Worcester Magazine May 29, 2014

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MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014



FREE inside stories news

T&G sale: John Henry disappoints staff Page 4

A RAW journey Worcester refugees weave together history, tradition and entrepreneurial spirit


Pieces of ART Page 19


The big M at Hanover Page 20

The following colleges have guaranteed distribution of The 2014 College Guide to the students on their campuses this fall:

Anna Maria College Assumption College Becker College Clark University College of the Holy Cross Massachusetts College of Pharmacy

Quinsigamond Community College University of Mass. Medical School Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester State College Tufts Veterinary School

There are thousands of students coming to the college campuses in Worcester. They will spend millions of dollars off-campus during the academic year. Worcester Magazine’s College Survival Guide is your easy, affordable way to reach them. Coming August 7th to a College Campus near you! Reserve your space by July 17th! Contact your sales representative today! 508-749-3166 2

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Kirk A. Davis President Kathleen Real Publisher x331 Brittany Durgin Editor x321 Steven King Photographer x323 Walter Bird Jr. Senior Writer x322 Jacleen Charbonneau, Jonnie Coutu, Brian Goslow, Mätthew Griffin, Janice Harvey, Lynne Hedvig, Jim Keogh, Laurance Levey, Josh Lyford, Doreen Manning, Taylor Nunez, Jim Perry, Matt Robert, Jeremy Shulkin, Barbara Taormina, Al Vuona Contributing Writers Katie Benoit, Chelsey Pan, Corlyn Voorhees Editorial Interns Don Cloutier Director of Creative Services x141 Kimberly Vasseur Creative Director/Assistant Director of Creative Services x142 Bess Couture, Becky Gill, Stephanie Mallard Creative Services Department Abbey Murphy Creative Services Intern Helen Linnehan Ad Director x333 Rick McGrail x334, Theresa S. Carrington x335, Media Consultants Amy O’Brien Media Coordinator x332 Carrie Arsenault Classified Manager x560 Worcester Magazine is an independent news weekly covering Central Massachusetts. We accept no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts. The Publisher has the right to refuse any advertisement. LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES: Please call 978-728-4302, email sales@centralmassclass.com, or mail to Central Mass Classifieds, P.O. Box 546, Holden, MA 01520

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insidestories stories

eing a History and Urban Studies student, I have always been interested in the immigrant experience and the reciprocal impact that these newcomers and cities have on one other. As a college student, I have read and studied this occurrence, but it wasn’t until the writing of this story that I had the opportunity to learn first-hand the true human realities of making a life in a new social, economic, cultural, religious and political environment. Worcester is one of multiple American cities that accept and invite the resettlement of refugees escaping war, persecution or natural disasters. Over 2,000 refugees were resettled in Massachusetts last year alone. In many ways, there is a commonality between the trials faced by these refugees and those hardships faced by immigrants of long ago. One local organization helping to ease this transition is Refugee Artisans of Worcester, a group that encourages artisan refugees to resume creation of products like Kiondo bags, doko namlo baskets and woven scarves and shawls they made in their former countries. The sale of these products, facilitated by the efforts of RAW, provides additional income to these artists. This week’s cover story highlights the personal stories of local refugee artisans, their products and the organization that fosters this creativity. -Katie Benoit, Contributing writer


Worcester Magazine is not liable for typographical errors in advertisements.

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City Desk Worcesteria Harvey 1,001 Words Cover Story Night & Day Film Film Times Krave Event Listings Classifieds 2 minutes with…

ABOUT THE COVER Photo by Steven King Design by Kimberly Vasseur

M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M


{ citydesk }

May 29 - June 4, 2014 ■ Volume 39, Number 39

New T&G owner no stranger to slashing and cutting; John Henry disappoints staff


he hatchet is expected to fall inside the Front Street headquarters of the 148-year-old Worcester Telegram & Gazette, but just how painful the cuts will be will not be known until after the blow is delivered. Interim T&G publisher James Hopson has said only that “most employees” will retain their jobs - but not all. Industry sources tell Worcester Magazine the company likely will cut between15-20 positions. While the immediate future of the largest daily newspaper in Central Massachusetts is murky right now, two things are clear: One, the new steward of the T&G has a track record of slashing and cutting staff - and not a perfect record of results once it buys a new product. Two, the man who sold the newspaper to the Halifax Media Group is persona non grata in Worcester. When the 4-year-old company (it was founded in 2010 and is backed by Arkansas billionaire Warren Stephens) acquired the Daytona Beach News Journal in April 2010, what happened next was not exactly positive, according to a Jan. 4, 2011 report from flaglerlive.com. The company eliminated online comments, which the report says reduced online readership. According to flaglerlive, in the first six months of ownership by the Halifax Media Group, the average weekday circulation plummeted from 70,721 to 63,902. Sunday circulation suffered a similar decline, from 92,553 to 83,486. The

report noted that average daily circulation at the Daytona Beach News Journal had been on the decline long before it was sold to the Halifax Media Group - falling by 41,431 copies since 2005. Daytona Beach News-Journal Editor Pat Rice did not return multiple telephone calls seeking comment. In Worcester, T&G employees are on edge as they await their fate. “We’re all going to get envelopes [this week] telling us we’re either hired or fired,” one T&G employee says, noting all workers essentially are laid off as part of the sale, and have to be rehired. “We have a scenarios where people have 20 or 30 years, they get an envelope ... and that’s it, they’re gone. That seems like a heartless way [to do business].” Employees met last week with Human Resources personnel from Halifax Media Group, according to the T&G staffer, who says benefits will not include a pension or a 401K match. There will be health insurance, the employee adds, but unlike previously, there is no choice of health care provider, just one. There will be no buyouts offered from Halifax Media Group, according to another T&G employee, who says the New York Times Co. offered them when it bought the paper. That, the employee says, "is a much more graceful way to dismiss staff." Instead, the Halifax Media Group is expected to offer a severance package -


Walter Bird Jr.

and if history is any indicator, it will be accompanied by a threat that if any axed employees speak to the media about it, they will not receive their severance package. It will likely also include a non-disparagement

Total for this week:

A weekly quality of life check-in of Worcester



Massachusetts doesn’t quite fall to the bottom of worst states for military retirees to live, but at No. 33, according to www. wallethub.com, it hardly has bragging rights. -3

Becker College ranked among Top 75 schools in US for game design and development by the Animation Career Review. +4

New EAT Center at 9 Jacques Ave. celebrates with 20 fruit trees planted and a ribbon cutting ceremony. +2

continued on page 7


WOO-TOWN INDE X Sale of Worcester Telegram & Gazette to Florida company announced to staff - and owner John Henry is nowhere to be seen or heard from. -2

clause prohibiting any "disparaging or untrue statement about the company, its affiliates, owners, stockholders or about any employee of the company," if the new owner does what it did after the Halifax Media Group acquired the former New York Times Regional Media Group in 2012. The information was reported at poynter.org. As part of that sale, the company was only allowed to lay off 10 percent of the 2,000-person staff. However, that only applied to layoffs at the time of the closing. The Halifax Media Group and Henry are expected to finalize the closing of the T&G sale by Sunday, June 1. If a similar agreement is reached, the estimates of between 15-20 layoffs would prove accurate - and it would not mean more layoffs are not in the offing. There are currently about 180 employees at the T&G, down from about 500 14 years ago. The uncertainty and worry about their professional future is just part of the emotion that has gripped T&G employees. There is also no love lost for the man who owned them for less than a year. "We're all very disappointed in him," a T&G employee says of John Henry, the billionaire owner of the Boston Red Sox who just six months ago looked staff members in their eyes and said if he could not find a local buyer they would probably be "stuck with me." Now? Not so much. "He came in and said this is not a forced sale. He said, 'you're stuck with me if I can't find a local

While not exactly what was planned, the weather doesn’t completely rain on Memorial Day weekend festivities, with parades attracting reverent crowds. +1

There is a large gap between a city that says it is cashstrapped and those who want millions more in funding for public schools. -2

Taking nothing away from soccer in Worcester, the lack of rectangular fields in the city affects other sports, such as rugby. -1

-3 +4 +2 +1 -2 -1 +1

W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M • M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

College of the Holy Cross names new head coach for lacrosse team. +1

M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M


{ citydesk }

State Sen. Harriette Chandler: Worcester Magazine story inspired push for law Walter Bird Jr.


hen he aired his frustrations to Worcester Magazine earlier this year about the strain placed on Massachusetts funeral homes with socalled “welfare burials,” Graham Putnam & Mahoney Funeral Home Director Peter Stefan minced no words. “They have to get off their ass and do something,” he said of state lawmakers and what he saw as regulations and stipulations that hamstring funeral homes when it came to performing burials of the indigent as well as unclaimed bodies. His message was heard. When the state Senate earlier this month passed a $36.4-billion budget, it also approved hundreds of amendments, including seven filed by state Sen. Harriette Chandler, D-Worcester. Among them was a recommendation to raise the cap on how much can be spent on indigent burials in Massachusetts, a step Chandler says was spurred by a Worcester Magazine feature story earlier this year. “We read [the story], followed it very carefully and filed the amendment,” Chandler says of the move to raise from $3,500 to $4,400 the limit on what can be spent on socalled “welfare” burials to still be eligible for reimbursement from the state Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA). The issue was one of several raised in a March 20 story titled “Unclaimed: Dead and buried alone in Massachusetts” that


focused on problems faced by funeral homes when dealing with unclaimed and indigent burials. Among them is the $1,100 maximum reimbursement offered in Massachusetts, which Stefan claims makes it next to impossible for funeral homes to pay for a burial. The state also requires that no more than $3,500 be spent on the burial in order to qualify for reimbursement. Making it worse is that any money in the estate of the deceased individual counts toward the cap. Chandler was quoted in the story as saying, “There comes a point when the [reimbursement] the funeral director gets from the state should be commensurate with the job.” In the amendment she filed with the fiscal 2015 state budget, Chandler does not call for raising the rate of reimbursement - it would remain $1,100 - but raises the cap by $900, giving funeral homes and families a little leeway, while still qualifying for DTA reimbursement. In addition, her amendment stipulates that the first $2,000 of an estate would not count toward the cap. “Clearly,” says Chandler, “it needed to be done. What we said is we didn’t add any money to the budget for reimbursement, but we took the cap from $3,500 to $4,400. It’s a no-brainer. It does something good without any extra cost.” According to Chandler, the chairman of the state Senate Ways & Means Committee, state Sen. Stephen Brewer, D-Barre, was “very touched” by the Worcester Magazine story. Chandler notes the state spent approximately $4 million on indigent burials

LIQUORED UP: Police nabbed a 69-yearold man they believe robbed McGovern’s Package store Friday, May 23. Gang Unit officers responded to the store at 82 Millbury St. around 9:35 p.m. for a reported armed robbery. The undercover cops were in an unmarked cruiser and started patrolling the area, looking for a suspect described as white, gray hair, wearing a navy blue jacket with tape covering his face. The man also allegedly had a handgun. Police saw the man, later identified as Lawrence McArthur, 264 Southwest Cutoff, get into a white pickup truck on Scott Street. The truck drove off and started speeding up. Police pulled the truck over on Ellsworth Street. As they approached the truck, they saw McArthur toward the floor of the truck. After ordering him out of the truck, officers searched McArthur and discovered a wad of cash. Looking inside the truck, they found what turned out to be a pellet gun. After returning to Scott Street, police arrested McArthur for armed robbery. Investigators believe the robbery could be tied to the May 22 armed robbery of the Reliant Medical GroupEasy Care Pharmacy, 630 Plantation St. A suspect fitting McArthur’s description allegedly robbed the store of money. McArthur was expected to be arraigned in Worcester District Court this week.


W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M • M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

MARCH 20 - 26, 2014

inside stories


Students headed to national DECA competition as future leaders Page 4


“Knights!” at WAM Page 18

Grounds for Drinking Page 26


DEAD AND BURIED ALONE last year. She says records she saw indicated Stefan performed the second most indigent burials in the state. They include the care of so-called “unclaimed” bodies, cases where a family member or next of kin either could not be reached or waived any claim to the body. Stefan says his funeral home performed at least 40 such burials last year. The number of unclaimed bodies in Massachusetts had been on the rise until last year. The state’s Chief Medical Examiner referred 33 cases to the DTA in 2010, 58 in 2011 and 82 in 2012. The number dipped to 67 last year. The total number of indigent burials, which include unclaimed bodies, was 3,186 last year. Over the first two-plus months this year, 1,855 indigent burials went through the DTA. The

cases included benefits paid through Social Security Income, Transition Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Emergency Aid to Elders, Disabled and Children. While offering among the lowest reimbursement rates of those states that do so, Massachusetts has among the most stringent requirements for how an indigent burial must be performed, including embalming, “suitable burial garment,” casket, metal plate engraved with the name of the deceased, a hearse and a member of the clergy to officiate at the burial. The $1,100 state reimbursement does not come close to meeting those costs, according to Stefan, who says Chandler’s amendment is a welcome move. “It’s not big, but it’s better than nothing,” he says. “It’ll help a hell of a lot. Whatever it is, it’s a step forward.” With Senate approval, the state budget now goes to a conference committee to be reconciled with the budget passed by the State House last month. Chandler says she is confident her amendment will survive review and be adopted with the budget. “I think there’s a good chance this could become law this year,” she says. Reach Walter Bird Jr. at 508-7493166, ext. 322 or by email at wbird@ worcestermagazine.com. Follow him on Twitter @walterbirdjr and find him on Facebook. Don’t miss Walter on the Paul Westcott Show on WTAG radio 580AM/94.9FM every Thursday at 8:40 a.m. and be sure to visit worcestermagazine.com every day for what’s new in Worcester.

NO DEAL: A lengthy investigation into street-level drug dealing resulted in the arrest of 27-year-old Seymor Corporan on Friday, May 23. According to police, members of the Street Violence Prevention Group had a search warrant for 119 Southgate St. Officers observed Corporan leave his apartment at that address around 12:30 p.m. and get into a vehicle that drove off. Officers followed the vehicle and ended up pulling it over near Canterbury Street. Police found Corporan to be in possession of several small bags of marijuana weighing about a half pound. They also found $401 in cash. The marijuana was packaged in a manner consistent with distribution, according to police. A search of Corporan’s apartment yielded a loaded .22-caliber firearm, ammunition, two clear plastic bags with 50 grams of MDMA (ecstasy pills), packaging materials, a digital scale and $2,175 in cash. Corporan was charged with possession of a Class B substance (ecstasy) with intent to distribute (second offense), possession of a Class D substance with the intent to distribute (second offense), possession of a firearm without an FID, possession of ammunition without an FID, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony and the improper storage of a firearm. He was being held on $50,000 cash bail after his arrest.

{ citydesk } T&G SALE continued from page 4

buyer.' Then he turns around and sells us to some chain out of Florida with no investment [in Worcester]." The employee adds: "It's not a good time for our paper. First of all, people really feel let down by John Henry. He promised something like this would not happen." Henry paid one visit to the T&G after acquiring it with the Boston Globe last year. Many observers back then did not see how the Worcester paper fit into Henry's plans. T&G employees were also curious, but Henry did not immediately visit them until public pressure mounted. He stopped by in November, when he uttered those now locally-famous words, which were Tweeted out and reported by several employees: "If we don't find the right owner, you're stuck with me." As the days turned into weeks, however, and the weeks into months, no serious local buyers emerged. There was talk about former T&G publisher Harry Whitin and Polar Beverages bigwig Ralph Crowley Jr., who had previously tried to pry the paper away from the New York Times Co. when it owned it, possibly jumping back in. Apparently, however, no local buyers ended up making formal bids. It is not known how much the Halifax Media Group ended up paying for the T&G, but analysts have estimated it was

between $7-$15 million; the company was valued at $7 million when the New York Times Co. sold it to Henry with the Globe. If the asking price is what deterred local buyers, you can color Tim Murray beyond disappointed. The ex-lieutenant governor turned president and CEO of the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce personally authored two letters to Henry. The latter was no warm and fuzzy hug-fest. In it, Murray tells Henry that the asking price he was hearing about was in the $14-$15-million range. "My concern," he writes, "is that an inflated valuation will likely preclude prospective local buyers from purchasing the paper." Still, Murray had put some stock in Henry's now meaningless promise of finding a local buyer. It has left him less than thrilled. "It's disappointing," he says. "[Henry] came and represented himself as committed to finding a good steward and a local buyer ... his words ring hollow." Now it is time to see whether the Halifax Media Group and its stated intentions ring hollow. In addressing his staff about the sale - neither Henry nor any representatives of the new ownership group showed up Hopson calls it "a great deal." Then he said this, according to a T&G report: "I hope

you're viewing this with optimism. [The new owners] want to come in here and do a good job for you and the community." Not all T&G employees are giving Henry the cold shoulder. One staffer believes the short-time owner had the best intentions. "I think he was genuine when he met with the staff," the employee says. "Perhaps he was too candid. He said he was looking for a local owner." As for the axe that will fall, the employee says, "Everybody thinks they're the one who's going to be the one who's gone. The reality is most of them will be staying. Any company coming in isn't going to make drastic editorial changes to things that are already working. "In 2013 the T&G was profitable. The Telegram has been successful. Given the national position of newspapers everywhere, they're half of what they used to be." Reach Walter Bird Jr. at 508-7493166, ext. 322 or by email at wbird@ worcestermagazine.com. Follow him on Twitter @walterbirdjr and find him on Facebook. Don’t miss Walter on the Paul Westcott Show on WTAG radio 580AM/94.9FM every Thursday at 8:40 a.m. and be sure to visit worcestermagazine.com every day for what’s new in Worcester.

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W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M • M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

Walter Bird Jr.

This week’s Worcester Magazine includes a story on the sale of the Worcester Telegram & Gazette to a not-so-local media outfit from Florida, the Halifax Media Group. Well, an online site ran its own story this week claiming it obtained a copy of the deal documents and that some 30 positions would be axed. The story also says the new company paid $19 million for the T&G. The story, says one employee, “is just ... well, wrong,” and says the $19 million figure is also off the mark. By the way, word is that employees will not find out their fate until Monday, June 2. They were originally told they would receive envelopes revealing the good or bad news on Friday, May 30. The staff at the T&G is, expectedly, on edge as it knows at least some of them will be out of jobs. According to the employee, “The staff are unsettled. They’re feeling like they’re in limbo, just waiting to see if they have a job or not.” Some employees have taken to Twitter in light of the news. Some, like Craig Semon, have adopted dark humor as a way to cope with the uncertainty. Others, like Shaun Sutner, have used the online forum to ask direct questions about things like whether employees who decline job offers will receive severance pay. The Halifax Media Group has not assumed control of their first paper in the Northeast, yet, but leaving an entire staff - including many longtime and well-read reporters and columnists - in the dark about their professional futures is, well, not very professional.

ROUND TWO: Turns out there will be a

Democratic Primary showdown in the 16th Worcester District, after all - assuming, of course, neither of the two candidates withdraws by the Friday, May 30 deadline to do so. Josh Perro is poised to challenge incumbent Dan Donahue, close to a year after coming within 98 votes of him in a special Democratic Primary. Donahue, of course, went on to win the general election against Republican Carol Claros and replaced former Democratic state Rep. John Fresolo, who resigned last year. Fresolo had actually submitted nomination papers to the state with enough signatures to get on the ballot this year, but he later withdrew his name. Perro then pulled nomination papers from City Hall - and filed a complaint about a former mayor’s office employee about that experience. Both Perro and the Secretary of State’s Elections Division this week confirmed Perro had turned in his papers. According to spokesperson for the Secretary of State, Perro turned in 260 signatures, well over the 150 necessary to land on the ballot. Donahue had already turned in his papers. He had 230 signatures, according to the spokesperson.

THE ‘REGULAR PERSON’: Over in the 13th Worcester District, incumbent Democratic state Rep.John Mahoney can expect a challenge from Jackie Kostas, a 51-year-old, married mother of one daughter from Peru. She is also a self-described “regular person” who says she is not a politician. Barring a last-minute change of heart, the Republican Kostas will be on the ballot come November and will seek to unseat Mahoney. Kostas became a US citizen in 2008 and says she was inspired by Republican state lawmaker Shaunna O’Connell’s campaign for EBT reform. Kostas says that is one of her key issues, along with no entitlements for illegal immigrants and fewer regulations on small businesses. “I’m just a regular person who sees clear the way the Democrats are running the state. I know what I left behind [in Peru]. I don’t want to repeat that.”

THE BALLOT BUNCH: There are, of course,a number of races in and around Worcester in this election year. With the deadline for turning in nomination papers and other information to the state having come and gone (did we mention there is still time for candidates to pull out?), attention can start turning to campaigns. In Worcester, other than the 13th and 16th Worcester Districts, there are some other interesting races. In the 15th Worcester District, incumbent Democratic state Rep. Mary Keefe is on the ballot, along with District 2 City Councilor Phil Palmieri - but they’re not alone. Ralph Perez is also on the ballot. One of the most interesting races will take place in the 17th Worcester District, where the Dean of the Delegation, Democrat John Binienda, is retiring after more than two decades in the Statehouse. Democrats Doug Belanger, Moses Dixon and Mike Germain are all on the ballot, setting up a primary election, as is Republican Kate Campanale. On the Senate side

{ worcesteria } of things, longtime Democratic state Sen. Harriette Chandler faces primary challenges from union guy Sean Maher and William Feegbeh, the latter of whom has also been lobbying for the city manager’s job. Republican Paul Franco is also on the ballot. State Rep. Jim O’Day, D -14th Worcester District, and state Sen. Mike Moore, D-2nd Worcester District, do not have any competition. Republican and openly gay activist Todd Williams had announced a run against Moore, but did not get his name on the ballot.

I CAN HEAR CLEARLY NOW: There was a noticeable difference in sound inside City Council chambers this week. We are, of course, talking about the playing of the “Star Spangled Banner,” which in recent weeks had been coming off as, at best, garbled and, in some cases, stopping altogether. Either the sound system was fixed or the recording was cleaned up, but either way it was welcome music to the ears. A COMMON CAUSE: In the first full report under the leadership of Executive Director Tim

McGourthy (remember him?), The Worcester Regional Research Bureau has taken on no less a controversial topic than the much-maligned Common Core State Standards. In the report, released Thursday, May 29, the Bureau goes on the record in support of Common Core, while making several recommendations for “improving the implementation of the revised Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks based on the Common Core and its assessment system.” McGourthy and The Research Bureau probably won’t make many friends among the anti-Common Core crowd, including local and vocal critic Donna Colorio, a former School Committee member who has worked feverishly in opposition of the new standards. One of the key concerns among critics is the testing system in Massachusetts under Common Core, called the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, or PARCC for short. The Bureau says it is “unlikely” the state will reject PARCC and points out states are not limited to just the tests under Common Core. The report takes a shot at another popular refrain among critics - that Common Core is a federal mandate that takes away local control. “The Federal government’s role in the Common Core, and the various assessment consortia, has been generally limited to funding ... It is disingenuous to suggest that the Common Core ... represents any form of Federal control over curriculum, program of instruction, or instructional material.” You can view the full report online at www.wrrb.org.

