and jokes. It’s much different than when I started. WM: Doing one-man shows must help with finding a narrative. MB: With “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend” and “Sleepwalk with Me” I definitely tried to not pull any punches when it came to the drama of what was happening. In “Sleepwalk with Me” I jump through a secondstory window and that’s very serious and it’s real. “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend” was about how I was planning whether or not to get married and it was a serious thing in my life. A lot of that was deciding I’m going to do a show where I’m going to live in the silences sometimes and I’m going to experiment with that. It’s been really cool. One of the cool things about “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend” is that people will often say this is the first time I ever cried watching a comedy special. For me, that’s the best compliment anyone can give me. BRIAN FRIEDMAN

Jeremy Shulkin

WM: Let’s focus on Worcester. You grew up in Shrewsbury and went to St. John’s and then moved out to Southborough. MB: That’s right. I went to a bunch of schools. I went to Shrewsbury Middle School and then Shrewsbury High School for a year and then St. John’s for a year and then St. Mark’s in Southborough for three years. I grew up on Westwood Road in Shrewsbury. WM: Do you come back here often? MB: I come sometimes. I’m still friends with my buddy Matt Beaton, who’s a state Representative. He grew up on my street. We’ll see each other about once a year. One of my best friends from growing up, Michael Cavanaugh, his family lives in Shrewsbury still so I’ll see him sometimes. I have this real fondness for Shrewsbury. I’m super fond of pizza in Shrewsbury. There’s Shrewsbury Pizzeria, Village Pizza and Dean Park Pizza and they’re all in this half-mile radius. I can talk to you for an hour about how I feel about those three different types of pizza, like how I respect them all for their own virtues.

WM: Does much of “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend” and even “Sleepwalk with Me” take place in or around Worcester? For “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend” I remember you talking about school dances and those formative high school moments. MB: That was definitely St. John’s school dances in Shrewsbury. A lot of the kid stuff is Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury Middle School, St. Mary’s School in Shrewsbury, which is where I went for grades 1 through 6. I love doing shows in Massachusetts because the thing about my sense of humor is you really do share a sense of humor with the people you grew up with because your life experiences are the same. Your points of reference are just close to each others’. A lot of times when I perform in Massachusetts I feel like I’m performing for a bunch of my friends. WM: When I saw you at The Hanover Theatre last year I didn’t know that you were local until you said it onstage. But I felt like the jokes were still pretty universal, like you didn’t need to know Massachusetts to get them. MB: It’s definitely not a requisite and, as a matter of fact, a lot of my material I’ve workshopped around the world in places like Canada, Australia and London because I want it to work on a human level where it works everywhere. But I do remember the first time I performed locally, it was at the Comedy Studio in Cambridge, Mass. and I was amazed at how well it went. It was like an intangible likeness of life experience that I have with these people where it’s indescribable what I have in common with them but there’s something about when I tell these stories they have this in common. Mike Birbiglia’s “Thank God for Jokes” tour will stop in Boston for four shows at Boston’s WIlbur Theatre on February 14 and 15. His stand-up special “My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend” and the film version of “Sleepwalk with Me,” which Birbiglia wrote, directed and stars in, are both available on Netflix. F E B R U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M 23

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night day &

{ film }

Captain Philip Jim Keogh

Typically I use this space to review a new film release, but I’m not in the mood. I heard “The Monuments Men” kind of sucks, and “The Lego Movie,” while surprisingly funny, still stars a bunch of Legos. And since those were the only movies opening in Worcester this week, my motivation has taken a beating. Besides, Philip Seymour Hoffman is dead. So no, the prospect of wisecracking Legos does not entice me. Not when the best actor of his generation has been lowered into the ground. The best actor of his generation. That sentiment has been repeated quite a bit in the last week since Hoffman was found in his New York apartment with a needle in his arm. But I’ve been a film critic since 1986 — five years before his movie debut in “Triple Bogey on a Par Five Hole” — and I’m comfortable employing the term. In 28 years, I’ve witnessed the launch of a flotilla of acting careers, and in terms of sheer talent, he was the captain. Hoffman and I have a history together. I first encountered him as a bullying prep school student in “Scent of a Woman” and last saw him as the mysterious Plutarch Heavensbee in last year’s “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.” In between, I watched him articulate the secret code for appreciating rock music in its purest form (“Almost Famous”), channel the brilliant, bitchy essence of a notorious author (“Capote”), and tumble down the rabbit hole of heroin addiction (“Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead”) well before we had any awareness of the drug’s specter in his offscreen life. I loved this guy for one very selfish reason: when I was assigned to review a movie in which Philip Seymour Hoffman would appear, I was guaranteed something special would occur. Hoffman fashioned characters that could be as jagged as a coral reef or as soft and simpering as an orphaned puppy, yet he always made the journey worth taking. People magazine published a list this week titled “Five times Philip Seymour Hoffman was better than the movie,” and amid the flurry of tributes I find it one of the most on-target testimonials of all. Even in a steaming slag heap like “Patch Adams” Hoffman brought a touch of class, grace even.

So this is what we’re left with of the PSH canon that has yet to be released: “God’s Pocket,” “A Most Wanted Man,” “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1,” and “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2” (he’s also taped a Showtime pilot, “Happyish”). The last movie will be problematic since Hoffman had about a week of filming left when he allegedly overdosed. When Heath Ledger fatally overdosed in 2008 in the midst of filming WIKIPEDIA.ORG/GEORGES BIARD

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sounds “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus,” the daring decision was made to use three actors — Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell — to portray the character at various times in the story. Somehow, it worked. The “Mockingjay” producers reportedly are considering using CGI to digitally recreate Hoffman’s presence in the remaining scenes, a strategy that was used to complete “Gladiator” when Oliver Reed died during filming. (Hopefully, the CGI effects have advanced to the point where Hoffman’s avatar, unlike Reed’s, won’t be bathed in an odd ghostlike glow.) I’m anticipating Hoffman’s four remaining movies like they’re late Christmas gifts waiting to be ripped open, though I’m certain the release of “Mockingjay 2” next year will ignite a debate over whether the filmmakers did him justice. I suspect much of the discontent will originate in the depressing fact that, whether it’s a digitized Philip Seymour Hoffman or the real deal up there on the screen, he will have acted for the final time. And that’s bad for everybody.

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night day &



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12:10, 3:20, 6:30, 10:05

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Showtimes for 2/7 - 2/13. Subject to change. American Hustle (R) 2 hr 9 min 3:55pm 7:00pm 10:00pm Frozen (PG) 1 hr 48 min 11:30am 2:00pm 4:45pm 7:15pm Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (PG-13) 1 hr 46 min 9:55pm Labor Day (PG-13) 1 hr 51 min 1:25pm 4:10pm 6:50pm Lone Survivor (R) 2 hr 1 min 12:50pm 3:35pm 9:30pm Ride Along (PG-13) 1 hr 40 min 12:10pm 2:45pm 5:15pm 7:40pm 10:10pm RoboCop (PG-13) Reserved Seating;XPLUS; 1 hr 48 min 7:05pm 9:50pm RoboCop (PG-13) 1 hr 48 min 1:00pm 1:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 7:35pm 10:20pm That Awkward Moment (R) 1 hr 34 min 11:50am 2:20pm 5:00pm 7:25pm 10:05pm The Lego Movie (PG) 1 hr 40 min 11:45am 12:15pm 2:10pm 2:40pm 4:35pm 5:05pm 7:15pm 7:45pm 9:45pm 10:15pm The Lego Movie in 3D (PG) REAL D 3D; 1 hr 40 min 6:45pm 9:15pm The Lego Movie in 3D (PG) Reserved Seating;XPLUS - REAL D 3D; 1 hr 40 min 11:15am 1:40pm 4:05pm The Metropolitan Opera: Rusalka ENCORE (NR) 4 hr 0 min 6:30pm The Monuments Men (PG-13) 1 hr 50 min 1:05pm 3:45pm 6:55pm 9:55pm The Nut Job (PG) 1 hr 26 min 11:25am 1:35pm The Wolf of Wall Street (R) 2 hr 59 min 11:40am 3:25pm 7:10pm Vampire Academy (PG-13) 1 hr 44 min 12:05pm 2:35pm 5:10pm 7:55pm 10:25pm



12 YEARS A SLAVE (R) Worcester North Thurs: 12:15, 3:30, Fri-Wed:


10:10, 12:30 a.m.

Solomon Pond Thurs: 7:30, 10:10, Fri-Wed:

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:45, 4:10, Fri-Wed: 9:35 Westborough Thurs: 12:45, 3:45, 7:15, 9:55 Worcester North Thurs: 7:10

12:45, 4:05, 7:05, 9:40 Westborough Thurs: 7, 9:30, Fri-Wed: 12:55, 4, 7:40, 10:10 Worcester North Fri-Wed: 12:15, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40, 10:10

LONE SURVIVOR (R) Blackstone Thurs: 12:50, 3:35, 6:35, 9:25, Fri-

AMERICAN HUSTLE (R) Blackstone Thurs: 3:55, 7, 10, Fri-Wed: 3:35,

Fri-Wed: 7:35, 10:15 Westborough Thurs: 12:40, 3:40, 7:05, 9:50, Fri-Wed: 7:20, 10:05 Worcester North Thurs: 1:35, 4:30, 7:35, FriWed: 12:50, 4:10, 7:15, 10:30

6:35, 9:40

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:40, 4:15, Fri-Wed: 7:25, 9:45

Westborough Thurs: 12:25, 3:30, 6:55, 9:45, Fri-Wed: 12:25, 3:30, 6:45, 9:50 Worcester North Thurs: 12:50, 3:45, 6:45, FriWed: 12:20, 3:25, 6:25, 9:45

Wed: 12:40, 3:25, 6:30, 9:20, 12:05 a.m.

Cinemagic Thurs: 11:20, 2, 4:40, 7:20, 10, FriWed: 11:20, 2, 7:10

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:30, 3:45, 7:05, 9:55,

NEBRASKA (R) Worcester North Thurs:: 1:10, 3:50, 6:30

Wed: 1:10, 4:05, 7:05, 10:05

PHILOMENA (PG-13) Solomon Pond Fri-Wed: 11:45, 2:05, 7:15 Westborough Fri: 12:50, 6:50 Worcester North Thurs-Wed: 1:45, 4:40, 7:25

DALLAS BUYERS CLUB (R) Strand Thurs: 7

RIDE ALONG (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:10, 2:45, 5:15, 7:40,

AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY (R) Worcester North Thurs: 1:15, 4:05, 7:05, Fri-

DESPICABLE ME 2 (PG) Holy Cross Fri, Sat: 7 ENDLESS LOVE (PG-13) Blackstone Fri-Wed: 1:15, 3:55, 6:50, 9:30, 12 a.m.

Cinemagic Thurs: 9:15 p.m., Fri-Wed: 11:45, 2:10, 4:40, 7:05, 9:30

Solomon Pond Thurs: 8:10, Fri-Wed: 1, 4:10, 7:20, 10:10

Westborough Thurs: 8, 10:30, Fri-Wed: 12:10, 4:05, 7:25, 9:50 Worcester North Fri-Wed: 1:15, 4:15, 6:50, 9:30 FROZEN (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 11:30, 2, 4:45, 7:15, Fri-Wed: 11:30, 2, 4:35, 7:20

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:25, 3:30, 6:45, 9:25,


Fri-Wed: 11:50, 2:25, 4, 6:50 Strand Fri-Sun, Tues, Wed: 7

• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

LABOR DAY (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 1:25, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30 Cinemagic Thurs: 11:30, 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45, Fri-Wed: 11:30, 4:45, 9:40

ABOUT LAST NIGHT (R) Blackstone Fri-Wed: 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:40,



JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs-Wed: 9:55

10:10, Fri-Wed: 12:10, 2:35, 5:05, 7:30, 10:05, 12:25 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs: 11:50, 2:20, 4:45, 9:30, FriWed: 4:40, 9:50 Solomon Pond Thurs: 1:05, 4:25, 7:25, 10:25, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 3:45, 7:45, 10:30 Worcester North Thurs: 12, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40, FriWed: 12:05, 2:30, 5:05, 7:45, 10:15

ROBOCOP (PG-13) Blackstone (reserved seating) Thurs: 7:05, 9:50, (12:25 a.m. Fri-Wed only)

Blackstone Thurs-Wed: 1, 1:30, 4, 4:30, 7:35, 10:20

Cinemagic Thurs: 11:20, 2:10, 4:50, 7:25, 10, Fri-Wed: 11:25, 2:10, 4:50, 7:25, 10 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:10, 12:50, 2:20, 3:55, 5, 7:10, 7:50, 9:50, 10:30, Fri-Wed: 11:35, 12:40, 2:20, 3:50, 4:20, 7, 7:40, 9:50, 10:20 Westborough Thurs: 12:55, 4, 7:40, 10:10, FriWed: 12:40, 3:40, 7:05, 9:55

night day



Worcester North Thurs: 1, 1:30, 4, 4:30, 7, 7:30, (9:50, 10:20 Fri-Wed only)

ROMEO AND JULIET (BROADWAY HD) (NR) Cinemagic Thurs: 7 p.m. Solomon Pond Thurs: 7:30 Worcester North Thurs: 7 p.m. THAT AWKWARD MOMENT (R) Blackstone Thurs: 11:50, 2:20, 5, 7:25, 10:05, Fri-Wed: 12, 2:30, 5, 7:50, 10:25, 12:35 a.m.

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12, 2:35, 4:55, 7:35, 10:20,

{ filmtimes }

THE MONUMENTS MEN (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 1:05, 3:45, 6:55, 9:55, FriWed: 12:50, 3:50, 6:55, 9:35, 12:10 a.m.

Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:40, 2:15, 4:50, 7:25,

THE NUT JOB (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 11:25, 1:35, Fri-Wed: 11:15,

THE FIFTH ESTATE (R) Holy Cross Wed: 3, 8

11:40, 2:10, 5:05 Westborough Thurs: 12:20, 2:50, 5:10, (7:20 Thurs only) Worcester North Thurs: 12:30, 2:50, 5, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 2:45, 5


THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE (PG-13) Elm Thurs: 7:30 Worcester North Thur: 4:35, 7:55, Fri-Wed: 7:10, 10:20

THE INVISIBLE WOMAN (R) Worcester North Fri-Wed: 1, 4, 6:45 THE LEGO MOVIE (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 11:45, 12:15, 2:10, 2:40, 4:35, 5:05, 7:15, 7:45, 9:45, 10:15, Fri-Wed: 11:50, 12:20, 2:20, 2:50, 4:50, 5:20, 6:45, 7:15, 9:45, 12:15 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs: 11:30, 2, 7, Fri-Wed: 11:30, 2, 2:15, 4:30, 4:45, 7, 9:20, 9:40 Solomon Pond Thurs: 1, 3:50, 7, 9:45, Fri-Wed: 12, 12:50, 2:30, 3:40, 5, 7:30, 10 Westborough Thurs-Wed: 12, 2:30, 5, 7:30, 9:55 Worcester North Thurs: 12, 2:25, 4:55, 7:20, (9:45 Fri-Wed only)

THE LEGO MOVIE 3D (PG) Blackstone (reserved seating) Thurs: 11:15, 1:40, 4:05, Fri-Wed: 11:20, 1:50, 4:20

Blackstone Thurs: 6:45, 9:15, Fri-Wed: 7:45,

Night & Day

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:20, 1:10, 3:40, 4:20, 6:50, 7:40, 9:40, 10:10, Fri-Wed: 12:10, 12:55, 3:55, 4:40, 7:05, 8, 10:05 Westborough Thurs-Wed: 12:35, 3:35, 7:10, 10 Worcester North Thurs-Wed: 12:45, 3:40, 7:05, (9:55 Fri-Wed only)

Fri-Wed: 1:05, 4:55, 7:50, 10:20 Westborough Thurs: 9:35 Worcester North Thurs: 6:40, Fri-Wed: 6:35, 9:40

THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG Elm Fri: 7, Sat: 3, 7, Sun: 4, 7:30, Tues, Wed:

City Desk




Adv. Tix on Sale POMPEII

THE NUT JOB 3D (PG) Solomon Pond Thurs: 2:20, 4:35

WINTER'S TALE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1220 330) 710 955

THE PAST (LE PASSE) (PG-13) Worcester North Fri-Wed: 1:05, 3:55, 6:45, 9:35

ENDLESS LOVE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri.(100) 410 720 1010 Sat. - Sun.100 410 720 1010 Mon. - Thu.(100) 410 720 1010

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (R) Blackstone Thurs: 11:40, 3:25, 7:10 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:05, 3:35 Westborough Thurs: 12:05, 3:10 Worcester North Thurs-Wed: 12:40, 4:20, 8 VAMPIRE ACADEMY (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:05, 2:35, 5:10, 7:55, 10:25, Fri-Wed: 9:15, 11:40 Cinemagic Thurs: 11:45, 2:10, 4:30, 7:10, 9:40, Fri-Wed: 2:20, 7:15 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:55, 3:55, 7:20, 10:15, Fri-Wed: 4:25, 10:25 Westborough Thurs: 12:50, 4:05, 7:25, 10:10, Fri-Wed: 3:50, 9:25 Worcester North Thurs: 12:05, 2:40, 5:10, 7:50, Fri-Wed: 10 p.m.

WINTER’S TALE (PG-13) Blackstone Fri-Wed: 1:40, 4:25, 7:10, 10, 12:20

WINTER'S TALE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1245 345) 715 1005 ENDLESS LOVE [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1210) 405 725 950 ABOUT LAST NIGHT [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.(1255) 400 740 1010

ROBOCOP [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1135 1240 220 350) 420 700 740 950 1020

ROBOCOP [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1240 340) 705 955

MONUMENTS MEN [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sat.(1210 1255 355) 440 705 800 1005 Sun.(1210 355) 500 705 800 1005

VAMPIRE ACADEMY [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Wed.(350 PM) 925 PM Thu.(350 PM)

MONUMENTS MEN [CC,DV] (PG-13) Mon. - Wed.(1210 1255 355) 440 705 800 1005 Thu.(1210 1255 355) 440 800


LEGO [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1200 1250 230 340) 500 730 1000 LEGO [CC,DV] (PG) Mon. - Thu.(1200 1250 230 340) 500 730 1000

Fri. - Thu.1000 PM

MONUMENTS MEN [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1235 335) 710 1000 MONUMENTS MEN [CC,DV] (PG-13) Mon. - Thu.(1235 335) 710 1000

VAMPIRE ACADEMY [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.425 PM 1025 PM

LEGO IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(1230 300) 530 700 930

LEGO IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(1130 200) 430 645 930

LEGO [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1200 230) 500 730 955

THAT AWKWARD MOMENT [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.(105) 455 750 1020

LEGO [CC,DV] (PG) Mon. - Thu.(1200 230) 500 730 955 THE NUT JOB [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Thu.(1220 PM 250 PM) 510 PM




THE NUT JOB [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Thu.(1140 AM 210 PM) 505 PM

Fri. - Thu.935 PM

Solomon Pond Fri-Wed: 12:20, 3:30, 7:10, 9:55 Westborough Fri-Wed: 12:45, 3:45, 7:15, 10:05 Worcester North Fri-Wed: 1:20, 4:50, 7:35, 10:25

RIDE ALONG [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1230 345) 745 1030

Looking for your favorite theater and don’t see it listed? Email editor@worcestermag.com and we’ll do our best to include it in the coming weeks.

AMERICAN HUSTLE [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.725 PM 945 PM

Blackstone Valley Cinema de Lux 70 Worcester/Providence Turnpike, Millbury 800-315-4000 Cinema 320 at Clark University, Jefferson Academic Center 950 Main St.; Cinemagic, 100 Charlton Rd., Sturbridge 508-347-3609 Elm Draught House Cinema, 35 Elm St., Millbury 508-865-2850 Holy Cross Seelos Theater, 1 College St. 508-793-2455 Regal Solomon Pond Stadium 591 Donald Lynch Blvd., Marlborough 508-229-8871 Regal Westborough Stadium 231 Turnpike Rd., Westborough 508-366-6257 Showcase Worcester North, 135 Brooks St. 508-852-2944 The Strand Theatre, 58 High St., Clinton 978-365-5500 Worcester Public Library (WPL) Saxe Room, 3 Salem Sq.

GUNDAY (NR) Fri. - Thu.(1205 PM 310 PM) 755 PM

ABOUT LAST NIGHT [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.(1245) 405 705 940


Wed: 11:30, 2, 4:30, 6:45, 9:30 Westborough Thurs-Wed: 12:30, 3, 5:30, 7, 9:30 Worcester North Thurs: 1:55, 4:25, 6:50, FriWed: 1:55, 4:25, 6:55, 9:20

City Guides

Cinemagic Thurs: 11:30, 1:40, 4, 7:10 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:05, 7:15, 9:35, Fri-Wed:

Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:20, 1:55, 4:30, 7:10,

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12, 2:30, 5, 7:30, 10, Fri-


Breaking News | Updated Daily

Cinemagic Thurs: 4:30, 9:30, Fri-Wed: 11:45,




LONE SURVIVOR [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.735 PM 1015 PM

PHILOMENA [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1145 AM 205 PM) 715 PM FROZEN [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Thu.(1150 225) 400 650 ROMEO & JULIET ON BROADWAY (NR) Sun.200 PM ROYAL BALLET: SWAN LAKE (NR)

Thu.700 PM

LONE SURVIVOR [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.720 PM 1005 PM AMERICAN HUSTLE [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Wed.(1225 330) 645 950 Thu.(1225 PM 330 PM) 645 PM PHILOMENA [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Wed.(1250 PM) 650 PM Thu.(1250 PM) FROZEN [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Thu.(1215 240) 505 735 POMPEII IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] THURSDAY (PG-13) No Passes

Thu.1000 PM

3 DAYS TO KILL [CC,DV] - THURSDAY (PG-13) Thu.800 PM 1035 PM




night day

Thai Time


{ dining}

FOOD ★★★★1/2 AMBIENCE ★★★ SERVICE ★★★★ VALUE ★★★★ 107 Highland St., Worcester • 508.756.7267 • thaitimeworcester.com

Authentic Thai restaurant moves into Worcester

staple, are simple, fresh and generous. The cool wrappers encase rice noodles, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, basil and chicken, and the accompanying peanut sauce adds sweetness and a touch of spice. Tom yum with shrimp is Thailand’s signature soup, believed by Thais to confer health benefits. It’s tart and savory, flavored with lemongrass, lime and chilies; small shrimp float happily amidst mushrooms and chunks of tomato in the aromatic broth. Som tam is a famously fiery salad of shredded green (unripe) papaya pounded with chilies, garlic, lime, sugar, fish sauce and other ingredients. The version here focuses on the papaya and is moderated for the western palate while still capturing the crunchy, spicy, tart gestalt of the dish. As is traditional in Northeastern Thailand, it’s served with sticky rice, a glutinous variety that helps quell the flames and is meant to be eaten with the hands. Larb gai, called “chicken salad� on the menu, is another flavorful dish from Thailand’s Northeastern region. Ground chicken is mixed with lime, chili, fish sauce, fresh herbs and toasted rice powder, which binds the dish and gives it a bit of crunchy substance. Served at room temperature with cucumbers and lettuce, it’s a great shared

Marc Cochon

Last fall, the proprietors of Thai Time, a popular Clinton restaurant, opened a second branch on Highland Street in Worcester. Occupying the storefront spaces that were formerly Tortilla Sam’s, Thai Time is a welcome addition to the city, serving up the most authentic-tasting Thai food Worcester has seen to date. Catering to American habits, the menu is comprised mostly of dishes that serve as a meal for one. However, it’s more fun to eat Thai style, sharing a variety of dishes among a tableful of diners. Either way, the flavors at Thai Time are bright, the ingredients fresh, and the service welcoming. Soft spring rolls, an iconic Southeast Asian

starter or a meal in itself. Thai curries, which differ considerably from Indian curries, come in many varieties, usually called by their characteristic colors and always served with steamed rice. Duck with red curry is a classic combination, and Thai Time’s version is a winner. The duck is meaty and crispy, the curry sauce complex and rich with coconut milk. Green curry with chicken, another standard, is also delicious, the spicy sauce napping tender breast meat. Each curry has a nice balance of protein, crisp bamboo shoots and colorful, fresh vegetables. Drunken noodles is a Chinese-influenced

dish with wide rice noodles that have been stir-fried with ground chicken, vegetables, soy sauce, chili and basil. The sauce is very flavorful and complex, the noodles silky and comforting. On a menu full of tempting choices, it may be my favorite dish. Chicken with basil combines garlic and chili zing with savory basil, ground chicken, vegetables and sweet oyster sauce to great effect. This stir-fry, common to Central Thailand, goes exceptionally well with steamed rice. Topped with a fried egg, it becomes a dish called Thai Time Special. Another appealing dish is spicy fish (pla rad prik), a generous boneless filet that’s been deftly deep fried and topped with sweet and spicy chili sauce and flash-fried basil. Prices are moderate; appetizers are mostly around $6, lunch entrees average $8 to $10, and dinner choices range from $9 to $17. Thai Time is BYOB with a $2 per person service charge, which helps to keep the bill low. Service is characteristically Thai, meaning friendly and attentive, and dishes are beautifully presented. While Thai food can be prepared on the mild side, requests for a more authentic version are cheerfully accommodated. Just smile and say “ginn pet, dai!� and they’ll treat you like family.

Fall in Love with PEPPERCORN’S again ... ZKWZVŸ[ M X X M 8

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• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

455 Park Ave., Worcester 508-752-7711 epeppercorns.com o om Mon-Fri 11:30 am - 10 pm | Sat 12 pm - 10 pm | Sun 10 am m - 9 pm

JOIN US FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH & OUR BLOODY BAR Every Sunday, 10am-2pm, Tavern only or Take out

night day




The Sweetest of Rolls ... Worcester’s sweet potato tempura rolls

ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER An all-you-can-eat breakfast with pancakes, scrambled

Elle Durkin

Brittany Durgin

eggs, sausage, French toast, hot chocolate, orange juice and coffee will be served at the Masonic Hall in Uxbridge on Sunday, Feb. 23, from 7-11:30 a.m. Breakfast

is $6 per person and a raffle will be available. Proceeds from ticket sales will benefit the Uxbridge First Holiday Night Celebration, to be held on Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014. All proceeds from the raffle will benefit the Blackstone Valley Masons. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Masonic hall, Court Street, Uxbridge.

At Wong Dynasty, the restaurant seems to part in half at the front door. To the right is a lounge area, blacks and dark browns popping with bright colors. To the left is a corridor leading to an impossibly bright and bland family dining hall, large and square and uncomfortably open; everyone seems to be eating dinner together, so visible are all of the other dining parties.

Wong Dynasty

176 Reservoir St., Holden 508-829-2188 wongdynasty-yankeegrill.com FOOD ★★★★1/2 AMBIENCE ★★1/2 SERVICE ★★★★★ VALUE ★★★★★

Once the food comes, however, it easily attracts all of the attention away from the vast room. My sweet potato tempura rolls, six for only $3.75, were fluffy and satisfying to eat. Each bite tasted very complete, without any of the separation of layers sushi can fall victim to. Even experimenting by biting the roll in half vertically did not undo the marriage of sweet potato to nori to rice. And the rice, light and soft, felt like a fresh bowl of rice rather than the harder, grainier feel often imparted onto rice when it is adhered to nori. The sweet potato was crispy but still fresh, still succulent. The tempura was a crispy trim along the potato. It was reminiscent, despite not being relatable in terms of flavor, to crisped rice inside a candy bar, lending only that punchiness, hardly touching, never mind drowning out the flavor of the roll. And atop the six rolls was a tasteful drizzling of that sweet sauce so harmonious to the taste of the roll. Barely there but always noticed by the tongue, the sauce didn’t encroach or oversaturate. Even the ginger served with the roll, while initially looking a bit sparing, turned out to be just the ideal amount, and full of fine fresh, crisp flavor. The quality of this roll combined with its price make for an outstanding value.