NAME GAME: Paul Mullaney has fought in two wars, been a city councilor, mayor and district court judge. The highly-decorated veteran of both WorldWar II and the Korean War has received his share of honors as a result of his service to city and country, and he is about to add another to his resume. The city, on Saturday, June 7, will rename City Hall Plaza in his honor, the Paul V. Mullaney Plaza. The festivities will start at 8:45 a.m. with a gathering outside Union Station, followed by a procession to the Korean War Memorial, and then a jaunt up Front Street to the plaza. Mullaney says he is touched, but would like to see all veterans honored. You can read more about Mullaney online at www.worcestermagazine. com. OUT TO LUNCH: Get your dancing shoes on, grab a bite to eat and head on over to Worcester Common, starting next month, for the sixth annual Out to Lunch Concert Series. The series kicks off Thursday, June 19 and continues 10 consecutive weeks through Aug. 21. While you’re there you can check out what will, by then, be the newly-renamed Paul V. Mullaney Plaza. And, of course, there’s the music. This summer’s lineup is as follows: June 19, Erin Harpe and the Delta Swingers; June 26, Sonic Explorers; July 3, The Hip Swayers; July 10, The Soul DeScendants; July 17, Jubilee Gardens; July 24, Testify; July 31, Ashley Jordan; Aug. 7, Throwback to the 1960s; Aug. 14, Matthew Sanchez Y Su Orquesta; Aug. 21, East Coast Soul. The shows are free and run from noon to 2 p.m. Things get going at 11 a.m. with a farmers market and area food vendors and artisan crafters.

Can’t get enough Worcesteria? Check out Daily Worcesteria online at www.worcestermagazine. com. As its name suggests, the site has new news daily! Have a tip or suggestion for Worcesteria? Call Walter Bird Jr. at 508-749-3166, ext. 322 or by email at wbird@worcestermagazine.com. Follow him on Twitter @walterbirdjr and find him on Facebook. Don’t miss Walter on the Paul Westcott Show on WTAG radio 580AM/94.9FM every Thursday at 8:40 a.m. M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M


commentary | opinions slants& rants { } V E R BATI M


Don’t rain on my parade Janice Harvey



• M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4


- The number of states in which the Halifax Media Group will own newspapers once it completes its purchase of the Telegram & Gazette

Tell us how you really feel Letters to the editor should be legible, signed and brief (preferably

no more than 200 words). A daytime telephone number must be provided for verification. Worcester Magazine reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, libelous or offensive material and style. Send letters to: Letters, Worcester Magazine, 72 Shrewsbury St., Worcester, MA 01604 or E-mail: editor@worcestermagazine.com, or fax: 508-749-3165 Follow us on:

By Steven King



- Telegram & Gazette employee on John Henry, who bought the newspaper last year and has agreed to sell it to a Florida-based company

1,001 words

he average American knows that nothing is as it seems. Among us walk millions of Doubting Thomases, certain we are being duped, lied to and tricked by…everyone else. The “DTs” as I’ve affectionately nicknamed them, spend their days waiting to pull the curtain back on the Wizard. Joe the Plumber knows that behind every fact, there’s a cover-up waiting to be exposed. DTs know that man never walked on the moon – that iconic photo of astronauts planting a flag in the ashy lunar surface was staged on a Hollywood back lot. DTs are quite sure that Lee Harvey Oswald not only had accomplices in the assassination of President Kennedy, but he’s not even dead himself – he was spirited away to Russia by Fidel Castro. Jack Ruby fired blanks. Elvis didn’t fall off a toilet like a burlap sack off a turnip truck – he was just sick of stardom, and wanted out of the rat race. He’s been living in an ashram with Jimmy Hoffa since ’77. Ask any DT - Tupac wasn’t murdered – he’s selling used cars in Toronto. Michael Jackson isn’t dead, either – how could he be? He just recorded a duet with Justin Timberlake, but he spends most of his time in the company of aliens who abducted him for experimentation purposes. And a day doesn’t go by without hearing that 9/11 was perpetrated by Americans, not Osama Bin Laden who, by the way, isn’t dead, either. That body the Navy Seals tossed in the ocean was actually a gym bag filled with Blockbuster VHS tapes and overdue library books. It’s true. The most odious conspiracy theory dreamed up by DTs with considerable help from the NRA - is the notion that the Sandy Hook massacre, which claimed the life of 20 children and the teachers who tried to protect them, never happened. This heinous idea registers off the nasty charts. Normally, I’m not one for such speculation. But the recent Memorial Day weekend has me embracing a DT theory with plenty of evidence to support it. I am now convinced that meteorologists are in cahoots with every golf course owner, inn keeper and restauranteur in New England. I sense that some deal has been struck to prevent us from knowing when the weekend weather will suck mightily. As proof, I give you the forecasts for the past holiday. At no time in the days preceding the Memorial Day weekend did the forecasters predict the drizzly, foggy, downright crappy weather we experienced. They sugarcoated the three-day forecast with promises that it would “improve” with each passing day. Fat chance. But if the meteorologists gave us the true skinny, the Sagamore, Bourne and Piscataqua bridges would have been empty – along with the coffers of every ice cream stand, clam shack and motor inn from Connecticut to the Canadian border. Maybe I’m crazy, but it seems to me that with all the computerized gizmos, bell and whistles at their disposal, they probably had a pretty good idea that our hot dog rolls were going to get soggy. With equipment that can tell us to the tenth of an inch how much snow will fall from hour to hour, it’s likely the forecasters knew I wouldn’t need sunscreen.

So if my theory holds water, so to speak, there’s widespread corruption going on in the world of weather. My brother once got a meteorologist to admit as much after a couple drinks at a wedding reception. Shortly after, her contract was terminated and she joined “the disappeared.” Maybe she’s buried under Shea Stadium, or sleeping with the fishes. Maybe Whitey knows something. I’m a little upset by this skullduggery, as you can imagine. The lousy weather kept me from searching the skies for Jacko’s mother ship and made my trip to the Berkshires in search of Sasquatch impossible. Everybody knows that yetis don’t like rain.

We’re all very, very disappointed in him.”


A RAW journey Worcester refugees weave together history, tradition and entrepreneurial spirit

{ coverstory }

Traditional Kenyan Ciodoo basket woven from sisal and wool.

By Katie Benoit with photos by Steven King story begins on page 12

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{ coverstory } On a sunny Monday morning inside a corner booth at Panera Bread on Gold Star Boulevard in Worcester sit two women who are passionate about textiles and curious about refugee resettlement issues. “Welcome to our corporate offi ce!” they joke. One wears a stunning example of a Nepali inlaid scarf, the other a beautiful blue Iraqi amulet. “Walking models,” quips Ellen Ferrante, of Worcester. Both accessories represent

not only incredible artistic skill and creativity, but the embodiment of what has become the life’s work for Ferrante and Joan Kariko, also of Worcester.

Though it appears the two have been lifelong best friends, they tell – over coffee and yogurt – of their first meeting, just four short years ago. It was a summer of crafts and volunteer work that brought them together despite both being longtime Worcester residents. “Joan and I did not even know each other,” says Ferrante. “And we’ve lived in this city all these years!” says Kariko, finishing both the sentence and the thought process. But the pair did know volunteering. Ferrante had spent the summer of 2010 donating time in the fiber arts studio at the Worcester Center for Crafts as the studio was undergoing revitalization and regeneration. One of her biggest tasks was to put together

From 2006-2009, the arrival of new refugees to Central Massachusetts increased by 250 percent. local crafts for an exhibition in the Center’s gallery, a non-traditional feat for this studio. Throughout the summer, Ferrante reached out to local craft studios and organizations for exhibit pieces, one of which would prove instrumental to future endeavors, FireWatch Weaver’s School in Brimfield, Mass. As fate would have it, Kariko was a weaving student at FireWatch and an art department volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club of Worcester, one of the organizations Ferrante had contacted regarding the exhibition at the Center for Crafts. From that contact, Ferrante and Kariko, along with Pam Engberg, director and master teacher at FireWatch, became connected immediately. “It was like one of those magical moments,” Kariko remembers. Like one of those magical moments that instantaneously changes the course of one’s

Cut loop pile, known as Kasai velvet, with flat-stitched cotton thread embroidery make multicolored motifs on clothing by Central African Republic native Halima.

life forever, the friendship between these two women soon birthed an idea that combined their love of textiles and their interest in resettlement issues. That summer, the women had become acquainted with Burmese and Bhutanese weavers and crocheters in Worcester. These interactions sparked a sudden awareness of refugees and artisans in the city. “We wanted to explore the idea that there might be more refugee weavers in the community that we didn’t know yet,” says Ferrante.


As it turns out, there were. Worcester is one of a handful of cities in the country that is preferred for refugee resettlement. According to the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, a refugee is “any person who is outside their country of origin and unable or unwilling to return there or to avail themselves of its protection, on account of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular group, or political opinion.” Over the past decade, in particular the years since 2007, Central Massachusetts has seen exponential growth in its annual number of new refugees.

Data from the Massachusetts Office for Refugees and Immigrants (MORI) shows that the largest groups of refugees have,



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{ coverstory } Kaushila Guragai, from Bhutan, weaves corn husks from Price Chopper into a pita, a type of mat used to sit on in the refugee camps where her and her family had lived before coming to the United States.

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{ coverstory } for at least the past 10 years, statistically come from Bhutan, Iraq, Somalia and now Burma, known as Myanmar since 1989. From 2007 to 2009, for example, new arrivals to Central Mass. from Burma increased 358 percent from 26 in 2007 to 119 by 2009. With continued internal conicts in these countries and others that force their people to ee to refugee camps in places like Nepal and Thailand, the numbers of refugees absorbed by Worcester and surrounding Central Mass. areas have continued to increase.


“We saw that there were a lot of refugees in Worcester and thought maybe a lot were artisans,� says Kariko. “We thought, ‘How could this be? What should it be and why should it be?’�

Nandi Guragai, from Bhutan, shows off the sweater vest he knitted while his wife, Cakucla adjusts the ďŹ t. From there, the pair began to meet with local community groups, leaders, fundraisers and organizations while trying to navigate the waters between an intangible idea and a tangible organization. Their hope was that this new organization, now called Refugee Artisans of Worcester (RAW), would allow

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• M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

artisan refugees in the city an outlet to create their products and a venue to make those products available to the local community. Contact with Lutheran Social Services, the sponsoring organization for many refugees in New England, gave the women conďŹ dence. There had been previous initiatives similar to Ferrante’s and Kariko’s proposed idea, so the concept was not foreign to LSS, but the former initiatives were often focused on the craft of one speciďŹ c group of people. Initially, the women had become familiar with a few local refugee weavers from Burma and Bhutan and, given their interest in textiles, ďŹ rst began the nonproďŹ t focused on cloth and woven products much like their

of about 20 members. In the years since its conception, the group has secured a retail location at Bhadon Gift Gallery, located at 1075 Pleasant St., Worcester. For the past two years, one of RAW’s most successful craft venues has been stART on the Street, the largest art, music and performance festival in Central Massachusetts. RAW products, from Kiondo baskets to embroidered scarves to handwoven mats, have also been showcased at various craft fairs throughout the city with the thought that keeping these items visible promotes the sale of merchandise and allows for growing self-sufďŹ ciency and self-worth. “In the case of several of our artisans who have been with us for a while, they’re really almost at the juncture where they can do the whole piece by themselves,â€? says Kariko. “They can actually order the materials, make the product and place it for sale because we now have a retail location.â€? Bhutanese backstrap weaver, Maita, expresses the signiďŹ cance and the importance of being able to use RAW and its connections as an outlet to create and sell her products. “I am very happy to be able to do traditional Bhutanese weaving here in the United States because I do not have any other job,â€? she says. While its members come from multiple countries in Africa and South Asia, the agenda of RAW has always been three-fold: ďŹ rst, to give elders a creative outlet to assist in their transition; second, to turn these handcrafted items into sellable merchandise, 85 percent of which goes directly to the artisans and providing artisans with a renewed sense of self-worth as well as added household income; and third, to archive these skill sets. “The incredible artistry of these products

As of May 2014, 9,000 Nepal-based Bhutanese refugees have been resettled in countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. predecessors. However, as the pair continued to become acquainted with more artisan refugees, that idea changed. “As we began to meet people and talk broader, we thought we could be the United Nations of crafts,â€? says Ferrante, laughing. Now, nearly three years after RAW’s ofďŹ cial public launch happened in August of 2011, the organization has become exactly that – the United Nations of Crafts. It has combined entrepreneurial spirit and artistic ability with international language, customs and products. RAW artisans range from a Bhutanese stone sculptor to a Rwandan basket weaver to a Central African embroiderer, and those are just a select few

has a ďŹ nite lifespan, which is why we continue to look for new arrivals to give the project longevity,â€? says Ferrante. “We’re trying to archive this skill set because it will become a lost art. The children and grandchildren are not at all interested in it.â€? Such has been the story of many immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers throughout history. As families begin to settle into their new home, it is often the second generation – the children – that seeks to adopt the culture, language, style and practices of this new country while the ďŹ rst generation clings to tradition. It was true in the 19th century and certainly remains true in Worcester today.


{ coverstory } Traditional Kenyan Ciodoo baskets woven from sisal and wool.

Most RAW artisans are fairly recent arrivals to the United States and therefore have limited use of English. Some, like Tabitha, a Kiondo weaver from Kenya who has been in Worcester for the past six years, have become profi cient in English. Others, though, like Halima, a young embroiderer from the Central African Republic who embellishes denim jackets for sale through RAW, and Nandi, a skilled knitter from Bhutan who spent 15 years in a refugee camp in Nepal, use their respective children, Absatu, 17, and Dhan, 23, as interpreters and translators while they continue to learn English.

The lack of any common language makes interpersonal group communication difficult, but certainly not impossible. While at first the languages and customs were so different that many group members were unable to speak with one another, hand gestures, smiles and eye contact have enabled positive interaction within the community. Ashley Piemonte, a 2014 graduate of The College of the Holy Cross, interned with RAW last summer and fall and documented the experience of group interaction and the frequent use of charades to communicate. She remembers the story of meeting one young Somalese family and having to use hand gestures to explain words, a concept not unfamiliar to RAW co-founders, members or volunteers. “The younger boy just smiled and said, ‘No English!’” she writes in her blog. No English, perhaps, but over the years a great respect has evolved among RAW artisans. “When they come here, they’re sisters and brothers,” Kariko says of the artisans. “There’s a different sense of community, a universal understanding and kindness. We’ve seen over the years how that evolves from sitting

June 14, 2014, 10AM– 4PM Worcester Polytechnic Institute Free. Rain or shine.


NASA returns for the Sample Return Robot Centennial Challenge, a national competition with a $1.5 million prize. In celebration, WPI will host the third annual TouchTomorrow— a family-friendly festival featuring interactive exhibits by WPI, NASA, and friends—for kids of all ages. touchtomorrow.wpi.edu


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{ coverstory } quietly in the venue to watching one person enter the room and going up and hugging each other.” While creating friendships and a shared sense of camaraderie among new arrivals to Worcester, RAW and its sister organization, the Worcester Refugee Assistance Project (WRAP), have opened the world for local refugees in a cultural way. RAW co-founders Ellen Ferrante and Joan Kariko have taken their artisans on field trips to local arts venues, craft centers, museums, libraries and botanical gardens, and Kariko often makes house visits to the artisans and their families to develop a relationship of trust and friendship.

“The sense of autonomy for these men and women to be able to leave their home, to come in a vehicle with us, not really knowing where we’re taking them or what it is about, is incredible,” she says.

SETTLING INTO WORCESTER Meredith Walsh, director of WRAP, co-founded the organization with

Dhan Rai from Nepal holds baskets that he wove.



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Worcester began inviting refugees from Burma in 2008. several other dedicated volunteers as a grad student at the University of Massachusetts Graduate School of Nursing. During the 2010-2011 year, Walsh was chosen as a Boston area Schweitzer Fellow; the Albert Schweitzer fellowship aims to improve the health of the world’s vulnerable people through “community-based, mentored direct service and a multidisciplinary, refl ective leadership development program.” And, over the past few years, Walsh has continued to do just that. She spent her fellowship year working to improve and address the health and health issues of Burmese youth refugees in Worcester. Walsh and her Board of Directors – Steve Vescera, Michael Forhan, Dan McConnell and Lesa McWalters – along with countless other volunteers work to “complement and augment the efforts of other organizations and individuals assisting resettled refugees” in Worcester. One of these organizations, LSS, is instrumental in the resettlement of refugees and assists new arrivals in securing housing, learning

English and gaining employment. In 2008, the same year Worcester began inviting refugees from Burma, LSS launched its New Lands Farm operation in Sutton, Mass. – an agricultural project that allows refugees, many of whom have agricultural experience in their countries of origin, an opportunity to “honor their food traditions” and earn additional income through the sale of produce and community-supported agriculture shares.

Over the years WRAP has expanded to helping local refugees from Burma become self-sufficient and economically-independent through English language assistance, health advocacy, family mentoring, providing transportation and youth development groups and tutoring, among other services. In essence, WRAP has become the “wrap around” organization for locally resettled refugees from Burma, who often receive federal and social assistance, to bridge the transition from refugee camp to United States living. Three of its members are also artisans associated with RAW. Many of RAW’s artisans, as well as the families involved with WRAP, work at New Lands Farm to gain supplemental income, work experience and to repay the cost of US government-issued travel loans that come with resettlement. On a hot Wednesday afternoon in May, just as elementary schools in Worcester began releasing their students for the day, Nandi Guragai and his daughter Dhan returned home from their work on the farm. Nandi Guragai, a 72-year-old weaver from Bhutan, spent the first 50 years of his life as a farmer. “I was born in Bhutan and grew up as a farmer, raising many animals such as cows, buffalo and goats,” he says in a translation provided by his daughter. “On the farm, I raised the sheep, sheared them and spun the wool.” When Guragai was 11 or 12, it is hard for him to remember which, he learned how to knit sweaters, hats and rugs for his family using the wool he had spun. His association with RAW, it turns out, was not his first entrepreneurial run. “If I had more than enough sweaters and hats to keep my family warm, then I would sell them,” says Guragai, who speaks Nepali but is eagerly learning English.

{ coverstory } Although he was never formally taught how to knit, Guragai is nothing short of a master at his craft. He uses wool yarn that has either been donated to RAW or purchased with the 15 percent of each sale the organization takes as overhead to replenish supplies and tools. Guragai has memorized 15 knitting patterns in his mind, but often easily recreates pattern he does not know. “It is not hard to make patterns,” he says. And for a master knitter, that may be true. “The skills of my hand,” says Guragai, smiling as he presents a grocery bag full of double-threaded sweater vests to RAW co-founders, Ferrante and Kariko, to begin selling. Guragai estimates that if he spent 8 hours a day knitting, it would take him four or five days to complete one sweater.

Buddha holds one of his stone carvings.


Over a hand-prepared glass of Masala chai tea, Dhan Guragai discusses hardships her family faced after being relocated to a refugee camp in Nepal in 1992. Their relocation came after a number of repressive measures in the early 1990s caused the citizenship of thousands of Nepalispeaking Bhutanese to be revoked. By mid-1992, up to 600 Bhutanese refugees were fl owing into Nepal each day.

“It is so painful,” Dhan Guragai says, of living for two decades, nearly her entire life, in a UNCHR refugee camp and without a homeland. Although most of Nandi Guragai’s immediate family has been resettled in Worcester within the past three years and Dhan Guragai has even enrolled as a student at Quinsigamond Community College, a piece of the family unit is still missing. Nandi Guragai and his wife, Kaushila, have a 31-year-old son who remains in a refugee camp in Nepal. As M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M


{ coverstory } a religious offering for the well-being of her son, Kaushila spends her time rolling 100,000 candlewicks. She is up to 20,000, or perhaps 30,000, she is not yet sure. In addition to these wicks, Kaushila Guragai also creates intricately braided, hand-woven mats for sale through RAW. During the 15 years Kaushila Guragai spent in the refugee camp in Nepal, she used these mats, although then of much larger size, to cover the camp’s dirt and mud floors. Although in Nepal, Kaushila Guragai used rice plants or leaves to make larger woven mats, she has adapted her craft here in Worcester. “Those are Price Chopper corn husks,” says

the camps. Her husband, Buddha, stands by the doorway showing off his stone creations. He does not speak English, so Suk translates.. Buddha was born in Gopini, Bhutan, in1957, and left for a refugee camp in Nepal in 1991 when the Bhutanese government declared the Bhutan People’s Party a terrorist organization. Buddha’s wife, Maita, spent 25 years in the camp, where she learned how to weave Nepali Topi hats, shawls and scarves, after being forced to leave at age 26. Like Maita, Jahar, another Bhutanese refugee who resettled in Worcester in 2010, learned the art of weaving while living in the refugee camp. “I lost everything. I had to leave my home and all I grew up with in Bhutan,” says Jahar

According to the Massachusetts Department of Health, 2,022 refugees were resettled in Massachusetts in 2013. with her side income. After spending over 20 years in the camp, Buddha and his family came to Worcester for resettlement in 2012. Formerly a farmer in Bhutan, Buddha began creating religiousinspired stone sculptures in 1993 while living as a refugee in Nepal. He had worked as a road laborer and, inspired by both friends – this is a common thread for many RAW artisans – and his Kirat religion, Buddha began to carve stone in the early 1990s. Over the years, Buddha’s carving made him an

Burmese back strap weaving.

in part of a short biography translated by her Kariko. But they work just fine. daughter that is attached to each piece she Later that afternoon, the second floor of a sells. “I remember there was nothing to do in three-decker in South Worcester is bustling the refugee camp once I arrived, so a girl in with noise. The youngest children of Buddha and Maita, Bhutanese refugees who spent two the camp taught me how to weave.” And Jahar, like Nandi Guragai and others decades living in a refugee camp in Nepal, she has come into contact with since coming have just returned home from school. The to Worcester, used her talents to sell the apartment is filled with family members – scarves and shawls she had sewn to “get together they have six children and their son, money for my family and buy more food.” Suk, recently had a baby – and friends from Although the agency that ran the refugee RAW. Maita sits at a large loom in the corner camp provided rice and vegetables for meals, of the living room weaving a multi-colored it was not sustainable or sufficient for Jahar’s scarf, an ornate and time-consuming craft family so she supplemented this food source she learned from her friends while living in 18 W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M • M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

accomplished artist in East Asia. He modestly smiles as his son discusses the statues he has carved that are now in religious temples in India, Nepal and Rangpur, Bangladesh. Though not wishing to talk much of his experience in the refugee camps, Buddha continually notes his inspiration and thanks came from Kirat gods. While Buddha was able to practice his craft while in the camps, he struggled with the lack of available tools. Before partnering with RAW, for example, Buddha remembers using a screwdriver as a chisel to chip away at the stone. Upon joining RAW, not only has his

output increased, but he has also been gifted the donations of stone from Chris Camosse of Camosse Masonry Supply in Worcester. Camosse feels Buddha’s talent is a lost art form in the United States. Joining RAW has also allowed Buddha to use safer tools, for instance a chisel in place of the screwdriver, to create his pieces. “I am really happy with the work, with the work of Ellen and Joan,” he says. “They helped me get back to my work.” Without any formal training and a selfproclaimed lack of drawing ability, Buddha expertly carves religious statues using a simple chalk outline as his guide. His skilled hands and keen artistic eye turn a block of stone into brilliant three-dimensional pieces, some of which he brushes with a colored, paint-like dye for embellishment. One of Buddha’s most recent feats was completing a 200-pound statue shown in the exhibition “Buddhas Over Worcester” at the Boundless Way Temple in Worcester. Though most of his work is smaller, he much prefers larger pieces to smaller as his eyes are failing. Like the Nepali woven mats Kaushila creates, the woven baskets Tabitha, a Kenyan refugee who has been in Worcester since 2008, produces were originally made more out of necessity than as a fashion statement. At the age of 12, Tabitha learned how to weave Kiondo baskets out of sisal and wool. “I learned Kiondo by the mommy from my mommy,” she says. Her English is perhaps the most advanced of the group. The work is not simple. First, Tabitha gathers together fibers which she braids on her leg to prepare before weaving with the wool. She now has a permanent bruise on her thigh from this rolling. Then, working outward in a spiral from what will later become the bottom of the basket, Tabitha expertly crafts her baskets. These baskets are now sold as smaller purses, but in Kenya functioned as large bags used to carry and send goods to market. A single rope handle could be placed across the wearer’s forehead to “carry a lot of things.” “In Kenya, our car is our back,” says Tabitha of the Kiondo’s purpose. “But now, here, there is cars. These are just bags now, not our cars anymore.” Though they may be seen as “just bags” in Worcester, the production of these woven baskets have given Tabitha the new life’s purpose she has needed. She can weave one Kiondo in four to seven days. “I stay up to 12 a.m. making bags. I don’t want to sleep,” she says. “It is work to do.” Her fingers begin the expert work of weaving a Kiondo, muscle memory negating the need to look at her creation.

art | dining | nightlife | May 29 - June 5, 2014

night day

Pieces of Art Jacleen Charbonneau


Artist Elaine Pusateri Cowan with one of her works to be displayed at Corner Grille.

There is no doubt that local art brings life to the Worcester community. Corner Grille, Pleasant Street’s popular pizza joint, recognizes the importance of local art, and beginning this week will welcome it into its establishment. On Friday, May 30, from 6-9 p.m., Corner Grille will host Pizza is ART with local artist Elaine Pusateri Cowan and an installation of her work centered around the funky restaurant. Through her pieces, everlasting memories shared by both new and dedicated customers will be depicted.

“I wanted to incorporate [and] frame, figuratively and literally, the peripheral experiences in the Corner Grille,” says Cowan of the artwork that will be exhibited. The local artist’s display includes two unique pieces that correspond with each other. Specially made for the event, Cowan used a variety of artistic elements in her work, including photography, movement and electricity. “It’s a rotating cube of photographs of people in the Corner Grille. I kind of built a robot,” explains Cowan. Her artwork was designed to bring the community together, both attendees and passersby. “It can be looked at from the street and from inside the restaurant,” she continues. “It’s going to be doubleended.” Formerly working as a social worker, Cowan left her career after having her second child, soon finding parttime employment at the Worcester Art Museum. Her arts administration job helped to spark her artistic passion. With a history of painting, drawing and a number of studio classes under her belt, the artist decided to pursue the field seriously. “I just found the piece of me that is essential to who I am. I need to be making art and creating,” Cowan says. This year, Cowan successfully opened her own interior design business after attending night classes at Rhode Island School of Design for its Interior Design program. Additionally, for nearly a decade, the artist has continued to embrace her passion for printmaking, a type of art that includes transferring original images created by the artist onto paper. Today, Cowan continues to submit her work to art shows, exhibiting more frequently over the last two years. She enjoys creating an uplifting message for each of her pieces. “I like to incorporate beauty in everyday life [in my art]. It’s harsh enough out there,” says Cowan. The display at the Corner Grill will also reflect her love


for capturing life’s beautiful moments. Its aim is that those viewing her work will understand and appreciate the advantages of spending an evening out for pizza with loved ones. “I really liked … capturing the expression of the first date, and the connections that you make over food. You know, losing the technology piece and connecting with humans,” she says. Originally planning to make these pieces abstract, Cowan refrained in doing so, as she felt they told such a strong story as is. Those attending the event on Friday will have the opportunity to also make connections and create their own stories by engaging in social media contests and enter to win prizes. The event will double as a fundraiser for Worcester’s Planting the Seed Foundation, a nonprofit that reaches out

to the city’s neediest families. Corner Grille will donate all proceeds of their original Veggaholic pizza sales to the foundation beginning at Friday’s event. Although the event is free, donations are always accepted through Planting the Seed’s website, plantingtheseedfoundation.org. Because of such places like Corner Grille, local art will continue to make and strengthen the community. “[Corner Grille] is a Worcester staple...I am happy to be a part of showcasing the personal relationship that people have with this pizza place,” Cowan says, adding, “It’s not just a pizza place.” View the artwork of Elaine Pusateri Cowan and support a local cause this Friday, May 30 at Corner Grille, 806 Pleasant St., from 6-9 p.m. Find the event, Pizza is ART, on Facebook. M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M


night day &

{ theater }

The Big M: Hanover Theatre celebrates Menopause Jacleen Charbonneau

Night sweats, memory loss, mood swings. Perhaps these dreadful symptoms ring a bell or bring a certain person to mind. Playwright Jeanie Linders, too, understands these classic signs of menopause, resulting in one of the most hilarious musicals in theatre today, “Menopause The Musical.” For those who want to make light of their situation or simply enjoy a good laugh, the popular comedy will be performing at The Hanover Theatre on Sunday, June 1 at 2 p.m.

“It is one of the most enjoyable evenings out that you could possibly have. It’s been a huge hit,” says actress Kathy St. George, who plays the soap star, one of the four main characters in the performance directed by GFour Productions. When four diverse women – the soap star (St. George), the professional woman (Sandra Benton), the Iowa housewife (Liz Hyde), and the Earth mother (Ingrid Cole) – happen to want the same black lace bra while shopping at Bloomingdale’s, they quickly find out they have one thing in common, as the musical calls it: The Change. “We all sort of relate how we are all going through the various systems of the change of life,” says St. George, who proceeds in singing the lyrics “change, change, change.” The women’s changes range all over the menopausal spectrum, from chocolate cravings to hot flashes to wrinkles. And within the same conversation, discussion turns into song, including parodic yet recognizable tunes from the years of the 1960s through the 1980s. “They’re songs that women [of these generations] all grew up with, and so they’re changed lyrics,” says the enthusiastic actress, mentioning the song “My Guy” by Mary Wells as one on the song list. “Instead of singing ‘my guy’, we sing ‘my thighs.’” Performed for the first time in 2001, the play has made its way around the world since its debut in Orlando, Fla. Reaching a total of 750 cities, 300 of them international, “Menopause The Musical” has kept audiences laughing, and even families dancing, for 13 20 W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M • M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

solid years. “In years gone by, menopause was never mentioned. It was always sort of hidden … and I think the reason why Menopause the Musical, 13 years ago, became such an instantaneous hit is because it brings [menopause] out in the open and celebrates this thing that every woman is going to go through eventually,” says St. George. Besides the play’s comedic aspects and its heavy discussion of menopause, Linders

saying, ‘Honey, that’s you, that’s you!’” says St. George. Through the characters’ support system on stage, women all around the world who attend the performance will likely recognize that they are together unified through this change. Linders, who became inspired to write the play while standing inside her freezer to tame a hot flash, also hopes for audience members to become advocates for menopausal

George. “Before the show, they sell these fans and they only cost a dollar. Just through the sale of these $1 fans, they’ve raised over $1 million for ovarian cancer research.” With incredible talent and a passion for women all over the world, there’s no doubt Linders’ work and GFour Productions’ performers will put on yet another exceptional show at The Hanover Theatre. After all, with 13 years in solid standing,

had another mission in mind when writing the hit: She hoped to help women feel supported and understood. “There’s four characters up on stage, each one of us is a little bit different. But we find that women in the audience can relate to one of us, like ‘Oh my gosh, I’m just like her!’ and we’ll see the husbands poking their wives and

awareness outside of theatre doors. Passionate about women’s health themselves, those that are part of the “Menopause The Musical” team have come up with a quirky fundraiser to encourage audience involvement. “We sell these hot flash fans … and on this fan is the lyrics to my song [‘I’m having a hot flash, a tropical hot flash!’],” says St.

“Menopause The Musical” has proven to provide far more than a laugh or two. Catch “Menopause The Musical” live at The Hanover Theatre, 2 Southbridge St., Worcester on Sunday, June 1 at 2 p.m. Tickets range from $35-$45. thehanovertheatre.com.


night day &

{ music }

Speaker For The Dead creates beautiful hometown chaos with ‘Ballad of the Undercrust’ Jon Brien


Speaker For The Dead performs as part of Worcester’s gay pride parade.

Worcester has long been a city that fosters a sense of community and city pride, from the popular “Paris of the ’80s” t-shirts, to the annual stART on the Street, which brings out hordes of people from all walks of life to Park Ave. It is also a city with a flourishing local music community, and nowhere is this more evident than on the staggering achievement that is the new record by Worcester’s Speaker for the Dead, “The Ballad of the Undercrust.”

more than three guitarists, several drummers and others playing various instruments. Anyone with an instrument who knows the songs can play with the band, and as a result their live shows tend to be high energy and very crowded. Speaker for the Dead has released several EPs with varying lineups that usually range from three to eight members, but this new record is the first time Speaker for the Dead has attempted to capture their larger-than-life live performance as a recording. In order to do so, the band has crowdsourced instrumentals from 20 contributors playing roughly the same number of instruments, to create an album sound that is both widely eccentric and strangely whole. The record kicks off with the brooding,

Started by Worcester local Greg McKillop as a moniker for his solo output, Speaker for the Dead eventually grew into a local music collective of sorts made up of a brass band,

continued on page 23

Thank you Worcester Magazine readers for naming your favorite radio station Listen to the WXLO Morning Show with Jen Carter, Frank Foley + Kevin Barbare M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M


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inside stories

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The death and rebirth of baseball in Worcester

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• M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

night day &

are also infectious, and the track provides the perfect end to a chaotic, yet composed, debut. Much credit has to be afforded to the album’s producer, Taylor Goodman (of Worcester’s local Bright Red Reason), for his ability to rein in the album’s many sounds and shouts. Nothing sounds out of place or overdone, and while at times the record has quite a lot going on at once, the abundance of musical tracks makes it all the more fun to just get lost in the insanity. What is most impressive about “Ballad of the Undercrust� is the way in which it manages to bring so many different artists together in a way that sounds cohesive, theatrical and organized, without losing the raw punk edge that the group’s music naturally contains. They say that it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it also takes a village to raise a punk band like Speaker for the Dead, and throughout the duration of “Ballad of the Undercrust,� the band makes it clear that Worcester is the perfect village for the job. “The Ballad of the Undercrust� was released May 28 on speakerforthedead. bandcamp.com. Catch the band live at Worcester’s The Raven, 258 Pleasant St. for their album release show on June 6 with UhHuh, Jake McKelvie & The Countertops, and Holy Shadow.

homophobia, racism) the album’s sound is overwhelmingly fun. The songs frequently bounce forward with energy and punk-rock fervor, and the horn section is always a delight to listen to in tandem with the group vocals in songs like “The Troll� and “Songs So Sad.� The highlight of the record, however, is the near 7-minute closing track, “Contract,� which contains both the most complex instrumental track on the record and McKillop’s best vocal performance without a doubt. “I could sell my soul, if you’d show me the contract� he growls with a Tom Waits-like rasp over a creepy punk-polka arrangement that is endlessly catchy and perfect for a night of rowdy dancing. The shouts of “Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!� in the bridge are also plenty of moments where the band stands triumphant in the face of growing scene adversity, such as on the album’s beautiful centerpiece “Saint Peter Part Two,� which features a powerful chorus: “I can do it myself, I don’t need your help� as heavenly gang vocals burst through in the background and the horns section plays more resoundingly than ever. For the wealth of heavy topics discussed on the record (depression, sexual abuse,

THE RESTAURANT SHOW Each week your host Ginny talks to restaurateurs from some of the top local eateries to spotlight what they do — their stories, their menus, and what makes the local restaurant scene so great.

This week’s feature:


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SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD continued from page 21

stomp-ready opener, “Sounds Like A Protest,â€? which in many ways sums up the thesis statement of “Ballad of the Undercrustâ€? perfectly: The music scene is broken and we are here to ďŹ x it with the power of punk-rock and friendship. The track begins with lightly-strummed minor chord banjo and ominous drums before bursting forth into a metal-tinged ska-punk indictment of the racism, classism and homophobia that exists within many aspects of the music scene, particularly at pay-to-play shows, which are particular recipients of the song’s rage. The song sets the tone well for the rest of the record, as McKillop and friends continue to “rage against the sceneâ€? with reckless abandon and glee for the next nine tracks. This is not to say that the album is all ďŹ re and brimstone about the state of the music industry. There is also plenty of love present on this record, such as “Worcester Song,â€? in which McKillop sings of his love for the city that raised Speaker for the Dead and the people who live there. “If you live in Worcester please make sure someone’s singing someone for youâ€? he shouts over pounding drums and vibrant, triumphant horns, in a tone that makes us believe that McKillop would without question be the one singing for us. And for all of the moments where it seems that McKillop is overwhelmed by the amount of cruelty that exists in the scene (whether talking about issues of consent on “Ask Consent Before (Anything)â€? or discussing hypocritical bands on “Punk Rock Didn’t Save My Lifeâ€?), there

{ music }

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night day &

{ film }

Food for the soul Jim Keogh

How ironic that Jon Favreau wrote, directed and stars in a movie about a chef who ditches his safe career in the kitchen for something that allows him to be daring and creative. The likeable yet bland “Chef” is in fact so safe and earnest it’s the equivalent of a plate of comfort food — cinematic scrambled eggs.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Favreau is nothing if not a crowd-pleaser. Hey, the guy directed the first two Iron Mans and “Elf,” so he knows something about pushing the right buttons. Here, he paints the screen with the kind of sumptuous food porn that makes you drool into your bucket of popcorn, and provides enough funny/ touching moments to give the story legs. Those legs may be a little stumpy and don’t move very fast, but they eventually get the movie where it’s going. Favreau plays Carl Casper, the head chef for 10 years at a trendy Los Angeles restaurant. Carl’s cuisine has grown tired — he knows it, and he pleads with the owner (played by Dustin Hoffman) to let him revamp the menu when it’s revealed that an influential dining critic will be reviewing the place that evening. Carl’s request is denied, and the critic slams his food as lacking imagination, especially the chocolate molten lava cake, which he describes as “needy and irrelevant” (which I’m pained to acknowledge also describes many critics). In response, Carl throws two epic tantrums: the first is directed at his boss, and the second is an angry confrontation with the critic (Oliver Platt) that gets secretly recorded and goes viral on YouTube. Carl quits his job and soon discovers that he’s toxic — thanks to his videotaped explosion, nobody will hire him. Instead, Carl and his son Percy (Emjay

Anthony) fly to Miami to buy and restore a ramshackle food truck, then drive it cross country for some guilty-dad/adoring-son bonding. It’s all sweet and cloying, and a touch absurd. I wish “Chef” had stuck with the premise of a career being taken down by Internet trolls and the redemption from that fall, rather than lapse into a standard road picture about self-discovery. Percy is forced to give his father a social media primer (Twitter must have been a sponsor) because Carl is ridiculously ignorant of all things online. In what world does this film exist where a chef would not be aware of the populist power of Yelp reviews? Favreau has a sort of gruff, sad, combustible vibe that, oddly, compels you to root for him — his Carl is the kitchen equivalent of comedian Louis C.K. And since it’s his film, he has the luxury of casting Sofia Vergara as the ex-wife and Scarlett Johansson as the current girlfriend of his schlumpy, overweight grill jockey. (Both women come off as strangely muted and inconsequential.) Favreau also has recruited his “Iron Man” pal Robert Downey Jr. to show up for a quirky cameo that seems to belong in another film entirely. “Chef” has its slight charms and exhibits a generous spirit. Foodies will relish the mealpreparation sequences, which rival those from one of my all-time favorite films, “Big Night.” At one point Carl makes a grilled cheese sandwich for his son that I’m confident in saying, without exaggeration, may be the greatest grilled cheese sandwich ever assembled. If Carl had posted a photo of his creation on Facebook, it would be the first look-what-I’m-having-for-lunch! post that didn’t piss me off. There are enough scenes like that to recommend “Chef” as an a la carte movie experience, though once you’ve sampled the menu you may still leave the theater hungry.

Updated Daily.

worcestermagazine.com M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M


night day &



film times

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Exotic Marble & Granite, it S Soapstone t and dQ Quartz t Surfaces Available. A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST (R) Blackstone (reserved seating) Fri-Wed: 1:35, 4:20, 7:25, 10:10

Blackstone Thurs: 8, 9, 10:35, Fri-Wed: 11:10, 2:05, 4:50, 7:55, 10:40, 12:20 a.m.

Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:20, 2:10, 4:45, 7:15,

Adv. Tix on Sale EDGE OF TOMORROW Adv. Tix on Sale THE FAULT IN OUR STARS Adv. Tix on Sale HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.(1250 130 350) 430 710 740 1000 1030 MALEFICENT (PG) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(1200 100 230) 410 700 730 940 1010 EDGE OF TOMORROW IN 3D THURSDAY (PG-13) No Passes Thu.800 PM 1010 PM MALEFICENT IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(1230 330) 500 630 920 THE FAULT IN OUR STARS [CC,DV] THURSDAY (PG-13) Thu.900 PM EDGE OF TOMORROW (PG-13) No Passes Thu.820 PM 1030 PM THE NIGHT BEFORE OUR STARS (NR) Thu.830 PM X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Thu.(1225 120 340) 440 655 750 955 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1205 1255 320) 405 635 720 1015 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST [CC,DV] (PG-13) Mon. - Thu.(1205 1255 320) 405 635 720 1015 BLENDED [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1235 345) 715 1005 MILLION DOLLAR ARM [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Thu.(1220 335) 650 945 GODZILLA [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1240 355) 705 1005 GODZILLA IN 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Thu.930 PM CHEF [CC,DV] (R)

Fri. - Thu.(110) 420 725 1025

NEIGHBORS [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Thu.(1210 230) 450 735 1020 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #2 [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Thu.(1215 325) 645 950



• M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

MALEFICENT IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(100) 400 700 900 930 Mon. - Wed.(100) 400 630 930 950 MALEFICENT (PG) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1200 1230 230 300) 500 630 730 1000 Mon. - Wed.(130 200 335) 430 700 720 1005 EDGE OF TOMORROW IN 3D THURSDAY (PG-13) No Passes

Thu.800 PM


Solomon Pond Thurs: 8, 10:30, Fri-Wed: 12:50,

1:30, 3:50, 4:30, 7:10, 7:40, 10, 10:30 Westborough Thurs: 8, 10:45, Fri-Wed: 12:20, 3:30, 7:20, 10:05 Worcester North Thurs: 8, 9, 10:35, Fri-Wed: 1:20, 1:50, 4:20, 4:50, 7:10, 7:40, 9:50, 10:20

BEARS (G) Worcester North Fri-Wed: 12:05, 2:05, 4:05,


6:35, 9

A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.(1220 330) 720 1005 Mon. - Wed.(125) 415 725 1010

BLENDED (PG-13) Blackstone (reserved seating) Thurs: 3:40, 6:40,

EDGE OF TOMORROW (PG-13) No Passes Thu.830 PM KOCHADAIYAAN IN 3D (NR) No Passes Fri. - Sun.120 PM 415 PM 750 PM Mon. - Wed.140 PM 440 PM 740 PM X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1210 110 320) 420 640 740 940 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST [CC,DV] (PG-13) Mon. - Wed.(130 150) 400 450 700 750 930 BLENDED [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1235) 410 715 1005 Mon. - Wed.(115) 410 705 1000 X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST IN REALD 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(1240 350) 710 1010 Mon. - Wed.(100 330) 630 900 MILLION DOLLAR ARM [CC,DV] (PG) Fri. - Sun.(1250 345) 650 945 Mon. - Wed.(105) 405 650 940 GODZILLA IN 3D [CC,DV] (PG-13) No Passes Fri. - Sun.(310 PM) Mon. - Wed.420 PM GODZILLA [CC,DV] (PG-13) Fri. - Sun.(1215 PM) 655 PM 950 PM Mon. - Wed.(120 PM) 710 PM 935 PM NEIGHBORS [CC,DV] (R) Fri. - Sun.(1205 235) 505 735 955 Mon. - Wed.(110) 435 715 955


Blackstone Thurs: 12, 1:25, 4:10, 7:10, 9:50,

Fri-Wed: 12:30, 1, 3:55, 6:55, 9:40, 12:20 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:20, 2, 4:40, 7:15, 9:50 Solomon Pond Thurs: 1, 4, 7:20, 10:10, Fri-Wed: 12:35, 3:45, 7:15, 10:05 Westborough Thurs: 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15, FriWed: 12:35, 4:10, 7:15, 10:05 Worcester North Thurs: 1:20, 1:50, 4:10, 4:40, 7:05, 7:35, 9:50, 10:20, Fri-Wed: 1:15, 1:45, 4:10, 4:40, 7:05, 9:55

CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER (PG-13) Elm Fri, Sat: 7, Sun-Wed: 7:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:20, 3:30, 7:05, 10:05,

Fri-Wed: 2:55, 9:35 Strand Fri-Sun, Tues, Wed: 7 Westborough Thurs: 1:40 p.m. Worcester North Thurs: 4:35, 10:30, Fri-Wed: 7:35, 10:35

CHEF (R) Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:45, 3:55, 7:10, 9:50,

Fri-Wed: 1:10, 4:20, 7:25, 10:25 Worcester North Thurs-Wed: 1:25, 4:15, 7:10, 10:05

DIVERGENT (PG-13) Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:25, 3:25, 9:55 Worcester North Thurs: 12:40 p.m.