BITES continued on page 30

Impress your Guests Impress your Family Impress Yourself Lunch Buffet Thursday and Fridays!

Join us for Restaurant Week! February 24 - March 8 Enjoy a three-course dinner for only $23.14 Free Valet Friday & Saturday Nights 281 Main St., Worcester 508-762-9501 ritualworcester.com minutes from The Hanover Theatre, DCU Center and Mechanics Hall

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Ed Hyder’s

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edhyders.com Find us on Facebook • Follow on Instagram @edhyders FEBRUARY 13, 2014 • WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM


night day



BITES ... nom, nom, nom continued from page 29

COOKING WITH CELEBRATION BEER SUPERFOODS TASTING Feasting on SuperFoods, a workshop on cooking Join Worcester Local First as it celebrates the

with superfoods, will be held at Tower Hill Botanic Garden on Sunday, Feb. 23, from 12-2 p.m. Chef Liz Barbour will demonstrate how to combine and prepare highly-nutritious ingredients to create super-healthy recipes and meals. Participants will taste two different meals. Cost is $30 for members and $45 for nonmembers. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston. towerhillbg. org.


A Super Sprout Micro Greens Pizza cooking class will be held at Tower Hill Botanic Garden on Tuesday, February 18, from 1-2 p.m. Participants will learn about and plant their own mini sprout gardens that are able to flourish all year and how to used the greens that are packed with nutrients in making pizza. Cost of the class is $10 for members or $12 for nonmembers. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston. towerhillbg.org.



recent restaurant expansion at Armsby Abbey and the opening of CRUST Bakeshop with a beer tasting at Armsby Abbey on Monday, Feb. 24, from 5:30-8 p.m. Participants will sample an assortment of local farmstead cheeses, freshbaked breads from CRUST and four craft beers. Owner of Armsby Abbey and CRUST, Alec Lopez, will be at the event leading the group through the beer tasting and speaking about what makes each craft beer unique. Cost is free for members and $5 for nonmembers. Armsby Abbey, 144 Main St., Worcester.


CRUST Bakeshop, at 118 Main Street, is now officially open. Coffee, fresh breads, muffins and other baked goods are for sale at the shop. Located near Armsby Abbey, and under the same ownership, CRUST prides itself in being an extension of the restaurant, selling artisan foods and drink. Visit

• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

CRUST Bakeshop, 118 Main St., Worcester. Crustbakeshop.com

BREWING CO. MOVES INTO MASS Beginning next week, Coronado Brewing Company (CBC) of Colorado will make its craft beer available to retailers and beer fans of Central Massachusetts. CBC has been brewing “abundantly hoppy West Coast-style ales” since 1996. CBC beers can be found in 13 states across the US and in addition to the company’s brew pub in Colorado, a tasting room as newly built at its San Diego production facility last year. The newlyformed partnership between Coronado and Massachusetts Beverage Alliance will bring Rick Chapman, Coronado Brewing cofounder, to local liquor stores and restaurants to help launch the beer next week, beginning Monday, Feb. 17. Scheduled events include a meet and greet with Rick Chapman and Coronado sampling on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 4 p.m. at Julio’s Liquors in Westborough; Coronado Brewing pint night on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 7 p.m. at Rail Trail Flatbread Co. in Hudson. coronadobrewingcompany.com.


night day



Raising a glass to wine everywhere

Duckhorn Dynasty


PANCAKES AT THE FARM Heifer International hosts its annual series of Pancakes at the Farm events Saturday and Sundays,

March 1-9, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Guests will be served a breakfast of pancakes, locally-made maple syrup and a side of Heifer Farm pork sausage. Tours of the farm will also be given, providing guests an opportunity to see first hand the farm’s sugaring operation and its Global Village. Tickets to the event are $12 for adults and $6 for children 3-10; children 2 and younger are free. Reservations are required and can be made by calling 508-886-2221. Heifer International, 216 Wachusett St., Rutland. Heifer.org/farm.

Al Vuona

or those of you who love reality television, I’m sure you’ve become big fans of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty” series that portrays the lives of the Robertson family, who became wealthy from their family-operated business, Duck Commander. I must admit duck hunting is not one of my avocations but you can’t argue with success. However, I do know of another example of reality that just happens to be about a winemaking family. In 1975 Dan and Margaret Duckhorn founded Duckhorn Vineyards in Napa, California. For more than 30 years Duckhorn Vineyards has established itself as one of North America’s premier producers of bordeaux varietal wines, especially merlot. Though merlot is considered a blending grape, Dan Duckhorn felt that this elegant varietal was under appreciated in North America. “I liked the softness, the seductiveness, the color,” says Dan Duckhorn. He became a big fan of Merlot after traveling to St. Emilion and Pomerol in France. His philosophy was simply that merlot went with a lot of different foods; it wasn’t so bold, didn’t need to age as long as cabernet, and it had a nice texture to it. Today, their merlots grace some of the finest restaurants and wine shops across the country. I recently had the opportunity to sample the 2010 Three Palms merlot. This wine, considered by many to be Duckhorn’s flagship, is intense. It exhibits a saturated dark purple color with vibrant flavors of red and black fruits and a hint of oak. The finish is soft and silky smooth. It retails for about $90 and for die-hard fans of merlot, this is a must try wine. The winery itself was sold in 2007 but continues to turn out marvelous wine. At the same time, New Zealand native and winemaker Bill Nancarrow was named executive winemaker for Duckhorn. He has continued the tradition set forth by Dan and Margaret in a seamless fashion. In addition to merlot, Duckhorn produces other varietals such as cabernet, OF THE WEEK sauvignon blanc and cabernet franc. Chalone Estate So if you’re looking for a dose of reality then perhaps a fine wine from the Duckhorn dynasty might just be the Chardonnay 2011, answer. California $24





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• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

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night day &

{ listings}

music >Thursday 13

>Friday 14

Dub Apocalypse. 21 plus. $6 tickets at the door only. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. February African Music Series. For every Thursday in February, Gallery of African Art and Coffeelands Cafe will be showcasing a variety of musicians specializing in and inspired by traditional African Music. Balla Kouyate | Balafon. At 6 p.m., featured musicians will be giving lecture/demonstrations at Gallery of African Art. 7-8:30 Music Performances at Coffeelands Cafe, 50 High St., Clinton. Free. 6 to 8:30 p.m. Gallery of African Art, 62 High St., Clinton. 978-265-4345. Assumption College HumanArts Event: Harpsichord Series-Suzanne Cartreine. Free. noon-1 p.m. Assumption College Chapel of The Holy Spirit Community Room, 500 Salisbury St. assumption.edu/humanarts. Jay Graham. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Square, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Open Mic Night w/ Host Ed Sheridan. Advance registration not required. Come share your gift! No Cover. 8-11 p.m. Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Audio Wasabi. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Every OTHER Thursday with HOT LETTER, Oh Hey Bear, Funk For Now and Luke Jarret. $5. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/HotLetter. Sean Fullerton. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Blueprint New American Bar & Grill, 9 Village Square, Westminster. 978-668-5580. College Night Featuring DJ Danny Fly. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Industry Bar Room, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. Open Mic Night Just plug in and play. 9-11 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Organic Chemistry Organ Trio. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Temarius, Left Hand Blue, Escape Pod, and Bernie’s Garage. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. Thirsty Thursday with DJ Matty J. DJ Matty J helps you get the weekend started early with old school jams, club remixes, HD videos



and Karaoke! No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. Dan Burke and the Royal Treatment. 21+. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. Heather Marie Ralston. 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 WATER ST., 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Peter Sulski: JS Bach The Complete Solo String Works, Part six. For more information, call our Estabrook office at 508-7937356. Free. Noon-1 p.m. Clark University: John and Kay Basset Vistors Center, 1 Maywood St. Dana Lewis Live! 5:30-8 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208. Music On Main. Free. 5:30-7 p.m. Straight Up Cafe, 795 Main St. 508-217-4450 or worcesterchambermusic.org. Open Mic. Open to musicians, poets, comedians or anyone with a talent! Hosted by Patrick McCarthy. 6:30-9 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-926-8800 or nucafe.com/events. Bob Thompson. Free. 7-9:30 p.m. Mill Church Cafe, 45 River St Millbury MA, Millbury. 508-865-1517 or millchurch.org. Seven Hills Symphony Winter Concert. Free/Donations Appreciated. 7:30-9 p.m. University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center - University Campus: Aaron Lazare Medical Research Building, Ground Floor, 364 Plantation St. 508-799-4461 or shsymphony.org. Valentine’s Day Bash! Opener: Far From Eden. Headliner: Lisa Marie - blues singer & All Shook Up. $5. 7:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Jillian’s Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. A Faylene Sky, Deception of a Ghost, It Lies Within and MORE. This is a 21+ Event. Please purchase tickets off of one of the local bands performing. Kerrigan, Shred of Salvation, or Promise of Fire. $8 in Advance/$10 at the Door. 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 413-240-8784 or truentertainmentandpromotions.com. Bellevue Cadillac Valentine’s Day Ball. $25 advance; $30 day of show. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-425-4311 or tickets.bullrunrestaurant.com. Chad Clements. 8-11:30 p.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. JAZZ: Dale LePage and the Manhattans: My Funny Valentine. $20 general public; students & seniors $19; members $17; children under 12 $10. 8-11 p.m. Amazing Things Art Center, 160 Hollis St., Framingham. 508-405-2787 or amazingthings.org. Valentines Day MASSACRE with 6 Metal Bands! Deception Of A Ghost (MI), A Faylene Sky (RI), It Lies Within (MI), Kerrigan (MA), Shred Of Salvation (RI), Promise Of Fire (CT). GET TIX HERE:truentertainmentandpromotio ns.com/feb142014.html. You do not want to miss this show! Featuring: Deception of a Ghost, A Faylene Sky, It Lies Within, KERRIGAN. $8 ADV/ $12 DOOR. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-3631888 or facebook.com/events/164865253724767. Strumburgh. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Blueprint New American Bar & Grill, 9 Village Square, Westminster. 978-668-5580. “Ladies of the Valentine, a Parade of Song” with Nat Needle on Piano! $5 Cover. $5 Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. BILL McCARTHY. Free. 9 p.m.-midnight Lakeside Bar & Grille, 97 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury. 508-425-3543. Nuzzy. $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W. Boylston St. 508853-1350. Tension. JJ’s welcomes Tension to its stage for the first time! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. The Ramm Jamm. Free. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. 3-G’s Sports Bar, The Music Room, 152 Millbury St. 508-754-3516. Babe Pino Band. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Max Courtney. 9:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. The Grey Hound Pub, 139 Water St. 508-754-6100. DJ One-3. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263.

• FEBRUARY 13, 2014

Friday Night Dance Party with DJ Blackout. No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. Supernova Friday. $10 (18+). 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Bar FX, 90 Commercial St. 774-823-3555 or facebook.com/barfx.worcester.3. DJ Music Master Sound. 11 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353.

>Saturday 15

Chris Reddy Solo Acoustic - Narragansett Promo. 3-5 p.m. The Outlook Restaurant, 79 Powers Road, Westford. Pete Towler. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Beatles For Sale the Tribute. $10 donation at the door, or in advance by calling the mayor’s office at 978-534-7500 or email ward5rickmarchand@gmail.com. 7-9 p.m. John R. Tata Auditorium, 25 West St., Leominster. Dana Lewis LIVE! No Cover. 7-10 p.m. Nancy’s Quaker Tavern, 466 Quaker Hgwy (Route146a), Uxbridge. 508-779-0901. Cafe’ con Dios. Donation. 7:30-10 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, Main Auditorium, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn. 508-579-6722. Dean Richardson. $4 suggested donation. 7:30-10 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, !Cafe con Dios!, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn. 508-832-5044. BLUES: Sugar Ray and the Bluetones. $20 general public; students & seniors $19; members $17; children under 12 $10. 8-11 p.m. Amazing Things Art Center, 160 Hollis St., Framingham. 508-405-2787. Fennario - Grateful Dead Tribute. 21+. $8 Ticket. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. Members of Fear Nuttin Band and D.P.R. “THE PART TIME REGULARS” and more. $7. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/ parttimeregulars. Orpheus Reunion. $46 advance; $50 day of show. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 978-4254311 or tickets.bullrunrestaurant.com. Scott Babineau. 8-11:30 p.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Doctor Robert. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Square, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Linda Dagnello Jazz Quintet. 8:30 p.m.-midnight Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. 9Teen. $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508853-1350. BILL McCARTHY. Free. 9 p.m.-midnight Admiral T. J. O’Briens, 407 Main St., Sturbridge. 508-347-2838. Preacher Roe, Endation, Mellow Bravo, Burd,. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Tony Soul Project - Women Of Soul. No cover. 9 p.m.-midnight JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-8428420 or tonysoulproject.com. Beach Party with Tom Revane. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Dj Reckless. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. House / EDM Dance Party with DJ Kartier. No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. Real Cool Cats Trio. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035. DJ Music Master Sound. 11 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353.

>Sunday 16

Sunday Brunch w/Chet Williamson. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. One for the Road. 4-8 p.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100.


“Lisa Kessler: Seeing Pink” Friday, February 14, 8-10 a.m. Cost: Free Fitchburg State University, Hammond Hall, 160 Pearl St., Fitchburg A photographic exploration into the idea of the color pink, covering the ways it stands as a representation of love, eccentricity and power to its status as a gender-marker. Valentine’s Day Bash! Friday, February 14, 7:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Cost: $5 Jillian’s Worcester, 315 Grove St., Worcester Live music that includes performances from opening act Far From Eden and headliner Lisa Marie & All Shook Up! Great fun for adult and college-aged audiences. Ladies of the Valentine: A Love Parade of Song Friday, February 14, 9 p.m. Cost: $5 Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St., Worcester An ensemble of female soloists singing the most popular love songs with Nat Needle on piano accompaniment. Bellevue Cadillac Valentine’s Day Ball Friday, February 14, 8-11 p.m. Cost: $25 advance, $30 day of show Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Rd., Shirley Bellevue Cadillac will be performing selections from Hot Jazz, Delta Blues, Doo Wop, Philly Soul, R&B and Kansas City Jump, among others. Moonlight Snowshoeing Adult Winter Hike Friday, February 14, 7-9:00 p.m. Cost: $6 adult members, $8 adult nonmembers, snowshoes: $2/hr for members, $4/hr non-members Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary, 113 Goodnow Rd., Princeton A romantic, moonlit snowshoeing experience through the winter woods at the Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary. Pre-hike hot chocolate is provided. “You Are Here” Friday, February 14, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: Free with museum admission (Museum admission is free for members, $14/adult, $12/seniors, $12/college students, and free for kids under 17) Worcester Art Museum, Contemporary Gallery, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester An exhibit featuring art from several contemporary artists that reimagines the human body and its boundaries through jewelry, architecture, apparel and digitally converted DNA profiles. Heather Marie Ralston Friday, February 14, 7:30-10:30 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St., Worcester A night of acoustic performance by local musician, Heather Marie. Chocolate, the Perfect Drug Saturday, February 15, 1-2 p.m. Cost: Free with price of admission Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Dr., Boylston A cooking class that explores the biochemical reactions that chocolate produces in the brain. Presenter Mike Cross will teach the correct ways to taste chocolate for quality and the ways to best enjoy it. Pottery + 1 Date Night Saturday, February 15, 4-7 p.m. Cost: $79 (registration is for two people) Worcester Center For Crafts, 25 Sagamore Rd., Worcester Learn to use a potter’s wheel to form pots, bowls, and mugs with a friend or significant other. Practice, decorate and fire clay creations under instructor’s guidance. Sweet treats and coffee are provided.


One Billion Rising Dance Party Friday, February 14, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Cost: $5 suggested donation Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St., Worcester Dance party featuring DJ iamtheprocess to benefit VDAY Worcester. Lights Out DJ Public Skate Friday, February 14, 8-9:50 p.m. Cost: $5, rental skates are an additional $5 Buffone Skating Arena, 284 Lake Ave., Worcester A lights-out public skate event for pre-teens to adults with a live DJ, video screen, two hours of music and laser light show. “Works in Progress: From Print to Proof” Friday, Feb. 14, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: free with museum admission (Museum admission is free for members, $14/adult, $12/seniors, $12/college students, and free for kids under 17) Worcester Art Museum, 55 Salisbury St., Worcester An interesting exhibition that explores printmaking techniques spanning three centuries and two continents as well as the process of making graphic impressions. Next to completed works will hang materials, such as wood blocks, proofs, sketches and plates that are used in the printmaking process. Liberace! Thursday-Friday, February 13-14, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Cost: $18, $15 for students and seniors Calliope Productions, Inc., 150 Main St., Boylston A highly entertaining tribute to the glitz and glam musician and performer, Liberace. Starring John Leslie, this production features a piano score that spans such classics as Chopin and Rachmaninoff. Peter Sulski: JS Bach, The Complete Solo Writing Works, Part 6 Friday, February 14, 12-1 p.m. Clark University, John and Kay Basset Visitors Center, 1 Maywood St., Worcester Peter Sulski, seven-year member of the London Symphony Orchestra and faculty violin/viola/cello teacher at Clark University and Holy Cross, will put on an hour-long solo performance. Meet Worcester’s Bravehearts! Saturday, February 15, 2-3 p.m. Cost: free, $2 for skating Worcester Common, behind City Hall, 455 Main St., Worcester Come and meet the members of Worcester’s newest baseball team! Public skating is open at the Common during and after the event. The Vagina Monologues Worcester Saturday, February 15 at 7 p.m.; Sunday, February 16 at 3 p.m. Cost: $7 at the door Girls Inc. of Worcester, 125 Providence St., Worcester Performance of “The Vagina Monologues” to benefit Girls Inc. of Worcester and V-Day Global Projects. Silent Film: Spite Marriage with Buster Keaton Sunday, February 16, 5:30 p.m. Cost: $5 Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St., Worcester A silent film, romantic comedy fun for the whole family. Free popcorn! Cartoons begin at 4:30 p.m., movie starts at 5:30 p.m. Alton Brown – The Edible Inevitable Tour Saturday, February 15, 8-10 p.m. Cost: $35, $45 or $55/ticket The Hanover Theater, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester A two-hour show hosted by Food Network celebrity, Alton Brown, featuring stand-up comedy, food experimentation, audience interaction and live music fit for the whole family.

night day &

Big Jon Short - solo acoustic country blues. Free. 5-8 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Silent Sundays feature “Spite Marriage” with Buster Keaton at 5:30 p.m.! $5 Cover, then Andy Cummings at 8:30 p.m. $5 Cover. 5:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Jim’s Blues Jam at Greendales. Each week has a first rate feature performer, followed by an open mike segment. Host Jim Perry keeps things rolling. No cover. 6-10 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. OPEN MIC SUNDAYS AT PERFECT GAME WITH BILL McCARTHY. To check the schedules and open slots visit: Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World on Facebook. Free! 6:30-10:30 p.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263 or m.facebook.com/groups/209610855806788?ref=bookma rk&__user=578549000. President’s Eve KARAOKE! and Sunday Fun Day with dominos, pong, bags and more. No cover. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or Theluckydogmusichall.com. Sunday Funday Karaoke with DJ Matty J. No cover charge. 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597.

>Monday 17

Country Music Mondays-Pete Towler. Free. 7:30-10:30 a.m. Travel Destination Blue Mondays - Live Blues. 7-10 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Driftin’ Sam Politz at 7 p.m.; then Karaoke at 9 p.m.! 7 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Open: Worcester. 21+. Doors open at 6 p.m. Open mic, and open decks. Free. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. Bop & Pop Jazz Organization. Classic Hammond Organ Quartet grooves every Monday night at the Dive. Free. 9 p.m.-midnight Dive Bar, 34 Green St. facebook.com/BopNPopJazzOrganization.

>Tuesday 18

Tuesday Blues. 21+ $3. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-7990629. Jim and Linda Duncan: Dueling Pian and Hammond Organ. Free. 2-3 p.m. Briarwood Continuing Care Retirement Community: Birches Auditorium, 65 Briarwood Circle. TUESDAY OPEN MIC NIGHT! To check the schedules and open slots visit: Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World on Facebook. Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-8531350 or m.facebook.com/groups/209610855806788?ref=bookma rk&__user=578549000. Songwriter’s Open Forum! 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. C.U.Next Tuesday! Tunes in the Diner with DJ Poke Smot and Special Guests every Tuesday Night! No cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. ELECTRIC TUESDAYS are back at The Lucky Dog (always 21+). Worcester, MA’s longest running DJ & live electronic night bringing you the biggest names and the deepest bass week after week! WOMP. Free before 11 p.m. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/electrictuesdays.

>Wednesday 19

WEDNESDAY NIGHT OPEN MIC. To check the schedules and open slots visit: Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World on Facebook. Free! 7:30-10:30 p.m. Guiseppe’s Grille, 35 Solomon Pond Road, Northborough. 508-393-4405 or m.facebook.com/groups/2096108558 06788?ref=bookmark&__user=578549000. Karaoke. Karaoke by Star Sound Entertainment 8 p.m.-midnight Dark Horse Tavern, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. 508-764-1100. Wacky Wednesday Open mic Jam with Mark. Come down

and sign up to jam with Mark 8-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Wednesday: Karaoke night. 8-11 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Karaoke. Come down to Jillian’s of Worcester for Karaoke every Wednesday night! Wednesdays at Jillian’s is also Ladies Night which means all ladies, eat and play for Free. Free. 8:30-1:30 p.m. Jillian’s Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. Woo Town Wednesdays. Free show with THAT RACKET and more. A few dudes makin’ some God Damned noise. Free. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/ThatRacketOfficial. AriBand! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Ricky Duran. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place. 508-459-9035.


ArtsWorcester, Nature In Translation: Recent Works by Anne Harris and Laurie McCrohon, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through March 15; Tenth Annual College Show Opening Reception, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through March 15. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday - Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Fre. 660 Main St. 508-755-5142 or artsworcester.org. Asa Waters Mansion, Admission: $3 for guided tour $7-10 for tea. 123 Elm St., Millbury. 508-865-0855 or asawaters.org. Clark University: University Gallery, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, noon-8 p.m. Wednesday, noon-5 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. 950 Main St. 508-793-7349 or 508-7937113 or clarku.edu. Clark’s Cafe and Art On Rotation Gallery, Hours: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday - Saturday. Admission: Free for galler. 310 High St., Clinton. 978-549-5822 or 978-365-7772 or aorgallery.com. College of the Holy Cross: Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday. 1 College St. 508-793-3356 or holycross.edu/ departments/cantor/website. Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 or danforthmuseum.org. EcoTarium, Animals Without Passports, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through May 4; Daisy Days: Incredible Critters, Thursday; Science + You, Through April 27. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday Saturday. Admission: $14 adults; $8 for children ages 2-18, $10 college students with IDs & senior citizens. Children under 2 & EcoTarium members Free. Additional charges apply for Tree Canopy Walkway, Explorer Express Train, planetarium programs & other special progra. 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2700 or ecotarium.org. Fitchburg Art Museum, Hours: noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, noon-4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 25 Merriam Parkway, Fitchburg. 978-345-4207 or fitchburgartmuseum.org. Fitchburg Historical Society, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m.-midnight Wednesday, closed Thursday - Saturday. 50 Grove St., Fitchburg. 978-345-1157 or fitchburghistory. fsc.edu. Fitchburg State University: Hammond Hall, Lisa Kessler: Seeing Pink, Mondays, through March 28. 160 Pearl St., Fitchburg. fitchburgstate.edu. Fruitlands Museum, 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard. 978-4563924 or fruitlands.org. Funky Stuff, 11am-7pm Tues-Sat. Bringing the funk to Worcester through Fine Art, Jewelry, Clothing, Furniture, Antiques, and Collectables. We support local art, and we think you should too! 97C Webster St., Worcester. 508-755-5463. Gallery of African Art, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Donations

{ listings}

accepted. 62 High St., Clinton. 978-265-4345 or 978-598-5000x12 or galleryofafricanart.org. Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 414 Massasoit Ave. 508-753-6087 or massaudubon.org. Museum of Russian Icons, Secret Symbolism: Decoding Color in Russian Icons, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through March 1; Series of One Icon Exhibits, Through June 20. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 11-3 a.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 11-3 a.m. Friday, 9-3 a.m. Saturday. Admission: Adults $7, Seniors (59 and over) $5, Students (with ID) & children (3-17) $2, Children under 3 Free, Groups (any age) $. 203 Union St., Clinton. 978598-5000 or 978-598-5000x17 or museumofrussianicons.org. Old Sturbridge Village, Admission: $7 - $20 charged by age. Children under 3 free. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge. 800733-1830 or 508-347-3362 or osv.org. Rollstone Studios, Hours: 11-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. Admission: fre. 633 Main St., Fitchburg. 978-348-2781 or rollstoneartists.com. Salisbury Mansion, Hours: closed Sunday - Wednesday, 1-8:30 p.m. Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 40 Highland St. 508-7538278 or worcesterhistory.org. SAORI Worcester Freestyle Weaving Studio, 18 Winslow St. 508-757-4646 or 508-757-0116 or saoriworcester.com. The Sprinkler Factory, In Retrospect: Sid Solomon - The First 80 Years, Sundays, Saturdays, through Feb. 28. 38 Harlow St. sprinklerfactory.com. Top Fun Aviation Toy Museum, Hours: 1:30-4:30 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. 21 Prichard St., Fitchburg. 978-342-2809 or 978-297-4337 or topfunaviation.com. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Mary Kocol Landscape Photo Exhibit, Through Feb. 23; Mary Kocol Landscape Photo Exhibit, Through Feb. 23. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $12 Adults, $9 Seniors & $7 Youth, Free to Members & Children under . 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-8696111 or towerhillbg.org. Westboro Gallery, Hours: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday - Saturday. 8 West Main St., Westborough. 508-870-0110 or westborogallery.com. Worcester Art Museum, Carina Nebula: Michael Benson, Through June 22; Works in Process: from Print to Proof, Through April 15; You are here, Through Aug. 31; Families @ WAM Make Art, Saturdays, through March 1; Families @ WAM Tour, Saturdays, through March 1; Public Tour, Sundays, through Dec. 28; The Monuments Men:Lecture #2 - A Closer Look, Sunday; CANCELED - WAM Talk with Gloria Hall from Art in the Park discussing “What is your Art Aesthetic?”, Wednesday; Tour of the Month: Portraits: Facade or Not?, Wednesday; U-student Wednesdays Free admission to WAM educational institutional members, Wednesdays, Oct. 2 - Dec. 31. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, Free for youth 17 and under. Free for all first Saturdays of each month, 10am-noon. 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406 or worcesterart.org. Worcester Center for Crafts, ¡Carnaval! Tours, Saturdays, through March 15. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 25 Sagamore Road. 508-753-8183 or worcestercraftcenter.org. Worcester Historical Museum, Alden Family Gallery, Through Dec. 31, 2015; In Their Shirtsleeves, Through Dec. 31, 2015; Stories They Tell, Through Dec. 31, 2015; Students Reflect on MLK Jr.: The 2014 Art Contest Winners, Through Feb. 28; Worcester Treasures, Through Oct. 31; Boston Red Sox 2013 World Series Trophy, Monday; Happy Birthday to Us!, Tuesday. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 or worcesterhistory.org.