GODZILLA (PG-13) Blackstone (reserved seating) Thurs: 12:15, 3:15, 6:05, Fri-Wed: 12:45, 3:40, 6:40, 9:35

Blackstone Thurs: 1:15, 1:45, 4:15, 4:45, 7:35,

9:55, 10:25, Fri-Wed: 1:15, 4:10, 7:10, 10:05, 12:15 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 3:30, 6:50 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:05, 1:05, 4:10, 7:50, 10:15, Fri-Wed: 12:40, 3:55, 7:05, 10:05 Westborough Thurs: 12:40, 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10, Fri-Wed: 12:15, 6:55, 9:50 Worcester North Thurs: 12:45, 1:45, 3:45, 4:45, 6:45, 7:15, 7:45, 9:45, 10:15, Fri-Wed: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 7:15, 9:45, 10:10

GODZILLA 3D (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:45, 3:45, 6:35 Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 12, 9:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:35, 3:10, 3:45, 7:15,

Fri-Wed: 9:30 Westborough Thurs: 3:40, 4:40, 7:40, Fri-Wed: 3:10 Worcester North Thurs: 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, FriWed: 9:25

HEAVEN IS FOR REAL (PG) Cinemagic Thurs: 4:45 Solomon Pond Thurs: 4:05 KOCHADALLYAAN Westborough Thurs: 12:50, 6:50 KOCHADALLYAAN 3D Westborough Thurs: 1:25, 4:20, 7:25, Fri-Wed:

1:20, 4:15, 7:50

LEGENDS OF OZ: DOROTHY’S RETURN (PG) Cinemagic Thurs: 11:30 a.m. Worcester North Thurs: 12:20, 2:30, 4:35, Fri-

Wed: 12:15, 2:25, 4:35

LOCKE (R) Worcester North Thurs: 12:10, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50,


LOL SHORT FILM FEST (NR) Cinemagic Thurs: 7 MALEFICENT (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 7:30, Fri-Wed: 11, 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9, 11:20

Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:20, 1:50, 4:20, 7, 9:20 Solomon Pond Thurs: 7:10, 9:50, Fri-Wed: 12, 1,

2:30, 4:10, 7, 7:30, 9:40, 10:10 Westborough Thurs: 7:30, 10, Fri-Wed: 12, 12:30, 2:30, 3, 5, 6:30, 7:30, 10 Worcester North Thurs: 7:30, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 1:30, 3, 4:30, 5:30, 8, 10:30

MALEFICENT 3D (PG) Blackstone (reserved seating) Fri-Wed:11:30, 2,

4:30, 7, 9:30, 11:50 Blackstone Thurs: 7, 9:30 Cinemagic Fri-Wed: 11:40, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:40

night day &

{ filmtimes }

Solomon Pond Thurs: 7, 9:40, Fri-Wed: 12:30, 3:30, 5, 6:30, 9:20 Westborough Thurs: 7, 9:30, Fri-Wed: 1, 4, 7, 9, 9:30 Worcester North Thurs: 7, 9:30, Fri-Wed: 7, 9:30 MILLION DOLLAR ARM (PG) Blackstone Thurs: 12:40, 3:50, 6:50, 9:40, Fri-

Wed: 3:30, 6:25 Cinemagic Thurs: 11:45, 2:30, 6:45, 9:30, FriWed: 11:30, 9:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:40, 3:40, 7:05, Fri-Wed: 12:20, 3:35, 6:50, 9:45 Westborough Thurs: 12:45, 3:55, 7:05, 10:05, Fri-Wed: 12:50, 3:45, 6:50, 9:45 Worcester North Thurs: 12:50, 3:50, 6:55, 9:55, Fri-Wed: 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:55

MOMS’ NIGHT OUT (PG) Worcester North Thurs: 12, 2:20 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (PG) Strand Thurs: 7 NEIGHBORS (R) Blackstone Thurs: 1:50, 2:20, 4:20, 4:50, 7:25,

9:45, Fri-Wed: 12:05, 2:40, 5:05, 7:45, 10:15, 12:30 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:40, 2, 4:30, 7, 9:20 Solomon Pond Thurs: 1:15, 4:30, 7:40, 10:25, Fri-Wed: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:35, 10:20 Westborough Thurs: 1:20, 4:05, 7:20, 9:50, FriWed: 12:05, 2:35, 5:05, 7:35, 9:55 Worcester North Thurs: 12:25, 2:45, 5:15, 7:50, 10:10, Fri-Wed: 12:25, 2:45, 5:15, 7:50, 10:10

RIO 2 (G) Blackstone Thurs: 11:30, 2, Fri-Wed: 11:15, 1:45

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:55 THE ACCOUNTANT AND THE LAST FARM IN LOWELL WPL Sat: 2 THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 12:10, 3:25, 6:55, 10:10, FriWed: 12:10, 3:25, 6:35, 9:45

Cinemagic Thurs: 11:45, 2:45, 6:30, 9:30, Fri-

Wed: 6:30

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:10, 3:30, 6:50, 10:05,

Fri-Wed: 12:15, 3:25, 6:45, 9:50 Westborough: Thurs: 12:35, 3:50 Worcester North Thurs: 12:55, 4:05, 7:20, 10:25, Fri-Wed: 12:55, 4:10, 7:20, 10:25


THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (R) Worcester North Thurs: 12:25, 3, 5:25, 7:55,


THE LEGO MOVIE (PG) Elm Thurs: 7:30 THE OTHER WOMAN (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 11:50 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs: 2:15 Solomon Pond Thurs: 6:55 Worcester North Thurs: 3:55 THE RAILWAY MAN (R) Worcester North Thurs: 1:15, 4:05

Located on beautiful Lake Quinsigamond, Madulka’s Ice Cream serves up over 40 flavors of premium hard ice cream and yogurts, soft serve, sundaes, frappes, and everything delicious in between. Docks available! Like us on Facebook!



Blackstone Valley 14: Cinema de Lux

THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW (R) Cinemagic Thurs: 10 p.m.

70 Worcester/Providence Turnpike, Millbury, MA 01527 www.showcasecinemas.com

VIKRAMASIMHA Westborough Thurs: 3:40, 9:45

A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) DIRECTOR'S HALL; Reserved Seating; 1 hr 56 min

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST (PG-13) Blackstone Thurs: 1:30, 4:30, 5, 7:30, 10:30,

Showtimes for 5/30 - 6/5. Subject to change. 1:35 pm 4:20 pm 7:25 pm 10:10 pm A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 1 hr 56 min

Fri-Wed: 1:40, 4:15, 4:45, 7:20, 7:50, 9:20, 10:20, 10:45, 12:10 a.m. Cinemagic Thurs-Wed: 11:50, 2:45, 6:40, 9:30 Solomon Pond Thurs: 12:20, 1:10, 3:50, 4:40, 7, 8, 10, Fri-Wed: 12:05, 12:55, 3:20, 4:05, 6:35, 7:20, 10:15 Westborough Thurs: 12:30, 1, 4, 6:30, 7, 10, FriWed: 12:10, 1:10, 3:20, 4:20, 6:40, 7:40, 9:40 Worcester North Thurs: 1, 1:30, 4, 4:30, 7, 7:30, 10, 10:30, Fri-Wed: 1, 1:25, 4, 4:25, 6:55, 7:25, 10:05, 10:25

11:10 am 2:05 pm 4:50 pm 7:55 pm 10:40 pm 12:20 am

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST 3D (PG-13) Blackstone (reserved seating) Thurs: 1, 4, 7, 10 Blackstone Thurs: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30, Fri-

Godzilla (PG-13) DIRECTOR'S HALL; 2 hr 3 min

Wed: 12:40, 3:45, 6:50, 9:50

Cinemagic Thurs: 11:30, 4, 7, 9:50, Fri-Wed: 3:45

Solomon Pond Thurs: 12, 12:50, 3:20, 4:20, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 10:20, Fri-Wed: 12:25, 1:20, 3:40, 4:40, 6:55, 7:50, 9:55 Westborough Thurs: 1:30, 3:30, 4:30, 7:30, FriWed: 12:40, 3:50, 7:10, 10:10 Worcester North Thurs: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30, Fri-Wed: 12:35, 3:30, 6:30

Blended (PG-13) 1 hr 57 min 12:30 pm Blended (PG-13) CC/DVS; 1 hr 57 min 1:00 pm 3:55 pm 6:55 pm 9:40 pm 12:20 am Godzilla (PG-13) DIRECTOR'S HALL;Reserved Seating; 2 hr 3 min 12:45 pm 3:40 pm 6:40 pm 9:35 pm Godzilla (PG-13) 2 hr 3 min 1:15 pm 4:10 pm 7:10 pm 10:05 pm 12:15 am Maleficent (PG) 1 hr 37 min 11:00 am 1:30 pm 4:00 pm 6:30 pm 9:00 pm 11:20 pm Maleficent 3D (PG) Reserved Seating; XPLUS - DOLBY ATMOS - REAL D 3D; 1 hr 37 min 11:30 am 2:00 pm 4:30 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 pm 11:50 pm Million Dollar Arm (PG) 2 hr 4 min 3:30 pm 6:25 pm Neighbors (R) 1 hr 36 min 12:05 pm 2:40 pm 5:05 pm 7:45 pm 10:15 pm 12:30 am Rio 2 (G) 1 hr 41 min

Looking for your favorite theater and don’t see it listed? Email editor@worcestermag. com and we’ll do our best to include it in the coming weeks.

11:15 am 1:45 pm The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (PG-13) 2 hr 22 min 12:10 pm 3:25 pm 6:35 pm 9:45 pm X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG-13) 2 hr 10 min

Blackstone Valley Cinema de Lux 70 Worcester/Providence Turnpike, Millbury 800-315-4000 Cinema 320 at Clark University, Jefferson Academic Center 950 Main St.; Cinemagic, 100 Charlton Rd., Sturbridge 508-347-3609 Elm Draught House Cinema, 35 Elm St., Millbury 508-865-2850 Holy Cross Seelos Theater, 1 College St. 508-793-2455 Regal Solomon Pond Stadium 591 Donald Lynch Blvd., Marlborough 508-229-8871 Regal Westborough Stadium 231 Turnpike Rd., Westborough 508-366-6257 Showcase Worcester North, 135 Brooks St. 508-852-2944 The Strand Theatre, 58 High St., Clinton 978-365-5500 Worcester Public Library (WPL) Saxe Room, 3 Salem Sq.

1:40 pm 4:15 pm 4:45 pm 7:20 pm 7:50 pm 9:20 pm 10:20 pm 10:45 pm 12:10 am X-Men: Days of Future Past in 3D (PG-13) REAL D 3D; 2 hr 10 min 12:40 pm 3:45 pm 6:50 pm 9:50 pm



M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M



Ristorante Via Alto 27


FOOD ★★1/2 AMBIENCE ★★★ SERVICE ★★1/2 VALUE ★★★ 27 High St., Clinton • 978-598-7002 • ristoranteviaalto27.com

Italian eats in Clinton Michael Brazell

Offering traditional Italian cuisine, Ristorante Via Alto 27 is about 20 minutes from Worcester at 27 High St. in Clinton, Mass. Dining on a Thursday night, Lillian and I walked into a mostly empty Via Alto at about 7 p.m. We were sat after a few moments in a cozy booth, one of several in the large, multiroomed dining room, and we were brought fresh bread and a dish of oil. This warm baked, doughy bread was a great start to our meal, as the sponge-like pieces sopped up the salted and garlic olive oil delightfully. After



• M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

quickly polishing off our basket of bread we put in an order of crab cakes ($9). Two spicy crab cakes arrived unadorned on a dish, roughly the diameter of a sand-dollar, but about a halfinch thick, served with a side of spicy cherry pepper aoili. The cakes were hot and spicy, and the aoili also delivered a satisfying spicy kick.

With appetizers behind us, Lillian and I were ready to dive into Via Alto’s dinner entrees. The restaurant has a large menu of traditional Italian meals at generally reasonable prices, with about a half dozen nightly dinner specials. Lillian ordered a meat sauce lasagna ($12), which was a simply enormous square of layered lasagna pasta with ground beef and a variety of cheeses, drenched in a thick meat sauce. The sauce was unlike sauces at many other restaurants, with a great tomato flavor, but predominantly meat, almost looking like a covering of ground beef on top of the lasagna. Despite being out of the ordinary, the sauce was still good, though at times a little overwhelmingly

night day

meaty and less sauce-like than expected. The giant cut of layered lasagna was extraordinarily cheesy as well, with a thick layer of ovenhardened cheese encrusting the outermost layer of the dish, with the traditionally expected layers of pasta, ground beef and cheese held in the middle. The result was a decadent and filling dish that provided not only dinner at the evening that we visited, but also lunch the following day. For my entree I debated between two dinner specials, a calamari and gnocchi dish and the delightfully-named cotoletta grigliata di vitello in ragu di finnochio e radicchio, long-hand for veal chop and fennel ($20). Deciding on the veal chop I was pleased to be served a large chop of veal on the bone, served over a bed of mauvecolored fennel and radicchio ragu. With just the right amount of marbled fat, the veal was succulent, perfectly seasoned and surprisingly juicy for such a large cut of meat. The radicchio ragu was different from any type of sauce that I have ever had at an Italian restaurant, as the dominant vegetable was radicchio and not tomatoes, which I

{ dining}

was not as fond of – as the overwhelmingly bitter taste of radicchio, a vegetable often referred to as Italian chicory, dominated the dish. Despite trying, I was not able to overcome the flavor of radicchio to finish the sauce, but the veal chop was still delicious in spite of the sauce. During our visit, service was mediocre, despite a nearly empty restaurant. Lillian and I were not noticed at the front of the restaurant for several minutes despite trying to get the attention of the wait staff, and our server was absent for long stretches during the meal. Our food still came out at the right cadence, but there were several times when we were left wanting without a server. The dining room is pleasantly decorated, large but still intimate, and Italian sayings, paintings and other tapestries adorn each wall. With large portions and fairly reasonable prices – most dinner items ranging in the mid-teens to low 20s – Ristorante Via Alto 27 is a fine choice for diners looking for a decent Italian meal outside of Worcester, but the restaurant will have to improve in qualities before it becomes a true destination for fine Italian dining in Central Massachusetts.

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M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M




Pancakes for Dinner

Nancy Chang Worcester’s scallion pancakes

372 Chandler St., Worcester 508-752-8899 nancychang.com FOOD ★★★★★ AMBIENCE ★★★★ 1/2 SERVICE ★★★★★ VALUE ★★★★★

Elle Durkin

Scallion pancakes are a popular appetizer in many cuisines but particularly in Asian fusion meals. Ranging from fluffy to flaky, deep-fried to steamed, the scallion pancake can have many faces and can tend towards a variety of different expressions. At Nancy Chang, I ordered their scallion pie, and was promptly delivered eight triangular “pie” pieces for $6.

This appetizer was nothing short of amazing. Thick and spongy, satisfyingly plump to bite into, yet still crispy with fried edges, this scallion pie somehow managed to include the best of both worlds. The pie slices were comprised of many paper-like layers, reminiscent of filo (used for baklava), that seem to have adhered through a combination of oil and compression. Despite the definite presence of oil, these pie slices were not greasy or oily at all. Nor were they too crispy, with oil soaked throughout; again they hit that elusive sweet spot in cooking. The texture of the pie brought to mind a savory pastry, but still sweet enough that a little cinnamon or powdered sugar could have easily sent them to the dessert menu. The scallion rang throughout, however, reminding the consumer of the pie’s pre-dinner role. The taste of the pie was, in all, quite simple and quite satisfying. Perhaps the tastiest element of the dish was the sauce, a tangy but definitely sweet taste combination of soy sauce and sugar, with the most subtle hint of seaweed dancing within it. The taste was nothing like sweet and sour sauce, or really any other of the standard Chinese food sauces. Its thin, translucent consistency allowed for only a small amount to remain on each piece of pie, which created an ideal marriage of sauce and pie with each bite. I was very satisfied and am actually eager to get these again. Nancy Chang makes a real study out of providing healthy Chinese food, while losing none of the taste. All of Chinese food’s beloved elements are in place, but the sauces are not so thickly slathered on, the oil not so heavily drenching, the saltiness does not reach its peak. These slender little appetizers weren’t necessarily health food, but lacked the excess that takes delectable foods to a different, unpleasant level.



night day

• M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

BITES ... Brittany Durgin


Volturno, winner of Best New Restaurant in this year’s Best of Worcester poll, is known for its pizza, however, it is now offering a new menu item on Wednesday nights: burgers. The meat is sourced through Trace and Trust, from Racque Valley Farms in Rhode Island, and is a blend of grassfed chuck, short rib, sirloin tip and a few other choice cuts. Burgers are served on a roll with pickles, Vermont farmstead 2-year ale cheddar, tomato conserva and Yukon gold fries, made in house. Customers are encouraged to arrive early as a limited number of burgers are served weekly. Volturno, 72 Shrewsbury St., Worcester. volturnopizza.com

MEZE IS OPEN People have been asking: Is the new Greek

restaurant open on Shrewsbury Street? The answer is yes, Mezé Greek Tapas Bar & Grille is open seven days a week. The new eatery, located almost opposite of 111 Chop House, offers a large menu with soups, salads, cold plates, hot plates, traditional Greek items from the grill and a separate menu with desserts, coffee and other beverages. Visit Mezé, 156 Shrewsbury St., Worcester and online at mezegreektapas.com.

night day &

music >Thursday 29

Summer African Music Series. Throughout the summer of 2014 Crocodile River Music, Gallery of African Art and Coffeelands Cafe are showcasing musicians specializing in or inspired by African Music. Join us on select Thursday evenings. The night starts out with a lecture/ demonstration from the musical guest at Gallery of African Art (62 Highland Street Clinton, MA) at 6p.m. At 7p.m. the music starts just a block away at Coffeelands Cafe (50 High Street Clinton, MA). Chartwell Dituro on the Mbira accompanied by Banning Eyre on Guitar and Nora Balaban also on Mbira will perform this week. This series is free of admission! galleryofafricanart.org. Free Live Acoustic Original Reggae and Jamaican Buffet at One Love Cafe. Both meat and vegetarian entrees. Call 774-272-3969 for reservations. $10 per person Buffett. 5-10 p.m. OneLove Cafe, 800 Main St. 508-753-8663 or facebook.com/ events/164007660454055. Live Jazz Performances. Free. 6-9 p.m. CERES Bistro at Beechwood Hotel, 363 Plantation St. 508-754-2000. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 7-11 p.m. Black Sheep Tavern, 261 Leominster Road, Sterling. 978-422-8484. Monthly Union Uke Club Meeting. What we do is have a brief ukulele lesson, learn some chords and positions for them, work on our “strum”, and then play some 3 chord (easy) songs together. After that we have a chance for individuals to perform a song for the group, and then to socialize and talk about ukuleles. Free. 7-8:30 p.m. Union Music, Performance Center, 142 Southbridge St. 508-753-3702 or unionmusic. com/events.htm. Annual Senior Concert. Program: FOOTE A Night Piece for flute and strings SHOSTAKOVICH String Quartet No. 8 BEETHOVEN String Quartet Op. 95 Adults $25, Free for seniors. 7:30-8:30 p.m. The Willows at Worcester, 101 Barry Road. 508-217-4450 or worcesterchambermusic.org. Celebration of Sephardic Culture. Musical Artist-in-Residence and Sepharad Record’s recording artist Gerard Edery joins Cantor Annelise Ocanto in an evening of Sephardic Music. Both as solo and duet performances, this concert will excite the senses and move your soul. The Jerusalem Post calls Edery “a musical magician.” Adults $30, Students $15, under 13 Free. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Congregation Beth Israel, 15 Jamesbury Drive. 508-756-6204 or tinyurl.com/biconcert2014. Sheez Late Special Acoustic Show. Special acoustic performance by Sheez Late at Sweet-kitchen & Bar. Show starts early, great drinks and treats. Free. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Sweet Kitchen & Bar, 72 Shrewsbury St. Shelby Lynne. Lynne recently founded her own label, EVERSO RECORDS and “Tears, Lies, And Alibis,” EVERSOs first release, debuted at No. 16 on Billboards Top Independent Albums chart in April of 2010. A Top 10 hit at Americana radio, it was hailed by Newsday as her strongest album in a decade, a sentiment echoed by numerous critics. $40 advance; $45 day of show. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 917-674-6181 or tickets. bullrunrestaurant.com. Brian Kendall. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Blueprint New American Bar & Grill, 9 Village Square, Westminster. 978-668-5580. Dan Cormier. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Square, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Dub Apocalypse ThursDaze. 21 plus. Doors at 6 p.m. With Todo Bien $6. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. Open Mic Night! Thursday: Open Mic Night musicians welcome to perform Just plug in. 8-10 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Thirsty Thursday Open Mic Night @ Dark Horse Tavern With Mark & Wibble. Calling all fellow musicians & artists alike! Join us down at the Dark Horse & bring your Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins,

Trumpets & Xylophones & let’s have some fun. Showcasing REAL live local music & talent! To RSVP a time slot in advance please send your name/time slot you’d like and e-mail (optional) to darkhorseopenmic@ yahoo.com. To all other players that want to come up to jam and don’t want to RSVP. There will be a sign-up sheet so you get to play your tunes accordingly, so don’t fret (no pun intended). Free. 8-11 p.m. Dark Horse Tavern, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. 508-764-1100 or facebook. com/groups/darkhorseopenmic.

Pakachoag Music School faculty member Vladimir Odinokikh performs a few of his favorite selections by Chopin on Saturday, May 31 at 3:30 p.m. at at All Saints Church in Worcester. The program will span Chopin’s career as composer and pianist and include works first played by Vladimir as a gifted child, to the challenging Sonata in B Minor he learned as a teen and last played while enrolled as a conservatory student in Moscow. The event is free. All Saints Church, 10 Irving St., Worcester. Audio Wasabi. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. The Free Hats, Jody Frawlee & The Unfaithful, and more. $5. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-3631888 or facebook.com/frawlee. College Night Featuring DJ Danny Fly. Come and experience Worcester’s HOTTEST College Dance Party! DJ Danny Fly will be spinning your favorite Top 40, Dance, Hip Hop! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Industry Bar Room, 109 Water St. 508-756-2100. DJ Cuz’N Kev. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Metal Thursday CCXLIII: Leukorrhea, Lower The Casket, Child Bite. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. The Lovely Ladies of Sirens of Song! $5 Cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Saturday Nights with DJ E-Class. DJ E-Class bringing the R&B remixes to get you out on the dance floor all night long! No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-4380597. DJ. 11 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-9268353.

>Friday 30

Chartwell Dutrio, Cultural Ambassador from Zimbabwe, plays “M’bira”. Cultural Ambassador from Zimbabwe, Chartwell Dutiro, plays the “M’bira”, which is a thumb piano. Will perform as a trio with two Amercian musicians, Nora Balaban and Banning Eyre. Free. 1-2 p.m. Briarwood Continuing Care Retirement Community: Birches

{ listings}

Auditorium, 65 Briarwood Circle. Dana Lewis Live! 5:30-8 p.m. Webster House Restaurant, 1 Webster St. 508-757-7208. Thank Friday It’s Dr. Nat. Let Dr. Nat start your weekend with jazz, swing, blues, soul, samba, R&B, Broadway, original songs about Worcester, and other surprises, such as special guest vocalists and instrumentalists. No cover charge, tips appreciated. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030 or natneedle. com/tfidn. Toe Jam Puppet Band. Pizza and Snacks will be sold during the performance. The performance will be on the playground at the school. $5 per person (max. $20 per family, Children under 2 Free). 6-7:30 p.m. Sturbridge Nursery School, 518 Main St. (Route 20), Sturbridge. Fiddle Jamboree - Fiddle Concert. Fiddlers of Pakachoag Music School join together for an end-of-school-year jamboree and jam session. Featuring students aged 8 through adult. Everyone welcome - fiddlers and listeners. Free. 6:30-7:15 p.m. Pakachoag Music School of Greater Worcester, Education Wing, 203 Pakachoag St., Auburn. 508-791-8159. Open Mic. Open to musicians, poets, comedians or anyone with a talent! Hosted by Patrick McCarthy. 6:30-9 p.m. Nu Cafe, 335 Chandler St. 508-926-8800 or nucafe.com/events. BILL McCARTHY. I’ll be playing all your favorite Classic & Contemporary Acoustic and Not-So-Acoustic Rock Hits! Free. 7:3010:30 p.m. Tavern on the Common, 249 Main St., Rutland. 508-8864600. Brian & Captain. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Rye & Thyme, 14 Monument Square, Leominster. 978-534-5900. Choral Masterpieces with Brass and Organ - Worcester

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night day &

Upload your listings at worcestermagazine.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.

{ listings}

Chorus. Music Worcester once again closes its season with a Worcester Chorus performance which will showcase the group’s excellence - a fitting tribute to the choral ensemble that has been part of Music Worcester since its founding in 1858. Artistic Director Chris Shepard will lead the chorus and renowned Ian Watson will be featured on the Cathedral of St. Paul organ. Adults $40, students $15, Youth $5. 8-10 p.m. St. Paul’s Cathedral, 38 High St. 508-754-3231 or musicworcester.org. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. South Side Grille & Margarita Factory, 242 West Broadway, Gardner. 978632-1057. The bill dumas memorial show. 7Hp/controlled aggression/7th rail crew/12 step program/tester/ v / strangler needs a manicure and liquid violence. Come out and help us celebrate the life and memories of one of the hugest supporters/ promoters of the local music scene and all around great guy- bill dumas! $12 Advance/ $15 at the door. 8 P.M.-2 A.M. Lucky dog music hall, 89 green st. 508-363-1888 Or facebook.Com/ events/262706833903805/?Ref=br_tf. Auntie Trainwreck. Stop in to Greendale’s to hear Classic Rock, Blues, Alt Rock and Party favorites from Auntie Trainwreck, and maybe some brand new songs you have not heard from us before. $5 cover, 21+ $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-8531350 or facebook.com/events/659585330768407. Chad Clements. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St. 774-243-1100. Legit. Get ready to party the night away with a band that’s going to keep you dancing all night! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. 508-842-8420. Moonshine. Country Rock band. Covering Grace Potter, Susan Tedechi, Gretchen Wilson, Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, Pink, and much more. $5. 9 p.m.-midnight Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. 508-829-4566. Rock Folk bands: Robert Leather, Post Modern Author, and Rusted Bucket Band! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Thank Friday it’s Nat 5:30 to 7:30; then We & Mrs. Jones! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. Windfall Classic Rock. Windfall is a classic rock cover band originating from Worcester, MA. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. Lisa Marie & All Shook Up. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Jillian’s - Worcester, 315 Grove St. 508-793-0900. BlueSwitch. Free. 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508752-9439. Friday Night Dance Party with DJ Blackout. DJ Blackout bringin’ the energy to get the party poppin’ all night long. No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-4380597. DJ. 11 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-9268353.

p.m. All Saints Church, 10 Irving St. 508-791-8159 or pakmusic.org. JAZZED UP Trio Live. If you like Sinatra, Buble’, Connick Jr, Bennett, you will LOVE JAZZED UP as they present a romantic blend of jazz classics and American Songbook Classics. JAZZED UP plays “The Sweetest Music This Side of Heaven!” Nominated best jazz in the Worcester Music Awards in 2012, 2013, and 2014 , JAZZED UP Features: Singer/Pianist Mauro DePasquale; Drummer Ed Conely; and Bassist Phil Madison. (Facebook.com/jazzedupmusic) (jazzedup.net) No Cover. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Coral Seafood, 225 Shrewsbury St. 508-7558331. Brian Kendall & Dave Miller Acoustic. 7-10 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-926-8353. Bach Cantata 199 “Mein Herze Schwimmt im Blut”. First Parish Church of Berlin, MA presents a cantata for solo soprano and chamber ensemble by J. S. Bach, as well as other Baroque chamber works. Featuring Sarah Riskind, Leo Brown, Ingunn Jonsdotter, Bryan Urbina, Katherine Yosua, Serge Paul-Emile, and others. Donations to benefit First Parish Church Music Program. 7:30-9 p.m. First Parish Church, 24 Central St., Berlin. 978-838-2575. Cafe’ con Dios. Donation. 7:30-10 p.m. Faith Baptist Church, Main Auditorium, 22 Faith Ave, Auburn. 508-579-6722. Celtic Woman: The Emerald Tour. CELTIC WOMAN: THE EMERALD TOUR will celebrate Ireland and its spellbinding Celtic heritage through an extraordinary presentation of traditional Irish anthems and pop standards. Under the distinct musical direction of Emmy®-nominated music producer, David Downes, CELTIC WOMAN: THE EMERALD TOUR will present a moving compilation of the recordbreaking music that has dazzled audiences from around the world. Featuring the Aontas Choir, championship Irish dancers, bagpipers, drums, and the unforgettable, angelic voices of Celtic Woman live in concert. Full price tickets are $45 and $75, with limited premium seating available for $105. 7:30-9 p.m. Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St. 877-571-7469 or thehanovertheatre.org. Freedom Is Coming, Concert Quinebaug Valley Singers. “Freedom is Coming”, Spring Concert. African songs; white and black American gospel music. Director Nym Cooke Free admission, Free-will offering, refreshments served. 7:30-9:30 p.m. St. Joachim Chapel, 16 Church St., Fiskdale, 16 Church St, Fiskdale, Fiskdale. 508-987-0549 or qvs.org. BEATLE WOOD, featuring Sean Fullerton, an all Acoustic Beatles Tribute. Beatle Wood is an all Acoustic tribute to the

music of anything related to The Beatles, featuring Sean Fullerton, Dan Kirouac and Tom Gilmartin. We perform songs by The Beatles, LennonMcCartney-Harrison-Starr solo, Julian Lennon, Traveling Wilburys, Badfinger, and more! Dinner, Drinks, Music. 8-11 p.m. South Side Grille & Margarita Factory, 242 West Broadway, Gardner. 978-632-1057 or seanfullertonmusic.net. Belit. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. The Mill, 185 West Boylston St., West Boylston. Gale County. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Blueprint New American Bar & Grill, 9 Village Square, Westminster. 978-668-5580. Hayley Jane and the Primates - Grace and the RSO. 21 plus. Doors at 6 p.m. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508799-0629. Irish Ceili Dance. This is a good old fashioned Irish dance a lot of whooping and hollering while the dancers weave around the floor. Come on down and put your Irish Groove on. Music will be provided by “Ireland” Sean Connors Band. $10 admission. 8-12:30 p.m. Hibernian Cultural Center - Worcester, 19 Temple St. 508-795-0400. ROYAL SOUTHERN BROTHERHOOD. The Brotherhood’s incendiary front line consists of one of the last great southern soul singers, percussionist and vocalist extraordinaire Cyril Neville (Neville Brothers, the Meters), lead guitarist and singer Devon Allman (son of Gregg, nephew of Duane) and award-winning blues guitarist and songwriter Mike Zito. The powerhouse rhythm section of bass player Charlie Wooten (the Wood Brothers) and drummer Yonrico Scott (Derek Trucks Band, Gregg Allman) rounds out the Brothers’ lineup. $32 advance; $36 day of show. 8-11 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant, Sawtelle Room, 215 Great Road, Shirley. 917-674-6181 or tickets. bullrunrestaurant.com. The Three For All featuring The Deadites, The Curtain Society and Teeel with a special performance by Beaver McD vs. Captain Insidious. This will be the biggest show in the area all year. We’ve assembled three incredible bands on one night. The genre-bending combo known as The Deadites not only claim vast knowledge in the field of monster-hunting, obscure martial arts and secret occult societies, they also bring some hot electro grooves with macabre humor and infectious energy. Flawlessly blending elements of Brit Pop, Shoegaze, Dream Pop and Goth Rock into a lush sonic soundscape that never compromises on incredible melodies and great pop hooks, The Curtain Society have been flooring live audiences and writing perfect songs since the early 90s! With sharp, sometimes icy synthwork and dark, foreboding guitars, Teeel

>Saturday 31

Fred Ellsworth Band. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. “My Poland; My Love.” The Music of Chopin. Piano Concert. Pakachoag faculty member Vladimir Odinokikh plays some of his favorite selections by Chopin from throughout his career as award-winning pianist and teacher. Selections for this program span Chopin’s own career as composer and pianist, and include works first played by Vladimir as a gifted child to the very challenging Sonata in B Minor learned as a teen and last performed by Vladimir while enrolled as a conservatory student in Moscow. Free. Donations Accepted. 3:30-5:30



• M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

The Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor, Inc. presents The Bike Blackstone and Blues event on Saturday, May 31, beginning with a 10-mile bicycle ride on the Blackstone River Bikeway, departing from the Woonsocket Depot, 1 Depot Sq., Woonsocket, Rhode Island at 2:30 p.m. and ending at the Blackstone River Theater, 549 Broad St., Cumberland, Rhode Island with live music and a Taste of Regional Breweries, from 4-8 p.m. There will also be an antique bike show, BMX rider demonstrations and a guided twilight ride from the Blackstone River Theatre back to the Woonsocket Depot. To find more information and to register, visit blackstonevalleycorridor.org/bikes&blues.

manages to reference the past while still looking to the future. If you have a penchant for 80s influenced electro dream-pop, you need look no further. With a special performance by 8-bit nerd-core hip hop heavies, Beaver McD vs. Captain Insidious. Tickets: $10 at door $8 in advance at threeforall.brownpapertickets.com. $10. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or facebook.com/ events/1488601574693385. Chris Reddy Acoustic Loops from Hell. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Flip Flops, 680 Main St., Holden. Gladstone, Keith McLinden Band, Jason Graham, and an All-Star Jam to end the night! 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Jennifer Antkowiak and Tom Lamark. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Nick’s Bar and Restaurant, 124 Millbury St. 508-753-4030. New Bay Colony - Come With Us To Zee Kas Bar. Providing the Classic Rock rhythms so you can dance, dance, dance the night away. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Club KasBar, 234 Southwest Cutoff. 508-798-8385 or facebook.com. No Alibi. $5. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Ottomatic Slim Band Featuring Otto Lenz Harmonica Ace. Ottomatic Slim Band Featuring Otto Lenz, World Class Harmonica Ace on stage tonight. Great dance floor. Tasty drinks. Tonight’s First Class Lineup: Otto Lenz, Harmonica Artist Extraordinaire, Rhythm Section: Steve Leveille on Bass with Billy “7” on Drums, Jim Atkinson, Guitar/ Vocals. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Wheelock Inn, 82 Wheelock Ave., Millbury. Dj Reckless. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Perfect Game Sports Grill and Lounge, 64 Water St. 508-792-4263. Saturday Nights with DJ E-Class. DJ E-Class bringing the R&B remixes to get you out on the dance floor all night long! No cover charge. 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. DJ. 11 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. 508-9268353. A Musical Journey: Faculty Recital. Please join us for a lovely evening of flute, violin and piano music. Concert will feature faculty members from the Worcester Music Academy, including Sarah Kelly on flute, Yulia Zhuravleva on violin, and guest artist Diana Mukusheva on piano. Performance to include works by J.S. Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Reinecke and Delibes. Concert is free and open to the public; donations greatly appreciated. Swipe for WOO points. We hope to see you there! 5-7 p.m. First Unitarian Church, Bancroft Room, 90 Main St., Worcester. 508-635-6900. worcestermusicacademy.come/concerts.html. New England’s Premier BEATLES Cover “NO REPLY”.Enjoy and evening of live BEATLES music performed by New England’s Premier BEATLES Cover Act. “NO REPLY” is a 7 piece band performing the most accurate musical and vocal reproductions completely LIVE! Featuring: Rob Male, bass and vocals; Dan Gorman, lead vocals; Mike Bray, guitars, keyboards and vocals; Tom Bray, guitars, keyboards and vocals; Dave Cintolo, guitars and vocals; Marty Salvatore, percussion and vocals; and Jim Capello, drums. A must see for any Beatles fan! 8-11 p.m. $10. Knights of Columbus Leominster, 484 Lancaster St., Leominster. 508-331-2727. The Derelicts Mid Life Crisis. Come down to the BPL to see Worcester’s Oldest Oldies Band! Featuring 6 pieces, The Derelicts play Rock & Roll, R & B, and Classic Rock from the 60’s & 70’s. 8-11 p.m. $5. Blue Plate Lounge, 661 Main St., Holden. The Lovejoy Band. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Rivalry’s Sports Bar, 274 Shrewsbury St., Worcester. Usually Normal. Playing all the best alternative and pop hits from the 80’s and beyond! 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m. JJ’s Sports Bar and Grill, 380 Southwest Cutoff, Northborough. Remuck Brothers. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Jillian’s, 315 Grove St., Worcester.

>Sunday 1

Jazz Brunch. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122.

night day

Upload your listings at worcestermagazine.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar. Big Jon Short - solo acoustic country blues. Free. 5-8 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St. 508-752-9439. Jim’s Blues Jam at Greendales. Each week has a ďŹ rst rate feature performer, followed by an open mike segment. Host Jim Perry keeps things rolling. No cover. 6-10 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Open Mic Sundays At Snow’s Restaurant With Bill Mccarthy. To check the schedules and open slots visit: Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World on Facebook. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve it at OPENMCC@VERIZON.NET. Free. 7-10:30 p.m. Snow’s Restaurant & Pub, 321 West Boylston St. Funky Jazz Sundays. 21 plus. Doors at 6 p.m. Every ďŹ rst and third sunday. Free. 8 p.m.-midnight Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-7990629. Lucky Dog KARAOKE with your host, Vegas magic-manhypnotist Paul Harter. Doors at 8 p.m. Free. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. 508-363-1888 or wildhypnotist.com. Sunday Funday Karaoke with DJ Matty J. End the weekend right with DJ Matty J, Karaoke, HD videos and old school jams. Early start at 8 p.m. Come down for a little while or party all night! Patio open weather permitting. No cover charge. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Center Bar & Grill, 102 Green St. 508-438-0597. Karaoke. Classic’s Pub, 285 Central St., Leominster. Opera- Cosi Fan Tutte, or How I Met Your Mother (performed in English). Greater Worcester Opera presents “Cosi Fan Tutte, or How I Met Your Motherâ€?, a staged, costumed concert version of Mozart’s gorgeous opera, performed in English translation. GWO’s version unfolds this tale of romance, deception and happy endings with an unexpected twist, in a charming theatrical adaptation. Featuring two wonderful casts of singers and actors, Mozart’s music will delight while we discover...â€?how I met your mother!â€? (Suitable for all ages). $15

general/$12 student. 2-4:30 p.m New Players Theatre Guild, Fitchburg. 978-345-6570. Freedom is Coming, Spring concert Quinebaug Valley Singers. “Freedom is Coming� spring concert; African songs; white and black American gospel music. Free admission, free-will offering, refreshments served. 3-5 p.m. Elm Street Congregational Church, 61 Elm St., Southbridge. 508-987-0549. www.qvs.org.

>Monday 2

A Punkcake Alterno-Craft Fair, with 30 artists, crafters and boutique vendors showing off and selling their art and wares, and four bands will be held Saturday, May 31, from 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at Fiddlers’ Green Pub & Restaurant, 19 Temple St., Worcester. The event is free and family-friendly. Find the event on Facebook.

Open: Worcester. 21 plus, Free Free HOOKAH SHARE! Open Mic 8-10 p.m. Open Decks 10-1 a.m. Sign-up for slots starts at the venue at 7 p.m. and is ďŹ rst come ďŹ rst serve. House equipment for DJs: Pioneer DJM900NXS Mixer 2x CDJ 2000s 2x Technics 1200s. All music welcome! Collaboration is encouraged! 21+, Free Entry, $2 PBRs Free. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. Blue Monday - Live Blues. 8:30 p.m.-1 a.m. Gardner Ale House, 74 Parker St., Gardner. 978-669-0122. Bop & Pop Jazz Organization. Classic Hammond Organ Quartet grooves every Monday night at the Dive. Free. 9 p.m.-midnight. Dive Bar, 34 Green St. facebook.com/BopNPopJazzOrganization.

and Special Guests every Tuesday Night! No cover. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. 508-753-9543. Hip Hop Tuesdays. Hosted by Ace of Blaze & Elijah Divine (Open) End of the night cypher. DJ Showcase (Rotating Turntablist) Resident Bboys (Top Rock) Different artists every week! 21+ $5 cover $5. 9 p.m.1 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. 508-799-0629. Karaoke. Karaoke by First Choice Entertainment, hosted by Curtis. 21+ years of age. Free. 9 p.m.-midnight. Loft 266 Bar & Lounge, 266 Park Ave. 774-696-4845. Karaoke. Karaoke by Star Sound Entertainment. 9:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Grille 57, 57 Highland St. 508-798-2000 or grille57.com.

>Tuesday 3

>Wednesday 4

Two Left - Blues Jam. Brian Degon (Vocals, Guitar) and Fr. Gregory Christakos (Bass) Jam original and favorite blues tunes. Free. 7-10 p.m. Park Grill and Spirits, 257 Park Ave. 508-756-7995. TUESDAY OPEN MIC NIGHT! To check the schedules and open slots visit: Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World on Facebook. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve it at OPENMCC@VERIZON.NET. Free. 7:30-11:30 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-8531350 or m.facebook.com/groups/209610855806788?ref=bookma rk&__user=578549000. C.U.Next Tuesday! Tunes in the Diner with DJ Poke Smot

WEDNESDAY NIGHT OPEN MIC. To check the schedules and open slots visit: Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World on Facebook. Email Bill McCarthy to reserve it at OPENMCC@VERIZON.NET. Free. 7:30-10:30 p.m. Guiseppe’s Grille, 35 Solomon Pond Road, Northborough. 508-3934405 or m.facebook.com/groups/209610855806788?ref=bookma rk&__user=578549000. Johnny Romance’s Open Mic. Wednesday nights! 8-11pm Open Mic night with Johnny Romance, Bring your instrument, comedy, spoken word, acoustic karaoke with lyrics over 400 songs! 8-11 p.m. Primetime pub, 5 Summer St., Lunenburg. Loveshackmusic.com.


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Karaoke. Karaoke by Star Sound Entertainment 8 p.m.-midnight Dark Horse Tavern, 12 Crane St., Southbridge. 508-764-1100. Open Mic Night. 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Prime Time Pub, 5 Summer St., Lunenburg. 978-400-7727. Ray & The Repairmen. Featuring Ray Bryant (Guitar & Vocals) Dave Dick (Banjo, Guitar, Mandolin, Vocals) and Wolf Ginandes (Bass and Vocals). Ray and the Repairmen play in the Park Grill bar every Wednesday at 8pm. Free. 8-10 p.m. Park Grill and Spirits, 257 Park Ave. Wacky Wednesday Open mic Jam with Mark. Come down and sign up to jam with Mark. 8-11 p.m. Greendale’s Pub, 404 W Boylston St. 508-853-1350. Chris Reddy – Sponsored by Narragansett. 5-7 p.m. Sunset Tiki Bar, 79 Powers Rd., Westford. Jon Weinberg and Dave Coleman – Twilight at Twigs Cafe. Jon Weinberg and Dave Coleman - Hammered Dulcimer and Guitar. Jon and Dave perform together in the acoustic string band “Allemande North.� They play a variety of traditional and contemporary music from the New England, Southern, French Canadian, Celtic, and Scottish traditions and perform throughout New England at contra and square dances, festivals, concerts and other public and private events. (www.jonweinberg.com) 6-8 p.m. Free with regular admission. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Twigs Cafe, 11 French Dr., Boylston. Hip Swayers Live Broadcast on WICN’s ‘Against the Grain’ with Nick DiBiasio. Tune in or stream this live broadcast! 7-8 p.m. WICN 90.5 PF, 50 Portland St., Worcester. First Wednesdays at Vincent’s. Zack Slik plays Old-Time Back-Porch Music on banjo, mandolin, guitar, and harmonica. A foot stomping good time. 21+ Free. 8-11:59 p.m. Vincent’s Bar, 49 Suffolk St., Worcester.

GRECIAN FESTIVAL 2014 Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral 102 Russell Street, Worcester, MA (across from Elm Park) ^ĹšƾƊůÄž ĨĆŒŽž Ĺ˝ĹšÄžĆŒĆšÇ‡ ,^


Rain or Shine


Greek Food & Pastry • Live Music Agora Booths • Dance Performances Cultural Exhibits • Car Raffle Kids’ Fest • Cathedral Tours Daily Food Specials


Be Greek for a Day! M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M


night day &

Upload your listings at worcestermagazine.com. Click the Night & Day toolbar, then choose Calendar to place your event listing in both our print and online weekly calendar.

{ listings}

New Series “Negative Burn” Downstairs at Ralphs every other Wednesday. NO Cover! 8:30 p.m.-12 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St., Worcester. Woo Town Wednesday with LIVE BANDS Little War Twins (and more tba) then it’s KARAOKE night with Magician Paul Harter. A quick recipe for Little War Twins: 1 lb Soul (free range). 2 tbsp Punk (raw, gluten free). 1 oz Rock (organic). Marinate in Electronics for 45 mins. Best served hot. Free. 8:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St., Worcester. Hit the Bus. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Michael’s Cigar Bar, 1 Exchange Place, Worcester.