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Los Angeles Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle JONESIN’ by Matt Jones “All Together Now”--be part of the group.

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis


32 They’re burned 60 “See ya!” 96 Block and 100 Follow the 132 Swedish pop on purpose 61 British tackle, e.g. Scarlet singer, known 33 Pledge of noblemen 97 Creator of Speedster? by one name Allegiance 62 Wayne Watson 104 Wind in a pit 4 ACROSS Running jokes105 Frat letter ender nickname 98 Cedar Rapids DOWN 1 Page 1 or 3, 35 Road mark 64 Some TVs college Not ‘neath 1 Finn’s vessel 8 usually Hemmed in? 106 cause, maybe 66 Carpet meas. 99 G on a sax? 107 Assist with 2 Sci-fi people 6 37 Disney’s “__ 67 Petitions 100 Oscar role for 108 Victuals 3 Shift neighbor 12Perplex Sat for a portrait 12 Digital readout 112 Apportion and the 69 The Meryl 4 Sitar 14abbr. Foot or furlong114 Hamlet and Detectives” Whiffenpoofs of 101 Long-legged accompaniment 15 Workout target 38 Italia’s capital a cappella fame waders Ophelia, e.g. 5 Bay window 15Hitching Certain Fed 116 Payday, for one 19 post? 39 Biblical Rodin 70 Alien: Pref. 102 Kitchen 6 Good, in some 20 self- PART work 71 Cork sources emanations 120 cases 16Cocky QUERY, 1 Nostalgic, in a reference end 72 Deep cuts 103 Ice creamway 7 Preposition with 42 Pre21 tuna performance 74 Record holder? making supply multiple 19Sushi I-5 or I-95 122 Eating contest 22 Rolling rock feeling 77 Bridal bio word 109 Café con __ winner’s homonyms 20Admirer Ginormous 23 banned 43 Air filter 80 Steinbeck hero 110 Rutabaga or paunch? 8 Criminal intent, overzealousacronym Tom yam 125 __ uproar in law 21for Player who cannot be a DH ness? 45 Cast out 82 Key that cancels 111 Gregg user 126 Kingston Trio hit 9 Not qualified 25 read monthly 46 Inhale and 84 Comic actor 113 Gambling town 22It’sQUERY, PART 2 for whose hero 10 Rubbernecks 27 Farmer exhale Bert on I-80 Boston’s 11 Article in Die 27Begets Swallowed hard CharlieCard 28 47 Flavor enhancer 85 David and 115 Like an oeil-deZeit 30 Comparatively 51 Sewer line? Goliath’s boeuf window was named 12 Jet __ 28poor Make a selection 53 X-__: tool brand battlefield 117 Shapeless 127 Daughter of 13 Pulpit locale 31 d’hôte 54 Playwright 86 Defense gp. mass Zeus 14 Part of CDC 29Table GrafÀ ti ID alternative Simon 88 Janis’ comics 118 Friend 128 __ Gay 15 Skedaddled 30Coveted Hot tempers 34 annual 129 Standard Oil 55 “Confess!” mate 119 Actor Gosling 16 Bodega patron honor 89 First Super Bowl 121 Dennings of “2 brand 17 Skin care brand 57 Musical “don’t 31Tuscaloosa-toWent after 130 “Errare 36 play” MVP Broke Girls” 18 Rodeo prop dir.like the tide 58 Snidely 92 What jerks 123 Number of humanum __”: 24 Pull the plug on 33Huntsville Go back, 37 Stretch named Whiplash fearer serve Beethoven Seneca 26 “Heavens to 34forQUERY, 3 Looked a leader, PART 59 Ancient Dead 93 Betray operas 131 Betsy!” perhaps Sea land 94 Touches 124 “Far out!” impolitely 29 Dry Italian wine 38 Au ___ (roast beef order) 40 Not even part41time Oscar winner Jeremy 41 Where “Hissing is offered? 42101” Drunken utterances 7 Hold Àrm to a decision 44 Mapped out 44 Contemporary 46poetry Long ending? 8 Throat problem, in brief 45 Gary of “Forrest Gump” and 47competition? Rabbit food? “CSI: NY” 48 Curse 9 Abu Dhabi or Dubai 49 file contents 48.jpg Affectedly trendy 48 Shabby ___ 10 Ball of cotton 50 Scintilla 50Imitate QUERY, 52 a hotPART 4 49 More than dislikes 11 180 degrees from SSW dog? 54Like Ginthemills 56 worst 51 Settles down 12 It’s eaten in Eastern Europe 55excuse Just slightly 52 Communion item 13 1990s R&B group Bell Biv ___ 58 Beersheba 56locale Casual dress day, for short 53 Piano key wood 17 See 32-Down 60 Dolphins’ order 57Picked LAST OF QUERY 63 upPART a 57 Crystal ball, for example 18 River that Áows past Omaha 61split, 500say sheets of paper 58 Payment for services 23 ___ facto 65 Handel work 68 _ you 62Shop Brickmaking need 59 Eggs, in the lab 24 Childhood taboos drop 63Something Shopaholic’s 69 the binge 60 Vinyl spinners 25 Metered vehicle 64plumber’s Franklinnever and Folds 26 CIA Cold War counterpart seen before? Last week's solution 73 65Hardly ___ ahipsters? one (zero) 31 Perch for a chicken 75 __ & Perrins: 66Worcestershire Avg. 32 With 17-Down, “Atlas sauce Shrugged” author 76 Macho sort 78 Shoppe sign Down 35 Scheming operatic barber words 1 Some Stuffprinters on a kitten’s underbelly 79 36 “Breaking Bad” star Bryan 81 Flower children? (because awwwww....) 83 Long-faced 37 Prisoner’s knife 87 2 “Meh” Getty of “The Golden Girls” 38 Prominent Jay Leno feature 88 Grateful, 3 maybe? Typo often mocked online 39 “Eww, gross!” 90 Marsupial 4 sometimes Try to answer a riddle 40 Tofu base bear wrote “Gentlemen 5 called Loosa who 43 Winter project in the Arctic, 91 Ancient fertility Prefer Blondes” goddess maybe 95 Diego for short 6 San Soldiers, mascot’s topper? ©2013 Jonesin’ Crosswords (editor@jonesincrosswords.com) 3/2/14 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. For answers to this puzzle, call:1-900-226-2800, 99xwordeditor@aol.com cents per minute. Must be 18+. Or to bill to your credit card,©2014 call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle #662



• F E B R U A R Y 13 , 2 0 14

Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Puzzle Solutions at bottom of Service Directory

Do you have a real estate or home services business? February 27th/28th is our next monthly

Central Mass Homes and Services, Real Estate and Home Services feature With some UNREAL pricing!! Ads starting at $95.00 for an 1/8th of a page.

Great ad value! Reach over 90,000 readers in print and online! Ads appear in all FOUR of our weekly publications!

Deadline for next month is Monday, February 24th at noon. Call or email for pricing or if you have questions. Carrie, Classified Sales Manager 978-728-4302 carsenault@centralmassclass.com

www.centralmassclass.com EMPLOYMENT




Full time Management Position Quick ’n Clean Car Wash. 511 John Fitch Highway, Fitchburg, MA. Applicant should have mechanical, electrical and plumbing knowledge. Call Steve 978-660-6711

Scheduler/Appointment coordinator needed for busy hearth installation and service company. Must be detail oriented, organized, computer literate, with the ability to multi-task. Must be self driven and work well under pressure. Excellent interpersonal, verbal and telephone skills required. Call 978355-6343 Ext. 224 or email ron@higginsenergy.com

Talented, professional, established hairstylist wanted for booth rental in a new, pretty salon located in Tatnuck Square, Worcester. Call Suzanne 508-791-6646.

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J.F.K. Photo book, 1963. Both for $245.00 or B.R.O. Call 978534-8632

Birch kitchen cabinetry-rollout drawers, quiet hinges, 31’x20’ kitchen $2000.00 or B/O 508-733-9361


A brighter future.



d,, outt ou bo ied lie ab plli pp y ap Learn alread steps. u have xt or, if yo out your ne ab S learn a ROGRAM

ANIMAL CARE FACILITY SUPERVISOR Local BioPharma is hiring an Animal Care Facility Supervisor to join our new Holden, MA Facility DUTIES INCLUDE: ** Overseeing & Providing daily care to the animals (food, water and health monitoring)

HELP WANTED LOCAL F/T Public Safety Dispatcher The Town of Boxborough is accepting applications for a F/T Public Safety Dispatcher. Applicants must acquire the following certificates: E911, EMD, CPR & CJIS. Starting salary is $17.75 plus benefits. Interested candidates should submit cover letter and resume by March 1, 2014 to: santucci@ boxboroughpolice.com or mail to: Brenda Santucci 520 Massachusetts Ave, Boxborough, MA 01719.





Immediate openings in Leominster/Fitchburg and surrounding towns. To apply visit www.homestaff.com 508-755-4600

Growing multi-media publisher seeks self-motivated advertising sales representatives for a variety of roles. Candidates must have at least two years experience in MERCHANDISE sales (preferably in print/interactive media), be a selfstarter, possess strong interpersonal skills, be able to work ITEMS UNDER $2,014 independently and also offer collaborative support to the team. You will be responsible for building a book of Ariens ST 524 Snowblower business, maintaining current accounts, and working with Good condition. $300.00 creative team to create advertisements ’tandnprograms for For appointment call Donlop ols! clients. 508-829-5161 a -f flip ur go work culture We offer an innovative, entrepreneurial Arm Chair Upholstered, taupe & Givea s o tastes even nt wa color spacious, comfy. Good Àexibility andbettgreat incomey potential. Interested EE FRwith ys! er ! Y w R E it h LIV Condition. $40.00 508-754-1827 a DEcandidates C RAL ST. R o should submit a brief cover letter and resume k e TE ER, MA 4 E 53 Beatles Ticket Stub, 1966 92222 011445 HOUS 1 to bbrown@holdenlandmark.com. 1 0 OPEN 2


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FITCHBUR ER CAR COLLECT RG - Cl OR RS TO Clas O HO assic conven ic Ro OS ST Ro ne T GATH ov e in ve err ca i Fitc T ER c r co it h ERIIN hb c lle burg fo bu NG ll ct ctors an The ev f r the fif ve ent showca rg th an nual Rove d enthusiasts are se s North Am motorca WHISKER W set to Am cars Friday erica (2011 er ica’s large LANC ALK TO , June 3 th ) gatherin Road. Hel R st BENEFIT ga ro th ugh Sund g. to 3 p.m ASTER - The 4th d rain or sh OUR F ay, June 5, ering of British Ro Annual W . Sunday, ine. RY FR Dirk Bu R hisker Walk URR ver Burrowes, at Vytek, W hat’s a Whi June 5, at the Lanc 195 Industr collector an willl be h frrom the aster Fairg sk d event ho ial er Walk yo Well it’s a round, loc e st; Collecto u as U.S., Can k? lot of thin ate e rs & Car Cl ad th gs a, eir ub ... UK do but mostly Luminaries gs pl Canada, To and othe Toronto Ar it’s a free, shelters an us a dog walk-a-tho ea Rover Cl r countries, includi fun day f fu ountry c o n fundraise d rescue gr cllubs. ng Rover ub, P4, P5 r ou to ps Th be . e ne Ca an e 20 fit N d P6 Club r Club of 10 Whisk Event iiss o New E s from U.K. er Walk br pen to all from all , and othe who appr rrs. Therre r acres of over New England ought thousands of eciate the e is is no cost Ro to attend pet loving peo and more itthout th ople a he Saturday’s ver marque, one of eir cars. So pa ar co ra e m di ex pani se for 2011 pected to Britain’s fin events an me events For morre F . With alm d d is op e in atten es, vendors, sponso and e in ost 100 pe rs and m dance th m. Regisstte formation call (978) meals are at persona en to all with or t re e r online as 34 l expense. Whisker W ere is so much to do anufacturers and an www.Rove 2-9800 or email at nimal r alk is an “e , see and bu cars@rove rAmerica.co with a un vent not to ramerica. iqu m. LIBRA be missed y! AR RY R organizatio e twist…a blessing Y TO HO ” fo r pe t love ST HEAL nal dog wa of the anim v rs an THY LAND contest, de lk! Enjoy sp als kicks SCAPING m f the EOMIN E AND LAW programs, onstrations, hands-o ectacular exhibits, ge off WORKSHO NS STER - Sp ST N CARE eo-ca special att n animal pe c chin P ring is the ng r yard wh ra en tti cti ter ng on whille pe tai oppo s, kid’s ar rfect time nment, lot e also help ortun ni ea ties,, to s , of pe ic in lea c Librarry g the en t adoptions food, fun rn new wa For more y for a fre things for ys to beau e workshop vironment, so com he adults and s, productt e progrra tify (978) 422-8 information, please e to the Le am will be on healthy kid 585. ds ds call the An ominster held landscapi y’s Comm y imal Shelt to see, d ng an unity Room from 7 to 8:30 p.m er In nc. off . on Tuesda d lawn care. n Ann Mc , 30 West St. Govern of y, June 7, the Massa in the ttion for a K ID LU ’ S YARD NENBUR chusetts De slideshow S G AL E pa A sh ful lawn Saturday, PLANNE rtment of owing sim nss, gardens D June 18, at Kid’s Yard Sale wi En ple, low-co , and lands ll be held the iighborh st techniqu vironmental Tired of yo ho capes that oods. fro ur toys? Do Lunenburg Public es for cre are healthy Library, 10 m 9 a.m. es mom wa worksh ho for families ating used toys, book, an op is the 23 Massa nt yo s chu u to clean fourth in d sports eq , pets, a blanket om minster P a series of your ro uipment an or a table. ublic Libr oom? Bri eight prog d Fr ary and th se (97 att teachiin ee n t up 8) se 582-4140. tup. Rain on the lib rams spon ng citizens e Massach ib b r da a so rry law te re about ways usetts Wate is June 25 d w gram iss fr g . For deta rshed Coali by to ee and no ails, pll reservation keep our water cle tion an and he s are requ alt ired. Refre more in nformation shments wi hy. , please ll be r visit tth cont he Massa he chusetts W act the library at waters.o w orrg atershed (978) 534-7 rg. Coalition 522, website at www.