ArtsWorcester, Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday-Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free. 660 Main St. 508-755-5142 or artsworcester.org. Booklovers’ Gourmet, New Work by Karen Reid, Through May 31; My View, photography by Cindi Gardner through June 30. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 55 East Main St., Webster. 508949-6232 or er3.com/book. Clark University: University Gallery, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, noon-8 p.m. Wednesday, noon-5 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. 950 Main St. 508-793-7349 or 508-7937113 or clarku.edu. Clark’s Cafe and Art On Rotation Gallery, Hours: 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday - Saturday. Admission: Free for gallery. 310 High St., Clinton. 978-549-5822 or 978-365-7772 or aorgallery.com. College of the Holy Cross: Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, As Far As the Eye Can See, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Aug. 16. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday. 1 College St. 508-793-3356 or holycross.edu. Corner Grille, Pizza is ART! on Friday, May 30 invites you to join us for the unveiling of our first art exhibit! Our the last fifteen years, many of our clients and fans have shared with us their priceless Corner Grille memories. Now, Corner Grille will be sharing some of the recurring themes of those memories through the work of some amazing local artists! Our first exhibit is by Worcester Artist and Designer Elaine Pusateri Cowan. PLUS, beginning the night of the event, all proceeds form the sale of our famous Veggaholic pizza will go to Worcester’s Planting the Seed Foundation. Corner Grille will have pizza specials, raffle prizes, an Instagram contest, Facebook check-in prizes and much more! 6-9 p.m. Corner Grille, 806 Pleasant St., Worcester. 508-7548884. Danforth Museum of Art, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, noon-5 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 123 Union Ave., Framingham. 508-620-0050 or danforthmuseum.org. EcoTarium, Toys, Treats, and Training, Sundays, through June 22. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday Saturday. Admission: $14 adults; $8 for children ages 2-18, $10 college students with IDs & senior citizens. Children under 2 & EcoTarium members Free. Additional charges apply for Tree Canopy Walkway, Explorer Express Train, planetarium programs & other special progra. 222 Harrington Way. 508-929-2700 or ecotarium.org. Electric Haze, Art Gallery Opening featuring Jack Phomphithak – music by Kroma Kode. Doors at 6 p.m. 7-9 gallery opening with wine and cheese 9-1 Live music. Free. 21 plus. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St., Worcester. Fisher Museum Harvard Forest, 324 N. Main St., Petersham. 978-724-3302 or harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu/museum.html.



• M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

Fitchburg Art Museum, Hours: noon-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, noon-4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 25 Merriam Parkway, Fitchburg. 978-345-4207 or fitchburgartmuseum.org. Fitchburg State University: Hammond Hall, VISIONS, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, through June 30. 160 Pearl St., Fitchburg. fitchburgstate.edu. Fruitlands Museum, Nipmuc Traditions in Story, Dance and Drums, Saturday. 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard. 978-456-3924 or fruitlands. org. Funky Stuff, 11am-7pm Tues-Sat. Bringing the funk to Worcester through Fine Art, Jewelry, Clothing, Furniture, Antiques, and Collectables. We support local art, and we think you should too! 97C Webster St., Worcester. 508-755-5463. Gallery of African Art, Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Donations accepte. 62 High St., Clinton. 978-265-4345 or 978-598-5000x12 or galleryofafricanart.org. Mass Audubon: Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Hours: 12:30-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 414 Massasoit Ave. 508-753-6087 or massaudubon.org. Museum of Russian Icons, Series of One Icon Exhibits, Through June 20. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 11-3 a.m. Tuesday Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 11-3 a.m. Friday, 9-3 a.m. Saturday. Admission: Adults $7, Seniors (59 and over) $5, Students (with ID) & children (3-17) $2, Children under 3 Free, Groups (any age) $. 203 Union St., Clinton. 978-598-5000 or 978-598-5000x17 or museumofrussianicons.org. Old Sturbridge Village, A Pound of Cure: Health Care in the 19th Century, Admission: $7 - $20 charged by age. Children under 3 Free. 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge. 800-733-1830 or 508-3473362 or osv.org. Post Road Art Center, Hours: closed Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 1 Boston Post Road, Marlborough. 508-4852580 or postroadartcenter.com. Preservation Worcester, Hours: closed Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed Saturday. 10 Cedar St. 508-754-8760 or preservationworcester.org. Quinebaug Valley Council for the Arts & Humanities, the Arts Center, Hours: 2-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Friday, 2-4 p.m. Saturday. 111 Main St., Southbridge. 508-346-3341 or qvcah.org. Rollstone Studios, Hours: 11-4 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. Admission: Free. 633 Main St., Fitchburg. 978-348-2781 or rollstoneartists.com. Salisbury Mansion, Hours: closed Sunday - Wednesday, 1-8:30 p.m. Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Friday - Saturday. 40 Highland St. 508-7538278 or worcesterhistory.org. SAORI Worcester Freestyle Weaving Studio, 18 Winslow St. 508-757-4646 or 508-757-0116 or saoriworcester.com. Taproot Bookstore, Hours: noon-5 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. 1200 West Boylston St. 508-853-5083 or TaprootBookstore.com. The Sprinkler Factory, 38 Harlow St. sprinklerfactory.com. Top Fun Aviation Toy Museum, Hours: 1:30-4:30 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. 21 Prichard St., Fitchburg. 978-342-2809 or 978-297-4337 or topfunaviation.com. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. Admission: $12 Adults, $9 Seniors & $7 Youth, Free to Members & Children under . 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111 or towerhillbg.org. Worcester Art Museum, Art Since the Mid-20th Century, Through Dec. 31, 2015; Carina Nebula: Michael Benson, Through June 22; Guns without Borders in Mexico and Central America, Through Nov. 9; Majicolor Prints by Majima Ryoichi, Through Nov. 10; Nude Drawing in

the Galleries, Thursdays, through May 29; Stencil-dyed Japanese Folk Art Calendars, Through Aug. 10; Worcester Art Museum - Blue Star Museums Military Discount, Sundays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, through Aug. 31; You are here, Through Aug. 31; Children’s Story time, Fridays, through May 30; Meditation in the Galleries, Fridays, through May 30; Families @ WAM: Family Tour, Saturdays, through May 31; Families @ WAM: Make Art! Medieval Stain Glass (Watercolor Activity), Saturday; Zip Tour: Armor: Functional, Fancy, and Fun, Saturday; Public Tour, Sundays, through Dec. 28; U-student Wednesdays Free admission to WAM educational institutional members, Wednesdays, Oct. 2 - Dec. 31. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, closed Monday - Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Admission: Free for members, $14 adults, $12 seniors, Free for youth 17 and under. Free for all first Saturdays of each month, 10am-noon. 55 Salisbury St. 508-799-4406 or worcesterart.org. Worcester Center for Crafts, Eight Elements, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, May 29 - June 21. Hours: closed Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Saturday. 25 Sagamore Road. 508-753-8183 or worcestercraftcenter.org. Worcester Historical Museum, Alden Family Gallery, Through Dec. 31, 2015; In Their Shirtsleeves, Through Dec. 31, 2015; Stories They Tell, Through Dec. 31, 2015; Worcester Treasures, Through Oct. 31. Hours: closed Sunday - Monday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday. 30 Elm St. 508-753-8278 or worcesterhistory.org. Worcester Public Library, Hours: 1:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday - Saturday. 3 Salem Square. 508-799-1655 or worcpublib.org.

theater/ comedy

Dick Doherty’s Beantown Comedy Escape - Fri & Sat May 30th & 31st Greg Howell, Justin Hoff and Kristin Seltman. Fridays & Saturdays. Showtimes: Friday 9 p.m.-Saturdays 8 p.m. -$20pp. Prices: $20 Fri/Sat pp except Special Events. Drinks and Appetizers available in the show room. Full Dinner Available before Show in Restaurant. $5 off with College ID and Reservations, 2 for 1 Active Military or Veterans and Reservations $4 off with Dinner Receipt and Reservations. Make Reservations Early at 800-401-2221 or online at beantowncomedy.com. Sunday Night Cinemageddon! Every Sunday Night in the Diner! - Sundays, Sunday, May 13 - Wednesday, December 31. Free. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Ralph’s Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove St. Call 508753-9543 or facebook.com/ralphs.diner. Mr. Smartass Theatre - FIRST WEDNESDAY of every MONTH. Mr. Smartass Theater is a live homage to the classic television program Mystery Science Theater 3000, Featuring Shaun Connolly, Michael Szymczak and Derek Ring. Free. 9:30-11:30 p.m. Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. Call 508-363-1888 or visit facebook.com/ mrsmartasstheatre. FRANK FOLEY’S COMEDY SAFARI - Saturday nights. Free parking. Full menu before or during show. $20. 8-9:45 p.m. Viva Bene Italian Ristorante, 144 Commercial St. Call 774-452-1131 or visit Frankfoleyscomedysafari.com. Stage Time Comedy Show - Saturdays. 9:30-10:30 p.m. Canal Restaurant & Bar, 65 Water St. Call 508-926-8353. “Drinking Habits” - Friday, May 30 - Saturday, June 7. Gateway Players Theatre, Inc. presents Drinking Habits by Tom Smith on May 30, 31, June 6 & 7 at 7:30 p.m. and June 8 at 2 p.m. Accusations, mistaken identities, and romances run wild in this traditional, laughout-loud farce. Two nuns at the Sisters of Perpetual Sewing have been secretly making wine to keep the convent’s doors open, but Paul and Sally, reporters and former fiancees, are hot on their trail. They go undercover as a nun and priest, but their presence, combined with the addition of a new nun, spurs paranoia throughout the convent that

spies have been sent from Rome to shut them down. Wine and secrets are inevitably spilled as everyone tries to preserve the convent and reconnect with lost loves. $13-$11. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Gateway Arts Barn, 111 Main St., Southbridge. Call 508-764-4531 or gatewayplayers.org. Thought Bomb - Comedy Monthly - Saturday, May 31. Thought Bomb is a monthly show where eccentric writers,stand-up comics, illustrators, etc. get the chance to perform a story & then do a karaoke song w/the aid of a band.Guest speakers are the first half of the show and the backing band for that night closes out the night w/a full set of their own songs. Host: Matthew FLynn “Thought Bomb w/Matthew Flynn.” $5. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Electric Haze, 26 Millbury St. Call 508-7990629.

fairs/ festivals >Saturday 31

Open House Sailfest. Free Sailing with our US Sailing certified instructors. Check out our new rental fleet - Paddle Boards, Kayaks,and Paddle Boats. Come check out all that’s going on at RPCS. Free. 1-4 a.m. Lake Quinsigamond/Regatta Point State Park, 10 Lake Ave North. 508-757-2410 or RegattaPoint.org. 29th Annual Spring Plant Sale. Thousands of outstanding plants of all kinds offered by Tower Hill and premier vendors and plant societies - unusual annuals, Cary Award winners, unique trees and shrubs, cacti and succulents, daylilies, hostas, bromeliads, ferns, conifers, epimediums, heaths, heathers, roses, and more. Beautiful hand crafted pottery, sculpture, birdbaths, and hypertufa troughs are among the many garden accessories that will be available. There will be plenty of fantastic selections available, plus enjoy our beautiful garden, visit the Gift Shop, and savor lunch at Twigs Cafe! Free for Members, General Admission for Non-Members. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Drive, Boylston. 508-869-6111 or towerhillbg.org. 2nd Annual Organic Plant Sale. Bird of the Hand Farm specializes in medicinal plants and native shade plants. Bird of the Hand Farm also offers a wide range of perennials that support beneficial insects. The farm is certified organic. A bee keeper will be on hand to answer questions. Small trees will also be available for sale. Certified organic apples grown in Massachusetts are available from late August through October. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bird of the Hand Farmstand, 33 School St., Sterling. 978-422-6217. Southbridge Fest. Come join the fun. Live Music, Kids Events and games, Food vendors, Beer Garden, and Parade at 11 a.m. Held annually, Southbridgefest is designed to give residents, visitors and families a fun day to enjoy live entertainment, games, food, shopping with local vendors and a parade. This years Fest will also include a classic car show. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Town of Southbridge, MA, Downtown Southbridge on Main Street, Southbridge. facebook.com/ SouthbridgeFestEvent. Worcester Inter-Tribal Indian Center’s Annual Powwow. The Worcester Inter-Tribal Indian Center is again holding it’s annual Native American Heritage Powwow. A powwow is a Native American style cultural festival; where the traditions and values of Native American people are shared and celebrated. WIIC has been putting on public powwows in the Worcester area for more than 30 years now. Our family friendly event has something for everyone. At our powwow you’ll experience Native music, drumming, singing, dancing, traditional regalia, flute playing, story telling, art and craft vendors, food, raffles, cultural activities and teachings, etc. Come and meet some of the different and fascinating people that populate our powwow campground for this weekend. They represent tribal nations from around New England, across the nation and beyond. You should not to miss this unique and exciting event. Our Powwow is open to the public and very inclusive of people from all walks of life. Hours are: Saturday 10-5 p.m.; Sunday 10-4 p.m. Free. $5 fee for parking. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Treasure Valley Scout Reservation, 394 Pleasantdale Road, Rutland. 774-578-5385.


Los Angeles Times Crossword Puzzle “The Sunday End Is Near�--x, y or z, it’s all the same to me.


1 5 8 12 18 20 21 22

24 25 26 27 29 30 32 36 39 40 41 42 45 49 55 56 57 58 61 62 64 65 66 73

75 76 78 79 80 81 84 88 90 93 96 97 98

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

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2 Bit of beginning Latin 3 Red or white container 4 Waxy compound 5 Indy additive 6 Fertile soil 7 Pinch and press, as pie crust edges 8 Lunar Asian holiday 9 Asian sash 10 La __: Spanish region 11 Old-fashioned oath 12 Electra’s brother 13 Academy since 1802 14 __ in echo 15 Urban hangout 16 In a knot 17 “Carmen on Ice� Emmy sharer Brian 19 Tall story, often 21 Jackson of “Mary, Queen of Scots� 23 Actress Vardalos

I` 4H[[ 1VULZ 63 Snack in a shell

28 Racecar driver Fabi 31 Empire that stretched as far south as Chile 33 School mil. program 34 In tears 35 A.D. part 36 Was in tears 37 Senior golfer Aoki 38 Nutty trail snack 43 Acting teacher Hagen 44 None 46 “__ I said ...� 47 Hall of Fame football coach Earle “Greasy� __ 48 Ruhr city 50 William and Kate’s set 51 Water carrier 52 Fowl language? 53 Contemporary of Ella 54 Add or delete, say 59 Little break 60 “The Good Earth� wife


65 Favored 66 Owner of Lone Star Beer 67 Grade sch. subject 68 Put in prison 69 __ favor 70 Per 71 Jazz singer Simone 72 “The X-Filesâ€? gp. 74 Storage __ 77 Talking points? 80 What a piĂąata gets at a kids’ party 81 So far 82 Popeye’s “goilâ€? Olive 83 What some build on 85 Circus performer 86 “Moses und __â€?: Schoenberg opera 87 Guitar support 89 Transportation secretary under Clinton 91 Feline king 92 Since

94 __ Lauro: ship in 1985 news 95 Like so 99 Extra NFL periods 100 Plant shoots 102 Fictional town in Stephen King works 103 Acts inappropriately? 104 Spectroscope part 105 AC/DC’s “Hell __ Bad Place to Be� 106 Cleveland Indians legend Al 107 Ready for a refill 108 “Make it work� fashion mogul Gunn 109 Big hit 114 Practice for a prizefight 116 Salad cheese 117 Those, to Jorge 119 Singing syllable 121 Morning cup 122 Lung filler 123 Word a captain likes to hear


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Creative Floors, Inc. Ceramic-Carpet-Vinyl Marble- Granite- Laminate Wallpaper Pre-finished Hardwood Sales-Design- Installation Residential & Commercial Free Estimates. Carpet Binding Financing Available Come visit our showroom! 508-829-7444 www.creativefloorsinc.com

FURNITURE RESTORATION Paul G. Hanson Refinishing, repairing, veneering and chair regluing. A full service shop. Pick-up & delivery. Call Paul (978)464-5800

HOME IMPROVEMENT C&R, Remodeling, additions, & all home improvements, 25yrs exp. new & historic, David, 508-829-4581

Johanson Home Improvement Reliable * Dependable Licensed/Insured Custom Carpentry * Painting Bathroom Remodel/Repair Door & Window Installation AND MUCH MORE! No Job Too Small 20 Years Experience Chad (508) 963-8155 website: johansonhome improvement.com

HOME REPAIR/RESTORATION GLASS Central Glass Co. A Complete Line of Glass. Automotive-Residential. Window Glass Repairs, Screen Repairs/Pet Screens, Tub & Shower Glass Enclosures, Table Tops, Mirrors & More. Family Owned Over 50 Years. 127 Mechanic St. Leominster 978-537-3962 M-F 8-4

Need it Fixed? General Home & Small Business Repairs Light Construction No Job Too Small Call Bob at 978-422-8632 or 978-790-8727 CELL email: fixit@callbobhill.com www.callbobhill.com

Nicolopoulos Plumbing and Heating

Fully licensed/insured, regular rates, 24/7. 10% off veterans/ seniors. 774-708-0022

SCOTT BOSTEK PLUMBING & HEATING Small Jobs Is What We Do Residential Repair Specialist Water Heaters-DisposalsFrozen Pipes-Remodels & AdditionsDrain Cleaning-Faucets Ins. MPL 11965 Free Estimates 25 yrs Exp. Reliable 774-696-6078

Painting Unlimited Services, Inc. Skilled, Reliable, Reasonable. Meticulous prep & workmanship. Int.& Ext. Painting/Staining. Power-washing. Gutters. Rotted Trim Replacement. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. HIC #163882 Call: 508-340-8707 Stressing about painting your home? Call Black Dog Painting Company! We take the PAIN out of PAINTING! Interior? Exterior? Power-washing? You Name it! Visit BlackDogPainters.com Or Call 978-502-2821 for a FREE on-site Quote



J.C. Pools Call NOW to schedule your installation! Service, Chemicals & Supplies. In-ground & Above ground. www.jcpools.net 508-882-3913 978-355-6465

Mark R. O’Donnell, Inc. Roofing Experts Licensed & Insured Residential, Commercial & Industrial Specialize in Shingle, Flat Rubber & Metal Roofs Prices as Low as $2 per Square Foot! Free Estimates 978-534-3307 modonnell@mrogc.com www.mrogc.com

TOTAL DISPOSAL Dumpster Specials 10yd. $250, 15yd $300. Home Clean-outs Landscape Clean-ups Demo Rubbish, Appliances. Give us a call and we’ll talk trash. 508-864-7755

Snyder Pools In-ground Pools. Above-ground Pools. Spas/Hot Tubs. Renovations. Retail Store. Service. 50 Narrows Rd. Westminster, MA 978-8742333 www.snyderpools.com ROOFING O’Brien Home Services 24 Years Experience Fully Licensed and Insured. *Shingles *Rubber roofing, New and repairs. Best Prices 508-829-9675

RUBBISH REMOVAL Lee Skoglund Services 10, 15, 20-yard container service. Yard & building materials. Office equipment & materials. Attics, cellars & estates cleaned, guaranteed by your closing date! Free estimates. Lee Skoglund 508-757-4209

Cornerstone Masonry Master Stone Masons Brick & Block Stone Walls, Walkways, Patios, Fireplaces. We do repairs. 978-580-4260 Major credit cards accepted 30 Years Experience

PAINT/WALLPAPER Carl Bottcher Painting Co. Exterior & Interior Painting Commercial & Residential 3rd Generation experience A Tradition Since 1900 508-829-5166 Interior Painting Only $149 average 12x16 room. Prompt service. Reliable. Refs. Dutch Touch Painting 508-867-2550

Wachusett Wildlife Services Professional Problem Animal Control Licensed to Control An Extensive List of Problem Animals: Raccoon, Beaver, Squirrels, Skunk, etc. Lic/Ins. 774-364-4621 POOLS Century Pools, Inc. Liner Replacements, Inground Pool Installations & Service. Concrete Decks, Openings, Closings. Family owned & operated since 1975. Westminster / Sterling 978-758-1783 or 978-422-6991

SEALCOATING WACHUSETT SEALCOATING Protect against the elements. Since 1995. 508-886-2969 TREE SERVICES MILLER STUMP GRINDING Reasonable rates. Prompt service. ALB Certified. Rod Miller-Nick Miller Owner/Operators. 508-688-2159


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Central Mass Homes and Services,

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PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE ANYTIME, 24/7. www.centralmassclass.com (Excludes free ads, legals & Service Directory ads)

www.centralmassclass.com TREE SERVICES


Ross A. McGinnes Tree work, Stump removal, pruning & removals. Free estimates. Fully insured. Call 508-829-6497

Thompson Landscaping and construction Spring cleanups, weekly lawn mowing, mulch, sod work, total lawn install, bobcat work, hardscapes and landscape design. 508-523-7790



GRASS MOWING McDuff’s Lawn Mowing "Just once or once a week" 774-234-0283 Email: mcduffslawnmowing @yahoo.com Ask for Mike. 50% Off Your First Mow. Senior Discounts

Better Yards & Gardens Seasonal Clean-ups, Lawn Care, Mulching, Planting, Pruning, Garden and Bed Design & Installation (high yield, low maintenance, sustainable alternativesour specialty.) Quality, Reliable Work. Fully Ins., Free Estimates 508-641-5687


Bobcat with operator and attachments. $70- per hour. 2hr min.Call Bob 508-579-4670

Carney & Sons Landscape/Construction Holden, MA 508-829-4310 Lawn Installations, Hydroseeding, Loam/Gravel/Mulch, Patios & Walks. Delivery & Spreading. Retaining Walls. Plantings. Sprinkler Systems. carneyandsons@charter.net

Burnham Maintenance Spring Clean-ups. Lawn Maintenance. Shrub Pruning. Bark Mulch, Screened Loam & Compost. Patios & Walkways. Fertilization Programs. Deliveries Available. Please call 508-829-3809 Dave’s Tree & Landscaping Enhancing the view from your home. Call for consultation & free estimate. (508)829-6803. Gass Hopper Yard Grooming Complete Commercial & Residential Yard Maintenance. Lic/Ins Since 1996 978-928-1125 jim.grasshopper@gmail.com


Peace and Tranquility in your own Backyard 508-885-1088

Full landscaping service & so much more! Full Lawn Planting & Maintenance Ponds built & maintained Clean-ups • Mum Installation Pond Closings • Fall Pruning & Shearing Waterfalls • Walls | Patios & Walkways House Cleanout, Attics, Cellars Bobcat Work | Backhoe Work | Gutter Cleaning

LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Inside-Out Garden Design Mowing, Garden Maintenance, Soil Testing, Ornamental Tree/ Shrub Pruning, Landscape Design/Installation. NOFA Accredited Organic Care. $50.00 Off Spring Cleanup with this ad. cher@insideoutgarden.biz. 508-335-3702 Jack Longone Landscape Contractor Spring Clean up, Weekly lawn care. Quality & Reliable Service. Fully Ins. 508-826-2338 KCR Landscaping and Lawn Care Mowing, Spring/Fall Clean Up, Mulching, Garden Creations, Edging, Fertilization, Shrub Trimming, Stone Work, Snow Removal. Fully Ins with Free Estimates. Commercial and Residential. Call or Text 774-272-1520 Le’s Professional Landscaping Commercial & residential. Spring & Fall clean ups, complete lawn maintenance, aerating, thatching, sprinkler systems, rock gardens, decks, fences, steps, lighting. FREE estimates. We do it all. All work guaranteed. 508-865-4248 McCauley Lawn Care Cleanups, Maintenance, Mulches, Plantings, Pruning/ Trimming and more! 774-364-7267 mccauleylawncare@gmail.com Monette Landscaping & Construction, Inc. Specializing in Hardscape Installation. Retaining Walls, Stone, Interlocking Block & Timber Patios and Walkways, Brick & Stone Pavers. Landscape Design. Lawn Maintenance. Serving Central Mass for more than 50 years. 508-885-2579 www.monette landscaping.com USMC Lawn Services Lawn Maintenance, Cleanups, Mulching. All the Dirty Work. Honest prices. Always faithful services. 978-340-1420




*Composted Loam* 3/8 screened, $22/yd del’d, 10 yd min; 3/4 screened, $20/yd del’d 15 yd min. No additives, fillers or byproducts. Local delivery only. Call Eliot Starbard 508-882-0140


Industrial Packaging is expanding their workforce, and seeking experienced picker/packers to package food product, as well as specialty products.

Sterling Peat Inc. Quality Screened Loam & Mulches Compost- w/Loam Mix 2"-Gravel, Fill, Stone 978-422-8294

EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED Be part of the solution! Teach others the path to wellness FT or PT. We provide the tools and training so you can participate in this multimillion dollar market and create your own economy. Get started today. Call for a personal interview 777.614.1206 HELP WANTED LOCAL HW Staffing Solutions Leominster is now hiring experienced manufacturing/ production and general labors. All shifts are available. Contract to Permanent call Mai Chao 978-751-8725

Ashley Distribution Services seeks -TRUCKLOAD DRIVERS, UP to $64K/1st YEAR -Home Weekly -Paid Vacation -401k -Med/Life/Dental -No Touch Class A CDL & at least 1 year current OTR exp. Clean MVR/PSP Reports. Call 1-800-837-2241 8AM to 4PM CST for info & app or email: jobs@ashleydistribution services.com or www.ashleydistribution services.com to apply under jobs.

Dispatcher, Emergency Medical. Sterling Dispatch is hiring one part- time Emergency Medical Dispatcher. Must be available to work nights, weekends and holidays. Significant weekday time will be required for training and certification. Starting pay is $17.05 an hour there are no benefits associated with the position. Must be a high school graduate or equivalent, no substantial criminal record. Send resume and cover letter to: Sterling Police Department 135 Leominster Rd, Sterling 01564 Sterling is an EOE.

Picker/Packer positions must be able to stand for 8-10 hours, lift 25 lbs, and have good manual dexterity, as well as a clear background and drug screen. If you are interested in learning about this great place to work, and have picking packing experience, come by the ofÀce to Àll out an application at:

150 Industrial Road Leominster, MA 01453 1st Shift 7am-3:30pm 2nd Shift 3:30pm – 12am $8/hr. HW Staffing Solutions Worcester is now hiring experienced manufacturing/ production and general labors. All shifts are available. Contract to Permanent call Katia 508-581-8855 Landscape Foreperson /Laborers Rutland Nurseries is seeking a reliable, motivated Individual with 3-5 yrs exp. In Landscape Construction. We are also hiring Laborers. Valid driver’s license is required for all positions. Apply: 82 Emerald Rd, Rutland, MA 01543 (508) 886-2982.




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MERCHANDISE CEMETERY PLOTS Worcester County Memorial Park Paxton, MA. 2 Lots in the Garden of Faith. $4000.00 for both. Near the feature. Mary 508-886-4334. ITEMS UNDER $2,014 2000 Truck CAD Blue. Fits Ford Super Duty 8ft. Like New. $800.00. 508-865-5505 3/4 Sleigh Bed (larger than single) smaller than double Oak wood Must carry frame from 3rd fl. attic $25 508-886-2273

Chanel Perfume Coco Mademoiselle Paris, 3.4 oz., Never opened. Was $128.00- Asking $99.00. 508-755-0649 Couch and Love Seat ColorCamel. No rips. Good Shape. $200.00 for both. Call 774-2760183 DVD video /CD player for $100 Call 978-390-3432 Delta Table Saw 10" Table Saw. Used twice. Asking $70.00. 508 -752-1172 Golf Clubs Left handed, First Flight clubs. 11 pieces for $35.00. Call 508-853-4549 Hoses 40ft. hoses - 3 for $15.00. Includes hose menders. Please leave message. 508-335 -6425 Krause 16 Ft. Multi Use Makes into 8 ft. step ladder/also multistaging. MDL # 121499. $150.00. 508-829-6544 Light Truck Tires Pair of P23570R-15, Super Sport. Good Tread. $40.00 for pr. Call Steve 978-534-0711 New Large Family Size Tent With 2 folding chairs/Never Used/ In Box - $125.00. Call Robert - 508-755-1886 Older model color TV, 19 inch First $15 takes it. 508-425-1150 Roll Top Desk/ Matching Chair Mahogany. Great Condition! $65.00 for both. Call Ann Marie 508-713-7304 TaylorMade R 7 Irons 4-PW, AW Reg Flex. Excellent condition. $110.00 or B.O. 508-8296432

a NEW QUEEN pillow top mattress set

$149 New in plastic, Can deliver, Call Luke 774-823-6692 Furniture for sale Pair of soft blue loveseats. Excellent condition. Formal - fleur de lis cut into fabric. $350. Lovely cream colored oriental rug with blue trim and soft rose flowers. 8 X 10 - like new condition $650. Hutch, french provincial style. Dark mocha wood. 43 inches wide. $250. Call Amy at 508 751-2952.

Growing multi-media publisher seeks self-motivated advertising sales representatives for a variety of roles. Candidates must have at least two years experience in sales (preferably in print/interactive media), be a selfstarter, possess strong interpersonal skills, be able to work independently and also offer collaborative support to the team. You will be responsible for building a book of business, maintaining current accounts, and working with creative team to create advertisements ’tandnprograms for Donlop ols! clients. a -f flip ur go work culture We offer an innovative, entrepreneurial & Givea s o tastes even nt wa Àexibility andbettgreat incomey potential. Interested EE FRwith ys! er ! Y w R E it IV h L E a D C RAL ST. R o candidates should submit a brief cover letter and resume k e TE ER, MA 01 E 14 453 45 92 222 HOUS 1 to bbrown@holdenlandmark.com. N E P O 201



WANTED TO BUY Wanted-Any Kind of Bicycles 1-100+ Racing, mountain, old, new, etc. Cash paid. Dennis 508-277-7513 508-277-7513 YARD SALES & FLEA MARKETS HOLDEN-110 Newell Rd. May 31st, Saturday, 8am-3pm. Two Family yard sale. Furniture, books, tools, household items, etc. Worth the stop! MULTI FAMILY YARD SALEMILLBURY Saturday May 31, 9am-1pmish, Cronin Brook Way, Diana Hill and Taft Circle (off Braney rd). Home goods, clothes, toys, furniture etc. COME VISIT US IN THE CRONIN BROOK ’HOOD

e 9, ay, Jun Thursd 0 -7:00 PM

a fast Men ak u! eryday at 6 e am

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Private Piano/Voice Lessons Patricia Knas, Bachelor of Music; In home; all ages/levels; flexible scheduling. 413-8961072 or bibiknas@gmail.com

REAL ESTATE APARTMENT FOR RENT Millbury, 2 bedroom $895, newly renovated includes hot water. Off street parking, on site laundry. 1st and second, 508-839-5775 call for bonus! Worcester Catalpa Circle Spacious 2 BR Townhouse $1150 508-852-6001 LAND FOR SALE Holden 65 Acres/35 Acres Buildable 1500 ft road frontage R-40 Zone 508-829-9585

utt d,, o ou bo ied lie ab plli pp y ap Learn alread steps. u have xt or, if yo out your ne ab a S n ar le ROGRAM



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Bistro Set Round 24’ diameter glass table top, 2 chairs. Steel and alum. frame. New/in box. $45.00. 508-366-9237


Marketing & Advertising Sales


How do you plan to make yourself irresistible during your job interview?

Autographed Hockey Stick 1994 by Bobby Orr. Highest Price-close to $2013.00, B/O. 508-752-2933

SHEDS 8X8 $1150 8X12 $1650 8X16 $1900 10X16 $2500. Other sizes available. Built on site. 413-427-1562



Ariens ST 524 Snowblower Good condition. $300.00 For appointment call 508-829-5161



AR COL FITCHBUR LECTOR RG - Cl RS TO Clas O HO assic conven ic Ro OS ST Ro ne T GATH ov e in ve err ca i Fitc T ER c r co it h ERIIN hb c lle burg fo bu NG ll ct ctors and The ev f r the fif ve ent showca rg enthusiasts th annual se s motorca are set to RoveAmer No WHISKER W rth Amer cars Friday ica ica (20 LA ALK TO ’s , 11) gather Ju largest ga ne Road. Hel R BENEFIT ing. to 3 NCASTER - The 4th thering of d rain or sh 3 through Sunday OUR p.m. Sund British Ro , in Ju RY FR e. ne Dirk Bu 5, R ay, June 5, Annual Whisker W FURR ver Burrowes, at Vytek, W alk willl be at the Lanc ha 19 co 5 lle t’s frrom the Industrial ctor and ev a Whisker h aster Fairg ent host; Co W alk you as Well it’s a round, loc e llectors & U.S., Can k? lot ate e of things Car Club Lu ada, UK their dogs ... but m Canada, To and othe minaries pl Toronto Ar shelters an us a dog walk-a-thon ostly it’s a free, fu ea Rover Cl r countries, includi fun day f ountry c o d rescue gr fundraiser cllubs. ng Rover ub, P4, P5 oups. to bene The 2010 Car Club and P6 Cl efit N Event iiss o New E Whisk ubs from U. of from pen to all all over Ne er Walk brought K., and ot who appr rrs. Therre her acre thousands eciate the e is is no cost s of pet lov w England and of Rover mar to p e itthout th att op o en le a more are ing paradi d Saturday qu he eir cars. So compa expected se for 2011 ’s events an e, one of Britain’s m For morre F to fine in att nies, vendors, spon . d is e informati e events and meals sors and m With almost 100 pe d endance th are at perso open to all with or on call (97 m. Regist an t re er ufacturers e e is so m ster online 8) 342-980 nal expens Whisker W and an 0 or email as www.Ro e. nimal r alk is an “e uch to do, see and at cars@ro verAmerica with a un buy! vent not to veramerica .com. iq ue LIBRA be tw m ist . organi issed” for AR …a blessin RY R Y TO HO zational do pe t g ST HEAL l ove of the anim v rs an g walk! En THY LAND contest, de als kick joy sp SCAPING ks m EOMIN E AND LAW programs, onstrations, hands-o ectacular exhibits, ge offf the WORKSHO NS STER - Sp ST N CARE eo-ca special att n animal pe c chin P ring is the ng r yard wh ra en tti cti ter ng on while pe tai op s, rfe nment, lot le also he kid’s area po ct time to orttu uni n ties,, lping the s of food , pet ad ic learn new c Librarry For more en y for a fre ways to be information , fun things for adul optionss, productt e workshop vironment, so com he autify (978) 42 e progrra ts , pl an e to the Le am will be ea on healthy d 2-8 se ki 585. ds ds call the An ominster held landscapi y’s Comm y imal Shelt to see, d ng an unity Room from 7 to 8:30 p.m er In nc. off . on Tuesda d lawn care. n Ann Mc , 30 West St Govern of y, June 7, the Massa . in the ttion for a K ID LU ’ S YARD NENBUR chusetts De slideshow S G AL E pa A sh ful lawns Saturday, PLANNE rtment of owing sim ns, gardens D June 18, at Kid’s Yard Sale wi Environm ple, low-co , and lands ll be held the Lunenb ental Tired of iighborh st techniq ho capes that oods. your toys fro urg Public ? are healthy ues for creating used to Library, 10 m 9 a.m. worksh ys, book, an Does mom want yo ho for families op is the 23 Masssac u to clean fourth in d , pets, a blanke hu u om minster P a series of your ro t or a table. sports equipment an ublic Libr oom? Bri eight prog d Fr ary and th se (97 att teachiin ee n t up 8) 582-414 setup. Rain on the lib rams spon ng citizens e Massach 0. ib brarry law da so te is June red about ways usetts Wate w gram iss fr g 25. For de rshed Coali by to keep ou ee and no ta ails, pll r water cle reservation tion an and he s are requ alt ired. Refre more in nformation shments wi hy. , please ll be r visit tth contact th he Massa he e ch lib usetts Wate rary at (97 waters.o w orrg rg. rshed Co 8) 534-7522, alition we bsite at ww w.


QUICK LANE SERVICE ADVISOR SUNNYSIDE MOTOR CO.INC HOLDEN. Write repair orders for customers, dispatch work to the technicians,keep the customer informed on progress, close repair orders. Excellent customer service skills, multitasking required. A current drivers license with an acceptable record is required, Saturdays and some nights necessary.If you meet the above please call Nick 508-829-1795

Antique Wicker Chair Antique, white wicker chair. Excellent Condition! $50.00. 774-2896982.




Vintage Lawnmower Reel type push mower. Great American ball bearing 20", 5 blade model PO 2416. $75.00 508-829-6009


Landscape Personnel Holden Established small company seeking experienced workers for full-time opportunities in landscape, horticulture operations. Inquire Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. 508-829-4040.

Antique Bureau With four drawers. Needs refinishing. Will take 1st $45.00. Call Diane 508-9811941









PAXTON 16 ACRE WOODED ESTATE LOT Horses allowed. Surrounded by high end homes. Great perk rate. Ready to build your dream home. Reduced for quick sale $109,900.00 M. Hopkins O/B 508-868-3538

West Boylston-1st FL Office/ Medical Suite 1200+/- sq. ft. Reception area. Four to five offices/exam rooms. Kitchen & bath. Also, 2nd FL Office suite. Reception + Office area. Handicap accessible. 508-835-6613

Rutland 66 Acres Rte 68 Horses Allowed Surrounded by 400 Acres of Conservation Land $169,900 508-829-9585

Westminster-Great Location Sonoma Square, intersection Rts. 140 & 2, exit 25. 2nd FL 1600 +/- sq. ft. Reception area. Offices. Kitchen & bath. Also, single office space w/waiting area. Heat & elec. incl’d. 508-962-7451


FOSTER PARENTS WANTED Seeking families throughout Central Massachusetts who are interested in improving a child’s life. Call to inquire about our upcoming foster parent training. $1,000 BONUS

Call for Details (Must mention this ad during inquiry)

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• M AY 2 9, 2 0 14

www.centralmassclass.com REAL ESTATE



2003 Harley Davidson Road King Anniversary model. Red w/ custom leather. Many extras. Adult owned. 14K miles. $10,500.00 508-962-7451

We Buy Unwanted & Junk Vehicles

2008 Honda Metropolitan Scooter Black and gray. Mint cond. 469 miles. Asking $1650.00. Includes helmet. 207-289-9362 OR 207-450-1492. AUTO/SUV

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BRAND NEW AFFORDABLE APARTMENT COMMUNITY FOR SENIORS* 62 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER Conveniently located at 260 Grove Street in Paxton, Massachusetts Rents

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For Information or an application please contact S-C Management Corp. at 508-799-3990, TTD 711 or email us at thehillsatpaxtonvillage@gmail.com or visit us at thehillsatpaxtonvillage.com.


Have you been thinking about a career in Real Estate? Our next Real Estate Pre-License Class Starts June 16! Have you thought about becoming a licensed Real Estate Agent? The Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS®, through our State-approved real estate school, the Center for Real Estate Studies and Training, offers Pre-License courses that introduce you to the fundamentals of Real Estate in order to prepare you to take the State of Massachusetts Real Estate License Exams for Real Estate Salespersons and Real Estate Brokers. Our courses are always taught by licensed, practicing REALTORS® with real-world experience. If you’re talkingg about real talkingg to tthee eexperts! ta ea estate, you sshould ou d be ta pe ts

OPEN HOUSE PAXTON-7 Camelot Dr. Saturday 12pm-2pm. Like new cont. colonial. 3500 sq.ft. plus finished LL. Lge master w/fireplace. Updated granite kitchen and baths. Huge great room w/bar, pool table, hot tub. Heated fenced pool. A lot of home for $429,900.00 O/B M. Hopkins 508-868-3538

AUTOMOTIVE AUTO/MOTORCYCLE The Worcester Regional Association of REALTORS® The Center for Real Estate Studies & Training 492 Washington Street, Auburn, MA 01501 Tel: 508-832-6600 www.wrar.org Call today! Our classes run each Monday evening from 5:30-9:30 for ten weeks. The cost of the class is only $325 plus $50 for text books.

1999 Road King Under 8,000 miles. Too many extras to list. Always stored in room temperature. $15,000.00 978-4645525 or 781-879-8275 cell


2004 Chevrolet Trail Blazer Great condition. New transmission. Low miles. 4WD. $4,799.00 Dan 508-641-6839 AUTO/TRUCK 1994 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4 5.2 V8 Auto, 142K Miles. Regular cab. Black. Cap, hitch. Good shape. $3975.00 978-422-8084 2000 Ford F150 Flareside Pickup Showroom condition inside and out. 100K miles. All power, needs nothing. $8500.00 Call 978-466-6043 AUTOS 1976 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham Sedan. 79k miles. Grey exterior and interior. $6500.00 or B/O 774-242-2370 badday1123@gmail.com 1988 Mercedes-Benz 300 SEL 6 cylinder gas. Very good cond. Runs exc. $3500.00 195k miles. Located in Sutton, MA 774-287-0777 1994 BMW 325i convertible, 1 owner, 55,000 mi. leather interior $7500.00 508-829-9585 1996 Jeep Cherokee 4WD, blk, auto-start, keyless entry, fold-down seats, rims, spare. KBV $4000, asking $2500. 774-234-0214


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AUTOS 2000 Mercury Sable Wagon. 131K miles. Exc. cond. inside & out. Asking $2,200.00 Call Kathy 978-728-4702 2000 Toyota Corolla 4 cyl. Power steering, power brakes, A/C. P.W. P.L. 101K. Michelin tires. $3850.00 Call 508-353-3827 2001 Cadillac Eldorado Touring Coupe, Silver,loaded w/options. Spring special $5,995.00 or B/O. 508-875-7400

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508-799-9969 AUTOS 2006 Honda S2000 ext Black int Brand new top 93oct/synth oil only used Florida car adult owner 59k miles $16,500 508-816-0141 2012 Toyota Camry Black. All power, Bluetooth, snow tires on rims, car cover. 40K highway miles. 34MPG. Excellent condition. Call Patty 508-949-1320 $16,250.00

2004 Chrysler Sebring Convertible White w/tan top. 110K miles. New tires, battery, struts. Runs excellent. $3,950.00 Firm 508-769-3262

M AY 2 9, 2 0 14 • W OR CE S T E R M AG A ZINE .COM


CENTRAL MASS Homes & Ser vices www.centralmassclass.com

A Monthly Real Estate and Home Services Feature

Time For New Windows? Windows are one of those home improvements that can easily go overlooked, here’s our guide to help y ou decide whether or not it’s time for you to replace yours.

1. If there is condensation or buildup of frost on y our windows. These are signs that moisture is leaking in because the glass is w orn or pulling a way from the frame.

2. If the interior pane feels w arm in summer months or cold in winter months. This is a sign that y our windows aren’t as well-insulated as the y once were. It means that air is cr eeping in through tiny spaces between the glass

panes and the fr ame. When you replace those old and tir ed windows, you might see as much as a 50 per cent decrease in heating and cooling costs.

Continued on next page

MASONRY REPAIRS UNLIMITED Masonry Work at Fair Prices REMAX Advantage 1

Bob Zannotti 508-414-8101

Diane Luong 774-239-2937

$16 9,9 00

JoAnn Szymczak 774-230-5044

Maria Reed 508-873-9254 Mix ed U se

Worcester: Terrific investment property opportunity with many updates and $33,000 yearly gross income. Purchase now and take advantage of the great cash flow from this fully leased building.

Jesse Ritz 508-450-5011

Worcester: Great investment opportunity, with 5-6 residential units plus 2 store front units that could be commercial or residential. Many updates done here. Offered at $425,000.