Business Partner wanted to assist in developing new customer base in a 1.25 billion dollar health and wellness company. Exceptional commission and bonus program. Extensive training provided. Must be career minded enthusiastic individual. Please call 774-614-1206 to arrange for a personal interview.


DevereuxJob Fair Februar y 17, 1-6pm 60 Miles Road, Rutland, MA (we are at the very end of the road). On the spot interviews for our open direct care, clinical, nursing, foster care and school positions. Park at the top, near the flagpole, and come join us at the job fair in the Main Building/Building 4. We look forward to meeting you! Apply in person or pre-apply online: http://jobs.devereux.org/ or to tkelley@devereux.org

** Overseeing & Providing daily cleaning & sanitizing of enclosures ** Must Follow Strict guidelines for all required tasks ** Must Maintain and Oversee Strict Written Documentation

This Local BioPharma offers a generous & competitive employee benefits package including Health & Dental Insurance, Paid Vacation Time, Holiday Pay, and a 401K Plan with company match Send resumes to: biopharmajobs2014@gmail.com AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

F E B R U A R Y 13 , 2 0 14 • W OR C E S T E R M A G .C OM



Who said nothing in life is free? in the CENTRAL MASS CLASSIFIEDS your ITEMS UNDER $2,014 are listed for FREE!


Here’s all you need to do! 3 ways to submit... 1. Mail completed form to Central Mass Classifieds, P.O. Box 546, Holden, MA 01520 2. OR FAX the completed form to 508-829-0670 3. OR Email the info with name/address/phone number to sales@centralmassclass.com

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DEADLINE FRIDAY 5 PM to begin following week

PLEASE READ SUBMISSION RULES: Maximum 4 lines (approx. 20 characters per line). We reserve the right to edit if ads come in that are too long. NO phone orders accepted. See ways to submit above. Merchandise Ads Only - NO autos, snowmobiles, RV’s, trailers, boats, ATV’s, etc. We have a special rate for these ads ($20 till it sells). NO business Ads accepted for this section. If we suspect the ads are being sent in by a business, we reserve the right to refuse. Limit 1 ad per name/address/phone number every 2 weeks. Ads will run for 2 weeks. Limit 1 item per ad (group of items OK if one price for all and under $2,014). Price must be listed in ad. NO Cemetery Plots




Chaise Lounge, Indoor Blue, comfortable. Good for relaxing. $75.00 Call 508-752-7192

NEW QUEEN PILLOWTOP Mattress with box - $149


New in plastic, Can deliver, Call Luke 774-823-6692

Precious Male Cat Needs New Home. Black & White Tabby, very affectionate, 5 yrs old. Neutered. Named Romeo and likes to play fetch. Family is moving. Call 508-829-7592

Hockey Skates Graf Supra 60S Size 7.5. Brand New. $99.00 Leominster 978-537-3161 Kirby vacuum (g100) shampooer, attachments.$650 call after 8pm 978-534-5200 ex.cond Laptop computers, some need work/ power adapter. 12 sell for $150.00 for lot. 774-641-7186 Norman Worc Light Truck Tires 4 Firestone LE, 1 Goodyear RT/S Size 21375R-15 $200 Call Steve 978-534 -0711 Lowry Organ - "The Carnival with Magic Genie" $300 or B/O. Incl’s instruction & numerous music books 978-464-2011 Media Fireplace, electric, black 48"L, w/remote, 2drs on bottom, shelf on top. Can email pic. $400.00 508-755-4323 Mirror-New 22"X30" Beveled edge Hang either direction. Pais $100.00 Now $40.00 508-7910531 Pullrite hitch system- fits 2003 to 2009 Dodge Ram pick-up 3/ 4ton or 1ton with 8 ft bed. Good cond. $400 or BO 508-865-0638

FROSTY PAWS! Join us in our Reader Feature Photo Page! This month send us photos of your pets or your neighborhood animals enjoying the winter weather. Inside or out, alone or with your friends & family members! We appreciate all members of our readers’ families! Deadline is Friday, February 28th at noon. The page will be published on March 6th. Remember to Look for It! Thank You and Enjoy!!

Scroll Saws $50.00 508-987-5515 Snowblower Toro Heavy duty 8 hp. 24 in. wide garaged well maintained $375 delivered 508829-6009 Solomon Skis 186" Sol Bind Pivot Syst. Exc. cond. 978-4136132 Wayne

Or mail it to:

Central Mass Classifieds

PO Box 546 Holden, MA 01520 Please include the pet’s name (if you have it) and your name, address and contact phone number.



• F E B R U A R Y 13 , 2 0 14

David L. Johnson EA, ATA

100 Doyle Rd. • Holden

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Story Clark Upright Piano Good condtion. $300.00. You Move. Holden. 508-829-7135

Guide to An Antiques tiques


& Collectibles

Downsizing 2 piece black entertainment center also cherry TV amour. 508-796-5617 FOR SALE

Email your photo to: sales@centralmassclass.com

TDirectory AX TIME - 2014

Cash for Stamp Collections Will evaluate or buy. Stamp questions? Call Ron 413-896-3324

“Oh My Gosh” Antiques & Collectibles Found at The Cider Mill

15 Waushacum Ave., Sterling 978-422-8675 Open 7 Days a Week 11 am to 5 pm Thursdays 11 am to 8 pm

To Advertise In This Directory Please Call 978-728-4302


www.centralmassclass .com Call Carrie at 978-728-4302

SIZE PER BLOCK 1.75 X 1.75 8 weeks ........... $31.50/week = $252 12 weeks ......... $26.75/week = $321 20 weeks ......... $25.20/week = $504 36 weeks ......... $23.60/week = $850 52 weeks ......... $22/week = $1144 Minimum commitment of 8 weeks.

to place your ad or e-mail sales@centralmassclass.com




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10 yd. - $250 • 15 yd. - $300

ASK about double blocks (size 3.75” x 1.75”) and COMBO pricing into our other zone and reach 40,600 households in 26 towns in Central Mass each week. FREE line ad included with each block purchased. Book for 52 weeks and receive a Spotlight Business of the Week! Ask for details!

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Refer a business to join our Service Directory, and if they advertise with us, you’ll receive a $25 credit on your account for future advertising. We appreciate your business in the

Central Mass Classifieds!!

Do you have a real estate or home services business? February 27th/28th is our next monthly

Central Mass Homes and Services,

Real Estate and Home Services feature With some UNREAL pricing!! Ads starting at $95.00 for an 1/8th of a page. Great ad value! Reach over 90,000 readers in print and online! Ads appear in all FOUR of our weekly publications!

Call us today to schedule your Winter/Spring advertising!



Deadline for next month is Monday, February 24th at noon. Call or email for pricing or if you have questions. Carrie, Classified Sales Manager 978-728-4302 • carsenault@centralmassclass.com

PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE ANYTIME, 24/7. www.centralmassclass.com (Excludes free ads, legals & Service Directory ads)

F E B R U A R Y 13 , 2 0 14 • W OR C E S T E R M A G .C OM


www.centralmassclass.com FOSTER PARENTS

FOSTER PARENTS WANTED Foster Care Information Session Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month • 2pm-4pm (Please Call for Details)

Seeking families throughout Central Massachusetts who are interested in improving a child’s life.



RUTLAND-3BD Townhouse 1.5 BA, Fully appl’d incl. w/d. Deck & yard. Prkg for 2. No pets/no smoking. Avail now. $1250/m. 508-250-1376

HOLDEN - HUGE, bright, open concept, one level, 2BD/2BA condo w/walk-in closets, lge windows & high ceilings. W/D hkups. $1700/m incl’s heat. Also, 2BD townhouse. $1500/m incl’s heat. 508-667-7434

Worcester Spacious 2BR Townhouse garage/deck $1,195.00 508-853-6001

Call to inquire about our upcoming foster parent training. $500 BONUS

Call for Details (Must mention this ad during inquiry)

688 Main Street, Holden, MA Toll Free (877) 446-3305


www.devereuxma.org LOST AND FOUND


LOST CAT-PRINCETON, MA Still hoping to find missing cat. Lost late August 2013. Domestic short hair, medium build, six yr old torbie. Female, big ears, friendly. Large reward, no questions. 978-464-0240

APARTMENT FOR RENT GRAFTON & MILLBURY 1 & 2BD Apts. starting at $795 & up. Some incl’d heat & hot water. New paint, off st. prkg., onsite laundry. 1st/sec. 508-839-5775

2 Bedroom 1.5 Bathroom Garden Style Condo Leominster $850 a month. The 1080 sq foot Units have Balconies, Off Street Parking, & Washer/Dryer Hook-Ups. There are Hardwood Floors Throughout & Fully Applianced (most units do not have Refrigerators) First, Last, & Security Needed to Move in. No Utilities are Included in the Rent & Please No Pets. Serious inquiries please email summit29@comcast.net or call 978-401-4335.

& Cl ws

VACATION PROPERTY FOR RENT Attitash Mountain Village Condo Check in Sunday 23 Feb check out Sunday 2 Mar. 2 Bed 2 Bath 3 level condo. Flat screen, Fire Place, deck, sleeps 8, walk to lifts. Minutes from N. Conway. $1400.00 Contact Jim at 508-410-5610 or Jim@comercourage.org

Pets, Pet Supplies, Services & More!



Paula K. Aberman Associates, Inc. Paula Savard

Gail Lent



Sandra DeRienzo

Mark Gerber


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Tracy Sladen

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Yasmin Loft

Anna Mary Kraemer CRS

Moises Cosme


23(1 +286( 21 '(0$1'

Single wide mobile home. Bedrooms at either end of living area, each with it’s own bath. cabinets galore. carport, shed.. Owner says nicest lot in the park! Aberman Assoc. Inc Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x14 www.paulasavard.com


Our sellers are standing by for short notice showings from 11am -1pm every Sunday WE ARE NOT ON SITE. Please call us at 978 537 4971 x 0.  In most instances, we will call you back in 10 minutes. Properties are listed on www.paulasavard.com

LAND. 4.87 acres - Land can be subdivided. Wooded quite street, close to major highways. Aberman Assoc Inc Anna Mary Kraemer 978-537-4971 x 25



2 br 1 1/2 bath townhouse. Estate sale. Spacious open concept ďŹ rst oor. Kitchen, dining area and living room. Large bedrooms with good closet space. Lower level has full walk out. NIce area to ďŹ nish for future expansion. This is a 55+ unit. Aberman Assoc. Inc Gail Lent 978-537-4971 x15 www.gaillent.com

Modern 3 bedroom ranch with updated features. Extra Large Mas Br on ďŹ rst oor was originally 2 room. 3rd bedroom lower level or convert 1st oor back. Lower level workshop, playroom . Aberman Assoc Inc Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com

/LWWOHWRQ Easy highway access.Open concept ranch style starter home with additional living area in lower level. New Septic installed September 2013. Aberman Assoc. Inc Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com

&OLQWRQ 2 Family, 2 units side by side. Unit 1 has 3 br and 1 full bath. Unit 2 has 2 br and 1 full bath. Aberman Assoc Inc. Mark Gerber 978-537-4971 x 63



4 br 2.5 bath colonial. Eat in kitchen with breakfast bar, atrium door to deck area. Formal dining formal living with crown molding, mellow hardwood oors. easy access to Rt 2 at exit 20 2 1/2 ceramic tile bathrooms, laundry on ďŹ rst oor. Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x14 www.paulasavard.com

3 br 1 bath Cape. Large eat in kitchen with gas ďŹ replace. Spacious living room with working ďŹ replace. Two bedrooms (one up and one on main oor). Additional room upstairs used as a third bedroom and living room currently used as a fourth bedroom. Beautiful level lot, partially wooded. Storage room on back side of two car garage. Room sizes are approximate. Aberman Assoc Inc Yasmin Loft 978-537-4971 x 61



• F E B R U A R Y 13 , 2 0 14

$VKE\ 4 br multi level. Needs updating. 3 ďŹ replaces, 4 bathrooms. Great family home with space for everyone’s projects. Paula Savard AbermanAssoc Inc. 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com

3HWHUVKDP Antique farmhouse turned into country contemporary. 1000 s.f inlaw over 2 car attached garage, decks, enclosed porches and breezeways add to farmlike setting. 2 plus acres, circular drive. 1/2 mile from Rt 101 and Rt 32. 1/2 hour from downtown Leominster or Amherst. Floorplan for main house 1 1/2 story 3 bedrooms 2 full baths ďŹ rst oor laundry. Inlaw has 1 bedroom 1 full bath and laundry. Separate side entrance. Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x14 www.paulasavard.com

+ROGHQ 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath colonial. Young Colonial home in pristine condition. Kitchen features stainless appliances including double oven, granite counters and center island, recessed and pendant lighting. Formal Dining room with beautiful hardwood ooring and wainscoting. Formal living room bursting with daylight. Spacious 24 x 24 Great room with vaulted ceiling and ďŹ replace. Crown molding throughout. MBR with large walk in closet and full bath. Sliders to deck overlooking wooded rear yard. Partially ďŹ nished lower level with walk out to brick patio. Pride of ownership abounds in this property. Aberman Assoc Inc. Gail Lent978-537-4971 x15 www.gaillent.com

Tara Sullivan

Sherry Crocker

www.centralmassclass.com AUTOMOTIVE







2004 Chevrolet Trail Blazer Great condition. New transmission. Low miles. 4WD. $4,799.00 Dan 508-641-6839

2006 Ford F250 2006, 4X4, clean, low mileage, plow and utility box included. $16,000 978-464-2630

1988 Mercedes-Benz 300 SEL 6 cylinder gas. Very good cond. Runs exc. $3500.00 195k miles. Located in Sutton, MA 774-287-0777