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7HPSOHWRQ 2 br 1 1/2 bath townhouse. Estate sale. Spacious open concept ďŹ rst oor. Kitchen, dining area and living room. Large bedrooms with good closet space. Lower level has full walk out. NIce area to ďŹ nish for future expansion. This is a 55+ unit.  Aberman Assoc Inc. Gail Lent 978-5374971 x 15 www.gaillent.com

Our sellers are standing by for short notice showings from 11am -1pm every Sunday WE ARE NOT ON SITE. Please call us at 978-537-4971 x 0.  In most instances, we will call you back in 10 minutes. Properties are listed on www.paulasavard.com

Looking for warm, country charm and a house that has character? This wonderful post and beam is worth a look! 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths with wide board ooring, 2 lovely ďŹ replaces, exposed beams....fully fenced yard with easy access to all major routes. Aberman Assoc Inc. Tracy Sladen 978-537-4971 x 17

6WHUOLQJ 3br 1 bath cape. Sterling town beach, residents only is 2 miles, spacious 8 room cape with detached garage. Aberman Assoc. Inc Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com



2 br 1 bath bungalow. This home is a the end of a cul de sac adjacent to Turbesi Park, no trafďŹ c nice woods behind the house. The bathroom was completely renovated from oor to ceiling with new plumbing, the house has an updated electric wiring, the attick is big enough for a master bedroom, it already has electic wiring. New Dining room, ooring, hardwood and rugs. Aberman Assoc. Inc Mark Gerber 978-537-4971 x 63

Sunny and bright 3 br, 2 full bath contemporary colonial featuring open oor plan, cathedral ceilings, hardwoods,1st oor laundry, and new kitchen cabinets/granite 2014. Master suite offering cathedral ceilings, balcony, bath. Located on 0.82 acre 1 mile from center of town with babbling stream at side of yard. Electric panel for backup generator. This house was rebuilt with new second oor addition in 2004/2005. Aberman Assoc. Inc Linda Barry 978-537-4971 x 60

Anna Mary Kraemer CRS

Moises Cosme

Tara Sullivan

6WHUOLQJ 4 br 1 bath multi-level. Stately front to back multi level split with gable facade. Title V for 4 bedrooms. Ideal is 2 bedrooms main level. Upper level 2 room master suite. Family room with wood stove. One family owned. Permit for garden stand transferable. Easy highway access to 140,62 and I 190. Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com

Perfect starter home with eat-in applianced kitchen, formal dining room has built-in corner hutch and glass sliders to oversized trek deck, living room has full wall of built-ins, 3 bedrooms, full walkout basement with laundry area, mud room, nicely landscaped yard and carport. Additional features include central air, wi-ďŹ , and potting shed. Quiet established neighborhood onvenient to major highways and great schools. Aberman Assoc. Inc. Anna Mary Kraemer 978-537-4971 x25

)LWFKEXUJ 4 Br, 3 1/2 bath colonial. SPECTACULAR contemporary saltbox design.Cul De Sac , private yard with inground pool. Cathedral ceilings and skylights in master suite, sunroom and expansive kitchen. Built-in bookcases in the ďŹ replaced living room, formal dining room, All Thermopane windows replaced, 2014. Architecturally fascinating master suite with new carpet. ofďŹ ce/sunroom addition . Easy access to highways . Aberman Assoc. Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x 14 www.paulasavard.com


6WHUOLQJ Fox Fire Estates. Located off Rt. 140 just a short distance to I-190. Wonderful place to call home. Spacious open owing Colonial surrounded by attractively landscaped 1 plus acre lot. Large eat in kitchen, ďŹ rst oor laundry, 23’ ďŹ rst oor family room as well as ďŹ replace living room with wood stove insert. Full walk out basement. 5 zone state of the art recent Budarus heating system. Recently built 20 x 16 shed/barn. Aberman Assoc. Inc. Gail Lent 978-537-4971 x 15 www.gaillent.com


Yasmin Loft




Tracy Sladen

• M AY 2 9, 2 0 14

Eagle Ridge Active adult community. One owner luxury ranch style home. Nicely upgraded with hardwood ooring throughout. Kitchen with bow window overlooking rear yard with stonewall and colorful landscaping. An abundance of maple cabinets with granite counters in light ďŹ lled kitchen. Open concept living room with ďŹ replace leads to deck and stamped concrete patio. Formal dining room. Second bedroom with full bath. Large ďŹ rst oor laundry room. Massive basement with full windows would make a wonderful recreation room. Aberman Assoc. Inc. Gail Lent 978-537-4971 x 15 www.gaillent.com

6WHUOLQJ 4 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, 2 car attached garage, walkout basement with two overhead doors for boat or hobby. 1/2 mile from town beach at Lake Waushacum.  Aberman Assoc Inc. Paula Savard 978-537-4971 x14 www.paulasavard.com

Linda Barry

Sherry Crocker

CENTRAL MASS Homes & Ser vices www.centralmassclass.com

A Monthly Real Estate and Home Services Feature

Time for new windows Continued from previous page

3. If the exterior of y our windows have rotting or cr acked wood or ar e missing pieces of fr ame. While one or two small cr acks could certainly be

repaired, if y our windows ar e cracking and rotting extensively then you’re better off replacing them. This is a sign that unless you replace them, the rotting and cracking will only worsen.

the curb appeal of your home. In addition, cracked and br oken glass means that outdoor elements are getting in, meaning your home is less ener gy efficient. If you’ve noticed an y of these issues, it’s time to call your contractor!

Submitted By- J oe Abbascia of Properties Central Realty “We’ll Sell Your House, or We’ll Buy it‌Guaranteed! 508-499-7600 Cell 508-365-5400 1180 Main Str eet, Suite 1 Worcester, MA 01609

The condition of your windows affects

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www.centralmassclass.com CAMPERS/TRAILERS




Truck Camper 1985 Bought new in 1991. Real Life brand. Bathroom, shower, self contained. 8ft truck bed. $2900.00 B/O 774-287-0777

We Buy and PICK UP Your junk or wrecked cars or trucks. We Sell New and Used Parts. Airport Auto Parts, Inc. 56 Crawford St. Leominster, MA 01453 978-534-3137

• Class A, B, C Motor Homes • Travel Trailers Parts • Propane • Service Transportation • Temporary Housing

Fuller RV Sales & Rentals 150 Shrewsbury St., Boylston 1-800-338-2578 www.fullerrv.com Celebrating 30 Years in Business CAMPERS/TRAILERS 24 ft Light Weight 2004 Terry Dakota Travel Trailer Sleeps 7, bunk beds & full bed, 16ft awning, A/C, Central heat, microwave & 3 burner stove. Dual powered fridge/freezer. Loads of storage, outdoor shower. 2 batteries, travel septic. Like new. $8,500.00 508-579-6622

Utility Trailer, Heavy Duty 15" wheels, with removable sides. 6’X 8’. Located in Sutton, MA $650.00 774-287-0777 Utility Trailer. Made from a 1970 Chevy short bed pickup body. Price reduced. $150.00 Call Larry 508-886-6082 Rutland MA. Utility Trailer 5’ X 8’. Floor, sides and gate are 3/4" pt. Removable fold down gate in rear. $1400 invested, asking $800 firm. Can be seen in Holden. 508-791-6444


Whisker Walk

CENTRAL MASS Homes & Ser vices

A Monthly Real Estate and Home Services Feature

Unique Handmade Gifts Learn to create beautiful one of a kind pieces

PARTS & ACCESSORIES Wheelchair Lift for Handicap Van Excellent condition. Can demonstrate. $1600.00 or B/O 978-8402662

Nana’s Stained Glass

441 Marshall St., Leicester, MA 01524 • Now forming evening classes • Extensive collection of glass & supplies • Gifts available for all occasions • Custom projects

REPAIRS & SERVICES Dick’s Auto Body Collision Experts Lifetime Guarantee In Writing On All Collision Repairs. Don’t let your insurance company tell you where you have to have your vehicle repaired. It is your right by law to choose a registered repair shop of your choice. 94 Reservoir St. Holden, MA 508-829-5532/508-886-6230 RS#4474 Visa/MC

For more information or class registration, call Joanne at (508) 892-0369 or email: nanamomma@charter.net Hours: Tues & Wed 6-9 • nanamomma.webs.com


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• M AY 2 9, 2 0 14


Car For Sale?

Flea Market & Yard Sale Directory








LEOMINSTER-41 Merriam Parkway Saturday, May 31st 9am-2pm (Rain date 6/1)

HOLDEN-110 Newell Rd. May 31st, Saturday, 8am-3pm. Two Family yard sale. Furniture, books, tools, household items, etc. Worth the stop!

MULTI FAMILY YARD SALEMILLBURY Saturday May 31, 9am-1pmish, Cronin Brook Way, Diana Hill and Taft Circle (off Braney rd). Home goods, clothes, toys, furniture etc. COME VISIT US IN THE CRONIN BROOK ’HOOD


LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES TOWN OF SUTTON CONSERVATION COMMISSIIIION The Sutton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 6, 2014 at 7:20PM, at the Sutton Town Hall, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA.The purpose of this hearing is to review a Notice of Intent submitted to the Conservation Commission by Craig MacDonnell, W. Boylston, MA. The project consists of removal of vegetation along and within 20-feet of the dam, clearing of vegetation, construction of a rock filled buttress, removal of portions of the downstream wall, and repair of sink hole on dam crest on Map 28, Parcels 8, 10 & 30, on 280 W. Sutton Road, Sutton, MA.This notice is publicized in accordance with the provisions of General Law Chapter 131, Section 40 commonly known as the Wetlands Protection Act, and the Sutton Wetlands and Riverfront District Administration Bylaw. 5/29/2014 MS

TOWN OF SUTTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION The Sutton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 7:00PM, at the Sutton Town Hall, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to review a Notice of Intent submitted to the Conservation Commission by Joyce Cardin, Sutton, MA. The project consists of installation of a septic system tight tank on Map 8, Parcels 82, on 11.5 Marsh Road, Sutton, MA. This notice is publicized in accordance with the provisions of General Law Chapter 131, Section 40 commonly known as the Wetlands Protection Act, and the Sutton Wetlands and Riverfront District Administration Bylaw. 5/29/2014 MS

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It’s that time of year again... Advertise your Yard Sale or Estate Sale with us and you will get a spot on the map! Open to any town or city! Just $20 for a six line ad and map placement! You will receive a free Yard Sale Kit for placing your ad. (While they last) Pick it up at our Holden/The Landmark location. Call 978-728-4302 or email sales@centralmassclass.com (Not available through online booking)

M AY 2 9, 2 0 14 • W OR CE S T E R M AG A ZINE .COM


www.centralmassclass.com LEGALS/PUBLIC NOTICES COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT 14 MISC 483547 (SEAL) ORDER OF NOTICE TO: Laura J. Rodgers a/k/a Laura J. Caruso and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501 et. Seq.: Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for New Century Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2005-B, Asset-Backed PassThrough Certificates claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real property in Sutton, numbered 224 Mendon Road, given by Laura J. Rodgers to New Century Mortgage Corporation, dated August 26, 2005, and recorded at Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 37251, Page 13, and now held by the Plaintiff by assignment, has/have filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defendant’s/Defendants’ Servicemembers status. If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military service of the United States of America, then you may be entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before June 23, 2014 or you will be forever barred from claiming that you are entitled to the benefits of said Act. Witness, JUDITH C. CUTLER Chief Justice of said Court on May 8, 2014. Attest: Deborah J. Patterson Recorder 10-003058 / Rodgers, Laura/05/29/2014 MS TOWN OF MILBURY PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Millbury Planning Board In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 41 of the Massachusetts General Laws, Section 81-T and Section 81-W, the Millbury Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 9, 2014, at 7:15 p.m., at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA, on the application of HAYR LLC and SENEK LLC, 12 Dudley Road, Mendon, MA for a 98-lot Open Space Community Definitive Subdivision Plan off of Oak Pond Avenue in Millbury, MA and to consider rescission of definitive plan approval for the subdivision entitled “Overlook Estates”, located off of Overlook Avenue, Millbury, MA, recorded at the Worcester Registry of Deeds in Book 848, Plan 74; and for a Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit under Section 16-3 of the Millbury General Bylaws. Plans are available for inspection in the Planning Department during normal business hours. Anyone wishing to be heard on this application should appear at the time and place designated above. Richard Gosselin Chairman 5/22, 5/29/2014 MS



TOWN OF MILLBURY PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Millbury Planning Board In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Millbury Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 9, 2014 at 8:15 p.m., at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA, on the application of Joe-Rie Realty Investment Trust, property located at 8 Ward Avenue, Millbury, MA, for a Site Plan Review Permit under Article 1, Section 12.4 of the Millbury Zoning Bylaws. Applicant proposes to construct a 75’ x 20’ addition. Plan is available for inspection in the Planning Department during normal business hours. Anyone wishing to be heard on this application should appear at the time and place designated above. Richard Gosselin Chairman 5/22, 5/29/2014 MS

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Millbury Housing Authority, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from General Contractors for the Solar Thermal DHW Installation for Centerview Apartments 667-3 in Millbury, Massachusetts, in accordance with the documents prepared by ADI Energy, Inc. The Project consists of: Furnish and install 16, roof-top solar thermal panels, storage tanks, controls, and piping. Tie-into existing DHW heaters / tanks located in the ground floor mechanical room. The work is estimated to cost $ 95,383. Bids are subject to M.G.L. c.149 §44A-J & to minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.l49 §§26 to 27H inclusive. General Bids will be received until 11:00 AM, Wednesday, June 25, 2014 publicly opened, forthwith. All Bids should be sent to: Millbury Housing Authority, 89 Elm St., Millbury, MA 01527 and received no later than the date & time specified above. General bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount (considering all alternates), and made payable to the Millbury Housing Authority Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pick-up at Millbury Housing Authority, 89 Elm St., Millbury, MA 01527. There is a plan deposit of $ 10 per set (maximum of 2 sets) payable to the Awarding Authority. Deposits must be a certified or cashier’s check. This deposit will be refunded for up to two sets for general bidders and for one set for subbidders upon return of the sets in good condition within thirty days of receipt of general bids. Otherwise the deposit shall be the property of the Awarding Authority. Additional sets may be purchased for $ 10. Bidders requesting Contract Documents to be mailed to them shall include a separate check for $ 40 per set, payable to the Awarding Authority, to cover mail handling costs. The job site and/or existing building will be available for inspection between 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM on June 11, 2014. For an appointment call Janet Cassidy, Executive Director, at 508-865-2660.

COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT 14 MISC 483525 (SEAL) ORDER OF NOTICE TO: Leo R. Saucier and Michelle D. Saucier and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act:, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501 (et seq).: Santander Bank, N.A. f/k/a Sovereign Bank claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real property in Sutton, numbered 15 Hough Road, given by Leo R. Saucier and Michelle D. Saucier, to Sovereign Bank, dated March 1, 2007, and recorded in Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 40784, Page 108, as affected by a loan modification agreement dated September 10, 2009, and recorded in said registry at Book 45120, Page 355; has/ have filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defendant’s/ Defendants’ Servicemembers status. If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military service of the United States of America, then you may be entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before June 23, 2014 or you will be forever barred from claiming that you are entitled to the benefits of said Act. Witness, JUDITH C. CUTLER, Chief Justice of said Court on May 7, 2014 Attest: Deborah J. Patterson Recorder 5/29/2014 MS

Keep it Legal • M AY 2 9, 2 0 14

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Worcester Housing Authority, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from General Contractors for the Kitchen Upgrades for the Worcester Housing Authority in Worcester, Massachusetts, in accordance with the documents prepared by Nault Architects, Inc. The Project consists of: Kitchen Renovations including kitchen cabinets, counters, sinks, faucets, at two separate kitchens in one development. The work is estimated to cost: Base Bid $ 25,000 Alternate #1 $ 25,000 Total $ 50,000 Bids are subject to M.G.L. c.149 §44A-J & to minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.l49 §§26 to 27H inclusive. General Bids will be received until 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 17, 2014 and publicly opened, forthwith. All Bids should be sent to: Worcester Housing Authority, Modernization Office, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605 and received no later than the date & time specified above. General bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount (considering all alternates), and made payable to the Worcester Housing Authority. Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pick-up at Worcester Housing Authority, Modernization Office, 81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605, after 8 A.M. May 28, 2014. There is a plan deposit of $ 50.00 per set (maximum of 2 sets) payable to the Awarding Authority. Deposits must be a certified or cashier’s check. This deposit will be refunded for up to two sets for general bidders and for one set for sub-bidders upon return of the sets in good condition within thirty days of receipt of general bids. Otherwise the deposit shall be the property of the Awarding Authority. Additional sets may be purchased for $ 25.00 Bidders requesting Contract Documents to be mailed to them shall include a separate check for $ 25.00 per set, payable to the Awarding Authority, to cover mail handling costs. The job site and/or existing building will be available for inspection at 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 8-10 Hudson Street in Worcester, MA. For an appointment call John Sullivan at 508-635-3313. The Contract Documents may be obtained by electronic media at: F.W. Dodge, 34 Crosby Drive, suite 201, Bedford, MA, 01730 (860)-474-5387 Reed Construction Data, 30 Tech Pkwy South, Ste 500, Norcross, GA 30092 (203) 426-0450) Project Dog, 18 Graf Road-Unit 8, Newburyport, MA 01950, (978) 499-9014 Worcester Housing Authority May 28, 2014 Arthur T. Sisko, Chairperson

TOWN OF MILLBURY CONSERVATION COMMISSION The Millbury Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 7:15 P.M. at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street to act on a Notice of Intent from Bruce Thomas for construction of an addition to existing dwelling and work to decommission existing septic system at 24 Middleton Street. Said work falls under the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. Chapter 131, Section 40. Donald Flynn Chairman 5/29/2014 MS

David Lucht The David A. Lucht Lamp of Knowledge Award is presented annually by the Society of Fire Protection Engineers. It’s not everyday that you meet the guy behind the award. This Northeastern Ohio native grew up in Amish country and was a volunteer firefighter and married his high school sweetheart. He went on to Illinois School of Technology in Chicago on a full scholarship and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Fire Protection Engineering. At the age of 31, Lucht was appointed by the governor of Ohio as the State Fire Marshal. The US Fire Administration was created during President Ford’s administration, designed to help local fire departments reduce human losses. Lucht was appointed by Ford and confirmed by the Senate as the Deputy Administrator. He was later reappointed by President Carter and reconfirmed. Part way through President Carter’s presidency, Lucht stepped down to take a position at WPI in its Fire Protection Engineering program. Lucht retired from WPI in 2005.

What is Fire Protection Engineering?

Fire Protection Engineers, like other engineers, use science and engineering, in this case to make buildings safer. Fire Protection Engineers design fire sprinkler systems, alarm systems, detections systems, smoke control systems, building structures. Usually on any new building design project an architect will have a Fire Protection Engineer as a specialty engineer. Today any major project will have them on the design team, electrical, mechanical, civil, lighting, airconditioning and fire protection. They’re responsible for integrating all the systems to make the building preform safely. They also do litigation work, forensic work, research they work in the insurance industry. They are part of the team.

How did you become interested in the field?

I was a volunteer firefighter in high school, they started a new cadet program for high school kids and I was in the first class. It was kind of cool, I had a red light and siren on my car, I could drive fast and everybody would get out of my way, for a 17-year-old kid it was really awesome. We weren’t supposed to go into burning buildings but we could do everything else. The first real fire that I went to was in a town nearby, they didn’t have a fire department so they contracted with our volunteers to help put fires out. One late night in October, it was snowing, the siren went off I went to the fire station. The chief was there, he jumped in the left seat and I jumped in the right and we started driving to this residential fire. As we got closer and closer we saw this glow in the sky, it got bigger and bigger, a house was on fire fully involved with flames. Four kids were killed in that fire. By the time we got the fire out, the house was just studs and a chimney, it was all just

ashes. I helped dig through the ashes and I found one of the children, the youngest kid. It was quite a moment for me, I don’t think I was physiologically messed up from it but it was a moment, a memorable moment in my life. Not too long after that I learned about this scholarship program for Fire Protection Engineering studies at Illinois School of Technology in Chicago. I applied for the scholarship even though I wasn’t a straight “A” student and got it. Every nickel of my education was paid for for four years. My folks didn’t have the money to send me to college anyways so I went for it. I had no idea what it was about, I had never been out of the state of Ohio in my life.

You were the State Fire Marshal for Ohio. Tell us about the nursing home fires that plagued the state and some of your experiments?

Ohio had the misfortune of having a number of large loss of life fires, like 30 or 40 patients at a time. They had a rash of them over a period of five or 10 years. Ohio had more total deaths than all of the other states combined. I was hired by the State Fire Marshal’s office, the governor wanted this to stop, and he didn’t want anymore headline fires in Ohio. The only way to really protect against these large loss fires was fire sprinklers; they weren’t required at the time. Out of over 1000 retirement homes in Ohio about 10 or 15 percent had sprinkler systems. For the government to decide to require all these nursing homes to retro fit was a big political decision. The Ohio Nursing Home Association was the lobby group that blocked the legislation. I set up two fires in an abandoned nursing home. They were legitimate patient rooms, even had greeting cards on the credenza. There were curtains, carpeting, beds and cupboards with clothes in them. Identical rooms, one


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except one had sprinklers. We had a guy sleeping in the bed as if he were a patient with t-shirt on. Then we lit the fire. The way fires develop in buildings; they build up from the top down like when you take a shower. At the top on of the room the temperature may be 1,000 degrees at the bottom it may be 100 degrees, that smoke layer comes down fairly fast. The firefighter was lying there looking at the flames on the ceiling he pulled the covers over himself to try to stick it out a little longer. Finally he decided to get the hell out of there; a big 300-pound guy crawls out on his hands and knees, his eyes the size of saucers. He had never been in a fire at that stage before. It was a dumb thing to do but no one was hurt. We did the same thing in the other room with the sprinklers. The firefighter just got wet and then it was over with. The Nursing Home Association leadership was there and they thought, this guy knows what he’s talking about.

What was the outcome from your research? It was really a demonstration project. The demonstration was to show lay people how sprinklers could save their nursing homes from having these multiple loss of life fires. The outcome was that they became advocates for the solution and worked to make it happen.

Since you’ve been teaching, how has the field evolved? Where do you see it going?

Well, like every other field, computers are a big part of the development, the front edge. Computer fire modeling is the big thing we hear at all the conferences these days. They are able to design a building and simulate a fire in every room and see how that fire will grow and develop within that building, how the smoke will spread and how to counteract that. By modeling fires in building before they are even built, we can make the solutions more effective.

You were a key player in starting the FPE department at WPI; tell us about it? How popular is this field with incoming students? Well, WPI probably has the largest, it’s pretty much the flagship of fire protection degree programs worldwide now. WPI was the first university to have a graduates program in Fire Protection and Engineering. In 1991 we added a PhD program, WPI has really been out front on the leadership side of things. The job market has been unbelievable; the students are getting excellent starting salaries, they are in very high demand and always will be. There’s just not enough to fill the job market.

You’re retired now, how are you filling your time? I don’t know where the time goes.

I’m doing a lot of art stuff; I’ve taken over a dozen courses at the Worcester Art Museum. I’m taking a private course with a local artist by the name of Kathy Hebert, she’s an awesome artist. My best painting ever just came off the easel last week. It was in an art show just last weekend. I’ve been going to the Princeton Art Group for years, they have a portrait group that meets every Tuesday morning. We take turns bringing volunteers to sit for paintings. I love it. It’s a great community and a nice group of people. I’m also doing short stories. I took a class with Amy Belden Brown, a local writer who taught a course at the Worcester Institute for Senior Education on writing your life stories. I’ve done a lot of writing in my life but never that genre. I got to write little stories about my own life and myself. Since then I’ve started my own story-writing group. We meet once a month in Grafton and we read each other our little vignettes. Writing and art are my two passions in addition to being a grandfather. I feel very fortunate. -Steven King, Writer and photographer M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 • W O R C E S T E R M A G A Z I N E . C O M


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