2000 Mercury Sable Wagon. 131K miles. Exc. cond. inside & out. Asking $2,200.00 Call Kathy 978-728-4702

2006 Honda S2000 ext Black int Brand new top 93oct/synth oil only used Florida car adult owner 59k miles $16,500 508-816-0141

1999 Road King Under 8,000 miles. Too many extras to list. Always stored in room temperature. $15,000.00 978-4645525 or 781-879-8275 cell 2008 Honda Metropolitan Scooter Black and gray. Mint cond. 469 miles. Asking $1650.00. Includes helmet. 207289-9362 OR 207-450-1492. 2008 Suzuki GSX 650/K8. All black with silver and red trim. Less than 850 miles. Cover, new battery, and lock. $5500.00 508-792-6080

2010 Subaru Forester 2010 Subaru Forester 2.5X Premium loaded, 4WD, Automatic, navigation, $8800, call or text for more details 508-687-0596. AUTO/TRUCK 2000 Ford F150 Flareside Pickup Showroom condition inside and out. 100K miles. All power, needs nothing. $8500.00 Call 978-466-6043

AUTO/VAN 2002 Kia Sedona 160K miles. Moon roof, AC, power front seat. Runs well. $2,500.00. 978-400-6232 AUTOS 1976 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham Sedan. 79k miles. Grey exterior and interior. $6500.00 or B/O 774-242-2370 badday1123@gmail.com

1996 Jeep Cherokee 4WD, blk, auto-start, keyless entry, fold-down seats, rims, spare. KBV $4000, asking $2500. 774-234-0214 1997 Oldsmobile LSS New muffler, brakes & battery. 130 estimated miles. Good cond. $2000.00 firm. Leominster 978-534-1915


2001 Cadillac Eldorado Touring Coupe, Rare car, loaded, mint condition. $7,995 508-875-7400 2004 Chrysler Sebring Convertible White w/tan top. 110K miles. New tires, battery, struts. Runs excellent. $3,950.00 Firm 508-769-3262

CAMPERS/TRAILERS 1998 Dutchman Pop-up Camper Refrigerator, stove, sink. Heater, port o potty, kitchen table. Sleeps 8. $1700.00. 978840-0782 Ask for Kenny. Truck Camper 1985 Bought new in 1991. Real Life brand. Bathroom, shower, self contained. 8ft truck bed. $2900.00 B/O 774-287-0777

Our Adopt-A-Paws feature runs the second week of each month. With the support of our sponsors, we will feature dogs and cats that are available for adoption at local nonprofit shelters. TO SEE ALL THE ANIMALS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION CHECK OUT THE WEB SITES BELOW:




17 Laurelwood Road • Sterling, MA • 978-422-8585 SterlingShelter.org • staff@sterlingshelter.org

111 Young Road • East Brookfield, MA • 508-867-5525 SecondChanceAnimals.org • info@secondchanceanimals.org

139 Holden Street • Worcester, MA • 508-853-0030 Worcester-arl.org • petshelp@aol.com

Creative Floors, Inc. Ceramic • Carpet • Vinyl • Marble • Granite Laminate • Pre-finished Hardwood • Wallpaper Sales • Design • Installation

Shamrock Dog Collars

Sprinkles - 1 yr 7 mos Female/Spayed Pointer/Terrier

Ivy - 5 yrs 5 mos Female/Spayed German Shepherd/Terrier

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Chihuahua/Beagle/Mixed Female - Small Baby


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Shepherd/Hound/Mixed Male- Medium Baby

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Chloe - 5 yrs 11 mos Female/Spayed Domestic Longhair/Mix

Happy Valentine’s Day! We are in love every month with all of the adorable animals we feature that are up for adoption. Do you see one that strikes your fancy? February is a wonderful month to consider adopting/rescuing a pet! Love is limitless and wouldn’t you like to open your home to a needy animal? The love you get in return will compare to no other. We are celebrating the love and appreciation for those who have adopted and are considering it. Thank you, we are ever grrrrrateful and appurrrreciate it!!

We are seeking sponsors for future issues. You do not need to be a pet related business to sponsor a pet. The more sponsors we get, the more pets we will feature. If your business would like to sponsor a pet, please contact Central Mass Classifieds by March 10th at noon to be in our next ADOPT-A-PAWS on March 13th. Together we can make a difference!

F E B R U A R Y 13 , 2 0 14 • W OR C E S T E R M A G .C OM


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24 ft Light Weight 2004 Terry Dakota Travel Trailer Sleeps 7, bunk beds & full bed, 16ft awning, A/C, Central heat, microwave & 3 burner stove. Dual powered fridge/freezer. Loads of storage, outdoor shower. 2 batteries, travel septic. Like new. $8,500.00 508-579-6622

Utility Trailer, Heavy Duty 15" wheels, with removable sides. 6’X 8’. Located in Sutton, MA $650.00 774-287-0777

Utility Trailer 5’ X 8’. Floor, sides and gate are 3/4" pt. Removable fold down gate in rear. $1400 invested, asking $800 firm. Can be seen in Holden. 508-791-6444



Artic Cat Snowmobile Z440, studded track. Has cover. Runs, needs a little work. $750.00 978-365-6567

Reaching 90,000 readers in PRINT & ONLINE

Contact Carrie at 978-728-4302


Utility Trailer. Made from a 1970 Chevy short bed pickup body. $225.00 Call Larry 508-886-6082 Rutland MA.

LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES TOWN OF MILLBURY MILLBURY PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Millbury Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 24, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on the following proposed amendments to the Millbury Zoning Bylaws and Zoning Map: • Article 1, Section 12.41(d) by adding Registered Marijuana Dispensary to list of uses triggering Site Plan Review; • Article 2, Section 25.22 and Article 4, Section 48.3 by adding Registered Marijuana Dispensary to list of special permit uses in Business II District and Node Classification I and Node Classification II of the Route 146 Highway Corridor Overlay District; • Article 2, Section 26.3 by increasing minimum open space buffer requirements within side and rear yard setbacks when industrial districts abut residential or suburban district boundaries; • Article 3 by deleting Section 37. Temporary Moratorium on Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers in its entirety. • Article 4 by adopting Section 52. Registered Marijuana Dispensaries specifying requirements; • Article 4 by adopting Section 53. 43D Expedited Permitting specifying bylaw purpose, applicable definitions, establishment of Chapter 43D Priority Development Site Overlay District and associated map, fees, and application procedure; • Article 5 by adding definitions for “Medical Marijuana Treatment Center” and “Registered Marijuana Dispensary”; Zoning Map by rezoning to Industrial-I a portion of Suburban-II and Business-II Districts on the southwesterly side of Providence Street, north of the Sutton Town line, and rezoning to B-I portion of I-1 District on northerly side of Canal Street. Or take any action thereon. The complete text of proposed amendments and map changes are available for public viewing in the Planning Office at the Municipal Office Building during regular office hours. Anyone wishing to be heard on these amendments should appear at the time and place designated above. Richard Gosselin Chairman 2/6, 2/13/2014 MS


We Buy and PICK UP Your junk or wrecked cars or trucks. We Sell New and Used Parts. Airport Auto Parts, Inc. 56 Crawford St. Leominster, MA 01453 978-534-3137

Truck for Sale? RV? SUV?





Unwanted Cars & Trucks Junk cars. We pick up. Pay top dollar cash, $250 & up. Titles necessary. Girard’s 978-2974883 or 978-790-7110 Open 6 days a week. We also sell used parts. 978-297-0605


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Car For Sale?


• F E B R U A R Y 13 , 2 0 14

Ask Us About Our Winter Specials! BRAND NEW AFFORDABLE APARTMENT COMMUNITY FOR SENIORS* 62 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER Conveniently located at 260 Grove Street in Paxton, Massachusetts Rents

$896 One Bedroom $1,071 Two Bedroom

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, Feb. 14 th 10am-12pm

Maximum income limits, per household size, not to exceed 60% of AMI (gross income) 1 Persons 2 Persons $35,840 $42,120 Minimum income limits apply (please inquire for details) ‘Head of household must be 62 years of age or older. Other household members must be at least 55 years of age.

For Information or an application please contact S-C Management Corp. at 508-799-3990, TTD 711 or email us at thehillsatpaxtonvillage@gmail.com or visit us at thehillsatpaxtonvillage.com.

www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES TOWN OF SUTTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION The Sutton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 7:20PM, at the Sutton Town Hall, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to review a Notice of Intent submitted to the Conservation Commission by Tamam and Zena Jaber, Worcester, MA. The project consists of construction of a single family home with associated septic system, well, grading, driveway, and wetland crossing, a portion in the BVW and adjacent the Buffer Zone, on Map22, Parcel 138, on 39 W. Millbury Road, Sutton, MA. This notice is publicized in accordance with the provisions of General Law Chapter 131, Section 40 commonly known as the Wetlands Protection Act, and the Sutton Wetlands and Riverfront District Administration Bylaw. 2/13/2014 MS

TOWN OF SUTTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION The Sutton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 7:00PM, at the Sutton Town Hall, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to review a Notice of Intent submitted to the Conservation Commission by Michael & Cynthia Zilioli, Upton, MA. The project consists of construction of a single family residence, asphalt driveway, septic system and related grading on Map 42, Parcels 44, on 44 Lackey Road, Sutton, MA. This notice is publicized in accordance with the provisions of General Law Chapter 131, Section 40 commonly known as the Wetlands Protection Act, and the Sutton Wetlands and Riverfront District Administration Bylaw. 2/13/2014 MS

TOWN OF SUTTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION The Sutton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 7:40PM, at the Sutton Town Hall, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to review a Notice of Intent submitted to the Conservation Commission by Tamam and Zena Jaber, Worcester, MA. The project consists of construction of a single family home with associated septic system, well, grading, and driveway, a portion in the Buffer Zone to a BVW, on Map22, Parcel 136, on 33 W. Millbury Road, Sutton, MA. This notice is publicized in accordance with the provisions of General Law Chapter 131, Section 40 commonly known as the Wetlands Protection Act, and the Sutton Wetlands and Riverfront District Administration Bylaw. 2/13/2014 MS

TOWN OF MILLBURY A PUBLIC HEARING MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Law and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on: Wed., 2/26/14 At: 7:30 p.m. To act on a petition from: Joseph K. and Marie Samara, (trustees of Joe-Rie Realty Invest. Trust), 65 Carroll Rd., N. Grafton, MA For a Variance in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: commercial use, and the construction of an addition to the existing commercial building at 8 Ward Ave., Millbury, MA. All interested parties are invited to attend. Richard P. Valentino, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals 2/13, 2/20/2014 MS

TOWN OF MILLBURY PUBLIC HEARING MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Law and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Building, 127 ElmStreet, Millbury, MA on: Wed., Feb. 26, 2014 At: 7:45 p.m. To act on a petition from: Thomas and Sandra Stevenson, 330 W. Main St., Millbury, MA. For a sp. permit in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: obtain a hobby kennel license for 5 family pets at 330 W. Main St., Millbury, MA. All interested parties are invited to attend. Richard P. Valentino, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals 2/13, 2/20/2014

TOWN OF MILLBURY A PUBLIC HEARING MILLBURY BOARD OF APPEALS In accordance with Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Law and the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Millbury, a public hearing will be held in the hearing room of the Municipal Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA on: Wednesday, February, 26, 2014 At: 7:00 p.m. To act on a petition from: Donald and Brenda Werbiskis, 46 Carousel Dr., Millbury, MA For a Variance in the Millbury Zoning Ordinance relative to: rear yard setback in order to construct an addition to the rear of existing home at 46 Carousel Drive, Millbury, MA All interested parties are invited to attend. Richard P. Valentino, Chairman Millbury Board of Appeals 2/13, 2/20/2014 MS

TOWN OF MILLBURY CONSERVATION COMMISSION The Millbury Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 7:15 P.M. at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street to act on a Notice of Intent from Brennan Salo for removal of existing house & construction of a new single family house with associated site work at 9 Pond Terrace. Said work falls under the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40. Donald Flynn Chairman 2/13/2014 MS

TOWN OF MILLBURY CONSERVATION COMMISSION The Millbury Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 7:45 P.M. at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street to act on a Notice of Intent from Ernest Young for work to repair septic system at 46 Carleton Road. Said work falls under the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40. Donald Flynn Chairman 2/13/2014 MS

TOWN OF MILLBURY PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Millbury Board of Selectmen In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 41, Section 81-G and 81-I, Chapter 82, and Chapter 84 of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Millbury Board of Selectmen will hold a public meeting on February 25, 2014 at 7:15 p.m., in the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA, on the Selectmen’s intent to lay out Diana Hill Drive, a way situated southeast of the 2012 limit of acceptance of Diana Hill Drive in the southeastern section of Town and Oakes Street, a way situated south of the 1957 limit of acceptance of Oakes Street in the northeastern section of the Town. Diana Hill Drive is shown on a plan entitled “Proposed Roadway Acceptance Plan, Diana Hill Drive and Taft Circle, Millbury, Massachusetts” prepared by S.E.C. & Associates, Inc., dated October 13, 2010, last revised December 10, 2013. Oakes Street is shown on a plan entitled “Road Acceptance Plan” for Oakes Circle, Millbury, MA, prepared by Andrews Survey & Engineering, Inc., dated January 17, 2014. The complete descriptions of the proposed roadway acceptances and plans are available for public viewing in the Selectmen’s Office at the Municipal Office Building during regular office hours. Anyone wishing to be heard on the proposed acceptances should appear at the time and place designated above. E. Bernard Plante Chairman 2/6, 2/13/2014 MS

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Worcester Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 Docket No. WO14P0334GD CITATION GIVING NOTICE OF PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR INCAPACITATED PERSON PURSUANT TO G.L. c. 190B, §5-304 In the matter of: Fern M Richardson Of: Millbury, MA RESPONDENT Alleged Incapacitated Person To the named Respondent and all other interested persons, a petition has been filed by Jean C Wilde of Paxton, MA in the above captioned matter alleging that Fern M Richardson is in need of a Guardian and requesting that Sheila Clouthier of Greenwich, NY (or some other suitable person) be appointed as Guardian to serve Without Surety on the bond. The petition asks the court to determine that the Respondent is incapacitated, that the appointment of a Guardian is necessary, and that the proposed Guardian is appropriate. The petition is on file with this court and may contain a request for certain specific authority. You have the right to object to this proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the return date of 02/25/2014. This day is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline date by which you have to file the written appearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file the written appearance by the return date, action may be taken in this matter without further notice to you. In addition to filing the written appearance you or your attorney must file a written affidavit stating the specific facts and grounds of your objection within 30 days after the return date. IMPORTANT NOTICE The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away the above-named person’s right to make decisions about personal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-named person has the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make this request on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-named person cannot afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at State expense. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court. Date: January 31, 2014 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 02/13/2014 MS

F E B R U A R Y 13 , 2 0 14 • W OR C E S T E R M A G .C OM


LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES www.centralmassclass .com NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Michael J. Belanger to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Fidelity Cooperative Bank dated November 25, 2009, recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 45156, Page 193; said mortgage was then assigned to Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency by virtue of an assignment dated June 14, 2012, and recorded in Book 49303, at Page 90, to of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder for breach of conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION at 11:00 AM on March 3, 2014, on the mortgaged premises. The entire mortgaged premises, all and singular, the premises as described in said mortgage: Property Address: 3 Highland Avenue, Millbury, Massachusetts 01527 Two (2) certain parcels of land, with the buildings thereon and all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belongings: Situated in Millbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts on the Northerly side of Highland Avenue, being Lot No. 187 on plan entitled, “Plan of Maple Hillsides” owned and developed by the Barnes Realty Trust of Holyoke, Mass., dated June 1926, E.P. Power, C.E., recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds, Plan Book 47, Plan 30, bounded and described as follows: Tract 1: Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of Highland Avenue said point being the Southeasterly corner of Lot No. 187 on said plan Thence by the Easterly line of Lot 187, said line being also the Westerly line of Lot 188 on said plan Northerly one hundred ten (110) feet more or less, to a point; Thence N. 81 degrees 54 Minutes W. fifty (50) feet to a point; Thence Southerly by the Westerly line of Lot 187 on said plan said line being also the Easterly Line of Lot No. 186 on said plan, forty (40) feet to a point; Thence Westerly and at right angles to the said Westerly line of Lot No. 187, thirty four (34) feet to a point; Thence at right angles to the last described line Southerly to a point in the Northerly line of said Highland Avenue Thence Southeasterly by the said Northerly line of Highland Avenue one hundred (100) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, be all of said measurements more or less. Said premises are also a portion of the Easterly section of Lot No. 186 on said plan. Tract II At the junction of the Northerly line of Highland Avenue and the Northerly line of Heather Avenue being the Westerly part of Lot No. 188 on said plan, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of Highland Avenue said point being the Southeasterly corner of Lot 187 on said plan; Thence Northerly the Easterly line of said Lot 187 one hundred ten (110) feet more or less to a point; Thence S. 81 Degrees 54 Minutes E. twenty-five (25) feet more or less to land now or formerly of John A. and Katherine A. Zemaitis; Thence Southerly by said land of Zemaitis one hundred twenty (120) feet more or less to the Northerly line of Heather Avenue; Thence Westerly by said Northerly line of Heather Avenue fifteen and three tenths (15.3) feet more or less to a point at the junction of the Northerly line of Heather Avenue and the Northerly line of Highland Avenue; Thence Northwesterly by said Northerly line of Highland Avenue seventeen and two tenths (17.2) feet to the point of beginning. For title see deed dated 10/29/09 and recorded in the Worcester County Registry of Deeds in Book 45156, Page 190 Subject to and with the benefit of easements, reservation, restrictions, and taking of record, if any, insofar as the same are now in force and applicable. In the event of any typographical error set forth herein in the legal description of the premises, the description as set forth and contained in the mortgage shall control by reference. This property has the address of 3 Highland Avenue, Millbury, MA 01527-2136. Together with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property and all easements, rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water rights and stock and all fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this sale. Terms of Sale: Said premises will be sold subject to any and all unpaid taxes and assessments, tax sales, tax titles and other municipal liens and water or sewer liens and State or County transfer fees, if any there are, and TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00) in cashier’s or certified check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of the sale as a deposit and the balance in cashier’s or certified check will be due in thirty (30) days, at the offices of Doonan, Graves & Longoria, LLC, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 225D, Beverly, MA 01915, time being of the essence. The Mortgagee reserves the right to postpone the sale to a later date by public proclamation at the time and date appointed for the sale and to further postpone at any adjourned sale-date by public proclamation at the time and date appointed for the adjourned sale date. The premises is to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, leases, tenancies, and rights of possession, building and zoning laws, encumbrances, condominium liens, if any and all other claim in the nature of liens, if any there be. In the event that the successful bidder at the foreclosure sale shall default in purchasing the within described property according to the terms of this Notice of Sale and/or the terms of the Memorandum of Sale executed at the time of foreclosure, the Mortgagee reserves the right to sell the property by foreclosure deed to the second highest bidder, providing that said second highest bidder shall deposit with the Mortgagee’s attorneys, DOONAN, GRAVES, & LONGORIA LLC, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 225D, Beverly, MA 01915, the amount of the required deposit as set forth herein within three (3) business days after written notice of the default of the previous highest bidder and title shall be conveyed to the said second highest bidder within thirty (30) days of said written notice. If the second highest bidder declines to purchase the within described property, the Mortgagee reserves the right to purchase the within described property at the amount bid by the second highest bidder. The foreclosure deed and the consideration paid by the successful bidder shall be held in escrow by DOONAN, GRAVES, & LONGORIA LLC, (hereinafter called the “Escrow Agent”) until the deed shall be released from escrow to the successful bidder at the same time as the consideration is released to the Mortgagee, thirty (30) days after the date of sale, whereupon all obligations of the Escrow Agent shall be deemed to have been properly fulfilled and the Escrow Agent shall be discharged. Other terms to be announced at the sale. Dated: January 14, 2014, Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, By: Reneau Longoria. Esq., DOONAN, GRAVES, & LONGORIA LLC, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 225D, Beverly, MA 01915, 978-921-2670, www.dgandl.com (10101.05(Y))(Belanger)(02-06-14, 02-13-14, 02-20-14)(304465) WORCESTER HOUSING AUTHORITY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS February 13, 2014 SEALED BIDS shall be received at the Purchasing Office, 69 Tacoma St., Worceseter, MA 01605 IFBs maybe picked up at the location above or may be downloaded from our webiste: www.worcester-housing.com/purchasing, or call (508) 695-3203, TDD (508) 798-4530. Bidders are responsible for ensuring they have received any/all addenda prior to submitting a bid. Separate awards will be made for each IFB. WHA reserves the right to reject any all responses, in whole or in part, deemed to be in their best interest. Award of all contracts is subject to the approval of the WHA Executive Director or Board of Commissioners. The Operating Agency shall indemnify and hold harmless the WHA and its officers or agents from any and all third party claims arising from activities under these Agreements as set fort in MGL c.258, section 2 as amended. Bid No. Release Date Project Title Bid Surety Bid Opening 14-08 2/13/2014 Asbestos Floor Tile Removal 5% 2:30 p.m., March 6, 2014 Pre-Bid Conference 2:30 p.m., February 20, 2014 DCAMM Certification - Asbestos Removal 14-06 2/13/2014 S&D Hot Water Tanks & Back Flows N/A 10:00 a.m., March 6, 2014 Re Cappoli Chief Procurement Officer Visit our website at: www.worcester-housing.com/purchasing

Keep it Legal 46


• F E B R U A R Y 13 , 2 0 14

TOWN OF SUTTON Sutton Planning Board Public Hearing Notice The Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the application of John Minardi, 7 Purgatory Road, Sutton, MA for architectural review of a 40’ x 60’ x 20’ eave height pre-engineered steel building to be constructed at 72 Worcester Providence Turnpike. The hearing will be held in the third floor meeting room at the Town Hall on Monday, February 24, 2014 at 7:15 PM. A copy of the plans and application can be inspected in the office of the Town Clerk during normal office hours. Jon Anderson, Chairman 2/6, 2/13/2014 MS

Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Worcester Probate and Family Court 225 Main St. Worcester, MA 01608 Docket No. WO14P0354GD CITATION GIVING NOTICE OF PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR INCAPACITATED PERSON PURSUANT TO G.L. c. 190B, §5-304 In the matter of: Kristina Tran Of: Shrewsbury, MA RESPONDENT Alleged Incapacitated Person To the named Respondent and all other interested persons, a petition has been filed by Dept of Developmental Serv. Of Shrewsbury, MA in the above captioned matter alleging that Kristina Tran is in need of a Guardian and requesting that Nguyet Tran of Worcester, MA Kevin Nguyen of Worcester, MA (or some other suitable person) be appointed as Guardian to serve Without Surety on the bond. The petition asks the court to determine that the Respondent is incapacitated, that the appointment of a Guardian is necessary, and that the proposed Guardian is appropriate. The petition is on file with this court and may contain a request for certain specific authority. You have the right to object to this proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the return date of 03/04/2014. This day is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline date by which you have to file the written appearance if you object to the petition. If you fail to file the written appearance by the return date, action may be taken in this matter without further notice to you. In addition to filing the written appearance you or your attorney must file a written affidavit stating the specific facts and grounds of your objection within 30 days after the return date. IMPORTANT NOTICE The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away the above-named person’s right to make decisions about personal affairs or financial affairs or both. The above-named person has the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make this request on behalf of the above-named person. If the above-named person cannot afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at State expense. WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First Justice of this Court. Date: February 03, 2014 Stephen G. Abraham Register of Probate 02/13/2014 WM TOWN OF SUTTON Sutton Planning Board Public Hearing Notice In accordance with the provisions of Section VI.H. and VI.I. of the Sutton Zoning Bylaw – Retreat Lot and Common Driveway Bylaw, the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the application of Tamam and Zena Jaber, 79 Williams Street, Worcester, MA 01609 for a Special Permit for a common driveway and revision to a previously granted retreat lot located at 33 & 39 West Millbury Road. The hearing will be held in the third floor meeting room at the Town Hall on Monday, February 24, 2014 at 7:30 PM. A copy of the plans and application can be inspected in the office of the Town Clerk during normal office hours. Jon Anderson, Chairman 2/6, 2/13/2014 MS

Two minutes with...

Knight of Shining Armor Who better else to sit down with this Valentine’s Day than Worcester’s Knight of Shining Armor? A nobleman and gentleman, single, who brandishes a great broadsword and being welcoming with adoration for a good selfie, what is not to love? Our Knight in Shining Armor is a mere 65 pounds, but is weighted with interests, including baroque music and heavy metal. He has made a new home at Worcester Art Museum as part of the upcoming exhibition “Knights!” Prior to the doors opening to this show, which will feature arms and armor from the former Higgins Armory collection, he is scheduled to make a few appearances in and around Worcester. He can be found at WSRS’ Valentine’s Dinner Dance this Saturday, Feb. 15 at the Beechwood Hotel, at WAM during Feb Fun vacation week and at the Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Worcester Magazine caught up with our Knight in Shining Armor to find out more about his new home at the Museum and what visitors can expect next month when “Knights!” opens. For ore information on the “Knights!” exhibition and events at WAM, visit www.worcesterart.org or find them on Facebook and Twitter.

You’ve arrived at your new home; how have you and your brothers-in-arms faired? ’Tis most splendid! Thank you, you are most kind to inquire. We do find the accommodations here at the Worcester Art Museum most comfortable. The Museum is a wonderful new home to explore. Helmutt, my armor-suited dog has also made the trip from the Armory and is looking forward to showing off his new quarters at the Museum.

Have you seen the [remastered] exhibition? What do you think? Of course, I visit it often! It is a fabulous exhibition! The artworks and the majestic hangings are reminiscent of my family’s estate. The Museum offers so many places to sit and reflect and to discover it’s fine riches.

Tell us about the moving process; how were the artifacts and the suits packed and moved? How long did the process take? ’Twas amazing…. In my day, it was done by steeds and carts, but these young STEVEN KING

strapping lads and lasses were quite splendid and carefully moved almost 2,000 items with naught a problem.

How will the armor be displayed at the Museum? I do ask that you come and see for yourself. Art objects from the Museum’s collection will be displayed alongside pieces from the John Woodman Higgins Collection in a brand new experience for all audiences to gaze upon. The exhibition will highlight the unique role these objects played in history, storytelling and art.

Will you still offer medieval-type educational programs? Absolutely! The museum will have storytelling, family programs, talks, book clubs, tours all related to the topic of art, arms and armor. I myself will be making appearances around this fiefdom of Worcester and at local festivities.

“Knights!” opens March 29. What can visitors expect? How will you be promoting it? This new look at the John Woodman Higgins Collection takes visitors on an unforgettable journey back in time. Featuring some of the finest arms and armor in the country alongside works from the Worcester Art Museum, “Knights!” explores the broader significance of these objects in the context of history, storytelling and art. Interactives, hands-on tools and familyfriendly programs will make this an interactive adventure for the whole family. And, you can meet Helmutt, the lovable armor-suited dog, who will take families on a fun-filled adventure through the exhibition. Come to the museum for much merriment in the final days of March. On Friday night, March 28, the public is invited to a great party, an evening of medieval revelry. On March 29 and 30, come to the weekend Renaissance Faire with music, jugglers, costumed performers and family activities. Perchance we will meet at the festivities. Until then, Fare thee well my good ladies and good men.

-Steven King, Writer and photographer FEBRUARY 13, 2014 • WORCESTERMAGAZINE.COM


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FE B R UARY 13, 2014

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